«.i \i.it\l. LEE- BIRI HDAY. Il.aaa lt Will He Uliaeraeel in Kia el¬ mond.*l *»Hlllle* 'ln-l»H>. Tn-morrow url BS tl I OUI lV( MU V nt* i ,, urth af Ck ¦.. ral Bala ri B. L e. on 1 eceosloa tolB na Sunday this y> *'( ,l"' ol'-' -vui laka l'1-"'' t"d'>. wi:;'.- other win even bc lefl ftS. The Woeaao'a Cluh arlll I ..a ita et lebrotl ai l l al a inst t-ifi ol Mood '-a. * Eat h member rr,,,i .. ,! I. .it. uinl ls allow'-.1 ea ri ot vt tl Hoi .. fittlnaly r.l.--rs. A ski i . tired hy the Horns Ban ooa t" .: dinner will h. .,. k to-morrou .ai ¦. i noon. The .aili be hs follows: Roasi turkey, . ranborry inure, baked ham, bread, corn- treamed irlsh-potati hominy, kl, y, frail cahi ., t-i-,. i or 1 he meas li-.ii tor . i.- Hy c 'ntrlb iii i i dat *. Mitt. Idol f. r A. Son. vi i o'clock Sunday afternoon Bev. L -. tor of . lr ice Bp church, will conduct aervlcea In ths < napa), and th music will be rendel i choir of tl'- snarl diur< i'. i uni will be "H'aii -littlon Ye Smliitea of Hie Lord." ervl tbe p ibllc la lnvlte.1. vt niKht the viteians of the he.nia- will Bl I'liiiiti-Statmn The veterans wltl be convey, i m Iht hui ch by thc Rici Raliway Company through the ti - ol Ihe m.iii.t.;. merit. WHY HE WROT-DIXIE Emmett Explains How He Came to Com¬ pose This Popular Melody. a., | HUM l'|.<l>T\TI<»*a SOM.. I* ri purre! ..ii ai t.'re.ira I ai ii il ft > . at dir lt«-nii"'l «f Hrjnnl. aallli *i\ tiona Hr Wu* V.aaae-lailael.Mic Author nnii Hr* « arerr. 1 but ot ,., dui wm. . i twa ul .i ft in* rtbern ithera parant- ni.in aad BM H1 v ''>''. ¦'.""''' l re-.'- 111 -.¦.'' al taltal, ead e. willi ti. .pied i.n en- iHl He travelled wu), a 1.1 tweaty-twe i ai artni lc ai i bagge batar* on I ¦¦ -np.* nt tl,.' lt NO ' -' ¦. mani wai and plantation .1. i rn tal om. ,, . eatartali \ m:vv pi u vii'i\ I ina Bryan ti , plan* maui a ,'k .ll'.I -I ' to work IO " ''*' with ol mi Hi yt Of ll' ' ' ""' ihat Sunday wen '" t*"' ¦I r a " '-' "f Dixie ' aa lt Wat ¦'"¦'* r'1' them 'o the tum "f ihn ,i,, ti ..... ibe atari, ithi lat. r (h« ¦ !' waa lopted it hs their ' Emmett be- lng known l-l ' ..' pmae-r of Ihi " ln" "n,-y tenon a ion. m / place af ¦ mern nori ;' *on'* llll°- of the Bryants n moved t" Chi . arning his I.,¦avtni arin took ll|. ht u m, ..¦ ar Ila.Ol v ei , tor lureHn Ausust li r m;\ i f i- OBJECT <¦!¦* CHARITY. I-.).' .n illy donlee thc ni ."in -, in .lisiittitc i.inuiit- ii»* ines always bad Of Rood wiitin dollin, i.iil ti and hus nevi-i- t me of iii. sa newa* pupen have atate'l. Ho aids thal winn "inti mra-... mi iii hi nie* matt .-I RI ia a»ftek noni th<* Uhodatlon, which ts abundanl t" .prii in. wants, enpeclally wh. 1* in-iiiR iii the- country apon bl land with ail that it produoea baaWaft. I .mill l.l'IIMi \ REPORT. Isa rali-.ili.iK I'omtnil tee* ll..1.1- n launel, i mUoatoatm Oilier Meeline"* ..." 'nminuit a on In- ¦ii l.i.-i i-i- 'i if a tn i . tn n Choir- .Mien. Cottrell, The meelina waa ti- ,,,1 t)U. m»,.. refuae -i I t>,,. ..ro.'.-c.ilii.. ¦. n at J* ..'dork '.. !-. win i on-i.ult.'.' e.ii Room No. H ill with the following .1,1 (chair- nd Mit. hell. di. anons for per- * th hre- d< tel. and proper ins I. lo the '.Ittee no¬ lly of '. colled 1 I. bul the only n.embei 'ai Urman) nod haisinest. o hand .Herat! In anet Uta, i1 re- -i"-> ia! commlt- n appointed bj the .n- Richmond and W ,-.'. ttl . iu Ihe City Hall -' plan :."'!.- ul lin- ""rs BINSTaUnj LAST Mun, fte llrai Oi«,i.i».tli.. Herc tor "'"ral Irnra. din.-ir.-iK un I "Utopia" .nt.' at the Aced- cvt-nin-r in o continued '«hter roi mo and a half n.y I- the mool ft*- .I 'i'i-m choi 'hal hai visited thia city fur Hull mo re un- .- and dane. .- on when hu ,,'Z\: Inal of tho nrit pa .v. A ....,,;. md thia evenlnfe ,X *''c snoaaemant Two by Mi- Julia ll. .. i. suns .at ! -lillie,,,,., py .. .f Mr ul ."V""8 ." in-- cotnpany. »ir Henry Irvine* and his excellent com- ail ., ., the "ii Monday evenlna. I .ni *iM the -...., brilliant I »n, as li ls seldom Hint hon. red with th. presence »*l«rilsh. 1 coterie -f players. n . du will be Shoke-rpeare'ft .mady, "Tbs Mercbaiii ..f In If futilely, lei be followed ii"- oiiifleM" nmi .Ti,, i-i-ll*," ui .. -'ii Tuesrlay. 1 we Ilealla* Veslfrda-r. J ¦'¦¦ ¦'.-. I -.' II- 'Ul .* murnini ¦Plnal menintitls; a. kid Ima. abell h.* wu l ."d Hom walch ki never fulii ... covered. He wea a nut of I>r. J. F. Jach- ..... of thia city, but hail lived aw.iy fiom Richmond (or nomf Hine. When at¬ tacked by hla Ital tllncBfi Mr. !ack«on xx an brought to the old Dominion Houdini in order t" have tbe bent nklll of trained niirMea ami rh>-alt lan*, and he received ¦x.-x attention, bul ail efforts mra tn- iv.«I ii rt ji. Deceased waa :'.! years "f Bge. Hi., mn.-ral will take place frt-m the resi¬ dence of t>r. Jackeon, .*» aaat Franklin ll fret, thi* afternoon at ;: o'i lock. Mra, c. A. I.Tidy die*i yesterday nft<**- noon at tht* residence nf her husband. Mr. M to I.eidx-. No. J"I2 north Twenty-liit-t atreet, alter an lUneea ot ;r>in*' time Bb*- vxhh an rttlmable laity, and Vi year* nt nyc Mer funeral will take place frr ni -tat!.xi. Met hod lat church *o mur¬ row afternoon al I o'.ock. loliiMI. I.\ Mirri lit Mil KT. Itci..il.!lei.t. nml Wmpmltat Member! I li n eil hy Ulm ni lha .IrfTertatui. .i k* hana ¦. ti ad* rad bj ColoaR .aa* to H.i- R< publicen men: I.tin:.* al h .1. tt. rt Hotel las! night ,-ii ., iii "Vra a ra tart pt) :"'"- Oiere , CC! "Il lil*' inv.ud wests, ibu a* being Oeneral .lame Ik* r, who could net -.. t here: Hon. i. lioi lon, who waa too ak k to attend, and Hui j. to. Btevall, *'f llali- I.EV e pre*-rnt were S< natur*' \\ illi.ini M. Flanagan, .if Powhatan; James <; McCune, of Woodstock, and Edmond of Patrick, an*! l>< legatea Hei r) ,i Wall ul Louisa; «'. J. Qoae, nf Kur¬ nell; .inn. tv. smith, of Taaewell: to T. of F "yd. D. I). Batten, "f Prin- v. Hannah, of Roanoke county; J, C. Adam*, of Patrick; Samuel Unwlddle; T. J. Danks. of v. ii. JKlrkle. cf Rockingham; fra**ford KV. Simms, of Auguata; William .i. !;..-. i.. cf Kinit Georg Malcolm A. thumberland, i*. B. Bini t< In, ix .1. ll Mltrfcc, of Sil"**ex; \ r. Kambo, ..f \Yaj<hiii!-'t..ii county, und j, i-,. Buhrman, of Botetourt, Th. tn--ts "Acre h. ale.I ll 7 ".'I O'Clock. ni ii v about txvt> horns later wben 11.m. Henry J. w ;.!> .' al ol Col mel Iftiml.. and Senator ei hit ripht. Th.- menu, .which xx .;h Koi folk oyi ti ra, aa a cora to 1 '."..n. Lamb, x-.a* an . !«¦- om \<:>r dinner ih.* gueata repaired to Colonel I.vtnb'i purtora, where ntt hour prnt in eonveraatlon, and In i*.-:.i)i nf party plans and arty I. itei in general. Colonel Umii ear- n- 'v d'i n.-d th.it ha, Would carry th** *' fall. During a temporary absence *>f Colonel Lamb norn i" i. .un-.,**._i gueata formu* ¦.ii of Itu ir si nt tm- ntH. uni tm his return this Brilon war. tum- innnic.it. i p. liim by ont nf thom, tn whi.-h hit hoapltallty w. noticed, and hu ai rc -1 expretfi lon of th* lr unlit d sup- pi. ll Wat .- I out. Colonel i.-tiiii. In an Informal wax. vp'.ii. al comiderable length, referring t" promlnenl evania In his political his- well as of .r 'I ii- and m. drnlt connected xv nh prominent Republican! In an i oul of tbe Stat* il ravi h-tn great encouragement nnd hope. 11 ri moat thorough, organisation of party woul t be efl eti d, and lt ls i.-I tl ,i .;*-,. n. ral \V:ilkt aa tin- proper candidate foi Oovernor. ii tat. .i ti. h ih, ]i ill* -. r the lu iii"- i ian.- party would b t" bi le* t their can¬ didate from th* Bouthw* ii n garderi taM thal In lui- Judg- thc Ri publican! i h..nhl do tito taro* it xA.ts after midnight ulan tlie party I* ii tba bott i. i hiiii. i.tiiti-iirick Smdlr.I mri ii. Tl. Ol this i Ry \xln. I t.. xxcik up iii gold-brtch cane Ja*' *.>.-. ate much inti lest..i in tli. publlabed re¬ ports of the receot gold-brick deal trana* aciiiin m New york, whereby an English- man lost I i.00Q to i xx indi* i 'i be sch* me was planned on entirely m *x linea, bul thc ti.' rtlvea aa) they recognise th" h.ui.l of Smith alias parker In tao work. ur, it no! has. then that ol BOBM BBBO- i lat.- of the enny Which ;.. much la- i- n ited i '* tcctive Norm. linnienae llualneaa nt lin- I'. A ll. Tba buslBBaa of tlie* Cbeaapeake and ohio Railway Company Thuraday \x.is unprecedented, 'iii ra passed over thc line :-'7 freigbl trains, eonsRtlng of ;.,iy; load* i ni I 2.6W empl) Tbe jua.led east-bound cara carried chiefly coal und export grain, flour, etc. Bal loaded at thc mln's cn the :!.. aul IhiO and ImnapOl i- both east ani west-bound tinco January 1st averaged over RI raia per day. Arm I a uk lit In (.citliiu. *, tsrday morning, al 7 to '.'dock, tba ambulance **x called ta tho Cbee.pea.c and Ohio Bhopfl lo attend Mr. Thomas ntn. who h id hil I* fl ann caught in tbe gearing ol une machinery and badly lacerated. Both the rtbtblna and flesh were torn from the arm. ff* i. ix. i " ix attention from th** Dr. Park* i.l ,; . n to hit bom I . Brook avenue, e. -in quietly. \ Serle* of S-itiuiiiim lu ti.una WempAt Sunday nlgbl In Broad-Btreet church Rev, 11 Stan xx iii begin t w rlea up tm ti. to be followed hy another ve rlea lo \nuns; ladles. These ¦¦¦ rmont will l<n prepared to 1 f nthfr people beside the young. x ibjeci of the dlacourw bo-raor- vx t chi **i!l ho "How t.. Makf a For- of < lonunon Polit* Beaa." 1'i-raonnlM nail Ilrlerw. Tuon.s M. O'Kaela is confined la BlckMOB. Poatmaati i H. R. Smith, ol Patel Hast in the cit) yetti idas Ex-Senator v. v.. Per.ina cf Michigan, Oem in th*- itv xi lal days on bu.neea. There vera bul few carag before tho i oin l yesterday morning and none of tiiem wera Important Rev. I >r. A. K Dickinson will preach on i.. .'a birthday hi tba Bapllsi church In Williamsburg to-morrow al ll o'clock. Mr. ,t. it. Unscomb, formerly chief clerk Bl Ford*! ll"1' I, bul in tiusinr.'s in Washington, lt In tb* for a abort i ll Sheriff i' >'. Pevereomb, of Bath coun- tx. yesterday delivered Btewan Mr lett hi tn. try IO BBI x t line ) ai B for attempted lap-. "The Mini-iix ol JObn" will lip Ihe milx- . !;. V, I. 'xx,,|.| I, Pl U'g I tba Young Men'i Chrlaiian thu afternoon at :. o'clock. Suit arai entered In m. Circuit *'ourt ! for ti.'ini..'-' Thunda) by ll p. r.erk. In- stead ot ll R. Beck rilcti J. Binns niiil Kunine to. Wingfield. Pr. Prank ll. B* adli i, Bl RI xv. 11 Mar* shall, who ha been unite iii for th<* pa-i f.a.i t". ntha, has so far recover I t)i»t lie is in.xv aide lo attend |., gU ofloe duties. .\ telegram received from Chaalottet- ville las! night ee ,i,,| that i-.ik y,\m, r and Lea v Wheal ware greeted in audience thai crowded tba hull lg which Um \ appear* d. Rev. Dr. A Coke Rraith lectured at Broad-Street Methodlil inn,! Uti night und* r the ausplcei ol itu- Bpwoi th League, and was heard wiiii pleasure h.. ti larne audi, ii Dr. .1. S. Dill, pastor of Wnahle-Street church, win preach to-morrow nlgbl upon the Kuttjeci of "Gambling. and will deal especially \%iti> thal feature of the *.oii- ..\v engaging Ihe atti otloa ol tba .state Lagtslature, \.xxs iia*' i"'ii t -I*.' from Bask City thai Heaara. Brneai B. Marqueat .md Charles Stewart, who recently left thi| city to enter the flo)'! ol mlstionsry woik. arc vt rv litii'li i hf rid hy tin gp. igtmont they ar** receiving. Mr... W. C. <larthrii,:ht. of Ihn-i city, Waa summoned io the bedside of ber mother, Mr.. Mai-,- Daniels, in Paducab, Ky., la-t Wgek, but the latter lady died before Mrs C.arihtlKht could reach her Mts. Daniels was gbout fi-; years old. and leavi I txxo daugbtera Kev. '/. T. Hw.cnoy, of Columbi., Ind, widely known aa an educator, author, lecturer, amt preacher, will lill tho pulpit of Seventh t-tti-o-t Christian church Eo- morrow, nnd will lecture tin re on Monday viyiu Hla siihj-i't -Aili be, ''Going p to Jenifalem." The folltiwlng officer! of IvanrUSe lytdge. Ra 'V Knight! of Pythias, have tailed: Chancellor Commander, Jau- W, Gordon; Vlca-Chancellor, C. p Norman; Prelate. Archie Williams. Raster <-f Work, ti A Shepperd: Master at Arms, D. P. GHI; Kaspar nf Records and Seal, I..on Ruskell; Master of Finance, J, T. tji.ix, Maiter of Exchoquer, C. C. Rus- kell; Trustees. IV B Smiih, G. R. Tabb. ).*. i. Stark. Representative to the Grand lexine, G. C. Ruakeli;_ Hlfbniondera In Sew Vork. nkw york, ¦lannary 17.-(Special i-h. K. Hull, Krourifvay ('. niiul; J. I,. Younger, st Deni**; A. A. Buford, Waldorf; ti A. Sm.iii, I! <". Worthington, Bt Denis; KL Ti MulllriH. (Jranri i'nlon; Mr*. Johna, B. C. Jolinnon. 8t, James; ('. Vf. Hom ly, Ht. Denis. ______________ To I are ¦ Cold tn Doe Day take I.xatlve Bronto Quinine Tablets All drtigglais refund thu muncy If ii falls lo cute. Zan. LEAP-YEAR COTLLLON YOI XO LADIES* OK MARIHa-ftTKR MtVU TIlKllt VMMttWt A DAM H. One ot Ihe lloal 1'lemannl Ulenia nf thc SHftHftli i MoallSB Wi tko Vetc- raaa Laat M-.hl-1'crsouBl and Oilier Hem* trow Hie ftonlli ...Ide. Tut leap-year cotillon elven at I.Ut Hall last niaht by tho youni,- bkttM "' Mmiehestrr was one of thc most alellgl-t- flll mm lui eve litre of UM season. The* gol* lant young Ix-am of lr*.*.'. v.tit tin Tough¬ ly nt cane, ami pluyctl thu patt fta. hods In tin.* lOOOt i pprova'1 monwor. rminpily iii MM .'''I,aviv BM '"trt-'ii "I" iii with h general waltz, anal tl"' beautiful costiimcn and i-li.rmlng faces pu mi,ie,I Mich a pit tun- _h ls rarely fi-, ii in Miinchr-dT. Al 1:1 o'elock u .lelluhtl.il supper wan served, lint tho pleasure of the two-step muan tauxaan* cd lu taking tho COQpllft hack on the fl.-, where they tnutiiiu.d until an .ally hour In thc mornlm;. Tte ladlee pres. nt were: Mlftftftft Maud Pottereoo. Mary E. Bobortoon. Kate Cam, Liisc Taylor, Minnle Wt-'iFiger, i»u En. ut, M.. ts, VV'iiitii-. "lay Go.. Isl, y, 1.tulse OOO.iby, Cornelia own, Florence Hol¬ land; Mattie Hillock, nf lexington, Va.; Ellen Breodnox, BUM Wa-it-ig-r, Mamie Wt Igor, SodMCholkley, Lott. I'uiiiam, and Ethel Arther. Thc ginUftnMii mata; Mr. Hylantl Willi mis, avhe> led willi his UMial xi.ti ir lind eas", ,,M,| Mcssr.-.. COS. Patterson, Pulikun, Botte, Charles friend, Turpin, Lacy Pendley, Thomas Pendley, <;p an, Early, Pllson, Hart¬ well, M,rnt'. 1'iitl.rs,ui. Moon, Jdin nd, Broadna!.i Hiv p. Tin- chapcrtiiib wen-: MSedamSI liniad- iiiix. Harnett, Pendley, Hartwell, <*ox. Ktiicy, Royall, dary, w»isiger, Vaden, and Simms. MEETING <ai-* vi;ri it.VNs. A very important meeting; of th- Jo aph ti. Johnston Comp, Confederate Veterans, w;.s I,. I,I |;i:. night, and I fla.I il'al pf business was t-nnaocted. The Conunittee un Entertainment reported that ail or* raine melita laid been Roda tot tin- laiiiin-nf of (Seri, ral K.i.----- <"i tl' Mau of his lecture here February '.'ii for nt of Um coma. on motion h conunittee of Mx to take e-hareo ..f th.- si, k aroa appointed four belan* from thc different warda of the City, one from BWOOSbOro', and DIM fi"in Chest rtleld eounty. The report ..f :he committee appointed to Invite all son*, of Kierans to organise oa aiiviii,.!v to cn* tamp waa continued until Uk tx al nat ting. Tin* t.pi'i! e.f the coauaiMao, consisting of chaplain vv. vv. H. ar, Becond-Llcute- noot i. .'. Plftrtton. Beraeont-Major Jamea h. Hannon, J. W. Ail- y, pai C. II. OOO. lo draw up r.isolations lu tile form of nn appeal lo tiie- Itlz.i.s nf Ifao- r to li ni their aaatatanoa and all I I as liuti..rimy mcmt.ers and l<n<l Un ir alatOOCa in any way possible, was read Thc ii-.-olutinns, which will he lint. mil dlstrlboted throughout the city ai i tinily, Ola- upon Um people He Impott- ..t;'... "f oo-operotlon i'i Buen a noble wwk, !i,it iii-ir ail morally, financially, nod in every w.n. poonthie le Bccomplleb ihe objects t-o pare « . aUnote. The ra* port of the coo..Ittee au- ananlawaoly a lopti THE BOAO TO PBTEBBBI BO The people* of Manchester are much pleoaed io hear that ihe jp ai.a committee has reported favorably on tba bil] to dintrr the road to run from Ma> I.. Petersburg. The proponed rood in io ba mn between tbe Richmond and Pa¬ ten burg road ati'i ti"- thrs*. Berero] POraona r-port Hie appearance of a white I "ar in Chesterricld county, Bkingparter. One gentleman says tin- I.-,.r lamped at him while on his horse li Bundey, .i'd he had quite a lively race to away Hom him. Another is n to hive shot at the Ivar near hw hO.M twice, and tht.n ian bock Into his hons,- for pruitt Hon. BRIEF HITS Qf BEWS. Mr. Young, the e-\p. rt a -e.uni a ait, \il.o . a.! appointed by the annexation committees of Richmond and Manchester, nu to thone oona.ttoea the finan¬ cial standing of n.e two dtiea, spool mack time lu tho Auditor*! and Trr.- lurer's olBe. yeatofft.y. Mr. young re¬ ported I" th' eholnneo ol the two eora- ti. tn . lol I night. Mr. 1 ta nial M. Wallera.tin ara chairmen cf the ,, ter and Rlchmoi apecthroly. The result of the meeting "f the chairmen Mot niRht la to be re¬ ported i" Mavora] days to Hu- wh.,1. n mlttse, which will treat the maller at length A Ure was nstrowly averted In the office of tht Evening leader yeiterdty morning. One of the legi of a large red* hot t.tuvi* brok, abd tba Hove and itove- |>l|*e toppled over oi the floor. Aside from fi-iKhteniitg the BBBployeaa aa damage waa done, aa the Bt*BVB waa righted be¬ fore a tire r.iuld take pin..-. Rev. Hei ia ml ii Denni!, rector of Mearie- Memorlul church, nrrlveil in tit,- rlty yes- l* rday with hil fimlly from Hlrmlngham. The young ladles and geni!emen of Manchester connected with tbs Klrtnci*a had a rehearaul yeiterriay aft!moan in the Rearier Hall. Mr. Phil. Coghill, Commonwaaltb'g At¬ torney of Ch. st. h..I, v._e. la thc city i tal ai day Mn. John Quail**1, of Forest Hill, was eoniewhut Improved yesterday. .»ii|in*iii." rorari of Appeals. (tasking v«. Hunton. Argued I.v R. R. Campbell for a pp -limit and .BM Hunton, J. tor appellee, and siihmltted I'trllng vs. Cumming. Argued hy Judge H. to Kendall fur appellant. rri.inln.-iil Marylander ll.-ml. BALTIMORE, MD., January 17-Waller Booth Hrooks, nile of th- he^t-known citizens of the State, died sud lenly at au earlv hour this morning. He attend..I to business yesterday, and was appa¬ rently in good health. Mr. Hrooks was bom in Connecticut ahout Bovanty-fava years ago. He wits ii eon of Chauncey Hrooks. at one time prealrient ol the Ballimore and ohm Railroad Company. He xx as a nominee of the Republican party for the office of (Jov.-rnor In 1>»**7. MARINE 1VI El.LI-E.V.'B. MINIATURR AI.MAN.V*. .IAN. IS, 189."'. toon rises .......JM 11 if ill TIDE. Sim icts .:.:17 Morning.T.tl Moon eeta ...ts :M. Even lng.7:51 1'oUT OK RICHMOND, JAN. 17, IRS. ¦AI.RD Steamer Pocahontaa, Graves, Norfolk, merchandise and peaseagars; Irvin Ri li U y< i, superintendent. PORT Ol' trhttt I'OINT. VA., JAN 17. tBy telegrapn.) ARRIVED Steamship Ilaltimore, Murphy, Balti¬ more; passengers and general SA i I.K11. Steamship Baltimore. Murphy, Haiti- more; pafsenger* uni general cargo. PORT oe HRWFORT nkw.-*, JAN. 17 liv telegraph.) -.RIVED. r-nti-l, .ttl a'liship Carrie. New York. Brit.h .-..¦aimship Anthony, Radcliffe, a. italian hark Eira oi 'J Baltimore. Schooner .1. u. ogden, :.. w London, Captain Somnwrs. nchoooer Bertha Diane. Booton. Schooner Connors, Portsmouth, Captain Tei kw.u th. S'MI.I'.D German BteaAsblp Praacla, Hamburg, Bntish steamship Sh. oandoah, lax.r- 1*1,..I Schooner c. u. Crosby, Huston. 1 If Vf* I A I,. PROPO.ALS won PITTSTLVANIA COUNTY (VA ) BONDS Uv vii lue of an t.rder of the Board of Supervisors of Pittsylvania county. I will receive open I.ids up to lht day oj try, 1*0*. at my oflice. at chatham, V i f a i, I--ie of one hen.lied thou- aand dollars of PITTSTLVANIA COHN- TY BONDS, raid bondi b* payable in twenty yeats from ls! March. l»:*i, lo bl ar .; p, r coat Inti rest, payahle semi¬ annually, at my oflice, Richmond, UaM- niore. or N>xx Tara. Ba iin.v ba deter¬ mined hy lin "re tlie bonds ar" Issued. Rids will t-taie at which of aald plac. i payment may be desired. This issue of bond*, viii he made to retire the balance of au ls*-ue of CXC.flQO ot bonds made hv said c.ninty to tba I.vnch- l.nr< and Danville railroad, the bab.iee of said Issue, l-ss pinking fun !, will be on 1st Man li. UR, RS The tot:ii aaaeaaed valuta of Plttsyl- vsnla county, r>-al and personal pro] The i.. inty has promptly met the Interest on its bondi debi i'i every instance, and its credit is Ill*t-.*ll ts. The bonds v.ul be lasui I ii. I.V.-0 and H.nm i> nomination!, and will he ready for delivery ai my Office on or before Ul d iv f ld ireh, lKjitj. 'Pie board tetervfs the right to re¬ in iinv or all bids. t; n V\Hi;v, turer of Plttsylvania eonnty, Va. J * 'K--1 A WAI.I, STREW JIAM.il, FREE. Kt.i.'k*. IO-.arti ap.ard, tmiigM aad b. 1,1 eu mar¬ tin. I-i upward. Com-pondeD. alu.li. _»_ , < J. I'KIK A fi),, bl llrondx. :.\, Nea- York Cm. Eatlbllfhed 1* f "' '*"''Mot. Kuark £*. pk :? inn MONEY TO LEND AT AUL. TlMlCS. ON CITY OK 1UCH- MOND KCAL ESTATE. N. W. HOWE, au >»-ly No. i north Eleventh itreet. 8 SAKS' 50c Z » SALE. 000<LXX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOO, Truth Needs No Championing. Wi "vc gol no explanations t<» make. Ours isa plain statement of probtbll.prov able facts. Kvervbo.lv knows we bought SpransyV stock. Everybody knows who anil av lint Spranay'i ia, Naught can be said against bim. Brerybody knows we're offering this stock at half ol Spransyi prices. That means Suits irom $t up Overcoats from $6 np.listers from $4 up.Pants from $l.o0.ami ><> on through thc variety of a com¬ plete and select clothing assortment. You're not buying a "pit,' in a bag'1 here. Our guarantee savs satisfaction or che money back. If then an* any alterations neeileil we make 'em. Judgment.reason.legit iinaey.. all point to the Spransy Sale for genuine bargains. SAKS' soc T°;E si SALE. 8 The Boys* and Children's Broken Lots have all got Half-Price Offer¬ ings. ..^.-.^-^ A. SAKS & CO., Main and 1 Uh Sis.-"Sals' Corner." booooooooooooooocoooooooooooood SAKS* Mc T°;E si SALE. .1 I UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT GRANT "Pura Blood- and the Fair Sex. The Celebrated Waters of Hot Rprlnga, Arkansas, have acquired a world-wi de repnfatlon of recent yeera as a Beautifier. I.diet from all'over tht e/orld hive. Journeyed to H*at Sprlngt, Ar. kanpa*. In large number! xto Preierve a beauty already rhelra, or to renew the beauty of a complexion ruined hy cosmetic* or other agencies, onusing Holla, Pimple*, Blackhead!. »tc. 1.diet who cannot go to Hot Springs. Arkansas, and deglroua of Preserving their Beauty, Renewing their Beauty, Improving their Complexion, or Puril fylng the Blood, can obtain all thia by liking their druagiat for "Pura Blood," which lt prepared with the Kamo us Curative Waters of Hot Springs, Ar¬ kansas, under grant from the Knited Slates (iovemment. "Pura Blood" eoiti One Doliar per bottle. "Pura Blood" ti lndor!ed by Phyt'dant. WA upa _ Co., of _ CortUuidt Street, Scm York, are Bole Agenta, and will send Deicrlptlve Book Pre* to any addreas. MARKET QUOTATIONS REPORTS FROM ALL ('BEAT KL'SI. KESS CENTRES OF THE WORLD. Prlrea ot Roney, Bouda, Stocka, Grain. Tobacco, Cotton, Cattle, Country Prodace, S.e.. Foreign and Domestic*. I I WisHixoToyj. Jan uar, 17..Foro- IFAII h'1 iuT .Satur'*i*v* I | For Virginia; Generally fair I ""weather; northwest windi. North and South Carolina: I'*air wt-athi i, lu-ht meM winds. The pressure lias fallen In the I.ke Ngia.B and the Middle Atlantic .Stat"-, and RR I.m la New England and thc Nor.moat A sl'.riii is >'ntral off Hatteras, anti heavy raiBB havo fallen on the Riddle Atlantic sana!. The weather t; generally cloudy throughout the entire country. The temperature cluuige.s have bren slight in tl"" <-'iuthcin and t.'astern dis¬ tricts. Tba Breatbor vxill remain fair in north¬ ern New England and the interior of the Midla* totttta, I'.tlr weather ls Indicated throiiKhir the South, a continuance of loiiy a:.d threatening *.v> ather in thc i.ik.. ragtoo, th.* Upper RRataalppl. and the Missouri valleys, and fair weather in the far Northwest. Over most of the Country tfert temperature ch.itic.es will Be Right The Wltm B Hi hm .sd Yestehpat waa raw ami disagreeable with rtin falling the greater ptrt of the da.-. Kiata of thermometer: ia, m...ta '¦< a. M.....:.:.:.39 19 -.12 UP. M. .40 IF. M.10 H Ridnight.38 Mean temperature.toWf HMM TORK PIOCR RARKRT. NEW TORR, January 17..Tli is tiii.t an unusually dull day at the Stock Ex¬ change. The sales aggregated the smull- il for some time. Thc trading was almn-t entirely professional. In the early latprovement, Maiihuttan, Tobacco, Sugar, Wheeling and Laka Erle. Jersey Central, and Ixmg Island Tra.'ion wt rc most con- splcuoua Tho gains in UMBS varied from i M par cent. As the day alvan.*' I the street seemed to have renewed apprehensions as to the effect upon the local money market ol th-* prospective payments on the new government loan. At any tate, the talk to this effect war* made the text for a raid upon the market, anti prices declined -ill around. The bears were most BUOCeBB- fuI lu the case of the industrials, Laatbl t- (preferred) selling down 2 :!-», to 61 l-l, Sugar 1 1--. to i'd l-S; Chicago (las 1 l-l. to tv.". l-l; Colorado Kuri and Iron 1 1-^, to R 1-.*, and Manhattan 1 1-4, to 00 3-4. The railroad Hst yielded 1-4 to 1 rt-*, the latter in Bork Island, and the mark* t left .af dull and rather weak In tone. Net Change! show losies of l-l to 1 7-S per cn'. Laka Sh.ire and Southern railway (preferred) hading The lots in the tai liftrial I ranged front 1-4 to 2 1-2 per cent. Sugar, whi. lt was the most active stock, ligured for only IXtM akaroa r.on.is wera lower. Th.* sales f.iote.i ap BM\BM Treasury balaaaBai Coke, tMMAMti ena. r. in-) The sales of listed lllafjfg to-dav a^gte. gated IMA "hares, and of tinll*>tctl blocks, i'T.iws eba RONRT AND I.WCHANOK. Money on call gg I pet rent.; Iii l..an and closing offered af :! per c**nt.; prime mercantile paper, </ni per cent. Bar stiver, iii l-l; silver at the board war tiulet. Bterilng exchange steady, with actual business in banbers* hil1.-.* at lilI I Lt ti vs for !lxty t-jay. and H*R__LM 1-4 for de- niml; posted rates, 11. Mitt 14 89 1-4; com¬ mercial MB* *!*"'. UBmwtM 1-4. fjovernment bonds irregular. Slate bonds dull. Ilailroad bonds lower. il Ol h". yt'OTATlONi. ('loilaj Bids. Amaleta Tottan Oil. Ul** AmerjcfB Collen Oil, prefirreO. «f» American r-otar. 10TI< Aaiiricar Sugar rtennerrt'**, pref. OS American Tabacco.-. . 7814 AmerioauTooacco, prvierraa. lo-; ii-'i,'!'iQ. Ibgaka and santa fe. 14 Baltimore md Ohio. .*)fl4 (.'.nada I'aciUc. 5'JW Chi.fiBoakund Ohio. 14H 1 blear* and Alma.la * Cbtctio, Buriiosieoandiiu.ey.~.... 744 1 hi. af. Uta'1 nut. 654 Heatwere, Lackawanna sal Waitera. !'¦'*, Ihatlllera. 16>4 Ene..-l*h P ne. preferred.¦-. 2iV* I,*!.ern Electro.... 'U>\-i Ihlnou Oettrai. IP Lake line and Waitera . l**-'a I.sia,:n« aul Wetteri ortferred. 70*4 like Snort.I'M Louiafi'ie aaa .\aibnnt.a Wi toul»ntle, N»w Atbanr and Ct.oago., '.¦* j Manhattan Coniohdated.. DU'., MeniDbitana fnintmea...... 15 MtcturaaCentral.¦. ¦'* ¦ iiiouri Pmlt!. "-1*4 atoblieaad Oblo.-.... -1 Naab-nUe.CBtttanottaa aa Loalt........ 05 0oiled BUietCoraoge. °f*i lilted bum Cerdaas. pteterred.. Du toemJeteev Central..,.,. . BtK% btw tort Ceatral. 97 Hew York aiid Sew England-. 46 Norfolk and Watten, orelerred . 7 Montera PaoW«. 3 Miiberu Pactnc prtiwiid. VI .NorUweaiero. n1*\ noi-tvtsiarn.preierrea....1444 rac.c Mau.o*aM. S6R Keadlag.._-.-.,. «V| tieck Uland.M....-.. Bb\i ! Ot, Peal..»... W BLPaul. preferred...l-t*** Stirer Cemaoaiee. 9t\i Taaneeaee t.oat mtA Iron. RIM Tesaett-f Coal sod iron. p»afvCied..,...J0« Teia*> PtoHtu. . ..«».>..». n*X% Obmb PiciSc.-.... RR Waba-i..^.a...... ...,..mmm*'MjA - INO** laMia tTlVJK _AN-fc*T. cumbo JM* *soa__ prsretrso.-....¦ -JH I-sst ara Botan. .".» B_-_BB uni La_s bis. I'M Stissaiaaanat laka ftns orsrsrrsJ. MH OU-US. UaftamarOlaasai.¦.lt1? I la Bara a (Olav aa.. >07 Hataanaa ic'lasa Oft.¦_ . *¦** l__iawa_t, stavmpsu ii. 07 Norta caroUoa e'-a.103 Nsrtn Caroona 8'».l'**9 jouthera Illiliwa*',-.-i. ill *-ouiearn itaiiwar, commet. *H aoait-arn Kanwal", ora..errol. 3094 South Carol, a a 41%.'* .ISO le nu .»».*!. aw i*auietn«ot Vt. 84 Vu-flSt* D'a. r.retarre.1. ._ -Hi ? ircim-i I mat liea-e.pia. stamped.. .(a) 0 rir-natai.n.«_. .,»% la:teCMates fe. lecuteteei.._.. I0H>% I ci.eastat-NiSa.oourxHi .......WO tinten Mato-a WO, coup rn. Uti RAI.TIMORK STOCK MARKET. BALTIMORB, mi... Joaaary 17-Vir- Blnia, new, 7.1 1-S''.Tt, ,lo Century bonels. P) l-Strto 1-4; Halllmore .inri (Hilo. 41 Md; Rainmore anal Ohio Southwestern in¬ come*. Bi asked; OeaMO-loVe- Ha*, stock, bVifbH Sag; bonds, Kia askeel. LOMOON AM) 1'AUIH LONDON, KV!, January 17. Har sil¬ ver. tftg-01; consol-, li,'7.t-l for both money ami ihe account. otc hm -SD H roc IC vi A lt n ft r Kid.sumo. .l-umsry 17, mpo, Tbe clo-ne Quotations (or t. -i»,r Bsfaavaoft.raoftaWnoo tex a*«bi. Onltedtltats. 4'a . .01) STATE MflKlTlaS. NonbCsruiiua ..'a.. io:» NortbCarolm* *lt>. 135 V.rt .na-.'s l.M). 7* Cantu-*.>a. 50'a «0*14 ClTT .-*., 'I li TUA atchtnom cit*/ av*. 120 . Kurb.00-rlt.r ."1 a.. 103 Rlebmond city 4's. 100 KAlLI-iAI'HfW*'. Atlanta amt 1 harietts lat 7'l.. .'» Atlanta am 1 larMte gt'd in. ft, ic.10) Char.. _M. so 1 Ausssts liu /ai*. IBS ..mn,r.la.t l.raanvil a a 11 'a... li'J Geom* Paeillc Ut ..».11.1 Petersburg (Class Ai .Vs. Iu7l^ ivti-rsburs tClass H* ..'a..113 8ouinern Katlway fis. SI Oi Kailroaphtocxs. Par. Atlanift * Charlottea..100 ... 071* I'steriburg.HW -t 100 Ki tti-i".'. Kr*'erlcitBbu,e4 Potomac div. obhsatioa.in) 11"» ll", Kiebnaend * l'atsrsmrrf.100 IO Southern HntlwaT. nreten*-100 87lej 'itiok Southern Hallway, common.. 100 tm <.>* ."ANt. tfTOCE- OHfeftMftV H«nk. . 35 fl UtyHank.25 30 Metropolitan Kan).~ 'io '20 ... National bank ol Virginia.. .-100 ... 108 Pot er*, burn- t_ rings and luiu- rance company. 30 'it Pecurity Bank. 100 IOU ViretnlsTria'Compa-iT.IO) 'll lUm BANCa COSriMt-SS. Virarinta Fire and Marine.... '.'.'*. *3'<j Ba* Virginia HtaMi. -'.» '-'» »*» BaasHksagMe American Tobscci Ca, pre¬ ferred. ..10J 100 Amer.csn Toba.-t.-o Ca. cnn- mon. Tim 7!) RICHMOND TOBACCO MARKET. __ Klchmond. Va, Jmiiury 17. 1S95 \o auction offerings on 'Change to-day. Private sales :VVraooera. ft; cutte*-. 1; till¬ er*.. 44: dark-leaf. H: lug*. 6: stems. 12; areatera. lo Total. 92 hu.--deads Revenue collection*": Cigars and Clgsr- arettea. J4.7._u0; tobacco. $2 201.*>4. Total. BLtt-St Shclbiirne's warehouse was the only one selllner Oriel*ts to-day. The sile was a fatrlv e.iod one. and prices were very s t!st u.-torv. Hark sales w<*'> also fairly larne to- ,lav. but the quailtv was ra'.her poor; red leaf sold un to 9c. Tb. ra was considerable more aetlvity In the hoesheid market lo-dny than has !""ti manifested for some time pa.-i Killer., lead In nalea. Prices generally uu- 0.anved, Th commltt«e appointed bv 'the Trade to o'ltnln wavs and m-*ans for irrstruct- Inc planters around Itichmond In the cul¬ ture of brlsrht tobacco, are already In r.. !r,i of several letters from the Clare¬ mont (Va.) section, in reference to rsis- inr tobacco there, and expre*i>lr.a; their Intention of trylr.a; to experiment, ir experienced men can be procured. -RADI AND COTTON' T:\-^lTV\OE. Richmond. Va.. Joaaary 17. I*?**. Ouotatlons.Wheat.Ixinnberr-- TlOttC mlxe-d 7(v,iTJc.: shortherrv. SW7SC.: No. 2 red. 72-7".c. Corn.White Vlrj; nia. He No. 2 white. 3:1 1-2-334C : No. 2 mixed. 23e. Oats-No. 2 mixed. SVr>n l-8e.; Vu 2 mixed. 22V.22 l-2c; winter-seed, 2»B32e. Rve. *')_-He. NKW YOTIK PRODUCR MARKET. NKW YORK. January 17..Flour. Oulet. Mcadv. and unchanged; southern floair unrhanaed. Wheat- Dull, but tinner, with option*: No. 2 red. store and elevator, 7') Bj 70 MC.: afloat. 71 3-4"e.72c. Options were falrlv active and firm, at a 2-WKl-mC. advance- Haren. «1» 7-8c. May. 67 S-8c. Corn.Dui! bat firm- tvo. 2. 35 l-2c, in elevator: 3* 1-ftC. afloat Options ware dull tiut Pteadv. st a l-8?fl-4c. advence; January, ii, l-tc.. February, 35 l-4c.; May, 2b ute. Oats- Dull but steady. Options quiet and firmer: Januarv and February, 2-tc.: Mar. 21 l-2<* Spot: No. 2. 24 l-4c No. 2 white. 25 l-4c.: mixed western, 2bfr2t\l-Ac. Ihiv-Harelv st**itdv: shipping, 75*J80c.; a.-i"*.l to tholen Ke.O. **. Wool.In fair demand. Arm, and un- chansed. Reef.Oulet and d.-ady: family, $Wf HOM: extra m-sa. J7.5<Vor« Heef-Hams stendv. at 116.60. Ticrced l*<*.*f.Steady; demand moge¬ ra to: cltv India mess, $15.508117. . 'ut-Meats.Oailet and Arm; pickled bel¬ lies hams. Mi l-2c. Ijrd.Klrinsr and ei'l'et: waesterri s.»ain. J5.96: city. V,.tW,%b.t&; January. .Iden, nominally. Refined quiet; Conti¬ nent. ..-.1): South American. 16.50; com¬ pound. 4 3-4®V. Hork.Firm, demand moderate; meas, tl" J. r 112.7.-. Rutter.Weaker hut qulae: Bint* dalry. Ma.Bc.: do., creamery. 16-21 1-2c; west- t rn dalry, llf'17e.: Klglns. 33c. Cottons«ed-Oll.Oulet and firm; rrude, 24 l-2c.: vellow nrlme, 28 1-2.839C.; do., ott- «ra,le. 27 1-I'i27 l-3c. Rosin.Oulet and unchanged Turpentine Quiet, at 32 l-4'n32 2-tc. Rica and Molasses. Firm and unchang¬ ed Peanuts.Quiet; fancy hand-picked, l i I Me, Coffee.Steadv; liyiIii points down; Jan¬ uarv. tl3:*o- March. a_tftf4tU.lt; May, Sentemhcr. 111.86. Snort Kio dull but steadv: No 7. Ile*. Smear.Riw dull but firm: fair refining, :: Me.: raSnad t'rmer and In fair de¬ mand: No. 6 4 Me.; No. 7. 4 5-Hk*.; No. H. 1 b-16c.: off A. 4 1-264 6-8c., standard A. 4 15-1(4.: cut-loaf and crushed, 6 ft-Nc.1 sranulated. I 15-ltkr. Krelahts.Quiet. Arm, and unchanged. I1ALTIMORK PRODL'CB MARKET. RAHTIMORR MD.. January 17.- FIour-Dull. Whea't.Dull: No. 2 red, spot and Janu¬ arv. «8 1-**.; Mi v. 69 a-*u»»c.; aotfthem. bv s,mp!r. 6VI163C.; do., on grade, 66W 68 l-2e Corn.Easv: rals'd, snot and January, 22 5-8__t J-4c.: February, 33 T-tatJ.Oc.; March. 33 14-33 l-4c.; May. X, l-4c. aakod: steamer, mixed, 31 l-2ii.il Mc.; southern. 33-34c. Oats.Firm: No. 3 white western. 240 24 l-2c: No. 2 mixed, do.. 23c., asked. Rve-Firm: No. 2. 40e., for near-by; 41 l-4c. for wsatrrn. Hav-Steadv. at l«c., oaktl. .!rain-Frelahts~Harely ateady. ITovlalons.Firm: meas pork, BO.75; bulk shoulders, short ribs, and clear sides, ftc.: miaar-cured shoulders, 7 1-4C.; hams, small. 10 l-tc.; large, 10c. !_r<]-R*flned. 7c. RutUr.Weak: fancy creamery. Mc; ladle. Ito.; store-packed. 10© 13c. Kku-s.Firmer, at 17c. Coffee, ll l-4c. Buaar-Qulet; granulated, ftc. CHICAGO PRODUCB MARKET. CHICAGO. IU*. January 17.-Tbm quarters ot to-doy*a aooaioB there a;-¦* tlvity woo 0 estei ii m"4kr-* Nena an RRRR waa ^arce to-day. and the crowd" was aol Sjpoisd to yonture mich on <ltbof__Me. May wheat opened st fron» Jt7»^W-«4r.. fold between «WRe*4e., anti doaod at the toi> -^-ic. blaber than yesterday. Caab wheat waa steady. There -aaa plenty of room for*finprove- mertt in corn. Tbe trade waa alow and ll _lei», anti the tone waa borrowed from i?'a*. Toward* the close eberto dla- played some energy in covering. May corn sold betwe-n J-4 and R-RR* «'-**.. and cloaed at tbe outaMo-l4o. nlgher than yesterday. Cash lorn, was *,e, lower, eloilng iteady. No etsvntltl change took place in oats. The bus.neis waa of an unimportant kind, and ctinsl!t».t entirely of local ->pe«mtlons bv the regular ipeclaltlea. May oats cloted 1-Ac. under yesterday. Caab sate were dull. , The provision market waa agata tha tamer ir, activity, and strength on tho m mid of Trado floor. The carly tradtng. whilst at Arm prices, waa without any particular feature, and was succeeded by a reaction, which lulled shorts Into a. feeHng of security, but from noon untlT the cloie tho wrene was one of rxritr- in.it. From the lowest to tbe hignett point there was a range ot Me. on perk, and levert I larsre linea of thort property were covered. The run on hog! at the yard* wat light, and an advance in pries for them took place. A), the close "May pork wss Re. htwher thaji yesterday. May lard. &R74c. higher. and May nhs. i<v. higher. The leading futures ranged ss foilowt: Upentug. HlgaafK. .MfSM. Clot*ag. RmNf.- i*n.57U MM MR tf*r.\e%mh em »*»4 Joly.1)04 nos* 604 eua*- . Jaa.rete tao..jo** May.ihii July .'A*, ( ATS. .fin.........I TA* bay.IP4 Ml. Pott Jan.ItRU gtC.15 May. 10.1J 4 lu.46 I.AB Jan. .VIC, Ma?. 4.».'4 MIOB'.-Klta - Jan.. 100 tM 5.0O May. *V15 5. ta t.l'lte .1 .natl.ns: Flour waa quiet and steady; prlcea were unchanged. No. 2 spring wheat. J>>).i!j6~Kmc. No. 2 corn. Vn. 2 oats. 17*t'lifV. Ress polk, ll0.0JVtillO.tt. I.ard. fe *?7itftR.70. Short-rib sides. |4 Hitit. D' -tatted. snouldeis. tl ^Vvfrlt 7!i. Short-clear aides, RfWgRJbR. Whiskey, $1.22. CnCAOO UVE-STOCK MARKET. INION STOCK-YARD8. ILL.. January 17.-Cattle-Receipts. 1.600 head; market weak; common to extra steers. WtitttM; Mockers and feeders, $2."i*f>S$4; cowt and built. I1.i10ibR.6o. Hogs.Receipts, 21,1)00 hetti; market BB 10c. higher; heavy packing and shipping lots. f...s,v.i|4 90; common to choice mixed. J-'!.".'oil; hole*** -.sorted, t3.HJt.tU: light, »3>K-rj»i.U0: pigs. RM RteopwRdcdrpta, 7.000 head: marrket iteady; Inferior to choice. lZt)t2 Umba, RiiiHiC CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI. O.. January 17 -Flour ac- itv.-; winter patents, tj.0.fy|3.70. shipping patents. tl.VahtS.~n. Wheat.Quiet and iteady; No. 3 red, 17*6*17 Vic, track. Corn.Fairly active and a thadt firmer; No. I mixed. » l-2c. Oats.Qolet and iteady: No. 3 white, fl Me. Park.Active and atrong; m»!t, BOM. Lani.Pinn; ateam leaf, R.12 1-2; kettle lard. 16.12 l-l Uacon.Strong; shoulden. 5c.: loose short rlhe. i Ute.', abort clear, 5 3-le. I iry Salted Meats-Firmer and active; looa? ghoulders. 4 l-2c; thort ribs. 6c.; short clear sider, 4 3-4c.; boxed meats, l-l.*, more. Whiskey-Steady at 11.22. ST. LOUIS ST. LOU.a, MO.. January 17..Flour dull and unchained. Wheat.Higher; January, K, 5-Sc.; March. 59 I-lc; July, lt i-i-- Corn -May higher; other montbt iteady; .1 nary, Re.; May, _* 7-*k\; July. J, MR "ti 7-lc -Steady: May ll 7-lc bid. . Pi rb Standard men nominal at HC.*>: Old, 19.-. __ Utrd-Prfm** steam, 15.45; choice. RM. Bacon-Should 1 s. '. 1-tc longs, i 1 - I clear riba, 0 3-4c.; clear sides. 5 7-8c. Dry Salted Meats.Shoulders, 4 5-oc.; clear ribs, J '-". *'*¦'." aldea. 5 1-2. lilgu Wines.Stesdy at tl..' THE COTTON MARKETS.' [ LIVERPOOL. January U.-UM tl "kjam Cotton-Butlnen fair; prlcea hardening. Americtn middling. I l-4d. Sal«e. 10 .000; balea: Amercan. 9.200 balet; .-peculation and export. 1.000 bales Receipts none. Futures) or>ened >-'#ady: - J-muary. 4 2t-*td.: Jaauarv and February 4J<-t>**v 4 -.*5-Std.: February and March, 4 .-*>..: March and Aorll. 4 U-fto . May and Jiiie. 4 --fifi/1 '--»54d.; June ami Ju**". 4 ¦Hl-mtfl : Julv and Auguit. 4 .-M'p 4 *t*-*4*r4 23-md.: Aurruit and Bcptember, 4 2ta*>t''i-| _-*- "September and Oc¬ tober. '. 15-6K1.; Octobec and November, * n-ftid. .^. u . _,._ Futuret firm. Tenders, 100 ba|et, mw 4 P M-American middling, low mld- dllns clause. January, 4 2S-«!d-. _*,uf' Januarv and February, 4 2t-«4Rt 26-W.. buven: February and March, 4 *4-**f., buvera March and April. 4 tt-4Afl.: April and Mav. 4 23-fWd.. buyers; Uar and .lune. 4 2M4d.. Milers- June and July. 4 »-64d.. tellerti Julv and Auguit. 4 23-«4.J.. lellert; August ind September, 4 --64Q4 22-64d.. buyert; September a nfl October, t tu-sid.. sellers; October sno November. 1 in-^ttt-t ll-»4d. Fircures cloaed <iulet. NEW YOKK. January 17,-Cottxfn. Oulet and ateadv; inid-illng Gulf, I Mc ; mlddlins. 8 3-lbc. Net receiDtt. none: arost. 2.311 balei; exDorti. Continent. 8.110 balet; forward- ".' loo bales: sales. «63 balee; aplnnert, lil bales: aleck. ltO.UOO balee. Weeklv: Net receipt!. 4.061 bales; grots. 28.123 balea. exoorts Oreat Britain. !._* bales: Fnnce 900 bales, Continent, lO.tw bal-s: forwarded. 7,"_5 bales; salee J.7S3; sdInnen. 791 bales. Totals to-dav: Net receipt!. 25,ZM balet: exports. <Jreat Britain. M.*» bales; France. TJ.2J47 balet; Continent. t.UO ba'es itoek. t.012.9»a balea. Totals ao far thia week: Net ree*.di, 12S,t2l balei: export!, Orettt Brlttln. 17.- k>4 bales France, 33.187 balet; Continent. .'(tl balea. Totals since September Itt: Net re- celnti 3.7B9.0W balea; exnortt. Great Britain. 1.175.219 bales: France. 342,411 ba'es: Continent. 1.982.200 bales. Futures cloted iteady; March, tim: ADrtl. I7.!W: Mav. I7.97: June. ».nir Joly and Autuit. ROI; Beptemher. 1771; Octo¬ ber. 17.68; November. 17-.. lUIei, 138,700 balea. , ' NEW ORLEANS. LA Jar ary ll.- Cotton.Futuret: Sales. 31,300 balej; Jtr- uarv tnd February. 17 75; April, |7.»2; Mav. I7.M: June. I7.»: juIv, 17.W; A*i- gust. UM: September, 37.82; October, ti.il. NAVAL-STOBB MAHKBT8. V.ILMINOTON. N c, January 17- Botln.Firm: strained. $135; good strain ed. 11.4*). Snlrits of Turpentine.Steady; machlda. '$ l-2c.: Irresular. 39c. Tar-Steadv. at Mc. Crude Turpentine.Firm; hard not Quoted: toft. BM, virgin. |1.9", bid. CHARLESTON, to C. January 17.. Turpentine firm at 29c. Salea none. Koam- Firm. Sul-t*. 4*1) barrel!, A. B, and C. $1 15: D. UM; E, MIS; F, I1.4A; C. 11.50; H. $1.60; 1. $1.«; K. PM; ti. R.M; wlndow-gtaaa, R.K; water-white. R. SAVANNAH, CIA., January 17..Tarpen- tine ateady rt 30c. Salea were 6 catha, reported. lto!ln. Palea nominal; other grades Heady: A. B. and C. $1.15; U. RRi; B. I1.4i>: F. $1.50; Cl. $1.(0; H. $1.65: I, fi.70; K. $1.90; M, RR; N. 12.40. wlndow-glaas. $3.10; water-white. RM). ARlUKMEbTS. ACADRRY OR RISIC. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Jaaaary 17th and lath, return of tbe popular fa¬ vorite!, AL. ti. FIELD'S MrNBTRRLS. A grand comb.allon of the STARS OF MINSTRELST. A msgninceal. seor I- spectacle, entitled, "THK COURT uF MOMUb." will constitute the Ari' of the entertainment, lt will tv (o' by a OREAT QUO ol spvcialti* ¦¦. concluded wtib UTOPIA, a clever f< . cal Bhaurdlty. kt I ll ACARR.TT RR IswRIRa T^rJSaa*m^rVWm& RsuTbo Mm ayaaoraBat of -"-^-^ ., TRRRf/.

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85038614/1896-01-18/ed...«.i \i.it\l. LEE- BIRIHDAY. Il.aaa lt Will He Uliaeraeel in Kia el¬ mond.*l *»Hlllle* 'ln-l»H>

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«.i \i.it\l. LEE- BIRI HDAY.

Il.aaa lt Will He Uliaeraeel in Kia el¬

mond.*l *»Hlllle* 'ln-l»H>.

Tn-morrow url BS tl I OUI lV( MU V nt*

i ,, urth af Ck ¦.. ral Bala ri B. L e. on 1

eceosloa tolB na Sundaythis y> *'( ,l"' ol'-'

-vui laka l'1-"'' t"d'>. wi:;'.- other win

even bc lefl ftS. The Woeaao'a Cluh arlllI ..a ita et lebrotl ai l l al a

inst t-ifi ol Mood '-a. * Eat h memberrr,,,i .. ,! I. .it. uinl ls allow'-.1

ea ri otvt tl Hoi

.. fittlnaly r.l.--rs. A skii . tired hy the Horns Ban ooa t"

.: dinner will h..,. k to-morrou .ai ¦. i noon. The.aili be hs follows: Roasi turkey,

. ranborry inure, baked ham, bread, corn-treamed irlsh-potatihominy,

kl, y, frail cahi., t-i-,.

i or 1 he meas li-.ii tor. i.- Hy c 'ntrlb iii i i

dat *. Mitt. Idol f. r A. Son.vi i o'clock Sunday afternoon Bev. L

-. tor of . lr ice Bpchurch, will conduct aervlcea In ths< napa), and th music will be rendel i

choir of tl'- snarl diur< i'.i uni will be "H'aii

-littlon Ye Smliitea of Hie Lord."ervl tbe p ibllc la lnvlte.1.

vt niKht the viteians of the he.nia- willBl I'liiiiti-Statmn

The veterans wltl be convey, im Iht hui ch by thc RiciRaliway Company through the

ti - ol Ihe m.iii.t.;. merit.

WHYHEWROT-DIXIEEmmett Explains How He Came to Com¬

pose This Popular Melody.a., | HUM l'|.<l>T\TI<»*a SOM..

I* ri purre! ..ii ai t.'re.ira I ai ii il ft > . at

dir lt«-nii"'l «f Hrjnnl. aallli *i\ tiona

Hr Wu* V.aaae-lailael.Mic Author

nnii Hr* « arerr.

1 but ot,., dui wm. .

itwa ul

.i ft in*rtbern

ithera parant-ni.in aad BM

H1 v''>''. ¦'.""'''

l re-.'-

111 -.¦.''al taltal, ead

e. willi ti.

.pied i.n en-

iHl He travelled wu),

a 1.1 tweaty-twe i aiartni lc

ai i bagge batar* on I ¦¦

-np.* nt tl,.'

lt NO ' -'¦. mani wai

and plantation.1. i rn tal

om.,, . eatartali

\ m:vv pi u vii'i\ I

ina Bryan ti, plan*

mauia '¦ ,'k .ll'.I -I

' to work IO " ''*' withol mi Hi yt

Of ll'' ' ""'

ihat Sunday wen'" t*"'

¦I ra" '-' "f

Dixie ' aa lt Wat ¦'"¦'* r'1'

them 'o the tum "f ihn,i,, ti .....

ibe atari,ithi lat. r

(h« ¦ !' waalopted it

hs their 'Emmett be-

lng known l-l' ..'

pmae-r of Ihi " ln" "n,-y tenona ion. m / place af ¦

mern nori;' *on'* llll°-

of the Bryantsn moved t" Chi

. arning hisI.,¦avtni arintook ll|. ht

u m, ..¦ ar Ila.Ol v ei

, tor lureHnAusust li r

m;\ i f i- OBJECT <¦!¦* CHARITY.I-.).' .n illy donlee thc

ni ."in-, in .lisiittitc i.inuiit-

ii»* ines always badOf Rood wiitin dollin, i.iil ti

and hus nevi-i- tme of iii. sa newa*

pupen have atate'l. Ho aids thal winn"inti mra-... mi iii hi

nie* matt .-I RI ia a»ftek noni th<*

Uhodatlon, which ts abundanl t"

.prii in. wants, enpeclally wh.

1* in-iiiR iii the- country apon blland with ail that it produoea baaWaft.

I .mill l.l'IIMi \ REPORT.

Isa rali-.ili.iK I'omtnil tee* ll..1.1- n

launel, i mUoatoatmOilier Meeline"*..." 'nminuit a on In-

¦ii l.i.-i i-i-

'i if a tn i . tn n Choir-.Mien. Cottrell,

The meelinawaa ti- ,,,1 t)U. m»,..

refuae -i I t>,,. ..ro.'.-c.ilii.. ¦.n at J* ..'dork

'.. !-. win i

on-i.ult.'.' e.iiRoom No.

H ill with the following.1,1 (chair-

nd Mit. hell.di. anons for per-

* th hre-d< tel. and proper

ins I. lo the'.Ittee no¬

lly of'. w« colled 1

I. bul the only n.embei'ai Urman) nod

haisinest. ohand

.Herat! In anet Uta, i1 .¦ re--i"-> ia! commlt-

n appointed bj the .n-Richmond and W ,-.'.

ttl . iu Ihe City Hall-' plan

:."'!.- ul lin-

""rs BINSTaUnj LAST Mun,

fte llrai Oi«,i.i».tli.. Herc tor"'"ral Irnra.

din.-ir.-iK un I "Utopia".nt.' at the Aced-

cvt-nin-r in o continued'«hter roi mo and a half

n.y I- the mool ft*-.I 'i'i-m choi

'hal hai visited thia city furHull mo re un-

.- and dane.

.- on when hu

,,'Z\: Inal of tho nrit pa .v. A....,,;. md thia evenlnfe,X "¦ *''c snoaaemant Two

by Mi- Julia ll... i. suns .at

! -lillie,,,,., py .. .f

Mr ul ."V""8 ." in-- cotnpany.»ir Henry Irvine* and his excellent com-ail ., ., the

"ii Monday evenlna. I.ni *iM the -...., brilliant I

»n, as li ls seldom Hinthon. red with th. presence

»*l«rilsh. 1 coterie -f players.n . du will be Shoke-rpeare'ft

.mady, "Tbs Mercbaiii ..fIn If futilely, lei be followed

ii"- oiiifleM" nmi .Ti,, i-i-ll*," ui.. -'ii Tuesrlay.

1 we Ilealla* Veslfrda-r.

J ¦'¦¦ ¦'.-. I -.' II- 'Ul.* murnini

¦Plnal menintitls;a. kid Ima. abell h.* wu l

."d Hom walch ki never fulii ...

covered. He wea a nut of I>r. J. F. Jach-..... of thia city, but hail lived aw.iyfiom Richmond (or nomf Hine. When at¬tacked by hla Ital tllncBfi Mr. !ack«onxx an brought to the old Dominion Houdiniin order t" have tbe bent nklll of trainedniirMea ami rh>-alt lan*, and he received¦x.-x attention, bul ail efforts mra tn-iv.«I ii rt ji. Deceased waa :'.! years "f Bge.Hi., mn.-ral will take place frt-m the resi¬dence of t>r. Jackeon, .*» aaat Franklinllfret, thi* afternoon at ;: o'i lock.Mra, c. A. I.Tidy die*i yesterday nft<**-

noon at tht* residence nf her husband. Mr.M to I.eidx-. No. J"I2 north Twenty-liit-tatreet, alter an lUneea ot ;r>in*' time Bb*-vxhh an rttlmable laity, and Vi year* ntnyc Mer funeral will take place frr ni

-tat!.xi. Met hod lat church *o mur¬row afternoon al I o'.ock.

loliiMI. I.\ Mirri lit Mil KT.

Itci..il.!lei.t. nml Wmpmltat Member!

I li n eil hy Ulm ni lha .IrfTertatui..i k* hana ¦. ti ad* rad bj ColoaR .aa*

to H.i- R< publicen men:I.tin:.* al h .1. tt. rt Hotel las! night

,-ii ., iii "Vra a ra

tart pt) :"'"- Oiere,CC! "Il lil*'

inv.ud wests, ibu a* being Oeneral .lameIk* r, who could net -.. t here: Hon.

i. lioi lon, who waa too ak k toattend, and Hui j. to. Btevall, *'f llali-I.EV

e pre*-rnt were S< natur*' \\ illi.iniM. Flanagan, .if Powhatan; James <;

McCune, of Woodstock, and Edmondof Patrick, an*! l>< legatea Hei r)

,i Wall ul Louisa; «'. J. Qoae, nf Kur¬nell; .inn. tv. smith, of Taaewell: to T.

of F "yd. D. I). Batten, "f Prin-v. Hannah, of Roanoke

county; J, C. Adam*, of Patrick; SamuelUnwlddle; T. J. Danks. of

v. ii. JKlrkle. cf Rockingham;fra**ford KV. Simms, of Auguata; William.i. !;..-. i.. cf Kinit Georg Malcolm A.

thumberland, i*. B. Bini t< In,ix .1. ll Mltrfcc, of Sil"**ex;

\ r. Kambo, ..f \Yaj<hiii!-'t..ii county, undj, i-,. Buhrman, of Botetourt,Th. tn--ts "Acre h. ale.I ll 7 ".'I O'Clock.ni ii v about txvt> horns later wben

11.m. Henry J. w ;.!> .' alol Col mel Iftiml.. and Senator

ei hit ripht. Th.- menu, .whichxx .;h Koi folk oyi ti ra, aa a corato 1 '."..n. Lamb, x-.a* an . !«¦-

om\<:>r dinner ih.* gueata repaired to

Colonel I.vtnb'i purtora, where ntt hourprnt in eonveraatlon, and In

i*.-:.i)i nf party plans and artyI. itei in general. Colonel Umii ear-n- 'v d'i n.-d th.it ha, Would carry th**

*' fall.During a temporary absence *>f Colonel

Lamb norn i" i. .un-.,**._i gueata formu*¦.ii of Itu ir si nt tm- ntH.

uni tm his return this Brilon war. tum-innnic.it. i p. liim by ont nf thom, tnwhi.-h hit hoapltallty w. noticed, and huai rc -1 expretfi lon of th* lr unlit d sup-

pi. ll Wat .- I out.Colonel i.-tiiii. In an Informal wax.

vp'.ii. al comiderable length, referringt" promlnenl evania In his political his-

well as of .r 'I ii-

and m. drnlt connected xv nh prominentRepublican! In an i oul of tbe Stat* ilravi h-tn great encouragement nnd hope.11 ri moat thorough, organisation of

party woul t be efl eti d, and lt lsi.-I tl ,i .;*-,. n. ral \V:ilkt

aa tin- proper candidate foi Oovernor.ii tat. .i ti. h ih, ]i ill* -. r the lu iii"-

i ian.- party would b t" bi le* t their can¬didate from th* Bouthw* ii n garderi

taM thal In lui- Judg-thc Ri publican! i h..nhl do tito

taro*it xA.ts after midnight ulan tlie party

I* ii tba bott i.

i hiiii. i.tiiti-iirick Smdlr.I mri ii.

Tl. Ol this i Ry \xln. It.. xxcik up iii gold-brtch cane Ja*' *.>.-.

ate much inti lest..i in tli. publlabed re¬ports of the receot gold-brick deal trana*aciiiin m New york, whereby an English-man lost I i.00Q to i xx indi* i 'i be sch* mewas planned on entirely m *x linea, bulthc ti.' rtlvea aa) they recognise th"h.ui.l of Smith alias parker In tao work.ur, it no! has. then that ol BOBM BBBO-i lat.- of the enny Which ;.. much la-i- n ited i '* tcctive Norm.

linnienae llualneaa nt lin- I'. A ll.

Tba buslBBaa of tlie* Cbeaapeake andohio Railway Company Thuraday \x.is

unprecedented, 'iii ra passed over thc line:-'7 freigbl trains, eonsRtlng of ;.,iy;load* i ni I 2.6W empl)Tbe jua.led east-bound cara carriedchiefly coal und export grain, flour, etc.

Bal loaded at thc mln's cn the:!.. aul IhiO and ImnapOl i-

both east ani west-bound tinco January1st averaged over RI raia per day.

Arm I a uk lit In (.citliiu.*, tsrday morning, al 7 to '.'dock, tba

ambulance **x *¦ called ta tho Cbee.pea.cand Ohio Bhopfl lo attend Mr. Thomas

ntn. who h id hil I* fl ann caughtin tbe gearing ol une machinery andbadly lacerated. Both the rtbtblna andflesh were torn from the arm. ff*i. ix. i " ix attention from th**

Dr. Park* i.l,; . n to hit bom I . Brook avenue,

e. -in _¦ quietly.\ Serle* of S-itiuiiiim lu ti.una WempAtSunday nlgbl In Broad-Btreet church

Rev, 11 Stan xx iii begin t w rleaup tm ti. to be followed hy

another ve rlea lo \nuns; ladles.These ¦¦¦ rmont will l<n prepared to 1

f nthfr people beside the young.x ibjeci of the dlacourw bo-raor-vx t chi **i!l ho "How t.. Makf a For-

of < lonunon Polit* Beaa."

1'i-raonnlM nail Ilrlerw.

Tuon.s M. O'Kaela is confined laBlckMOB.

Poatmaati i H. R. Smith, ol PatelHast in the cit) yetti idasEx-Senator v. v.. Per.ina cf Michigan,

Oem in th*- itv xi lal days on

bu.neea.There vera bul few carag before tho

i oin l yesterday morning and noneof tiiem wera ImportantRev. I >r. A. K Dickinson will preach on

i.. .'a birthday hi tba Bapllsi church InWilliamsburg to-morrow al ll o'clock.

Mr. ,t. it. Unscomb, formerly chiefclerk Bl Ford*! ll"1' I, bulin tiusinr.'s in Washington, lt In tb*for a abort i llSheriff i' >'. Pevereomb, of Bath coun-

tx. yesterday delivered Btewan Mr letthi tn. try IO BBI x t line ) ai Bfor attempted lap-."The Mini-iix ol JObn" will lip Ihe milx-

. !;. V, I. 'xx,,|.| I, Pl U'g Itba Young Men'i Chrlaiianthu afternoon at :. o'clock.Suit arai entered In m. Circuit *'ourt

! for ti.'ini..'-' Thunda) by ll p. r.erk. In-stead ot ll R. Beck rilcti J.Binns niiil Kunine to. Wingfield.

Pr. Prank ll. B* adli i, Bl RI xv. 11 Mar*shall, who ha been unite iii for th<*pa-i f.a.i t". ntha, has so far recover It)i»t lie is in.xv aide lo attend |., gUofloe duties.

.\ telegram received from Chaalottet-ville las! night ee ,i,,| that i-.ik y,\m, r

and Lea v Wheal ware greeted inaudience thai crowded tba hull lg whichUm \ appear* d.Rev. Dr. A Coke Rraith lectured at

Broad-Street Methodlil inn,! Uti nightund* r the ausplcei ol itu- Bpwoi thLeague, and was heard wiiii pleasure h..ti larne audi, ii

Dr. .1. S. Dill, pastor of Wnahle-Streetchurch, win preach to-morrow nlgbl uponthe Kuttjeci of "Gambling. and will dealespecially \%iti> thal feature of the *.oii-

..\v engaging Ihe atti otloa ol tba.state Lagtslature,

\.xxs iia*' i"'ii t -I*.' from BaskCity thai Heaara. Brneai B. Marqueat.md Charles Stewart, who recently leftthi| city to enter the flo)'! ol mlstionsrywoik. arc vt rv litii'li i hf rid hy tin gp.

igtmont they ar** receiving.Mr... W. C. <larthrii,:ht. of Ihn-i city, Waa

summoned io the bedside of ber mother,Mr.. Mai-,- Daniels, in Paducab, Ky., la-tWgek, but the latter lady died before MrsC.arihtlKht could reach her Mts. Danielswas gbout fi-; years old. and leavi I txxodaugbtera

Kev. '/. T. Hw.cnoy, of Columbi., Ind,widely known aa an educator, author,lecturer, amt preacher, will lill tho pulpitof Seventh t-tti-o-t Christian church Eo-morrow, nnd will lecture tin re on Mondayviyiu Hla siihj-i't -Aili be, ''Going pto Jenifalem."The folltiwlng officer! of IvanrUSe lytdge.

Ra 'V Knight! of Pythias, havetailed: Chancellor Commander, Jau- W,

Gordon; Vlca-Chancellor, C. p Norman;Prelate. Archie Williams. Raster <-fWork, ti A Shepperd: Master at Arms,D. P. GHI; Kaspar nf Records and Seal,I..on Ruskell; Master of Finance, J, T.tji.ix, Maiter of Exchoquer, C. C. Rus-kell; Trustees. IV B Smiih, G. R. Tabb.).*. i. Stark. Representative to the Grandlexine, G. C. Ruakeli;_

Hlfbniondera In Sew Vork.nkw york, ¦lannary 17.-(Special i-h.

K. Hull, Krourifvay ('. niiul; J. I,. Younger,st Deni**; A. A. Buford, Waldorf; ti A.Sm.iii, I! <". Worthington, Bt Denis;KL Ti MulllriH. (Jranri i'nlon; Mr*. Johna,B. C. Jolinnon. 8t, James; ('. Vf. Hom ly,Ht. Denis. ______________

To I are ¦ Cold tn Doe Daytake I.xatlve Bronto Quinine TabletsAll drtigglais refund thu muncy If iifalls lo cute. Zan.



One ot Ihe lloal 1'lemannl Ulenia nf

thc SHftHftli i MoallSB Wi tko Vetc-

raaa Laat M-.hl-1'crsouBl and

Oilier Hem* trow Hie ftonlli ...Ide.

Tut leap-year cotillon elven at I.Ut

Hall last niaht by tho youni,- bkttM "'

Mmiehestrr was one of thc most alellgl-t-flll mm lui eve litre of UM season. The* gol*lant young Ix-am of lr*.*.'. v.tit tin Tough¬ly nt cane, ami pluyctl thu patt fta.hods In tin.* lOOOt i pprova'1 monwor.rminpily iii MM .'''I,aviv BM '"trt-'ii

"I" iii with h general waltz, anal tl"'

beautiful costiimcn and i-li.rmlng facespu mi,ie,I Mich a pit tun- _h ls rarelyfi-, ii in Miinchr-dT. Al 1:1 o'elock u

.lelluhtl.il supper wan served, lint tho

pleasure of the two-step muan tauxaan*cd lu taking tho COQpllft hack on thefl.-, where they tnutiiiu.d until an .allyhour In thc mornlm;.Tte ladlee pres. nt were: Mlftftftft Maud

Pottereoo. Mary E. Bobortoon. Kate Cam,Liisc Taylor, Minnle Wt-'iFiger, i»u En. ut,M.. ts, VV'iiitii-. "lay Go..Isl, y, 1.tulseOOO.iby, Cornelia own, Florence Hol¬land; Mattie Hillock, nf lexington, Va.;Ellen Breodnox, BUM Wa-it-ig-r, Mamie

Wt Igor, SodMCholkley, Lott. I'uiiiam,and Ethel Arther. Thc ginUftnMii mata;Mr. Hylantl Willimis, avhe> led willi hisUMial xi.ti ir lind eas", ,,M,| Mcssr.-.. COS.Patterson, Pulikun, Botte, Charlesfriend, Turpin, Lacy Pendley, ThomasPendley, <;p an, Early, Pllson, Hart¬well, M,rnt'. 1'iitl.rs,ui. Moon, Jdin

nd, Broadna!.i Hiv p.Tin- chapcrtiiib wen-: MSedamSI liniad-

iiiix. Harnett, Pendley, Hartwell, <*ox.Ktiicy, Royall, dary, w»isiger, Vaden,and Simms.

MEETING <ai-* vi;ri it.VNs.A very important meeting; of th- Jo aph

ti. Johnston Comp, Confederate Veterans,w;.s I,. I,I |;i:. night, and I fla.I il'al pfbusiness was t-nnaocted. The Conunitteeun Entertainment reported that ail or*raine melita laid been Roda tot tin-laiiiin-nf of (Seri, ral K.i.----- <"i tl'Mau of his lecture here February '.'ii for

nt of Um coma.on motion h conunittee of Mx to take

e-hareo ..f th.- si, k aroa appointed fourbelan* from thc different warda of theCity, one from BWOOSbOro', and DIM fi"inChest rtleld eounty.The report ..f :he committee appointed

to Invite all son*, of Kierans to organiseoa aiiviii,.!v to cn* tamp waa continueduntil Uk tx al nat ting.Tin* t.pi'i! e.f the coauaiMao, consisting

of chaplain vv. vv. H. ar, Becond-Llcute-noot i. .'. Plftrtton. Beraeont-MajorJamea h. Hannon, J. W. Ail- y, pai C.II. OOO. lo draw up r.isolations lu tileform of nn appeal lo tiie- Itlz.i.s nf Ifao-

r to li ni their aaatatanoa and all II as liuti..rimy mcmt.ers and l<n<l Un ir

alatOOCa in any way possible, was readThc ii-.-olutinns, which will he lint. mildlstrlboted throughout the city ai itinily, Ola- upon Um people He Impott-..t;'... "f oo-operotlon i'i Buen a noble wwk,

!i,it iii-ir ail morally, financially,nod in every w.n. poonthie le Bccompllebihe objects t-o pare « . aUnote. The ra*port of the coo..Ittee au- ananlawaolya lopti

THE BOAO TO PBTEBBBI BOThe people* of Manchester are much

pleoaed io hear that ihe jp ai.a committeehas reported favorably on tba bil] todintrr the road to run from Ma>I.. Petersburg. The proponed rood in ioba mn between tbe Richmond and Pa¬ten burg road ati'i ti"- thrs*.Berero] POraona r-port Hie appearance

of a white I "ar in Chesterricld county,Bkingparter. One gentleman says

tin- I.-,.r lamped at him while on his horseli Bundey, .i'd he had quite a livelyrace to ?¦ away Hom him. Another isn to hive shot at the Ivar near hw

hO.M twice, and tht.n ian bock Into hishons,- for pruitt Hon.

BRIEF HITS Qf BEWS.Mr. Young, the e-\p. rt a -e.uni a ait, \il.o

. a.! appointed by the annexationcommittees of Richmond and Manchester,

nu to thone oona.ttoea the finan¬cial standing of n.e two dtiea, spoolmack time lu tho Auditor*! and Trr.-lurer's olBe. yeatofft.y. Mr. young re¬ported I" th' eholnneo ol the two eora-ti. tn . lol I night. Mr. 1 ta nial M.Wallera.tin ara chairmen cf the ,,

ter and Rlchmoiapecthroly. The result of the meeting "fthe chairmen Mot niRht la to be re¬ported i" Mavora] days to Hu- wh.,1. n

mlttse, which will treat the maller atlengthA Ure was nstrowly averted In the

office of tht Evening leader yeiterdtymorning. One of the legi of a large red*hot t.tuvi* brok, abd tba Hove and itove-|>l|*e toppled over oi the floor. Aside fromfi-iKhteniitg the BBBployeaa aa damagewaa done, aa the Bt*BVB waa righted be¬fore a tire r.iuld take pin..-.Rev. Hei ia ml ii Denni!, rector of Mearie-

Memorlul church, nrrlveil in tit,- rlty yes-l* rday with hil fimlly from Hlrmlngham.The young ladles and geni!emen of

Manchester connected with tbs Klrtnci*ahad a rehearaul yeiterriay aft!moan inthe Rearier Hall.Mr. Phil. Coghill, Commonwaaltb'g At¬

torney of Ch. st. h..I, v._e. la thc cityi tal aidayMn. John Quail**1, of Forest Hill, was

eoniewhut Improved yesterday.

.»ii|in*iii." rorari of Appeals.(tasking v«. Hunton. Argued I.v R. R.

Campbell for a pp-limit and .BM Hunton,J. tor appellee, and siihmltted

I'trllng vs. Cumming. Argued hy JudgeH. to Kendall fur appellant.

rri.inln.-iil Marylander ll.-ml.

BALTIMORE, MD., January 17-WallerBooth Hrooks, nile of th- he^t-knowncitizens of the State, died sud lenly atau earlv hour this morning. He attend..Ito business yesterday, and was appa¬rently in good health. Mr. Hrooks was

bom in Connecticut ahout Bovanty-favayears ago. He wits ii eon of ChaunceyHrooks. at one time prealrient ol theBallimore and ohm Railroad Company.He xx as a nominee of the Republicanparty for the office of (Jov.-rnor In 1>»**7.



toon rises .......JM 11 if ill TIDE.Sim icts .:.:17 Morning.T.tlMoon eeta ...ts :M. Even lng.7:511'oUT OK RICHMOND, JAN. 17, IRS.

¦AI.RDSteamer Pocahontaa, Graves, Norfolk,

merchandise and peaseagars; Irvin Ri li Uy< i, superintendent.

PORT Ol' trhttt I'OINT. VA., JAN 17.tBy telegrapn.)ARRIVED

Steamship Ilaltimore, Murphy, Balti¬more; passengers and general

SA i I.K11.Steamship Baltimore. Murphy, Haiti-

more; pafsenger* uni general cargo.

PORT oe HRWFORT nkw.-*, JAN. 17liv telegraph.)-.RIVED.

r-nti-l, .ttl a'liship Carrie. New York.Brit.h .-..¦aimship Anthony, Radcliffe,

a.italian hark Eira oi 'J Baltimore.Schooner .1. u. ogden, :.. w London,

Captain Somnwrs.nchoooer Bertha Diane. Booton.Schooner Connors, Portsmouth, Captain

Tei kw.u th.S'MI.I'.D

German BteaAsblp Praacla, Hamburg,Bntish steamship Sh. oandoah, lax.r-

1*1,..ISchooner c. u. Crosby, Huston.

1 If Vf* I A I,.


PITTSTLVANIA COUNTY (VA ) BONDSUv vii lue of an t.rder of the Board

of Supervisors of Pittsylvania county.I will receive open I.ids up to lht day oj

try, 1*0*. at my oflice. at chatham,V i f a i, I--ie of one hen.lied thou-aand dollars of PITTSTLVANIA COHN-TY BONDS, raid bondi b* payablein twenty yeats from ls! March. l»:*i,lo bl ar .; p, r coat Inti rest, payahle semi¬annually, at my oflice, Richmond, UaM-niore. or N>xx Tara. Ba iin.v ba deter¬mined hy lin "re tlie bonds ar"

Issued. Rids will t-taie at which of aaldplac. i payment may be desired. Thisissue of bond*, viii he made to retirethe balance of au ls*-ue of CXC.flQO otbonds made hv said c.ninty to tba I.vnch-l.nr< and Danville railroad, the bab.ieeof said Issue, l-ss pinking fun !, will beon 1st Man li. UR, RSThe tot:ii aaaeaaed valuta of Plttsyl-

vsnla county, r>-al and personal pro]The i.. inty has

promptly met the Interest on its bondidebi i'i every instance, and its credit isIll*t-.*ll ts.The bonds v.ul be lasui I ii. I.V.-0 and

H.nm i> nomination!, and will he readyfor delivery ai my Office on or beforeUl d iv f ld ireh, lKjitj.'Pie board tetervfs the right to re¬

in iinv or all bids. t; n V\Hi;v,turer of Plttsylvania eonnty, Va.

J * 'K--1

A WAI.I, STREW JIAM.il, FREE.Kt.i.'k*. IO-.arti ap.ard, tmiigM aad b. 1,1 eu mar¬

tin. I-i upward. Com-pondeD. alu.li._»_ ,

< J. I'KIK A fi),,bl llrondx. :.\, Nea- York Cm.

Eatlbllfhed 1* f "' '*"''Mot. Kuark £*.pk :? inn


N. W. HOWE,au >»-ly No. i north Eleventh itreet.



50c Z »SALE.


Truth NeedsNo Championing.

Wi "vc gol no explanations t<»make. Ours isa plain statement ofprobtbll.prov able facts.

Kvervbo.lv knows we boughtSpransyV stock.

Everybody knows who anil av lintSpranay'i ia, Naught can be saidagainst bim.

Brerybody knows we're offeringthis stock at half ol Spransyiprices.That means Suits irom $t up

Overcoats from $6 np.listers from$4 up.Pants from $l.o0.ami ><>

on through thc variety of a com¬

plete and select clothing assortment.You're not buying a "pit,' in a

bag'1 here. Our guarantee savs

satisfaction or che money back. Ifthen an* any alterations neeileil we

make 'em.Judgment.reason.legitiinaey..

all point to the Spransy Sale forgenuine bargains.


soc T°;E siSALE.


The Boys* and Children's BrokenLots have all got Half-Price Offer¬ings. ..^.-.^-^

A. SAKS & CO.,Main and 1 Uh Sis.-"Sals' Corner."


Mc T°;E siSALE.

.1 I


"Pura Blood- and theFair Sex.

The Celebrated Waters of HotRprlnga, Arkansas, have acquired aworld-wide repnfatlon of recent yeeraas a Beautifier. I.diet from all'over thte/orld hive. Journeyed to H*at Sprlngt, Ar.kanpa*. In large number! xto Preiervea beauty already rhelra, or to renewthe beauty of a complexion ruined hycosmetic* or other agencies, onusingHolla, Pimple*, Blackhead!. »tc.1.diet who cannot go to Hot Springs.

Arkansas, and deglroua of Preservingtheir Beauty, Renewing their Beauty,Improving their Complexion, or Purilfylng the Blood, can obtain all thia byliking their druagiat for "Pura Blood,"which lt prepared with the KamousCurative Waters of Hot Springs, Ar¬kansas, under grant from the KnitedSlates (iovemment. "Pura Blood"eoiti One Doliar per bottle. "PuraBlood" ti lndor!ed by Phyt'dant. WAupa _ Co., of _ CortUuidt Street, ScmYork, are Bole Agenta, and will sendDeicrlptlve Book Pre* to any addreas.


Prlrea ot Roney, Bouda, Stocka,

Grain. Tobacco, Cotton, Cattle,

Country Prodace, S.e.. Foreign

and Domestic*.

I I WisHixoToyj. Jan uar, 17..Foro-

IFAII h'1 iuT .Satur'*i*v*I | For Virginia; Generally fairI ""weather; northwest windi.North and South Carolina: I'*air

wt-athi i, lu-ht meM winds.The pressure lias fallen In the I.ke

Ngia.B and the Middle Atlantic .Stat"-,and RR I.m la New England and thcNor.moatA sl'.riii is >'ntral off Hatteras, anti

heavy raiBB havo fallen on the RiddleAtlantic sana!.The weather t; generally cloudy

throughout the entire country.The temperature cluuige.s have bren

slight in tl"" <-'iuthcin and t.'astern dis¬tricts.Tba Breatbor vxill remain fair in north¬

ern New England and the interior of theMidla* totttta, I'.tlr weather ls Indicated

throiiKhir the South, a continuance ofloiiy a:.d threatening *.v> ather in thc

i.ik.. ragtoo, th.* Upper RRataalppl. andthe Missouri valleys, and fair weatherin the far Northwest. Over most of the

Country tfert temperature ch.itic.es will BeRight

The Wltm B Hi hm .sd Yestehpatwaa raw ami disagreeable with rtin fallingthe greater ptrt of the da.-.Kiata of thermometer:

ia, m...ta'¦<a. M.....:.:.:.3919 -.12UP. M. .40IF. M.10H Ridnight.38Mean temperature.toWfHMM TORK PIOCR RARKRT.

NEW TORR, January 17..Tli is tiii.t an

unusually dull day at the Stock Ex¬change. The sales aggregated the smull-

il for some time. Thc trading was

almn-t entirely professional. In the earlylatprovement, Maiihuttan, Tobacco, Sugar,Wheeling and Laka Erle. Jersey Central,and Ixmg Island Tra.'ion wt rc most con-

splcuoua Tho gains in UMBS varied fromi M par cent.

As the day alvan.*' I the street seemedto have renewed apprehensions as to theeffect upon the local money market olth-* prospective payments on the new

government loan. At any tate, the talkto this effect war* made the text for a

raid upon the market, anti prices declined-ill around. The bears were most BUOCeBB-fuI lu the case of the industrials, Laatbl t-

(preferred) selling down 2 :!-», to 61 l-l,Sugar 1 1--. to i'd l-S; Chicago (las 1 l-l.to tv.". l-l; Colorado Kuri and Iron 1 1-^, toR 1-.*, and Manhattan 1 1-4, to 00 3-4.The railroad Hst yielded 1-4 to 1 rt-*, the

latter in Bork Island, and the mark* t left.af dull and rather weak In tone. NetChange! show losies of l-l to 1 7-S percn'. Laka Sh.ire and Southern railway(preferred) hadingThe lots in the tai liftrial I ranged front

1-4 to 2 1-2 per cent. Sugar, whi. lt wasthe most active stock, ligured for onlyIXtM akaroa

r.on.is wera lower. Th.* sales f.iote.i apBM\BMTreasury balaaaBai Coke, tMMAMti ena.

r. in-)The sales of listed lllafjfg to-dav a^gte.

gated IMA "hares, and of tinll*>tctl blocks,i'T.iws eba

RONRT AND I.WCHANOK.Money on call gg I pet rent.;

Iii l..an and closing offered af :! perc**nt.; prime mercantile paper, </ni percent.Bar stiver, iii l-l; silver at the board war

tiulet.Bterilng exchange steady, with actual

business in banbers* hil1.-.* at lilI I Lt ti vs

for !lxty t-jay. and H*R__LM 1-4 for de-

niml; posted rates, 11. Mitt 14 89 1-4; com¬

mercial MB* *!*"'. UBmwtM 1-4.fjovernment bonds irregular. Slate bonds

dull. Ilailroad bonds lower.il Ol h". yt'OTATlONi.

('loilaj Bids.

Amaleta Tottan Oil. Ul**AmerjcfB Collen Oil, prefirreO. «f»

American r-otar. 10TI<Aaiiricar Sugar rtennerrt'**, pref. OS

American Tabacco.-. . 7814AmerioauTooacco, prvierraa. lo-;

ii-'i,'!'iQ. Ibgaka and santa fe. 14

Baltimore md Ohio. .*)fl4(.'.nada I'aciUc. 5'JWChi.fiBoakund Ohio. 14H1 blear* and Alma.la *

Cbtctio, Buriiosieoandiiu.ey.~.... 7441 hi. af. Uta'1 nut. 654Heatwere, Lackawanna sal Waitera. !'¦'*,Ihatlllera. 16>4Ene..-l*hPne. preferred.¦-. 2iV*I,*!.ern Electro.... 'U>\-iIhlnou Oettrai. IPLake line and Waitera . l**-'aI.sia,:n« aul Wetteri ortferred. 70*4like Snort.I'MLouiafi'ie aaa .\aibnnt.a Witoul»ntle, N»w Atbanr and Ct.oago., '.¦*

j Manhattan Coniohdated.. DU'.,MeniDbitana fnintmea...... 15MtcturaaCentral.¦. ¦'*

¦ iiiouri Pmlt!. "-1*4atoblieaad Oblo.-.... -1Naab-nUe.CBtttanottaa aa Loalt........ 050oiled BUietCoraoge. °f*ililted bum Cerdaas. pteterred.. DutoemJeteev Central..,.,. . BtK%btw tort Ceatral. 97Hew York aiid Sew England-. 46Norfolk and Watten, orelerred. 7Montera PaoW«. 3Miiberu Pactnc prtiwiid. VI

.NorUweaiero. n1*\noi-tvtsiarn.preierrea....1444rac.cMau.o*aM. S6RKeadlag.._-.-.,. «V|tieck Uland.M....-.. Bb\i

! Ot, Peal..»... WBLPaul. preferred...l-t***Stirer Cemaoaiee. 9t\iTaaneeaee t.oat mtA Iron. RIMTesaett-f Coal sod iron. p»afvCied..,...J0«Teia*> PtoHtu. . ..«».>..». n*X%Obmb PiciSc.-.... RRWaba-i..^.a...... ...,..mmm*'MjA

- INO** laMia tTlVJK _AN-fc*T.cumboJM*

*soa__ prsretrso.-....¦ -JHI-sstara Botan. .".»B_-_BB uni La_s bis. I'MStissaiaaanat laka ftns orsrsrrsJ. MH

OU-US.UaftamarOlaasai.¦.lt1?I la Bara a (Olav aa.. >07Hataanaa ic'lasa Oft.¦_ . *¦**l__iawa_t, stavmpsu ii. 07Norta caroUoa e'-a.103Nsrtn Caroona 8'».l'**9jouthera Illiliwa*',-.-i. ill*-ouiearn itaiiwar, commet. *Haoait-arn Kanwal", ora..errol. 3094South Carol, a a 41%.'* .ISOlenu .»».*!.aw i*auietn«ot Vt. 84Vu-flSt* D'a. r.retarre.1. ._ -Hi? ircim-i I mat liea-e.pia. stamped.. .(a) 0rir-natai.n.«_. .,»%la:teCMates fe. lecuteteei.._.. I0H>%I ci.eastat-NiSa.oourxHi .......WOtinten Mato-a WO, coup rn. Uti


Blnia, new, 7.1 1-S''.Tt, ,lo Century bonels.P) l-Strto 1-4; Halllmore .inri (Hilo. 41 Md;Rainmore anal Ohio Southwestern in¬come*. Bi asked; OeaMO-loVe- Ha*, stock,bVifbH Sag; bonds, Kia askeel.

LOMOON AM) 1'AUIHLONDON, KV!, January 17. Har sil¬

ver. tftg-01; consol-, li,'7.t-l for bothmoney ami ihe account.

otchm -SD H roc IC vi A lt n ft rKid.sumo. .l-umsry 17, mpo,

Tbe clo-ne Quotations (or t. -i»,rBsfaavaoft.raoftaWnoo tex a*«bi.

Onltedtltats. 4'a . .01)STATE MflKlTlaS.

NonbCsruiiua ..'a.. io:»NortbCarolm* *lt>. 135V.rt .na-.'s l.M). 7*Cantu-*.>a. 50'a «0*14ClTT .-*., 'I li TUA

atchtnom cit*/ av*. 120 .

Kurb.00-rlt.r ."1 a.. 103Rlebmond city 4's. 100KAlLI-iAI'HfW*'.

Atlanta amt 1 harietts lat 7'l.. .'»Atlanta am 1 larMte gt'd in.

ft, ic.10)Char.. _M. so 1 Ausssts liu /ai*. IBS..mn,r.la.t l.raanvil a a 11 'a... li'JGeom* Paeillc Ut ..».11.1Petersburg (Class Ai .Vs. Iu7l^ivti-rsburs tClass H* ..'a..1138ouinern Katlway fis. SI OiKailroaphtocxs. Par.

Atlanift * Charlottea..100 ... 071*I'steriburg.HW -t 100Ki tti-i".'. Kr*'erlcitBbu,e4Potomac div. obhsatioa.in) 11"» ll",

Kiebnaend * l'atsrsmrrf.100 IOSouthern HntlwaT. nreten*-100 87lej 'itiokSouthern Hallway, common.. 100 tm <.>*

."ANt. tfTOCE-

OHfeftMftV H«nk. . 35 flUtyHank.25 30MetropolitanKan).~ 'io '20 ...

National bank ol Virginia.. .-100 ... 108Pot er*, burn- t_rings and luiu-

rancecompany. 30 'itPecurity Bank. 100 IOUViretnlsTria'Compa-iT.IO) 'll

lUm BANCa COSriMt-SS.Virarinta Fire and Marine.... '.'.'*. *3'<j Ba*Virginia HtaMi. -'.» '-'» »*»

BaasHksagMeAmerican Tobscci Ca, pre¬ferred. ..10J 100

Amer.csn Toba.-t.-o Ca. cnn-

mon. .» Tim 7!)


Klchmond. Va, Jmiiury 17. 1S95\o auction offerings on 'Change to-day.

Private sales :VVraooera. ft; cutte*-. 1; till¬er*.. 44: dark-leaf. H: lug*. 6: stems. 12;areatera. lo Total. 92 hu.--deadsRevenue collection*": Cigars and Clgsr-

arettea. J4.7._u0; tobacco. $2 201.*>4. Total.BLtt-StShclbiirne's warehouse was the only

one selllner Oriel*ts to-day. The sile was

a fatrlv e.iod one. and prices were verys t!st u.-torv.Hark sales w<*'> also fairly larne to-

,lav. but the quailtv was ra'.her poor;red leaf sold un to 9c.Tb. ra was considerable more aetlvity

In the hoesheid market lo-dny than has!""ti manifested for some time pa.-iKiller., lead In nalea. Prices generally uu-0.anved,Th commltt«e appointed bv 'the Trade

to o'ltnln wavs and m-*ans for irrstruct-Inc planters around Itichmond In the cul¬ture of brlsrht tobacco, are already Inr.. !r,i of several letters from the Clare¬mont (Va.) section, in reference to rsis-inr tobacco there, and expre*i>lr.a; theirIntention of trylr.a; to experiment, irexperienced men can be procured.

-RADI AND COTTON' T:\-^lTV\OE.Richmond. Va.. Joaaary 17. I*?**.

Ouotatlons.Wheat.Ixinnberr-- TlOttCmlxe-d 7(v,iTJc.: shortherrv. SW7SC.: No.2 red. 72-7".c. Corn.White Vlrj; nia. HeNo. 2 white. 3:1 1-2-334C : No. 2 mixed.23e. Oats-No. 2 mixed. SVr>n l-8e.; Vu 2mixed. 22V.22 l-2c; winter-seed, 2»B32e.Rve. *')_-He.


Oulet. Mcadv. and unchanged; southernfloair unrhanaed.Wheat- Dull, but tinner, with option*:

No. 2 red. store and elevator, 7') Bj70 MC.: afloat. 71 3-4"e.72c. Options werefalrlv active and firm, at a 2-WKl-mC.advance- Haren. «1» 7-8c. May. 67 S-8c.Corn.Dui! bat firm- tvo. 2. 35 l-2c, in

elevator: 3* 1-ftC. afloat Options waredull tiut Pteadv. st a l-8?fl-4c. advence;January, ii, l-tc.. February, 35 l-4c.; May,2b ute.Oats- Dull but steady. Options quiet

and firmer: Januarv and February, 2-tc.:Mar. 21 l-2<* Spot: No. 2. 24 l-4c No. 2white. 25 l-4c.: mixed western, 2bfr2t\l-Ac.Ihiv-Harelv st**itdv: shipping, 75*J80c.;

a.-i"*.l to tholen Ke.O. **.Wool.In fair demand. Arm, and un-

chansed.Reef.Oulet and d.-ady: family, $Wf

HOM: extra m-sa. J7.5<Vor«Heef-Hams stendv. at 116.60.Ticrced l*<*.*f.Steady; demand moge¬

ra to: cltv India mess, $15.508117.. 'ut-Meats.Oailet and Arm; pickled bel¬

lies hams. Mi l-2c.Ijrd.Klrinsr and ei'l'et: waesterri

s.»ain. J5.96: city. V,.tW,%b.t&; January..Iden, nominally. Refined quiet; Conti¬nent. ..-.1): South American. 16.50; com¬pound. 4 3-4®V.Hork.Firm, demand moderate; meas,

tl" J. r 112.7.-.Rutter.Weaker hut qulae: Bint* dalry.

Ma.Bc.: do., creamery. 16-21 1-2c; west-t rn dalry, llf'17e.: Klglns. 33c.Cottons«ed-Oll.Oulet and firm; rrude,

24 l-2c.: vellow nrlme, 28 1-2.839C.; do., ott-«ra,le. 27 1-I'i27 l-3c.Rosin.Oulet and unchangedTurpentine Quiet, at 32 l-4'n32 2-tc.Rica and Molasses.Firm and unchang¬

edPeanuts.Quiet; fancy hand-picked,

l i I Me,Coffee.Steadv; liyiIii points down; Jan¬

uarv. tl3:*o- March. a_tftf4tU.lt; May,Sentemhcr. 111.86. Snort Kio dull

but steadv: No 7. Ile*.Smear.Riw dull but firm: fair refining,

:: Me.: raSnad t'rmer and In fair de¬mand: No. 6 4 Me.; No. 7. 4 5-Hk*.; No.H. 1 b-16c.: off A. 4 1-264 6-8c., standardA. 4 15-1(4.: cut-loaf and crushed,6 ft-Nc.1 sranulated. I 15-ltkr.Krelahts.Quiet. Arm, and unchanged.I1ALTIMORK PRODL'CB MARKET.RAHTIMORR MD.. January 17.-

FIour-Dull.Whea't.Dull: No. 2 red, spot and Janu¬

arv. «8 1-**.; Mi v. 69 a-*u»»c.; aotfthem.bv s,mp!r. 6VI163C.; do., on grade, 66W68 l-2eCorn.Easv: rals'd, snot and January,

22 5-8__t J-4c.: February, 33 T-tatJ.Oc.;March. 33 14-33 l-4c.; May. X, l-4c.aakod: steamer, mixed, 31 l-2ii.il Mc.;southern. 33-34c.Oats.Firm: No. 3 white western. 240

24 l-2c: No. 2 mixed, do.. 23c., asked.Rve-Firm: No. 2. 40e., for near-by;

41 l-4c. for wsatrrn.Hav-Steadv. at l«c., oaktl..!rain-Frelahts~Harely ateady.ITovlalons.Firm: meas pork, BO.75;

bulk shoulders, short ribs, and clearsides, ftc.: miaar-cured shoulders, 7 1-4C.;hams, small. 10 l-tc.; large, 10c.!_r<]-R*flned. 7c.RutUr.Weak: fancy creamery. Mc;

ladle. Ito.; store-packed. 10© 13c.Kku-s.Firmer, at 17c.Coffee, ll l-4c.Buaar-Qulet; granulated, ftc.CHICAGO PRODUCB MARKET.

CHICAGO. IU*. January 17.-Tbmquarters ot to-doy*a aooaioBthere a;-¦*tlvitywoo

0 estei ii m"4kr-* Nena an RRRR waa^arce to-day. and the crowd" was aolSjpoisd to yonture mich on <ltbof__Me.May wheat opened st fron» Jt7»^W-«4r..fold between «WRe*4e., anti doaod atthe toi> -^-ic. blaber than yesterday. Caabwheat waa steady.There -aaa plenty of room for*finprove-

mertt in corn. Tbe trade waa alow andll _lei», anti the tone waa borrowed fromi?'a*. Toward* the close eberto dla-

played some energy in covering.May corn sold betwe-n J-4 and R-RR*

«'-**.. and cloaed at tbe outaMo-l4o.nlgher than yesterday. Cash lorn, was*,e, lower, eloilng iteady.No etsvntltl change took place in oats.

The bus.neis waa of an unimportant kind,and ctinsl!t».t entirely of local ->pe«mtlonsbv the regular ipeclaltlea. May oatscloted 1-Ac. under yesterday. Caab satewere dull., The provision market waa agata thatamer ir, activity, and strength on thom mid of Trado floor. The carly tradtng.whilst at Arm prices, waa without anyparticular feature, and was succeeded bya reaction, which lulled shorts Into a.feeHng of security, but from noon untlTthe cloie tho wrene was one of rxritr-in.it. From the lowest to tbe hignettpoint there was a range ot Me. on perk,and levert I larsre linea of thort propertywere covered. The run on hog! at theyard* wat light, and an advance in priesfor them took place.

A), the close "May pork wss Re. htwherthaji yesterday. May lard. &R74c. higher.and May nhs. i<v. higher.The leading futures ranged ss foilowt:

Upentug. HlgaafK. .MfSM. Clot*ag.RmNf.-i*n.57U MM MRtf*r.\e%mh em »*»4Joly.1)04 nos* 604

eua*- .

Jaa.retetao..jo**May.ihiiJuly .'A*,

( ATS..fin.........I TA*bay.IP4Ml. PottJan.ItRU gtC.15May. 10.1J 4 lu.46

I.ABJan. .VIC,Ma?. 4.».'4

MIOB'.-Klta -

Jan.. 100 tM 5.0OMay. *V15 5.ta t.l'lte

.1 .natl.ns: Flour waa quiet andsteady; prlcea were unchanged. No. 2spring wheat. J>>).i!j6~Kmc. No. 2 corn.

Vn. 2 oats. 17*t'lifV. Resspolk, ll0.0JVtillO.tt. I.ard. fe *?7itftR.70.Short-rib sides. |4 Hitit. D' -tatted.snouldeis. tl ^Vvfrlt 7!i. Short-clear aides,RfWgRJbR. Whiskey, $1.22.CnCAOO UVE-STOCK MARKET.INION STOCK-YARD8. ILL.. January

17.-Cattle-Receipts. 1.600 head; marketweak; common to extra steers. WtitttM;Mockers and feeders, $2."i*f>S$4; cowt andbuilt. I1.i10ibR.6o.Hogs.Receipts, 21,1)00 hetti; market BB

10c. higher; heavy packing and shippinglots. f...s,v.i|4 90; common to choice mixed.J-'!.".'oil; hole*** -.sorted, t3.HJt.tU: light,»3>K-rj»i.U0: pigs. RMRteopwRdcdrpta, 7.000 head: marrket

iteady; Inferior to choice. lZt)t2 Umba,RiiiHiC

CINCINNATI.CINCINNATI. O.. January 17 -Flour ac-

itv.-; winter patents, tj.0.fy|3.70. shippingpatents. tl.VahtS.~n.Wheat.Quiet and iteady; No. 3 red,

17*6*17 Vic, track.Corn.Fairly active and a thadt firmer;

No. I mixed. » l-2c.Oats.Qolet and iteady: No. 3 white,

fl Me.Park.Active and atrong; m»!t, BOM.Lani.Pinn; ateam leaf, R.12 1-2; kettle

lard. 16.12 l-lUacon.Strong; shoulden. 5c.: loose

short rlhe. i Ute.', abort clear, 5 3-le.I iry Salted Meats-Firmer and active;

looa? ghoulders. 4 l-2c; thort ribs. 6c.;short clear sider, 4 3-4c.; boxed meats,l-l.*, more.Whiskey-Steady at 11.22.

ST. LOUISST. LOU.a, MO.. January 17..Flour dull

and unchained.Wheat.Higher; January, K, 5-Sc.; March.

59 I-lc; July, lt i-i--Corn -May higher; other montbt iteady;.1 nary, Re.; May, _* 7-*k\; July. J, MR

"ti 7-lc-Steady: May ll 7-lc bid. .

Pi rb Standard men nominal at HC.*>:Old, 19.-. __

Utrd-Prfm** steam, 15.45; choice. RM.Bacon-Should 1 s. '. 1-tc longs, i 1 - I

clear riba, 0 3-4c.; clear sides. 5 7-8c.Dry Salted Meats.Shoulders, 4 5-oc.;

clear ribs, J '-". *'*¦'."

aldea. 5 1-2.lilgu Wines.Stesdy at tl..'

THE COTTON MARKETS.'[ LIVERPOOL. January U.-UM tl "kjamCotton-Butlnen fair; prlcea hardening.Americtn middling. I l-4d. Sal«e. 10 .000;balea: Amercan. 9.200 balet; .-peculationand export. 1.000 bales Receipts none.

Futures) or>ened >-'#ady: - J-muary.4 2t-*td.: Jaauarv and February 4J<-t>**v4 -.*5-Std.: February and March, 4 .-*>..:

March and Aorll. 4 U-fto . May andJiiie. 4 --fifi/1 '--»54d.; June ami Ju**".4 ¦Hl-mtfl : Julv and Auguit. 4 .-M'p4 *t*-*4*r4 23-md.: Aurruit and Bcptember,4 2ta*>t''i-| _-*- "September and Oc¬tober. '. 15-6K1.; Octobec and November,* n-ftid. .^. u . _,._

Futuret firm. Tenders, 100 ba|et, mw

4 P M-American middling, low mld-dllns clause. January, 4 2S-«!d-. _*,uf'Januarv and February, 4 2t-«4Rt 26-W..buven: February and March, 4 *4-**f.,buvera March and April. 4 tt-4Afl.: Apriland Mav. 4 23-fWd.. buyers; Uar and.lune. 4 2M4d.. Milers- June and July.4 »-64d.. tellerti Julv and Auguit.4 23-«4.J.. lellert; August ind September,4 --64Q4 22-64d.. buyert; September a nflOctober, t tu-sid.. sellers; October snoNovember. 1 in-^ttt-t ll-»4d.Fircures cloaed <iulet.NEW YOKK. January 17,-Cottxfn.

Oulet and ateadv; inid-illng Gulf, I Mc ;mlddlins. 8 3-lbc.Net receiDtt. none: arost. 2.311 balei;

exDorti. Continent. 8.110 balet; forward-".' loo bales: sales. «63 balee; aplnnert,lil bales: aleck. ltO.UOO balee.Weeklv: Net receipt!. 4.061 bales; grots.

28.123 balea. exoorts Oreat Britain. !._*bales: Fnnce 900 bales, Continent, lO.twbal-s: forwarded. 7,"_5 bales; salee J.7S3;sdInnen. 791 bales.Totals to-dav: Net receipt!. 25,ZM balet:

exports. <Jreat Britain. M.*» bales;France. TJ.2J47 balet; Continent. t.UOba'es itoek. t.012.9»a balea.Totals ao far thia week: Net ree*.di,

12S,t2l balei: export!, Orettt Brlttln. 17.-k>4 bales France, 33.187 balet; Continent..'(tl balea.Totals since September Itt: Net re-

celnti 3.7B9.0W balea; exnortt. GreatBritain. 1.175.219 bales: France. 342,411ba'es: Continent. 1.982.200 bales.Futures cloted iteady; March, tim:

ADrtl. I7.!W: Mav. I7.97: June. ».nir Jolyand Autuit. ROI; Beptemher. 1771; Octo¬ber. 17.68; November. 17-.. lUIei, 138,700balea. ,


NEW ORLEANS. LA Jar ary ll.-Cotton.Futuret: Sales. 31,300 balej; Jtr-uarv tnd February. 17 75; April, |7.»2;Mav. I7.M: June. I7.»: juIv, 17.W; A*i-gust. UM: September, 37.82; October, ti.il.


Botln.Firm: strained. $135; good strained. 11.4*).Snlrits of Turpentine.Steady; machlda.

'$ l-2c.: Irresular. 39c.Tar-Steadv. at Mc.Crude Turpentine.Firm; hard not

Quoted: toft. BM, virgin. |1.9", bid.CHARLESTON, to C. January 17..

Turpentine firm at 29c. Salea none.Koam- Firm. Sul-t*. 4*1) barrel!, A.

B, and C. $1 15: D. UM; E, MIS; F, I1.4A;C. 11.50; H. $1.60; 1. $1.«; K. PM; ti. R.M;wlndow-gtaaa, R.K; water-white. R.SAVANNAH, CIA., January 17..Tarpen-

tine ateady rt 30c. Salea were 6 catha,reported.lto!ln. Palea nominal; other grades

Heady: A. B. and C. $1.15; U. RRi; B.I1.4i>: F. $1.50; Cl. $1.(0; H. $1.65: I, fi.70;K. $1.90; M, RR; N. 12.40. wlndow-glaas.$3.10; water-white. RM).



17th and lath, return of tbe popular fa¬vorite!, AL. ti. FIELD'S MrNBTRRLS.A grand comb.allon of the STARS OFMINSTRELST. A msgninceal. seor I-spectacle, entitled, "THK COURT uFMOMUb." will constitute the Ari'of the entertainment, lt will tv (o'by a OREAT QUO ol spvcialti* ¦¦.

concluded wtib UTOPIA, a clever f< .

cal Bhaurdlty. kt I ll


T^rJSaa*m^rVWm&RsuTbo Mm ayaaoraBat of-"-^-^ .,