"T r u imjH' IJHVf UP I "mwtmi. ijmmw i For knowing how to The oldest and best. Advertise to profit Reliable mid newsy. Evening Bulletin Consult the patrons ot Uniformly leads. The The Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin docs . Vol. V. No. 970. HONOLULU, H. I., FBI DAY, JULY 2i), 1898. PltlOH 5 OUNTS. t - fc CAPTURED GUAM ISLAND Story of Seizure of Oce of Philippines by Americans. Graphic Description by Private la Oregon Troops Cruiser Charleston's Work Letter Pub- lished by Consent of Win. Kenake. Thi following lcttor was receiv- ed by Win. Kenako of tbo Poet Oflico D piutinout from n friend in Manila and is published by the, kind couhont of tho former: On Board "Australia, Off Philippines, Juuo 2J, 1898. Dear Friend 13111: I wns de- tailed to go ou the kitohon police to gut up the meal for tho boys. Each company Bends down two men eveiy day. It is no easy work. Well now for a little news. Tho "Glmrlo9ton" signaled over the next morniug after our arrival that their orders wero to go to the Island of Guam and capture or destroy two Spanish gunboats and to some tho island. Somo of the boys looked rather blno when they hoard tho nows. Thoy com-moiict- dto picture in their mind whut the outcome was to bo, There wore others, tnysolf in- cluded, who wero eagor to yet thero and boo actual sorvice for that was our ono purpose in en- listing. Thoro was not much go- ing on duriug tho voyago to the island but there was manifest ess on tlo part of the bojs nt soeing tho boats goiug along so slowly. Tho wpathor was fine and tho sea as smooth as a millp ud. On the fourth day previous to landing the 'Charleston' signal ed that she would slow down at 2 p. in. and that her captain would come over to consult witu the Gaueral in command aud the captaiu of our boat. While thoy were in consultation wo were to co ahead about a mile and let hor havo practise at a targot to bo put out. Wo do not know whether she hit it or not but sho came very cloeo several times and every shot was a liner. Aftor a couplo of hnur practiso sue gatuorou up nor tin trot and came alouundn Tho captain teturnod aud in nbont throo hours wo wero on our course "again. On Monday morning, the 20th of June, we wore in sight of Guam. Tho uharloston was far ahead in the ltad and running, as it appeared to me, very cautiously. Wo wuro on the north side of the island. As we uearod tho harbor on tho west wo fell quite a dis- tance astern. It was very amusing to watch tho Charleston do her work. Sho cropt along and hove to at the en- - truueo. After about half au hour sbo entered close to the cliff to tho riglkt. Ouco iu tho bay bIio closed in on the fort within a mile and a half and then lot loose. There was a great cheer from our boat when tuo first shot from tho Oharlostou was tired. In all, there were thirteen shots Gred aud not au answer from the fort. The only boat iu the harbor was a Japanese trader and sho ran up tho white flag. We wore then ordered in and, aftor dropping anchor, wo found out a thing or two. As we wre onteriug wo noticed a row boat coming from shore. She mtide for the Charleston and we fouud out it was the 8eorotary of the Governor and two or three promi nent citizens. Not knowing of auv war and thinking wo wore saluting them, they came out to give lueirgroeung. As they boarded tho Charleston they saw ovory man at his uoBt roadv to fire should the word be given. When thoy learned tho true state of affairs thoy almost fell dead. They wore given until 4 p id to see tho Uovornor ami nave nun surrender the islaud and himself Wo prepared again for notion and Continued on eighth nugo. STRANGER THAN FICTION Link Between Hawaii and Japan Stretching Over Half a Centnry. Visit of a Japanese Naval Ofllcer to the Damon Brothers Their Fathers Were Friends. . On board tho steamship Doric that passed through hero this week was a party of Japanese naval oflicors ou their way to bring out from Philadelphia tho new cruiser just completed for their country's navy by tho Cramps. By tho way, it is noted in lato news that the cruiser made 23 kuots an hour on a measured course of 20 miles in hor trial trip. This is speedy. Among tho naval party in tho Doric was a Mr. Maujoro, head of tho paymaster's staff. And thoro by hangs a tale of moat romantic interest. Its last incidont, hero recorded, was a visit paid by Mr. Manjero to tho brothers Hon. S. M. Damon and ltuv. Frank W. Damon while tho Doric was in port. Grateful and affectionate romembranco of these gentlemen's late fathor on the part of tbo visi- tor's father was tho occasion. Tho father of Mr. Manjero was in Honolulu about fifty years ago. He had drifted away from Japan and oventunlly worked his way from point to point uutil ho land- ed in Boston, tho "Athens" of American civilization. This was before Commodore Perrv of tho United States Navy in 1852 open- ed Japan to commeice. Munjero eventually found him self stranded and homesick in Honolulu. Kev. Samuel C. Da- mon, pastor of the Scamon's Bothel, whoso titlo of "Father Dinon" will long endure, inter- ested himself in the Japanose strnugor. Ho procured a whalo boat for Maojero that dropped him down in the Loochoo Islands, from whence ho worked his way bnck to the "Land of the Rising Sun." Aftor the opening up of Japau ambassadors wore seut thence to Washington, and in their retinue was Mr. Manjero in thd capacity of interpreter. While tho party was passing through Honolulu. Mr. Manjeo called ou Father Damon, who in the mcautimo had lost all track of him. He present ed his formor benefactor on thut occasion with a valuable Japanese sword, also his own Japanose translation of "Bowditoh's Navi- gator." This book just montioned is ono of the most romaikablo curiosities of the bookmaker's art over issued. It is doubtful if thoro is anything of more enthralling interest in tho British Muspura. Tho translator copiod tho wholo elaborate scheme of logarithms by his own hand iu overy copy of the edition. As ho used tho paint brush that servos for tho Oriental writing tools, it is not to bo marveled at that it took him five yoars, tho edition being twenty copies. Hon. S. M. Damon has both sword and book today among his household treasures. Another copy wob given to the Mikado of Japau. It is interost-iu- g to note, by tho way, that tho prespnt Mikado was born in 1852, the year that Perry opened his Bicycle Repairs Spring Koat Posts with Hollar Hearings, Toiiijioroil Conos, Hall Clips, Axlus unci Sprockets, 17 to 25; Chains, Oour Ciihos, Cranks .Spooiul I'lecos ami Korglngs in Stock or inado to older at tho old relia- ble The Honolulu Cyclery 231 King Street. whoio prompt attention will bo glvon to all repairs. Oil your hike frequently with "Hal-loy- 's Host Hleyclo Oil" und nuvo half your houvy pushing. 1BIW ou the hauls of "GOOD WOUK." country to world intercourse ns alroady stated. Mr. Manjoro, pore, went back to Japan from Washington, and for some years was again loBt to the ken of Father Damon. When Rev. Frank W. Damon wob in Gormany eomo years lator ho, by inquiry at tho Japaneso Legation, nicked up tho clue onco more. Thon, when Fathor Damon was in Tokio in 1884, Mr. Manjero, now an aged men, paid him a visit. Finally, tho latest intercourse bo-tw- tho two families was that mentioned nt tho beginning of this etory, when tho gallant young naval officer visited our honored citizens tho brothers Damon. He was found to bo a cultivated and agreeable gontleman, aud tho Messrs. Damon showod him every poBsiblo attention during his fltay. The older Manjoro is still liv- ing at the ago of 75 years. m s juuomiinth HKMn:ui:o. One AirMnst the Government Portu. uafio Publishing Firm Dissolved. Judge Porry haB signed judg- ment in tho caso of Haalelea w. et al. vs. tho Hawaiian Govern- ment and H. W. Schmidt. Plain tiffs aro awarded thirty acres, and tho Government and its assigns to tho remaining portions of the promises in dispute. Tbo thirty acres aro to bo selocted by tho plaintiffs from lands not hereto- fore convoyed by tho Government to H. W. Schmidt. John M. Vivas, administrator of the estate of Joso do Freitas, deceased, has filled an inventory. It shows: 1. Leasehold on Lubo street, threo years unoxpired, at an annual rental of ckh.oO, having two cottages renting for S13 ana $8 respectively a month tho pro porty mortgaged to ISisuop v: uo. for $300 at 10 percent. 2. Lease- hold on Punchbowl Btreet, for eight yoars unexpired, at S15 a year, having a store now unoccn pied; 3. Book accounts of S279 80. Tho Patterson contompt caso is on triul before Judge Porry. Magoon and McClanahan repre-so- ut tho plaintiff, and Geo. A. Davis appoars for tho dofeudant. In the caso o John M. Vivas ot al. vs. pomillo Perreira, otherwise a petition for dissolution of tho O Luso publishing firm, Judge Stanley this morning gavo an oral ruling. Ho orders a dissolu- tion of tho partnership, refers tho accounts t a master and appoiuts Cbas. Phillips permanent re- ceiver providing ho accepts the nppoiutmout. Further tho Court appoints George Lucas, master, to tuko the books and papors of tho partnership, esamino the accounts and report tho standing of the accounts between tbo parties. Creighton nud Vivas for plaintiffs; Neumann and Correa for defen- dant. The Mule Stumbled, A mulo drawing a cartload of sand stumbled and foil at tho head of Victoria street this morning. Tho Bhafts pinned tho animul down in a distressing manner, but with ono leg free it made a valiant but vain attompt to kick tho cart to pieces. Two citizens coining down town aided the driver in dumping the load and freeing the mule. Ugly galls wore revealed on tho back and shoulder of the beast as tho harness was removed, showing that it had been gettiug rather harsh service previous to this accident. It belongs to Wm. Norton. May Live In Kom, Hon. S. W. Kaai, tho member from Haua in tho House of Re- presentatives, left for Kona on the Mauna Loa this forenoon. Hoo-ket- m in that district, is tho birth placo of Mr. Eaai aud he is now on his way to that placo with tho intention of looking, into affairs and determining whether or no he will make his future homo thero. Mr. Kuui says ho is tired of Hana. The Legislature has not seen fit to make sufficient up propriations and without help, it will remain tho same old back- woods placo. HCIIOOIj AFPAIItH. Appointments nnil Transfers of Teachers Mntle by the Hoard. A sossion of the Commissioners of Education was held yesterday afternoon. Following was tho business transacted: Mies Ilobortson was transferred to Pohukaina school. Miss Rob- ertson to Kauluwela and Miss Graco Qto Kalihi waona. These transfers wero made at tho recom- mendation of Inspector Townsond. MiBS Blanche Horner was as- signed to Waikiki school as prin- cipal. Mrs. Weir and MiVs Mary-Wei- r will bo transferred to Kau-makapi- li in caso of vacancies. Wm. McOloskoy of Olaa was rocomraended for tho position of principal of Hilo Select school. Miss Younger was assigned to Hanalei, Kauai. Miss Maggie McCorristou was transferred to Kauluwela school. Miss Sarah Ostrom of Makapala school was granted a leavo of ab sence for one year on account ot illness. At 5 o'clock tho Commissioners adjourned until 2:30 p. in. on Monday, as thoro is a lot of busi- ness yet to be transacted. - m m TlIlS MONTKHKY'N MISSION. Ileport Tlmt She Would Srlie Carolines PructlcMIy Confirmed. A surmise published in Hono- lulu that tho monitor Monteroy, qn hor way to Mauila would call into the Carolina Islands aud put tho group undor tho slurs and stripo9, would eeem to have been correct by tho following special to tho New York Sun from Washing- ton on tho 16th iust.: "The statement mado today that tho mouitor Montoroy would stop at tho Carolino islauds on tho voyngo to Manila and take posses- sion of tboin iu the name of the United States was practically con- firmed horo today. "This policy is in accordance with tho determination of the Ad- ministration to assert authority ovor all Spain's possessions in the Pacific, so that whon tho war onda thoro will be no question as lo tho right of tho Govornmout to dictate what Bhall bo dono with them. It was iu lino with this decision that the cruiser Charleston stopped at tho Ladronos and hoisted tho Stars and StripeH. ".Naval officials gavo out the at the timo of tho Char- leston's exploit that the reasons for taking possession of Guatn.tho principal island of tho Ladrone group, was that the harbor should be 'secured so tho Montotoy could coal without interference on the run to Manila. Thoy now admit cautiously that the Monterpy will probably stop in the Carolines and ropoat tho Charleston's good work, although the Spanish havo better fortifications in tho Caro lines than in the Ladronos. It is confidently assorted that no trouble will bo encountered bv tho moni tor in carrying out the instructions io raise tue American nag ovor the group. 'That is,' naval officers say cautiously. 'If tho Monterey is to do anything of the kiud.' " A grand spread will bo laid out at Harmony hall, King street to- morrow evening for Odd Follows among tho visitiug boys in blue. Royal mskc5 the foot! pure, tiolcsome snd dcllcleas. POWDER Absolutely Puro ROYAL ftAKfNO fOwMtt CO., NfW VOM. WHO WILL DIRECT IT? Officers of New Electric Railway to Be Named Tonlght.- - Mr. Ballentyne Probable Manager Presidency Hovering About Castle and Thurston Largest Subscribers to Stock. Considerable sarmiso has boon indulged in regarding tho slab-o- f officers and directors who wilt havo chargo of the olectric rail- way company. After tonight thoro will bo no mora causo for uncertainty. James B. Castle who will probably bo ono of tho officers of tho compauyon account of having beon nmong tho largeet subscribers to tho stock stated this forenoon that tho list of offi cers had not been arranged. How over, it is cortain that tho office re and therefore, the board of di- rectors, will be choBen from the following named: O G Bnllon- - tyne, J A Uilman, James 11 Uastle, J A Kounedy, O S DeBky, J 11 Fisher, T F Lansing, L A Thurs ton. Thero wero in all 2000 shares subscribed for. Several small subscribers wero left out on ac- count of tho figure named having been set at the limit already men tioned and it was a case of "first come, first sorvo." It might bo interesting to know the largest bubscribeis and for that reason a lmt is published. Xlio (jHStlo od t a to subscribed for 500 shares, tbo largost number. Alex. Young took 350. J B Castle and C S Desky each havo 250. Uther largo subscribers were: .) A McCaudless, J B Athertou, C H Atherton, J A Oilman, J H Fishor, T F Lansing, Frank Athorton, W It Castlo, F J Low-re- y, John Cossidy, II C Motors, J A Kennedy, L A Thurston, C G Ballentyne, J H Sopor, J S Mar- tin. Thoro are eomo hundred or more small subscribers. It is figured that CG Ballon-tyu- o is a probable successful can didato for manager haviug boon interested in tho rapid transit business hero for somo voars. J B Castlo and L A Thurston aro looked upon as liablo to eomo out as either Prosidont or Vice Pr si dent. Mr. Gilmun may bo con- tinued as soaretarv. and Motors Kennedy, Dosky, Fisher or Lan sing aro figured on in connection with tho treasurer's position. OKK1CKH l'HOM MONTANA. Some Very 0.uefr Orders to Ills Men While ,n Csunp. A good story is told of an officor who was one of the political up pointeos in tho Montana regiment now horo ou tho transport Pctin sylvauia. Ho received his ap point aud wont to work at once with his company. He was not kb well verhed in military tnctics as he is at the present timo. Whon in camp beforo starting for San Fraucisco ho had his com pany out for drill ono day. He marched them along to a fence and, not having beon given the order to climb tho men continued to march without of course gain ing headway. Tho officor could thiuk of no command. Finally lis shouted, "Whoa !" Now that tho mou woro at a halt ho could not for tho life of him tell how to got them away from tho fence, so ho shouted, "Break ranks." Seeing tho in on scattoring in all direo tions ho Bhoutod, "Fall in facing away from tho fonco." Tho men wero then marched back to the camp and the officor sat down to study his tactics. That Compromise Money. Japau has not calloJ round for that S75.000 yet, but Secretary Ilirai of tho Japaneso Legation has iuformpd tho Minister ot For- eign Affairs that the vote is od. ANOTHER MONSTER LUNCH Montana Boys Cannot Speak Too Highly of Honolulu's Hospltallly. Orcr 1300 Sat Down at tho Tables -C- wd Order on the Executive Building Grounds Songs by Co. F. Tho Montana boys havo tho sniiie good words to say about tho Uouolulu people us thoso express- ed by the other soldiers who hnvo paBsed through hero ou their way to Manila. On the grounds of tho Executivo building at noon today tobies wero set for 1300 men, yet whou these had been filled thoro woro scats to sparo for another round thousand. Captain Ashley and his able assistants had dono their work well nt,d n herttly . luncheon was laiil out for each of tho soldiers. Tho band gavo up ils holiday and was present in tho stond, whoro patriotic and lively airs greeted tho ears of the boys while they wero eating thoir luncheon. As tho various coin panics aroso from tho tattles, cheer after cheer was giveu aud to the music of tho baud camo answering cheers. Thon as if to in some measuro return the kindness tlmt had been shonn them, Sorueaut Konpncr of Co. F and about twenty of that company get together and sang, "On tho Banks of the Wubasli." A hearty ojeorr- - brought forth "SoldierB Farewell" and othor colh'ge songs. Tho singing was excellent nud took the college boys aud girls standing arouud back to thoir nhna mat-rs- . The whole atTuir was oxcollcntly innuiigeil, and the crowds that have hithrto i nud their way in- side the ripe wre kept out. A guard srood at each ontrauco for 'his purpose. Particular frionds of the regu- lars of tho X. G. U. had lunlieorj in tho nii-h- s room on the ExeciT tive building groundj. Tho Moutnuu boys are tho most enthusiastic that havo eomo to Honolulu yet. Thej oheored bo-for- e meat, th-- y rheerod during tho progress of tho luncheon, thoy cheered when they arose and, as tho Bulletin goes to pros, thoy aio still cheering. HIS OCCUPATION' (iO.V'H. Mlnlalvr Hutch rornuilly Henluns Post, lion us .Minister. F. M. Ha'ch has resignod tho position of Minintor to tho United States. Siuco Hawaii has beeu romoved to that country, tho office now becomes abolished. Mr. Hatch hns the distinction of clos- ing tho voluma of Hawaiian dipl- omacy at Washiugtoii. It was opened by Alexander Simpson and J. F- - B. .Marshall iu 1813, whon they wont to Wa'-hingto- to Iny the case of occupation beforo the United States Govorn- mout. The sugar (iiintntion of 3o pub- lished in tho Bullltin was tHken from market roporiB of tho Call and Exaiuinfrof tho l')th.- - Circu- lars recdvoil bv loenl housesshow no drop iu prico. Additional Local News on eighth pago. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fait. dold Medal, Midwinter Fair. wptJiwJLj CREAM BAMSNG POWDER A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder. 40 YEAPS THE STANDARD. nitf j a w,... -i-Lu.-. Vi tW t MM i . . ... . 4,v, it ti J

IJHVf UP I Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9405/1/1898072901.pdf · dumping the load and freeing the mule. Ugly galls wore revealed

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Page 1: IJHVf UP I Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9405/1/1898072901.pdf · dumping the load and freeing the mule. Ugly galls wore revealed

"T r u imjH' IJHVf UP I "mwtmi. ijmmw


For knowing how to The oldest and best.

Advertise to profit Reliable mid newsy.Evening BulletinConsult the patrons ot Uniformly leads. The

The Evening Bulletin Evening Bulletin docs


Vol. V. No. 970. HONOLULU, H. I., FBI DAY, JULY 2i), 1898. PltlOH 5 OUNTS.





Story of Seizure of Oce of Philippines

by Americans.

Graphic Description by Private la Oregon Troops

Cruiser Charleston's Work Letter Pub-

lished by Consent of Win. Kenake.

Thi following lcttor was receiv-

ed by Win. Kenako of tbo PoetOflico D piutinout from n friendin Manila and is published by the,

kind couhont of tho former:

On Board "Australia,Off Philippines, Juuo 2J, 1898.

Dear Friend 13111: I wns de-

tailed to go ou the kitohon policeto gut up the meal for tho boys.

Each company Bends down two

men eveiy day. It is no easy

work.Well now for a little news. Tho

"Glmrlo9ton" signaled over thenext morniug after our arrivalthat their orders wero to go to theIsland of Guam and capture ordestroy two Spanish gunboats andto some tho island. Somo of theboys looked rather blno when theyhoard tho nows. Thoy com-moiict- dto

picture in their mindwhut the outcome was to bo,

There wore others, tnysolf in-

cluded, who wero eagor to yetthero and boo actual sorvice forthat was our ono purpose in en-

listing. Thoro was not much go-

ing on duriug tho voyago to theisland but there was manifest ess

on tlo part of the bojsnt soeing tho boats goiug along soslowly. Tho wpathor was fine andtho sea as smooth as a millp ud.

On the fourth day previousto landing the 'Charleston' signaled that she would slow down at2 p. in. and that her captain wouldcome over to consult witu theGaueral in command aud thecaptaiu of our boat. While thoywere in consultation wo were toco ahead about a mile and let horhavo practise at a targot to bo putout. Wo do not know whethershe hit it or not but sho camevery cloeo several times andevery shot was a liner.Aftor a couplo of hnurpractiso sue gatuorou upnor tin trot and came alouundnTho captain teturnod aud in nbontthroo hours wo wero on our course

"again. On Monday morning, the20th of June, we wore in sight ofGuam. Tho uharloston was farahead in the ltad and running, asit appeared to me, very cautiously.Wo wuro on the north side of theisland. As we uearod tho harboron tho west wo fell quite a dis-tance astern.

It was very amusing to watchtho Charleston do her work. Shocropt along and hove to at the en--truueo. After about half au hoursbo entered close to the cliff to thoriglkt. Ouco iu tho bay bIio closedin on the fort within a mile and ahalf and then lot loose.

There was a great cheer fromour boat when tuo first shot fromtho Oharlostou was tired. In all,there were thirteen shots Gred audnot au answer from the fort. Theonly boat iu the harbor was aJapanese trader and sho ran uptho white flag.

We wore then ordered in and,aftor dropping anchor, wo foundout a thing or two. As we wreonteriug wo noticed a row boatcoming from shore. She mtidefor the Charleston and we fouudout it was the 8eorotary of theGovernor and two or three prominent citizens. Not knowing ofauv war and thinking wo woresaluting them, they came out togive lueirgroeung.

As they boarded tho Charlestonthey saw ovory man at his uoBtroadv to fire should the word begiven. When thoy learned thotrue state of affairs thoy almostfell dead.

They wore given until 4 p id tosee tho Uovornor ami nave nunsurrender the islaud and himselfWo prepared again for notion and

Continued on eighth nugo.


Link Between Hawaii and Japan

Stretching Over Half a Centnry.

Visit of a Japanese Naval Ofllcer to the

Damon Brothers Their Fathers

Were Friends. .

On board tho steamship Doricthat passed through hero thisweek was a party of Japanesenaval oflicors ou their way tobring out from Philadelphia thonew cruiser just completed fortheir country's navy by thoCramps. By tho way, it is notedin lato news that the cruiser made23 kuots an hour on a measuredcourse of 20 miles in hor trialtrip. This is speedy.

Among tho naval party in thoDoric was a Mr. Maujoro, head oftho paymaster's staff. And thoroby hangs a tale of moat romanticinterest. Its last incidont, herorecorded, was a visit paid by Mr.Manjero to tho brothers Hon. S.M. Damon and ltuv. Frank W.Damon while tho Doric was inport. Grateful and affectionateromembranco of these gentlemen'slate fathor on the part of tbo visi-tor's father was tho occasion.

Tho father of Mr. Manjero wasin Honolulu about fifty years ago.He had drifted away from Japanand oventunlly worked his wayfrom point to point uutil ho land-ed in Boston, tho "Athens" ofAmerican civilization. This wasbefore Commodore Perrv of thoUnited States Navy in 1852 open-ed Japan to commeice.

Munjero eventually found himself stranded and homesick inHonolulu. Kev. Samuel C. Da-mon, pastor of the Scamon'sBothel, whoso titlo of "FatherDinon" will long endure, inter-ested himself in the Japanosestrnugor. Ho procured a whaloboat for Maojero that droppedhim down in the Loochoo Islands,from whence ho worked his waybnck to the "Land of the RisingSun."

Aftor the opening up of Japauambassadors wore seut thence toWashington, and in their retinuewas Mr. Manjero in thd capacityof interpreter. While tho partywas passing through Honolulu.Mr. Manjeo called ou FatherDamon, who in the mcautimo hadlost all track of him. He presented his formor benefactor on thutoccasion with a valuable Japanesesword, also his own Japanosetranslation of "Bowditoh's Navi-gator."

This book just montioned is onoof the most romaikablo curiositiesof the bookmaker's art over issued.It is doubtful if thoro is anythingof more enthralling interest in thoBritish Muspura. Tho translatorcopiod tho wholo elaborate schemeof logarithms by his own hand iuovery copy of the edition. As housed tho paint brush that servosfor tho Oriental writing tools, it isnot to bo marveled at that it tookhim five yoars, tho edition beingtwenty copies. Hon. S. M. Damonhas both sword and book todayamong his household treasures.Another copy wob given to theMikado of Japau. It is interost-iu- g

to note, by tho way, that thoprespnt Mikado was born in 1852,the year that Perry opened his

Bicycle RepairsSpring Koat Posts with Hollar Hearings,

Toiiijioroil Conos, Hall Clips, Axlus unciSprockets, 17 to 25; Chains, Oour Ciihos,Cranks .Spooiul I'lecos ami Korglngs inStock or inado to older at tho old relia-ble

The Honolulu Cyclery231 King Street.

whoio prompt attention will bo glvon toall repairs.

Oil your hike frequently with "Hal-loy- 's

Host Hleyclo Oil" und nuvo halfyour houvy pushing.

1BIW ou the hauls of"GOOD WOUK."

country to world intercourse nsalroady stated.

Mr. Manjoro, pore, went back toJapan from Washington, and forsome years was again loBt to theken of Father Damon. WhenRev. Frank W. Damon wob inGormany eomo years lator ho, byinquiry at tho Japaneso Legation,nicked up tho clue onco more.Thon, when Fathor Damon was inTokio in 1884, Mr. Manjero, nowan aged men, paid him a visit.Finally, tho latest intercourse bo-tw-

tho two families was thatmentioned nt tho beginning ofthis etory, when tho gallant youngnaval officer visited our honoredcitizens tho brothers Damon. Hewas found to bo a cultivated andagreeable gontleman, aud thoMessrs. Damon showod him everypoBsiblo attention during hisfltay.

The older Manjoro is still liv-

ing at the ago of 75 years.m s

juuomiinth HKMn:ui:o.

One AirMnst the Government Portu.uafio Publishing Firm Dissolved.

Judge Porry haB signed judg-ment in tho caso of Haalelea w.et al. vs. tho Hawaiian Govern-ment and H. W. Schmidt. Plaintiffs aro awarded thirty acres, andtho Government and its assignsto tho remaining portions of thepromises in dispute. Tbo thirtyacres aro to bo selocted by thoplaintiffs from lands not hereto-fore convoyed by tho Governmentto H. W. Schmidt.

John M. Vivas, administratorof the estate of Joso do Freitas,deceased, has filled an inventory.It shows: 1. Leasehold on Lubostreet, threo years unoxpired, atan annual rental of ckh.oO, havingtwo cottages renting for S13 ana$8 respectively a month tho proporty mortgaged to ISisuop v: uo.for $300 at 10 percent. 2. Lease-hold on Punchbowl Btreet, foreight yoars unexpired, at S15 ayear, having a store now unoccnpied; 3. Book accounts of S279 80.

Tho Patterson contompt caso ison triul before Judge Porry.Magoon and McClanahan repre-so- ut

tho plaintiff, and Geo. A.Davis appoars for tho dofeudant.

In the caso o John M. Vivas otal. vs. pomillo Perreira, otherwisea petition for dissolution of thoO Luso publishing firm, JudgeStanley this morning gavo anoral ruling. Ho orders a dissolu-tion of tho partnership, refers thoaccounts t a master and appoiutsCbas. Phillips permanent re-ceiver providing ho accepts thenppoiutmout. Further tho Courtappoints George Lucas, master, totuko the books and papors of thopartnership, esamino the accountsand report tho standing of theaccounts between tbo parties.Creighton nud Vivas for plaintiffs;Neumann and Correa for defen-dant.

The Mule Stumbled,

A mulo drawing a cartload ofsand stumbled and foil at tho headof Victoria street this morning.Tho Bhafts pinned tho animuldown in a distressing manner, butwith ono leg free it made a valiantbut vain attompt to kick tho cartto pieces. Two citizens coiningdown town aided the driver indumping the load and freeing themule. Ugly galls wore revealedon tho back and shoulder of thebeast as tho harness was removed,showing that it had been gettiugrather harsh service previous tothis accident. It belongs to Wm.Norton.

May Live In Kom,Hon. S. W. Kaai, tho member

from Haua in tho House of Re-presentatives, left for Kona on theMauna Loa this forenoon. Hoo-ket- m

in that district, is tho birthplaco of Mr. Eaai aud he is nowon his way to that placo with thointention of looking, into affairsand determining whether or nohe will make his future homothero. Mr. Kuui says ho is tiredof Hana. The Legislature hasnot seen fit to make sufficient uppropriations and without help, itwill remain tho same old back-woods placo.


Appointments nnil Transfers of TeachersMntle by the Hoard.

A sossion of the Commissionersof Education was held yesterdayafternoon. Following was thobusiness transacted:

Mies Ilobortson was transferredto Pohukaina school. Miss Rob-

ertson to Kauluwela and MissGraco Qto Kalihi waona. Thesetransfers wero made at tho recom-mendation of Inspector Townsond.

MiBS Blanche Horner was as-

signed to Waikiki school as prin-cipal. Mrs. Weir and MiVs Mary-Wei- r

will bo transferred to Kau-makapi- li

in caso of vacancies.Wm. McOloskoy of Olaa was

rocomraended for tho position ofprincipal of Hilo Select school.

Miss Younger was assigned toHanalei, Kauai.

Miss Maggie McCorristou wastransferred to Kauluwela school.

Miss Sarah Ostrom of Makapalaschool was granted a leavo of absence for one year on account otillness.

At 5 o'clock tho Commissionersadjourned until 2:30 p. in. onMonday, as thoro is a lot of busi-ness yet to be transacted.

- m m


Ileport Tlmt She Would Srlie CarolinesPructlcMIy Confirmed.

A surmise published in Hono-

lulu that tho monitor Monteroy,qn hor way to Mauila would callinto the Carolina Islands aud puttho group undor tho slurs andstripo9, would eeem to have beencorrect by tho following special totho New York Sun from Washing-ton on tho 16th iust.:

"The statement mado today thattho mouitor Montoroy would stopat tho Carolino islauds on thovoyngo to Manila and take posses-sion of tboin iu the name of theUnited States was practically con-firmed horo today.

"This policy is in accordancewith tho determination of the Ad-ministration to assert authorityovor all Spain's possessions in thePacific, so that whon tho war ondathoro will be no question as lo thoright of tho Govornmout to dictatewhat Bhall bo dono with them. Itwas iu lino with this decision thatthe cruiser Charleston stopped attho Ladronos and hoisted tho Starsand StripeH.

".Naval officials gavo out theat the timo of tho Char-

leston's exploit that the reasonsfor taking possession of Guatn.thoprincipal island of tho Ladronegroup, was that the harbor shouldbe 'secured so tho Montotoy couldcoal without interference on therun to Manila. Thoy now admitcautiously that the Monterpy willprobably stop in the Carolinesand ropoat tho Charleston's goodwork, although the Spanish havobetter fortifications in tho Carolines than in the Ladronos. It isconfidently assorted that no troublewill bo encountered bv tho monitor in carrying out the instructionsio raise tue American nag ovorthe group. 'That is,' naval officerssay cautiously. 'If tho Montereyis to do anything of the kiud.' "

A grand spread will bo laid outat Harmony hall, King street to-

morrow evening for Odd Followsamong tho visitiug boys in blue.

Royal mskc5 the foot! pure,tiolcsome snd dcllcleas.

POWDERAbsolutely Puro



Officers of New Electric Railway to Be

Named Tonlght.- -

Mr. Ballentyne Probable Manager Presidency

Hovering About Castle and Thurston

Largest Subscribers to Stock.

Considerable sarmiso has boonindulged in regarding tho slab-o- f

officers and directors who wilthavo chargo of the olectric rail-

way company. After tonightthoro will bo no mora causo foruncertainty. James B. Castlewho will probably bo ono of thoofficers of tho compauyon accountof having beon nmong tho largeetsubscribers to tho stock statedthis forenoon that tho list of offi

cers had not been arranged. Howover, it is cortain that tho office reand therefore, the board of di-

rectors, will be choBen from thefollowing named: O G Bnllon- -tyne, J A Uilman, James 11 Uastle,J A Kounedy, O S DeBky, J 11

Fisher, T F Lansing, L A Thurston.

Thero wero in all 2000 sharessubscribed for. Several smallsubscribers wero left out on ac-

count of tho figure named havingbeen set at the limit already mentioned and it was a case of "firstcome, first sorvo."

It might bo interesting to knowthe largest bubscribeis and forthat reason a lmt is published.Xlio (jHStlo od ta to subscribed for500 shares, tbo largost number.Alex. Young took 350. J B Castleand C S Desky each havo 250.Uther largo subscribers were: .)

A McCaudless, J B Athertou, CH Atherton, J A Oilman, J HFishor, T F Lansing, FrankAthorton, W It Castlo, F J Low-re- y,

John Cossidy, II C Motors,J A Kennedy, L A Thurston, C GBallentyne, J H Sopor, J S Mar-tin.

Thoro are eomo hundred ormore small subscribers.

It is figured that C G Ballon-tyu- o

is a probable successful candidato for manager haviug booninterested in tho rapid transitbusiness hero for somo voars. J BCastlo and L A Thurston arolooked upon as liablo to eomo outas either Prosidont or Vice Pr sident. Mr. Gilmun may bo con-tinued as soaretarv. and MotorsKennedy, Dosky, Fisher or Lansing aro figured on in connectionwith tho treasurer's position.


Some Very 0.uefr Orders to Ills MenWhile ,n Csunp.

A good story is told of an officorwho was one of the political uppointeos in tho Montana regimentnow horo ou tho transport Pctinsylvauia. Ho received his appoint aud wont to work at oncewith his company. He was notkb well verhed in military tncticsas he is at the present timo.

Whon in camp beforo startingfor San Fraucisco ho had his company out for drill ono day. Hemarched them along to a fenceand, not having beon given theorder to climb tho men continuedto march without of course gaining headway. Tho officor couldthiuk of no command. Finally lisshouted, "Whoa !" Now that thomou woro at a halt ho could notfor tho life of him tell how to gotthem away from tho fence, so hoshouted, "Break ranks." Seeingtho in on scattoring in all direotions ho Bhoutod, "Fall in facingaway from tho fonco." Tho menwero then marched back to thecamp and the officor sat down tostudy his tactics.

That Compromise Money.

Japau has not calloJ round forthat S75.000 yet, but SecretaryIlirai of tho Japaneso Legationhas iuformpd tho Minister ot For-eign Affairs that the vote is od.


Montana Boys Cannot Speak Too

Highly of Honolulu's Hospltallly.

Orcr 1300 Sat Down at tho Tables -C- wdOrder on the Executive Building

Grounds Songs by Co. F.

Tho Montana boys havo thosniiie good words to say about thoUouolulu people us thoso express-ed by the other soldiers who hnvopaBsed through hero ou their wayto Manila. On the grounds of thoExecutivo building at noon todaytobies wero set for 1300 men, yetwhou these had been filled thoroworo scats to sparo for anotherround thousand. Captain Ashleyand his able assistants had donotheir work well nt,d n herttly .

luncheon was laiil out for each oftho soldiers.

Tho band gavo up ils holidayand was present in tho stond,whoro patriotic and lively airsgreeted tho ears of the boys whilethey wero eating thoir luncheon.

As tho various coin panics arosofrom tho tattles, cheer after cheerwas giveu aud to the music of thobaud camo answering cheers.

Thon as if to in some measuroreturn the kindness tlmt had beenshonn them, Sorueaut Konpncrof Co. F and about twenty of thatcompany get together and sang,"On tho Banks of the Wubasli."

A hearty ojeorr- - brought forth"SoldierB Farewell" and othorcolh'ge songs. Tho singing wasexcellent nud took the college boysaud girls standing arouud backto thoir nhna mat-rs- .

The whole atTuir was oxcollcntlyinnuiigeil, and the crowds thathave hithrto i nud their way in-

side the ripe wre kept out. Aguard srood at each ontrauco for'his purpose.

Particular frionds of the regu-lars of tho X. G. U. had lunlieorjin tho nii-h- s room on the ExeciTtive building groundj.

Tho Moutnuu boys are tho mostenthusiastic that havo eomo toHonolulu yet. Thej oheored bo-for- e

meat, th-- y rheerod during thoprogress of tho luncheon, thoycheered when they arose and, astho Bulletin goes to pros, thoyaio still cheering.


Mlnlalvr Hutch rornuilly Henluns Post,lion us .Minister.

F. M. Ha'ch has resignod thoposition of Minintor to tho UnitedStates. Siuco Hawaii has beeuromoved to that country, tho officenow becomes abolished. Mr.Hatch hns the distinction of clos-ing tho voluma of Hawaiian dipl-omacy at Washiugtoii. It wasopened by Alexander Simpsonand J. F- - B. .Marshall iu 1813,whon they wont to Wa'-hingto- toIny the case of occupationbeforo the United States Govorn-mout.

The sugar (iiintntion of 3o pub-lished in tho Bullltin was tHkenfrom market roporiB of tho Calland Exaiuinfrof tho l')th.- - Circu-lars recdvoil bv loenl housesshowno drop iu prico.

Additional Local News on eighth pago.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fait.

dold Medal, Midwinter Fair.



A Pure drape Cream of Tartar Powder.


nitfj a w,... -i-Lu.-. Vi tW t MM i . . ... . 4,v, it ti J

Page 2: IJHVf UP I Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9405/1/1898072901.pdf · dumping the load and freeing the mule. Ugly galls wore revealed








MAKIKI Houo f 0 rooms. Kloclriclights complete. 125x200. Hotliouvo, stable, carriage liotiso, ts

quartern unci chlckon house.Fruit niul ornamental trees.

TIIKKK N'KW OVrrAOl'-- S on Kingstreet, near Wnlkiki road.


MAKIKI Ilouso of 0 lnrgo rooms. lJatli, Akitchen and p.uitry; largo hall,veranda on 2 aides. Electric lightscomplete.

PKOSI'KCT STKKET Iltillding lot75x150.

175x200 V.ilnalilo lot lu fushloimblorosldonco portion of tho city. Palms,fruit ami ornamental trees. A desi-

rable lot for anyone contemplatingbuilding. 8

BEIUrrAXIA STUK171 Improved pro-iort-

Lot 200x2110 through to Ki-na- u

street. Two lino residom-os- ,

Suibles and servants quarters.Grounds well covored with .shadetrees, plants and tlouors.











OLAA LANDS.flno Collco llanch of 118 acres leao-liol- d.

20 acres cleaned and undorcultivation planted with 1 year oldcollco trees.

Kxcollent bargain In n Collco Plantationof 100 acres. Foo slniplo. 70 acresplanted lu trees from 2 to 3

years old. Flno dwelling houso andoutbuildings.

A GO aero Collco llanch In fco simple,facing on tho Volcano Ilotul. 15

acres In collco. !' months advanced.A 30 ncro Collco leasoliold pro-

perty. 4 acres aro planted with 1

year old collco trees ami 18 acreswith 2 year old trees. Tho ownorwill clear and plant 2 acres addi-tional free of chargo for tho pur-chaser.

2S0 acres of unimproved collco land Justluck of tho Volcano Ilo.ul. 30 footroad leading to tho laud.

Collco Plantation of 54 acres only 0miles from HIIo. 20 acros plantedIn collco. A Iiduso and improve-ments on property.

200 acros foo slmplo. 50 acros undercultivation. 30,000 bearing trcos.Hood resldunco, stablo and laborersquarters.

255 acres; fee hiniplo. 30 acres culti-vated.

KONA LANDS.12 acros in Holualoa. 12 acros In coll'oo

2 to 3 years old. Lalnirors houso,water tank, etc., on samo.

acres on new Govornniont road. AUplanted lu collco from 3 to 4 yearsold. IalMirors houso. Situated inKapalaal.iea, North Kona.

50 acics a portion cultivated. 2 storyframe dwelling.

3000 acros foo simplo. 1000 acros thobest of lands. 1)0 acros undo!cultivation. 5 laborors housosandstoro houso at lauding.


- P. O. BOX 40--

Finest Coffee Plantation on the Islands. 240 Acres in Fee Simple. 30,000

Trees in Bearing, present crop estimated at 20 tons. Pulping

Plant and Laborers Quarters. Never Failing Spring

of Water. One Mile from Landing.


Greenwich Fire Insurance Company


istds-- w




EMMETT HAY, Superintendent ol Agencies.



iIm lr




France Engaged in War With Natives

in China.

Manzanlllo Bombarded by Seven American

Ships Other War Items and Latest

General News.

A member of tho SpanishCubinot assorts that tho Govern-ment is Booking an honorablopoaco with tho United States.

El Itnpnrcinl quotes a memberof the Miuistry as doc-lurin- thatnegotiations for peace aro onlypossiblo so far as Cuba is concerncd. To domnntl moro wouldbe to say that Spain must commitsuicide.

Tho Austrian Government isotidenvoriug to oxort a pressuro onEngland to learn tho terms ofpeaco America will bo disposed todictato. Drummoud Wolf hasdrafted tern which in his opinionwould bo fair. Tho Ministers,uowovor, declared that tho termHworo such as Spain could notaccept.

Seven Amoricau warships hcavily bombarded Manzauillo onJuly 18. Throe steamers wereset on fire. Several gunboats thatissued out of tho harbor for

of the town wero strand-ed. Quns were landed from asteamer ami used in the defense.Tho gunboats Delgndo and Parejaworo burned. Blanco telegraphedcongratulations to the Maoznnillocommander and ordered him toresist to tho last.

In a conference with "Woylertho Queen Regent tried to dis-sua- do

the "hyena" from violentlyadopting the Carlist causo andtaking his military adherents withhim.

Tho London Chronicle says:"Spain's anxifty as to Gibraltar isquite groundless, hut if she insistson planting batteries to tL rontonour harbor and coaling station woshall bo obliged to stop nor."

Thoro waB great jubilation onthe American fleet when tho an-nouncement was made that theouomy had surrendered Santiago.Tho Signal Corps wigwagged theuewe to the shipi, and tho cheersthat followed could bo hoard formiles.

A movement has been started atPort Tampa, Florida, to presentAdmiral Corvera a homo on TampaBay in recognition of his humauoand cbivalric treatment of Hob-so- n

and his crow and a desiro tosave him from insult and possibledeath should ho return to Spain.

Lieutenant John J. Blandin,who was oflicer of the watch ontho battleship Maine at tho timoof tho explosion, died at an asylumin Baltimoro on July 1G as a resultof tho shock to his nervous systomho then suffurred. Lioutonautlilandiu wh aleo with the Ameri-can fleet at the time of tho Samoacatastrophe.

Admiral Camara's squadron andhis transports havo finally reach-ed Spanish Mediterranean portson their return from Port Said.

Eighty sailors were landedfrom the French cruiser Eclairourat Shanghai and began pullingdown the wall of on unused cemotery in tho French settlement. Alargo mob of natives attacked thopolice station. The French policeand marines fired twice on thomob. Twenty natives were killedand thirty wounded. Tho poacoful natives havo quitted tho Freuchsettlements, fearing incendiarism.Two hundred Italian sailors havolanded. Thus far everything ibquiet in tho English and Ameri-can settlements. Tho troublearoso over tho changing of the siteof a joes house by tho French. Itwas the repository of corpsespending their final burial. Theobject of the French was thedouble one of removing a nui-sance and improving a road. Itwas when the Chinese refused anoffer of money and a new site fortho joss houso that tho sailorswore lauded.

Advices received in St. Peters-burg report that on July 1 an in-

surrection occurred in Kansu, themost northwest province of China,arising from dissatisfaction withtho uew taxes.

SfUltlH Ileer.This over popular Kanier beor

is becoming a honsohold wordand "will you havo a gloss ofSeattle" is moro ofton heard thananything olso. The CiitorionSitluon havo tho beer on tap or inbottlos.

"Mn," said little Charlie, "AuntEva says that bloomers aro moiedecent than skirts." "W-ll- , de ir,perhaps they aro for cyclif-ts.-

'Then don't you thiulc, ma, thatangels might wear 'em; cbubo it'veiy windy in the sky?" Andagain tho inquiring mind gropedblindly and vainly.

Hon. O. 13. Hush, president oftho Gilmer County (W. Va)Court, says that ho has had throecases of Ilux in hiB family, duringtho past suramor, which ho curedin less than a week with Cham-berlain's Colic, Cholera andDiurrhcca Remedy. Mr. 13ub1i

also stato, that in anmo instancesthnro were twenty hemorrhaces aday. Glenville, W. Va. Pathfinder. This remedy has beenused in nine epidemics of iluxand ono of cholera, with perfectsuccess. It can always bo depend-ed upon for bowel complaint, ovonin its most bovero forms. Everyfamily should keep it at hand.Tho 25 and CO cent bottles for saleby lioneon, Smith Co., GeueralAgonts.

Elegant Silk Waists $2 75 atSachs.

If you want a uico Rubber tirohack with a careful driver ring upClub Stable Hack Stand Tel. 31'.),

and wo guaranteo you will bosatisfied.

Cotton Shirt Waists and trim-med hat at reduced prices for thisweek only at Sachs store.

Nicely furnished rooinB at thePopular House, 154 Fort street,from S1.00 per weok up.

Meohamos' Homo, corner Hoteland Ntiuanu streets, lodging byday, weok or month. Terms 'ifand 50 cents por nignt. $1, and

1 25 nor wtk.

lathe Circuit Court of the

First Circuit,



In tlio matter of thu IMnto of LoutsKif'iarils llosa, minor. Itoforo Judgo A.1'orry. Ordor to show causo on applica-tion of fliiiinlliui to soil Ward's Ileal

On renting nnd Mini; tho Petitionof Joseph llosu, tho (iuiirdlnn of LoutsItlchiuds Itosa, minor, praying for nilordor of s.ilo of certain real estato be-longing to his said ward, being an un-divided ono-thlr- d Ci) Interests In and to

of an aeroof land comprised in Koyal l'atontUflKI,Kulcana 900:), to Kahooiiiann, Klkihnlo,described as coniinonclnc: at tho SouthAnglo at fonco corner Joining land ofHoollllamnno and tho West Anglo ofOpumil'.s lot, tlienee running North 75 sKast Magnetic ll.'l.-l- l feet; thonco North22 M West Magnetic B0.5 foot alongdivision lino; tlioneo South r8 AVostMagnetic '25.1 feet; thonco South W

West Magnetic IS.'i feet; thonco South13 e IS Ribt Magnetic 'J0.7 feet to placoof beginning and mcanlngand includingall of said minor's Interest in and to tholand coin eyed in Mid ltoyal Patent '.llll.'l.

And setting forth certain lognl reasonswhy Mich real citato should ho sold,

That said minor has no other realor personal property; that tho abovo pro-ort- y

is unproductive; that his patentsaro unable to give him proper and need-ful .support and education; and that it Isnecessary for his support and educationthat said laud bo sold.

It Is heroby ordered, that tho next ofkin of tho said ward, and all persons In-

terested in tho said estato, appear boforothis Court on SATUItDAY, tho lllth dayof August, A. 1). 1898, at ton o'clock, A.M , at tho Court Kooin of this Court, inHonolulu, O.ihu, tlion and thoro to showcauso why an order should not bo grant-ed for tho s.ilo of such estato.

And It Is further ordered, that a copyof this ordor bo published at leasttwice ii week for thrco succcsslvo wcoksboforo tho said day of hearing, In theKvnMNfi Hru.KTiN, a daily eveningnewspaper published in Honolulu.

Dated Honolulu, O.ihu, II. I., .lulv 28,181)8.

A. PKKKY,First .Judge of the Circuit Court of tho

First Circuit. 07fi-:iw-

Dividend Notice.A dividend will bo duo and payablo

to tho stockholders of tho HAWAIIANSUGAR CO., at tho olllco of W. (5.

Irwin A Co., Ltd., on AUGl'ST 2, 18118.

Transfer books eloso July !10, I81IS.

W. L. HOVI'IIR,Secretary Hawaiian Sugar Co.



0or. Fort and Qneen Streets, Donolnlu,

A. R. ROWAT,Veterinary Burscon. 510 Fort Street.

TKLlCi'HONi: "85.

Orders left at Chili or PantheonStables will bo received and promptlyuttendcil. Diseases of dojjH a specialty. '

Pate Oe

Foie iresA delicacy sought after by conno-

isseurs In all parts of tho world; it

is rich and dollcato, and Is used at

bancpiots and forjlimclics at evon-In- g


To servo 1'ato do Kolodras Is to ho

ultra fashlonablo.

No houso in Honolulu carries any-

thing Hko tho variety In this lino

that wo do. Ourassortnientlsory

largo and complete.

PiM-em- s

aro olives stull'ed with plmlcntos,

n sweet Spanish l'cppor.

Kven tho brlno tastes good.

Thoy nro n rich morsel, delighting

tho palato and assisting digestion.

An ollvo fork freo with each bottle.

Lewis & Go.

Rememberthe Maine,

Gosh DarnYer !

Forty-fiv-e Stars andTwenty-thre- e Stripes

on Silkisjust whatyou wantatyourown price.



Merchant Street.


Luiu Yet Sing and Lum Lau Slicehavo this day sold all tholr Interest in"Ylck Sing Co.." of Hilo. Hawaii, to'Him Wal Kim, tho undersigned, andtho said llrm will not be rcsiKinsllilo forany dobts horoaftor contracted by thoinor either of thorn.

TAM WAI KIM.Honolulu Julv 23 181)8. 071 2w


Ohia, Algerola rid Pine Firewood

Oat and Split (ready tor the Stove).Also,



.U Lowest Prices, dollverod to any part olthe City.


HUSTAC15 & CO.,SI Queen Rirrwt

Pasture Stock.

AU kinds of Stock

taken for pasturage

within 2 miles from town,

Avhero they can ho

seen daily.

W3TA11 stocl fed twloo n ilny onsorgluini.

TUltMS-SL- GO nur week, or $3 permonth

J'.I1(I1IIU III KJlAJli P51 Aliljl'.nSutisfuctloii giianinteeil.

iJt.AUS 6P11&CKF.LS. Wm. (I. Inwin.


Sm Jiyaneisco AgcntiTnR Nevada Dank orBan Fhancisoo. ,L


flAN FuANOtaco Tho Nevada llank of BanFrancisco.

London The Union llank of London. Ltd.New Vore American Exchange National

Bank.CniOAOo Merchant National Bank.fAHls Comptolr National d'Escomnt do

Paris.BniiUN Drcsdner llank.Uonokono and Yokohama Hongkong

Bhauglial Banking Corporation.Saw Zealand and Austkam a Bank of New

Zealand.Victoiua and Vancooveh Bank of British

North America.

Transact a General Banting and Eicnange Business

Dcpolsts Received. Loans made on Ap- -roved Sccnrlty. Commercial and Travelers

B rcdlts Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand sold.

Collections 1'noMPTLT Accounted For,

Kutablishod 165S


Transact a General Bankinguid Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, uvailiblo in all tho principal citiesjf tho world.

Interest allowed after July1, 18!)8, on fixed deposits 3months 3 por cent., 0 months3i per cent., 12 months 1per cent.

Tje frohama- - Specie MLIMITED.

Subscribed Capital Ten 12,000,000Paid Dp Capital Yen 7,600,000Reserve Fund Yen 6,464,600


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, New York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Itombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a Generul Banking and Ex- -.'hange Business.

Ageney Yokohama Spotie Bank

Stwjepelillc BulMiBg. Ill Ring St,HonoInlo.

J. S. WALKER,General Agent ron Hawaiian Islands.

Koyal Insurance Company.Alliance Assurance Company, wAlliance Marine and General Assuranot

Company.oun liiie Assurance Company of GanadryWilbelma of Madgebnrg Insurance Corn- -

oany.Scottish Union and National Insurance


Room 12 Sprcckcls Block, Honolulu, II. I,

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager of

rhe Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands,

On tori Merchant street, Honolulu t

H- - IW $ co.,Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

615 & 517 Fort St., Honolulurelephonor 2a P.O. Box 470

& CO , Ltd


225 Queen street, Honolulu, ii, I, j


Near Honolulu.

Short Distance from tho Rail-

road Statiqns.

Magnificent facilities forObtaining Labor.

Long Term Leaseholds from 35 to 40yours can bo obtained in tracts of anynumber of acres desired, on tho moatfuvorable conditions.

Tho Hiiecinl attention Is called ofthose with small capital wishing toiro into this very proiltablo Industry.

For particulars, apply to

Saw, kanaiag & Co.,1


a. 4jftudkMr . Mt!. A. -- LJ.,

Page 3: IJHVf UP I Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9405/1/1898072901.pdf · dumping the load and freeing the mule. Ugly galls wore revealed


mfpwuim-- r jgy i'v,,.mmmimv wmjm--'- -

Your Grocerdoesn't want to sell you low-pri- ce baking powder.

It is your fault. You ask for it. There is nogood low-pri- ce baking powder; so he sells youbad. o7

Art Portraits

Chesnoy W. Kwlii)?, a leading por-

trait iKilutur of Sun Francisco, isnow In Honolulu and connected withour Htmllo. Ills work hero Is already

On Exhibition

nnd admired by all wlio see It.Water color and Crayon portraiture

""from llfesi7.o to miniatures. A spe-

cialty is made of painting ou Ivoryand porcelain. Got your

Sweetheart's Picture

on your watch dial, or that of anyloved one. Photographing by thelatest science, with special regard toposing and grouping, still makesours tlio

Best Place.

At tho old stand in Fort street.


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakea & Halekauwila Sts.

tins a laiRO assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods


' Constantly on hand.

SoUmatea given for houso wir-

ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiriug a speoialty.



Yee Sing TieLargeWicketChairsof theLatest

E?JH Styles..AND..

FurnitureOf all kindd.

Fort Street, opp. Club Stables

Ivory Ware"Lacquer WareSilver WareCrockery Ware

Wing WoTai & Co.

214 Nuuanu Street.

To My Patrons and the Public.

Having rocovered from my re-

cent illnoss, lam apain preparedto do all kinds oE Tinsmith andPlumbing work as heretofore.Thanking you for past favors, 1

respectfully solicit a continuanoeof tho eamo.

JAS, NOTT, Jr.g- - Tel. 844.


Bpok and Job PrinterMorckant Street, Honolulu, H.I.

Over Hawaiian NewsGompftny'BBook Store. nv Mi

Mite Steamship (Jo's


O. h, WIGHT, Pres. S. B. ROSE, Sec.Oapt. J. A. KING, 1'ortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., tonahingatLahninni Maalaoa lJay and Mukena thesame day; Mahnkona, Kavralhaeand Lanpahoohoe tho following day, arriving nlllilo the same ovoning.


Friday July I Tuosday Juno 28Tiioxilny July 12 Friday July 8Friday Inly 22 Tuosday July 10

Tuesday.. ..Aug. 2 Friday Aug. 0Friday Aug. 12 TuesuayAug. H)Tuesday ..Aug. 23 Friday....Aug. 30

Friday Sept. 2 Tuesday. ...Sept. 0

Returning, will leave Hilo at 1 o'clockr. m., tonchiug at Lunpnhoohoo, Malia-kon- a

and Eawaihae same day; Makena,Maalaea hay and Lahaina the followingday; arriving at Honolnln the afternoonof iuosday and Fridays.

Will call at I'ohoiki, Pnna.gFKo Freight will be reocived alto

0 a. m. on day of sailing.


Will laavo Uonoluin Tuesday at 6 p.m.)touching at Knlralai, Hana, IlamoaandKipahnln, Maui, itetnrning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call at Nan, Kaupo, on seoond tripof oaoh month.

0No Freight will be received aftei4 r. m. oi day of sailing.

This 0 impany will reserves the right ttmake changes in the time of departure andarrival of Its Bteamors without notico andit will not bo responsible for any conse-quences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landings torocelvo their Freight; this Company willnot holditBelf responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsiblt

for Money or Valuables of passengerunless placed in the care of Parson.

Packages containing personal olfocts,wliotlior shipped as bapgngo or freight,if tho coutonts tlioroof oxcooil $100.00 invalue, must luivo tho valuo tlioroofplainly stated nnd markoil, and thoCompany will not hold Itsolf liablo forany loss or dninago in oxcoss of thissum oxcopt tho goods bo shtppod undora spocinl contract.

All omployoos of tlio Company aroforbiddon to rocolvo freight without de-

livering a Hliipplng recoipt tliorofor intho form proscribed by the Companyand which may bo soon by shlpporsupon application to tlio pursors of thoCompany's Stoamors.

Shlppors aro notillod that it frolght Isshtppod without such rocoipt, it will bosololy nt tho risk of tlio shipper.

rassengers are roqnesiea 10 pnronasctiokets before embarking. Those failing todo so will be snbjeot to an additionalcharge of twenty-liv-e per cent.

SB 0 ft a 0

? ao gongBw iICh! Ox Ka f V.- -B

$ca SSagtrg,!!.

I- - "J" Si" o M

5 oo-fto-.

g.tna5 E" BS o

jrJCS an2ol"E.S-- Jon. '6.


5 c i

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British Distrust of the Kaiser's Plans

In the Philippines.

Alleged to Be Seeking Russia's Favor

Scheming (o Secure One or (be Islands

for a Naval Station.

New York, July 10. - A cable tothe Sun from Loudon Buys: Nowthat Sautingo has Anally surrend-ered, European attention is cent-

ered chiefly on Germany's attitudein tho Philippines. It is not unna-tural that English suspicion ofGorman designs is quite as strongas Amorican distrust. It is gener-al belief hero that in the abaencoof any Gorman disavowal, afterDewey's official roport on thoIrene iucident, tho designs of theBerlin Government aro not disin-terested, and almoBt certainly aroin tho dirootiou of uggraudizo- -

moot. Certain diplomats ovon as-

sert that they have positive kuowledge of Gormany's determinationto obtain ono island in the Philippine group. Others affirm thatGermany'u polioy is designed tosccuro tho good will of tho Czar,with tho understanding that Rus-sia will consent to certain compen-sation elsewhere if Emperor Wil-

liam succoeds in tnaintaiuiuu quo-ant- e

in tho Pilippinos.Meau time, as far as tho official

relations go, thoro is no doubt thatGormnuy is endeavoring to main-tain an attitudo of technical cor-

rectness. Embnasiulor White apparontly retains helief in Goimungood faith. Tho Berlin correspon-dent of tho Sun tolegraphs thisafternoon that Whito today authorized him to quote him as fol-

lows: "Thoro is no real cause fordiequietmio over Germany's

the war tho Gor-man Government has been asfriendly an is consietont with neutrality toward both belligerents.The Irene story, so far as knownhere, is an invention or grosslyexaggerated. Tho presence of Gor-man vessels at Manila need nothave created bad feeling, in viewof tho uncertainty as to what turnthe insurrrection might tako.

"Thoro is nothing unfriendly inordering ships to stop at Manilaon tho way homo. Now that mat-ters are assuming an nspoct wluohrelieves Gormany of tho fear thather people will be endangered, horvessels have been ordered away. Iam convinced that their prcsoncentvor meant designs unfrioudly toAmorica, or anything boyoud pro-tective ordinary Gorman interestsfrom tho insurcents. I am furtherconvinced that as tho character oftho war is being hotter understood,uurman ieoiing is growing morufriendly daily."

What over may bo eaid of theGorman attitude toward the Unit-ed States politically, there aroqui pio indications of a rapid dovelopmout of German commorcilrivalry into u condition whichthreatens speedy culmination in atariff war.

Berlin, July 18. Tho recentspeech of United States Embassador Whito is gradually having aerood effect. Tho tono of tho Gorman prees, with tho excoption oftho rabid ns, hasdistinctly changed. Many of thonewspapers which havo hithertobeen unfriendly aro now just thoopposite.

Mr. White's Fourth of Julyoration hue also strengthened hisposition hore. It is understoodthat tho withdrawal of somo of theGerman war ships from Manilawas duo to his pointing out thattho fcoliug of the Amoricaus atsuch a formidahlo array of Ger-mu- u

ships in tho harbor was oneof suspicion ub to tho intention ofGormany.

An official of tho Foreign Offico,pxplniuine tho attitudo of thoGorman Govornmont, said: "Thepresenco thoro of our war shipswaB solely duo lo our desire toprotect German interests in thePhilippine islands, which aro toolurge lor ono or two ships to protact in tho event of things goingwroug, as tho presenco of thoships at various points at tho bbidotime might be necessary.

"When they lirst appeared Ad-

miral Dowoy was unable to land oforce sufficiently strong to protecttho foreigners from tho semi-sava- go

hordes of insurgents, whowere ulso a aourco of danger to thoGnrmatiB. In view of the repeat-ed BBBurauco of neutrality on thopart of Germany aud the friendly

sentiments oxi'stine between thetwo countries, the American sus-picions are unfounded."

Tho nowspnpors are discussingthe quotation of the futuioofSa-rao- n

and the Cnrolino islands.The Schleeisoho Zitunc recallsPresident McKiuley'a aunouuee-inpu- t

that the United. Stutos is notwilling to givo up its rights inSamoa.

When Vou Are Tirol.Without oxlra exertion, dull and

listless, your blood is failing tosupply to your muscles and othororgans tho vitalizing and strengthgiving properties they require.Hood's Sarsaparilla cures thattired fooling by ouiiuhing andpurifying tho blood. It will givoyou energy and vigor.

Hood's Pills aro oaBy to tako,easy to operate. Cure indigestion,biliousness. 25c.


Fort St.


There are 8 Good Residence

Lots on the Waikiki side of

Fort Street, for sale, about 70

feet above the east corner of

Fort andVineyard Streets.

The lots are leveled and

ready to be built on at once.

The location is in a quiet

and respectable neighborhood.

The prices are cheap and


The terms are very easy.

For further particulars apply


W. C. AGHI & CO,

Real Estate Brokers,

July 21.189S. 009-t- f


Mercantile Agency210 Kiug street.

Difficult Collections a Specialt)


LAWYER.Corner ot King ami Uelhcl Streets,

Second Floor.


A.ttornoy at Law andNotary .Public.

Kaabumanu Street.


A.RCHITBOT223 Merchant St,, Honolulu,

Between Fort and Alakea,

Tklephonk : ; : 784


DENTISTS.Kevr Love's llnllding, Fart Btreeti


ftSt -- fraWJPip WSmmBBfWBSmSSm

The Remington Typewriter




tJrS This is tho Highestabovo a Gold Modal.


Tho Fino SteamersLoavo This Port as Hereunder.

Prom SanMARIPOSA August 17

MOANA September 14 .

ALAMEDA October It!

in connection witu mo sailing

by anyand from



H. HACKFELD & CO. LtdDealers.

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Passenger


aro preparoa to ibbuo, to intonaing-i

tickets railroad from i anUnited Statos, NowEnropoan ports.




of Honor

Award, ranking

of ThiB Arrive at anrf

For San Francisco:August

.VI.AMKDA Huptombcr


mo auovo tuopassongors coupon through

Francisco, all pointsby any lino to all


WAf E!

Let's Have the 'Best.

For particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,Gonoral Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.


A NATURAL MEDICAL SPRING- - WATERfor Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diseases of tho Kidneyand Bladder, Skin Eruptions, Etc., Etc.

Benson, Smith & Co.,Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.

Since We Must Eat

Just Opened XJpUnvoice of

Sch iiLLiijJq's


Lino Will


York steamship


Besj TesJapan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon Also

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Qlve tboin u trial. Mousy b,tok it yon don't liko theu,' Also, just received

Choice Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Bacon, Hams, Crackora and Cakes,

Mild CheeBe, SmokedChoice Humboldt Potatoes, Eto

Ghas. fetace,'212 next to tho Arlington.

fKLKl'lIONK 03--




or steamers,

to in






Beef,Etc., Etc.,

Ktnj; Htroot,


--P. O. BOX 1M


Groceries, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Eeoebed by Every Packet bom the Eastern Btatoa and Europe

FRESH CALIFORNIA PEODUOK BY EVERY BTEAMEAU Ordera (aithrally attendod to and Qooda Delivered to any

i'art o( the Oity FUEEt

Gonornl Agents for tho Sanitnriuni IS rami o Health FoodsUlaxb Oasnu Bouoiixd, SAnaiAonoa QuAjuantl












t lljP

Page 4: IJHVf UP I Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9405/1/1898072901.pdf · dumping the load and freeing the mule. Ugly galls wore revealed




MrTIV"" v?9"tf' 'WiWmtlWiWF '


Evening Bulletin,PdMlsheJ Eery Diy, except SunJiy. at aio Klnj

Mnel Honolulu, II I b the


W. R rAUKlNOTON Editor


DR C. A PETLKSON .Umlnes MiiMRtr

.siilix-rlplioi- i ltnli"tPer montli, an whore In Hawaiian Inlands S 75

Per ear. " " 8 oo

l'rcar, postpaid to America Ctnadi nr.telcu m oo

P.rear, postpaid other foreign vounttlw tj oo

aPayablc Invariably In advi.ice

TrlpplioiiiwiBusiness Office URII. I Jltorlal Rooms, 1M.

PostoPue Box jo4.

FRIDAY, JULY 2D, 18i)8.

No doubt our locnl pooplo willxojpnnd liherulU to tin Rod Crosc.ill from tbo lVniisylvnuin.

Minidler llntch drops bnck intoprivnto life in thp quii't, coiutnonBPiHf luniui'l, t lin t lim alwayschtrnctoriwd liib fiction.

Mon who criticised MinisterShimiiinurn art? now willing to ml

mit that bo is u vory capable, dip-

lomat, and a woitL'y reprusoutatiieof tbo new Japan.

Yos, Minister Damon wouldmake a good governor, but as first

goiornor be wt nld face many ofthe Haino dillioultioH that Prcsident Dole's candidacy presonU.

Whoover the ollict-r- s of the new-Electri-c

Company may be, thelargo subscribers to stock aro menwho can bo depended upon to giveHonolulu as good service ns ibpossible to have.

Department officials under thoroptibliu and tho hack drivers arewondering how long thoy willhold their positions. It's rapidAmerican traubit tht cmibcs thequory in both instances.

News from Washington that de-

partment ollicials here will not bedisturbed until fixed laws aremndo for this territory ought torrrnko local office holders rest oneyfor a year r bo.

We sincenly hope that tho nntive population will not stir upwatrinprj factions among them-selves which the Wilox letterseems to indicate. Unity is theword now, gentlemon, and duerospect should be paid each andevery citizen.

It still remains to bo provedthat Qormany's diplomatic onmityis not purely tho niauufacturo ofnowspapar correspondents. Ofcourso diplomats can smilo andemilo and still be villiaus, but U.S. Ambassador White's statementought to bo sufficient, for tho timeboiug, to allay all faarrf of trouble.

Now that Hawaii has contributed 875,000 to Japan, doubtlessit will not be expected to followthe example of many states andappropriate fuuds for tho equipmont of local troops for tho war.Now York appropriated a milliondollars and other h tutus showedtho same spiiit according to thoirwealth.


nil) oh rm:i: iimuiii

Where Hawaii will stand inthin question of American disputewill be watched with considerableinter st. In days gone by thepeople havo been freo tradeis.Tho practical and theoretical edu-

cation has been along these linesOn the practical sido mom moneywas to bo mado by tho freo ad-

mission of our principal productto the United States, and the costof living was somewhat reducedby tho low tariff rate which al-

lowed considerable importationsfrom Enropo and the Oriout.From tho theoretical sido, Wohave peon an increased lucichdutmarine, increased mercantile busi-

ness nud increased Americancapital employed in consequenceof freo trado relations with thoUnited Stales.

Now that this is Americanterritory what will be the positionof our business men? As regardssugar, they are now in tho samoboat with tho Louisiana plantersand tho boot sugar nion. Sugarwill probably shape publicopinion in Hawaii juBt as manu-

factories hold sway in tho East.Ton chances to ouo Hawaii willconstitute a strong protectioncorner of tho United States. Yettho freo traders will throw thosumo argumonts in our toeth thatHawaii has been preaching to thoUnited States for the past fivo

years: Greater freedom of tradehas put more American ships onthe Pacific than sail on any otherocean; it has brought moro tradoto California; it has furnishedemployment for many Americans.Reciprocity with Hawaii hasproved all this. "Now, why notcontinue the good work? Reducetho tariff on manufactures nulsugar as well. Such a courso willput moro Americans ships on thewater, bring mercantile trado toAmerican ports nud furnish em-

ployment for many Americansand fulfill tho destiny of our glori-

ous couutry."According to present nppear-ancr- s,

however, it is businesspolicy for the people of Hawaiianterritory to advocate protection tothe American sugar industry andthe pocket book cuts a largofiguro iu shaping publio opinion.

Although Undo Sam may nothavo sufficient small change in hisstrong box to meet war bills, thosubscriptions to tho war loan indicate that his children arewealthy aud willing to back himfor any sum dosirod.


Itullau Squadron on llnnil to Kuftirco aviuim.

The State Department at Wash-ington has been informed that tboltnliau squadron under AdmiralCandiani has reached Columbianwaters preparatory to making ademand on tho Republic of Co-lumbia for the immediate paymentof S'250,0(,0 awauled by PresidentCleyoland to Ernesto Cerruti, anItalian citizen.

From Homo comes this dis-patch: Admiral Candisni, it isasserted, bus boen instructed toawait the assembling of tho Co-lombian Congress at Bogota onJuly 20th and the election of unew President of Colombia beforetaking any definite action withregard to enfoicing tho Corruticlaim.

jtffct L

w W "W'VflfWw jtrwrf 'tr-'fvvm-m tw fwwwi F'w t"t



Mr. Rosenthal Was With Clara Barton

In Greece.

Going Through to Manila Ills Stores on the

Pennsylvania Broken Into Opportu-

nity for Local Assistance.

Eugeno Rosenthal, who goesthrough to Manila as a represent-ative of tho Red-Cros- s Society, hasseen no small amount of servico inRed Cross work. Mr. Rosenthalwas with Clara Barton throughouttho recent war botweon Turkeyand Greece.

' I saw tome of tho grealostbattles of my lifo in that cam-paign," said ho to a roporter yes-terday. " Part of tho timo I waswith tho Turkish army and .lotorwith the Greeks. I am particularlarly ploat-e- toboassigued todutyiu this campaign because, I amgiven an opportunity to assist myown countryman."

When tho war broko out, Mr.Rosenthal was in Now York city.Ho was ordered to San Franciscoby Clara Baiton and hns been as-

sociated with tho California branchof tho Rod Cross ovor since. Hoexpressed himself as highly pleased that tho Honolulu people hadbeen so active iu tho lied Crosswork and gave the opinion: "I'mafraid tho war is not as nearlyover as many hope. Wo on thisond will have work to do as ap-pearances aro now that tho insurg-ents about Manila will havo to bodenlt with."

As stated in yesterday's paper,tho lied CroeB stores on the Penn-sylvania need replenishing, andMr. Rosenthal is hoping the goodpeople of this city will res-pond to his call for delica-cies. In tho general rush forfood, after tho Pennsylvania gottosea, the btowards took tho firstthing they camo to aud in manycases broko into and used stores

f tho Red Cross Society thatwere intended to bo dealt out tradually during tho trip. "I hadn'tthe heart to stop them," said Mr.Rosenthal. "Tho boys were hun-gry, and tho cooking arrange-ments for tho first fow days notwhat they might havo been. Ourstores havo not been wasted, buttnoy havo been depleted by un-usual circumstances aud 1 hopeyour good peoplo will do whatthey can towards making up thodeficiency."


o i Ocean

The Philadelphia will be here In afew days with tho Commissioners onboard to

Hoist Old Glory I

This should henceforth hu OUHmotto :


Get roadyfor tho historical event 1

The Golden Rule Bazaar

has everything In the way of decora-tive materials! Prices right!

316 Fort Street,





1 Part of Premises Coming Down ! 1





fr Such a Slaughtering ofPrices Never 1

We shall make an efTott to clear out the wholeof our DRESS GOODS on

Saturday and Monday,AND SHALL OFFER:

40c French Organdies for 1 c per yard

20c French Auslins for 10c1 5c Scotch Dimities for 10c

English Lawns, 14 yards for $1.00Printed Lawns Dimities at $c

Store Closed Friday ; will Reopen 2Morning. Goods bought during sale will 2not be exchanged. Terms strictly Cash. 2

W, VuJf SA



Fruit Seasonis

Now On !

And all the time, in these Is-

lands. ftSrFor the next thirtydays we will sell Aason's Pat-

ent Self-Seali-ng Glass FruitJars, with porcelain-line- d tops,

at the following prices:

Ouo pint size 75c per doOno quart hIzo $1 por do.Two quart size $1.50 por doz

Less 5 per cent, for cash.

See the display in our bigwindow.

Lay in your supply.

W. W. Dmiond & Co..LIMITED.

The People's Store,


Happened Before ! 5


on Saturday


DEWEYDid tho Spaniards, and noUlldoyoiiC100I)

on our lino of Children'shuit), for tlio youngstor'sHummer frolic.Tint you :iro a littlo Into

doesn't alleet tlio eomplotonohsof the ollorlngs hore for your pick-ing. l!o sure you uro right,whether for tlio tlireo-year-o-

or tho youth of nineteen,an.l tlio prico no morofor thoir gooilnoss.

Startling "ads"of "cxvuptluu.il bargains"often eatoli tho unwary.An honest bargain needsno fanciful word dressings,That's our stylo of doing buninc-a- .

"The Kash,"9 Hotel Street : WaycrleyBloci

Agents for Dr. Delmel's Linen-Mes- hUnderwear. Send for Catalogue

We Make Shirts to Order.

William A. Henshall,A-ttorn-

ey at Law113 Kaahumnnn Street. Tele. 663.








Something new and neat.A Handsome Souvenir.Be sure and get one before

they are all gone.


For salo only by

WALL, NICHOLS CO.WThe trade supplied at wholesale rates, Coun- -

try orders will receive prompt attention.


iMammotli Clearing Out Sale of Our Entire Stock of DRY GOODS !

JIcii'h Socks, 2 pairs for 25 cents. Men's Socks, 3 pairs for 25 cents. Ladies' Hose, bal b'r'g'n, 2 pairs for 25 coats. Ladies' Hoso, bill b'r'g'n, 2 pairs for 30 conts. Safety'l1?,',. AV H',Z-'-

S' ,,Il"bleit? for 1() conU- - AU fil,adcs of Omiibrio Lining 5 yards for 25 cents. Gents' Neckties, 5 and 10 cents each. Ladies' Corsets, 25 conts each.JJotl licking, 10 ami yanln, $1. White, Blue and Red Flannel, 5 yards for $1. Quilts, 1.25, $1.50, $2 and $2.50 each. Merino Dress Goods, 8 yards for 1. Turkish Towel-ing, ( yards lor .L. lca J owoling, wide, 0 yards for $1. Ladies' Umbrellas, good quality, $1 each. Dress Shield, 10 conts por pair. Hair Pins, 10 conts por box. Embroideryat uulioard-o- l prices. Notions of all kinds at prices not to bo equalled in Honolulu. Gall in and ask for prices, as wo aro retiring from tho dry goods business. This chancel williDtcomoag.uu. lo-da- y W3 placo Siks and Satins on the counter at 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c per yard. YOU BENEFIT BY THIS SALE



Page 5: IJHVf UP I Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9405/1/1898072901.pdf · dumping the load and freeing the mule. Ugly galls wore revealed

" lflJlfflH('T ' TWWJT" & nr.r'rf" f, nm ri'mmi"?-- ! iwi'f j"p " "

THE EVENING BULLETIN: HONOLULU, H. I., JULY 29, 1898.n'wiitnniii imiiriiii i i iiwim'''wji..u'ih mrj


A party of Ililo bcIiooI tenchorsHpout tho day ni the Pali yestorday.

llov. F. W. Damon and family- loft for Knucoho this morning lo

npond a month.A congonial party of oloveu trn

volors loft far San Francisco intbo It. P. ItitDot yesterday.

Tho right to Bhoot garao on tholands of tho Star Dairy has beonleased to a hni of eportamon.

Twouty volunteers and regularsdied at Camp Morritt, Snn Fran-cisco, from its start until July 17.

Dr. J. H. ltuyraond is goingaronnd tin on a throoweek's vacation attor a year's hardwork.

The Epworth Leaguo socialtook place on tho grounds of thoparsonage, Beretania street, lastevening.

Tho closing exercises of theSummer school will tulto place attho uhufiI pltici' this ovouiug. Col.Parkor will speak.

Co. Q entertained quite a num-ber of soldiors in headquartersWednondny night. Col. Fisher

. called in for a short time.Fred. B. Oat was much improv-

ed in health whon ho wroto bytho Pennsylvania, and was shortlygoing ton mountain ro9ort.

While tho troops wero marchingto tho transports in San Francisco,a gun on tho top of the Call building was tired at intervals.

There will bo a mooting of thopromoters of tho electric railwayin the Chamber of Commorco at7:30 o'clock this ovoning.

Jara ia tho subject of W. W.Diamond & Co.'s "ad" in anothercolumn. Tho fruit season is nowon. Lay in your supply of fruitjars now.

Tho boys on tho Peru und thoCity of Puebla are expecting payin o day or so. Lists aro beingmado out.

Tho roaidonco of C. O. Borgor,Buretania and Puuahou streets, isoffered for rent. For particularsapply to F. W. Macfarlano.

Jas. F. Morgan was still in hos-

pital at San Francisco at latestadvices, improving but undor ne-

cessity of resting in tho course ofpecial treatment.

. Private Sprother on tho City of"""Puebla is not out of danger yot.

Ho spent a bad night. If possi-

ble, ho will bo removed to thoBed Cross hospital this afternoon.

Sixteen hundred dollars wasreceived by Co. A, First MontanaRegiment, two days before sailing,qb a company fund from the citi-

zens of Groat Falls, Mont., whorotho company was recruited.


A correspondent suggests thatas tho Japanese uoetlo season iscoming on, tho peoplo shouldcatch all tho booties thoy can andtake to the Commissioner of Agriculture.

There aro sixteen cases of sick-

ness aboard tho City of Puebla.Tun nf thpRfl nro measles. Thisafternoon, three men will bo senttho Red Cross and two to thoQuoon's hospital.

Among the doparturos on theMauna Loa this forenoon weretho following: Dr. A. MoWayne,Mrs. G. 0. Howott, 0. F. True,Hon. J. Kauhano, C. CaBtendyk,F. Buchholtz and W. H. Bailey.

Tim Cliinnnn of tho citv aroalroady becoming Americanized.Yesterday tho Chineso restaurantnear Nott'B plumbing house onKing street fed over twenty soldiors from tho transports withoutcharco.

A. L.O. Atkinson has mot twochums of Ann Arbor Universityamong tho visiting soldiers. Onois Mr. Arnspahr of tho MontanaVolunteers. The other is Mr.CorbuBior of tho 4th regular Cav-olr- y,

who was a student of Stan-

ford when he voluntered. Hisfather is a colonol in this war.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Happer weroamong tho through passengersfrom Japan for tho States. Mr.Happer is tho youngest and onlysurviving brother of Mrs. F. W.Damon, whoso father was n

famous missionary in Japan andlato in his lifo visited Honolulu.Mr. Happer represents tho Standard Oil Company in tho FarEast.





March and TribuneHTGTT-GllAD- E

BICYCLES.Wi: SIM,!, TlIi:M. lloforo buying u

wheel hco tliom nnd not our prices. Wo lmo n conipleto repairIn o( a cotnictont man. Mcyclo parts and supplies

of all kinds on hand. A fow second-han- d wheels, In flrt-clas- s condi-

tion, for salo cheap.

EAKIN & WHITMAN,Telephone 746. FORT ST.

grBgmSESPPEiJeg?m &g es m & & m & ss g u m

Pianos aM Organs

- Musical Instruments -A.jTjD.

SHEET MUSIC.Our store is a repository for everything in the

musical line. The largest, newest and best selected

stock for musicians to pick from in the Islands.

We are Agents for :




Pianos for Rent. Tuning, repairing and polishing doneby competent men.




& K W. K




In tho Matter of the Kstato of Aswan (k)

lato of Honolulu, O.ilni, deceasod.


of said docoahod having lxionprosontod to s.ild Court, togolhor with upetition for tho l'rouato thereof, and fortho iBsualico of Lottore Testamentary toHow Ting having been filed, notice Ik

hereby glvon that


A. I). I8'l8,nt 10 o'clock n. in., In thoJudiciary Iluildlng, Honolulu, is ap- -

Kilntod tho tlino and placo for provingsaid will and hoaring said iippllcatlou,whon and whoro any portion in tor eMc

may appearand show If any thoyliavo, why tho prayer of said petitionshould not bo granted.

Honolulu, July 2(1,1808.lly tho Court:

p. i). KELLirrr, .in.,000 clork

k H H R






Telephone 321.

Dayey Photographic Co., Ltd.

This Comiutnyis fully proparcd to takoInstantaneous I'ortmlt at their studio.All work dono by first-clas- s workmen,and nothing but filgh-clas- s work oxocut-ei- l.

Portraits aftor Itombrandt and Ilar-toU7-

Mo770-tlnt- Solo proprietors ofthe llas-Itoli- and Iridium procossos.

Mr. D.ivoy gives porsotml attoutlon loall sittings, and does not wish his pa-trons to tako photographs that aro notentlroly satisfactory. Wo aro preparedto make groups at resiliences, llashllghtor daylight. Copying and enlargingsocially attended to. Llfo-slz- o portraitsmado in oil on Porcolalu finished InWater Color, Sepia or Cniyon. Wo havotho largost und most artbtlc collection ofIsland Vlows. Samplos of our new workknown as Llfo-SIz- o Purls Enamels, tholatest procoss in photography, can Ik)soon at our studio. Amateur printingand developing done with neatness anddlsnateh.





As boing n good Interest on nil In-

vestment. You aro iilto right inbelieving so. Now Jnt think n it

nnd consider tho nd Nubilityof ronewlng your old Hair, Tooth,Nail or l'lusii Jlnisii, oeroro tno in-

crease of price takes place, nnd save15 por cent.

FINESTWo hao anticipated tho chango

which annexation would bring alKintIn prices, and In iimscqiiuiieo wehavo imported a largo and completelino of lino HrNtlo IJrushes fromDupout, tho leading maker of France.

EVERWo now prnposo to gio our cus-

tomers tho bonollt of our purchasingat low figures, and will continue tosoli nil brushes at tho 15 ior cent, re-


IMPORTEDAll English, French and Oorman

goods must incrcaso in piico. Availyoursolf of this opportunity.Tooth Drushcs from Hie to 00cNail " Mo to $l.iHair " Mo tof.1.50Flesh " We to $1.00

Our Goods are the Fin-

est Manufactured.

Hollister Drug Co.

OurOwing to Hie large trade we haw had the past week

we havo not been able to arrange for the

Special Ribbon and Lace Sale

Hut on MONDAY, July 23th, a part of tho Ribbon Stoekwill be offered at prices consistent to those asked for ourDrv Goods Stock.


TO ISVESTOItH. This stock Is offered for snlo In tho lump,with Its largo paying and jiormnnoiit patronage, good will, etc. For par-

ticulars call or nddrcss M. U. SILVA, Tomplo of Fashion, Honolulu, II. I.


Annexation lias alroadyhad tho effect of lowering theprices at tho

Palama Grocery Co.

You can save quite a fewdollars monthly by dealingwith us.

The cars stop right at our door.

Palama Grocery Go.

Opposite Itailwuy Depot, KlngKt.

The ve Plan isproving a genuine success tothe general public as well assubscribers.



Oillce: 208 Merchant street, Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Cnrters oillce.P. O. Box 101.



Honolulu . .


Walalua .

Watanac .Ewa Mill

...Honolulu . .

8 I8inC H


7 : io8 :o?8:9:

6 : $o

Dcnison, Snporlntciidpnt.

E. W. JORDANNo. IO Fort Street.

RugsA largo assortment of

Center Rugs, Art Squares, ltovorsiblcs,Hugs, JTanoy and Fibre DoorjMats,and Carpets, Hassocks,

.Tapaneso Rugs and Straw Mats,lloor Linoleum, Cloth,

Linoleum and Mats.

Bed Spreads.Msircolla, Toilet and Honeycomb,

Doublo Rod, Thrco-quart- or undSinglo),Cheapest to

TA1SLB BAMASK AND NAPKINS,A splendid Assortment in all?qualitics,widths

TowelsTurkish in Linon and Cotton.

.Turkish Rlankets,

.Damask and Huckaback,

.fringed and hemstitched.All especially good valuo.





.A clioico in Nottingham Lace.

.Also Oreton by the yard.

.Worth inspection.

O. & L. Co.







O01110 early choice

E. W. JORDAN'S.Fort Street.







9 'J10 :o8io: ji13 . OO

A. M.

6 r7 : 13

8 :o78 40





p. .


4S415: )8

: cjI

yU. Ijl



3iJ54. JJ4 53



M4JF. C. Smith, Gon'l rass. A Ticket

Agent.G. 1.

SofaHall Stair etc.

OilHall Rath


and sizes.

E and got first atj








5. i

6: k


IJJ4I1 : m

1Dividend Notice.Notice.

A illvliloiid will 1)0 duo and payableto stockholders of Hurt Co., Ltd., on

Persons wislitngUto obtain board atWednesday, July 27, at tho company'sMakawas, Maul, can Imj accommodated

olllco. J. '. CliAY,Socrotary. ut MRS. II. II. HAILEY'S. 4

07!!-- 3t Tonus, $10 por week. OSS-U-

Honolulu, July 26, 1M)S.


Page 6: IJHVf UP I Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9405/1/1898072901.pdf · dumping the load and freeing the mule. Ugly galls wore revealed

f ... THEI M , .- - - mimyivMJr.irJitiiTr

nm n


G. J. WALtKB - - Manaqeu.



Naw Contractors.

Refrigerated PoultryAND

Fresh Salmon


Mefoopolita fle&fe do.

Telephone 45.


No. Queen Street.

Expert Apprnisomont of RealEstate and Furniture.



n If f I I

(Mice and Infirmary, - 863 King St.


" XST Modorn and'Humano Treatment.

Mules For Sale.

A choice lot of MNxouriMulca

Jiast A.rrivciNow for sik at low tenm. En

quire of

G. HOHUMAX,90o-- tf Club Stables.

HOP WO COMPANY.Kliu Stroct, Palace Square

Merchant Tailor.Crush Duck and Linen Suits mado to

order. Kino assortment of now and liito-- t

designs just arrived. Perfect Kit Uuar-armteo- il.

Lowest Prlens.

Consolidated Ma Water Co., Ill

13h plana. le,Corner Allen & Fort St., Honolulu

HOLL1STER & CO.,Agents.

Bargains in teal Estate


Sea View,


Prospect Street,



Hie St., near ffaiffii Road

Gear, Lansing & Co.

SIO s Street.



Gents . .

FurnishingsTho ontlro stock w 111 ho sold regardless

of cost to close tlioin out IIKKORK RE-



No. 11 Hotel Street.

We Have It!





The Did Government

Bottled Under Supervision


U.S. Government


W. C. PEACOCK & CO.Limited,

Solo Agonta.

Tel. 4G. Merchant Street.

rjf-z:- t

D.uidriiir will not cure Itself. Toho froo of It you must treat yourhair and wit hsomo romedy

Our Dandruff Killerprepared and sold only by us Ik

Warranted to Cure !

Pacheco & Fernandes,Arlington Block, Hotel Stroot.

The Glub StablesXjimited.

0. Bhlijna, : Manager.FORT STREET,

Tolnplione 477Livery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

Wo aio especially oqulppod to cator toyour tnulo. Kalr dealing and good sor-vlc- o

Ih wliat wo depend upon to got it.Wo have for wile Kainily Carriage and

Driving IIornoH, singlo or double teams.They nro in Rood condition and will hosold on favorable terms.

Dr. Itowat is always In attendance attho Htablos.

Ciub Stables Hackstand

Cor. Union A Ilotol Sts.(Old Hull Tower).



or Double Teams at a momout's notice.Unci: Nos. 125, 183, 100, 70, 77.


The Evening Bulletin, 76 els. permonth.

Myi "MUtll't, JW YflWW (w


Hfi. nmm3mganH0rvmwvMMUXJKLMMmttawrwsM:imMrMr9'tM'fKVsrfrmm


Robert Wilcox Writes to Celso Caesar


Says Hawaiian; Will Make Fight for Crown

Lands Want Governor from


Tho Wnnhiugton (D. 0.) Postof rccont date contains tho following:

Mr. CoIho Cacsor Moreno, ofthis city, una recurved .tho follow-

ing from It. V. "Wilcox, who tookn promiupnt part in tho revolu-

tions in Hiiwaii a few years ngo,and who ropiesents, in his viows,tho native population of tho islnuds recently annosod by thoUnited Statoa:

Honolulu, Juno 23.

Cariaeimo Moreno: I receivedTho Post which you nout andhavoBreu the compared genealogies ofQueen .hmraa and tho on

Liliuoknlnui reproduced from thoHawaiian Stur. The n

has written loiters horo of hor in-

tention of coming homo nextmonth. But tho ffnwniians havono morn lovn for lier sinco showrto against Queen Emma andthe Kamohamehns, so hor returnwould be like that of any ordinaryperson.

The poor Hawniiaus look uponthe pafising of the annexationti only in tho Coucrcss as a blowon them, ns woll ns on tho inde-pendence of their country. It isu fact, it would do away with theoligarchy which was forced uponthorn by the guns of tho UnitedStates cruiser Boston. Tho Ha-waiia- ns

do not bolievo that thoUnitedStates will do tho right thingfor them. Thoy havo an idoa theyarc going to bu treated as the In-dians are.

The personnels of tho oliaarchyare coufidont that most of thornwould bo kept in ollico and S. liDole will bo tho Governor. AlltiioBO rumors combined maketho Hawaiian suspicious oftho United States, and they arenil going to hold aloof until thoyseo that their new maHtor will dotho right thing by them.

Tho Dole oligarchy has persecuted mnny Hnwniinnsnnd is stillpersecuting without remorse.--Many Hawniiaus who own pro-perty have been declared uoncompos mentis, in spitn of thodoctor's certificates, and their property lias been placed in thobawls of tho supporters of theolicaichy. This oligaichy haslittle judges put in purposely topersecute Hnwaiians, and also lit-- tl

lawyerB to insult HawaiianIndies in thoso little coutts of per-secution.

I hopo by this time the Senatehas passed tho annexation resolu-tion to get )id of this infamousoligarchy. Notwithstanding mydesire that Hawaii ought to bo aniudopendout state, with limitedmonarohy as a form of govern-ment, liko that of Qrcat Britainand Italy, yet I only hope thnt thoUnited States would do tho rightthing with tho natives who nro inneed of protection.

Tho Kooua fnmily, tho snmo nsthnt of tho Knmohamehas, hasunited and has put up as theirhead the high chiefess, ElizabethKekanninu, ns successor to QueenEmma, while that of tho Kala-ka- ua

dynasty has decided on Princess Victoria Kaiulani instead oftho en Liliuokalani. Forthe claim of tho crown lands,which tho Dolo oligarchy hastaken by force and robbed of theincome during these last fiveyears, wo soon will make a movoin tho Congress and Senate to re-store these lands, vnluod at about85,000,000, to tho living representativfs of tho Keoua family.

The war makes tho UnitedStates annex Hawaii. I am thinking of coming to Washington tofight for tho crown lands in bohalfof the representatives of the Ko-oua house, who are the truo heirsto the Kainohamehas' estate,namely, tho crown lands. I havosent you tho pedigrees boforo; thoother documents I will get readyand sond to you if I do not come.

My warmest aloha with you.R. W. Wilcox.

P. S. When I Bay above theHigh Ohiofoss Elizabeth Kekunniau is successor of Queen Eiumn,I only moan that she is to takeQueen Emma's place as Queen intho hearts of the imtivo pooplo.

What is the United States goingto do with us? Is Hawaii to bo a

State, or merely a colony or pro-

vince? If McKiuley cannot finda llawaiiau to be the Qovoruor,bettor send out ouo from Wash-ington instead of appointing ourlocal rnon, who nro deadly projudiced to Hawaiians.

R. W. W.m m mt

"Our customers say you manu-facture three of tho best romedioson eoith," said tho mercantilofirm of Hans, Harris, Hrira & Mo-Lai- n,

of Dawson, Ga., in a recentlotter to tho Chamberlain Medi-cin- o

Co. This is the univorsalverdict. Chamborlain's Pain Palmis the finont preparation in theworld for rheumntism, neuraleia,lamo baok. quinsey, sore throat,cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, painsand swellings. A bottle of thislinimont in tho houso, will save agreat denl of sutroring. Buy it atBenson, omitti (Jo., drag storo. "

llncdveil Iter Alaiitrriit.Cherries, Rhubarb, Asparagus,

NavolsOrango.Colery, Cauliflowor,Fresh Sulmon, Crabs, FrozonOystora (tin and shell), Apples,Qrapos, Figs, Lemons, BurbaukPotatoes, Puro Olivo Oil, DryFiuit, Now Crop of Nuts, Raisins,etc., etc.


For n nice clean shavo or anartistic hair cutdrop in to tho EliteBarbnr Shop, King street, nearAlakoa.

Siugors lead tho world. Over13,000,000 raado nnd sold. High-est nwards at the World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellonoo ofconstruction, regularity of motion,easo of motion, great speed, ad-

justability, durability, easo oflearning and convonionco of ar-

rangement. B. Bergorsen, ngont,1GJ Bethel Rtreot.

J. E. Dnvis, stonogrnphor andtypewriter, with Humphreys &Clpnr. Tnlrmhrmn 7fi1

"Thorn Are Oilier Pelililn.."But do not for n moment think

thnt tho Anchor Saloon is justliko thorn. Liquid refreshments,to bo refreshing, requiro a certaindash of skill nnd experience in themixing. Cnrlylo and Andrewsmake a great success in this de-partment and staud ready to satis-fy patrons in tho matter of Seattlebeer on draught, ns woll as all thobeat brands ot whisky, viz: JohnDowar's Scotch, O. P. S., etc., nndfrom a full lino of other liquorsand wines cannot fnil to fill eventho most exacting and varieddemand. "

II SUM k 801





In consequence of

ANNEXATION!And will continue to soil tlio

same at closing-ou- t prices.

Woolen Goods, TailoringGoods, Flannels, etc.

U. l Sclimiilt & Sons,

King Street, Von Holt Block.


Chocolate Bonbons,Fresh Supply Just to Hand.



Sir. Krod. W. Macfarlane will act forme undor full power of attornoy duringmy absence from the Islands.

W. K. AI.LUN.July 'J5, lhOS. 072-l- m




M iWe have received Brush.

Double and Single Frame andSkeleton DOOR MATS.

Razors,Pruning and BuddingKnives,Pocket Knives,Farriers' Knives.

Open and Twisted' Link Trace Chains.

Winsor & Newton's Colors,Color Boxes,Artists! Canvas,!Academy Board,Palettes,Vouga's Studies.

Pacific Hardware Co,, lid,Fort Stroot.

Cor. Queen and Fort Sts.

Importers nnd Wholesale Dealers In

Hay, Grain, Feed, ....Flour, Meals, etc

Our Goods are Always Fresh.Island Orders Solicited.

'Phone 422.



One More Chance to Buy-Rea- l

Estate BeforePrices Go Out of Sight !

--Vnluahlo proporty on Kingstreet.

: 3 Now Cottagos just finished.: 1 lino llulldlng Lot, unim-


Kilo as a wholo, or Hlngly.

Apply at onco boforo tho proporty iswithdrawn from our hands.



DEJSTTIST.13-- H Progress Illoclc, corner Horotanln

and Fort Stroots, Honolulu.

Monuments and Headstones,

The itmlerslgnod Is proparod to doCKMKTEUY WORK OK ALL KINDS,and supply MONUMENTS and HEADSTONES of which ho has a groat variety of tho Latost and Most ArtisticDesigns, and will also supply Stono Cop-

ing separately for surrounding cotno-tor- y

lots.B6JT Estimatos given In Marble, Qra-nlt-

Hawaiian Stono, otc.900 tf KRED. HARRISON.


By lust steamer from the Coast.


Attay store, whero the


Is (lone repairing and new workboth. Pins, rings, bracelets, watch-making, etc.

H. G. B1ART, - 404i Fort St.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Aeaeta July, 1897, $118,768.25.

Money Loaned on Approved Security,A Savings Dank fur Monthly Deposits.Uousoa Ituilt on the Monthly Installment

Plan.Fifteenth Series ot Stook uow open.

For further particulars apply toA. V. GEAK. Soorotnry.

Chamber of Oommeree ltooni.Offlco hours, 12i30l;:or.l!. 373-t- f

Home Decorating!

Gold Paint:

Which Is a substitute for coldleaf, and will LAST.


For Imparting a hard nnd glassysurface to nny material.

Bath-tu- b Enamel:

For porcelain llnlsh on tubs,flower pots. etc. Not affectedby cold or hot water.

Varnish Stains:For furniture, baskets, etc.

tSSnrulldlrcctlonsforuse. Try them.

Lewers & Cooke.

John RToit,Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,STOVES, AGATEWARE.

DIMOND PLOCK.121 A: 123 King Street.



Mr. Julius Hoting,

icinsra- - street.House of



GKELOTJIISroSNearly an aero in area, taste-

fully laid out and woll plant-ed with ornamental and fruittrees.

Servants' Quarters, Car-

riage Houso and Stables.Apply to

Gear, Lansing & Co.,

210 iciisra- - st.W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealersu

REAL ESTATEEST We will liny or Bell Real Estato in

ill parts ot the gronp.t5T We will Boll Properties on Reason-bl- e


OFFICE. 10 West King Street


X. ECro-u.oo- , - XropPer Day 7.T7T. 8 2.00

Tue Best ot Attendance, the Ticnt HJtua.Hon and the Fiuchi jMci.I. iu ihio City


Page 7: IJHVf UP I Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9405/1/1898072901.pdf · dumping the load and freeing the mule. Ugly galls wore revealed

Ifrr -

W.G. Irwin &6o.Limited.

Agents forWestern Sngir Refinery Co. of San

FrancHco.Hnldwlu Locomotive Works of Phllii.

ilelphla, I'uun.. U 8 A.Nowoll UuWorsil Mill Co. (National

CanH8hrocldr),Npw York, U. 8. A.N.Ouuindt & Go's ChemicalAlox Cross & Sous, high grade fortil- -

izers for Gone nud Coffeo.Ueods rftoam J.'ipo Covering


Offer for SalePornfflno l'nlnt Co'g P & B Paints and

Papers; Lucol and Llnsrod nils, raiand boiled.

Indnrine, (a oold water paint) In whiteand colors.

iiltor rcess Ulotlis, uement, liime auaBrick.

iu4i4u4ib4hita-jbtfu)JtV.- ij4jMij




SURANCE Co. of Boston.

jEtna Fire Insurance Company

of hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(mmitbd).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President nnd MalingerClans Bpreokels, - -n. wr nitfw.i (inAmt nrtr una UrensnrerTheo. 0. Porter, - - Anditor

Sugtfii? FactorsAVD

Commission Agents.AOBNTS OF TnH




Qneen street, Honolulu, H.I.


sSmV Company, Walhee Sucar Company. MakKa.Company HaleakaU Ranch Company,

n?oala Rahch. Plantera' Line San KranclscoKketa ChM Brewer & Co.'a Line ol Botuuplcke Boston Board of Underwriter!.Agent, rblladelpbla Board of Underwriter!.

list or onriOKnai

P 0 Jones, President; George H Robertson,Manager; E F Bishop, TreaBnrcr and Sec-

retary Col. W F Allen, Auditor; OM Cooke,

H Waterhonse, A V Carter. Direotorn.

Building Lots!At WATK1K1 ou car line and on A

KOAD near I'wrtdiiim?Plant.

These Lou are Very Cheap and Sold

on Easy Terms.

Desirable Acre Tracts neat the city and

other Properties for sale.

IJItUCE, WAKING & CO.,Dealers in Lots and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near King.

TBLKPnoSB 607. F. O. Box 821.

Mortgagee's Notice of Intention

to Foreclose and of Saie,

In accordance with the provisions of

that certain mortgago made by Manoedo Jesus to Alicia Kakoi, dated tlio10th .lay of May, A. D. lo')7, and re-

corded tii tho Register Oillce Oahu,in Liber 171, on pages 20, noticeIs hereby given that said mortgageeIntends to foreclose tho same for con-

dition broken, to wit: tho nt

of both interest and taxes when'

Notice is also given that after theexpiration of three weeks from thisdate, the property covered by wildmortgage will be advertised for sale,and will bo sold at public auction, atthe auction rooms of J. F. Morgan, onQueen street, Honolulu, on Tuesday,August 0th, 189S, at 12 o'clock noon.

Dated Honolulu, Jul 16, 189S.

A. G. M. ROBERTSON,Guardian of Anela Kakol.

Tho property to bo sold Is that par-

cel of land situate In Million Valley,Oahu, described In Royal Patent(Grant) No. 47 to Kiimaken, contain-ing 1 50-1- ncres, more or less, andconveyed to tho said Manoel de Jesusby deed of O. H. Dole and H. 1J. Dole,dated February 13, 1S88, anil recordedIn tho Hegistor Ollli'e, Oahu, in Liber1G8, pages 4.1 1 and 4:13. 000-- It

The Evening Bulle'.in, 75 cla. permonth.

hum "ww,- - --

WlfflV " v '" iffirT wjf iHpw1


Just Like Gold Coin,

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVJS' PAINKILLER stood the testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the head of the listamong the medicines that areso essential to keep at hand inthe home.

It is not a now fangle remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of the ingredients that en-t- ar

into the manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is p rfectlv harmless, vouneed have no fear of becomingHabitually inclined to its use.

or Uolic, Uramps, Dysen-tery. Colds, and all nainfulaffections, a few doses will certainly give relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein the houso.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is now and its effecton the system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

I- - The new 35c. size con-tains over double the quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Bole Acents lor the Islands.


is proparcd to furnishNitrato of Soda, Bono Meal, raw or

dissolved ;FlorIda and Lady Elliot IslandQuano, Stilphato of Ammonia, Murlatoand Sulphato of Potash and Kalnito, Co-

ral Lime Stono and Manures. In quanti-

ties to suit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager,

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merchant Btreet.

FOR BALE.12 Chinese Granite Hitching Fosts;$t

each.1 Snrroy in fine order; price $200.Uonse and Lot, 76x165 ft., on No. 71

Young Btreet; parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchendining-room- , eto.

Real Estate Transactions.

Bnbscribers are famished with from fiveto six lists per weok. giving an accuraterecord of all deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers et attorney, etc., etc., whichare placed on record.

Subscription Frice, $2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King Bt, Honolulu.

Boardman & MasudaBusiness Agency.

Houses for Rent.Real Estate Agents.

Brokers In Japaneso Goods.Employment Agents.

Collections Made.Legal and other documents trans-

lated Into any language.

Agents for Japan Emigration Company,


U. f. dtoni Hoitfe BhoI(b.Room No. 1, Spreckels Block. Tele-

phone 017. 921-- tf

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffeeAT ALI. UOUIIS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS OH HAND.



Chicago Paper Says Admiral Will

Bring Commission.

To Promptly Assume Duties Territorial

Government Said to be Favored-State- hood

Made Possible.

A Washington special of. July1J to tbo Chicago Chroniclo saym

Tho mombors of tho Hawaiiancommission will sail on tho Ma- -riposn of tho Oceanic lino fromSanFrancisco Aug 10, reaohing Ho-

nolulu about Aug. 17.

Admiral Miller will leave forHonolulu on tho Philodolpbinnext woek and expects to arrivethero beforo tho end of July. Thocoremouips connected with thoformal transfer of tho Hawaiinuislands to tho Uuited States willtako placo on his arrival. Ho willreplnco tho Hawaiian flag withtho Btnrs and stripes and a snlutoof twenty-ou- o guns will bo fired.Tho regiment intended for thomilitary occupation of tho islandswill probnbly accompany thoPhiladelphia.

President MnKinloy will sendby Admiral Miller a commis-sion appointing Presidout Doleacting governor of tho territoryand ho will promptly assume hisduties.

It is practically settled that thocommissioners will recommendtho establishment of a territorialform of government, including alocal legislature ami the oloctionof a delegate to represont the territory in congress. An attemptwill bo mado to restrict the suf-frage, lint thiB will probably bofound difficult ou account of thelatest amendments to tho federalconstitution. It seems to bo thepurpose of tho administration toadmit Hawaii to statehood in timofor tbo voters to participate in thoelection of the cost president.

m m


Kewnlo Tract Iiijuitcllon on llearlniranil Other Mattera.

Joseph llosn, guardian of LouisRichards Rosa, minor, havingpetitioned for loave to soil renlestate, an order to show causewhy tho petition should not begranted has been issued by JudgePerry. Friday, August 19, is theday for hearing.

Melekina et al. vs. Kuoha et al.,bill to set aside a deed, has beenargued and submitted beforoJudgo Porry.

Victoria Ward vs. O. S. Deskyand E. Peck & Co., bill for in-

junction to restrain defendantsfrom allowing water to flow onland of plaintiff, etc., is beingheard by Judge Perry this after-noon. Court and counsel arovisiting tho promises. Tho lnndis the Kewnlo tract whore Cyclomcro lake is situated.

Judgo Stanloy has takon theO Lubo newspaper firm dissolu-tion caso uudor advisomont.

"Now, look quick," said thobusy man, dropping into tbo barbor's chair, "I just want a haircut, that's all; I don't want noshampoo, no singe, no bay rum,no conversation nothing but nplain, evory-da- y hair out, soo?""Excuse me, sir,for one question,"said the barber, as he began oper-ations, "Shall I loavo all of thishoyseed in your hair?"

A Reflection "A throne," saidtho boy king with tho gravity

bis station, "is vory muchliko a bicyolo." "In what reaped?"inquired the Primo Minister."Things go easily enough whileyou'ro'on. But it's hard to dis-mount gracefully."

A man in Virginia rode fortymiles, to Fairfax Station, for thoexpress purpose of gottiug Cham-berlain's Cough Romedy, andtook homo with him a dozenbottles of tho mediciuo. Tbodruggist who ralatcs tho incideut,adds: "Your romedy seems to bea general favorite whereverknown." Its effects nro indeedwonderful in all lung and throattroubles. Procuro a bottlo atBenson, Smith it Co., drug store.


Oounsollor at Law.Corner Bethel and King Streets,

Honolulu, H.I.


Public Lands Notice.


Tim sulo of US acres land at Alea, Lwu, J

nthurtlscd for August 3d, nt 12 noon,nt fiont entrance of Judiciary Building,will bo hold SATURDAY, August lath,at tho Mime hour mid plueo.


Tho Rile of taasoof Uovornmont LandsSlid.ipuo and Kahananui, Molokal,

for August .Id, at 12 noon, atfront piitmtK'o of Judiciary Ihilldlng,

lll bo hold, WKIHJIMDAY, August .llti,at saino hour and place.

J. r. imowN,Agent l'ublio

Dated July 2.1, 18HS. 071-t- f

Public Land Notice.

On WRDN1XDAY, August 31, 1S0S, nt12 o'clock noon, nt front ontnico of

lliiildiug, Honolulu, will ho soldatl'iilillc Auction, the Lease of tho nt

I jinds of Kaltinpithi and Hale- -

kou, la Kaupoho, Kool.niioko, Oahu,'containing 3."0 acres, n Utile nioro orless (lni7lng riiulaiul Klsh roads.

Terms: Twcnty-oii- o years.ltontal per aiiiium: Upset, ?30(l.

l'ayahlo In advanceKor further purticuhus, luqulro of

1'uhllo Ijinds Oflli-o- , Honolulu..1. 1 DROWN,

Agent l'uhlieDated July 2rt, 1SDS. 073 3t

To Let.

Furnished, mosqulto-proo- f rooms, forsiuglo gontloiiicti, in n now cottage onKanlolani street, near Rerctania.

Inquire of C. IIUSTACK, JR.Ojtj-ll- li


A Harness maker for llllo. Inquireof E. K. RICHARDS, at the Ar-lington Hotel. Ool-t- f.

Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co. Ltd.121 Queen Street.

Carriage and Wagon lluildeis.


WILSON c? WHTEH0USE,Sole Licensees Hawaiian Islands.

070-t- f 121 Queen Street.



Money BrokersStocks and Bonds Bought'and

Sold on Commission.

Loans Negotiated

Real EstateAND.

Insurance Agents

Rents collected. Complete chargeof Property for absentees.

BSTFlnanelal Agents In any capa-city, as Trustees, Assignee, Adminis-trators or Executors.

--Agency ofn l

wm 1CI1 1




Association Grounds!


3:30 O'CLOCK.

Honolulu vs. 1st. Regt.000-3-


"tWyjWIiwr-- v nuflmiiWF" wW'fWSfHKm




rvnMtaJSta..-- , -- 3j5i "i".- -




ALUMINUM WARE,Refrigerators,

Cream 3E""x"e5ae:i7js--

Lap Boards sOnlting Tables

Stoneware, Hanging Baskets.


The City Furniture StoreAnother lot of those

Ar fistic Reed Chairs,Rockers, Tables, Etc.,

JiiRt received In time Ibo Holidays at the CITY FURNITURE STORK,Love Building, 634 and 63B Fort Street

MF Call and inspect them beforo it Is too late.

II. II. WLLLIA.iVIS, Manager.Office 810 : : TELEPHONES : : Rimidenoe W9,

m A.



gi on


and No.






Blue Flame StovesOf Dlllerent

CookersThat, over one burner, atonce Soup, Meat Vegetables.

p. D. : : :

The ice ParlirslOS STREETS.

Cakes Candies, CmSsHFine lc Cream.

Onr Establishment Is the Finest Resortu the and Beo ns. Upon till 11I'olookr. m.


Importers and Jobbers ot

and American Goods?

and Queen Streets.

Honolulu Undertaking Co.

whims,The Only Fully Equipped, Complete aud EXCLUSIVELYUNDERTAKING Establishment on tho Islands.

Now and of tho Latest and Improved Styles.

A Specialty! No Bung.ling! No Failures!

NOTE: "Williams is a Graduato of Clark's School o!Perfect Embalming which process body returns its naturappearance for years.

I- - Office and Parlors: 514 516 Forr, St., near Hotel,Telephone 179. Residence Night Telephone 815.


Contractor Builder.Olllces and Btores lltted up

Estimates en


tST OUlce Shop: Fort street,adjoining W. Wright's Carriage Bhop.


Dealers Lnmbor and Coalnd Building Matoriala nil

tcindB.Qnoon Streot, Honolulu,


Steamwill cook


Elite CreamHOTEb


City. Call


European Dry


Every-thing Most

Mr. Ed.by the





Page 8: IJHVf UP I Evening Bulletin - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/9405/1/1898072901.pdf · dumping the load and freeing the mule. Ugly galls wore revealed


('' . TOWnr.,,

fW "'Mmiimiiiiwi'


Charcoal to Burn

, ar o 1

that way.


Guava O lx o cl

We don't own a mine. Charcoal doesn't come

We know where the best charcoal is getable and

get it. Then we sell it.


E. 0. HALL & SON, Limited,

Corner Fort and .Kino; Streets.


Manila Cigarsllecoiving llogulnrly by Evory Stcnmor

Havana, American and Manila Cigars,

Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos,

Pipes and Smokers' Articles.

HOLLISTER & CO.,Corner Eort & Merchant Streets.

Hurrah for Annexation

The I. X. L. received, ox steamer Coptic, a largo

stock of.Firo Works, U. S. limiting Flags, sizes from 4 to

. 40 feet. American Elags stars) 1 feet long, on stickswith gilt spears, $1.50 each. Stars and Stripes, and lied,White and Blue Decorative Bunting. Stars and Stripesand Red, White and Blue Silk Itibbons, till widths. Red,

White and Blue Paper Festooning. American Shields.JJutton-hol- c Buttons, (all styles) 5c and 10c each. Wash-

ington, MoKinley and Dewey Lithographs, etc., otc.

The 1. X. L., corner Xuuanu and King streets, is thoplace to buy at lowest prices.

V. O. Box 535. Telephone J7S.



Ess Maiana. JLIsl,

Hats, Flowers,Feathers,Ribbons andLaces, andDress Trimmings

Tho kooiIn arc of tholatest doIf;u, nowo-t- t oiliiot. Noveltiesthat aro wondui fully attraotlvo nt tlmolyprlcoH

MISS K. E. KILLEAN,Kotel Street


Olil Tim i. Primula.

Many of tho visiting soldiershavo found in Paddy Ryan nnold timo friend in the StutoR. Theboys are made to feel at homo attho Old Commercial which undertho new manngemont is gainingfor itBelf a populaiity not sur-passed by any saloon in town.With so many newcomers in town"hello Paddy" is almost as usualat "What yours?" Tho celebratedJohn AViolaud beer on draught aswell as all brands of tin bestwines and liquors. Corner ofBoretania and Nuuanu streets.Telephone 323.

Modoiros and Decker tho tailorswill move thoir store to thoLincoln Block on next Monday,whoro thoy will bo pleased tohavo their friends call. 972 at

Meeting Notice.A nii'L'tiiiK of tho Stockholders of

the Jtupld Truiii.lt Co. will ho held utthe Chamber of Commerce tomorrow,Kill DA V evening ut 7:!I0 o'clouk.

J. A. OILMAN,W5.i!t Secretary.

Almost BlindScrofula Affects tho Eyos-Llt- tlo

Boy Trontod b an Oculist With-out Rollof-B- ut Now Ho Is Woll."When my llttlo boy was three months

old his eyos became very aoro and ho wasalmost blind. I took him to an oculistwho treated him for bIx months, and lefthim as bad as ho was at tho beginning.Finally Hood's Barsaparllla was recom-mended and I began giving It to him.In loss than throo TOnnlrn lin wn nlikto go Into tho Bun without coveringhis oyes, and today his eyes are porfoctlywoll, and his cars and noso. which wereDaaiy anocted, aro also well. Hood'sBarsaparllla has certainly dono wondersfor my boy." Mns. James II. Paintkk,Amador, California. Remember

Hood'sSarsaparilla?rKPurifier. All drunglati. l,slx for $5. Oct Hood's.

Hood r)t are mo onijr puis uiko9 ima nun Hood's sarsaDaruu.


uiuinoiiii Head Signal gtntlnii. .Inlyai, 1 p in Weather clour, wind Xorthhunt.


Friday, July n.

Stmr Kou Lung Muru.GTurao.froinl okohama.

Stmr Kiniiii, Clarke, from Hawaiianil Maul ports.


Stnir J AOahu ports.


Thursday, July 28.

Cinnmlim, Scarlo, for

Am lilc .liilm r !.(...the Sound. ' Meyer,

Friday, July 29.Stnir Minimi T ... ui.,,n........ .. t

Iiniiiu, Mimlaeii, Kona and Kan.Stmr W (i Hall, Haglund, for Ka-

uai port.Stnir Xoeiiu, I'cdurson, for Hania-ku- n.

Stmr James Mnkee, Tullett, forKtipuu at 4 p m.

Slor ltei.1 KalntH Denl.Another hie land doil has brer

mndo. Mnrslml Brown mid .7. A

Uiiiuai havo purchased of fl. V.31 aero of land nt K.m.- -

liulu, Oahu. This properly adjoins the "Diamond Head addiHon."

Pullet. Court XiiIpi.

Iii the Police Court this forenoon tho case of Robert Brounthe sailor, for assault with adeadly weapon, was further postpon'd until August 4th

Alfirmki. oharirnrl nnrlnr Mm o

huna law, was fined $100 andCOBtP.

E. Kaiser was fiued 85 andcosts on the charge of maliciousinjury.

Charles Creighton tho lawyerwas struck down with illness thismorninc. and is in Mm lmrwlo ntI)r. Miner.

TllO t;r0at olpnrncmo onlo ntSachs store commences tomorrowurorning. Do not miss it.

Hilo has organized a Renublican club. It. H. Will in mu ;. -sident, J. T. Stacker, socretary.


"Yos," observed tho minister,WO haVO iust fnnninntrui Mm

greatest revival our churoh hasexperienced for mauy years." "Irejoice to hear it," said his friend;

now Irmny aid you add to thofold?" "Oh. WO llilln'r nrlH nn,. '. tiia U a

replied tho good man, "but wogot rid of three."

To Let.

Tho promlsos li(ilonKlnK to Mrs. C. O.Horror, Kltuuto on tlio eornor of lloro-tuiil- ii

mid I'nimlioii strooN. Tlio hoiiKnwhich In larirn n ml ininiii...it. i

Just put in tlirouch uipalr, and tlioKrtiiuiiiM eonslNtliiK i two iieroH, aroplanted with fruit and oriiainontal treos.Kor furthur iurtlcnl;iiw nm.K- - u!)70-t- f l W. MACKAIir.AVTO


To whom it may concern:That I havo leaned tlio slioothiL. rli.l,tu

on tho IuiuIm of tho Star Dairy Co., andhuroliy warn all jiorfioiis troHpaHNlng onH.1I1I lands from date.

A. 11. 1)0 A 1C,

MiinaKor Star Dairy Co., X.td.Honolulu, .Inly J9, ISOS. 070-Il-

To Let.

U.....II ..... . .


......... ,uiuiKu lomiiining two roomsunci kltuhon and bath. K,,r partlcul.iiH"I'l'lyt" i:. JCliKMMK,07,i'lw Alap.il Htroot.


Tho schooner Lady camo infrom Oahu ports on Thursday.

Tho Noeau will call at Mabukona with tho Hawaii mails this trip.

Tho Koauhou is off DiamondHead as tho Bulletin gooB topress.

Tho Makoe is off tho Ways nowand will sail on hor usual routethis aftorooon.

Tho Transit will sail for SanFrancisco at about 3 o'clock to-

morrow aflornoon.Tho Muuna Ala will finish dis

elmrgiuu hor cargo at tho Oceanicwharf this afternoon.

The usual drill was indulged inby tho mon of tho City of Puoblaand i'oru tins forenoon.

Tho Ottorspool is now taking ouballast: nt Brewer's wlinrf nrnnnmtory to departure for tho Sound.

J Sniern. third ninln nf Hin f!itj. . ........ .. ..v ..of Puobla. who was hurt thn otherday, has so far recovered that hois now ablo to bo ashoto.

The Gaelic will bo due Mondaynigh:, and will bo tho first mailsteamer from tho Coast, not thoWarnnioo on tho Gth August asstated.

The Irmgard will haul over tothe railroad wharf this afternoonto discharge hor fertilizer. Shohas already begun to take on 6ugarand has GOO bags in hor hold.

The Japanese steamer KeoLungMaru, G Tarao master, arrived inDort at 8 a in todav. lifivinc stiilinlfrom Yokohama on tho 13th inst.Sho brought 5 cabin and 547 steer-age passegors for this port as wollus 345 tons of cenornl mnrchnn- -lise eonsicnod to T H Davies X:

Co. It haB not yot been decidedwuon the Kee Lung will sail. Shois now in tho stream awaiting aberth.

The Mauna Loa started on horusual route this morning. She isnow in tino shnpo and will makefast timo right along. Tho waitersall appeared aboard drossed inneat whito suits, while CnntninSiraorson had on a now blue suit.bomo one askoJ the Captain whatthe occasion was and ho answer.!just for fun, "I got married lastnight." After that it was difficultto convinco his friends along thewater front that what ho said wannot a fact.


For San I'raucisco, por bk R PRithet. Julv 28 Afma I r, Ml,.Mrs L V Hough, Mr and Alt H1 McGill, Mrs M T Rluxome.MissKate Horner, Miss Edna Horner,Mr and Mrs H S Ewing, E TGreen, Master George Robertson

For San Frnnnmnrv nor l,rr.i.AV G Irwin, Julp 28 Til Wright,W D Lowell, James Peel, Dr J ORiordan, A V Barraclough, FHorbig, T L Rice, R S Hale, G liRoot, Rev M Hooge.

For Maui and Hawaii ports, periiinr iuuunuj.. u, July U'J Akanaliilii, MrsWi.Hu, Fow Koo andwife, A Mc"V vno, Mrs G 0 Hew-itt, CFTiuo, Hon J Kauhane,Lina Hao. Mrs S "V Knni nl uvnchildren, S AV Kaai, Mrs Barker,u Uastoudyk, F Iluchholtz, E Ttgbuholm and wife, W 11 Eck-ard- t

Jr, T K R Amalu, AV H Bai-lo- y.

From Hawaii and Maui norstmr Kinau. Julv 9iv.icano: Miss Flood, Misa Mon- -tactie. A Tallin Mian Pnm.w ' ..., ... 1.IIUUU1"Novell, Mis H Palmor-Lovoll- .U Lucas and wifo, S M Ballou.AVav norts: Miss V, K Monni,; t. - .. -

. " .'...., Viv Wilson and wife, Dr It 1Mooro, Miss L M Ounnincham, Dr H B Elliott,H Deacon, 0 Deacon, N 0 AVilfongand son, AV G Rowland, F Iaukoa,1 R Key.worth, Mrs AV H PatternMiss M AVard, J K Kahookano,Rov O AV Hill. Rov V HKitcat, FMRowland, Master D H Kahookano,EDBildwiu.J AV Mason, Dr NRussol, Miss Elizabeth Brown, TWolff, Mrs J Nawahi, Al-bert Nawahi, A 0 Zablan,Mrs I Schmidt and son, 0 ADoyle, Mrs M K Duncan, E H FAVolter, Mrs S M Carter and 152on dock.

I.lvulennilt Promotuil.By tho Pennsylvania yesterday,

J. J. Bradley, second lieutenantiu the 14th Infantry of Regularson tho transport City of Puebla,received his commission appoint-ing him first lioutenant. Mr.Bradley is a very popular man inhis company and in the regimeut.Tho bovs are all ilad that lm lmouoon promoted.

Thoro will bo a orickot matchon tho Makiki grounds tomorrowaflornoon.


Question Whether There Are Any

Them in Honolulu.

Conversation With a Foreigner la Good Posi-

tion to Know Danger In Talking

Makes Chinese Reticent.

According to the latest foreignnews, there is a breezo of revolution stirrinc in tho mulberries iuvarious nrovincos of China. A lib- -

oral party seeking constitutionaland freo govornmout is conductingan activo piopaganda.

Among tho leading spirits of thoacitation is Dr. Sin Yot Son. whogained hid earlier education at lolam sohool in Honolulu, of whichBishop Willis is tho principal.Whoro ho is fulminating his thuntlor from now, necessarily out ofreach of tho Poking authorities, isnot prosontly known to tho JJol- -

LETIN.A prominont rosidout not Chi-

nese who saw Dr. Sou whou lastin Honolulu conversed with aBulletin reporter this tnorniug.Ho advised tho doctor that, iu hidown opinion, tho revolution thatwas going to regenerate Chinawould bo educational. As he studiescurient ovouts in China today, heis uaoro convinced than over thatthis opinion is right.

Latolv tho first ladien' onMnnnever oponed in China was instituted at Shanuhai. Its pupils areoutiroly Chinese. Nativosociotiosagainst tho barbarous custom offootbinding aro spreading in thoompiro. Then thoro is tholate report of sending brigl tyoung mon to foroign landsto loarn modern arts nnii nniotwoaThe concessions for railways uudteipgrapns aro also in ovulence.

Dr. Smi Was hirrlllv oulnnmslby this gentleman, who profors toremain anonymous, as a culturedman of humane and philanthropicfeelings. Tho doctor was ono ofthe original directors of tho Alicomomorial .Hospital.

It would be of little uso, tho in-

terviewed goutleman said, toto pain anv iufni-innfinr- t

from resident Chiueso recardingany local movompntfor aiding thecause in motherland. Nntuntl,standing tho vast expauso of theempire, it was marvelous how theindividual had his identity proserved for him. Even in the romotpst hamlet of Ouino, what onoof its natives said or did in Honolulu might be common informa-tion.

Thus it was nuitn liknlv (n linn--pou that, for a political offonso inword or dood committed by aChinaman in Hawaii, his familvin tho depths of darkest Chiuamight suffer grievous penalties inperson or estate yea, oven deathitself. On his own part, thequestioned gentleman know nothingwhatever of any reflex bore of thoChinese revolutionary movoinent.

A VerV iutelliuout Dllinnmnn.who speaks good English, wasnext soon. Ho said thero was nostir in Honolulu at present upontho subject, but it was within pro-bability that, if tho movementcontinued at home, it would mani-fest itself horo more or leas nnnnly. It was clangorous just now totalk, for tho ooho would bo hoardin China.

Tlmnki.On Board 8. S. City of Puebla.

July 28, 1898. I take this opportunity to thank all tho people ofthis beautiful Island in generalfor the wriy in which thov havetreated the Boys in Blue, and tothese pooplo in particular fortheir extraordinary hospitality andgenerosity. All those who wereconnected with tho committeo whoserved, that banquet, Mr.

who kindly issued 25passes to tho boys to go down outho railroad to Ewa plantation,also to tho gentlemen who accom-panied us thoro and kindly ex-

plained overythiug. Hoping thatwo will all havo tho opportunityto return this some timo. I re-main

Your obedient servaut,Ralph AV. Speljian.

Clillil'i Illrtluluy Party.An nfternnnn cllilrlrAii'a nnrtu

in honor nf flin fifth liirfhrlnv nflittle Pauline Schaofer was givenat tho Schaofer home at AVuikikiWednesday. About twenty littleones wero invitod to the uartvand. it is needleta tn hiiv. nn en.joyable afternoon was spent.



LOSS OF APPETITEA Household Remedy Throughout

Queensland.We Rive the following testimony

from Mr. I'rnnk V. Peacock of GivenTerrace, l'addington, Queensland,whose experience is in exact accord

"" muusanus or ouicrs:

"I have used Dr. Ayer's Snrsaparillain my family for hidigcstion, loss of"lUituu., aim as n tonic, with crysatnfactory results. I have heenpleased to recommend it to my friendsmid 111 many cases they have used itwith equal satisfaction.

Sarsaporiiiais n household y throughoutQueensland. It is the kind that cures."

For ronll alli.11 ink.- - Dr Aror' TiirKonuitlr rfllovo una .nr-l- y "ikiWilli l)r. Ajit'j Mr,iii.urlllj , ..l.liViT.Y V.'.i

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.,Solo AgontH for thn Hopubllc of Hawaii.


Continued from Fiixt Page.

then came the word that wo wouldhtvo to take dii plKm forcibly asno surrender wms foithcoming.

Co.'s A and D of our boat wasgiven one day's rations aud fortvrounds of nmmiinifinn midordered to bo readv bv seveno'clock in tho morning iu lightmarching ordor. ;,

JNCXt UloruIUL' at lhn timo onnni.lied tho ntnn.111 limndi nf tl.nCharleston camo alouL-siil-e incompany with four boats fittedwith marines. Two boat loadscamo aboard and their places woiotaken by a part of Co. A. Ono ofour own boats was added. Thoyall started ashore with orders toanchor just out of rille rango andthen for the launch to return aftft-th-

rest of us. It took eight boutx,for tho last lot. As these weicjabout half way to the fiistlot, the Governor und his staffcame out ready to surrender toour conditions which wore uncon-ditional. They wore at our mercy. s"Tho excursion returned and thoGovernor was escorted to tho'Charleston' whoro ho was left.

In tho afternoon tho launchwont over to tho fort and rawedtho stars and strines whiln thnCharleston' fired a sulut nf 9.1

guns and tho bands ot tho City otPoking aud Australia played tho"Star Spangled Banuor: TheIslaud was ours.

"Durintr tho dav and nvoninnboats with otlicers weut ashore forfor tho nurDOSO of pathnriinr rnolraand corals as souvenirs. None ofthe boys wore allowed to go audwere about as 'warm under thocollar' as it was possible to be.

"Next morning the lauuch witha boat or two went ashore andcaptured tho soldiois about 52 inall. Thoy had about 2000 roundsof ammunition aud their rifleswon Mausers. Noun of iho sol-diers were sorry to leave. Thoyhad been housed up for about fthirteen months without pay. Onewas a Swodo. Ho was on a whalerand went on a spreo. AVhen hesobered up ho was thero nud hisboat was somewhere ohe. He wasmado to ioin thu unldinrn. Vm,can imagine how glad ho is to getaway,

"That aflornoon wo weighedauchor and started for our lastdestination . At about 12 o'clockou tho morning of tho 28th., wemet the Baltimore which had beenwaiting 9 days for us. On tho30th, wo sighted laud and woresoon anchored iu Manila bay insight of throe of the boats thatDowoy suuk.

"I am very much pleased withMauila and would like to 6tayhoro at least two years.

"AAro are oxneeHiw. i,n tpodition about July 4, nut if thoyaro as long as wo were, thoy willnot be hero until Mm miii.n. ttho month.

"The Australia willsoon as she is uuloaded."

xour old chum aud friond, V

"Fuank Putnam,"Co. B, 2nd, Oregon, U. S. V "

'fcvAiUNUlifSteWiiM jgijiljji t&l&b-L-

ttdrJMrMMtflri MiMimiiiiii---- ' weJi iMayAi , i,jMai h4

i-- I