IL 17384 – Part C Protective Relays and Trip Units June 2004 Revision 3.20 A reference guide for programming INCOM system communications – including the INCOM RS-232 and INCOM/UDP protocols.

IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

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IL 17384 – Part C Protective Relays and Trip Units

June 2004 Revision 3.20

A reference guide for programming INCOM system communications – including the INCOM RS-232 and INCOM/UDP protocols.

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Page 3: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

IL 17384 – Part C Protective Relays and Trip Units

June 2004

Revision 3.20

A reference guide for programming INCOM system communications – including the INCOM RS-232 and INCOM/UDP protocols.

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Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty The authors and publisher of this manual have used their best efforts in preparing this user manual and the programs contained in it. These efforts include the development, research, and testing of the theories and programs to determine their effectiveness. The authors and publisher make no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, with regard to these programs or documentation contained in this book. The authors and publisher shall not be liable in any event for incidental or consequential damages in connection with, or arising out of, the furnishing, performance, or use of these programs or this user manual. If further information is desired by purchaser regarding the installation, operation, or maintenance of the software described in this user manual, the local Eaton Electrical representative should be contacted. ALL WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. Trademarks INCOM and IMPACC are trademarks of the Eaton Corporation. Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004 Eaton Electrical Power Quality Division 150 Industry Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15275 Eaton Corporation INCOM System Communications June 2004

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Part C – Protective Relays and Trip Units

Section Title Page 201 Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim 201-1

202 Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810 202-1

203 Communications Protocol for the Digitrip T910 203-1

204 Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520 MC 204-1

205 Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T700 and T800 205-1

210 Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3000 210-1

211 Communications Protocol for the Digitrip MV 211-1

212 Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150 212-1

213 Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3200 213-1

214 Communications Protocol for the FP-5000 214-1

220 Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay 220-1

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim


Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code = 4

Product ID: 8 = K-Frame Optim 750 MCCB See Note 1 below.

9 = L-Frame Optim 750 MCCB See Note 2 below.

10 = N-Frame Optim 750 MCCB See Note 3 below.

11 = REP Optim 750 Trip Unit See Note 4 below.

26 = K-Frame Optim 550 MCCB See Note 1 below.

27 = L-Frame Optim 550 MCCB See Note 2 below.

28 = N-Frame Optim 550 MCCB See Note 3 below.

29 = REP Optim 550 Trip Unit See Note 4 below.

33 = K-Frame Optim 1050 MCCB See Note 1 below.

34 = L-Frame Optim 1050 MCCB See Note 2 below.

35 = N-Frame Optim 1050 MCCB See Note 3 below.

36 = REP Optim 1050 Trip Unit See Note 4 below.

Note 1: Frame values of 24-26 apply (See Setpoints Buffer Message 2.)

Note 2: Frame values of 16 - 19 apply (See Setpoints Buffer Message 2.)

Note 3: Frame values of 20 - 22 apply (See Setpoints Buffer Message 2.)

Note 4: Frame values of 0 - 15 apply (See Setpoints Buffer Message 2.)

Comm Version: 1 – Initial product version

2 – Changes Ir mantissa setpoint lower bound. See Setpoints Buffer (3 F 9).

Adds Phase A pole identifier setpoint. See Setpoints Buffer (3 F 9).

3 – Adds Product IDs 8, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 33

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7-S6 0 0 Open

0 1 Closed

1 0 Tripped

1 1 Alarm (Long delay pickup)

S5 1 = Tripped or opened via INCOM communications

S4 1 = Powered up (See Note 5.)

S3 1 = Unread Time-Stamped Trip Buffer available

S2 1 = TRIP bar in trip position

S1 1 = EEROM Error

S0 1 = Other alarm(s) active (See Note 6.)

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Fast Status (3 0 0) – Continued Note 5: For the energy versions (versions with Product IDs 34, 35, and 36), Status Bit

S4 = 1 indicates powered up since last Reset (synch) Demand Window command.

For the non-energy versions (versions with Product IDs 8 - 11, 26 - 29), Status Bit S4 = 1 indicates powered up since last Fast Status request.

Note 6: See Flags Buffer (3 C 8) to determine cause of alarm(s).

Supported Commands Reference Section

(3 0 0) Fast Status Part A, 5.2.3, above

(3 0 3) Transmit All Standard Buffers Part A, 5.2.8

(3 0 5) Transmit Current Buffer Part A, 5.2.9

Response Msg 1: Phase A current

Response Msg 2: Phase B current

Response Msg 3: Phase C current

Response Msg 4: Ground or Neutral current (See Note 1 on next page.)

(3 0 8) Transmit Power Buffer(1) Part A, 5.2.12

(See Note 2 below.)

Response Msg 1: Power

Response Msg 2: Peak demand power

Response Msg 3: Reserved

(3 0 9) Transmit Power Buffer(2) Part A, 5.2.13 (See Note 2 below.)

Response Msg 1: Reserved

Response Msg 2: Reserved

Response Msg 3: System Power Factor (See Note 3 below.)

(3 0 A) Transmit Energy Buffer Part A, 5.2.14 (See Note 2 below.)

(3 0 B) Transmit Saved Energy Buffer Part A, 5.2.15

(3 0 F) Transmit Expanded Buffer Part A, 5.2.17, this section

N=000003 Transmit Current Buffer

N=000019 Transmit Min/Max Currents Buffer

N=00001A Transmit Demand Currents Buffer

(3 A 4) Transmit INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics Buffer Part A,

(3 A 5) Transmit Product Specific Statistics Buffer Part A,

(3 C 8) Transmit Flags Buffer Part A, 5.2.19, this section

(3 C 9) Transmit Setpoints Buffer Part A, 5.2.20, this section

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Supported Commands – Continued Reference Section

(3 C A) Transmit Energy Buffer This section (See Note 2 below.)

(3 C B) Transmit Trip Data Buffer Part A, 5.2.21, this section

(3 C C) Transmit Energy Snapshot Buffer This section

(3 C F) Transmit Waveform Data Buffer Part A, 5.2.22, this section (Note 2)

N=010101H Transmit waveform data header

N=030201H Transmit sampled data for Phase A current

N=030301H Transmit sampled data for Phase B current

N=030401H Transmit sampled data for Phase C current

N=030501H Transmit sampled data for Neutral current

N=050201H Transmit harmonic components for Phase A current

N=050301H Transmit harmonic components for Phase B current

N=050401H Transmit harmonic components for Phase C current

N=050501H Transmit harmonic components for Neutral current

(3 D 0) Slave Action Part A,, 5.3.7, this section

(3 D 9) Receive INCOM Address Part A,

(3 F 9) Receive Setpoints Part A,, this section

(3 F A) Enter Test Mode This section

(D 0 0) Broadcast Snapshot Energy Buffer Part A, 5.2.27,

(D 0 1) Broadcast Reset Demand Window Request Part A, 5.2.27

(D F F) Transmit INCOM Address and Baud Rate This section (See Note 4 below.)

Note 1: The type of current can be determined by reading the Flags2 byte (Bit4) in the Flags buffer.

Note 2: The power, energy, and waveform data buffers [(3 0 8), (3 0 9), (3 0 A), (3 C A), and (3 C F) buffers] are supported on the energy-versions only (versions with Product IDs 33, 34, 35, and 36).

Note 3: The Digitrip Optim computes system power factor as an unsigned magnitude. Note 4: The proposed Transmit INCOM Address and Baud Rate (D F F) command is

reserved for the trip unit’s handheld loader. This command should not be used by any other communications network master.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Transmit Expanded Buffer (3 0 F)

Transmit Current Buffer (N=000003)

Message Byte Description Unit Format 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 6

2 Phase A current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

3 Phase B current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

4 Phase C current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

5 Ground current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

6 Neutral current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

7 Reserved

Transmit Min/Max Current Buffer (N=000019)

Message Byte Description Unit Format 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 10

2 Minimum – Phase A current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

3 Maximum – Phase A current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

4 Minimum – Phase B current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

5 Maximum – Phase B current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

6 Minimum – Phase C current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

7 Maximum – Phase C current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

8 Minimum – Ground current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

9 Maximum – Ground current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

10 Minimum – Neutral current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

11 Maximum – Neutral current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Transmit Expanded Buffer (3 0 F) – Continued

Transmit Demand Currents Buffer (N=00001A)

Message Byte Description Unit Format 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 10

Byte1 5-minute window update counter (range: 0-251)

Byte2 Reserved

2 Avg. (window) Ph A current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

3 Avg. (window) Ph B current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

4 Avg. (window) Ph C current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

5 Avg. (window) ground current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

6 Avg. (window) neutral current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

7 Peak Phase A current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

8 Peak Phase B current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

9 Peak Phase C current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

10 Peak ground current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

11 Peak neutral current amps IMPACC 24-Bit Float

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8)

Message Byte Name Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages=7

Byte1 Flags1: Bit Definition

B0 1=Long Delay Trip

B1 1=Short Delay Trip

B2 1=Instantaneous Trip

B3 1=Discriminator Trip

B4 1=Ground Fault

B5 1=Unit Under a Test Condition

B6 1=Test Running

B7 1=Phase Test Initiated

Byte2 Flags2: Bit Definition B0 1=Breaker Trip Request (DTA energized)

B1 1=Bad Frame Size

B2 1=EEROM Error Alarm

B3 1=Over Temperature Trip

B4 1=Neutral Current Metering

B5 1=Neutral Over Current Alarm

B6 1=Ground Over Current Alarm

B7 1=Open as a result of an INCOM Shed command

2 Byte0 Flags3: Bit Definition B0 1=High Load Condition

B1 1=Reserved

B2 1=Override Trip

B3 Hertz Flag (0=60Hz, 1=50Hz)

B4 1=Long Delay Protection (LDPU) in progress

B5 1=Ground Test Initiated

B6 1=Status of Breaker (1=open, 0=closed)

B7 1=Plug Trip (1=bad plug or no plug)

Byte1 Event Count – MSB

Byte2 Event Count – LSB

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Name Description

3 Byte0 Test Timer – LSB (units of 10ms)

Byte1 Test Timer

Byte2 Test Timer – MSB

4 Byte0 Frame Size (See Setpoints Buffer Message 2.)

Byte1 Rating-plug – low byte

Byte2 Rating-plug – high byte

5 Byte0 Min/Max currents change counter (rolls over at 255)

Byte1 Setpoints change counter (rolls over at 255)

Byte2 Demand current (5-min window) update counter (rolls over at 251)

6 Byte0 Waveform capture index – LSB (rolls over at 255)

Byte1 Auto-waveform capture time interval (See Setpoints.)

Byte2 5-Minute average power update counter (rolls-over at 251)

Note: The 5-Minute average power update counter resets to zero upon demand window reset. It rolls over to zero after 21 hours (after counting up to 251).

7 5-minute average of power (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

8 Reserved

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 15

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Frame Size Value Definition 0 Bad frame

1 Factory

2 SPB3

3 SPB5

4 Reserved

5 Retrofit

6 DS

7 Hundt Weber

8-9 Reserved

10 R-frame 1,600 amp

11 R-frame 2,000 amp

12 R-frame 2,500 amp

13 Reserved

14-15 Bad frame

16 125 amp, L-frame

17 250 amp, L-frame 18 400 amp, L-frame

19 600 amp, L-frame

20 800 amp, N-frame

21 1,000 amp, N-frame

22 1,200 amp, N-frame

23 Reserved

24 125 amp, K-frame

25 250 amp, K-frame

26 400 amp, K-frame

Byte1 Rating Plug – low byte (In)

Byte2 Rating Plug – high byte

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description

3 Byte0 Ir mantissa

Byte1 Ir exponent = -2

Byte2 LDT mantissa

Ir setting (amps) = Rating-plug * Ir mantissa * (10**Ir exponent)

4 Byte0 LDT exponent = -1

Byte1 LDT slope 2=I2T, 4=I4T

Byte2 Long Delay action 0=Off, 1=TRIP,4=NONE

Long Delay Time setting (in seconds) =

LDT mantissa * (10**LDT exponent)

5 Byte0 SDPU mantissa

Byte1 SDPU exponent = -1

Byte2 SDT mantissa

Short Delay Pick-up setting (in amps) =

Ir * SDPU mantissa * ( 10**SDPU exponent)

6 Byte0 SDT exponent = -2

Byte1 SDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2=I2T

Byte2 Short Delay action 0=Off, 1=TRIP

Short Delay Time setting (in seconds) =

SDT mantissa * (10**SDT exponent)

7 Byte0 INSTPU mantissa

Byte1 INSTPU exponent = -1

Byte2 Instantaneous action 0=Off, 1=TRIP

Instantaneous Pickup (in amps) =

Rating Plug * INSTPU mantissa * (10**INSTPU exponent)

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description

8 Byte0 GDPU mantissa

Byte1 GDPU exponent = -2

Byte2 Ground Delay action 0=Off, 1=TRIP, 2=ALARM,4=NONE

For Frame Sizes 16 to 22 and 24 to 26: Ground Fault Pickup (in amps) =

Frame amps * GDPU mantissa * (10**GDPU exponent)

For all other Frame Sizes: Ground Fault Pickup (in amps) =

Rating plug * GDPU mantissa * (10**GDPU exponent)

9 Byte0 GDT mantissa

Byte1 GDT exponent = -2

Byte2 GDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2=I2T

Ground Delay Time (seconds) =

GDT mantissa * (10**GDT exponent)

10 Byte0 Discriminator action 0=Off, 1=TRIP

Byte1 4th Pole protection 0=Off, 1=TRIP

Byte2 Frequency 0=60Hz, 1=50Hz

11 Byte0 Powered thermal memory 0=Off, 1=ON

Byte1 Unpowered thermal memory 0=Off, 1=ON

Byte2 HLPU mantissa

High Load Alarm PickUp setting (in amps) =

Ir * HLPU mantissa * ( 10**HLPU exponent)

12 Byte0 HLPU exponent = -2

Byte1 Neutral Ratio Range = 50-255 in units of %

Byte2 Auto-waveform capture time interval: Value Definition

1 1-minute interval

5 5-minute interval

10 10-minute interval

255 Disabled (off)

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description

13 Byte0 SDPU Limit mantissa (See Note 3 on next page.)

Byte1 INSTPU Limit mantissa

Byte2 GDPU Limit mantissa

14 Byte0 Bit Definition

B0 Phase A Pole Identifier (0=Terminal #1, 1=Terminal #5) (See Note 2 below.)

B2-B7 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

15 Reserved

16 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 15 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 15 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

Note 1: The “Buffer Not Yet Available” NACK (3 1 5) is returned by the Digitrip Optim whenever it is in the process of loading the setpoints into NVRAM.

Note 2: This setting applies only to Comm Version = 2 or greater; this setting is undefined for all others.

Note 3: The Pick-Up Limit mantissa represents the largest acceptable mantissa for the associated over current trip function (i.e., Short Delay) as determined by the Digitrip Optim. For those cases where this maximum value must be known in advance or without the benefit of communication with the Digitrip Optim, use the following tables to look up the Pick-Up Limit mantissa:

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Short Delay Pick-Up Limit Mantissa Instantaneous Pick-Up Limit Mantissa Frame Size Limit Mantissa Frame Size Limit Mantissa

1 80 1 100

2 80 2 100

3 60 3 60

4 80 4 80

5 100 5 120

6 100 6 120

7 100 7 120

8, 9 - 8, 9 -

10 80 10 100

11 80 11 80

12 64 12 64

13, 14, 15 - 13, 14, 15 -

16 - 22 80 16 - 22 80

24 - 26 80 24 - 26 80

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Ground Delay Pick-Up Limit Mantissa

For 50Hz trip units, the upper limit of Ground Delay Pick-Up Mantissa is 100. ♦

♦ For 60Hz trip units, the upper limit of Ground Delay Pick-Up Mantissa is 100 (equivalent to per unit or 1,200 amps, whichever is lower). For 60Hz trip units with plug ratings above 1,200 amps, use the following table:

Plug Rating Limit Mantissa 1,600 amps 75

2,000 amps 60

2,400 amps 50

2,500 amps 48

3,000 amps 40

3,200 amps 37

4,000 amps 30

5,000 amps 24

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Energy Buffer Description (3 C A)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 3

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

2 Total Energy (total of forward and reverse)

3 Energy (forward)

4 Energy (reverse)

Note: Energy values are 24-bit unsigned values in units of kilowatt-hours. The range for energy is 0 - 9,9999,999 kWh.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

TIME-STAMPED TRIP DATA Buffer Description (3 C B) ♦ For Digitrip Optims that support power and energy monitoring (versions with Product ID = 33,

34, 35, or 36).

Message Byte Description Format

1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 37

Byte1 TRIP DATA Buffer number = 1

Byte2 Number of unread Trip Data Buffers = 0

2 Byte0 Trip Time Offset Trip Time Offset in

Byte1 Trip Time Offset seconds = 256*BYTE2

Byte2 Trip Time Offset +BYTE1.BYTE0/256

3 Buffers Supported Map = 030720H

4 Phase A Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating point

5 Phase B Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating point

6 Phase C Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating point

7 Ground or Neutral Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating point

8 Power IMPACC 24-Bit Floating point

9 Peak Demand Power IMPACC 24-Bit Floating point

10 Reserved IMPACC 24-Bit Floating point

11 Reserved IMPACC 24-Bit Floating point

12 Reserved IMPACC 24-Bit Floating point

13 System Power Factor IMPACC 24-Bit Floating point

14 Energy (kWh) 24-bit unsigned integer

15 Flags Buffer (Refer to Flags Buffer Description in Section 201.)

16 Flags Buffer

17 Flags Buffer

18 Flags Buffer

19 Flags Buffer

20 Flags Buffer

21 Flags Buffer

22 Flags Buffer

23 Setpoints Buffer (Refer to Setpoints Buffer Description in Section 201.)

24 Setpoints Buffer

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

TIME-STAMPED TRIP DATA Buffer Description (3 C B) – Continued

Message Byte Description Format

25 Setpoints Buffer

.. “ “

.. “ “

36 Setpoints Buffer

37 Setpoints Buffer

38 Setpoints Buffer

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

TIME-STAMPED TRIP DATA Buffer Description (3 C B) – Continued ♦ For Digitrip Optims that do not support power and energy monitoring (versions with Product

ID = 8, 9, 10, 11, 26, 27, 28, or 29).

Message Byte Description Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 30

Byte1 TRIP DATA Buffer number = 1

Byte2 Number of unread Trip Data Buffers = 0

2 Byte0 Trip Time Offset Trip Time Offset in

Byte1 Trip Time Offset seconds = 256*BYTE2

Byte2 Trip Time Offset +BYTE1.BYTE0/256

3 Buffers Supported Map = 030020H

4 Phase A Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

5 Phase B Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

6 Phase C Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

7 Ground or Neutral Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

8 Flags Buffer (Refer to Flags Buffer Description in

9 Flags Buffer Section 201.)

10 Flags Buffer

11 Flags Buffer

12 Flags Buffer

13 Flags Buffer

14 Flags Buffer

15 Flags Buffer

16 Setpoints Buffer (Refer to Setpoints Buffer Description in

17 Setpoints Buffer Section 201.)

18 Setpoints Buffer

19 Setpoints Buffer

.. “ “

.. “ “

28 Setpoints Buffer

29 Setpoints Buffer

30 Setpoints Buffer

31 Setpoints Buffer

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Transmit Energy Snapshot Buffer Description (3 C C) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 1

Byte1 Saved energy value, Byte B0

Byte2 Saved energy value, Byte B1

2 Byte0 Saved energy value, Byte B2

Byte1 Saved energy value, Byte B3

Byte2 Saved energy value, Byte B4

Energy=(B4 * 65536) + (B3 * 256) + B2 + (B1 / 256) + (B0 / 65536) kilowatt-hours

Note: Energy is saved upon execution of the Slave Action Save Energy command or upon execution of the Broadcast Save Energy command. The energy value is volatile. Fast Status bit S4 should be used to determine rollover versus loss of power.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Waveform Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) For Waveform data retrieval, the following definition for "N" applies:

BYTE2 (most significant byte) 1 = Header information

3 = Sampled data (64 samples over 1.1 cycles)

5 = Harmonic Components

BYTE1 1=Header Information 2=Phase A Current

3=Phase B Current 4=Phase B Current

5=Neutral Current (see note2) 6=Ground Current (See Note 2.)

BYTE0 packet index = 1

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Waveform Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) – Continued

Transmit Waveform Data Header (N=010101H)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 11

Byte1 Frequency (50 or 60)

Byte2 Samples per cycle (58)

2 Byte0 Samples per signal – low byte (64)

Byte1 Samples per signal – high byte

Byte2 Sampled data validity Value Definition 0 Invalid data

1 Valid data

2 Aborted data collection

3 Byte0 Calibration factor for IA

Byte1 Calibration factor for IB (See note on next page.)

Byte2 Calibration factor for IC

4 Byte0 Calibration factor for IN

Byte1 Calibration factor for IG

Byte2 Scale Factor for ph. currents – low byte (See note, next page.)

5 Byte0 Scale Factor for ph. currents – high byte

Byte1 Scale Factor for gnd. current – low byte (See note, next page.)

Byte2 Scale Factor for gnd. current – high byte

6 Byte0 Waveform capture index – low byte (Incremented by Optim

Byte1 Waveform capture index – high byte upon each capture)

Byte2 Neutral Ratio (50-255% – See Setpoints Message 12.)

7 Reserved (time offset from time of last status request)

8 Byte0 Percent THD for IA (0-100% – See note 2 below.)

Byte1 Percent THD for IB (0-100% – See note 2 below.)

Byte2 Percent THD for IC (0-100% – See note 2 below.)

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Waveform Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) – Continued

Transmit Waveform Data Header (N=010101H) – Continued Message Byte Description

9 Byte0 Percent THD for IN (0-100% – See note 2 below.)

Byte1 Percent THD for IG (0-100% – See note 2 below.)

Byte2 Reserved

10 Reserved

11 Reserved

12 Reserved

Note 1: The Digitrip Optim responds to the (3 C F, N=010101H) request with a “Buffer Not Yet Available” (3 1 5) NACK while it is in the process of calculating Percent THDs and the harmonic components following a requested waveform capture.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Waveform Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) – Continued

Transmit Sampled Data Packet (N=03xx01H) For xx: 02=Phase A Current

03=Phase B Current

04=Phase C Current

05=Neutral Current

06=Ground Current

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte (First sample of 1st line cycle)

Byte2 1st sample – high byte

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

.. ....

39 Byte0 57th sample – high byte

Byte1 58th sample – low byte (Final sample of 1st line cycle)

Byte2 58th sample – high byte

40 Byte0 59th sample – low byte (First sample of 2nd line cycle)

Byte1 59th sample – high byte

.. ....

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte

Byte2 64th sample – high byte (Sixth sample of 2nd line cycle)

Note 2: The Optim trip unit samples either neutral current or ground current, depending on its configuration. The Percent THD values can be used to determine which currents were sampled. Non-sampled currents will have a Percent THD value of -3. For more information on the Percent THD calculation, see Note 3 below.

Note 3: All Percent THD values are set to -3 (indicating not available) upon powerup. Following each waveform capture, the Percent THD values corresponding to the sampled currents are then calculated. If the Optim aborts a waveform capture, those Percent THD values (corresponding to the sampled currents) are set to -2 (indicating invalid), If the measured current is less than 2% of rating, the Percent THD values (corresponding to the sampled currents) are set to -1.

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Page 29: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Waveform Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) – Continued

Transmit Sampled Data Packet (N=03xx01H) – Continued

Note 4: The Instantaneous Phase φ primary current value (in units of 1/256 amp) =

( )( )Phase CalibrationFactor ScaleFactor iφ φ+ ÷ ∗ ∗256 512 , κ

Where κ = [1,...,64]

φ = [A,B,C,N]

Note 5: To assure the uploaded sampled data and the uploaded harmonic component values are from the same sampled waveform, the INCOM network master should read the data header before starting and again after completing the upload, and should verify the waveform capture index did not change during the upload.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Waveform Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) – Continued

Transmit Harmonic Components (N=05xx01H) For xx: 02=Phase A Current

03=Phase B Current

04=Phase C Current

05=Neutral Current

06=Ground Current

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 20

Byte1 Fundamental x100 – low byte Always = 10,000 (100.00%)

Byte2 Fundamental x100 – high byte

2 Byte0 2nd harmonic x100 – low byte Range: 0-9,900

Byte1 2nd harmonic x100 – high byte (0.00 – 99.00%)

Byte2 3rd harmonic x100 – low byte

3 Byte0 3rd harmonic x100 – high byte Note: The harmonic component values

.. .... are in percent of

.. .... the fundamental

18 Byte0 26th harmonic x100 – low byte component value.

Byte1 26th harmonic x100 – high byte

Byte2 27th harmonic x100 – low byte

19 Byte0 27th harmonic x100 – high byte

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

20 Reserved

21 Reserved

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0)

Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Definition 0 0 2 Reset Trip

0 0 4 Reset Peak Demand Watts

0 0 8 Reset Energy

0 0 20h Reset Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer

0 0 40h Reset (synchronize) Demand Watts Window

0 0 80h Snapshot Energy command

0 1 1 Reset Peak Demand Currents – (Buffer N=00001A)

0 1 0Dh Reset Min/Max Current – (Buffer N=000019)

1 0 0 Open Circuit Breaker

1 0 1 Close Circuit Breaker – (R-frame only)

3 0 0 Advance to Next Time-Stamped Trip Buffer

3 0 1 Capture Waveform

3 0 2 Reset INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics

3 0 3 Reset Product-Statistics

3 0 6 Acknowledge Energy Reset [See Part A, 5.2.15 and 5.2.16

Standard Buffers (3 0 B) (3 0 C)]

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Receive INCOM Address Description (3 D 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 1

Byte1 INCOM Address – MSB

Bit Definition B3-B0 bits 11-8 of the INCOM address

B7-B4 0100 = 1,200-baud ASK modulation

1101 = 9,600-baud FSK modulation

Byte2 INCOM Address – LSB (bits 0-7 of the INCOM address)

2 Byte0 Checksum – Low byte

Byte1 Checksum – High byte

Byte2 One's complement of the low byte

Note: The Digitrip Optim responds to the first data messages with a (3 1 0) Acknowledge message containing the old (current) address. The Optim responds to the second data message with one of the following messages:

Response Definition

(3 1 0) ACK containing new address The new address was accepted. (The checksum was valid.) The Optim will proceed with saving the new address in NVRAM.

(3 1 A) NACK containing old address The new address was not accepted due to a communications checksum error.

(3 1 B) NACK containing old address The new address was not accepted due to an invalid baud rate/modulation request.

Note: Following the Receive INCOM Address command, the Digitrip Optim will save the new address to NVRAM. This may take up to 250 milliseconds.

Note: If the Digitrip Optim doesn’t respond after a new address is downloaded, the Optim may have experienced a problem with storing the new address in NVRAM. If this occurred, the Optim’s INCOM address and baud rate will revert to their default values (Address=0FFE and baud rate=9,600 baud).

201-26 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Receive Setpoints Description (3 F 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 15

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Frame Size (See Note 1.)

Byte1 Rating Plug – low byte (In) (See Note 2.)

Byte2 Rating Plug – high byte

3 Byte0 Ir mantissa Range = [40/50,..., 100] in steps of 1

(See Note 11.)

Byte1 Ir exponent = -2

Byte2 LDT mantissa For LDT slope=2, Range = [20, 21,..., 240]

For LDT slope=4, Range = [10, 11,..., 50]

4 Byte0 LDT exponent = -1

Byte1 LDT slope 2=I2T, 4=I4T

Byte2 Long Delay action 0=Off, 1=TRIP, 4=NONE (See Note1.)

5 Byte0 SDPU mantissa Range = [15, 16,..., SDPU mantissa limit] (See Note 5.)

Byte1 SDPU exponent = -1

Byte2 SDT mantissa Range = [10, 11,..., 50]

6 Byte0 SDT exponent = -2

Byte1 SDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2=I2T (See Note 6.)

Byte2 Short Delay action 0=Off, 1=TRIP (See Note 3.)

7 Byte0 INSTPU mantissa Range = [20, 21,.., INSTPU mantissa limit] (See Note 5.)

Byte1 INSTPU exponent = -1

Byte2 Instantaneous action 0=Off, 1=TRIP (See Note 3.)

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Receive Setpoints Description (3 F 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description

8 Byte0 GDPU mantissa Range = [20/24, ..., GDPU mantissa limit]

in steps of 1 (See Notes 5 and 12.)]

Byte1 GDPU exponent = -2

Byte2 Ground Delay action 0=Off, 1=TRIP, 2=ALARM, 4=NONE

(See Note 4.)

9 Byte0 GDT mantissa Range = [10, 11,..., 50]

Byte1 GDT exponent = -2

Byte2 GDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2=I2T

10 Byte0 Discriminator action 0=Off, 1=TRIP

Byte1 4th Pole protection 0=Off, 1=TRIP (See Note 1.)

Byte2 Frequency 0=60Hz, 1=50Hz

11 Byte0 Powered thermal memory 0=Off, 1=ON

Byte1 Unpowered thermal memory 0=Off, 1=ON

Byte2 HLPU mantissa Range = [50, 51, ..., 100]

12 Byte0 HLPU exponent = -2

Byte1 Neutral Ratio Range = 50-255 in units of %

Byte2 Auto-waveform capture time interval Range = [1,5,10,255]

in units of minutes, 255=disabled

13 Byte0 SDPU mantissa Limit (See Notes 1 and 5.)

Byte1 INSTPU mantissa Limit

Byte2 GDPU mantissa Limit

14 Byte0 Bit Definition

B0 Phase A Pole Identifier (0=Terminal #1, 1=Terminal #5 )

(See Note 13.)

B2-B7 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Receive Setpoints Description (3 F 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description

15 Reserved

16 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 15 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 15 messages) – MSB

Byte2 1’s Complement of LSB of checksum

Note 1: This is a read-only setpoint that is not user-selectable.

Note 2: The Rating Plug is a read-only setpoint that is user-selectable only by changing the Rating Plug at the device.

Note 3: At least one of Instantaneous action or Short Delay action must be set to TRIP.

Note 4: Ground Delay action may not be changed if it is set to 1=TRIP; Ground Delay action may not be changed if it is set to 4=NONE; Ground Delay action may be changed from 0=OFF to 2=ALARM and vice versa.

Note 5: The acceptable values of Pickup current mantissa are bounded. Each setpoint in Message 13 represent a variable upper-bound of a mantissa for a given Pickup current associated with an overcurrent trip function (e.g. SDPU mantissa limit is the upper bound for the SDPU mantissa setpoint). Pickup mantissa values exceeding an associated limit will be rejected by the Optim per Note 7 below.

Note 6: When LDT slope = 4 (I4T), SDT slope must be set to 0 (FLAT).

Note 7: The device performs range checking on the setpoints as they are downloaded. If a setpoint is deemed valid, the device responds with a (3 1 0) ACK message. If an out-of-range setpoint value is detected, the device responds with a (3 1 B) NACK message, discards previously received setpoints, and will cease accepting additional setpoints until the (3 F 9) command is re-sent.

Note 8: The device responds to the last data message with one of the following messages:

Response Definition

(3 1 0) ACK The new setpoints were accepted (the checksum was valid). The device will proceed with saving the setpoints to NVRAM (i.e. EEPROM).

(3 1 A) NACK The new setpoints were not accepted due to a communications checksum error.

Note 9: Following the Setpoints download, the device will save the new settings to NVRAM. This may take up to 2 seconds. During this time period, the device will respond to setpoints requests with a “Buffer Not Yet Available” (3 1 5) NACK.

Note 10: It is recommended that the INCOM master read the device setpoints subsequent to their download. A check should be made to verify the new settings match the downloaded values.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Receive Setpoints Description (3 F 9) – Continued

Note 11: The Ir mantissa lower-bound is dependent upon the Frame Size (see Message 2, Byte0) and Comm Version [See (3 0 0) Fast Status]:

Comm Version = 1: Ir mantissa lower-bound = 50 for Frame Sizes

2,3,6,7,10,11,12; for all others Ir mantissa lower-bound = 40.

Comm Version > 1: Ir mantissa lower-bound = 40 for all Frame Sizes.

Note 12: The GDPU mantissa lower-bound is dependent upon the Frame Size (see Message 2, Byte0): GDPU mantissa lower-bound = 24 for Frame Sizes 2,3,6,7,10,11,12; for all others GDPU mantissa lower-bound = 20.

Note 13: This setting applies only to Comm Version = 2 or greater; this setting is undefined for all others.

The Phase A pole identifier setpoint is used to designate which pole is connected to the Phase A conductor:

Message 14, Byte0, Bit0 = 0 identifies breaker terminal #1 (the breaker line side left pole) as Phase A.

Message 14, Byte0, Bit0 = 1 identifies breaker terminal #5 (the breaker line side right pole) as Phase A.

For example, for a normal vertically mounted breaker, the Phase A pole identifier should select terminal #1 as Phase A (Bit0 = 0).

For example, a horizontally mounted breaker (Line side to the left) should select the terminal #5 as Phase A (Bit0 = 1).

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Enter Test Mode (3 F A)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 3

Byte1 Test Type 0=Phase Current, 1=Ground Current

Byte2 Test Action 0=NO TRIP, 1=TRIP

2 Byte0 Trip Test Current mantissa (per unit)

For φ current, range is 10-100 with an implied

decimal point (1.0 – 10.0)

For Gnd current, range is 2-20 with an implied

decimal point (0.2-2.0)

Byte1 Trip Test Current exponent = -1

Then Trip Test Current setting (per unit) =

Trip Test Current mantissa * ( 10**Trip Test Current exponent)

Byte2 Reserved

3 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

4 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 3 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 3 messages) – MSB

Byte2 One’s complement of LSB of checksum

Note 1: The Digitrip Optim performs range checking on the test parameters as they are downloaded. If a test parameter is deemed valid, the Optim responds with a (3 1 0) ACK message. If an out-of-range test parameter is detected, the Optim responds with a (3 1 B) NACK message and ceases to accept additional test parameters until the (3 F A) command is resent.

Note 2: The Digitrip Optim will enter the Test Mode after the last message. The test may take significant time to complete or may never complete depending upon the Test Type, Test Mode parameters and actual electrical system conditions.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

Transmit INCOM Address and Baud Rate (D F F) The format of the Transmit INCOM Address and Baud Rate command message is:

C/D =1



ADDRESS =Reserved (don’t care)


The trip unit responds with the following message:

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 INCOM address – High byte

Bit Definition B3-B0 Most significant 4 bits of INCOM address

B7-B4 0100 = 1,200-baud ASK modulation

1101 = 9,600-baud FSK modulation

Byte1 INCOM address – Low byte

Bit Definition B7-B0 Least significant 8 bits of 12-bit INCOM address

Byte2 Reserved

Warning: This command is intended for the programmer of the trip unit’s handheld. It should not be used by any other INCOM network master.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

CHANGE RECORD Revision Date Changes

1.00 6/28/02 Taken from IL 17384 Revision 3.10 (June 2002) Part C; made into separate document for inclusion in Revision 3.20.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip Optim

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL – DIGITRIP RMS T810 The Digitrip 810 is backward-compatible with versions T700 and T800 of Digitrip II. The 810 thus responds to all of the commands described in Part C, Section 205. This was done for renewal parts considerations. New INCOM system communications software should utilize the commands outlined in this section.

Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code = 4

Product ID = 1

Comm Version: 3 = RMS 810

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7-S6 0 0 Open

0 1 Closed

1 0 Tripped

1 1 Alarm (Long delay pickup)

S5 1 = Tripped or opened via INCOM communications

S4 1 = Powered up since last Fast Status request

S3 1 = Unread Time-Stamped Trip Buffer available

S2 1 = Trip bar in trip position

S1 1 = EEROM error

Supported Commands Reference Section (3 0 0) Fast Status Part A, 5.2.3

(3 0 3) Transmit All Standard Buffers Part A, 5.2.8

(3 0 5) Transmit Current Buffer Part A, 5.2.9 and below

Response Msg 1: Phase A current

Response Msg 2: Phase B current

Response Msg 3: Phase C current

Response Msg 4: Ground or Neutral current (See Note 1.)

(3 0 8) Transmit Power Buffer(1) Part A, 5.2.12

(3 0 9) Transmit Power Buffer(2) Part A, 5.2.13 and below

Response Msg 1: Reserved

Response Msg 2: Reserved

Response Msg 3: Power Factor

(3 0 A) Transmit Energy Buffer Part A, 5.2.14

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

Supported Commands – Continued Reference Section (3 A 4) Transmit INCOM Slave-Interface Stats Part A,

(3 A 5) Transmit Product Specific Statistics Part A,

(3 C 8) Transmit Flags Buffer Part A, 5.2.19, this section

(3 C 9) Transmit Setpoints Buffer Part A, 5.2.20, this section

(3 C A) Transmit Energy Buffer This section

(3 C B) Transmit Trip Data Buffer Part A, 5.2.21, this section

(3 D 0) Slave Action Part A,, 5.3.7, this section

(3 D 9) Receive INCOM Address Part A,

Note 1: The type of current can be determined by reading the Options byte in the Setpoint buffer.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8)

Message Byte Name Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages=1

Byte1 Flags1: Bit Definition

B0 1=Long Delay Trip

B1 1=Short Delay Trip

B2 1=Instantaneous Trip

B3 1=Discriminator Trip

B4 1=Ground Fault

B5 1=Unit under a test condition

B6 1=Test Started

B7 1=Phase Test Initiated

Byte2 Flags2: Bit Definition B0 1=Breaker Trip Request (DTA energized)

B1 1=Reserved

B2 1=EEROM Error

B3 1=Over Temperature Trip

B4 Reserved

B5 Reserved

B6 Reserved

B7 1=Open as a result of an INCOM Shed command

2 Byte0 Flags3: Bit Definition B0 1=High Load Alarm

B1 1=Negative Power Reading

B2 1=Override Trip

B3 Hertz Flag (0=60Hz, 1=50Hz)

B4 1=Long Delay Protection (LDPU) in progress

B5 1=Ground Test Initiated

B6 1=Status of breaker (1=open, 0=closed)

B7 1=Plug Trip (1=bad plug or no plug)

Byte1 Event Count – MSB

Byte2 Event Count – LSB

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 11

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Frame Value Definition 0 Bad

1 Reserved

2 SPB3

3 SPB5

4 Reserved

5 Retrofit

6 DS

7 Hundt Weber

8-9 Reserved

10 RD

11 Reserved

12-13 Reserved

14-15 Bad

Byte1 Rating-plug mantissa (unsigned)

Byte2 Rating-plug exponent (8-bit integer)

Then Rating Plug (in amps) =Rating-plug mantissa * (10**Rating-plug exponent)

3 Byte0 Ir mantissa

Byte1 Ir exponent

Then Ir setting (amps) =

Rating Plug * Ir mantissa * (10**Ir exponent)

Byte2 LDT mantissa

4 Byte0 LDT exponent

Then Long Delay Time setting (in seconds) =

LDT mantissa * (10**LDT exponent)

Byte1 LDT slope 2=I2T

Byte2 LDT action 1 = TRIP, 3=TRIP and ALARM

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description

5 Byte0 SDPU mantissa

Byte1 SDPU exponent

Then Short Delay PickUp setting (in amps) =

Ir * SDPU mantissa * ( 10**SDPU exponent)

Byte2 SDT mantissa

6 Byte0 SDT exponent

Then Short Delay Time setting (in seconds) =

SDT mantissa * (10**SDT exponent)

Byte1 SDT slope 0=Flat, 2=I2T

Byte2 SDT action 0=OFF, 1=TRIP, 3=TRIP and ALARM

7 Byte0 INSTPU mantissa

Byte1 INSTPU exponent

Then Instantaneous Pickup (in amps) =

Rating Plug * INSTPU mantissa * (10**INSTPU exponent)

Byte2 INST action 0=OFF, 1=TRIP, 3=TRIP and ALARM

8 Byte0 GDPU mantissa

Byte1 GDPU exponent

Then Ground Fault Pickup (in amps) =

Rating Plug * GDPU mantissa * (10**GDPU exponent)

Byte2 GD action 0=OFF, 1=TRIP, 2=ALARM, 3=TRIP & ALARM

9 Byte0 GDT mantissa

Byte1 GDT exponent

Then Ground Delay Time (seconds) =

GDT mantissa * (10**GDT exponent)

Byte2 GDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2=I2T

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description

10 Byte0 Options1:

Bit Definition B0 1=Instantaneous protection selected

B1 1=Discriminator protection selected

B2 1=Short Delay protection selected

B3 1=Ground Fault protection selected (See note.)

B4 1=Long Delay protection selected

B5 1=Long Delay memory selected

B6 Frequency selected (0=60 Hz, 1=50 Hz)

B7 1=Fourth pole protection selected (See note.)

Byte1 Options2:

Bit Definition B0-B7 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

Note: Option1 bits B3 and B7 are mutually exclusive. If B3 is set (=1), the current buffer contains the ground current value. If B7 is set, the current buffer contains the neutral current value.

11 Byte0 INCOM address – high byte

Bit Definition B3-B0 Most significant 4 bits of 12-bit INCOM address

B7-B4 0100 = 1,200-baud ASK modulation

1101 = 9,600-baud FSK modulation

Byte1 INCOM address – low byte

Bit Definition B7-B0 Least significant 8 bits of 12-bit INCOM address

Byte2 Reserved

12 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 11 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 11 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

Energy Buffer Description (3 C A)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 3

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

2 Total Energy (total of forward and reverse)

3 Energy (forward)

4 Energy (reverse)

Note: Energy values are 24-bit unsigned values in units of kilowatt-hours. The range for energy is 0 - 9,999,999 kwh.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer Description (3 C B)

Message Byte Description Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 27

Byte1 TRIP DATA Buffer number = 1

Byte2 Number of unread Trip Data Buffers = 0

2 Byte0 Trip Time Offset Trip Time Offset in

Byte1 Trip Time Offset seconds = 256*BYTE2

Byte2 Trip Time Offset +BYTE1.BYTE0/256

3 Buffers Supported Map

4 Phase A Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

5 Phase B Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

6 Phase C Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

7 Ground or Neutral Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

8 Watts IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

9 Watts demand IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

10 Watt-hours IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

11 Reserved

12 Reserved

13 Power Factor IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

14 Kilowatt-hours 24-Bit Unsigned Integer

15 Flags Buffer (Refer to Flags Buffer Description.)

16 Flags Buffer

17 Setpoints Buffer (Refer to Setpoints Buffer Description.)

18 Setpoints Buffer

19 Setpoints Buffer

20 Setpoints Buffer

21 Setpoints Buffer

22 Setpoints Buffer

23 Setpoints Buffer

24 Setpoints Buffer

25 Setpoints Buffer

26 Setpoints Buffer

27 Setpoints Buffer

28 Setpoints Buffer

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0) Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Definition 0 0 2 Reset Trip

0 0 20h Reset Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer

0 0 4 Reset Peak Demand

0 0 8 Reset Energy

1 0 0 Open Circuit Breaker

1 0 1 Close Circuit Breaker (See Note.)

3 0 0 Advance to Next Time-Stamped Trip Buffer

3 0 2 Reset INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics

3 0 3 Reset Product-Specific Statistics

Note: The Close Circuit Breaker command is not supported on the R-frame breaker.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

Receive INCOM Address Description (3 D 9) Refer to Part A, for information.

Message Byte Definition 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 1

Byte1 INCOM Address – MSB

Bit Definition B3-B0 Bits 11-8 of the INCOM address

B7-B4 0100 = 1,200-baud ASK modulation

1101 = 9,600-baud FSK modulation

Byte2 INCOM Address – LSB (Bits 0-7 of the INCOM address)

2 Byte0 Checksum – low byte

Byte1 Checksum – high byte

Byte2 One's complement of the low byte

Note: The Digitrip 810 responds to both data messages with (3 1 0) Acknowledge messages. The response to the first data message contains the old (current) 810 INCOM address. The response to the second data message contains the new 810 INCOM address.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810


Revision Date Changes 1.00 6/28/02 Taken from IL 17384 Revision 3.10 (June 2002) Part C; made into separate

document for inclusion in Revision 3.20.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T810

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910


Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code = 4

Product ID = 1

Comm Version: 8

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7-S6 0 0 Open

0 1 Closed

1 0 Tripped

1 1 Alarm (Long delay pickup)

S5 1 = Tripped or opened via INCOM communications

S4 1 = Powered up since last Fast Status request

S3 1 = Unread Time-Stamped Trip Buffer available

S2 1 = Trip bar in trip position

S1 1 = EEROM error

Supported Commands Reference Section (3 0 0) Fast Status Part A, 5.2.3

(3 0 3) Transmit All Standard Buffers Part A, 5.2.8

(3 0 5) Transmit Current Buffer Part A, 5.2.9 and below

Response Msg 1: Phase A current

Response Msg 2: Phase B current

Response Msg 3: Phase C current

Response Msg 4: Ground or Neutral current (See Note below.)

(3 0 6) Transmit Line-to-Line Voltage Buffer Part A, 5.2.10

(3 0 8) Transmit Power Buffer(1) Part A, 5.2.12

(3 0 9) Transmit Power Buffer(2) Part A, 5.2.13 and below

Response Msg 1: Reserved

Response Msg 2: Reserved

Response Msg 3: Power Factor

(3 0 A) Transmit Energy Buffer Part A, 5.2.14

(3 A 4) Transmit INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics Part A,

(3 A 5) Transmit Product-Specific Statistics Buffer Part A,

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

Supported Commands – Continued Reference Section

(3 C 8) Transmit Flags Buffer This section

(3 C 9) Transmit Setpoints Buffer This section

(3 C A) Transmit Energy Buffer This section

(3 C B) Transmit Trip Data Buffer Part A, 5.2.21, this section

(3 C F) Transmit Waveform Data Buffer Part A, 5.2.22, this section

N=010001H Transmit waveform data header

N=030201H Transmit sampled data for Phase A current

N=030301H Transmit sampled data for Phase B current

N=030401H Transmit sampled data for Phase C current

(3 D 0) Slave Action Part A,, 5.3.7, this section

(3 D 9) Receive INCOM Address Part A,

Note: The type of current can be determined by reading the Options byte in the Setpoint buffer.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8) Message Byte Name Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages=1

Byte1 Flags1: Bit Definition

B0 1=Long Delay Trip

B1 1=Short Delay Trip

B2 1=Instantaneous Trip

B3 1=Discriminator Trip

B4 1=Ground Fault

B5 1=Unit under a test condition

B6 1=Test Started

B7 1=Phase Test Initiated

Byte2 Flags2: Bit Definition B0 1=Breaker Trip Request (DTA energized)

B1 1=Reserved

B2 1=EEROM Error

B3 1=Over Temperature Trip

B4 Reserved

B5 Reserved

B6 Reserved

B7 1=Open as a result of an INCOM Shed command

2 Byte0 Flags3: Bit Definition B0 1=High Load Alarm

B1 1=Negative Power Reading

B2 1=Override Trip

B3 Hertz Flag (0=60Hz, 1=50Hz)

B4 1=Long Delay Protection (LDPU) in progress

B5 1=Ground Test Initiated

B6 1=Status of breaker (1=open, 0=closed)

B7 1=Plug Trip (1=bad plug or no plug)

Byte1 Event Count – MSB

Byte2 Event Count – LSB

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 203-3

Page 56: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 11

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Frame Value Definition 0 Bad

1 Reserved

2 SPB3

3 SPB5

4 Reserved

5 Retrofit

6 DS

7 Hundt Weber

8-9 Reserved

10 RD

11 Reserved

12-13 Reserved

14-15 Bad

Byte1 Rating-plug mantissa (unsigned)

Byte2 Rating-plug exponent (8-bit integer)

Then Rating Plug (in amps) =

Rating-plug mantissa * (10**Rating-plug exponent)

3 Byte0 Ir mantissa

Byte1 Ir exponent

Then Ir setting (amps) =

Rating Plug * Ir mantissa * (10**Ir exponent)

Byte2 LDT mantissa

4 Byte0 LDT exponent

Then Long Delay Time setting (in seconds) =

LDT mantissa * (10**LDT exponent)

Byte1 LDT slope 2=I2T

Byte2 LDT action 1 = TRIP, 3=TRIP & ALARM

203-4 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 57: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 5 Byte0 SDPU mantissa

Byte1 SDPU exponent

Then Short Delay PickUp setting (in amps) =

Ir * SDPU mantissa * ( 10**SDPU exponent)

Byte2 SDT mantissa

6 Byte0 SDT exponent

Then Short Delay Time setting (in seconds) =

SDT mantissa * (10**SDT exponent)

Byte1 SDT slope 0=FLAT, 2=I2T

Byte2 SDT action 0=OFF, 1=TRIP, 3=TRIP & ALARM

7 Byte0 INSTPU mantissa

Byte1 INSTPU exponent

Then Instantaneous PickUp (in amps) =

Rating Plug * INSTPU mantissa * (10**INSTPU exponent)

Byte2 INST action 0=OFF, 1=TRIP, 3=TRIP & ALARM

8 Byte0 GDPU mantissa

Byte1 GDPU exponent

Then Ground Fault PickUp (in amps) =

Rating Plug * GDPU mantissa * (10**GDPU exponent)

Byte2 GD action 0=OFF, 1=TRIP, 2=ALARM, 3=TRIP & ALARM

9 Byte0 GDT mantissa

Byte1 GDT exponent

Then Ground Delay Time (seconds) =

GDT mantissa * (10**GDT exponent)

Byte2 GDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2=I2T

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 10 Byte0 Options1:

Bit Definition B0 1=Instantaneous protection selected

B1 1=Discriminator protection selected

B2 1=Short Delay protection selected

B3 1=Ground Fault protection selected (See note.)

B4 1=Long Delay protection selected

B5 1=Long Delay memory selected

B6 Frequency selected (0=60Hz, 1=50Hz)

B7 1=Fourth pole protection selected (See note.)

Byte1 Options2:

Bit Definition B0-B7 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

Note: Option 1 bits B3 and B7 are mutually exclusive. If B3 is set (=1), the current buffer contains the ground current value. If B7 is set, the current buffer contains the neutral current value.

11 Byte0 INCOM address – high byte

Bit Definition B3-B0 Most significant 4 bits of 12-bit INCOM address

B7-B4 0100 = 1,200-baud ASK modulation

1101 = 9,600-baud FSK modulation

Byte1 INCOM address – low byte

Bit Definition B7-B0 Least significant 8 bits of 12-bit INCOM address

Byte2 Reserved

12 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 11 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 11 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

203-6 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

Energy Buffer Description (3 C A)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 3

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

2 Total Energy (total of forward and reverse)

3 Energy (forward)

4 Energy (reverse)

Note: Energy values are 24-bit unsigned values in units of kilowatt-hours. The range for energy is 0 - 9,999,999 kWh.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 203-7

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer Description (3 C B)

Message Byte Description Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 30

Byte1 TRIP DATA Buffer number = 1

Byte2 Number of unread Trip Data Buffers = 0

2 Byte0 Trip Time Offset Trip Time Offset in

Byte1 Trip Time Offset seconds = 256*BYTE2

Byte2 Trip Time Offset +BYTE1.BYTE0/256

3 Buffers Supported Map

4 Phase A Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

5 Phase B Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

6 Phase C Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

7 Ground or Neutral Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

8 Voltage A-B IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

9 Voltage B-C IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

10 Voltage C-A IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

11 Watts IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

12 Watts demand IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

13 Watt-hours IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

14 Reserved

15 Reserved

16 Power Factor IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

17 Kilowatt-hours 24-Bit Unsigned Integer

18 Flags Buffer (Refer to Flags Buffer description on Page 3.)

19 Flags Buffer

20 Setpoints Buffer (Refer to Setpoints Buffer description on Page 4.)

21 Setpoints Buffer

22 Setpoints Buffer

23 Setpoints Buffer

24 Setpoints Buffer

25 Setpoints Buffer

26 Setpoints Buffer

27 Setpoints Buffer

203-8 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer Description (3 C B) – Continued

Message Byte Description Format 28 Setpoints Buffer

29 Setpoints Buffer

30 Setpoints Buffer

31 Setpoints Buffer

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

Waveform Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) For Waveform data retrieval, the following definition for "N" applies:

BYTE2 (most significant byte) 1 = Header information

3 = Sampled data (64 samples over 1.1 cycles)

BYTE1 1=Header Information 2=Phase A Current

3=Phase B Current 4=Phase C Current

BYTE0 packet index = 1

203-10 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

Transmit Waveform Data Header (N=010101H)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 11

Byte1 Frequency (50 or 60)

Byte2 Samples per cycle (58)

2 Byte0 Samples per signal – low byte (64)

Byte1 Samples per signal – high byte

Byte2 Sampled data validity Value Definition 0 Invalid data

1 Valid data

2 Aborted data collection

3 Byte0 Calibration factor for IA

Byte1 Calibration factor for IB (See note below.)

Byte2 Calibration factor for IC

4 Byte0 Scale Factor – LSB

Byte1 Scale Factor (See note below.)

Byte2 Scale Factor

5 Byte0 Scale Factor – MSB

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

6 Byte0 Waveform capture index – low byte

Byte1 Waveform capture index – high byte

Byte2 Reserved

7 Reserved (time offset from time of last status request)

8 Byte0 Percent THD for IA (0-100%)

Byte1 Percent THD for IB (0-100%)

Byte2 Percent THD for IC (0-100%)

9 Reserved

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

Transmit Waveform Data Header (N=010101H) – Continued

Message Byte Description 10 Reserved

11 Reserved

12 Reserved

Note: The Digitrip 910 responds to the (3 C F) N=010101H request with a Buffer Not Yet Available (3 1 5) NACK if no waveform data is available.

203-12 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

Transmit Sampled Data Packet (N=03xx01H) For xx: 2=Phase A Current

3=Phase B Current

4=Phase C Current

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of 1st line cycle

Byte2 1st sample – high byte

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

.. ....

38 Byte0 56th sample – low byte

Byte1 56th sample – high byte

Byte2 57th sample – low byte

39 Byte0 57th sample – high byte

Byte1 58th sample – low byte Final sample of 1st line cycle

Byte2 58th sample – high byte

40 Byte0 59th sample – low byte First sample of 2nd line cycle

Byte1 59th sample – high byte

Byte2 60th sample – low byte

41 Byte0 60th sample – high byte

Byte1 61st sample – low byte

Byte2 61st sample – high byte

42 Byte0 62nd sample – low byte

Byte1 62nd sample – high byte

Byte2 63rd sample – low byte

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte

Byte2 64th sample – high byte Sixth sample of 2nd line cycle

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

Transmit Sampled Data Packet (N=03xx01H) – Continued Note: The Instantaneous Phase φ primary current value (in units of 1/256 amp) =

( )( )Phase CalibrationFactor ScaleFactor iφ φ+ ÷ ∗ ∗256 512 , κ

Where κ = [1,...,64]

φ = [A,B,C]

203-14 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0)

Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Definition 0 0 2 Reset Trip

0 0 20h Reset Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer

0 0 4 Reset Peak Demand

0 0 8 Reset Energy

1 0 0 Open Circuit Breaker

1 0 1 Close Circuit Breaker (See Note)

3 0 0 Advance to Next Time-Stamped Trip Buffer

3 0 1 Capture Waveform

3 0 2 Reset INCOM Slave Interface Statistics

3 0 3 Reset Product-Specific Statistics

Note: The Close circuit breaker command is not supported on the R-frame breaker.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

Receive INCOM Address (3 D 9) Description Refer to Part A, for information.

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 1

Byte1 INCOM Address – MSB:

Bit Definition B3-B0 bits 11-8 of the INCOM address

B7-B4 0100 = 1,200-baud ASK modulation

1101 = 9,600-baud FSK modulation

Byte2 INCOM Address – LSB (bits 0-7 of the INCOM address)

2 Byte0 Checksum – low byte

Byte1 Checksum – high byte

Byte2 One's complement of the low byte

Note: The Digitrip 910 responds to both data messages with (3 1 0) Acknowledge messages. The response to the first data message contains the old (current) 910 INCOM address. The response to the second data message contains the new 910 INCOM address.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910


Revision Date Changes 1.00 6/28/02 Taken from IL 17384 Revision 3.10 (June 2002) Part C; made into separate

document for inclusion in Revision 3.20.

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip RMS T910

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC


Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code =4

Product ID: 42 – Domestic Trip Units

43 – International Trip Units

Comm Version: 0 – Initial product version

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7-S6 0 0 Open

0 1 Closed

1 0 Tripped

1 1 Alarm (Long Delay pickup)

S5 1 = Opened via INCOM (N/A)

S4 1 = Status/Cause-of-Status Buffer (3 0 2) changed since last Fast Status

S3 1 = Reserved

S2 1 = TRIP Bar in trip position (RD Breakers)

S1 1 = Setpoints change occurred [cleared when (3 C 9) is sent]

S0 1 = Alarm(s) active

Supported Commands Reference Section

(3 0 0) Fast Status Part A, 5.2.3

(3 0 1) Extended Status/Reason Buffer This section

(3 0 2) Status/Cause-of-Status Buffer Part A, 5.2.4

(3 0 x) Supported commands varies with trip unit type See (3 0 F), N = 000000. Part A, 5.2.17

(3 0 F) Transmit Expanded Buffer Part A, 5.2.17

N=000000 Supported Standard Buffer List Part A, 5.2.17, this section

N=0003E8 Standard ASCII Device ID This section

(3 A 4) Transmit INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics Part A,

(3 A 5) Transmit Product Specific Statistics Buffer Part A,

(3 A 8) Transmit Trip Unit Log Change Notification This section

(3 C 9) Transmit Trip Unit Setpoints Buffer Part A, 5.2.20, this section

(3 D 0) Slave Action Part A,, 5.3.7, this section

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-1

Page 72: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Supported Commands Reference Section (3 D 9) Receive INCOM Address Part A,

(D F F) Transmit INCOM Address and Baud rate This section

204-2 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 73: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Extended Status and Reason Buffer (3 0 1) Message 1: Follows Standard Fast Status Format (3 0 0)

Division Code = 4

Product ID: 42 – Domestic Trip Units

43 – International Trip Units

Comm Version: 0 – Initial product version

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7 S6 0 0 Normal Open

0 1 Normal Closed

1 0 Abnormal Open

1 1 Abnormal Closed

S5 Reserved = 0

S4 Set when the (3 A 8) data buffer has changed.

Cleared after the (3 A 8) buffer has been read.

S3 Reserved = 0

S2 Reserved = 0

S1 Reserved = 0

S0 Reserved = 0

S4 bit – This bit is set to indicate a new data buffer is available via the (3 A 8) command.

Message Byte Description

2 Bytes 0, 1 Bit Definition (See definition below.)

B0-B10 Reason Code B11-B15 Secondary Status Code

Byte2 Primary Status Code


B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Secondary Status Code Reason Code

Table 1: Digitrip 520MC Primary Status Codes Table

Status Code Short Description Long Description 0 -- Status of the device is unknown

1 OPEN Device or breaker is normal open.

2 CLOSED Device or breaker is normal closed.

3 TRIP Device is tripped.

4 ALARM Device is in a device-declared alarm condition.

13 PICKUP Device is in pickup.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-3

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Extended Status and Reason Buffer (3 0 1) – Continued

Table 2: Digitrip 520MC Secondary Status Codes Table

Status Code Short Description Long Description 0 -- Secondary Status of the device is unknown.

1 -- Secondary Status is not applicable.

3 TEST Device is in test mode.

7 PWRUP Device has powered up.

8 Alarm Device is in alarm.

Table 3: Digitrip 520MC Reason Codes Table

Cause of Status Code

Long Description

0 --

1 Normal

3 Instantaneous

40 Diagnostic failure #1

52 Diagnostic failure #2

61 Long Delay

62 Short Delay

64 Bad/Missing Rating Plug

71 Alarm Active

72 Bad Frame

75 Making Current Release

76 High Instantaneous

78 Over-temperature

82 Historical Data

84 Ground Fault

85 Earth Fault

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Transmit Standard Status/Cause-of-Status Buffer (3 0 2) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Cause of Status Code

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Bit Definition B0-B3 Primary Status Code

B4-B7 Secondary Status Code

Table 4: Digitrip 520MC Cause of Status Codes Table

Status Code Short Description Long Description 0 -- Status of the device is unknown.

1 OPEN Device or breaker is open.

2 CLOSED Device or breaker is closed.

3 TRIP Device is tripped (protective).

4 ALARM Device is in a device-declared alarm condition.

5 ON Status of the input is on; Device is operational.

6 OFF Status of the input is off; Device is non-operational.

7 READY Device is in ready mode (device is ready to start).

8 START Device is in Start mode (device is starting; this is a transition from READY to RUN).

9 RUN Device or motor is running.

10 STOP Device or motor is stopped.

11 LCKOUT Device is locked out.

12 XFER Device has a status of transferred.

13 -- Reserved for future use.

14 -- Reserved for future use.

15 -- Reserved for future use.

Table 5: Digitrip 520MC Secondary Status Codes Table

Status Code Short Description Long Description 0 -- Secondary Status of the device is unknown.

1 -- Secondary Status is not applicable.

2 PROGRAM Device is in program mode.

3 PWRUP Device has powered up.

4 -- Reserved for future use.

… … …

15 -- Reserved for future use.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-5

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Transmit Standard Status/Cause-of-Status Buffer (3 0 2) – Continued

Table 6: Digitrip 520MC Reason Codes Table

Cause of Status Code

Short Description Long Description

0 -- Cause of Status is unknown.

1 NORM Device is in Normal operating mode.

2 EXTT External trip – Device trip status was caused by a command sent over INCOM.

3 LDPU Device is in Long Delay pickup (timing out to a trip).

4 LDT Long Delay Trip

5 SDT Short Delay Trip

6 INST Instantaneous Trip

7 DISC Discriminator Trip

8 GNDT Ground Trip

9 PLUG Invalid Plug – Device has tripped due to a bad or missing rating plug.

10 NPOW Negative Power -- Device is running with reverse (negative) power.

11 ORID Override Trip

12 TEST Device is in Test Trip mode.

13 RAM Device has a RAM failure.

14 ROM Device has a ROM failure.

15 OV Over voltage

16 UV Under voltage

17 PUBL Phase Unbalance

18 PLOS Phase Loss

19 PREV Reverse Phase

20 RSEQ Reverse Sequence

21 OFRQ Over Frequency

22 UFRQ Under Frequency

23 NEUT Neutral

24 L-PI Phase Current Loss

25 L-PV Phase Voltage Loss

26 ACT Alarm Active

27 BAD Bad Frame

28 HL High Load

29 LOCKOUT Lockout

204-6 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Cause of Status Code

Short Description Long Description

30 POWERUP Powered-up

31 MCR Making Current Release

32 HI INST High Instantaneous

33 SETMIS Setpoints Mismatch

34 SETXFER Setpoints Transfer Failure

35 OTEMP Over temperature

36 IG Ground Current

37 FAILURE Failure

38 ACCBUS Accessory Bus

39 THD THD (total harmonic distortion)

40 PF Power Factor

41 KWDMD Kilowatt Demand

42 KVADMD Kilovoltampere Demand

43 OPCOUNT Operations Count

44 HISTORY Historical (such as the device has tripped and been successfully reclosed)

45 -- Reserved

… … …

… … …

255 -- Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-7

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Transmit Supported Standard Buffer List (3 0 F) N = 000000 List will vary with trip unit type.

Digitrip 520MC Standard Buffer List List may vary with Communications Versions.

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 03H Number of additional data messages = 3

Byte1 2FH (3 0 5) (3 0 3) (3 0 2) (3 0 1) (3 0 0) (See Note 1.)

Byte2 80H (3 0 F)

2 000000H (N=000000) Standard Buffer List

3 000003H (N=000003) Currents Buffer (See Note 2.)

4 0003E8H (N=0003E8) Transmit ASCII Device ID, example “520MCG03”

Note 1: (3 0 5) Current IX is always ground current.

Note 2: (3 0 F) N=000003 Average Phase Current is not supported.

204-8 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Transmit Standard ASCII Device ID (3 0 F) N = 0003E8

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 "5" (ASCII character)

Byte2 "2" (ASCII character)

2 Byte0 "0" (ASCII character)

Byte1 "M" (ASCII character)

Byte2 "C" (ASCII character)

3 Byte0 "G" (ASCII character)

Byte1 "0" (ASCII character)

Byte2 "3" (ASCII character)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-9

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Transmit Product Specific Statistics Buffer (3 A 5)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 9

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 Maximum Breaker Temperature Value

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

3 Byte0 Non-Volatile Command Count (LSB)

Byte1 Non-Volatile Command Count (MSB)

Byte2 Breaker Frame Size

4 Reserved = 0

5 Reserved = 0

6 Reserved = 0 7 Reserved = 0

8 Reserved = 0

9 Reserved = 0

10 Reserved = 0

204-10 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 81: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Transmit FP-5000 Log Change Notification (3 A 8) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of Additional Data Messages = 2

Byte 1 Reserved = 0

Byte 2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 Support Notification Flags

Bit Definition B0 Support for Powered-Up Indication

B1 Support for Waveform Logging

B2 Support for Event Logging

B3 Support for Data Logging

B4 Support for Trip Data Logging

B5 Support for Trend Data Logging

B6 Support for Setpoints Buffer Upload

B7 Support for Setpoints Buffer Download

Byte1 Support Notification

Bit Definition

B0-B7 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Support Notification

Bit Definition

B0-B7 Reserved = 0

3 Byte0 Change Notification Flags

Bit Definition B0 Device has been powered up since last reset

B1 Waveform Log Summary has changed since last read

B2 Event Log Summary has changed since last read

B3 Data Log Summary has changed since last read

B4 Trip Log Summary has changed since last read

B5 Trend Data Log Summary has changed since last read

B6 Setpoints Buffer has changed since last read

B7 Setpoints Buffer has changed since last read

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-11

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Transmit FP-5000 Log Change Notification (3 A 8) – Continued Message Byte Description

3 Byte1 Change Notification

Bit Definition

B0-B7 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Change Notification

Bit Definition B0-B7 Reserved = 0


1. The 520MC provides support for Powered-Up Indication and Setpoints Buffer Change (B6) only.

2. Bit B0 in Message 3 – powered up since last (3 A 8) is cleared by the associated Slave Action command.

3. The other bit change notification flags should only be cleared after the summary buffer is read.

204-12 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 83: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 61

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

3 Byte0 M08 M07 M06 M05 M04 M03 M02 M01

Byte1 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M09

Byte2 M24 M23 M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17

4 Byte0 M32 M31 M30 M29 M28 M27 M26 M25

Byte1 M40 M39 M38 M37 M36 M35 M34 M33

Byte2 M48 M47 M46 M45 M44 M43 M42 M41

5 Byte0 M56 M55 M54 M53 M52 M51 M50 M49

Byte1 0 0 0 M61 M60 M59 M58 M57

Byte2 Setpoints change counter (Range 0 to 255 rolls-over at 255)

Note 1: Mx = 1 means that the function associated with the x’th Message is supported, else it is not supported.

6 Byte0 In (Rating) – low byte

Byte1 In (Rating) – high byte

Byte2 Ir mantissa

7 Byte0 Ir mantissa minimum

Byte1 Ir mantissa maximum

Byte2 Ir mantissa step size

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-13

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

8 Byte0 Ir exponent

Ir setting (amps) = In * Ir mantissa * (10** Ir exponent)

Byte1 Long Delay Slope

Value Definition

02H I2T

Byte2 Long Delay action 0= OFF, 1=TRIP, 2= OFF (not changeable), 3= TRIP (not changeable), 4= n/a

9 Byte0 LDT mantissa Valid only for LD Slope = I2T

Byte1 I2T mantissa minimum

Byte2 I2T mantissa maximum

10 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 LDT mantissa step size

11 Byte0 LDT exponent

Long Delay Time (in seconds) = LDT mantissa * (10**LDT exponent)

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

12 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

13 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

14 Byte0 SDPU mantissa

Byte1 SDPU mantissa minimum

Byte2 SDPU mantissa maximum

204-14 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

15 Byte0 SDPU mantissa step

Byte1 SDPU exponent

Byte2 Short Delay action 0= Off , 1= Trip, 2= Off (not changeable), 3= Trip (not changeable), 4= n/a

Note: SDPU mantissa value equal to zero identifies the M1 setting.

If the SDPU mantissa is non-zero, then

Short Delay Pickup (in amps) =

Ir * SDPU mantissa * (10**SDPU exponent)


Short Delay Pickup (in amps) =

In * SDPU mantissa maximum * (10**SDPU exponent)

16 Byte0 SDT mantissa

Byte1 SDT mantissa minimum

Byte2 SDT mantissa maximum

17 Byte0 SDT mantissa step size

Byte1 SDT exponent

Short Delay Time (in seconds) =

SDT mantissa * (10**SDT exponent)

Byte2 SDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2 = I2T

Note: SDT slope can be set to I2T only if LD slope is set to I2T.

18 Byte0 INSTPU mantissa

Byte1 INSTPU mantissa minimum

Byte2 INSTPU mantissa maximum

19 Byte0 INSTPU mantissa step size

Byte1 INSTPU exponent

Instantaneous Pickup (in amps) =

In * INSTPU mantissa * (10**INSTPU exponent)

Byte2 Instantaneous action 0= Off , 1= Trip, 2= Off (not changeable), 3= Trip (not changeable), 4= n/a

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-15

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description

20 Byte0 GDPU mantissa

Byte1 GDPU mantissa minimum

Byte2 GDPU mantissa maximum

21 Byte0 GDPU mantissa step size

Byte1 GDPU exponent

Ground Fault Pickup (in amps) =

In * GDPU mantissa * (10**GDPU exponent)

Byte2 Ground Delay trip action 0= Off , 1= Trip, 2= Off (not changeable), 3= Trip (not changeable), 4= n/a

22 Byte0 GDT mantissa

Byte1 GDT mantissa minimum Byte2 GDT mantissa maximum

23 Byte0 GDT mantissa step size

Byte1 GDT exponent

Byte2 GDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2 = I2T

Ground Delay Time (seconds) = GDT mantissa * (10**GDT exponent)

24 Byte0 Ext Ground Scale Factor Values: 0=Off

Byte1 Ground Current Sensing 0 = Residual, 1 = External Source CT

Byte2 Reserved = 0

25 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 4th Pole/Neutral protection action 0=OFF, 1=Enabled,

Byte2 Reserved = 0 2=OFF (not changeable),

3= Enabled (not changeable), 4= n/a

26 Reserved

204-16 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description

27 Byte0 Ground alarm setting Range: 10 to GDPU mantissa upper limit, 0 = OFF; step=1. (see Message 24)

Ground Alarm Pickup (in amps) =

In * Ground alarm setting/100

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

28 Reserved

29 Reserved

30 Byte0 Thermal memory 0 = OFF, 1=ON

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

31 Reserved

32 Byte0 Frequency 0=60Hz, 1=50Hz

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

33 Reserved

34 Reserved

35 Reserved

36 Reserved

37 Reserved

38 Reserved

39 Reserved

40 Reserved

41 Reserved

42 Reserved

43 Reserved

44 Reserved

45 Reserved

46 Reserved

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

47 Reserved

48 Reserved

49 Reserved

50 Reserved

51 Reserved

52 Reserved

53 Reserved

54 Reserved

55 Reserved

56 Reserved 57 Reserved

58 Reserved

59 Reserved

60 Reserved

61 Reserved

62 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 61 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 61 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

204-18 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0)

Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Definition 0 0 02H Reset Trip

0 0 03H Reset Powered-Up Indication

3 0 02H Reset INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics

3 0 03H Reset Product Statistics

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-19

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Receive INCOM Address Description (3 D 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 1

Byte INCOM Address – MSB

Bit Definition B3-B0 Bits 11-8 of the INCOM address

B7-B4 1101 = 9,600-baud FSK modulation

Byte2 INCOM Address – LSB (bits 0-7 of the INCOM address)

2 Byte0 Checksum – low byte

Byte1 Checksum – high byte

Byte2 One's complement of the low byte

Note: The Digitrip 520MC trip unit responds to the first data messages with a (3 1 0) Acknowledge message containing the old (current) address. The Digitrip 520MC responds to the second data message with one of the following messages:

Response Definition (3 1 0) ACK containing new address The new address was accepted. (The

checksum was valid.) The Digitrip 520MC trip unit will proceed with saving the new address in NVRAM.

(3 1 A) NACK containing old address The new address was not accepted due to a communications checksum error.

(3 1 B) NACK containing old address The new address was not accepted due to an invalid baud rate/modulation request.

Note: Following the Receive INCOM Address command, the Digitrip 520MC trip unit will save the new address to NVRAM. This may take up to 250 milliseconds.

Note: If the Digitrip 520MC trip unit doesn’t respond after a new address is downloaded, the Digitrip 520MC trip unit may have experienced a problem with storing the new address in NVRAM. If this occurred, the Digitrip 520MC trip unit’s INCOM address and baud rate will revert to their default values (Address=0FFE and baud rate=9,600 baud).

204-20 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Transmit INCOM Address and Baud Rate (D F F) The format of the Transmit INCOM Address and Baud Rate command message is as follows:

C/D =1



ADDRESS =Reserved (don’t care)


The trip unit responds with the following message:

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 INCOM address – high byte

Bit Definition B3-B0 Most significant 4 bits of INCOM address

B7-B4 1101 = 9,600-baud FSK modulation

Byte1 INCOM address – low byte

Bit Definition B7-B0 Least significant 8 bits of 12-bit INCOM address

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-21

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

Resolution and Range of Standard Buffers Data

Command Value Resolution Range (3 0 5) amps 1 0 ... +65,535

(3 0 F) N=000003

amps 1 0 …+65,535

204-22 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 93: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

CHANGE RECORD Revision Date Changes

1.00 6/28/02 Taken from IL 17384 Revision 3.10 (June 2002) Part C; made into separate document for inclusion in Revision 3.20.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 204-23

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 520MC

204-24 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Page 95: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip II T700 and T800

COMMUNICATIONS PROTOCOL – DIGITRIP II T700 AND T800 The Digitrip T810 and T910 trip units are backward-compatible with versions T700 and T800 of Digitrip II. Thus, the T810 and T910 responds to all of the commands described in this section. The T810 and T910 also responds to the commands described in Sections 202 and 203. This was done for renewal parts considerations. New INCOM system communications software should utilize the commands outlined in sections 202 and 203.

Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code =4

Product ID =1

Comm Version: 0=Digitrip T800

1=Digitrip T800 with Reset Peak Demand Option

2=Digitrip T800 with Reset Peak Demand and Reset Energy

3=Digitrip T810

8=Digitrip T910

Supported Commands Reference Section (3 0 0) Fast Status Part A, 5.2.3

(3 1 x) Transmit Data Buffer This section

(3 2 x) Reset Peak Demand This section (Comm Version 1 or lesser)

(3 3 x) Shed Load This section

(3 4 x) Restore Load This section

(3 5 x) Reset Energy This section (Comm Version 2 or greater)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 205-1

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip II T700 and T800

Transmit Data Buffer (3 1 x)

Message Byte Name Description 1 Byte0 Flags1: Bit Definition

B0 Long Delay Trip

B1 Short Delay Trip

B2 Instantaneous Trip

B3 Discriminator Trip

B4 Ground Fault

B5 Test Initiated

B6 Test Started

B7 Phase Test Initiated

Byte1 Flags2: Bit Definition B0 Breaker Trip

B1 RAM Error

B2 ROM Error

B3 Reserved

B4 Reserved

B5 Reserved

B6 Reserved

B7 Open as the result of an INCOM Shed command

Byte2 Flags3: Bit Definition B0 High Load Alarm

B1 Negative Power Reading

B2 Override Trip

B3 Hertz Flag (0=60 Hz, 1=50 Hz)

B4 Long Delay Protection (LDPU) in progress

B5 Ground Test Initiated

B6 Status of breaker (1=open, 0=closed)

B7 Plug Trip (1=bad plug or no plug)

2 Byte0 PAVE0 Average Power – LSB

Byte1 PAVE1 Average Power – MSB

Byte2 PDTALLY1 Peak Demand – LSB

205-2 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip II T700 and T800

Transmit Data Buffer (3 1 x) – Continued

Message Byte Name Description 3 Byte0 PDTALLY2 Peak Demand – MSB

Byte1 ETALLY4 Energy – LSB

Byte2 ETALLY5 Energy – MSB

4 Byte0 ABUF0 Phase A Current – LSB

Byte1 ABUF1 Phase A Current

Byte2 ABUF2 Phase A Current

5 Byte0 ABUF3 Phase A Current – MSB

Byte1 BBUF0 Phase B Current – LSB

Byte2 BBUF1 Phase B Current

6 Byte0 BBUF2 Phase B Current

Byte1 BBUF3 Phase B Current – MSB

Byte2 CBUF0 Phase C Current – LSB

7 Byte0 CBUF1 Phase C Current

Byte1 CBUF2 Phase C Current

Byte2 CBUF3 Phase C Current – MSB

8 Byte0 GBUF0 Ground Current – LSB

Byte1 GBUF1 Ground Current

Byte2 GBUF2 Ground Current

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 205-3

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip II T700 and T800

Transmit Data Buffer (3 1 x) – Continued

Message Byte Name Description 9 Byte0 GBUF3 Ground Current – MSB

Byte1 FRAME Value Definition Value Definition 0 Bad 8 Reserved

1 Reserved 9 Reserved

2 SPB3 10 RD-HW

3 SPB5 11 RD-CL

4 Reserved 12 Reserved

5 Reserved 13 Reserved

6 DS 14 Bad

7 Hundt Weber 15 Bad

Byte2 PLUG Value Plug Factor 0 100

2 200

4 250

6 300

8 400

10 600

12 800

14 1000

16 1200

18 1600

20 2000

22 2500

24 3000

26 3200

28 4000

30 5000

205-4 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip II T700 and T800

Reset Peak Demand (3 2 x) The Digitrip responds with a Status message. The format of the command message is as follows:

C/D = 1

INST = 3

COMM = 2

ADDRESS = Digitrip's INCOM address

SCOMM = Don't Care (not used)

Note: Digitrip II units with a Communication Software Version of 1 or greater support the Reset Peak Demand message. The communications software version is transmitted by the Digitrip within its status. (Refer to Part A, 5.2.3.)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 205-5

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip II T700 and T800

Shed Load (3 3 x) The master must send the Shed Load request 2 times within 1 second. A minimum of 10 milliseconds must be allowed between consecutive control message transmissions. The format of the message is as follows:

C/D = 1

INST = 3

COMM = 3

ADDRESS = Digitrip's INCOM address

SCOMM = Don't Care (not used)

The Digitrip responds with a Status message after the second request.

205-6 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip II T700 and T800

Restore Load (3 4 x) The master must send the Restore Load request 2 times within 1 second. A minimum of 10 milliseconds must be allowed between consecutive control message transmissions. The format of the message is as follows:

C/D = 1

INST = 3

COMM = 4

ADDRESS = Digitrip's INCOM address

SCOMM = Don't Care (not used)

The Digitrip responds with a Status message after the second request.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 205-7

Page 102: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip II T700 and T800

Reset Energy (3 5 x) The Digitrip responds with a Status message. The format of the command message is as follows:

C/D = 1

INST = 3

COMM = 5

ADDRESS = Digitrip's INCOM address

SCOMM = Don't Care (not used)

Note: Digitrip II units with a communication software version of 2 or greater support the Reset Energy message. The communications software version is transmitted by the Digitrip within its Status. (Refer to Part A, 5.2.3 .)

205-8 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 103: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip II T700 and T800

Calculation of Digitrip II Engineering Units Values for Peak Demand, Power, Energy, and Currents Peak Demand (Megawatts) = (PDTALLY2*256+PDTALLY1)/100

Power (Megawatts) = (PAVE1*256+PAVE0)/100

Energy (Megawatt hours) = (ETALLY5*256+ETALLY4)/100

I(G)= Int(Plug-factor*Sqr((GBUF3*256^3+GBUF2*256^2+GBUF1*256+GBUF0)/679232/8))

If Flags0 B1 (Short Delay Trip Flag) or Flags0 B2 (Instantaneous Trip Flag) or Flags0 B3 (Discriminator Trip) or Flags0 B4 (Ground Fault Flag) set (=1),

Then I(A)= Int(Plug-factor*Sqr((ABUF3*256^3+ABUF2*256^2+ABUF1*256+ABUF0)/10613/8))

I(B)= Int(Plug-factor*Sqr((BBUF3*256^3+BBUF2*256^2+BBUF1*256+BBUF0)/10613/8))


Else I(A)= Int(Plug-factor*Sqr((ABUF3*256^3+ABUF2*256^2+ABUF1*256+ABUF0)/10613/64))

I(B)= Int(Plug-factor*Sqr((BBUF3*256^3+BBUF2*256^2+BBUF1*256+BBUF0)/10613/64))


INCOM System Communications, June 2004 205-9

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip II T700 and T800

205-10 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

CHANGE RECORD Revision Date Changes

1.00 6/28/02 Taken from IL 17384 Revision 3.10 (June 2002) Part C; made into separate document for inclusion in Revision 3.20.

Page 105: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3000


Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code = 4

Comm Version = 0

Product ID = 3 (See Note 1.)

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7-S6 0 0 Open

0 1 Closed

1 0 Tripped

1 1 Alarmed (LDPU)

S5 1 = Tripped or opened via INCOM communications

S4 1 = Powered up since last Fast Status request

S3 1 = Unread Time-Stamped Trip Buffer available

Note 1: The Digitrip 3000 can be used as a replacement for a Digitrip MV. For compatibility purposes, the Digitrip 3000 can be configured to communicate like a Digitrip MV. Please refer to Part C, Section 211 for information on the Digitrip MV communications protocol.

Supported Commands Reference Section

(3 0 0) Fast Status Part A, 5.2.3 and above

(3 0 3) Transmit All Standard Buffers Part A, 5.2.8

(3 0 5) Transmit Current Buffer Part A, 5.2.9

(3 0 F) Transmit Demand Currents Buffer Part A, 5.2.17

Buffer (N=000002) (Expanded Buffer #2) Part A,

(3 A 4) Transmit INCOM Slave-Interface Stats Part A,

(3 A 5) Transmit Product-Specific Statistics Part A,

(3 A 7) Transmit Last Data Buffer Checksum Part A,

(3 C 8) Transmit Flags Buffer This section

(3 C 9) Transmit Setpoints Buffer This section

(3 C B) Transmit Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer Part A, 5.2.21, this section

(3 D 0) Slave Action Part A,, 5.3.7, this section

(3 F 9) Receive Setpoints Part A,, this section

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 210-1

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8) Message Byte Name Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 Flags1 Bit Symbol Definition

B0-B5 -- Reserved

B6 Incom_add_mode-flg INCOM address mode

B7 -- Reserved

Byte2 Flags2: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 Pgm-Mode The trip unit is in Program mode

B1 Test_Mode_Flg The trip unit in in Test mode

B2-B7 -- Reserved

2 Byte0 Flags3: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 LDFLG Time Overcurrent (Long Delay) Trip

B1 SDFLG Short Delay Trip

B2 INSTFLG Instantaneous Trip

B3 DISCFLG Discriminator Trip

B4 GNDFLG Ground Fault

B5 TESTFLG Test Initiated

B6 TIMFLG Test Timer Started

B7 PTESTFLG Phase Test Initiated

Byte1 Flags4: Bit Symbol Definition B0 TRIPFLG Breaker Trip

B1 RAMFLG Ram Error


B3 PHASE_ZIN Phase long delay zone interlock in

B4 OVERFLG Override Trip

B5 GND_ZIN Grnd long delay zone interlock in

B6 -- Reserved

B7 EXTFLG External Trip (via INCOM)

Byte2 Flags5: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 HLFLG High Load Alarm

B1-B3 -- Reserved

B4 LDPUFLG Long Delay Protection in progress

B5 GTESTFLG Ground Test Initiated

B6 OPENFLG Status Of Breaker (1=Open)

B7 -- Reserved

210-2 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 107: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8) – Continued Message Byte Name Description

3 Byte0 Flags6: Reserved

Byte1 Flags7: Bit Symbol Definition

B0-B3 -- Reserved

B4 GLDPUFLG Ground long delay has picked up.

B5 PSDPUFLG Phase short delay has picked up.

B6 GSDPUFLG Ground short delay has picked up.

B7 -- Reserved

Byte2 Flags8: Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 210-3

Page 108: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 10

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Phase Curve:

0="IT", 1="I2T", 2="I4T", 3="FLAT", 14=“MOD”, 15=“VERY”,

16=“XTRM”, 27=“IECA”, 28=“IECB”, 29=“IECC”, 2A=“IECD”

Byte1 Phase Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup

0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35"

4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55"

8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95"

10="1.00" 11="1.10" 12="1.20" 13="1.30"

14="1.40" 15="1.50" 16="1.60" 17="1.70"

18="1.80" 19="1.90" 1A="2.00" 1B="2.10"


Byte2 Phase Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for IT, I2T, & I4T curves:

0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35"

4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55"

8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95"

10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75"

14="2.00" 15="2.25" 16="2.50" 17="2.75"

18="3.00" 19="3.50" 1A="4.00" 1B="4.50"

1C="5.00" 1D="5.50" 1E="6.00" 1F="6.50"

20="7.00" 21="7.50" 22="8.00" 23="8.50"

24="9.00" 25="10.0" 26="12.5" 27="15.0"

28="17.5" 29="20.0" 2A="22.5" 2B="25.0"

2C="27.5" 2D="30.0" 2E="35.0" 2F="40.0"

210-4 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 109: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description 2 Byte2 Phase Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for Flat curves:

0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35"

4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55"

8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95"

10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75"

14="2.00" Phase Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for ANSI curves:

0="0.1" 1="0.2" 2="0.3" 3="0.4"

4=”0.5” 5=”0.6” 6=”0.7” 7=0.8”

… … … … 2C=”4.5” 2D=”4.6” 2E="4.7" 2F="4.8"

30="4.9" 31="5.0"

Phase Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for IEC curves: 0="0.05" 1="0.10" 2="0.15" 3="0.20"

4="0.25" 5="0.30" 6="0.35" 7="0.40"

8="0.45" 9="0.50" A="0.55" B="0.60"

C="0.65" D="0.70" E="0.75" F="0.80"

10="0.85" 11="0.90" 12="0.95" 13="1.00" 3 Byte0 Phase Short Delay Pickup Values

0="1.00" 1="1.25" 2="1.50" 3="1.75"

4="2.00" 5="2.25" 6="2.50" 7="2.75"

8="3.00" 9="3.50" A="4.00" B="4.50"

C="5.00" D="5.50" E="6.00" F="6.50"

10="7.00" 11="7.50" 12="8.00" 13="8.50"

14="9.00" 15="9.50" 16="10.0" 17="11.0"


Byte1 Phase Short Delay Time

0="0.05" 1="0.10" 2="0.15" 3="0.20"

4="0.25" 5="0.30" 6="0.35" 7="0.40"

8="0.45" 9="0.50" A="0.55" B="0.60"

C="0.65" D="0.70" E="0.75" F="0.80"

10="0.85" 11="0.90" 12="0.95" 13="1.00"

14="1.25" 15="1.50"

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 210-5

Page 110: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

3 Byte2 Phase Instantaneous Pickup Values

0="1.00" 1="1.25" 2="1.50" 3="1.75"

4="2.00" 5="2.25" 6="2.50" 7="2.75"

8="3.00" 9="3.50" A="4.00" B="4.50"

C="5.00" D="5.50" E="6.00" F="6.50"

10="7.00" 11="7.50" 12="8.00" 13="8.50"

14="9.00" 15="9.50" 16="10.0" 17="12.5"

18="15.0" 19="17.5" 1A="20.0" 1B="22.5"

1C="25.0" 1D="None"

4 Byte0 Phase Discriminator (0=off, 1=on)

Byte1 Ground Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup Values

0=".100" 1=".125" 2=".150" 3=".175"

4=".200" 5=".225" 6=".250" 7=".275"

8=".300" 9=".350" A=".400" B=".450"

C=".500" D=".550" E=".600" F=".650"

10=".700" 11=".750" 12=".800" 13=".850"

14=".900" 15=".950" 16="1.00" 17="1.25"

18="1.50" 19="1.75" 1A="2.00" 1B="NONE" Byte2 Ground Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for IT, I2T, and I4T curves:

0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35"

4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55"

8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95"

10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75"

14="2.00" 15="2.25" 16="2.50" 17="2.75"

18="3.00" 19="3.50" 1A="4.00" 1B="4.50"

1C="5.00" 1D="5.50" 1E="6.00" 1F="6.50"

20="7.00" 21="7.50" 22="8.00" 23="8.50"

24="9.00" 25="10.0" 26="12.5" 27="15.0"

28="17.5" 29="20.0" 2A="22.5" 2B="25.0"

2C="27.5" 2D="30.0" 2E="35.0" 2F="40.0"

210-6 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 111: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

4 Byte2 Ground Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for Flat curves: 0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35"

4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55"

8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95"

10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75"


Ground Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for ANSI curves: 0="0.1" 1="0.2" 2="0.3"

3="0.4" 4="0.5" 5="0.6"

… … … 2D="4.6" 2E="4.7" 2F="4.8"

30="4.9" 31="5.0"

Ground Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for IEC curves: 0="0.05" 1="0.10" 2="0.15"

3="0.20" 4="0.25" 5="0.30"

6="0.35" 7="0.40" 8="0.45"

9="0.50" A="0.55" B="0.60"

C="0.65" D="0.70" E="0.75"

F="0.80" 10="0.85" 11="0.90"

12="0.95" 13="1.00"

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 210-7

Page 112: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

5 Byte0 Ground Short Delay Pickup Values

0=".100" 1=".125" 2=".150"

3=".175" 4=".200" 5=".225"

6=".250" 7=".275" 8=".300"

9=".350" A=".400" B=".450"

C=".500" D=".550" E=".600"

F=".650" 10=".700" 11=".750"

12=".800" 13=".850" 14=".900"

15=".950" 16="1.00" 17="1.25"

18="1.50" 19="1.75" 1A="2.00"

1B="2.25" 1C="2.50" 1D="2.75"

1E="3.00" 1F="3.50" 20="4.00"

21="4.50" 22="5.00" 23="5.50"

24="6.00" 25="6.50" 26="7.00"

27="7.50" 28="8.00" 29="8.50"

2A="9.00" 2B="9.50" 2C="10.0"

2D="11.0" 2E="NONE" Byte1 Ground Short Delay Time Values

0="0.05" 1="0.10" 2="0.15"

3="0.20" 4="0.25" 5="0.30"

6="0.35" 7="0.40" 8="0.45"

9="0.50" A="0.55" B="0.60"

C="0.65" D="0.70" E="0.75"

F="0.80" 10="0.85" 11="0.90"

12="0.95" 13="1.00" 14="1.25"


210-8 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 113: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

5 Byte2 Ground Instantaneous Pick-Up Values

0="0.50" 1="0.55" 2="0.60"

3="0.65" 4="0.70" 5="0.75"

6="0.80" 7="0.85" 8="0.90"

9="0.95" A="1.00" B="1.25"

C="1.50" D="1.75" E="2.00"

F="2.25" 10="2.50" 11="2.75"

12="3.00" 13="3.50" 14="4.00"

15="4.50" 16="5.00" 17="5.50"

18="6.00" 19="6.50" 1A="7.00"

1B="7.50" 1C="8.00" 1D="8.50"

1E="9.00" 1F="9.50" 20="10.0"

21="11.0" 22="NONE"

6 Byte0 Highload Time Values

0="0SEC" 1="5SEC" 2="10 S"

3="30 S" 4="1MIN" 5="2MIN"


Byte1 Frequency (0=60hz, 1=50hz)

Byte2 Ground Curve

0="IT", 1="I2T", 2="I4T", 3="FLAT", 14=“MOD”,

15=“VERY”, 16=“XTRM”, 27=“IECA”, 28=“IECB”,

29=“IECC”, 2A=“IECD”

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 210-9

Page 114: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 Flags: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 (S1) Old_new_flg 0=Digitrip MV IMPACC buffers

1=Digitrip 3000 IMPACC buffers

B1 (S2) Pgm_closed 0=Program only with breaker open

1=Program with breaker closed

B2 (S3) Relay_config 0=Separate OC & INST relays

1=Separate Phase and Ground Relays

B3 (S8) Dwn_en_flg 1=Download Setpoints enabled

0=Download Setpoints disabled

B4 (S4) Rem_en_flg 1=Remote open/close enabled

0=Remote open/close disabled

B5 (S5) HiLd_Close_flg 0=Communication Close Relay

1=High Load Alarm Relay

B6 (S7) Bkr_52_flg 0=52b Braker Status Input

1=52a Breaker Status Input

B7 (S9) Auto_reset_flg 0=Dip switch set for manual reset

1=Dip switch is set for auto reset

Byte1 Phase CT Ratio

0=5:5 1=10:5 2=25:5

3=50:5 4=75:5 5=100:5

6=150:5 7=200:5 8=250:5

9=300:5 A=400:5 B=500:5

C=600:5 D=630:5 E=800:5

F=1000:5 10=1200:5 11=1250:5

12=1500:5 13=1600:5 14=2000:5

15=2400:5 16=2500:5 17=3000:5

18=3200:5 19=4000:5 1A=5000:5

Byte2 Ground CT Ratio Same selections as Phase CT Ratio

8 Reserved = 0

210-10 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 115: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

9 Reserved = 0

10 Reserved = 0

11 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 10 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 10 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 210-11

Page 116: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

TIME-STAMPED TRIP DATA Buffer Description (3 C B)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 20

Byte1 TRIP DATA Buffer number = 1

Byte2 Number of unread Trip Data Buffers = 0

2 Byte0 Trip Time Offset Trip Time Offset in

Byte1 Trip Time Offset seconds = 256*BYTE2

Byte2 Trip Time Offset +BYTE1.BYTE0/256

3 Buffers Supported Map (Byte0=29H, Byte1=0, Byte2=1)

4 Phase A Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

5 Phase B Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

6 Phase C Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

7 Ground Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

8 Flags Buffer (Refer to Flags Buffer Description)

9 Flags Buffer

10 Flags Buffer

11 Setpoints Buffer (Refer to Setpoints Buffer Description.)

12 Setpoints Buffer

13 Setpoints Buffer

14 Setpoints Buffer

15 Setpoints Buffer

16 Setpoints Buffer

17 Setpoints Buffer

18 Setpoints Buffer

19 Setpoints Buffer

20 Setpoints Buffer

21 Setpoints Buffer

210-12 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 117: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0)

Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Definition 0 0 1 Reset Alarm

0 0 2 Reset Trip

0 0 20h Reset Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer

0 1 1 Reset (Peak) Demand Currents

1 0 0 Open Circuit Breaker

1 0 1 Close Circuit Breaker

3 0 0 Acknowledge Time-Stamped Event Buffer

3 0 2 Reset INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics

3 0 3 Reset Product-Specific Statistics

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 210-13

Page 118: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

Download Setpoints Description (3 F 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 10

Byte1 Echo Firmware Revision (not checked)

Byte2 Echo Firmware Version (not checked)

2 Byte0 Phase Curve

Byte1 Phase Inverse Time Over Current Pickup

Byte2 Phase Inverse Time Over Current Time Multiplier

3 Byte0 Phase Short Delay Pickup

Byte1 Phase Short Delay Time

Byte2 Phase Instantaneous Pickup

4 Byte0 Phase Discriminator (0=off, 1=on)

Byte1 Ground Inverse Time Over Current Pickup

Byte2 Ground Inverse Time Over Current Time Multiplier

5 Byte0 Ground Short Delay Pickup

Byte1 Ground Short Delay Time

Byte2 Ground Instantaneous Pickup

6 Byte0 High-Load Time Values

Byte1 Frequency (0=60Hz, 1=50Hz)

Byte2 Ground Curve

7 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Phase CT Ratio

Byte2 Ground CT Ratio

8 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

210-14 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 119: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

Download Setpoints Description (3 F 9)

Message Byte Description 9 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

10 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

11 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 10 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 10 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

Note: The Digitrip 3000 will respond with an ACK message after each setpoint message it receives.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 210-15

Page 120: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3000

210-16 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

CHANGE RECORD Revision Date Changes

1.00 6/28/02 Taken from IL 17384 Revision 3.10 (June 2002) Part C; made into separate document for inclusion in Revision 3.20.

Page 121: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip MV


Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code = 4

Comm Version = 1 or greater

Product ID = 2

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7-S6 0 0 Open

0 1 Closed

1 0 Tripped

1 1 Alarmed (LDPU)

S5 1 = Tripped or opened via INCOM communications

S4 1 = Powered up since last Fast Status request

S3 1 = Unread Time-Stamped Trip Buffer available

Supported Commands Reference Section (3 0 0) Fast Status Part A, 5.2.3 and above

(3 0 3) Transmit All Standard Buffers Part A, 5.2.8

(3 0 5) Transmit Current Buffer Part A, 5.2.9

(Note: Over range is indicated by

the value 65,535)

(3 0 F) Transmit Demand Currents Buffer Part A, 5.2.17

Demand Currents Buffer (N=000002) Part A,

(Expanded Buffer #2)

(3 C 8) Transmit Flags Buffer This section

(3 C 9) Transmit Setpoints Buffer This section

(3 C B) Transmit Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer Part A, 5.2.21, this section

(3 D 0) Slave Action Part A,, 5.3.7, this section

(3 F 9) Receive Setpoints Part A,, this section

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 211-1

Page 122: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip MV

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8)

Message Byte Name Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 Flags1 Bit Symbol Definition

B0-B5 -- Reserved

B6 Incom_add_mode-flg INCOM address mode

B7 -- Reserved

Byte2 Flags2: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 Pgm-Mode The trip unit in Program mode

B1 Test_Mode_Flg The trip unit in in Test mode

B2-B7 -- Reserved

2 Byte0 Flags3: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 LDFLG Long Delay Trip

B1 SDFLG Short Delay Trip

B2 INSTFLG Instantaneous Trip

B3 DISCFLG Discriminator Trip

B4 GNDFLG Ground Fault

B5 TESTFLG Test Initiated

B6 TIMFLG Test Timer Started

B7 PTESTFLG Phase Test Initiated

Byte1 Flags4: Bit Symbol Definition B0 TRIPFLG Breaker Trip

B1 RAMFLG Ram Error


B3 PHASE_ZIN Phase long delay zone interlock in

B4 OVERFLG Override Trip

B5 GND_ZIN Grnd long delay zone interlock in

B6 -- Reserved

B7 EXTFLG External Trip (via INCOM)

Byte2 Flags5: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 HLFLG High Load Alarm

B1-B3 -- Reserved

B4 LDPUFLG Long Delay Protection in progress

211-2 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 123: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip MV

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Name Description 2 Byte2 Flags5: B5 GTESTFLG Ground Test Initiated

B6 OPENFLG Status Of Breaker (1=Open)

B7 -- Reserved

3 Byte0 Flags6: Reserved

Byte1 Flags7: Bit Symbol Definition

B0-B3 -- Reserved

B4 GLDPUFLG Ground long delay has picked up

B5 PSDPUFLG Phase short delay has picked up

B6 GSDPUFLG Ground short delay has picked up

B7 -- Reserved

Byte2 Flags8: Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 211-3

Page 124: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip MV

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 6

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Slope, 0="IT", 1="I2T", 2="I4T", 3="FLAT"

Byte1 Phase Long Delay Pickup

0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30"

3="0.35" 4="0.40" 5="0.45"

6="0.50" 7="0.55" 8="0.60"

9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90"

F="0.95" 10="1.00" 11="1.10"

12="1.20" 13="1.30" 14="1.40"

15="1.50" 16="1.60" 17="1.70"

18="1.80" 19="1.90" 1A="2.00"

1B="2.10" 1C="2.20"

Byte2 Phase Long Delay Time Values – for IT, I2T, & I4T curves:

0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35" 4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55" 8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75" C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95" 10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75" 14="2.00" 15="2.25" 16="2.50" 17="2.75" 18="3.00" 19="3.50" 1A="4.00" 1B="4.50" 1C="5.00" 1D="5.50" 1E="6.00" 1F="6.50" 20="7.00" 21="7.50" 22="8.00" 23="8.50" 24="9.00" 25="10.0" 26="12.5" 27="15.0" 28="17.5" 29="20.0" 2A="22.5" 2B="25.0" 2C="27.5" 2D="30.0" 2E="35.0" 2F="40.0"

Phase Long Delay Time Values – for Flat curves: 0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35" 4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55" 8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75" C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95" 10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75" 14="2.00"

211-4 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 125: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip MV

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 3 Byte0 Phase Short Delay Pickup Values

0="1.00" 1="1.25" 2="1.50"

3="1.75" 4="2.00" 5="2.25"

6="2.50" 7="2.75" 8="3.00"

9="3.50" A="4.00" B="4.50"

C="5.00" D="5.50" E="6.00"

F="6.50" 10="7.00" 11="7.50"

12="8.00" 13="8.50" 14="9.00"

15="9.50" 16="10.0" 17="11.0"


Byte1 Phase Short Delay Time

0="0.05" 1="0.10" 2="0.15"

3="0.20" 4="0.25" 5="0.30"

6="0.35" 7="0.40" 8="0.45"

9="0.50" A="0.55" B="0.60"

C="0.65" D="0.70" E="0.75"

F="0.80" 10="0.85" 11="0.90"

12="0.95" 13="1.00" 14="1.25"


Byte2 Phase Instantaneous Trip Values

0="1.00" 1="1.25" 2="1.50"

3="1.75" 4="2.00" 5="2.25"

6="2.50" 7="2.75" 8="3.00"

9="3.50" A="4.00" B="4.50"

C="5.00" D="5.50" E="6.00"

F="6.50" 10="7.00" 11="7.50"

12="8.00" 13="8.50" 14="9.00"

15="9.50" 16="10.0" 17="12.5"

18="15.0" 19="17.5" 1A="20.0"

1B="22.5" 1C="25.0" 1D="None"

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 211-5

Page 126: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip MV

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 4 Byte0 Phase Discriminator (0=off, 1=on)

Byte1 Ground Long Delay Pickup Values

0=".100" 1=".125" 2=".150"

3=".175" 4=".200" 5=".225"

6=".250" 7=".275" 8=".300"

9=".350" A=".400" B=".450"

C=".500" D=".550" E=".600"

F=".650" 10=".700" 11=".750"

12=".800" 13=".850" 14=".900"

15=".950" 16="1.00" 17="1.25"

18="1.50" 19="1.75" 1A="2.00"


Byte2 Ground Long Delay Time Values – for IT, I2T, and I4T curves 0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35" 4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55" 8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75" C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95" 10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75" 14="2.00" 15="2.25" 16="2.50" 17="2.75" 18="3.00" 19="3.50" 1A="4.00" 1B="4.50" 1C="5.00" 1D="5.50" 1E="6.00" 1F="6.50" 20="7.00" 21="7.50" 22="8.00" 23="8.50" 24="9.00" 25="10.0" 26="12.5" 27="15.0" 28="17.5" 29="20.0" 2A="22.5" 2B="25.0" 2C="27.5" 2D="30.0" 2E="35.0" 2F="40.0"

Ground Long Delay Time Values – for Flat curves 0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35" 4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55" 8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75" C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95" 10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75" 14="2.00"

211-6 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 127: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip MV

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 5 Byte0 Ground Short Delay Pickup Values

0=".100" 1=".125" 2=".150"

3=".175" 4=".200" 5=".225"

6=".250" 7=".275" 8=".300"

9=".350" A=".400" B=".450"

C=".500" D=".550" E=".600"

F=".650" 10=".700" 11=".750"

12=".800" 13=".850" 14=".900"

15=".950" 16="1.00" 17="1.25"

18="1.50" 19="1.75" 1A="2.00"

1B="2.25" 1C="2.50" 1D="2.75"

1E="3.00" 1F="3.50" 20="4.00"

21="4.50" 22="5.00" 23="5.50"

24="6.00" 25="6.50" 26="7.00"

27="7.50" 28="8.00" 29="8.50"

2A="9.00" 2B="9.50" 2C="10.0"

2D="11.0" 2E="NONE"

Byte1 Ground Short Delay Time Values

0="0.05" 1="0.10" 2="0.15"

3="0.20" 4="0.25" 5="0.30"

6="0.35" 7="0.40" 8="0.45"

9="0.50" A="0.55" B="0.60"

C="0.65" D="0.70" E="0.75"

F="0.80" 10="0.85" 11="0.90"

12="0.95" 13="1.00" 14="1.25"


INCOM System Communications, June 2004 211-7

Page 128: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip MV

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 5 Byte2 Ground Instantaneous Settings for display

0="0.50" 1="0.55" 2="0.60"

3="0.65" 4="0.70" 5="0.75"

6="0.80" 7="0.85" 8="0.90"

9="0.95" A="1.00" B="1.25"

C="1.50" D="1.75" E="2.00"

F="2.25" 10="2.50" 11="2.75"

12="3.00" 13="3.50" 14="4.00"

15="4.50" 16="5.00" 17="5.50"

18="6.00" 19="6.50" 1A="7.00"

1B="7.50" 1C="8.00" 1D="8.50"

1E="9.00" 1F="9.50" 20="10.0"

21="11.0" 22="NONE"

211-8 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 129: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip MV

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 6 Byte0 Highload Time Values

0="0SEC" 1="5SEC" 2="10 S" 3="30S" 4="1MIN" 5="2MIN" 6="5MIN"

Byte1 Frequency (0=60Hz, 1=50Hz)

Byte2 CT Dip Switch setting for the CT ratio (1=on, 0=off)

S5..S1 Phase CT Ratio 00000 50

00001 75

11111 100

11110 150

11101 200

11100 250

11011 300

11010 400

11001 500

11000 600

00010 630

10111 800

10110 1000

10101 1200

00011 1250

10100 1500

10011 1600

10010 2000

01101 2400

10001 2500

10000 3000

01111 3200

01110 4000

S7 S6 Ground CT Ratio 00 400

01 100

10 50

11 Same as phase

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 211-9

Page 130: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip MV

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 Flags4: Bit Symbol Definition

B0-B2 Reserved

B3 DWN_EN_FLG 1=Download Setpoints enabled

0=Download Setpoints disabled

B4-B6 Reserved

B7 Auto_reset_flg 1=Dip switch is set for auto reset

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

211-10 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 131: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip MV

TIME-STAMPED TRIP DATA Buffer Description (3 C B)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 16

Byte1 TRIP DATA Buffer number = 1

Byte2 Number of unread Trip Data Buffers = 0

2 Byte0 Trip Time Offset Trip Time Offset in

Byte1 Trip Time Offset seconds = 256*BYTE2

Byte2 Trip Time Offset +BYTE1. BYTE0/256

3 Buffers Supported Map (Byte0=29H, Byte1=0, Byte2=1)

4 Phase A Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

5 Phase B Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

6 Phase C Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

7 Ground Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

8 Flags Buffer (Refer to Flags Buffer description.)

9 Flags Buffer

10 Flags Buffer

11 Setpoints Buffer (Refer to Setpoints Buffer description.)

12 Setpoints Buffer

13 Setpoints Buffer

14 Setpoints Buffer

15 Setpoints Buffer

16 Setpoints Buffer

17 Setpoints Buffer

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 211-11

Page 132: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip MV

SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0)

Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Definition 0 0 1 Reset Alarm

0 0 2 Reset Trip

0 0 20h Reset Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer

0 1 1 Reset (peak) Demand Currents

1 0 0 Open Circuit Breaker

1 0 1 Close Circuit Breaker

211-12 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 133: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip MV

Download Setpoints Description (3 F 9) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 7

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

2 Byte0 Slope Setting

Byte1 Phase Long Delay Pickup

Byte2 Phase Long Delay Time

3 Byte0 Phase Short Delay Pickup

Byte1 Phase Short Delay Time

Byte2 Phase Instantaneous Time Values

4 Byte0 Phase Discriminator (0=off, 1=on)

Byte1 Ground Long Delay Pickup Values

Byte2 Ground Long Delay Time

5 Byte0 Ground Short Delay Pickup Values

Byte1 Ground Short Delay Time Values

Byte2 Ground Instantaneous Settings for display

6 Byte0 Highload Time Values

Byte1 Frequency (0=60Hz, 1=50Hz)

Byte2 Reserved = 0

7 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

8 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 7 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 7 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

Note: The Digitrip MV will respond with an ACK message after each setpoint message it receives.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 211-13

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip MV

211-14 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

CHANGE RECORD Revision Date Changes

1.00 6/28/02 Taken from IL 17384 Revision 3.10 (June 2002) Part C; made into separate document for inclusion in Revision 3.20.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code =4

Product ID: 40 – Domestic Digitrip 1150 Trip Units

41 – International Digitrip 1150 Trip Units

Comm Version: 0 – Initial Product Version

1 – Modified Voltage Setpoints/Add MV Functions

For Comm Version 0:

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7-S6 0 0 Open

0 1 Closed

1 0 Tripped

1 1 Alarm (Long delay pickup)

S5 1 = Opened via INCOM or accessory bus

S4 1 = Status and Reason Buffer changed since last Fast Status

S3 1 = Waveform/Event Summary changed since last read

S2 1 = TRIP Bar in trip position

S1 1 = Setpoints change occurred (cleared by Slave Action)

S0 1 = Alarm(s) active

For Comm Version 1:

Status Bits:

Bit Definition

S7-S6 0 0 Open

0 1 Closed

1 0 Tripped

1 1 Alarm (Long delay pickup)

S5 1 = Opened via INCOM or Accessory Bus

S4 0 [Not supported. See (3 0 1) command for status/reason buffer change.]

S3 1 = Waveform/Event Summary changed since last read

S2 1 = TRIP Bar in trip position

S1 1 = Setpoints change occurred (cleared by Slave Action)

S0 1 = Alarm(s) active

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Supported Commands – Continued Reference Section

(3 0 0) Fast Status (Comm Version 0) Part A, 5.2.3

(3 0 0) Fast Status (Comm Version 1) Part A, 5.2.3

(3 0 1) Plug and Play Extended Status/Reason Buffer This section (Comm Ver 1 only)

(3 0 2) Status/Cause-of-Status Buffer (Comm Ver 0 only) Part A, 5.2.4

(3 0 x) Supported commands varies with trip unit type [See (3 0 F), N = 000000.] Part A, 5.2.17

(3 0 F) Transmit Expanded Buffer Part A, 5.2.17

N=000000 Supported Standard Buffer List Part A, 5.2.17, this section

N=0003E8 Standard ASCII Device ID This section

(3 A 4) Transmit INCOM Slave Interface Statistics Part A,

(3 A 5) Transmit Product-Specific Statistics Buffer Part A,

(3 A 8) Transmit Trip Unit Log Change Notification This section (Comm Version 1 only)

(3 C 9) Transmit Trip Unit Setpoints Buffer Part A, 5.2.20, this section

(3 C E) Transmit Trip Unit Specific Data Buffer This section

(3 C F) Transmit Waveform/Event Data Buffer This section

(3 D 0) Slave Action Part A,, 5.3.7, this section

(3 D 8) Receive Current Date and Time Part A,

(3 D 9) Receive INCOM Address Part A,

(3 F 9) Receive Setpoints Part A,, this section

(3 F A) Enter Self-Test Mode This section

(3 F B) Download Waveform Buffer Request This section

(D 0 0) Broadcast Snapshot Energy Buffer Part A, 5.2.27

(D 0 1) Broadcast Reset Demand Window Request Part A, 5.2.27

(D E 2) Broadcast Waveform Capture Part A, 5.2.27

(D E 3) Broadcast RTC (Real-Time Clock) Part A, 5.2.27

(D F F) Transmit INCOM Address and Baud Rate This section

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Plug and Play Extended Status and Reason Buffer (3 0 1) (Comm Ver 1)

Message 1: Follows standard Fast Status format (3 0 0)

Division Code = 4

Product ID: 40 – Domestic Trip Units

41 – International Trip Units

Comm Version: 1

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7 S6 0 0 Normal Open

0 1 Normal Closed

1 0 Abnormal Open (Tripped)

1 1 Abnormal Closed (Alarmed)

S5 Reserved = 0

S4 Set when the (3 A 8) Plug and Play Data Buffer has changed.

Cleared after the (3 A 8) buffer has been read.

S3 Reserved = 0

S2 Reserved = 0

S1 Reserved = 0

S0 Reserved = 0

S4 bit – This bit is set to indicate a new data buffer is available via the (3 A 8) command.

Message Byte Description

2 Byte0,1 Bit Definition (See definition below.)

B0-B10 Reason Code B11-B15 Secondary Status Code

Byte2 B0-B7 Primary Status Code


B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Secondary Status Code Reason Code

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Plug and Play Extended Status and Reason Buffer (3 0 1) (Comm Ver 1) – Continued

Table 1: Primary Status Codes

Primary Status Code

Short Description

Long Description

0 ? Status of the device is unknown

1 OPEN Device or breaker is normal open.

2 CLOSED Device or breaker is normal closed.

3 TRIP Device is tripped.

4 ALARM Device is in a device-declared alarm condition.

13 PICKUP Device is in pickup.

Table 2: Secondary Status Codes

Secondary Status Code

Short Description

Long Description

0 ? Secondary Status of the device is unknown.

1 Secondary Status is not applicable.

3 TEST Device is in test mode.

7 PWRUP Device has powered up.

8 Alarm Device is in alarm.

Table 3: Reason Codes

Reason Code

Faceplate Long Description

0 ?

1 Normal

3 Instantaneous

7 Time Inverse Long Delay

9 Time Inverse Neutral

11 Over Voltage

12 Under Voltage

15 Under Frequency

16 Over Frequency

17 Amperes Out of Balance

18 Voltage Out of Balance

19 Low Power Factor

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Reason Code

Faceplate Long Description

26 Power Demand

27 VA Demand

30 Total Harmonic Distortion

31 Operations Count

33 Open By Comm

39 RAM Error

43 EEROM Error

46 Watchdog

61 Long Delay

62 Short Delay

63 Discriminator

64 Bad / Missing Rating Plug

65 Reverse Power

66 Override

67 Reverse Phase

68 Phase Rotation

69 Phase Current Loss

71 Alarm Active

72 Bad Frame

73 High Load

74 Lockout

75 Making Current Release

76 High Instantaneous

77 Setpoints Error

78 Over-temperature

79 Accessory Bus

80 Neutral

82 Historical Data

84 Ground Fault

85 Earth Fault

138 Trip Blocked

146 Frequency Out Of Bounds

148 Check Auxiliary Switch

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Transmit Standard Status/Cause-of-Status Buffer (3 0 2) (Comm Ver 0) Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 Cause of Status Code

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Bit Definition

B0-B3 Primary Status Code

B4-B7 Secondary Status Code

Table 4: Digitrip Cause of Status Codes

Status Code Short Description

Long Description

0 – Status of the device is unknown.

1 OPEN Device or breaker is open.

2 CLOSED Device or breaker is closed.

3 TRIP Device is tripped (protective).

4 ALARM Device is in a device-declared alarm condition.

Table 5: Secondary Status Codes

Status Code Short Description

Long Description

0 -- Secondary Status of the device is unknown.

1 -- Secondary Status is not applicable.

2 PROGRAM Device is in program mode.

3 PWRUP Device has powered-up.

4 -- Reserved for future use.

… …

… …

15 -- Reserved for future use.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Transmit Standard Status/Cause-of-Status Buffer (3 0 2) (Comm Ver 0) – Continued

Table 6: Reason Codes

Cause of Status Code

Short Description

Long Description

0 -- Cause of Status is unknown.

1 NORM Device is in Normal operating mode.

2 EXTT External trip – Device trip status was caused by a command sent over INCOM.

3 LDPU Device is in Long Delay pickup (timing out to a trip).

4 LDT Long Delay Trip

5 SDT Short Delay Trip

6 INST Instantaneous Trip

7 DISC Discriminator Trip

8 GNDT Ground Trip

9 PLUG Invalid Plug – Device has tripped due to a bad or missing rating plug.

10 NPOW Negative Power – Device is running with reverse (negative) power.

11 ORID Override Trip

12 TEST Device is in Test Trip mode.

13 RAM Device has a RAM failure.

14 ROM Device has a ROM failure.

15 OV Over Voltage

16 UV Under Voltage

17 PUBL Phase Unbalance

18 PLOS Phase Loss

19 PREV Reverse Phase

20 RSEQ Reverse Sequence

21 OFRQ Over Frequency

22 UFRQ Under Frequency

23 NEUT Neutral

24 L-PI Phase Current Loss

25 L-PV Phase Voltage Loss

26 ACT Alarm Active

27 BAD Bad Frame

28 HL High Load

29 LOCKOUT Lockout

30 POWERUP Powered-up

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Cause of Status Code

Short Description

Long Description

31 MCR Making Current Release

32 HI INST High Instantaneous

33 SETMIS Setpoints Mismatch

34 SETXFER Setpoints Transfer Failure

35 OTEMP Over Temperature

36 IG Ground Current

37 FAILURE Failure

38 ACCBUS Accessory Bus

39 THD THD (total harmonic distortion)

40 PF Power Factor

41 KWDMD kW Demand

42 KVADMD kVA Demand

43 OPCOUNT Operations Count

44 HISTORY Historical (i.e. the device has tripped and been successfully reclosed.)

45 -- Reserved

… …

… …

255 -- Reserved

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-9

Transmit Supported Standard Buffer List (3 0 F) N=000000 The list will vary with trip unit type.

Digitrip 1150 Standard Buffer List (Comm Ver 0) The list may vary depending on communications version.

Message Byte Name Description 1 Byte0 0BH Number of additional data messages = 11

Byte1 6DH (3 0 6), (3 0 5), (3 0 3), (3 0 2), (3 0 0) See Note 1.

Byte2 8FH (3 0 F), (3 0 B), (3 0 A), (3 0 9), (3 0 8)

2 000000H (N=000000) Standard Buffer List

3 000003H (N=000003) Currents Buffer (See Note 2.)

4 000006H (N=000006) Power Buffer (See Note 3.)

5 00000BH (N=00000B) Demand and Peak Demand Currents

6 00000CH (N=00000C) Peak Demand Power Buffer (See Note 4.)

7 000019H (N=000019) Transmit Min/Max Currents Buffer

8 000029H (N=000029) Transmit Trip Unit Energy Buffer

9 00002AH (N=00002A) Transmit Trip Unit Current THD Buffer

10 00002BH (N=00002B) Transmit Trip Unit Current Crest Factor Buffer

11 00002CH (N=00002C) Transmit Trip Unit Min/Max Power Factor Buffer

12 0003E8H (N=0003A8) Transmit ASCII Device ID, example “1150 G03”

Note 1: (3 0 5) Current IX is always Ground Current.

Note 2: (3 0 F) N=000003: Average Phase Current is not supported.

Note 3: (3 0 F) N=000006: PF displacement, K-Factor, and THD Factor are not supported.

Note 4: (3 0 F) N=00000C Demand vars, Peak Demand vars, Peak Demand VA are not supported. End Time of Last Demand Window is not supported.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Digitrip 1150 Standard Buffer List (Comm Version 1) The list may vary depending on the communications version.

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 0BH Number of additional data messages = 11

Byte1 6BH (3 0 6), (3 0 5), (3 0 3), (3 0 1), (3 0 0) (See Note 1.)

Byte2 8FH (3 0 F) (3 0 B) (3 0 A) (3 0 9) (3 0 8)

2 000000H (N=000000) Standard Buffer List

3 000003H (N=000003) Currents Buffer (See Note 2.)

4 000006H (N=000006) Power Buffer (See Note 3.)

5 00000BH (N=00000B) Demand and Peak Demand Currents

6 00000CH (N=00000C) Peak Demand Power Buffer (See Note 4.)

7 000019H (N=000019) Transmit Min/Max Currents Buffer

8 000029H (N=000029) Transmit Trip Unit Energy Buffer

9 00002AH (N=00002A) Transmit Trip Unit Current THD Buffer

10 00002BH (N=00002B) Transmit Trip Unit Current Crest Factor Buffer

11 00002CH (N=00002C) Transmit Trip Unit Min/Max Power Factor Buffer

12 0003E8H (N=0003E8) Transmit ASCII Device ID, example “1150 G03”

Note 1: (3 0 5) Current IX is always Ground current.

Note 2: (3 0 F) N=000003 Average Phase Current is not supported.

Note 3: (3 0 F) N=000006 PF displacement, K-Factor, and THD Factor are not supported.

Note 4: (3 0 F) N=00000C Demand vars, Peak Demand vars, Peak Demand VA are not supported. End Time of Last Demand Window is not supported.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Transmit Trip Unit Energy Buffer (3 0 F) N=000029 Message Byte Description Unit Format 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 6

Byte1 Engineering Units power of 10

3=K units, 6=M units

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 watt-hours (fwd) byte0 xxwh 32-bit unsigned integer

Byte1 watt-hours (fwd) byte1

Byte2 watt-hours (fwd) byte2

3 Byte0 watt-hours (fwd) byte3

Byte1 watt-hours (rev) byte0 xxwh 32-bit unsigned integer

Byte2 watt-hours (rev) byte1

4 Byte0 watt-hours (rev) byte2

Byte1 watt-hours (rev) byte3

Byte2 VA-hours byte0 xxvah 32-bit unsigned integer

5 Byte0 VA-hours byte1

Byte1 VA-hours byte2

Byte2 VA-hours byte3

6 Byte0 Time last reset – Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte1 Time last reset – Minute (0-59)

Byte2 Time last reset – Second (0-59)

7 Byte0 Date last reset – Month (1-12)

Byte1 Date last reset – Day (1-31)

Byte2 Date last reset – Year (0-99)

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-12 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Transmit Trip Unit Current Total Harmonic Distortion Buffer (3 0 F) N=00002A

Message Byte Description Unit Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 5

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 % THD – phase A current % IMPACC 24-Bit Float

3 % THD – phase B current % IMPACC 24-Bit Float

4 % THD – phase C current % IMPACC 24-Bit Float

5 % THD – neutral current % IMPACC 24-Bit Float

6 Reserved

Note: Command should be sent approximately 4 seconds after the Slave Action Waveform Capture request (command message 3 D 0, data message 3 0 1) to allow slave unit to complete harmonic calculations.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Transmit Trip Unit Current Crest Factor Buffer (3 0 F) N=00002B Message Byte Description Unit Format

1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 5

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Crest Factor – phase A current % IMPACC 24-Bit Float

3 Crest Factor – phase B current % IMPACC 24-Bit Float

4 Crest Factor – phase C current % IMPACC 24-Bit Float

5 Crest Factor – neutral current % IMPACC 24-Bit Float

6 Reserved

Note: Command should be sent approximately 4 seconds after the Slave Action Waveform Capture request (command message 3 D 0, data message 3 0 1) to allow slave unit to complete harmonic calculations.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-14 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Transmit Trip Unit Current Min/Max Power Factor Buffer (3 0 F) N=00002C Message Byte Description Format

1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 8

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Minimum – system PF (apparent) IMPACC 24-Bit Float

3 Time

4 Date

5 Maximum – system PF (apparent) IMPACC 24-Bit Float

6 Time

7 Date

8 Time last reset

9 Date last reset

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-15

Transmit Standard ASCII Device ID (3 0 F) N=0003E8 (Comm Version 0)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 "1" (ASCII character)

Byte2 "1" (ASCII character)

2 Byte0 "5" (ASCII character)

Byte1 "0" (ASCII character)

Byte2 " " (ASCII character)

3 Byte0 "G" (ASCII character)

Byte1 "O" (ASCII character)

Byte2 "3" (ASCII character)

Transmit Standard ASCII Device ID (3 0 F) N=0003E8 (Comm Version 1)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 "1" (ASCII character)

Byte2 "1" (ASCII character)

2 Byte0 "5" (ASCII character)

Byte1 "0" (ASCII character)

Byte2 "L" (ASCII character)

3 Byte0 "S" (ASCII character)

Byte1 "I" (ASCII character)

Byte2 " " (ASCII character)

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-16 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Transmit Log Change Notification (3 A 8) (Comm Version 1) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of Additional Data Messages = 2

Byte 1 Plug n' Play Version = 0

Byte 2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 Plug-and-Play Support Notification Flags

Bit Definition B0 Support for Plug-and-Play Powered-Up Indication

B1 Support for Plug-and-Play Waveform Logging

B2 Support for Plug-and-Play Event Logging

B3 Support for Plug-and-Play Data Logging

B4 Support for Plug-and-Play Trip Data Logging

B5 Support for Plug-and-Play Trend Data Logging

B6 Support for Plug-and-Play Setpoints Buffer Upload

B7 Support for Plug-and-Play Setpoints Buffer Download

Byte1 Plug-and-Play Support Notification

Bit Definition

B0-B7 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Plug-and-Play Support Notification

B0-B7 Reserved = 0

3 Byte0 Change Notification Flags

Bit Definition B0 Device has been powered-up since last reset.

B1 Waveform Log Summary has changed since last read.

B2 Event Log Summary has changed since last read.

B3 Data Log Summary has changed since last read.

B4 Trip Log Summary has changed since last read.

B5 Trend Data Log Summary has changed since last read.

B6 Setpoints Buffer has changed since last read.

B7 Setpoints Buffer has changed since last read.

Byte1 Change Notification

B0-7: Reserved = 0

Byte2 Change Notification

B0-7: Reserved = 0

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Note: The 1150 provides support for notification flags B0, B1, B4, B6, and B7 only. Bit B0 in Message 3 – Powered up since last (3 A 8) – is cleared by the associated Slave Action command.

The other bit change notification flags should only be cleared after the summary buffer is read.

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 61

Byte1 Protection Firmware Revision (Protection Microprocessor)

Byte2 Protection Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Display Firmware Revision (Display Microprocessor)

Byte1 Display Firmware Version

Byte2 Reserved = 0

3 Byte0 M08 M07 M06 M05 M04 M03 M02 M01

Byte1 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M09

Byte2 M24 M23 M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17

4 Byte0 M32 M31 M30 M29 M28 M27 M26 M25

Byte1 M40 M39 M38 M37 M36 M35 M34 M33

Byte2 M48 M47 M46 M45 M44 M43 M42 M41

5 Byte0 M56 M55 M54 M53 M52 M51 M50 M49

Byte1 0 0 0 M61 M60 M59 M58 M57

Byte2 Setpoints change counter Range 0 to 255 (rolls over at 255)

Note 1: Mx = 1 means that the function associated with the x’th Message is supported, else it is not supported.

6 Byte0 In (Rating) – low byte

Byte1 In (Rating) – high byte

Byte2 Ir mantissa

7 Byte0 Ir mantissa minimum

Byte1 Ir mantissa maximum

Byte2 Ir mantissa step size

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

8 Byte0 Ir exponent

Ir setting (amps) = In * Ir mantissa * (10** Ir exponent)

Byte1 Long Delay Slope

Value Definition

02H I2T

04H I4T

14H IEEE Moderate Inverse Valid for Product ID =40

15H IEEE Very Inverse Valid for Product ID =40

16H IEEE Extremely Inverse Valid for Product ID =40

27H IECA (Normal Inverse) Valid for Product ID =41

28H IECB (Very Inverse) Valid for Product ID =41

29H IECC (Extremely Inverse) Valid for Product ID =41

Byte2 Long Delay action 0= OFF, 1=TRIP, 2= OFF (not changeable),

3= TRIP (not changeable), 4= n/a

9 Byte0 LDT mantissa Valid only for LD Slope = I2T or I4T

Byte1 I2T mantissa minimum

Byte2 I2T mantissa maximum

10 Byte0 I4T mantissa minimum

Byte1 I4T mantissa maximum

Byte2 LDT mantissa step size

11 Byte0 LDT exponent

Long Delay Time (in seconds) =

LDT mantissa * (10**LDT exponent)

Byte1 TIME DIAL mantissa Valid only for LD Slope = IEEE or IEC type

Byte2 TIME DIAL mantissa Minimum for Normal/ Moderately Inverse LD Slopes

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

12 Byte0 TIME DIAL mantissa minimum for Very Inverse LD Slopes

Byte1 TIME DIAL mantissa minimum for Extremely Inverse LD Slopes

Byte2 TIME DIAL mantissa maximum for LD Slope = IEEE or IEC type

13 Byte0 TIME DIAL mantissa step size

Byte1 TIME DIAL exponent

Byte2 Reserved

TIME DIAL setting =

TIME DIAL mantissa * (10**TIME DIAL exponent)

14 Byte0 SDPU mantissa

Byte1 SDPU mantissa minimum

Byte2 SDPU mantissa maximum

15 Byte0 SDPU mantissa step

Byte1 SDPU exponent

Byte2 Short Delay action 0= Off , 1= Trip, 2= Off (not changeable),3= Trip (not changeable), 4= n/a

Note: SDPU mantissa value equal to zero identifies the M1 setting.

If SDPU mantissa is non-zero then

Short Delay Pickup (in amps) =

Ir * SDPU mantissa * (10**SDPU exponent)


Short Delay Pickup (in amps) =

In * SDPU mantissa maximum * (10**SDPU exponent)

16 Byte0 SDT mantissa

Byte1 SDT mantissa minimum

Byte2 SDT mantissa maximum

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

17 Byte0 SDT mantissa step size

Byte1 SDT exponent

Short Delay Time (in seconds) =

SDT mantissa * (10**SDT exponent)

Byte2 SDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2 = I2T

Note: SDT slope can be set to I2T only if LD slope is set to I2T.

SDT slope must be set to FLAT if LD Slope = IEEE or IEC type.

18 Byte0 INSTPU mantissa

Byte1 INSTPU mantissa minimum

Byte2 INSTPU mantissa maximum

19 Byte0 INSTPU mantissa step size

Byte1 INSTPU exponent

Instantaneous Pickup (in amps) =

In * INSTPU mantissa * (10**INSTPU exponent)

Byte2 Instantaneous action 0= Off , 1= Trip, 2= Off (not

changeable),3= Trip (not changeable), 4= n/a

20 Byte0 GDPU mantissa Note: The GDPU mantissa upper

Byte1 GDPU mantissa minimum limit is determined by Ext Ground

Byte2 GDPU mantissa maximum Scale Factor and Ground Current

Source setpoints (See Message 24).

21 Byte0 GDPU mantissa step size Note: See Message 24 for definition

Byte1 GDPU exponent for Ground per unit value.

Ground Fault Pickup (in amps) =

Ground per unit value * GDPU mantissa * (10**GDPU exponent)

Byte2 Ground Delay trip action 0= Off , 1= Trip, 2= Off (not changeable), 3= Trip (not changeable), 4= n/a

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Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

22 Byte0 GDT mantissa Byte1 GDT mantissa minimum Byte2 GDT mantissa maximum

23 Byte0 GDT mantissa step size

Byte1 GDT exponent

Byte2 GDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2 = I2T

Ground Delay Time (seconds) =

GDT mantissa * (10**GDT exponent)

24 Byte0 Ext Ground Scale Factor Values: 0 = OFF, 1, 10, 20, 40, 80, 100

Byte1 Ground Current Sensing 0 = Residual, 1 = External Source CT

Byte2 Reserved = 0

These two setpoints determine two intermediate terms that are used to calculate the Ground Fault Pickup and Ground Alarm Pickup. The Ground per unit value and GDPU mantissa upper limit are defined as follows:

If Ext Ground Scale Factor is set to 0 AND

the Ground Current Source is set to 1, then

Ground per unit value = In and

GDPU mantissa upper limit = GDPU mantissa maximum.

If the Ground Current Source is set to 0, then

Ground per unit value = In and

GDPU mantissa upper limit = GDPU mantissa maximum.


Ground per unit value = Ext Ground Scale Factor * 10 and

GDPU mantissa upper limit = 100.

25 Byte0 Neutral Ratio Values = 50 (50%), 100 (100%)

Byte1 4th Pole/Neutral protection action 0=OFF, 1=Enabled, Byte2 Reserved = 0 2=OFF (not changeable),

3=Enabled (not changeable), 4= n/a

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Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

26 Byte0 Neutral alarm setting Range: 10 to 100, 0 = OFF; step=5

Neutral Alarm Pickup (in amps) =

In * (Neutral alarm setting / 100)

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

27 Byte0 Ground alarm setting Range: 10 to GDPU mantissa upper limit, 0 = OFF; step=1 (See Message 24.); Ground Alarm Pickup (in amps) =

Ground per unit value * Ground alarm setting/100.

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

28 Byte0 Power Factor Alarm setting Range: 50 to 95, 0 = OFF; step=5.

Power Factor Alarm Pickup = Power Factor Alarm setting/100.

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

29 Byte0 HLPU mantissa Range: 50 to 100, 0 = OFF; step = 5

Byte1 HLPU exponent

Byte2 High load time Range: 1– 60 seconds; step = 1

High Load Alarm Pickup (in amps) =

Ir * HLPU mantissa * (10**HLPU exponent)

30 Byte0 Thermal memory 0 = OFF, 1=ON

Note: Thermal memory must be set to OFF if

LD Slope = IEEE or IEC type.

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

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Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

31 Byte0 Phase Loss Trip Time Range: 1,2,3…30 seconds, 0 = OFF

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

32 Byte0 Frequency 0=60Hz, 1=50Hz

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

33 Byte0 Auto-waveform Interval Range: 1, 5, and 10 minutes; 0 = OFF

Note: Auto waveform interval must not be set to OFF if the

THD Alarm Setpoint is enabled. (See Message 48, Byte0.)

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

34 Byte0 Amp out of balance time Range: 0,1,2…240 seconds

Byte1 Amp out of balance trip Range: 0=OFF, 5,6,7…25%

Byte2 Reserved = 0

35 Byte0 Operations Alarm – LSB Range: 1, 2,…, 12500

Byte1 Operations Alarm – MSB 0 = OFF

Byte2 Reserved = 0

36 Byte0 Reverse Power Trip action 0 = OFF, 1 = TRIP

Byte1 Reverse Power Trip time Range: 1,2…30 seconds; step = 1

Byte2 Reserved = 0

37 Byte0 Under voltage alarm setting – LSB Range: 90-725 volts, 0=Off

Byte1 Under voltage alarm setting – MSB Step = 5

Byte2 Under voltage alarm time Range: 1,2…30 seconds; step = 1

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212-24 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

38 Byte0 Over voltage alarm setting – LSB Range: 160-725 volts, 0=Off

Byte1 Over voltage alarm setting – MSB Step = 5

Byte2 Over voltage alarm time Range: 1,2…30 seconds; step = 1

39 Byte0 Under frequency alarm setting – LSB Range: 4800-5200@ 50Hz

Byte1 Under frequency alarm setting – MSB 5800-6200 @ 60Hz

0=Off, Step=10 (0.1Hz)

Under Frequency Alarm Pickup (in Hz) =

Under Frequency alarm setting 100

Byte2 Under frequency alarm time Range: 1,2…30 seconds; step = 1

40 Byte0 Over frequency alarm setting – LSB Range: 4800- 5200@50Hz

Byte1 Over frequency alarm setting – MSB 5800-6200 @ 60Hz

0=Off, Step=10 (0.1Hz)

Over Frequency Alarm Pickup (in Hz) =

Over Frequency alarm setting/100

Byte2 Over frequency alarm time Range: 1,2…30 seconds; step = 1

41 Byte0 Under voltage trip setting – LSB Range: 90-725 volts,

Byte1 Under voltage trip setting – MSB 0=Off, Step = 5

Byte2 Under voltage trip time Range: 1,2…30 seconds; step = 1

42 Byte0 Over voltage trip setting – LSB Range: 160-725 volts

Byte1 Over voltage trip setting – MSB 0=Off, Step = 5

Byte2 Over voltage trip time Range: 1,2…30 seconds; step = 1

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INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-25

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

43 Byte0 Under frequency trip setting – LSB Range: 4800-5200@ 50Hz

Byte1 Under frequency trip setting – MSB 5800-6200 @ 60Hz

0=Off, Step=10 (0.1Hz)

Under Frequency Trip Pickup (in Hz) =

Under Frequency trip setting / 100

Byte2 Under frequency trip time Range: 1,2…30 seconds; step = 1

44 Byte0 Over frequency trip setting – LSB Range: 4,800-5,200@50Hz

Byte1 Over frequency trip setting – MSB 5,800-6,200 @ 60Hz

0=Off, Step=10 (0.1Hz)

Over Frequency Trip Pickup (in Hz) =

Over Frequency trip setting / 100

Byte2 Over frequency trip time Range: 1,2…30 seconds; step = 1

45 Byte0 Reverse Phase Seq. Alarm 0=OFF, 1=ABC, 2=CBA

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

46 Byte0 kVA demand alarm – LSB Range: 0 – 12,500 kVA

Byte1 kVA demand alarm – MSB 0 = OFF, Step = 1

Byte2 Reserved = 0

47 Byte0 kW demand alarm – LSB Range: 0 – 12,500 kW

Byte1 kW demand alarm – MSB 0 = OFF, Step = 1

Byte2 Reserved = 0

48 Byte0 THD Alarm Setpoints Range: 10 to 30

Byte1 Reserved = 0 0 = OFF, Step = 1

Byte2 Reserved = 0

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212-26 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

49 Byte0 Sliding Window Assignment 0=OFF, 1=kVA, 2=kW demand

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

50 Byte0 Pulse Initiation 0 = OFF, 1 = kVAh. 2 = kWh

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

Note: If Pulse Initiation is Active (Byte0 is non-zero), Alarm Relay A Setpoints must be zero.

51 Byte0 Alarm Log Enable 0 = OFF, 1= ON

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

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INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-27

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

52 Byte0 Alarm Relay A Setpoints

Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Long Delay Trip

B1 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Short Delay Trip

B2 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Instantaneous Trip

B3 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Ground Trip

B4 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Ampere Unbalance Trip

B5 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Phase Loss Trip

B6 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Over Temperature Trip

B7 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Plug Trip

Byte1 Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on External Communications Trip

B1 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Accessory Bus Trip

B2 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Under Voltage Trip

B3 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Over Voltage Trip

B4 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Under Frequency Trip

B5 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Over Frequency Trip

B6 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Reverse Power Trip

B7 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Reverse Phase Seq. Alarm

Byte2 Bit Definition B0 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Ground Alarm

B1 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Neutral Amp Alarm

B2 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Long Delay Pick Alarm

B3 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on High Load Alarm

B4 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Operations Count Alarm

B5 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Power Factor Alarm B6 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on THD Alarm

B7 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on kW Demand Alarm

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212-28 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

53 Byte0 Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on kVA Demand Alarm

B1 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Over Frequency Alarm

B2 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Under Frequency Alarm

B3 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Over Voltage Alarm

B4 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Under Voltage Alarm B5-B7 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

54 Byte0 Latch Relay C Setpoints

Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Long Delay Trip

B1 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Short Delay Trip

B2 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Instantaneous Trip

B3 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Ground Trip

B4 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Ampere Unbalance Trip

B5 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Phase Loss Trip

B6 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Over Temperature Trip

B7 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Plug Trip

Byte1 Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Latch Relay C on External Communications Trip

B1 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Accessory Bus Trip

B2 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Under Voltage Trip

B3 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Over Voltage Trip

B4 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Under Frequency Trip

B5 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Over Frequency Trip

B6 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Reverse Power Trip B7 Reserved= 0 Byte2 Reserved = 0

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INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-29

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

55 Byte0 Block Close Relay B Setpoints

Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Block Relay B on Long Delay Trip

B1 1= Activate Block Relay B on Short Delay Trip

B2 1= Activate Block Relay B on Instantaneous Trip

B3 1= Activate Block Relay B on Ground Trip

B4 1= Activate Block Relay B on Ampere Unbalance Trip

B5 1= Activate Block Relay B on Phase Loss Trip

B6 1= Activate Block Relay B on Over-temperature Trip

B7 1= Activate Block Relay B on Plug Trip

Byte1 Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Block Relay B on External Comm Trip

B1 1= Activate Block Relay B on Accessory Bus Trip

B2 1= Activate Block Relay B on Under Voltage Trip

B3 1= Activate Block Relay B on Over Voltage Trip

B4 1= Activate Block Relay B on Under Frequency Trip

B5 1= Activate Block Relay B on Over Frequency Trip

B6 1= Activate Block Relay B on Reverse Power Trip B7 Reserved= 0 Byte2 Reserved = 0

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212-30 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

56 Byte0 Display Options

Bit Definition

B0 Return To Metered Current Display 0=Manual, 1=Auto

B1 1 = IN, IG menu enabled

B2 1 = L-L voltage menu enabled

B3 1 = Power kW menu enabled

B4 1 = Power kVA menu enabled

B5 1 = Power kvar menu enabled

B6 1 = Average kW menu enabled

B7 1 = Demand Maximum kW menu enabled

Byte1 Bit Definition

B0 1 = Average kVA menu enabled

B1 1 = Demand Max kVA menu enabled

B2 1 = Energy kWh

B3 1 = Energy Reverse kWh

B4 1 = kvah menu enabled

B5 1 = PF/Hz menu enabled

B6 1 = Average IA, IB, IC menu enabled

B7 1 = Average IN, IG menu enabled

Byte2 Bit Definition

B0 1 = Maximum RMS IA, IB, IC menu enabled

B1 1 = Maximum RMS IN, IG menu enabled

B2 1 = Minimum RMS IA, IB, IC menu enabled

B3 1 = Minimum RMS IG, IN menu enabled

B4 1 = Min/Max PF menu enabled

B5 1 = Operator Counter menu enabled B6-B7 Reserved = 0

57 Byte0 Frame Identifier

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

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INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-31

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 0) – Continued Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

58 Reserved

59 Reserved

60 Reserved

61 Reserved 62 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 61 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 61 messages) – MSB Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-32 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 61

Byte1 Protection Firmware Revision (Protection Microprocessor)

Byte2 Protection Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Display Firmware Revision (Display Microprocessor)

Byte1 Display Firmware Version

Byte2 Reserved = 0

3 Byte0 M08 M07 M06 M05 M04 M03 M02 M01

Byte1 M16 M15 M14 M13 M12 M11 M10 M09

Byte2 M24 M23 M22 M21 M20 M19 M18 M17

4 Byte0 M32 M31 M30 M29 M28 M27 M26 M25

Byte1 M40 M39 M38 M37 M36 M35 M34 M33

Byte2 M48 M47 M46 M45 M44 M43 M42 M41

5 Byte0 M56 M55 M54 M53 M52 M51 M50 M49

Byte1 0 0 0 M61 M60 M59 M58 M57

Byte2 Setpoints change counter Range 0 to 255 (rolls over at 255)

Note 1: Mx = 1 means that the function associated with the x’th Message is supported, else it is not supported.

6 Byte0 In (Rating) – low byte

Byte1 In (Rating) – high byte

Byte2 Ir mantissa

7 Byte0 Ir mantissa minimum

Byte1 Ir mantissa maximum

Byte2 Ir mantissa step size

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INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-33

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

8 Byte0 Ir exponent

Ir setting (amps) = In * Ir mantissa * (10** Ir exponent)

Byte1 Long Delay Slope

Value Description

02H I2T

04H I4T

14H IEEE Moderate Inverse Valid for Product ID =40

15H IEEE Very Inverse Valid for Product ID =40

16H IEEE Extremely Inverse Valid for Product ID =40

27H IECA (Normal Inverse) Valid for Product ID =41

28H IECB (Very Inverse) Valid for Product ID =41

29H IECC (Extremely Inverse) Valid for Product ID =41

Byte2 Long Delay action 0= OFF, 1=TRIP, 2= OFF (not changeable), 3= TRIP (not changeable), 4= n/a

9 Byte0 LDT mantissa Valid only for LD Slope = I2T or I4T

Byte1 I2T mantissa minimum

Byte2 I2T mantissa maximum

10 Byte0 I4T mantissa minimum

Byte1 I4T mantissa maximum

Byte2 LDT mantissa step size

11 Byte0 LDT exponent

Long Delay Time (in seconds) =

LDT mantissa * (10**LDT exponent)

Byte1 TIME DIAL mantissa Valid only for LD Slope=IEEE or IEC type

Byte2 TIME DIAL mantissa minimum for Normal/Moderately Inverse

LD Slopes

12 Byte0 TIME DIAL mantissa minimum for Very Inverse LD Slopes

Byte1 TIME DIAL mantissa minimum for Extremely Inverse LD Slopes

Byte2 TIME DIAL mantissa maximum for LD Slope = IEEE or IEC type

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-34 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

13 Byte0 TIME DIAL mantissa step size

Byte1 TIME DIAL exponent

Byte2 Reserved

TIME DIAL setting =

TIME DIAL mantissa * (10**TIME DIAL exponent)

14 Byte0 SDPU mantissa

Byte1 SDPU mantissa minimum

Byte2 SDPU mantissa maximum

15 Byte0 SDPU mantissa step

Byte1 SDPU exponent

Byte2 Short Delay action 0= Off , 1= Trip, 2= Off (not changeable),

3= Trip (not changeable), 4= n/a

Note: SDPU mantissa value equal to zero identifies the M1 setting. If SDPU mantissa is non-zero then

Short Delay Pickup (in amps) =

Ir * SDPU mantissa * (10**SDPU exponent).


Short Delay Pickup (in amps) =

In * SDPU mantissa maximum * (10**SDPU exponent).

16 Byte0 SDT mantissa

Byte1 SDT mantissa minimum

Byte2 SDT mantissa maximum

17 Byte0 SDT mantissa step size

Byte1 SDT exponent

Short Delay Time (in seconds) =

SDT mantissa * (10**SDT exponent)

Byte2 SDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2 = I2T

Note: SDT slope can be set to I2T only if LD slope is set to I2T.

SDT slope must be set to FLAT if LD Slope = IEEE or IEC type.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-35

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

18 Byte0 INSTPU mantissa

Byte1 INSTPU mantissa minimum

Byte2 INSTPU mantissa maximum

19 Byte0 INSTPU mantissa step size

Byte1 INSTPU exponent

Instantaneous Pickup (in amps) =

In * INSTPU mantissa * (10**INSTPU exponent).

Byte2 Instantaneous action 0=Off , 1=Trip, 2=Off (not changeable),

3=Trip (not changeable), 4=n/a

20 Byte0 GDPU mantissa Byte1 GDPU mantissa minimum

Byte2 GDPU mantissa maximum

Note: The GDPU mantissa upper limit is determined by Ext Ground Scale Factor and Ground Current Source setpoints (See Message 24.)

21 Byte0 GDPU mantissa step size Note: See Message 24 for definition

Byte1 GDPU exponent of Ground per unit value.

Ground Fault Pickup (in amps) =

Ground per unit value * GDPU mantissa * (10**GDPU exponent)

Byte2 Ground Delay trip action 0=Off, 1=Trip, 2=Off (not changeable), 3=Trip (not changeable), 4= n/a

22 Byte0 GDT mantissa Byte1 GDT mantissa minimum Byte2 GDT mantissa maximum

23 Byte0 GDT mantissa step size

Byte1 GDT exponent

Byte2 GDT slope 0 = FLAT, 2 = I2T

Ground Delay Time (seconds) =

GDT mantissa * (10**GDT exponent)

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-36 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

24 Byte0 Ext Ground Scale Factor Values: 0 = OFF, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 100

Byte1 Ground Current Sensing 0 = Residual, 1 = External Source CT

Byte2 Reserved = 0

These two setpoints determine two intermediate terms that are used to calculate the Ground Fault Pickup and Ground Alarm Pickup.

The Ground per unit value and GDPU mantissa upper limit are defined as follows:

If Ext Ground Scale Factor is set to 0 AND

the Ground Current Source is set to 1, then

Ground per unit value = In and

GDPU mantissa upper limit = GDPU mantissa maximum.

If the Ground Current Source is set to 0 then,

Ground per unit value = In and GDPU mantissa upper limit = GDPU mantissa maximum.


Ground per unit value = Ext Ground Scale Factor * 10 and GDPU mantissa upper limit = 100. (Note: For Ext Ground Scale Factor = 2 ONLY.) Ground per unit value = Ext Ground Scale Factor * 10 * 1.25. This represents a scale factor of 25.

25 Byte0 Neutral Ratio Values = 50 (50%), 100 (100%)

Byte1 4th Pole/Neutral protection action 0=OFF, 1=Enabled, Byte2 Reserved = 0 2=OFF (not changeable),

3= Enabled (not changeable), 4= n/a

26 Byte0 Neutral alarm setting Range: 10 to 100, 0 = OFF; step=5;

Neutral Alarm Pickup (in amps) =

In * (Neutral alarm setting / 100)

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-37

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

27 Byte0 Ground alarm setting Range: 10 to GDPU mantissa upper limit, 0=OFF; step=1. (See Message 24.)

If Unit is an LSIA style, OFF setting is not valid.

Ground Alarm Pickup (in amps) =

Ground per unit value * Ground alarm setting / 100

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

28 Byte0 Power Factor Alarm setting Range: 50 to 95, 0 = OFF; step=5

Power Factor Alarm Pickup = Power Factor Alarm setting/100

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

29 Byte0 HLPU mantissa Range: 50 to 100, 0 = OFF, step = 5

Byte1 HLPU exponent

Byte2 High load time Range: 1– 60 seconds, step = 1

High Load Alarm Pickup (in amps) =

Ir * HLPU mantissa * (10**HLPU exponent)

30 Byte0 Thermal memory 0 = OFF, 1=ON

Note: Thermal memory must be set to OFF if

LD Slope = IEEE or IEC type.

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

31 Byte0 Phase Loss Trip Time Range: 1,2,3…30 seconds, 0 = OFF

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

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212-38 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

32 Byte0 Frequency Values = 50 (50Hz), 60 (60Hz)

Note: The Frequency setpoint is used to program the trip unit to match the system frequency. If this Frequency setting is changed, the Over/Under Frequency Trip and Alarm settings (Shown in messages 39, 40, 43, and 44) that are not set to OFF must also be changed. If the Frequency setting is changed from 50 (50Hz) to 60 (60Hz), any Over/Under Frequency Trip and Alarm setting that is enabled will be changed by adding 1000 to it (5100 becomes 6100). Conversely, if the Frequency setting is changed from 60 (60Hz) to 50 (50Hz), any Over/Under Frequency Trip and Alarm setting that is enabled will be changed by subtracting 1000 from it (6200 becomes 5200).

Byte1 Relay B/C Reset 0 = Manual, 1 = Automatic

Byte2 Voltage Protection 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled

Note: If the Voltage Protection setting is Disabled, the following settings are not active and should be displayed as such:

Under voltage trip/alarm settings and time settings (Message 37, 41);

Over voltage trip/alarm settings and time settings (Message 38, 42);

Under freq trip/alarm settings and time settings (Message 39, 43);

Over freq trip/alarm settings and time settings (Message 40, 44);

Voltage out of balance trip and time settings (Message 45);

Voltage out of balance alarm and time settings (Message 48);

Phase rotation alarm setting (Message 45); and

Reverse Power trip and time settings (Message 57, 58).

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-39

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

33 Byte0 Auto-waveform Interval Range: 1, 5, and 10 minutes, 0 = OFF

Note: Auto waveform interval must not be set to OFF if the THD Alarm Setpoint is enabled. (See Message 48, Byte0.)

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

34 Byte0 Amp out of balance time Range: 0,1,2…240 seconds

Byte1 Amp out of balance trip Range: 0=OFF, 5,6,7…25%

Byte2 Reserved = 0

35 Byte0 Operations Alarm – LSB Range: 1, 2,…, 12500

Byte1 Operations Alarm – MSB 0 = OFF

Byte2 Frame Identifier: 27 = Magnum LV, 28 = Magnum MV

36 Byte0 Secondary Voltage Rating Range: 110 or 120v

Byte1 Primary Voltage Rating – LSB Range: 1000 to 17000v Byte2 Primary Voltage Rating – MSB step = 1volt Note: The preferred format for displaying this parameter is: VT Ratio = Primary Voltage Rating : Secondary Voltage Rating

The Primary Voltage Rating setpoint determines the external voltage transformer and is used to determine the Over/Under Voltage Trip and Alarm settings shown in messages 37, 38, 41, and 42. Since the Over/Under Voltage Trip and Alarm settings are entirely dependent upon the Primary Voltage Rating, any change made only to the Primary Voltage Rating setpoint must result in also turning the Over/Under Voltage Trip and Alarm settings to OFF or 0.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-40 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

37 Byte0 Under voltage alarm setting – LSB

Byte1 Under voltage alarm setting – MSB

Byte2 Under voltage alarm time Range: 1,2…250 seconds; step = 1

For bit M36 of Byte1, Message 4 = to 0 (i.e. low-voltage unit):

Under voltage range: 0 = OFF

Minimum = 90V

Maximum = 670V

1 volt step size

Note: Over Voltage and Under Voltage settings cannot overlap. Therefore, Under Voltage max setting = Over Voltage setting – 10.

Otherwise, for bit M36 of Byte1, Message 4 = to 1 (i.e. medium voltage unit): Under Voltage range: 0 = OFF

Minimum = 45% of Primary Voltage Rating

Maximum = 110% of Primary Voltage Rating

1 volt step size

Note: Over Voltage and Under Voltage settings cannot overlap. Therefore, Under Voltage max setting = Over Voltage setting – 100.

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INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-41

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

38 Byte0 Over Voltage alarm setting – LSB

Byte1 Over Voltage alarm setting – MSB

Byte2 Over Voltage alarm time Range: 1,2…250 seconds; step = 1

For bit M36 of Byte1, Message 4 = to 0 (i.e. low voltage unit):

Over Voltage range: 0 = OFF

minimum = 180V

maximum = 720V

1 volt step size

Note: Over Voltage and Unde Voltage settings cannot overlap. Therefore, Over Voltage min setting = Under Voltage setting + 10.

Otherwise, for bit M36 of Byte1, Message 4 = to 1 (i.e. medium voltage unit): Over Voltage range: 0 = OFF

minimum = 80% of Primary Voltage Rating

maximum = 135% of Primary Voltage Rating

1 volt step size

Note: Over Voltage and Under Voltage settings cannot overlap. Therefore, Over Voltage min setting = Under Voltage setting + 100.

39 Byte0 Under Frequency alarm setting – LSB Range: 4800-5200 @ 50Hz

Byte1 Under Frequency alarm setting – MSB 5800-6200 @ 60Hz 0=Off, Step=10 (0.1Hz)

Under Frequency Alarm Pickup (in Hz) = Under Frequency alarm setting / 100.

Note: Over Frequency and Under Frequency alarm settings cannot overlap. Therefore, Under Frequency max setting = Over Frequency alarm setting – 10.

If Over Frequency alarm setting is 0 or OFF, then the Under Frequency max limit = 5200 @ 50Hz (or 6200 @ 60Hz).

If Over Frequency alarm setting equals 4800@ 50Hz (or 5800 @ 60Hz), then the Under Frequency setting is 0 or OFF.

Byte2 Under Frequency alarm time mantissa Range: 10 – 250, step = 1

Under Frequency alarm time = Under Frequency alarm time

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-42 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

40 Byte0 Over Frequency alarm setting – LSB Range: 4800-5200 @ 50Hz

Byte1 Over Frequency alarm setting – MSB 5800-6200 @ 60Hz 0=Off, Step=10 (0.1Hz)

Over Frequency Alarm Pickup (in Hz) = Over Frequency alarm setting / 100

Note: Over Frequency and Under Frequency alarm settings cannot overlap. Therefore, Over Frequency max setting = Under Frequency alarm setting + 10.

If Under Frequency alarm setting is 0 or OFF, then the Over Frequency min limit = 4800 @ 50Hz (or 5800 @ 60Hz).

If Under Frequency alarm setting equals 5200 @ 50Hz (or 6200 @ 60Hz), then the Over Frequency setting is 0 or OFF.

Byte2 Over Frequency alarm time mantissa Range: 10 – 250, step = 1

Over Frequency alarm time = Over Frequency alarm time mantissa * 0.02

41 Byte0 Under Voltage trip setting – LSB

Byte1 Under Voltage trip setting – MSB

Note: See message 37 for setting range and step size.

Byte2 Under Voltage trip time Range: 1,2…250 seconds; step = 1

42 Byte0 Over Voltage trip setting – LSB

Byte1 Over Voltage trip setting – MSB

Note: See message 38 for setting range and step size.

Byte2 Over Voltage trip time Range: 1,2…250 seconds; step = 1

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-43

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

43 Byte0 Under Frequency trip setting – LSB Range: 4800-5200 @ 50Hz

Byte1 Under Frequency trip setting – MSB 5800-6200 @ 60Hz

0=Off, Step=10 (0.1Hz)

Under Frequency Trip Pickup (in Hz) = Under Frequency trip setting / 100

Note: Over Frequency and Under Frequency trip settings cannot overlap. Therefore, Under Frequency max setting = Over Frequency trip setting – 10.

If Over Frequency trip setting is 0 or OFF, then the Under Frequency max limit = 5200 @ 50Hz (or 6200 @ 60Hz).

If Over Frequency trip setting equals 4800@ 50Hz (or 5800 @ 60Hz), then the Under Frequency setting is 0 or OFF.

Byte2 Under Frequency trip time mantissa Range: 10 – 250, step = 1

Under Frequency trip time = Under Frequency trip time mantissa * 0.02

44 Byte0 Over Frequency trip setting – LSB Range: 4800-5200 @ 50Hz

Byte1 Over Frequency trip setting – MSB 5800-6200 @ 60Hz

0=Off, Step=10 (0.1Hz)

Over Frequency Trip Pickup (in Hz) = Over Frequency trip setting / 100

Note: Over Frequency and Under Frequency trip settings cannot overlap. Therefore, Over Frequency max setting = Under Frequency trip setting + 10.

If Under Frequency trip setting is 0 or OFF, then the Over Frequency min limit = 4800 @ 50Hz (or 5800 @ 60Hz).

If Under Frequency trip setting equals 5200 @ 50Hz (or 6200 @ 60Hz), then the Over Frequency setting is 0 or OFF.

Byte2 Over Frequency trip time mantissa Range: 10 – 250, step = 1

Over Frequency trip time = Over Frequency trip time mantissa * 0.02

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-44 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

45 Byte0 Phase Rotation Alarm 0=OFF, 1=ABC, 2=CBA

Byte1 Voltage out of balance trip time Range: 0,1,2…250 seconds

Byte2 Voltage out of balance trip Range: 0=OFF, 5,6,7…50%

46 Byte0 kVA demand alarm – LSB Range: 0, 1 to 65,500 kVA

Byte1 kVA demand alarm – MSB 0 = OFF, Step = 1

Byte2 Reserved = 0

47 Byte0 kW demand alarm – LSB Range: 0, 1 to 65,500 kW

Byte1 kW demand alarm – MSB 0 = OFF, Step = 1

Byte2 Reserved = 0

48 Byte0 THD Alarm Setpoints Range: 10 to 30 0 = OFF, Step = 1

Byte1 Voltage out of balance alarm time Range: 0,1,2…250 seconds

Byte2 Voltage out of balance alarm Range: 0=OFF, 5,6,7…50%

49 Byte0 Sliding Window Assignment 0=OFF, 1=kVA, 2=kW demand

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

50 Byte0 Pulse Initiation 0 = OFF, 1 = kVAh. 2 = kWh

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

Note: If Pulse Initiation is Active (Byte0 is non-zero), Alarm Relay A Setpoints must be zero.

51 Byte0 Alarm Log Enable 0 = OFF, 1= ON

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-45

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

52 Byte0 Alarm Relay A Setpoints

Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Long Delay Trip

B1 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Short Delay Trip

B2 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Instantaneous Trip

B3 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Ground Trip

B4 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Ampere Unbalance Trip

B5 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Phase Loss Trip

B6 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Over-temperature Trip

B7 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Plug Trip

Byte1 Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on External Communications Trip

B1 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Accessory Bus Trip B2 Reserved = 0

B3 Reserved = 0

B4 Reserved = 0

B5 Reserved = 0

B6 Reserved = 0

B7 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Ground Alarm

B1 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Neutral Amp Alarm B2 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Long Delay Pick Alarm

B3 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on High Load Alarm

B4 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Operations Count Alarm

B5 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Power Factor Alarm

B6 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on THD Alarm

B7 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on kW Demand Alarm

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-46 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

53 Byte0 Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on kVA Demand Alarm

B1 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Under Voltage Alarm

B2 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Over Voltage Alarm

B3 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Under Frequency Alarm

B4 1 = Activate Alarm Relay A on Over Frequency Alarm

B5 1= Activate Alarm Relay A on Phase Rotation Alarm

B6 1 = Activate Alarm Relay A on Voltage Unbalance Alarm

B7 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-47

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

54 Byte0 Latch Relay C Setpoints

Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Long Delay Trip

B1 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Short Delay Trip

B2 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Instantaneous Trip

B3 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Ground Trip

B4 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Ampere Unbalance Trip

B5 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Phase Loss Trip

B6 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Over-Temperature Trip

B7 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Plug Trip

Byte1 Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Latch Relay C on External Communications Trip

B1 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Accessory Bus Trip

B2 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Under Voltage Trip

B3 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Over Voltage Trip

B4 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Under Frequency Trip

B5 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Over Frequency Trip

B6 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Reverse Power Trip

B7 1= Activate Latch Relay C on Voltage Unbalance Trip

Byte2 Bit Definition

B0-B6 Reserved = 0

B7 1=Enable External INCOM Function as "OPEN"

0=Enable External INCOM Function as "TRIP"

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-48 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

55 Byte0 Block Close Relay B Setpoints

Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Block Relay B on Long Delay Trip

B1 1= Activate Block Relay B on Short Delay Trip

B2 1= Activate Block Relay B on Instantaneous Trip

B3 1= Activate Block Relay B on Ground Trip

B4 1= Activate Block Relay B on Ampere Unbalance Trip

B5 1= Activate Block Relay B on Phase Loss Trip

B6 1= Activate Block Relay B on Over-Temperature Trip

B7 1= Activate Block Relay B on Plug Trip

Byte1 Bit Definition

B0 1= Activate Block Relay B on External Comm Trip

B1 1= Activate Block Relay B on Accessory Bus Trip

B2 1= Activate Block Relay B on Under Voltage Trip

B3 1= Activate Block Relay B on Over Voltage Trip

B4 1= Activate Block Relay B on Under Frequency Trip

B5 1= Activate Block Relay B on Over Frequency Trip

B6 1= Activate Block Relay B on Reverse Power Trip

B7 1= Activate Block Relay B on Voltage Unbalance Trip

Byte2 Bit Definition

B0-B3 Reserved = 0

B4-B7 Reserved = 0

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-49

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

56 Byte0 Display Options

Bit Definition

B0 Return To Metered Current Display 0 =Manual, 1 = Auto

B1 1 = IN, IG menu enabled

B2 1 = L-L voltage menu enabled

B3 1 = Power kW menu enabled

B4 1 = Power kVA menu enabled

B5 1 = Power kvar menu enabled

B6 1 = Average kW menu enabled

B7 1 = Demand Maximum kW menu enabled

Byte1 Bit Definition B0 1 = Average kVA menu enabled

B1 1 = Demand Max kVA menu enabled

B2 1 = Energy kWh

B3 1 = Energy Reverse kWh

B4 1 = kVAh menu enabled

B5 1 = PF/Hz menu enabled

B6 1 = Average IA, IB, IC menu enabled

B7 1 = Average IN, IG menu enabled

Byte2 Bit Definition

B0 1 = Maximum RMS IA, IB, IC menu enabled

B1 1 = Maximum RMS IN, IG menu enabled

B2 1 = Minimum RMS IA, IB, IC menu enabled

B3 1 = Minimum RMS IG, IN menu enabled

B4 1 = Min/Max PF menu enabled

B5 1 = Operator Counter menu enabled B6-B7 Reserved = 0

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-50 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9) (Comm Version 1) – Continued Note: Items shown as bold and italicized can be modified remotely by communications.

Message Byte Description

57 Byte0 Reverse Power Trip – LSB 0 = OFF, step size = 1

Byte1 Reverse Power Trip – MSB

Byte2 Reverse Power Sensing 0= OFF, 1=ON,

2= OFF (not changeable), 3= ON (not changeable), 4= n/a

Note: For Reverse Power Enable = 0 or 2: Reverse Power Trip Range=0. Otherwise for Reverse Power Enable = 1

or 3: Reverse Power Trip Range = 0, 1 to 65,500kW.

58 Byte0 Reverse Power Trip time Range: 1,2…250 seconds; step = 1

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

59 Reserved

60 Reserved

61 Reserved

62 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 61 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 61 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-51

Trip Unit Specific Data Buffer Description (3 C E)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 4

Byte1 Operations Count – MSB

Byte2 Operations Count – LSB

2 Byte0 Test Timer – LSB (units of 10ms)

Byte1 Test Timer

Byte2 Test Timer – MSB

3 Byte0 Min/Max currents change counter (rolls over at 255)

Byte1 Setpoints change counter (rolls over at 255)

Byte2 Demand current (5-min window) update counter (rolls over at 251)

4 Byte0 Waveform capture index – LSB

Byte1 Waveform capture index – MSB

Byte1 Auto-waveform capture time interval (See Setpoints.)

5 Byte0 Frame Identifier

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-52 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Waveform Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) For Waveform data retrieval (of the waveform specified by the Download Event Data Request – (3 F B), the following definition for "N" applies:

BYTE2 (most significant byte) 00H = Summary information

01H = Header information

03H = 1 Cycle sampled data

05H = Frequency analysis data

06H = Time-stamped event data

14H = N Cycle sampled data

BYTE1 0 = Summary information

1=Header Information 2=Phase A Current 3=Phase B Current

4=Phase C Current 5=Neutral current 6=Ground current

BYTE0 packet index

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-53

Transmit Waveform/Event Summary Description (3 C F) – N=000001H Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 20

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 Waveform capture index (current value) – low byte

Byte1 Waveform capture index (current value) – high byte

Byte2 Reserved = 0

3 Byte0 Bit Definition B0 1=Waveform data upload in progress

B1-B7 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Network master node address – low byte = 0 Not supported by

Byte2 Network master node address – high byte = 0 the Digitrip 1150

4 Byte0 Waveform buffer #0 – status

Bit Definition

B0 1=Time-Stamped Event Data valid

B1 1=Sampled Data valid

B2 1=Frequency Analysis Data valid

B7-B3 Reserved = 0

See Notes 1, 2 and 3 below.

Byte1 Waveform buffer #0 – Cause of Status See (3 0 2) Reason Codes. Byte2 Waveform buffer #0 – Cause of capture – low byte

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-54 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Transmit Waveform/Event Summary Description (3 C F) – N=000001H – Continued

Message Byte Description

5 Byte0 Waveform buffer #0 – Cause of capture – high byte

0000H = Unknown Trigger

0B00H = Local Front panel


2000H = Auto

2100H = Trip

2200H = Alarm

Byte1 Waveform buffer #0 – Waveform capture index – low byte

Byte2 Waveform buffer #0 – Waveform capture index – high byte

6 Byte0 Waveform buffer #0 – 1/100 second of capture (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform buffer #0 – Hour of capture (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform buffer #0 – Minute of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

7 Byte0 Waveform buffer #0 – Second of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform buffer #0 – Month of capture (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform buffer #0 – Day of capture (1-31) Packed BCD

8 Byte0 Waveform buffer #0 – Year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform buffer #1 – Status

Byte2 Waveform buffer #1 – Cause of Status See (3 0 2) Reason Codes.

9 Byte0 Waveform buffer #1 – Cause of capture – low byte

Byte1 Waveform buffer #1 – Cause of capture – high byte

Byte2 Waveform buffer #1 – Waveform capture index – low byte

10 Byte0 Waveform buffer #1 – Waveform capture index – high byte

Byte1 Waveform buffer #1 – 1/100 second of capture (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform buffer #1 – Hour of capture (0-23) Packed BCD

11 Byte0 Waveform buffer #1 – Minute of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform buffer #1 – Second of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform buffer #1 – Month of capture (1-12) Packed BCD

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-55

Transmit Waveform/Event Summary Description (3 C F) – N=000001H – Continued

Message Byte Description

12 Byte0 Waveform buffer #1 – Day of capture (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform buffer #1 – Year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform buffer #2 – Status

13 Byte0 Waveform buffer #2 – Cause of Status See (3 0 2) Reason Codes. Byte1 Waveform buffer #2 – Cause of capture – low byte

Byte2 Waveform buffer #2 – Cause of capture – high byte

14 Byte0 Waveform buffer #2 – Waveform capture index – low byte

Byte1 Waveform buffer #2 – Waveform capture index – high byte

Byte2 Waveform buffer #2 – 1/100 second of capture (0-99) Packed BCD

15 Byte0 Waveform buffer #2 – Hour of capture (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform buffer #2 – Minute of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform buffer #2 – Second of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

16 Byte0 Waveform buffer #2 – Month of capture (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform buffer #2 – Day of capture (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform buffer #2 – Year (0-99) Packed BCD

17 Byte0 Waveform buffer #3 – Status

Byte1 Waveform buffer #3 – Cause of Status See (3 0 2) Reason Codes. Byte2 Waveform buffer #3 – Cause of capture – low byte

18 Byte0 Waveform buffer #3 – Cause of capture – high byte

Byte1 Waveform buffer #3 – Waveform capture index – low byte

Byte2 Waveform buffer #3 – Waveform capture index – high byte

19 Byte0 Waveform buffer #3 – 1/100 second of capture (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform buffer #3 – Hour of capture (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform buffer #3 – Minute of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-56 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Transmit Waveform/Event Summary Description (3 C F) – N=000001H – Continued

Message Byte Description

20 Byte0 Waveform buffer #3 – Second of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform buffer #3 – Month of capture (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform buffer #3 – Day of capture (1-31) Packed BCD

21 Byte0 Waveform buffer #3 – Year (0-99) Packed BCD Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

Note 1: Waveform buffer status bits can be used to determine which types of buffers are available for a specific event:

♦ Bit 0 set indicates that the INCOM master can request the Time-Stamped Event Buffer via the (3 F B) command.

♦ Bit 1 set indicates that the INCOM master can request the Waveform Sampled Data buffers via the (3 F B) commands

♦ Bit 2 set indicates that the INCOM master can request the Frequency Analysis Data buffers via the (3 F B) commands.

Note 2: The Frequency Analysis data packets (3 C F) N=05xx01 are available only for the following causes of capture:

♦ Local Front Panel


♦ Auto

Note 3: The Digitrip 1150 does not lock Waveform buffer #0. In order to assure that the uploaded sampled data and the uploaded harmonic component values are from the selected sampled waveform, the INCOM network master should read the waveform data header at the start and again after completing the upload, and should verify the waveform capture index and time of capture did not change during the upload. (Alternatively, the Time-Stamped Event Data Buffer may be read to verify these parameters.)

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-57

Transmit Waveform Data Header (3 C F) N=010101H Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 13

Byte1 Frequency (50 or 60)

Byte2 Samples per cycle (58)

2 Byte0 Samples per signal – LSB (64 or 348)

Byte1 Samples per signal – MSB

Byte2 Sampled data validity Value Definition 0 Invalid data

1 Valid data

2 Aborted data collection

3 Byte0 Calibration factor for IA

Byte1 Calibration factor for IB (See Note on Page 59.)

Byte2 Calibration factor for IC

4 Byte0 Calibration factor for IN

Byte1 Calibration factor for IG

Byte2 Scale Factor for ph. currents – LSB (See Note on Page 59.)

5 Byte0 Scale Factor for ph. currents – MSB

Byte1 Scale Factor for gnd. current – LSB (See Note on next page.)

Byte2 Scale Factor for gnd. current – MSB

6 Byte0 Waveform capture index – LSB

Byte1 Waveform capture index – MSB

Byte2 Neutral Ratio (50-255% – See setpoints.)

7 Reserved = 0

8 Byte0 Reserved = -3

Byte1 Reserved = -3

Byte2 Reserved = -3

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-58 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Transmit Waveform Data Header (3 C F) N=010101H – Continued Message Byte Description

9 Byte0 Reserved = -3

Byte1 Reserved = -3

Byte2 Reserved = 0

10 Byte0 1/100 second (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte2 Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

11 Byte0 Second (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Month (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte2 Day (1-31) Packed BCD

12 Byte0 Year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Cause of capture – LSB

Byte2 Cause of capture – MSB

13 Byte0 Sampled Signals

Bit Definition

B0 1=Phase A current sampled

B1 1=Phase B current sampled

B2 1=Phase C current sampled

B3 1=Neutral current sampled

B4 1=Ground current sampled

B5-B7 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Waveform buffer #0 – Cause of Status [See (3 0 2) Reason Codes.]

Byte2 Reserved = 0

14 Reserved = 0

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-59

Transmit Waveform Data Header (3 C F) N=010101H – Continued

Note 1: The Digitrip 1150 will sample either neutral current or ground current, depending on its configuration. The Sampled Signals (Message 16 Byte0) values can be used to determine which currents were sampled.

Note 2: Percent THD values are calculated for 64 sample waveforms only. All Percent THD values are set to -3 (indicating not available) upon powerup. Following each waveform capture, the Percent THD values corresponding to the sampled currents are then calculated. If the Digitrip 1150 aborts a waveform capture, those Percent THD values (corresponding to the sampled currents) are set to -2 (indicating invalid), If the measured current is less than 15% of rating, the Percent THD values (corresponding to the sampled currents) are set to -1.

Note 3: The Instantaneous Phase φ primary current value (in units of 1/256 amp) =

Where κ = [1,...,64]

φ = [A,B,C,N]

Note 4: The Frequency analysis data packets (3 C F) N=05xx01 are available only for the following cause of captures:

♦ Local Front panel


♦ Auto

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-60 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Transmit 1 Cycle Sampled Data Packet (3 C F) N=03xx01H

For xx: 02=Phase a Current

03=Phase b Current

04=Phase c Current

05=Neutral Current

06=Ground Current

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of 1st line cycle

Byte2 1st sample – high byte

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

… ...

39 Byte0 57th sample – high byte

Byte1 58th sample – low byte Final sample of 1st line cycle

Byte2 58th sample – high byte

40 Byte0 59th sample – low byte First sample of 2nd line cycle

Byte1 59th sample – high byte

.. ....

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte

Byte2 64th sample – high byte Sixth sample of 2nd line cycle

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 212-61

Transmit Frequency Analysis Data Packet (3 C F) N=05xx01H

For xx: 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current 4=Phase c Current

5=Neutral current 6=Ground current

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 20

Byte1 Fundamental x 100 – low byte

Byte2 Fundamental x 100 – high byte

2 Byte0 2nd harmonic x 100 – low byte

Byte1 2nd harmonic x 100 – high byte

Byte2 3rd harmonic x 100 – low byte

… ...

18 Byte0 26th harmonic x 100 – low byte

Byte1 26th harmonic x 100 – high byte

Byte2 27th harmonic x 100 – low byte

19 Byte0 27th harmonic x 100 – high byte

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

20 Reserved = 0

21 Reserved = 0

Note: The Frequency analysis data packets are available only for the following cause of captures:

♦ Local Front panel


♦ Auto

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

212-62 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Transmit TIME-STAMPED Event Data Buffer (3 C F) N=060101H (Comm Version 0)

Message Byte Description Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 27

Byte1 Trip DATA Buffer number

Byte2 Number of additional unacknowledged Event Data Buffers

2 Byte0 Total number of events currently buffered

Byte1 1/100 seconds Packed BCD

Byte2 Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

3 Byte0 Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Second (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Month (1-12) Packed BCD

4 Byte0 Day (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte1 Year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Event Type 0 = Trip, 1=Alarm, 0x82=Invalid event data

5 Buffers Supported Map = 0B0765H

6 (3 0 0) Fast Status

7 (3 0 2) Status/Cause-of-Status

8 (3 0 5) Phase A Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

9 (3 0 5) Phase B Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

10 (3 0 5) Phase C Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

11 (3 0 5) Ground Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

12 (3 0 6) Voltage VAB IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

13 (3 0 6) Voltage VBC IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

14 (3 0 6) Voltage VCA IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

15 (3 0 8) Power IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

16 (3 0 8) Power Demand IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

17 (3 0 8) Energy IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

18 (3 0 9) Frequency IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

19 (3 0 9) Reactive Power IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

20 (3 0 9) System Power Factor IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Transmit TIME-STAMPED Event Data Buffer (3 C F) N=060101H (Comm Version 0)

Message Byte Description Format 21 (3 0 A) Energy Unsigned 24-bit integer

22 Byte0 Event Reason – LSB See Standard IMPACC

Byte1 Event Reason – MSB Reason Constants Supported.

Byte2 Event Status – LSB See Standard IMPACC Status Constants Supported.

23 Byte0 Event Status – MSB

Byte1 Waveform capture index – LSB

Byte2 Waveform capture index – MSB

24 Byte0 % THD – phase A current 0,…, 99%

Byte1 % THD – phase B current 0,…, 99%

Byte2 % THD – phase C current 0,…, 99%

25 Byte0 % THD – neutral current 0,…, 99%

Byte1 Average Demand kVA – MSB

Byte2 Average Demand kVA – LSB

26 Byte0 Average Demand kW – MSB

Byte1 Average Demand kW – LSB

Byte2 Reserved = 0

27 Neutral Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

28 Byte0 Operations Count – MSB

Byte1 Operations Count – LSB

Byte2 Reserved = 0

Note: Standard Buffer list varies with trip unit, first message identifies the Standard Buffers that are supported and thus the number of messages.

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Transmit TIME-STAMPED Event Data Buffer (3 C F) N=060101H (Comm Version 1)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 27

Byte1 Trip DATA Buffer number

Byte2 Number of additional unacknowledged Event Data Buffers

2 Byte0 Total number of events currently buffered

Byte1 1/100 seconds Packed BCD

Byte2 Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

3 Byte0 Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Second (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Month (1-12) Packed BCD

4 Byte0 Day (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte1 Year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Event Type 0 = Trip, 1=Alarm, 0x82=Invalid event data

5 Buffers Supported Map = 0B0762H

6 (3 0 1) Status

7 (3 0 1) Cause-of-Status

8 (3 0 5) Phase A Current (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

9 (3 0 5) Phase B Current (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

10 (3 0 5) Phase C Current (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

11 (3 0 5) Ground Current (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

12 (3 0 6) Voltage VAB (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

13 (3 0 6) Voltage VBC (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

14 (3 0 6) Voltage VCA (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

15 (3 0 8) Power (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

16 (3 0 8) Power Demand (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

17 (3 0 8) Energy (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

18 (3 0 9) Frequency (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

19 (3 0 9) Reactive Power (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

20 (3 0 9) System Power Factor (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

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Transmit TIME-STAMPED Event Data Buffer (3 C F) N=060101H (Comm Version 1) – Continued

Message Byte Description

21 (3 0 A) Energy (unsigned 24-bit integer)

22 Byte0 (3 0 1) Reason (bits 7 – 0)

Byte1 (3 0 1) Reason (bits 10 - 8)

Byte2 (3 0 1) Secondary Status

23 Byte0 (3 0 1) Primary Status

Byte1 Waveform capture index – LSB

Byte2 Waveform capture index – MSB

24 Byte0 % THD – phase A current 0,…, 99%

Byte1 % THD – phase B current 0,…, 99%

Byte2 % THD – phase C current 0,…, 99%

25 Byte0 % THD – neutral current 0,…, 99%

Byte1 Operations Count – MSB

Byte2 Operations Count – LSB

26 Average Demand kW (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

27 Average Demand kVA (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

28 Neutral Current (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

Note: Standard Buffer list varies with trip unit, first message identifies the Standard Buffers that are supported and thus the number of messages (See Part A, 5.2.8). Also, kW and kVA demand values (message 26 and 27) are unscaled for medium voltage devices.

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Transmit N Cycle Sampled Data Packet #1 (3 C F) N=14xxyyH

For xx: 02=Phase a Current 03=Phase b Current 04=Phase c Current

05=Neutral current 06=Ground current

For yy: 01=1st Line Cycle 02=2nd Line Cycle 03=3rd Line Cycle

04=4th Line Cycle 05=5th Line Cycle 06=6th Line Cycle

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 38

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of line cycle yy

Byte2 1st sample – high byte

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

… ...

39 Byte0 57th sample – high byte

Byte1 58th sample – low byte

Byte2 58th sample – high byte

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SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0)

Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Definition 0 0 01H Reset alarm

0 0 02H Reset trip

0 0 03H Reset powered-up indication

0 0 04H Reset peak demand-watts (3 0 F) N=00000C

0 0 20H Reset waveform/time-stamped event buffer

0 0 40H Reset (synchronize) demand-watts window

0 0 80H Snapshot energy command

0 1 01H Reset peak demand-currents (3 0 F) N=00000B

0 1 04H Reset all min/max values (3 0 F) N=00000B, N=00000C, N=000019, N=00002C

0 1 05H Unlock waveform buffer (clear upload-in-progress)

– See Note 1.

0 1 0DH Reset Min/Max Current (3 0 F) N=000019

0 1 2CH Reset Min/Max PF-Apparent (3 0 F) N=00002C

1 0 00H Open circuit breaker

1 0 01H Close circuit breaker

3 0 01H Capture Waveform

3 0 02H Reset INCOM Slave Interface Statistics

3 0 03H Reset Product Statistics

3 0 06H Acknowledge Energy Reset

Note: See Part A, 5.2.15 and 5.2.16, Standard Buffers (3 0 B) (3 0 C).

3 0 07H Acknowledge Setpoints Buffer Change

Note 1: The Clear Upload-in-Progress (3 D 0)(0 1 5) command unlocks the waveform locked by the "Download Waveform Request" (3 F B) command. Upon receiving this command, the Trip Unit also zeroes the "Network Master Node Address" field in the Waveform Summary buffer (3 C F) N=000001 Message 2, and resets the "Waveform Data Upload in Progress" bit in the Waveform Summary Buffer Message 2. Also, see "Download Waveform/Event Buffer Request (3 F B).”

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Receive INCOM Address (3 D 9) Description

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 1

Byte1 INCOM Address – MSB:

Bit Definition B3-B0 Bits 11-8 of the INCOM address

B7-B4 0100 = 1,200 baud ASK modulation

1101 = 9,600 baud FSK modulation

Byte2 INCOM Address – LSB (bits 0-7 of the INCOM address)

2 Byte0 Checksum – Low byte

Byte1 Checksum – High byte

Byte2 One's complement of the low byte

Note: The Digitrip 1150 trip unit responds to the first data messages with a (3 1 0) Acknowledge message containing the old (current) address. The Digitrip 1150 responds to the second data message with one of the following messages:

Response Definition

(3 1 0) ACK containing new address The new address was accepted (the checksum was valid). The Digitrip 1150 trip unit will proceed with saving the new address in NVRAM.

(3 1 A) NACK containing old address The new address was not accepted due to a communications checksum error.

(3 1 B) NACK containing old address The new address was not accepted due to an invalid baud rate/modulation request.

Note: Following the Receive INCOM address command, the Digitrip 1150 trip unit will save the new address to NVRAM. This may take up to 250 milliseconds.

Note: If the Digitrip 1150 trip unit doesn’t respond after a new address is downloaded, the Digitrip 1150 trip unit may have experienced a problem with storing the new address in NVRAM. If this occurred, the Digitrip 1150 trip unit’s INCOM address and baud rate will revert to their default values (Address=0FFE and baud rate=9,600 baud).

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Receive Setpoints Description (3 F 9) The Receive Setpoints (3 F 9) always starts with an upload of the setpoints from the Digitrip 1150 trip unit as outlined in Setpoints Buffer Description (3 C 9). Setpoints are sent to Digitrip 1150 trip unit in same form that they are uploaded.

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Enter Test Mode (3 F A)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 3

Byte1 Test Type 0 = Phase Current, 1 = Ground Current Byte2 Test Action 0 = No Trip

2 Byte0 Trip Test Current mantissa (PU) See Note 3 below.

Byte1 Trip Test Current exponent = -1

Byte2 Reserved

Then Trip Test Current setting (per unit) =

Trip Test Current mantissa * (10 ** Trip Test Current exponent)

3 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

4 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 3 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 3 messages) – MSB

Byte2 One’s complement of LSB of checksum

Note 1: The Digitrip 1150 trip unit performs range checking on the test parameters as they are downloaded. If a test parameter is deemed valid, the Digitrip 1150 trip unit responds with a (3 1 0) ACK message. If an out-of-range test parameter is detected, the Digitrip 1150 trip unit responds with a (3 1 B) NACK message, and will cease accepting additional test parameters until the (3 F A) command is re-sent.

Note 2: The Digitrip 1150 trip unit will enter the Test Mode after the last message. The test may take significant time to complete or may never complete depending upon the Test Type, Test Mode parameters and actual electrical system conditions.

Note 3: The Digitrip 1150 trip unit setting for Trip Test Current mantissa has the following ranges (in per unit):

♦ Phase Current range is 4 to 140 (Trip Test Current per unit range of 0.4 to 14.0 PU).

♦ Ground Current range is 1 to 20 (Trip Test Current per unit range of 0.1 to 2.0 PU).

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Download Waveform/Event Buffer Request (3 F B) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 Waveform capture Index – LSB

Byte2 Waveform capture Index – MSB

2 Byte0 Node address of Network Master – LSB (Not supported by Byte1 Node address of Network Master – MSB the Digitrip 1150)

Byte2 0=Waveform Buffer Request

3 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 2 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 2 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of checksum – LSB

Note: The Digitrip 1150 Trip Unit indicates that it has accepted the Download Waveform Buffer request by responding with an ACK message after each message received. Upon accepting a (3 F B) request, the Digitrip 1150 Trip Unit will set the "Waveform data upload in progress" bit in the Waveform Summary Buffer (3 C F) - N=000001 Message 2, indicating that an INCOM waveform request is in progress. This flag is cleared when the Digitrip 1150 Trip Unit receives the (0 1 5 slave action command. If the Digitrip 1150 Trip Unit receives another (3 F B) request and an INCOM waveform request is in progress (flag set), the Digitrip 1150 Trip Unit will respond to the last message with a "Buffer Not Available" response.

Note: The Digitrip 1150 Trip Unit does not support Node address of Network Master.

Note: Upon accepting a (3 F B) waveform/event buffer request the Trip Unit will "lock out" other requests for the selected waveform. This lockout will be cleared when the Trip Unit receives the (0 1 5) Slave Action command. The Trip Unit will clear the lockout automatically if no (3 F B) requests are accepted for 5 minutes.

Note: In order to assure the uploaded sampled data and the uploaded frequency analysis values are from the selected sampled waveform, the INCOM network master should read the waveform data header at the start and again after completing the upload, and should verify the waveform capture index did not change during the upload.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 1150

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Transmit INCOM Address and Baud Rate (D F F) The format of the Transmit INCOM Address and Baud Rate command message is as follows:

C/D =1



ADDRESS =Reserved (don’t care)


The trip unit responds with the following message:

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 INCOM address – high byte

Bit Definition B3-B0 Most significant 4 bits of INCOM address

B7-B4 0100 = 1,200-baud ASK modulation

1101 = 9,600-baud FSK modulation

Byte1 INCOM address – low byte

Bit Description B7-B0 Least significant 8 bits of 12-bit INCOM address

Byte2 Reserved

Warning: This command is intended for the trip unit’s handheld programmer. It should not be used by any other INCOM network master.

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Table 7: Resolution and Range of Standard Buffers Data

Command Value Resolution Range (3 0 5) Amperes 1 0 ... +65,535

(3 0 6) Volts 1 0 ... +1,020

(3 0 8) Watts 1 kW -32,767 ... +32,767

Demand Watts 1 kW 0 ... +32,767

(3 0 9) Hertz 0.1 48.0…61.9

Vars 1 kvar 0 ... +16,664

p.f. 0.01 0 ... +1.00

(3 0 A) Kilowatt-Hours 1 0 ... 9,999,999

(3 0 B) Kilowatt-Hours 1/256 0 ... 9,999,999.996

Kilovoltampere-Hours 1/256 0 ... 9,999,999.0

(3 0 F) N=000003

Amps 1 0 …+65,535

(3 0 F) N=000006

Kilowatts 1 -32,767 ... +32,767

Kilovars 1 0 … 16,664

Kilovoltamperes 1 0 … 16,671

Hertz 0.1 48.0…61.9

p.f. apparent 0.01 0 ... +1.00

(3 0 F) N=00000B

Amperes 1 0 ... +65,535

(3 0 F) N=00000C

Demand Watts 1 kW -32,767 ... +32,767

Demand Voltamperes 1 kVA 0 … 16,674

Peak Demand Watts 1 kW 0 … 18,634

Peak Demand Voltamperes 1 kVA 0 … 18,634

(3 0 F) N=000019

Amperes 1 0 …+65,535

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Command Value Resolution Range (3 0 F)

N=000029 Watt-Hours 1 0 ... 9,999,999

Voltampere-Hours 1 0 ... 9,999,999

(3 0 F) N=00002A

Percent 1 0 ... 99

(3 0 F) N=00002B

Crest Factor 0.1 1.0 … 25.5

(3 0 F) N=00002C

p.f. apparent 0.01 0 ... +1.00

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CHANGE RECORD Revision Date Changes

1.00 6/28/02 Taken from IL 17384 Revision 3.10 (June 2002) Part C; made into separate document for inclusion in Revision 3.20.

1.01 9/30/02 Revision by Randy Shvach reflecting Comm Versions 0 and 1.

1.02 11/07/02 Revision by Randy Shvach to remove (3 0 0) command from (3 C F) (N=060101H) for Comm Version 1. Also add reason code #146 to (3 0 1) Status and Reason Buffer Command.

1.03 12/05/02 Revisions by Randy Shvach to add Reason Code 148, "Check Aux Switch to Status and Reason Buffer (3 0 1). Also change description for (3 0 1) reason code 146 to "Frequency Out of Bounds" from "Frequency Out of Range." Add 2 and 5 as allowable values for Comm Version 1 Setpoints Buffer Description, Message 24, Byte 0 as well as note explaining Ext Ground Scale Factor = 2. For Standard ASCII Device ID (3 0 F), Change N=0003A8 to N=0003E8.

1.04 12/17/02 Revisions by Randy Shvach to modify the Comm Ver 1 Time Stamped Event Buffer, N=060101 as follows:

Message 25 – Bytes 1 and 2 are now Operations Count (MSB, LSB)

Message 26 – is now Average Demand kW (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

Message 27 – is now Average Demand kVA (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point)

Message 28 – is now Neutral Current (IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point).

Also change description for (3 0 1) reason code 68 to "Phase Rotation" from "Reverse Sequence."

1.05 1/23/03 Revisions by Randy Shvach (per request from IMPACC Group) to modify the 1150 support for Comm Version 1 Transmit Log Change Notification Buffer, (3 A 8) notification flags from B0, B1, B2, B6 and B7 to B0, B1, B4, B6, and B7.

Also add notes to (3 C 9)/(3 F 9) setpoint buffer messages 32 and 36.

The (3 0 0) Fast Status presentation was rearranged to group Comm Ver 0 and 1 together. This is a document format change only. The content of the 300 Fast Status has not been changed.

1.06 7/15/03 Revisions by Randy Shvach to modify note 4 of the (3 0 F, N=00000C) to include "End Time of Last Demand VA not suported."

Also add note to command 30F, N=00002A and N=00002B for timing considerations.

1.07 12/17/03 Spec updated to indicate that "% THD I(G)" (30F N=0x2A, msg 6) and "Crest Factor I(G)" (30F N=0x2B, msg 6) are not supported by any comm version of the DT 1150 (per I.L. 70C1036H03). Change submitted by Sheila Shovlin/Randy Shvach.

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3200


Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code = 4

Comm Version = 0

Product ID = 4

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7-S6 0 0 Open

0 1 Closed

1 0 Tripped

1 1 Alarmed (LDPU)

S5 1 = Tripped or opened via INCOM communications

S4 1 = Powered up since last Fast Status request

S3 1 = Unread Time-Stamped Trip Buffer available

S1 1 = RAM Check error or PRGM Setpoints Check error

Supported Commands Reference Section

(3 0 0) Fast Status Part A, 5.2.3 and above

(3 0 3) Transmit All Standard Buffers Part A, 5.2.8

(3 0 5) Transmit Current Buffer Part A, 5.2.9

(3 0 F) Transmit Demand Currents Buffer Part A, 5.2.17

Buffer (N=000002)(Expanded Buffer #2) Part A,

(3 A 4) Transmit INCOM Slave-Interface Stats Part A,

(3 A 5) Transmit Product-Specific Statistics Part A,

(3 A 7) Transmit Last Data Buffer Checksum Part A,

(3 C 8) Transmit Flags Buffer This section

(3 C 9) Transmit Setpoints Buffer This section

(3 C B) Transmit Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer Part A, 5.2.21, this section

(3 D 0) Slave Action Part A,, 5.3.7, this section

(3 F 9) Receive Setpoints Part A,, this section

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8) Message Byte Name Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 Flags1 Bit Symbol Definition

B0-B5 -- Reserved

B6 Incom_add_mode-flg INCOM address mode

B7 -- Reserved

Byte2 Flags2: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 Pgm-Mode The trip unit is in Program mode.

B1 Test_Mode_Flg The trip unit in in Test mode.

B2-B7 -- Reserved

2 Byte0 Flags3: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 LDFLG Time Over Current (Long Delay) Trip

B1 SDFLG Short Delay Trip

B2 INSTFLG Instantaneous Trip

B3 DISCFLG Discriminator Trip

B4 GNDFLG Ground Fault

B5 TESTFLG Test Initiated

B6 TIMFLG Test Timer Started

B7 PTESTFLG Phase Test Initiated

Byte1 Flags4: Bit Symbol Definition B0 TRIPFLG Breaker Trip

B1 RAMFLG Ram Error


B3 PHASE_ZIN Phase long delay zone interlock in

B4 OVERFLG Override Trip

B5 GND_ZIN Grnd long delay zone interlock in

B6 -- Reserved

B7 EXTFLG External Trip (via INCOM)

Byte2 Flags5: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 HLFLG High Load Alarm

B1-B3 -- Reserved

B4 LDPUFLG Long Delay Protection in progress

B5 GTESTFLG Ground Test Initiated

B6 OPENFLG Status Of Breaker (1=Open)

B7 -- Reserved

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Name Description

3 Byte0 Flags6: Reserved

Byte1 Flags7: Bit Symbol Definition

B0-B3 -- Reserved

B4 GLDPUFLG Ground long delay has picked up.

B5 PSDPUFLG Phase short delay has picked up.

B6 GSDPUFLG Ground short delay has picked up.

B7 -- Reserved

Byte2 Flags8: Reserved

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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 10

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Phase Curve:

0="IT", 1="I2T", 2="I4T", 3="FLAT", 14=“MOD”, 15=“VERY”,

16=“XTRM”, 27=“IECA”, 28=“IECB”, 29=“IECC”, 2A=“IECD”

Byte1 Phase Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup

0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35"

4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55"

8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95"

10="1.00" 11="1.10" 12="1.20" 13="1.30"

14="1.40" 15="1.50" 16="1.60" 17="1.70"

18="1.80" 19="1.90" 1A="2.00" 1B="2.10"


Byte2 Phase Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for IT, I2T, & I4T curves:

0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35"

4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55"

8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95"

10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75"

14="2.00" 15="2.25" 16="2.50" 17="2.75"

18="3.00" 19="3.50" 1A="4.00" 1B="4.50"

1C="5.00" 1D="5.50" 1E="6.00" 1F="6.50"

20="7.00" 21="7.50" 22="8.00" 23="8.50"

24="9.00" 25="10.0" 26="12.5" 27="15.0"

28="17.5" 29="20.0" 2A="22.5" 2B="25.0"

2C="27.5" 2D="30.0" 2E="35.0" 2F="40.0"

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Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

2 Byte2 Phase Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for Flat curves: 0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35"

4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55"

8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95"

10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75"


Phase Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for ANSI curves: 0="0.1" 1="0.2" 2="0.3" 3="0.4"

4=”0.5” 5=”0.6” 6=”0.7” 7=0.8”

… … … … 2C=”4.5” 2D=”4.6” 2E="4.7" 2F="4.8"

30="4.9" 31="5.0"

Phase Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for IEC curves: 0=".025" 1=".050" 2=".075" 3=".100"

4=".125" 5=".150" 6=".175" 7=".200"

8=".225" 9=".250" A=".275" B=".300"

C=".325" D=".350" E=".375" F=".400"

10=”.425" 11=".450" 12=".475" 13=".500"

14=".525" 15=".550" 16=".575" 17=".600"

18=".625" 19=".650" 1A=".675" 1B=".700"

1C=".725" 1D=".750" 1E=".775" 1F=".800"

20=".825" 21=".850" 22=".875" 23=".900"

24=".925" 25=".950" 26=".975" 27="1.00"

3 Byte0 Phase Short Delay Pickup Values

0="1.00" 1="1.25" 2="1.50" 3="1.75"

4="2.00" 5="2.25" 6="2.50" 7="2.75"

8="3.00" 9="3.50" A="4.00" B="4.50"

C="5.00" D="5.50" E="6.00" F="6.50"

10="7.00" 11="7.50" 12="8.00" 13="8.50"

14="9.00" 15="9.50" 16="10.0" 17="11.0"


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Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

3 Byte1 Phase Short Delay Time

0="0.05" 1="0.10" 2="0.15" 3="0.20"

4="0.25" 5="0.30" 6="0.35" 7="0.40"

8="0.45" 9="0.50" A="0.55" B="0.60"

C="0.65" D="0.70" E="0.75" F="0.80"

10="0.85" 11="0.90" 12="0.95" 13="1.00"

14="1.25" 15="1.50"

Byte2 Phase Instantaneous Pickup Values

0="1.00" 1="1.25" 2="1.50" 3="1.75"

4="2.00" 5="2.25" 6="2.50" 7="2.75"

8="3.00" 9="3.50" A="4.00" B="4.50"

C="5.00" D="5.50" E="6.00" F="6.50"

10="7.00" 11="7.50" 12="8.00" 13="8.50"

14="9.00" 15="9.50" 16="10.0" 17="12.5"

18="15.0" 19="17.5" 1A="20.0" 1B="22.5"

1C="25.0" 1D="None"

4 Byte0 Phase Discriminator (0=off, 1=on)

Byte1 Ground Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup Values

0=".010" 1=".0125" 2=".015" 3=".0175"

4=".020" 5=".0225" 6=".025" 7=".0275"

8=".030" 9=".035" A=".040" B=".045"

C=".050" D=".055" E=".060" F=".065"

10=".070" 11=".075" 12=".080" 13=".085"

14=".090" 15=".095" 16=".100" 17=".125"

18=".150" 19="0.175" 1A=".200" 1B="NONE"

213-6 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 217: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

4 Byte2 Ground Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for IT, I2T, and I4T curves:

0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35"

4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55"

8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95"

10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75"

14="2.00" 15="2.25" 16="2.50" 17="2.75"

18="3.00" 19="3.50" 1A="4.00" 1B="4.50"

1C="5.00" 1D="5.50" 1E="6.00" 1F="6.50"

20="7.00" 21="7.50" 22="8.00" 23="8.50"

24="9.00" 25="10.0" 26="12.5" 27="15.0"

28="17.5" 29="20.0" 2A="22.5" 2B="25.0"

2C="27.5" 2D="30.0" 2E="35.0" 2F="40.0"

Ground Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for Flat curves: 0="0.20" 1="0.25" 2="0.30" 3="0.35"

4="0.40" 5="0.45" 6="0.50" 7="0.55"

8="0.60" 9="0.65" A="0.70" B="0.75"

C="0.80" D="0.85" E="0.90" F="0.95"

10="1.00" 11="1.25" 12="1.50" 13="1.75"


Ground Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for ANSI curves: 0="0.1" 1="0.2" 2="0.3"

3="0.4" 4="0.5" 5="0.6"

… … … 2D="4.6" 2E="4.7" 2F="4.8"

30="4.9" 31="5.0"

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 213-7

Page 218: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

4 Byte2 Ground Overcurrent Time Multiplier Values – for IEC curves: 0=".025" 1=".050" 2=".075" 3=".100"

4=".125" 5=".150" 6=".175" 7=".200"

8=".225" 9=".250" A=".275" B=".300"

C=".325" D=".350" E=".375" F=".400"

10=”.425" 11=".450" 12=".475" 13=".500"

14=".525" 15=".550" 16=".575" 17=".600"

18=".625" 19=".650" 1A=".675" 1B=".700"

1C=".725" 1D=".750" 1E=".775" 1F=".800"

20=".825" 21=".850" 22=".875" 23=".900"

24=".925" 25=".950" 26=".975" 27="1.00"

5 Byte0 Ground Short Delay Pickup Values

0=".010" 1=".0125" 2=".015"

3=".0175" 4=".020" 5=".0225"

6=".025" 7=".0275" 8=".030"

9=".035" A=".040" B=".045"

C=".050" D=".055" E=".060"

F=".065" 10=".070" 11=".075"

12=".080" 13=".085" 14=".090"

15=".095" 16=".100" 17=".125"

18=".150" 19=".175" 1A=".200"

1B=".225" 1C=".250" 1D=".275"

1E=".300" 1F=".350" 20=".400"

21=".450" 22=".500" 23=".550"

24=".600" 25=".650" 26=".700"

27=".750" 28=".800" 29=".850"

2A=".900" 2B=".950" 2C="1.00"

2D="1.10" 2E="NONE"

213-8 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 219: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description 5 Byte1 Ground Short Delay Time Values

0="0.05" 1="0.10" 2="0.15"

3="0.20" 4="0.25" 5="0.30"

6="0.35" 7="0.40" 8="0.45"

9="0.50" A="0.55" B="0.60"

C="0.65" D="0.70" E="0.75"

F="0.80" 10="0.85" 11="0.90"

12="0.95" 13="1.00" 14="1.25"


Byte2 Ground Instantaneous Pickup Values

0=".050" 1=".055" 2=".060"

3=".065" 4=".070" 5=".075"

6=".080" 7=".085" 8=".090"

9=".095" A=".100" B=".125"

C=".150" D=".175" E=".200"

F=".225" 10=".250" 11=".275"

12=".300" 13=".350" 14=".400"

15=".450" 16=".500" 17=".550"

18=".600" 19=".650" 1A=".700"

1B=".750" 1C=".800" 1D=".850"

1E=".900" 1F=".950" 20="1.00"

21="1.10" 22="NONE"

6 Byte0 Highload Time Values

0="0SEC" 1="5SEC" 2="10 S"

3="30 S" 4="1MIN" 5="2MIN"


Byte1 Frequency (0=60 Hz, 1=50 Hz)

Byte2 Ground Curve

0="IT", 1="I2T", 2="I4T", 3="FLAT", 14=“MOD”,

15=“VERY”, 16=“XTRM”, 27=“IECA”, 28=“IECB”,

29=“IECC”, 2A=“IECD”

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 213-9

Page 220: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 7 Byte0 Flags: Bit Symbol Definition

B0 (S1) Old_new_flg 1=Digitrip 3000 IMPACC buffers

B1 (S2) Pgm_closed 0=Program only with breaker open

1=Program with breaker closed

B2 (S3) Relay_config 0=Separate OC & INST relays

1=Separate Phase & Gnd relays

B3 (S8) Dwn_en_flg 1=Download Setpoints enabled

0=Download Setpoints disabled

B4 (S4) Rem_en_flg 1=Remote open/close enabled

0=Remote open/close disabled

B5 (S5) HiLd_Close_flg 0=Communications close relay

1=High-Load Alarm relay

B6 (S7) Bkr_52_flg 0=52b Breaker Status Input

1=52a Breaker Status Input

B7 (S9) Auto_reset_flg 0=Dip switch is set for manual reset.

1=Dip switch is set for auto reset.

Byte1 Phase CT Ratio

0=5:5 1=10:5 2=25:5

3=50:5 4=75:5 5=100:5

6=150:5 7=200:5 8=250:5

9=300:5 A=400:5 B=500:5

C=600:5 D=630:5 E=800:5

F=1000:5 10=1200:5 11=1250:5

12=1500:5 13=1600:5 14=2000:5

15=2400:5 16=2500:5 17=3000:5

18=3200:5 19=4000:5 1A=5000:5

Byte2 Ground CT Ratio Same selections as Phase CT Ratio

8 Reserved = 0

9 Reserved = 0

10 Reserved = 0

213-10 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 221: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 11 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 10 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 10 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 213-11

Page 222: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer Description (3 C B)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 20

Byte1 TRIP DATA Buffer number = 1

Byte2 Number of unread Trip Data Buffers = 0

2 Byte0 Trip Time Offset Trip Time Offset in

Byte1 Trip Time Offset seconds = 256*BYTE2

Byte2 Trip Time Offset +BYTE1.BYTE0/256

3 Buffers Supported Map (Byte0=29H, Byte1=0, Byte2=1)

4 Phase A Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

5 Phase B Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

6 Phase C Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

7 Ground Current IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

8 Flags Buffer (Refer to Flags Buffer Description.)

9 Flags Buffer

10 Flags Buffer

11 Setpoints Buffer (Refer to Setpoints Buffer Description.)

12 Setpoints Buffer

13 Setpoints Buffer

14 Setpoints Buffer

15 Setpoints Buffer

16 Setpoints Buffer

17 Setpoints Buffer

18 Setpoints Buffer

19 Setpoints Buffer

20 Setpoints Buffer

21 Setpoints Buffer

213-12 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 223: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0)

Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Definition 0 0 1 Reset Alarm

0 0 2 Reset Trip

0 0 20h Reset Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffer

0 1 1 Reset (peak) Demand Currents

1 0 0 Open Circuit Breaker

1 0 1 Close Circuit Breaker

3 0 0 Acknowledge Time-Stamped Event Buffer

3 0 2 Reset INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics

3 0 3 Reset Product-Specific Statistics

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 213-13

Page 224: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

Download Setpoints Description (3 F 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 10

Byte1 Echo Firmware Revision (not checked)

Byte2 Echo Firmware Version (not checked)

2 Byte0 Phase Curve

Byte1 Phase Inverse Time Over Current Pickup

Byte2 Phase Inverse Time Over Current Time Multiplier

3 Byte0 Phase Short Delay Pickup

Byte1 Phase Short Delay Time

Byte2 Phase Instantaneous Pickup

4 Byte0 Phase Discriminator (0=off, 1=on)

Byte1 Ground Inverse Time Over Current Pickup

Byte2 Ground Inverse Time Over Current Time Multiplier

5 Byte0 Ground Short Delay Pickup

Byte1 Ground Short Delay Time

Byte2 Ground Instantaneous Pickup

6 Byte0 High-Load Time Values

Byte1 Frequency (0=60Hz, 1=50Hz)

Byte2 Ground Curve

7 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Phase CT Ratio

Byte2 Ground CT Ratio

8 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

213-14 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 225: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

Download Setpoints Description (3 F 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

9 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

10 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

11 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 10 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 10 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of LSB of checksum

Note: The Digitrip 3000 will respond with an ACK message after each setpoint message it receives.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 213-15

Page 226: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the Digitrip 3200

213-16 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

CHANGE RECORD Revision Date Changes

1.00 6/28/02 Taken from IL 17384 Revision 3.10 (June 2002) Part C; made into separate document for inclusion in Revision 3.20.

Page 227: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000


Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code = 4

Product ID = 50

Comm Version: 0 – Initial product version

1 – Modifies implementation of Fast Status (3 0 0) bit S4.

– Adds Product-Specific Buffer (3 C E).

2 – Modifications for new Phase 2 release of FP-5000.

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7 S6 0 0 Normal Open

0 1 Normal Closed

1 0 Abnormal Open

1 1 Abnormal Closed

S7 FP-5000: normal or abnormal (tripped, alarmed, pickup).

S6 External breaker status: open or closed.

S5 Reserved = 0

S4 Comm Versions 1 and higher only:

This bit is set when any bit in the Change Notification Flags field of the (3 A 8) Log Notification Buffer changes from a "zero" to a "one." Note that S4 is not equivalent to the (3 A 8) response being non-zero.

Bit S4 is cleared when the (3 A 8) command response is sent by the FP-5000.

S3 Reserved = 0

S2 Reserved = 0

S1 Reserved = 0

S0 Reserved = 0

S4 bit – This bit is set to indicate a new data buffer is available via the (3 A 8) command.

Comm Version 0, S4 definition: (3 A 8) Change Notification Flags have been updated since the last (3 A 8) read.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-1

Page 228: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Supported Commands Reference Section (3 0 1) Extended Status/Reason Buffer This section

(3 0 x) Supported commands [See (3 0 F), N=000000H] Part A, 5.2.17

(3 0 F) Transmit Expanded Buffer Part A, 5.2.17

N=000000H Supported Standard Buffer List Part A, 5.2.17, this section

N=000033H Standard ASCII Device ID This section

N=0003E8H Standard ASCII Device ID This section

N=FC0000H Transmit Event Log Summary Part A,

N=FCxyyyH Transmit Event Log Data Buffer Part A,

(3 1 F) Multi-Block Setpoint Data Buffers This section

N=510000H Transmit Setpoints Summary Buffer This section

N=51xxyyH Data Packet Size Description This section

(3 A 4) Transmit INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics Part A,

(3 A 5) Transmit Product-Specific Statistics Buffer Part A,

(3 A 8) Transmit Event Notification Buffer This section

(3 C 8) Transmit Flags Buffer Part A, 5.2.19, this section

(3 C 9) Transmit Setpoints Buffer Part A, 5.2.20, this section

(3 C E) Transmit Product Specific Data Buffer This section

(3 C F) Transmit Trend (Data Log) Data Buffer This section

(3 C F) Transmit Operation (Trip) Log Data Buffer This section

(3 C F) Transmit Waveform Data Buffer This section

(3 C F) Transmit Setpoints Buffer This section

(3 D 0) Slave Action Part A,, 5.3.7, this section

(3 D 8) Receive Current Date and Time Part A,

(3 F 9) Receive Setpoints Part A,, this section

(3 F B) Download Select Data Buffer Request This section

(D 0 0) Broadcast Snapshot Energy Buffer Part A, 5.2.27

(D 0 1) Broadcast Reset Demand Window Request Part A, 5.2.27

(D E 2) Broadcast Waveform Capture Part A, 5.2.27

(D E 3) Broadcast RTC (Real-Time Clock) Part A, 5.2.27

214-2 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 229: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Extended Status and Reason Buffer (3 0 1) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 This message is the same as the response to the Fast

Byte1 Status command (3 0 0)


2 Byte0, 1 Bit Definition (See definition below.)

B0-B10 Reason Code B11-B15 Secondary Status Code

Byte2 Primary Status Code


B15 B14 B13 B12 B11 B10 B9 B8 B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0

Secondary Status Code Reason Code

Table 1: FP-5000 Primary Status Codes Table

Status Code Short Description Long Description 0 -- Status of the device is unknown.

1 OPEN Device or breaker is normal open.

2 CLOSED Device or breaker is normal closed.

3 TRIP Device is tripped.

4 ALARM Device is in a device-declared alarm condition.

13 PICKUP Device is in pickup.

Table 2: FP-5000 Secondary Status Codes Table

Status Code Short Description Long Description 0 -- Secondary Status of the device is unknown.

1 -- Secondary Status is not applicable.

2 PROGRAM Device is in Program mode.

3 TEST Device is in test mode.

4 DISABLED Device has been disabled (due to an error condition).

5 DISARMED Device has been disarmed.

6 OPERATION FAIL Device being controlled has failed to operate.

7-31 -- Reserved for future use.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-3

Page 230: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Table 3: FP-5000 Reason Codes Table

Cause of Status Code

Short Description Long Description

0 -- Cause of Status is unknown.

1 NORM Device is in Normal operating mode.

2 EXTERNAL An external event has caused the status.

3 PH IOC 50P Phase Instantaneous Overcurrent

4 IG IOC 50G Ground Instantaneous Overcurrent

5 IN IOC 50N Neutral Instantaneous Overcurrent

6 IR IOC 50R Residual Instantaneous Overcurrent

7 PH TOC 51P Phase Inverse Time Overcurrent

8 IG TOC 51G Ground Inverse Time Overcurrent

9 IN TOC 51N Neutral Inverse Time Overcurrent

10 IR TOC 51R Residual Inverse Time Overcurrent

11 OV 59 Over Voltage

12 UV 27 Under Voltage

13 AUX OV 59A Auxiliary Over Voltage

14 AUX UV 27A Auxiliary Under Voltage

15 UFREQ 81U Under Frequency

16 OFREQ 81O Over Frequency

17 I UNBAL 46 Current Unbalance

18 V UNBAL 47 Voltage Unbalance

19 APP PF 55A Apparent Power Factor

20 DISP PF 55D Displacement Power Factor

21 ZONE INT PH Zone Interlock Phase

22 ZONE INT GND Zone Interlock Ground

23 WATT Watts

24 VA VA


26 WATT DMD Power Demand

27 VA DMD VA Demand

28 VAR DMD VAR Demand

29 CURR DMD Current Demand

30 THD Total Harmonic Distortion

31 OP COUNT Operations Count


Contact Maintenance

33 COMM Communications

214-4 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 231: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Cause of Status Code

Short Description Long Description

34 CONTACT DISAGREE Contact Disagreement

35 BKR FAIL 50BF Breaker Failure

36 OP TIMEOUT Operation Time Exceeded

37 COIL SUPER Coil Supervision

38 LOGIC Programmable Logic

39 DIAG WARNING Device diagnostic warning, replace unit as soon as possible

40 DIAG FAILURE Device diagnostic failure replace unit

41 LOW BATTERY Low Battery save all log data before power down

42 MULTIPLE Multiple reasons

70 LOP Phase Voltage Loss (Loss-Of-Potential) (Comm Version 2 only)

134 3V0 OV Neutral Ground Overvoltage (3V0) (Comm Version 2 only)

152 POWER Under/Over, Forward/Reverse Power (Comm Version 2 only)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-5

Page 232: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Supported Standard Buffers (3 0 F) N=000000 (Comm Ver 0, 1) This buffer indicates which standard buffers are supported by the product in addition to providing a list of the expanded buffer numbers supported by the product.

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 19

Byte1 0xEB (3 0 7) (3 0 6) (3 0 5) (3 0 3) (3 0 1) (3 0 0)

Byte2 0x9A (3 0 F) (3 0 C) (3 0 B) (3 0 9)

Value Definition

2 000004H (N=4) Line-to-Line Voltage

3 000005H (N=5) Line-to-Neutral Voltage

4 000006H (N=6) Power

5 000008H (N=8) System Energy

6 000009H (N=9) THD

7 00000BH (N=11) Per-Phase Demand Currents

8 00000CH (N=12) Peak Demand Power

9 00000DH (N=13) Min/Max Currents

10 00000EH (N=14) Min/Max L-L Voltage

11 00000FH (N=15) Min/Max L-N Voltage

12 000012H (N=18) Min/Max PF/Frequency

13 00002DH (N=45) FP Relay Currents Buffer

14 00002EH (N=46) FP Relay Voltages Buffer

15 00002FH (N=47) Line-to-Ground Voltage Buffer

16 000030H (N=48) Current/Voltage Phasors Buffer

17 000031H (N=49) Sequence Phasor Buffer

18 000032H (N=50) Min/Max System Power Factor Buffer

19 000033H (N=51) History Log Buffer

20 0003E8H (N=1,000) ASCII Device ID

214-6 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 233: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Supported Standard Buffers (3 0 F) N=000000H (Comm Version 2) This buffer indicates which standard buffers are supported by the product in addition to providing a list of the expanded buffer numbers supported by the product.

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 20

Byte1 0xEB (3 0 7) (3 0 6) (3 0 5) (3 0 3) (3 0 1) (3 0 0)

Byte2 0x9A (3 0 F) (3 0 C) (3 0 B) (3 0 9)

Value Definition 2 000004H (N=4) Line-to-Line Voltage

3 000005H (N=5) Line-to-Neutral Voltage

4 000006H (N=6) Power

5 000008H (N=8) System Energy

6 000009H (N=9) THD

7 00000BH (N=11) Per-Phase Demand Currents

8 00000CH (N=12) Peak Demand Power

9 00000DH (N=13) Min/Max Currents

10 00000EH (N=14) Min/Max L-L Voltage

11 00000FH (N=15) Min/Max L-N Voltage

12 000012H (N=18) Min/Max PF/Frequency

13 00002DH (N=45) FP Relay Currents Buffer

14 00002EH (N=46) FP Relay Voltages Buffer

15 00002FH (N=47) Line-to-Ground Voltage Buffer

16 000030H (N=48) Current/Voltage Phasors Buffer

17 000031H (N=49) Sequence Phasor Buffer

18 000032H (N=50) Min/Max System Power Factor Buffer

19 000033H (N=51) History Log Buffer

20 00003CH (N=60) THD Magnitude Buffer

21 0003E8H (N=1,000) ASCII Device ID

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-7

Page 234: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

FP-5000 Feeder Protection Relay Counters Buffer – History Log Buffer (N=000033H) This buffer supports the transmission of historical information maintained by the device. This information includes number of hours of operation, number of times powered up, number of trips, number of breaker operations, and number of accumulated interrupted amps. This buffer supports the Total History Log and the Breaker History Log. The accumulated interrupted amps are 32-bit unsigned integers; the other counters are 16-bit unsigned integers.

The Total History values are reset when the device receives a Reset Total History Log Slave Action command (3 D 0>03:00:0x0E). The Breaker History values are reset when the device receives a Reset Breaker History Log Slave Action command (3 D 0 ->03:00:0x0F).

Note: The number of Frequency and Power Trips are only available for Comm Version 2 and higher.

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 25

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Total History # of operating hours (low byte)

2 Byte0 Total History # of operating hours (high byte)

Byte1 Total History # of times powered up (low byte)

Byte2 Total History # of times powered up (high byte)

3 Byte0 Total History # of IOC trips (low byte)

Byte1 Total History # of IOC trips (high byte)

Byte2 Total History # of TOC trips (low byte)

4 Byte0 Total History # of TOC trips (high byte)

Byte1 Total History # of Unbalance trips (low byte)

Byte2 Total History # of Unbalance trips (high byte)

5 Byte0 Total History # of Voltage trips (low byte)

Byte1 Total History # of Voltage trips (high byte)

Byte2 Total History Total # of trips (low byte)

6 Byte0 Total History Total # of trips (high byte)

Byte1 Total History # of Frequency trips (low byte) Reserved

Byte2 Total History # of Frequency trips (high byte) Reserved

Note: The number of Frequency trips are only available for Comm Version 2 and higher.

214-8 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 235: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

FP-5000 Feeder Protection Relay Counters Buffer – History Log Buffer (N=000033H) – Continued

Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 Total History # of Power trips (low byte) Reserved

Byte1 Total History # of Power trips (high byte) Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

Note: The number of Power trips are only available for Comm Version 2 and higher.

8 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

9 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

10 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

11 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

12 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Total History # of breaker operations (low byte)

Byte2 Total History # of breaker operations (high byte)

13 Byte0 Total History IA Accum interrupted amps (LSB)

Byte1 Total History IA Accum interrupted amps

Byte2 Total History IA Accum interrupted amps

14 Byte0 Total History IA Accum interrupted amps (MSB)

Byte1 Total History IB Accum interrupted amps (LSB)

Byte2 Total History IB Accum interrupted amps

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-9

Page 236: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

FP-5000 Feeder Protection Relay Counters Buffer – History Log Buffer (N=000033H) – Continued

Message Byte Description Format

15 Byte0 Total History IB Accum interrupted amps

Byte1 Total History IB Accum interrupted amps (MSB)

Byte2 Total History IC Accum interrupted amps (LSB)

16 Byte0 Total History IC Accum interrupted amps

Byte1 Total History IC Accum interrupted amps

Byte2 Total History IC Accum interrupted amps (MSB)

17 Byte0 Total History Log Time last reset Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte1 Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Second (0-59) Packed BCD

18 Byte0 Total History Log Date last reset Month (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte1 Day (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte2 Year (0-99) Packed BCD

19 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

20 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Breaker History # of breaker operations (low byte)

Byte2 Breaker History # of breaker operations (high byte)

21 Byte0 Breaker History IA Accum interrupted amps (LSB)

Byte1 Breaker History IA Accum interrupted amps

Byte2 Breaker History IA Accum interrupted amps

22 Byte0 Breaker History IA Accum interrupted amps (MSB)

Byte1 Breaker History IB Accum interrupted amps (LSB)

Byte2 Breaker History IB Accum interrupted amps

214-10 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 237: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

FP-5000 Feeder Protection Relay Counters Buffer – History Log Buffer (N=000033H) – Continued

Message Byte Description Format

23 Byte0 Breaker History IB Accum interrupted amps

Byte1 Breaker History IB Accum interrupted amps (MSB)

Byte2 Breaker History IC Accum interrupted amps (LSB)

24 Byte0 Breaker History IC Accum interrupted amps

Byte1 Breaker History IC Accum interrupted amps

Byte2 Breaker History IC Accum interrupted amps (MSB)

25 Byte0 Breaker History Log Time last reset Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte1 Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Second (0-59) Packed BCD

26 Byte0 Breaker History Log Date last reset Month (1-12)Packed BCD

Byte1 Day (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte2 Year (0-99) Packed BCD

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-11

Page 238: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Standard ASCII Device ID (3 0 F) N=0003E8H Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 "F" (ASCII character)

Byte2 "P" (ASCII character)

2 Byte0 "5" (ASCII character)

Byte1 "0" (ASCII character)

Byte2 "0" (ASCII character)

3 Byte0 "0" (ASCII character)

Byte1 “” (ASCII character) – spare character

Byte2 0 (ASCII NUL character)

214-12 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 239: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Event Log Summary (3 0 F) N=FC0000H The event log is a circular buffer consisting of information pertaining to 100 events. Each event contains 16 bytes of information including the event type and cause, a date and time stamp, and a data value. The event log supports a continuous mode of operation in which the oldest event information is simply overwritten when the log becomes full.

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 4

Byte1 Event Number (low byte)

Byte2 Event Number (high byte)

2 Byte0 Index Number (low byte) [0,1,…,100]

Byte1 Index Number (high byte)

Byte2 Flags (Bit 0, 0 = no events logged; bits 1-7 reserved)

3 Byte0 Maximum Number of Events = 100 (0x64) (low byte)

Byte1 Maximum Number of Events = 0 (high byte)

Byte2 Maximum Events Per Buffer = 10

4 Byte0 Time Last Reset (hour) (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte1 Time Last Reset (minute) (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Time Last Reset (second) (0-59) Packed BCD

5 Byte0 Time Last Reset (month) (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte1 Time Last Reset (day) (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte2 Time Last Reset (year) (0-99) Packed BCD

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-13

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Event Log Buffer (3 0 F) N=FCxyyyH Buffer number = yyy = [1,2,…,100]

Number of events to transmit = x = [1,2, …, 10]

Message Byte Description Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 6*x (6 to 60)

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 yyy (low byte)

Byte1 yyy (high byte)

Byte2 Event number of yyy (low byte)

3 Byte0 Event number of yyy (high byte)

Byte1 Event category of yyy

Byte2 Event cause of yyy

4 Byte0 Millisecond digit (0 -9) Packed BCD

Byte1 1/100th second (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

5 Byte0 Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Second (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Month (1- 2) Packed BCD

6 Byte0 Day (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte1 Year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Data value (MSB)

7 Byte0 Data value

Byte1 Data value

Byte2 Data value (LSB)

8-13 Event yyy+1 (optional based on x)

14-19 Event yyy+2 (optional based on x)

20-25 Event yyy+3 (optional based on x)

26-31 Event yyy+4 (optional based on x)

214-14 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 241: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Event Log Buffer (3 0 F) N=FCxyyyH – Continued Message Byte Description Format 32-37 Event yyy+5 (optional based on x)

38-43 Event yyy+6 (optional based on x)

44-49 Event yyy+7 (optional based on x)

50-55 Event yyy+8 (optional based on x)

56-61 Event yyy+9 (optional based on x)

The codes for the event causes are listed in the following tables. The events are divided into categories as shown in the Event Category Table (below). The event category number is stored in the most significant byte of the event cause word. The remaining tables list the events in each event category.

Table 4: Event Category Table

Mask Event Category Description 0xFF00 0x01 General

0x02 Pickup

0x03 Operate

0x04 Input

0x05 Output

0x06 Breaker

0x07 Communication

0x08 Self-Test Warning

0x09 Dropout


Number Description Value

0x01 General Event Category Event Causes

0x01 Control Power On

0x02 Control Power Off

0x03 Fault Power Operation

0x04 Setting Change Setpoints Sequence #

0x05 Protection Setting Group Change Active setting group #

0x06 Set RTC

0x07 Trigger Waveform Capture dVdI, Logic, PB, Comm

0x08 Reset Trip / Alarm

0x09 Reset Energy

0x0A Reset Current Peak Demand

0x0B Reset Power Peak Demand

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-15

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000


Number Description Value

0x0C Reset Min/Max Values

0x0D Reset History Log

0x0E Clear Datalogger

0x0F Return to Default Settings Setpoints Sequence #

0x02 Pickup Event Category Event Causes

0x01 50P Phase Overcurrent Pickup PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags

0x02 50X Ix Overcurrent Pickup PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags

0x03 50R Ir Overcurrent Pickup PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags

0x04 51P Phase Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup PROT_TOC_Flags

0x05 51X Ix Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup PROT_TOC_Flags

0x06 51R Ir Inverse Time Overcurrent Pickup PROT_TOC_Flags

0x07 59M Main Overvoltage Pickup PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags

0x08 27M Main Undervoltage Pickup PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags

0x09 59A Auxiliary Overvoltage Pickup PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags

0x0A 27A Auxiliary Undervoltage Pickup PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags

0x0B 46 Current Unbalance Pickup PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x0C 47 Voltage Unbalance Pickup PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x0D 81U Underfrequency Pickup PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x0E 81O Overfrequency Pickup PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x0F Breaker Failure Pickup PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x10 55A Apparent Power Factor Pickup PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x11 55D Displacement Power Factor Pickup PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x12 Zone Interlock Pickup PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x13 Power Alarm Pickup SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x14 Power Demand Alarm Pickup SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x15 Current Demand Alarm Pickup SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x16 THD Current Alarm Pickup SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x17 THD Voltage Alarm Pickup SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x18 Breaker Operations Alarm Pickup SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x19 Accumulated Interrupted Current Alarm Pickup SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x1A 59N Neutral Overvoltage Pickup (Comm Version 2 only)


0x1B 32 Power Pickup (Comm Version 2 only)


0x03 Operate Event Category Event Causes

0x01 50P Phase Overcurrent Trip PROT_I_Trip_Flags

214-16 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 243: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000


Number Description Value

0x02 50X Ix Overcurrent Trip PROT_I_Trip_Flags

0x03 50R Ir Overcurrent Trip PROT_I_Trip_Flags

0x04 51P Phase Inverse Time Overcurrent Trip PROT_I_Trip_Flags

0x05 51X Ix Inverse Time Overcurrent Trip PROT_I_Trip_Flags

0x06 51R Ir Inverse Time Overcurrent Trip PROT_I_Trip_Flags

0x07 59M Main Overvoltage Trip PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags

0x08 27M Main Undervoltage Trip PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags

0x09 59A Auxiliary Overvoltage Trip PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags

0x0A 27A Auxiliary Undervoltage Trip PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags

0x0B 46 Current Unbalance Trip PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags

0x0C 47 Voltage Unbalance Trip PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags

0x0D 81U Underfrequency Trip PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags

0x0E 81O Overfrequency Trip PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags

0x0F Breaker Failure Trip PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags

0x10 55A Apparent Power Factor Trip PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags

0x11 55D Displacement Power Factor Trip PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags

0x12 Zone Interlock Trip PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags

0x13 Power Alarm Operation SYSALM_Timeout_Flags

0x14 Power Demand Alarm Operation SYSALM_Timeout_Flags

0x15 Current Demand Alarm Operation SYSALM_Timeout_Flags

0x16 THD Current Alarm Operation SYSALM_Timeout_Flags

0x17 THD Voltage Alarm Operation SYSALM_Timeout_Flags

0x18 Breaker Operations Alarm Operation SYSALM_Timeout_Flags

0x19 Accumulated Interrupted Current Alarm Operation


0x1A 59N Neutral Overvoltage Operation (Comm Version 2 only)


0x1B 32 Power Operation (Comm Version 2 only)


0x04 Input Event Category Event Causes


0x01 Contact Input 1 Changed State 1 / 0 = Active / Inactive

0x02 Contact Input 2 Changed State 1 / 0 = Active / Inactive

0x03 Contact Input 3 Changed State 1 / 0 = Active / Inactive

0x04 Contact Input 4 Changed State 1 / 0 = Active / Inactive

0x05 Contact Input 5 Changed State 1 / 0 = Active / Inactive

0x06 Contact Input 6 Changed State 1 / 0 = Active / Inactive

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-17

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000


Number Description Value

0x07 Contact Input 7 Changed State 1 / 0 = Active / Inactive

0x08 Contact Input 8 Changed State 1 / 0 = Active / Inactive

0x05 Output Event Category Event Causes


0x01 Output Relays Changed State (K1 – K6) COUT_Relay_Flags

0x02 K7 Product Healthy Relay Changed State COUT_Relay_Flags

0x06 Breaker Event Category Event Causes


0x01 Open Breaker BKR_State_Flags

0x02 Close Breaker BKR_State_Flags

0x03 Breaker Opened BKR_State_Flags

0x04 Breaker Closed BKR_State_Flags

0x05 Breaker Lockout BKR_State_Flags

0x06 Breaker Timing Alarm BKR_State_Flags

0x07 Breaker Pole Disagreement Alarm BKR_State_Flags

0x08 TRIP1 Monitor Alarm BKR_State_Flags

0x09 TRIP2 Monitor Alarm BKR_State_Flags

0x07 Communication Event Category Event IDs

0x01 Comm Logic Input Change of State COMM_Logic_Flags

0x08 Warning Event Category Event IDs


0x01 Boot Flash Checksum Error

0x02 Program Flash Checksum Error

0x03 External RAM Failure Bad RAM Address

0x04 TPU RAM Failure Bad RAM Address

0x05 Analog Input Error

0x06 Setting Warning

0x07 Setting Failure

0x08 Display Warning

0x09 iButton Warning

0x0A Relay Not Calibrated

0x0B NVSRAM Battery Warning

0x0C Clock Warning

0x0D Test Mode 1 / 0 = Entry / Exit

0x0E EEPROM Warning

0x0F Calibration Warning

214-18 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000


Number Description Value

0x10 Calibration Failure

0x09 Dropout Event Category Event Causes

0x01 50P Phase Overcurrent Dropout PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags

0x02 50X Ix Overcurrent Dropout PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags

0x03 50R Ir Overcurrent Dropout PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags

0x04 51P Phase Inverse Time Overcurrent Dropout PROT_TOC_Flags

0x05 51X Ix Inverse Time Overcurrent Dropout PROT_TOC_Flags

0x06 51R Ir Inverse Time Overcurrent Dropout PROT_TOC_Flags

0x07 59M Main Overvoltage Dropout PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags

0x08 27M Main Undervoltage Dropout PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags

0x09 59A Auxiliary Overvoltage Dropout PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags

0x0A 27A Auxiliary Undervoltage Dropout PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags

0x0B 46 Current Unbalance Dropout PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x0C 47 Voltage Unbalance Dropout PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x0D 81U Underfrequency Dropout PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x0E 81O Overfrequency Dropout PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x0F Breaker Failure Dropout PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x10 55A Apparent Power Factor Dropout PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x11 55D Displacement Power Factor Dropout PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x12 Zone Interlock Dropout PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags

0x13 Power Alarm Dropout SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x14 Power Demand Alarm Dropout SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x15 Current Demand Alarm Dropout SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x16 THD Current Alarm Dropout SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x17 THD Voltage Alarm Dropout SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x18 Breaker Operations Alarm Dropout SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x19 Accumulated Interrupted Current Alarm Dropout SYSALM_Pickup_Flags

0x1A 59N Neutral Overvoltage Dropout (Comm Version 2 only)


0x1B 32 Power Dropout (Comm Version 2 only)


INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-19

Page 246: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Setpoints Summary Buffer (3 1 F) N=510000H This buffer provides a general description of the various setting groups supported by the product.

The following response is supported for Comm Versions 0 and 1: Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 7

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low byte)

Byte1 Sequence number (high byte)

Byte2 Number of Groups = 14 (0x0e)

3 Byte0 Number of blocks in 1st group = 1

Byte1 Number of blocks in 2nd group = 2

Byte2 Number of blocks in 3rd group = 2

4 Byte0 Number of blocks in 4th group = 2

Byte1 Number of blocks in 5th group = 2

Byte2 Number of blocks in 6th group = 1

5 Byte0 Number of blocks in 7th group = 1

Byte1 Number of blocks in 8th group = 1

Byte2 Number of blocks in 9th group = 1

6 Byte0 Number of blocks in 10th group = 1

Byte1 Number of blocks in 11th group = 1

Byte2 Number of blocks in 12th group = 1

7 Byte0 Number of blocks in 13th group = 1

Byte1 Number of blocks in 14th group = 1

Byte2 Reserved

8 Byte0 Checksum (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-20 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 247: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Setpoints Summary Buffer (3 1 F) N=510000H – Continued The following response is supported for Comm Version 2:

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 7

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low byte)

Byte1 Sequence number (high byte)

Byte2 Number of Groups = 15 (0x0f)

3 Byte0 Number of blocks in 1st group = 1

Byte1 Number of blocks in 2nd group = 3

Byte2 Number of blocks in 3rd group = 3

4 Byte0 Number of blocks in 4th group = 3

Byte1 Number of blocks in 5th group = 3

Byte2 Number of blocks in 6th group = 1

5 Byte0 Number of blocks in 7th group = 1

Byte1 Number of blocks in 8th group = 1

Byte2 Number of blocks in 9th group = 1

6 Byte0 Number of blocks in 10th group = 1

Byte1 Number of blocks in 11th group = 1

Byte2 Number of blocks in 12th group = 1

7 Byte0 Number of blocks in 13th group = 1

Byte1 Number of blocks in 14th group = 1

Byte2 Number of blocks in 15th group = 1

8 Byte0 Checksum (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-21

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Multi-Block Setpoint Data Packet Size Description (3 1 F) N=51xxyyH Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 3

Byte1 Block # yy

Byte2 Group # xx

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low byte)

Byte1 Sequence number (high byte)

Byte2 Reserved

3 Byte0 Number of messages in this setpoints data block

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

4 Byte0 Checksum (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-22 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 249: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FP-5000 Log Change Notification (3 A 8) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of Additional Data Messages = 2

Byte1 Reserved=0 (formerly Plug n' Play Version = 0)

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 Support Notification Flags

Bit Definition B0 Support for Powered-Up Indication

B1 Support for Waveform Logging

B2 Support for Event Logging

B3 Support for Data Logging

B4 Support for Trip Data Logging

B5 Support for Trend Data Logging

B6 Support for Setpoints Buffer Upload

B7 Support for Setpoints Buffer Download

Byte1 Support Notification

B0-B7: Reserved = 0

Byte2 Support Notification

B0-B7: Reserved = 0

3 Byte0 Change Notification Flags

Bit Definition B0 Device has been powered up since last reset.

B1 Waveform Log Summary has changed since last read.

B2 Event Log Summary has changed since last read.

B3 Data Log Summary has changed since last read.

B4 Trip Log Summary has changed since last read.

B5 Trend Data Log Summary has changed since last read.

B6 Setpoints Buffer has changed since last read.

B7 Setpoints Buffer has changed since last read.

Byte1 Change Notification

B0-B7: Reserved = 0

Byte2 Change Notification

B0-B7: Reserved = 0 INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-23

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FP-5000 Log Change Notification (3 A 8) – Continued Notes:

1. The FP-5000 Comm Version 0 provides support for Powered-Up Indication only.

2. Bit B0 in Message 3 – Powered up since last (3 A 8) should be cleared if needed with any (3 A 8) response.

3. The other bit change notification flags should only be cleared after the corresponding summary buffer is read.

4. Bit B1 in Message 3 is cleared when (3 C F, N=00:00:01) and (3 C F, N=00:00:02) are read.

5. Bit B2 in Message 3 is cleared when (3 0 F, N=FC:00:00) is read.

6. Bit B4 in Message 3 is cleared when (3 0 F, N=06:00:01) is read.

7. Bit B5 in Message 3 is cleared when (3 0 F, N=40:00:00) is read.

8. Bit B6 in Message 3 is cleared when (3 0 F, N=51:00:00) is read.

9. Bit B7 in Message 3 is cleared when (3 0 F, N=51:00:00) is read.

10. See also for the description Fast Status (3 0 0), Bit S4 on Page 1.

214-24 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 251: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) This buffer supports the transmission of the FP-5000 Flags Buffer. The names of all the bytes are included in this section, but individual flag definitions are included for the subset of flags that are included as attributes the user can monitor in the PowerNet software. A complete list of all the flags is included in the expanded FP-5000 Communications Protocol Specification.

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 19

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

2 Byte0 PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B7 Reserved

B6 50P-3 Phase Ic IOC Pickup

B5 50P-3 Phase Ib IOC Pickup

B4 50P-3 Phase Ia IOC Pickup

B3 50P-2 Phase Ic IOC Pickup

B2 50P-2 Phase Ib IOC Pickup

B1 50P-2 Phase Ia IOC Pickup

B0 50P-1 Phase Ic IOC Pickup

Byte1 PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 50P-1 Phase Ib IOC Pickup

B6 50P-1 Phase Ia IOC Pickup

B5 50R-3 Ir IOC Pickup

B4 50R-2 Ir IOC Pickup

B3 50R-1 Ir IOC Pickup

B2 50X-3 Ix IOC Pickup

B1 50X-2 Ix IOC Pickup

B0 50X-1 Ix IOC Pickup

Byte2 PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B7 27-M2 Main Vc Under Voltage Pickup

B6 27-M2 Main Vb Under Voltage Pickup

B5 27-M2 Main Va Under Voltage Pickup

B4 27-M1 Main Vc Under Voltage Pickup

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-25

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description

2 Byte2 Bit Definition

B3 27-M1 Main Vb Under Voltage Pickup

B2 27-M1 Main Va Under Voltage Pickup

B1 59-M2 Main Vc Over Voltage Pickup

B0 59-M2 Main Vb Over Voltage Pickup

3 Byte0 PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 59-M2 Main Va Over Voltage Pickup

B6 59-M1 Main Vc Over Voltage Pickup

B5 59-M1 Main Vb Over Voltage Pickup

B4 59-M1 Main Va Over Voltage Pickup

B3 27-A2 Aux Vx Under Voltage Pickup

B2 27-A1 Aux Vx Under Voltage Pickup

B1 59-A2 Aux Vx Over Voltage Pickup

B0 59-A1 Aux Vx Over Voltage Pickup

Byte1 PROT_TOC_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B4-B7 Reserved

B3 51P2 TOC memory (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B2 51R TOC memory

B1 51X TOC memory

B0 51P TOC memory

Byte2 PROT_TOC_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 51P2 Phase Ic TOC Pickup (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B6 51P2 Phase Ib TOC Pickup (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B5 51P2 Phase Ia TOC Pickup (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B4 51R Ir TOC Pickup

B3 51X Ix TOC Pickup

B2 51P Phase Ic TOC Pickup

B1 51P Phase Ib TOC Pickup

B0 51P Phase Ia TOC Pickup

214-26 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 253: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description

4 Byte0 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B7 32-3 Power Pickup (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B6 32-2 Power Pickup (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B5 32-1 Power Pickup (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B3-B4 Reserved

B2 55D Displacement Power Factor Pickup

B1 55A Apparent Power Factor Pickup

B0 Breaker Failure Pickup

Byte1 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 81O-2 Over Frequency Pickup

B6 81O-1 Over Frequency Pickup

B5 81U-2 Under Frequency Pickup

B4 81U-1 Under Frequency Pickup

B3 47-2 Voltage Unbalance Pickup

B2 47-1 Voltage Unbalance Pickup

B1 46-2 Current Unbalance Pickup

B0 46-1 Current Unbalance Pickup

Byte2 PROT_I_Trip_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B5-B7 Reserved

B4 51P2 Phase TOC Operation (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B3 51R Ir TOC Operation

B2 51X Ix TOC Operation

B1 51P Phase TOC Operation

B0 50P-3 Phase IOC Operation

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-27

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description 5 Byte0 PROT_I_Trip_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 50P-2 Phase IOC Operation

B6 50P-1 Phase IOC Operation

B5 50R-3 Ir IOC Operation

B4 50R-2 Ir IOC Operation

B3 50R-1 Ir IOC Operation

B2 50X-3 Ix IOC Operation

B1 50X-2 Ix IOC Operation

B0 50X-1 Ix IOC Operation

Byte1 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags_HI (Comm Version 2 & higher)

Bit Definition

B5 - B7 Reserved

B4 LOP Alarm

B3 LOP Block

B2 LOP Flag

B1 59N-2 Residual Voltage Operation

B0 59N-1 Residual Voltage Operation

Byte2 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 27-M2 Main Vp Under Voltage Operation

B6 27-M1 Main Vp Under Voltage Operation

B5 59-M2 Main Vp Over Voltage Operation

B4 59-M1 Main Vp Over Voltage Operation

B3 27-A2 Aux Vx Under Voltage Operation

B2 27-A1 Aux Vx Under Voltage Operation

B1 59-A2 Aux Vx Over Voltage Operation

B0 59-A1 Aux Vx Over Voltage Operation

214-28 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description 6 Byte0 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags_HI

Bit Definition B7 32-3 Power Operation (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B6 32-2 Power Operation (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B5 32-1 Power Operation (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B4 Zone Interlock Phase Operation

B3 Zone Interlock Ground Operation

B2 55D Displacement Power Factor Operation

B1 55A Apparent Power Factor Operation

B0 Breaker Failure Operation

Byte1 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 81O-2 Over Frequency Operation

B6 81O-1 Over Frequency Operation

B5 81U-2 Under Frequency Operation

B4 81U-1 Under Frequency Operation

B3 47-2 Voltage Unbalance Operation

B2 47-1 Voltage Unbalance Operation

B1 46-2 Current Unbalance Operation

B0 46-1 Current Unbalance Operation

Byte2 CIN_Input_State_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B4-B7 Reserved

B3 TRIP2 Monitor Active

B2 TRIP1 Monitor Active

B1 Zone Interlock Ground Input

B0 Zone Interlock Phase Input

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-29

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 CIN_Input_State_Flags_LO

Bit Definition B7 Contact Input 8

B6 Contact Input 7

B5 Contact Input 6

B4 Contact Input 5

B3 Contact Input 4

B2 Contact Input 3

B1 Contact Input 2

B0 Contact Input 1

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 CIN_Opt_Bkr_Flags_LO

B7 Reserved

B6 Reserved

B5 Remote Close Cin

B4 Remote Open Cin

B3 Breaker Trouble Cin

B2 Breaker Failure Initiation Cin

B1 Breaker 52b Cin

B0 Breaker 52a Cin

214-30 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 257: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description

8 Byte0 COUT_Indicator_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B7-B1 Reserved

B0 Tripping Disarmed

Byte1 COUT_Indicator_Flags_LO

Bit Definition B7 Auxiliary LED

B6 Other Trip LED

B5 Ground Trip LED

B4 Phase Trip LED

B3 Pickup LED

B2 Alarm LED

B1 Alarm Indicator

B0 Trip Indicator

Byte2 COUT_Relay_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B7-B2 Reserved

B1 Zone Interlock Ground Output

B0 Zone Interlock Phase Output

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-31

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description 9 Byte0 COUT_Relay_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 Trip1 Output

B6 Trip2 Output

B5 Rly3 Output

B4 Rly4 Output

B3 Rly5 Output

B2 Alarm Output

B1 Relay Healthy Output

B0 Zone Interlock Output

Byte1 LOGIC_Block_Flags_HI

B5-B7 Reserved

B4 51P2 Phase TOC Blocking Logic Output (Comm Version 2 & higher)

B3 51R Ir TOC Blocking Logic Output

B2 51X Ix TOC Blocking Logic Output

B1 51P Phase TOC Blocking Logic Output

B0 50P-3 Phase IOC Blocking Logic Output

Byte2 LOGIC_Block_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 50P-2 Phase IOC Blocking Logic Output

B6 50P-1 Phase IOC Blocking Logic Output

B5 50R-3 Phase IOC Blocking Logic Output

B4 50R-2 Phase IOC Blocking Logic Output

B3 50R-1 Phase IOC Blocking Logic Output

B2 50X-3 Phase IOC Blocking Logic Output

B1 50X-2 Phase IOC Blocking Logic Output

B0 50X-1 Phase IOC Blocking Logic Output

214-32 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description

10 Byte0 LOGIC_Gate_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B7 Logic Latch 2 Output

B6 Logic Latch 1 Output

B5 Logic Timer 6 Output

B4 Logic Timer 5 Output

B3 Logic Timer 4 Output

B2 Logic Timer 3 Output

B1 Logic Timer 2 Output

B0 Logic Timer 1 Output

Byte1 LOGIC_Gate_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 Reserved

B6 Reserved

B5 Logic Gate 6 Output

B4 Logic Gate 5 Output

B3 Logic Gate 4 Output

B2 Logic Gate 3 Output

B1 Logic Gate 2 Output

B0 Logic Gate 1 Output

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-33

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description

11 Byte0 LOGIC_Output_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 Output Logic Gate 1 Output

B6 Output Logic Gate 2 Output

B5 Output Logic Gate 3 Output

B4 Output Logic Gate 4 Output

B3 Output Logic Gate 5 Output

B2 Output Logic Gate 6 Output

B1 Reserved

B0 Output Logic Gate 7 Output

Byte1 BKR_State_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B7 OR of all Breaker Alarm Flags

B4-B6 Reserved

B3 TRIP2 Monitor Alarm

B2 TRIP1 Monitor Alarm

B1 Reserved

B0 Breaker State Alarm

Byte2 BKR_State_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 Breaker State Time Alarm

B6 Breaker State Lockout

B5 Breaker State Change of State

B4 Breaker State Fail

B3 Breaker State Closed

B2 Breaker State Open

B1 Close Breaker Request

B0 Open Breaker Request

214-34 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 261: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description

12 Byte0 SYSALM_Pickup_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B7 OR of all SYSALM Pickup flags

B3-B6 Reserved

B2 Accumulated Interrupted Current Pickup

B1 Breaker Operations Pickup

B0 Voltage THD Pickup

Byte1 SYSALM_Pickup_Flags _LO

Bit Definition

B7 Current THD Pickup

B6 Current Demand Pickup

B5 VA Power Demand Pickup

B4 Var Power Demand Pickup

B3 Watt Power Demand Pickup

B2 VA Power Pickup

B1 Var Power Pickup

B0 Watt Power Pickup

Byte2 SYSALM_Timeout_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B7 OR of all SYSALM flags

B3-B6 Reserved

B2 Accumulated Interrupted Current Alarm

B1 Breaker Operations Alarm

B0 Voltage THD Alarm

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-35

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description

13 Byte0 SYSALM_Timeout_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 Current THD Alarm

B6 Current Demand Alarm

B5 VA Power Demand Alarm

B4 Var Power Demand Alarm

B3 Watt Power Demand Alarm

B2 VA Power Alarm

B1 Var Power Alarm

B0 Watt Power Alarm

Byte1 DIAG_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B7 Calibration Failure

B6 Calibration Warning

B5 EEPROM Warning

B4 Test Mode Active

B3 Clock Warning

B2 NVSRAM Battery Warning

B1 Not Calibrated

B0 iButton Warning

Byte2 DIAG_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B7 Display Warning

B6 Setting Failure

B5 Setting Warning

B4 Analog Input Failure

B3 TPU RAM Error

B2 External RAM Error

B1 Application Checksum Failure

B0 Boot Checksum Failure

214-36 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description 14 Byte0 COMM_Logic_Flags_LO Bit Definition

B4-B7 Reserved

B3 Comm4 Logic Flag

B2 Comm3 Logic Flag

B1 Comm2 Logic Flag

B0 Comm1 Logic Flag

Byte1 OSC_dVdI_Flags

Bit Definition

B7 Delta Vx

B6 Delta Vc

B5 Delta Vb

B4 Delta Va

B3 Delta Ix

B2 Delta Ic

B1 Delta Ib

B0 Delta Ia

Byte2 DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags_LO (Comm Version 2 & higher)

Bit Definition

B7 Reserved

B6 PhC_Dir_Fwd_Flag

B5 PhB_Dir_Fwd_Flag

B4 PhA_Dir_Fwd_Flag

B3 Gnd_Dir_V0IX_Rev_Flag

B2 Gnd_Dir_V0IX_Fwd_Flag

B1 Gnd_Ix_Rev_Flag

B0 Gnd_Ix_Fwd_Flag

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-37

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit FLAGS Buffer (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Description 15 Byte0 DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags_LO (Comm Version 2 & higher) Bit Definition

B7 Gnd_Dir_Ip_Rev_Flag

B6 Gnd_Dir_Ip_Fwd_Flag

B5 Gnd_Dir_V2_Rev_Flag

B4 Gnd_Dir_V2_Fwd_Flag

B5 Gnd_Dir_V0_Rev_Flag

B4 Gnd_Dir_V0_Fwd_Flag

B5 Gnd_Ir_Dir_Rev_Flag

B4 Gnd_Ir_Dir_Fwd_Flag

Byte1 CNTL_Sync_Control_Flags_HI (Comm Version 2 & higher)

Bit Definition

B5-B7 Reserved

B4 Sync_Block_Flag

B3 Sync_Bypass_Flag

B2 Sync_Ang_Diff_Flag

B1 Sync_Volt_Diff_Flag

B0 Sync_Slip_Diff_Flag

Byte1 CNTL_Sync_Control_Flags_HI (Comm Version 2 & higher)

Bit Definition

B6-B7 Reserved

B5 Cold_Load_Condition_Flag

B4 Line_Voltage_Live_Flag

B4 Bus_Voltage_Live_Flag

B2 Slip_Freq_Alarm_Flag

B1 Sync_Fail_Flag

B0 In_Sync_Flag

16-20 Byte0-2 Reserved = 0

214-38 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 265: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Product Specific Data Buffer (3 C E)

Note : This buffer is supported only in Comm Versions 1 and higher.

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 3

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 Waveform Capture Index (LSB)

Byte1 Waveform Capture Index (MSB)

Byte2 Waveform Status Flags

Bit Definition

B0 Reserved = 0

B1 Reserved = 0

B2 1 = Communications Lock (waveform upload in progress)

B3-B7 Reserved = 0

3 Byte0 Event Number (LSB)

Byte1 Event Number (MSB)

Byte2 Reserved = 0

4 Reserved = 0

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-39

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Data Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) For Waveform data retrieval of the waveform specified by the Download Event Data Request – (3 F B), the following definition for "N" applies:

BYTE2 (most significant byte) 00H = Summary information

01H = Header information

02H = Low-speed sampled data (32 samples/cycle over N cycles)

03H = High-speed sampled data (128 samples/cycle over N cycles)

04H = Fourier analysis data

05H = Frequency analysis data

06H = Time-stamped event data

07H = Cycle Summary Data

08H = Waveform signal sample data (1/4 cycle all samples)

(Byte1 = cycle number, Byte0 = packet number)

09H = Cycle Summary Data

40H = Trend Data Log

BYTE1 0 = Summary information

1 = Header Information

2 = Phase A Current 3 = Phase B Current 4 = Phase C Current

5 = unused 6 = unused 7 = Phase A Voltage

8 = Phase B Voltage 9 = Phase C Voltage 0FH = Ix Current

10H = Vx Voltage

BYTE0 packet index

214-40 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Data Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) – Continued

FP-5000 Transmit Waveform Buffer Description (3 C F) N = byte2 : byte1 : byte0

Byte Description Byte2 Data Type

Bit Definition 00 Waveform event summary description

01 Waveform buffer header

06 Operation (Trip) Log data buffers (See description in Trip Log section.)

08 Waveform signal sample data (1/4 cycle all samples)

(Byte1 = cycle number, Byte0 = packet number)

09 Cycle summary data

Byte1 Signal Type

0 = summary 1 = header 2 = Phase A Current 3 = Phase B Current

4 = Phase C Current 5 = unused 6 = unused 7 = Phase A Voltage

8 = Phase B Voltage 9 = Phase C Voltage 0FH = Ix Current 10H = Vx Voltage Byte0 Packet Number

Value Definition 1-64 Cycle Number

1-x Packet Number

This command will be used to request an upload of waveform data on a per cycle basis. In the event that no buffer has been selected with a (3 F B) command, the product will respond with a (3 1 C) NACK (Product Not in a State That Allows the Requested Action).

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-41

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Buffers 1-8 Summary Description (3 C F) N=000001H Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 33

Byte1 Number of signals = 8

Byte2 Samples per cycle = 32

2 Byte0 Number of cycles per buffer (16, 32, 64)

Byte1 Number of buffers (4, 8,16)

Byte2 Frequency Setting (50Hz or 60Hz)

3 Byte0 Buffer #1 status flags

Bit Definition

B0 1 = Trigger lock

B1 1 = Continuation of previous buffer

B2 1 = Communications lock (waveform upload in progress)

B3 1 = Update in progress

B4 1 = Valid data (When set, this waveform is ready to upload.)

B5-B7 Reserved = 0

Note: If B4 is set, the waveform is ready to upload.

Byte1 Buffer #1 OSC_Trigger_Flags_LO

Bit Definition B0 1 = New_TRIP1_flg (Protective)

B1 1 = New_TRIP2_flg (Protective)

B2 1 = New_dVdI_flg (Disturbance)

B3 1 = New_Logic_flg (Logic)

B4 1 = New_PB_flg (Front Panel)

B5 1 = New_Comm_flg (Communications)

B6-B7 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Buffer #1 RTC milliseconds (0-9) Packed BCD

4 Byte0 Buffer #1 RTC 1/100th seconds (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Buffer #1 RTC hour (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte2 Buffer #1 RTC minute (0-59) Packed BCD

214-42 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 269: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Buffers 1-8 Summary Description (3 C F) N=000001H – Continued

Message Byte Description

5 Byte0 Buffer #1 RTC second (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Buffer #1 RTC month (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte2 Buffer #1 RTC day (1-31) Packed BCD

6 Byte0 Buffer #1 RTC year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Buffer #1 Waveform Capture Index (LSB)

Byte2 Buffer #1 Waveform Capture Index (MSB)

7-10 Buffer #2 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

11-14 Buffer #3 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

15-18 Buffer #4 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

19-22 Buffer #5 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

23-26 Buffer #6 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

27-30 Buffer #7 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

31-34 Buffer #8 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-43

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Buffers 9-16 Summary Description (3 C F) N=000002H Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 33

Byte1 Number of signals = 8

Byte2 Samples per cycle = 32

2 Byte0 Number of cycles per buffer (16, 32, 64)

Byte1 Number of buffers (16, 8, 4)

Byte2 Frequency Setting (50Hz or 60Hz)

3 Byte0 Buffer #9 status flags

Bit Definition

B0 1 = Trigger lock

B1 1 = Continuation of previous buffer

B2 1 = Communications lock (waveform upload in progress)

B3 1 = Update in progress

B4 1 = Valid data (When set, this waveform is ready to upload.)

B5-B7 Reserved = 0

Note: If B4 is set, the waveform is ready to upload.

Byte1 Buffer #9 OSC_Trigger_Flags_LO

Bit Definition B0 1 = New_TRIP1_flg (Protective)

B1 1 = New_TRIP2_flg (Protective)

B2 1 = New_dVdI_flg (Disturbance)

B3 1 = New_Logic_flg (Logic)

B4 1 = New_PB_flg (Front Panel)

B5 1 = New_Comm_flg (Communications)

B6-B7 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Buffer #9 RTC milliseconds (0-9) Packed BCD

4 Byte0 Buffer #9 RTC 1/100th second (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Buffer #9 RTC hour (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte2 Buffer #9 RTC minute (0-59) Packed BCD

214-44 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Buffers 9-16 Summary Description (3 C F) N=000002H – Continued

Message Byte Description

5 Byte0 Buffer #9 RTC second (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Buffer #9 RTC month (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte2 Buffer #9 RTC day (1-31) Packed BCD

6 Byte0 Buffer #9 RTC year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Buffer #9 Waveform Capture Index (LSB)

Byte2 Buffer #9 Waveform Capture Index (MSB)

7-10 Buffer #10 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

11-14 Buffer #11 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

15-18 Buffer #12 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

19-22 Buffer #13 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

23-26 Buffer #14 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

27-30 Buffer #15 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

31-34 Buffer #16 Refer to messages 3-6 descriptions.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-45

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Header Buffer Description (3 C F) N=010101H Data is transmitted in Network Byte Order (Big-Endian).

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 14

Byte1 Waveform Capture Index (MSB)

Byte2 Waveform Capture Index (LSB)

2 Byte0 Event Number (MSB)

Byte1 Event Number (LSB)

Byte2 OSC_Trigger_Flags_HI

Bit Definition

B0 Existing_TRIP1_flg

B1 Existing_TRIP2_flg

B2 Existing_dVdI_flg

B3 Existing_Logic_flg

B4 Existing_PB_flg

B5 Existing_Comm_flg

B6-B7 0

3 Byte0 OSC_Trigger_Flags_LO

Bit Definition

B0 New_TRIP1_flg

B1 New_TRIP2_flg

B2 New_dVdI_flg

B3 New_Logic_flg

B4 New_PB_flg

B5 New_Comm_flg

B6-B7 0

Byte1 Offset to pre-trigger data (high)

Byte2 Offset to pre-trigger data (low)

4 Byte0 Offset to trigger in bytes (high)

Byte1 Offset to trigger in bytes (low)

Byte2 RTC millisecond (0-9) Packed BCD

214-46 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Header Buffer Description (3 C F) N=010101H – Continued

Message Byte Description

5 Byte0 RTC 1/100th second (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 RTC hour (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte2 RTC minute (0-59) Packed BCD

6 Byte0 RTC second (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 RTC month (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte2 RTC day of month (1-31) Packed BCD

7 Byte0 RTC year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Number of cycles per buffer (16, 32, 64)

Byte2 Number of pre-trigger cycles

8 Byte0 Status flags

Bit Definition

B0 1 -> Trigger lock

B1 1 -> Continuation of previous buffer

B2 1 -> Communication lock (upload in progress)

B3 1 -> Update in progress

B4 1 -> Valid data

B5 Reserved = 0

B6 Reserved = 0

B7 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Phase Sequence Setting (0=ABC, 1=ACB)

Byte2 DIAG_FLAGS (high byte)

9 Byte0 DIAG_FLAGS (low byte)

Byte1 Phase CT Ratio (high byte)

Byte2 Phase CT Ratio (low byte)

10 Byte0 Main VT Ratio (high byte)

Byte1 Main VT Ratio (low byte)

Byte2 Neutral CT Ratio (high byte)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-47

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Header Buffer Description (3 C F) N=010101H – Continued

Message Byte Description

11 Byte0 Neutral CT Ratio (low byte)

Byte1 Auxiliary VT Ratio (high byte)

Byte2 Auxiliary VT Ratio (low byte)

12 Byte0 Current Scale Factor (MSB)

Byte1 Current Scale Factor

Byte2 Current Scale Factor

13 Byte0 Current Scale Factor (LSB)

Byte1 Voltage Scale Factor (MSB)

Byte2 Voltage Scale Factor

14 Byte0 Voltage Scale Factor

Byte1 Voltage Scale Factor (LSB)

Byte2 Frequency Setting (50Hz or 60Hz)

15 Byte0 Number of signals (=8)

Byte1 Samples per cycle (=32)

Byte2 Ct Secondary Rating (1 or 5) (Comm Versions 1 and higher only)

Current and Voltage Data Conversion:

Primary rms current in amperes = Current Sample * Current Scale Factor * Ct Ratio / (256)3

Primary rms voltage in volts = Voltage Sample * Voltage Scale Factor * VT Ratio / (256) 3

Current Scale Factor = (256)2(256)(0.006) = 100663 = 0x18937 * Ct Secondary Rating / 5

Voltage Scale Factor = (256)2(256)(0.05) = 838861 = 0xCCCCD

214-48 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 275: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Sample Data (3 C F) N=08xx01H ♦

Sample data for cycle xx, first quarter-cycle [1 ≤ xx ≤ 64]

Packet #1 = first quarter-cycle (8 samples)

Data is transmitted in Network Byte Order (Big-Endian).

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional data messages = 42 (0x2a)

Byte1 IA Sample 1 (high)

Byte2 IA Sample 1 (low)

2 Byte0 IB Sample 1 (high)

Byte1 IB Sample 1 (low)

Byte2 IC Sample 1 (high)

3 Byte0 IC Sample 1 (low)

Byte1 IX Sample 1 (high)

Byte2 IX Sample 1 (low)

4 Byte0 VA Sample 1 (high)

Byte1 VA Sample 1 (low)

Byte2 VB Sample 1 (high)

5 Byte0 VB Sample 1 (low)

Byte1 VC Sample 1 (high)

Byte2 VC Sample 1 (low)

6 Byte0 VX Sample 1 (high)

Byte1 VX Sample 1 (low)

6 - 11 Byte2 Repeat signals as above for Sample 2.

12 - 17 Byte0 Repeat signals as above for Sample 3.

17 - 22 Byte1 Repeat signals as above for Sample 4.

22 - 27 Byte2 Repeat signals as above for Sample 5.

28 - 33 Byte0 Repeat signals as above for Sample 6.

33 - 38 Byte1 Repeat signals as above for Sample 7.

38 - 43 Byte2 Repeat signals as above for Sample 8.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-49

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Sample Data (3 C F) N=08xx02H ♦

Sample data for cycle xx, second quarter-cycle [1 ≤ xx ≤ 64]

Packet #2 = second quarter-cycle (samples 9 to 16)

Data is transmitted in Network Byte Order (Big-Endian).

The content of this data packet is identical to that of the first packet.

Transmit Waveform Sample Data (3 C F) N=08xx03H ♦

Sample data for cycle xx, third quarter-cycle [1 ≤ xx ≤ 64]

Packet #3 = third quarter-cycle (samples 17 to 24)

Data is transmitted in Network Byte Order (Big-Endian).

The content of this data packet is identical to that of the first packet.

Transmit Waveform Sample Data (3 C F) N=08xx04H ♦

Sample data for cycle xx, fourth quarter-cycle [1 ≤ xx ≤ 64]

Packet #4 = fourth quarter-cycle (samples 25 to 32)

Data is transmitted in Network Byte Order (Big-Endian).

The content of this data packet is identical to that of the first packet.

214-50 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 277: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Cycle Summary Data (3 C F) N=0900xxH Cycle summary data for cycle xx [1 ≤ xx ≤ 64]

Data is transmitted in Network Byte Order (Big-Endian).

Refer to the (3 C 8) Flags Buffer description for definition of the flags starting in Message 31.

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional data messages = 42 (0x2a)

Byte1 _CYCL_IA_sumsq (MSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IA_sumsq

2 Byte0 _CYCL_IA_sumsq

Byte1 _CYCL_IA_sumsq (LSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IB_sumsq (MSB)

3 Byte0 _CYCL_IB_sumsq

Byte1 _CYCL_IB_sumsq

Byte2 _CYCL_IB_sumsq (LSB)

4 Byte0 _CYCL_IC_sumsq (MSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_IC_sumsq

Byte2 _CYCL_IC_sumsq

5 Byte0 _CYCL_IC_sumsq (LSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_IX_sumsq (MSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IX_sumsq

6 Byte0 _CYCL_IX_sumsq

Byte1 _CYCL_IX_sumsq (LSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IR_sumsq (MSB)

7 Byte0 _CYCL_IR_sumsq

Byte1 _CYCL_IR_sumsq

Byte2 _CYCL_IR_sumsq (LSB)

8 Byte0 _CYCL_VA_sumsq (MSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_VA_sumsq

Byte2 _CYCL_VA_sumsq INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-51

Page 278: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Cycle Summary Data (3 C F) N=0900xxH – Continued Message Byte Description

9 Byte0 _CYCL_VA_sumsq (LSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_VB_sumsq (MSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_VB_sumsq

10 Byte0 _CYCL_VB_sumsq

Byte1 _CYCL_VB_sumsq (LSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_VC_sumsq (MSB)

11 Byte0 _CYCL_VC_sumsq

Byte1 _CYCL_VC_sumsq

Byte2 _CYCL_VC_sumsq (LSB)

12 Byte0 _CYCL_VX_sumsq (MSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_VX_sumsq

Byte2 _CYCL_VX_sumsq

13 Byte0 _CYCL_VX_sumsq (LSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_VAB_sumsq (MSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_VAB_sumsq

14 Byte0 _CYCL_VAB_sumsq

Byte1 _CYCL_VAB_sumsq (LSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_VBC_sumsq (MSB)

15 Byte0 _CYCL_VBC_sumsq

Byte1 _CYCL_VBC_sumsq

Byte2 _CYCL_VBC_sumsq (LSB)

16 Byte0 _CYCL_VCA_sumsq (MSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_VCA_sumsq

Byte2 _CYCL_VCA_sumsq

214-52 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 279: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Cycle Summary Data (3 C F) N=0900xxH – Continued Message Byte Description 17 Byte0 _CYCL_VCA_sumsq (LSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_IA_real (MSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IA_real (LSB)

18 Byte0 _CYCL_IB_real (MSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_IB_real (LSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IC_real (MSB)

19 Byte0 _CYCL_IC_real (LSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_IX_real (MSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IX_real (LSB)

20 Byte0 _CYCL_IR_real (MSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_IR_real (LSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IA_imag (MSB)

21 Byte0 _CYCL_IA_imag (LSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_IB_imag (MSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IB_imag (LSB)

22 Byte0 _CYCL_IC_imag (MSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_IC_imag (LSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IX_imag (MSB)

23 Byte0 _CYCL_IX_imag (LSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_IR_imag (MSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_IR_imag (LSB)

24 Byte0 _CYCL_VA_real (MSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_VA_real (LSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_VB_real (MSB)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-53

Page 280: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Cycle Summary Data (3 C F) N=0900xxH – Continued Message Byte Description

25 Byte0 _CYCL_VB_real (LSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_VC_real (MSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_VC_real (LSB)

26 Byte0 _CYCL_VX_real (MSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_VX_real (LSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_VA_imag (MSB)

27 Byte0 _CYCL_VA_imag (LSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_VB_imag (MSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_VB_imag (LSB)

28 Byte0 _CYCL_VC_imag (MSB)

Byte1 _CYCL_VC_imag (LSB)

Byte2 _CYCL_VX_imag (MSB)

29 Byte0 _CYCL_VX_imag (LSB)

Byte1 Frequency (MSB)

Byte2 Frequency (LSB)

30 Byte0 TPU sampling period (MSB)

Byte1 TPU sampling period (LSB)

Byte2 OSC_dVdI_Flags_LO

31 Byte0 Fault type

Byte1 CIN_Input_State_Flags_HI

Byte2 CIN_Input_State_Flags_LO

32 Byte0 COUT_Relay_Flags_HI

Byte1 COUT_Relay_Flags_LO

Byte2 PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags_HI

214-54 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 281: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Cycle Summary Data (3 C F) N=0900xxH – Continued Message Byte Description

33 Byte0 PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags_LO

Byte1 PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags_HI

Byte2 PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags_LO

34 Byte0 PROT_TOC_Flags_HI

Byte1 PROT_TOC_Flags_LO

Byte2 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags_HI

35 Byte0 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags_LO

Byte1 PROT_I_Trip_Flags_HI

Byte2 PROT_I_Trip_Flags_LO

36 Byte0 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags_LO

Byte1 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags_HI

Byte2 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags_LO

37 Byte0 LOGIC_Block_Flags_HI

Byte1 LOGIC_Block_Flags_LO

Byte2 LOGIC_Gate_Flags_HI

38 Byte0 LOGIC_Gate_Flags_LO

Byte1 LOGIC_Output_Flags_LO

Byte2 SYSALM_Pickup_Flags_HI

39 Byte0 SYSALM_Pickup_Flags _LO

Byte1 SYSALM_Timeout_Flags_HI

Byte2 SYSALM_Timeout_Flags_LO

40 Byte0 BKR_State_Flags_HI

Byte1 BKR_State_Flags_LO

Byte2 Frequency_TPU_Period_HI

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-55

Page 282: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Waveform Cycle Summary Data (3 C F) N=0900xxH – Continued Message Byte Description

41 Byte0 Frequency_TPU_Period_LO

Byte1 OSC_Trigger_Flags

Byte2 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags_HI (Comm Version 2 & higher)

42 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

43 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

214-56 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 283: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Summary Buffer (3 C F) N=060001H

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 16

Byte1 Number of buffers (16)

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 Buffer #1 Trip Log Index (LSB)

Byte1 Buffer #1 Trip Log Index (MSB)

Byte2 Buffer #1 Status Flags

Bit Definition

B0 Reserved = 0

B1 Reserved = 0

B2 Reserved = 0

B3 1 = Update in progress

B4 1 = Valid data

B5-B7 Reserved = 0

3 Buffer #2 Refer to Message 2 description.

4 Buffer #3 Refer to Message 2 description.

5 Buffer #4 Refer to Message 2 description.

6 Buffer #5 Refer to Message 2 description.

7 Buffer #6 Refer to Message 2 description.

8 Buffer #7 Refer to Message 2 description.

9 Buffer #8 Refer to Message 2 description.

10 Buffer #9 Refer to Message 2 description.

11 Buffer #10 Refer to Message 2 description.

12 Buffer #11 Refer to Message 2 description.

13 Buffer #12 Refer to Message 2 description.

14 Buffer #13 Refer to Message 2 description.

15 Buffer #14 Refer to Message 2 description.

16 Buffer #15 Refer to Message 2 description.

17 Buffer #16 Refer to Message 2 description.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-57

Page 284: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Download Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Request (3 F B)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 Trip Log Index (LSB)

Byte2 Trip Log Index (MSB)

2 Byte0 Node address of Network Master – low byte

Byte1 Node address of network Master – high byte

Byte2 6 = Trip Log Event request

3 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 2 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 2 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of checksum LSB

Note: The Trip Log Index is a 16-bit value with the Trip Buffer (0-15) in the least significant nibble.

Note: The FP-5000 will respond with an ACK message after each message is received; if the Trip Log is unavailable, the FP-5000 will respond to the last message with a "Buffer Not Available" response.

Note: The FP-5000 does not lock the Trip Log Event buffer. After reading the Trip Log Data buffer, the INCOM Master should re-read the Trip Log Data Summary buffer to ensure that the Trip Log Index has not changed.

214-58 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 285: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060101H Data is transmitted in Network Byte Order (Big-Endian). This buffer supports the transmission of the trip log stored by the product when a trip occurs. The device has the capability to store information about a maximum of 16 trip conditions. The number of the requested trip log is selected using the (3 F B) command.

Message Byte Description Unit Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 61 (0x3D)

Byte1 Trip log buffer number (0 to 15)

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 Millisecond (0-9) Packed BCD

Byte1 1/100 second (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

3 Byte0 Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Second (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Month (1-12) Packed BCD

4 Byte0 Day (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte1 Year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Buffer Type = 0 (trip buffer)

5 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

6 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Trip Log Index (MSB)

Byte2 Trip Log Index (LSB)

7 Byte0 Event Number (MSB)

Byte1 Event Number (LSB)

Byte2 Cause of Trip (Descriptions follow.)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-59

Page 286: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060101H – Continued

Message Byte Description Unit Format 8 Byte0 Fault Type (Descriptions follow.)

Byte1 Settings sequence number (MSB)

Byte2 Settings sequence number (LSB)

9 Byte0 Waveform Capture Index (MSB)

Byte1 Waveform Capture Index (LSB)

Byte2 Active Setting Group Number

10 Byte0 Reserved (Status Flags)

Byte1 TOC Time to trip (in cycles) (MSB Byte3)

Byte2 TOC Time to trip (in cycles) (Byte2)

11 Byte0 TOC Time to trip (in cycles) (Byte1)

Byte1 TOC Time to trip (in cycles) (LSB Byte0)

Byte2 Input States

Bit Definition

B0 Zone interlock input

B1 Reserved

B2 Trip1 monitor input

B3 Trip2 monitor input

B4-B7 Reserved

214-60 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 287: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060101H – Continued

Message Byte Description Unit Format 12 Byte0 Contact Input States

Bit Definition

B0 Contact input #1

B1 Contact input #2

B2 Contact input #3

B3 Contact input #4

B4 Contact input #5

B5 Contact input #6

B6 Contact input #7

B7 Contact input #8

Byte1 Output States

Bit Definition

B0 Zone interlock phase output

B1 Zone interlock ground output

B2-B7 Reserved

Byte2 Relay Output States

Bit Definition

B0 Zone interlock output

B1 k7 Relay Healthy

B2 k6 ALM1

B3 k5

B4 k4

B5 k3

B6 k2 TRIP2

B7 k1 TRIP1

13 Byte0 PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags_HI

Byte1 PROT_IOC_Pickup_Flags_LO

Byte2 PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags_HI

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-61

Page 288: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060101H – Continued

Message Byte Description Unit Format 14 Byte0 PROT_Vph_Pickup_Flags_LO

Byte1 PROT_TOC_Flags_HI

Byte2 PROT_TOC_Flags_LO

15 Byte0 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags_HI

Byte1 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags_LO

Byte2 PROT_I_Trip_Flags_HI

16 Byte0 PROT_I_Trip_Flags_LO

Byte1 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags_HI

Byte2 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags_LO

17 Byte0 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags_LO

Byte1 LOGIC_Output_Flags_LO

Byte2 LOGIC_Block_Flags_HI

18 Byte0 LOGIC_Block_Flags_LO

Byte1 LOGIC_Gate_Flags_HI

Byte2 LOGIC_Gate_Flags_LO

19 Byte0 SYSALM_Pickup_Flags_HI

Byte1 SYSALM_Pickup_Flags_LO

Byte2 SYSALM_Timeout_Flags_HI

20 Byte0 SYSALM_Timeout_Flags_LO

Byte1 BKR_State_Flags_HI

Byte2 BKR_State_Flags_LO

21 Frequency Hz IMPACC 24-Bit Float

22 % Current Unbalance % IMPACC 24-Bit Float

23 % Voltage Unbalance % IMPACC 24-Bit Float

24 Phase A rms current A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

214-62 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 289: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060101H – Continued

Message Byte Description Unit Format

25 Phase B rms current A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

26 Phase C rms current A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

27 Ix rms current A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

28 Ir rms current A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

29 VA line-to-neutral rms voltage V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

30 VB line-to-neutral rms voltage V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

31 VC line-to-neutral rms voltage V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

32 Vx Differential rms voltage V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

33 VAB line-to-line rms voltage V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

34 VBC line-to-line rms voltage V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

35 VCA line-to-line rms voltage V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

36 Phase A current (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

37 Phase A current (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

38 Phase B current (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

39 Phase B current (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

40 Phase C current (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

41 Phase C current (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

42 Ix (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

43 Ix (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

44 Ir (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

45 Ir (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

46 L-N voltage VAN (mag) V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

47 L-N voltage VAN (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

48 L-N voltage VBN (mag) V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

49 L-N voltage VBN (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

50 L-N voltage VCN (mag) V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

51 L-N voltage VCN (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

52 VX (mag) V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

53 VX (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

54 L-L voltage VAB (mag) V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

55 L-L voltage VAB (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

56 L-L voltage VBC (mag) V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-63

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060101H – Continued

Message Byte Description Unit Format

57 L-L voltage VBC (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

58 L-L voltage VCA (mag) V IMPACC 24-Bit Float

59 L-L voltage VCA (angle) degrees IMPACC 24-Bit Float

60 Byte0 Phase CT Ratio (MSB)

Byte1 Phase CT Ratio (LSB)

Byte2 Neutral CT Ratio (MSB)

61 Byte0 Neutral CT Ratio (LSB)

Byte1 Main VT Ratio (MSB)

Byte2 Main VT Ratio (LSB)

62 Byte0 Auxiliary VT Ratio (MSB)

Byte1 Auxiliary VT Ratio (LSB)

Byte2 Reserved

214-64 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 291: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060101H – Continued

Trip Log Cause of Trip Code Dec Hex Description 1 1H 50P IOC Instantaneous Overcurrent

2 2H 50X IOC Instantaneous Overcurrent

3 3H 50R IOC Instantaneous Overcurrent

4 4H 51P TOC Time Inverse Overcurrent

5 5H 51X TOC Time Inverse Overcurrent

6 6H 51R TOC Time Inverse Overcurrent

7 7H 59M Over Voltage

8 8H 27M Under Voltage

9 9H 59A Over Voltage

10 AH 27A Under Voltage

11 BH 46 Current Unbalance

12 CH 47 Voltage Unbalance

13 DH 81U Under Frequency

14 EH 81O Over Frequency

15 FH BF Breaker Failure

16 10H 55A Apparent Power Factor

17 11H 55D Displacement Power Factor

18 12H Zone Interlock Pickup

19 13H Power

20 14H Power Demand

21 15H Current Demand

22 16H THD Current

23 17H THD Voltage

24 18H Breaker Operations Count

24 19H Accumulated Interrupted Current

25 1AH Relay Test

26 1BH Pickup

27 1CH Trip

28 1DH Programmable Logic

29 1EH Contact Input

30 1FH System Alarm

31 20H Control

33 21H Communication Logic

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-65

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060101H – Continued

Trip Log Cause of Trip – Continued Code Dec Hex Description 34 22H Phase Overcurent 35 23H Ground Overcurrent

36 24H Instantaneous Overcurrent

37 25H Inverse Time Overcurrent

38 26H Overcurrent

39 27H Alarm

40 28H Voltage

41 29H Frequency

42 2AH Trip

43 2BH Zone Interlock Phase

44 2CH Zone Interlock Ground

45 2DH Open Breaker

46 2EH Close Breaker

47 2FH Breaker Opened

48 30H Breaker Closed

49 31H Breaker Failure

50 32H Breaker Alarm

51 33H 51P2 Inverse Time Overcurrent (Comm Version 2 only)

52 34H 59N Overvoltage (Comm Version 2 only)

53 35H 32 Power (Comm Version 2 only)

54 36H LOP (Comm Version 2 only)

Trip Log Fault Type Code Dec Hex Description 0 0H None

1 1H A

2 2H B

3 3H AB

4 4H C

5 5H AC

6 6H BC

7 7H ABC

8 8H GND

214-66 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 293: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060101H – Continued

Trip Log Fault Type – Continued Code Dec Hex Description

9 9H AG

10 AH BG


12 CH CG




INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-67

Page 294: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Operation (Trip Log 2) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060102H Note: This is a continuation of the previous Trip Log Buffer added for Comm Version 2 and

higher only. Messages 2 through 7 are the same in the N=060101H Trip Log Buffer and the N=060102H Trip Log 2 Buffer. This data must be compared to verify data integrity for the combined Trip Log Buffer.

Data is transmitted in Network Byte Order (Big-Endian). This buffer supports the transmission of the trip log stored by the product when a trip occurs. The device has the capability to store information about a maximum of 16 trip conditions. The number of the requested trip log is selected using the (3 F B) command.

Message Byte Description Unit Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 29 (0x1D)

Byte1 Trip log buffer number (0 to 15)

Byte2 Reserved = 0

2 Byte0 Millisecond (0-9) Packed BCD

Byte1 1/100 second (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

3 Byte0 Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Second (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Month (1-12) Packed BCD

4 Byte0 Day (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte1 Year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Buffer Type = 0 (trip buffer)

5 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Reserved = 0

6 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Trip Log Index (MSB)

Byte2 Trip Log Index (LSB)

7 Byte0 Event Number (MSB)

Byte1 Event Number (LSB)

Byte2 Cause of Trip (Descriptions in previous section.) 214-68 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-69

Transmit Operation (Trip Log) Buffer Description (3 C F) N=060102H – Continued

Message Byte Description Unit Format 8 Reserved

9 Byte0 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags_HI

Byte1 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags_LO

Byte2 Dir_Ph_Gnd_Flags_HI

10 Byte0 Dir_Ph_Gnd_Flags_LO

Byte1 CNTL_Sync_Control_Flags_HI

Byte2 CNTL_Sync_Control_Flags_LO

11 I0 Zero Seq. Current (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

12 I0 Zero Seq. Current (angle) degree IMPACC 24-Bit Float

13 I1 Positive Seq. Current (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

14 I1 Positive Seq. Current (angle) degree IMPACC 24-Bit Float

15 I2 Negative Seq. Current (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

16 I2 Negative Seq. Current (angle) degree IMPACC 24-Bit Float

17 V0 Zero Seq. Voltage (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

18 V0 Zero Seq. Voltage (angle) degree IMPACC 24-Bit Float

19 V1 Positive Seq. Voltage (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

20 V1 Positive Seq. Voltage (angle) degree IMPACC 24-Bit Float

21 V2 Negative Seq. Voltage (mag) A IMPACC 24-Bit Float

22 V2 Neg. Seq. Voltage (angle) degree IMPACC 24-Bit Float

23 – 30 Reserved

Page 296: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Trend (Data Log) Summary Buffer (3 C F) N=400000H Data is transmitted in Network Byte Order (Big-Endian). The data log is a circular buffer consisting of 1,024 records. The data logger can be configured for a single-pass or a continuous mode of operation. In the single-pass mode, data collection will cease after 1,024 records are logged. The Release Data Log Slave Action (3 D 0, N=03:00:0B) causes the device to release the log and allow the capture of new data. In the continuous mode, records will be overwritten. Each record consists of 2-byte data values for each of the selected 8 parameters. The 1,024 records are partitioned into 128 blocks consisting of 8 records per block to facilitate data transmission. Each block consists of an 8-byte block ID in addition to the 8 data records. The data log also has a header containing the ID of the 8 parameters selected for logging, the selected operating mode, trigger, logging interval, and the settings that define the units for power and demand quantities.

Note: PowerNet supports a minimum logging interval of 1 minute when the data logger operates in continuous mode.

The Data Log Summary identifies the data values stored in the Data Log.

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 10 (0x0A)

Byte1 Parameter 1 ID (See Note 1.)

Byte2 Parameter 2 ID (See Note 1.)

2 Byte0 Parameter 3 ID (See Note 1.)

Byte1 Parameter 4 ID (See Note 1.)

Byte2 Parameter 5 ID (See Note 1.)

3 Byte0 Parameter 6 ID (See Note 1.)

Byte1 Parameter 7 ID (See Note 1.)

Byte2 Parameter 8 ID (See Note 1.)

4 Byte0 Operating Mode

Value Definition

0 Continuous

1 Single pass

Byte1 Trigger

Value Definition

0 Auto

1 Manual (Contact input, PB, Comm)

Byte2 Logging Interval – MSB 1-3,600 seconds

214-70 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 297: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Trend (Data Log) Summary Buffer (3 C F) N=400000H

Message Byte Description

5 Byte0 Logging Interval – LSB

Byte1 Data Log Index – MSB (32-bit)

Byte2 Data Log Index

6 Byte0 Data Log Index

Byte1 Data Log Index – LSB

Note: Current Block Number (0 to 127) = Data Log Index % 128

Byte2 Time of last reset Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

7 Byte0 Time of last reset Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Time of last reset Second (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Time of last reset Month (1-12) Packed BCD

8 Byte0 Time of last reset Day (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte1 Time of last reset Year (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte2 Phase CT Ratio (MSB)

9 Byte0 Phase CT Ratio (LSB)

Byte1 Neutral CT Ratio (MSB)

Byte2 Neutral CT Ratio (LSB)

10 Byte0 Main VT Ratio (MSB)

Byte1 Main VT Ratio (LSB)

Byte2 Auxiliary VT Ratio (MSB)

11 Byte0 Auxiliary VT Ratio (LSB)

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-71

Page 298: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Trend (Data Log) Block Buffer (3 C F) N=4001xxH Data is transmitted in Network Byte Order (Big-Endian). Each block of data in the Data Logger is transmitted using xx = block number. The time associated with the block is the log time for the first record in the block. The time of each successive record is the log time plus the logging interval.

Message Byte Description Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional messages = 45 (0x2d)

Byte1 Block Number (0 to 127)

Byte2 Number of valid records in block (0 to 8)

2 Byte0 Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte1 Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Second (0-59) Packed BCD

3 Byte0 Month (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte1 Day (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte2 Year (0-99) Packed BCD

4 Byte0 Record 1 Parameter 1 value (high)

Byte1 Record 1 Parameter 1 value (low)

Byte2 Record 1 Parameter 2 value (high)

5 Byte0 Record 1 Parameter 2 value (low)

Byte1 Record 1 Parameter 3 value (high)

Byte2 Record 1 Parameter 3 value (low)

6 Byte0 Record 1 Parameter 4 value (high)

Byte1 Record 1 Parameter 4 value (low)

Byte2 Record 1 Parameter 5 value (high)

7 Byte0 Record 1 Parameter 5 value (low)

Byte1 Record 1 Parameter 6 value (high)

Byte2 Record 1 Parameter 6 value (low)

8 Byte0 Record 1 Parameter 7 value (high)

Byte1 Record 1 Parameter 7 value (low)

Byte2 Record 1 Parameter 8 value (high) 214-72 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 299: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Trend (Data Log) Block Buffer (3 C F) N=4001xxH – Continued

Message Byte Description Format 9 Byte0 Record 1 Parameter 8 value (low)

9 - 14 Byte1 Record 2 Parameter 1-8 values, as shown above

14 - 19 Byte2 Record 3 Parameter 1-8 values, as shown above

20 - 25 Byte0 Record 4 Parameter 1-8 values, as shown above

25 - 30 Byte1 Record 5 Parameter 1-8 values, as shown above

30 - 35 Byte2 Record 6 Parameter 1-8 values, as shown above

36 - 41 Byte0 Record 7 Parameter 1-8 values, as shown above

41 - 46 Byte1 Record 8 Parameter 1-8 values, as shown above

46 Byte2 Reserved = 0

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-73

Page 300: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Trend (Data Log) Block Buffer (3 C F) (N=4000xxH) Note: The Parameter ID 1-8 in the Data Log Header can be selected from any of the 54

parameters in the following table.

Number Parameters Value Received

Calculation Actual Value

0 Ia UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

1 Ib UINT16 Actual Value = (Value * Ph Ct Ratio)/256 xxxxxx.xx

2 Ic UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

3 Ix UINT16 Actual Value = (Value * Neutral Ct Ratio)/256 xxxxxx.xx

4 Ir UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

5 Iavg UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

6 3I0 UINT16 Actual Value = (Value * Ph Ct Ratio)/256 xxxxxx.xx

7 I1 UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

8 I2 UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

9 Va UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

10 Vb UINT16 Actual Value = (Value * Main Vt Ratio)/256 xxxxxx.xx

11 Vc UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

12 Vx UINT16 Actual Value = (Value * Aux Vt Ratio)/256 xxxxxx.xx

13 VLNavg UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

14 Vab UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

15 Vbc UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

16 Vca UINT16 Actual Value = (Value * Main Vt Ratio)/256 xxxxxx.xx

17 VLLavg UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

18 3V0 UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

19 V1 UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

20 V2 UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

21 Freq UINT16 Actual Value = Value/256 xx.xx

22 W INT16 xxxxxxxx

23 Var INT16 Actual Value =

(Value * Ph Ct Ratio * Main Vt Ratio)


24 VA UINT16 xxxxxxxx

25 Dsp PF INT16 xx.xx

26 App PF INT16 Actual Value = Value/256 xx.xx

214-74 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 301: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Number Parameters Value Received

Calculation Actual Value

27 IA Demand UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

28 IB Demand UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

29 IC Demand UINT16

Actual Value = (Value * Ph Ct Ratio)/256


30 W Demand

UINT16 xxxxxxxx


31 Var Demand

UINT16 xxxxxxxx


32 VA Demand UINT16

Actual Value =

(Value * Ph Ct Ratio * Main Vt Ratio)



33 C In1

34 C In2

35 C In3

36 C In4

37 C In5

38 C In6

39 C In7

40 C In8

0 – Inactive

1 – Active


0 – Inactive

1 – Active

41 LG1

42 LG2

43 LG3

44 LG4

45 LG5

46 LG6

0 – Inactive

1 – Active


0 – Inactive

1 – Active

47 TG1

48 TG2

49 TG3

50 TG4

51 TG5

52 TG6

0 – Inactive

1 – Active


0 – Inactive

1 – Active

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-75

Page 302: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Number Parameters Value Received

Calculation Actual Value

53 IA THD UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

54 IB THD UINT16 Actual Value = (Value * Ph Ct Ratio)/256 xxxxxx.xx

55 IC THD UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

56 VA THD UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

57 VB THD UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

58 VC THD UINT16 Actual Value = (Value * Main Vt Ratio)/256 xxxxxx.xx

59 VAB THD UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

60 VBC THD UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

61 VCA THD UINT16 xxxxxx.xx

214-76 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 303: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Settings Buffer (3 C F) N=50ggbbH (Comm Version 0, 1) This command is used to upload FP-5000 settings data for a specified group and block. The content of this buffer varies depending on the group number and block number. The number of messages for each block of settings is shown below. The details for each block of settings are contained in the Appendix.

Setting Type Group Block # Messages System Setpoints 1 1 24

Protection Setpoints 2-5 1 49

Protection Setpoints 2-5 2 25

Custom Curve Setpoints 6-8 1 21

System Alarm Setpoints 9 1 25

Logging Setpoints 10 1 31

Contact Input Setpoints 11 1 13

Output Relay Setpoints 12 1 56

Programmable Logic Setpoints (Logic and Timers) 13 1 51

Programmable Logic Setpoints (Blocking) 14 1 55

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = Q-1

Byte1 Block # = yy

Byte2 Group # = xx

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low byte)

Byte1 Sequence number (high byte)

Byte2 Reserved

3 Setpoints Data

4 Setpoints Data




Q-1 Setpoints Data

Q Byte0 Checksum (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-77

Page 304: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Transmit Settings Buffer (3 C F) N=50ggbbH (Comm Version 2) This command is used to upload FP-5000 settings data for a specified group and block. The content of this buffer varies depending on the group number and block number. The number of messages for each block of settings is shown below. The details for each block of settings are contained in the Appendix.

Setting Type Group Block # Messages System Setpoints 1 1 32

Protection Setpoints 2-5 1 62

Protection Setpoints 2-5 2 23

Protection Setpoints 2-5 3 32

Custom Curve Setpoints 6-8 1 21

System Alarm Setpoints 9 1 25

Logging Setpoints 10 1 33

Contact Input Setpoints 11 1 13

Output Relay Setpoints 12 1 57

Programmable Logic Setpoints (Logic and Timers) 13 1 55

Programmable Logic Setpoints (Blocking) 14 1 59

Control Logic Setpoints 15 1 23

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = Q-1

Byte1 Block # = yy

Byte2 Group # = xx

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low byte)

Byte1 Sequence number (high byte)

Byte2 Reserved

3 Setpoints Data

4 Setpoints Data




Q-1 Setpoints Data

Q Byte0 Checksum (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte 214-78 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 305: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0) The following is a list of the subset of the Slave Action commands that are supported by the FP-5000 and defined in IL 17384, Part A, Section

Reset (BYTE2 = 0 indicates reset applications) BYTE2 BYTE1 BYTE0 Definition

0 0 1 Reset Alarm

0 0 2 Reset Trip

0 0 4 Reset (Peak) Demand-Watts

0 0 8 Reset Energy (kilowatt-hours)

0 0 0x40 Reset (Synchronize) Demand Watts Window

0 0 0x80 Snapshot Command

0 1 1 Reset (Peak) Demand Currents

0 1 4 Reset All Min/Max Values

0 1 5 Unlock Waveform Buffer (Clear Upload-In-Progress)

0 1 0x0D Reset Min/Max Currents

0 1 0x0E Reset Min/Max L-L Voltages

0 1 0x0F Reset Min/Max L-N Voltages

0 1 0x10 Reset Min/Max PF-Apparent

0 1 0x11 Reset Min/Max PF-Displacement

0 1 0x12 Reset Min/Max Power

Circuit Breaker Open-Close (BYTE2 = 1 indicates circuit breaker application) BYTE2 BYTE1 BYTE0 Definition

1 0 0 Open Request

1 0 1 Close Request

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0) – Continued

System Control (BYTE2 = 3 indicates system control) BYTE2 BYTE1 BYTE0 Definition

3 0 1 Capture Waveform

3 0 2 Reset INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics

3 0 3 Reset Product-Specific Statistics

3 0 6 Acknowledge Energy-Reset [See Standard Buffers (3 0 B), (3 0 C)]

3 0 7 Acknowledge Setpoints Buffer Change

3 0 0x0A Abort setpoints download and exit program mode.

3 0 0x0B Release Trend Buffer – Release data log in single-pass mode.

3 0 0x0C Trigger Data Logging

3 0 0x0E Reset Total History Log

3 0 0x0F Reset Breaker History Log

Relay Control (BYTE2 = 4 indicates relay control) BYTE2 BYTE1 BYTE0 Definition

4 1 X Activate relay output #X (X = Relay output number: 1-8.)

4 2 X Deactivate relay output #X (X = Relay output number: 1-8.)

Product-Specific Control (BYTE2 = 6 indicates product-specific control) BYTE2 BYTE1 BYTE0 Definition

6 1 X Comm Logic State (X = Bit-mapped state of 4 inputs.) 0 to 0X0F

6 2 X Select active setting group #X (X = Setting group number: 1-4.)

6 6 X Reset Logic Latch X (X = Latch number: 1 or 2.) (Comm Version 2 only)

214-80 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 307: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Receive Multi-Block Setpoint Data Packet (3 F 9) (Comm Version 0, 1) This command is used to allow a master device to change the FP-5000 settings and to download those values to the device. The content of this buffer varies depending on the group number and block number. The content corresponds directly to the (3 C F, N=50:gg:bb) upload of settings data for a specified group and block within that group.

Setting Type Group Number Block Number System Setpoints Group # = 1 Block Number = 1

Protection Setpoints Group # = 2-5 Block Number = 1-2

Custom Curve Setpoints Group # = 6-8 Block Number = 1

System Alarm Setpoints Group # = 9 Block Number = 1

Logging Setpoints Group # = 10 Block Number = 1

Contact Input Setpoints Group # = 11 Block Number = 1

Output Relay Setpoints Group # = 12 Block Number = 1

Programmable Logic Setpoints (Logic and Timers) Group # = 13 Block Number = 1

Programmable Logic Setpoints (Blocking) Group # = 14 Block Number = 1

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = Q-1

Byte1 Block # = yy

Byte2 Group # = xx

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low byte)

Byte1 Sequence number (high byte)

Byte2 Reserved

3 Setpoints Data

4 Setpoints Data




Q-1 Setpoints Data

Q Byte0 Checksum (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-81

Page 308: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Receive Multi-Block Setpoint Data Packet (3 F 9) (Comm Version 2) This command is used to allow a master device to change the FP-5000 settings and to download those values to the device. The content of this buffer varies depending on the group number and block number. The content corresponds directly to the (3 C F, N=50:gg:bb) upload of settings data for a specified group and block within that group.

Setting Type Group Number Block Number System Setpoints Group # = 1 Block Number = 1

Protection Setpoints Group # = 2-5 Block Number = 1-3

Custom Curve Setpoints Group # = 6-8 Block Number = 1

System Alarm Setpoints Group # = 9 Block Number = 1

Logging Setpoints Group # = 10 Block Number = 1

Contact Input Setpoints Group # = 11 Block Number = 1

Output Relay Setpoints Group # = 12 Block Number = 1

Programmable Logic Setpoints (Logic and Timers) Group # = 13 Block Number = 1

Programmable Logic Setpoints (Blocking) Group # = 14 Block Number = 1

Control Logic Setpoints Group # = 15 Block Number = 1

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = Q-1

Byte1 Block # = yy

Byte2 Group # = xx

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low byte)

Byte1 Sequence number (high byte)

Byte2 Reserved

3 Setpoints Data

4 Setpoints Data




Q-1 Setpoints Data

Q Byte0 Checksum (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-82 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 309: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Download Select Data Buffer Request (3 F B) This command will be used to select a buffer for a subsequent action. The subsequent action may take the form of an Unlock Waveform Buffer Slave Action or an Upload Data Buffer request. It will also be used to begin a setpoints “session.”

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 Data Buffer #/ Settings sequence# (low byte)

Byte2 Data Buffer #/ Settings sequence# (high byte)

2 Byte0 Reserved = 0

Byte1 Reserved = 0

Byte2 Bit Definition

B0 Waveform Buffer Selection

B1 Relay Output Event Lock (not used in FP-5000)

B2 Download Setpoints Request

B3 Trend Data Request (not used in FP-5000)

B4 Event Data Request (not used in FP-5000)

B6 Operation (Trip) Data Buffer Selection

B7 Flash Loader Lock

3 Byte0 Checksum of previous 2 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 2 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-83

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

Download Waveform/Event Buffer Request (3 F B)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 Waveform capture Index – low byte

Byte2 Waveform capture Index – high byte

2 Byte0 Node address of Network Master – low byte

Byte1 Node address of network Master – high byte

Byte2 0 = Waveform event request

3 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 2 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 2 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of checksum LSB


The FP-5000 responds with an ACK message after each message it receives. If Message2/Byte2=0 (Waveform request), and if there is a previously requested waveform upload in progress, the FP-5000 responds to the last message with a "Buffer Not Available" response.

Upon accepting a waveform/event buffer request, the FP-5000 sets the "Waveform Data Upload in Progress" bit in the Waveform Summary Buffer Status Flags.

214-84 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Appendix: Transmit Settings Buffers (3 C F) N=50ggbbH (Comm Ver 0, 1) The values for gg and bb specify the group number and the block number within that group.

N=50ggbbH Transmit Overall System Settings There is a single block within the overall system settings group.

Ranges: gg -> 1

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 23 (0x17)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = 1 (system setpoints)

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-85

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Overall System Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

7 Byte0 Application Code Firmware revision

Byte1 Application Code Firmware version

Byte2 Reserved

8 Byte0 Frequency (high)

Byte1 Frequency (low)

Byte2 Phase Sequence (high)

9 Byte0 Phase Sequence (low)

Byte1 CT Connect (high)

Byte2 CT Connect (low)

10 Byte0 PH CT Primary (high)

Byte1 PH CT Primary (low)

Byte2 NU CT Primary (high)

11 Byte0 NU CT Primary (low)

Byte1 VT Connect (high)

Byte2 VT Connect (low)

12 Byte0 Main VTR (high)

Byte1 Main VTR (low)

Byte2 Aux VTR (high)

13 Byte0 Aux VTR (low)

Byte1 Prim Units (high)

Byte2 Prim Units (low)

214-86 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Overall System Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 14 Byte0 I/O Config (high)

Byte1 I/O Config (low)

Byte2 Prog Logic (high)

15 Byte0 Prog Logic (low)

Byte1 Remote Set (high)

Byte2 Remote Set (low)

16 Byte0 Prg w/Bkr (high)

Byte1 Prg w/Bkr (low)

Byte2 Remote Bkr (high)

17 Byte0 Remote Bkr (low)

Byte1 # Set Grps (high)

Byte2 # Set Grps (low)

18 Byte0 Set Control (high)

Byte1 Set Control (low)

Byte2 Disarm Trip (high)

19 Byte0 Disarm Trip (low)

Byte1 Energy Unit (high)

Byte2 Energy Unit (low)

20 Byte0 TOC Reset H (high)

Byte1 TOC Reset H (low)

Byte2 Front Panel Open/Close Breaker (high)

21 Byte0 Front Panel Open/Close Breaker (low)

Byte1 Ground Directional Control (high)

Byte2 Ground Directional Control (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-87

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Overall System Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 22 Byte0 CT Secondary Rating (high) – FP-5000 hardware setting

Byte1 CT Secondary Rating (low)

Byte2 Boot Code Firmware version (high)

23 Byte0 Boot Code Firmware version (low)

Byte1 Boot Code Firmware revision (high)

Byte2 Boot Code Firmware revision (low)

24 Byte0 Checksum of previous 23 messages (low)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 23 messages (high)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-88 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 315: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group There are 4 groups of protection settings with identical buffer format definitions, each group consisting of 2 blocks.

Ranges: gg -> 2-5

bb -> 1-2

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 48 (0x30)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = gg

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition 0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-89

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description 7 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Shape (high)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Shape (low)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Reset (high)

8 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Reset (low)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Direction (low)

9 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Setting -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Setting -> Pickup (low)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Setting -> Time Mult (high)

10 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Setting -> Time Mult (low)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Pickup (high)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Pickup (low)

11 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Direction (high)

12 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Direction (low)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Pickup (high)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Pickup (low)

13 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Direction (high)

14 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Direction (low)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Shape (high)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Shape (low)

214-90 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description 15 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Reset (high)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Reset (low)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Direction (high)

16 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Direction (low)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Setting -> Pickup (high)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Setting -> Pickup (low)

17 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Setting -> Time Mult (high)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Setting -> Time Mult (low)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Pickup (high)

18 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Pickup (low)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Delay (low)

19 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Direction (high)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Direction (low)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Pickup (high)

20 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Pickup (low)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Delay (low)

21 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Direction (high)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Direction (low)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Shape (high)

22 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Shape (low)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Reset (high)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Reset (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-91

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

23 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Direction (high)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Direction (low)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Setting -> Pickup (high)

24 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Setting -> Pickup (low)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Setting -> Time Mult (high)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Setting -> Time Mult (low)

25 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Pickup (low)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Delay (high)

26 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Direction (low)

27 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Pickup (low)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Delay (high)

28 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Direction (low)

29 Byte0 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> % Unbal (V2/V1) (high)

30 Byte0 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> % Unbal (V2/V1) (low)

Byte1 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> Delay (low)

214-92 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

31 Byte0 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> % Unbal (I2/I1) (high)

32 Byte0 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> % Unbal (I2/I1) (low)

Byte1 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> Delay (low)

33 Byte0 Main V Protection -> 27-M1 Undervoltage -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Main V Protection -> 27-M1 Undervoltage -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Main V Protection -> 27-M1 Undervoltage -> Delay (high)

34 Byte0 Main V Protection -> 27-M1 Undervoltage -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Main V Protection -> 59-M1 Overvoltage -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Main V Protection -> 59-M1 Overvoltage -> Threshold (low)

35 Byte0 Main V Protection -> 59-M1 Overvoltage -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Main V Protection -> 59-M1 Overvoltage -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Aux V Protection -> 27-A1 Undervoltage -> Threshold (high)

36 Byte0 Aux V Protection -> 27-A1 Undervoltage -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Aux V Protection -> 27-A1 Undervoltage -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Aux V Protection -> 27-A1 Undervoltage -> Delay (low)

37 Byte0 Aux V Protection -> 59-A1 Overvoltage -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Aux V Protection -> 59-A1 Overvoltage -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Aux V Protection -> 59-A1 Overvoltage -> Delay (high)

38 Byte0 Aux V Protection -> 59-A1 Overvoltage -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Freq. Protection -> 81U-1 Underfreq -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Freq. Protection -> 81U-1 Underfreq -> Threshold (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-93

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

39 Byte0 Freq. Protection -> 81U-1 Underfreq -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Freq. Protection -> 81U-1 Underfreq -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Freq. Protection -> 81O-1 Overfreq -> Threshold (high)

40 Byte0 Freq. Protection -> 81O-1 Overfreq -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Freq. Protection -> 81O-1 Overfreq -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Freq. Protection -> 81O-1 Overfreq -> Delay (low)

41 Byte0 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Config (high)

Byte1 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Config (low)

Byte2 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Phase Current (high)

42 Byte0 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Phase Current (low)

Byte1 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Ground Current (high)

Byte2 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Ground Current (low)

43 Byte0 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Trigger PF (high)

44 Byte0 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Trigger PF (low)

Byte1 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Reset PF (high)

Byte2 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Reset PF (low)

45 Byte0 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Trigger PF (high)

46 Byte0 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Trigger PF (low)

Byte1 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Reset PF (high)

Byte2 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Reset PF (low)

214-94 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

47 Byte0 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Zone In (high)

48 Byte0 Zone In (low)

Byte1 Zone Out (high)

Byte2 Zone Out (low)

49 Byte0 Checksum of previous 48 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 48 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

Protection Settings Group Block 2 Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 24 (0x18)

Byte1 Block # = 2

Byte2 Group # = gg

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-95

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Protection Settings Group Block 2 Message Byte Description

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

7 Byte0 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Pickup (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Delay (high)

8 Byte0 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Direction (low)

9 Byte0 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Pickup (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Delay (high)

10 Byte0 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Direction (low)

11 Byte0 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Pickup (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Delay (high)

214-96 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 323: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Protection Settings Group Block 2 Message Byte Description

12 Byte0 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Direction (low)

13 Byte0 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> % Unbal (I2/I1) (high)

14 Byte0 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> % Unbal (I2/I1) (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> Delay (low)

15 Byte0 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> % Unbal (V2/V1) (high)

16 Byte0 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> % Unbal (V2/V1) (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> Delay (low)

17 Byte0 Alarms -> 59-M2 Over V Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 59-M2 Over V Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 59-M2 Over V Alarm -> Delay (high)

18 Byte0 Alarms -> 59-M2 Over V Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 27-M2 Under V Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 27-M2 Under V Alarm -> Threshold (low)

19 Byte0 Alarms -> 27-M2 Under V Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 27-M2 Under V Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 59-A2 Over V Alarm -> Threshold (high)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-97

Page 324: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Protection Settings Group Block 2 Message Byte Description

20 Byte0 Alarms -> 59-A2 Over V Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 59-A2 Over V Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 59-A2 Over V Alarm -> Delay (low)

21 Byte0 Alarms -> 27-A2 Under V Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 27-A2 Under V Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 27-A2 Under V Alarm -> Delay (high)

22 Byte0 Alarms -> 27-A2 Under V Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 81O-2 Over Freq Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 81O-2 Over Freq Alarm -> Threshold (low)

23 Byte0 Alarms -> 81O-2 Over Freq Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 81O-2 Over Freq Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 81U-2 Under Freq Alarm -> Threshold (high)

24 Byte0 Alarms -> 81U-2 Under Freq Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 81U-2 Under Freq Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 81U-2 Under Freq Alarm -> Delay (low)

25 Byte0 Checksum of previous 24 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 24 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-98 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 325: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Custom Curve Specification Settings The custom curve specification is three groups, one for each individual custom curve. Each group is defined by an identical buffer format. A maximum of 3 custom curves may be specified at this time. Future products may support the specification of up to 6 custom curves. (The "z" which appears below is a value from 1-3 to identify the custom curve being defined on the display.)

Ranges: gg -> 6-8

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 20 (0x14)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = gg

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-99

Page 326: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Custom Curve Specification Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

7 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 1 -> X1 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 1 -> X1 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 1 -> T1 (high)

8 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 1 -> T1 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 2 -> X2 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 2 -> X2 (low)

9 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 2 -> T2 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 2 -> T2 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 3 -> X3 (high)

10 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 3 -> X3 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 3 -> T3 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 3 -> T3 (low)

11 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 4 -> X4 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 4 -> X4 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 4 -> T4 (high)

12 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 4 -> T4 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 5 -> X5 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 5 -> X5 (low)

13 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 5 -> T5 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 5 -> T5 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 6 -> X6 (high)

214-100 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 327: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Custom Curve Specification Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 14 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 6 -> X6 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 6 -> T6 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 6 -> T6 (low)

15 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 7 -> X7 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 7 -> X7 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 7 -> T7 (high)

16 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 7 -> T7 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 8 -> X8 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 8 -> X8 (low)

17 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 8 -> T8 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 8 -> T8 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 9 -> X9 (high)

18 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 9 -> X9 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 9 -> T9 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 9 -> T9 (low)

19 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 10 -> X10 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 10 ->X10 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 10 ->T10 (high)

20 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 10 ->T10 (low)

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

21 Byte0 Checksum of previous 20 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 20 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-101

Page 328: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit System Alarm Settings There is a single block within the system alarm settings group.

Ranges: gg -> 9

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 24 (0x18)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = 9

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

214-102 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 329: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit System Alarm Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 7 Byte0 Watt Power Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 Watt Power Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 Watt Power Alarm -> Threshold (high)

8 Byte0 Watt Power Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Watt Power Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Watt Power Alarm -> Delay (low)

9 Byte0 Var Power Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 Var Power Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 Var Power Alarm -> Threshold (high)

10 Byte0 Var Power Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Var Power Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Var Power Alarm -> Delay (low)

11 Byte0 VA Power Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 VA Power Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 VA Power Alarm -> Threshold (high)

12 Byte0 VA Power Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 VA Power Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 VA Power Alarm -> Delay (low)

13 Byte0 Watt Demand Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 Watt Demand Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 Watt Demand Alarm -> Threshold (high)

14 Byte0 Watt Demand Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Watt Demand Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Watt Demand Alarm -> Delay (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-103

Page 330: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit System Alarm Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

15 Byte0 Var Demand Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 Var Demand Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 Var Demand Alarm -> Threshold (high)

16 Byte0 Var Demand Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Var Demand Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Var Demand Alarm -> Delay (low)

17 Byte0 VA Demand Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 VA Demand Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 VA Demand Alarm -> Threshold (high)

18 Byte0 VA Demand Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 VA Demand Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 VA Demand Alarm -> Delay (low)

19 Byte0 Current Demand Alm -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Current Demand Alm -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Current Demand Alm -> Delay (high)

20 Byte0 Current Demand Alm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Current THD Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Current THD Alarm -> Threshold (low)

21 Byte0 Current THD Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Current THD Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Voltage THD Alarm -> Threshold (high)

22 Byte0 Voltage THD Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Voltage THD Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Voltage THD Alarm -> Delay (low)

214-104 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 331: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit System Alarm Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

23 Byte0 Breaker Alarm -> # Operations (high)

Byte1 Breaker Alarm -> # Operations (low)

Byte2 Breaker Alarm -> SumI Interr (high)

24 Byte0 Breaker Alarm -> SumI Interr (low)

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

25 Byte0 Checksum of previous 24 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 24 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-105

Page 332: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Logging Settings There is a single block within the logging settings group.

Ranges: gg -> a

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 30 (0x1e)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = a

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

214-106 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 333: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Logging Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 7 Byte0 Current Demand -> Interval (high)

Byte1 Current Demand -> Interval (low)

Byte2 Power Demand -> Window (high)

8 Byte0 Power Demand -> Window (low)

Byte1 Power Demand -> Interval (high)

Byte2 Power Demand -> Interval (low)

9 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> I Pickup (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> I Pickup (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> V Pickup (high)

10 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> V Pickup (low)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Freq Pickup (high)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Freq Pickup (low)

11 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> PF Pickup (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> PF Pickup (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Unbalance Pickup (high)

12 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Unbalance Pickup (low)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> SysAlm Pick (high)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> SysAlm Pick (low)

13 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 1 (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Cin 1 (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Cin 2 (high)

14 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 2 (low)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Cin 3 (high)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Cin 3 (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-107

Page 334: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Logging Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

15 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 4 (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Cin 4 (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Cin 5 (high)

16 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 5 (low)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Cin 6 (high)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Cin 6 (low)

17 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 7 (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Cin 7 (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Cin 8 (high)

18 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 8 (low)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Comm. (high)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Comm. (low)

19 Byte0 Datalogger -> Mode (high)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Mode (low)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Trigger (high)

20 Byte0 Datalogger -> Trigger (low)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Interval (high)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Interval (low)

21 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 1 (high)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Value 1 (low)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Value 2 (high)

22 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 2 (low)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Value 3 (high)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Value 3 (low)

214-108 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 335: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Logging Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

23 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 4 (high)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Value 4 (low)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Value 5 (high)

24 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 5 (low)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Value 6 (high)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Value 6 (low)

25 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 7 (high)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Value 7 (low)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Value 8 (high)

26 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 8 (low)

Byte1 Waveform Capture -> Records (high)

Byte2 Waveform Capture -> Records (low)

27 Byte0 Waveform Capture -> Pre-Trigger (high)

Byte1 Waveform Capture -> Pre-Trigger (low)

Byte2 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> TRIP2 (high)

28 Byte0 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> TRIP2 (low)

Byte1 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> dV/dI (high)

Byte2 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> dV/dI (low)

29 Byte0 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> Logic (high)

Byte1 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> Logic (low)

Byte2 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> PB (high)

30 Byte0 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> PB (low)

Byte1 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> Comm (high)

Byte2 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> Comm (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-109

Page 336: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Logging Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

31 Byte0 Checksum of previous 30 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 30 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-110 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 337: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Contact Input Settings Only a single group containing a single block is required for the Contact Input settings.

Ranges: gg -> b

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 12 (0x0c)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = b

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-111

Page 338: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Contact Input Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 7 Byte0 Cin1 (high)

Byte1 Cin1 (low)

Byte2 Cin2 (high)

8 Byte0 Cin2 (low)

Byte1 Cin3 (high)

Byte2 Cin3 (low)

9 Byte0 Cin4 (high)

Byte1 Cin4 (low)

Byte2 Cin5 (high)

10 Byte0 Cin5 (low)

Byte1 Cin6 (high)

Byte2 Cin6 (low)

11 Byte0 Cin7 (high)

Byte1 Cin7 (low)

Byte2 Cin8 (high)

12 Byte0 Cin8 (low)

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

13 Byte0 Checksum of previous 12 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 12 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-112 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 339: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings There is a single group of output relay settings.

Ranges: gg -> c

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 55 (0x37)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = c

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-113

Page 340: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 7 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> Monitor (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip1 -> Monitor (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip1 -> Function (high)

8 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> Function (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip1 -> Dropout (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip1 -> Dropout (low)

9 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip1 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN1 (high)

10 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN1 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN2 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN2 (low)

11 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN3 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN3 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN4 (high)

12 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN4 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> Monitor (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip2 -> Monitor (low)

13 Byte0 Output Gate Trip2 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip2 -> Dropout (high)

14 Byte0 Output Gate Trip2 -> Dropout (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip2 -> Off Delay (low)

214-114 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 341: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 15 Byte0 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN1 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN1 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN2 (high)

16 Byte0 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN2 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN3 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN3 (low)

17 Byte0 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN4 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN4 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K3 -> Function (high)

18 Byte0 Output Gate K3 -> Function (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K3 -> Dropout (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K3 -> Dropout (low)

19 Byte0 Output Gate K3 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K3 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K3 -> IN1 (high)

20 Byte0 Output Gate K3 -> IN1 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K3 -> IN2 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K3 -> IN2 (low)

21 Byte0 Output Gate K3 -> IN3 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K3 -> IN3 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K3 -> IN4 (high)

22 Byte0 Output Gate K3 -> IN4 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K4 -> Function (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K4 -> Function (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-115

Page 342: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 23 Byte0 Output Gate K4 -> Dropout (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K4 -> Dropout (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K4 -> Off Delay (high)

24 Byte0 Output Gate K4 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K4 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K4 -> IN1 (low)

25 Byte0 Output Gate K4 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K4 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K4 -> IN3 (high)

26 Byte0 Output Gate K4 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K4 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K4 -> IN4 (low)

27 Byte0 Output Gate K5 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K5 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K5 -> Dropout (high)

28 Byte0 Output Gate K5 -> Dropout (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K5 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K5 -> Off Delay (low)

29 Byte0 Output Gate K5 -> IN1 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K5 -> IN1 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K5 -> IN2 (high)

30 Byte0 Output Gate K5 -> IN2 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K5 -> IN3 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K5 -> IN3 (low)

214-116 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 343: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 31 Byte0 Output Gate K5 -> IN4 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K5 -> IN4 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K6 -> Function (high)

32 Byte0 Output Gate K6 -> Function (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K6 -> Dropout (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K6 -> Dropout (low)

33 Byte0 Output Gate K6 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K6 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K6 -> IN1(high)

34 Byte0 Output Gate K6 -> IN1(low)

Byte1 Output Gate K6 -> IN2 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K6 -> IN2 (low)

35 Byte0 Output Gate K6 -> IN3 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K6 -> IN3 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K6 -> IN4 (high)

36 Byte0 Output Gate K6 -> IN4 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Aux LED -> Function (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Aux LED -> Function (low)

37 Byte0 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN1(high)

Byte1 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN1(low)

Byte2 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN2 (high)

38 Byte0 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN2 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN3 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN3 (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-117

Page 344: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 39 Byte0 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN4 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN4 (low)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> Dropout (high)

40 Byte0 Trip Indicator -> Dropout (low)

Byte1 Trip Indicator -> Trip1(high)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> Trip1(low)

41 Byte0 Trip Indicator -> Trip2 (high)

Byte1 Trip Indicator -> Trip2 (low)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> K3 (high)

42 Byte0 Trip Indicator -> K3 (low)

Byte1 Trip Indicator -> K4 (high)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> K4 (low)

43 Byte0 Trip Indicator -> K5 (high)

Byte1 Trip Indicator -> K5 (low)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> Aux1 (high)

44 Byte0 Trip Indicator -> Aux1(low)

Byte1 Trip Indicator -> Aux2 (high)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> Aux2 (low)

45 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> Dropout (high)

Byte1 Alarm Indicator -> Dropout (low)

Byte2 Alarm Indicator -> Trip1 (high)

46 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> Trip1(low)

Byte1 Alarm Indicator -> Trip2 (high)

Byte2 Alarm Indicator -> Trip2 (low)

214-118 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 345: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 47 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> K3 (high)

Byte1 Alarm Indicator -> K3 (low)

Byte2 Alarm Indicator -> K4 (high)

48 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> K4 (low)

Byte1 Alarm Indicator -> K5 (high)

Byte2 Alarm Indicator -> K5 (low)

49 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> Aux1(high)

Byte1 Alarm Indicator -> Aux1(low)

Byte2 Alarm Indicator -> Aux2 (high)

50 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> Aux2 (low)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> Dropout (high)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> Dropout (low)

51 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> IOC (high)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> IOC (low)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> TOC (high)

52 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> TOC (low)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> Voltage (high)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> Voltage (low)

53 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> Over Frequency (high)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> Over Frequency (low)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> Under Frequency (high)

54 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> Under Frequency (low)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> Unbalance (high)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> Unbalance (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-119

Page 346: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 55 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> Alarms (high)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> Alarms (low)

Byte2 Reserved

56 Byte0 Checksum of previous 55 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 55 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-120 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 347: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings There are 2 groups of programmable logic settings. The first group consists of all settings related to the 6 programmable logic blocks and the timer blocks.

Ranges: gg -> d

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 50 (0x2e)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = d

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-121

Page 348: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 7 Byte0 Logic Gate 1 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 1 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

8 Byte0 Logic Gate 1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 1 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 1 -> IN1 (low)

9 Byte0 Logic Gate 1 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 1 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 1 -> IN3 (high)

10 Byte0 Logic Gate 1 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 1 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 1 -> IN4 (low)

11 Byte0 Logic Gate 2 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

12 Byte0 Logic Gate 2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 2 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 2 -> IN1 (low)

13 Byte0 Logic Gate 2 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 2 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 2 -> IN3 (high)

14 Byte0 Logic Gate 2 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 2 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 2 -> IN4 (low)

214-122 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 349: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 15 Byte0 Logic Gate 3 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 3 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 3 -> Set Group Enable (high)

16 Byte0 Logic Gate 3 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 3 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 3 -> IN1 (low)

17 Byte0 Logic Gate 3 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 3 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 3 -> IN3 (high)

18 Byte0 Logic Gate 3 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 3 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 3 -> IN4 (low)

19 Byte0 Logic Gate 4 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 4 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 4 -> Set Group Enable (high)

20 Byte0 Logic Gate 4 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 4 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 4 -> IN1 (low)

21 Byte0 Logic Gate 4 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 4 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 4 -> IN3 (high)

22 Byte0 Logic Gate 4 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 4 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 4 -> IN4 (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-123

Page 350: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 23 Byte0 Logic Gate 5 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 5 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 5 -> Set Group Enable (high)

24 Byte0 Logic Gate 5 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 5 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 5 -> IN1 (low)

25 Byte0 Logic Gate 5 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 5 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 5 -> IN3 (high)

26 Byte0 Logic Gate 5 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 5 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 5 -> IN4 (low)

27 Byte0 Logic Gate 6 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 6 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 6 -> Set Group Enable (high)

28 Byte0 Logic Gate 6 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 6 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 6 -> IN1 (low)

29 Byte0 Logic Gate 6 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 6 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 6 -> IN3 (high)

30 Byte0 Logic Gate 6 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 6 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 6 -> IN4 (low)

214-124 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 351: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 31 Byte0 Timer Gate 1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 1 -> Input (high)

32 Byte0 Timer Gate 1 -> Input (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 1 -> On Delay (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 1 -> On Delay (low)

33 Byte0 Timer Gate 1 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 1 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

34 Byte0 Timer Gate 2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 2 -> Input (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 2 -> Input (low)

35 Byte0 Timer Gate 2 -> On Delay (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 2 -> On Delay (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 2 -> Off Delay (high)

36 Byte0 Timer Gate 2 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 3 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 3 -> Set Group Enable (low)

37 Byte0 Timer Gate 3 -> Input (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 3 -> Input (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 3 -> On Delay (high)

38 Byte0 Timer Gate 3 -> On Delay (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 3 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 3 -> Off Delay (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-125

Page 352: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 39 Byte0 Timer Gate 4 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 4 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 4 -> Input (high)

40 Byte0 Timer Gate 4 -> Input (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 4 -> On Delay (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 4 -> On Delay (low)

41 Byte0 Timer Gate 4 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 4 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 5 -> Set Group Enable (high)

42 Byte0 Timer Gate 5 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 5 -> Input (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 5 -> Input (low)

43 Byte0 Timer Gate 5 -> On Delay (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 5 -> On Delay (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 5 -> Off Delay (high)

44 Byte0 Timer Gate 5 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 6 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 6 -> Set Group Enable (low)

45 Byte0 Timer Gate 6 -> Input (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 6 -> Input (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 6 -> On Delay (high)

46 Byte0 Timer Gate 6 -> On Delay (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 6 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 6 -> Off Delay (low)

214-126 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 353: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 47 Byte0 Logic Latch 1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte1 Logic Latch 1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte2 Logic Latch 1 -> Set Input (high)

48 Byte0 Logic Latch 1 -> Set Input (low)

Byte1 Logic Latch 1 -> Reset Input (high)

Byte2 Logic Latch 1 -> Reset Input (low)

49 Byte0 Logic Latch 2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte1 Logic Latch 2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte2 Logic Latch 2 -> Set Input (high)

50 Byte0 Logic Latch 2 -> Set Input (low)

Byte1 Logic Latch 2 -> Reset Input (high)

Byte2 Logic Latch 2 -> Reset Input (low)

51 Byte0 Checksum of previous 50 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 50 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

The second group consists of all settings related to the blocking gates.

Ranges: gg -> e

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional messages = 54 (0x36)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = e

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-127

Page 354: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

7 Byte0 Block 50X1 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50X1 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50X1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

8 Byte0 Block 50X1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50X1 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X1 -> In1 (low)

214-128 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 355: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

9 Byte0 Block 50X1 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50X1 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50X1 -> In3 (high)

10 Byte0 Block 50X1 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50X1 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X1 -> In4 (low)

11 Byte0 Block 50X2 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50X2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50X2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

12 Byte0 Block 50X2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50X2 -> In1(high)

Byte2 Block 50X2 -> In1(low)

13 Byte0 Block 50X2 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50X2 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50X2 -> In3 (high)

14 Byte0 Block 50X2 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50X2 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X2 -> In4 (low)

15 Byte0 Block 50X3 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50X3 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50X3 -> Set Group Enable (high)

16 Byte0 Block 50X3 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50X3 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X3 -> In1 (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-129

Page 356: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

17 Byte0 Block 50X3 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50X3 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50X3 -> In3 (high)

18 Byte0 Block 50X3 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50X3 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X3 -> In4 (low)

19 Byte0 Block 50R1 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50R1 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50R1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

20 Byte0 Block 50R1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50R1 -> In1(high)

Byte2 Block 50R1 -> In1(low)

21 Byte0 Block 50R1 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50R1 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50R1 -> In3 (high)

22 Byte0 Block 50R1 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50R1 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50R1 -> In4 (low)

23 Byte0 Block 50R2 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50R2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50R2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

24 Byte0 Block 50R2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50R2 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50R2 -> In1 (low)

214-130 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 357: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

25 Byte0 Block 50R2 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50R2 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50R2 -> In3 (high)

26 Byte0 Block 50R2 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50R2 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50R2 -> In4 (low)

27 Byte0 Block 50R3 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50R3 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50R3 -> Set Group Enable (high)

28 Byte0 Block 50R3 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50R3 -> In1(high)

Byte2 Block 50R3 -> In1(low)

29 Byte0 Block 50R3 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50R3 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50R3 -> In3 (high)

30 Byte0 Block 50R3 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50R3 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50R3 -> In4 (low)

31 Byte0 Block 50P1 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50P1 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50P1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

32 Byte0 Block 50P1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50P1 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P1 -> In1 (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-131

Page 358: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

33 Byte0 Block 50P1 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50P1 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50P1 -> In3 (high)

34 Byte0 Block 50P1 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50P1 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P1 -> In4 (low)

35 Byte0 Block 50P2 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50P2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50P2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

36 Byte0 Block 50P2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50P2 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P2 -> In1 (low)

37 Byte0 Block 50P2 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50P2 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50P2 -> In3 (high)

38 Byte0 Block 50P2 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50P2 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P2 -> In4 (low)

39 Byte0 Block 50P3 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50P3 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50P3 -> Set Group Enable (high)

40 Byte0 Block 50P3 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50P3 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P3 -> In1 (low)

214-132 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 359: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

41 Byte0 Block 50P3 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50P3 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50P3 -> In3 (high)

42 Byte0 Block 50P3 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50P3 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P3 -> In4 (low)

43 Byte0 Block 51P -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 51P -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 51P -> Set Group Enable (high)

44 Byte0 Block 51P -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 51P -> In1(high)

Byte2 Block 51P -> In1(low)

45 Byte0 Block 51P -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 51P -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 51P -> In3 (high)

46 Byte0 Block 51P -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 51P -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 51P -> In4 (low)

47 Byte0 Block 51R -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 51R -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 51R -> Set Group Enable (high)

48 Byte0 Block 51R -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 51R -> In1(high)

Byte2 Block 51R -> In1(low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-133

Page 360: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

49 Byte0 Block 51R -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 51R -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 51R -> In3 (high)

50 Byte0 Block 51R -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 51R -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 51R -> In4 (low)

51 Byte0 Block 51X -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 51X -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 51X -> Set Group Enable (high)

52 Byte0 Block 51X -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 51X -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 51X -> In1 (low)

53 Byte0 Block 51X -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 51X -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 51X -> In3 (high)

54 Byte0 Block 51X -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 51X -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 51X -> In4 (low)

55 Byte0 Checksum of previous 54 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 54 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-134 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 361: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

Appendix: Transmit Settings Buffers (3 C F) N=50ggbbH (Comm Version 2) The values for gg and bb specify the group number and the block number within that group.

N=50ggbbH Transmit Overall System Settings The values for gg and bb specify the group number and the block number within that group. There is a single block within the overall system settings group.

Ranges: gg -> 1

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 31(0x1F)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = 1(system setpoints)

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-135

Page 362: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Overall System Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

7 Byte0 Application Code Firmware Revision

Byte1 Application Code Firmware Version

Byte2 Reserved

8 Byte0 Frequency (high) Byte1 Frequency (low)

Byte2 Phase Sequence (high)

9 Byte0 Phase Sequence (low)

Byte1 CT Connect (high)

Byte2 CT Connect (low)

10 Byte0 PH CT Primary (high)

Byte1 PH CT Primary (low)

Byte2 NU CT Primary (high)

11 Byte0 NU CT Primary (low)

Byte1 VT Connect (high)

Byte2 VT Connect (low)

12 Byte0 Main VTR (high)

Byte1 Main VTR (low)

Byte2 Aux VTR (high)

13 Byte0 Aux VTR (low)

Byte1 Prim Units (high)

Byte2 Prim Units (low)

214-136 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 363: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Overall System Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

14 Byte0 I/O Config (high)

Byte1 I/O Config (low)

Byte2 Prog Logic (high)

15 Byte0 Prog Logic (low)

Byte1 Remote Set (high)

Byte2 Remote Set (low)

16 Byte0 Prg w/Bkr (high)

Byte1 Prg w/Bkr (low)

Byte2 Remote Bkr (high)

17 Byte0 Remote Bkr (low)

Byte1 # Set Grps (high)

Byte2 # Set Grps (low)

18 Byte0 Set Control (high)

Byte1 Set Control (low)

Byte2 Disarm Trip (high)

19 Byte0 Disarm Trip (low)

Byte1 Energy Unit (high)

Byte2 Energy Unit (low)

20 Byte0 TOC Reset H (high)

Byte1 TOC Reset H (low)

Byte2 Front Panel Open/Close Breaker (high)

21 Byte0 Front Panel Open/Close Breaker (low)

Byte1 Ground Ir Directional Control (high)

Byte2 Ground Ir Directional Control (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-137

Page 364: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Overall System Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

22 Byte0 Reserved [Positive Sequence Impedance Magnitude (high)]

Byte1 Reserved [Positive Sequence Impedance Magnitude (low)]

Byte2 Positive Sequence Impedance Angle (high)

23 Byte0 Positive Sequence Impedance Angle (low)

Byte1 Reserved [Zero Sequence Impedance Magnitude (high)]

Byte2 Reserved [Zero Sequence Impedance Magnitude (low)]

24 Byte0 Zero Sequence Impedance Angle (high)

Byte1 Zero Sequence Impedance Angle (low)

Byte2 Reserved [Line Length (high)]

25 Byte0 Reserved. [Line Length (low)]

Byte1 3V0 Source (high)

Byte2 3V0 Source (low)

26 Byte0 3I0 Source (high)

Byte1 3I0 Source (low)

Byte2 Memory Voltage Level (high)

27 Byte0 Memory Voltage Level (low)

Byte1 Vt Secondary Rating (high)

Byte2 Vt Secondary Rating (low)

28 Byte0 Ground Ix Directional Control (high)

Byte1 Ground Ix Directional Control (low)

Byte2 Reserved

29 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

214-138 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 365: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Overall System Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

30 Byte0 CT Secondary Rating (high) – FP-5000 hardware setting

Byte1 CT Secondary Rating (low)

Byte2 Boot Code Firmware version (high)

31 Byte0 Boot Code Firmware version (low)

Byte1 Boot Code Firmware revision (high)

Byte2 Boot Code Firmware revision (low)

32 Byte0 Checksum of previous 31 messages (low)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 31 messages (high)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-139

Page 366: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group The values for gg and bb specify the group number and the block number within that group. There are 4 groups of protection settings with identical buffer format definitions, each group consisting of 3 blocks.

Ranges: gg -> 2-5

bb -> 1-3

Block 1 Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 61 (0x3D)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = gg

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved 214-140 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 367: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Shape (high)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Shape (low)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Reset (high)

8 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Reset (low)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Curve -> Direction (low)

9 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Setting -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Setting -> Pickup (low)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Setting -> Time Mult (high)

10 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P PH TOC Setting -> Time Mult (low)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Pickup (high)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Pickup (low)

11 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Delay (high)

12 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Direction (low)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Shape (low)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-1 PH OC 1 -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Pickup (low)

13 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Direction (high)

14 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 50P-2 PH OC 2 -> Direction (low)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Shape (high)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-141

Page 368: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

15 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Reset (high)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Reset (low)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Direction (high)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Setting -> Time Mult (low)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Pickup (high)

21 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Direction (high)

22 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Shape (low)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Reset (high)

16 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Curve -> Direction (low)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Setting -> Pickup (high)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Setting -> Pickup (low)

17 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 51x Ix TOC Setting -> Time Mult (high)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Pickup (high)

18 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Pickup (low)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Delay (low)

19 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Direction (high)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-1 Ix OC 1 -> Direction (low)

20 Byte0 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Pickup (low)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Ix Overcurrent -> 50x-2 Ix OC 2 -> Direction (low)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Shape (high)

Byte 2 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Reset (low)

214-142 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 369: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

23 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Direction (high)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Curve -> Direction (low)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Setting -> Pickup (high)

26 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Delay (low)

27 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Pickup (low)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Direction (high)

30 Byte0 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> % Unbal (V2/V1) (low)

24 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Setting -> Pickup (low)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Setting -> Time Mult (high)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 51r Ir TOC Setting -> Time Mult (low)

25 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Pickup (low)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-1 Ir OC 1 -> Direction (low)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Delay (high)

28 Byte0 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Ir Overcurrent -> 50r-2 Ir OC 2 -> Direction (low)

29 Byte0 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> % Unbal (V2/V1) (high)

Byte1 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Unbalance -> 47-1 Voltage Unbal -> Delay (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-143

Page 370: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

31 Byte0 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Main V Protection -> 27-M1 Undervoltage -> Delay (high)

35 Byte0 Main V Protection -> 59-M1 Overvoltage -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Aux V Protection -> 27-A1 Undervoltage -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Aux V Protection -> 59-A1 Overvoltage -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Aux V Protection -> 59-A1 Overvoltage -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Freq. Protection -> 81U-1 Underfreq -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> % Unbal (I2/I1)(high)

32 Byte0 Unbalance -> 46-1 Current Unbal -> % Unbal (I2/I1) (low)

33 Byte0 Main V Protection -> 27-M1 Undervoltage -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Main V Protection -> 27-M1 Undervoltage -> Threshold (low)

34 Byte0 Main V Protection -> 27-M1 Undervoltage -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Main V Protection -> 59-M1 Overvoltage -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Main V Protection -> 59-M1 Overvoltage -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Main V Protection -> 59-M1 Overvoltage -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Aux V Protection -> 27-A1 Undervoltage -> Threshold (high)

36 Byte0 Aux V Protection -> 27-A1 Undervoltage -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Aux V Protection -> 27-A1 Undervoltage -> Delay (low)

37 Byte0 Aux V Protection -> 59-A1 Overvoltage -> Threshold (high)

38 Byte0 Aux V Protection -> 59-A1 Overvoltage -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Freq. Protection -> 81U-1 Underfreq -> Threshold (high)

214-144 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 371: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

39 Byte0 Freq. Protection -> 81U-1 Underfreq -> Delay (high)

40 Byte0 Freq. Protection -> 81O-1 Overfreq -> Threshold (low)

43 Byte0 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Reset PF (low)

Byte1 Freq. Protection -> 81U-1 Underfreq -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Freq. Protection -> 81O-1 Overfreq -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Freq. Protection -> 81O-1 Overfreq -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Freq. Protection -> 81O-1 Overfreq -> Delay (low)

41 Byte0 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Config (high)

Byte1 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Config (low)

Byte2 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Phase Current (high)

42 Byte0 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Phase Current (low)

Byte1 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Ground Current (high)

Byte2 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> BFI Ground Current (low)

Byte1 Breaker Failure -> 50BF Bkr Failure -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Trigger PF (high)

44 Byte0 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Trigger PF (low)

Byte1 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Reset PF (high)

Byte2 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Reset PF (low)

45 Byte0 Power Factor -> 55A Apparent PF -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Trigger PF (high)

46 Byte0 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Trigger PF (low)

Byte1 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Reset PF (high)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-145

Page 372: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

47 Byte0 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Power Factor -> 55D Displacement PF -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Zone Interlock Trip (high)

48 Byte0 Zone Interlock Trip (low)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Curve -> Reset (high)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Setting -> Volt Restraint (low)

Byte1 Main V Protection -> 59-M1 Overvoltage -> Phases (high)

Byte1 Zone Interlock Out (high)

Byte2 Zone Interlock Out (low)

49 Byte0 Reserved 51P PH TOC Setting -> Volt Restraint (high)

Byte1 Reserved 51P PH TOC Setting -> Volt Restraint (low)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Curve -> Shape (high)

50 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Curve -> Shape (low)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Curve -> Reset (low)

51 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Curve -> Direction (high)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Curve -> Direction (low)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Setting -> Pickup (high)

52 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Setting -> Pickup (low)

Byte1 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Setting -> Time Mult (high)

Byte2 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Setting -> Time Mult (low)

53 Byte0 Phase Overcurrent -> 51P2 PH TOC Setting -> Volt Restraint (high)

Byte2 Main V Protection -> 27-M1 Undervoltage -> Phases (high)

54 Byte0 Main V Protection -> 27-M1 Undervoltage -> Phases (low)

Byte2 Main V Protection -> 59-M1 Overvoltage -> Phases (low)

214-146 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 373: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Message Byte Description

55 Byte0 Loss Potential -> Block (high)

Byte1 Loss Potential -> Block (low)

Byte2 Loss Potential -> Alarm Delay (high)

56 Byte0 Loss Potential -> Alarm Delay (low)

Byte1 Residual Voltage 59N-1 -> Source (high)

Byte2 Residual Voltage 59N-1 -> Source (low)

58 Byte0 Residual Voltage 59N-1 -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 ZoneInterlock Out Direction (high)

Byte2 Reserved Setting

62 Byte0 Checksum of previous 61 messages (low byte)

57 Byte0 Residual Voltage 59N-1 -> Criterion (high)

Byte1 Residual Voltage 59N-1 -> Criterion (low)

Byte2 Residual Voltage 59N-1 -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Residual Voltage 59N-1 -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Residual Voltage 59N-1 -> Delay (low)

59 Byte0 ZoneInterlock Trip Direction (high)

Byte1 ZoneInterlock Trip Direction (low)

60 Byte0 ZoneInterlock Out Direction (low)

Byte1 Reserved Setting

61 Byte0 Reserved Setting

Byte1 Reserved Setting

Byte2 Reserved Setting

Byte1 Checksum of previous 61 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-147

Page 374: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Block 2 Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 22 (0x16)

Byte1 Block # = 2

Byte2 Group # = gg

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition 0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

214-148 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 375: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Block 2 Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 Power Protection -> 32-1 -> Direction (high)

Byte1 Power Protection -> 32-1 -> Direction (low)

Byte2 Power Protection -> 32-1 -> Criterion (high)

8 Byte0 Power Protection -> 32-1 -> Criterion (low)

Byte1 Power Protection -> 32-1 -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Power Protection -> 32-1 -> Threshold (low)

9 Byte0 Power Protection -> 32-1 -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Power Protection -> 32-1 -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Power Protection -> 32-2 -> Direction (high)

10 Byte0 Power Protection -> 32-2 -> Direction (low)

Byte1 Power Protection -> 32-2 -> Criterion (high)

Byte2 Power Protection -> 32-2 -> Criterion (low)

11 Byte0 Power Protection -> 32-2 -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Power Protection -> 32-2 -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Power Protection -> 32-2 -> Delay (high)

12 Byte0 Power Protection -> 32-2 -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Synch-Check -> Enable (high)

Byte2 Synch-Check -> Enable (low)

13 Byte0 Synch-Check -> Max Breaker Close Time (BCT) (high)

Byte1 Synch-Check -> Max Breaker Close Time (BCT) (low)

Byte2 Synch-Check -> Synch-Check Failure Timer (high)

14 Byte0 Synch-Check -> Synch-Check Failure Timer (low)

Byte1 Synch-Check -> Min Live Voltage (high)

Byte2 Synch-Check -> Min Live Voltage (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-149

Page 376: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Block 2 Message Byte Description

15 Byte0 Synch-Check -> Max Dead Voltage (high)

Byte1 Synch-Check -> Max Dead Voltage (low)

Byte2 Synch-Check -> Voltage Dead Time (high)

16 Byte0 Synch-Check -> Voltage Dead Time (low)

Byte1 Synch-Check -> Max Volt Difference (high)

Byte2 Synch-Check -> Max Volt Difference (low)

17 Byte0 Synch-Check -> Max Angle Difference (high)

Byte1 Synch-Check -> Max Angle Difference (low)

Byte2 Synch-Check -> Max Slip Difference (high)

18 Byte0 Synch-Check -> Max Slip Difference (low)

Byte1 Synch-Check -> Dead Bus and Dead Line (high)

Byte2 Synch-Check -> Dead Bus and Dead Line (low)

19 Byte0 Synch-Check -> Dead Bus and Live Line (high)

Byte1 Synch-Check -> Dead Bus and Live Line (low)

Byte2 Synch-Check -> Live Bus and Dead Line (high)

20 Byte0 Synch-Check -> Live Bus and Dead Line (low)

Byte1 Synch-Check -> Line Voltage Phase (high)

Byte2 Synch-Check -> Line Voltage Phase (low)

21 Byte0 Synch-Check -> Ext. By-Pass (high)

Byte1 Synch-Check -> Ext. By-Pass (low)

Byte2 Synch-Check -> Sync Block (high)

214-150 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 377: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Block 2 Message Byte Description

22 Byte0 Synch-Check -> Sync Block (low)

Byte1 Reserved Setting

Byte2 Reserved Setting

23 Byte0 Checksum of previous 22 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 22 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

Block 3 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 31 (0x1F)

Byte1 Block # = 3

Byte2 Group # = gg

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Description 0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-151

Page 378: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Block 3 Message Byte Description

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

Byte1 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Pickup (low)

8 Byte0 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Delay (low)

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte 2 Reserved

7 Byte0 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Pickup (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50P-3 PH OC Alarm -> Direction (low)

9 Byte0 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Pickup (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Delay (high)

10 Byte0 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50x-3 Ix OC Alarm -> Direction (low)

11 Byte0 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Pickup (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Pickup (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Delay (high)

12 Byte0 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Direction (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 50r-3 Ir OC Alarm -> Direction (low)

214-152 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 379: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Block 3 Message Byte Description

13 Byte0 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 59-A2 Over V Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> % Unbal (I2/I1) (high)

14 Byte0 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> % Unbal (I2/I1) (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 46-2 I Unbal Alarm -> Delay (low)

15 Byte0 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> % Unbal (V2/V1) (high)

16 Byte0 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> % Unbal (V2/V1) (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 47-2 V Unbal Alarm -> Delay (low)

17 Byte0 Alarms -> 59-M2 Over V Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 59-M2 Over V Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 59-M2 Over V Alarm -> Delay (high)

18 Byte0 Alarms -> 59-M2 Over V Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 27-M2 Under V Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 27-M2 Under V Alarm -> Threshold (low)

19 Byte0 Alarms -> 27-M2 Under V Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 27-M2 Under V Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 59-A2 Over V Alarm -> Threshold (high)

20 Byte0 Alarms -> 59-A2 Over V Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 59-A2 Over V Alarm -> Delay (high)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-153

Page 380: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Block 3 Message Byte Description

21 Byte0 Alarms -> 27-A2 Under V Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 27-A2 Under V Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 27-A2 Under V Alarm -> Delay (high)

22 Byte0 Alarms -> 27-A2 Under V Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 81O-2 Over Freq Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 81O-2 Over Freq Alarm -> Threshold (low)

23 Byte0 Alarms -> 81O-2 Over Freq Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Alarms -> 81O-2 Over Freq Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Alarms -> 81U-2 Under Freq Alarm -> Threshold (high)

24 Byte0 Alarms -> 81U-2 Under Freq Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Alarms -> 81U-2 Under Freq Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Alarms -> 81U-2 Under Freq Alarm -> Delay (low)

25 Byte0 Main V Protection -> 27-M2 Undervoltage -> Phases (high)

Byte1 Main V Protection -> 27-M2 Undervoltage -> Phases (low)

Byte1 Main V Protection -> 59-M2 Overvoltage -> Phases (high)

26 Byte2 Main V Protection -> 59-M2 Overvoltage -> Phases (low)

Byte0 Residual Voltage 59N-2 -> Source (high)

Byte1 Residual Voltage 59N-2 -> Source (low)

27 Byte2 Residual Voltage 59N-2 -> Criterion (high)

Byte0 Residual Voltage 59N-2 -> Criterion (low)

Byte1 Residual Voltage 59N-2 -> Threshold (high)

28 Byte2 Residual Voltage 59N-2 -> Threshold (low)

Byte0 Residual Voltage 59N-2 -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Residual Voltage 59N-2 -> Delay (low)

214-154 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 381: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Protection Settings Group – Continued

Block 3 Message Byte Description

29 Byte0 Power Protection -> 32-3 -> Direction (high)

Byte1 Power Protection -> 32-3 -> Direction (low)

Byte2 Power Protection -> 32-3 -> Criterion (high)

30 Byte0 Power Protection -> 32-3 -> Criterion (low)

Byte1 Power Protection -> 32-3 -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Power Protection -> 32-3 -> Threshold (low)

31 Byte0 Power Protection -> 32-3 -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Power Protection -> 32-3 -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Reserved

32 Byte0 Checksum of previous 31 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 31 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-155

Page 382: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Custom Curve Specification Settings The values for gg and bb specify the group number and the block number within that group. The custom curve specification is 3 groups, one for each individual custom curve. Each group is defined by an identical buffer format. A maximum of 3 custom curves may be specified at this time. Future products may support the specification of up to 6 custom curves. (The "z" which appears below is a value from 1-3 to identify the custom curve being defined on the display.)

Ranges: gg -> 6-8

bb -> 1 Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 20 (0x14)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = gg

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Description 0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

214-156 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 383: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Custom Curve Specification Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

7 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 1 -> X1 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 1 -> X1 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 1 -> T1 (high)

8 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 1 -> T1 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 2 -> X2 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 2 -> X2 (low)

9 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 2 -> T2 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 2 -> T2 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 3 -> X3 (high)

10 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 3 -> X3 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 3 -> T3 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 3 -> T3 (low)

11 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 4 -> X4 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 4 -> X4 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 4 -> T4 (high)

12 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 4 -> T4 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 5 -> X5 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 5 -> X5 (low)

13 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 5 -> T5 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 5 -> T5 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 6 -> X6 (high)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-157

Page 384: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Custom Curve Specification Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

14 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 6 -> X6 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 6 -> T6 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 6 -> T6 (low)

15 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 7 -> X7 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 7 -> X7 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 7 -> T7 (high)

16 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 7 -> T7 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 8 -> X8 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 8 -> X8 (low)

17 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 8 -> T8 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 8 -> T8 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 9 -> X9 (high)

18 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 9 -> X9 (low)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 9 -> T9 (high)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 9 -> T9 (low)

19 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 10 -> X10 (high)

Byte1 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 10 ->X10 (low)

Byte2 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 10 ->T10 (high)

20 Byte0 Custom OC Curve -> Custom Curve z -> Point 10 ->T10 (low)

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

21 Byte0 Checksum of previous 20 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 20 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-158 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 385: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit System Alarm Settings The values for gg and bb specify the group number and the block number within that group. There is a single block within the System Alarm Settings group.

Ranges: gg -> 9

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 24 (0x18)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = 9

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition 0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-159

Page 386: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit System Alarm Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 Watt Power Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 Watt Power Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 Watt Power Alarm -> Threshold (high)

8 Byte0 Watt Power Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Watt Power Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Watt Power Alarm -> Delay (low)

9 Byte0 Var Power Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 Var Power Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 Var Power Alarm -> Threshold (high)

10 Byte0 Var Power Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Var Power Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Var Power Alarm -> Delay (low)

11 Byte0 VA Power Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 VA Power Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 VA Power Alarm -> Threshold (high)

12 Byte0 VA Power Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 VA Power Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 VA Power Alarm -> Delay (low)

13 Byte0 Watt Demand Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 Watt Demand Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 Watt Demand Alarm -> Threshold (high)

14 Byte0 Watt Demand Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Watt Demand Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Watt Demand Alarm -> Delay (low)

214-160 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 387: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit System Alarm Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

15 Byte0 Var Demand Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 Var Demand Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 Var Demand Alarm -> Threshold (high)

16 Byte0 Var Demand Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Var Demand Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Var Demand Alarm -> Delay (low)

17 Byte0 VA Demand Alarm -> Units (high)

Byte1 VA Demand Alarm -> Units (low)

Byte2 VA Demand Alarm -> Threshold (high)

18 Byte0 VA Demand Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 VA Demand Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 VA Demand Alarm -> Delay (low)

19 Byte 0 Current Demand Alm -> Pickup (high)

Byte 1 Current Demand Alm -> Pickup (low)

Byte 2 Current Demand Alm -> Delay (high)

20 Byte0 Current Demand Alm -> Delay (low)

Byte1 Current THD Alarm -> Threshold (high)

Byte2 Current THD Alarm -> Threshold (low)

21 Byte0 Current THD Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte1 Current THD Alarm -> Delay (low)

Byte2 Voltage THD Alarm -> Threshold (high)

22 Byte0 Voltage THD Alarm -> Threshold (low)

Byte1 Voltage THD Alarm -> Delay (high)

Byte2 Voltage THD Alarm -> Delay (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-161

Page 388: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit System Alarm Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

23 Byte0 Breaker Alarm -> # Operations (high)

Byte1 Breaker Alarm -> # Operations (low)

Byte2 Breaker Alarm -> SumI Interr (high)

24 Byte0 Breaker Alarm -> SumI Interr (low)

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

25 Byte0 Checksum of previous 24 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 24 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-162 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 389: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Logging Settings The values for gg and bb specify the group number and the block number within that group. There is a single block within the logging settings group.

Ranges: gg -> a

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 32 (0x20)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = a

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition

0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-163

Page 390: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Logging Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 Current Demand -> Interval (high)

Byte1 Current Demand -> Interval (low)

Byte2 Power Demand -> Window (high)

8 Byte0 Power Demand -> Window (low)

Byte1 Power Demand -> Interval (high)

Byte2 Power Demand -> Interval (low)

9 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> I Pickup (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> I Pickup (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> V Pickup (high)

10 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> V Pickup (low)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Freq Pickup (high)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Freq Pickup (low)

11 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> PF Pickup (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> PF Pickup (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Unbalance Pickup (high)

12 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Unbalance Pickup (low)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> SysAlm Pick (high)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> SysAlm Pick (low)

13 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 1 (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Cin 1 (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Cin 2 (high)

14 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 2 (low)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Cin 3 (high)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Cin 3 (low)

214-164 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 391: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Logging Settings – Continued Message Byte Description

15 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 4 (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Cin 4 (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Cin 5 (high)

16 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 5 (low)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Cin 6 (high)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Cin 6 (low)

17 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 7 (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Cin 7 (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Cin 8 (high)

18 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Cin 8 (low)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Comm. (high)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Comm. (low)

19 Byte0 Datalogger -> Mode (high)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Mode (low)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Trigger (high)

20 Byte0 Datalogger -> Trigger (low)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Interval (high)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Interval (low)

21 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 1 (high) Byte1 Datalogger -> Value 1 (low)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Value 2 (high)

22 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 2 (low)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Value 3 (high)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Value 3 (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-165

Page 392: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Logging Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

23 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 4 (high)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Value 4 (low)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Value 5 (high)

24 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 5 (low)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Value 6 (high)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Value 6 (low)

25 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 7 (high)

Byte1 Datalogger -> Value 7 (low)

Byte2 Datalogger -> Value 8 (high)

26 Byte0 Datalogger -> Value 8 (low)

Byte1 Waveform Capture -> Records (high)

Byte2 Waveform Capture -> Records (low)

27 Byte0 Waveform Capture -> PreTrigger (high)

Byte1 Waveform Capture -> PreTrigger (low)

Byte2 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> TRIP2 (high)

28 Byte0 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> TRIP2 (low)

Byte1 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> dV/dI (high)

Byte2 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> dV/dI (low)

29 Byte0 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> Logic (high)

Byte1 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> Logic (low)

Byte2 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> PB (high)

30 Byte0 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> PB (low)

Byte1 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> Comm (high)

Byte2 Waveform Capture -> OSC Trig Enable -> Comm (low)

214-166 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 393: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Logging Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

31 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Power(32) Pick (high)

Byte1 Event Log Enable -> Power(32) Pick (low)

Byte2 Event Log Enable -> Logic(contl) (high)

32 Byte0 Event Log Enable -> Logic(contl) (low)

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

33 Byte0 Checksum of previous 32 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 32 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-167

Page 394: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Contact Input Settings Only a single group containing a single block is required for these settings.

Ranges: gg -> b

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 12 (0x0c)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = b

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition 0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

214-168 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 395: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Contact Input Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description 7 Byte0 Cin1 (high)

Byte1 Cin1 (low)

Byte2 Cin2 (high)

8 Byte0 Cin2 (low)

Byte1 Cin3 (high)

Byte2 Cin3 (low)

9 Byte0 Cin4 (high)

Byte1 Cin4 (low)

Byte2 Cin5 (high)

10 Byte0 Cin5 (low)

Byte1 Cin6 (high)

Byte2 Cin6 (low)

11 Byte0 Cin7 (high)

Byte1 Cin7 (low)

Byte2 Cin8 (high)

12 Byte0 Cin8 (low)

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

13 Byte0 Checksum of previous 12 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 12 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-169

Page 396: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings There is a single group of output relay settings.

Ranges: gg -> c

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 56 (0x38)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = c

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition 0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

214-170 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 397: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> Monitor (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip1 -> Monitor (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip1 -> Function (high)

8 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> Function (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip1 -> Dropout (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip1 -> Dropout (low)

9 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip1 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN1 (high)

10 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN1 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN2 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN2 (low)

11 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN3 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN3 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN4 (high)

12 Byte0 Output Gate Trip1 -> IN4 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> Monitor (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip2 -> Monitor (low)

13 Byte0 Output Gate Trip2 -> Function (high) Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip2 -> Dropout (high)

14 Byte0 Output Gate Trip2 -> Dropout (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip2 -> Off Delay (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-171

Page 398: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

15 Byte0 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN1 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN1 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN2 (high)

16 Byte0 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN2 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN3 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN3 (low)

17 Byte0 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN4 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Trip2 -> IN4 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K3 -> Function (high)

18 Byte0 Output Gate K3 -> Function (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K3 -> Dropout (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K3 -> Dropout (low)

19 Byte0 Output Gate K3 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K3 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K3 -> IN1 (high)

20 Byte0 Output Gate K3 -> IN1 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K3 -> IN2 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K3 -> IN2 (low)

21 Byte0 Output Gate K3 -> IN3 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K3 -> IN3 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K3 -> IN4 (high)

22 Byte0 Output Gate K3 -> IN4 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K4 -> Function (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K4 -> Function (low)

214-172 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 399: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

23 Byte0 Output Gate K4 -> Dropout (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K4 -> Dropout (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K4 -> Off Delay (high)

24 Byte0 Output Gate K4 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K4 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K4 -> IN1 (low)

25 Byte0 Output Gate K4 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K4 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K4 -> IN3 (high)

26 Byte0 Output Gate K4 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K4 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K4 -> IN4 (low)

27 Byte0 Output Gate K5 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K5 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K5 -> Dropout (high)

28 Byte0 Output Gate K5 -> Dropout (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K5 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K5 -> Off Delay (low)

29 Byte0 Output Gate K5 -> IN1 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K5 -> IN1 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K5 -> IN2 (high)

30 Byte0 Output Gate K5 -> IN2 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K5 -> IN3 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K5 -> IN3 (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-173

Page 400: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

31 Byte0 Output Gate K5 -> IN4 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K5 -> IN4 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K6 -> Function (high)

32 Byte0 Output Gate K6 -> Function (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K6 -> Dropout (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K6 -> Dropout (low)

33 Byte0 Output Gate K6 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K6 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K6 -> IN1 (high)

34 Byte0 Output Gate K6 -> IN1 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate K6 -> IN2 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate K6 -> IN2 (low)

35 Byte0 Output Gate K6 -> IN3 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate K6 -> IN3 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate K6 -> IN4 (high)

36 Byte0 Output Gate K6 -> IN4 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Aux LED -> Function (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Aux LED -> Function (low)

37 Byte0 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN1 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN1 (low)

Byte2 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN2 (high)

38 Byte0 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN2 (low)

Byte1 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN3 (high)

Byte2 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN3 (low)

214-174 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 401: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

39 Byte0 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN4 (high)

Byte1 Output Gate Aux LED -> IN4 (low)

Byte2 Alarm Indicator -> Trip1 (high)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> Dropout (high)

40 Byte0 Trip Indicator -> Dropout (low)

Byte1 Trip Indicator -> Trip1 (high)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> Trip1 (low)

41 Byte0 Trip Indicator -> Trip2 (high)

Byte1 Trip Indicator -> Trip2 (low)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> K3 (high)

42 Byte0 Trip Indicator -> K3 (low)

Byte1 Trip Indicator -> K4 (high)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> K4 (low)

43 Byte0 Trip Indicator -> K5 (high)

Byte1 Trip Indicator -> K5 (low)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> Aux1 (high)

44 Byte0 Trip Indicator -> Aux1 (low)

Byte1 Trip Indicator -> Aux2 (high)

Byte2 Trip Indicator -> Aux2 (low)

45 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> Dropout (high)

Byte1 Alarm Indicator -> Dropout (low)

46 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> Trip1 (low)

Byte1 Alarm Indicator -> Trip2 (high) Byte2 Alarm Indicator -> Trip2 (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-175

Page 402: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

47 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> K3 (high)

Byte1 Alarm Indicator -> K3 (low)

Byte2 Alarm Indicator -> K4 (high)

48 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> K4 (low)

Byte1 Alarm Indicator -> K5 (high)

Byte2 Alarm Indicator -> K5 (low)

49 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> Aux1 (high)

Byte1 Alarm Indicator -> Aux1 (low)

Byte2 Alarm Indicator -> Aux2 (high)

50 Byte0 Alarm Indicator -> Aux2 (low)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> Dropout (high)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> Dropout (low)

51 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> IOC (high)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> IOC (low)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> TOC (high)

52 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> TOC (low)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> Voltage (high)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> Voltage (low)

53 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> Over Frequency (high)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> Over Frequency (low)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> Under Frequency (high)

54 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> Under Frequency (low)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> Unbalance (high)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> Unbalance (low)

214-176 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 403: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Output Relay Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

55 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> Alarms (high)

Byte1 Pickup Indicator -> Alarms (low)

Byte2 Pickup Indicator -> Power (high)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 56 messages (high byte)

56 Byte0 Pickup Indicator -> Power (low)

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

57 Byte0 Checksum of previous 56 messages (low byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-177

Page 404: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings The values for gg and bb specify the group number and the block number within that group. There are 2 groups of programmable logic settings. The first group consists of all settings related to the 6 programmable logic blocks and the timer blocks.

Ranges: gg -> d

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 54 (36H)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = d

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition 0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

214-178 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 405: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 Logic Gate 1 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 1 -> Function (low) Byte2 Logic Gate 1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

8 Byte0 Logic Gate 1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 1 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 1 -> IN1 (low)

9 Byte0 Logic Gate 1 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 1 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 1 -> IN3 (high)

10 Byte0 Logic Gate 1 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 1 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 1 -> IN4 (low)

11 Byte0 Logic Gate 2 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

12 Byte0 Logic Gate 2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 2 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 2 -> IN1 (low)

13 Byte0 Logic Gate 2 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 2 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 2 -> IN3 (high)

14 Byte0 Logic Gate 2 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 2 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 2 -> IN4 (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-179

Page 406: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

15 Byte0 Logic Gate 3 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 3 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 3 -> Set Group Enable (high)

16 Byte0 Logic Gate 3 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 3 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 3 -> IN1 (low)

17 Byte0 Logic Gate 3 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 3 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 3 -> IN3 (high)

18 Byte0 Logic Gate 3 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 3 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 3 -> IN4 (low)

19 Byte0 Logic Gate 4 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 4 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 4 -> Set Group Enable (high)

20 Byte0 Logic Gate 4 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 4 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 4 -> IN1 (low)

21 Byte0 Logic Gate 4 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 4 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 4 -> IN3 (high)

22 Byte0 Logic Gate 4 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 4 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 4 -> IN4 (low)

214-180 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 407: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

23 Byte0 Logic Gate 5 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 5 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 5 -> Set Group Enable (high)

24 Byte0 Logic Gate 5 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 5 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 5 -> IN1 (low)

25 Byte0 Logic Gate 5 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 5 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 5 -> IN3 (high)

26 Byte0 Logic Gate 5 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 5 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 5 -> IN4 (low)

27 Byte0 Logic Gate 6 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 6 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 6 -> Set Group Enable (high)

28 Byte0 Logic Gate 6 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 6 -> IN1 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 6 -> IN1 (low)

29 Byte0 Logic Gate 6 -> IN2 (high)

Byte1 Logic Gate 6 -> IN2 (low)

Byte2 Logic Gate 6 -> IN3 (high)

30 Byte0 Logic Gate 6 -> IN3 (low)

Byte1 Logic Gate 6 -> IN4 (high)

Byte2 Logic Gate 6 -> IN4 (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-181

Page 408: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

31 Byte0 Timer Gate 1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 1 -> Input (high)

32 Byte0 Timer Gate 1 -> Input (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 1 -> On Delay (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 1 -> On Delay (low)

33 Byte0 Timer Gate 1 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 1 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

34 Byte0 Timer Gate 2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 2 -> Input (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 2 -> Input (low)

35 Byte0 Timer Gate 2 -> On Delay (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 2 -> On Delay (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 2 -> Off Delay (high)

36 Byte0 Timer Gate 2 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 3 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 3 -> Set Group Enable (low)

37 Byte0 Timer Gate 3 -> Input (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 3 -> Input (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 3 -> On Delay (high)

38 Byte0 Timer Gate 3 -> On Delay (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 3 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 3 -> Off Delay (low)

214-182 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 409: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

39 Byte0 Timer Gate 4 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 4 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 4 -> Input (high)

40 Byte0 Timer Gate 4 -> Input (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 4 -> On Delay (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 4 -> On Delay (low)

41 Byte0 Timer Gate 4 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 4 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 5 -> Set Group Enable (high)

42 Byte0 Timer Gate 5 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 5 -> Input (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 5 -> Input (low)

43 Byte0 Timer Gate 5 -> On Delay (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 5 -> On Delay (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 5 -> Off Delay (high)

44 Byte0 Timer Gate 5 -> Off Delay (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 6 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 6 -> Set Group Enable (low)

45 Byte0 Timer Gate 6 -> Input (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 6 -> Input (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 6 -> On Delay (high)

46 Byte0 Timer Gate 6 -> On Delay (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 6 -> Off Delay (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 6 -> Off Delay (low)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-183

Page 410: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

47 Byte0 Logic Latch 1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte1 Logic Latch 1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte2 Logic Latch 1 -> Set Input (high)

48 Byte0 Logic Latch 1 -> Set Input (low)

Byte1 Logic Latch 1 -> Reset Input (high)

Byte2 Logic Latch 1 -> Reset Input (low)

49 Byte0 Logic Latch 2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

Byte1 Logic Latch 2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte2 Logic Latch 2 -> Set Input (high)

50 Byte0 Logic Latch 2 -> Set Input (low)

Byte1 Logic Latch 2 -> Reset Input (high)

Byte2 Logic Latch 2 -> Reset Input (low)

51 Byte0 Timer Gate 1 -> Delay Unit (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 1 -> Delay Unit (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 2 -> Delay Unit (high)

52 Byte0 Timer Gate 2 -> Delay Unit (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 3 -> Delay Unit (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 3 -> Delay Unit (low)

53 Byte0 Timer Gate 4 -> Delay Unit (high)

Byte1 Timer Gate 4 -> Delay Unit (low)

Byte2 Timer Gate 5 -> Delay Unit (high)

54 Byte0 Timer Gate 5 -> Delay Unit (low)

Byte1 Timer Gate 6 -> Delay Unit (high)

Byte2 Timer Gate 6 -> Delay Unit (low)

214-184 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 411: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

55 Byte0 Checksum of previous 54 msgs (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 54 msgs (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

The second group consists of all settings related to the blocking gates.

Ranges: gg -> e

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 58 (0x3A)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = e

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition 0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-185

Page 412: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

7 Byte0 Block 50X1 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50X1 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50X1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

8 Byte0 Block 50X1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50X1 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X1 -> In1 (low)

9 Byte0 Block 50X1 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50X1 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50X1 -> In3 (high)

10 Byte0 Block 50X1 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50X1 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X1 -> In4 (low)

11 Byte0 Block 50X2 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50X2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50X2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

12 Byte0 Block 50X2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50X2 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X2 -> In1 (low)

13 Byte0 Block 50X2 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50X2 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50X2 -> In3 (high)

214-186 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 413: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

14 Byte0 Block 50X2 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50X2 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X2 -> In4 (low)

15 Byte0 Block 50X3 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50X3 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50X3 -> Set Group Enable (high)

16 Byte0 Block 50X3 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50X3 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X3 -> In1 (low)

17 Byte0 Block 50X3 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50X3 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50X3 -> In3 (high)

18 Byte0 Block 50X3 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50X3 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50X3 -> In4 (low)

19 Byte0 Block 50R1 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50R1 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50R1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

20 Byte0 Block 50R1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50R1 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50R1 -> In1 (low)

21 Byte0 Block 50R1 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50R1 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50R1 -> In3 (high)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-187

Page 414: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

22 Byte0 Block 50R1 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50R1 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50R1 -> In4 (low)

23 Byte0 Block 50R2 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50R2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50R2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

24 Byte0 Block 50R2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50R2 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50R2 -> In1 (low)

25 Byte0 Block 50R2 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50R2 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50R2 -> In3 (high)

26 Byte0 Block 50R2 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50R2 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50R2 -> In4 (low)

27 Byte0 Block 50R3 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50R3 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50R3 -> Set Group Enable (high)

28 Byte0 Block 50R3 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50R3 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50R3 -> In1 (low)

29 Byte0 Block 50R3 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50R3 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50R3 -> In3 (high)

214-188 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 415: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

30 Byte0 Block 50R3 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50R3 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50R3 -> In4 (low)

31 Byte0 Block 50P1 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50P1 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50P1 -> Set Group Enable (high)

32 Byte0 Block 50P1 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50P1 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P1 -> In1 (low)

33 Byte0 Block 50P1 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50P1 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50P1 -> In3 (high)

34 Byte0 Block 50P1 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50P1 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P1 -> In4 (low)

35 Byte0 Block 50P2 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50P2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50P2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

36 Byte0 Block 50P2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50P2 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P2 -> In1 (low)

37 Byte0 Block 50P2 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50P2 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50P2 -> In3 (high)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-189

Page 416: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

38 Byte0 Block 50P2 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50P2 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P2 -> In4 (low)

39 Byte0 Block 50P3 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 50P3 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 50P3 -> Set Group Enable (high)

40 Byte0 Block 50P3 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 50P3 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P3 -> In1 (low)

41 Byte0 Block 50P3 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 50P3 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 50P3 -> In3 (high)

42 Byte0 Block 50P3 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 50P3 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 50P3 -> In4 (low)

43 Byte0 Block 51P -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 51P -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 51P -> Set Group Enable (high)

44 Byte0 Block 51P -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 51P -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 51P -> In1 (low)

45 Byte0 Block 51P -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 51P -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 51P -> In3 (high)

214-190 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 417: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

46 Byte0 Block 51P -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 51P -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 51P -> In4 (low)

47 Byte0 Block 51R -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 51R -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 51R -> Set Group Enable (high)

48 Byte0 Block 51R -> Set Group Enable (low) Byte1 Block 51R -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 51R -> In1 (low)

49 Byte0 Block 51R -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 51R -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 51R -> In3 (high)

50 Byte0 Block 51R -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 51R -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 51R -> In4 (low)

51 Byte0 Block 51X -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 51X -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 51X -> Set Group Enable (high)

52 Byte0 Block 51X -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 51X -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 51X -> In1 (low)

53 Byte0 Block 51X -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 51X -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 51X -> In3 (high)

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-191

Page 418: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Programmable Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

54 Byte0 Block 51X -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 51X -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 51X -> In4 (low)

55 Byte0 Block 51P2 -> Function (high)

Byte1 Block 51P2 -> Function (low)

Byte2 Block 51P2 -> Set Group Enable (high)

56 Byte0 Block 51P2 -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 Block 51P2 -> In1 (high)

Byte2 Block 51P2 -> In1 (low)

57 Byte0 Block 51P2 -> In2 (high)

Byte1 Block 51P2 -> In2 (low)

Byte2 Block 51P2 -> In3 (high)

58 Byte0 Block 51P2 -> In3 (low)

Byte1 Block 51P2 -> In4 (high)

Byte2 Block 51P2 -> In4 (low)

59 Byte0 Checksum of previous 58 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 58 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-192 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 419: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Control Logic Settings The this group consists of all settings related to the control logic such as cold load pickup. In the future version, the auto-reclose settings will be added into this group.

Ranges: gg -> f

bb -> 1

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 22 (0x16)

Byte1 Block # = 1

Byte2 Group # = f

2 Byte0 Sequence number (low)

Byte1 Sequence number (high)

Byte2 Validity Supported Flags = 2

Flag Definition 0 No validity support

1 8-bit setting size (1byte)

2 16-bit setting size (2 bytes)

3 Validity on a message basis

4 32-bit setting size (4 bytes)

3 Byte0 S08 S07 S06 S05 S04 S03 S02 S01

Byte1 S16 S15 S14 S13 S12 S11 S10 S09

Byte2 S24 S23 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S17

4 Byte0 S32 S31 S30 S29 S28 S27 S26 S25

Byte1 S40 S39 S38 S37 S36 S35 S34 S33

Byte2 S48 S47 S46 S45 S44 S43 S42 S41

5 Byte0 S56 S55 S54 S53 S52 S51 S50 S49

Byte1 S64 S63 S62 S61 S60 S59 S58 S57

Byte2 S72 S71 S70 S69 S68 S67 S66 S65

6 Byte0 S80 S79 S78 S77 S76 S75 S74 S73

Byte1 0 0 0 0 0 0 S82 S81

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-193

Page 420: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Control Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

7 Byte0 ColdLoad -> Off Time (high)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> Off Time (low)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> Set Group Enable (high)

8 Byte0 ColdLoad -> Set Group Enable (low)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> Pickup Threshold (high)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> Pickup Threshold (low)

9 Byte0 ColdLoad -> Pickup Timeout (high)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> Pickup Timeout (low)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> Inrush Diminish Time (high)

10 Byte0 ColdLoad -> Inrush Diminish Time (low)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 50X1 Pickup (high)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 50X1 Pickup (low)

11 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 50X2 Pickup (high)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 50X2 Pickup (low)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 50X3 Pickup (high)

12 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 50X3 Pickup (low)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 50R1 Pickup (high)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 50R1 Pickup (low)

13 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 50R2 Pickup (high)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 50R2 Pickup (low)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 50R3 Pickup (high)

14 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 50R3 Pickup (low)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 50P1 Pickup (high)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 50P1 Pickup (low)

214-194 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 421: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Control Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

15 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 50P2 Pickup (high)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 50P2 Pickup (low)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 50P3 Pickup (high)

16 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 50P3 Pickup (low)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 46-1 Pickup (high)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 46-1 Pickup (low)

17 Byte 0 ColdLoad -> 46-2 Pickup (high)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 46-2 Pickup (low)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 32-1 Pickup (high)

18 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 32-1 Pickup (low)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 32-2 Pickup (high)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 32-2 Pickup (low)

19 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 32-3 Pickup (high)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 32-3 Pickup (low)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 51X Pickup (high)

20 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 51X Pickup (low)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 51R Pickup (high)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 51R Pickup (low)

21 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 51P1 Pickup (high)

Byte1 ColdLoad -> 51P1 Pickup (low)

Byte2 ColdLoad -> 51P2 Pickup (high)

22 Byte0 ColdLoad -> 51P2 Pickup (low)

Byte1 Reserved Setting

Byte2 Reserved Setting

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-195

Page 422: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

N=50ggbbH Transmit Control Logic Settings – Continued

Message Byte Description

23 Byte0 Checksum of previous 22 messages (low byte)

Byte1 Checksum of previous 22 messages (high byte)

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

214-196 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 423: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the FP-5000


Revision Date Comm Version


1.00 3/9/2001 0 Initial Release 1.01 11/21/2002 0 Correct specification typographical errors. 1.02 11/22/2002 1 Change to Comm Version 1. Added Ct Secondary Rating to

Waveform Header Buffer (3 C F, N=010101H) 1.03 7/31/2003 1 Changed to full-blown INCOM spec including settings details

(3 C F, N=50ggbbH) and all Flag bits (3 C 8). Modified Fast Status S4 bit definition. Added (3 A 8) bit clearing descriptions. Added missing Trip Log (3 C F, N=060101H) Cause of Trip descriptions. Corrected Event Log Warning IDs for (3 0 F, N=FCxyyyH). Corrected Trend (Data Log) Summary (3 C F, N=400000H) Mode and Trigger descriptions. Added new Transmit Product Specific Data Buffer (3 C E).

1.04 10/31/2003 1 Reformatted specification as requested by Software Engineering group. Added description for Comm Version 0/1 History Log Buffer (3 0 F, N=000033H). Added Setting summary for (3 C F, N=50ggbbH) to specification and moved setting detail to the appendix. Trend (Data Log) conversion equation corrections: - Use Phase Ct Ratio for Ir, and Neutral Ct Ratio for Ix - Added equations for THD magnitude values

1.05 12/01/2003 0, 1 Corrected Current Scale Factor equation in Waveform Header Buffer (3 C F, N=010101H). Changed units for Trip Log TOC Time to Trip from milliseconds to cycles.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 214-197

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Communication Protocol for the FP-5000

214-198 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Revision Date Comm Version


2.00 12/02/2003 2 Incorporated Comm Version 2 specification revisions from 8/19/2002 – 7/31/2003 into Comm Version 0,1 specification as requested by Software Engineering group. Added new 301 Reason Codes to Table 3.

Added number of Frequency and Power Trips to (3 0 F, N=00:00:33) History Log Buffer.

Added (3 0 F, N=00:00:3C) THD Magnitude Buffer and updated (3 0 F, N=00:00:00).

Added Event Log IDs for 59N and 32 Pickup, Dropout, & Trip events in (3 0 F, N=FCxyyyH). Added separate Setpoints buffer descriptions for Comm Version 2 settings in (3 1 F, N=51:00:00), (3 C F, N=50ggbbH), and (3 F 9) commands.

Added new flags definitions to (3 C 8) command description. Added new Trip Log Cause of Trip descriptions to (3 C F, N=060101H).

Added new Trip Log 2 buffer (3 C F, N=06:01:02)

Added new flag byte definition to Waveform Cycle Summary buffer (3 C F, N=09:00:xx). Added new Slave Action command to reset Logic Latches (3 D 0, N=06:06:0X).

Page 425: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

System Configuration (L1)Frequency 60 50 60 10 HzPhase_Sequence ABC 0 1 1 ABC, ACBCt_Connect 3-wire 0 2 1 3-wire , 4ct In , 4ct Ig Phase_Ct_Ratio 500:Ct Ct:Ct 6000:Ct Ct Ct is 1 or 5 based on jumper on Ct board ++Ix_Ct_Ratio 500:Ct Ct:Ct 6000:Ct Ct Ct is 1 or 5 based on jumper on Ct board ++Vt_Connect Wye 0 1 1 Wye , Delta (if Delta do not display Vpg metering)Main_Vt_Ratio 100 1 8000 1 VoltAux_Vt_Ratio 100 1 8000 1 VoltVT_Secondary_Rating 6928 5000 25000 1 /100 volt, phase to neutralPrimary_Unit No 0 1 1 No, YesIO_Config Default 0 1 1 Default, Custom (Default disables Cin & Out Relay Cfg)Prog_Logic Default 0 1 1 Default, Custom (Default disables Prog. Logic Cfg)Remote_Set Enable 0 1 1 Disable, EnableProg_With_Breaker Either 0 1 1 Open, EitherRemote_Breaker Disable 0 1 1 Disable, EnableNum_Set_Groups 1 1 4 1 (Limits setting group choices under Protection)Set_Control Local 0 3 1 C In , Comm , Local , Local+Comm **Disarm Cntrl Disable 0 1 1 Disable, EnableEnergy Units kWh 0 1 1 kWh, MWhTOC Reset Time 5 1 20 1 cyclesFront Panel Open/Close Bkr Disable 0 1 1 Disable, EnableLine Pos Seq Impedance Mag 1 5 50000 5 /100, ohms in secondary. Not needed for phase 2 Line Pos Seq Impedance Ang 70 0 90 1 degreeLine Zero Seq Impedance Mag 3 5 50000 5 /100, ohms in secondary. Not needed for phase 2 Line Zero Seq Impedance Ang 70 0 90 1 degreeLine Length 5 10 30000 1 /100. Not needed for phase 2IR GND_DIR_CNTR Off 0 4 1 Off, Dual, 3V0, Ipol, Neg GND_DIR_V_3V0_Source 0 0 1 1 0=Calculated (residual), 1=MeasuredGND_DIR_V_3I0_Source 0 0 1 1 0=Calculated (Ir), 1=Measured (Ix)IX GND_DIR_CNTR Off 0 3 1 Off, Dual, 3V0, Ipol Ph_DIR_Switch_To_Mem 3 1 15 1 Volt (secondary)** Affects Cin Configuration options on page 6++ The Ct_Ratio settings store the Primary Ct Rating as a value from 1 to 6000 (1A Ct) or 5 to 6000 (5A Ct). Display as setting:Ct.

Protection (L1) Setting Group 1,2,3,4 (L1a)

Phase Overcurrent (L2)51p_Ph_TOC_Shape MOD 1 10 1 IT, I2T, I4T, FLAT, MOD, VERY, XTRM, IECA, IECB, IECC

(Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3 removed for phase 1 & 2)51p1_Ph_TOC_Reset Calc 0 2 1 Inst, Calc, T Delay51p1_Ph_TOC_Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both 51p1_Ph_TOC_Pickup 1.00 10 401 1 /100 p.u. , 401=disable51p1_Ph_TOC_Time_Multi 1.00 5 1000 1 /100 p.u.51p1_Ph_TOC_Vrestraint 70 60 150 1 volt, disable = 151 Will be disabled in phase 2

51p2_Ph_TOC_Shape MOD 1 10 1 IT, I2T, I4T, FLAT, MOD, VERY, XTRM, IECA, IECB, IECC(Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3 removed for phase 1 & 2)

51p2_Ph_TOC_Reset Calc 0 2 1 Inst, Calc, T Delay51p2_Ph_TOC_Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both 51p2_Ph_TOC_Pickup 1.00 10 401 1 /100 p.u. , 401=disable51p2_Ph_TOC_Time_Multi 2.00 5 1000 1 /100 p.u.51p2_Ph_TOC_VRestraint 70 60 150 1 volt, disable = 151

50p1_Ph_OC_Pickup 2.00 10 2001 1 /100 p.u. , 2001=disable50p1_Ph_OC_Delay 0 0 9999 1 cycle50p1_Ph_OC_Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both

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FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

50p2_Ph_OC_Pickup 3.00 10 2001 1 /100 p.u. , 2001=disable50p2_Ph_OC_Delay 15 0 9999 1 cycle50p2_Ph_OC_Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both

Ix Overcurrent (L2)51x_Ix_TOC_Shape XTRM 1 10 1 IT, I2T, I4T, FLAT, MOD, VERY, XTRM, IECA, IECB, IECC

(Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3 removed for phase 1 & 2)51x_Ix_TOC_Reset Calc 0 2 1 Inst, Calc, T Delay51x_Ix_TOC_Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both 51x_Ix_TOC_Pickup 0.50 10 401 1 /100 p.u. , 401=disable51x_Ix_TOC_Time_Multi 1.00 5 1000 1 /100 p.u.50x1_Ix_OC_Pickup 1.00 10 2001 1 /100 p.u. , 2001=disable50x1_Ix_OC_Delay 60 0 9999 1 cycle50x1_Ix_OC_Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both 50x2_Ix_OC_Pickup 2.00 10 2001 1 /100 p.u. , 2001=disable50x2_Ix_OC_Delay 600 0 9999 1 cycle50x2_Ix_OC_Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both

Ir Residual Overcurrent (L2)51r_Ir_TOC_Shape XTRM 1 10 1 IT, I2T, I4T, FLAT, MOD, VERY, XTRM, IECA, IECB, IECC

(Custom 1, Custom 2, Custom 3 removed for phase 1 & 2)51r_Ir_TOC_Reset Inst 0 2 1 Inst, Calc, T Delay51x_Ix_TOC_Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both 51r_Ir_TOC_Pickup 0.1 10 401 1 /100 p.u. , 401=disable51r_Ir_TOC_Time_Multi 1.00 5 1000 1 /100 p.u.50r1_Ir_OC_Pickup 1.00 10 2001 1 /100 p.u. , 2001=disable50r1_Ir_OC_Delay 60 0 9999 1 cycle50r1_Ir_OC_Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both 50r2_Ir_OC_Pickup 2.00 10 2001 1 /100 p.u. , 2001=disable50r2_Ir_OC_Delay 600 0 9999 1 cycle50r2_Ir_OC_Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both

Unbalance Settings (L2)47_VUB1_Threshold disable 1 101 1 Volt, 101=disable47_VUB1_PercentUB (V2/V1) 20 2 40 147_VUB1_Delay 600 0 9999 1 cycles46_IUB1_Threshold disable 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disable46_IUB1_PercentUB (I2/I1) 20 2 40 146_IUB1_Delay 600 0 9999 1 cycle

Main Voltage Protection (L2)27M1_UV_Phases 1 1 3 1 1=any one, 2=any two, 3=all three27M1_UV_Threshold disable 10 151 1 volt, 151=disable27M1_UV_Delay 1200 0 9999 1 cycles

59M1_OV_Phases 1 1 3 1 1=any one, 2=any two, 3=all three59M1_OV_Threshold disable 10 151 1 volt, 151=disable59M1_OV_Delay 1200 0 9999 1 cycles

Loss Potential Block Enable 0 1 1 Disable, EnableLoss Potential Alarm Delay 5 0 10000 1 cycles, 10000=disable

Aux Voltage Protection (L2)27A1_UV_Threshold disable 10 250 1 volt, 251=disable27A1_UV_Delay 1200 0 9999 1 cycles59A1_OV_Threshold disable 10 250 1 volt, 251=disable59A1_OV_Delay 1200 0 9999 1 cycles

fp5k ph 2 settings 121503.xls 2 Revised 12/15/03

Page 427: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

59N-1 Neutral Voltage Protection (L2)59N1_OV_Source Calculated 0 1 1 0=Calculated, 1=Measured59N1_OV_Criterion Phasor 0 1 1 0=Phasor, 1=RMS59N1_OV_Threshold disable 5 250 1 volt, 251=disable59N1_OV_Delay 1200 0 9999 1 cycles

Frequency Protection (L2)81_UF1_Threshold disable 4500 6501 1 /100 Hz , 6501=disable81_UF1_Delay 60 0 9999 1 cycle81_OF1_Threshold disable 4500 6501 1 /100 Hz , 6501=disable81_OF1_Delay 60 0 9999 1 cycle

Power Potection (L2)32-1 Power Direction Reverse 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both 32-1 Power Criterion Over 0 1 1 Over, Under32-1 Power Threshold off 2 400 1 /100 pu, 401 = off; internal threshold based on total power32-1 Power Delay 10 0 65535 1 cycles32-2 Power Direction Reverse 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both 32-2 Power Criterion Over 0 1 1 Over, Under32-2 Power Threshold off 2 400 1 /100 current pu, 401 = off; threshold based on total power32-2 Power Delay 10 0 65535 1 cycles

Breaker Failure (L2)50BF_Cfg Off 0 3 1 Off, Internal, External, Both50BF_Ph_Current disable 2 501 1 /100 p.u. , 501=disable50BF_Gnd_Current disable 2 501 1 /100 p.u. , 501=disable50BF_Delay 0 0 9999 1 cycles

Power Factor (L2)55A1_PFA_Trig disable -49 50 1 /100; 50 to 100 (lag), -99 to -50 (lead), -49=disable55A1_PFA_Reset disable -49 50 1 /100; 50 to 100 (lag), -99 to -50 (lead), -49=disable55A1_PFA_Delay 0 1000 1 seconds55D1_PFD_Trig disable -49 50 1 /100; 50 to 100 (lag), -99 to -50 (lead), -49=disable55D1_PFD_Reset disable -49 50 1 /100; 50 to 100 (lag), -99 to -50 (lead), -49=disable55D1_PFD_Delay 0 1000 1 seconds

Zone Interlocking (L2)Zone Interlock Trip disable 0 3 1 Disable, Phase, Ground, BothZone Interlock Trip Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both Zone Interlock Out disable 0 3 1 Disable, Phase, Ground, BothZone Interlock Out Direction Both 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both

Synch-Check (L2)25 Synch-Check Function disable 0 1 1 Disable, Enable25 Max Breaker Close Time Delay 3 0 9999 1 cycles25 Synch-Check Failure Timer 1800 0 65535 1 cycles25 Minimum Live Voltage 65 10 250 1 Volt25 Maximum Dead Voltage 3 1 150 1 volt < Minimum Live Voltage25 Voltage Dead Time 10c 0 9999 1 cycles25 Max Voltage Across Breaker 24 0 100 1 Volt, =|Vb – VL|, default=20 degrees 25 Max Angle Difference 20 1 60 1 degree, can be determined from above setting25 Max Slip Difference 0.2 1 200 1 /100, hz25 Dead Bus and Dead Line disable 0 1 1 Disable, Enable25 Dead Bus and Live Line disable 0 1 1 Disable, Enable25 Live Bus and Dead Line disable 0 1 1 Disable, Enable

fp5k ph 2 settings 121503.xls 3 Revised 12/15/03

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FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

25 Line Voltage Phase A 1 6 1 A, B, C, AB, BC, CA25 External By-Pass disable 0 1 1 Disable, Enable25 Synch-Check Block disable 0 1 1 Disable, Enable (52a,Trip,)

Alarms (L2)50p3_Ph_OC_Pickup disable 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disable50p3_Ph_OC_Delay 0 9999 1 cycle50p3_Ph_OC_Direction 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both (Fixed at Both)50x3_Ix_OC_Pickup disable 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disable50x3_Ix_OC_Delay 0 9999 1 cycle50x3_Ix_OC_Direction 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both (Fixed at Both)50r3_Ir_OC_Pickup disable 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disable50r3_Ir_OC_Delay 0 9999 1 cycle50r3_Ir_OC_Direction 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both (Fixed at Both)46_IUB2_Threshold 0.1 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disable46_IUB2_PercentUB 40% 2 40 1 %46_IUB2_Delay 60 0 9999 1 cycle47_VUB2_Threshold 50 1 101 1 volt, 101=disable47_VUB2_PercentUB 40% 2 40 1 %47_VUB2_Delay 60 0 9999 1 cycle59M2_OV_Phases 1 1 3 1 1=any one, 2=any two, 3=all three59M2_OV_Threshold disable 10 151 1 volt, 151=disable59M2_OV_Delay 0 9999 1 cycle27M2_UV_Phases 1 1 3 1 1=any one, 2=any two, 3=all three27M2_UV_Threshold disable 10 151 1 volt, 151=disable27M2_UV_Delay 0 9999 1 cycle59A2_OV_Threshold disable 10 250 1 volt, 251=disable59A2_OV_Delay 0 9999 1 cycle27A2_UV_Threshold disable 10 250 1 volt, 251=disable27A2_UV_Delay 0 9999 1 cycle59N2_OV_Source Calculated 0 1 1 0=Calculated, 1=Measured59N2_OV_Creterion Phasor 0 1 1 0=Phasor, 1=RMS59N2_OV_Threshold disable 5 250 1 volt, 251=disable59N2_OV_Delay 1200 0 9999 1 cycles81_OF2_Threshold disable 4500 6501 1 /100 Hz, 6501=disable81_OF2_Delay 0 9999 1 cycle81_UF2_Threshold disable 4500 6501 1 /100 Hz, 6501=disable81_UF2_Delay 0 9999 1 cycle32-3 Power Direction Reverse 0 2 1 Forward, Reverse, Both 32-3 Power Criterion Over 0 1 1 Over, Under32-3 Power Threshold off 2 400 1 /100,current pu, 401 = off; threshold based on total power32-3 Power Delay 10 0 65535 1 cycles

Auto Recloser - future

Custom TOC Curves (L1) (Removed for phase 1 and 2)Custom Curve 1 (L2) (Removed for phase 1 and 2)Curve1_Point_1_X1 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve1_Point_1_T1 3 9999 1 cycleCurve1_Point_2_X2 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve1_Point_2_T2 3 9999 1 cycleCurve1_Point_3_X3 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve1_Point_3_T3 3 9999 1 cycleCurve1_Point_4_X4 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve1_Point_4_T4 3 9999 1 cycleCurve1_Point_5_X5 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve1_Point_5_T5 3 9999 1 cycleCurve1_Point_6_X6 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disable

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Page 429: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

Curve1_Point_6_T6 3 9999 1 cycleCurve1_Point_7_X7 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve1_Point_7_T7 3 9999 1 cycleCurve1_Point_8_X8 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve1_Point_8_T8 3 9999 1 cycleCurve1_Point_9_X9 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve1_Point_9_T9 3 9999 1 cycleCurve1_Point_10_X10 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve1_Point_10_T10 3 9999 1 cycle

Custom Curve 2 (L2) (Removed for phase 1 and 2)Curve2_Point_1_X1 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve2_Point_1_T1 3 9999 1 cycleCurve2_Point_2_X2 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve2_Point_2_T2 3 9999 1 cycleCurve2_Point_3_X3 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve2_Point_3_T3 3 9999 1 cycleCurve2_Point_4_X4 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve2_Point_4_T4 3 9999 1 cycleCurve2_Point_5_X5 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve2_Point_5_T5 3 9999 1 cycleCurve2_Point_6_X6 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve2_Point_6_T6 3 9999 1 cycleCurve2_Point_7_X7 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve2_Point_7_T7 3 9999 1 cycleCurve2_Point_8_X8 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve2_Point_8_T8 3 9999 1 cycleCurve2_Point_9_X9 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve2_Point_9_T9 3 9999 1 cycleCurve2_Point_10_X10 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve2_Point_10_T10 3 9999 1 cycle

Custom Curve 3 (L2) (Removed for phase 1 and 2)Curve3_Point_1_X1 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve3_Point_1_T1 3 9999 1 cycleCurve3_Point_2_X2 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve3_Point_2_T2 3 9999 1 cycleCurve3_Point_3_X3 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve3_Point_3_T3 3 9999 1 cycleCurve3_Point_4_X4 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve3_Point_4_T4 3 9999 1 cycleCurve3_Point_5_X5 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve3_Point_5_T5 3 9999 1 cycleCurve3_Point_6_X6 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve3_Point_6_T6 3 9999 1 cycleCurve3_Point_7_X7 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve3_Point_7_T7 3 9999 1 cycleCurve3_Point_8_X8 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve3_Point_8_T8 3 9999 1 cycleCurve3_Point_9_X9 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve3_Point_9_T9 3 9999 1 cycleCurve3_Point_10_X10 10 2001 1 /100 p.u., 2001=disableCurve3_Point_10_T10 3 9999 1 cycle

System Alarms (L1)Power_Watt_Units 0 1 1 kW, MWPower_Watt_Threshold disable 1 40,001 1 kW, MW; 40,001=disablePower_Watt_Delay 0 60 1 minute

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FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

Power_var_Units 0 1 1 kvar, MvarPower_var_Threshold disable 1 40,001 1 kW, MW; 40,001=disablePower_var_Delay 0 60 1 minutePower_VA_Units 0 1 1 kVA, MVAPower_VA_Threshold disable 1 40,001 1 kW, MW; 40,001=disablePower_VA_Delay 0 60 1 minuteWatt_Demand_Units 0 1 1 kW, MWWatt_Demand_Threshold disable 1 40,001 1 kW, MW; 40,001=disableWatt_Demand_Delay 0 60 1 minuteVar_Demand_Units 0 1 1 kvar, MvarVar_Demand_Threshold disable 1 40,001 1 kW, MW; 40,001=disableVar_Demand_Delay 0 60 1 minuteVA_Demand_Units 0 1 1 kVA, MVAVA_Demand_Threshold disable 1 40,001 1 kW, MW; 40,001=disableVA_Demand_Delay 0 60 1 minuteI_Demand_Threshold disable 10 10010 10 Ampere, 10010=disableI_Demand_Delay 0 60 1 minuteI_THD_Threshold disable 1 1001 1 /100 * Phase Ct Primary, 1001=disable ***I_THD_Delay 0 3600 1 secondsV_THD_Threshold disable 10 1001 1 /100 * Main VT Ratio, 1001=disable ***V_THD_Delay 0 3600 1 secondsBkr_Num_Ops 9,999 1 9999 1Bkr_Isum_Interupted_Amps 50,000 1 50000 1 kA^2 seconds

*** Store in secondary units, display in primary units.

Logging (L1)

Current Demand (L2)IDemand_Interval 15 1 60 1 minutePower Demand (L2)Pwr_Demand_Window Fixed 0 1 1 Fixed , Slide Pwr_Demand_Interval 15 1 60 1 minute

Event Log Enable (L2)Event_Log_Enable_I_Pickup Yes 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_V_Pickup No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Freq_Pickup No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_PF_Pickup No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Unbal_Pickup No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_SysAlm_Pickup No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Power_Pickup No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Logic_Pickup No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Cin_1 No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Cin_2 No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Cin_3 No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Cin_4 No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Cin_5 No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Cin_6 No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Cin_7 No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Cin_8 No 0 1 1 No, YesEvent_Log_Enable_Comm No 0 1 1 No, Yes

Datalogger (L2)Datalogger_Mode Continuous 0 1 1 Cont. , 1-Pass Datalogger_Trigger Auto 0 1 1 Auto , Manual (i.e. Cin , Logic , PB , Comm)Datalogger_Interval 900 1 3600 1 secondDatalogger_Value_1 IA 0 61 1 Ia, Ib, Ic, Ix, Ir, Iavg, I0, I1, I2,Datalogger_Value_2 IB 0 61 1 Va, Vb, Vc, Vx, VLNavg, Vab, Vbc, Vca, VLLavg,

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FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

Datalogger_Value_3 IC 0 61 1 V0, V1, V2, Freq, W, var, VA, Dsp PF, App PF,Datalogger_Value_4 IX 0 61 1 I Demand (IA, IB, IC), Pwr Demand (W, var, VA),Datalogger_Value_5 VA 0 61 1 Cin1, Cin2, Cin3, Cin4, Cin5, Cin6, Cin7, Cin8,Datalogger_Value_6 VB 0 61 1 LB1, LB2, LB3, LB4, LB5, LB6,Datalogger_Value_7 VC 0 61 1 TB1, TB2, TB3, TB4, TB5, TB6, Datalogger_Value_8 VX 0 61 1 IA THD, IB THD, IC THD, VA THD, VB THD,

VC THD, VAB THD, VBC THD, VCA THDWaveform Capture (L2)Osc_Records 16x16 0 2 1 4x64 , 8x32 , 16x16 (buffer x cycles)Osc_Pretrigger 2 1 15 1 cyclesOsc_Trigger_TRIP2 Overwrite 0 2 1 Disable, Overwrite, LockOsc_Trigger_dVdI Disable 0 2 1 Disable, Overwrite, LockOsc_Trigger_Logic Overwrite 0 2 1 Disable, Overwrite, Lock (use LG6 output as trigger)Osc_Trigger_PB Overwrite 0 2 1 Disable, Overwrite, LockOsc_Trigger_Comm Overwrite 0 2 1 Disable, Overwrite, Lock

Cin Configuration (L1) (Setting change disabled by Default I/O Configuration in System Configuration settings)Cin_Cfg_1 52a 0 13 1 user defined, 52a, 52b, BFI, Bkr Trouble State, Cin_Cfg_2 52b 0 13 1 Remote Open, Remote Close, Remote Reset,Cin_Cfg_3 BFI 0 13 1 Datalogger Trigger, Demand Sync, Cin_Cfg_4 Bkr Trouble 0 13 1 SyncBypass, SyncBlock, Sel Set1, Sel Set2Cin_Cfg_5 Remote Open 0 13 1Cin_Cfg_6 Remote Close 0 13 1 ** Sel Set1 and Sel Set2 options only available ifCin_Cfg_7 Remote Reset 0 13 1 System Config setting Set_Control set to C In.Cin_Cfg_8 user defined 0 13 1 * Each option can only be programmed to a single

contact input, except user defined.

Output Relay Configuration (L1) (Setting change disabled by Default I/O Configuration in System Configuration settings)

Output Gate Trip1 (L2)Logic_OG1_Monitor On 0 1 1 Off, OnLogic_OG1_Function OR 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_OG1_Dropout Off Delay 0 2 1 Latched , Unlatched , Off Delay Logic_OG1_Off_Delay 5 0 600 1 cycles (Delay time for Off Delay Dropout setting)Logic_OG1_In1 Trip, All logicLogic_OG1_In2 Cntrl, OpenBkr logicLogic_OG1_In3 unused logicLogic_OG1_In4 unused logic

Output Gate Trip2 (L2)Logic_OG2_Monitor Off 0 1 1 Off, OnLogic_OG2_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_OG2_Dropout Unlatched 0 2 1 Latched , Unlatched , Off Delay Logic_OG2_Off_Delay 0 0 600 1 cycles (Delay time for Off Delay Dropout setting)Logic_OG2_In1 unused logicLogic_OG2_In2 unused logicLogic_OG2_In3 unused logicLogic_OG2_In4 unused logic

Output Gate Rly3 (L2)Logic_OG3_Function OR 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_OG3_Dropout Latched 0 2 1 Latched , Unlatched , Off Delay Logic_OG3_Off_Delay 0 0 600 1 cycles (Delay time for Off Delay Dropout setting)Logic_OG3_In1 Trip, BF logicLogic_OG3_In2 unused logicLogic_OG3_In3 unused logicLogic_OG3_In4 unused logic

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FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

Output Gate Rly4 (L2)Logic_OG4_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_OG4_Dropout Unlatched 0 2 1 Latched , Unlatched , Off Delay Logic_OG4_Off_Delay 0 0 600 1 cycles (Delay time for Off Delay Dropout setting)Logic_OG4_In1 unused logicLogic_OG4_In2 unused logicLogic_OG4_In3 unused logicLogic_OG4_In4 unused logic

Output Gate Rly5 (L2)Logic_OG5_Function OR 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_OG5_Dropout Off Delay 0 2 1 Latched , Unlatched , Off Delay Logic_OG5_Off_Delay 10 0 600 1 cycles (Delay time for Off Delay Dropout setting)Logic_OG5_In1 Cntrl, CloseBkr logicLogic_OG5_In2 unused logicLogic_OG5_In3 unused logicLogic_OG5_In4 unused logic

Output Gate Alarm (L2)Logic_OG6_Function OR 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_OG6_Dropout Unlatched 0 2 1 Latched , Unlatched , Off Delay Logic_OG6_Off_Delay 0 0 600 1 cycles (Delay time for Off Delay Dropout setting)Logic_OG6_In1 Trip, All logicLogic_OG6_In2 Trip, All Alarms logicLogic_OG6_In3 All SysAlm logicLogic_OG6_In4 Cntrl, All Bkr Alm logic

Output Gate Aux LED (L2)Logic_OG7_Function OR 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_OG7_In1 unused logicLogic_OG7_In2 unused logicLogic_OG7_In3 unused logicLogic_OG7_In4 unused logic

Trip Indicator (L2) (Enable inputs to a 7-input OR gate for trip indication)Logic_Trip_Indicator_Dropout Latched 0 1 1 Latched , Unlatched Logic_Trip_Indicator_Trip1 Enable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Trip2 Enable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Rly3 Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Rly4 Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Rly5 Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Alarm Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Healthy Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable

Alarm Indicator (L2) (Enable inputs to a 7-input OR gate for alarm indication)Logic_Alarm_Indicator_Dropout Latched 0 1 1 Latched , Unlatched Logic_Alarm_Indicator_Trip1 Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Alarm_Indicator_Trip2 Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Rly3 Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Rly4 Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Rly5 Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Alarm Enable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Trip_Indicator_Healthy Enable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable

Pickup Indicator (L2) (Enable inputs to a 7-input OR gate for pickup indication)Logic_Pickup_Indicator_Dropout Unlatched 0 1 1 Latched , Unlatched Logic_Pickup_Indicator_IOC Enable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable

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FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

Logic_Pickup_Indicator_TOC Enable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Pickup_Indicator_Volt Enable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Pickup_Indicator_OverFreq Enable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Pickup_Indicator_UnderFreq Enable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Pickup_Indicator_Unbalance Enable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Pickup_Indicator_Alarms Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable Logic_Pickup_Indicator_Power Disable 0 1 1 Disable , Enable

Programmable Logic (L1) (Setting change disabled by Default Logic Configuration in System Configuration settings)

Logic Gate 1 (L2)Logic_LG1_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_LG1_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_LG1_In1 unused logicLogic_LG1_In2 unused logicLogic_LG1_In3 unused logicLogic_LG1_In4 unused logic

Logic Gate 2 (L2)Logic_LG2_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_LG2_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_LG2_In1 unused logicLogic_LG2_In2 unused logicLogic_LG2_In3 unused logicLogic_LG2_In4 unused logic

Logic Gate 3 (L2)Logic_LG3_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_LG3_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_LG3_In1 unused logicLogic_LG3_In2 unused logicLogic_LG3_In3 unused logicLogic_LG3_In4 unused logic

Logic Gate 4 (L2)Logic_LG4_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_LG4_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_LG4_In1 unused logicLogic_LG4_In2 unused logicLogic_LG4_In3 unused logicLogic_LG4_In4 unused logic

Logic Gate 5 (L2)Logic_LG5_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_LG5_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_LG5_In1 unused logicLogic_LG5_In2 unused logicLogic_LG5_In3 unused logicLogic_LG5_In4 unused logic

Logic Gate 6 (L2)Logic_LG6_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_LG6_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_LG6_In1 unused logicLogic_LG6_In2 unused logicLogic_LG6_In3 unused logicLogic_LG6_In4 unused logic

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FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

Logic Timer Gate 1 (L2)Logic_TG1_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_TG1_Input unused logicLogic_TG1_Delay_Unit cycle 0 1 1 0=cycle, 1=secondLogic_TG1_On_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/secondLogic_TG1_Off_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/second

Logic Timer Gate 2 (L2)Logic_TG2_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_TG2_Input unused logicLogic_TG2_Delay_Unit cycle 0 1 1 0=cycle, 1=secondLogic_TG2_On_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/secondLogic_TG2_Off_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/second

Logic Timer Gate 3 (L2)Logic_TG3_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_TG3_Input unused logicLogic_TG3_Delay_Unit cycle 0 1 1 0=cycle, 1=secondLogic_TG3_On_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/secondLogic_TG3_Off_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/second

Logic Timer Gate 4 (L2)Logic_TG4_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_TG4_Input unused logicLogic_TG4_Delay_Unit cycle 0 1 1 0=cycle, 1=secondLogic_TG4_On_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/secondLogic_TG4_Off_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/second

Logic Timer Gate 5 (L2)Logic_TG5_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_TG5_Input unused logicLogic_TG5_Delay_Unit cycle 0 1 1 0=cycle, 1=secondLogic_TG5_On_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/secondLogic_TG5_Off_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/second

Logic Timer Gate 6 (L2)Logic_TG6_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_TG6_Input unused logicLogic_TG6_Delay_Unit cycle 0 1 1 0=cycle, 1=secondLogic_TG6_On_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/secondLogic_TG6_Off_Delay cycle 0 9999 1 0-9999c/cycle; 0-9999s/second

Logic Latch 1 (L2)Logic_Latch1_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_Latch1_Set_In unused logicLogic_Latch1_Reset_In unused logic

Logic Latch 2 (L2)Logic_Latch2_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_Latch2_Set_In unused logicLogic_Latch2_Reset_In unused logic

Logic Block Gate 50X1 (L2)Logic_BG1_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BG1_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BG1_In1 unused logicLogic_BG1_In2 unused logic

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FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

Logic_BG1_In3 unused logicLogic_BG1_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 50X2 (L2)Logic_BG2_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BG2_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BG2_In1 unused logicLogic_BG2_In2 unused logicLogic_BG2_In3 unused logicLogic_BG2_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 50X3 (L2)Logic_BG3_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BG3_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BG3_In1 unused logicLogic_BG3_In2 unused logicLogic_BG3_In3 unused logicLogic_BG3_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 50R1 (L2)Logic_BG4_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BG4_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BG4_In1 unused logicLogic_BG4_In2 unused logicLogic_BG4_In3 unused logicLogic_BG4_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 50R2 (L2)Logic_BG5_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BG5_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BG5_In1 unused logicLogic_BG5_In2 unused logicLogic_BG5_In3 unused logicLogic_BG5_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 50R3 (L2)Logic_BG6_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BG6_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BG6_In1 unused logicLogic_BG6_In2 unused logicLogic_BG6_In3 unused logicLogic_BG6_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 50P1 (L2)Logic_BG7_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BG7_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BG7_In1 unused logicLogic_BG7_In2 unused logicLogic_BG7_In3 unused logicLogic_BG7_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 50P2 (L2)Logic_BG8_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BG8_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BG8_In1 unused logicLogic_BG8_In2 unused logicLogic_BG8_In3 unused logicLogic_BG8_In4 unused logic

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FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

Logic Block Gate 50P3 (L2)Logic_BG9_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BG9_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BG9_In1 unused logicLogic_BG9_In2 unused logicLogic_BG9_In3 unused logicLogic_BG9_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 51P1 (L2)Logic_BGA_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BGA_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BGA_In1 unused logicLogic_BGA_In2 unused logicLogic_BGA_In3 unused logicLogic_BGA_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 51R (L2)Logic_BGB_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BGB_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BGB_In1 unused logicLogic_BGB_In2 unused logicLogic_BGB_In3 unused logicLogic_BGB_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 51X (L2)Logic_BGC_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BGC_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BGC_In1 unused logicLogic_BGC_In2 unused logicLogic_BGC_In3 unused logicLogic_BGC_In4 unused logic

Logic Block Gate 51P2 (L2)Logic_BGD_Function disable 0 4 1 OR , AND , NOR , NAND, disable Logic_BGD_Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (Logic Gate enabled for Setting Group #)Logic_BGD_In1 unused logicLogic_BGD_In2 unused logicLogic_BGD_In3 unused logicLogic_BGA_In4 unused logic

Cold Load Pickup Control (L1)Cold Load Off Time disable 0 120 1 minute, 121=disableCold Load Pickup Enable 1 1 5 1 1, 2, 3, 4, All (enabled for Setting Group #)Cold Load Pickup Threshold 1.00 10 400 1 /100 puCold Load Pickup Timeout 600 0 65535 1 secondsCold Load Inrush Settling Time 60 0 65535 1 cyclesCold Load Pickup 51X Pickup 1 pu 10 400 1 /100 pu, 401 = disableCold Load Pickup 51R Pickup 1 pu 10 400 1 /100 pu, 401 = disableCold Load Pickup 51P-1 Pickup 2 pu 10 400 1 /100 pu, 401 = disableCold Load Pickup 51P-2 Pickup 2 pu 10 400 1 /100 pu, 401 = disableCold Load Pickup Block 50X-1 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 50X-2 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 50X-3 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 50R-1 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 50R-2 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 50R-3 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disable

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FP-5000 Phase 2 Settings List

Setting Default Min Max Incr Display

Cold Load Pickup Block 50P-1 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 50P-2 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 50P-3 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 46-1 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 46-2 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 32-1 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 32-2 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disableCold Load Pickup Block 32-3 yes 0 1 1 no change, yes = disable

Clock (L1)Clock_Date_Mode 0 1 1 MM/DD/YY , DD/MM/YY Clock_Time_Mode 12 24 12 12 , 24 Clock_Year 0 99 1 00, …,99Clock_Month 1 12 1 monthClock_Day_Of_Month 1 31 1 dayRemove Clock_Day_Of_WeekClock_Hour 0 23 1 hourClock_Minute 0 59 1 minuteClock_Second 0 59 1 second

Communications (L1)INCOM (L2)Comm_INCOM_Enable Enable 0 1 1 No / YesComm_INCOM_Addr 1 1 0xFFE 1 Hex ValueComm_INCOM_Baud_Rate 9600 0 0 0 Fixed at 9600 BaudAccessory Bus (L2)Comm_Accessory_Bus_Address 2 1 0xFFE 1 Hex ValueComm_Accessory_Bus_BaudRate 9600 0 0 0 Fixed at 9600 BaudRS-232 (L2)Comm_RS232_Baud_Rate 19200 0 2 1 9600, 19200, 38400

Logic Input Programming Options: Each input can be used directly or negated.Category ElementunusedPickup: Pickup and trip options followTrip: Pickup and trip options followLogic: LG1, LG2, LG2, LG4, LG5, LG6, TG1, TG2, TG3, TG4, TG5, TG6

Q1, Q2, OG1, OG2, OG3, OG4, OG5, OG6, OG7Inputs: Cin1, Cin2, Cin3, Cin4, Cin5, Cin6, Cin7, Cin8, ZI inSystem Alarm: Power, Power Demand, Current Demand, THD, Bkr Ops, Sum IBreaker: Breaker (Control) options followComm: Comm1, Comm2, Comm3, Comm4

Pickup Options: PhOC, GOC, IOC, TOC, OC, AllAlarm, Volt, Freq, AllProt, 50X-1, 50X-2, 50X-3, 50R-1, 50R-2, 50R-3, 50P-1, 50P-2, 50P-3, 51P-1, 51X, 51R, 59A-1, 59A-2, 27A-1, 27A-2, 59M-1, 59M-2, 27M-1, 27M-2, 46-1,46-2,47-1, 47-2, 81U-1, 81U-2, 81O-1, 81O-2, BF, 55A, 55D51P-2, 59N-1, 59N-2, 32-1, 32-2, 32-3, LOP, LOPB

Trip Options: PhOC, GOC, IOC, TOC, OC, AllProt, Volt, Freq, AllProt, 50X-1, 50X-2, 50X-3, 50R-1, 50R-2, 50R-3, 50P-1, 50P-2, 50P-3, 51P-1,51X, 51R, 59A-1, 59A-2, 27A-1, 27A-2, 59M-1, 59M-2 27M-1, 27M-2, 46-1,46-2,47-1, 47-2, 81U-1, 81U-2, 81O-1, 81O-2, BF, 55A, 55D51P-2, 59N-1, 59N-2, 32-1, 32-2, 32-3, LOPA, PhZone, GndZone

Control Options: Open Bkr, Close Bkr, Bkr Open, Bkr Closed, Bkr Fail Alm, Slow Bkr Alm, Bkr State Alm,Monitor1 Alarm, Monitor2 Alarm, All Bkr Alarm, 67G-F, 67G-R, 67V-F, 67V-R, 67Q-F, 67Q-R,67I-F, 67I-R, 67X-F, 67X-R, 67VIXF, 67VIXR, 67A-F, 67B-F, 67C-F, InSync, SyncFail, SlipAlm, BusHot, LineHot, ColdLoad

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FP-5000 Logic Input Settings

Logic input conversionLogic struct { Converted Logic struct {

element :8 offset :8category :7 bitnum :7negation :1 negation :1

} }

Logic Input Categories

1 Unused2 Pickup Option3 Trip Option4 Logic Option5 Input Option6 System Alarm Option7 Control Option8 Communication Option

Pickup Options:Index Name Bit

1 PH OC PROT_Grp_Pickup_Flags 02 G OC PROT_Grp_Pickup_Flags 13 IOC PROT_Grp_Pickup_Flags 24 TOC PROT_Grp_Pickup_Flags 35 OC PROT_Grp_Pickup_Flags 46 All Alarms PROT_Grp_Pickup_Flags 57 Volt PROT_Grp_Pickup_Flags 68 Freq PROT_Grp_Pickup_Flags 79 All Pickup PROT_Grp_Pickup_Flags 8

10 50X-1 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 011 50X-2 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 112 50X-3 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 213 50R-1 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 314 50R-2 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 415 50R-3 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 516 50P-1 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 617 50P-2 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 718 50P-3 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 819 51P PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 920 51X PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 1021 51R PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 1122 59A-1 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 023 59A-2 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 124 27A-1 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 225 27A-2 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 326 59M-1 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 427 59M-2 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 528 27M-1 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 629 27M-2 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 730 46-1 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 0

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FP-5000 Logic Input Settings

31 46-2 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 132 47-1 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 233 47-2 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 334 81U-1 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 435 81U-2 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 536 81O-1 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 637 81O-2 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 738 BF PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 839 55A PF PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 940 55D PF PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 1041 51P-2 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 1242 51N-1 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 843 51N-2 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 944 32-1 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 1345 32-2 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 1446 32-3 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 1547 LOP PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 1048 LOPB PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 11

Trip Options:Index Name

1 PH OC PROT_Grp_Trip_Flags 02 G OC PROT_Grp_Trip_Flags 13 IOC PROT_Grp_Trip_Flags 24 TOC PROT_Grp_Trip_Flags 35 OC PROT_Grp_Trip_Flags 46 All Alarms PROT_Grp_Trip_Flags 57 Volt PROT_Grp_Trip_Flags 68 Freq PROT_Grp_Trip_Flags 79 All Trip PROT_Grp_Trip_Flags 8

10 50X-1 PROT_I_Trip_Flags 011 50X-2 PROT_I_Trip_Flags 112 50X-3 PROT_I_Trip_Flags 213 50R-1 PROT_I_Trip_Flags 314 50R-2 PROT_I_Trip_Flags 415 50R-3 PROT_I_Trip_Flags 516 50P-1 PROT_I_Trip_Flags 617 50P-2 PROT_I_Trip_Flags 718 50P-3 PROT_I_Trip_Flags 819 51P PROT_I_Trip_Flags 920 51X PROT_I_Trip_Flags 1021 51R PROT_I_Trip_Flags 1122 59A-1 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags 023 59A-2 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags 124 27A-1 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags 225 27A-2 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags 326 59M-1 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags 427 59M-2 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags 528 27M-1 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags 629 27M-2 PROT_Volt_Trip_Flags 730 46-1 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 031 46-2 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 132 47-1 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 2

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FP-5000 Logic Input Settings

33 47-2 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 334 81U-1 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 435 81U-2 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 536 81O-1 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 637 81O-2 PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 738 BF PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 839 55A PF PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 940 55D PF PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 1041 51P-2 PROT_I_Pickup_Flags 1242 51N-1 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 843 51N-2 PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 944 32-1 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 1345 32-2 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 1446 32-3 PROT_Misc_Pickup_Flags 1547 LOPA PROT_Volt_Pickup_Flags 1048 PhZone PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 1249 GndZone PROT_Misc_Trip_Flags 11

Logic Options:Index Name

1 LG1 Logic_Gate_Flags 02 LG2 Logic_Gate_Flags 13 LG3 Logic_Gate_Flags 24 LG4 Logic_Gate_Flags 35 LG5 Logic_Gate_Flags 46 LG6 Logic_Gate_Flags 57 TG1 Logic_Gate_Flags 88 TG2 Logic_Gate_Flags 99 TG3 Logic_Gate_Flags 10

10 TG4 Logic_Gate_Flags 1111 TG5 Logic_Gate_Flags 1212 TG6 Logic_Gate_Flags 1313 Q1 Logic_Gate_Flags 1414 Q2 Logic_Gate_Flags 1515 OG1 Logic_Output_Flags 016 OG2 Logic_Output_Flags 117 OG3 Logic_Output_Flags 218 OG4 Logic_Output_Flags 319 OG5 Logic_Output_Flags 420 OG6 Logic_Output_Flags 521 OG7 Logic_Output_Flags 6

Contact Input Options:Index Name

1 Cin1 CIN_Input_State_Flags 02 Cin2 CIN_Input_State_Flags 13 Cin3 CIN_Input_State_Flags 24 Cin4 CIN_Input_State_Flags 35 Cin5 CIN_Input_State_Flags 46 Cin6 CIN_Input_State_Flags 57 Cin7 CIN_Input_State_Flags 6

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FP-5000 Logic Input Settings

8 Cin8 CIN_Input_State_Flags 79 Zone Interlock IN CIN_Input_State_Flags 8

Remove option 10

System Alarm Options:Index Name

1 Real Power SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 02 Reactive Power SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 13 Apparent Power SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 24 Watt Demand SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 35 var Demand SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 46 VA Demand SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 57 Current Demand SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 68 Voltage THD SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 79 Current THD SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 8

10 Bkr Ops SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 911 Sum I SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 1012 All SYSALM SYSALM_Timeout_Flags 15

Control (Breaker) Options:Index Name

1 Open Bkr BKR_State_Flags 02 Close Bkr BKR_State_Flags 13 Bkr Open BKR_State_Flags 24 Bkr Closed BKR_State_Flags 35 Bkr Fail Alm BKR_State_Flags 66 Slow Bkr Alm BKR_State_Flags 77 Bkr State Alm BKR_State_Flags 88 Monitor1 Alm BKR_State_Flags 109 Monitor2 Alm BKR_State_Flags 11

10 All Bkr Alm BKR_State_Flags 1511 67G-F DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 012 67G-R DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 113 67V-F DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 214 67V-R DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 315 67Q-F DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 416 67Q-R DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 517 67I-F DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 618 67I-R DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 719 67A-F DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 820 67A-R DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 921 67B-F DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 1022 67B-R DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 1123 67C-F DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 1224 67C-R DIR_Ph_Gnd_Flags 1325 In Sync CNTL_Sync_Control_Flags 026 Sync Fail CNTL_Sync_Control_Flags 127 Slip Alm CNTL_Sync_Control_Flags 228 BusHot CNTL_Sync_Control_Flags 329 LineHot CNTL_Sync_Control_Flags 4

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FP-5000 Logic Input Settings

30 ColdLoad CNTL_Sync_Control_Flags 5

Communication Options:Index Name

1 comm1 COMM_Logic_Flags 02 comm2 COMM_Logic_Flags 13 comm3 COMM_Logic_Flags 24 comm4 COMM_Logic_Flags 3

Group Pickup and Trip Flag Definitions:PH OC = 50P-1, 50P-2, 51P, 51P2

G OC = 50X-1, 50X-2, 50R-1, 50R-2, 51X, 51RIOC = 50X-1, 50X-2, 50R-1, 50R-2, 50P-1, 50P-2

TOC = 51X, 51R, 51P, 51P2OC = 50X-1, 50X-2, 50R-1, 50R-2, 50P-1, 50P-2, 51X, 51R, 51P, 51P2

All Alarm = 50X-3, 50R-3, 50P-3, 59-A2, 27A-2, 59-M2, 27-M2, 81U-2, 81O-2, 46-2, 47-2Volt = 59A-1, 27A-1, 59M-1, 27M-1

Freq = 81U-1, 81O-1All Trip = 50X-1, 50X-2, 50R-1, 50R-2, 50P-1, 50P-2, 51X, 51R, 51P,51P2

59A-1, 27A-1, 59M-1, 27M-1, 46-1, 47-1, 81U-1, BF Pickup, Zone Gnd, Zone Ph32-1, 32-2, 59N-1

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay


Fast Status (3 0 0) Division Code = 3

Product ID = 2

Comm Version: 0 – Initial product version

1 – Adds Slave Action commands for Protective Close and

Clear Protective Close.

– Adds Phasing Voltage Phasors buffer (3 0 F) N = 00003BH.

– Defines a flag indicating Remote Protective Closure Attempt

in Flags Buffer (3 C 8).

– Corrects Waveform capture index in Flags Buffer (3 C 8).

– Corrects resetting of Unread Time-Stamped Trip Buffer Bit S3 in

Fast Status Buffer (3 0 0). Bit was not reset when last buffer was read.

Status Bits: Bit Definition

S7-S6 0 0 Open

0 1 Closed

1 0 Tripped

1 1 Alarm (See Note 1)

S5 1 = Tripped or opened via INCOM communications

S4 1 = Powered up since last Fast status request

S3 1 = Unread Time-Stamped Trip Buffer

Note 1: See Flags Buffer (3 C 8) for Cause of Alarm

Supported Commands Reference Section (3 0 0) Fast Status Part A, 5.2.3

(3 0 3) Transmit All Standard Buffers Part A, 5.2.8

(3 0 5) Transmit Current Buffer Part A, 5.2.9

Response msg 1: Phase A current

Response msg 2: Phase B current

Response msg 3: Phase C current

Response msg 4: Ground or Neutral Current (0 since N/A)

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Supported Commands – Continued Reference Section

(3 0 8) Transmit Power Buffer(1) Part A, 5.2.12

Response msg 1: Power

Response msg 2: Reserved (No Power Demand)

Response msg 3: Reserved (No Energy)

(3 0 9) Transmit Power Buffer(2) Part A, 5.2.13

Response msg 1: Reserved (No Frequency)

Response msg 2: Reactive Power

Response msg 3: Power Factor

(3 0 F) Transmit Expanded Buffer Part A, 5.2.17

N=00003B Phasing Voltage Phasors Buffer Part A,, this section

(3 A 4) Transmit INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics Buffer Part A,

(3 A 7) Checksum Buffer Part A,

(3 C 8) Transmit Flags Buffer Part A, 5.2.19, this section

(3 C 9) Transmit Setpoints Buffer Part A, 5.2.20, this section

(3 C A) Transmit Temperature Buffer (in degrees C) This section

(3 C B) Transmit Time-Stamped Trip Buffer Part A, 5.2.21, this section

(3 C C) Transmit Waveform Buffer Summary This section

(3 C D) Transmit Transformer and Network Voltages Buffer This section

(3 C F) Transmit Waveform Data Buffer Part A, 5.2.22, this section

N=010101H Transmit Header This section

N=02yy0zH Transmit Sampled Data This section

N=03yy01H Transmit Fourier Coefficients This section

for waveform request data (15th)

(3 D 0) Slave Action Part A,, 5.3.7, this section

(3 D 8) Receive Date and Time Part A,

(3 F 9) Download Setpoints Part A,, this section

(3 F B) Download Waveform Data Request Part A, 5.3.9, this section

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Supported Commands – Continued Reference Section (D E 2) Broadcast Capture Waveform Part A, 5.2.27, this section

(D E 3) Broadcast Synchronize Real-Time Clock Part A, 5.2.27, this section

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Phasing Voltage Phasors Buffer (3 0 F) N=00003B

Message Byte Description Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 8

Byte1 Reserved=0

Byte2 Reserved=0

2 Phase A Direct Phasing Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Float

3 Phase A Quadrature Phasing Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Float

4 Phase B Direct Phasing Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Float

5 Phase B Quadrature Phasing Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Float

6 Phase C Direct Phasing Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Float

7 Phase C Quadrature Phasing Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Float

8 Pos. Sequence Direct Phasing Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Float

9 Pos. Sequence Quad. Phasing Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Float

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8)

Message Byte Name Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages= 5

Byte1 Flags1: Bit Definition

B0 1=Reversed phase on network side (|V2n| > .8 pu)

B1 1=Rolled phase (|V2p| > .2 pu)

B2 1=Reversed phase on transformer side or rolled

phase on transformer or network side or

|V1p| > .06 pu

B3 1=Sensitive Trip (sensitive or watt-var mode)

B4 1=Time delayed sensitive trip

B5 1=De-energized network and feeder, |V1n|<.1pu and |V1p| < .8 pu

B6 1=Var Trip (watt-var mode)

B7 1=Breaker Pumping

Byte2 Flags2: Bit Definition (AUXILIARY INPUTS) B0 1=Remote Trip

B1 1=Default Setpoints Checksum

Failure (alarm)

B2 1=Over Current Trip (time delayed or

insensitive mode)

B3 1=Sensitive Plus Non-Sensitive Trip

B4 1=Power-Up Ram Failure (alarm)

B5 1=Watt Trip (watt-var mode)

B6 1=Time-Delayed Watt-Var Trip

B7 1=Overcurrent Watt-Var Trip

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

FLAGS Buffer Description (3 C 8) – Continued

Message Byte Name Description 2 Byte0 Flags3: Bit Definition (AUXILIARY INPUTS)

B0 Aux. #1–Breaker Open/Close Status (1=closed)

B1 Aux. #2 (1=active)

B2 Aux. #3 (1=active)

B3 Aux. #4 (1=active)

B4-B7 Reserved=0

Byte1 Flags4: Bit Definition (ALARMS) B0 1= FTO (Protector failed to open)

B1 1= FTC (Protector failed to close)

B2 1= Aux #2 in alarm

B3 1= Aux #3 in alarm

B4 1= Aux #4 in alarm

B5-B7 Reserved=0

Byte2 Reserved=0

3 Byte0 Flags5: Bit Definition

B0 1= Waveform Data Upload in Progress

B1 1= Attempting Remote Protective Closure

Note: Valid for Comm Ver = 1 or greater only.

B2-B7 Reserved=0

Byte1 Flags6: Reserved=0

Byte2 Reserved=0

4 Byte0 Waveform capture index – low byte

Byte1 Waveform capture index – high byte

Note: This index is valid for Comm Ver = 1 or greater only.

Byte2 Reserved=0

5 Reserved=0

6 Reserved=0

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 23

Byte1 Firmware Revision

Byte2 Firmware Version

2 Reserved=0

3 Byte0 System Frequency – low byte (50 or 60)

Byte1 System Frequency – high byte

Byte2 System Voltage – low byte (216,380,400,416,433,480,600)

4 Byte0 System Voltage – high byte

Byte1 Sequence Sensitivity (CBA) – low byte [ON(1) or Off(0)]

Byte2 Sequence Sensitivity (CBA) – high byte

5 Byte0 NWP CT ratio – low byte (800,1200,1600,2000,2500,3000,3500)

Byte1 NWP CT ratio – high byte

Byte2 Straight Line Master Line – low byte [On(1) or Off(0)]

6 Byte0 Straight Line Master Line – high byte

Byte1 Master Line – low byte (.5 - 5.4V)

Byte2 Master Line – low byte

7 Byte0 Phasing Line – low byte (5,0,-5,-10,-15,or -25 degrees)

Byte1 Phasing Line – high byte

Byte2 Phasing Line 1 – low byte (5,0,-5,-10,-15,or -25 degrees)

8 Byte0 Phasing Line 1 – high byte

Byte1 Left Hand Master Line – low byte (60-90 degrees)

Byte2 Left Hand Master Line – high byte

9 Byte0 Reverse Trip – low byte (.05 - 5%)

Byte1 Reverse Trip – high byte

Byte2 Time Delay – low byte [0-300 secs or infinite (7FFFh)]

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued Message Byte Description

10 Byte0 Time Delay – high byte (1/4 sec increments)

Byte1 Overcurrent – low byte (0-250%)

Byte2 Overcurrent – high byte

11 Byte0 Watt/Var Enable – low byte (ON/OFF)

Byte1 Watt/Var Enable – high byte

Byte2 Pump Enable – low byte (ON/OFF)

12 Byte0 Pump Enable – high byte

Byte1 Pump Cycles – low byte (3-20 cycles)

Byte2 Pump Cycles – high byte

13 Byte0 Pump Time – low byte (30-300 secs)

Byte1 Pump Time – high byte

Byte2 Pump Lockout Reset Delay – low byte (15 -60 mins)

14 Byte0 Pump Lockout Reset Delay – high byte

Byte1 Auxilliary 2 configuration – low byte

Bit Definition B0 Used (1= used)

B1 Alarm (1= enabled)

B2 Contact (1= Normally Closed)

Byte2 Auxilliary 2 configuration – high byte

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 15 Byte0 Auxilliary 3 configuration – low byte

Bit Definition B0 Used (1= used)

B1 Alarm (1= enabled)

B2 Contact (1= Normally Closed)

Byte1 Auxilliary 3 configuration – high byte

Byte2 Auxilliary 4 configuration – low byte

Bit Definition B0 Used (1= used)

B1 Alarm (1= enabled)

B2 Contact (1= Normally Closed)

16 Byte0 Auxilliary 4 configuration – high byte

Bit Definition B0 Used (1= used)

B1 Alarm (1= enabled)

B2 Contact (1= Normally Closed)

Byte1 Lagging Var/PF sign convention – low byte

Bit Definition B0 1= + to load

0= - to load Byte2 Lagging Var/PF sign convention – high byte

17 Byte0 INCOM address – low byte

Bit Definition B7-B0 Least significant 8 bits of 12-bit INCOM address

Byte1 INCOM address – high byte

Bit Definition B3-B0 Most significant 4 bits of 12-bit INCOM address

Byte2 Reserved

18-23 Reserved

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

SETPOINTS Buffer Description (3 C 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description

24 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 23 messages) – low byte

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 23 messages) – high byte

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Temperature Buffer Description (3 C A) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 1

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

2 Byte0 Temperature – low byte (in degrees C)

Byte1 Temperature – high byte

Byte2 Reserved

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

TIME-STAMPED TRIP Buffer Description (3 C B) Message Byte Name Description

1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 5

Byte1 EVENT DATA Buffer number

Byte2 Number of Unread EVENT DATA Buffers (excluding the buffer being read)

2 Byte0 Reserved (Total Number of Events)

Byte1 Time of trip – 1/100 second (0-99 BCD)

Byte2 Time of trip – Hour (0-23 BCD)

3 Byte0 Time of trip – Minute (0-59 BCD)

Byte1 Time of trip – Second (0-59 BCD)

Byte2 Time of trip – Month (1-12 BCD)

4 Byte0 Time of trip – Day (1-31 BCD)

Byte1 Time of trip – Year (0-99 BCD)

Byte2 Buffer type (0=trip)

5 Reserved

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

TIME-STAMPED TRIP Buffer Description (3 C B) – Continued

Message Byte Name Description

6 Byte0 Cause of trip–low byte

Flags0L:Bit Definition

B0 1=Reversed phase on network side (|V2n| > .8 pu)

B1 1=Rolled phase (|V2p| > .2 pu)

B2 1=Reversed phase on transformer side or rolled

phase on transformer or network side or

|V1p| > .06 pu

B3 1=Sensitive Trip (sensitive or watt-var mode)

B4 1=Time delayed sensitive trip

B5 1=De-energized netowrk and feeder, |V1n|<.1pu and |V1p| < .8 pu

B6 1=Var Trip (watt-var mode)

B7 1=Breaker Pumping

Byte1 Cause of trip–high byte

Flags0H:Bit Definition B0 1=Remote Trip

B1 1=Default setpoints checksum failure (ALARM)

B2 1=Overcurrent trip (time delayed or insensitive mode) (ALARM)

B3 1=Sensitive plus non-sensitive trip

B4 1=Power-up RAM failure (ALARM)

B5 Reserved

B6 Reserved

B7 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Waveform Event Summary Description (3 C C) Message Byte Name Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 16

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

2 Byte0 Trip buffer – Status – low byte

Bit Definition B0 1=Data Valid

B1 1=IMPACC Locked

Byte1 Trip buffer – Status – high byte

Byte2 Trip buffer – Cause of capture – low byte

Flags0L:Bit Definition

B0 1=Reversed phase on network side (|V2n| > .8 pu)

B1 1=Rolled phase (|V2p| > .2 pu)

B2 1=Reversed phase on transformer side or rolled

phase on transformer or network side or

|V1p| > .06 pu

B3 1=Sensitive Trip (sensitive or watt-var mode)

B4 1=Time delayed sensitive trip

B5 1=De-energized network and feeder, |V1n|<.1pu and |V1p| < .8 pu

B6 1=Var Trip (watt-var mode)

B7 1=Breaker Pumping

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Waveform Event Summary Description (3 C C) Message Byte Name Description

3 Byte0 Trip buffer – Cause of capture – high byte

Flags0H:Bit Definition B0 1=Remote Trip

B1 1=Default setpoints checksum failure (ALARM)

B2 1=Overcurrent trip (time delayed or insensitive mode) (ALARM)

B3 1=Sensitive plus non-sensitive trip

B4 1=Power-up RAM failure (ALARM)

B5 Reserved

B6 Reserved

B7 Reserved

Byte1 Trip buffer – Waveform capture index – low byte

Byte2 Trip buffer – Waveform capture index – high byte

4 Byte0 Trip buffer – 1/100 second of capture (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Trip buffer – Hour of capture (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte2 Trip buffer – Minute of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

5 Byte0 Trip buffer – Second of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Trip buffer – Month of capture (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte2 Trip buffer – Day of capture (1-31) Packed BCD

6 Byte0 Waveform Request buffer – Status – low byte Bit Definition B0 1=Data Valid

B1 1=IMPACC Locked

Byte1 Waveform Request buffer – Status – high byte

Byte2 Waveform Request buffer – Cause of capture – low byte

(=0 IMPACC waveform request)

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Waveform Event Summary Description (3 C C) – Continued Message Byte Name Description

7 Byte0 Waveform Request buffer – Cause of capture – high byte

(=0 IMPACC waveform request)

Byte1 Waveform Request buffer – Waveform capture index – low byte

Byte2 Waveform Request buffer – Waveform capture index – high byte

8 Byte0 Waveform Request buffer – 1/100 sec of capture (0-99) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform Request buffer – Hour of capture (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform Request buffer – Minute of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

9 Byte0 Waveform Request buffer – Second of capture (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte1 Waveform Request buffer – Month of capture (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte2 Waveform Request buffer – Day of capture (1-31) Packed BCD

10-17 Reserved

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transformer And Network Voltages Description (3 C D)

Message Byte Description Format 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 9

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

2 Phase A Network Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

3 Phase B Network Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

4 Phase C Network Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

5 Phase A Transformer Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

6 Phase B Transformer Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

7 Phase C Transformer Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

8 Phase A Phase Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

9 Phase B Phase Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

10 Phase C Phase Voltage IMPACC 24-Bit Floating Point

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Waveform Buffer Descriptions (3 C F) For Waveform data retrieval, the following definition for "N" applies:

BYTE2 (most significant byte) *** 1 = Header information

2 = Sampled data (32 samples over 1 cycle)

3= Fourier Coefficients for Waveform Request Data (up to 15th harmonic)

BYTE1 1=Header Information 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current

4=Phase c Current 5=Network a-n Voltage 6=Network b-n Voltage

7=Network c-n Voltage 8=Phase p-a Voltage 9=Phase p-b Voltage

10=Phase p-c Voltage

BYTE0 packet index = 1

Note: Network Protector uses 2 waveform capture buffers, one dedicated to capturing trip data and one for waveform requests. Both are structured the same. The Cause of Capture field identifies the buffer type.

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Waveform Data Header (N=010101H) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 13

Byte1 Frequency (50 or 60)

Byte2 Samples per cycle (32)

2 Byte0 Scale factor for Currents–lowest byte (0x3A331893)

Byte1 Scale factor for Currents

Byte2 Scale factor for Currents

3 Byte0 Scale factor for Currents–highest byte

Byte1 Scale factor for Voltages–lowest byte (0x3C06BD1E)

Byte2 Scale factor for Voltages

4 Byte0 Scale factor for Voltages

Byte1 Scale factor for Voltages–highest byte

Byte2 Reserved

5 Byte0 Timestamp Hour (0-23) Packed BCD

Byte1 Minute (0-59) Packed BCD

Byte2 Second (0-59) Packed BCD

6 Byte0 Month (1-12) Packed BCD

Byte1 Day (1-31) Packed BCD

Byte2 Year (0-99) Packed BCD

7 Byte0 Samples per signal – low byte (0x0)

Byte1 Samples per signal – high byte (0x2) (512)

Byte2 CT Primary Ratio – low byte

8 Byte0 CT Primary Ratio – high byte

Byte1 System Voltage – low byte (216,380,400,416,433,480,600)

Byte2 System Voltage – high byte

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Waveform Data Header (N=010101H) – Continued

Message Byte Description

9 Byte0 Number of waveform pre-trip cycles – low byte (8)

Byte1 Number of waveform pre-trip cycles – high byte

Byte2 Number of cycles of sampled data – low byte (16)

10 Byte0 Number of cycles of sampled data – high byte

Byte1 Buffer flags – low byte

Bit Definition B0 digital input #1

B1 digital input #2

B2 digital input #3

B3 digital input #4

Byte2 Buffer flags – high byte

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Waveform Data Header (N=010101H) – Continued Message Byte Name Description

11 Byte0 Cause of Capture – low byte

Value Definition 0 IMPACC Waveform Request Buffer

0 Trip Buffer

Flags0L: Bit Definition (For Trip Buffer Only) B0 1=Reversed phase on network side (|V2n| > .8 pu)

B1 1=Rolled phase (|V2p| > .2 pu)

B2 1=Reversed phase on transformer side or rolled

phase on transformer or network side or

|V1p| > .06 pu

B3 1=Sensitive Trip (sensitive or watt-var mode)

B4 1=Time-Delayed Sensitive Trip

B5 1=De-energized netowrk and feeder, |V1n|<.1pu and |V1p| < .8 pu

B6 1=Var Trip (watt-var mode)

B7 1=Breaker Pumping

Byte1 Cause of Capture – high byte

Flags0H: Bit Definition B0 1=Remote Trip

B1 1=Default setpoints checksum failure (ALARM)

B2 1=Over Current trip (time delayed or insensitive mode) (ALARM)

B3 1=Sensitive plus non-sensitive trip

B4 1=Power-up RAM failure (ALARM)

B5 Reserved

B6 Reserved

B7 Reserved

Byte2 Data Offset–low byte (# bytes from end of header to earliest data)

12 Byte0 Data Offset – high byte

Byte1 Waveform capture index – low byte

Byte2 Waveform capture index – high byte

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 220-21

Page 464: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Waveform Data Header (N=010101H) – Continued Message Byte Name Description

13 Byte0 Buffer Status – low byte

Bit Definition B0 1=Data Valid

B1 1=IMPACC Locked

Byte1 Buffer Status – high byte

Byte2 Reserved

14 Reserved

Note: The Network Protector Relay responds to the (3 C F, N=010101H) request with a “Buffer Not Yet Available” (3 1 5) NACK if no waveform data is available.

220-22 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Sampled Data Packet #1 (N=02xx01H)

For xx: 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current 4=Phase c Current

5=Network a-n Voltage 6=Network b-n Voltage 7=Network c-n Voltage

8=Phase p-a Voltage 9=Phase p-b Voltage 10=Phase p-c Voltage

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of 1st line cycle

Byte2 1st sample – high byte

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

3 Byte0 3rd sample – high byte

Byte1 4th sample – low byte

Byte2 4th sample – high byte

.. ....

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte

Byte2 64th sample – high byte Last sample of 2nd line cycle

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 220-23

Page 466: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Sampled Data Packet #2 (N=02xx02H)

For xx: 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current 4=Phase c Current

5=Network a-n Voltage 6=Network b-n Voltage 7=Network c-n Voltage

8=Phase p-a Voltage 9=Phase p-b Voltage 10=Phase p-c Voltage

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of 3rd line cycle

Byte2 1st sample – high byte (65th sample overall)

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

3 Byte0 3rd sample – high byte

Byte1 4th sample – low byte

Byte2 4th sample – high byte

… …

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte (128th sample overall)

Byte2 64th sample – high byte Last sample of 4th line cycle

220-24 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 467: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Sampled Data Packet #3 (N=02xx03H)

For xx: 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current 4=Phase c Current

5=Network a-n Voltage 6=Network b-n Voltage 7=Network c-n Voltage

8=Phase p-a Voltage 9=Phase p-b Voltage 10=Phase p-c Voltage

Message Byte Description

1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of 5th line cycle

Byte2 1st sample – high byte (129th sample overall)

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

3 Byte0 3rd sample – high byte

Byte1 4th sample – low byte

Byte2 4th sample – high byte

… ...

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte (192nd sample overall)

Byte2 64th sample – high byte Last sample of 6th line cycle

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 220-25

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Sampled Data Packet #4 (N=02xx04H)

For xx: 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current 4=Phase c Current

5=Network a-n Voltage 6=Network b-n Voltage 7=Network c-n Voltage

8=Phase p-a Voltage 9=Phase p-b Voltage 10=Phase p-c Voltage

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of 7th line cycle

Byte2 1st sample – high byte (193rd sample overall)

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

3 Byte0 3rd sample – high byte

Byte1 4th sample – low byte

Byte2 4th sample – high byte

… …

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte (256th sample overall)

Byte2 64th sample – high byte Last sample of 8th line cycle

220-26 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Sampled Data Packet #5 (N=02xx05H)

For xx: 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current 4=Phase c Current

5=Network a-n Voltage 6=Network b-n Voltage 7=Network c-n Voltage

8=Phase p-a Voltage 9=Phase p-b Voltage 10=Phase p-c Voltage

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of 9th line cycle

Byte2 1st sample – high byte (257th sample overall)

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

3 Byte0 3rd sample – high byte

Byte1 4th sample – low byte

Byte2 4th sample – high byte

… …

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte (320th sample overall)

Byte2 64th sample – high byte Last sample of 10th line cycle

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 220-27

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Sampled Data Packet #6 (N=02xx06H)

For xx: 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current 4=Phase c Current

5=Network a-n Voltage 6=Network b-n Voltage 7=Network c-n Voltage

8=Phase p-a Voltage 9=Phase p-b Voltage 10=Phase p-c Voltage

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of 11th line cycle

Byte2 1st sample – high byte (321st sample overall)

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

3 Byte0 3rd sample – high byte

Byte1 4th sample – low byte

Byte2 4th sample – high byte

… …

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte (384th sample overall)

Byte2 64th sample – high byte Last sample of 12th line cycle

220-28 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Sampled Data Packet #7 (N=02xx07H)

For xx: 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current 4=Phase c Current

5=Network a-n Voltage 6=Network b-n Voltage 7=Network c-n Voltage

8=Phase p-a Voltage 9=Phase p-b Voltage 10=Phase p-c Voltage

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of 13th line cycle

Byte2 1st sample – high byte (385th sample overall)

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

3 Byte0 3rd sample – high byte

Byte1 4th sample – low byte

Byte2 4th sample – high byte

… …

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte (448th sample overall)

Byte2 64th sample – high byte Last sample of 14th line cycle

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 220-29

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Sampled Data Packet #8 (N=02xx08H)

For xx: 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current 4=Phase c Current

5=Network a-n Voltage 6=Network b-n Voltage 7=Network c-n Voltage

8=Phase p-a Voltage 9=Phase p-b Voltage 10=Phase p-c Voltage

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 42

Byte1 1st sample – low byte First sample of 15th line cycle

Byte2 1st sample – high byte (449th sample overall)

2 Byte0 2nd sample – low byte

Byte1 2nd sample – high byte

Byte2 3rd sample – low byte

3 Byte0 3rd sample – high byte

Byte1 4th sample – low byte

Byte2 4th sample – high byte

… …

43 Byte0 63rd sample – high byte

Byte1 64th sample – low byte (512th sample overall)

Byte2 64th sample – high byte Last sample of 16th line cycle

Note: For Status flags 1, the following bit definitions apply:

Bit 4: 1=Digital input 1 active, 0=inactive

Bit 5: 1=Digital input 2 active, 0=inactive

Bit 6: 1=Digital input 3 active, 0=inactive

Bit 15: 1=Delta configuration, 0=Wye configuration

Note: For Status flags 2, the following bit definitions apply:

Bit 0: 1=Trigger 1 event in process

Bit 1: 1=Trigger 2 event in process

Bit 2: 1=Trigger 3 event in process

Bit 3: 1=Trigger 4 event in process

220-30 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Transmit Fourier Coefficients Packet #1 (N=03xx01H)

For xx: 2=Phase a Current 3=Phase b Current 4=Phase c Current

5=Network a-n Voltage 6=Network b-n Voltage 7=Network c-n Voltage

8=Phase p-a Voltage 9=Phase p-b Voltage 10=Phase p-c Voltage

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 No. of additional msgs = 21

Byte1 Fundamental In Phase – low byte

Byte2 Fundamental In Phase – high byte

2 Byte0 Fundamental Quadrature – low byte

Byte1 Fundamental Quadrature – high byte

Byte2 2nd Harmonic In Phase – low byte

3 Byte0 2nd Harmonic In Phase – high byte

Byte1 2nd Harmonic Quadrature – low byte

Byte2 2nd Harmonic Quadrature – high byte

4 Byte0 3rd Harmonic In Phase – low byte

… …

20 Byte0 15th Harmonic In Phase – low byte

Byte1 15th Harmonic In Phase – high byte

Byte2 15th Harmonic Quadrature – low byte

21 Byte0 15th Harmonic Quadrature – high byte

Byte1 16th Harmonic In Phase – low byte

Byte2 16th Harmonic In Phase – high byte

22 Byte0 16th Harmonic Quadrature – low byte

Byte1 16th Harmonic Quadrature – high byte

Byte2 Reserved

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 220-31

Page 474: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

SLAVE ACTION Description (3 D 0) Byte2 Byte1 Byte0 Definition 0 0 1 Reset Pumping Fault

0 0 20H Reset Time-Stamped Trip Data Buffers

0 1 5 Unlock Waveform Buffer (clear upload–in-progress )

1 0 0 Open Circuit Breaker and Block Open

1 0 1 Clear Block Open

1 0 3 Protective Close Note: Valid for Comm Version > 0 only

1 0 4 Clear Protective Close Note: Valid for Comm Version > 0 only

3 0 0 Advance to the Next Time-Stamped Event

3 0 1 Capture Waveform

3 0 2 Reset INCOM Slave-Interface Statistics

3 0 3 Reset Product-Specific Statistics

220-32 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Download Setpoints Buffer Description (3 F 9)

Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 23

Byte1 Reserved=0

Byte2 Reserved=0

2 Byte0 Download setpoints password – low byte

Byte1 Download setpoints password

Byte2 Download setpoints password – high byte

3 Byte0 System Frequency – low byte (50 or 60)

Byte1 System Frequency – high byte

Byte2 System Voltage – low byte (216,380,400,416,433,480,600)

4 Byte0 System Voltage – high byte

Byte1 Sequence Sensitivity (CBA) – low byte [On (1) or Off (0)]

Byte2 Sequence Sensitivity (CBA) – high byte

5 Byte0 NWP CT ratio – low byte (800,1200,1600,2000,2500,3000,3500)

Byte1 NWP CT ratio – high byte

Byte2 Straight Line Master Line – low byte [On (1) or Off (0)]

6 Byte0 Straight Line Master Line – high byte

Byte1 Master Line – low byte (.5 - 5.4V)

Byte2 Master Line – low byte

7 Byte0 Phasing Line – low byte (5,0, -5, -10 ,-15 or -25 degrees)

Byte1 Phasing Line – high byte

Byte2 Phasing Line 1 – low byte (5,0, -5, -15 or -25 degrees)

8 Byte0 Phasing Line 1 – high byte

Byte1 Left Hand Master Line – low byte (60-90 degrees)

Byte2 Left Hand Master Line – high byte

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Download Setpoints Buffer Description (3 F 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 9 Byte0 Reverse Trip – low byte (.05% - 5%)

Byte1 Reverse Trip – high byte

Byte2 Time Delay – low byte (INF or 0-300 secs)

10 Byte0 Time Delay – high byte (1/4 sec increments)

Byte1 Overcurrent – low byte (0% - 250%)

Byte2 Overcurrent – high byte

11 Byte0 Watt/Var Enable – low byte (ON/OFF)

Byte1 Watt/Var Enable – high byte

Byte2 Pump Enable – low byte (ON/OFF)

12 Byte0 Pump Enable – high byte

Byte1 Pump Cycles – low byte (3-20)

Byte2 Pump Cycles – high byte

13 Byte0 Pump Time – low byte (30 secs-300 secs)

Byte1 Pump Time – high byte

Byte2 Pump Lockout Reset Delay – low byte (15-60 mins)

14 Byte0 Pump Lockout Reset Delay – high byte

Byte1 Auxilliary 2 configuration – low byte

Bit Definition B0 Used (1= used)

B1 Alarm(1= enabled)

B2 Contact (1= Normally Closed)

Byte2 Auxilliary 2 configuration – high byte

220-34 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Download Setpoints Buffer Description (3 F 9) – Continued

Message Byte Description 15 Byte0 Auxilliary 3 configuration – low byte

Bit Definition B0 Used (1= used)

B1 Alarm(1= enabled)

B2 Contact (1= Normally Closed)

Byte1 Auxilliary 3 configuration – high byte

Byte2 Auxilliary 4 configuration – low byte

Bit Definition B0 Used (1= used)

B1 Alarm(1= enabled)

B2 Contact (1= Normally Closed)

16 Byte0 Auxilliary 4 configuration – high byte

Bit Definition B0 Used (1= used)

B1 Alarm(1= enabled)

B2 Contact (1= Normally Closed)

Byte1 Lagging Var/PF sign convention – low byte

Bit Description

0 1= + to load, 0= - to load

Byte2 Lagging Var/PF sign convention – high byte

17 Byte0 Reserved

Byte1 Reserved

Byte2 Reserved

… …

24 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 23 messages) – low byte

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 23 messages) – high byte

Byte2 Complement of checksum low byte

Note: This command will only be accepted if the Breaker is OPEN with a ROBO reason (Remote Open and Block Open), otherwise it will be NACKED.

INCOM System Communications, June 2004 220-35

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Download Waveform/Event Buffer Request (3 F B) Message Byte Description 1 Byte0 Number of additional data messages = 2

Byte1 Waveform capture Index – low byte

Byte2 Waveform capture Index – high byte

2 Byte0 Node address of Network Master – low byte

Byte1 Node address of network Master – high byte

Byte2 0=Reserved

3 Byte0 Checksum (sum of previous 2 messages) – LSB

Byte1 Checksum (sum of previous 2 messages) – MSB

Byte2 Complement of checksum LSB

Note: The NWP will respond with an ACK message after each message it receives. If Message2/Byte2=0 (Waveform request), and if there is a previously requested Waveform upload in progress, the NWP will respond to the last message with a "Buffer Not Available" response.

220-36 INCOM System Communications, June 2004

Page 479: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Broadcast Capture Waveform Command (D E 2) The format of the Broadcast Capture Waveform command message is as follows:

C/D = 1


COMM = 0

ADDRESS = Reserved


INCOM System Communications, June 2004 220-37

Page 480: IL 17384 - Part C, Protective Relays and Trip Units (Revision 3.20)

Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

Broadcast Synchronize Real-Time Clock (D E 3) The format of the Broadcast Synchronize Real-Time Clock (RTC) message is as follows:

C/D = 1


COMM = 0

ADDRESS = Second and 1/100 second where:

Bit Definition

B0-B6 Contain current 1/100 seconds (0-99)

B7-B11 Contain current seconds (0-31)


Note: It is recommended that the Broadcast Synchronize RTC command be transmitted during the time period from the 15th to the 31st second of the minute.

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Communications Protocol for the MPCV Relay

CHANGE RECORD Revision Date Changes

1.00 6/28/02 Taken from IL 17384 Revision 3.10 (June 2002) Part C; made into separate document for inclusion in Revision 3.20.

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Communication Protocol for the MPCV Relay

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