Copyright © IJIFR 2014. Author’s Subject Area: Water Engineering Available Online at: - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx www.ijifr.com [email protected] ISSN (Online): 2347-1697 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATIVE & FUTURISTIC RESEARCH An Enlightening Online, Open Access, Refereed & Indexed International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 163 Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India Abstract Water is a basic need for life, without water life would not exist. Today in Indian scenario about one in every nine people lack access to good quality water. Although water is renewable it is finite and precious. Now-a-days due to increase in water demand resulted in depleting ground water resources that in turn increased in the capital cost for water supply thus, alternative methods for conservation are to be developed one such is 24x7 which helps to prevent deliberate wasting of water in comparison to intermittent water supply system. In this paper along with the design of the 24x7water supply system for existing intermittent water supply system water quality analysis is being done. Designing of Water supply system is made using LOOP and EPANET and compared for their efficiency. Keywords: Water, Quality, Design, LOOP, EPANET, 24x7, Intermittent 1. Introduction Water supply system is an infrastructure for the collection, transmission, treatment, storage and distribution of water for homes, commercial establishments, industry, and irrigation, as well as for public needs as firefighting and street flushing. Of all municipal services, providing of safe drinking water is perhaps the most vital. In all cases, the its role is to fulfill both quality and quantity requirements. It has remained the most severe issue for the Urban Local Bodies (ULB), whether they are located in water abundant or water starved region. 1.1 Intermittent System of Supply In this case, water is supplied at regular intervals for certain period of the day (either in the morning or in the evening). Water supply systems do not operate as designed hence, reservoir capacities are often underutilized, and valves suffer wear and tear [1]. Since, water is supplied by zoning the Rajeshwari R 1 , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar 2 1 Research Scholar, 2 Professor Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering PAPER ID: IJIFR / V1 / E11 / 038

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Copyright © IJIFR 2014. Author’s Subject Area: Water Engineering Available Online at: - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx

www.ijifr.com [email protected] ISSN (Online): 2347-1697

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATIVE & FUTURISTIC RESEARCH An Enlightening Online, Open Access, Refereed & Indexed International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014



Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System

and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore,

Karnataka, India


Water is a basic need for life, without water life would not exist. Today in Indian scenario

about one in every nine people lack access to good quality water. Although water is

renewable it is finite and precious. Now-a-days due to increase in water demand resulted in

depleting ground water resources that in turn increased in the capital cost for water supply

thus, alternative methods for conservation are to be developed one such is 24x7 which helps

to prevent deliberate wasting of water in comparison to intermittent water supply system. In

this paper along with the design of the 24x7water supply system for existing intermittent

water supply system water quality analysis is being done. Designing of Water supply system

is made using LOOP and EPANET and compared for their efficiency.

Keywords: Water, Quality, Design, LOOP, EPANET, 24x7, Intermittent

1. Introduction

Water supply system is an infrastructure for the collection, transmission, treatment, storage and

distribution of water for homes, commercial establishments, industry, and irrigation, as well as for

public needs as firefighting and street flushing. Of all municipal services, providing of safe

drinking water is perhaps the most vital. In all cases, the its role is to fulfill both quality and quantity

requirements. It has remained the most severe issue for the Urban Local Bodies (ULB), whether they

are located in water abundant or water starved region.

1.1 Intermittent System of Supply

In this case, water is supplied at regular intervals for certain period of the day (either in the morning

or in the evening). Water supply systems do not operate as designed hence, reservoir capacities are

often underutilized, and valves suffer wear and tear [1]. Since, water is supplied by zoning the

Rajeshwari R1, Dr. B. Manoj Kumar2

1Research Scholar, 2Professor Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering






R /


/ E


/ 0


Rajeshwari R , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar : Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India

www.ijifr.com Email: [email protected] © IJIFR 2014 This paper is available online at - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx


ISSN (Online): 2347-1697


Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 Author’s Research Area: Water Engineering, Page No. 163-173





distribution system, more man power is required [2]. During non-supply hours, pipes are empty and

dirt water enters pipelines at vulnerable spots and water is contaminated [1]. Large doses of chlorine

or other disinfectants are required to make water safe from microbial pollution [3]. Due to limited

hours, peak factor is often in the range of 4 to 6 in most of the systems [4]. Therefore, large sizes of

pipe mains are required for strengthening the network to meet the hydraulic requirements [4].

Inconvenient supply hours affect poor people. Large size of storage is required and consumers have to

pay for pumping. Also, it results in poor sanitation practices leading to increase in health risks and

mortality. Due to intermittent water supply, often meters go out of order resulting in loss of revenue.

Besides, due to uncertainty consumers store a large quantity of water and waste it before collecting

fresh water again. This adds to a huge undue wastage of precious treated water.

1.2 Continuous System of Supply

In this case, water is delivered continuously to every customer of the service 24 hours a day, every

day of the year, through a transmission and distribution system that is continuously full and under

positive pressure throughout all of its pipelines and networks. In this system, pressurized water supply

overcomes shortcomings of intermittent supply and ensures customer convenience and benefits the

poor. Continuous high quality water supply system reduces contamination level as the pipes are under

positive pressure and entry of contaminants into the pipes is restricted [4]. Life of distribution

networks increases as steady pressure in the pipes causes less damage to the pipes. A better demand

management is possible due to elaborate metering and effective leakage control. It also results in less

storage of water or none at all, which in turn reduces wastage of water. Continuous supply of pure

water boosts the economy and attracts more industries and businesses [4].

1.3 Objectives of the Paper

The main objective of this study is to verify the existing water distribution network (intermittent) and

designing of 24x7 water distribution system using computer software’s for the selected DMA of

Mysore city. The specific objectives are:

1. Water quality analysis for the intermittent water distribution system.

2. Identification of failure of existing intermittent water supply distribution system in terms of

design and system age.

3. To simulate the intermittent water distribution system using computer model.

4. Remodeling for 24x7 water distribution system for the design period.

5. To study the changes to be made in existing intermittent to24x7 water supply system.

2 Materials and Methods

Before taking up this work existing water supply distribution system was studied and the problems

observed are listed below:

1. Complaints were being registered regarding the quality of water supplied.

2. Negative pressures in some points were also registered by the consumers.

3. Pipelines at several consumer locations were deteriorated.

4. There were illegal connections being taken up that resulted in loss of revenue.

2.1 Existing Water Supply System

At present the study DMA in the study receives water mainly from the river Kaveri as source, from

the German press MBR of capacity 16.67 ML with a ground level of 782.27 m using 450 diameter

MS pipe it is fed to the Pump house then using 350 diameter MS pipe fills the Master Distribution

Rajeshwari R , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar : Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India

www.ijifr.com Email: [email protected] © IJIFR 2014 This paper is available online at - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx


ISSN (Online): 2347-1697


Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 Author’s Research Area: Water Engineering, Page No. 163-173





Tank (MDT) at German press itself of 10 Lakh liters capacity with stage height of 18.0m and ground

level of 782.27m with full supply level of 807.27m then using 508 diameter MS pipe, 406 diameter

MS pipe and 300 diameter DI pipe fed to Service level reservoir at DMA 6300 of 15 Lakh liters

capacity with stage height if 15 m and ground level of 776.55m and full supply level of 798.55m from

which using 350 diameter CI and 314 diameter HDPE sent to distribution system. Fig 2.1 shows the

Key diagram of DMA 6300. At present all the pipes in the DMA 6300 is of CI pipes laid very long

back. The details of the existing pipes are given in table 2.1

Table 2.1 Details of Existing pipe network

Pipe Diameter


Pipe Material Length (m) Total


Cast Iron



87, 938.86 m

80 17,208.36

90 923.84

110 2,106.59

140 142.88

150 746.08

160 405.55

200 849.16

250 803.30

2.2 Peak Factor determination

In order determine the peak factor, on site monitoring of the time required for emptying unit volume

of service level reservoir was done and corresponding flow was calculated for a week and each day

peak flow was divided by average flow to finally calculate the Peak factor.

2.3 Water quality analysis

At Sri Jayachamarajendra college of engineering, Environmental Engineering department laboratory

water quality analysis was been done for the water samples collected from dead end, Higher elevation

and Lower elevation node points in three phases, water quality analysis was being done for Physical,

Chemical and bacteriological parameters as per CPHEEO [7] test for drinking water quality


Figure 2.1: Key plan for DMA 6300

Rajeshwari R , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar : Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India

www.ijifr.com Email: [email protected] © IJIFR 2014 This paper is available online at - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx


ISSN (Online): 2347-1697


Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 Author’s Research Area: Water Engineering, Page No. 163-173





2.4 Software for water supply distribution system

2.4.1 Preloop

To find out the nodal demand at each node, Sri Jayachamarajendra college of Engineering, Mysore

has developed software called PRELOOP for Integrated Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Scheme

under World Bank assisted project. The data required for PRELOOP software include:

Pipe Data – Pipe number, connecting node numbers, Pipe length, Hazen-Williams coefficient,

number of persons per house, existing number of houses and house connections in each link (pipeline)

and proposed number of house and house connections.

Node Data – Node numbers and corresponding elevation (Reduced level).

HGL Data – Source node number and node head.

This software is used for calculating the nodal demand and all the input data along with nodal demand

will be transferred to LOOP software.

2.4.2 LOOP

LOOP version 3.0 menu driven computer program written in BASIC is used for the design of water

supply distribution system for both existing and proposed. LOOP program will accept any looped,

partially looped/branched or completely branched network. LOOP uses the Hardy-Cross algorithm to

determine the flow corrections to the assumed flows in pipelines [8]. The flow correction is based on

the concepts of maintaining the flow continuity at node and maintaining a sum of zero head losses

around any loop[8]. Once the flows are determined that meet the above conditions, HGL elevations at

each node can be easily calculated. The LOOP program can accommodate network containing a

maximum of 500 pipes and 400 nodes. It includes cost analysis also and Hazen-Williams equation is

used in the program to calculate the head loss and velocity.

2.4.3 EPANET

EPANET is a computer program that performs extended period simulation of hydraulic and water

quality behavior within pressurized pipe networks. A network consists of pipes, nodes (pipe

junctions), pumps, valves and storage tanks or reservoirs [6]. EPANET tracks the flow of water in

each pipe, the pressure at each node, the height of water in each tank, and the concentration of a

chemical species throughout the network during a simulation period comprised of multiple time steps.

In addition to chemical species, water age and source tracing can also be simulated. The data required

for the EPANET software include:

Node Data – Node number, Elevation, Nodal Demand

Pipe data – Pipe number, Length, diameter, C-factor (Roughness)

Tank data – Bottom elevation, Diameter, Initial and Minimum water levels, Initial water quality.

Running under Windows, EPANET provides an integrated environment for editing network input

data, running hydraulic and water quality simulations, and viewing the results in a variety of formats.

These include color-coded network maps, data tables, time series graphs, and contour plots.

3 Results and Discussions

3.1 General Design Criteria Design Period - As per the CPHEEO [7] Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, the design period

adopted is 30 years for water distribution system.

Per capita water supply - The per capita water supply rate is considered as 135 lpcd.

Rajeshwari R , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar : Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India

www.ijifr.com Email: [email protected] © IJIFR 2014 This paper is available online at - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx


ISSN (Online): 2347-1697


Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 Author’s Research Area: Water Engineering, Page No. 163-173





Peak factor - As per CPHEEO [7] a peak factor is to be 2 to 3,which varies according with the

population. In the present study peak factor was calculated by monitoring the time required for the

completely filled Service level reservoir to get completely empty which was carried out for one week

and calculated as 1.25 with 4 hours of supply.

Residual pressure and minimum pipe size - The minimum and maximum residual pressures are kept at

7m and 20m respectively. The minimum pipe size adoptedis 90 mm, 6KSC, PVC pipes.

Elevation of the Reservoir - The staging height off the existing reservoir is 15m.

3.2 Population Forecast

The projection of future population has been made taking into account the pattern of growth in the

previous decades. The previous population for 5 decades (from 1971 to 2011) is presented in table

3.1, which shows that an average of 27% growth per decade is seen.

Table 3.1 Population data

SI No. Year Population


Growth Rate per Decade %

1 1971 355685 40

2 1981 476446 33.95

3 1991 605789 27.15

4 2001 799228 31.93

5 2011 938386 14.83

Average Percentage growth 26.97 = 27

Source: Statistical Department Mysore [9].

The projected population for the project design year 2044 is calculated using different methods such

as arithematic progression, geometeric progression, incremental increase and the details are presented

in table 3.2

Table 3.2 Projected Population for Design Period

SI No. Method

Projected population for

year 2044

1 Arithematic Progression Method 14,19, 113

2 Geometeric Increase Method 17,22,131

3 Incremental Increase Method 14,62,619

By considering geometeric increase method the projected population for the design period year 2044

is 17,22,131 which is 1.8 times more over the present population (2011).

Rajeshwari R , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar : Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India

www.ijifr.com Email: [email protected] © IJIFR 2014 This paper is available online at - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx


ISSN (Online): 2347-1697


Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 Author’s Research Area: Water Engineering, Page No. 163-173





3.3 Water quality analysis Results

Water quality analysis was being done in three phases (P1, P2, and P3) for Dead end, Low elevation

and High elevation nodes, the results are being tabulated in table 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 below.

Table 3.3 Water quality analysis for Dead End Nodes

Nodes Drinking




29 113 108 124 101

P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3

pH 7 – 8.5 7.24 7.72 7.60 7.34 7.52 7.22 7.31 7.68 7.15 7.28 7.78 7.20 7.26 7.50 7.18

Turbidity 1.5 – 10

NTU 2 6 6 4 7 6 4 6 5.5 3 5 6 2 5 5




mg/L 0.13 BDL 0.18 0.42 BDL 0.2 0.39 BDL 0.16 0.21 BDL 0.29 0.10 BDL 0.35



mg/L as


160 252 248 200 288 264 210 265 248 180 276 231 140 270 240

Sulphate 200-400

mg/L 14.5 0.43 0.34 4.23 0.34 0.22 12.23 0.39 0.30 9.69 0.41 0.39 10.87 0.45 0.48

Nitrate <45

mg/L 0.65 0.68 0.68 0.58 0.31 0.23 0.45 0.52 0.30 0.55 0.46 0.36 0.69 0.38 0.52

Iron 0.3-1

mg/L 0.019 0.012 0.018 0.024 0.025 0.020 0.038 0.018 0.028 0.035 0.027 0.032 0.021 0.014 0.042

Fluoride 1-1.5

mg/L 0.2 0.13 0.16 0.1 0.23 0.11 0.2 0.32 0.16 0.4 0.19 0.13 0.2 0.28 0.19





400 280 310 200 360 310 250 320 260 300 410 400 230 500 380





31.4 35.98 35.63 34.28 31.99 39.81 40.80 38.6 34.40 37.22 32.3 33.66 31.09 30.28 42.91

MPN 0 /100

mL 240 210 21 120 240 15 150 460 28 210 1100 11 460 >1100 9

Table 3.4 Water quality analysis for Low Elevation Nodes

Nodes Drinking




250 214 242 166 44

P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3

pH 7 – 8.5 7.44 7.7 7.62 7.00 7.64 7.71 7.23 7.71 7.89 7.18 7.68 7.71 7.23 7.66 7.26

Turbidity 1.5 – 10

NTU 6 4 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 6 4 4 7 5




mg/L 0.56 BDL 0.2 0.99 BDL 0.16 1.2 BDL 0.16 1.0 BDL 0.1 1.1 BDL 0.18



mg/L as


210 428 411 450 460 410 460 410 380 320 320 310 260 380 380

Sulphate 200-400 4.47 7.33 30.65 30.91 7.37 17.82 45.52 7.92 11.08 6.42 6.99 7.11 2.02 7.28 15.22

Rajeshwari R , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar : Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India

www.ijifr.com Email: [email protected] © IJIFR 2014 This paper is available online at - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx


ISSN (Online): 2347-1697


Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 Author’s Research Area: Water Engineering, Page No. 163-173






Nitrate <45

mg/L 0.93 0.53 0.23 0.25 2.49 0.49 0.17 2.26 0.26 2.74 2.01 0.2 1.2 1.98 1.11

Iron 0.3-1

mg/L 0.32 0.193 0.18 0.25 0.66 0.099 0.26 0.082 0.11 0.31 0.10 0.079 0.27 0.099 0.098

Fluoride 1-1.5

mg/L 1.0 1.89 1.23 0.68 2.0 1.82 1.01 2.12 1.25 1.3 2.1 1.32 0.99 2.52 1.31





500 510 430 350 440 510 300 580 440 320 420 380 290 410 370





34.98 39.98 40.05 29.99 69.97 44.98 31.9 42.62 46.77 27.9 52.63 46.02 30.08 40.12 45.98

MPN 0 /100

mL 120 460 210 43 110 150 93 240 210 64 460 240 75 >1100 210

Table 3.5 Water quality analysis for High Elevation Nodes

Nodes Drinking




79 34 230 246 158

P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3 P1 P2 P3

pH 7 – 8.5 8.14 7.81 7.62 8.13 7.79 7.59 8.14 7.86 7.76 8.13 7.75 7.32 8.08 7.72 7.41

Turbidity 1.5 – 10

NTU 6 6 6 6.7 6 6 6.5 5 5 6.3 6 6 6.5 6 5




mg/L 0.56 BDL 0.36 0.85 BDL 0.65 0.13 BDL 0.4 0.79 BDL 0.39 0.28 BDL 0.28



mg/L as


460 140 200 430 175 210 440 166 200 450 152 280 410 147 278

Sulphate 200-400

mg/L 30.68 0.35 0.59 33.57 0.46 0.78 33.57 0.42 0.65 38.26 0.39 0.93 33.57 0.32 0.71

Nitrate <45

mg/L 0.88 0.44 0.32 1.21 0.32 0.27 1.38 0.29 0.35 1.51 0.56 0.41 1.42 0.47 0.42

Iron 0.3-1

mg/L 0.067 0.032 0.041 0.073 0.027 0.044 0.079 0.035 0.058 0.049 0.041 0.038 0.055 0.038 0.040

Fluoride 1-1.5

mg/L 0.6 BDL BDL 0.8 0.21 0.21 0.54 0.23 0.23 0.69 BDL 0.21 0.97 0.36 BDL





410 380 390 400 320 375 380 260 300 360 310 310 400 340 380





31.9 31.99 40.15 34.12 42.02 38.72 30.08 32.63 41.25 32.11 43.25 36.62 31.99 38.72 36.77

MPN 0 /100

mL 210 210 20 240 240 21 1100 460 28 210 150 28 240 210 28

The results clearly show that Residual chlorine and MPN are interdependent variables, Also it shows

that amount of chlorine added for the purpose of disinfection in Phase 2 (during summer) is not at

detected and the required level of disinfection is not at all reached thus, resulting in consumer Dis-

satisfaction. Other Parameters vary significantly within the desired limits is because of water age [5],

pipe material [10] etc.

Rajeshwari R , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar : Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India

www.ijifr.com Email: [email protected] © IJIFR 2014 This paper is available online at - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx


ISSN (Online): 2347-1697


Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 Author’s Research Area: Water Engineering, Page No. 163-173





3.4 Water Demand calculations

After collecting the Key plan of DMA 6300 from Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Board, reduced

level for each node was calculated using Interpolation Method [11], survey was done to determine the

number of connections per each pipe line and number of houses, commercial buildings, institutions,

recreational centers and health care facilities prevailing was determined and the results are tabulated

below in Table 3.6. Further, Based upon the survey conducted Water Demand for DM 6300 at full

occupied period by 2044 was calculated and is as tabulated in the below Table 3.7.

Table 3.6 Survey results

Sl No. Details Numbers

1 Number of houses 2507 Houses

Ground floor 1050 Houses

Ground + First Floor 1074 Houses

Duplex Houses 230 Houses

No. of Empty sites 291 Sites

No. of Constructions 50 ongoing constructions

No. of Apartments 6 with 243 units

2 Number of Commercial Buildings 126 Units

3 Number of Institutions 16

4 Number of Recreational centers 30

Table 3.7 Water demand calculations


No. Demand Numbers No. of Persons

Per capita supply


Total demand


1 Ground floor houses 1,050 5persons/house 135 7,08,750

2 Ground+ floor

houses 1,074 5persons/house 135 7,24,950

3 Duplex houses 230 6persons/house 135 1,86,300

4 Institutions 16 5,275 students 45 2,37,375

5 Restaurants 7 175 customers 70 12,250

6 Hospitals 5 700 patients 340 2,38,000

7 Constructions 50 6persons/house 135 40,500

8 Apartments 6 with 243 units 5persons/house 135 1,64,025

9 Vacant Sites 252

5persons/house 135 1,70,100

Total 24,82,250

The present population is supplied with a water supply rate of 110 lpcd, for the projected continuous

supply considered is 135 lpcd and as per CPHEEO [7] the supply rate for institutions in case of

continuous supply is 45 lpcd, Restaurants is 70 lpcd, hospitals is 340 lpcd, Constructions, Apartments

and vacant sites it is 135 lpcd. At present newly constructed 15 Lakh liters capacity service level

reservoir is in operation, hence for 24x7 water supply scheme the tank could be filled twice as per the

above calculated demand requirements.

3.5 Verification of existing water supply network for the present demand

The DMA 6300 is divided into part 1 and part 2 for the purpose of the water distribution due to

variation of reduced level. The Lower elevation i.e., part 1 is provided with water supply all at once

Rajeshwari R , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar : Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India

www.ijifr.com Email: [email protected] © IJIFR 2014 This paper is available online at - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx


ISSN (Online): 2347-1697


Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 Author’s Research Area: Water Engineering, Page No. 163-173





without any control valves whereas, higher elevation i.e., part 2 is provided with control valves to see

that pressure is maintained at every consumer end. With a present water supply rate of 110 lpcd and

‘C’ value of 100, using LOOP and EPANET programme for existing water distribution system was

verified table 3.8 shows the pipes and nodes with high head loss and negative pressure for both

software due to smaller diameter pipes and high demand.

Table 3.8 Verification results of existing network


Pipe with high head loss Nodes with negative pressure Pipe with high head loss Nodes with negative pressure

246, 29, 405, 404, 133,


79, 59, 38, 34, 43, 210, 86, 150,

5, 248, 14, 136

300, 292, 235, 279, 16,

363, 308, 315, 192, 224,

299, 159, 369, 255, 364,

370, 130, 117, 129, 187,

206, 205, 191, 200, 181,

145, 144, 202, 215, 203,

155, 156, 140, 167, 198,

150, 124, 387, 5, 62, 87,

351, 356, 63

230, 166, 79, 242, 180, 184,

158, 43, 34, 165, 38, 59, 233,

90, 169, 52.

3.6 Remodeling of existing water supply distribution system

After verifying the carrying capacity of the existing water supply network for the existing demand and

ultimate demand i.e., for design period 2044 it was observed that the diameter of some of the existing

pipes were inadequate to carry the flow for ultimate demand. Hence this necessitated going for

remodeling of existing water supply distribution network. Remodeling was done based on the concept

of providing parallel pipes table 3.9 and 3.10 below shows the details of remodeling using LOOP and


Table 3.9 Remodeling details for LOOP

*E/P Pipe


Details (for LOOP) *E/P Pipe material *E/P Diameter in mm *E/P Length in m Existing Head loss in m/km

246/700 CI/PVC 80/110 15/18 23.02

29/701 CI/PVC 80/90 46.96/49 10.70

405/702 CI/PVC 80/90 46.72/50 12.94

404/703 CI/PVC 80/90 59.29/62 11.86

133/704 CI/PVC 80/90 45.47/48 10.22

11/705 CI/PVC 63/80 35.73/38 12.08

393/706 CI/PVC 63/120 62.5/65 25.66

*E/P – Existing/ Parallel

Table 3.10 Remodeling details for EPANET

*E/P Pipe


Details (for EPANET) *E/P Pipe material *E/P Diameter in mm *E/P Length in m Existing Head loss in m/km

300/700 CI/PVC 90/120 46.97/50 21.03

292/701 CI/PVC 90/120 15/18 20.65

235/702 CI/PVC 90/120 29.9/33 28.6

Rajeshwari R , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar : Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India

www.ijifr.com Email: [email protected] © IJIFR 2014 This paper is available online at - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx


ISSN (Online): 2347-1697


Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 Author’s Research Area: Water Engineering, Page No. 163-173





279/703 CI/PVC 90/120 35.96/39 15.97

16/704 CI/PVC 200/250 15/18 22.14

363/705 CI/PVC 80/120 46.53/50 18.96

308/706 CI/PVC 80/150 39.52/43 36.82

315/707 CI/PVC 80/120 42.17/45 12.43

192/708 CI/PVC 80/120 47.11/50 16.77

224/709 CI/PVC 80/120 44.37/47 18.83

299/710 CI/PVC 80/120 80.27/83 14.66

159/711 CI/PVC 80/120 107.82/111 12.44

369/712 CI/PVC 150/160 41.57/45 11.31

255/713 CI/PVC 150/160 46.27/49 10.34

364/714 CI/PVC 150/160 47.44/50 10.07

370/715 CI/PVC 150/200 78.86/82 14.46

130/716 CI/PVC 80/120 34.56/38 12.79

117/717 CI/PVC 80/120 72.73/76 16.95

129/718 CI/PVC 63/120 164.75/167 18.18

187/719 CI/PVC 63/120 35.05/38 13.95

206/720 CI/PVC 63/120 20/23 24.04

205/721 CI/PVC 80/120 46.31/49 13.82

191/722 CI/PVC 80/160 47.17/50 24.67

200/723 CI/PVC 80/160 34.99/38 54.69

181/724 CI/PVC 80/160 68.95/71 61.86

145/725 CI/PVC 80/200 83.29/86 166.2

144/726 CI/PVC 80/250 34.74/38 200.08

202/727 CI/PVC 80/120 26.10/29 12.53

215/728 CI/PVC 80/160 61.49/65 53.75

203/729 CI/PVC 80/120 109.97/113 11.98

155/730 CI/PVC 80/160 37.48/41 19.89

156/731 CI/PVC 80/160 53.17/56 18.89

140/732 CI/PVC 80/120 33.66/37 11.72

167/733 CI/PVC 63/120 13.96/17 22

198/734 CI/PVC 63/120 37.18/40 12.33

150/735 CI/PVC 63/120 40.13/43 13.98

124/736 CI/PVC 63/120 48.28/51 12.35

387/737 CI/PVC 63/120 49.03/52 15.30

5/738 CI/PVC 63/120 163.03/166 16.51

62/739 CI/PVC 63/120 15.24/18 13.65

87/740 CI/PVC 200/250 25/28 33.03

Rajeshwari R , Dr. B. Manoj Kumar : Evaluation of Intermittent Water Supply System and Design of 24x7 for a residential area in Mysore, Karnataka, India

www.ijifr.com Email: [email protected] © IJIFR 2014 This paper is available online at - http://www.ijifr.com/searchjournal.aspx


ISSN (Online): 2347-1697


Volume -1 Issue -11, July 2014 Author’s Research Area: Water Engineering, Page No. 163-173





351/741 CI/PVC 80/120 43.26/46 10.10

356/742 CI/PVC 80/120 5/8 13.87

63/743 CI/PVC 80/120 34.87/38 10.38

4 Conclusions

Finally based on the study carried out following conclusions were drawn;

Characterization results showed that there was a prominent factor prevailing in the existing

supply network that was responsible for the unacceptable water quality resulting in high MPN


The residual chlorine was not sufficient during the summer periods as the analysis results

during March-April 2014 were below detectable levels and thus, showed that proper

quantification of the disinfectant is to be done before adding so as to ensure safe drinking for


The simulation results showed that there were some low pressure nodal points prevailing and

also high head loss had occurred network which had to be provided with parallel pipes to

solve the problem and provide continuous water supply system.

Peak factor determination was done for a period of one week, where it was found 1.25 but as

per CPHEEO for 4 hours supply it should be 3 in case of existing system

At present newly constructed service level reservoir is constructed and being put into work of

15 Lakh liters capacity however, for continuous supply scheme the tank has to be filled twice

as per the water demand calculation as per the survey done which resulted in the value of 24,

82, 250 Liters per day.

The remodeling option adapted here is by providing parallel pipes which seems more

economical when compared to laying new pipes entirely in the DMA 6300.

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