THE ROTARY FOUNDATION YEARS OF DOING GOOD IN THE WORLD November is ROTARY FOUNDATION Month THE Foundation The ٢٠١٦ ﻧﻮﻓﻤﺒﺮ ــ٥ اﻟﻌﺪد اﻟﻨﺸـﺮة اﻟﺸﮭـﺮﯾﺔ ﻟﻠﻤﺤـﺎﻓــﻆMONTHLY NEWSLETTER Issue 5 - November 2016 AREAS OF FOCUS

ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

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Page 1: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be





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العدد ٥ ــ نوفمبر ٢٠١٦

النشـرة الشھـریة للمحـافــظ


MONTHLY NEWSLETTERIssue 5 - November 2016


Page 2: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt



Dear Fellow Rotarians Greetings from the Heart in one of the most important months in the Rotary Year - a month full of giving , contribution and donation to the most important source of development , service and achievement in Rotary International . It is November , the TRF month .I ask you all to focus on means of participation in fundraising to TRF , for the sake of the development of the simple citizen in Egypt and all the world . Rotarians all over the world are celebrating this year the TRF centennial , founded 1917 . Let us all seek the ways of celebration ( here ) . Let us all give awareness to our members , especially the new members , to realize what is the TRF , it's benefit , and it's great role in funding development projects to the clubs all over the world .I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be held on 18th of November.I remind you to enter your TRF goals on club central , and achieve them .Finally I hope we all meet at TRF one day seminar , on 17th of December , to benefit form TRF programs and achieve great service in our community . Till we meet , please accept my best regards DG Mayan Raslan D 2451- Egypt

District GovernorMessage

November 2016

لمشاھدة فیدیو رسالة المحافظ الشھریة

برجاء اضغط ھنا

Page 3: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt



لمشاھدة فیدیو رسالة المحافظ الشھریة

برجاء اضغط ھنا

رسالة محافظ المنطقة

نوفمبر ٢٠١٦

الزميالت و الزمالء الروتاريون

تحية صادقة يف شهر يعترب من أهم شهور العام الروتاري � شهر ميلء بالعطاء و املساهمة و التربع الهم مصدر من مصادر

التنمية و الخدمة و اإلنجاز يف الروتاري الدويل � انه شهر نوفمرب � شهر االحتفال باملؤسسة الروتارية �

شهر أدعوكم فيه جميعاً ايل الرتكيز عيل وسائل املشاركة يف جمع التربعات لتنمية املواطن البسيط يف مرص و العا� أجمع �

يحتفل الروتاريون هذا العام بالعيد املئوي إلنشاء املؤسسة الروتارية عام ١٩١٧ �

فلنشارك جميعاً يف وسائل االحتفال � املتاحة � هنا � �� و لنعمل عيل توعية األعضاء � خاصة الجدد � عيل ماهي املؤسسة

الروتارية � فائدتها و دورها العظيم يف �ويل املرشوعات التنموية لألندية الروتارية يف العا� كلة �

أدعوكم أيضاً لالحتفال باليوم العاملي لشلل األطفال الذي وافق يوم ٢٤ أكتوبر و الذي ستقام فاعلياته يوم ١٨�١١�٢٠١٦

أذكركم بإدخال أهداف النادي للمؤسسة الروتارية عيل موقع النادي � �club centralوقع الروتاري الدويل � و الحرص عيل

تحقيقها � أرجو ان نلتقي جميعاً يف ندوة املؤسسة الروتارية يوم ١٧ ديسمرب

� لنحقق جميعاً أهداف خدمة مجتمعنا � و لنحقق االستفاده العظمي من برامج املؤسسة الروتارية �

و حتي نلتقي � تقبلوا تحيا�

ميان رسالنمحافظ املنطقة الروتارية

و رئيس االتحاد النوعي لألندية الروتارية � مرص

Page 4: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt




Looking back at the momentous 1917 Rotary Convention in Atlanta, it is difficult to see what could have been contentious about the words of then-President Arch C. Klumph: “It seems eminently proper that we should accept endowments for the purpose of doing good in the world.” Yet, at the time, support for the idea was far from unanimous. Some thought an endowment fund would create more trouble than it was worth. But Klumph’s idea received the support it most needed in the form of an initial donation of $26.50 from the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Mo.

Nearly 100 years later, we recognize Klumph’s idea as not only visionary, but revolutionary: It set in place the mechanism that allowed Rotary to become the vast force for “doing good in the world” that it is today.

In many ways, our Rotary Foundation is the foundation of Rotary as we know it. It has created

a mechanism for cooperation and partnership among clubs and between Rotary and other organizations; it has enabled us to be ever more ambitious in our work and to reach for goals of historic proportions, such as the eradication of polio. It is impossible to quantify the good that has been done over the last century as a result of The Rotary Foundation. All we can know for sure is that Arch Klumph, if he could see it, would be proud.

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our international convention in Atlanta: the city where our Foundation was born. I hope a record number of Rotarians will be there to celebrate the centennial of our Foundation. In the meantime, there are plenty of other ways to celebrate! I encourage you to read more about the Foundation centennial at centennial.rotary.org. There, you’ll learn about the history of our Foundation and find ideas for events and projects in your clubs and your community.

One of the most important ways we are celebrating the Foundation centennial is with a fundraising goal of $300 million. Your gift to your Foundation is the best way of ensuring a strong second century for Rotarians Doing Good in the World and for Rotary Serving Humanity.


Page 5: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

قامت محافظ المنطقة ٢٤٥١ د.ميان رســــــــالن بالسفر إلى اليونان لحضـور ندوة تدريب اقليم ٢٠ب من يوم ٦ حتى ٩ أكتوبر ٢٠١٦ والتى ينظمها عضــــو مجلس إدارة الروتارى الدولى ســابقاً شـــافاك ألباى بحضور رئيس الروتارى الدولى جون جيرم وقد حضـر ـران هذه الندوة للتدريب محافظ قادم حمادة زهـــومجموعة من الـــــــروتاريين وقادة المنطقة ٢٤٥١ لالســــــــــتفادة من التوعية الروتارية ولقاء الزمالء الـــــــــروتاريين من عدة مناطق ولقاء رئيس وقادة

الروتارى الدولى.

DG Mayan Raslan traveled to Greece to join Zone 20B Rotary Institute in Thessaloniki on 6�9 October 2016� organized by past board member of Rotary International "Shafak Albay" in the presence of the President of Rotary International "John Germ"� This seminar was attended by DGE Hamada Zahran and a group of Rotarians and the leaders of the D 2451 to take advantage awareness of Rotary and meet fellow Rotarians from several areas and meet with leaders of Rotary International�

ندوة تدریب اقلیم ٢٠بZone 20B Rotary Institute

District 2451 - Egypt



Page 6: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt



تم توقيع بروتوكول تعاون بين االتحاد النوعي لالنديه الروتاريه بمصــر برئاسه محافظ المنطقه الروتاريه د ميان رسالن و بين جامعه القاهره برئاسه د جابر نصـار . شمل البروتوكول علي التعاون لدعم أنشـطه الشـباب في مجاالن الصـحه و كشـف فيروس سي ، التدريب ، و افتتاح فصـول محو

اميه للعاملين بالجامعه

توقیع بروتوكول تعاون بیناالتحاد النوعى لألندیة الروتاریھ

وجامعھ القاھرة

Page 7: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

الزیارت الرسمیة لمحافظ المنطقةلألندیة

زیارة نادى روتارى الجیزة كوزموبولتان

زیارة نادى روتارى جزیرة الروضة

District 2451 - Egypt



١١ أكتوبر ٢٠١٦

Page 8: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

الزیارت الرسمیة لمحافظ المنطقةلألندیة

زیارة نادى روتارى الجیزة

زیارة نادى روتارى كایرو نایل فالى

District 2451 - Egypt



١٢ أكتوبر ٢٠١٦

Page 9: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

الزیارت الرسمیة لمحافظ المنطقةلألندیة

زیارة نادى روتارى المنصوریة

District 2451 - Egypt



١٨ أكتوبر ٢٠١٦

زیارة نادى روتارى الجیزة كرنك

Page 10: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

الزیارت الرسمیة لمحافظ المنطقةلألندیة

زیارة نادى روتارى سفنكس

District 2451 - Egypt



٢١ أكتوبر ٢٠١٦

Page 11: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

الزیارت الرسمیة لمحافظ المنطقةلألندیة

زیارة نادى روتارى ھلیوبولیس شرق

زیارة نادى روتارى حورس ھولیوبولیس

District 2451 - Egypt



٢٣ أكتوبر ٢٠١٦

Page 12: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

RYLAبرنامج إعداد القیادات الشبابیة Rotary Youth Leadership Award

أقام روتاري مصــر - المنطقة ٢٤٥١، بقيادة الدكتورة ميان رســــــالن محافظ لروتارية، في أطار الشــــراكة المنطقةالقاهرة برئاسة الدكتور جابر مع جامعة القادة لطالب ًنصـــار،معســـكرا ألعداد القاهرة بالعين الســــــــخنة من جامعة ا

يوم١٣/١٠/٢٠١٦ حتى ١٥/١٠/٢٠١٦

نظم المعســـــــكر يحي مجدي رئيس لرايال لجنه ا

و تنسـيق د شريف والي مشــرف لجان الشباب بالمنطقه ، و يهدف المعسـكر لقيادات الشـــبابية وتدريب إلى أعداد اـرة من لقاه باً من جامعةا ل أكثر من ٦٠ طالقيادة مختلف الكليات علـــى مهارات اــــــوقت وإدارة األزمات . ادار ل وإدارة اورش العمل خبراء من المحاضـــــــرين والمهنيين من أعضـاءالروتارى والخبراء لتدريب وفى ختام المتخصــصـــين في البرنامج قامت د ميانرســــــالن بتكريم االشــــــــباب المتميز ومنحهم شهادات


Rotary Egypt - District 2451, organized A RYLA activity under the auspicious of DG Mayan Raslan, In cooperation with the Cairo University, headed by Dr. Gaber Nassar, , from 13/10/2016 to 15/10/2016 at Ein Sokhna , to prepare leaders from youth. The RYLA Committee headed by RTN Yehia Magdy and coordinated by PP Sherif Waly aimed to train young leaders more than 60 students from Cairo University from various colleges through workshops at delivered by experts Rotarians

. At Closing , DG Mayan Raslan distributed certificates of attendance for the youth and and recognition certificates for the organizing


District 2451 - Egypt




Page 13: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt



تم عقد االجتماع الثانى لرؤســــاء االنديه بالقاهرة بتنظيم من روتارى الرحاب برئاســـــه ايناس العماوى كما تم عقد االجتماع الثانى لرؤساء االنديه باالسكندريه بتنظيم روتاري اسـكندريه مارين

برئاسه مصطفي دراز.

وقبل االجتماعات تم عقد جمعيه عموميه لمناقشــــــة واعتماد ميزانية االتحاد النوعي لألندية الروتارية بمصــــــر Financial Statement والخاص بعام ٢٠١٥-٢٠١٦ والتي قام بعرضها محافظ

سابق / عادل حافظ

كما تم مناقشـة اعتماد االتحاد النوعي لألندية الروتارية بمصـر ككيان قانونى غير هادف للربح، يمثل المنطقة الروتارية ٢٤٥١ لدى الروتارى الدولى.

الجمعیة العمومیة للمنطقةو إجتماع الرؤساء لالندیة

Page 14: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

حملة التوعیة ضد مرض سرطان الثدى

عقدت مجموعة من أندية الروتارى يوماً للتوعية ضــد مرض ســـرطان الثدى بنادى الجزيرة لرياضـــــــى, نظم هذا الحدث نادى روتارى كايرو رويال بالمشاركة مع نادى روتارى المنصورية وصن رايز وأندية روتارية أخرى وذلك تحت رعاية محافظ المنطقة د.ميان رســــــالن حيث قامت حلقات نقاش وتوزيع نشـرات وتقديم إستشـارات طبية من قبل د.حنان جويفل إستشـارى األشعة التشـخيصــية ألمراض الثدى وذلك تحت شعار "العمل الجماعى قوة أكبر وإنجاز أفضــــل" كما قامت أعضــــاء األندية

بمسيرة فى النادى حاملين الفتة "ال لسرطان الثدى"

A group of Rotarians held a Rotary day to raise awareness against breast cancer disease at Gezira Sporting Club, Rotary club Cairo Royal organized the event, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Al-Mansouria, RC Cairo Sunrise and other Rotary clubs, under the auspicious of the DG Mayan Raslan discussions and distribution of flyers and providing medical consultations by Dr. Hanan Gowefel Consultant Radiology for diseases of the breast and under the slogan "collective action stronger and bigger and better achievement" As the members of clubs marched in the club, carrying a banner "No to breast cancer".

District 2451 - Egypt



Awareness Campaign against Breast Cancer

Page 15: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

سافرت محافظ المنطقة د ميان رسـالن الى المجر فى نهايات شـهر اكتوبر بدعوه من المنطقه الروتاريه ١٩١١ - المجر ، كمتحدثة عن المرأه في الروتاري في مصر .

و قد تبادلت محافظ ميان رسالن االعالم مع محافظ المنطقه ١٩١١ ايلونا پنشيز.

و تم تقليدها شاره المؤسسه الروتاريه للمتبرع الرئيسي major donor من منسق المؤسسه الروتاريه اقليم ١٩ب هيربرت ايرليك و المسئوله عن برنامج التبرع للمؤسسـة

بمكتب الروتاري في زيورخ إليزابيث المبرتي .

حضــــــــــر المؤتمر الزميلة رس سحر منير ، المدير التنفيذي لالتحاد النوعي لألندية الروتاريه مصر

District 2451 - Egypt



مؤتمر "المرأة في الروتاري" بالمجر منطقھ ١٩١١

Women in Rotary conference " Hungary - D 1911"

Page 16: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt



Corneliu Dinca, Ph.D.

RI Director, Zones 19 & 20, 2016 - 2018

Regional Coordinator, Europe D, 2012 - 2015

Rotary Club of Craiova, Romania, D2241

No.3, September 2016

Cairo Seminar 29-30.09—01.10.2016

An amazing event with more than 400 participants, a pre-session of The Zone 20B ThessalonikiInstitute.The themes of the presentations and the panels were:-Correlations between Public Image & Membership-CoL: Changes & Effects-Desertion & Retention: Why & How (Panel)-Case studies in Membership-Recruitment: An approach of Age diversity & How to support youth clubs (p)-Extension: How to Forecast a district for 5 years (p) -Recognition & >>>>FUN

Wonderful atmosphere, wonderful people, friendship, dedication!




Congratulations D2451 & D2452!

Congratulations DG Mayan RASLAN!


ZNewsletter ones 19 & 20

نشره عضو مجلس اداره الروتاري الدوليكورنیلیو دنكا إلقلیم ١٩،٢٠

Page 17: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt



Corneliu Dinca, Ph.D.

RI Director, Zones 19 & 20, 2016 - 2018

Regional Coordinator, Europe D, 2012 - 2015

Rotary Club of Craiova, Romania, D2241

Let’s present some conclusions of the seminar:a. An effective Public Image is creating a healthy membership

in Rotary. The community impact of the Rotarian activitiesand the quality of the existent Rotary club members are themain elements in attracting new members.

b. Flexibility and tradition have to live together inside aRotary club in a “balance” decided by its members

c. Retention has to act against the Intention to leave. T hepercentage of remained persons, out of the initial number ofmembers it is considered to be the Retention rate. Where isthe club intervention?

This is a Passive Retention rate!The correct Active

Retention rate is based on clubinterventions and has to be reported by the club presidents,its calculus being very difficult for 34,000 clubs.

d. For Interactors and Rotaractors the early Rotarymembership seems not to be always appropriate. For theyoung people volunteering means a young environment,fun, the common property of new-different ideas andactions and even a diploma proving a certain socialassistance experience. They have to be kept close byinformal Rotary-contacts because now they are mainlypreoccupied by their future and not to become Rotarians inan “old” club. Online meeting clubs are a solution to keepthem near.


Rafeek Ramzy Michal, Egypt (D2451)

I. September nominations

I nominate DG Mayan RASLAN The Rotarian of the MonthThe New Generations Month!

Together with an exquisite Organization Team GovernorRASLAN reminded us how easy it is for the Rotarian friends tobe together, to be preoccupied of their common future, to havefun. I also felt that something special is happening in thesedistricts (2451 & 2452) where goodwill, understanding andcooperation are at home, where volunteering and charm are partsof common sense. Finally I found the answer: the great numberof Rotarian ladies are making the difference! They are the realplus and I really wonder why DG Mayan is only the first ladygovernor in these districts history?

DGN Michel J AZZAR , Lebanon (D2452)

“Mayan RASLAN” had a vision. She is the 2451 DistrictGovernor in Egypt. Along with expertize in PR she appointed aTeam work to realize her dream, our dream: unify Rotarians inthree Districts to discuss their same Rotary concerns. The OTdid it 100% and got a standing ovation. Wow! We thank them.”

“..Thanks to our lovely committed DG Mayan RASLAN whomade such an effort to make this multidistrict event succeed andachievable on our lands.’

ZNewsletter ones 19 & 20

نشره عضو مجلس اداره الروتاري الدوليكورنیلیو دنكا إلقلیم ١٩،٢٠

Page 18: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt



لمشاھدة فیدیو رسالة المحافظ الشھریة

برجاء اضغط ھنا

�١ ادعوكم لحضور المؤسسة الروتارية يوم السبت ٢٠١٦�١١�١٧ بفندق سوفيتيل الجزيرة

�٢َ اليوم العالمي لشلل األطفال هو ٢٤ أكتوبر � أدعوْ ْ َ جميع األندية الي المشاركة في فاعلياته يوم

� ٢٠١٦�١١�١٨ و سنوافيكم بالتفاصيل �

�٣ ادخال أهداف المؤسسة الروتارية علي موقع النادي � club centralو تحقيقها � هما احد المعايير االساسية

المطلوبة للفوز بالجائزة الرئاسية � أرجو الحرص علي إتمامها �

توصیاتمحافظ المنطقة الشھریھ

نوفمبر ٢٠١٦

Page 19: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt



Number ofMembers

Annual Fund

Goal% Goals

Received Total Per CapitaGoal



2016-17 2,316 $51,203 52.2% $27,703 $11.96 54.1% 80

2015-16 1,952 $57,978 71.8% $82,280 $42.15 141.9% 31

2014-15 1,941 $47,013 52.6% $33,173 $17.09 70.6% 46

2013-14 1,858 $34,778 56.2% $18,471 $9.94 53.1% 43

Regional Team

Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator Usama A. Barghouthi 7 9553 5085

Rotary Coordinator Mr. Malik Aviral 312-2251606

End Polio Now Zone Coordinator Mr. Farid E. Gebran 3704525

Endowment/Major Gift Adviser Mr. Suleyman Girit 5497175122

Rotary Public Image Coordinator Güneş Ertaş 530-0666756

Recognition/Reports: Rotary Support Center (866) 9-ROTARY or (866) 976-8279

PolioPlus Fund


Goal% Goals

Received TotalGoal


Clubs Total Total Giving**

$19,649 42.4% $3,306 16.8% 86 $2,000 $55,754

$10,558 43.6% $36,074 341.7% 45 $2,005 $135,165

$11,400 28.9% $18,442 161.8% 54 $200 $70,324

$15,730 43.8% $9,356 59.5% 60 $6,325 $36,652

**Total Giving includes term gifts and funds for approved grants.

2016-17 11 2 0 4 1 27 24 6

2015-16 134 2 0 2 1 556 125 25

2014-15 39 0 0 0 0 219 48 22

2013-14 62 6 0 0 0 138 48 7

Total Endowed Funds:

Market Value:



* Joint Major Donor/Bequest Societycounts as one.








All-time 1,377 24 2 19 -- -- -- --

Paul Harris Society Members: 12 Rotary Direct Participants: 8

Market Value Date: 31-Aug-2016 EREY, Sustaining Member and PHSEligible includes all individuals, notjust active club members.

Recognition and Endowment Measures

Foundation Recognition Points: 1,929.19

Year to Date (YTD) covers the period from July through September.


For July through September 2016 - 2017

Page 20: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt









Rotary Calendar

Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world it will be known by the results it achieves

Paul Harris

توعیة روتاریة

Page 22: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt




Administration Committee

Executive Office Director

Page 23: ةﺮـﺸﻨﻟا ﺔﯾﺮـﮭﺸﻟا Issue 5 - November 2016 …€¦ · over the world . I invite you to celebrate the Polio day that was 24 October , but celebration will be

District 2451 - Egypt



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