I e THE HOME JSIBP1 U XND FOREIGN FJN JOURKXIT D I PREACH MCH TIIE GOSPEL TO EVERY CREATUREFEED Mr LAMBSM LAMBS ty pEOpLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE KNOTOJ7- oJ KNOWLEDGE- Vol 1 INew New Series 7oJ IJ RICHMOND VA JULY 1868 1868- the 186- 8Publi Number 3 3- will 3- Published 3- Now Published Publi she d Mntly Monthl Y by the three Boards ci of the cgthe Southern Baptist Convention Oonventtonl- ithf Convention- n lithf 1111 i J r 1 n ww Jawip c9 fttl1XN i V C tofjJBl ns ffikm Yher year t rtytItree seven to more the he will world be added The to the church al1 and withoi without being unfi1ithful to his vows of selfconsecra Who third year the church tioll tOH1is are the Blest BlestT- hey Blest- The Blest- Gods will s Lord and be ii ii- The mcreased ceased incurring the guilt of rebellion R I I S by seven the world by b thirt sir1 1 I They The who have kept their T E I The 3 thirtysix y againtnim inst1dim Neer will the worId sympathies awake RwakO- nd ficju figur figures wIll be be evangelized I And nd scattered good for more than greatly worsc if take customs sake we into I necr kill ill the ropy 00 centa centa- aJJreed nts consIderatIOn the hordes Redeemer Kingdom be tabIished Steadfast and tender in III the hour of need ii J aJJreed IJ 1Jrr4sed cd to toe to one ne J4rsoD Fron 300 a 00 00- 1Jrr4sed 00 00- rnpr TI The 10 fi figures gurcs I however 10wever of Paganism and Romanism thogou throuOhout I bout all the earth until each i 1 individual niui muni Chris Chrisro- py yhris yhris- this Gentle in thought benevolent in deed j fJ i 0c 1Oi rnpr cep W t1oed to one on JelfOn 5 300 00 are nre not to be absolutely rc1ied i tian s SJlaU Tall and Whose hoe looks Looks have power to make dissensions lahor IHOpl t roW to one pemn on as el elements e m t pray to this end as though thourrh he he- irth l1Cc- ep Whose cease c 1000 10 00 en 5 0 of f geometrical geomc tnca 1 0 0I- HOpl smiles are pleasant and whose words ft ft- They r tiu nJreJmFieaa ddtesed b one Ou rerson 15 00 reason of the increase of ministers progrcssJOn cnter by v I wcre th the e on only 1 J CI Christian 1rIstmn on eart earth irth I I the 1 s solitary so l Itary one to to- ChristiansTlvT to- r They who ho have lived as harmless as the dove are pea p eaceg xm jmnd fl ibis tho ntIe sht has lten loud anu churches pfSlDg It thle is a utCessity ChristiansTlvT Christians flnd tIll instructio t vllOm the Saviours Sat Tour eommnnd had been Riven and Teachers of truth and ministers of love jvnMM 1 1Eyll 1Eyll- Love h h- al a11 In tbe he Bord as well ell as S the churche9 or the South Sonhelry Sonhelryh- as C to t1 their 1 I beenghen upon eU give gl 0 children ld nlbI1 bll has al Mrs n ere shalt be able to briu bring before our purple le tbe arlieet rlit k nfor infor Dy school sdolir scholars T In the 1e1r CHI LldJC ren fnd an and 1 to Snndy S nne ay f Yhosc whose r I lOSe sIng single file I e efforts e ffi orts the t J Ie Ovation ea 1 vation of 0 f the t 1 Ie whole w I 10 I e world world- Our wor worb- ll 1 I I- jmnd Love Love for for the all moral humblest power all mental grace ce iaJT iaJTL- ove i It It- Love is of the objtu obje cuttmplatEl by tIe 8outhtrD TV TV- mkc human j en the poEmt lJaptJ8t Con cotp- a1W IrCSCllt 1present state te of J dencnded le dcd race ro man rlllW trodndng it into tbtr bnrchtJ will be able tbus to make ntake- ltao mkc munities the t Ie cotuputati many com j depended L en It should be the constant aim of minis minis- rect ninisnl- bI1 Love for the tranquil tra quit joy that virtue brings 31lC 31lC- Ii 0 1 f ltao fI with tb tlI the whol6 m1S51tnary entttln5t au1 tlccure MOn tvOra- n TO The TI Ie 1 computation IS is suhstantmlly conet rect ters tp to awake such a feeling feelInO of personal crsonal responsibility responsibilityi- iuiuiiuy respons1blhhf- I Lovo IoT for the Giver of all goodly things ttb M3 Ii 193 i T n remedy mC for f or the the- church t 1 0 crate mththe largeet poeibte list ant the money encio e L L- at church is y Ie present mefhclency iiuiuiiuy of the i I in in the t I 1e hearts lcarn of all al 1 themembers the t 1 Ie members of their churches churches- And c 1 lUrc JC True followers of that soulexalting souleaaltin p plan la iff t3 n risk in costel order regitered IS stated in the I I- Ie Which Christ laid down byll1li1 at ott1 m letter or cheek ton Iri book of Uevclation And In to bless and a d govern overn man Vitt Vit- tThey BIt 5 let j no way way can they thr so effectually cffectuall the welfare welfare- nmc who him that heareth 3 promote They can an calmly linger at the last 36 1 ft r F01tl1Gf OSUGN J Jorast OrJfU Richmond IC hlJ1n do Ta C i i- the Come H l3f At1 t t- tIdi1e5 8 I say The Ilc1o and of their I I- BIt tIdi1e5 the tl 1e bride h d SpirCi nmc j churches and nd the extension of the Redeem i i- eth I I- r Survey Surve the future and recall the past I Come rl c say 1y T Come Corne and an 1 let I ct I him 1111 the h at I 1e3ret eth t sayers say I c er r s Kingdom J ImgdomJ mgc om JJ Branttcy B I3rantlcl lan tl tl- 1e CJ And with that hope v v- Feel which triumphs over pain Oro Our Terms t When 4 hen private CIu CIu- have Christians ans aU aecom Income b e preach rcacti i r N I Feel well assured the the- Then they hnTe not liTcd JD vainj vain 7 HtGt T ers of rigllteousneand rghtcou8ncss Then wait in peace their hour of final rest Y rouming I1ulilig he jle of ollr httle mOllthly pOrbm1les to allmrfuJ1jJmtchfor rnerfull y 5 watohfor 01Ii Th e Pastoral Work Thee only can bo numbered with the blest Ofk Ofk- Kow Of O- fNow b1 rf b paper I spcrk ia u word wortt to tle I have put the price down as low as the interest of ofl j conversion of of the thew woi woi- veral world orlcl wIll procccd every ery compunioll companion WIth lctrIe Tho The pL5toml offiee is of diin vine appointment and andr- emrnoRtaTTrt rI 4 tt tt- t i L I fI fI- Now 1Pece veral V fT31 t1 Boards will justify The other mission raplht ra P3 P3j- ry P iditti 1Iieli hcn churh membrs are all lIvely lively Isusfains stlsauis a vcr very pcculiar relation to the remrnoRtaTTrt remrnoRtaTTr- ttemple sanctificd na i Now r r- Now rTm 711 of f the land nd 11 jl stoncs the progress 1 on the 1 Lord Lords i tnre f1 of man ne Who rho Jiaa 1ms nOt scc sccn this and felt it Now I live fr7r tr7T n fjj t tious 1e far s will astonIVf I I jry Jr liy organizations organs 0 1l expend cpem es I large arge ga sums over ish the ho bchofdcrT b temple it i H omasum astota nstonI Hundreds of our best ministers I But of tonight tonightto to morrow morrovknow know I not not- i their lives lives- o livea- nd spend i t Oh well for forme mJ mJ- All utj- All j their 0117 me when I can leave mYlot lot ot 1 i- All andl and apce boW ubcrJ1hon In eonductmg and car Y je c he1r mud I of new nc pans plans I t to o reach rcac I 1 the tl Ie ullean chccrfulh cheerfully of as lntors on salarics tllc7 tICl ol would lll l7 l7i- ptv bv b ol y no All unto God God- i my N PWy t i 11lltDg Wpir pCrIodu1Js 1serialicais In the present swte ofl of gehzed g and lowest ocst cInes of iptv Pnnn amcans II mcans be contented to receive rccenc in III mere worldly pur I To r Iiira il11 myf my faithful service service give give- And give give- And gi gi- An j SOCIcty f Conventions Conventionst- he onvenhons a suits When I I- t And An through his Spirits strength- Prepare strength i 1aI- See ta taP- repare YJn YJn- Prepare t the J finanel we must for the preent aim to make are held from tIme to tIme to plan Iew w kmds HnSTl0 of rn ma ma- a the pastorate is understood ullderstooc1aml and the theS- chools the- same Prepare for my account at t length- Whether length fv i Ilur paper a ncarh nearly as pO3sible I selfsustaini cIfsustailling At I clnnery to preach the tnlt1 to the Jgnorat i and de same is even morc tnC of the foreign miS8ionary miS8ionary- J miS8ionary- ncarh See the flower i 1 f91 f91- See 1J 1J- See 1ature time It mav b be e In in our power t to 0 diminish 1mmlS I1 i graded class that IS s found in III both CIty and country count workit has a pcculiar sanctity ECcming nelrer to toI- lur to- the Which hich full of brightness in the morning shonej shone r r f1 the ome JI b TI T ht Itt 15 tl the Ie t true rue plan I an Let e t CYCl every mas master t cr t teach cae I I 1 ills us Pcrson anc1 work of the Rcdcmer than any an other other1- ature other- officeor It doth no longer wave the stock upon upon- When upon- hen upon- When price by for robscripholl appropnahol15 officeor When hen the prIce pnntmgg senapts servant mIstrcs8 her mmds workll1gher better 111 in the het SCllEe an and d d- ome evening comes comes- So comes- So comes- So evcry aud hc h r taU th 1 Boord 11e Ye T now beg thc friends of Sunday ployer p 10y er I1s llandsr and the heathenish substratum evcry evert cm of fhr more influentiaf T than that of readcrs or mere So And lasts canst mans thou glory soul bnt thus an hour hour- And bour- And hour- And waste- l waste jx j Vf f- Never Schools choeh boos and of Missions to exert themselves by se se- and socictv sOClC will WI 1 I soon Boo n be I b e taught taug 1 It the t I Je truth trut 1 1 aTVS ns It IS is in III in licentiates the cturch church es Xtlslg Kothinrr b Cqals ih it i It is is a grat b powcr powcr- rariasnd lower- r A l life that flieth in i n such has haste e e- Stand iTttSs ctiJir- Stand Jc Jesu- Ii Jesu Jesus- lYe l l- ns Stand thou clear- From clear clear- From at e1rh rariasnd and forwarding an early period as manyI- ltclibeta many many I I lYe y henr N From earth Here is thy struggle yonder rest rest- Up rest- Up rest- Up d e ear much of the bc coldness Ii rtossiblc 53ibIc of the church nhFcnbers ns n posiw po5 possible A A trr AT n i Up up my soul I press forward heaven is is besti besti- Now belidn bestir nislf Thls IS g the true rcmed It fa IS as truc iu 111 SpIrItual JJJ j Worthy Example Example- Our Now hasten home- Let home home- Let home- Let Our little Paper Paper- We matters as in temporal Trust in in the Lord and do Brother B 9t I 1cr McNeil I 1 Cl1CI 1 J of 0 f Wilksboro j tTlk ri 1S lksboro bor N Cv C J writes wrl t t- matters e us u- snnM us- good Let earth seem distant heaven more near near- How L 1 J J- How J J- ow good so shalt thou dwell in in the land and that he has the How ow soon this life doth fly t d 11 l tt t verily adopted of u u- Never s plan contribu O securing Ilovr Wermnsxnanyol We are receiving many nnM tokens ens of e i Witho- nt With secnrmg ow soon comes that which shall not die die- Kcer di- eA 5 approval thou shalt be fed The g of the tWfrom is wise saying kin tions from U king g hischurcles his elmrches three monthsfor the Never dela i i- To J J- To every delay out dunfat the Journal will steadily promote the inter inter- eta also peculiarly this applicable to subject There is mission cause causee- sts causc- ofill To do the duty which the tlie hour brings brings- Whether bring- SYhetlr brings- They r ests ts of ofill all the tI IC Boards of the Convention Nor t will icl ll llt- he that scattereth and yet inoreaseth and Dl there is IS that thatt- h that- withholdeth t Whether it be in great or smaller things things- For things- For things- For th the L he petvand pety and efficiencyof effiClenC of each memberfail member ful to receive reccn receive- a e I nthholdeth U The mre than is IS mect but rut It tendeth det to pov P ov t I 3 f Fearful 1 StatistiesT StatistiesT- a Statistics What he shall For do who the coming doth know know- What day iirffQ3 ir1 wx wx- What OiE OiE- What I er erty lIberal soul oul haU he ol made fat andhe and he he- that This moment is for thee thee- The thee- The a stimulus by a carefulI reading rea Img of 0 f its columns co 1 nmn 6IA It It- i I The that watereth shall be watered also himself i I I- our Allowing from a Raleigh paper may well star star- LoarMTsh sta- rIf 4 The next perhaps thou wilt not see see- Father 7 i 1 01 i i- Father J J- i J- e J- T a- tFather LoarMTsh i our wish tobnngit to brin it into every family f1miI of the South South- ey I If the church members should tIe the considerate mind be home m missions issionar issionar- Ties especially when Icn in 11t contrast contrast- ries ontrat- V Father of all 1tD I3 n1 t t- So f f- So V ries the church itself should be a theological semina to the le vast sums spent for intoxicating drinks is IS is- I So let thy warning catchI Watch be not in vainer vainl vainl- Let J t t- Let w w- And Who Will Operate for 1 This truth is too often I Let my soul hear hear- And hear- And US ry oen forgotten I Many seem seem- Any I placcH ala d the comparativev small amount contributed contributed- Am contributed- bychristians And daily aily answer to the call caU- Then i P- Then Ky Ky- Then Am Any friend of missions m1510n8 or of 0 f Sunday S und aJ Schools Se I 100 l is IS i i- hereby to thl1that thmk that the church IS is a theatre to which they at bychristians for benevolent Then sudden death shall be be- But be- Bet be- But tend that and tender riiuuis IUI tiuni purposes purposesA- L purposes purposesh- ereby But life and thee the- eA pious sensations quick to a V be step hereby authorized AL i 4 to act 4 r for the u Board it by may excited receiving receiving receivingu- bseribers instcal 1 ofa of a Temple to the Mosfc High which is to o The New ew York Tribune computes that the whole wholeT- ibscnbers whole- be Tibscnbers to the Journal Ihe mone money mnv may be sent sent- by be entered with withrcverenceancl reverence and humble humblegratitude gratitude The cost costof of liquors annually alnIl made de and nd sold in III the United United- br United- minister ne A Passion for Souls- Au Souls Souls- An br Y mail to this city cityv I minister is looked upon as an actor who is to play l States States that t abt is IS whiskey v 10108 cither er in l pure rc or derivative derivative- v Cr1a l An eminent servant of God now gone to his re re- j reo- to re- ward v r upon the sensibilities and not as a teacher sent from state is isbut ao about a OljltOlrODOO 500000000 o In the consumption of- God of of- The ward used to spcak of having a pa5ion for ouIs souls- Now ouIs- Y ouIs- upon The Children are at Work God The Th e church churc 1 118 is the tl Ie divine d 1vIlle school sc h 00 I for r Jor mankind man I me 1 this lIS t liquor Iquor G0000 lives I 1e5 are areyearIy yearly car In eteonsulm1P0100nOOO y destroyed Ies ro e 100000 10000- 0AUtJeventiustrcenis 100000- duty Now mcn I have lave a passIon for r Jor many 0 of f tl the 10 perishable perishable- objects prIS hable AUtJeventiustrcenis iiltttle1c seridttr tirrnt eso n estsnbscrl taud and its duty duty is not done d till all its members can fully fuU1 men me and an d women are sent sen t to 0 prison prIson and an d 200000 00 000 chil chil- ifrr hil I oblects objects of earth for fame fo for glory for nelles for for- pleasure ersanothr jtrs r another is is at work ana and ifrr he is is f hoping iur 1r1 to i secure bfaniwertth ttnsvrer s ih c ir e1 sinner f Vhat Jc mnst dre dre11re J Lace i bequeathed ii i T to the poorhouses T T- jtrs i and charIbJe i jfjyig pleasure for fc or literature 1 Item t ur for Jor r science SCIence and an an- r d art but how how- c how- few j t t- me I I do to be svcd The dlUrel has as ncgletlrts neg I cetc i 1 ids ids- ne tuhoncH tution T Laddition dr c 30C OQ rou lriurders rd I1igI and 400 sui few alas have a passion paSSIOn for souls But ut thank God God- j me hundred names nam I duty litv j nrloot unless all II Its members mem b ers are e ready rcad ya always 1 ways to t 0 give gIve cidcs are committed and the the t Ie expense connected conneete d with WIt lh tiJereliuvc tllcreljliv t relisru lived cd men wholiadthlsJiitenselove W who 10 IU ad 1 U t IQ 1 v for for- r 14 for for- souls 0L l l- I NNN rr r NN an answer to every one that asketh them a reason gIvethese of these events is is 200000ts 200000 It I is estimated that one in souls Paul PauII13d had such a passion The devoteSun devoteclmin- ister devotea mllli mllli- NNN J J- De Our Brethren in 1n the Ministry j the hope that is 15 in 111 them them every fifteen fiftcen persons in 111 the tl Ie State Sta te of 0 f JSew J NT m York J is 18 sub sub- made ister IS ter of Christ in Scotland jMcChcyne had this pas pas- Will pas- sion Will Ihillthey they not help lief us to brinf our little sheet into I N p jstantially t stantialIr stantiall made a a pauper by by drunkenness Eight bun sion for it ras n5 declared of his preaching by a plain plain- but III 1 the families thmilies to which thev the th ey minister minister minister- r t The Car of Juggernaut J uggernaut dred lre thousand baskets of champagne more than are but godly woman O he preached a as 5 if he was w a- dying a a- produced r 1 1- nngthe i I produced 1 aroduced din in in all tlie cJiampagne districts of Europe are dying to have you converted The faithful mission missio- njVT7 mlSSlOn mission- ary jVT7 j It 1S is known that t I mt m in lBdia In d Ja on rcllSlous re 1 IgIOUS festival Ii es t Iva 1 oc I drank in this t the m liS country coun ry ary of cross who leaves the comforts and socie socie- ties socie God Gods S Plan for Missions I etsons cusions in honor of their God Juggernaut Tuggeautan an im Where llCre do these come from Madeira is 18 made by ties of the land of his birth and treads the sands of of- Africa We copy from the Christian Observer the following fol1owlD I mense car containing their God is IS drawn rnWIl by by hundreds 1 mn d r Is passing pa1l1g the oil of whiskey wIuske through carbon Vinegar Vinegart- zm megar Africa or the frozen Jrozen snows of Greenland for the gos gos- B gos- pels B L tzm suggestive tlce Of a train of thought ti which may may well I Gf c f his devotees dc otccs and it is 1 deemed an act of extreme beetroott sulphuric acid lei and nd copperas are used to pels sake has a passion for souls And last though thoug- h4i 4i T i u it i l 11 make make i port wine wine Aew 1 ew iork ork city alone the not humblest the real true faithful Sabbath School- teacher School m a this t1 uav day Inv be C entertained C b1 by all ii our churches wi pietv Piety A to f fall 11 u beneath ii ii the ponderous i s wheels and n cl ii be L 7 says J r J A l I T Tribune M annual amlUally n v manufactures wines wines to the value of teacher who i in in all n weathers t comes up to teach i i his TI little httle- C little- class The Th e trognTJ progress of 0 f the t1 spiritual t I kingdom of God is crushed to death The following is a description I escrlptIon of 0 oft f 08000000 class of Sunday Snlldu School scholars and to lead them to- Jesus to to- very ery slow 5 ow The lC population of the he globe 0 lobe increases nereases t i one of their ceremonials of idolatry furnished by a j What hat is the le result result- mash The report of the New Newor York ork Jesus has a passion H8Siol1 for souls 0 that we might all all- much aU- e all- have much more rapidly than the number ofthose of f t those I lOse who h 0 I spectator State Inebriate Asylum ASr tl um contains one answer Here H Heretor- shiphipoc ere have it it- worship worship torshi- phipoc God G- morel in spirit and 111 in truth If w we consider eOllsl e I i i is thc the record of applications applicationst- he the number in the better classes who ho make Again Sam the Brahmins shouted sholl tcd and men beat gongs gOIl m no prof- esaion pro a CIgymn Social Clal Value V at of Pre achlll 3 30- Judges 30 0 e Preaching PreachingW- ithout feion ion of religion rcliio n or who deny d on their profession by b a a- mb on thf the rarJ car again am again the mob pulled and the huge fabric fabric- was judges 8 8- Merchants master cfo Without undulv unduly maerifving my offic as a 1 mUlSer miiister of the- Gospel the the- practical the- ion practical rmulica 1irTtctica I at at1 atheSm I Iem tui and au 1 remember remem er tIe the t l to Ire a j g number numb er in I I- the n was dragged dragg forward Or1a rIa few yards ol rd It stopped stoppe sud sm Merchants Physician mhont 340 40 Gopel I mav m v holdlr bofdlr and without lhout fear of contradiction on affirm affirm- the affirm- that the lower social ranks who the Christianity Cliritianl- s hmt13mttv mad of our I dcn1 denly and the crowd seemed seized seIe d mth WIt 1 1 a fit fi to of f ma mad I Gntlmc Physicians G vr 220 040 220- G 24- 0Iticbfens 2 that one trulfSilurIhaS truy truly faithful and zealous JSlfS2 preacher of God Gods s dTsorm0 Word or J to to- whatever 0 0- rmulica iime does j i t t vast I nrs3 ness nos so cn 0 nirrprlv eagerly were were the tlinv tncy nmlnnr rusiung forwirn lorward to Tppr peer T AT whatever section of Cbnsts Cbri church he may belong does more mo mo- tbe more- to rime not reach and also al alt- tls Go consider slder the vast myn I Iticbfens Ech Mens n Daughters Duh 1300 1300- MIGItT promote llni t to check the nroresg oc of vice voce and lle time me to poml obedience obedience- ad3 ohdneii- me obedience- to ad3 lut 1 who W whohave h0 have h aye never heard heardthe 1ear d the th e Gospelticsniuo Gospel Gospe I we must St doilbt i I untlcr th the vhels of H the car A gf great cry 7T T was set to l law to aid the advancement of individual virtue and to to- whether to- maintain whether the ratio of the Tious pIOUS to the unrodlv ly is 18 as a- a G UPJ up we pushed forward with Vlt I 1 the t i I 1C rest to t 0 look 1 1 00 I b beneath enea t1 1 1 MIGHT or 01 ITIVIDUALTTY I INDIVIDUALITYSpeaking DIVIDUALrr S Speaking pea 1 mg of 0 f indi i11d- ivictual maintain social soc 3iidl 3iidlthed a order or thed er than Ian a a- lut hundred political moral and phi p- hijTJTjf Ph phi- losophical large arrrP jTJTjf no now as it was in tlETte thc das of CkSL Constantine Cons the I tI the car r Behind it there lay upon the ground a poor vid vidual effort remarked a Christian lavma layman suggests suggests- a losopbical lgSyzSSZyX cssaysor essays or than te utterane of he lncest views views of- justice of of- whether I lIe justice or the scyerest severestiuflictions infllchons cf udgment It 1S is thus that thata- rrrP that- the Great reo I old 0 womau omall with Ih l thin wrinkled limbs and gray ray hair hair- The t The is limited in its influence of- light of fray a thought sun is m uie beautiful imagery of the Prophet is realized Instead of the- thorn the the- The The reaon on of thw slow slm growth nrowtb is is a pJam Hm one 1 her face almost crushed into the earth and am an her her foot foot- cut oot I light and heat upon pon the earth eart I but bllt t through I trOllg I theme tJ the Ie me me- dium thorn shall come up the fir tree Prorhftdlsbreahzebd and an those t ose who W 0 were cnce their thei- rTlirhrf their- countrys r r- reo Tlirhrf Tbe 1 be Christianity t of pfi the present relies too muchi- n much cut cu cut t nca nearly rl off She writhed feebly in 111 her dying dy ing ago ihr dium of ol a lens leas its tsrajs rays ravs mav may be De concentrated concentrated so o nsto as to- produce to countrys onny terror mor and ud disgracebecome digroce wrflched tIchd hcome it its ornaments mut and ud dfn dfn- The defense defense- Blind age nend Brahmins cooll T1 looked nntnr1 r7n down her her- with Blind is i that country and wrtched must l it be where wh the worth worth- nave worth- of oh th the 1 JD a sacerdotal class The proc proclamation 1 amatlD of 0f the tI Ie Gos G Gosray os nv ny anu an and me e pra wiuii coolly J juyivcu uunit upon uiiuu ei produce intense brightness and heat yhat Wliattlie the lens is is is- to of a faithful preacher is not known till the want of this t t- pel the the- friend pel 15 is left to the minhtrv ministry and the prIvate nrivatex members- f members with heavy leaden faces while the crowd still peered peerc d to the natural sun the Christian should s I IOU 11 be b e to the t1 lle Sun- of Sun Sun I friend fj fl of humanity is IS proclaimed by bl the abounding nboun mgs of 0 Off iniqui iniqui- tians IDlqUl iniquity iniquity- the ltl J m account f either of t1eir imIifference rte erence beneath C a th thc car and cried out that there were more of Righteousnessthe conccntrator of the rays of the the- love ttealenc the prevalence of strife confusion and enry eil work The The- pel Th- epulpitand modesty or ins I tlyeir Uen puipitand lct it t 110t be cO2iderei as arain Tain boastnext to the the- m the- Bible I clocer bcneath tIJe front nave have e excus excusf- he excu 1 t themselves 1 te1l1Sl 1 OS from J ro t the I Ie d duty ty o of f pr pressing eing I Upon pon a inIection j we saw loe of Jesus J csus through him a3 the medium should he be- reflected Bible which it is intende to tl epain nnd enforce is the stn stn- I stron- gest fhe thbe e Gospel GospelJ- D on thuse who necdIts need its fO1en forgiveness ChrIS Christ- ians wheels one mall n trong black I ue I whiskered 1 HS k cree 1 mnn 1 lying mg refleete 1 on ot other 1 Ier 1U1U minds s nUl andI I hearts lea rt an and 1 muce tllC the- flames gest est pillar of human OClety It is IS the great enfobrceks breakwater rea wn thte r that that- keeps l l- e tians tian appear to have that God hath made made- us r With U tI the e WII1 till 11pon Inm He W vus as tllrned oer over- u flames of loe to kmdIe and bllrn wIth divine me unlr ardor- Even kp hack the mighty hl surgiugs urgi of nodHu ungodliness ond pe pe- be preserves preserves- the l forgotten l hItl 111S SIle 3nd e his lis bowels crushcd out Ih the 1nd fom nn iuundtion of ruiu it l is 1hat wIne aln can can- tian can- be us u all kings and priests unto God an and 1 t that h at unless unless- ve 11 n 1 css slightly 10 J on wcrc Even thc little word in 1n season spokcn by the ChrIs Chris- tian be depended upon amid tbe reoIlltions of human tfairs and and- the ve e confess Christ before men neither will He confess confess- xne cssnd a and nd the bT011nl urolllld him was soaked z ked W1 with th Ms h bI blood 00 tiUIl is often the medium 111e 1 mm through h roll 1 I which 1 11e 1 1 tl the 1e soul 011 I IS is set set- all t the tee h clash I 1 of f human h m n pnsion to prc8erve to hunhlan t the e monarc monarch his his- crown 119 119- us tIS before His On account of thIS lac lack I i of 0 f Which I llC h J lieu 1 a ttt gushed 1rl rrom f 11is mouth and nose A Httle all 11 on fire with the Jovc of Jesus One of nature natures- poets s hCloswwneftIOtll hCloswwneftIOtllland crown to thc tf land n nh noble t hi his honors huo to 0 th the rich man the enjoyment njormen t of- e of of- his of- his angpj Zcal 1 t the he efficIency eflh iency of the 1C enurc h IS is 1 limited ImI t e d to t 0 1 its I mIn min beyond bcyon d him 1 irn rns a second man likewise crushed to poets has beautifully beantifuII desenbel the t h e power of 0 f lJ1 individ individ- ual 1 1YU 1 his lover wealth of his and species to the then workman must not the reward uphold d of the t I Ie his ministry labor of What What- lover What- lover ftle ftlet- IS the the- Word the- Wordan ILIJ i tn The TI Ie converts Instca instead d 0 of f trying ryIng to 0 teach dnnththp O yery image of Immamty was WIpe wiped 1 from J rom un ual I acts am and I things t I UlIgs III in the tl Ie fc following 0 II 0 1 ng lanOuaOe language- A 0 Wordan Word 0 r d an institution which for eighteen centuries has as taught taught- the taught- the ug ug- Z t fltheffl I tbe vretch as if with ith a sponge the he crow crowd tood s for the h e poor to t 0 suffer s want the afflicted in patience to possess their- souls their their- souls tbeir- TI alo nameless amd the crowd crowd- That as also are content to be mere unproductIve ltnpradnctive- tones tlm2 at this miscrable tragedy and arc A man crow souls the anxious to be careful for nothing not h mg and an fl thc 11 Ie fearful fien en- fltheffl rfut to to- I to- ILIJ to- hope mils cliuvii cliuviio- nsequenee a Ion long looking on That the mart mart- Let dally it i t the ehunh The he throng inert ill arcof woro mere stOU08 nes r xne hopp in God God1Zee Rcu Jf A Jame James- the 5 hen lul fher they dragged the car en r back over the bodies bod bodies- the lOS of J Let fall a word of hope and 10 love love- Unstudied love- Unstudied oosequcnce is that arithmetical arzlhmelicali- rg7ession feb fe- bPWarim t Inenee is the thechurch church grows by Unstudied from thc heart heart- A PWarim The population of the world increases- a increases mcreases the two dcad men men- r 1 I 1 a I I Gods God 5 Plan- Interior Plan Plan2- sever Pa r rrNrrrrrrrrrr JV rr rrJr A whisper on the tumult thrown thrown- A in r a I t Qion an entirely different ratio by geometrical l pr pTogTa ogres i something to n Think of of- t 0 f A transitory breath breath- It 2sever I ever complain l of your birth ycur training your your- employment your- employment our All persons born into the world 111 iu clue course eour coarse- If I It raised a brother from the dust- And dust dust- And st employment your hardships never fancy f aIlC that tl m t you you- coultl you- could Ou Ou- r If t time bring others into tho world and all al al- the 1 these by j t The time bmctIh has long I h g gone one by b when Baptists needed And nd saved n soul from death death- O coltlbe coultl be something if onl only you Oll had a different lot lot- and lot- and tho very very nature of to the klgdo of I to be tallgl taught that U L the i8i01ry spirit is a prominent prominent- nil mun belong foU I 0 germ erm 0 fount 0 word of love love- O and sphere assigned you God understands his own own- plan ont- ho own- Phen vil The kiubJom suom g of light g inereases by athmdcal arith arith- urJIcssion mdical alld essential culU I fo fore cr 11 re of the Christiull elmrnctertI1d character and 0 thought at randqm cast- Fe cast cast- Ye co1I plan a great deal better than you youdv olldo do The he very ory thing thing- that thing- that rJrOJrf8ion the kingdom of darkness by gco1lncal tht missionary work rk is benr an imperative im he raticdnt duty solom11Iy solemnlyr- ofresci I Ye were e but little at the first first- But first- But 1 that ou most deprecate as fatal limitations or thlf thlfv- il 0 0- rJrOJrf8ion ob ob- structions ob- structions m1dsslOnary Christ But mighty at the last las- tMinisterial you JT71e8Otl rofresci on Gods G1 o s kindom I ing d our grows in in the t l ie ratIo ra t 10 of 0 f 2 c enJome end oared upon n aWl all Who I bear the name or of Christ by by I structions are probably what you most want What- you What What- you hat t 6 8 810 10 12 14 14Satans Satans kingdom as thc series cries 2 o j the 1artmg command of oft theirgrcat h grcat Kin king But while call hindrance obstacles discouragements are are- probably are- Probably Ministerial Usefulness Usefulness- year ou eblr 1264 you 4816 t 8 16 a 3 9q 64 128 Tne longer therefore tIe t I to pre Instrtl ms trueIOn w w- eat may ma no longer be e nee needed ded ln in refcerence to I Jprohabh probably Gods opportunities ana an anti it is IS nothing now now- none now- e ent state a of indifference on the I lC parto part of ol prlva private t e Ch Chris rlS the thegreat this IS great deparfmen t of 0 f duty du ty t to 0 remove doubts and J i The mlmstry of C Christ 1rISt srss 15 is a saerc sacred 1 voca vocationnone t Ionnonc n nul- ness none that a Patient J should A r dlShlc e his JIg mc medicines 1 lCmes 0 or I an any any- proof T tians continues the farthcr and more rpidlv will Sa to convmcc convince the I Ie unbelieving une 1 I while the command of more holy am and 1 rcsponSI responsible bI e TI The IC minI minister ster is 1s not to to- ent to- tans tlmt theV they arc poisons tans an k Tr tc into ICtvmgI1 all tl the world orld and lrcach Please himself Uscfulness ulness must be his motto proof A A- fnes pOIsons pOIsons- tians kIngdom outstri Olltstrip P th th- operation tho e church- the church urch Z Zions Ion s Alug Iinig Go vc In 0 a 1C I v VNN The practical operation operationin in inchurch the the- urch mos most Ch Christian coun dc J10spcl to e cry creature cr t Is rccoize1 b by b Y all us 1Ylth ti fi th thIS s1l1gle 1Ilea he te IS to stn study 1 y and un 1 arrango all 1 Interior Nf 0 of f Africa Africat- ed Ai Ai- an rlCa trIes is about as follows In the United ted States there binding on aU a tlve alike a it Is is to be be feared fear that two frc f re his I iis preaching preac ling His Fi is Sundays S nc 1 ays and nd his week week days do s are ar i hot more than one minister marl ter to every every r r thousand t I 1011sun 1 per quently qllen tl Y too t o0 commonly common thc th recognition reeogn Itlon of this grea great to elaborate and wovk out this idea It is is a very er Rev C C Hoffman of Cane Cape Palraas linaIler linaIler- t after fieri fieri- r a resi resi- in relt- rIes rest om Q3 The laborsofapastor labors of a pastor will not r t on a n al an i average I obligatu Obligation o obligatup- roduce bli anon is J is no nothing nothing tI nl more e than a mere intellectual Ungh t h1gh icomphment comphmcnt to a L 8 gospe gospel 1 moister mre ter no not JjiS t w hcn ten J yott ou dence d once 0 f man 3 r ears rs ln in LIberia wrote wrote- I creasesin in in- ifter 111 beau b- eaunsraraSirbe berlU- bot produce Produ ce more mora than ten conversions in in a year ear and du d precepti precepti- ng lst instead o of a d deep pcryudin Penadingfeelin b f1Unu of o pcr I I suy he is 1s u brilliant preaeher nlltle IS tho use useful r I pus i As YOIl g interior the colllltry 1I1ere m uf l th th- us ring nngthe ng the year three church members will probably die i sonal ret ret- Curing responsibility Ciristlans 1 f ns do not not rea realize lize d do o not no t tor tor And 1 nd he I ie shall haIl but b ut ut- feel prove rove Jllelf 1 u me f sent 0 G Ot t t qnc d 1 fertility fe rt il ity und I um illcline1 inrll nec nec- Produ 1 to think m among among- they ID1on ID1on- ring During the first year year seven will be added to the num ntlln- oer feel ee ontl as as- sonal rcyomllbi they t t- er y ou oug fi bt t that t1 a up upon every individua 1 Chris who cxeels in in downright and POSl positive usefulness to I btiful At a ditancc of thirty milC3 almost Jou get t to moan oer er of sacrifice fi and labor as well his pcople It is more noblo lea lead sinners smners to 0 Jesus CSUS beautiful hilI ad at seycntv rthy they rise church members me but bu- trae y by bv the natural laws of in In tian tian res res- ltgticg rests the obligation to I r wild raid- rivers a ts and rcase nsraraSirbe declttrc 0 11 be be- added to thfce for oblhIgnttoln t the saltation tOt sacrlf of ifm his is fellowIenan than to attract the astonishment of f the hearers by b thins Game abounds b und der and 9 9- er us statIStIcs ltgticg declare them t h em about ab ou t thirty tl 11 will 1 as pr pr- irth pra pay or e sa va IOn 0 g i s mfie in th th- obligation the rhcrs nnd and- and strcam 6rlclecl br by birth irth to ta the empire of Satan The he next next- yol obligati ob obligation I 19atlon which Wh Ie 1 he h e cannot mnn ot evade cannot neglect ne b b- f b- I b- I b- I b- j b- i b- j 1 rot brilliant b rI 11 mn t powers pwe of 0 f orator oratory om t 0 bird birds- Never trn and nnn fish S I 1 1- rcase are 1r plentiful m m- I m- THE n n- a

IJ Series RICHMOND Published Publi 8Publi Mntly Monthl ...media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/missionjournals/... · byll1li1 ott1 m letter or cheek ton Iri book of Uevclation In to

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Page 1: IJ Series RICHMOND Published Publi 8Publi Mntly Monthl ...media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/missionjournals/... · byll1li1 ott1 m letter or cheek ton Iri book of Uevclation In to






Vol 1INewNew Series7oJ IJ RICHMOND VA JULY 18681868-


8PubliNumber 33-





PublishedPublished MntlyMonthlY by the three Boards ciof thecgthe Southern Baptist ConventionOonventtonl-ithf



n ww Jawipc9fttl1XNiV C

tofjJBlns ffikmYheryeart rtytItree



be addedThe

to the church al1and withoiwithout being unfi1ithful to his vows of selfconsecra Whothird year the church tioll tOH1is are the BlestBlestT-hey




will s Lord andbe iiii-

Themcreasedceased incurring the guilt of rebellionRI I S by seven the world byb thirt sir11 I TheyThe who have kept theirT E I The 3 thirtysixy againtniminst1dim Neer will the worId sympathies awakeRwakO-

ndficjufigurfigures wIll be be evangelized I Andnd scattered good for more thangreatly worsc if take customs sakewe into I necr killill theropy 00 centacenta-aJJreed

nts consIderatIOn the hordes Redeemer Kingdom be tabIished Steadfast and tender inIII the hour of need ii JaJJreedIJ1Jrr4sed

cdtotoeto one

neJ4rsoDFron 300a

0000-1Jrr4sed 0000-rnpr TIThe10 fifiguresgurcs Ihowever10wever

of Paganism and Romanism thogouthrouOhoutI bout all the earth until eachi 1individualniui muni ChrisChrisro-py


Gentle in thought benevolent in deed j fJi 0c1Oirnprcep W t1oed to oneon JelfOn 530000 arenre not to be absolutely rc1ied i tian sSJlaUTall and Whosehoe looksLooks have power to make dissensionslahorIHOplt roW to one pemn on as elelementsem t pray to this end as thoughthourrh hehe-irth


Whose ceasec 100010 00 en 5 0off geometricalgeomc tnca 1 00I-HOpl smiles are pleasant and whose words ftft-


tiunJreJmFieaa ddtesed b oneOu rerson 15 00 reason of the increase of ministersprogrcssJOn cnter byv I wcre ththee ononly1J CIChristian1rIstmn on eartearthirthI I the1 ssolitaryso l Itary one toto-


r They whoho have lived as harmless as the doveare peapeaceg

xmjmnd fl ibistho ntIe sht has lten loud anuchurchespfSlDg Itthleis a utCessity ChristiansTlvTChristians flnd tIll instructio t vllOm the SavioursSat Tour eommnnd had been Riven and Teachers of truth and ministers of love

jvnMM1 1Eyll1Eyll-Lovehh-


a11In tbehe Bord as wellell asS the churche9 or the SouthSonhelrySonhelryh-as C tto t1their 1 I beenghen uponeU givegl 0 childrenld



Mrsn ere shalt be able to briubring before our purplele tbe arlieetrlitknforinforDyschool sdolirscholars TIn the

1e1r CHILldJCren fndanand1 to SnndySnne ay f Yhoscwhoser I lOSe sIngsinglefileI e effortse ffiorts thet J Ie Ovationea1vation of0 f thet 1 Ie wholewI10 Ie worldworld-


worworb-ll 1 II-jmnd

LoveLove for

fortheall moral

humblestpower all mental gracece iaJTiaJTL-ove i ItIt-

Loveis of theobjtuobje cuttmplatEl by tIe 8outhtrD TVTV-

mkchumanj en the poEmt lJaptJ8t Concotp-

a1WIrCSCllt1present statete of J dencndedle dcd racero man

rlllW trodndng it into tbtr bnrchtJ will be able tbus to makentake-ltao

mkc munities thet Ie cotuputatimanyy com j dependedL en It should be the constant aim of minisminis-


bI1Love for the tranquiltra quit joy that virtue brings 31lC31lC-

Ii0 1

f ltaofI withtb tlIthe whol6 m1S51tnary entttln5t au1 tlccure MOntvOra-n

TO TheTIIe 1computation ISis suhstantmlly conetrect ters tpto awake such a feelingfeelInO of personalcrsonal responsibilityresponsibilityi-


I LovoIoT for the Giver of all goodly things ttbM3Ii 193iT n remedymC forfor thethe-

churcht1 0

crate mththe largeet poeibte list ant the money encio e LL-

at church isy Ie present mefhclencyiiuiuiiuy of the i

I inin thetI1e heartslcarn of allal 1 themembersthet1Ie members of their churcheschurches-And

c1 lUrc JCTrue followers of that soulexaltingsouleaaltin pplanla ifft3 nrisk in costel order regitered IS stated in the II-

IeWhich Christ laid downbyll1li1 at ott1 m letter or cheek ton Iri book of Uevclation And In to bless andad governovern man VittVit-tTheyBIt 5 let j no wayway can theythr so effectuallycffectuall the welfarewelfare-

nmcwhohim that heareth 3 promote They canan calmly linger at the last 361 ftr F01tl1GfOSUGN JJorastOrJfU RichmondIChlJ1ndo TTa C ii-

theCome H l3fAt1tt-tIdi1e5 8 I say TheIlc1o and of their II-


tIdi1e5 thetl1e brideh d SpirCinmc j churches andnd the extension of the Redeem ii-


r SurveySurve the future and recall the pastICome

rl c say1yT

ComeCorne andan 1 letIct Ihim1111 tthehatt I1e3retetht sayerssay I cerr s KingdomJImgdomJmgc om J J BranttcyBI3rantlcllan tltl-1e

CJAnd with that hope vv-

Feelwhich triumphs over pain Oro

Our Terms tWhen4 hen private CIuCIu-


Christiansans aUaecomIncomeb e ppreachrcacti i r NI Feel well assured thethe-

Thenthey hnTe not liTcd JD vainjvain 7 HtGt T

ers of rigllteousneandrghtcou8ncss Then wait in peace their hour of final rest YroumingI1ulilig he jle of ollr httle mOllthly pOrbm1les to allmrfuJ1jJmtchforrnerfully 5 watohfor 01Ii The Pastoral Work Thee only can bo numbered with the blest OfkOfk-




b1 rf b paper I spcrkiau wordwortt to tleI have put the price down as low as the interest ofoflj conversion ofof thethewwoiwoi-

veralworldorlcl wIll procccd

everyery compuniollcompanionWIth lctrIe ThoThe pL5toml offiee is of diinvine appointment andandr-


4 tttt-


i L I fIfI-Now

1PeceveralV fT31t1 Boards will justify The other mission raplhtraP3P3j-


P iditti 1Iielihcn churh membrs are all lIvelylively Isusfainsstlsauis a vcrvery pcculiar relation to the remrnoRtaTTrtremrnoRtaTTr-ttemple

sanctificd nai

Now rr-



off the land nd11 jl stoncs the progress1 on the1 LordLordsi tnre f1of manne Whorho Jiaa1ms nOt sccsccn this and felt it Now I live fr7rtr7T nfjjttious 1e far s will astonIVf I

I jryJrliy organizationsorgans 0 1l expendcpemesI largeargega sums over ish theho bchofdcrTbtempleit i H omasumastotanstonI Hundreds of our best ministers I

But of tonighttonighttoto morrowmorrovknowknow I notnot-itheir liveslives-


ndspend it Oh well forforme mJmJ-


Allj their 0117 me when I can leave mYlotlotot 1i-

Allandland apceboW ubcrJ1hon In eonductmg and car Yjec he1r mud I of newnc pansplansI ttoo reachrcac I 1 thetlIe ulleanchccrfulhcheerfully

of as lntors onn salarics tllc7tIClol wouldlll l7l7i-


oly nno All unto GodGod-i

myNPWy ti

11lltDg Wpir pCrIodu1Js1serialicais In the present swte oflof gehzedg and lowestocst cInes of iptv Pnnn amcansII mcans be contented to receiverccenc inIII mere worldly pur I Tor Iiirail11 myfmy faithful serviceservice givegive-And


gigi-Anj SOCIctyf ConventionsConventionst-

heonvenhonsa suits When II-

tAndAn through his Spirits strength-

Preparestrength i 1aI-


tataP-repare YJnYJn-PreparettheJ finanel we must for the preent aim to make aare held from tIme to tIme to plan Ieww kmdsHnSTl0of rnmama-


the pastorate is understoodullderstooc1amland thetheS-


the-same Prepare for my account att length-


length fvi

Ilur paper a ncarhnearly as pO3sibleI selfsustainicIfsustailling AtI clnnery to preach the tnlt1 to the Jgnorati and de

same is even morc tnC of the foreign miS8ionarymiS8ionary-J

miS8ionary-ncarh See the floweri 1f91f91-


See1ature time It mav bbee Inin our power tto0 ddiminish1mmlS I1

i graded class that ISs found inIII both CIty and countrycount workit has a pcculiar sanctity ECcming nelrer totoI-lur


Whichhich full of brightness in the morning shonejshoner r f1

theome JI

b TIT htItt 15 tltheIe ttruerue pplanIan LLetet CYClevery masmastertcr tteachcae II 1illsus Pcrson anc1 work of the Rcdcmer than anyan otherother1-ature other-

officeorIt doth no longer wave the stock uponupon-



Whenprice by forrobscripholl appropnahol15 officeor Whenhenthe prIce pnntmgg senaptsservant mIstrcs8 her mmds workll1gher better 111in the het SCllEe ananddd-


evening comescomes-So


comes-Soevcry aud

hchr taUth1 Boord 11eYeT now beg thc friends of Sunday ployerp10y er I1s llandsr and the heathenish substratumevcryevert cm

offhr more influentiaf

Tthan that of readcrs or mere





thusan hourhour-



And waste-l

waste jx jV ff-


Schoolschoehboos and of Missions to exert themselves by sese-

andsocictvsOClC willWI 1 I soonBoo n beIbe taughttaug 1 It thet I Je truthtrut 1 1 aTVSns It ISis inIII in

licentiatesthe cturchchurch

es XtlslgKothinrrb Cqals ihiti It isis a gratb powcrpowcr-


rAl life that flieth ini n such hashasteee-






Stand thou clear-From


at e1rhrariasndandd forwarding an early period as manyI-ltclibeta

manymany I

I lYey henr N From earth Here is thy struggle yonder restrest-Up



de ear much of thebc coldnessIi rtossiblc53ibIc of the churchnhFcnbers nsn posiwpo5possible AA trr AT n i Up up my soul I press forward heaven isis bestibesti-Now belidnbestir nislfThls ISg the true rcmed It faIS as truc iu111 SpIrItualJJJ j Worthy ExampleExample-

OurNow hasten home-



LetOur little PaperPaper-We

matters as in temporal Trust inin the Lord and do BrotherB 9t I1cr McNeilI 1Cl1CI1 J of0f WilksborojtTlkri1Slksborobor N CvC J writeswrl tt-matters e usu-snnM


Let earth seem distant heaven more nearnear-How

L1 JJ-How

JJ-owgood soo shalt thou dwell inin the land and that he has the

Howow soon this life doth flyt d 11ltttverily adopted of uu-


splan contribuO securing IlovrWermnsxnanyolWe are receiving manynnMtokensens ofe i Witho-

ntWith secnrmg ow soon comes that which shall not diedie-



5approval thou shalt be fed The g of the tWfromiswisesaying kin tions from Ukingg hischurcleshis elmrches three monthsfor the Never dela ii-To


Toevery delayout dunfat the Journal will steadily promote the interinter-


also peculiarly thisapplicable to subject There is mission causecausee-sts

causc-ofillTo do the duty which thetlie hour bringsbrings-Whether





eststs ofofillall thetIIC Boards of the Convention Nort willicl llllt-


that scattereth and yet inoreaseth andDl there isIS thatthatt-


withholdeth t Whether it be in great or smaller thingsthings-For



ththeL he petvandpety and efficiencyofeffiClenC of each memberfailmember ful to receivereccnreceive-a

eI nthholdeth

U Themre than isIS mect butrut It tendethdet to povPov



3f Fearful1 StatistiesTStatistiesT-a

Statistics What he shallFor

dowhothe coming

doth knowknow-What day iirffQ3ir1



WhatI ererty lIberal souloul haU heol made fat andheand hehe-that

This moment is for theethee-The


a stimulus by a carefulI readingrea Img of0f its columnsco 1nmn 6IAItIt-i

I Thethat watereth shall be watered also himself iII-

ourAllowing from a Raleigh paper may well starstar-


rIf4 The next perhaps thou wilt not seesee-

Father7 i1 01ii-








tFatherLoarMTshi our wish tobnngitto brin it into every familyf1miI of the SouthSouth-


I If the church members should tIe the considerate mindbe home mmissionsissionarissionar-Ties

especially whenIcn in11t contrastcontrast-ries


Father of all 1tDI3n1 tt-Soff-

SoV ries the church itself should be a theological semina to thele vast sums spent for intoxicating drinks isISis-


So let thy warning catchIWatch be not in vainervainlvainl-Let J tt-Let ww-

AndWho Will Operate for 1 This truth is too oftenI Let my soul hearhear-


AndUS ry oen forgottenI Many seemseem-Any

IplaccHala d the comparativev small amount contributedcontributed-Am


And dailyaily answer to the callcaU-Then iP-


ThenAmAny friend of missionsm1510n8 or of0f SundayS undaJ SchoolsSe I 100 l isIS ii-


to thl1thatthmk that the church ISis a theatre to which they at bychristians for benevolent Then sudden death shall bebe-But


be-Buttend that and tender riiuuis IUI tiuni purposespurposesA-

L purposespurposesh-ereby But life and theethe-


pious sensations quick toaV be stephereby authorizedAL i 4to act4 rfor theu Boarditby may excitedreceivingreceivingreceivingu-bseribers

instcal1 ofaof a Temple to the Mosfc High which is too The Newew York Tribune computes that the wholewholeT-ibscnbers whole-

beTibscnbers to the Journal Ihe monemoney mnvmay be sentsent-by

be entered withwithrcverenceanclreverence and humblehumblegratitudegratitude The costcostofof liquors annuallyalnIl madede andnd sold inIII the UnitedUnited-br


ne A Passion for Souls-Au

SoulsSouls-AnbrY mail to this citycityv I minister is looked upon as an actor who is to play l

StatesStates thattabt

isIS whiskeyv10108

citherer inl purerc or derivativederivative-v

Cr1a l An eminent servant of God now gone to his rere-


reo-to re-wardv r upon the sensibilities and not as a teacher sent from state isisbutaoabouta

OljltOlrODOO500000000o In the consumption of-God


Theward used to spcak of having a pa5ion for ouIssouls-Now



ouIs-uponThe Children are at Work God TheThe churchchurc 1118is thetlIe divined1vIlle schoolsch00I forrJor mankindman I me1 thislIS

tliquorIquor G0000 livesI1e5 areareyearIyyearlycarIneteonsulm1P0100nOOOy destroyedIes ro e 10000010000-


dutyNow mcn Ihavelave a passIon forrJor many 0off tlthe10 perishableperishable-objects

prIShableAUtJeventiustrcenisiiltttle1c seridttr tirrnt eso nestsnbscrl taudand its dutyduty is not doned till all its members can fullyfuU1 menme andan d women are sentsen t to0 prisonprIson andan d 20000000 000 chilchil-

ifrrhil I oblectsobjects of earth for fame fofor glory for nelles forfor-


another isis at work anaandifrrhe isis fhopingiur1r1to


securebfaniwertthttnsvrer sihc ir e1sinnerf VhatJc mnst dredre11reJ Lace ibequeathediii T to the poorhousesTT-

jtrsi and charIbJei jfjyig pleasure forfcor literature1 Item tur forJorr scienceSCIence andanan-

r d art but howhow-c how-

fewj tt-

meI I do to be svcd The dlUrel hasas ncgletlrtsneg Icetci1 idsids-

ne tuhoncHtution T Ladditiondrc 30COQ roulriurdersrd I1igIandd 4000 sui few alas have a passionpaSSIOn for souls Butut thank GodGod-jme hundred namesnam

I dutylitvj nrlootunless aallII Its membersmem bers aree readyrcad yaalways1 ways tot0 givegIve cidcs are committed and thethet Ie expense connectedconneete d withWItlh tiJereliuvctllcreljlivt relisru livedcd men wholiadthlsJiitenseloveWwho10 IUad 1

U t IQ 1 v forfor-r



NNNrr r NN an answer to every one that asketh them a reasongIvetheseof these events isis 200000ts200000 ItI is estimated that one in souls PaulPauII13dhad such a passion The devoteSundevoteclmin-ister

devotea mlllimllli-NNN JJ-


Our Brethren in1n the Ministry j the hope that is15 in111 themthem every fifteenfiftcen persons in111 thetl Ie StateState of0 f JSewJNTm YorkJ is18 subsub-made

isterIS ter of Christ in Scotland jMcChcyne had this paspas-Will

pas-sionWillIhilltheythey not helplief us to brinf our little sheet into I N p jstantially

tstantialIrstantiall madea a pauper byby drunkenness Eight bun sion for it rasn5 declared of his preaching by a plainplain-

butIII1 the familiesthmilies to which thevtheth ey ministerministerminister-r t The Car of JuggernautJuggernaut dredlre thousand baskets of champagne more than are but godly woman O he preached aas5 if he wasw a-


producedr 11-


iI produced1 aroduceddininin all tlie cJiampagne districts of Europe are dying to have you converted The faithful missionmissio-


aryjVT7 j It 1Sis known thattImt min lBdiaIndJa on rcllSlousre 1 IgIOUS festivalIies tIva 1 oc I drank in thist them liS countrycoun ry ary of cross who leaves the comforts and sociesocie-ties

socieGodGodsS Plan for Missions I etsonscusions in honor of their God JuggernautTuggeautanan im WherellCre do these come from Madeira is18 made by ties of the land of his birth and treads the sands ofof-AfricaWe copy from the Christian Observer the followingfol1owlD

I mense car containing their God isIS drawnrnWIl byby hundreds1mn d r Is passingpa1l1g the oil of whiskeywIuske through carbon VinegarVinegart-zm

megar Africa or the frozenJrozen snows of Greenland for the gosgos-B

gos-pelsBLtzmsuggestivetlce Of a train of thoughtti which maymay well I Gfcf his devoteesdc otccs and it is1 deemed an act of extreme beetroott sulphuric acidlei andnd copperas are used to pels sake has a passion for souls And last thoughthoug-h4i4i T i u it i l

11 makemakei port winewine Aew1 ew iorkork city alone the not humblest the real true faithful Sabbath School-teacher

Schoolma thist1 uavdayInv beC entertainedC b1by allii our churcheswi pietvPietyA to ffall11 ubeneathii iithe ponderousi s wheels andncliibe L 7 saysJr J A l I TTribuneM annualamlUallyn v manufactures wineswines to the value of teacher whoi inin alln weatherst comes up to teachi ihis TIlittlehttle-C

little-classTheTh e trognTJprogress of0 f thet1 spiritualt I kingdom of God is crushed to death The following is a descriptionIescrlptIon of0oftf08000000 class of SundaySnlldu School scholars and to lead them to-


veryery slow5 ow ThelC population of thehe globe0 lobe increasesnereases ti one of their ceremonials of idolatry furnished by a j Whathat is thele resultresult-

mashThe report of the NewNeworYorkork Jesus has a passionH8Siol1 for souls 0 that we might allall-




havemuch more rapidly than the number ofthoseoff tthoseIlOse whoh0I

spectator State Inebriate AsylumASrtlum contains one answer HereHHeretor-

shiphipocere have itit-

worshipworshiptorshi-phipocGGodG-morel in spirit and 111in truth If wwe considereOllsl e I

i i is thcthe record of applicationsapplicationst-

hethe number in the better classes whoho make AgainSam the Brahmins shoutedsholl tcd and men beat gongsgOIlm no prof-esaion

pro aCIgymn SocialClal ValueVat of Preachlll330-Judges

30 0 e PreachingPreachingW-ithoutfeionion of religionrcliio n or who denydon their profession byb aa-

mbonn thfthe rarJcar againamagain the mob pulled and the huge fabricfabric-was

judges 88-


cfo Without undulvunduly maerifving my offic as a1 mUlSermiiister of the-Gospel



practicalrmulica1irTtctica I atat1atheSmIIemtui andau1 rememberremem er tIethetlto Irea jg numbernumber inII-the

n was draggeddragg forwardOr1a r I a few yardsol rd It stoppedstoppe sudsm MerchantsPhysician

mhont 34040 Gopel I mavm v holdlrbofdlr and withoutlhout fear of contradiction onaffirmaffirm-the

affirm-thatthe lower social ranks who the ChristianityCliritianl-shmt13mttvmadof our I dcn1denly and the crowd seemed seizedseIe d mthWIt 11 a fitfi tooff mamadI Gntlmc

PhysiciansG vr 220


G 24-0Iticbfens

2 that one trulfSilurIhaStruytruly faithful and zealousJSlfS2preacher of GodGodssdTsorm0Wordor Jtoto-



iime doesj i t t vast I nrs3nessnos socn0 nirrprlveagerly werewere thetlinvtncy nmlnnrrusiung forwirnlorward to Tpprpeer T AT whatever section of CbnstsCbri church he may belong does moremomo-tbe

more-torime not reach and alsoalalt-

tlsGo considerslder the vast myn I IticbfensEch Mensn DaughtersDuh 13001300-


promotellni tto check the nroresgoc of vicevoce and lletimeme to poml obedienceobedience-ad3 ohdneii-me

obedience-toad3lut1 whoWwhohaveh0 havehaye never heardheardthe1ear d thethe GospelticsniuoGospelGospe I we mustSt doilbti II

untlcr ththe vhels of Hthe car A gfgreat cry7T Twas set to llaw to aid the advancement of individual virtue and toto-whether


maintainwhether the ratio of the TiouspIOUS to the unrodlvly is18 asa-a G UPJup we pushed forward withVlt I 1 thet iI1C rest tot0 look11 00I bbeneathenea t111 MIGHT or01 ITIVIDUALTTYIINDIVIDUALITYSpeakingDIVIDUALrr SSpeakingpea 1 mg of0f indii11d-

ivictualmaintain socialsoc

3iidl3iidltheda orderortheder thanIan aa-

luthundred political moral and phip-hijTJTjf Phphi-

losophicallargearrrP jTJTjfnonow as it was in tlETtethc das of CkSLConstantineCons theI tIthe carr Behind it there lay upon the ground a poor vidvidual effort remarked a Christian lavmalayman suggestssuggests-

alosopbical lgSyzSSZyXcssaysoressays or than te utterane of he lncest viewsviews of-justice


I lIe justice or the scyerestseverestiuflictionsinfllchons cf udgment It 1Sis thus thatthata-rrrP that-

theGreatreo I old0 womauomall withIhl thin wrinkled limbs and grayray hairhair-

Thet The is limited in its influence of-

lightoffray a thought sun is m uie beautiful imagery of the Prophet is realized Instead of the-


TheThe reaonon of thw slowslm growthnrowtb isis a pJamHm one 1her face almost crushed into the earth andaman herher footfoot-cut

oot I

light and heat uponpon the eartheart I butbllt tthroughItrOllg I themetJtheIe meme-dium

thorn shall come up the fir treeProrhftdlsbreahzebdandan thoset ose whoW 0 were cnce theirthei-rTlirhrf



TlirhrfTbe1 be Christianityt ofpfithe present relies too muchi-n

much cutcucutt ncanearlyrl off She writhed feebly in111 her dyingdy ing agoihr dium ofol a lensleas itstsrajsraysravs mavmay beDe concentratedconcentrated soo nstoas to-produce

to countrysonny terrormor andud disgracebecomedigrocewrflchedtIchdhcome itits ornamentsmut andud dfndfn-


Blindage nend Brahmins coollT1 lookednntnr1 r7ndown herher-with

Blind isi that country and wrtched must lit be wherewh the worthworth-



ohththe 1JD a sacerdotal class The procproclamation1 amatlD of0f thetI Ie GosGGosrayos nvny anuanand mee pra wiuiicoollyJ juyivcu uunit uponuiiuu ei produce intense brightness and heat yhatWliattliethe lens isisis-

toof a faithful preacher is not known till the want of this tt-


friendpel 15is left to the minhtrvministry and the prIvatenrivatex members-f

members with heavy leaden faces while the crowd still peeredpeerc d to the natural sun the Christian shouldsI IOU 11 bebe to thet1lle Sun-of

SunSun I friendfj fl off humanity isIS proclaimed bybl the aboundingnboun mgs of0Off iniquiiniqui-




m accountf either of t1eir imIifferencerteerence bbeneathCath thc car and cried out that there were more of Righteousnessthe conccntrator of the rays of thethe-love

ttealencthe prevalence of strife confusion and enry eil work TheThe-pel

Th-epulpitandmodesty or ins Itlyeir Uen puipitand lct itt 110t be cO2iderei as arainTain boastnext to thethe-


BibleI clocer bcneath tIJe frontnavehavee excusexcusf-he

excu 1 tthemselves1 te1l1Sl 1 OS fromJro ttheI Ie ddutyty ooff prpressingeing I Uponpon a inIectionj we saw loe of JesusJcsus through him a3 the medium should hebe-reflected

Bible which it is intende totl epain nnd enforce is the stnstn-I

stron-gestfhethbee GospelGospelJ-


on thuse who necdItsneed its fO1enforgiveness ChrISChrist-ians

wheels one mall n trong bblackI ue I wwhiskered1 HS kcree 1 mnn 1lyingmg refleete1 on otother1 Ier 1U1Umindss nUlandI Iheartsleart anand1 muce tllCthe-flames

gestest pillar of human OClety It isIS the greatenfobrceksbreakwaterrea wnthte r thatthat-keeps



tianstian appear to have that Godd hath mademade-us

r WithU tIthee WII1 till 11pon Inm He Wvusas tllrned oerover-u

flames of loe to kmdIe and bllrn wIth ddivineme unlrardor-Even

kp hack the mightyhl surgiugsurgi of nodHuungodliness ond pepe-be


forgotten l hItl 111S SIle 3nde hislis bowels crushcd out Ihthe 1nd fom nn iuundtion of ruiu it lis 1hat wIne aln cancan-tian

can-beusu all kings and priests unto God anand1 tthathat unlessunless-

ve11 n1css slightly10 J on wcrc Even thc little word in1n season spokcn by the ChrIsChris-

tianbe depended upon amid tbe reoIlltions of human tfairs andand-thevee confess Christ before men neither will He confessconfess-


cssndaandnd the bT011nl urolllld him was soakedzked W1withth Msh bIblood00 tiUIl is often the medium111e 1 mm tthroughhroll 1 I wwhich1 11e 1 1 tlthe1e soul011 I ISis setset-

allt theteeh clashI 1 off humanh m n pnsion to prc8erve tohunhlantthee monarcmonarch hishis-



tIS before His On account of thIS laclackIi of0f WhichIllC h Jlieu1a tttgushed1rl rromf 11is mouth and nose A Httle all11 on fire with the Jovc of Jesus One of naturenatures-poets

shCloswwneftIOtllhCloswwneftIOtlllandcrown to thctf

landn nhnoblet hihis honorshuo to0 ththe rich man the enjoymentnjormen t of-



hisangpjZcal1 tthehe efficIencyeflh iency of tthe1C enurch ISis 1limitedImI ted tot0 1itsI mInmin beyondbcyon d him1 irn rns a second man likewise crushed to poets has beautifullybeantifuII desenbel thethe power of0f lJ1individindivid-

ual1 1YU 1 his


of hisandspecies

to thethen

workmanmust not

the rewardupholdd





lover ftleftlet-




WordanILIJi tn TheTI Ie converts Instcainsteadd 0off ttryingryIng tto0 teach dnnththpO yery image of Immamty was WIpewiped1 fromJrom unualI acts amandI thingstI UlIgs IIIin thetl Ie fcfollowing0II0 1 ng lanOuaOelanguage-A

0 WordanWord0rd an institution which for eighteen centuries hasas taughttaught-the





I tbe vretch as if withith a sponge thehe crowcrowdd toods for theh e poor tot0 suffers want the afflicted in patience to possess their-souls


tbeir-TIalo nameless amd the crowdcrowd-

Thatasalso are content to be mere unproductIveltnpradnctive-tones tlm2 at this miscrable tragedy andarc A man crow souls the anxious to be careful for nothingnot h mg andan fl thc11 Ie fearfulfienen-

flthefflrfut toto-





hopemils cliuviicliuviio-nsequenee

a Ionlong looking on That the martmart-Let

dallyitit the ehunh Thehe thronginert ill arcofworo mere stOU08nes r xne hopp in GodGod1ZeeRcu Jf A JameJames-


5henlul fherthey dragged the caren r back over the bodiesbodbodies-

thelOS of JLet fall a word of hope and 10lovelove-


Unstudiedoosequcnce is that arithmeticalarzlhmelicali-rg7ession


tInenee is thethechurchchurch grows by Unstudied from thc heartheart-

APWarim The population of the world increases-a

increasesmcreases the two dcad menmen-r



1a II GodsGod 5 Plan-



Par rrNrrrrrrrrrrJV rr rrJr A whisper on the tumult thrownthrown-A

inra I tQion

an entirely different ratio by geometricall prpTogTaogres i something ton Think ofof-

t0f A transitory breathbreath-

It2severI ever complainl of your birth ycur training youryour-



All persons born into the world 111iu clue courseeourcoarse-If

I It raised a brother from the dust-And


st employment your hardships never fancyfaIlC thattlm t youyou-coultl




Ift time bring others into tho world and allalal-the

1 these by jt The timebmctIhhas longI

hg goneone byb when Baptists needed Andnd saved n soul from deathdeath-

Ocoltlbecoultl be something if onlonly youOll had a different lotlot-


andtho veryvery nature of to the klgdo of I to be tallgltaught thatUL the i8i01ry spirit is a prominentprominent-nil

mun belong foU I 0 germerm 0 fount 0 word of lovelove-O

and sphere assigned you God understands his ownown-plan

ont-ho own-

Phenvil The kiubJomsuomg of lightg inereases by athmdcalaritharith-

urJIcssionmdical alld essentialculU I foforecr 11 re of the Christiull elmrnctertI1dcharacter and 0 thought at randqm cast-


Yeco1I plan a great deal better than youyoudvolldodo Thehe veryory thingthing-


thatrJrOJrf8ion the kingdom of darkness by gco1lncal tht missionary workrk isbenran imperativeim

heraticdntduty solom11Iysolemnlyr-ofresci

I Ye weree but little at the firstfirst-But



that ou most deprecate as fatal limitations orthlfthlfv-il

00-rJrOJrf8ion obob-


structionsm1dsslOnary Christ But mighty at the lastlas-


youJT71e8Otlrofresci on GodsG1o s kindomI ingd our grows inin thet l ie ratIora t10 of0f 2c enJomeend oared uponn aWlall WhoI bear the name orof Christ byby I

structions are probably what you most want What-you


youhatt 6 881010 12 1414SatansSatans kingdom as thc seriescries 2o j the 1artmg command ofofttheirgrcath grcat Kinking But while call hindrance obstacles discouragements areare-


ProbablyMinisterial UsefulnessUsefulness-


oueblr1264 you4816t 8 16 a39q 64 128 Tne longer therefore tIetI to pre InstrtlmstrueIOnww-eat

mayma no longer bee neeneededded lnin refcerence toI Jprohabhprobably Gods opportunities anaananti it isIS nothing nownow-


eent statea of indifference on ttheI lC partopart ofol prlvaprivatete ChChrisrlS thethegreatthisIS great deparfment of0f dutyduty tto0 remove doubts and Ji The mlmstry of CChrist1rIStsrss15is a saercsacred1 vocavocationnonetIonnoncnnul-

nessnone that a Patient

JshouldAr dlShlce hisJIg mcmedicines1 lCmes 0orI ananyany-


tians continues the farthcr and more rpidlv will Sa to convmccconvince ttheI Ie unbelievingune1 I while the command of more holy amand1 rcsponSIresponsiblebIe TITheIC minIministerster is1s not toto-ent


tans tlmt theVthey arc poisonstansan k Tr tc intoICtvmgI1all tlthe worldorld and lrcach Please himself Uscfulnessulness must be his motto proofAA-



kIngdom outstriOlltstripP thth-

operationthoe church-

thechurchurch ZZionsIon s AlugIinig Go vc In 0 a 1C I v VNNThe practical operationoperationinininchurchthethe-

urchmosmost ChChristian coun dc J10spcl to e cry creaturecr t Is rccoize1b bybY all us 1Ylthtifith thIS s1l1gle 1Ilea hete IS to stnstudy1y andun 1 arrango all

1 InteriorNf

0off AfricaAfricat-ed AiAi-


rlCatrIes is about as follows In the Unitedted States there binding on aUatlvealikea it Isis to bebe fearedfear that two frcfre hisI iis preachingpreac ling HisFi is SundaysS nc1 ays andnd his weekweek daysdo s arear i

hot more than one ministermarl ter to everyeveryr r thousandt I1011sun 1 per quentlyqllen tlY tooto0 commonlycommon thcth recognitionreeogn Itlon of this greagreat to elaborate and wovk out this idea It isis a veryer Rev C C Hoffman of CaneCape PalraaslinaIlerlinaIler-t


a resiresi-


relt-rIes restomQ3 The laborsofapastorlabors of a pastor will not

rt onan alani average I obligatuObligationoobligatup-

roducebli anon isJis nonothingnothingtI nl moree than a mere intellectual Unght h1ghicomphmentcomphmcnt to a

L 8gospegospel1 moistermreter nonotJjiSt w hcnten Jyottou dencedonce 0 f man 3r earsrs lnin LIberia wrotewrote-




111 beaub-




produceProdu ce moremora than ten conversions inin a yearear and dud preceptiprecepti-ng

lstinstead oof addeep pcryudinPenadingfeelinb f1Unu ofo pcrIIsuy he is1s u brilliant preaeher nlltle IS tho useusefulr I pusi As YOIl g interior the colllltry 1I1erem

uf l thth-


ringnngtheng the year three church members will probably diei

sonal retret-Curing

responsibility Ciristlans1 f ns do notnot rearealizelize ddoo notnot tortor And1 nd heIie shallhaIl butbutut-feel

pproverove Jllelf1ume f sent 0 G Ot tt qncd1 fertilityfert il ity und I um illcline1inrll necnec-Produ

1 to think mamongamong-


ringDuring the first yearyear seven will be added to the numntlln-oer

feeleeontlasas-sonal rcyomllbitheytt-

ery ouougfibtt thatt1 a upupon every individua1 Chris who cxeels inin downright and POSlpositive usefulness to I btifulAt a ditancc of thirty milC3

almostJou get

tto moanoerer of sacrificefi and labor as well his pcople It is more noblo lealead sinnerssmners to0 JesusCSUS beautiful hilI ad at seycntvrthythey risechurch membersme butbu-trae

y bybv the natural laws of inIn tiantian resres-ltgticg

rests the obligation to I r wildraid-rivers

a ts andrcase nsraraSirbedeclttrc 0

11 bebe-added


foroblhIgnttolntthe saltationtOt sacrlfof ifmhisis fellowIenan than to attract the astonishment off the hearers byb thins GGame aboundsb und der and



us statIStIcsltgticg declare themthem aboutabou t thirtytl11 will1 as prpr-

irthprapay or e sa va IOn 0 g is mfie in thth-

obligation the rhcrs nndand-and strcam6rlclecl brby birthirth tota the empire of Satan Thehe nextnext-


obligatiobobligationI 19atlon whichWh Ie 1 hehe cannotmnn ot evade cannot neglectnebb-














1rot brilliantbrI11 mnt powerspwe of0f oratororatoryom t0 birdbirds-


trn andnnn fishSI 11-

rcaseare1r plentiful mm-





Page 2: IJ Series RICHMOND Published Publi 8Publi Mntly Monthl ...media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/missionjournals/... · byll1li1 ott1 m letter or cheek ton Iri book of Uevclation In to

10 ip

1j1 rII TJEDB11-


ri faOMElliOE1T1 Af



IG A0URlTA1d rr-l

l I 1 Ir


i r 6sli 9 j i

Y7 IT T4hnnli WoareWe are Passing AwayAway-



s s tr 1 la Fthimkl

n r p a I th rworth of googooud 1nooxs00 I saauucuddcd tLv0 tlLicuJelr ror II-

1UXlbeing nffcctc1i3 i if Y Pty

swaywa or in111 nnyany 60115e sUcelhble of liewhobm

m0God and takc curage JasonJacJac-

nl son js a hq Plplace r LughntmusbVaIkeraughatmushy1 mush WWalkeralkcr FosterFosterJesscFos terJeseJesse and GeorGeor-


rltllxnn whom do mt GeorgeGeorg-


1UX V ur gg 1JtJdUHn s atuanyUdngth in whieh we cu rMYa or do to we I

lines dOV1 crl1ltirgll andand-its

n t-nominational thICc j

sltslin a rclation TheThe1wisc1omw isdom ofo ehristianch its i t hilosoloso Dc nominational JuLcs arc vcryiunder thctwatlter I bwcnOsens areire all dead Jesse died recentlyy onlyy ThoiThoi-



1Zt1ZtlUJRI N LA t phy is to know ththe-erelationstorelatiOI3 to fecI the1Ct oaobliiaongrblipiilionsga 1toot BaIttistshataptlsts dvenominationsC been mrnserablpy

ma kinil

strong e flor4s t a5 VilkinslfremJil19 inh the nation ofofourour naliviinalivi-ipoken

narnar-r IOIO-

lovntde long aror J

ON rgrowmgggrotrmro i g out of themtl icm aandrid fmthflItofa ithfiilly to pcrfonnform tllCt itcoteor 1TImhbuildo dlflercntdjfle re


the aU lmve smallmoaconprcgatlOn

t i

preacherslreaCl Iers HHee L3s wellwell-


II pokenspa 1 cn ofof DavidDaVId ForeranForeran-ick




Cot Secretary I cpondinO duties A conscious SCllseltse of imlividual to up putthat but will1l1 be beenick 11-




told there not OIe of them is Jl1in Texl5 soon TheThand I hnchare-e

bccn that IS thtt IS yct CheiChe-ijrateful



1It ss-


fcl1on bui 1s thcj rc3pol1sibiJity beingsponsibilit andres to God to our much theI The devl nippyJm I ifAllcommunications to the DOMESTIC AND INMANI r11tAx MISSIONe HOARD

ij founatifounati-houll

founefoundationlation of nil 1l1L3ionary spirit1 and monarysionary efc f givesgt ey thclr pastorpastor a supportaU I do not blmbelieve onethtrt1oncl1r

ji kecs would be vcry jrateful you could get0getet SWSWl-





houlla b ou nd beb e addressed to tcc Secretary MARIOVAnJO ALAA forfort jjLet hijjmm wowhotv l to tdeniesl eit ics hihi-

Fundsilis obligationobli gation to thc hcath bigctbigea t crowd aftcr

li h ularl 7Ihcrhere IS at backbacl ainngthcmlong them

New YorkQrk lotlotofficooffice I of the pcoplcle attenattcndd churclc urc IegularJreg I E S COMPEUECOMPE-





FundsFun van be sent by Express Checks on-

marlon cw cu renOunce his responsibilityresponsibility-

letto God and iiii-

ordersif hc ac ifif-

knowledgeMPIIUtIethcrc in favor of Baptists

Selmft nearest point or bvtnn-

Checksmail I

IlnowIcdrre him unhesitatingly strong5tro5tro-a

latent clcment 111 BaptlsLts lIforders on r thethe-his

let asJcnowlcdgOknowledge-renounce

a ollijollij-I


0 d br ht out IIbehEYcthebelle e the Lordore jj-

I dut TTo0 denyd alln II itGtI t fuu beI 0 arousedrouse dmdbtoughtoutanI oug Brother KieferKiefer-o

the duty eny Iperforut corrcspomlinj-c

corrcspomlinj agenII performI in store fot IllSs pcoplc thertl terc If ththeyCIcus i has blessmgs InofoOurur EnterpriseEnt rprlsecI ciescus and instrumentalities inin uiethe momo-

themoral regcherntion

BrBro Hakett thethey can snport Jli1n and theyt11 say8ayI

The fbllowhlg fromomm rotllCr Kiefer a GermabGermab-u



intol mcdiationt of ILHimwhm w ho camc get

I theththe-

intoworldor1d isi to deny tlthett-

Thewt t t to n

The workork of thehc DomChc Boad of thlaic COlCattvere intoI thethe-world

worldworldto for its redemption and before whom they tClll do itin

I preacher who Vltes fromu Houston Texa-


Texas givesgives-



Ialuutiontio n was lunyfuJly tuscusseudIscussed atat methe anniversaryt7 meetingmeetinga iiiin we mupts all apjeappeart rr-

Baltimorein judgmentjudgment-

Baltimoren 1 amm herc at tll1s tl11C aS8lSmgassisting Bro

cffort5 TheThe-a

1aIi some intre8ting detal of his laborR 3illong hiscounhiscoun-

BaltimoreBaltimore its importance wasa felt bylp1 the brethrenbrethren-


J T RUST jmeetingmeetmg nnd the IorJLoencouragingencouragmg

rd ISis bessmgrblessingi 01


re 11-


presentpromisedd to II

I trmentr3r3-


nreii nw located in that far cff Southcrn State-prospects


dpresent andand itsIb influence111influencefl 1ellCC upon thet Ie causeIC ofo gospelgope 1 Itwuelkille KyIII Mayalk1 118GS18081808-


1pr08pectpastordare VCIof

aloraloratat Jackson until third 8b1Sob I was a mL5iottary mong thc Germans in TxsTxst-ruth

Texa-struthtruth was prayerfully comprehended Thehe interests TT-



bath ill this month when Bro Hackctt is cxpected f under the support of thc Texas Baptist State ConCon-


ntheTo tliclC MissionariesMissionariest-ered

it bt Dot to leave vention But for the It sb I havc hadI ycan toto-

tcredof our country and the welfare of ourouour-

teredfeeble and scat to step inin mymy-



monthpots thought

tered churches are involvedmvo hed in111 what isIS done thetilt-

lugcom The indebtedness of the Board to missionariesnIslOnncs forfor-

ingthcm to fitll hacklltoback into lthargy and dscol1ragcmcn

ISPport myself amI famIy arid lreach aas I could finlfinl-

iug pastpast servicesscnICCS will be paid as soonSOJ1asas fundslIlCl are in listedlisted-


htn Providcllct pernlttlllg JT nIl theni go to thcr field hmc Inn 1861 I ognll1zedor thc first Germatl BaptistBaptis-


I utut-

ring yearcar To meet our responsibilities asm a dleitont1dcnomif Pray tor mc 00-cte I Church Inin Tcxn wIth adOellmembcsa cloreit members dlleh u p toto-

fWeYer hope the brethren themselves will bobeahleable to colcol-


00 whcre I am nnxlOusIy cxpectedI c 3 lIljnation occupying an extended field enfeebled byhyab a

their thatthatII couldeoeo-

fieldsuld do tIc work of lJlf a dozen evangelIstS the prent yr has slowly but stcadlYr mcrca8Cd inin-



seriesscriCS of0f financialfimaneI1 I disasters1lsaCrsof will11 1 requirerqUlre efforte illor t great 1lect something5omcthiw0g duringg the summersumnleronon respectiverespective-

effortQ TheThTh-

thatthatee ficll are wlute unto harcst I feel that God numbcrs 1111 JtlIad omeAO memIHrs WithinTithin thehe-




effort on the partart ofof-we

all and speciallyspecially-ourselves

the pastors1pastors and fieldss andd thus hclpushclp us to liquidate those claimsclaims-

churcheshas been withrr-

sme and rayL1 faith isis pretty strong I last two months I held twowQ meetings with them atat-




tchurcheschurches ShallShall-art



apply ourselvesconverts with an energywenergy w T Y Jx f011IT arar-

andi God isis not slack concerning hish promises f t which I have baptized 38 nearly all men convertsconvertst-



amI Corlnthf nIlSS tiJd As ever your Bro in11 Christ I some ofo whom were mymy hardest and fiercest oploppopersoppoper-sM



o enen-and Witkitlt Gods Iand that shallpurpose secure success

Our littlehttJ Church isIS doingaom well here Large concqn i M P LOWUY I1 inIn past1past yyearsyears-


eelseels-gblessing7 g much be done withouttt it ihoftt itf ifilittle TotLet I JZ r i that number andblessing0 mayJ gregations frequent ingatherings ofr cc-

uscboicci membersmembers-

usuA s it I baptizedbapbzedllsoalso in1n a good faithfulfaithfu-

ljtus thentllIn withWI tlIIracralHprayer and1 earnestearnC8 tJt labora1 01 resume our tasktas i1 fnininrearean qnetvatWavwa fifi-



jtI My First Instalment J minister for eight yearsears activelyactive engaged as a circuitcircui-





gg noth111 that shall promisetttis the J T1 FRKEMANFRKEMAN-

goodI 1ITr I rider among the Germans He JsJ8 a talented and cloclo-


ICon our nFJtAxnriomitting nothing part An1 old0 I eI MfesionarvI11oSIOlmn of0 f thet I lC BoardB oar in111 Northlr tJ 1 Caroli-v

Caroli-Al CaroliJaro 11-

goodgood of Zion Our receipts must be1 c greatlygreat 1 increasedincreased-

tolllcreasc 1 v c j

T iI voted man and myInI heart was rejoicedre101cJ when I sarsar-na

Sr-nana writeswrw-

rItjtthe anwcr of mmyy prayer whichwIlle I1i-

thas long11-

toong been for theth-




thIs be Fort Smith and Charleston ArkansasArkansas-alizecl

bto meet the demands upon the Board can re tI see your appealal inin thehLe last1 HccorderRccordcr for aidaidJLorltoId Lord to send me at least one colaborer in this imhn-



im-alizedalizecl provided all do their duhduty Shall webedisapwe he disap l Weye have received nearly 30 into this churchchurch-pointed

for that Board apprIto whichw 11clillclillIt

1 IIt feelleelastmyself veryvcr much in111 portantortant work He will be supportedsusu-

FortuDPorted bybv the GermanGerman-



pointedpointedpomte dl Wej1rc thinkt Iunk not Fort Smith sincesincelI moved here the first of January dcbtedlcbte and though needneedy I send tentendollarsdollars mmy first cPhiirclichurch this yearar but I wish thett-and

fh Convention to assiass-




iandand almost everyvr meetingllb1cbctilug somebody isji added at instalment and purpose if prospered of the Lord to in supportingsuPP ortingb him afterwardsafterwards-Our

so that liellC can give0bb-

repeatYiye IrsIrs-



1OurOur JournalJournal-We

Charleston Last sabbathsn at 1 1 baptizedtll1zc a sister theret Crc rrepeatepcaatt Itt cvcryccrv quartcriU during the yearVcr May1r the Wh0leW 110Ie time to thet IIC workorJ inIII whichW1iW 1I his1liS heartJleart isIS engagedengaged-

Weengaged-gengagedga-nd tt-

ear t Inand1 wwillIIIiKbaptizebap t IZC one hereICre ncxtInlandSabbathSabbat 1 I thAweeweekI GGodlthJ0 1 Lord bless yoyou I ThercTI ICT are manymar settlementstt1emcnractsts Enonor 011Cll adan anxiousanXlouusfcrusfcr-




for-willWeearare pleasedp Icas I tot0 firee thethc interestin teres t takenta cn bvy our-

brethrenour SirnStIus and thOllrrlJ thewtIl

nfoglCgive4odusIl eountrr byandby bv though Werc hoPl p thtllC u oldM guard as BrBro Gravc8 calls BaPtistBapfist Preacrhhpreaehmgpreaching-lid

that werowe formerly noto accessibleaccessibl-




accessibl-ecommonthe ofof-

thethebrethren in111 the circulation of our coml110n he secured i uimlual at the tpaper organ Concommon gooclmagood mayav e ecure at 1 i ne mrot will InuSl the lid of the Board and on account of thc cxtrcIlC prJudIee eXIstmg nmongnmong-


nonglarge pVrt themthem-1

will come to help1 get us non-

gsubscribersnumber ofof-

subscribersminiteri11the Boards ofo the Convention A largearc of rent pmcrh the German on the subjectstib ectofof BaytJsmBaytJs-

meusubscriberseubserl bcrs were securedsccurc d at thet I lC meetings of thet 1 Ie GeorGeor-

giaC K IL COMPBUBcurl Fti I

out of0 f our presentpresen1presentt embarrassmentcmbarrnssmen t ComeComc brethrenL re tl lJcni


BBesidesesl dcs tthe1Ie Methodist1ct 1 1O 1 1Stj

3rc spsplitIti

upp amongs themthem-


7 andandhatffce whathat youon can doIo AA1TJhenle11 sshallshapa 1111-

1RevI wee hear1iearnmr fromf Northern dd porting severalgia13 Baptist Convention the Southern Baptist ConvcnConvcn-

tiont sclvesel es thc supportingauP andand-



yoUKtion the Kentucky General Association and the MisMis-

sissippiRev G F Williams MobileMobile-



I building houses while the Southern Methodist areare-



keepiugsissippi Baptist Convention and thc pastors generallygenerally-expressed

This dear brother has been for some years past la1a7asas-

boring7 n NN l keeping the houses and making everyevery cilbrttoeffort to sustainsustain-




sustai-ntheirunder the of thethe-

DomesticFrom H F Buckner Independence TexasTexasC-

ALLtheir former interest inin that direction It would nee-dbut




andexpressed the determination to go to their churcheschurches-and

boring as Missionary appointmentbut four fiye active zealouszeous Baptist imssionancsmissionariesor toto-



IDomestic Board in the of Mobile Ala He has-

bceithasandanu secure An largelarge ckcuHtioncirculation forlor thetnc JournaljournalJ ItAIIt-

williii city place under God our workworkwor inin front and ahead of anyany-




andr r beenb constantt t and1 t inin hishih li endeavorendclvor to meetmecmeet-

thet I amam ill receipt of0f urgentt requests fromIrorJlL creekscree kS


returnwillW1 11 contain monthlynlont 111 y information fromlrom thethe mission11115SI011mission-


een cons an am untiringun Inng urgn ancjand allH partiesImruu notliV existingedjLl1Jgcistin amonnmnong thet I lC 50000oj 0 000 GcfGcf-





fieIds theI I Avants of thet I and unfortunate ofof-

thisreturnre turn It seems thattllat HopcthlcHopc tldc a native licentiatelicentiate-has

l Werer IIiableI I would11 beb in thctlfields foreign and domestic the Sunday School optercpte-rprie

t IC spiritual Ie poor I mansmans inIII TexasTexas cre aue OU m 1C1-





prie and the Theological Scminarv at Greenville S-

CS this Southern city Thee asylums the jails the homeshomes-


IhaslaS bbeenelendelendapba1ptizihg1 apfbIZI

hg witlutn t tOlrcordination1 anaand thatIK hashas-

entsed fe1lasi all the time But stern necessity requiresrequiresmcme to concon-





Idisturbances I do and that theentsedcnt5c Isfur ances 0 hope am t mt1 fJfJf-


10pC pray tmuetiti-


nue 111in ththe practIcetice 0off mCtmedicine1 ICll1e anandd reach1 1 all1 I I cannn-

od hisJ ppree1 I havehearmO of0f thetlIe debaseddebased andam wretchedwrete lee laYC enjoyedcIIjOye liS prpresIpres-


pracC besides much other valuable matter bearingo uponupon-

theLoLordrd willn 11 direct1 ITCC t me 1in1 1 thh rightrig 1 1t wayTIn TireJ 1 IC CchurchIlure 1 t I nrrll andand hold110 d ineetinJSmeet1gs WildtlGVCrw 1HmOVcr J C311 Beforecore loilJTII-

theon 11-




atthe greatreat worki off Christian Ibenevolence1 ItT willMl 1be a-

firsta cncennnn inmin tlmtnet I I liningnoursI ofot tlintrtneir dUfrixKuistress nmland sicknessslckncssinlnp HeiieHe-

tinsati IndcptndenceT 1 TJ arc unitedv 7 on me lbut1 the Lordr i isis not church this citv-

firstecf tott-g organixe a1 near CItyCIty-


expet orgam7ecc-


Ihas attended their bodies the and securedsecured-

forvisiblestyle ofot usefulness Our colfirst rate paper for Sundav reading which evervevery BapBap-

tistto grave an grantingag g me signssignsaa-


for them a decent interemnt God has been pleasedpleased-


lego commencements willill begiiithe firstfrs day of JuneJune-Bro wCfNNNNfl-

ingHItist to have and its cost isistritri-

flingtrifamily certainly ought Qir Will TnTn-






partmentOne Sin WillBro J R Lmk preaCl1preaches the smon frtllpfo1 tIIP malcle dee Whatcolics to bless his labors in thetb conversion of stranstran-

gersfling One hundred copieS for01o00for 1500 100000 copiescopies-


manyPamcnndpartmcnt and I1 for thethe femalefemale ThereTh1ere vas bbututt one craetrodj jIII thot te JalltIlanternalltcll1 andand-


an dd-can thfth-



BroWtlusrfoI tl rt tot allII moralmora1 andamI religiousre J restraintsrestraints-

The11 lC 0 0 abeb circulated1ated thistI withwIt 1I efforteffor-


fcgers IgI01tScan c elrcu 115 yearyear proper Cancl Bro J S lIurrow formcdformerly iIissionary to thc windind has found it Olt nnd bJown out the CaIcHCaIc-


car BoBo-

CreeksThe building of a chapcl the organization of ththethe-

Afarine Creeks under the appomtmcnt of thc Rehoboth As How grcat a mlsc11lcf onc dark pomt of charchar-





Our TreasuryTreasury-The

mllfarirte Street Baptistmeltonchapel with thirty 1303030-

members ilatioDrtimution GGa but totllc ChoctaWs may cause us One s1aspark blew Vup the mm-


andI 1l





now in a re biewsays mar iUieiUiethJthJ JP IDdagamembers is olof elie immeaiateimmcdiate rcbiutsresults of llislus inaina-

erfullmemers is 00one m pW anda shook theevwhole countryry for miles around-

earoundThe of the Board is cmnhi hivo naid itreasurvtreasury cmptywecmntuwewe paidpaid-

outto n cJotter theho of the Boardoard of cOUdtcOUdtry OIdmIllcsiQJcltc t arboun1 1 crfulM and earnestt RIcrificcsR He writes Ino 4thI4tl4t-


e Sw Ccrctary71 spcakingspeahingof Tealea sanksanJ thelC vesselcs anand JrownedJrOWl1CY alla on boardoar 11-

out VneVne-




out everyJ doI1ar received atIt the Southern BaptistBaptist-avention Thou thet1 IC ro4onronconditiondCIon oxc 11thene1 CreeksC recKorecks anaanandd tneirttheir1lclr pressingpressinn vants I

wound mav killT11the body One smsin dcstrov the soulsou-lyUon





o i t theu otheri nConventions andi ASOAsso-


i lamI aamn their nastorpastorP ThevThey are of course a 7Korl100r1may

C1lYentionrandaventionyUon and atpeople-IPeople2 many of them livinlivingfromfrom lmndhandtomouthaiid Sto moffllOllth J am Slatl 7JOl agree with me that an intelligent It little matters how cVrrfnlcareful the rest of the lanternlantern-



isciations visited sincesince the BaltimoreBa 1 timorc meeting no agentsagents-

foriI am in hopes howcvcr ththeytheY will improve financiallyfinancial andan d pious Missionary should be sent at once to thcthe-

WeI is protected the one point which is damaged is quitequite-



sufficientfor the collection of funds are inin the field not one andand-

wewhen the Jlct

riarvosfc isjs gatheredgathereere-

additionsd We are hhavinghvinOaving Creek Mission AyeAYC Bro Buckner is the man sufficient to admit the wind and so it little mattersmatters-



howwe are determined to throw the burden of our receiptsreceipts-

uponadditions to our number every week AVeVe hope POOHfOO SIIAJIr HE GOGOY TheThe means are neededneeded-to

Ihow zealous a man mayma be inin a thousand things if-




upon thethe-

expenseto be and numerically-

Therenumerically L hc tolerates one darling sinsin Satan will find out the-





espellsethe pastors and churches thatwethat we may save strong spirituallyupon

and have all our funds to be devoted strictlystrictly-to

There isis a Spd dealea of religious interestinterest amongamong-the

From Rev j T Mnrrow Missionaryslononarparp-ssl of the Rehoboth IflaYflafluty andl1dl1destroy all his

jhOIJCS ThfThfetnusfllT1m strength fof aa-




toexpense c1ullnclia to be measured not b f but byby-

havingitsT in is bybethethe Baptists of this city just now Bro Spalding isISis-

havingAssociation GeorgiaGeorgia y strongest byby-


itsto the support ofc the MissionsAI Now brethren Tbebe-

inliavhlhaving somcmc additionsidltioJ to his church Bro SpenccSpenee-and

its weakcst link for iff tho wo1kest snapSjvhatsnaps what isis thethe-



cnocrAwsin good earnest take up your collections for youryour-Southern

and hislis soninlaw have recently established an inter-est

interntcr CHOCTAT1I use of tic restt Satan is a vorjv1 cipSGclose observer and-



SouthernSouthern missions at onceonc Be systematic and concon-

stantest some three miles from town Have 70 scholars-in

scholars The churches in the upper District the Arkansas I knows exactly where our weak pointsoint8 are we havehave-



stantstant and who can tell the happy results that willwill-

followinin SundaySunda School and quite a good congregation at-

preachingatt of this nation are prospering under the supervisionsupervision of I need of veryvcr much watchfulness and we have great-





and of Brethren James I cause to bless our merciful Lord who prayed forpreaching Bro Folsom pastoral care usus-





lilliamsfollow The be had with the efforteffor-tLet

means can properWilliams Lewis Cass Simon Hancock and AlexanAIcxan1 that our faitu fail not Either our pride our slothslotlJ-




LetT not MissionariesAT ihardi 4 workirfor soulsT ibebe-

embarrassednot our at MissouriMissouri-

Theour or our lust wouldder PopeOle Iou1 our ignorance anger prove ourour-



Myembarrassed for want of attention on thc partpartpart of anyany11-

uponThe goodd workQT is goingifr forward in tjlia partt ofof-


II My1 Mission isIS altogetheralter ether new and ththe hardest field ruiurum unless grace interposed anyan one of our sensessenses-upon


sense-sIupon whom we should rely in this emergencyemergency-


Missouri Chillicothe There is aagreatTeat work before-us

before I have ever labored inm Sodom3Cdo1an1and Gomorrah didd I or faculties mightlght admit thejtbethe focIOC yea our very virtuesvirtues-us


virtues-notNNNNUN ur us niavmay the Lord helpus to do it wifhWIth earnest heartshearts-

Gnotno surely exceed this vicinityYICmlt inIn wickedness and igIgig-norance

and graces might be gates ofot entrance to OAT enemiesenemies-ror


ortheliomeandYoreign1ournalrorFortheliomeandYoreign1ournalthe uome and Foreign journalJourn-alPhilosophy

G A CttOTTcirCnoirci-


norancc The people are changing rapidly but toto-me

0 Jesus if thou hast indeed bought me with thyth-yPhilosophy

th-yPhilosophyPhilosophy of MissionsMissions-

ThereM NnJLT I me comingCOI111ng from those fruitful fieldsfieldsthethe Creek andand-

Seminoletheblood be pleased to keep me by thy power even nnnn-




un-toSeminolethe off fruit here is to the cndSplUlcQ1lcndSplUlcQ1l-

therewant orr lclay particupartieu-

IThere is nono obligation whithont relationrelationwhererelationwheret-

herewhere The Situation in ArkansasArkansas-

Brethrenthere is a relation there is an obligationobligation-The

I larly uistressinguistressing-



DearBrethren In111 flittIllS State write-

ThewrIterrito Dear Bro let bceceh to rcmembcr audand-

thismc The GrandThe great fact of revelation thatallthat all the inhabitantsinhabitants-

of JllJ 3YOll me Summing up of the ReligiousReligious-of

Religious-Anniversariesof earth are kinsman according to the flesh has nevernever-


beenThe Catholics have markmarkedcd ann the points ofc inin-

terestthis lIission bcfore thc throne of Grace not onconce mercmere-Iy AnniversariesAnniversariesb-

een in State from the banks of the Father ofof-waters

ly but often Please fervently and effectuaUycffcctualkeffectually-that


teachestcrest praypraour onibeen successfully denied The Bible most clearlydear1clearly-

teachesJy From the reports of most of the leadingg religiousreligiou-

snaianand bcnovobcnovo-



lentteachestcac 1Ies thatthat theyth ey alla1 I sprang from common parentsparents-that

writersatcrs to tnetltheIe IIndianLnaunaianndIan lands1 anus1 of0 f thet I lC west ConventsConents caca-thedrals

w tiiattlthatmt thetlIC MofyH0 1Y bpintStpIn t willWI 11 leadIea 1 some of0off theset J lese ChoctawsClChoctaws-to

IOctaWS lKuylent ilsaviLnvusassociations we gather thewv followingiUiUiuK svitiueoisstatementsstatements-chools

cicf mcirtheir rc-





iittii i theyi arc llln ulldundert codcmnationi inbefore Godi V


virtuethedrnlsJmrlToic andrnr1 schools3Kfla arei r goingft vr iiTwup everecrynrn wherewlCrc while-her

whiletI51 1 fnto sinceresinnpm repentancernnon fniirn nandnr I faithfaithtnitli inin fhrjcfChrist andinfl willing-nes

willingttillnirr I cpintsceipts for the nnstpast yearyea-




virtuevirtue of their relationship to Adam who underunder-forfeited

her daughters are yet holding out and we must meetmeet-them

ness to obey Him inIn allalllllshis appointed waysways-





8Americantemptationtem ptation forfeited his highIliali estate that as theythcythey fellfe ll thcm brb Gods initfl Pray for us and remember usu-


MrslI Murrow begs me to ghcgive youou and theth genegene-rous



ene j American Bible SocietySocicJ-through

Society-Salesthrough Adam they may be raiscd through ClIrit J constantlconstantly as yourour unworthy brethren in111 t1lC Lord rous SJstcrs of thc Bethel A50CIahol1 Georgm hcrher-


1 Sales3n1ne3n1n-




andand as human istrumentality undcr evil was thc cmcause and sti1 as FeFellow Helpers to terutterut-of

h Thrth tI warmest gratitudegratitudorfor that taken1en of Jmlove too her MasMas-i

Ia D01atiOns a48IG0723108723108-

Americanof the former It may under God be tho Dleans of thcthe-latter

I i ter and to herselfherselftimethc chccheckk for 15 whiolihlOh came IIIin An1tfJcan HomehomeIissionaryhsslOnarJ Society 2921S2921S-attc

232135-AmericanI thc very best of cason God will reward the111 It Amercan Jemale Guardian ociety 6564065640-


Americanlatterattc Ren rcvclatIon and history alike showshow-mans

TransMississippi I Amercan Seamens Friend Society i555535-American


crmorefrIend ocletywIll bc wcll appllcd Both of us havc done aU ourour-

ownSeamcSsmanmanss moral mtclIectual and social nature and furthfurth-

ermoreTlThereJCIC 15is n-

l1ucllmuch1 landan to bbec possessedposscssc 1 mny villagesvillages-

andVI 11 ages work thi5 beside American Trnct SocietySociety-


vcrmore that his lmppiness isis the rcult ofor the ucc of-means

of do OW11 pastwintcr lIisiouary laborlabor-teachmg

Salesn 400053400053-Donationsv andd towns hamletseis and mountam SJdcs andand-

valleysan lam an groc3 teachmgtachmg a smalla 11 charitye ImrItJ ddayschoolayse 1 100 I a largel argo SabbathSabbaths-

SchoolDonatlOns 118773118773-


118 7 73 Imainsmeans-Every

valleys to be made vocal with the praises of God un-der

un Schooliinni LCcLC-



ivery fi19GUfi19GU-


515013-Americanocnooi tvctvc-

radiatingciveryEveryVcry man isis the centre of a circle or rather aa-

radiatinodcrdcr thet I Ie directione 1 Irechon of0 f some one or otherot Ilcr ShallSh a11 we-give

weweocnooivc American Tract Society tBostontBoston-Sal


lloston-raradiatingrad13 tJD g seriesseries of0f relationshipre1atIOns1up thetIIe intensity of whichwhihd-iminishes

ArkansasI Shall81 II TexasT ShallSIShall-we

II SalesSSalaII-

diminisheses S944C9vt3440934409-

Donations1 I gIveivu upiu xriviiiisusr mnsas oiiaiim we givegIveirvu upup jtCAasjcxas onaiim o v T e Mx liEARE r JbE L COMPERECOIPEnE one of0f our Missionaries1tIISSlOllarlCS atat-

FortDonations 4785G4785G-



diminishes frornIirom thetI lC centrece tre towardstowa d5 thet I e circumference LouisianaT i Shall01 ir thei Redn i KE1 11-

Ihe Were givegive up we givegive up 1135-lea



PresbyterianIheT1he corresponding obligations varvaryaty inIn proportion to Ii menlea of the Territory beyond us to the influence of FortA SmithJSmIthAl Arkansas says8a8 bcncf momClas many coco-

piesPrcsbyter5anPresb 1 ermn BoirdBOaT d of0f ForeignForelgn MissionsI ISSlons xx-


O S 285089285G8-



ttthe10 proXImIty of the rclation the dectitutioetitatmonn aand11d CCatholicismat 1

1 I Ii ICIsm or TEEpiscopacyplsopacy ororanyany other1 pcoplet undcrunder-ability

t pies 0offf tIC1 JiJournal71ourna l as you can for fitc dollars77r rf55-

IA1cricanA Churchhuch Missionaryxt ocicyo 8233482334-


82334-Missionaryrbilitability off the partiesarties related I Missionarylsslnary SocietyOClcty off IethodBt EplSCpl Chnrch 5847258472-


Americanp the Forbld It God 1 This is will do best circulate it Charesun AlmIghty mymy I my Yenvery to Charge thc Amercan BIBible Commlttec hsslOnsForeignoeJgn 444091-


l11ustrntIonTJThee lnIvcrsauniversal11lawaw 0off gravItatIOn afliaffordsids at happyp home it is the homoofNotre of sons and will be the abodc Amcncnn Assocmhonmy WD5 to ffimy account oh yourour books That ISis the wayway-

tohslonary 100000100000-


r00ooo-Protestantl11ustrntIon of thetheIawJaw of mutual dcpendence between of0f mImillionsII IOns ycyett unbornun born anandd I most earnestearnestlyIy dcsIrc to Protestant Episcopal Commiltce on Foreign lissioDs 828260482604-Protestant


etbthee membersmem bers 0off thethc hhumanuman ffamilyamI 1 TIThe10 attractne sec this land bIC5Sed yetct with thc priviletcs of rcIi tto ttalka 11 ononlyIJ Ilete t our 11MissionariesIsslonancs anandd pastors go toto-

workProtestant Epiocopal Committee on Domestic MissionsIissioD 14I3514I35fO-




force betweenetwcen bodiesOles ISis lways mttuaI and inIllthethe ratIo gious liberty a conscience frcc in Gods 1ohip The work and we canall casIly circulate 100000 copies ofof-


AnhHaveryEpicpal Comnlltce

SOClctyon Freedme


American 13831-National

29232923-o 12631-

uso f thcr masses Incrca111a or dImInIslllnOdiminishingg Illversclyinvc1SC 11-

asy J

CatholicsV thOICSI illI 11 takel 1iC tthe11C 1Iane1anufl 1iff we ddoonotachvcnot actively1 opop-pose

tlC oJournTournaiT al amand1 cvcn mortmorctheIlC ffactact ISis evcry bbapbap-

tistap Natioal Temperance 3ociety 30613061-


Americanas the squares of the distance This forcefor has beenbeen-variously

posc to theirthclrcrrorerror the nnadultuated Wordor1 of God the-pure

the tist family in111 the South ought to have it BrethrenBrethren-scud

American SundaJ shoSchool uiionuiion-variously

UnlOnUnion-Satesvariously1 namednacd accordingaccor d tot0 theth c peculiarityI off its-

actioncohesrcitsIt Sales 300200300200-


Donationsmg pecu Itntr 0 Gosnel of Gods dear SonDurP Gospel i i r i M tactionaclOncohe8vccohesive

pure P SCUlSCll 1 oil your IlistsIst 0off subscrihcrssnb5erl 11-

aclOncohe8vc JCtS let there bbe nono-

delayDonatlons 9563495634-

WIthmolccUlarmagneticdcctriCcmolecular magnetic dcctrzc SoSo-

withHe WV H RR-





nKrnK-rwithwith the different relations between man and manman-We


AI delay AmericanA mecan Ccngregatiqnni Union 0384659846-




6hlalWehaveWeVChavehave parent brothers friendJ ricnd neighbornein I bor patriotpalrlO t andand-philanthropist


d Our Evangelists in MississippiMississippi-KAYJIOKD


JCherokees I

Americanand Foreign Christian Union 13313852613852-6p



j American Baptist Missionary Union 19103719103-





hlal l jphilanthropistphilanthropist-Eachli p TUitropzs

KAYJIOKD Miss JaJIqy 6th 18681868-


j I am1 ttst In from trip to Webbers Falls ChrBoardg0Board ofOf ForeiForeign Iission8 of nfonned Churcb 534725347-

2JiarobliQ1ltionsf Each one of these circles of relations has its pecu-

liarpecu am1jnstam Jjust a trip1 Cher t Board of loSonEducltJon j 100310903-




hI 1liarJiarobliQ1ltionsobligationstI J and1 asdutiesJ growoutgrowbmOwoutout ofOfob1iatIonsr obligationsobligations-

eachl ff-


j DearA J3ro SumnerISumner0 r I trusttrust thetlIC LordLo rd has1Ias liftedlfit1 ea thet1theiIe I okce0 ee NationiV41 aationtIon ManyIan of0f thct1lC SouthernSou tllern CherokeesClIero I ces whowho-J

W 1010-

eaceacheach oneon liesI its pecnpeculiarrJar dutiesutJcs pur first dutydut ISis to-

ourto clouds from thc church at J3ckson Thc results of i formerJy Jived in other portions of the XatioXatio-

ournarc Total 4747950arcofl TTheline Boards of tbe PrcsbytcrJan Church 0 S nnand te CC-

my ComCo-


omI our famIfamily Bient cn to our friend ana nClghbor thcn toto-

ourmy lahors thcro arc about as follows The church mttes Church Nr iroty U1 md near to tIllS place lIcnee on Sabbath I of the resbyteJan S and the Dnptlst IIomeIIome-


Home-iscountrman then to our race to thc mostmost-

remcteis much rcyived is united and earnestt FTIyC 1110 Ifi our countryman cvcn 111 earnes 1 c hssJonary SocIety are Just now preparmg their reports wow-

oremlei had1laC 1 a muchh larger1 arg I congregacongregationtIon tthanIIan r cyer saw bc estimate their to reach about ard t1dd thethe-

tabhshesinhabitantb jOOOOOremle nha It3n t TIThelC argument wwhichIllCI c1cr1y csesest-

ablishesvaluablc mcmbcrs havc been addcd and asas manymun more Dure rccepts

t forc at Webbers1jrr-arc ebbers andthoand the sne to tbe foreomg table we hall bave a sumUnt trlalIal sy ofof-

btablishes the relation between parent and child catcats-be

arc expected Theyy have called Bro I A Haekett people were very attentive same5250000 as the aggregate receipts of the prfncaillcaLafprfncaillcaLaf-

beprincipal sectionalsectiona-

lasbeb easily extended snowingshWIDliha relation to neighborneighbor-friend

as pastor whomwho I think theyer wilLwiILgctandwill5getget and lamI am quite i there isis a goodgoo openingopnig for us there now if wewew coulduld I societies and if we subtract from the amount thethe proceeds ofo-frUCI


sureI friendfn11rUCI countrymaninfmmnn dcAfc ThereTfiotrtere isISTO notin beingKninn in thethe-vastempire

sure he isIS therigfitjltherzglie right manma AA SundaSundayC1 Y SchoolSchoolthCJT 1 has1 becnlbeenI onlyonlty best0ybestoy1

Sm thethe1abott jlabor1 t VV-




cpolnosales whichliiofi are about Sl250000CI1250000ttnnnn wenr oUtlshall Ihave the1 roundJJ-




vDSp j of 1000000 aa the sum of the contributions to thesethese-





tbea-oorganized voluntaryI

vastvDSvastempireempireempr of Jehovah whosewh weal or woe isinISill any organized with promisingprotUlIDg prospects and overrpOlover 50 7 Vwrt nnrFr r x tff1 ft fotedc r EECOMPERELSVCojSVCoj-


S fCpMPKBKrt UPFRF jI societiessocieties-





Page 3: IJ Series RICHMOND Published Publi 8Publi Mntly Monthl ...media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/missionjournals/... · byll1li1 ott1 m letter or cheek ton Iri book of Uevclation In to

IIQ 54cpC 5xii-












I iviIViv rnrkork Bible Society 1i1ir 2000

iin tJJl32 it It1 1y

c9I J 11AIfttrxitrxitiJIft I

ti t1JO n XrAJ

tY i

igo out 1gutut n number of coals together nndml theytl p cy Will



yearr under review vras 2824 inin the Asiatic Missionj 13761137to376 toto-



MissionliSSloni ion 11ll045ll045-York

045 I i 9z4fc male Uibleible J ss soono glow 1I1tO a flame 11Yea are so constituted that 20ltanl 42004200-

totalWholeole number ofo churches in Europe 2972h297E in AsiaAsia-


ncldjAsylum 4003240032-

vtrIZx 1 ournrgtoh ururAsianr Yorkok Orphano



TF NN our faithat isIS cncd 1 xi jI 208GB j total CCS Present number as reported from the EuropeanEuropean-iatto quickened lhatCruelty Animals fjncldjvtr foror rrerenlionPre reittion r 13138vi3i3-8S



qmc by of otlotherse andan d ththatiataft tlietltheIe ji churcheschnr 2238673s from the Asiatic churches 19908 Total inin-



rcsnS Cirfliation SocietySocetyu 1GG491GG49-


10 649 news of GOds 11ltava atisueredahs ered and srcsnC1D Ver mg praycrpray broughtlit EuropeandEuropepeann Asiaisa 4377543775-in


77iclternelterina Arrol fission 11000 1

e rcgret to learn tIm thet1Ie SSundaun dnyscy schooI1 100 I Boad some otoff tieIe 1lthen to himsclf incrcases faith in yIII Alissioa ii-nffard

our WeyyIyf-


haveI in the of thisotetsnt EJiscop11E 11e0scopalP at City li 5400054000-G976054 090 at lfcm h 1 the e lalay c always rejoiced In success mismis-

selmlSmisr-Qtetant 1TempiiiS 1has


1 ard MissionMission-York

G9760C9 760 I

itsp IS lag decIed not to cnII110veel 1ploy thc JournalTOll rnal I ct

efficiencyfficInepleadmof nralcrpm

oJ er and mmakesa1 CS us ICCfeelL sel1 thetIIC iminijsionaryIm t slOnarsionar organization and so haveII-


laye the Baptists of the-R



IllCRe Yorkfor k DiocesanV ce3an CommitteeCommittee-

senate7320I 3 20 asts organ Inin eonscqucnccC of its embarrassmentsnlbar ts

poporfanceancc of 11Ica11l10ff-ale

b earncsthearnestlyI fcor Gols blbhssinffCSS111T i

IMissionn n 398233982-

OiG98 I aS8tnell Zj ItoJ



Southounoutl EForor more than thirty cars we were colaborcoIabor-iu

senateIllCale City or lSSl0 v 37076 antiall 1 tthe1Ie aPp that it Ie w 10 ae tourur messengersmessenrs to the hcathenfcelfeel years

York City Mission 3737076 aJprchensionrr-Sunday

may Dot be ableiu toto IIIPCInwet tno need of your Avith brethren that the richrich-the





rich-itnT and vhssienaryh Society Methodistof tthotll1ccbd yourprayerom prayer The man who goes down jerscrsels-y

our of the North soy SundaySuncIalYCShchOohl

School and Jonnry6576665766anyI any deficiency occurringoccurrioccurrim-

sronaloccurrinO in tIle receiptsrccc Ipts off tlthe paper

4i to0 thee bottomottoni ofof theth sea in d bell1 feelsgoesbf-JOCS



harvestEpislOpamsronalI Churchurc 65766 IItTT-

Yorkis j in a divingI Jll f1 feels the viYI i already reaped maymamay be regarded in somesome-



pTprobYork branchCliurCliurofof Freedmens

Pointss Committee 78550 lt w our Sincere wlshWlWl-

ausethat this noBoardar 1 malay bebe sussus1 talmIllimportancenprtanee of0f his1 us connection with hisus friends measure dueI ne tot thet II-


lC contributions toils and of-a





Firef prayersausea j usee of Industry

Episcopalat le

Mission at FireFiv Points335633318026356s

02G68 taincdtamc d bybJJ SouthernwuuuruSo utIern IyBB-

diesiiliaptIsBaptists In some of the St3t above If thruglt tlcir neglect bis suppl of air isisdi-



Southernethodi3 1 BaptIst5BaptIst5-


Methodist mfrarkefrarkeAssociationdiesdie3ark-

Iieihodistfor improving Poor IV 7local organizations cut off hee Pcshcs miserablyllwernblmi erably and leaves hish 16 workor un J

I apap-

YSAssociation 57s37837 are doingg their workI but this Ip own0 n bnt I rpor wor tn b us ThcTI tlu13t1 madc aGbrdsill dd-


donc SoS I IC us ma c a or s toto-



to-n YS whcn survey encouragementnss711l htTf I 1 0 w lcn a down inton Forkork henasry s0073-o3S90j 1 isIS no rcason whyyh11 ftthey should not nil 1

nllsslOarysionary goesgo l1to theYi5Sin the ggeneralencral doptlwdcepiHs of us to fsere in the endeavors of the SouthJnight dnoitei JSJ la idolatry to grope for GodsGod s treasimes there-

rjthere I PvcreP0 111 we areare-


llJri13nSn0nomr5erjrj BndlIml

Chllds II05pltnl 436921511818264264Board inIn cnltivnrtnCultivating those field11 large1t gc andand extensive t heIIe feels that if the HolylIol Spirit is not gent him in an I making for the spread8prcad of0f thetlIe gospelgospe 1 inIII heathen1 leat 1tcn landsland-






Society 115017 Iwhere no organizations0 existCXISt It isIS importantImlorta nt toot 0 Jjvcrswer to the prayers of GodsG

jOjOIsIIs peopleifpeop 01 his1 lIS connec Our work has been hindered the number of our mismisr-


mnAsylau 115342 that the general Board should1 ld tion WltwtII 1 tllcmtJ emISisis severedheseveredse ere he must die and leaverenile 5 IOU report tillnI I that U dntno Ie the v i i i i rrr-

aanL to dU1S I diminisheddliniinir Iheal1 andII-




tfesGl1tholic Protectory for ChildrenuChildren 100310 Sb g 1 sionanes 1l1um IC am m our present impoverishedimpoverished3-



raan S2rt6 JSuSSUnion ly i inIn eachca c1 1 Statetate object0 ect of his missionlllLHon unaccomplished3uMEdnc3tinanmionsttfesdies EdllC3fonsJ f15695v i BrethrcnRrnflnrcthrcn do1 notf lflet usQ failfl11 AVe aIe trembling1 1 condition the means at our disposal lessened but nothnoth-



mlphlCllJ5ociatio 1212121 i Brother e are trentblinglyv

don i IGngsburyKingsbury-1

has comnleneedl II l t O J t 1 1 1 t l f ilil-


amlphlCll sOciety 4111

comnlnnnnc work in In carearnestnes ti wwhen1lcn wc hogg foror your praers Do you mgtug trliich1 lICI 1 has11-


ms occurrcd can release us from the rcspol1SIrcspol1SIl-


responsiorkioking el omens Homelf 12224 I gOd earnest MayIay he Iiiunec n Iargc SUCccsi in his showI1m yourour Rene of the responsibility of yourOtr station bility or dcprhe us of the privilegeje of continuancecontinuance-


1ze11j 1ze

lief Sodty3oeaes3oeaesforsChildren

en tIforsChildrenCbnstuD

fo hlrcnssoC1atlon

oof tcmcleamen 1320411580013809 I important thouOh diffictclificnlt1 It pOShOIOnSbSb1mbyY glVlllg us what we Mk for Lei uS be assured Inin tIthis linerne 0off wewellJl doingI Olug LL-


Letet us not be weary inin-that InI-


in-thatj 1uni that earnest supplication isis beimr ofiered upUI forfdr uus bvby iVi ixr i n n i i tIrwcll We shall still abundantnbundant-




the1 lople otofr ruodGGodi1 andi1 will11II i TT1 r doing vcc reap a inore

aj J people O am AVC 1 laboraLor inin hope1 lOpe let us1 ifitf wea add to this enumerationcnnmeuon

charities excludingabont as



for the tJJ-


i a r l 1 J1 U 1 1 jJr hJ Iit1iJI

i nI t lOnfc Xt l Imow that youon are beseeching God for more laborerslaborerslmrvcstlaborersmlii-

Imow lmrvcstII-

rhartml ct lfi f v9e funtt notnotr-




ijerr organizedorgtUUC

wecityshallu have says 2000000 as the regular



ropriatians jj-


j andndeillwe willV1i1l fcclfeelhthata t100thethe workwor k villwl be pcnnancntanorforfor-others


f Test of DiscieshiTDiscieshiTa-nd Nropriatians RJCII11Z1I

nuntnnt contributedcontnbnte by the citizens1t1zen3 of Newew York for the support vvi jjllrL orxiJDAD Vv tAA-



I others will carry1rnI on0n whatwJm t wee havelave begunIbeganr-te



DiscipleshipDisciplesliip-AI tlehe local charitable societies It isis well knoTrnnown that the na RevaROTAOev oQJAS Br XAYJjOS


I A missionary referring tot the influence of the goagoa-




pelvftlai societiessocietsociet-


ies as givengtren hito11 the first table abovenove derivee n Teyvt c Cor SecretarySecretarypr-oportipn

SceretaSecr etaryryeI pel inm Burmah and the trials of the new convertconvert-




proportion from this cityClt and dUring the last year as inaiin ai 1t-


An Open Door in CantonCanton-Rev

Pet every yearyea there have been generous sums given to Duild jI-

rcheTv1 A T4 r r sayssays-



mrcne missionsTilllon hospitals c nnrt to endowendo literary and IndIVIdualIty RevRe MnMrrr Turner an EnglishEngrIS I 1 missionary inIII CantonCCanton-

saysauton saysAT r T t ii-

iI i i


institutionsofeftthteovolthl voluntary

and liquidateofecinsnofofferingschurd

of thebgoodthedebts

goodso that



completeorNeof Xew II In

Tall that relatesrelatesrc 1 atcs rnto thet I lC rlnKduty wereote0 owe to rGodj there sajstlinttsassaysavsPS tlmti theihe facUiticsr ii iforf9r propagating1 r religionsir truthtruth-


Ai BunuaiiBthinksurman goes


tellsthet I IC


familyhearsJ wars

Thisthinkst 1 Iinksks-

rd is truthtroth-











againkonldk TonIc1 undoubtedly shotv a handsome nggrarate of several can bebc Rno transfer toto other men EveryEycn man shallS11 a11 min that Clt

I are almost aas9 ggreateaL as couldCOlt 111beC desiredddesired-


eSlre d I am determined to worship this Jesus Christ ImImI-ioJSof




Im-mediatelyIioJSofJions of dollarerlolJlr3VIlYew 1lorkrz JlIirakI1 rold givegIVe accountof himself to God AVeyee are held re

i The Preacher can proclaim the gospel to listening-

Dutylistening mediately his mother falls upon him and tears off hishis-






in Little Things Isponsiblc for a personal discharge of obligation This crowds in the open places and everywhere finds those-


thosethoscCC topknot of hair or attempts suicide His sisterssisters-




sisters-curseI him his mistress reviles him his wife castscasts-


casts-outTherehere are people who would doc1 greitgreatr1t acts but be i IS acknowledged by all willing to converse about the new doctrine HearersHearerscurscHearersi-


curscout hiIris nursing habc runs away and

or1 JafJSoTherJafJSoTherv-ise

takes anotheranother-


another-husbandvise1nite they wait for great opportunities life passes and I If then it be made the duty of believers in JesusJCSt1S will come to the chapels children can be collected inins-

ehugind Tie know the promise to those who forfor-





sakesee acts of 10c arc not done at all Obserye thIS to extcnd t1thee knowledgeedge offlhis11 sasalvationIVa1Ou and claim too teI fschoolsl10018 the hospItals are popular and religiosreligiousn-sideratcness

sakc wife anand ehilchild for the gospegospel yct how manmany ofof-



the115ider1tenrss of Christ Wn8 shown in little t1inthings I it is a dutduty commonmon to aall110 too oue can be excused books00 s are eagry recenetl The country round ISisis-

Indthe gcndemen of Ncw York cycn do youYOU thinkthink-


think-wouldIndId such arc thc parts of human life Opportunities I

Tirehe command too preach tlm GOSIcl to evel creature thicklytluckl dotted wIth tOWIl and vilIages andtheand the mismis-seltlomwould confess Christ under such prospects If canedcanedI-


called-toi doin grratl1y I seldom occur Life is made upp ofli to prison dT would go if called to the stake theytheyI-



is pcClfica11 bmding on the i sionary in his excursions generalJy mcets with civiHcivili-trnitlmalsIrlnitcsimals If you rompute the sumsumofhaplriof bappiIISII-in

disiples nownowasas eyer it could bear ittt-

dIIIin anyany gtven day rou wn find that it wftS comcorn-I

was As Tesus hasl promised to be with his proclaim tr and an attentiyc hearinghearing-era

NyldI of smallsma I attentionsattentIOnskmdkind looks which made-


made ers to the end of the worldorld so thetlIe obligationolgabl tIon isIS toto-


I Missionary11 DepositsDeposit-sv




IIv heart swellswc II andand stirred into health that sour ran-t

ran continue till time shall8Ill 11 bebe no longerIonger All may not I GivingGIVIng to the Mission CauseCause-go

A Ilatbr11-

filmof thisuis citycit in warm sympathy with thethe-



causeI film of misanthropy which is apt to coagulate onon-e

forth cause of ForcigliForci aKssions has adopted the habit ofo-




placinggo m preaclic but anB nmmay aidd inascnd8cnding hcm Much wasvas said on this subject at the recent meetmeet-forthIte stream of our inwrd life as surelysurely as wea live inin-

ArtAssociation box such her heartinforth andd brifg tS placing a offerings as promptsprompts-




prompts-andSlToSlrt apart from our fiHow ccaturC8 Doubtlcs thcthe-


sustaining them WeVee wish to bring this ing of the General Association of Virginia It waswas-

questionjmoryt ry off each one off us will furnish him with thetheL-

urequestion to every Baptist of the South Are you the uniform opinion of all that the great need Inin-

takingand her means will allpw inin aid of this cause bhe-





hasture 01of some member ofof a family whose very pros-e

pres takmg any part in the work of spreading the lrocIa this line of christian duty is systcm To bring aUall-

mationshas drawn fromfrom t1is box nnd paid over in April

seemeddotmedotmeh1-UclmlbCrto Eshedh-

1UclmlbCre happiness

f1mllydwhohEedaughterauO tcr perhaps-


perhaps 01i 1 30 111in Mayl ay 1 2ioJ amland min JJuneU11C 2 HHowow easleasilyeasily-


ilej0 a mations D1 e sccme mppmcssa or Divinelove1110 1 v DDo0 yon gIvegive anyan thing for ttheIIe membersmem 1 ers of each church into cooperation by ireire-


ilee lightiht step cen in the distance idiated eceveryevery-s

might evcry Bptist thus contributc in small sumssums-



butthe sman freewinsupport oof our mSSIOnnrlCsmissionaries A woniromcontribution from qucnt though offerings was regarded-every

regarded1U4Ls countenance WhatThat was the secret off such aa-


0 but freauontlfrcqucntly to ourotir aid Such offerings too wouldwould-power




beCTevery chrch member for Foreign Missions thisyearthis as an object to winch every pastor and indeed everyevery-

hinfuuo Whathat had she done Absolutely yearpower because the result of forefore-






thoughtbe efleotivo rp

Mnihinshinhm bet radiant smiles beaming good humor tMs isis ourourmmaimaim WyouWV ill you Dear Reader help us to-


tacttrue Christian should give his earnest attention ItIt-


more they are

tact of divining what every one felt and every i carry it out What lvillwillyouyou do aridhowarid how many othersothers-wanted


is worthy of profound thouOhtthoughtandb and active earnest toiltoil-


thought and of hearty good will1

Are they not alsoalso-



morewanted told that she had got out of self and WJH1 11 youvon01 influenceIn fl nenee inIn thist 1 11S directiondirectioni-rned


1IrectJon to bring such a systemsvstem into operationoperation-Not

more likely111 eIy to bebe accompaniednccompanlU with earnest and effecteffect-




ualirnedmer 1 tot0 thinktlUll I ofO f others0 tllCrs so thatthat at one time itit-wed



I Not many lives but only one have tvetve-One




nedprayer WeVe commend this example for imitaimita-




tionwed itself in deprecating the quarrel which lowlow-m

Laborers One only oneone-



lndlINeededNeededi-nj eedIninj brows and raised tonestOl1 already showed to bebe-



now sncredtmclC shouldhouId that one life everTeeverTe-That

eereever bebe-ThatipendinrlndlI bybysweetsweet words at another byhr smoothingsmoothingi-

nvalidsEarnestly has ourour lone MissionaryIissionar in the great citycity-



That narrow span-Day


Tho CircusCircus-This


Circus-ThisDay after day filled with blessed toiltoil-


flouray up

invalidsS pillow att another byb soothingoothinf10 a sobcob-

trob of0i CantonCan ton beenbcen pleadingp 1ca dmg forlorL some one or moremore toto gogo-


outHour after hour still bringing inirrnewnew spoilspoi-




ThisTIus institutionll1SUOtutlon seemsscems to bebe quite popularpopu I are TimesTimes-are




cV childc afca t anotheran0 tl Ier byby humoringhnmormg anda I softeningsosoftening-ather

0ftftcnmg out to his aid Referring to his field hehe sayssays-ather




are hard but not too hard to prevent the expenditureexpenditur-eofather whoh hadh51d returnedreturned weary and illtemperedilltempered-

niTo Christian Women of moneymoney in this direction In one of the towns ofof-





Wethe ofot business XoneXNone but sheshet-

hoseIt ISie casYViwv tolv speakepcan ofUL aaa millionuiuu butuuu difficultuiiucuic toto-



appreciatewm irritating cares one rt VinriniiVirginia the pirrnqcirCIIS riders collected andandrriedcarried awavawav-




evangelizationappreciateate so large n number unless we dividedhidcitit inin-

toWee need yourour influence min our great work In the J Bniathose things None but heart could apprec largerv a loving peesee-




ee wherewhere-




m to smaller pails Thc population of Canton isIS putput-down

evangelization of the heathen no little of the instruinstnIll1otnot less than three thousand dollars bvcryEvcI vrtiero-

ThatThathlt was thehe secret of her heavenlyheavenly power Call down at a million Suppose these were all tott pass I mentality has been duodu to the earnest devotion ofofinoo-

outinnr the South these mountebanks arc followed and patpat-



ronizedM1 those things homely trifles ByB referencereference to thea-

raeterthe out of one of the city gates at the rate of one a min youryourur own gcx Mlills Mason of the Karen Mis-

uteMisIIs ronizcdrOUlZlu1 byb professedlyprOlcsse1 dl Christianc IlrIStIan peoplepeop 1 e many ofofwwhomwhomr-






nsracter of ChristCn ns tththejcy riserIse intoIn t0 somethingsome tllln1 quiteqUI te sub-nP

subsub ufiute fromom cunrie totto sunsct it wouldotlld ttakeake nrnearly1yfifolicfolicsionOW Ln51Onsion stated some time sincemce that about 35000 KaKa-yearscannot aflforda Orn to give to thetII-


le causecau of missionsl1sclOns SadSad-np




indeednpOPe Forbnr tlinfthat isis lovingliinrr asoc heMo lovedlrfnr AndA nrlnel TomnTlrremarkremarkt-hese

bLryearsyCllra JUlfor thelllc C1Lcity toIU beUU tUlULltUemptied Olofofi-


IOits innaOItantSinhabitantsinhabitants-We

TnmccdJ are jtthese factsfacts1-



Brethrenrenounced their VithWithi-

thefemales hadWeVc hav in Cato some dozcn chapels belonging to ren superstition

tbthese trifles for larger dceds The oneone-a

much iswhileprepare Brethrcn of the South yhiIe so expendedexpende-de

11ia will111 be found in trial capahle of great acts of-e

of the varIOUSvarious missionarymIESIOnary bodJes Scrvices for the refercncc to her own toils and trials she says-heathen

sayse 1ii ever the one who is always doingdoinO considcrateconsideratet-

allhrothen are held Inin thcse on anil avcrage perhaps of 1III IhavelaYC had1 meI tto0 Ilayay ddownown mysemyselfIf tlthelC widowsWluOW

078 llastlast-



ill thesc questionable gmtificationo how much wiU youyou-


alliall ones TheThe soulSOll 1 whichW I11Ch pouredpoure d ftself9It5eitselfIf out toto-


four days in the week SupposingSuppomg 10001 000 peoplepcop Ie to mzmite and to go Into the junglesJ and live vitliWI th andand Jorforfor-be

Ior appropriate for yourww-


our Redeemers sake to spreadspread-





abroadathnnona1TIJonath 01011 the woss038 for the human race was thethe-Ulrit

be brought Under the hearing of the gospelcachgospel cach day the people TorFor the last threeythree yearsears I have slept up abroad in111 heathen lands the savorof his grace-




rITedpirit of him whowl1 0 thoughttl1tliouglitofpnbrrl 1tof0f thetl IC wantswn8t of0 f thethe peoppeopi-ntrived


1 e it would take five years bcfore every Pcrson ilin1 CCantonanton on the bamboo floor wltb 1l1my gIrlS takcn mvmy mealsmeals-


meats-hadintrivedn for the rest of the disciples and1d ww-




Ilanlan OooPoPortul1l-dItYbopportunity 0off blcarlDIgrIfearing tIe1 gospcl once I off from a hox srorcelv ever n warwarm meameal ad havehavel-



The Biblical REcorderKecorder-




Wel10aglonghtfulhhcr I for a mothe-




thinkt m 1000 wouldwon beenaboveove ttheIe average numbfr at very 8Cseldom11 kknown an IhoursOl s rest exceptt fromlromL twetwelvetwelve-tending




WeV e see that this excellent paper has reached itsits-




thirtythirdtending our chapels for it must be remembered that totyeAfivc 0clockJmDC 11nofnofjn111 the niglltmg rTtThiSeXjcphoweverlowever was nono-



thirtythird volume Brother Mills its intelligentintelligent-the



editorthe Chinese have no daydav of rest but our SeryiCservices seselfdenialcnfolf ripnfoide C1 or S11sulTringnfierinoffillerJ 1fIThere Uthas111 been puflerinosufferingsuffering-




i that it is xithe i ii-

must inin-




theReceiptsReceipts-r tJaci tee etlit011 tells his readers is largest papermust be to thethelOondaypravermcetingornoonday prayermeeting or i eldceldcor ftcompared ted with the effort butconnected 1 10 u perhapsperhaps-

somerorif if Btrd8 1 anff Domesticoml8C and Indian Jfvuiont S K1 CforC forfor-









APRILotherweek day service in a businessbusiness neighborneighborrearearealfnvcrnonot deep

CPt tln fo hrlhrlu perperdmpsdmpsdmps-

APRILthe State and that it isis his purpose to make it thethe-




bestsome we nevcr catchc1 e 80l11soo fullyY theIe spiritspIn of0 ThyJIIY kingdomhgbingdorlt-rood




LAItAMAhoodI100 d I thinkth m thatthat at ourou present ratera of attendance come as when laying our Isaac upon the altar and-making



best religious paper in the world But min order toto-




makingakmo0 allowance for thosetho who hear more than once I dont believe we can know exactly the meaning ofof-



itthis one thousand more subscribers during the nextnext-




thirtyenera1 Association Xorth Alabama per J S 16 I ShackShackr-d it would bc eght bcore all could hear once If bread till have bread and-

theyand North Cnrolinarears daily wc no needed BapBap-


tiltsrli3iprd 31 P D IIaUary 101Io J A Wllker 3 J A B BessonBesson-Jna

Gite us our thirty dasdays arc SurelyJna G Shorter S252 J A B Be8on Tr Eufaula ssocia thcy desiredIrcd It no friend to give us anvanv-


any tists ought thus f1r to increase his list Ve wish ourour-


brother1111 H7 Dr GlIG II Wllliam5ou 1010-

csonotaWithinT1thln 100 mIles of Canton there arc sevcral ciCICI-

GEORGIA inhabimnts besides All our female mmissionariesiss ionaries hmeake hadhac l ttoo toilto il anandand-


d brother thc largest success-





ties of 100000 numcrous popu1rs CRey J and Onc of thc first that suffer in their work Vill not youOOU who rcmainrcmain-



strikesC Brown amount collected 11515-

then lous towns villagesvillagi-SaL

things Free Will OfferingsOfferings-






IScStion11Baptistaptlst Church Pjperpert Rev F n Tvev 5 SO StoneStone-mtain strikesstrI 1res theIIe stranger visitingVIS1tmg ChinaCIuna is15 thet I lC crowdscrow dS of0f i inn this Christian land strive to secure the means ofof-




peoplemtainntl s3ociatioD J A Gibb3 Tr 5 877 BethanyBethany-uch brotherbrothersendsussends SVGSVG-



edollarsandper They aretillcomingarearoetillstill coming AAgoodgood us vovo-

doUarsanduchr Se Rev G people I for the laborers abroadabroad-



These2ev C Connor S33 Mrs1s J D Twiggs 5ilrs5 Sirsrs A JJ-


i o5 GeorgiaEorglaBaptlstConventlOnBaptist Convention T J Burnev Tr for doUarsand adds It is but a mite yetct a little moremore-



IperperT ThTheseese crowcrowdsds arare pressingprslDg on to the grave and Evcry BaptIst female may bccome an e1lcient workwork-



withouttl 1hsions 44 so for India mSiiions 885 for BibleBibler-

nbaton weck The lady of Richmond whowho-



keepsi rnbaton 10 25 RRer D G Daniel 5 Rev G r IcCalIMcCall-

sntwithout the gospelgospelrJllustmust go down to eternal death er in otr eausc Vith respect to each one let it bcbc-




than Qne cent asnt eoliected 26 5J

PIPIGMrsr Dr WV S Joneg SJ55-

MAY1 tle1 1laborsb offf-IAY

mis Saviour at last Shc hath donc wl11twl11tM-




keeps her litHc hox has just sent from it anothcr ofof-


feringGGodo 1 Jhas13S wonwonderfullyderfiu11J blblessedesse a ors 0 our mIS snid by tIle


MARYLANDof two dollars An earnest hearted ChristianChristian-




ladyj MAL sionarjsionaI But he must have help Who willill go to Ehe could-




feringMARYLAND of Baltimore who has given her son to the workwork-





SiI 3 fpftingting hiS aid WeY invite correspondence on this questionquestio-

nsnNNNNN ladyBaltimore 1st Church S285S8 45 Fanny MeaMea-


t Si cashs 5oc7MrSnOc Mrs Davis S55 MrsIrs E BaynordBaynordS25S25 J7 wW-J

V Is one in all our Southern land willing for the-


etMissions of the Am Baptist Miss Union-

WeUnion ofpreachingtothcheathenhassentustwcnfydollarsofpreachingtothcheathenhassentustwcnfydollar-

siVof preaching to the heathen has sent us twcnttwenty dol1arsdol1ars-



AnotheriVt J F BrownTown 225 Rev Jobn Berg jII3 IL B WeishampleWeishample-


noAnother lady of Virginia sends us five dollars and-






1 GGallupalIup la A lady per J W Mr W 2 SamuelSamuel-o sake of these perishing ones for JesusJcsns sake to go toto-

ChinaWeVe have been profoundly interested in lookingIoeking-

overo 81onoo A1 A bapman 200 little Iary Gaston per AA-


A-IP ChinaChina-



over the minutes of this body for 1868 It will bebe-

rememreclwrites It hasha been myrn opinionopinion for thirty yearsyear-





thatI I Y1 MrsIP Flds 5 lIisses JacksoD 10 C West 50 is the to plead this causecause-






ToSgooJSfauaJ that the pastor proper agenthenry TaylorayO 10 Eugene Levering Sr 100 EugeueEugene-nnr remcmred that tWthis is thrthoth organization formerlyformerly-


former vnnrn


lC 8O Josbua LeveeingLererin 25 WV T LeVCriDg 11010-m

BBrotherrotoherGravesher GravesGTPraves gaysEays-



Theivenr the Triennial Convention and witliwliichirpwitliwliichirp-

towith which up L WV A fci the only one I have known who givesgives ititv-





them fonds known as0f1S 800700 laborer isis-




ofThe 1S in KentuckyKentuc-kyt

language everyery the importance it demands Our agent inidentifiedidentified-


v InCLi-Aohr tthcto th vcaryear 1845 Southern Baptists were

I t SrpC1hcrdcurev CcyivIohr Sl510Up Rer G F Adams 5 Bevpe wV R DD-Dcure



DDo they Cmejcome DDo tbecolrethey coe 0 wereere feeblcandfeeble and wnnwan-



nFor manvmany ycarsvcara after its origination its trials werewere-

severeRev R MI Thurman sends us four hundred dollarsdolla-




andVere passing like shadows awsyawsy-


Butthinks notwithstanding the pressure ofof-


the timestimes-



thatSJZS and ifits small If wewe-

mistakeveandandWe comparativelyOUTll CAnoLICAROLINACAROLINA-


AFA-Fj But the hanest is white and JIc i yonder tbe dawndawn-


Forscercsevereove success claimclaim-



Wej P willwiIllibcraIlyliberally respond to our claimclaim-


O Brce 50 iterRe T Pju Gainesaines BS1i1515-

OEOPOIAFor laborers for laborer wW prayprayrpra-


mistake not seven years elapsed before the first concon-

vertthat Kentucky

others but this winvillsufvillsuf-e







ifsE01 vert from heathenism was baptized A long periodperiod-


WeVe might mention many11ifseVinrhe springpnng ChurchT G T W 1 Y3J Columbus BaptistBnpist-

crer S2121 cjrrrhrh perppnnJcr j111nIClhurch

D sslS62perp

Monthly Concert Of PrayerPrayer-Our

passed after this ere a firm and broad foundation hadhad-


i neenee-






TaNNrsstE-A Our Brother Graves in reference to the monthlymonthly-


been laid for evangelical influence in pagan landslands-

ButThe ChurchesChurches-




AA vran Hooseamoeoiieeted30HQQ3e amount collcctctl 3030-



ENTt1CBTI prayermeeting earnestly pleads with hishis-


But now thehe eye rests with grateful admiration andand-

devoutA contribution from every Baptist church of thoth-






1fQ devout thanksgiving to God on the beauteous andand-

fairSouthSOUdIFoRPOR FOREIGN MISSIONSlJssIoxstbisthis fiscal yearyear-





lJll7TpL1fQ T GamctUasarnet 25 ciearClear crkohnrchwoodforaCreeCreekk ChChurchurch Woodford CoCoJ-

ojlJbrethren of this land as followsfollows-

YourJojlJLG RV G 15TMb T M Vaughan 5 I A Jacobs 60 RR-o themiJstmidst off the hheathheath-


th fair proportions of a glorious superstructure rearedreared-

uponThis is our motto Let everyeycI member of everyevcry-



churchliey Sso amOunt collected ar General Association for PePe-


Fe Your brethrfl1 who nro ill the 11 thethe-







edall in thfrrS I this foundation Behold the result of be invitol to share the privilegeFlomi3 church1J3 223 Mrsrrs U L Rochester 5 I H FrenchFrenchr-

OJ would be more rejoiced to llcar that there wa3 aa-

generaluponenl IIt rOJ ncterlted su14 Lyman McComi per Wv B wV 2020-

MISSOTnrtgeneral movement of prayer for missions throughthrough-out

expenditure of treasuretreasure and toil none decline because large sums mayma I not be givengiven-





ThermvraPrI mcaMISSOURI out theI SouthSouth thant I mn to learn1 carntthatJm t thetlIe treasurytt-ptt rromr was i The nnmher ofo missions connected with the Union iss 1-

2overflowing12 The widows mite should be remembered She gavegave-


allhBptitpttf t Church per J H L 10 10 Ashley BaptistBaptistovrflovrfl WithTi mnnnv t In the ASiatic Mission are 18 stations where American missionsmissiona-

13utmites IfAlAl-








churchbut tOVeh 4jSecnd3 Second Baptist Church Louisiana 36 70 Bap overflowing money

I rieries reside and not farfa from 400 outstations In the EuropeanEuropea-


all her living it was OnlyOTr

nlJrchprc L LexingtonPXngton perpeEE S D S141Sllt51413030 lmoutpiid W1V W But whrwhvestablishestablish a prayerraycr meeting for miSsionsmissionsMissions are 132832s statioDs and outstations The wbolebole numbernumber-

ofchurchj membermemuer shallsnail giveomeugiverfvc something though only oneone-





centperprhlsRePwtsi3ahis Report S13130 00 CanCan AveTiotwee Dot pray inIn our closetse1 osct5 forfior laborers1abore rs lies of American missionaries connected with the Asiatic Missions-


Missions bb-

ibe securedsecured-





EXASTEXAS I private is all important but united prayer isis including wives of missionariea and female assistants is 03of03of-not

9393fOfof cent a week all that isis needluineedfhI winwill m ci C BIlk 5 Mollle

Jiiot be1prayer

grerrvfcor wbom 43 nre males and 1111 butoneordninedbut one ordained ministers NtveNative-

erLetet allII Let allaa-


H give as God has prosperedprospered-



CLetti t Suddittte S3030 I not to he neglected Vhatt church ever grew vigor j preachers tCDcher3 colporteurs BIble readers etc mc1ndlDgincluding-

ofn givegn e

5 RooRocot0810sinNEWsEtrvoacons trous10USI 115 withoutWI thth ou t a prayerprayer memediareerfmfeiLng9 f ChristChChristsans saysasys WhereVIVncj6le those in course of0 training forfor theth e ministrym inis try abouta 400 oforwhomwhom Let all givegIye cheerfullycheerfully-


ThenL LvnI two of you GQTCCalragreeonon earth touching anyananythingthing youu askas h

1 ovcrocr60GO60-


Are ordained In Europe the preacpreachersh ersrs-a

and assistants rprThen come the blessing of0f givinggivin-gsnnthtiiSSTohrchcanoinSis




rfor theontonIO in

r 0 Ir 161lGinthsnnthtiiSSTohrchcanoinSisinth sheet Baptist Ohurch CIncinnati 5 I it ahall lebe donedone1 AcoalofAd ooaI of firefeitilonoSwillRoonlaMoer3oofire letl alono wIll ROOD r aM over 300 The whol tlumbtir baptbaptized In Kurop I

Page 4: IJ Series RICHMOND Published Publi 8Publi Mntly Monthl ...media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/missionjournals/... · byll1li1 ott1 m letter or cheek ton Iri book of Uevclation In to





First FruitsFruitss-



tend in the morningmorning-


morningling but1 tIt whoW 1 10 cannot hearI lear YorubaYpru ba creasingercaJsOngI demandsdeman s upon our hearts1 leartsaandd tietime Our r late before I could Retireretire for a little rest aiai-


and then II-




Honor the LordLo rd withw ith thythy substance and vrltliwat I thetl PIPSTFIRST IThoughfhouCTh our flockc isis-

lingcomparatively feeble in number j

I only rest can bebe in heaven While I now write she I leftelt themthem stillstUI assembledassembled-ing


bicdliICI the Lord is Previous the is out thetact 1O women BAPTISMUAAMIOJIBA1 TISM OFv TWENTYSIXTWENTYAJTXXIXSIX GARo-

sSundayFRUITS of all thno increaseereoo j soshairoyso0 ball tby larns lieJee filled1 1 withwith-

plentyn tll blessingingI us to departure

j is gone among0





plenty and thy presses shall burst forthfortb wlwith newn wnowine1 j of Brother Phillips there were two cancandidatesaaI acs for14for-t


SundayoJCuna 14thi aa daydavi off daysdaysearlyiJJ-

FRUITSearly morning W0rW0r-




To do good nnaand communicatecommuuici forgetw notnots for wiUt suchoc tt sacc 1II hnntismbaptism and two who had been susnendedsuspended wereere re

f0 Chefoo ChinaChina-


ship also at ten oclock after which we repaired to-




stored Since his departuredephrtureanotheranother hashalhccnbeen restored ic the following interesting infonnafortIm thehe bcautifulbeautifuleautf stream dammed forriflcesriflcls GodGOltIsisis well pleased restoredirestoredf j Brother Uartweil gives nus m t u amore up or the purposepuPurpose-storech



inmlnd i vniititr from OnhomishawOgbomislmw and another where1 I in ihethe of the TriiTriir-iflcls

Hce one fiom the Old Tcsta a young man anothcrjji Hobnh baptized nn name sacredered TrinityTrin inin-


Here arc two injunctiong fromfrom IJuyee have presented themselycs for baptis You ask about Chcfoo IIttISis l1t a elcityt properly1 twentysixy six Garos men and womcn A crowd of wiIwi-IHce

wildment the other from the Iew 1bothJot I 10off divine1 1llH auauthort1 lor The SpIrIt 0off tIeI LLordor seems tot0 bbee amonglm 0ng us Our speaking ata t aU A few years ago It was ononlyY a smzlsma Yll nOlookingsaV eOlleP tood on the bank but alla1Iityt Itandnd both bring on the dutduty of giving The Suuday School is prosperiug hut theIe wantvn oof eefficientmtent tm1II1trading Iport bbutut SIllCCsince 1itt Jhass bbeen ol1cd to forcign were as quiet seriousserious and respectfulrespect fu11-

mentas though acac-


19acIon to0 Igiee off their susubstance for heneobenevolentlent i teaehersicacners nashhai COincompciicucompelledpell cd me toto IUVJUKdivideI h ntuit jj-


111intoI fivee large tmttradee itt hasM grogrown wonderfullyon ThereThere is an jutm eustomed v uclieltscenesscenes Among this first ingatheringather-I


rglobjects is imperfectly understood bv Christians andItll 1

LI classes Myrr dayschool has run up fromfroifroi-


lfom ttheIe originalrlgmaI mense amount 0of 1businesslsn done there whichwhih draws ing of Garos into the fold of Christ were ththe agedaged-


whenwhenw understood is too little appreciatedA i riMThis sadsadfldii

three which 1I had inin the house with meme-when to Ihlrtyfive together In enterprls1l1g popupopulationI

athn fr1mfrom ftftall11 partsftr tS j middleagd and youth Several of these were aa-


fld thcythcJ still CQmc I havo bccn ompel1ed to em which aJll0Ul1tS at present to sometsomethingmg likeI e fiftyI thou Ifofeww niontlIS aoago anglo opposers The case ofdcficicncdeficiencyI of knowlcOe0 and obeobediencea tenee ISis not 80 mucmuchI 1


ploy a teacher whoWI 10 WIwill11 rereliev01

lC mtme min thetl lC morningmornil 1 g j stInsandd tIatt no gguessuess But it is not a permanentlypermanent lyy resitrCSH 0ofef thnm affectedaffected me much He had learned to readread-pvernmcnt


tlie result of a confirmed covetous heart as 0f matImat i notnothing1 ung prevel1tmg NoNJ 0 expensecxpen Ucndsallthc tUItion t mg 11opulatIon TThereIlere arc perperhapsIlapS notno t a seoscorer e Pcr

I amI write in the pvernmcntto school at GowalparaGovalpara-c

Gowalpara-tentiontentioll to the lIlaww ad a too aIorabsorbingJ ling 111interesttercst 111in sean Ilofof those who come flOm the 11elOneighborhoodb I or I 100l but1m t wec

1 tap not n ddozenQcn respectablercspec tabl e families Iivjng in Chfoo and speaks Assamcsec wellwe II HeITe isIS one of0f thet II-


Ie moun-sual



sual and worldly objects have Ita plungernu 111 her of interior orphanorphanborphanehehchildrenildren who camelme i f e YenUti proper TlteThey ae all J1rsons gatheredt 1 e cd taro GGaros andd wasB one of the first to lcne offoff-


The serious contcmllatlOn of thistlu whole uhJeet IIIin Iwith Brother lhiIlips from Aheokuta when tIle out there for purpose5 of trae whileIIJf tIclr families live position and join Onlednled sincc whichwheh lie itashas IteeItee-

sualbeen abrcak occurred therc amI thcse weye are oblIcd to 8UP

f elscwhere and YJth vcrtcryj rare cxccptlonscxccptlonsonthe onlyon fe rightlt hand mn For thrce months hc 1115 been Ul1Ul-


the lirrltlight0 of Gods word is onc of the grclt ncccitic8 I Portport I eouId get many more I think ifrif I had thc t males evcr there are Ticious qfOf these there ac any aableJ1 tto0 wall11 from n dieaet foot He said withof the times Yith all thc poyerty of our peopleIJCOP 1 e tthe1 IeIemeansmeans to supportsuppor t themtl lcm CChildren11 1 ren tlms educated 1 numbernumber 311and the Clmount of CrImecrimetlescCtltlescCtlJCfcreinm ChefooIeJCfcre

00 ISis petant mumuchhfelinfeelingbb-of I adam ChisChrists didpe but I amlotcannot-meansmeans arc in their hands to meet fullvfhlly evervcyery claim ofofln-llay


may return totoIthneIthnethe interior and do much goodrr d 1 1 fcctly frurhtful I walk How can I be baptized Seeing his earnestearne-stIT earnest-the


hole ttheIe cocoloredore i Baptistsi IS soof the1 rSouth1 willMI ibe ableiblc1 II Y distant wishITI told11 Omedf 1 A havci ihim T ii-


the Lords cause Zhyhy should not eeverycr ClChristianIrIS t Ian lope apI There are however in the lleirrhborhoodb say to brought to me in the

make an offeringofTrinbtoto the Lord of the fifirstrt fruitsprtll ts of0 f thetl e tto0 seenc tllclr dutylu in thi1l matter YHI not sqrno oflofl

t from one mIletomile to live n very grat numbermrm bor ooff rcspccrespectt 1 water1t r You should llahave seen his11 JOV and delighte 1rYoo-p ItIt-


113rvest he them hear mym alpeal VVee cluicallltWnow he saidSltl 1 to0 have1tl veI ahableIe vIllages WivltereI lere ttheI Ie popnpopulation1atIon ISis ssteadytca alland1 ihi TIlLs man uvhcnhcn asaskedked 1iff IheIe 1lOpUtoped1 fforor worldlyor 1 lII fITalnSITaln-


Are not thank offerings to the aTnsreaps a localIoeallmbitntionhabitation and no nal1e Iin tIns plae nId teharnercharacter good 1I from heinbeing baptized anwered with much spirit NoNo-113rvest

giver of all good as appropriate now as ever Bless j when youvon remember the distressing confusion inn jI Being a greatreat centre of trade ChefooChc 00 is of course Is it to fill our bellies that wew become ChristiansChristians-Ohcr

iningsb coniing from God in diversified forms and com j whichwhichrIrII found everything here you can join ilIIime inin a centre of influence andof is thereforefi rorofimfimimportantrtant as a ISo it isi salvation we seek At another time lie sausau-int

saidsaid-inginting eyerevery hour may well prompt the heart to deviseIete thanking God for thet Ie orderon er andallt prosperiprosperity whichIte His I

ImISSIOnmission SMstation1011 We have not urged itsifs occupancy MyI heart burns with desire to go and tell my peoplpeop-


somnrlmnnsomething on the fowlLordLordss divdaday nasa a gratefulorirpfiil icrifioosacnsacrlficcandice blcniShilwhaa has restored to our little missionmission I jmpray hoyyy-and

our Board nor attempted to establish a stationstatIO on thet e mountainst off tlthis religionrcr110n OllhOnly let mmymy footfoo-ting

foejOll j IIiceflndand somctimcs feel that though we are nownowalike aI there since Bro Holmes deathjcath because cver gjncesmce his get VCHcl aiulau I shnlls13 gogo-toto from the birth of childpreservation dangerdnngerthe a mustardseed will branch thewe yet out through tleath the have had thatthatB theirEnglish Baptists mve as THE FIESTIJlST GARO CHURCHCHURCHGAROGAKO onDAtTOKDATNEDonDA EDlDrecovering fromfrom SICsicknesssicknessspecialI n special successUCCC5 min anymy eneni1 length and breadth of the land besides thereheadquarters beingbemgfi MisPresbyterianj titcrprisetrlictllesethese and numerous oCClLlOnoccasions occurringccn rrmg fromfo n j


i S1sion and for a time an Episcopal Mission thereI Sundav evening

AfterYCllIng our IIOUHJ of prayer was acaiagamagam-


canton ChinaChina-i

crowded preaching I formed the disciples ini-ntrlictllesetime to time call thus foror someme practical demonstra i Chefoo however isis such aplacea pplaceIlcc as willi1t be constantj to clulrch I expJI inl to them that ilin thc ALndcr dalo pf spritpn IOtb 11mlBrother Grnn or Cantononn Unthus a c explained Apo11-

timetion of thankful IIIy1 dnwnnS our memhers therc business and fora spirit

i writes rae1mbers on a I tIes daV8 thcvtlte AVcrc vontyont to form the disciples lIItolIIto-tion int

While the obligation is clear and imperative how j uQnOn Mondayi IOildal afternoon I haptfeedtho two old sis jt

i Sinwershort time before the recClpt of yourfour letter JhetlceTfI had becn churchc5 andand toVSTappomt one offfftheIr number as pl5wllet11Cl it Tstrongstrong is the motive for its enforcement God willI tcrs who were received by the first church on SabbaththinkingOK ofL wcre not my duty for the sake of t tor wfYI1Ol1l of the three nativcimf assistantl wotld

II i the memhers of m own church there to estabt Jv Ti aSSeSltalSnonowhonor themt lCln thattImt honorhonor him1lIm TheirTl lClr barnsbat II shall be I la4ali They both seemed veryven happylIap1 one of them lish a stationtlieremyy

and visit it month Theretheyn choose

theS dSdas MrSfppastor SamImSfirfKpreacherpreacher-

filledto baptIzebaptIze-


once afilled He wwhovvno110 concontrolscontrolstroIs illanaII evente cmsent willwinI 11 fivoriafa or himsiaunhis11 filthf ith cni1 to me as slies 1 Ie came UP out of0 f thctJ Ie vaterwa ter My11l I

areo now litinh1ngx4njg tlicrct 1Iere boutabout one thirdt 11l 1 of0 f flmt1 1 mcmmembersmomhorberstfIbuyhHairy7 thcir deadI perform tireirtheir marriagesmarriages according ttoto-


heartftil ste31ds heart isiis lutffillJI otof peacencace andaimandjojojvioI v Maviualtarayy tliovtnethey snendsemispend thetne Ii of cimrcnt VSand7 thoni i T T the Christian custom TheyTl 1Oj unanimously1l1annnousIy clucchoseIIOIO-


few remnmiiifremainiw vcars of their pIlgrImagemlTirnaire 111in Gods sercr 1 inonmmy

itt L ithoughA A


theyi n ellloenjoy



I Qmrdvnicu fromnum whosenuu linsnphps thevtheymuj3 receivediixciiircccl yed tthegotheintint-Tifices

he lcIPcl IGod is wellwellllrosetlpleased with sneh sltorificesTifices To 7aml isis not mym duty to look after them myself Onenjoy i amI feaKIlr andntl then from thei then and there in the of all laid handsviceice 1tal aml nn lcrtt Irom mrcares the hererisris the presencercscncc o uu-n

onhis approbation is worth more thanm alln ibeside1 TfTfIC4taaIfIfyIC4taaestcrdayCs erday I rental a house neartlclirSlung Wongong Mmr m



theth other hand here is all the conntcountrycountry to the west ofofl himihim andand told himrangehim to raiifrerange the hill1ls to prroehnrr hpthjthis cntircl led b minionthet JIe bbelievere1 lever can 1look00 k up andanti recognizerCCOfnlZC his111 IcovcnlyIIcavenh t the city Temple for a little chapel and reccprecephonion j

entirelyy ununOCelIHedunoccu andybyy any mISSIOn except mvmy I tizeee tctgt do thethe-auto

workk ofrf a cisChrIstatian pastorppaste md toJ I stations atIiuwaat IIwayIiuwaway HicnHieit amandandPetuaPetunp jIs not the eaIlIcallicallbeft beeeeefaithful aNow is c7runrooniIwhere I meett thet1 in wirers MyI dwelling1 1 be faithfulfaithful-t

unto deathtj Xowow thisthis-is isisveryISsFatherss smile it isIS better thant 113n theI Ie applausesapp1auses of0f menmen-than

len roomr can mee Ie mqUlrersq uWP mg loudcr and more forp f IhS ielsSoniuveryvery-pastor




impcmtivo Ibetter I is sosolajrtar Irom ollr preaclimfpreaclimf-

parelpreaching pplace tlmt tew can 1ind 1

imperative lor me to spendEpCll my pal but I fee1 tthatImt It isIS no hme tto0 sstandtan d on 1humanmDanmDa-nFatler8

than costlyeost gifts of friendsfrJCndshathan pur strengthI in Ilmt directiongaYIgay apap-

parelthan their wayway to It TheI he exanullahCxanllllataonSons willWIll take 1phase I ccmollies Itnd formalities in the work of God rltrTlrc-


hetterparelparelthanthan delicious food thewill t There is so much work to he dene thatfoodyea than life itselfitself-

Readerwe freyea this mal I to be the and Gltrod hahavee heen too long he lemhyearyear uui j wntwam uv uve ntl1earnmu jnilIterarym menmen uu neglcetl They aareperish

Reader dost thou honor God with thy substancesubstance-Ts


trust that by GodsGod s blessingbessm much goodool111aymaymar beh done i 2qncntIyfirstt VvTShesitate

heart reachesto decide


which7 ouhtoughtUllt to be done inS in darkness They arc just openingopcmngopening theirt teir eyeseycyy-

Younges II-

Tstory rnnTs God well pleased with thy sacrificessacrifices-


Yeung Sin fchangChang and A PengI eng will live at thistIn new I

men anheand Hle mcanssttot TJSISyourour yearmngforces

0 fofor theth sees JSlSLand fcel thi A good fhtt1fulfaidifur CUhOISlSlSil-i

natynativenative-reaching quadruple our inm Chmahinapreachmgp reaching placelace like Omed can do more than a dozenozen lIeIIII5Stonannew missionaries

ililij Rev Mr ReidReid-

HowLiLiingtheing wirer from Tino

I Do contmue to wrIte us as often as your othcr du There other harms absentII-How

twenfinquirer fr5m1 Ningpo comesl11CSes every day just 110now arc twenty JutHow faithfully our brother Reid stood at his postpost-

whenhad some conversations with him to dayay andand exex-

utticsof-ticsof the


alloww Present my regards to the brethrcn I now who desiredesirethatbaptisn I cannot stnystny anongg themem

whenu cuti offte fromc ni t plained part of 3dl chapter of Romans lie seems vervvcryvery-humble


is necessarynecessary that theirtheirpreacherpreacherpreacher-cannot

and guideguidegguideshouldshouldshould-be


on us hyby the war will be bvh aF Iseen by aa-

letter humble1 1 andi understands the planI iran of salvation Hen N NI be empowered to preach baptize marry and to burybury-their

bury-whenletter Iwritten the time-

ManyShanghai ChinaChina-

Brotherat time toldto 11 me that IIG had bcen seekingkng for the salvation ofoft their deadi And it is very good01 for them to feclfecl-


doctrinesManMany haveha e been the scenes and trials since wewe-last

his soul before he heard Christian doctrinesoetrtllcs He de1I Brother ValesraYateslestbthus writes some responsilliresponsibilityres 11-

pendedonsibilityit in the outset Let those whowo willwill-


last met Little did I think when I separated fromfrom-you

pended on fasting andnd reciting prayers I trust liehe isis-you

I Be IkUred mmy dear Brother that we smsympathizepa tIize I concontendtend forfor routine ad fortlls My11y one worwork hallshall-


you last that we were on the brink of such a trouble-some

trouble not far from the kingdom of heaven-Lam


wwithith yyoUou in yourr effortse fforts toto sustainsus ta i n thethe missionsm iss ions abroadabroad be to brmgring the perlshmgperrs h tng to ChrIstCC-

nativeh andand to maIema 1 thesomesometimete It is a good thing for lisus poor mortals-

thatmortals Lam called this afternoon and satat for lli1hours1hours-

IIehourshot r hae endeavoredto practice thestrictest economy nathe churches independent ofo fOrEIgn teachcteachers nasas-

fastaspomibletht our merniful God does not allow his people to-k

to IIee asked me about the day 111in Gen I bcfor the crecrc-were

I have denied mysetf a teaeher and nn assistantIm Iwpartpart-of


fafastaspomibleas pihlo It iis in this waymy onlonly that ChrlStlChristi-anitykowknow ththee fntrce forfo r it wonldwould herte a very greatgreat enltlnccen hance ationat ii-

rnenton ofof tl10the snn thethe morningmorn ing nnda n d theth e eCmngeve ning were

i of this yearyear and finding my saansalary of 900 ShanOhaiShanghai-


0 aniianity will take root and grOgrow 111in tlm country I amam-contentment of the trialstrials througlt which we bltye to pass the fit dayIa e dollarsJ insutlieiellt for1Vl tlmalit autiarLsnpprt oft1r my111Y tatut1Vtatut1V-

Sincefaily I content to walk us doselclosely as I can byh the example ofof-

ChristSince this war my life ha5 been one of sad realIty He ISis an carnest student of thc Newcw TTestamentetaent i 110W that onr daughter has grown up and hasII no alal-

Ii Christ and hL Itpostlapostles as recorded in111 the New Tes-tament

TCSI have heen the snhjectofsubject of many priralions and lrials I and I h01e ISis dmwmg nearer amI nrer to the kingklg lowanee I have taught sehool at night to make up I tamenttament-

MoreI have Irnd wbat it is too he hungryungy ad alone aslas 10m of God Today he askasked me ahot baptismItatln the deficiency Myi class of youyoung men is now disdis-it

MoreIore ltaptisms 1Iondar 15Gae onIon 10 slartstart-earlyit regards this worlds thingsthmrrs Many times have I and the Lordss supper I explained to him thctI e ac I badcdbanded-

retiredearly for Darara Wentent Intointonto the chapel to sayy aI fowfow-


uwordsretired at night without a cowry less than a farthing count of the Eunuchs baptism and Pauls statement i

i Brother Graves needs a colleague and IT need one-to

one words when Omed mentioned to me that ten monmon-to


orto buy food the next day nor did I know from whence


of the nature and design of the LordsLorc1 R supper inl111iii TI II But I cannot see how youYOU can supportsupport them TheThe-i

in the villagevil1ae were uiwillinounwilling that I should leave withwith-outI would getget food but an evermerciful God providedprovided I CCoror xiXlxx-

somethingi I country isis open but I omnofcnnot leaveeave mymy station The out numbering them among Christs disci1eonedisci1eone-

ofdisciplcg onronr-

somethingsomethingomethinO for me every daydaytherethere was never a day i He saidaid that baptism would expose him to much1 Lordord I trnstlstwl11will Provide and we willll carry on hishis-work of the number weepingwcepmg like a child and sayingsaymg someS0111some-

thingbut I atebsomethingsomething though often0 is was very scantycant i ridiculerid ieule I read part of MathIa th x to hhim1111 and mUlltoldto workfk without further means at present In him II-will thing in Garo I found on inquiry that he wasns apap-pealingI was 27 months at one time without seeing a white i

1 him he must make his ehOiceIfchoice if he wasns ashamed of0f Wl11will trust Loye to all tne bretHrenbrethr-



pealing to the native assistants that although ho had-said

hadface at all I was under the necessity of selling al j Christ Christ would be ashamed of him att thetIt greatgreat-most



said littleJittle theythe were witnesses that when his life wawa-most

waswa-sthreatenedmost everything in my house to get food I culticulti-

vateddayday As hee was leaving me he saidsaid-study

I wantant to OTHER0 MISSIONSMISSIONSPr-eaching

BEISS IONS threatened because he cut a few bamboos on a mounmoun-vated

moun-tainvated the Mission enclosure which helped me very-

muchveryYer studstudy the Newew Testament forforaa few days more and-



I tain where the heathen sacrificed and had to flco toto-much


savemuch I was ill a part of the time but not so muchmue1much-as

then I want youyou too baptize me 0 that the Holy onn savee his life yet he did not turn backaek IfHee detesteddetested-


detested-heathenas I should have expected while suffering such pri leadlea him to Jesus I fearfea heh has Preaching to thon GarosGaros-


heathenpn Spirit mayay not yetyet-vations

vetct practices nnd why could not he profess ChnstChrist-byvations Now these things may ecm hard and trulytruly I

I cast himself whollyhon on Christ HiHIH ideas of the I1r Bronson the missiollarymissionaryry thus refers to no visitisit by baptis with tle others His wole body waswas-


sshakenhave been so to my sinful body but theyth have bcenucen j atonement arere not so clear as I couldcouI wish okNoneJ Olef he had bcen requested to rr-

themake to Omeds viUagc shaken wIth cmotIOn and manmany scemgseeing him worewor-



PITthe development of my spiritual condition These but the spirit can teach him the preeiousiifsspreclOun of Te jI

The nextext tlte ltlt1

weeping in sympathytrials have moi1Irlllllg wee set out fOI OucIsbeen a purifying furnace to my soul j sus villavlllagc in MonmMonja MasuriAl1asur nearear Ran Mari aferaId II I saw I ltall11orehad more work to do IcalledI called inIII fli-




trialsNever ini my life did I know resignation and under 1 Today I preachedehed at Slung Wongoug Miu1111 frolfrom I calle RI Sda ThIs is Ydlae

arIis churchli and received ten others I baptized altcrnnraltcrnnr-


lya nv village at thestand faith as I do now I bless God for all thesethese-

trialsThrough this man isIS preached unto youu the forfoforfi foot of the hillsh1JsIt wasas estabhhed bby Omeda

s Ily with Omedmed thus introtlucingintroclucinfr him at 011once into tt-This



lifefor they have been worth more to mmy soul than allall-

my I gigivcnessveness of sinssms After shomllshowing the vanitymuty off theirhell jovelyIocI y spot with a finfinestfine stream of watercloseate close at hand work for which he has becn sct apnrt This showedshowed-id






m soultogetherhas been benebenefited


wonderfmay have

ullsuffered butbut-

myfasting reciting prayers and good01 worksIork r pointedOIlte with penyplenty of land suitable for cultivation A rowd the Garos tltat hapbaptismtil11 hy his 1mhandndid or mine wasa thethe-


Imy wonderfullywonderfully-Mr

I them to the Lamb of God Some listenedI veryveryer at Avasa as waitingmbnl to rcccreceivee us Vee foundountlthethe same He llse1 tlte baptim1 formu1t in Garoaro whilewlue-mwhile-


joMr1 r AshcrofT1 1lcro ff a churchcIlurc1 lInlSslonarymissionary visitingVlS1tmg BrotherBBrother-Reid

10 tl ler j tetentivelytiyely and most Deemedsecmed wcjlwell disposed I was clean thcjiousesthe houses about ibrtyforty new aa-


and orderlyIllage

ar I used ttheite Almcsc ThThusUInin one vIllavillagejo ISis aI ehchurchchurch-of

uh I

ReId at tne bme thllS teshfies to Ills pahelltpatientemlurpatientemlur-ance

el1dl1r struestruckk oucc 1howeverIOweyer byb n IlCCCpiece off ugar cane or someSOI11 e mngerangedd TheTIIe largestIaOSt andall d bestbcs t 1houseloe 111in thetIIe VIvillage11 is of0 f forty140rtu native Christians including the assistantsassistants-In

as istantsistants-In


rthinthing of tlte sort thrown at me IIIin cuntempt 0 that ages In alall this I confess I mself astonished and11-

strueancc of trial Onr brethrell at home little dream ofof-the

a pJace of Clmstmn wornillp recently hutlt hy them am myself all rere-




the thes people may he stirredti rrcd up1 5ehcs wIwhichielt iss SabbathSahhath erowded witl hbukedk I forfo r my want of faithith I can onlyollh sayay thatthat-this



anccsacrifices the eyery listenlistenersmissionary is somctimes reqmred toto-

makeAprilLllprilllhn18th It isIS eleven years today since I left A house clean

en this is thehc JLordss doilldoinir andan marvelousmanc1 ous inii ouourr ryescyes-the


ryes-niorcmake Mr A sayssas I my homeIOme 11in Baltimorea Imore howov nomanytloydacYl

changesm nllglCesC Ihhave tmataltbougliti-

l taItItlOlllOlllOllIta ItItsIcsIc

onlveryclrYrellclIuI hadI a smasmall

waswasllpltacctdplacedtenten ratI

atneermy dlsptolsalddisposal

Ie itso

tO TheThey have been n yearyearillorcor niorc injlcciding and 1IIJfbobo-



pitchedc 11ir ReId wasas veryer r dImill in bedcd withIth fcfeverer and wcw-


takcn place smcesince thcn A tlurd of the best yearscars of As soon as I could I vcnt too the chapel wInchI

I found liee they will slaud the test of Opp15Ihol1oppositio-



1J lifel ife havehave passedd nonott spent altogetheral her ini n vainva i ststillillleft him to myiy passe toget nso our greatgreat sorrowsorrOsorrow MMrr REeideeldid hadha d to eat-country

eat I crowded with people waiting to hear from mctIleme thethe-wordcountry food and live hmvtow much has bccn Icft undonc 1130May thcremammgthe remainingremaini-ngg wordord of God

I Wonderful WorkWork-Jeft


upon 40 cowrieseowles about one bfcen S tfKmiaimn I spoke to them as simpleof of bear much fruit as possible wWee an interesting record of the workk of the Lord 11-

countryscorc years myIn prime copyyears amongamong-

thepenny a day He 1lsoldhad sold everythingevorvthinog the nativesnatives-would nhnatives-would

nativesscorces min Assamese which was understood by some the three-assistants

three II

u U d u m the AnmMpAssamese from the MIMissionary Magazine TT-in

The report sarswould buy he was without shoes or trousers lkilants interpretinlt the the hill sayssay-sItto theexcept sasameme whowho-

understooding a pairmr made ofo country cloth Wee gave himhim-some

i Shantung China undelood ononlyI the GGaroItra language10hiJlIt was

peopleas tleepdeeplyI IIcare

IItt will be rememrememberedher1 byh those who follow witwitliwitli-






Brother Crawford rarch 3d IOmle y the allannualnual thatthat the ofwriting care reportssome shirts and off shoes SllJS nlllcs sollte melllmelll-lng


a pairpmr I never was so sorsor-ry norII afectmg to me to witness thmr fixed attentIon andry for anyny one JI1in my life It was hard to part1m 1 alland Doingburintheg the Ilslast two Sundas I Ime ltaptizl1baazed 3 dccp interest as I peke to them of Christ and HisHis-


I bers of this tribe have bcen lOentlOncd hcretofomheretofore-d



leave him there especially as he never receivesreceivesves anylni veryery iIIterceting penons 2 of them are men of otandstand-

assistancelove to Ioor sinsinnersII Cl alld that He dliedi 1 to j


yese men OmedOm cd RamklmRam khe andand ROllgldlOoR ong khoo heillheill-

rybe i ng

assistance from America of J I illging Itnd iinfluencent nen cc Iilivingyin g in councountrytry yillagvillages 1I0t fltrfar-


Garos 0 it issave even I oelwSsego sumin thetie BriBritishtish armarmy hrd somethingsomething of tilltill-

hunnowow account the ooron ot0 t 10 war fo j vo ivn poorPjwi vnuo vj iu io utiavetsy workwuuvork tTOtoo preachh CC-

IChristh ristprcacn vjnrist nnn n ii c TI i i 1 i i

Idistantdistantolleone thethewifcwife off a recentreccn convertconvertsheshe is poor der such circumstancescircumstacircumsta-


itees I IIt wasU3 soon evident thattLnfwayway of life through the nativeA preachers at GowaGowahatiGowahat-

iOTTRIat ii-


OUR IVTTSTfvi bUt young and mtelhgentSent and isIS capable of growthgrowth-in

the story of the cross wasas familiar to them Omedand subscllcnt camemG unllcrundcr the instructions of MrM-


BronsonIr o



inn grace ThMfThus my littleiilc church wis steadily growing has made it the burden of hishismcsagemessage totohiscountrhis countBronson At intcrals of a year or more they wart-severally



Lagos Africaj min numbers and moral power I now have an enen-

uircrmen and their hearts have begun to melt under


mightyits verolly8eerall baptized by him i and after gruiggiuggi ng evidonaevidonaa-

nainioher iquircratWousewhoqIuireruircr at 111 y house who has walked somesom e 50 milesm il es to mighty At last I of their sincerity and stability of purpose were enen-s



couragedFromFro Stone power put the TTwo hao received tidingsdin anais a3 latei as vMay put qnestionnnnnr nowhow-

ninny18thay listcn to the doctrine He has becn prayjng full two man of lyouou lovc this Saviour and nhfT li couragcd to go to their native hill and tell the RtorRtor-



woad are gratified to know he is 10 muchh encouraged inn his ninny you ahandoning allall-

yourwowork HethnsritesHe thus writesI years and scemsc near the kingdom In flct hcrc yourour gheathcn yorship amI practicespracticesSASSKworship him ofO theberossthecrossthe cross tSto their COUUtmenrountrymen1-




are nanyy both men and women in an intercstinjr state alone Twentvix all residentsnMonte f i MIPP-

severalI kDnring several weeks pastpa I hhavhaveye been permittedpermlttd of mindl1Id and ofr whom we havebave hopes of an caearlearlyr con IcoselyI eose I

Twentrsixquesttmqlleshonedd tlemof tJis vi1JngeS arosc Gambling at FairsFairs-


pto perfoperform all the Iar y as to fld moumotivesreg8 serviceserviccs inm the1C ehap1111chapelaP1 lnin version YCS oes I

that nrnotime For this and forversion plained to them what itt mIght co4 thethemthnnTnto become SaSas onone I havcbaye long looked uponnpen manmany of tbtll-



whicll tile Lonl amlfTfor mffmany other bleffiingpjhlcSmgs j In short I see a great and radical change comingcommg ChristiansridiculeChr istiansr idi cu l e reproachrcroaehreproach posSn I expedientsex edientsiM lCortedcd to hybjCIiri8tianChristian churcheschurches andnd bebe-granted

bhas recontl OpposItIonn I

recordrecently granted us herehere I desireesire over the public m111d1mind and I have never been so een death TheyThe replied Ye we haTthouehtThtIme

pcrlaps5l IncvolentJ neolent societies to raisc funds as not a whit raorrao-


whicllvetotoreeordmydevoutgratitudemy devout

havegratitndeutitude SinceSincethccomplctiontilt co plebo 0off couragcdnmed sincesince IIarrivedaarrivedy inm China rheThe harvest is10 over wewemexpectect OppOSIoppositiWoppos i tttonnon we have

thOllgltdecIdeddScMdtbthis all

TbustifilhleJifiablejusti fiable and fbr more iinjuriousnjur ious toto ChristianCh r ist ian moramor-


to r

ouout ehapd wemvewe 1 lave Itta scniee eycryvciySaSaturayturday eveningevening I ripeningripening fastt The tide iss turning Christwards Be toTe7vp thJ I than the 1 elscIs off ourcitiescities So afbrthelSucIionoffor the instmetton of tbelifeocrvicc dThedThenhdenhde lIs turusmg appears that some of them have had to leave theIr yervcryyamblinffhcfs9mnbling our dp-oudeepJdeepJ-


penetrated brbrt-

CIconconvertserts and sncll tUrers asas-

mayencouraged m dearcar Brotherrot afpeadrs ImddtoIddto Pirated this ii-

churchcomrth enquirersnq ellconmg my er Saya7 to ZionIon Uttakee heart friendsrten s on aounaccount of0 oppositiontion and hTve penetrated am I with conviction that werewere-



churchmavmay eOll1ebsihSbusiness


them aand forithe transaction of-

churchof The night hashasltcclllongbeen long andUtl dark the daday beginseins to down from the mountains


lonjoilledioi ned


ClrisiancSrSncSrSnbentcome bentIt t uponI working the speedy ruin of a childchi l VV-



meedni wellKSTftemporal and TSpirItual ThcceThese-meetings

dawn WheYhen GotjPfmctfGod pcrmlts me to sce the sun fairlyf1lrI onon-the

village These all desired tabSriSSTto bcme planting and fostering ini him a love of ganblingahliIe-hurehattended ClrIstmeetmgsareweuattenaeameetings arc attcnd some of the conconvertsverts leaIleavcav the horizon then I shall be readyreI to sasay Lord letlet-

thy nlcs1 anda to bo bintibapbzcdi 1110mtTIJ cTmo Vstfs hscIsci know Of no place to whichuvu-v1w

h ich I would sooner take hithIhI-meetingsing their rworkBLTLnrtoumand1 eomcoming

tbtsg neurnearlyIy It dndaysys jOl1rue toto-

oei thyth senant go min pcaccIet thy 8C1ant weart1 from have1w for mOths heen

t wuwatchinmtehmg

11U nattA

fort4 Yev

tierheIrassistantsStallts sroliO I

i than to tbefafairir oof some relireligiousgiol1s weietsociety or the lcrelcre-ing treeheoe present lwndesesiacs tnis MO Imyenae serviceservice I painfulfnl watching rest arm tl bosombosom-and

g U ir coIIersIOconuersuon-speak Christian ebchurchnrehmorning pu in thy their ers111 some where thc sin of hlispeak of chinrrrvlellan ramblinggamblingr-

maskedchanged condct i gam ngng-

heand evening on the Sabbath tladay The service I particularlyparbeu lar 111in tbelrtheir-abandonment ChristiLTcnevSce riri-


in the IIknowyoucanknosy well realize feel abandonmeni hSfohl masked under theyoucanon can mym feelingsrugs YourworkYourour workwork-evening abanonment of heIr 0oldI rif 1 Suisc of ChristIn beneyolenccbeneyolencc-andaDa-

Dwhereeveningpvcning isis always min Yorubay oruba but on the last twow Sab has been more arduous and trying than minemme but the the dtuSdLuse of all intoxicamtoxlCatmginrIght

drinksof TPIwolnp and 111Tin where is ine111inculcatedcated tlmtt banefulhauef 111 doctrfncdoctrineloctri ne thathat1tlt-

hmeanshas been which has cost-somebath costmornings it m English tomornings

Taccommodate future promises me more workwor than theth past WifeWife-a someof150m ofthemthem a greatJreatrcat S mcans arc snuctified to the cpdcpd-

a end-received



thaal squad of W I troops and other persons who at and I1611Lidsaid to each other lotst nightt j nim viewVIewVAUU ofuj themujiiinJl1 reSrvedreceiveareceIved as SndfdaPscandidateseandrdatEsstrugleforJfor Christian

They17baptism7werere thereforeIt waswa i


