IL Standing Order Act

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  • 7/31/2019 IL Standing Order Act


    An Act to require employers in industrialestablishments formally to define

    conditions of employment under them .

  • 7/31/2019 IL Standing Order Act




    This act applies to every worker employed in theindustrial establishment, engaged in any class of work- manual, unskilled, skilled, technical, operational,clerical or supervisory not exceeding Rs.1600/- pmwage.

    The Act extends to whole of India & applies toevery industrial establishment wherein 100 or more

    workers are employed or were employed on anyday of the preceding 12 months.

  • 7/31/2019 IL Standing Order Act


    Appropriate Govt.

    Central State

    Make rules and appoint certifying officers andappellate authority , for carrying out theprovisions of the Act.

    The act is a central legislation, however, its

    enforcement is administered by Central and StateGovt. in their respective spheres.

  • 7/31/2019 IL Standing Order Act



    " Ensure stable and uniform conditions of service in

    place of chaotic, arbitrary & uncertain conditions.


    means the rules of conduct for workers employed in

    industrial establishments, relating to matters

    enumerated in the schedule appended to the Act,

    such as classification of workmen, working hrs,

    holidays, attendance, leave, termination ofemployment, suspension or dismissal, misconduct


  • 7/31/2019 IL Standing Order Act



    Employer to submit 5 copies of draft standing orders tothe Certifying Officer.

    Certifying officer shall call the employer and workmenor their Trade Union/s to hear their comments orobjections , if any.

    Certifying officer to certify the standing orders aftermaking necessary changes in draft and ensuring thatstanding orders are in conformity with the provisionsof the Act.

    Certification of

    Standing Orders

  • 7/31/2019 IL Standing Order Act


    Obligations of Employers

    1. Submission of draft Standing Orders for


    2. Not to modify Standing Orders, without approval

    of Certifying Officer

    3. Display of Standing Orders at place of prominencein establishment where workmen are employed.

    4. To Pay Subsistence Allowance to a workman

    suspended, pending inquiry or investigation intocharges of misconduct against him.

    5. To comply with the Standing Orders.

  • 7/31/2019 IL Standing Order Act


    1. Classification of workmen2. Manner of intimating to workmen periods &

    hrs. of work, holidays, paydays and wagerates

    3. Shift working4. Attendance and late coming5. Conditions /Procedures for grant of leave &

    holidays .

    6. Requirement to enter premises ,certain gates,liability to search.7. Closing / Reopening of sections , Temporary

    stoppage of work and related rights &

    liabilities of employers & workmen.

    Important matters to be provided in Standing

    Orders under this Act

  • 7/31/2019 IL Standing Order Act


    8. Termination of employment9. Suspension or dismissal for

    misconduct10. Acts or omission which constitute

    misconduct11. Means of redressal for workmen

    against unfair treatment or wrongaction by employer or his agents

    or servants12. Any other matter which may be


    Important matters to be provided in Standing

    Orders under this Act (contd..)

  • 7/31/2019 IL Standing Order Act


    Offences1. a) Failure to submit the

    draft standing orders.

    b) Modifying the standingorders without prior

    approval of thecertifying officer.

    2. Contravention of the

    certified standing ordersof the establishment.

    Penalties1. a)Fine upto Rs.5000/-

    and in case of acontinuing the offencea further fine uptoRs.200/- per day.

    b)Same as above

    2. Fine upto RS.100 and incase of a continuing

    offence, a further fineupto Rs.25/- per day.