efft* THE COAST AI>\I:KiISI:K fat aWaMaf •"•* f»«*»»i#i. h.,*l> .IHI; Y..I S,. It MUtAM, XIW IWBHhr.WK. I Mt'KSIUI. MM'Alt) m. I»W Bghfh Avenue Pariikig ReguU>km$ Bring Pretests to ComnKsionen Hamby Arrttled WiH CommittM Seeks S t i l e Funds fat South B d m r ^ Reconstruction of Two Roi « ... •aUrtial M l t l l M a 4... w !-•#* *» («*.i*««i 4 M H (« .-»«• >• B»» •*»*• IMK mat aai .law »>,. Urn* *«««• toftwiIt I . M m «•** W TV. iriliMW (*«>k*«i I av tama** *rwt na>(M j m n i at IB as u lawfe « tttm OK atfM u )t«a») »« Ota* aaa aw*t RM*Mt amialMl Ow Ufa Cul4u kills, awj final naa mutt taksmiw «• dam, »» «li (• «• r^nwr M k a* ka4tartnai aa WattoMtMJWIma. Buigvi lo U« (Ma at Mtaaal tofafUaa<« Than, mtm Hat. a. mBHii to *. ii. wa%tar««• km »,.«.k.i,ii.,i awva; I anM I M * « ja«aiM In Mr tbtkirli w Hai*wt««UMMj«l«lal. UP the Aim-rki* l«gkm roam la HilalUM M a* karat Mao d ttnr HA f+m tak) Ha aha law aMtaa trea. tt» am.* af 0»»>» PM iBBBBl . .-_»». Marty's law par, I«M Me Waqr lax ml . i-linil •aMa' )UU IV I>4K* maiafa Bfcl KOT» undn UK iiamn M _ Hwang; At! Pjrawa Onfot Hmtlnj. ami _ II.- tins Tt» {«* nmw m in I •«.»n I'lriunt IV Ihry kaul , tad tMhe the prabton *m tru^ki frum area. Adopt Budget At Spring Lake M Un* U»l a) Ml «ttt Oo matter «M a j tli ilTulila t 3 a* atn rukwe loli iM out ,*ef rieM of Pliiftmog Sun (I M*'k;ini- urged, point «ch*jwl by M.iv-n .I..'*- A Taytor, Jtli U K Wall <it.»q)rn ol. II sm» on Scaool Ttw Hoard t 1' MM M-^xwl budget, UE) *Ht owr 1 w.t year. The Increaie In the I5ft3:l(w tmclg.-t. tke burd said, n due to the feu ot M «tenmitary Khool pupilj (ran Sea Girt. This ri-whni in ,to.,of IW.orJO, in tuition !««, and the tocrtawl tost of lending students to Man- asqiian High Sdtoo! accounted for the remainder of the nlke. I Sea Girt is byitding hi m ilftiH-ntary school and while the Spring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui- tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will; the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii the name level ardtd con- tract!forwater main CMMMttaV to K«iHlw>ett ContrKtmt I "in puny, Neptune, on it* kw bid of «O47, and H i m Brothen. Wall Twnuhip, « i Id rf H.HI at CLARENCE REED NAMED BY CLUB SOUTH SELMAR - Clarence Hud waa elected prwk-nt of Ihe Faces Charge To Take BMs Municipal Tax Of Kidnapping On Circle Pian ^ ln Avon municipal court bearing today —• • —;—--; I » on cnarge. of kidnapping MUUM , '"'•y m *"? 1 . lhM V B»xU n ordered held with- b « t ' wU1 •» "«' VMl rri> ™£» ll» out bail Fridiy «Jt«r hi> "" ~ " —•—•• '— " - - The munk-ipal ptu r#« tare *ul t»W al raw lor 19F0, th» Tax Rate Up At Spring Lake BH.MAR- ,. daughter ol Mr and « n Swart h, w *\ JOS Ocean Avwrae, aai _. U.B4.TT M«K1. Uim iOS Ocean Avow, »J«: A hearmg on a» anna) aj kaa notified that K» mm the Thumaj J »ravt»k. f'tsaam third pnae in rh» rmlienMrt* jy^i j , r a )uf,^i Vl , „, 4j * Barb*, the FJephaw, Long Uve prop,^ aiK| «,!,. ol hre l«a to Pine Grove Inn. of expendUuret on teacher sal Basis is' charged with taking three-year-old June Stausuik _ . "P » > . » tuuoji unreduced Us 19711 mum f- The amount to be raised by u»- ctpa | budgrt Th, rate ^ M iH-luded In ttt . * wa> J » * f"™ 1to $K7 ' 500 ' u|> IS ' 700 lrom |n<*t a M ux rncrew are the rMlfcnment o( la *.'*"._. —„. .,..-.,_<' T^" bu "8 et Bravtaa appealed a Plan B.wd denial 01 nia af|ili- 1 lor a suM> .swn He heU. W« jttorwy. MMOBI- -: to makfl _ jund county road 547 Wall Adjustment Board Votes Denial SPRING LAKE ,. ._ , - .. .. , ^ S ^ J P ' F S L <" Proposed fravel-Trailer Park i tffsr^gtevt ASBURY PARK - A Spring Lake resident, in this city to do | Ktme shopping, was robbed " knife point as she got out <>l her care « Lake Avenue, Mrs. Elizabeth Moyer, Valan- dora Drive, said a young man approached her as she got out <rf her car on Lake Avenue in the 600 Mock. He placed the knife against her neck and grabbed her purse, which she said contain- ed about $100. She described the man as a negro, in his 20s and wearing green penis and a coat with a fur collar. Police are investigating. WALL TOWNSHIP - The Board John K. Feimster, Ramshorn circfe to crosi the walfemsd r - of Adjustment hm turned down an Dme, Allenwood, testified that til>n <* Tinile ^^ under stR ? application for a travel-traiier, there were no public travel. J" 0 "' park on Atlantic 'Avenue, and per- trailer parks in Wall Township. milted the appHcation tor another ' The board voted to deny Mr. park in the same location to be Ssrr's request because he pre- withdra i \«i. ; sented- "inspectfk 1 " information. The Board denied permission to The board also received a letter Leonard M. Sarr. 311 Pine Ave- from Ihe Planning Board recom- nue, Monasquan, to construct a mending denial because the proj- 6.i> acre park to accommodate! ect did not conform to the town- bout 7.5 trailers. si,:p master plan. Also, the application of.SteihL>n Mr. Vacchiano indicated after ind Joan Vacchiano, 1522 Edge- withdrawing his application that .try 11. Crook, Jr., ami i Jerry Hauselt told at the meeting that ihe traf- borough needs a newaerial truck c BStufti circle) lo westbound or shouW 5tart ««"*• ".'pain ontity road 547. on 4* *« Olle - This safety improvement should Chief HauseJt sakl the truck is i failing to make the sharp turn at the circle, have the curb and struck a irge tree on the landscaped P"a»HI 'rom many mun- ilii Smith JVlllll viewed before awarded, contract COLDEST HERE SINCE 1961 SAYS WEATHERMAN BELMAR — Think 1970 is hand- w icet to De iisea uy trailer awn- - «l E A J ing you a cold shoulder? ers for no longer than a ft-w 1 Alttiril I PlPIl Well, you're right. So far in days April through September. | VWHIIWI I Sltli 1970, its been the coldest s'moc | He said he would construct an SPUING LAKE — The South 19S1 and the tradilteal January office bousing rest rooms on the gj^^ Area Councjl of churrfi Aaw hasn't even been a hall- sile and Install a swimming pool Womcn wcre honored at a tea hearted effort. for the tenant's use. given on Friday at St. Andrew's i Weather bureau spokesmen said | John Kessler, Atlantic Ave.. on Methodist Chur-h, here, with the BELMAR - The Woman's Aux- that since December 31, 1969, the adjoining property owner, gave wom(!n „, s , ».niirew's as host- iljary of tbe Monsignor Rei% mere Road, to locate a trau't- he did not taMr'TCwS wood Park <:ircle '? ^ T U y trailer park near the sile of Mr rcapply. teaAllng in excess of 20,000 M> Snrr's, was withdrawn without Mr Vaa-hiano said his pro- h ^ a J™J. ljfl prejudice. ject would cover about 13 acres A crowd of objectors attended lo accommodate "over 100" trail- the session, most of whom were ers. residents living near tlie proposed —• sites. I Mr, Sarr told the board he planned to create plots of 20 by 50 feet to be used by trailer own- lid it would Uike ! 15 to 20 months to get delivery The route 33-34 log of Colling- « n a ^ mv aerial truck and the the i. An ordinance prohibiting nstflll t0 casual liv1n 8 S™ 1 !* . . h l troduced. A public neanng tentSvih ^ "" February 10. be ftii; ertd of June. All bids will be re- [ yarded a contract for e[ is P<*« * 2 - m car on its low bid of Enjoys Dance, Plans Another Borough Clerk Washington Mjr- ucci said one ordinance provides for increased salaries of munici- pal departnjent heads by $700 yearly, and granting a (500 HMN !he board increase for all perma- nent borough employes, f tfle Bcfrmr Elementary sdutul Her essay on "What is Happi Hat" r«ad. "Haniiness to me is having^al 1 .*.i-.ijry II. l^iimJKeeman Joseph N. Enrct •,jid a pohce n»port on a com- plaint by Mrs Dorothy Nemran. Allaire "J ..I at the last meeting indicated that Patrolman John :.thtr,' father, and brother wiio Pfilmer had not mei improper lo\o ony another. It is going on This said Mr. Marrucci, would vacation, going out to eat, play- result in about $32,000 of the in- ing **** "W brother and friends, crease, and Ihe second ordmancv, colling, reading, listening to re- which prartdes for expanded mwl- 'wd?, learning new things at ' and surgical benefits for scim ^ Jnfi - *»st of all, getting 11 t.^i nffici;,k txrnviiwtit tm- P* That's what happiness is to 1 Mrs. Newman had charged Hat h tl " d the patrolman lki g "naaty" wdea h Clld ** mm of the Previously, tali of the cost, now me DOI ugh will play the entire bill. There was also a $7,000 increase j ' letter of congratulations was iliary of R y i Council, Knights of Columbus, en- p a y y , g e s ling in Taking part In Ihe program, toyed its recent square dance siijee December 31, the mercury the area, all of whom objected directed by Mrs. Harold Brown, program, so much that it is plan- Council Hikes Interest Rate SBnvtfE CITY - The cost . _ . _ UC ADT of allowing your taxes to become Y O U N u A I titAM dli h i i in other insurance policies for. , nnHliUWffj an increase of a 1-o WttAWtl from Wolfe It. Stt.OOO in the publk buihfings ac- Nichols, president of Viking. count, and a $6,000 increase in( jx>lice salaries. Mr. Marue:i also noted an in- CTUKl of $11,000 in the recreation iropriaiicn. Previously, be I, the funds for recreation •e taken from the parks and playgrounds account. Council also passed another ordinance, appropriating f(ir the revah'iation of real prop- •ety in Ihe borough. g y I delinquent here is going up. 1 The Borough Council Monday night adopted a resolution raising h d l i t THURSDAY area has had its longest cold the board a petition besritjg 35 spell in nearly 10 years. In fact, signatures of residents living in " ; December 31, the mercury the area, all of whom objected _ climbed above the freezing to the project. president," were "Mrs. 'uuisMar-'l i i T X ^ " " «» &*««* rol « m Wat\wnl BUMR - T h e Vo^g mark on only three or four «-• Bernard Olsen, Atlantic \ve., zul]a a n d M r s . Warren Matson, Mrs Marie Boyle, chairman, taxes from six percent to eight Hairt Chih of Bolmar metJasi caskma. This past week, if hit toltf (he board he fearod the parfc who inducted devotions. Mrs. announced that Glenn Cook will;percent. The move, the Council Thursday in hhe American legion above freezing a couple of days, would attract undesirables who A M Ashworlh sang two hymns, call the second dance, to be held sa^, was an attempt to get the Room of the Municipal »uWinfi. wfcen the "thaw" was sipposed could came and go unrestricted. accompa nl«i by Mrs. Walter Me- on May 9. •*"* taxes P* 1 * 1 "P- There were M "W 11 113 to arrive, but snow flurries on He said he believed the pro- ^f^ a t the piano I Mrs Lorraine Kann Auxiliary Mayor Holmes A. Adams told meeting. Tuesday night made you wonder, ject would devalue surrounding Mrs Fjina Mi i es presented a president conducted the meeting. Mrs. Geonge Hayden, 109 Locust Prizes for the rafflte In M^lay period since the cold property. reading and Mrs. Lawrence and announced that a cosmetia j Avenue, to report to jxilice when- donated !>y ihe club, MraJ^UM. spell began, the average torn- , Moore d Spring LaltG, installed demonstration by the Stanley Pro-! ever she is bothered by stray Cullis, Miss Emma Worth. Mr perature was 11 degrees And if In Sfufly PrOjeCf Mrs . Brown as president, and duefs will be held on February J8j dogs. and Mrs. Walter BpltZ, and Mr. p y talking to her atari her Called car on Alkure [load. Mrs. Margaret Bennett Police Seeking Jail Escapees I KRESJOLD Utti, Cwnty I and State .authorities arc ooiv j tinning their search for Charles i E, Uraham, 16th Avenue, Befanar, I who, with five others overpowered piards at the County Jail Annex ' ;md escaped Friday nigbt. One man, Ronald Bunting, irf Asbury Park, was captured by police in Long Branch, but Gna- i increase of ham and tbe three others, two $714^37 over last year, was Neptune men and one from As- adopted by the Board of Edii- bury Park, are still at large. cation Tuesday night. | Information given police would The total budget is $4,250,678.50. i indicate that the men headed far Board Secretary Paul W. Ben-' Connecticut. Mtt said the increase was due | The five assaulted three guards m;iinjy to incraiscs in teachers •''! the Jail Annex on Friday oi^tt, salaries, increases in debt ser- ond forced th guards to give them vice, and tbe costs of equipping keys to get out. They took one ol the new Old Mill Elementary the guards' cars and escaped. School. | The three guards were treated The itemfor current expense at Jersey Shore Medical Center, is SS.eiW.aw, up $325,427. and the Neptune,forhead cuts. School Budget Rises in Wall WALL TOWNSHIP - A school you wcre out in the morning try- BB7THLEHEM,' Pa. — ClWord f/ts Ashworth as World Com- ing to S « the old bus to start, you D. Corby, 17(8 Grove Street, West mlmity chairman, know it was cold Belmar. Wall Township, a sopho- All other offlcen _. ... In fact, the mercury dropped more at Moravian College major- present wcre asked to renew their March 1. out of sight on a couple of mom- i ng ;„ psychology. Is partidpat- installation vows for another year.' • - ings (no The weatherman had some hopes for the latter part of this Icapftfl] outlay totals $Ol r 330, up; The five were part of the larger were ; $46,269. I group arrcfited last Thursday as The debt service tax portion, | state and local polire staged nar- i voted upon, is $405,183, |coties raids throughout the coun- ln the February 10 school elect- ty. t ill b k d j G ie Council Home, F Street. y l be to y Graham, 5 feet 3, were served by h ti g pygy p p installation vows for another year. | rtofreslimcnts were served by tog in an Individual study pro- Mrs. AMn Bock, state repre-1 the hostesses for the meeting. ion, voters Mrs' Mabcf Endcrsby, Mrs. Or-1 The total amount to be raised bury Pork. He was being held to * " $5000 bil te h d th WJien Mayor Adams asked her 1 elda Haag, Mrs. Connie PataMli, I by taxation is $3,580,324,50, up she had reported the matter Mrs Bertha Laubenstcin Mrs.'5716.908. tf she had reported the matter Mrs. Bertha LaubonsMr, Mr t li M I t d id h Vil St1 d Itary Kehr - Individua study pro Mrs. AMn Beck, state repre-the hostesses for the meeting, tf she had reported the matter Mrs. Berta S716..TO. pceia] j MU»ry Terra WDlat lve of ihe Utivrnn Woman, I Mrs. Lorraine Kann and Mrs. to police, Mrs. Itaydor. said she Viola St.1, and Itarry Knehr I Mr. BenneO lhls montJ,. He will be crte^ed greetings from her, Mnric Boyle. |had not. Mid R was then that he Foiling the meeting togo was ,»--ts the came the month's average a lot to over- studying the development of grout). I mortgage lending since iWar II, The next meeting will be on World " Mrs. Theodore Divis announced Ftiwruary 4 at the Council Home, REID MOWER RRPAm SFRVKK FOR SEHV1CE - KEPAIR SHARPEN1NO Pick Up and Delivery Mowers A Snow Blowers Stored Dial 681-0938 county leadership workshop, to F Street, ' ~-~~ , be held May 22, sponsored by the t INVEST WITH US [South Shore Council, at the First' Current dividend 4.50 % per annum, Methodist Church, Manasquan. j WAU TOWNSHIP TAXPAYERS on p.issbookon passbook accounts payable quarterly. BELMAR SAVINGS ft LOAN ASSN. 112 - Hi it Ave. - Belmar Te first planning session will be! Interest rate of 8% shall be heW for all key women at Cal- charged for delinquent taxes, vary Baptist Church, Belmar, on Bertha Doey, February 6 at 1:30 p.m. I TW Collector The next regular meeting wiU Is 3 - 42, 43, « be in March. 1 advised her to make a report of played the mattertopolice. a rate to drop ram the present $2.97. to $2.65, $5,000 bail escape. g he made the BFXMAR TAXPAYKRS Mayor AdarrA also said he would Tuesday, February 12, confer with police about increased p.m. patrols and would notify the dog control group. March was proclaimed by *fay- | or Adams as Red Cross month in the Borough. Council Indicated H expected to present the 1970 budget at the j February 2 meeting. i The next meeting will be on due to revatiation of real property, arc reminded that^tiaxes (or the B E U i i B RESIDENTS Oprnlng for School Crossing Guard Apply to Chief of Police, 9th Avenue and "E" Street. n the tmvnship. Without t*e r e firs' quarter of 1970 are due on valuation. Mr. Bennett said, the February 1. Interest at the rate rale wouldtawclimbedtoI3.S8.! °' 8'* most be charged if pay- ment is made after that date. CLEARANCE SALE AH Snow Blowers Drastically Re- n;>\1.i<i'OBT Paint J Hardware 70S F St. - Brfmar - «ai-21« FIELDER a WAKNKK "typllimces with Service' Esta.li.tbl*! 1335 - ,th Belmar

I:KiISI:K · 1970. 1. 29. · av tama** *rwt na>(M jmni at IB as u lawfe ... Spring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui-tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will; the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii

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Page 1: I:KiISI:K · 1970. 1. 29. · av tama** *rwt na>(M jmni at IB as u lawfe ... Spring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui-tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will; the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii

efft* THE COAST AI>\I:KiISI:Kf a t aWaMaf • " • * f»«*»»i#i.

h.,*l> .IHI; Y..I S,. It MUtAM, XIW IWBHhr.WK. I Mt'KSIUI. MM'Alt) m. I»W

Bghfh Avenue Pariikig ReguU>km$Bring Pretests to ComnKsionen

Hamby Arrttled WiH CommittM Seeks S t i l e Fundsfat South B d m r ^ Reconstruction of Two Roids


... •aUrtial M l t l l Ma 4... w !-•#* * » («*.i*««i 4 M H (« .-»«•>• B » » •*»* • IMK mat aai .law »>,. • Urn* *«««•to ftwi • It I . M m «•** W TV. iriliMW (*«>k*«i I

av tama** *rwt na>(M j m n i at IB a s u lawfe «tttm OK atfM

u )t«a») »« Ota* aaa aw*t

RM*Mt amialMl Ow Ufa Cul4u k i l l s , awj final naamutt a» • taksmiw «• dam, »» «li (• «• r^nwr M

k a* ka4 tar tnai aa •Wat to M t M J W I m a .

Buigvi lo U« (Ma at Mtaaa l

to faf Uaa<«Than, mtm Hat. a. mBHii

to *. i i . wa% tar « « • km»,.«.k.i,ii.,iawva; I anM I M * «

ja«aiM In

Mr tbtki r l i wHai*wt««UMMj«l«lal.

UP the Aim-rki* l«gkm roam la

HilalUM M a* karat Mao dttnr HA f+m tak)Ha aha law aMtaa trea. tt»

am.* af 0»»>» PMiBBBBl

. . - _ » » . Marty's lawpar, I«M M e Waqr lax m l

. i-linil • a M a ' )UUI V I>4K* maiafa Bfcl KOT»

undn UK iiamn M_ Hwang; At! Pjrawa

Onfot Hmtlnj. ami _II.- tins Tt» {«* nmw m

in I •«.»n I'lriunt IV

Ihry kaul

, tad tMhethe prabton *m tru^ki frum

area.Adopt BudgetAt Spring Lake M Un*

U»l a) Ml«ttt Oo

matter «M aj t l i ilTulila t 3 a* atn

rukwe loli iM out ,*ef rieMof Pliiftmog Sun (I

M*'k;ini- urged,point «ch*jwl by M.iv-n .I..'*- ATaytor,

Jtli UK Wall <it.»q)rno l . II sm» on Scaool

Ttw Hoardt 1'

M M M- xwl budget, UE) *Htowr 1 w.t year.

The Increaie In the I5ft3:l(wtmclg.-t. tke burd said, n dueto the feu ot M «tenmitaryKhool pupilj (ran Sea Girt. Thisri-whni in , to., of IW.orJO, intuition !««, and the tocrtawltost of lending students to Man-asqiian High Sdtoo! accountedfor the remainder of the nlke.

I Sea Girt is byitding hi milftiH-ntary school and while theSpring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui-tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will;

the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii the name level

ardtd con-tract! for water main CMMMttaVto K«iHlw>ett ContrKtmt I "inpuny, Neptune, on it* kw bid of«O47, and H i m Brothen. WallTwnuhip, « i I d rf H.HI at


Hud waa elected prwk-nt of Ihe

Faces Charge To Take BMs Municipal TaxOf Kidnapping On Circle Pian ^ ln Avon

municipal court bearing today —• • — ; — - - ; I »on cnarge. of kidnapping M U U M , ' " ' •y • m * " ? 1 . l h M V

B»xU n ordered held with- b « t ' wU1 •» " « ' V M l r r i > ™£» ll»out bail Fridiy «Jt«r hi> "" ~ " —•—•• '— " — -

- The munk-ipal ptur#« tare *ul t»W al

raw lor 19F0, th»

Tax Rate UpAt Spring Lake

BH.MAR- , .daughter ol Mr and « n Swart h , w

* \ JOS Ocean Avwrae, aai„ _. U.B4.TT M«K1.U i m iOS Ocean Avow, »J«: A hearmg on a» anna) a jkaa notified that K» mm the Thumaj J »ravt»k. f ' tsaamthird pnae in rh» rmlienMrt* jy^i j , r a )uf,^iVl , „ , 4 j *Barb*, the FJephaw, Long Uve p r o p , ^ a i K | «,!,. ol hre l«a to

Pine Grove Inn. of expendUuret on teacher salBasis is' charged with taking

three-year-old J u n e Stausuik_ . "P » > . » t uuo j i unreduced Us 19711 mum

f- The amount to be raised by u»- c t p a | b u d g r t Th, r a t e ^ M „

iH-luded In ttt . * wa> J » * f"™1 to $ K 7 ' 5 0 0 ' u|> I S ' 7 0 0 l r o m |n<*t a M u x rncreware the rMlfcnment o( l a * . ' * " . _ . — „ . ., . .-. ,_<' T^" b u " 8 e t

Bravtaa appealed a PlanB.wd denial 01 nia af|ili-1 lor a suM> .swn He heU.

W« jttorwy. MM OBI-

-: to makfl _jund county road 547Wall Adjustment Board Votes DenialSPRING LAKE , . . _ , - .. .. ,

^ S ^ J P ' F S L <" Proposed fravel-Trailer Park i tffsr^gtevtASBURY PARK - A SpringLake resident, in this city to do |Ktme shopping, was robbed "knife point as she got out <>l hercare « Lake Avenue,

Mrs. Elizabeth Moyer, Valan-dora Drive, said a young manapproached her as she got out<rf her car on Lake Avenue in the600 Mock. He placed the knifeagainst her neck and grabbedher purse, which she said contain-ed about $100.

She described the man as anegro, in his 20s and wearinggreen penis and a coat with afur collar.

Police are investigating.

WALL TOWNSHIP - The Board John K. Feimster, Ramshorn c i r c f e to c r o s i t h e walfemsd P°r-of Adjustment hm turned down an Dme, Allenwood, testified that t i l>n <* Tinile ^ ^ u n d e r s t R?application for a travel-traiier, there were no public travel. J"0"'park on Atlantic 'Avenue, and per- trailer parks in Wall Township.milted the appHcation tor another ' The board voted to deny Mr.park in the same location to be Ssrr's request because he pre-withdrai\«i. ; sented- "inspectfk1" information.

The Board denied permission to The board also received a letterLeonard M. Sarr. 311 Pine Ave- from Ihe Planning Board recom-nue, Monasquan, to construct a mending denial because the proj-6.i> acre park to accommodate! ect did not conform to the town-

bout 7.5 trailers. si,:p master plan.Also, the application of.SteihL>n Mr. Vacchiano indicated after

ind Joan Vacchiano, 1522 Edge- withdrawing his application that

.try 11. Crook, Jr., amii Jerry Hauselt toldat the meeting that ihe

traf- borough needs a new aerial truck

c BStufti circle) lo westbound o r s h o u W 5 t a r t « « " * • ".'painontity road 547. o n 4 * *« Olle-This safety improvement should Chief HauseJt sakl the truck is

i failing to make the sharpturn at the circle, have

the curb and struck airge tree on the landscaped

P"a»HI 'rom many mun-ilii


viewed beforeawarded,


BELMAR — Think 1970 is hand- w icet to De iisea uy trailer awn- - «l E A Jing you a cold shoulder? ers for no longer than a ft-w 1 A l t t i r i l I P l P I l

Well, you're right. So far in days April through September. | V W H I I W I I S l t l i1970, its been the coldest s'moc | He said he would construct an SPUING LAKE — The South19S1 and the tradilteal January office bousing rest rooms on the gj^^ A r e a Councjl of churrfiAaw hasn't even been a hall- sile and Install a swimming pool W o m c n w c r e honored at a teahearted effort. for the tenant's use. given on Friday at St. Andrew's i

Weather bureau spokesmen said | John Kessler, Atlantic Ave.. on Methodist Chur-h, here, with the BELMAR - The Woman's Aux-that since December 31, 1969, the adjoining property owner, gave w o m ( ! n „, s , ».niirew's as host- iljary of tbe Monsignor Rei%

mere Road, to locate a trau't- he did not taMr'TCwS w o o d P a r k <:ircle '? T U y

trailer park near the sile of Mr rcapply. teaAllng in excess of 20,000 M>Snrr's, was withdrawn without M r Vaa-hiano said his p ro- h ^ a J ™ J . l j f l

prejudice. ject would cover about 13 acresA crowd of objectors attended lo accommodate "over 100" trail-

the session, most of whom were e r s .residents living near tlie proposed —• •sites. I

Mr, Sarr told the board heplanned to create plots of 20 by50 feet to be used by trailer own-

lid it would Uike! 15 to 20 months to get delivery

The route 33-34 log of Colling- «n a m v aerial truck and thethe i .

An ordinance prohibiting nstflllt 0 c a s u a l l i v 1 n8 S™1!*

. . h l troduced. A public neanng

tentSvih ^ "" February 10.be ftii;

ertd of June. All bids will be re- [ yarded a contract fore [is P<*«


car on its low bid of

Enjoys Dance,Plans Another

Borough Clerk Washington Mjr-ucci said one ordinance providesfor increased salaries of munici-pal departnjent heads by $700yearly, and granting a (500 HMN!he board increase for all perma-nent borough employes,

f t f l e Bcfrmr Elementary sdutulHer essay on "What is Happi

Hat" r«ad."Haniiness to me is having^al

1 .*.i-.ijry II.l^iimJKeeman Joseph N. Enrct

•,jid a pohce n»port on a com-plaint by Mrs Dorothy Nemran.Allaire "J ..I at the last meetingindicated that Patrolman John

:.thtr,' father, and brother wiio Pfilmer had not mei improperlo\o ony another. It is going on

This said Mr. Marrucci, would vacation, going out to eat, play-result in about $32,000 of the in- ing **** "W brother and friends,crease, and Ihe second ordmancv, colling, reading, listening to re-which prartdes for expanded mwl- 'wd?, learning new things at

' and surgical benefits for scim^ J n f i- *»st of all, getting 11t.^i nffici;,k txrnviiwtit tm- P* That's what happiness is to1

Mrs. Newman had charged Hath t l " dthe patrolmanlki

g"naaty" wdea

h C l l d

** mm of the

Previously,tali of the cost, now me DOI

ugh will play the entire bill.There was also a $7,000 increase j '

letter of congratulations was

iliary of R yi Council, Knights of Columbus, en-

p a y y , g e s l i n g in Taking part In Ihe program, toyed its recent square dancesiijee December 31, the mercury the area, all of whom objected directed by Mrs. Harold Brown, program, so much that it is plan-

Council HikesInterest RateSBnvtfE CITY - The cost . _ . _ U C A D T

of allowing your taxes to become Y O U N u A I t i t A Mdli h i i

in other insurance policies for., nnHliUWffj an increase of a1-o WttAWtl from Wolfe It.

Stt.OOO in the publk buihfings ac- Nichols, president of Viking.count, and a $6,000 increase in(

jx>lice salaries.Mr. Marue:i also noted an in-

CTUKl of $11,000 in the recreationiropriaiicn. P r e v i o u s l y , beI, the funds for recreation•e taken from the parks and

playgrounds account.Council also passed another

ordinance, appropriatingf(ir the revah'iation of real prop-•ety in Ihe borough.

g yI delinquent here is going up.1 The Borough Council Mondaynight adopted a resolution raisingh d l i t

THURSDAYarea has had its longest cold the board a petition besritjg 35spell in nearly 10 years. In fact, signatures of residents living in

" ; December 31, the mercury the area, all of whom objected _climbed above the freezing to the project. president," were "Mrs. 'uuisMar- ' l i i T X ^ " " «» &*««* rol« m Wat\wnl BUMR - T h e Vo^g

mark on only three or four « - • Bernard Olsen, Atlantic \ve., z u l ] a a n d M r s . W a r r e n Matson, Mrs Marie Boyle, chairman, taxes from six percent to eight Hairt Chih of Bolmar metJas icaskma. This past week, if hit toltf (he board he fearod the parfc w h o inducted devotions. Mrs. announced that Glenn Cook will;percent. The move, the Council Thursday in hhe American legionabove freezing a couple of days, would attract undesirables who A M Ashworlh sang two hymns, call the second dance, to be held sa^, was an attempt to get the Room of the Municipal »uWinfi.wfcen the "thaw" was sipposed could came and go unrestricted. a c c o m p a n l « i by Mrs. Walter Me- on May 9. •*"* t a x e s P*1*1 "P- T h e r e w e r e M "W11™113

to arrive, but snow flurries on He said he believed the pro- ^f^ a t the piano I Mrs Lorraine Kann Auxiliary Mayor Holmes A. Adams told meeting.Tuesday night made you wonder, ject would devalue surrounding M r s Fjina M i i e s presented a president conducted the meeting. Mrs. Geonge Hayden, 109 Locust Prizes for the rafflte

In M^lay period since the cold property. reading and Mrs. Lawrence and announced that a cosmetia j Avenue, to report to jxilice when- donated !>y ihe club, MraJ^UM.spell began, the average torn- , — M o o r e d S p r i n g L a l t G , installed demonstration by the Stanley Pro-! ever she is bothered by stray Cullis, Miss Emma Worth. Mrperature was 11 degrees And if I n S f u f l y P r O j e C f M r s . Brown as president, and duefs will be held on February J8j dogs. and Mrs. Walter BpltZ, and Mr.

p ytalking to her atari her Calledcar on Alkure [load.

Mrs. Margaret Bennett

Police SeekingJail Escapees

I KRESJOLD — Utti, CwntyI and State .authorities arc ooivj tinning their search for Charlesi E, Uraham, 16th Avenue, Befanar,I who, with five others overpoweredpiards at the County Jail Annex

' ;md escaped Friday nigbt.One man, Ronald Bunting, irf

Asbury Park, was captured bypolice in Long Branch, but Gna-

i increase of ham and tbe three others, two$714^37 over last year, was Neptune men and one from As-adopted by the Board of Edii- bury Park, are still at large.cation Tuesday night. | Information given police would

The total budget is $4,250,678.50. i indicate that the men headed farBoard Secretary Paul W. Ben-' Connecticut.

Mtt said the increase was due | The five assaulted three guardsm;iinjy to incraiscs in teachers •''! the Jail Annex on Friday oi^tt,salaries, increases in debt ser- ond forced th guards to give themvice, and tbe costs of equipping keys to get out. They took one olthe new Old Mill Elementary the guards' cars and escaped.School. | The three guards were treated

The item for current expense at Jersey Shore Medical Center,is SS.eiW.aw, up $325,427. and the Neptune, for head cuts.

School BudgetRises in Wall


you wcre out in the morning try- BB7THLEHEM,' Pa. — ClWord f/ts Ashworth as World Com-ing to S « the old bus to start, you D. Corby, 17(8 Grove Street, West m l m i t y chairman,know it was cold Belmar. Wall Township, a sopho- All other offlcen _ . ...

In fact, the mercury dropped more at Moravian College major- present wcre asked to renew their March 1.out of sight on a couple of mom- in g ;„ psychology. Is partidpat- installation vows for another year. ' • -ings (no

The weatherman had somehopes for the latter part of this

Icapftfl] outlay totals $Olr330, up; The five were part of the largerwere ; $46,269. I group arrcfited last Thursday as

The debt service tax portion, | state and local polire staged nar-i voted upon, is $405,183, |coties raids throughout the coun-ln the February 10 school elect- • ty.

t ill b k d j Gie Council Home, F Street.y

l be toyGraham, 5 feet 3,

were served byh ti

g p y g y p p installation vows for another year. | rtofreslimcnts were served bytog in an Individual study pro- Mrs. AMn Bock, state repre-1 the hostesses for the meeting.

ion, voters

Mrs' Mabcf Endcrsby, Mrs. Or-1 The total amount to be raised bury Pork. He was being held to* " $5000 b i l te h d thWJien Mayor Adams asked her1 elda Haag, Mrs. Connie PataMli, I by taxation is $3,580,324,50, up

she had reported the matter Mrs Bertha Laubenstcin Mrs.'5716.908.tf she had reported the matter Mrs. Bertha LaubonsMr, Mrt li M I t d id h Vi l St1 d Itary Kehr

-Individua study pro Mrs. AMn Beck, state repre- the hostesses for the meeting, tf she had reported the matter Mrs. Berta S716..TO.pceia] j M U » r y Terra W D l a t lve of ihe Utivrnn Woman, I Mrs. Lorraine Kann and Mrs. to police, Mrs. Itaydor. said she Viola St.1, and Itarry Knehr I Mr. BenneO

l h l s montJ,. He will be c r t e^ed greetings from her, Mnric Boyle. |had not. Mid R was then that he F o i l i n g the meeting togo was ,»--ts thecame the month's average

a lot to over- studying the development of grout).I mortgage lending sinceiWar II,

The next meeting will be onWorld " Mrs. Theodore Divis announced Ftiwruary 4 at the Council Home,



Pick Up and DeliveryMowers A Snow Blowers Stored

Dial 681-0938

county leadership workshop, to F Street,' ~-~~ , be held May 22, sponsored by the t

INVEST WITH US [South Shore Council, at the First 'Current dividend 4.50% per annum, Methodist Church, Manasquan. j WAU TOWNSHIP TAXPAYERSon p.issbookon passbook accounts

payable quarterly.BELMAR SAVINGS ft

LOAN ASSN.112 - Hi it Ave. - Belmar

Te first planning session will be! Interest rate of 8% shall beheW for all key women at Cal- charged for delinquent taxes,vary Baptist Church, Belmar, on Bertha Doey,February 6 at 1:30 p.m. I TW Collector

The next regular meeting wiU Is 3 - 42, 43, «be in March. 1

advised her to make a report of playedthe matter to police.

a rate to dropram the present $2.97. to $2.65,

$5,000 bailescape.

ghe made the


Mayor AdarrA also said he would Tuesday, February 12,confer with police about increased p.m.patrols and would notify the dogcontrol group.

March was proclaimed by *fay-| or Adams as Red Cross month inthe Borough.

Council Indicated H expected topresent the 1970 budget at the jFebruary 2 meeting. i

The next meeting will be on due to revatiation of real property, arc reminded that^tiaxes (or the

B E U i i B RESIDENTSOprnlng for

School Crossing GuardApply to Chief of Police,

9th Avenue and "E" Street.

n the tmvnship. Without t*e r e firs' quarter of 1970 are due onvaluation. Mr. Bennett said, the February 1. Interest at the raterale would taw climbed to I3.S8.! °' 8'* most be charged if pay-

ment is made after that date.

CLEARANCE SALEAH Snow Blowers Drastically Re-

n;>\1.i<i'OBT Paint J Hardware70S F St. - Brfmar - «ai-21«

FIELDER a WAKNKK"typllimces with Service'

Esta.li.tbl*! 1335 -,th Belmar

Page 2: I:KiISI:K · 1970. 1. 29. · av tama** *rwt na>(M jmni at IB as u lawfe ... Spring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui-tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will; the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii

tut i .i.i<! i i . flMMalu i«*W* •» * • * •


h p i M i w, , j e d l w e staffer b Married Hospital Holdsi a Howard I. WRSM «t Farmingdile

» . - * , * 4 * ******

J> * * * * * * * * * * • «M«


b. ta» Va.j fe* tW» M > t i « **


IN GOVIRNMENT WORK h-» til t«A « fc <-.-* ,

Maar. «• at Mr <J k . Marm W S I M . IK H.je.Hut »IKJV 1. alv U»

John II s. i»ji» oi ItettaaT«at

John AMridge- Eichmge Vows

Wall Itldil k U ml hrt I n• • • trakuwl I uni ».ll High

"W« Wert Ditcutiinq Iniuranc* and

tin Nam . , .l>r h l * KHUWr Jr d fhii

•sttllMi IMLK

\ l i ,.!«.• )i w in »•«)* SI Aadrm I MathdM (1»n»

I I V tttv l j » i w f f r: MBoard Views

Wir* the true taiue trf eem

70$ i |tk AVlNUi - KLMAI

Oiol . 681-5675Spccio/ 4/ / Weefe' - Perm $7.50 Complete

[Tinted Htir Sightly

Professional Beauty Cart

•J Styling





i* TiAMwhip• MUCH i§ t BEIMAHn the &h>*4

L.en *' th Uxlay'a tirh i<t pprvwttn the I . 1 , ' . - ! ! ! i.titsj States. Wonmouth county retidaits en toynurkland per r*pUa mucfc hi^hrr!- ui other i i . . , ,- ,rv.J >rt DIM It

» • .FN!\ <rn.- half 0/ what ts inrli <• •>•• ai .i* i! iM,> tiy f f te r j l


Statatkally. each Mownoutht'uunty i t ,,=i ,r' has . ,.:,'.).- QOSacres of county parkland, where-tiy federal guidetinei say ,013itres per person should he pro-

I ided

The M'timouth County ParkSyskm uiKfer the Board at

(••.•*' M.-ldWall DsMHitt&b first Aid

#.'1 * 7 Welt Bplmar Firr IW»<-The P^.ltlnf PUre tor Schmvl Elect In

f»r th« above v.itlm dUlrlcU U W«U > i " i , t r S f h -.1

Dated: January » 1970PAUL W. BINNETI

jI V trUe u Iha dai^Ur af

Mi. l i t re K Th.irni«,n. « •Avvttuv. aad Jatnaa B

i , S M Uirt. The brldr)irofim U the * » (rf Mr and Mri

A M r i l l g , gr r o Farrine! Hoilavanl. M«iaa^ia«.

The brld. w « • Breet knfih* I " " * * » "< * h l U l w t '','">" " • " i l h rwa*<*i«B at lt» nnt l lM!«"'' cu"' Hw v f ' V « Maclmll 0 • P"" * * i f e • " • i n i 1 * •**"** ' «*»*d l»H»al o( r o «

" M «rn«tom."tai Hetty Farr, here. *as mat

' ron trf honor Ut ! man wit Hi. hard William. SoutJi Orans*

Uahers were Bruce Tipling,Princeton; and JeKrey Terrell,Olarlelton, W. Va

A reception followed at thehome of the bride's mother.

The bride attended MethodistCollege, FayeltevUle, NC, and

i N'orthf:ist (>*nputer Institute.

fir h.^ hwv appntntcd u. ihf M»k-.-t ('smmittfiv* on Small BuU

Hid Nuir.'hK, u d H«1UHand a facia l ituhnMnnttttiW

Iv fv- n.« U-rti Uor roaflrrv^ivt ami

pride in his ifut^wmtmtc(It-t ixh#ri« K.t¥"l on

kr»wlcvt|[ff, m i w u f n f and

t Is rmlty bnt for th« can

M*Ji. JI SUtfT Mr* UltrisH N , Weil \*nt

Vu/«t* twrvMw. V*ttin* H«wt«wwt. RNsu^-rv uofi flf N«f ^ng In -SrrvioeK-lmatk>n j'nt Mi* Frfmti* Xi -Ml. , fit.. Kit** Whir. Hrl..ui HS Hexl (rf l-:mer)(MK>iH'fi . i te r t , *rere Rwmben of

- t i 1 - 44

Ask about

cunty resideMs. or over WOOu,ed our County Park.,

k a a o d e nt „



National Bank•Belmar F St and 9th Ay«.Manasquan Rt. 35 Circle Plaxa" ' ii Twp Rf. 35 and i6th Ave.

Cuttomw Service HoursTellers 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Wall Loan Dept. Daily to 8 p.m.Wall Top., Collingwood Park Office. Collingwood Circle, Rti. 33 i 34, Wall, 9:30 to 5:30

Yciur installmetit loan can be insured


Member i-Ydrral lh':i.isll Inaiir.ince CarporattonFederal Rcwrre 8j (em

Since 1961, over one million pei ton, W. Va., where the couple willpie enjoyed ^hs '^unty ' i park fa--i*W* - - * -* •* • *ciUties. Wth a 210% iocreaae inpark visitation since 1901, and a D * f 4 u M s m t a ^ ldisappearance of open spaoe in 1 0 1 1 1 r i d l l l l C QMonmouth Comity at the rate olbetter than 2,500 acres per year,an individual can readily beginto nterpret the value of open SEA GIRT - At the January*Pace- ]«h meeting of the Jersey Shore

Promenadera President D o n a l dNewman announced plans for ananniversary party to be held atthe King's Grant Inn on February1$. Mr. and Mrs. William Sweet-



take our product called SLOIO..M X No preKrtptta DeededYou must lose ugly fat * yourmeney tadt. SUMODEt la aMble ud easily swallowed. No,

TEE if not satisfied for any r wson. lust return the unused por-tion to the makers and get your•ull money back. SLIMODEX iswldby:

/ORE DRUG STORE831 Belmar PlazaMail Orders Filled

Chairmen at standing commit-tees for the coining year were In-troduced. James Watson, SeaGirt, will serve as house chair-man; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sher-man, Manasquan, properties; Mr.and Mrs. Richard Dallas, Eaton-town, refreshments, and Mrs.Kenneth Kossack, Wall Township,publicity.

William Dodd conducted thedance program. Guests for theevening were Mr. and Mrs. FredKeill, Wall Township, and refresh-ments were served by Mr. andMrs. Donald Dickson and Mr. andMm. Harold Jahn.

Court Seekingk'ew Members

BRADLEY BEACH - CourtAscension. Catfwhc Daughters ofAmeika, here, has announced «membership drive, and MrsJoseph Nil- 111*11. gr;md regent,reunited that applications will beaccepted at the February meet-

igA reception (or new members

is ,>! iTMifd for March.i'lans were announced at the

Tnwting ot a card party to be heldat the American Legion Home,here, on February 19. Mrs. Theo-dore Kuleba and Mrs. Peter Cost-anzo are chairmen of the event.

Mrs. Phillip Panett read a re-port on "Women for Decency,"and an article on pornographicmaterial that is being displayedin stores and sent through themail.

Mrs. Frank Santanello, chair-man of "Project Vietnam," andMrs. Samuel Ford and memberswt're complimented on the pro-gram of sending gifts and suppliesto members of the Armed Forcesin Vietnam.

Mrs. Mary Stojkiewicz, BlueOHM chairman, reported on thecollecting of funds for Blue Crossthat is sent to medical missionsover seas.

A note of appreciation was re-ceived from the National Con-ference of Catholic Charities*Washington, for the donation fromCourt Ascension.

Mrs. Ann Martuscelli and Mrs.Angela Maccanico, co-chairmen,thanked the roembeds for support'ing the Christmas p a r t y afChristie's:

Lyons on Dean's ListSPUING LAKE Thoma*

Lyoni. 4M FA**» Avenue, a Jun-h.r at .Sftun Mail fniveritty.South Orange, is on the In- ,n sI.i-f having rt i i-r.«i first haiwrslit- i t a P*ychok«>' major.


105 FShwt•tlnwr, N. J.

Dial Ml-1400 - 1401 Horn: H ! 5514


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Flooring Suppli.d — Laid — Sanded — FinUwdWEYERHAEUSER PANELING — 4' > I ' Shaofc „

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Armstrong Vinyl GoodsiMO H Straat Balmar, N . J .


For Home Owners












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We don't change our cor outside each year tomake it look different.

But we constantly change it inside to maka itrun better. And last longer.

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Getting each check-up is like getting an X-ray.Our special equipment can see things no human

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Roberts Volkswagen, Inc. (&kBrowning Road at Route 130 HMfcoofewn • (609) 45M45Q "£X"

Page 3: I:KiISI:K · 1970. 1. 29. · av tama** *rwt na>(M jmni at IB as u lawfe ... Spring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui-tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will; the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii


Mary*, Catering S«rvic«


»arr nu»i _ uuw - cow cunANOWOMTV ITIMI



m ft* Ud'ua l .aa l*«lNit


809 lelmar Ploia

611 S870

Gain more l«ttur« tinw, pay your bilh i l home

I. t u rn a* "Analax i

i ,«,»]

(••Mia) tlw ywr • IHUHM yw>tur ljr«ai I M S a l n km. to Kf

i »jttjui. . ,i,.»,,._:

!«l MUtMWl t« ail Mani^ai In fc*i • « • wtt«a *a rcai rrtafc* a » ) laui , h—a « Ikirvlink

unWIMM allirrt k.»r<k I- »J»« n. •»•>aa <tl k i t Mi*

«r H >r«r» Ik I»M4 lf*a*«r*f and t u r n * ih

te «»irri. M H U I M •! ifc. u.r,u>| .1

i n ac H M m •( lattri ' J ' «'•» »••••>" M< «fc» tC*" wo fitlp ten?

County BoardNames Officersi wenorr M >t\

1} Board uf He N ttm I I h- M on ThLti

• • t - • ! h . i • '• . i i

I I | M<-Ki'Utv <*! VV.,!Iship was ekett-d \kf eh ,ifm

m ;ils» tL Morgan

Kos? W M»^hsn, M iiawanRobert B l*iiuj*hlift, Maaalapan

TV Beard abo set theirr the M>conti Thur*

evniag o( each month, at7 30 p m to te held ut the ;«im.ni si ration offices of the CountyPark Systran at Thompson Park,

Springs R»*!, Ltncroft





BATTERIES — JUNK CARS«nd All Kindt of Mstal,

Wall Aufo WreckersIncorporated

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makes America's best sellerAmerica's best buy

Imagine! A big-luxuryImpala for less than 13

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Try to beat this (or ualue! A big-luxury Impala costs you less than 13of the smaller, mid-size cars.

That's really something! FofImpala, you pay smaller, yet you get big ride, big room, big go.

Not to mention GM-solid build and that big-car look which keepsyour trade-in value higher.

No wonder millions say, "There's Chevy and there's Caddy andthere's nothing In between; for the most money you can pay, it'sCaddy...for the most car for the money, it'sChevy."

And that holds particularlytrue against the smaller, yet costlier,intermediates.

It 's the big reasonwhy it 's all Chevy or Caddy

this year.

Chevy saves big!

Belmar Motors is where it's at!800 mF" Street, Belmar

PRINTINGSooner or later almost everyone needs

printed matter. When you do. see...



Letterheads * Announcements * Imitations

Weddings * Envelopes • Invokes • Formt

Ad Books * Business Cards, etc.


701 - 7th Avenue Bclmor, N. J.

Phone - 681-6000

Page 4: I:KiISI:K · 1970. 1. 29. · av tama** *rwt na>(M jmni at IB as u lawfe ... Spring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui-tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will; the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii

»•*».« («• •*»«' M"» ,»»*«• ftw«4u *•*«••» • • ••*•

Clattifwd Arfvtrtl

IWikk MM •

ITMhaOnpmrtfepeam u>, l w *»

• •<|l»»ll

I M I eoati • ;<

Hot*.** *

**mjn *•••*

•MMM i

I K til ** tan jenw

lead by D m Mwkil ShowAlUire Gr*pHis

Wall Township Schools

Caftttria M«nu

, . . b l . . | > U Hataal-..-,*,.-« »:»••

n, * — u,»i>ik

— MM« . Mk KM X*m+M W l W » I- Om Iki

Jgk ,.«»W h o to DM art M(a • • » t ^ nan

• Ml•>iM » • " •«It* tab * Di .tri

M im •• t« UHM. nan


•m. MaW H. , „ • « . i.lmMK Baa) iakl *aa ••>• .Ml

Mat ItHialiM Mi, J IJ III « kU Uli

TV Mat I*. Iran I m . Mil lajaaa*, MM

•a Mr • • aisrue <t M •«• * Mrt mtm Mat* U i H i l t . .teHvatshan . ,« • tar ta» O H M MM h

tie aathH te la* -I tft^kiawut ifc Itrama,Vaa«, latal | a*ua . ,. aWU., ta,

•leave. (Mean w»eab»as eat H i elans si

HARHY I'ft.l'O

Future NursesToM of Program

By L M i WMl

MAtWQUAN -~ "TW purpow'rf CtwMn in llt%il(h 4 pregrwrtfar dropuut* *ti*Vnu who * faUi¥ta havt- a lew incm*. er j»yyoung priwin wh<> »naU a modi'eal caiwr wttbout a dvfrM, n torefeavt d<«iir. and W H M ( m adoing DIP frit* that thrw y«BigpeopW can do," fitted senna- RMfMcUren. .i menther rf Uw M I M -»quart iht's Schoal Future N u n t t

"IW program is centered toNewark sad East Orange. Vmidea is for th, hfwpitals te trainthe students This program U


t***r4 Urntmm, rrmkMr* H*ftnm4 114

Ufa ttw^jt) M m m mi

|r«gf*s*» rfj«x! rnmrxttiij; Uw fulun uf eh* W i ^ Ut% ««1>>t

triiut«d pcUtMMu ur^eywi tie |wrmHtod k

«• ' i^i-*T*(! I Met four

la ha aa l.u*1«rtoa rr« w

•• ra aw Wall. wMa> Kill


OiMH Un»«V i i i . i i i h - iBn Vwskj!«<»;""( <•» MariiMmw wnk altW a i n •»!»• «II »i»ik anda SI aMl W tar Vrat.ii.il Ham

IV StvUttfW I

I'uaal M>M<i X XU ' l t a , nilria S3 Si M | M • Ikrhrri S IT

Family Party Marks AmtorsaryrOT MT. MO n r s . UCOTJC DniiOII

AVON ••• I M M Sf « rift* i

Harilw i

Mri Qm*i*t Spm^ mitod UwWMIMW Ui -i't.i«! the m r c i w

by the H»CfC

m*4*U s h,i!

Mrs J« in J GdMih'i-iJ fn»» nwnAeri and••it tK-feeta were available (or the!.-==!! ii >-, Dnner to be t wtv-*>ml «t the Berlwley (-'arteretli'rf.-l by the Monmotttb CmmyK«df>r«tiun of Republican Womenand the Affiliated Men's R M

Ml b rIn Nurd pta» by h»» i poM

11 * raHaftwn I while W(M( (ifovfN>Kta a t--t!iih place tk« wltti

h f

j Ifcxm

jnd ihwr r*mtto« at a partyn u i htfT« i h^ir ' * • * T - » linrf gnnl

Jdr CaMwell from Trenton•poke to the Future NUTMS Cluband banctod out booklets, showedslides, and played tapes about theprogram.

A trip if planned for March 3to the PhitatWphla Naval Hoagt'

"-laT.~Tinovfe ud't tourc* t&*wards is planned.

The annual spaghetti dinner forFebruary 4 will he in the cafe-teria. The price b 19 per per-•on. Tickets can be bought fromsenior Sue Midori, president ofthe club.

Other officers are seniors PattyBrennan, Vice President; andCam Manir, Treasurer; and Jun-iors Peggy Beams, Secretary; an#Corresponding Secretary, Sue Ber-mingham.

A resohition B H IO write a let-ter at congratulations to Gover-nor WitUum T. Cabill on Jus is-auguration

Members of the Town*hip Com-mittee held a question and

Mr. Eg*>ln tiM committee ap-pototmenU for the coming yearwill be announced at the Februarymeeting.



MIri- T« tredllnn Tn I'r^-r

ESTATE OF NORA CAPUTO,l>ECEASKn.Pursuant M Ihe ra^rr of Loiii

Alk«w. &uimgBte t j the CountM.mmHth. (hi

»f they

l hRalph ]—,.-«. . ™. c Executor of the e tUU iine suld Nora C»puto. deceased notiili hereby given to the erediton of ,,i

•lainiB under nath willmnntlu trim thin dateJanuary 7th, 1970.

315 Nurth Thirt.fnth StreeRALPH R. ('AS'UTON-iwartc. Nc-w Jersey.Snie ENtvutor

Messrs. Lustbader A Lustbsder.


3 took Uirw putatg frum M b ]owa 1 ui th*ktr m t d i •>• \'.m(Mh-iMb hH 115 for thr S i e ^ a rI U^m ami ItaLartd MMK4I fi,«!,i M ' f.ii lw CrafUnwi, 1

Vi*.*.; Grove mov#d II;J on 3 fottr-(»».n. win « \ « Aw»('art Vktf'Nr hit JIM and!(n>.*t.,.t!*?r had a 223 for theWe<ct Grove en1*. whtb> Ed Doralthit 200 and Charles Hart!, Sr,IHWed a 301 h i toon

In t«hci )••![!! •• Wanani3is»(Tiriilian Heiforrm'tl g(X thr*?c/rwn 9t Paul'* Ushers dcsjHU*Ray Ri*>' 200 game fw theVrfhm, and Atonement Ltahirarttook thr*« point!, from MenwrUIMtrtlwcis* Anthony SiHitomauro

j -,.\r, a 2H for tfie Utt^ieram and! was j*n'iffl by Otto Kruger withhis 201 and 215 for the win.

Trinity I'shers topped BelmarVethodiat, 4-0, as Bob Clay post-ed a nice 234 and Frank Hoi) bit

\%mKen Schaefer had a 201 as First

[Methodist of Aabury Park tookthree points fromthe Shoremen.

The Standings:Pts

Belmar I^e*yterian 53Craftsmen 1 «Craftsnren 3 — 47*4We* Grove Medt 47Atonement Uitiieran __47Craftsmen 2Wall MethodistAvon Methodist 38First Presbyterian AP 35St. Paul's Useher 34Memorial Methodist 84Wanamassa Chr, Ref. 33Belfar Methodist • 324Trinity Ushers 324Shoremen 28First Methodist AP 17



HEATING NEEDS!iV Budget PaymentV Service PlansV Automatic FillV Replacement &





Society HearsChurch Pastor

BR.M\H • The Rev throidUw*tk JW*UM t»< i i P M CnstcdUwn-rtU iiHir**. spoke to thermrnher* «f !N- W » S d therburrih ,*t fa first mppting of (beyvar r»W m thr Church Chapel.

Mr* LUM Za#ad«by introduciHlthe pustnr, «hn 'apokf on the' MeaiMtig of Utvort iSiatkm " H*,;]>,. showed a f !ni on "Afre-.^nwrk'an History." ihowinff fbp(i. .•;• '!• ' 'i' ut the races fromearly times to the present.

Mrs Victor T<x»ae k*. the de-votions, using a* her topic, "Re-conciliation."

ft was announced that on Sim-day, February 8, the Rev, JackThomas, pastor of the First Bapt-ist Ordk, here, will shore thepulpit. The sermon will be in Hieform of a dialogue.

A rummage sale will be con-duoted in "tay, and Mrs. BettStratton ipoKe on the CommunityCenter in Camden.

Refreshments were served bythe members of the Rutfi Circleto the W members present

Plan AnniversaryWALL TOWNSHIP — The 83rd

anniversary of t h e GlendolaGrange will be marked by a cele-bration and birthday party mFebruary 13 at the Grange Hall, j

The anniversary meeting will jbe open to the public, it was an-nounced by Betty RIerson, lee-turer, and Harry Rierson, worthsmaster.

Known in U* Shur* ar#a faryears «rf avr>ie# and thwHtia toY*ten*ri tstaittitHitiw, Mr andMrs timum wwc feted by Uwmort th«n iue prrMtit at liw VFWHume. Vyt ' iw City

| Mlrndin^ vwrt their children,Mr and Mrs Brutoti. J r . %>nB«t«k# Stanley Brutus, id home,and Mr jad Mn fUymond Aura.here, Sim graiKtc&ktrrn and two


Aim anxmg the K» i^uest* were! Mr and Mr, Fred Hrk-tary, A*! bury Park Mr Hei(Aey w » serv-


LAKE *u«ns -70," £ti experiment to

dramatk todinique*, sponsored!*y the Pine Tree Players, itart-ed last maht at Mike Doolan'iMotor Lodge, Route 70.

The workshop, conducted byGeorge Allgor, Ocean Township,and Lois Rogers, Point Pleasant,will continue oo Wednesday nightsat 8:30 pro.

The workshop is free and re-servations may be made throughMrs, JfMepb Mac Donald, 999-2818, or "Just drop la."

mi! a* BfatuV; B*s.h• Wf I In imi aitd l«uad Uks mar-rtlM|a Ureflaft to Uw owa^b *sllard Rum-Urn Brlmar. Mrs Mruton t idit'ln. who had « • -i.l HIN*4 man. was siaa preaaa*

Mr Iliurm I.., I »'iv».l wa i tot\ j v ) pimr In WAI iiwt hurt MVH* n w In many i ana^aigM InMesH» and 11.1!' Alter Utc war.Mr Hi iiM; and Hw ftM'nt*-f ICmir/A IMIII.'UI.'I dauthtor af Mr:t')>j Mrs Joaefdi DanielaoR. wereliving on the simp street in Bradley Beach when they w e n kttr»i!:m.i liy hts mother.

Ten days later their engagementwas announced and five monthslater they were married on Pet)H. I't.'ii by the llev John W Lyncflin the parsonage at fii.nl.-vBea.-h MethodiM (iHircn

Mr. and Mi Bruton have beenactively involved in veterans work(luring .ill their married yearsIn 1968 he served as state com-mander of the Military Ordpt Athe Cootie, honor degree of theVeterans of Foreign Wars. He isa pas* stun? commander of Vet-erans of WWI; past district com-mander ol VFW, and is a memberof Belmar Elks.

Mrs. Bmton is a past presidentof the VFW Auxiliary, here; pastpresident of the Auxiliary to Vet-trans of WWI. and past state con-ductress of that group. She is ami»mber of Auxiliary to Gimble-U-hy-Quirk Post. VFW. Oakhurst,(xt'an Township.

Prior to his retirement in 1982,Mr. Brulon was employed as amaintenance supervisor at Ft.Monmouth.

m Umtuaw Tasscd lalai Mat, DlMlt I M" • ' II MM Mr

s.«p Hanha-IH aa Iw • pfckla. Teawd lalai OMHM.

Ml. UI - 1ST•MrftaM


•Mi" » " LUMCV - « •

v * t « i« a bun w'saux, r T PoUtwx. M Saw. laaMrt, Milk" • " H M M • Mr

Hamburger on nun w'picklr. F F Potatoes. (\>le Slav. Da*. kfilk

MaMtTuna Salad•ALAO - Ua

Cole SlawnrssruT . ik


Mil•!• 1.1 M W • <M

Soup. Salad. Sandwich, beaaert. Milk - Monday thru Friday


Entree of the "A" Lunch .HamburgerBrownieBowl of soup w/saltinea

• homemade!Cup of soup w/iakinesHard roll w/butterAmerican cheese wedget w/saltlna .Cottage cheese on lettuca ^Doughnut, cookies, cakes —Pkg. cakoIce cream aaodwich or popSmall Juice.Fresh fruit when available .



. lJc10c5cat



The Wall Township Board of Health is requesting thecooperation of all dog owners to help make Wall Township abetter place to live by complying with the requirements ofChapter 5 . I to IS.

The provisions of this ordinance are:

1. All dogs over 7 months of age muit be licensed an-nually by January 31st.

2. All dogs are prohibited from running at large uponthe public streets or property not their own at any time.

3. All dogs are prohibited from annoying the rest of theneighborhood.

Each and every dog owner is urged to malte a concentratedeffort to see that these rules are obeyed. Owners failing to doso will be summoned into court. The maximum fine for anyviolation is ($50.00) fifty dollars.

Thank you for your cooperation.




Wall Police Department — 449-4500Community Dog Control — 775-6986

Breakfast was very unpleasant in the Smith house. Bettytook a long time to get dressed; tben barely had time to eatanything. Bobby refused to «at the cereal and eggs his mothercooked. Mn, Smith wondered how to get the children to eat «better breakfast. She decided to make breakfast like a partywith paper bowls, plates and cups. The children made placemata,then picked out the food they wanted to eat. After that the chil-dren went off to school happy and well led. Here is one of theirbreakfasts served with milk.

BETSY'S RICE HONEYS WITH AWICOT SAUCE1 (12-oui.rt-) ran apricot nectar1 t&McBpoon IVIUI.II jiiM-f1 lulilrspoon ffrairil Umnii rindI Inlilciiionn UUIter or ntur^tritiBZ InLlcsjiiVMiB i«;ar14 rupDKOMEIlARYCli \-pvA Dai»1 mwllntn ripo bnnini, nw«JiedNAillSCO Rlrc llonejf( !...,,|.nl nuliiI laketl COWMHt

tn ianccpan combine first six lugrcdii tfu, Srinj| to li&il; thennlmmer about 1 minute, Hlir in bananit; I'l coot, Serve overNABISCO Rke K.oi.c>s. Sprinkle v,.t!i uHU Btvd/flr .-ornnut Ifi?e»lrcd. Makes 2 tups mBCO,BLUEBERKY TOASTE7TES TOAflTER PASTRIES A LA MODE

I'n-pur- Blaebwi? lOASTETli:.-, tmmr PMIT|«I acror-linglo parkage dircctiu"*; HF neat for 5 minutes 111 a iirrhroted hoimen (450°F.). Top With VIIH.UH ke crennt,


14 —

15 —

16 —

17 —

18 —

19 —

23 —

25 —

27 —

29 —

31 —

32 —

34 —

35 —

36 —

41 —

43 —

45 —

47 —

48 —

S3 _

55 —

56 -

57 -

5S -

59 —



First Aid

Belmar Plan

16th Aye. I F S».

6th Ave. 4 F St.

8th Ava. S F St.

linn Ava. a F St.

12th Ava. I f St.

3rd Ava. S A St.

5th Ava. 1 A St.

2nd Ava. S B St.

5th Ava. 4 E St.

13th Ava. * D St.

St. Rosa High Schoo,7th Ava.

7th Avo. I 0 St.

St. Rosa Grade Scnooi6th Ava.

tOrh Ava. 4 C St.

14th Ave. I A St.

8th Ave. S A St.

Mth Ave. * A St.

18th Ave. S A St.

Surf 1 20th Aves.

Oakwood * River Rds.

12th Ave. 1 Bayview

16th Ava. a Maplowood Rd.

• L St. a River Rd.

' Marine Basin

< 9th Ave. a R.R. Ave.

Car or Grass Fires

Out of Town

Hook & Ladder Fire Co.

Telephone — Police — 681-1700 or 681-1701

— Fire — 681-1700 or 681-1701

_ First Aid — 681-1700 or 681-1701

Page 5: I:KiISI:K · 1970. 1. 29. · av tama** *rwt na>(M jmni at IB as u lawfe ... Spring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui-tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will; the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii

O H I I I A U I K S• ' • »> •

m*dm*i£? *. =*^niw S3Sm -• ^ a, «a< a—* . , alia >,- .». a ,,»»*., *aft M ~ » - B> nataal *at taat f W - , «. iMat)

L I i ta( , ^ , , - , ^ l - K i awWaaal»..,, NaM * . ! »» . , . „ w« laa* a « «F« i feM IMM *a. fc™. an*

• • „ * mm*m 4 «•» . « * Mat* J «a^ijatp « t t | <MaW«a> a ! . » , , . «4»>»v

1 Ha. >a 3 M a» »a» » *feava* !«**»* * «aw «Ha»

•aMMMH- Hi « » » • • •Haw* I—*. riWH» k. law M * . —•« tea

I «f•M, hat MM awa, „,!, ,„,. t-atun-Yr: Itaaf a*a».•» «:, a* «***>hi**t tan tel h w Ja W VawKgak *atfa» Ha) ^ t e J a**aaw* ft akaaa

j W « ^ a a ^ a e * a>aa^a^at • *PBa»*aB» ^ i ^ a w ^ a a • ^ ^ • # • • * • * • ^ •• • • vaa j «•> «aMa*S

• " ' • • ^ aM», rnf laM. .Mate. aV. ... . P J . . , . ,»«•—.

* ^ W « . * #a ak fc. —

H, M »ra*.i « tW

i m - fMaM N M • M«W <M Mr lU«H< « • • )Mata«

•« tt> law V«* flla>>1>l O>. U>» Ms w • Mm mawji<M »,h«4.} a « • Mntoa •< lharM • « i;Mr. I •»«««

Mr K.IM l a a n t «atw W M MIk

am• H • • feat Curium



I «.— 1 ..J t.afna Hattxrt alaaMaA M a n <••» Mr DarW •>•>. la. a*aa>a. .W» • »

I .at. a., b aW null., al a... d«» DM HiUnrn'r. al

C«t;<t .

•t nun • r rain•M «. . aa4 <>.a».M Fartvaa

•at OM• • • I ftaahna* C M

auaW.) Kaaaa I II mi II

• »tiM| Kaaaai t • » •


In. , a aha ha < H » • » Nam Lanaaaa. Ji aama-x a>tlaa^aV^attl. b l i ^ B ^ M | t W 1 » ^ ^ ^aftfe > ^ B ^ B S •^^•^^B^am ^^^^^t ^ Ham^Ha*^^ l™«a^a™ WWJii^a\| ^P^aV *^aW^ (a«B^B» • * • • Ra^B^aa^a>^Va^W • • • • ^ • ^ • • • • T i^a*

^Li-I^B^BBaBB afell ^•B^BaaJ a>av laWaa^BkaJ A tkal HMaa^attf k ^ U a J aVl aa1aa% ^aVadl a* a«

•aai. Mai H h Ml U a»IM»»»« m fUrnt - . ^ ^

u..u ihMuk •*• aaaapaw«....1 JI..I -1.1k, Hall


_ he patw, i nmi Smt* «alla tar.aaHn.il i*.

to RM

Avon ConcernAids Hospital

A Ut uvi

J 6 a m • /a*at THMWUI Haw all dha* i-ouwtVaaa* (.^ap. Harl - Ona«ai ,,„„: ajHBM t

•T. WMK II < i III K. IIrtcata A.«, A r Ma R>lm*r

ivu-t J Tralaa, PaatM

•aaa'at MaaMa

la BV I W I7, I » I, It. II. 13. ! P M

Werk H«i MaaataI IS t 1 la cnn!f«ii>na baifora'In 7f. MUM


Ulrawaaa' IM • Wai T a n a a t i

« uu a.m. . Hoi* Eudiariat10 Ml am. - Morning Pr.ijwr

Sung Eucharist * 'h ttutrucUim ssd church achool

Bol> days • 7 awj 10 a m

/tlJ.KNWIKIII PEOTKSTAOTMlatit-MtanatM- b<al

Rvv J. C MrFailnod, PaaV»

; « v « • KvnunjI I . . . . . . '-. l(. .Uam Ojan Air i'IUKfuttoMi

7 M yi m • l"raw MMt«4 4BiMr Sii«l» wita ! ' , « « liar

Nunwrm at all KrjuUr

•Wan ~

CHKIHt n i l HI II UNITtCanaw Talrd Avr 1 fmori M

Altar; Part, H. JK.. I V r i n I >..rthata

Visitors Welcome'

» 3ii A.M.10 45 A.M.t:00 I'.MT 00 P.M.

tic Service

» « l P.MStud,

' Bible School.Morning Woraot|i

• Young People'!• Evening Evangella

Prayer and Bttile


Fourth and West Lake AvenneaSpring Lake

Rfv. Lawrence E. Moore

SUNDAY SERVICES8:30 a.m.—Morning worship and

sermon.II :00 a.m.-Morning worship and



7:30 P.M. - Evening »5ishi|)(CoUbgwooil Park)

Rev. Peur iluraenluk, PaatarUla [. Warren, Organist

•:4S A.M. - Sunday School andAdult Bible Clwa.

U 0 0 AM. . Morning Worthln


SUNDAY 1St. Calbaraw'a Church

8, 9, 10, 11, 12« . Catharlu'a Cafeierbi

9:15, 10:15. 11:15DAILY MASSES

St. Catturbc'i ckurckS A.M.

,«T. HUtOABllI S CHURCHSurlrg Lake

Mas«es: M, . :30. 1 H, 10:30,11:3C.Pridny - 8 P.M. -

No"ena d flw tiered Hejrl.

SI . JAME.9EriSCOPAI,Fourth in.' Hammond

Hradlr/ BeackB«T. D. Slewart Al..jy, Rertor

Sunday service: 8 and 10 A.M.Weokdiiys, Wednesdays and

Holy Days, 10 A.M.


Shark Rlfer Roadb

1:30 n.ni.-Sabb»ft Sclnol.11:00 5 m.-Cfcufch Service.

Laurence F. Myers, Pastor

BIBLE BAPTIST IHl'RrH' f in u.MMiti.t.i A n .

i.i.mi.iU N. J.M llrlmlM. PuhkT

» « a m - BiWe SchoolSiebold, Superintendent.Classes irom two yeantiirough A<hilts We have a busin your area.

11:00 a.m. - Morning ServiceAlways a Bible CenteredMessage.

11:00 a m - Junior Church forthose from Second gradedown.

5:45 p.m. - Young People's Meet-ing. BBY'S i6, 7. a grade)Mr. 4 Mrs. (ivorge SieboldSENIORS 'High H M HMr. A Mrs Brian McMeans

7:00 p m. - Fvvr.ins? ServiceSpecial Music every SundayOld timt; p i tching and Sing-ing.

Nursery provided all regularservices

Wednesday7:30 p.m. • Bible Study and

Prayer Meeting.

:OMMraiTY BAPTIST CHVKCHLakewod Road InShark River HOI,


Rev. B. I). Romaine. Jr.9:00 a.m. - Sunday School

10:15 a.m. - Morning Worship.


I7ta Avenue and F Sana*South Relnur

F1FTI1 AVENUE CHAPELFifth Avenue * B Street



m i a St., Heat BelmaiHer. 8. CkurcklU, Partaf

AD Weleatwl


Slnth Ave.. Near D St., Belmai

CHRISTIAN SCIENC1r'lral Chureh of Cbrial

SrVntWGran I and rta Avf»n .

Ajhtirj Park

Raubj servli:', 11 AJ lSunday Sdio.l. 11 A.U.1:15 P.M, - Wednesday -

TiilJnwnj McMinit.


Belmar, H. J.Rer. Tkeodore ft Davis, Paator


17th Ave. tl I "1ItavM Wllwo, P*ata>

fI O a m -Huodat VkaoliJOand n at am "

7 » p m -F.venlug »ervle»

I.H.VI Mill! t

iti* ihKwgn at e*i m l •Wtthswi ir»*a»» i a « , <*Kim, »«• M M M U lht Jar-- , mm IMMl mtt«(iil«l haliy. it »a .In UmA K»at>. J

1W tanaliiii d m oral «a»o n pump r « a M from tk> pkat.taUmpK dn'iiM 4 WaUverktretbera to jlw H» tmmt, *•duurllv a.< MIQV lor (MltlMIr*>m«Tlbrafl«« to cuilemws, toa no» profit, t^jii'ahte aist'tu-thm Jersey Shore was ttaKtad» rmlv< tot U« Tt» or»lsurtiw "luipmaal la uUliied is

ua l ^ Ik. iraaaalillaa

ha OM; Oa.K V ; Owtir, •>-

ahdk'L OMtr. aa- at,, QlarU

uutt Nsncs

ttf thrna It danlwa) b« |•ax Wnanr. IM iMl l » *a»a*i» Mr. Au*»» J k t a iu Ma!Mn ,un lan**i Mk al latn;a aiawt afra Olive rlajtae, (arajtrfly el |*II inliajrfjti aaai Mi4 W»h.»»«« «*». Mat atjM«faa>MIMm>

flat HaJxrt I N<wr riaaaral

•( an

Hi flSrf Irak * • Ir-Un|a«M <af >w> VW» T laat.la a. gnatINI <fl>r anilaj M wv lUd flaa BtMal » Ka*.Iw a | M j Hatm • • • a> n > » a)

M» »aa a mwtoi al PI man aaaaW

.1* aiTM

..i MU H I h m i l i f


H i U M H M i - Ettul Uy,Jl, dwJ 1teWbi> at to hen*,

He *«» the btabaKt of MrtEva J Keempri l«y.

Mr U | »«tK (xtrn

lthe operatinj ronn to pump tmfjaj (mm the note and throat ofpatknts ai oiiJt-r to prevent pea-

iri.- T i>wn*i

M W I I It k tfe '1

. lav hf the laflaa

i :*«h fl*y ^r January,

JOHN W lU'l.I.rl

• , jM M wnd Mnwfe birfyre mov-ing hene «v«n yeari ago,

lie was a TtHired tu^ervm* tn!:••;. iH^rf. M

ifsljurg. Pa,Mr. Ley was a

St Hose Church, b e t t w .Bvsktet tut wik . be .s tmvived

bv a Mo, Robert K SuoU Sa-»aona. 1'iW , five brothers, Gu-fHK, HWWfcj James, RoCka-*;iv; I*10. M^pli^mxi. John. N M Ifuno Md I f c w t 1MB i*iainfk,4d,; m U •<' Mrs. V'u-ttiria Kress-nwn. 1'i'iirt Pleasant; Mrs, Alber-tim Utck, AM JO*'. Grit, Mrs.Miiiin- Uaflfat, Brick Township,jnd Mrs ff^lwllM Wulie, Conoga1'ark, Calif, and thrt* grandchil-dren

The DgnM A IU-iil> FuneralHome. Prtttutf. l | in charge of

Hi. IM«n * Irata Mam JJ . J w * ^ " " " S f c * " 1 " " • » •

['MM hfrc ltv» (Mtfl iifius hu-twr ^tF«of i Ht WM i rrtinHl trvaMiW «f

SHTt \* ; CITY - Bahurt X, lm*mat Jar- I b i i i i nawibii «t (IK Orwu

IT, NCB- pr Trffiuti i nmtfa*!1 rf Otffwmf^

Mr »hi:c v u Inita i.1 l.;Ut'«m, leMldtid. aw) lived in TKB-I mi before mt>v mg her* h w>ear» ago

He W M a retired (^upjHr^ clerk

Mn llarmtt* A ljptmtrntt fw«*** Ham I> am, Hifccrt, bath•if TnTiion" afid fyur

MaHe w^i* a member frf ihr

\n& Twwi -hip \menr..n Upost 3)4 Ht' iervsd m UwH I \rrny ihiring World Wlie w,-te also a tmtnhti

Brthaiwy Prc^yterianTrentoji

• I w:is pn^dweasetl b>- his*\W, M


hi OTIC*.

MrM to tM HiI.Lake Heigfttl, ,

sure when he's ready for iyou'll be ready, too.

Cuilege costs are high, They'll he

higher by the time this young man gets

there. But you can be ready for them if

you start your savings fund now and

stick with it.

U.S. Savings Bonds are ideal for the

purpose—safe, guaranteed, with an as-

sured rate of. 4.25^0 when held to

maturity and an automatic extension

privilege after maturity. But perhaps

even more important, they offer tax sav-

ings that can substantially increase the

value of your education fund.

]f you pay state or local income taxes

where you live, there's an automatic

saving, because Savings Bonds interest

is exempt, And even Federal tax cm

be saved if the Bonds are bought in

your child's name and a tax return filed

fat him to declare interest on an pmrrlbasis.

The details of this plan are important

—so consult the special folder, "Sav-

ings Bonds for Education" for particu-

lars. Request a free copy from: U.S.

Savings Bonds Division, The Depart-

ment of the Treasury, Washington,

D.C 20226.

Do it today. And while you're in the

writing mood, sign an application for

automatic Bond purchases through Pay-

roll Savings where you work or the

Bond-a-Month Plan where you hank.

Make sure when Juniur's ready for

college jvu'Il be ready, too,

U.S. Savraigs Bonds,new Freedom Shares

Eli .iinHh S. Pii]>i'|.jii113 BttlSlinnre Blvd.,Svft Girt. N. J.

f Wutm Papsd'irt,113 Hsltimure Ulvd,.ftU Girt, N . J,

<Jliji.vHn.ns. if any, should u> madeLmnMd&tely to wriimu to; Robert 8,Murns, Municipal Clerk of Muring Luku

Ifan Till White.H>- i- univfxl l>y a daughter,

Mis I>,i!>rl I'jrkin CII, Y.mllrv.

• • I f M t W i J "•tqison,Harry Taf t , here; s i* sisters,Mi -i F I O - T I I IT Apfik^gste, Mrs.Polly H.juxw^tl, Mrs . ('hrisfmeSeymarc, Mrs. Margarrf (Jra-bam, Mis Doris DfaNft and Mrs

lan't, ;IIK1 ctji{ht gfttaftSatt&WiThe Pwd on nd W M B » KU-

! nera! Directors, Troiton. were, if. charge of ,n'rangt'merits,

JAMKS CAIRIGAN\ l i . nw.,.,.1 RoadWall Toniwihip

J WAU. TOW>fSlfr(' - JaniM> t'-arngan. 74. died MotuJay at the; Conva-OnttT, NVpfime.i lie was a retirtxl carpenter.| Mr. Carrigan v/;m born in Mi3-i vale. He came here from Nt-w-

! Siirvivirtg o n two sisters, Mrs.• K o d B M and Mrs. Dolly. Cozzines, Bergenneld; a bnAher,

Abe But It'r, North BtTfjen, andseveral tieiccs ami nephews.

The Johnson Funeral Homt *asin charge of arrangements.

The Sail rolonuf H«BW. Wm*-ilton Twnslifp, w»i « charts srf


i -,.,.,,• 1 th. H. I: h U, SPiU.V, U\kh HKK^nMiss Dor.) A Here*',Mondiiy at Tower I^xigeNitBM, Wall Tfwtisbip,

Sh* wax rxrn in Wall TWD-.'•-v M4 kli '''•'•"! h dH .**ore

MM h«T mtire H iMiss P a n t Ml a menrfwr of

» . Andrew's liniu^i MethodL-rtchurch, S;>ring I^aie.

Sun Mm arc a nephew, Wliland Menrnian. HLMH|Mft rindi | r a in'H )"i, Mr i KMberlneBaitUT, Wall Tf*wn<hi(>, Mrs,M ilt'Ncr. Kiur Kl«t t Vt,JIM] Mrs Barb;iu IIf,!cr. Jack-

| The Ruliert C R | 0 | funeralH » m » , K M n l i m -was in

of arrangements.

JOHNSONFuneral HomeFully Air ComlitiotudRoute 38 - Wall Township

Modern Funeral HortwModernfy Equipped

Walter J. JohnsonDirector



• ture tw ijivcii l iw i the l lnr-

>prmis I.aKt1 Ui'iclits h o i r t -

j purcha**' its rifihU,u iiinl t" i v r U m real


DANGLER FUNERAL HOMEJ. Robert Gray - Owner & Mqr.

"We <'»rfe«i'or (o «eri'c each family as if theywere our own, offering a warm and friendlyatmosphere, quality and ditfnifiwl service tomeet every financial need".




3 a * *

ill IJHI-U-I

•llni-ii as

('KB I fpt'BUry slani

The M.i>




winij I1*riM-r.nl r,'



In- rvy th--iy the

Hi cumel


HOIlEK-r K MORRIi'•.iiiiciii*. ClwR

Sihuatod on beautiful SiWet Lake ronvemein!T

located io serve Hw entire Shore Area,B01 D Street Belmar. N.

Page 6: I:KiISI:K · 1970. 1. 29. · av tama** *rwt na>(M jmni at IB as u lawfe ... Spring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui-tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will; the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii

t i u . i l AUVKktUKH »,ti MAM UK* U-KUtM


l »n «*»(

I «pJ Kullll I - • » HaPM » • a


Rtvtrii ChHI

Urniniiuri Kllirn?

* . alt aUninii<t ate ft-, a p Msan * at.

fpa* Malm aa • • -M ~ ana l» — .

Timely Knit

Y«ur County

Ktporti _

• ••MI w w w BIBB ll I i,u1 w n w •>!• ^ ^

i a»«Wt k> «.,»« Kl. i M O W * * • /li) Opt SVPIHI jaaHH ftM. VfV *"

*^yl=i be ue h.*iul I*. 1

yjiiuli and

wmal and |mi him

uat arid iiu it pujaitt

I l,i ai, .<•» tlir fund |P - | ' l . - , • « I>U 1 l.'l.l.

W. H, we tiiuik * • lutv* tome n*hu, tuu. AIHI

IJw • •>, Uiia tolumn im-aiia all Una** humirwta and

ifHHipftrtd. uf gt*xj peopt# »hti gu .limit their liu»itn»».

tunning mi on», and never Imduif it n«tMary to shout

.ii-.ut Uwir rnrhta.

Ju»t iiiam (uika, lik* you know »l»ut your migh-

n._ , ' Mat aa «•»*. • . .tt-pxaa "P

w at. aajw aaa •<•>« ^ IP. ur * u AM*, U .

gens*** ayi nlnwi <• u* t*«!

« u" lisa «t H*>* •*•*

nylm mnaintmi!" * " " " " " * ' -4 Mm Huaajk; Jfcrrta, » J

Ml** * tte uii»i I n narigpwpMi i« U«J ri»natU|> (.lUIMtM

Mayor Una T Aliam »>•>i limtifi and Oi.*i*let

• •

Well. Wf'll nUiiil up for them We f,, 1 that thtv

have right. vaJut af i n n on bulMnn HM

KighU t» *«lk their hometown street, in safety ^ , . * ^ d ^ , ' ^ ' l ^ * * h ( l ^ * "

without the f«ar that cuurU and parole board* have no te te ^ m u |a I u^a l , iy f

pamperod i nmm.iia and turni*ml police that crime w out of ttyp> Him prvpriHra withInns aSarg- he: t'fcv ahiwip trt

pn t> than tho• into anarchy.

We have the i igi,t lo txfuKt that uur taxes will be

uaed prudently for our town anil country, not squan-

dered on the i':ii. .i > of votes of pressure group*.

We Imve the right and dnire at a decent American pn^rty \alues"

to be sure that no tamest man g o « hungry, but w« also

have the right to insist he do everything he can to earn, PREVENTION OF INSECTS

his own living. ll fc easitT to prevent ins

This nation was founded by men who rose up in [ ,™V^'nd oft!»mhXi

anger against boasiam, and established a country where become established, says

the majority rules and not pressure group*. And, by i Mohr

majority they meant the law^biding, hardworking, tax | n<HmjhoU pests

IMill.lunwd ImfBjrary colkvtor aid "•">> Mmar. WMI BHm.t and

• HIT * Hi. tin- lUana af adjuiniag anas, vai bring

iii * ,*>* td M | ->'U, >4 K»,r

In nerve U* tblmai


Id Ik. » > » * ,l client

Birlm>r n Is I . the - h * " afre|Wl»l «lr raW l»rt Klmkllnt

,,f Kt>«ury • I U T ) R. C«i|»».Brhnar civil dplmm director.

<HI 13 cvmmunilies would joinh

hu aaj| a "d I V poal «aa bi b»ar tatttmm tA thr firm Itmr Hrtmarir»-n killed in acting * fan* i'lpaa.

I.' RubrrtMK'.jnm-!!

A Moamouth

|*!Ut>,l«j« wu

('amity budget,wr,l* HI aboutr'Klui'H tiy the

paying citizens.

But, all you have to do is to read the front pair*

of any newspaper. See the increase in mob rule, see the

diaregard for law and order, see the complete disrespect

for court* and due process, see the lack of regard for

police or elected authority, look at it all and you'll know.

You'll know that this country has come danger-

ously dose to mob rule supplanting majority rule.

And, any official who tolerates and supports thin

is untrue to his country and should be treated accord-

ingly by his fellow citizens.

In New York, the school principals union is ask-

ing that the salute to the flag in school rooms be elimi-

nated. Causes problems, say the principals.

If they feel that the salute to the flag is causing

problems, let them stop and look around. The lack of

respect of the flag is causing the problems, and we can-

not for one moment agree that the salute should be


We've lost the prayer in schools because of some

do-gooder who felt it was bad, and because of a mis-

directed Warren Supreme Court who agreed. Now, let's

not lose the respect of the flag as well.

Yes, we've got some rights too, and let's make that


| CROSSWORD By A. C. Gordon

I t - MlUtmi7 (Skat

PNSl-U.ltS3 ' *r~i*~SS-PoMur*M • hi|«l«r «*fcll

< U )


! andl

The Young Women1* Kelfcwihip•i (he Yv at Mfhodiit Church was

r'* UfifrtC'it VjAlirOn F u n Mid*." but the tun ol « WIT:he models fi>r the fashion


EDITOR, M>VEimSER:Etvnts •>!« ftHaping up ft) Wai] I

By U,II Hal

plaro to hide »nd breed If you1 Mr, William Kline wa, chair-

eliminate these attreetlons. ymir '

Board of Education to

eliminate theie attractloaf, your **"*m your horn* will b* greatly re- 3 0 C l e t - 'durad. ;

Practice sanitation Many In-serts feed (in spilled food, lint,and other male, mis that can easi-ly be removed by systematic

U* mid-Wintar Cardthe Altar and Rotary

St. Row r




(trets, ZIP cod* and patten num a pWw of yarn In b i t leap to holdben plainly. Send 13 ceaU for until «i#? fpnl&ftft t« done

. ON EACH paitem for ftntclM mail _ . . . ,mM .

, tor a r maa trim It In • m y #»My fert dtf-

r IVMS I h*v* M«*I a wrv itrtnt wi* H a V * ^DU ^ ^ IM*'

An «aiy hut vwytrim a mater la


Kvep stored food products in! ASBUHV PARK - IE st-tcl%<d « ^ tax rate of t3.25 at con^aredtightly closed containers that are up thegy•lean insideas well as outside.

Don't permit insect, tok t h i

socialiHLr S 7 , S T , y most| benefit checks d e 11 v e r e d Ibis " ^month to 26 rmUion men. women, »°™hike into your home in cardboard and children all over the country


Seal places where insects mayeater around window and door-frames, as well as openings orspaces around water pipes, radi-ators, and drain pipes.

wcidbe7 ixanda aaaTtimtsa, high as the Empire State Build- year, the

shows an increase of $700,000 ascompared to previous years, when

Representing less than two inch- the increase has been $300,000 toi In that hypothetical pile were |250.000. It looks as though the re-

the checks of 410 elderly Ameri- valuation of Wall Township has

come the dominant partner for pieces together It looks IUK they Dear Pearl1

many separates. A cumbmaiion sra crocheted together with a tig- ]of lace and seed stitch patterns zag stitch, but I can't figure out tin- used Mi'fi 4-ply knrtttng wor- how. Can you help me? — Mrs. Bffaiv using, pres* tabe tubingstod to make an easy-to-wear Hekn P. flat TVn blind stitch K in place,open-front jackrt with a romantic i>ar Helen There are many with matching thread in the detunuback collar. Flattery plus, w a y , to put two knitted pieces sired shapes like floweri, scroll*with very little finishing details, together with something like a and so forth. If you want a real-Sizes Small. Medium and Large , ^ H H stitch. This one is wry ly effect, you can remove the cot

1 " " ! " ' " ' ' prrtty and eas> to do It is cjitlvd Um f.ilin^ U;ft»« pnsalc^ * flatlacing stitch. It ti wed on For binding around (he txiges youaight pieces, for example, side can me this tubing also Often

, ,, ; . . J . , i , «,^.an^M ni .} *» seams, panels and so forth. Finish up the seam and remove the fUl-

. Unrt* bill Lt^ S L V J f c r T S 1 » ^ £ 3 tk. »*«. 4 - . Ui W - J « . . 'ing. W U, right M . t f ^ r , . -you that this is just not so. California, Coast Advertiser, Box Knit first stitch 'don't bind ft

an, ALL i,iulii<W in on,

to the rate last year of $4 80, In I To order, Hand Knit/5S2 LACE

licatitm of insecticides nwy cans — social security's "charter flashed a green light, that this Isneeded to supplement good beneficiaries," the men and worn- the year to get it. Thi- increase

housekeeping. j «i no* 95 or older, who were eli- on the basis of ratables before thegible for benefits in January 1M0, revaluation would mean an

" « • ««t|-»«*'J*en bind offre-rf

f h ' ' « JPlease print your name, ad- ' £ # t.he ' " • * ' « ! {»J In place. To match a AW orThese t»oknlt itltche, ^ bi ti f.fT £# . ! {J

knit it. These t»oknlt itltche,

Firemen tO Meet

Adjust Moose Plants For

. have dif-Form'nt light

this reasoTT, it might be wise toadjust your house" pjanis to their • j

when monthly payments started, crease of appriximately 80 point:,,Marking the 30th « - * — - in the tax rate, and with the £ l ! * f t .


ifiht .DonalJ M. MoHr. Senior Coun-

ty Agent, recommends that yougroup house plants — those thatrequire maximum light — a mod-erate amount of light - and thosethat survive a light.


l 61 Vic-tor Avenue, West Long Branch.

before revaluation,What I am driving at, is with

an increase in our support of thecounty, and higher expenses forthe remainder of the township, we

jwoa't even com© close to a rate'of $3.25 after revaluation, amthe rate thatcause an Increase in your tax

Most of the flowering plants re-, He earned his social security bill, compared to what you paidquire as much light as you can benefits working as a salesman last year.give them. Place these in a south for the Metropolitan Life Insur- Of the $700,000, $485,000 Is inwindow for the maximum light at ance Company, Morrell Meat creased salaries; $143,000 for deb'his time of yea.-. Plants that Packing House, and before he re- service, and the remainder ol

require only a moderate amount tired he was one of the first sales- only *72,000 is for educationalol light are foliage plants, most man selling mixes to wholesale purpotal, If this is of little or noferns, Grape Ivy, Croton, Cassinia baking concerns. Mr. Stephens concern to you, it will be reflectedand Wax Plants. Plants which do recalled the most memorable by the passage and final approv-well even in a poor light include event in his life was the unveiling al of this budget.Chinese Evergreen, English Ivy, of the Statute of Liberty back in Last year, the Board of Edu-Peperonia and most of the Phi- the year 19B6. cation reviewed their Insuranceoendron species. Such plants' costs, and as a result were ablemay be placed in a north window' "••• Stephens has four daugh- to „ ,)„„, the cost of the health in-if shielded from sharp drafts, but t ( ! r s . on« .B™*™"1 a i d " » surance for the teachers by somebear in mind that all ornamental 6™* pandchild, and is enjoying , 1 0 „„„ N m v ^ ^ ^ ^plants need some light If they are' 8°°<i l»«Mi , m d . ' " f ? to reach, this saving, the teachers haveo remain heaKiy. |1"» c«lenarian birthday. Social . ^ to ^ ^ u ^ amtTxt ta

Now is the time lo rearrange SeatHy paid benefits totaling • » „ * , to spend this saving by de-your house plants according to !™on in Its first year and by m a ^ n g dental insurance fortheir light requirements for the December 19*0.222.500 persons ti^mselvw as well as U*lr en-rest of the winter. were on the benefit rolls, Mr. dm- l i r t lamHiM.

. . • vano recaUed. In I960, he said the « the eight candidates runningUs Year . Plan Vow Garden " ™ g « "I ™>». women and chil- tor ^ ^ ^ 0 , Eduaijon thisThere Is not much to do in a dren recetaBj monthly benefits ^ „ ta c m m e ^ b l e that so

dead, cold brown garden this time Pa»»l » million mark and tneir „„„, , TO ^ I U ^ to give of theirof year, except dream about how £•»<»" amounted to about »2S ( i m e ^ m m t 0 „ , H o w .

h it ill l k i th i ™uon '

26-27 • )'.CI*-MII1C Qun-

m i - .ou (•!*>.)» - F i n . rwo llfttw

tt Spain31 • liiiulijtgtt • Hurried35 - UnLwd tehuR-

rUUirtt Ui*. )31 • BaroMt Ubb.)3S - Valuable M C M40 • Adroit43 - t k l e u * . iHidMT45 - U p t irfflcUl

rajM - SUirait

4 - Alnya n i l, 'W't "tut*

5 • Yt«. (• Sp.i>

nb t.»iji.uanfisn nn qn

you hope it will look in the springind summer.Donald M. Mf.hr, Senior Coun-

ty Agent, reoommewlfi that youlo something more constructive

than dream. This year, why notplan your garden? Map it outm a sheet of paper, showing

where existing shrubs, trees andperennial buds are located andthen decide bow the general tand-.»e»pe can be improved. This way,

• HckatfeMt.) ,you will have a p t o 1B mint} be-- JlSi M I fore the first bout of spring fever

hit* you and you tend to rushout and buy .anything that is grow-ins? before you know where youplan to plant ft or consider if youhave a not where U would besuitable.

Remember that your lawn can

' ever, one factor should Invite yourro- attention. This concerns the fact


Originally conceived as aDirement program, social swurity that three of the candidates arenow pays benefits to widows and school teachers, not in W*flchildren and to disabled workers Township, but they are teachers,and their dependaits. About one] it haixUy seems realistic thatout of every four persons now on persons in the teaching profass-the benefit rolls Is under 60 years ino should be privileged to have aof age, Mr. Caivano said, and the part in the spending of townshipprogram provides valuable pri- funds or negotiating teachers'tection to working people of nl 'ages and to their families.

He noted, for example, that 96' that next year a new school niuftout of 100 mothers and children be staffed, and unless our towncin look to social security for • father*! provide as additionalregular monthly Income If the $so,000,000 in ratables. the schoolhead of the family should die. budget will give you the shockPour out of five Americans be- of your life. It has been very nicetween S5 and 65, he said, can for teachers and principals to re-count on cash benefits if they be- ce.ve a salary Increase each year,come disabled About 98 percent In iddKion to their normal Incru-

Ealaries.In closing, may 1 remind you

• •• •" i«. . . • m*V t it lab JWWp alar*. •• *-i"M ~wi»«w »..'——...~.. TIIIPP, PEP VPP fn>l !.«.,** J|J UUU11 |UI 1 UJ U 1 .11 I,V I l lJOt l l l \ J T*.

be b'med at any time of the year, I of the prople who reached 65 in meat ncrease. but the times re>so if you didn't do rt Ivt fall. 1969 are ehgtble for monthly oash quire some defirw of sanity inyou can atWy the tune any time' bencfiu. And 20 million older future upending,and JIJIVP. r- i ''-s chore to per-j people, praotlcaily everyone 66 John C. Kcrr.form to the aprlat. and over, ha> the protection of, 1147 Redwood Drive.

• • « iMedlcare. j Wall Township

a^gs you can me a biai atrip of

take knitting needle and Insert ™ I a m C OT °"™"f-

e e t under bar between first stitch and | Dear Readers: Soon I will beH i second stitch and pull up to ravel publishing in the column ittrec-

2™ „ ? stitch out. Repeat this down toUions for some dsrling knrttaolS . S . e the cast-on edg». These long loops hand puppets and toy«. Do you

Snrf * ? * are the loops you will interlaced: have iojrTpatterns^ou-d UketaSun<lay afternoon, ' share with us?

f y 1. 1"» at the Lacing Stitch: With crochet, re m U 1 "*'Garfield Fire Co. No. 5 fire- hook, catch next 2 loops on right' Copyright 1970,house, Plaudorville Avenue. sH; and pull through. Continue

lacing back and forth to top. Loop,

T _ Anzeles Time.

SUBSCRIBE NOW!Fill in and tend subscription blank to . . .


701 - 7th Ave. - Belntar, N . J. 07719




Sinql. Copy - M«M 15 p~ eapy

Cohcj* Stvdwit (9 fnotrftn)

vJrOA^UasfflOA fTfOCT ImWSfVQ fft* .

•1. my dmL

Sand PM a bit.

Page 7: I:KiISI:K · 1970. 1. 29. · av tama** *rwt na>(M jmni at IB as u lawfe ... Spring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui-tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will; the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii

I HI St« ItluM

Friends Nonof Club SupportsHenry Sdiwier TeenOutreadi


Ml Smtm mm<h»WllMb «H h» M Mi al t i »| •**

u. j f c p M ham) l» fata* <m*i Urn *». Man * •to .-Hi—j arfiMa n M l | «WM 4 ?»• U<Mt U*t

• * * • i l* , tmt*.«Atl# fcW hat* f *

Mi I n iaM I

Two-Way Language Barrier Is BrokenThrough Rutgers Extension Courses


PARTY P U N SHKLMAR I * . i i a a H , U

' • Mild Roa. AK.i .Ji.1

lelmor-Americon Strwict Stotien FRANK A IITTY S

i l V


U.,.(- CnaM C M *t|l«IM - MfM Ml MM

t i i t i i - • 4 W


.•J flaw. S-J.SW M.,Jl-,ii , ,J1 • •

iV» * . . . . . . «

l i b

H. '



»i « . . • • „ • . . - . *..



WaMwa — la««ial al l* t « U.i..a., LOU'S IAR A PACKAGE STORE

W«i Mum N J > Mi l«t«COlOHM UQW •

S B *

UM I* t« l«*i into a

fur U»u, b*»r ow


•«'*»> M id i co

Is t h r ^ h Uw mad dialLjii/t'tni' learned «( the

ra MmnU^» h-*T» to dto

ftnaj jit.m-. d.r thi* •vcat

tuv i been *tiriiL'taj long

rf It* altar. 3 f t will fa*


4 tlw &x*«t farvto ;Mr* OMTM C M M * .

irt« Ihr BHI 'rtlMd M to




j of co-worker! in thefn. ritfit ediUixu .h-ii.innt.-i11 ix Me-• ii .i* Itiil a! llik!iit.,lu*ii, wtwr«tbe is wivt«>*d Worktofj *ith heriiit- two wbc^e l.in^u-4;*1 •« Sjwni-,h two with (krman, one- HuoI:.HI.4I 3iKl another Japanese

Her s*co pitig to rommuaicate freely andeffectively wttb AjnerK-ans, whose

i h i a far try from thew studied .t, a high

•,;-hoo| stuticnt in her native land

rhnrnstryk'i?i' lie rtcflvnings from tbe DrM

•' lor a <Wrw in IK . 11 Mill. I

the club room on Vet*wy ,iAn i ii v '--'i' Fifth f*i-

chairman fur Social Seni<«,it yi*st and sjmkt; briefly


alt atjpltranf* for ther*e». Mrs Marabne was In-<. for a personal

purpose, Mr.m. is to satiny the proaped-student that the program il

its he is looking (or. and tom ShrfclW (hat the proipect

I the M H H Q qualifieatkiiiFur this she haa turned to Rii- T f l e J U H ^ selected have the '

jiers University,, Lxtwisian B-Lajtfwiwl rf high school educa-t i o n , whu-h often a spfrtal pro- tkHl. a n d , f e w a r e o U e r f of jgram entitled English t«Air«« for ^ v a n c e d d e K f W S i i n c | u d i r ig M

International Students. Although P h ^ (ir^ia\e students comingoriginally dcsignwi to aswst lor- irtm abroaA m u s t h a v e ^ g ^ a

«tg| graduate students at the indirdized ex0mination m Eng-State University, the COUTJ* is ^ atfeninisterfd by Ihe Echtca-Bp« !o £iny foreigner with a ! i ( ) r ia l T e s t i r i g g g ^ ^ a n d g ^


"Tht-se students, when they '1 nrrive in this counti^'," Mr. t

Of the latter group, there are shekller explains, "often'find that •hundreds who have been drawn although reading and writing Eng-!'to the manifold p J N M l centeri ! i s h p r e s e n { n o j , , . p a t problem, i.ronctntrattxl in Central Jersey , h e y ^ h a v e dj jf l j j^ , n under-:

and to such firms as MrGrsw- ^Limft,g Enpllrfi as it is spoken''Hill, piAluhers of scientific t o * hero. This makes it hard for them IJbooks for a world-wide market- | tl, r t m errantis at a shopping t »

At Rutgers, Mrs. Manzionc l(-'r- °llt"n a b : i n k amai1 o r o r d e r •

spends two fvenings I week at- a nM!;i1 m a ""estaurant."tending two 7S^minule courses, Ml. sheidler first i»canie in- 'one in "Oral FSngUsh" and the tl.rested in teaching English as I

"Vocabulary Develop- a t o r e i g l l language in 1947. when ;other)( Develop- g ^ ghe volunteered to instruct groups

There, with fellow students from ^ refugees who M-re pouring into ;15 coutries speaking 20 different N e w Y o r k from war-ravagedlr.nguages, she drills in the spec- "-mnlnos overseas Shortly he be-U sound effects of American ^ n t e a c h i n S ? Columbia UmwEnglish and in the wealth dw r d s and p h r a ^ , including

slang, at our disposal. |

Nf* Jcnwy K T !hi-.mi)-_.,vi-Hient -,r purpiw sUW InmUuH 3. a m it iiNlv ap[n-i-

l,tl UM »um 'if CKl.fCJi). .*1 (I turnX Indonive of t ! | .ppropriatK-ngtaten mnde Ihcrefur and lurluiiiufii iin ut $1 fy» «» the down payment

ild Mtl.OW apiiriipr:a

rum ipcctal • iummiM Ific li'veral pniocrn in |iru[.r>rtii.:i to i

"ri!ilf*a!K antj Curb As-il". «r.- baf*bi ,i.il!ui]vcii " " B " « i ' °"In (tie iirinrinai unn i d I * ' < ' ' 0 C B ' l m P r

rsuant to the tea l Bond u | **"] lucal 5 ^ *Jwwy. r « On fmmtafl I'' • " " I 0 "? ' *

Ha»lon rif l^sra!m«rtt " f (.Vimm



? crat


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Sty Affairs -»,' • . ••tKt nuth itatfftiient

Nt# LiXAltON * ! — 104 t i#Hl -

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Boimar's Fint Dry Cluntr — Smca 1928400 F St. |C« ttk A.» | Ption. M l 2115



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127 H Street • Cor. Curtis Avenue Belmar, N. J.


MARK MARQUAND • PlumberMWtlt RCKJIIK CUANING — FAS? t M V C fH9w lat*ira«mi — Naw Kt'tkani — Al ftmpttn

'»•> 1 Ila.-irn Watai Huktn l«>talada l l lOt* A»awta Phwta Ml USI


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RADIO «nd TtLEVISiONQn«lity A Gu«f«nt#td Sm-vk*

1316 F Street M M I , N. J.


FEDER AGENCYCynthia M- Feder, Rector

REAL ESTATE (Re*id«f.t.«l - Commarcial)

Mortgage Loans — Property Management

709 F btrset Phone 681 4018

very |

o f f ( - ' r f o r m a l c o u r s e s i n

At the same time he tookShe teams, for example, that cmr^ J }w^s and teach-,

our five overworked towels must ^1 ™'thofts « J revived hsbe adapted to st least elevn dif- £• J- f ] ( ^ fro^ S * ? ^ 'forwt soiinds (»m« authoring Trachers Col eRe. Since then hogo e.en higher). FV^sance, try ^ a"??-. > v ?• ' P1"1^10" !pal, pall. pale, peel, pelt, pill. pile. -m(I tho l n!tfl(i ™ ™ | f !pole, poll (as w.lh>i.ruU pull, R '^ r s , where he joined (pool

The giikiin^ spirit of thosecourses, and of a third in "Eng-lish Composition and Grammar,"is affable Kendall Sheidler, whose25 years of experience, informalmanner and obvious interest inpeople put his students at easeand make their learning experi-ence more of a game than a dis-ctphne.

They soon leant to laugh atthemselves and at him, just ashe laughs at himself as ho stru-ggles to explain the vagaries andinconsistencies of the almost In-explicable language which is Am-erican English.

Students came to Mr. Sheidlerfrom a number of sources. For-eign graduate students at Rut-gers are usually referred by theUniversity's Counselor to For-

tensinn staff in September. 1WV». J^ [.',

"I use only English in m y class- nt&em

room," Mr. Sheidler says. "To *^*BU

use the students' own languages Bootoiwould he bad teaching, even if • »I eoutd speak all the languages i, ...',""represented in my class.

"What you need is an analytical p1,1^"linguistic background, an under- pared

mding if the language families, " !that you can recognize the (b) The •

types of mistakes your studentsmoke. Besides thK the teachershould have n background in theIrberal arts, patience, and theability to move at the pace of then-fur being the• V I II >• 31.SO0 l i i ' w n p.i>-rTI.

Itie learner."English is tieceptlvely easy at

the elementary level." he con-cludes with a smile, "but at thecollege level it's something elseagain."

forallh ton mid m accordance with the

and s|>t.\fir.it, ,iv, thm-fur pi . - I

:r, on filu in Ihi- olflea nt ihcand hurt'by aJJproved.


SB OKIUNANtK!* published (icrewlU

BOBIi i»f the Bar \ at 1

Mid purpose li $28,500.(0) The esUmntw! cost.*..• \t $.'10,000, thf expw

if saidthereof

; inu xt mumto In* Issued(if lhu Uld

Evelyn's Sea FoodThe Fiu as* in

SEA F O O D S4 Unique


Hos Been Added

For Your P/eos'irp


mar. In the Ct .JentS, held on January 27. 1970. Itwill be further onnsldtred fur final pjis-SflgB after public hearing therwm, ala meeting or said Board of Commis-sioners to be luld In the MuninptilBuilding in said Burough on Fchruary10, I!I7(I at 9:00 O'tiwdt P.M.. and dur-ing the week prior to and up to and

rmlncd, dfoliiri-d, netted am! I in.Uidii.B tht- datu of sue!, m.-ctlng,i copies <>f said OFdllUnC* will tw inudf

hi- said jmrpiis* desiTlln-d In available at the Clerk's Office In Hid4 this bund ordinance Is nol " "xrn-nai! antl is a property orit whl^h lue Bori>ut.rh inav MW nmm:.ake as H sidewalk and curt. DONALD F. MATTHEWSit and roiislliuti-s a local ' lluruush Clerk

I ts 1 - 41 I*'.!HI<."



Luncheon • Oinn & Lara SupperIpen Sun. 12 Noon

'" 12 K idniqMO » n Dairy 4 P.M.

S I Svlvonio Ave.and Hiqb*oy 35

i».< tmttut NtPTUNE CITY•"«» '•'"•" PRospecl •i-ilf.4

Don't Rush - Open T l 10MATT'S ,0 6lit

Curtis & M •' West Belmar

> V * J W L . OIL .



Rollaway Beds — Ladder, •— Commercial Roor PolishcnContractor Tools — Pumps — Chairs — Tables

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Complete Heating Systems

"Ask Your Neighbor" Dial T75-242O



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Highway 35 (near Shop-Rit.) Wai , N. J.



605 HIGHWAY 35 Phones. 774-1633 - 774-1635Two Blocks from Neptune City Shopping Center

Phone 449-2237 Dew Downay



OFKN 10 A.M. Tt] 8 1

Showroom: 204 Highway 71


Spring Lake Height]



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I'hono 7/4-3050


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Dill 681-2305



Servico Until 1 P M . J20 F Shu .1Teleph me 681-jjOO Bslmor, N. J.



Used and Recapped Tires

Hiyhway 35 & Htcfc Av9. l.i /oo Nepruna

Page 8: I:KiISI:K · 1970. 1. 29. · av tama** *rwt na>(M jmni at IB as u lawfe ... Spring Lake di»uirt lo«f tui-tkm lor ouplU Sea Girt will; the rajular me»ting held « the it moil maliitaiii


Coast LadlesPantaleo's 602Move Into Lead

mm <«•>• » eauM p w. . i w . « a n .

Hi hiltM IM

fm, mii^m im~*. W b.U. i a

1W A .u taitk 1W H«K hi. an waul » ' i»H t

Wood panelingto wallflowers

Squan WrestlersPinpoint Bore Send a LqveBundle

for Valentine's Week1 M n — f l j 1MB*!1 H » M ! » *

MANUMjt'Vi >f. • • » ,fcfai nut ItHMM *•

• * » • CMlli«l kkM to UK I b u l o

far h i lMHi . «nitr BrmivPtaorr h»l 171 iral Kithy Willlapa a IM (« the Mar


Coai \d\trtisprHot. Motel

»«tnMn4 Ununra

r «»«• MM, VMl Wl hew i*

•Ik a I nI "i I , i , , l .h . - » ,4 I I .,i.lBill RjrrW, 113 Ihl, WM

with aJim K.***. 133 KM ,

IW MM. tnth |Mt Ihrlrb lM d

. m tti 1'lft**, and Nk'tfiiw. Ul Ib cbw, r trtwmat h

T«l Herbert, vmMtlim? Jit IW


I)IP(I<IIH BarO«l»r«l Hmfing rCamwr'i (tarag*Cw Bam

ta [>uimT

FourOur Untune**!

wptt-ak*ti (Kit a titw*1 vk'toryM i \t,ii!,t..»tti,jii SI40 un Tut* 'day A IJW rally m Ehe List <{uar-

turnovers bytw-lj.wd Bikk to their


PETE LaVANCE MJ Fa/wnza Nursery .23Ks Molt r m Shop 'H404 Hifkny II

N.P(un. DM 774-244]

llnrdware10th A . . . & F St.

••Imor, N. J.Tk. Slwi'i MMt T.M Abwt L.M.

BRADLEY LANES, INCI2t7 M.in St.. 7744M0

»{ Brick w«re is double figure*•with 23 and 12 potnls respectively.St|u m •» Jim Brentun hi* for ISand \ii!i.- Anderses scored i«

i u-nM'IIT !ii irnU y roaches the

SAW PILOT - Nav; UraM-M Jwter * J ^ B»» •( Mr u a H>* »If. and baibua .1 Mn. I .Buna, ail a( 114 Bucaa Huuk>««. Sea (.in. N. J . rrcntly

te llw- tsllca Stale*


Kedersha's AddsTo League Lead

Mx/ll start your caiisengine 1,400 timesthis year. And ourVVhiteSaleGalaxiewill save youmoney every time!






DealerWhiteSaleYxrFadDealasserve \oungtt


» n t »ilh a i 2 dKuion, and MikFWther, 157 \H, *m hits i i t rwilii a 74 point decUion

J.4»i Vwnnf iT . i n t i t . n itlil opponent with

at #9 and Martv Flether173 lb>, won M< match withpin

WrorUing in the urtlimltWPiljht class, Daio Fix)* tost himatch by a pin.

The varsi+y w r e s t l e r scoached \iy Walter CampbellBRADLEY BKACH

Shoes JD(ne<l into a four-gamelead in the Shore Businessmen'sBowling League at the BradleyLanes after taking itirw gamesin Hi match wi'h Mwo MotorCoaches Monday g

*«•< by Bob h-vki who hittt36, and !.(-••'.' )}•••-,'. who turnedIn a 511 y-i.i1,- the Shomien tookthe TnnA. Bill Bedter hit 531for Meco.

Coast (MM Cruisers slipped an-other game back, when they tookonly two from Ardnwre Hotel.George Hulse hit 518 and FrankHarrington had 512 for the Cruis-ers but Charles Veron posted a203-541 and Djnny Smith hit 53l'*>ig Brick Township senior, wasto get th;it game for Arthnore. (the difference when Manasquan

Lou's Ikirbec .Shop, in fourth, High School met th Dragons attook a pair from third-place; Brick on Tuesday right.Mm III IIWI11 SJiop. Lou Molmari,' Brick handed Manasquan itsST.. had a 560 for the night, and fifth defeat of thc season, 7749,

See Other


Page 4

Brick DownsManasquan

MA\ASQl/AN - Mike Arace,

John Casagrande posted a 212-547. Leon Kir-chenh'iun had aM 362 for the Sportsmen.

Klein's Fish Market took a pairfrom the Grovers, Bill Kenelyhit a 578 series and Ollie Klein,Jh., had a 200-536 for the Fisher-men, while Darvhi Adams, 5SJ,and Roy Rees, 530, were top menfor the Grovers.

A & N Truckers blanked AdamsEJertric. George Laird hit a 549,Tor tf)C Truckers and Jack Klein

mm for the Electricteam.

The Standings:W L

Kedersha Shoes 38 22Coast Cities Cruisers 34 26Sportsman's Shop 32 28Lmi'l Barber Shop 31 29Ardmore Hotel 31 29Klein's Fish Market 31 29Meco Motor Coaches 27 33

_2fl 34-25 35Adams Electric

A&N Truckers





KNICKS —4,.A"EHS - _ _ 4





il I d 1VETS I


R O Y A I £ - 6f I SO JTCS 3n m M 2


Arace hit his 1.000th point ofhis career.

Arace hit the 1.000 Just beforeUie end of the third period onr)then kidded four more in thefiml quarter.

For Brick, it was (he 11th winof (he season and the 10th in thelast II games. Manasquan is now11-5.

Chip Hirst hit for 20 for theBig Blue and was aided bvDoug Kutz, who had 12 and FrankRestaino, with 14. But it was allArace and the Brick team madeit stick.

It was 31-29 for Brick at thehalf and the Dragons moved outin the List half to take the game.

Earlier, Manasquan topped Mat-awan Regional in a Shore Con-ference name, 69-57. Hirst wasagain the high man, with 19,while Kutz hh for 17, Restaino,13. and Forrest, 14,

Manasquan got off to an earlyload, holding a 1S3 lead at thequarter and 38-22 at the half.

Bishops TopPurple Roses

ASBCRY PARK - St. RoseHigh School of Belmar, gaveAstoury Park High School's BlueBishops some uneasy momentsin the game at Convention Hallthis week, with Asbury Parkeking out a slim 44-42 win.

Asbury Park has a record of8-7, while St. Rose is M.

Paul Norr and Jim Copleilosparked the Roses with 11 and 10points respectively.

St. Roses held a 27-25 edge atthe half, and in the second halfswitched from a 2-1-2 zone defenseto a zone press to meet the As-bury Park man-for-man.

Asbury Park gained the edgein the third session, 6-11, to mak»it 36-33 JKS the teams went intothe final period. St. Rose out-scored the Bishops 9-8 in the finalframe, but it fell just short.

Four free throws for AaburyPark in the final minute sowedup the game, despite Bill Car-nvxiy's last second Jumper.

St. Rose won the JV game,71-56.



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