= r w c 1- I v c 0 r AT CO ST e j iV I f ffiJI I G rg rI IUgt j B = J e 3 IS TH E PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING AT COST 12 00 Suits new J 005 00 Suits now 3 00 We fcrve about 200Suis that wn go that way O VET ors at cot f 6 00 Coats for 4 00 Our 81 Suns of Underwear will go at 80 cts from the 6lh until the 13th Htgnfer loC Outing will be soldat9cts from the 6th until the 13th after which time it will be sold for 10 ts IN LADIES DHSS GOODS we have the Finest line of Winter goods ever brought to town + > COME AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK KRUEGER SONS r Mt Vernon Kentucky P SVatflt this span for Special Bargains = r To Cure a Cold in One Day Tike Laxative JSromo Quinine Tablets II Seven Minion boxes sold in past 12 months Signature Sruoiiomous Mon Dieu zees lanauazhe said thy earnest Paris 1 n who was visiting the Fair It male ne cent mille trouble G fclon Mini Brown tells me Monsieur Sprit has one level head I r qtru if ze dictionairc what it isl t ate 1 means Ze diclicmaire eeliiflt Mext day I s M nsieur Smit an 1 conpiineut Jle m Ah Monsieur Smit von avez ze grand fl < thllad Mon- sieur ¬ Salt no compline t H s knock m H FOUSe TV DOWELS j It yon bareut a re a1ar11ealthy movement of tb- bowclaevorydayyoarefUonrntbe r Keepyon bowels open and be the eliapn violout iibyslo or pill potann1ln enua Th keeplrtho S CANDY I CATHARTSO I yl 4 1- o S EAT EW LIKE CANDY Pleasant Palatable Potent Tnnto Good Io t I anto Address <33 itSterllap Remedy Company Chicano or New York > KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAH Opportunity for Improvement i A patient in a hospital had to be I fed on a daily diet of egg and wine His physician asked portIi how he liked it i r > It would be all right doctor he said if the egg was as nsw the port and the port as old as ti el l ebtr b MOTHERS PRAISE IT Mothers everywhere praise One t Minnie Cough Cure for the suffer i rings it has relieved and the lives their little ones it has saved A certain cure for rough croup and whooping cou h A L Spafford Postmaster of Chester Mich says Our little girl was uncon < ciouI from strangulation during a sudden and ter I jle attack of croup Out Minute Cough Cure quickly relic v ed and cured her and I canno1 praise it too highly One Min ute Cough Cure relieves coughs makes breathing easy cuts ou d phlegm draws out infiamation and removes eiery cause ofa cough anti strain en lungs Sold by Mt Ver non Drug Co ButcherI tell you maa that bacons as right as you are CustorerI can tell you it bad j Hutcher sHov can that bE AVliy it was only cured last wee- kCustorerThat it must ba- llad c a relapse thats all 4 Y > J 011 t 1 t i Ft At r One Half the Cost Lion Coffel andflavor cd fancy brands Bulk coffee atthe same price is not to be com¬ pared with Lion inquality In lib air tight sealed packages g 0 I QUAIL Thomas Taylor is working on a house for David Hysinger IDry weather still prevails in this j part water is scarcer than was ever known hefore- Candidates for the county offices part exs haz I the edge of Pulaski died a few days ago of old age and in- sanity ¬ His sun Kad Robins del just nine days after his father died The protracted meeting at Free- dpm closed Wednesday night will about 30 additions to the Church i titree e were baptized Revs Pike Smith were the preachers 3nI A Gald J M Craig sold to Ani zar McKinney z earling mules at X70 and bought of G W 0 wen a pair of mules for zto sold to Bright S Fox or Danville a mule for 107 50 and bought of Tart ol 0I The least is heirs said about ft Presidential election in this par eI we have ever known and from tit e I present situ tion it seems thai there is not enough interes man i fested to cause every body to to the polls and vote their vote Let every body go to the sentimentI No POISON IN CHAMBERLAINS COUGH REMEDY From Napier New Zealand Her aid Two years ago the Iharuta ctillg Board of New South Wales A anir in that market Out of the anti reis list they found only one that theyI declared was entirely free from all poisons This exception was Chamberlains Cough Remedy di1ciue U Sc The absence of all nar caries make this remedy the safest and best that can be hadand it is with a feeling of security that au mother can give it to her little ones Chamberlains Cough Remedy is especially recommended by i ts makers for coughs colds crop andwhooping cough When taken pneumonim a > r druggists De trials gatherin otin you head Gives new rtrength as dry passes reuse trouble is lifes wholesome breadb eAn pleasure is de lassess WHEN YOU HAVE A BAD COLD You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a permanent cure You want a remedy t bat will re- lieve the lungs and keep expectora a tion easy You want a remedy that will counteract any tendency toward pneurnjuia j You want a remedy that is pleas ant and safe to take Chamberlains Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements and for A speedy and permanent cure of bad culds stands without a peer For sate bYChasC1lfi i r dru g 1Sttr 1 f 7 i j7 1 i ii pR J R Ie- rr lYlt01I 1iaWoD on every box25c ION THE INCREASE WORLDS FAIR TRAVEL GETTING HEAVIER While the volunin of travel irj St Louis on account of the world Fair has not quite come up to the pectations of the Worlds Fai stmanagement s been as large as was expected all things considered The banner month so far as tendance is concernedwill be Sep tember October and N vember and doting these three months t admission will undoubtedly equal if not surpass the entire number incIuIsive IIt is certainly a big grand show one that no person with the mean should miss It is the op port unity of a life time in an ethic a ttona way and one that will be ta ken advantage of by the great ma jdrity of the people of Americans are proudof and justly so- On account of its unexcelle train service both as regards equipment and accommodations the Louis villa Henderson and St Louis railway better known as the Hen derson Route has carried the ma of Kentuckians to St Loui s have beyond a doubt been laud instrumental in contributing success of the Fair than any territoryi The Henderson Route is just entitled to all the praise that is be showered on them as then strain service is unquestionably t ben Kall eftuP lucky and their schedule of train > more nearly maintained than the majority of roads For comfort in travel and safesIrain thing to at al times keep in mind get the Henderson Route habit and request this routing in purcl p ing your tickets pi that load off the stomach dii alltP are curable are instantly relieved a uses of Dyspepsia Cure S P Storrs a druggist at 297 Main New Britain Conn says Ko Dyspepsia Cure is giving such u surelybe subsequent cure for this distressing ailment I feel that I am always sure lo satisfy and gratify sty cus tooiers by recommending it to them I write this to show how wdl the Kodolpyspep ter years ofscientific experiment ac1jtro are two indicatedbytheI mans two styles this season as usual the styleyou sI doritiliker and xtne style j K > > iivfci > j t if < n r j jf BY JET 1 iViBulgaria It was in the court yar IIY9idercom rO I chamberlain to a servant Run and call I the king quicklyI Taking a card the servant began to spell out tit I name I It was And KaageorgevitchI they e ca qmc ¬ ly It jnakes me sick wordj These TellTale FedtThe rec torcalled but for some reason t lady did not wish to see him An pohilely 1 Now in the drawing room lead ¬ I ing directly from the front hal there was a folding screen whi stood two or three inches the floor Behind this the la secreted herself IllilI d I Ves sir answered the maid Well remarked the caller a c he looked toward the drawing I room the next time your mistress goes out will you kindly suggest that she take her feet with herI An Englishman walking through a certain part ol Scotland with rod lougbI ofa good days it ie j fished for three hours moving steadily from spot to spot slot- the herders of the little pond bui j no success came to him At last j he accosted a little boy who had w1tchinJj I riosity Engiisat h me etS there areany fiish ii this pond musth be very the boy for there was nae water ii until it rained yesterday L j To tin Indian on day he at tempted to explain the principle o the autimobile The Indian wa intelligent anl Professor Starr explanation was ntadel of dire ness and lucidity i Well h he said at its end d ythtiis you understand all abou the automobile now The Indian who had listened ic tently replied Yes I understand all but one thing And wat is that said Profes or Starr thinking to clear up in a word some triflng point that he had overlooked I doit understand said th Indian What makes the automo- bile Go without horses itPa Goozleman has another com- plaint The other night every ont went to bed early Ma Goozleman ot feeling well and he remained to read a book in which he wa deeply interested He intended tt titon t night Things promptly brooke titfol t interruptions The baby coughed in its sleep There was a commotion among the chickens bellas looking for a number Lamp went out because it not been filled Dogfight in the side yard Freddy Goozleman woke up with the colic ne1edneighbor began splitting k wood ndserenade Drum corps passed Hayjide stogped in front of the harneTdui nipan under the refrigerator over ¬ flowed Clock stopped Bad boys rang door bell Political argument between two drunken meu undtrvindoV- MQsecat1ght in trap squeaked There was some other things al ¬ so For Sale I I offer for sale privately my Dwelling Lot Store louse als eraiTMercHandise Good Stand A Good Im pro vements Conveniently Located Big Cash Bargain forsome one Fur Jull particulars address tLPRUITT iddlebur K < r P = < SSS SN WM IA N N I i The Kind You rave Always Bought and which has been ofe I 0 and has been made under iris per infancyI i I t IInfants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare hegone Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine parr other Nnrpntte substance Its ago In its uafanJei it dostfoys Worms and allays Feverishness It cures DianhccL anti Viiul Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the rood regulates the 1Stomacltund Bowels giving healthy ami natural sleep Friendll ALWAYSdy Bears the Signature of I F y f The ii I In Use For Over 30 Years TNa CENTAUR CaYnY n YUaallr SSAT MEW OOR err 1- I I THE BJIHK OF I T VERNON 1eMT VERNON KY OPENED 1900 CAPITAL STOCK 1500 C C WILLIAMS PRES JAS 1 ADAMS VICEPRES W L RICHARDS CASHIER A B FURNISH ASST CASH DIRECTORSC C William Geo Livesay A T Fis H Martin Rod Perry J E Honk We solicit accounts of firms and individuals Careful atten- tion is given collections entrusted to us Our friends and patrons are invited tocall when in town ccarc WlftlCH6J 16B = I FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS etIts not sentimentthat makes the most successful shots shoot I Winchester Factory Loaded Shells Its the re J suits they give Its their entire reliability even¬ ness of pattern and uniform shooting Winchester Leader shells loaded with smokeless powder are the best shells on the market Winchester Repeater shells loaded with smokeless powder are heap in price but not in quality Winchester New Rival black powder shells are the favorite black powder load on the market on account of their shooting and reloading qualties Try either of these brands and youll be well pleased They are LTHE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS SHOOT 1100000I a WILL BE DISTRIBUTED FREE TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THE DAIL lAND WEEKLY ENQUIRES t NEXT NOVEMBER To those who make correct or ne ret to correct estimates of the total number of Billots cast in Ohio on November 8 1904 for Presidential electors estimate and six months subscription to Weekly Enquirer for 050 2 estimates and a years subscription to Weekly Enquirer for 100 cr estimate and ten days subscription- to Daily Enquirer for 50 3 estimates and one months subscrip ¬ tion to Daily Enquirer for 150 Threare 5335 Cash Prizes ranging from 500 to 25000 Also voteb 1 Total Ballots Cast in Ohio in other Presidential Years I 1888 8419411896uI020107 1892861625 19C01049121 See our offer printed in the Daily and weekly Enquirer for particulars Sample copies sent free on application to ENQtIIRER COMPANY Cincinnati 0 r = DOESNT ESPECr OLD Its shnriltftil when von It AGEI proper respect ftr Hcl hut jist thecnntruy in tVecase of Dry lines New hrCPII1 They cnt tilt uu lidies Uivijinte how se ¬ sere and irrespe t f fld rage- Dyspep siaittrtice er cmiati l25ct < i i i = A well known IndianamanI One dark night last week Went to the cellar with a tl1atcht In search ofa He found itI John Welch tv Dispatches state was equintedjnhislds1ot t11 f To see if it was loaded Invas yj rx IH cc Williams ATTORNEYATLAW r MT VERNON KY JtirOFFICE On 2rtl flour il ChurcbI M L MYERS f t DentistI IIOFFICEAt residence on Cld as the C C Wil ¬ liams residence PIIONE No 73 > Will be in office at BRODHEAD every MONDAY noon till Tuesday Noun JC McCLARY Undertaker Embalmer Complete LINE of Caskets Rubes tic Orders by Telephone attend- ed promptly Stanford The VERAHDA HOTEL JOSEPH COFFEY PROPR Stanford Ky Specialty equipped for travelnvj men Sample room on first floor Bath rooms free to guests RATES 200 3er day 0W M Francisco MONUMENTAL WORKS Brodhead Ky Monumentsh ALL WORK FIRSTCLASS SATISFACTION GIVEN Miller House HUGH MILLER PROPRIE- TORHeadquartere for Commercial ilel Porter at all tmlt swf MT VERNON DIRECTORY COURT CALENDAR COUNTY COURT Fourth Mon ¬ day in each month r QUARTERLY COURT Fiist Mon- day in each month CIRCUIT COURT Second Mon ¬ day in February Fourth Monday in May and Third Monday in Sep tember MT VERNON POLICE COURT Third Monday in each month CHURCHES Services it the Christian Church Preach ing let Sri Sundays at 11 a m and at 730 p m SundayPraye mentJII theIth Thirdtaturdey Prayerneetinr MASONIC Monlay ¬ ACHAITENO1J at 2 l m MACCABEES K O T M THNT Xo si meets every IB and 3rd Monday at 730 p in JAS E HODK Com CUAbCDAVlS K- IndigestioCauses Catarrh of tHe Stomach For many years it has been supposed tha Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigos and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly the opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Rep- eated attacks of Indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining stomach and stlirritachthuscausa ¬ the juices of natural digestion This U caned Catarrh of the Stomach Kodol Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation df the mucous membranes lining the stomach protects the nerves and cures bad breath sour risings Indigestiotidyspepsia EatMake Bottles only Regular size SI 00 holding 2U time the trial sire which sells for S 0 cents Prepared by E C OeWITT CO Chicago III Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This isthe mstsuccessfuln1edicinJ in the world for bowel cooiplait gild is r only remedy that will cure i chronic diarrhoea Every bottle is warranted For sale at Chas C Davis drugstore Former Gov Nash of Ohio died suddenly in the bathroom at the home of hIs stepdaughterinColu ll > bus > <

IIOFFICEAt Htgnfer is pohilelyFriendll AND EXAMINE OUR Mt

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iVI f ffiJI I G rg rI IUgt j

B = J e 3

IS TH E PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING AT COST12 00 Suits new J 005 00 Suits now 3 00

We fcrve about 200Suis that wn go that way O VET ors at cot f 6 00Coats for 4 00

Our 81 Suns of Underwear will go at 80 cts from the 6lh until the 13th

Htgnfer loC Outing will be soldat9cts from the 6th until the 13th afterwhich time it will be sold for 10 ts

IN LADIES DHSS GOODS we have the Finest line of Winter goodsever brought to town + >


Mt Vernon KentuckyP SVatflt this span for Special Bargains

=r To Cure a Cold in One DayTike Laxative JSromo Quinine TabletsII Seven Minion boxes sold in past 12 months Signature

Sruoiiomous Mon Dieu zeeslanauazhe said thy earnest Paris1 n who was visiting the Fair

It male ne cent mille trouble G

fclon Mini Brown tells me MonsieurSprit has one level head I

r qtru if ze dictionairc what it islt ate 1 means Ze diclicmaire

eeliiflt Mext day I s

M nsieur Smit an 1 conpiineutJle m Ah Monsieur Smit vonavez ze grand fl <thllad Mon-



Salt no compline t Hs knock m



It yon bareut a re a1ar11ealthy movement of tb-bowclaevorydayyoarefUonrntbe


bowels open and be the eliapnviolout iibyslo or pill potann1ln enua ThkeeplrthoS



yl 4


Pleasant Palatable Potent Tnnto Good IotI antoAddress < 33itSterllap Remedy Company Chicano or New York


Opportunity for Improvement

i A patient in a hospital had to be

I fed on a daily diet of egg andwine His physician asked portIihow he liked it

i r > It would be all right doctorhe said if the egg was as nswthe port and the port as old as ti ell ebtr


Mothers everywhere praise Onet Minnie Cough Cure for the sufferi rings it has relieved and the lives

their little ones it has saved Acertain cure for rough croup andwhooping cou h A L SpaffordPostmaster of Chester Mich says

Our little girl was uncon <ciouIfrom strangulation during a suddenand ter I jle attack of croup OutMinute Cough Cure quickly relic ved and cured her and I canno1praise it too highly One Minute Cough Cure relieves coughsmakes breathing easy cuts ou

d phlegm draws out infiamation andremoves eiery cause ofa cough antistrain en lungs Sold by Mt Vernon Drug Co

ButcherI tell you maathat bacons as right as you are

CustorerI can tell you itbad j

Hutcher sHov can that bEAVliy it was only cured last wee-

kCustorerThat it must ba-


a relapse thats all






t iFt


OneHalf the Cost


Coffelandflavorcd fancy brands

Bulk coffee atthe sameprice is not to be com ¬

pared with Lion inqualityIn lib air tightsealed packages




Thomas Taylor is working on ahouse for David Hysinger

IDry weather still prevails in this j

part water is scarcer than wasever known hefore-

Candidates for the county officespartexshazI the edge of Pulaski dieda few days ago of old age and in-


His sun Kad Robins deljust nine days after his father died

The protracted meeting at Free-dpm closed Wednesday night willabout 30 additions to the Church ititree e

were baptized Revs PikeSmith were the preachers 3nI

A Gald J M Craig sold toAni zar McKinney z earling mulesat X70 and bought of G W 0 wena pair of mules for zto sold toBright S Fox or Danville a mulefor 107 50 and bought of Tartol0IThe least is heirs said about ftPresidential election in this pareI

we have ever known and from tite I

present situ tion it seems thaithere is not enough interes man i

fested to cause every body to tothe polls and vote their

voteLet every body go to the sentimentI


From Napier New Zealand Heraid Two years ago the Iharuta ctillgBoard of New South Wales Aanirin that market Out of the anti reislist they found only one that theyIdeclared was entirely free fromall poisons This exception wasChamberlains Cough Remedy

di1ciueU Sc The absence of all narcaries make this remedy the safestand best that can be hadand it iswith a feeling of security that aumother can give it to her little onesChamberlains Cough Remedy isespecially recommended by i tsmakers for coughs colds cropandwhooping cough When taken

pneumonim a> r

druggistsDe trials gatherin otin you head

Gives new rtrength as dry passesreuse trouble is lifes wholesomebreadbeAn pleasure is de lassess


You want a remedy that will notonly give quick relief but effect apermanent cure

You want a remedy tbat will re-

lieve the lungs and keep expectora a

tion easyYou want a remedy that will

counteract any tendency towardpneurnjuia


You want a remedy that is pleasant and safe to take

Chamberlains Cough Remedymeets all of these requirements andfor A speedy and permanent cure ofbad culds stands without a peerFor sate bYChasC1lfi i r drug

1Sttr 1

f 7ij7 1 iiipR J

R Ie-



1iaWoDon everybox25c



While the volunin of travel irjSt Louis on account of the worldFair has not quite come up to the

pectations of the Worlds Faistmanagements been as large as was expected

all things consideredThe banner month so far as

tendance is concernedwill be September October and N vemberand doting these three months tadmission will undoubtedly equalif not surpass the entire number

incIuIsiveIIt is certainly a big grand show

one that no person with themean should miss It is the opport unity of a life time in an ethic attona way and one that will be taken advantage of by the great majdrity of the people of Americansare proudof and justly so-

On account of its unexcelle trainservice both as regards equipmentand accommodations the Louisvilla Henderson and St Louisrailway better known as the Henderson Route has carried the ma

of Kentuckians to St Loui shave beyond a doubt been

laud instrumental in contributingsuccess of the Fair than anyterritoryi

The Henderson Route is justentitled to all the praise that is be

showered on them as thenstrain service is unquestionably tbenKalleftuP

lucky and their schedule of train >

more nearly maintained thanthe majority of roads

For comfort in travel and

safesIrainthing to at al times keep in mindget the Henderson Route habitand request this routing in purcl p

ing your ticketspithat load off the stomachdiialltParecurable are instantly relieved auses of

Dyspepsia Cure S PStorrs a druggist at 297 MainNew Britain Conn says KoDyspepsia Cure is giving such usurelybesubsequent cure for this distressingailment I feel that I am alwayssure lo satisfy and gratify sty custooiers by recommending it to themI write this to show how wdl the

Kodolpyspepter years ofscientific experiment

ac1jtroare two

indicatedbytheImans twostyles this season as usual thestyleyousIdoritiliker and xtne style j

K > > iivfci>j t if<

n r



iViBulgaria It was in the courtyar



chamberlain to a servant Runand call

Ithe king quicklyITaking a card

the servant began to spell out titI nameI It was

And KaageorgevitchIthey e ca qmc ¬

ly It jnakes me sickwordjThese TellTale FedtThe rec

torcalled but for some reason t

lady did not wish to see him An

pohilely1 Now in the drawing room lead ¬

I ing directly from the front halthere was a folding screen whistood two or three inchesthe floor Behind this the la

secreted herselfIllilI d

IVes sir answered the maidWell remarked the caller ac

he looked toward the drawingI room the next time your mistressgoes out will you kindly suggestthat she take her feet with herI

An Englishman walking througha certain part ol Scotland with rodlougbIofa good days it ie

j fished for three hours movingsteadily from spot to spot slot-the herders of the little pond bui


no success came to him At lastj

he accosted a little boy who had


riosityEngiisat h

me etSthere areany fiish ii this pondmusth bevery theboy for there was nae water ii

until it rained yesterdayL

j To tin Indian on day he attempted to explain the principle othe autimobile The Indian waintelligent anl Professor Starrexplanation was ntadel of direness and lucidity

i Well h he said at its end d

ythtiis you understand all abouthe automobile now

The Indian who had listened ictently replied

Yes I understand all but onething

And wat is that said Profesor Starr thinking to clear up in a

word some triflng point that hehad overlooked

I doit understand said thIndian What makes the automo-bile Go without horses

itPa Goozleman has another com-

plaint The other night every ontwent to bed early Ma Goozleman

ot feeling well and he remainedto read a book in which he wa

deeply interested He intended tttiton t

night Things promptly brooketitfol t

interruptionsThe baby coughed in its sleepThere was a commotion among

the chickensbellaslooking for a numberLamp went out because it not

been filled

Dogfight in the side yardFreddy Goozleman woke up with

the colic

ne1edneighbor began splittingk wood

ndserenadeDrum corps passedHayjide stogped in front of the

harneTduinipan under the refrigerator over ¬


Clock stoppedBad boys rang door bellPolitical argument between two

drunken meu undtrvindoV-MQsecat1ght in trap squeakedThere was some other things al ¬


For Sale I

I offer for sale privately my

Dwelling Lot Storelouse alseraiTMercHandiseGood Stand


Good Im pro vementsConveniently Located

Big Cash Bargain forsome oneFur Jull particulars address

tLPRUITTiddlebur K



P =





The Kind You rave Always Bought and which has beenofe I

0 and has been made under iris perinfancyI i


tIInfants and Children Experience against Experiment

What is CASTORIACastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare

hegone Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant Itcontains neither Opium Morphine parr other Nnrpnttesubstance Its ago In its uafanJei it dostfoys Wormsand allays Feverishness It cures DianhccL anti ViiulColic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipationand Flatulency It assimilates the rood regulates the

1Stomacltund Bowels giving healthy ami natural sleepFriendllALWAYSdyBears the Signature of



y f

Theii I

In Use For Over 30 YearsTNa CENTAUR CaYnY n YUaallr SSAT MEW OOR err






DIRECTORSC C William Geo Livesay A T FisH Martin Rod Perry J E Honk

We solicit accounts of firms and individuals Careful atten-tion is given collections entrusted to us

Our friends and patrons are invited tocall when in townccarcWlftlCH6J16B



FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLSetIts not sentimentthat makes the most successful shots shoot


Winchester Factory Loaded Shells Its the re J

suits they give Its their entire reliability even¬

ness of pattern and uniform shooting WinchesterLeader shells loaded with smokeless powder

are the best shells on the market WinchesterRepeater shells loaded with smokeless powder

are heap in price but not in quality WinchesterNew Rival black powder shells are the favorite

black powder load on the market on account oftheir shooting and reloading qualties Try either ofthese brands and youll be well pleased They are





NEXT NOVEMBERTo those who make correct or ne ret to correct estimates of the totalnumber of Billots cast in Ohio on November 8 1904 for Presidentialelectors

estimate and six months subscriptionto Weekly Enquirer for 050

2 estimates and a years subscriptionto Weekly Enquirer for 100crestimate and ten days subscription-to Daily Enquirer for 50

3 estimates and one months subscrip ¬

tion to Daily Enquirer for 150Threare 5335 Cash Prizes ranging from 500 to 25000 Alsovoteb 1

Total Ballots Cast in Ohio in other Presidential Years I

1888 8419411896uI0201071892861625 19C01049121See our offer printed in the Daily and weekly Enquirer for particulars

Sample copies sent free on application to

ENQtIIRER COMPANY Cincinnati 0r =

DOESNT ESPECr OLDIts shnriltftil when von It AGEI

proper respect ftr Hcl

hut jist thecnntruy in tVecase ofDry lines New hrCPII1 Theycnt tilt uu lidies Uivijinte how se¬

sere and irrespe t f fld rage-

Dyspep siaittrtice er cmiatil25ct< i i


=A well known IndianamanI

One dark night last weekWent to the cellar with a tl1atcht

In search ofaHe found itIJohn Welch tv

Dispatches state wasequintedjnhislds1ot t11

f To see if it was loaded

Invas yj rx





JtirOFFICE On 2rtl flour il



IIOFFICEAt residence on Cldas the C C Wil ¬

liams residencePIIONE No 73 >

Will be in office at BRODHEADevery MONDAY noon till TuesdayNoun



Complete LINE of CasketsRubes tic

Orders by Telephone attend-ed promptly



Stanford KySpecialty equipped for travelnvj

men Sample room on first floorBath rooms free to guests

RATES 200 3er day


Brodhead Ky



TORHeadquartere forCommercial ilelPorter at all tmlt swf



day in each monthr

QUARTERLY COURT Fiist Mon-day in each month


day in February Fourth Mondayin May and Third Monday in September

MT VERNON POLICE COURTThird Monday in each month

CHURCHESServices it the Christian Church Preach

ing let Sri Sundays at 11 a m and at730 p m

SundayPrayementJIItheIthThirdtaturdeyPrayerneetinrMASONICMonlay ¬


MACCABEESK O T M THNT Xo si meets every IB

and 3rd Monday at 730 p inJAS E HODK Com


IndigestioCausesCatarrh of tHe

StomachFor many years it has been supposed thaCatarrh of the Stomach caused indigosand dyspepsia but the truth is exactly theopposite Indigestion causes catarrh Rep-

eated attacks of Indigestion inflames themucous membranes lining stomach and

stlirritachthuscausa ¬

the juices of natural digestion This Ucaned Catarrh of the Stomach

Kodol Dyspepsia Curerelieves all inflammation df the mucousmembranes lining the stomach protects thenerves and cures bad breath sour risings


EatMakeBottles only Regular size SI 00 holding 2U timethe trial sire which sells for S 0 cents

Prepared by E C OeWITT CO Chicago III

Chamberlains Colic Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy This isthemstsuccessfuln1edicinJ in theworld for bowel cooiplait gild is r

only remedy that will cure ichronic diarrhoea Every bottle iswarranted For sale at Chas CDavis drugstore

Former Gov Nash of Ohio diedsuddenly in the bathroom at thehome of hIs stepdaughterinColu ll>

bus > <