Vl Vi "V ,(. - r T'.J ? : r- - fc-- Wl ', iv-- a1. V k - Bta m: iii in m ii iiMMMMt MMBBMMMBTlWM'''MriTnr TJlLWIWt VjK?i . '" ft ' Vol. IX. Xo. 1330. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, WAY 2d, lt:6. 70 0ENT8 8U0B0RIPTION PER MONTH THE DAILY BPLLETIM lii printed nud published ntthe olllce, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. 1., ovcr.v alturunnn (Sundays excepted). Subscription, 75 cents pet Month. Address id) Commuiilc.itiMij D.utA UuM.m.v. Advertisements, tc ciuinc insertion, should be handed in before one o'clock V. M. Daniel Logan Managing Editor Norman Logan Assoclute Editor nud Ac- - couutiiut. W. A. S. Boals Collector nnd Shipping Hcportor Bulletin. Steam Printing Office. NowBpnpcr, Hook and Job Printing of till kinds donu on the most favoiablo terms. JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bell Teleplione No. 2.10 Mutual Telephone No. 5JB0 Commission Mnjcuants. T. WATERHOUSE, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 Clam Sprocket. Wm. O. Irwin. T a. Irwin & Company, VY Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 WILDER Si CO., Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt ami Building Materials of every kind, cor. i'ort and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 a. N. Castle. J. U. Athorton. Castle u. Cooke, Shipping nnd Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. BO King at., Honolulu. 1 Gronsalves .&; Oo., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 28'J Beaver Block, Honolulu. MS. GRINBAUM St CO., Importers of Ueuerut Mer- - clnuidlHe aiid Commission Merchants, Honolulu, ami 1:24 Cttllfotulu street, 1 Ciuii Francisco, Cai. J LYONS, Auctioneer and General Commission Merchant, Masonic Block, Queen st., Honolulu. Sales ot Furnliuic, Stock, Heal Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Sole Agent for American and Euro- pean merchandise. 318 0 BREWER (LniuiuUj Si COMPANY, GKNKUAL MhllCAKllLli ANU CojiAllaslUM AUK.S'la Mar otr owiuuus: P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .Piesidout As Muuugei J. 0. Cautkh Treasurer ii secretin uinix'ious: lion. 0. H. Uisiior. Hon. U. A. P. Cautkh iiiirily Geo. W. Macfarlanc. H. It. Macfarlanc. a. W. MACFAELANE & Co. IMPOltTEHS, COMMISSION MEH. CHANTS a.ni) Suffar Factors, Firo-Proo- f Jiuilding, 62 Queen street, Honolulu. U. I. AGENTS tor The Wuikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Heeia Sugar Plantation, Oaliu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Iluelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Hauch Co., Hawaii, T. Fowler As Co. Steam Plow and L alilo Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlccs, Watson A; Go's Sugar Machin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow uud Honolulu Lino of Pac..'i 5 r O. BERQER, 21 MUKCHANT StUKKT. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Iusurauco Company, Tho City of Loudon Firo In. Co(limit'd South British and National Fire A; Ma. rinc Insurance Co. Mncncnlc As Urban Safes, Tho Celobrated Sprlnglleld Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance A; Co. The Harlfoid Fire Insurance Co. The Commercial Flro As Marino Iiibtir-auc- u Co. 2!i3 Beaver L The Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours Tho Inott liiaud oi Cigars & 1 obacco nlwayH on lund. II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. Professionals. I'LAIII.NCr. ttll.UDl! VOLNUV VAIM.ASCOUIIT ASIIIOIIO. ASIItUllO. ASdrORD & ASHFUHD, Law, Cliuiu'i'i'.v, Cniivi'.vaiiclii, Ailiiilialty. Uuiikruptry, 1'iobale, lUc. i.tc, l.te. .'FKtcn: Old t apiiol Uuildlng, adjoin. ingOuiciul Poii-Ouic- UJ C. SMITH, Attorney at Law and Anetit to take Ackuowleiigmeuts. No. U Kunhu. mauu Ui ct. lOJ Uin JALFBED MAOOON, ATiOKNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Meichaut stieet. Honolulu, ly JOHN A. HASSINOEB, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Jfllco, Houolnin. Ii IOHAKD P. BICKEBTON, XI) Attorney and Couuxelior at Law. Money to lend on .Mortgages of Free, holds. Olliee, Police Court Uuildlng, Meichant st. 1 BBOWN, Altoiuer and Counsellor at Law Notary Public, and Agent for Hiking Ac knowledgmeuts of Instruments for the island ol Oahu. Meichant street, Hono- lulu, l AT THOMPSON, 111. ATTORNEY AT LAW, and Solicitor in Chancery. Olllcc Campbell's Block, Second Story, Hooms a and U. Kmraiice on Meichaut street, Honolulu, H. I. 'Jdltf WILLIAM AULD, 10 take Acknowledgments to Contracts tor Labor for the District of Konu, Island oi Oahu, at the olllce ol tho Honolulu Water Woiks, foot otNuu ami street. Wo JM. MONSABHAT, ATIOKNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Keal Estate in any pail ot the Kingdom bought, &uld and leased, on commission. Loans ucgotih ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 2? .Merchant St. (Gazette Ulock;, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 1U( w. O AKANA, Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 7 King btreet, near tho Uridgc. Translations of cither of tho ubovt languages made with uccuracy and dia patch, uud on reasonable terms. SOU J 3 P. GRAY. M. D., . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Olllce, tlrst door west ot Library Uuild- lng. Hours, from D to 11 a m., and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m. tSf ltesiuence, No. 40 Alakea, near Hotel Stieet. DB. A. MCWAYNE, 1'liysieiau nnd Suigcou, Oiuce and icslduicc ill Alakea btreet. Ullli.o hum.-,- , 0 to ll ii.iu, 0 to 8 p.m. (51 l DR. C. L. WOOD, (la.e ol C.tiilo iiiu;, Vcicrlnury Sur;oou, 121 King Mteet; Olllce hours, a to' 10 a. iiJl M . ami 2 to 4 I'M. ly 1) B. EMKBSON, & SUHGEON. Residence and Office, 196 Fort St i a to ioa.m., OtFlCK HoUltS-- j 1 to a I'.M,, ( 7 to 8 Evening. Teleihoue (Utll and Mutual;, No. 14. 177 tf JAMES liKODIE. Veterinary Surgeon. OFFICE uud residence, 100 King ht., Kawaialiao Church. Mu- tual Telephone, U51. Olllce hours tioui 7 to U a. it., uud 1 to 2 i . it. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables will be prompt- ly attended to. P. O. Hox bO. 8411 tf Mercantile. CHB. GEBTZ, U No. bO Fort street, Ilonolul.fC" Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes uud slippers. Ii. I.eweis, F. .1. 1.ouiuy, C. 31. Cooke. Lewebs Si Cooke, to Lowers & Dickson,) Importers uud Dealers in Lumber und all kinds ot Uuildlng Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 IIOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND 11ETA1L, 100 Fo t Stieet, Willlain'a Ulock, Hono-U1- lulu, 11. I. J. ftfi.OATJr. &,Co. Dealers in all kinds of XA.rX'I01V131t,V, Tho Latest Foreign Papers always on hand at the Gazette JJfock, Merchant Mti eel ' GUT Tho English Admiralty Charts al.wiys on hand. 1 by Will. McCANUIjKSM, No. 0 Queen street, Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Itccr, Veal, Mutton, FIhii, Ac, Jtr. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Llvo stock furnished to vessels ut Hhivt notice, and Vegetables of nil kinds supplied to order. 34U ly ALWAYS TO THE FRONT 1 TI-IJ- E Popular SVliSIinery House, 101 Fort Street, : : : Honolulu. 1. S!$. 85a.clis, JProprietoi, Just Opened, an entire new line of Dress Goods at exceedingly low prices. Novelty Wash Dress Material (fancy figured) nt 25c a yard. Light nnd dark striped Canvas Cloth (something new) " 20c n yard. Fine Printed Victoria Lawns " 20c a yard. Fine white Victoria Lawns nt SI 90 per piece. Fine white Nansooks at 20u and 25c a yard. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Wool and Wool Mixed Dress Goods, Solid Colors, and Fancy Plaid Dress Material, at 25c and 35c a yard, Cashmeres (all wool double width) In all colors, Nun's Veilings in Cream, Black and colors, Laces and Trimmings to mutch. TUe Millinery DDepixrtmeiit. BSy This branch we give our special attention to, and lead in styles and pi ices, we arc now showing the latest styles of Ladies and Children's Hats, Trimmed and TJntrimmed. A .special lot of Children's trimmed bchool Hats, best value ever offered, at 81. UNION FEED Hay, Grain and Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets JCclephoiie 1 75. Inland orders ollrltiiit. nud goodM delivered promptly. II. M. UKNBON, BENSON, SMITH & CO.. k Dispsii 113 & 116 FOBT BTKEET, HONOLULU, Depot for Boericko & Schrcck's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Hetpjisiles, The Common Sense Nursing Uottles, And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. Wolfe & Company, Grocery and feed Store, 07 and UU Hotel street, Fresh Groceries und Provisions received by every Steamer. P. O. Uox 11)0, licit Telephone No. 319, Mutual Telephone No. 191. rUl Uin roplitan Me l? KING STHEET, O. J. WAIiLER, Proprietor. Choicest Meats from Finest Herds. Families and Shipping SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE and nt tho LovcHt IMuvlteL Prlocis. All meats delivered from this Mnrket nre thoroughly chilled immediately after killing by meuns of u Pa- tent Dry Air Itefrigerator. Meat so treated retains all its juicy piopertles, uud is GuAitANTiiKUTO Ki:i:i' Loxonii Anna 1)i:livi:icvtiiax Fjti:siu.Y-Kii.i-kdMk- at. 7 ly J. W. HRNCLEY, Cigar Manufacturer, Formerly of the Pioneer Oigar Fac tory, has moved into tho front part of thu Crystal Soda Works, where ho is prepared to (ill nil orders at the lowest wholesale pi lues. t3! bland nrd ra solicited and promptly tilled. inn ly COfiPANY. Chicken Feed. U. W. SMITH, S. M. CARTER, Wood anil C'oul 5IiTcliuiit, No. 82 King Street. Telephone Number, in both Companies, la". Wood and Coal Orders are heieby solicited, and will he delivered ui any locality within the city limits. Departure Bay Coal, Newoastle Coal and Charcoal. Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split, always on hand, and sold In K(4 quantities to suit. tf LAINE & CO. Have u Largo Stock of the VEEY BEST HAY. Grrnln, JUtc, Which is offered ut Lowest Market Prices AND Dolivorcd Free to any part of tho City AGENTS KOlt THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. OP CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. Commissioner of Deeds for California Telephone No. 147. 700 LIME ! LIIE ! Patronize Home Manufacture The Hawaiian Stone Comp'y Are now prepared to furnish fresh Lime in quantities to suit purcha i'iB, ami satisfaction warranted as to bolh the kind uud the price. ALLEN & ROBINGON, 08 ly Aucnih THE FISHER CIDER COMPANY factory, 1:1 Liliha street. A HE now pieparid to ruinish this eh 1)1' Hi (I Champagne Cider at hil iiotku, und in ipiautltict to suit. AM oiders will meet piouipt attention tiy addicting 'lite Fi-lt- er Cider Co. M I' DON ELL, Manager. Mutual Tlii oik- - UK 1HII 1 Mechanical. IMIOWN & PHILLIPS, l- - 1'r.irtlcnl I'liiiniiets, Gas Fitters uti Copper-htnitl- i. o. 71 King direct. ILinoltllu. ii;'" 11 iu-- u and Ship Job Mtk promptly executed. 10'2 Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y 'J'JSund WUFoit Street, Honolulu, .... Hiwaiianls. W II- - I'At.E. Ptopihtor tVfi Honolulu Iron Works, MriiitaaiSleiiin engines, sttgai mills, boil-er- eoolcis, iron, httws uud lead cut-ings- ; machinery ol every dc:criplioii matte to older. Particular attention paltl to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 R. MORE & Co., Ship's Blacksmith & General Machinist. Crf All work Promptly nnd neatly Per-fori- d. 2Q.)';i in J A. Mckenzie, PRACTICAL PLUMHEH ami Uai Fitter. All ordeis for House or Ship work promptly executed. C2T Shop ncM to Post Olllcc, Bethel Street. P. O. Hot 11.0. Utll Trie, phone '121. lot ly KO. C. STKATJttlKYEK, AUTISTIC SIGNS A SPECIALTY. 84 King Street, Honolulu. 175 P. O. Uox alp. Jy LUCAS, Contractor uml Iiulltlcr,' Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla nude, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Fiames, Ulinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work ilnMi. Turning, Scioll and Hand Sawin;;. All li'iiiK ol hawing and Morticing and Tenanting. Onler.s promptly at'uittletl to and work guaranteed. Ortler.i (lout ihu oilier nolicltetl N. F. BURGESS, 81 King Mrccl, : : Honolulu. Carpenter uud Itullilcr. IIiiskuko nnd aaiit'riil i;.iithm. Drnylug and steiiinti Freight carefully handled. Carriage palming iIkiiu by u llrst-clns- s uoikmiiii ut 7S King Jobhing in uiiovo Uin- -. utleniled to wlih piou pi m--- i, und chuiges at cording lo the amiiui.l auti tpitilliy ol work. Olllce 'I eli phone, U "J. JtvauUncu, 1W. 1 ly Tclcplllnic 55. NTERPRIS PLANING MILL. Alakea, near ;iiveii St, C.J IIaiidui:, Pioprlctor. Contracting & Building Mouldinys and F ntsh always on hand. tSf Orders promptl) alieiitled to. "XS Foit nam: Hard and Soil Stove Wood, 0:!4 Cut ami Spill ly Thos. Lindsay, MAKUFACTUBING JEWELER. 108 No. CO Nuunnu Street. ly PIOIVI312H. STEAM CANDY FACTORY ANJ) U.VJCJ3ltV. V. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and linker. 71 Hotel St. 'X&ttzr Telephone 71 ALV1N U. IIASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPEK-KULE- nnd ULANK-UOO- K Maniifiicitirur. Hook Binding of all tlescilpiiou ueatlv anil promptly executed. Gnette Iliillding . . Meichant street 7W ly E. R. RYAN, I tout J tit 11 (lor. Boats Built nnd Repaired to Order. All KisidH of CConi .ISnioriiil. Tiinbi'K-- , Iviif-s- , Sien 8, KecK Also, 1 Decked Stitf II ..it, 1 La i go Twelw-To- n sjiow, I r.nii Ouiil Iticn lloal,2Siiiul Hiill-- , 1 'IweheToti Sloop in pufcct iiidir with h il", iimtliuis uud chiiiiN iiiup etc. I ot ii. chfiip lor ciii-h- , h'llaiicti nine,, lloi.olulu. 10.1.) ly Builder. Olllce, corner Alakea nnd Queen stret mutuaIjtkm i'iiuni:, :i-- :iU P.O. Uoxin. ntt Contractor and ltuilder. Sores anil oflkes llltetl up, Estimate-give- on all kinds of lirick and woo ci Ijtiildlng?, I'lnn ami Spicitlcations fin nlshcd t3f Olllce, 111) lleretatiia M Mutual Telephone, tia'2; Pojloitlcc B UK). A 2 ly Rhoads & Greene, House Builders and Architects. Plans Specifications nud detailed limit ing furnished lor all Units oi wood n brick buildings, and giu-- i for the same. All Jobbing promptly at- tended lo ami charges moderate Anj of the above work entrusted to our eaic. will receive our peri-onti- l attention. Orders fiom tint other islands solicited. Office and Shop, 88 Queen St. TEl.Kl'IIO.SK IM8. Honolulu, May 7, I860. 323 ly WOIVO BCX3X, Contractor, t'urpeiiler A Builder, Houses nnd Furniture Repaired, thu Best of Workmanship, JLuboi-- , !$ per Xuy. Work Shop, 70 Maunakeii St. cn:i tim WILLIAM MILLER Cab inetmaker Ami Upholsterer, No. CU Hotel street Opposite International Hotel, Canes and 7alking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices, Cut tain Poles, &c.' made ot the latest designs. WENNER & CO. ainnurartui-lii- JowrllrrH, NO. 1)3 H'.ntJe3Ji'i Constantly on hand u largo assoriment of every descriptlnii of Jewelry, Waicheh, Gold and Siler Plated Ware, kc. 1158 ly ALEX. FL0HR, Practical Gun M and Lock Smith, Bethel St., next to Posl-Olllc- e. Sewing Machines of all.kinds repaired. All kinds of Light Machinery ropaired on Short Notice. N.B Good Workniiuship and Chuigc- - Strictly Moderate. P.O. Box till). 124 Bell Telephone 124 h Miscellaneous. TO THE PUBLIC. We Pacific Transfer Go. Ofllrc with C. K. Miller, l Murchtiut Street, Bell Tel., 377, Mutual Tel., 391. I am fully prepared lo do all kinds of dravage, hauling or moving work, all of which I will guarantee to execute faith fully. fi'2 ly S. F. GRAHAM. Prop'r. VOLCANO ROUTE. ffiers Mil Co. Commencing on Monday, October 12th, and thence on the llrst Monday following the arrival of the Alameda and Mariposa on the 8th uml Ulhid of each month. The stenmer Kinaii will mnko thu Volcano Trip, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morning, giving Tourists two days and two nights at the Volcano House. When the 8th ami S'ind of the month fall on Monday, the Kiliutl will leave thai day, ST Tickets lor tho Round Trip. $50, which pays all Charges." ThcKinau will arrive in Honolulu Sunday mornings on Volcano Trips On llllo Trip.1', will leave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morn, tugs. WILDEK'S STMSHl'P CO. Honolulu, Sept II, 18H,r,, 121 if TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERfc J'rjlp-jj- w T. W. HAW Lifts. I'fflj Soap Manufacturer. Thu highest ' ash value fur any quan- tity of Tallow. Honolulu !S i'iA' (iil.K, I.elco Utll 'Iclepliuiirvi- - I'lijoit 37 liiauraitcc. WHY THE Equitable Life Assurance Society if tin- - Uniicd Stnt"! 's ilia Bift com piny with whlt'i tn An tue. . . I. Because of its Safely. Iti .iirplu-- t l larger lli.ni :hat of any other :ui.iiiLt! eoinp.iny. II. Because of its Promptness. Of I.OCl de.ilh chilnix ptld In IS 5, ne:in oiie-hal- f wen- - paid the tery day pioof- - wen- - wlilht of tht-i- e tn.ilniler, lltt- - mil. iltv wcu- - paltl w libit) uic loiinwiiig tniee u,i.. ,n other coinpuny can -- how -- ttehu iceoid. III. Becauso of its Liberality and Reforms. All policies are lxco.vn sT.xni.r. nfter three years. All Ineonli-tah- le policies are pajuble liiimt-ilititct- ilpmi lecelpt of proofs of death. Tin- - Soele.'s policy contiact Is clear bup e, nnd libeial In Its conditions. I - Tontine (or Seiul-T- i ml e) policy uffoitlsall tho ultimate licm-lli- s ot the full Tontine, uud has dining 1 uui-liu- r jear the Miricuder Mtliu- - ami oilier material advantages of uidluaiy life pollelei. IV. Profit. No other company Is m- - lug on lis policies, ur largo prollts a- - aiv shown uittlcr the Eiptitablu's iiftlilieil Toil iue policies witli llfteen-yea- i peilodr. Pur-ho- dchlng asuraiiee may oluuln etitnate.s of iho puibahlu lv.-iil-ls of similar polleic-- , und of policies with twenty-yea- r tonus, which uc to show ONt-i-i linger V. Prospective Advar.b fjes. The uiiL'xaiiiplLiI pti-gtes- s of the Eiptilable lit the pat Is Uic of ihu Inciciising Inline aluu of with tin- - l.ipilumle. Aets Liabilities, ;,;,.,, , i y.;); Sl.lpltts, 81.sfcU2,a.:i.i:i Surplus on thu New Yoik hluiidaiil, 3I7,I9.-.,:12:H- 0 New in ltfe5,.. ?tt;,uil,b;ti.iJ0 a linger ss than ili.il of any other COItlp.ltlV. TS$, B7.awflJ lotiti raid I'olicv- - I holtlei.s In lb.'i. 7,l:tb,0ti0.U.r Paid Polle.M.ohlci-- ( Mi.cu Organization ) 6s,.Il,lu.liJ Iiicomu in leb.i, Iti,fi!)0,0ja.l3 Improvement During tiie Year. Inuioa-- e lit Pieiiilum in- - eunie 81 ,i:i0,:H0.OO Ilicicasc in hinp tt a,.l"6,ii2L'.oa in lh h,.IUl,4til,-ji- ; Imii mil p.u ilcii.nl- - a, pl In ALEX. . I.C.i lw BIGHT, No. J. Ivaai.tiui.iiiti St., General Agent fot the Hawaiian ll.iuds. 'j,, CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo& Marino Insur'ce Ajjonls. AUI.N1 lull Tlu - :iiKtn:nl MUTUAL Lift !Nb. COIVIP'Y, Ol III II. The JEtna Pile Insurance Co. l limit, d. Uoii'i. The Ui..u.. i iic- - unit Marine Insurance Co. 01 (San r tuiel-i.- ., Cala. till o Prussian National Insurance Comp'y KSTAllI.IBltl:U 1. ! Capital 9,000,000 heictitmaikk rpilL undcrsigneil, having hieu .ip --1. pointed ugem of tliL-iihu- Loiii tin for the Hawaiian Islanu, ir iipumi to accept risks, against Eire, on Buihiings, Purmtuie.Mtrchnnillse, Pit.unui,&ui.ur Millsctc, onihe inosi Ki.vi.H.. i, 'i ... Losses Promptly Adjustod ana Pajalde In Honolulu. H. BIEMEN&t IIM.IDEH, CTOly .,, ,, u u..s. The i:iuitallt Li IV ArMtruuc Sot-iet- of tlu- - l.i.iietl State.-.- . i:ktaiii.ihiii:i is insu. Pollcle. on Mu- iiioi ii provnl phni-.v- i. -- Ordiuarv I.lfc.l.lfo Limit, ed Payment.-- , I'hiiiowmciiis; Tontine Snvliii,. Toutiuo, beiui.Toiililie; A. 11. C. Tontine-- ; Life und Mn Ivor-shi-p A iiutiiiics; Children's Endowments, Joint Life KUks, Partnership Insurance, etc., etc., etc. Policies both Incontestable and Nun forfeitable. fiuitcMcd claims, none Bcloro Insuring elsewhere, cull nnd ,'ct an ll l iicd that I'Vi-r- rensciunblu of the Insined is eiihodied in onu or more of Hie plaix. '' r 'nil puriluulnrn u id pinnphletfl, apply to .vi.r.x. j. 'aiiimv::kjiit, UliiciuI Agiitl li'i ll.ivvuliau lalands. CO h V - V- - i ' 4tt.,n, n. LirJ,. i ;i ., . .'i. i

iii iiMMMMt....'FKtcn: Old t apiiol Uuildlng, adjoin. ingOuiciul Poii-Ouic-UJ C. SMITH, Attorney at Law and Anetit to take Ackuowleiigmeuts. No. U Kunhu. mauu Ui ct. lOJ Uin JALFBED

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Page 1: iii iiMMMMt....'FKtcn: Old t apiiol Uuildlng, adjoin. ingOuiciul Poii-Ouic-UJ C. SMITH, Attorney at Law and Anetit to take Ackuowleiigmeuts. No. U Kunhu. mauu Ui ct. lOJ Uin JALFBED



,(. - r













iii in m ii iiMMMMt MMBBMMMBTlWM'''MriTnr TJlLWIWt VjK?i

.'" ft '

Vol. IX. Xo. 1330. HONOLULU, II. I., MONDAY EVENING, WAY 2d, lt:6. 70 0ENT88U0B0RIPTION



lii printed nud published ntthe olllce,Queen Street, Honolulu, II. 1., ovcr.v

alturunnn (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 75 cents pet Month.

Address id) Commuiilc.itiMij D.utAUuM.m.v.

Advertisements, tc ciuinc insertion,should be handed in before one o'clockV. M.

Daniel Logan Managing EditorNorman Logan Assoclute Editor nud Ac- -

couutiiut.W. A. S. Boals Collector nnd Shipping


Bulletin. Steam Printing Office.

NowBpnpcr, Hook and Job Printing oftill kinds donu on the most favoiabloterms.

JAS. G. CLEVIOR, Manager.

Bell Teleplione No. 2.10

Mutual Telephone No. 5JB0

Commission Mnjcuants.

T. WATERHOUSE,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

Clam Sprocket. Wm. O. Irwin.

T a. Irwin & Company,VY Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

WILDER Si CO.,Dealers In Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt ami Building Materialsof every kind, cor. i'ort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

a. N. Castle. J. U. Athorton.

Castle u. Cooke,Shipping nnd Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. BO King at.,Honolulu. 1

Gronsalves .&; Oo.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

28'J Beaver Block, Honolulu.

MS. GRINBAUM St CO.,Importers of Ueuerut Mer- -

clnuidlHe aiid Commission Merchants,Honolulu, ami

1:24 Cttllfotulu street,1 Ciuii Francisco, Cai.

J LYONS,Auctioneer and General

Commission Merchant,Masonic Block, Queen st., Honolulu.

Sales ot Furnliuic, Stock, Heal Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-tended to.

Sole Agent for American and Euro-pean merchandise. 318

0 BREWER(LniuiuUj



CojiAllaslUM AUK.S'la

Mar otr owiuuus:P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .Piesidout As MuuugeiJ. 0. Cautkh Treasurer ii secretin

uinix'ious:lion. 0. H. Uisiior. Hon. U. A. P. Cautkh


Geo. W. Macfarlanc. H. It. Macfarlanc.



Suffar Factors,Firo-Proo- f Jiuilding, 62 Queen street,

Honolulu. U. I.AGENTS tor

The Wuikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Heeia Sugar Plantation, Oaliu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Iluelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Hauch Co., Hawaii,T. Fowler As Co. Steam Plow and L

alilo Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlccs, Watson A; Go's Sugar Machin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow uud Honolulu Lino of Pac..'i



21 MUKCHANT StUKKT.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Iusurauco Company,

Tho City of Loudon Firo In. Co(limit'd

South British and National Fire A; Ma.rinc Insurance Co.

Mncncnlc As Urban Safes,

Tho Celobrated Sprlnglleld Gas MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance A; Co.

The Harlfoid Fire Insurance Co.

The Commercial Flro As Marino Iiibtir-auc- u


Beaver LThe Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours

Tho Inott liiaud oi

Cigars & 1 obacconlwayH on lund.

II. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.



ASdrORD & ASHFUHD,Law, Cliuiu'i'i'.v, Cniivi'.vaiiclii,

Ailiiilialty. Uuiikruptry, 1'iobale,lUc. i.tc, l.te.

.'FKtcn: Old t apiiol Uuildlng, adjoin.ingOuiciul Poii-Ouic- UJ

C. SMITH,Attorney at Law and Anetit to

take Ackuowleiigmeuts. No. U Kunhu.mauu Ui ct. lOJ Uin


173 42 Meichaut stieet. Honolulu, ly

JOHN A. HASSINOEB,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contiacts for Labor. Interior Jfllco,Houolnin.

Ii IOHAKD P. BICKEBTON,XI) Attorney and Couuxelior at Law.Money to lend on .Mortgages of Free,holds. Olliee, Police Court Uuildlng,Meichant st. 1

BBOWN,Altoiuer and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public, and Agent for Hiking Acknowledgmeuts of Instruments for theisland ol Oahu. Meichant street, Hono-lulu, l

AT THOMPSON,111. ATTORNEY AT LAW,and Solicitor in Chancery. OlllccCampbell's Block, Second Story, Hoomsa and U. Kmraiice on Meichaut street,Honolulu, H. I. 'Jdltf

WILLIAM AULD,10 take Acknowledgments

to Contracts tor Labor for the Districtof Konu, Island oi Oahu, at the olllce oltho Honolulu Water Woiks, foot otNuuami street. Wo


and Notary Public. Keal Estate in anypail ot the Kingdom bought, &uld andleased, on commission. Loans ucgotihted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 2?.Merchant St. (Gazette Ulock;, Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 1U(

w. O AKANA,Chinese and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 7 King btreet, near tho Uridgc.

Translations of cither of tho ubovtlanguages made with uccuracy and diapatch, uud on reasonable terms. SOU


Olllce, tlrst door west ot Library Uuild-lng. Hours, from D to 11 a m., and 2 to 4and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m.

tSf ltesiuence, No. 40 Alakea, nearHotel Stieet.

DB. A. MCWAYNE,1'liysieiau nnd Suigcou,

Oiuce and icslduicc ill Alakea btreet.Ullli.o hum.-,-, 0 to ll ii.iu, 0 to 8 p.m.

(51 l

DR. C. L. WOOD,(la.e ol C.tiilo iiiu;,

Vcicrlnury Sur;oou,121 King Mteet; Olllce hours, a to' 10 a.iiJl M . ami 2 to 4 I'M. ly


Residence and Office, 196 Fort Sti a to ioa.m.,

OtFlCK HoUltS-- j 1 to a I'.M,,( 7 to 8 Evening.

Teleihoue (Utll and Mutual;, No. 14.177 tf

JAMES liKODIE.Veterinary Surgeon.OFFICE uud residence, 100 King ht.,

Kawaialiao Church. Mu-

tual Telephone, U51. Olllce hours tioui7 to U a. it., uud 1 to 2 i . it. Orders leftat the Pantheon Stables will be prompt-ly attended to.

P. O. Hox bO. 8411 tf


CHB. GEBTZ, UNo. bO Fort street, Ilonolul.fC"

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots, shoes uud slippers.

Ii. I.eweis, F. .1. 1.ouiuy, C. 31. Cooke.

Lewebs Si Cooke,to Lowers & Dickson,)

Importers uud Dealers in Lumber und allkinds ot Uuildlng Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND 11ETA1L,

100 Fo t Stieet, Willlain'a Ulock, Hono-U1-

lulu, 11. I.

J. ftfi.OATJr. &,Co.Dealers in all kinds ofXA.rX'I01V131t,V,

Tho Latest Foreign Papers always onhand at the Gazette JJfock, MerchantMti eel '

GUT Tho English Admiralty Chartsal.wiys on hand. 1 by

Will. McCANUIjKSM,No. 0 Queen street, Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestItccr, Veal, Mutton, FIhii, Ac, Jtr.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Llvo stock furnished tovessels ut Hhivt notice, and Vegetablesof nil kinds supplied to order. 34U ly



Popular SVliSIinery House,101 Fort Street, : : : Honolulu.

1. S!$. 85a.clis, JProprietoi,Just Opened, an entire new line of Dress Goods at

exceedingly low prices.Novelty Wash Dress Material (fancy figured) nt 25c a yard.Light nnd dark striped Canvas Cloth (something

new) " 20c n yard.Fine Printed Victoria Lawns " 20c a yard.Fine white Victoria Lawns nt SI 90 per piece.Fine white Nansooks at 20u and 25c a yard.


Wool and Wool Mixed Dress Goods,Solid Colors, and Fancy Plaid Dress Material, at 25c and 35c a yard,

Cashmeres (all wool double width) In all colors,Nun's Veilings in Cream, Black and colors,

Laces and Trimmings to mutch.

TUe Millinery DDepixrtmeiit.BSy This branch we give our special attention to, and lead in styles and

pi ices, we arc now showing the latest styles of

Ladies and Children's Hats, Trimmed and TJntrimmed.A .special lot of Children's trimmed bchool Hats, best

value ever offered, at 81.


Hay, Grain and

Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsJCclephoiie 1 75.

Inland orders ollrltiiit. nud goodM delivered promptly.


BENSON, SMITH & CO..k Dispsii


Depot for Boericko & Schrcck's

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Hetpjisiles, The Common Sense Nursing Uottles,

And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and feed Store,

07 and UU Hotel street,Fresh Groceries und Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. O. Uox 11)0, licit Telephone No.

319, Mutual Telephone No. 191.rUl Uin

roplitan Me l?


O. J. WAIiLER, Proprietor.Choicest Meats from Finest Herds.

Families and Shipping


and nt tho

LovcHt IMuvlteL Prlocis.

All meats delivered from this Mnrketnre thoroughly chilled immediately afterkilling by meuns of u Pa-tent Dry Air Itefrigerator. Meat sotreated retains all its juicy piopertles,uud is GuAitANTiiKUTO Ki:i:i' LoxoniiAnna 1)i:livi:icvtiiax Fjti:siu.Y-Kii.i-kdMk- at.

7 ly


Cigar Manufacturer,

Formerly of the Pioneer Oigar Factory, has moved into tho front part ofthu Crystal Soda Works, where ho isprepared to (ill nil orders at the lowestwholesale pi lues.

t3! bland nrd ra solicited andpromptly tilled. inn ly


Chicken Feed.


S. M. CARTER,Wood anil C'oul 5IiTcliuiit,

No. 82 King Street. TelephoneNumber, in both Companies, la".

Wood and Coal Orders are heiebysolicited, and will he delivered ui anylocality within the city limits.

Departure Bay Coal, NewoastleCoal and Charcoal.

Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed and Split,always on hand, and sold In

K(4 quantities to suit. tf

LAINE & CO.Have u Largo Stock of the


Which is offered ut Lowest Market PricesAND

Dolivorcd Free to any part of tho City

AGENTS KOlt THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

Commissioner of Deeds for CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700


Patronize Home Manufacture

The Hawaiian Stone Comp'y

Are now prepared to furnish fresh Limein quantities to suit purcha i'iB, amisatisfaction warranted as to bolh thekind uud the price.

ALLEN & ROBINGON,08 ly Aucnih

THE FISHER CIDER COMPANYfactory, 1:1 Liliha street.

AHE now pieparid to ruinish thiseh 1)1' Hi (I Champagne Cider at

hil iiotku, und in ipiautltict to suit.AM oiders will meet piouipt attentiontiy addicting 'lite Fi-lt- er Cider Co.

M I' DON ELL, Manager.Mutual Tlii oik- - UK 1HII 1


IMIOWN & PHILLIPS,l- - 1'r.irtlcnl I'liiiniiets, Gas Fittersuti Copper-htnitl- i. o. 71 King direct.ILinoltllu. ii;'" 11 iu-- u and Ship Job

Mtk promptly executed. 10'2

Honolulu Carriage Manufact'y'J'JSund WUFoit Street,

Honolulu, .... Hiwaiianls.W II- - I'At.E. Ptopihtor

tVfi Honolulu Iron Works,MriiitaaiSleiiin engines, sttgai mills, boil-er-

eoolcis, iron, httws uud lead cut-ings- ;

machinery ol every dc:criplioiimatte to older. Particular attention paltlto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1

R. MORE & Co.,Ship's Blacksmith & General Machinist.

Crf All work Promptly nnd neatly Per-fori-

d. 2Q.)';i in


ami Uai Fitter.

All ordeis for House or Ship workpromptly executed.

C2T Shop ncM to Post Olllcc, BethelStreet. P. O. Hot 11.0. Utll Trie,phone '121. lot ly


84 King Street, Honolulu.

175 P. O. Uox alp. Jy


uml Iiulltlcr,'Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla

nude, Honolulu.Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Fiames, Ulinds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work ilnMi. Turning, Scioll and HandSawin;;. All li'iiiK ol hawing and

Morticing and Tenanting.Onler.s promptly at'uittletl to and work

guaranteed. Ortler.i (lout ihu oiliernolicltetl

N. F. BURGESS,81 King Mrccl, : : Honolulu.

Carpenter uud Itullilcr. IIiiskuko nndaaiit'riil i;.iithm.

Drnylug and steiiinti Freight carefullyhandled.

Carriage palming iIkiiu by u llrst-clns- s

uoikmiiii ut 7S KingJobhing in uiiovo Uin- -. utleniled to wlihpiou pi m--- i, und chuiges at cording lo

the amiiui.l auti tpitilliy ol work.Olllce 'I eli phone, U "J. JtvauUncu, 1W.

1 ly

Tclcplllnic 55.


Alakea, near ;iiveii St,

C.J IIaiidui:, Pioprlctor.

Contracting & BuildingMouldinys and F ntsh always on hand.

tSf Orders promptl) alieiitled to. "XS

Foit nam:Hard and Soil Stove Wood,

0:!4 Cut ami Spill ly


108 No. CO Nuunnu Street. ly



ANJ) U.VJCJ3ltV.V. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and linker.71 Hotel St. 'X&ttzr Telephone 71

ALV1N U. IIASEMANN,Book-Bind- er


Maniifiicitirur.Hook Binding of all tlescilpiiou ueatlv

anil promptly executed.Gnette Iliillding . . Meichant street

7W ly

E. R. RYAN,I tout J tit 11 (lor.

Boats Built nnd Repaired to Order.

All KisidH of CConi .ISnioriiil.Tiinbi'K-- , Iviif-s- , Sien 8, KecK Also, 1

Decked Stitf II ..it, 1 La i go Twelw-To- nsjiow, I r.nii Ouiil Iticn lloal,2SiiiulHiill-- , 1 'IweheToti Sloop in pufcctiiidir with h il", iimtliuis uud chiiiiN

iiiup etc. I ot ii. chfiip lor ciii-h- ,

h'llaiicti nine,, lloi.olulu. 10.1.) ly

Builder.Olllce, corner Alakea nnd Queen stret

mutuaIjtkm i'iiuni:, :i--

:iU P.O. Uoxin. ntt

Contractor and ltuilder.Sores anil oflkes llltetl up, Estimate-give-

on all kinds of lirick and woo ciIjtiildlng?, I'lnn ami Spicitlcations finnlshcd t3f Olllce, 111) lleretatiia MMutual Telephone, tia'2; Pojloitlcc BUK). A 2 ly

Rhoads & Greene,House Builders and Architects.

Plans Specifications nud detailed limiting furnished lor all Units oi wood nbrick buildings, and giu--i

for the same. All Jobbing promptly at-

tended lo ami charges moderate Anjof the above work entrusted to our eaic.will receive our peri-onti- l attention.Orders fiom tint other islands solicited.

Office and Shop, 88 Queen St.TEl.Kl'IIO.SK IM8.

Honolulu, May 7, I860. 323 ly

WOIVO BCX3X,Contractor, t'urpeiiler A Builder,

Houses nnd Furniture Repaired,thu Best of Workmanship,

JLuboi-- , !$ per Xuy.Work Shop, 70 Maunakeii St.

cn:i tim


Cab inetmaker

Ami Upholsterer,No. CU Hotel street

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and 7alking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices, Cut tain Poles, &c.'

made ot the latest designs.

WENNER & CO.ainnurartui-lii- JowrllrrH,

NO. 1)3 H'.ntJe3Ji'iConstantly on hand u largo assoriment

of every descriptlnii of Jewelry, Waicheh,Gold and Siler Plated Ware, kc.

1158 ly

ALEX. FL0HR,Practical GunM and Lock Smith,

Bethel St., next to Posl-Olllc- e.

Sewing Machines of all.kinds repaired.

All kinds of Light Machinery ropairedon Short Notice.

N.B Good Workniiuship and Chuigc- -

Strictly Moderate. P.O. Box till).124 Bell Telephone 124 h



We Pacific Transfer Go.

Ofllrc with C. K. Miller,l Murchtiut Street,

Bell Tel., 377, Mutual Tel., 391.

I am fully prepared lo do all kinds ofdravage, hauling or moving work, all ofwhich I will guarantee to execute faithfully.

fi'2 ly S. F. GRAHAM. Prop'r.


ffiers Mil Co.

Commencing on Monday, October12th, and thence on the llrst Mondayfollowing the arrival of the Alamedaand Mariposa on the 8th uml Ulhid ofeach month.

The stenmer Kinaii will mnko thuVolcano Trip, reaching Keauhou onWednesday morning, giving Touriststwo days and two nights at the VolcanoHouse.

When the 8th ami S'ind of the monthfall on Monday, the Kiliutl will leavethai day,

ST Tickets lor tho Round Trip. $50, whichpays all Charges."

ThcKinau will arrive in HonoluluSunday mornings on Volcano Trips Onllllo Trip.1', will leave Honolulu onTuesdays, and return Saturday morn,tugs. WILDEK'S STMSHl'P CO.

Honolulu, Sept II, 18H,r,, 121 if

TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERfcJ'rjlp-jj-w T. W. HAW Lifts.I'fflj Soap Manufacturer.Thu highest ' ash value fur any quan-

tity of Tallow.Honolulu !S i'iA' (iil.K, I.elco

Utll 'Iclepliuiirvi- - I'lijoit37



Equitable LifeAssurance Society

if tin- - Uniicd Stnt"! 's ilia Bift compiny with whlt'i tn An tue.

. .

I. Because of its Safely.

Iti .iirplu-- t l larger lli.ni :hat of anyother :ui.iiiLt! eoinp.iny.

II. Because of its Promptness.

Of I.OCl de.ilh chilnix ptld In IS 5,ne:in oiie-hal- f wen- - paid the tery daypioof- - wen- - wlilht of tht-i- e

tn.ilniler, lltt- - mil. iltv wcu- - paltl w libit)uic loiinwiiig tniee u,i.. ,n othercoinpuny can -- how -- ttehu iceoid.

III. Becauso of its Liberality andReforms.

All policies are lxco.vn sT.xni.r. nfterthree years. All Ineonli-tah- le policiesare pajuble liiimt-ilititct- ilpmi lecelptof proofs of death. Tin- - Soele.'spolicy contiact Is clear bup e, nndlibeial In Its conditions. I -

Tontine (or Seiul-T- i ml e) policyuffoitlsall tho ultimate licm-lli- s ot thefull Tontine, uud has dining 1 uui-liu- r

jear the Miricuder Mtliu- - ami oiliermaterial advantages of uidluaiy lifepollelei.

IV. Profit.

No other company Is m- - lug on lispolicies, ur largo prollts a- - aiv shownuittlcr the Eiptitablu's iiftlilieil Toil iuepolicies witli llfteen-yea- i peilodr. Pur-ho-

dchlng asuraiiee may oluulnetitnate.s of iho puibahlu lv.-iil-ls ofsimilar polleic-- , und of policies withtwenty-yea- r tonus, which u cto show ONt-i-i linger

V. Prospective Advar.b fjes.The uiiL'xaiiiplLiI pti-gtes- s of the

Eiptilable lit the pat Is Uicof ihu Inciciising Inline aluu of

with tin- - l.ipilumle.AetsLiabilities, ;,;,.,, , i y.;);

Sl.lpltts, 81.sfcU2,a.:i.i:i

Surplus on thu New Yoikhluiidaiil, 3I7,I9.-.,:12:H-0

New in ltfe5,.. ?tt;,uil,b;ti.iJ0a linger ss than ili.il of any otherCOItlp.ltlV.

TS$, B7.awflJlotiti raid I'olicv- - I

holtlei.s In lb.'i. 7,l:tb,0ti0.U.rPaid Polle.M.ohlci-- (Mi.cu Organization ) 6s,.Il,lu.liJIiicomu in leb.i, Iti,fi!)0,0ja.l3

Improvement Duringtiie Year.

Inuioa-- e lit Pieiiilum in- -

eunie 81 ,i:i0,:H0.OOIlicicasc in hinp tt a,.l"6,ii2L'.oa

in lh h,.IUl,4til,-ji- ;

Imii mil p.u ilcii.nl- - a, pl InALEX. . I.C.i lw BIGHT,

No. J. Ivaai.tiui.iiiti St.,General Agent fot the Hawaiian ll.iuds.


CASTLE & COOKE,Life, Firo& Marino Insur'ce Ajjonls.

AUI.N1 lullTlu - :iiKtn:nl


The JEtna Pile Insurance Co.l limit, d. Uoii'i.

The Ui..u.. i iic-- unit

Marine Insurance Co.01 (San r tuiel-i.- ., Cala.

till o

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y

KSTAllI.IBltl:U 1. !

Capital 9,000,000 heictitmaikk

rpilL undcrsigneil, having hieu .ip--1. pointed ugem of tliL-iihu- Loiii tinfor the Hawaiian Islanu, ir iipumi toaccept risks, against Eire, on Buihiings,Purmtuie.Mtrchnnillse, Pit.unui,&ui.urMillsctc, onihe inosi Ki.vi.H.. i, 'i ...

Losses Promptly Adjustod ana Pajalde In

Honolulu.H. BIEMEN&t IIM.IDEH,

CTOly .,, ,, u u..s.

The i:iuitallt Li IV ArMtruucSot-iet- of tlu- - l.i.iietl


i:ktaiii.ihiii:i is insu.

Pollcle. on Mu- iiioi ii provnlphni-.v- i. -- Ordiuarv I.lfc.l.lfo Limit,

ed Payment.-- , I'hiiiowmciiis; TontineSnvliii,. Toutiuo, beiui.Toiililie;A. 11. C. Tontine-- ; Life und Mn Ivor-shi-p

A iiutiiiics; Children's Endowments,Joint Life KUks, Partnership Insurance,etc., etc., etc.

Policies both Incontestable and Nunforfeitable.

fiuitcMcd claims, noneBcloro Insuring elsewhere, cull nnd

,'ct anll l iicd that I'Vi-r- rensciunblu

of the Insined is eiihodied in onuor more of Hie plaix.

'' r 'nil puriluulnrn u id pinnphletfl,apply to

.vi.r.x. j. 'aiiimv::kjiit,UliiciuI Agiitl li'i ll.ivvuliau lalands.

CO h

V -V- -

i ' 4tt.,n, n. LirJ,. i ;i ., . .'i. i

Page 2: iii iiMMMMt....'FKtcn: Old t apiiol Uuildlng, adjoin. ingOuiciul Poii-Ouic-UJ C. SMITH, Attorney at Law and Anetit to take Ackuowleiigmeuts. No. U Kunhu. mauu Ui ct. lOJ Uin JALFBED





?' r


r- -' iiftt. -- -jlWPWipfiJiW'agS'WBlbllOl' & Co., UAMtKKB so

llonnluUi. If nvctlliiti --Ittliintte.

Draw Exchange on the

tfnnlc ol'C'alll'oriiln, S. IT.And their agents In


Mcairr. N. M. Rothelii1d A Son, LintdonThe Commercial Jlank (.0., of Sidney,

London,The Commcrclitl Bank Co., of Sydney,

Svdtiuy,The Bank of New Z"dand: Auckland.

ChrUteliuroli. and ellltijiti'n.The Ilniil: of British tVlutnlda, Vic

lorla, B. C, mid l'oitland, Or.AND

Triiuencl a General Kntiklnir BuMni'as.(Ullv

Pledgci to noHhcr Stct nor Vsrty.

But eitablislied for tho HatStof Ml.

MONDAY, MAY 24, 188G.


"As regards poi factories," theHoard of Health " favors their re-

moval from within the city limits',ami the establishment of a centralfactory at some health and desira-bl- u

location outride the limits, on asimilar plan to the laundries." andsuggests the makirn; of provision foreffecting this object. A portion ofthis idea that which relates to removal from city limits i not new,

neither docs the Hoard claim that it

is. but puts itelf on record as favor-

ing the measure, and we hail theannouncement with satisfaction.The subject was discussed by thispaper four years ago, and recentlyby our daily contemporaries. It is

one of those subjects on which therecan be no two opinions among thocnot interested in the poi business. Apoi factory, as ordinarily conductedby Chinamen, and of which there

are many within the city limits, is a

public nuisance. The taro kinsand the water in which the taro is

washed putrify. and emit a disagree-

able and pestilential odor which im-

pregnates the sin rounding atmos-

phere for a considerable distance.

To near neighbors it is a perpetual

discomfort and a menace to healthand life. Kvcn in passing streetswhere factories exist, their presence

can be detected by the olfactories

without the use of vision. They cer

tainly should be treated as common

nuisances, and as such excluded

from city limit- -. Public comfort

and public health demand it. Sum-

mary action, although justifiable on

the sound principle of " the gi cutest

good to the greatest number," would

undoubtedly entail a measure ofhardship on some poor and indus-

trious people. Hut this would bo

provided against by adopting theHoard's suggestion to establish " a

central factory at some healthy anddesirable location outside thu citylimits," where the present manufac-turers would have the option of

carrying on their business. Theabolition of wash houses in the cityand the establishment of a centrallaundry instead, were strongly ob-

jected to by interested parties; butthe new order had not been long in

operation when those very partiesdiscovered that their own interestshad been served by the change. No

doubt, a similar discovery would fol-

low the suggested change in legardto poi factories. It is hoped the

Legislature will take action in the

matter, and adopt tlio Hoard's


Fiiidav, May 21st.


On the committee of the wholeresuming at 1 :10,

Hep. Knulukou moved that thocommittee rise, report pi ogress andask leave to sit again. His reasonswere that tho steamer W. (1. Hallwas going away this afternoon, andit was necessary for the JudiciaryCommittee, deliberating 011 theNorth Kona election, to send neces- -

sary papers by that vessel. Carried.The Assembly accoulingly re- -

sumed, when the repoit of the com-

mittee of the whole was presentedand adopted. '

Hep. Kaunainano then stated thatit would be uecussary for the coin- -

niittcc to have the attendance ofcertain persons as witnesses. j

Minister Neumann said it wouldhe necessary for tho house to passa resolution for that uurpoie, andpresented tho following, which car- -

Wed, "Hesolved, that the Committeeon Judiciary be authorized to sendfor documents and subpicna wit- -

nesscs in the matter of Mr. J. K.Nnhnle, whoso election is con- -

tested."Hep. Aholo moved tho house

again go into committee of thowhole. Carried,sjiilnry of Dl-trl- cl Judge, Ilium.. $1,200

Hen. Hichardson moved to increase to $1,800. Ho said planta-tions lmd increased in the district,

-- im .

th t tho populntlon wns&i eatlynlluinented. A limn 011 Jft!nniutiou git- - () a month, uuiisuii-l- a S

judge should get more. isEep. l'licliauic tiioed the item

pass as In thu bill.Hep. Dole asked whctlirr the

member loi Wniluku considered thupnsent ii.cnmbuit a credit to hispOi-iiio- or not.

Hep. Hichardson did not know-tha- t

he was not. ,Hep. Dnle rcmaikcd that the

member had said a good judgecould not bo got for 51,200, andyet said that the judge receivingthat salaiy was a good one. liedenied the charge that had beenmade, that the Opposition weiefor aincreasing the salaries of white menand reducing those of natives, liehimself had voted to leduco thosalaries of white men and even in-

troduced resolutions to do awaywith some of them. The Ministryhad complained that the last Legis-lature had run away with the Appro-priation Bill.

Minister Neumann asked the lion,member where he got his informa-tion that the Ministers had com-plained that the last Legislatuie hadrun away with the AppropriationBill.

Hep. Dole said they had thestatements of the Government organand also the statement of his fiiendthe lion, member for Molokai thatthe Minister of Finance made thathis election campaign. They alsohud the statement of the Ministerof the Interior thu other day thatsome of the most important itemswcic left out of this bill to be putin by the Legislature. Before theygot through the Appropiiation Billwould amount to aboutNow, where was all that money tocome from? He believed in hand-ing down to their succossots eithera small debt or no debt at nil. Atthe theatre last night lie believedthat sonic of the native memberswere demoralized by seeing the pet-form- er

making money out of theair. If that was tho effect, of thejugglery on them, he hoped theywould not go to see Prof. Ander-o- n

again.Hep. Dickey told a story to illus-

trate the foil' of appropriating moremoney than the revenues of thecountry would alford.

Minister Neumann did not know-a- s

yet how he should vote, but be-

lieved he should follow the recom-mendation of the Chief Justice.But in the preachments that theyoccasionally got for retrenchmenthe found that the lion, member forLihue spoke sometimes of impres-sions, and, in that hcaich afterknowledge and truth which every-body had, he should like to ask thelinn, member what he meant as the"Government oignn." Was it aneditor, a lawyer or a legislator? lieasked if the house should hold theMinistry responsible for what ap-

pears in what the lion, membercalled the "Government organ," orin that newspaper which he (themember for Lihue) conducted.

Hep. Dole asked where the Attorney-G-

eneral got his "impression"that he was the conductor of a news-

paper..Minister JNctiinnnn said he re-

ceived it where the lion, membergot his impressions down on thostreet. When had the Cabinetmade use of the expression that theLegislature ol two years ago, ofwhich the lion, member's side wasthe strongest, had run away withthe Appropriation Bill? He wantedto know whether, in an argument inthis house, statements made in lastcampaign arc to bu attributed toother persons than those who hadmade them. Cabinet membei.s hadnever given utterance to anythingof tho sort. For the purpose ofholding tlicm responsible they shouldhave said something of the sort.The statement was of a piece withthe information scattered broadcastduring the campaign that the Min-

istry advocated a lottery schemeand a ten million dollar loan, inwhich there was not a particle oftruth, and which in political contio-vers- y

should not be allowed. Heliked the lion, member for Lihue forhis personal qualities, but wouldprotest against his bringing in slurson the Cabinet at times when it isnot appiopriatc. The speaker hadno doubt the lion, member wouldhelp his cause for the next twoyears by that course he lmd alreadyhelped it for the last two years.The result of his tactics had beensuch that in districts where his menhad been so good that they shouldnot have been beaten, they had allbeen beaten.

Hep. Thurston rose to a point ofonier, as His Excellency was notspeaking on tho subject before thehouse.

Minister Neumann I thought youwould, Mr. Chairman, 1 did notknow it was raining so lmrd that themember for Molokai should put uphis umbrella. (Laughter.) Ilow- -

ever, since the lion, member's feelings me so uncomfortable I willspare them.

Hep. Dole I feel somewhat at aloss to answer tho rciiiniks of IlisExcellency, but it is more than 1

can do to see the application. Asthe house has been indulgent to IlisExcellency in wandering, I shouldlike to have a similar Indulgence.It is' generally supposed that when amember of the Ministry makes pub-lic speeches on politics ho is repre-senting his associates. If the asso-ciate- u

of the Minister of Financeshould feel that hu was not repre-senting them, I think they have ex-

pressed themselves now sulllcientlyto show tjmt he was not. I hopo

the cniintiy will remember this andthat whin a member of the Cabinet

oaks it will be undeisti oil that hunot spei king for in ybody but hlni-- s

If. The speaker wmt on to denythat he was connected with anynewspaper, either in a llminiinl orliterary way, contiary to the repie-si'iiiatio- n

of a journal whose re-

porter sat in the house and enjoyedIts pilvileucs.

Hip. Knulukou said that it wasgenerally believed that the lastspeaker was the gnat-grandfath- er

of the J'hc Ainu.Hep. Dole did not know what the

uoii. member meant, hut be believedthat one member of the Cabinet was !

stockholder and occasional con- -.1trilmtor to the columns of a ceitainnewspaper.

Minister Gibson The concludingremai ks of the lion, member for Lihueclaim some alteration from me, inas-

much as he speaks of 0110 memberof the Cabinet holding stock in anewspaper and assisting in the edi-

torial department, t rise merely be-

cause wo arc discussing "impies-sions.- "

There are impressions thatthe Minister of Foreign Affairs is soengaged not only in holding stock,but in venturing editorial assistance.Now, I wish to say, for the inform-ation of the lion, member for Lihue,that I do not hold one dollar ofstock in any newspaper in this orany other country, and T do notventure any editorial assistance, be-cn-

I am fully aware that thenewspaper press of this city is con-

trolled by very capable men. Notin any way do I venture to directany editor in his work. I mightmeet nu editor in the lobby or onthe street, ami in conversation offerhim a suggestion, but as for forminghis opinion I do not have anythingto do in that direction.

Hep. Castle 1 met the Attorney-Gener- al

at the door this noon, andhe congratulated me 011 not havingopened my mouth, and I laughedand he laughed, but after his in-

vective this afternoon I am inclinedto think that he meant to be morethan jocular. It seems that hemeans that it is no Use for the Op- -

DOsition to say anything in thislioti-- e because the Ministry is in amajority. Without going into theline of discussion that the Attorney-Genera- l.

Minister of Foreign Af-fai- is

and member for Lihue in-

dulged inMinister Neumann That's not

right; I never indulge.Hep. Castle I know you never

indulge in argument. This countryis in such a position that if we voteall the money wanted for salarieswe soon shall not have enough topay even salaries. He proceeded todiscuss the chniges to be met fordebt and interest, while the taxeswould only yield 8700,000, and hewanted to know on what basis itwas estimated that the taxes wouldexceed those of last period. Everyparticle of real estate had decreasedin value, the prospects of a rise insugar were, according to competentauthority, remote, and he askedwhere uas the money coming fromto pay those increased appropria-tions." lie hoped the saying, "Afteru the deluge would never have anyweight with members of the house.AVhy should they not conduct thebusiness on the same basis as a manof business would conduct his af-

fairs? Did they now find the storekeeper, banker or planter at thistime of stringency increasing hisexpenses? Although he dilferedfrom the policy of the present Gov-ernment, he did not believe that ithad a desire to run the country todeath, and if so it should take thesame view of this matter as that sideof the house.

Hep. Knulukou agreed that theyought not to pay salaries with bor-low- ed

money. But he argued atlength that a groat deal of property,such as mortgages, bank ami 11- 1-

surancc stock, bank funds, etc.,was escaping due taxation. lie saidthe member for Wniluku (Mr.Castle) had acted as a dry nurse tothe present law at a former session,and he (the speaker) would haveopposed its enactment had he under-stood the matter then as ho did now.A great deal of money, say S100,-00- 0,

could be raised by licensingopium, although he thought it doubt-ful if the house would support ascheme of that nature. It was heldthat opium would destroy the people,but there were a great many otherthings destructive of the people,and opium came in largely in spiteof piohibition.

Noble Rhodes combated some ofthu previom speaker's argumentsabout taxation. He said that someof the species of pi operty describedwould be taxed over and over againin different forms in such a schemeas that advocated. If money wassquandered as fast as it was icceivedthe end would bu the bankruptcy ofthe country. It would 'bo a badprecedent to license the sale ofopium or anything that tho peopleconsidered wrong in order to getmoney. Unless bettor mom wereput in these olllces, the Increase ofsalaries would not creato a betterimpression, but with better men atinei eased pay tho confidence offoreign representatives would be en-

hanced.The item passed as in the bill.

Snlni) nf DiMi let Judge, Lanal... 6000

Hep, Kaiikau moved to amendto 8800. This was only the pay ofa plantation laborer, and tho judgohad to pay 11 month's saliuy to getover to Lanal.

Hep. Thur6ton said no fines weroreceived from Liinai.

Tho item passed as in bill.

Subtly of Dl-tifo- t Judge, Molo.k.it 01.200

Ills tutvcl 111: expend . CO

Sidais of DlMilci.Juduc. ) a.. ao ofSaliuy of Dlstilct Judge, W'l- -

aiuie 800Salary nt Dlstilet "Will- -

num. tooSal.ir. of Dlstiki ,1ml ljo, Kooliui-.- .

lull . SCO

All passed.Saliuy of District Judge, Koolnu- -

poke- - T $1,200Hep. Knulukou moved to inciease

to 82,000. Carried.Salary of BNtilut Judge. Ilnna- -

let $1,000Salary of Dlsti let Judge, Kawid

li 1,0001.200

Salary of District Justice. Koloa 1.000Sa,nr. of DUtrc, Justice, Wat- -

nmi t.cooSalary of Clerk, Second Judicial

Clicult. 000Snlarj of Cleik, Thlid Judicial

Circuit 1,000Salary of Clerk, I'oiirlh Judicial

Circuit 000Expenses of Snpieinu Court 1O.0U0

All passed.Expenses of Witnesses in Cilnil-1111- I

Casus !)2,500Expenses of Second Judicial

Circuit 2,800Expenses of Third Judicial Cir-

cuit :i,20oExpenses of Fourth Judicial f'lr-cu- lt


Minister Neumann moved to in- -

sort, instead of the foregoing fouritems, one item as follows:Expriws nf Circuit Courts and

Witnesses in CriminalCaH-- s 910,100

Carried.Puicliasc of Law Hooks....

Hep. Dole moved to amend to1,000, Carried.Stationery and Incidentals.... S3.000Passed.

Printing Hawaiian Reports.:. . . . 65,000Rep. Dole, accepting an amend-

ment offered by Hep. Kaulukou,moved to amend as follows :

Printing Hawaiian Reports InHawaiian and English, and .

translating 810,000

Carried.Compiling and Printing laws hi

Hawaiian SII.COO

Minister Neumann moved to strikeout Hie item, as the laws were pro-

posed to be codified, and in thatease would have to lie printed inHawaiian.

Rep. Kaulukou said they could nothave the code for two years, but inthe meantime they could have thisbook, llti moved an amendment tomake it 84,000, with the addition ofthe wonts proposed by Hep. Castle,"under the direction of the Justicesof the Supreme Couit." MinisterNeumann having withdrawn hisamendment, that of Rep. Kaulukouwas carried.Pay of Clerk Police Court, II0110- -

lulu 82,100P.iy of ChlucM! Interpreter and

Translator 3,000Pav of Jle-seng- er of the Judiciary' Dcpuitmciit 2,100

All passed.A discussion arose on the insertion

of an item to provide for the pay ofa Court stenographer, but all themotions were withdrawn to awaitthe introduction of a bill promisedb' Minister Neumann,

Minister Ncumrnn moved thecommittee rise, report. progress, andask leave to sit again. Carried,

On the Assembly resuming thereport of committee was receivedand adopted.

Hep. Kaunainano moved the houseadjourn till 10 o'clockmorning, which earned at-- o clock.


Satuuday, May 22nd.House met, the President, lion.

.1. S. Walker, in the chair. Prayerwas offered by tho Row J. Wni-ania- u,

Chaplain. The roll was call-

ed, and tho following members weieentered present: Ministers Gibsonand Neumann ; Nobles Doniiuis,Gleglioin, Rhodes, Knsie, Wilder,Kiuioa, Walker, Martin and Maol'nr-lau- c;

Reps. Kcau, Bukei-- , Knulii,Amara, iiiown, Kaulia, Kaulukou,I'ahia, Kaunainano, Nnlinlc, Naliinu,Kauhnuc, Kalua, Kaukau, Richaid-so- n,

Castle, Thurston, Paehaole,Kauai and Palohau. Reps. Aholo,Ilays.olden Wight and Dickeyfinance committee wero excused.Minutes of yesterday's sessions weroread and confirmed.

Hop. Thuiston presented a peti-tion from Kaannpuli, praying thatthu election of Rep. Kaukau be setaside. Referred to Judiciury Com-

mittee.Rep. Kaulia presented a petition

with sitruntuics for an appro-priation of $75,000 for the improve-ment of tho road over tho NiiiuinuPull. Laid on tho tahlo to he con- -

sideicd with a bill for the pur-pose.

Rej). Dickoy picscutcd a petitionfrom the Deputy Sheriff of Maka-wn- o

asking an nppiopiiatiou of &100for repairs on tho jailor's house atPain. Referred to Committee onPublic Lauds.

Rep. Kauai presented a petitionfrom Vaimea, Kauai, that $2,000 heappropiiated for tho extension of awlinif at Wainiea, Laid on thetable, on motion of Rep. Kalua, tobo cousiduicd with tho Appropria-tion Bill.

Minister Gulick reported from theprinting committee scveial billsready for distribution.

Rep. Richardson reported for theEngrossing Committee, tlio bill relat-

ing to tho challenging of jurors en-

grossed, and ready for its thirdreading.

Minister Gibson moved tho fol-

lowing!Hf.soi.vi:!, That when the Assem-

bly adjourns to-da- it adjoin n tillTuesday, the 25th inst., nt 10 a. m.,

m Jtt7VtWVIti'n'J)wMJs'

In OKiei' to nrnik tho upeet of thishonoiahle body lor the annivcisaiy

lliebiitlph.y of lb r Most Giat ions.Majesty Vliti.r.u, Queen of GreatBiitain and Empicss of India.Passed unanimously.

Noble Rhodes ns'kcd leave of ab-

sence for the remainder of the ses-

sion, on aei otiul of his health. Hisp.ir iamentiuy life dated back 10 iheyear lf-5- and he had never shiikcdhis duty or n ked for lune of ab-

sence until the present lime. Leavegranted.

Minister Gulick rend, In answer tothe resolution of the lion, member forMolokai, a statement of the namesof tho persons who have beenawarded claims against the Govern-ment on account f property takenfor thu use of the waterworks atMakiki, and the amount due each ofsuch persons with interest to dalehereof. Thu appiaisers lllcd theirrepoit January 24, IHSo, as follows:John Sohnack, S'JOO; Rev. II. II.Paiker, S500; Queen DowagerEmma, S2,1!I0; Land of Opu, Sl.'t,-oO-

Estalc of Mrs. Bishop, SG30;Maui, S455; Kainoa, 8350; Maka-liil- ii

and AInpai, S l,22f ; Pun, 8050 ;

Nunui (w.), S'JSO; J. M. Herring,S!3,U00 total, 821,(i70. By judg-ments of the Supreme Court, thefollowing additions have been made :

.Maui, 8243, and J. M. Honing,82,700 total, S2,!)I5. In answerto a question by Hep. Thurston, theMinister said, "Those are the claimsawaiting settlement."

Hep. Brown moved the paper bolaid on the table to be consideredwith the bill to be introduced on thesii'nc subject by the lion, member forMolokai.

Rep. Kcau gae notice of an actto impose a duty on feilili.ers

fiom foreimi countries.Miuister Gulick gave notice of

bills, (1) to amend ait. 2, CivilCode, relating to internal trade andcommerce; (2) to regulate ap-

praisers of road damages, and as-

sessments of betterments in theopening, widening and straighteningthe streets and highways; (!!) toestablish the grades and width ofstreets, sidewalks and highways in

the city of Honolulu: (I) to extendthe tcim of the Commissioners ofBoundaries; (5) to amend the actappioved September 27, 1870, re-

lating to stamp duties.The same uic.ubcr by leave lead

a first lime the hill of which he gavenotice on a previous day, to regu-

late the constiuction of buildingsin Honolulu, and moved a suspen-sion of the lilies to allow the bill tobe read a second time by title. Onmotion of Hep. Blown, thu bill wasreferred to the Committee on FireLimits.

Rep. Kcau, by permission, read afirst tnnu a bill to provide a perma-nent settlement of S2,000 per annumon Hon. AY. C. Parke, and movedthe rules be suspended, and the billread a second lime by its title.

Rep. Aholo said these suspen-sions of the mles arc apt to throw-bill-s

out of their regular course.The motion was withdrawn.

Rep. Kcau read a resolution thatthe sum of 8 ISO be put in the Ap-

propriation Bill to pay Police Cap-

tain, illiam Tell, a balance duehim accoiding to the appropriationof last two sessions, he having re-

ceived less than the amount voted.Hep. Blown moved the resolution

be laid on the table to be consideredby thu committee of l.'J, appointedon the constables and police of theKingdom. Carried.

Hep. Kcau moved a resolutionthat the Minister of the Interiororder the east extension of Queenstieet to bu repaired, and that RoadSupervisor Halt be. instructed toproceed with such repairs immedi-

ately. The lion, member said thatstreets on which foreigners icsideare kept in good repair, while thoseon which native Ilawaiians livcj arehabitually neglected. Laid on thetable.

Rep. Castlo presented three peti-tions from residents of Wniluku,(1) to have water pipes laid iu Wni-

luku, Maui, and to provide cisternsin Kahului ; referred to Committeeon Public Lands; (2) that no 810,-000,0-

loan be authorized; and(a) that no law be passed authoriz-ing the licensing of opium.

Noble Cleghorn read a resolutionthat a committe of five be appointedto visit the Government nurseries,squares and parks, and report on thesame. The motion was amendedby adding that caniagesbe providedthe members of the committee.Passed.

The President appointed on thecommittee, Reps. Hiown, Kauna-

inano, Hnyscldcn, Kalua and theMinister ot the Interior.

Rep. Kaunainano, by leave, intro-duced a bill previously given noticeof, to repeal the act passed 11thAug., 1N84, appointing HoadSuper-visors-in-Chie- f.

Hep. Lilikataui moved that thepropiietoiH of tho city newspapershitherto furnished thu members oftho Assembly be paid for the sameat the rate of 10 cents per copy.Referred to the Committee on Ac-

counts. Committee subscqiiQiitlyreported, recommending that fcents per copy be paid to the dailypapers, and 10 cents to the weeklies.

Minister Neumann moved toamend, by including papers here-after supplied, as above, for thesession. Carried.

Rep. Kmud gave notice of a billto amend sec. 510, of the CivilCode, respecting duties on spirituousliquors,

The act to amend 6ee. 1, chap.

Continued on puge S.)

II. DAVIH. --tm7r


Stalin anil Mcy Groceries, PrutiCD awl Pulsions,No. GJi Fori Sli'eel, Honolulu. 13. I.


Extensive & Varied Stock of Fresh Goods.Tim quality mid variety of our Ice Houso Delicacies nrc ini8urpan?cl

cquallid), by oilier dealers.Tallin Luxuries and Delicacies of every drfirlptlmi.r.vapondcd, Peeled and Pitted Piull", Nuts mid RnNlns.

Woodlawn Dairy Butler in 1-l- b. Bricks, 65 cents each; FreshIsland Butter, at 50 cents per lb.

Holo AkchIs foi Arohor Flour, a first grade Flour for family lire.Onts, Barley, Bran, Wheat a&d Corn, at lovct mniint ratesnor etiarunicu gooi. wiih uviry urtlelu fold, for Quality, Correct Weight and

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Goods will bo Exchanged or Money Itci'umlcd.Daily to nil parts or the Oily and Walklkl; Islaud Orders solicited and

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Jersey Waists from $2 to $8;

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Arasenes, Chomilles,

sid a Fine Line of TrunAT




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hed.iock prices.

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Fort Street. ii

We mo pknscd to announce the arrival of our Immense lnige Invoice of

Bit Goods, Fancy Goods, Laces, Elon,Clothing and Gent's Furnishing G-ood-

and arc now offering unpieccdontcd and uiiilvalled Bargains in all ourdupartni'ts

Letting Down the Price..Tupt received, 100 pieces of very fine Victoria Lawn at $2 npirce, 10 yards; n very

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Lace DEBoiiele, I-aclie-w' IVieot Olotli

in idl the msw shade; 10 doz Ladies Llfilo Thread Hose at 10 cents,thu best value ever offered.

Clothing Department..lust received, all tho latest styles In Hoy1- - nnd Children's Suits; Great Bargains,

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YuHCllim CoHluftlqurVnHlltio Hnlr- - Oil,

Vaseline Hwlu aincliliie Oil,

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t M1 ', ffv





Page 3: iii iiMMMMt....'FKtcn: Old t apiiol Uuildlng, adjoin. ingOuiciul Poii-Ouic-UJ C. SMITH, Attorney at Law and Anetit to take Ackuowleiigmeuts. No. U Kunhu. mauu Ui ct. lOJ Uin JALFBED





m. V

r ..... .(.onrninvil Jriim !"; U.

21, of Session Laws of IN81, waslead a third time, uiul pi.qscl,

Tne hill iclailuo, lo tlif kindllnjrof II ids in Honolulu uih icittl asecond time In tillu.

Itcp. (,'us.le moved it bo referredto the Couitniuco mi Fnt Limits.Curried.

Tin- - hill to amend sees. IG, 10 ,

18 iiml 2'6, laws ot 18:', iclatlny Idthe sale of liqiiui'-x- , Ititrn-duce- d

on tbo 7tu by Hip. H ohard-bo- n,

mid on which u com-mittee hud reported a nuw bill onthu 17tli, was now taken up for the.second reading.

iMIiiislcr jS'uuuiuiiii moved the hillpass to engrossment.

Hep. Castle moved it lie referredto Committee of the Whole House,on Tuesday next. Carried.

The bill to prevent obstruction ofthe streets of Honolulu, Lahaina,Wailuku, iCahului and Illlo.

to Committee on Fire Limits.Hep. Hiclutrdson moved the house

adjourn lo 10 o'clock a. m., Tues-day. Carried.



Stimulus Makee from KauaiSehr Kawallniit from KoolauStmr Wulniaiialn from Wnhnaiialo

Mny l:iStmr Klntai from Windward FortsStmr Iwalaul from KauaiStinrLchtta from Windward PortsStmr Howsctt from I'aiaSehr Kulamaim from HawaiiSelir Luka fiom KoholaleloSehr Sarah it from KoolauSehr Hob Hoy from KoohtuSehr Llholllio from Walinc'i

May 21Sehr Lenhl from KohnlaSehr Hnlcakala from I'epeekeo


Bgtne Nellie M Sliule for San FranelseoSuar LIkcllkc for KiiliuluiStmr Dowrutt for Pal aSehr Kiniiia for K.iualSehr Wsillelo lor MallkoSehr Mantiokuwal for Koo'au

vksselsleavTkc "i

Sehr Lnka for KohnlalclcSehrSanih & Kll7.it lor KoolauSehr Hob Hoy lor KoolauSehr Kainbow for KunlauBUtnu Mary Wlnkulnian for San Fran-

ciscoStmr Klnau for Windward PorlsStmr lualaui for KauaiStmr J as Makee fur Wahinae and Kapaa

at noonSehr Kawallani for KoolauSehr Kulamaim lor Hawaii

VESSELS irl PORT.Hk Star of Dev. n, Mnek- tsUutuc Morning Siar. TurnerHktne Nellie .w bl ulu. uotudiilctne Geo U Pel kin-:- , Ackcrin.iiiHktiif Mary Whikehiian, HaokusSlii Kate Davenport, llou andHktne MaUahShip Mellaril HI


From Wlndwatd Porls, per stmrKinau, May 23 Judnc K Pre-ln- n, W AWhiting. (J W Ashford. W 11 llnUt ad,W A Kintiey, F W Fehlbehr, Mrs GeoH.itipp, JX Holdusoii. J M Litigate. 1.1

Chung, K Kekna. wife .uid '1 cliildicu,S P Kaaia. wife and daughter, ( lilngChuck, G Garland. . S (,'aiinrlo, W 1,3laeiiilllan. II A Craft. II H Grane, .J

II White. .1 bliipplebcen, J It S Kyn-nerslc- v,

Mi Emily Wilder, C L Wight,II P Baldwin, W Y Horner, Aawnl,Mis llakauwlla and ehild, J B .tonesand wile. A Makee and wife, .Mrs JMakcc. M I) Monarrat, wife, ehlid andwrvaut and 101 deck.

From Kauai, per stmr Iwalaul. May23 Col. I S Spalding Captain P Bolini,wife, 4 ehildien and nuro, C Fllugcr.A Dreler, Mrs S Johnson, Mis XBrown, V Knudsen, Dr G Martin, Ur CA Sheldon, Miss Makee, V Dnuuchaicii,M Velterson. II C Mviire, II K Ellesou,II Mcintosh, Mr Williams, Miss MollloBush, 4 Ilawaliaus, a Chinese, and (iO

deck.From Hamakua, per stmr CH BUhop,

3Iav 22 W II Ulekard and wife, Mrs H31 Overend, M Overead, and 10 duck.


Sehr Hawaiian! 1)00 hags of rice and 4calves.

Stmr Klnau 1.707 bag-- , of sugar, 2horses, 7 hales wool, 10 bills goatskin, 10 bdU go it meal, 47 hides, lo0pkgs sunihles.

Stmr Lehiia 11,000 bags sugar and 29cattle.

Stair C It BMiop II C.'O hags of sugar,btmr .las Makee 2,f.0tl bags of sugar.Stmr Iwalaul :t,021) lings of sugar, 10. calves and 238 paddy.

CHRISTENING.This day, by the Hev. H. C. Oggel, at

his residence, Xuiiauu Valley, GeorgeHowe, infant son of Mr. and Mis.Farnswortli.


At the Queen's Hospital In this city,May 2i!!'d, .lame.-- , A. Biudlck, aged 70years, it mouths and 2.') days. A nativeof Newport, lthode Maud. Newport,New Bedford, and Nantucket papemplease copy.


Autists' Materials, riuiucj., Panelc,Stretchej'e., Canvas, etc., etc., at KingBros.' Art stoic. 331 1)1.

Vunso.VH wanting to ring upWilder's S. S. Company, will ling up42S) instead of 13 as forinoily; Thecall for Wilder it Co. rouutfjiH No. 13as before.


The Royal Hawaiian Hand willplay the full wuig piograiumu at tin,Hotel this eveuiiu, at 7:30 o'clock:


March Hule 111 ltiaiil i Oodf i yOvei lure Festival l.euliierSelection Old KnglNli nilties..MnaiieuGaloji Queen Victoria llecker

Aloha Oe I Aloha Oe!l'AUT II,

Selection Hi mhilu SakobowsklWalixMy Queen .. CooteMedley Nailun.il Fmituflu KappeyGod faavo the Queeu. lluwull Ponul.

.i. i..'. iLOCAL-- CEMEHAL KtWS.

The repoit of tlie G. A. H. memo-rial smiee i oinwdeil out.

Mi;b.ml. K. P. Adams t Co. holdan imi tirtiint land Mile at noon to--


Mil. Hubert Grieve has sold out lii.4

inteicht in the Hawaiian Gai'.elte Co.to Hon. II. M. Whitney.

Tin: (1. A. H. have secured the fieeuto of the Y. M. C. A. Hull for theireiiterluinment on Saturday, the 2Uthins t.

His Majesty is said to contemplateholding an encampment of all thevohuiti-e- military companies at ancaily date.

Tiikui: is to be a sale of woik nextThuifday afternoon in the Y. M. C.A. Hall by the juvenile missionaryhoeioty, "T'ho Helping Hand."

Qui:i:; street near Fort was enliven-ed by a ltinaway express-wago- n thisafternoon. 'J'ho vehicle stoppedagainst a dray near thi ollieo whilethe hoie went on.

In'stkl'ctio.vs for preparing andcooking tnro (lour are given at 125Fort street, three doors above theshooting gallery, from 9 to 11 A. M.

and fiom 7 to i) l M.

On account of the expensiveness ofthe intended encampment of theHonolulu Hides ami because of theabsence of the requisite funds, theall'air lias been indefinitely postponed.

A co.MMirnn: fiom the Grand Armyof the Hepublie is circulating a peti-tion, asking the merchants to givetheir clerks a half holiday on Satur-day, the 2S)th inst., in older that theymay turn out with the military com-panies on that occasion.

Mil. James A. liuidick, aged 70years, died at the Queen's Hospitalyesterday. Tlio deceased was a na-tive of Xcwpoit, Khode Island, buthad resided here for 38 years, and formany years untried on an extensivecooperage. He was well known andliked for his liberality and kindness.The funeral takes place this after-noon.

It whs staid business men whomour reporter facetiously denominatedas" sports," when describing the partythat drove out to the baseball groundson Saturday, in a wagonette settingfoith the virtues of tuio Hour, lienow withdraws the term under thegen'le persuasion of those who didnot like It. Sport has no nihility withthe silling of pui stock, however muchit may have with the eating theicof atgrand loans.

Tun New Yoik "Hei.ild" says ofMr. Locku Kichaidson's recital ofSheridan's Comedy of "The Hivals,"in that city: "Discarding book orinaniiK'ript, the lender leudeied theetsontial part of the text from mem-ory, with appropriate variation ofvoice and gestuie, and by hi (inishedelocution and genuine dramatic in-

stinct repeatedly gained the plauditsof a house crowded to its utmostcapacity." " The Hivals " will bo thesubject, this evening, at the Y. M. C.A. Ilall.


Mr. Kekoa, representative forP.iiiii, was l'ltunil guilty by the juryat llilo, ofgiots detelietion of dutyas tux collector, hut he took a fur-

ther appeal. The sentence forfeitsfor him his civil lights, but he willpiohnbly hold his seat in the Legis-latui- e

this session on the strength ofhis appeal.


Professor Anderson's Saturdayperformances were given to fullhouses. The matinee was attendedby a large company of ladies andchildren. At the evening show therewas not an available seat unoccu-pied. The Professor maintainedthe lcputatioii acquired by his firstappearance, and kept the largocompany in a condition of alternateintent watching and cheering. Thenext performance will be given to-

morrow, Tuesday, night, at theusual hour. Tickets can he pro-

cured at Mr. Wiseman's olllce.


Queen Victoria's birthday is cele-

brated by band music at MajorWodelioiise, the British Commis-sioner's, during the day, and at theHotel this evening. Mr. Lyons dis-

plays his patriotism by Hying theniieteorllag, that braved a thousandyears the battle and the Ineeze,along witli ins signal for the greatland sale held by him Other"men of hearts of oak," makesimilar token of loyalty to the mostillustiious ruler that ever snt onEngland's tin one. Somu aro takingadvantage of the races at tho Park,lo keep high holiday, tlod Savethe Queen.


The sale of propel ty in the auc-

tion moms of Mr. J. Lyons tillsnoon was well nltended by capitn-iibt- s.

Hi-- . Majesty accompanied byIlls Chiiuibeilniii was there. Thesale of Ilalenkiila Hanch, situated atMakawao, Maui, containing about32,071 acres of land, about 000

head of entile, 'l.oOO sheep and 85

horses, was the first in order, andwas sold to Mr. K. H. Bailey for50,000, (lie upset price. Tho I'u'e-liuuu- i,

nuiiika . consistingof 1,50.) acres .. hind, belonuiiig tothe citato of Ileiu.v CornwiJI,

was next offeied. '1 lie np-- et

price was SI.UUO, and after somelively bidding lion. ,S. M. Damonbecame the purchaser for S2lf0.The sale of lease of the premises'hunted luck of the Chiuise Y. M.C. A. f' Mowed, and was sold to Mr.L. A. 'JL'lHirstuw for,S500,



Mr. Kraft, Jr., who relumed fromtlie Volcum .eetenlny, -- ays t tie pre-

sent state of the ei ater possessismany wonders and is worth seeing.No lire can In1 seen in Ilaleiiiatiuiau,but in the cracks near the pit itshows within a few inches of thesiirlace. The smoke and steamascending fiom the crater is con-

siderable and the place is becomingvery hot.

No lresh lava has as yet beenseen. The pit of Halemnuinati canhe appioached, but not withoutgreat com age and considerable dan-

ger. The second pit catinoi besetn. The Little Beggar can heentered and a peculiar white andbitter substance is found there.While Mr. Kraft was at the Volcanoincessant rains came down which in-

creased the steam and smoke anddarkened the scene. There is norumbling sound heard only whenstones are rolled into tlie crater.Sticks or any inflnmtiinblc substancecan be ignited in tlie cracks. Eventhe old lava beds arc hot, and Mr.Kiaft says there are many indica-tions of increasing lire.


Probably the interest in lastSaturday's baseball match, betweenthe Honolulu and Hawaii clubs,was at a high pilch than usuu,owing to tlie victory gained by theHawaii over tlie Benedict on tlieprevious Saturday. There was, atall events, n much larger attendancethan on the previous hatuiday. TheHonolulu team was as follows:Wodehotise, Baldwin, Whitney, Oat,Thurston, Moore, Maikham, Fisherand Castle; the Hawaii: Frciden-hcr- g,

Daniel, Desha, Auld, Moe-honii- a,

Kaia, David, Meek, Crabbe.The latter club went to bat first, butwas wiped out in two minutes and nhalf Freidenberg at 1st base, Danielon a fly, and Desha at 1st base.Honolulu at the outset was threat-ened witli similar speedy extinction,Wodehotise being put out on a II.Baldwin, however, scored, but Whit-ney, tlie third at bat, went out on aliy. He was followed by Oat, whomade a. nut on a 1st base hit.Thurston made a 2 baseband Moorea 1st, but these weie left on 3nland 2nd respectively by Markliaingoing out at 1st. Time 7 miuiitts.Auld went in first for Hawaii'ssecond inning and went out onstrikes, followed by Moehonua andKaia at 1st base each. Tunc, ominutes. Honolulu's second inningwas opened by Fisher going out onstiikes. Casile made a 1st base,but was lelt on third by Wodelioiiseand Baldwin following each otheiout-a-t 1st. Time, 3 minutes. Davidwent out at 1st in Hawaii's third lu-

lling, Meek at 2nd, and Crabbe at1st. Time. t4 minutes. Whitney,in Honolulu's third, went out at 1st,Oat made 1st and stole second,wheie he was left by I'liurston goingout on a liy and Moure at 3id.Time, 2 minutes. Hawaii beganthe fourth as inauspicioii-l- y as ever,Freidenberg going out at andDaniel on a ll,. Desha, however,made his first, and on a biilliaut 3baser by Auld came home. Moe-

honua made 1st, bringing Auldhome, and came home himself on a2 base hit by Kaia, who was left outin the cold by David going out at1st. This put them 1 ahead, witlian inning due the Honolulu. Time,7 minutes. Markliain opened thefourth inning for Honolulu, andlived to close it, by being caughtout on his second trick at tlie bat.He and Fisher scored, then Castlewent out on strikes. Wodelioiise,Baldwin (2 base hit) and Whitneyscored, and Oat was put out.Thurston scored the sixth inn, andMoore was left on base by Markliainbeing caught out on a liy. Time,10 minutes. Meek, beginning Ha-

waii's fifth inning, took 1st base oncalled balls, stole 2nd, and camehome on a 2 baser by Freidenberg,Crabbe going out on a liy betweenthem. Daniel went out on a liy.Desha made 1st, Freidenberg com-iu- g

home, and himself came homeon a 2 baser by Auld, who was lelton 3rd by Moehonua going out ona liy. Time, 7 minutes. Honolulubegan by getting Fisher and Castluout at 2nd, but nevertheless addedfour to the score by Wodelioiise,Baldwin, Whitney and Oat. Thurs-ton wound up by going out at 3rd.Time, 8 minutes. Kaia, in Hawaii'ssixth, took ajfatal risk after stealing2nd, and fell at 3rd, David followinghis example, and Meek going out in adesperate effoit to get home, leavingCrabbe on 2nd base and Ficidenbergat the bat. Time, 11 minutes.Moore began Honolulu's sixth in-

ning by making 1st base, andultimately home. Markliain wentout in tniug to achieve 2nd, andFisher did likewise. Castle scoiedon a 1st base hit, but Wodelioiiseand Baldwin were left on 3rd and2nd biiiies by Whitney's extinction,two runs being added to w club'smajoilty. Time, 3 J minutes, Ha-

waii began its seventh inning withthe immolation of Crabbe at 1stbase, followed in quick successionby u like fate for Freidenberg andDaniel. Time, 2A minutes, Hono-

lulu got tit for lift this Inning, byOat and Thurston being struck downal 1st base, and Mo.uo going out,like a Knight ol Labor, on his inlidstrike, lime, 1 tiiiuuUs. Deshanmilu 1st base on c'.'Hed balls, as astarter for Hawaii's eighth Innn'JJ,ami Auld followed wjil) a Micecs-fii- )

hit, but the former sacrificed himselfat 2'(L and the latl.-- r at 3id basu.Moehouu.i ipude L', and stole 2i)d,and Kaia made 1st, but both weiebadly loll thuio by David going out

on three, futile Btilkoa. Time, fUmluiite.-- . Marklmtii set the ball rol-

ling an eighth time for Honolulu,bin fell snuggling bravely fur tho2nd base. Fisher uid Castle scoied,the later on a 2 -- lm.se hit, also Wode-lioiise. Baldwin mid Oat went outon files, leaving Whitney betweenthem on 1st base. Time, 10 min-utes. Hawaii's ninth inning, andforlorn hope of making the Honoluluplay the match out to win if, startedwith blue indications, Meek beingcaught out on a liy, and Crabbetaken fatally aback nt 1st base.Freidenberg, however, made a bril-

liant hit, tlie first of tliematch, followed by Daniel making1st, both coming home on a tremen-dous hit by Desha, who himselfcame home on the same dashingstroke. This magnificent scoring ofthree at n time caused great enthus-iasm among the spectators, particu-larly those who sympathized withthe losing side. Unfortunately,however, Auld was dropped at 1stbase, ending tlie game, as the Hono-lulu had 18 lo 9, with mi inning tospare. Charles Wilder was umpire,and there was not a murmur at hisdecisions. Mr. II. S. Davidson keptthe score with his usual exactness.


one of which l a handsome lareufloat room, lo lie va ant on the fitli ofnext month Muv be second hv callini'uiirlv at MltS. MeCONNKLL'S,ltd tf Garden Lane.

Assignee's Notiee.YUEN YOHIC KHK of Ho.QUONG Oahu, having made anoi an uieir properly, etc., to

the undersigned for the bcnctli of theircreditor, notice is hereby given to allpersons lo preent their claims againstthe said Quong Yuen York Kcc withinotic month from date to M. Loulsson, atthe office of M. S. Grinbnum & Co.,Honolulu, mid nil persons indebted tosaid Quong Yuen York Kee are herebyicqucsted to make immediate pavmentto the undersigned. M LOUIdSON,

Assignee of Quong Yuen York Kee.Honolulu, May 21, 1680. 116 lw

I 776--- J U L Y 4th- -1 886



A lurge nud sphudid

Assortment of Fireworks

just at hand from New York direct, al.ill pro e- - lo suit the iiim. lni

NOTICE.T a special meeting of the Hawaiian

Canl.igi Miimriiciuilu Co. heldthis diy, i: (i. Si HUMAN was electedSecretaiy nud Tiensurer In place ofThos. S. Douglas lesigned.

H. O SCHUMAN,Sec'iy IIiiw,ii C.ir hue Manf'g Co.

Honolulu, Ma :ird. 188ii :t IK

TO LET,HOUE and I'iciiii-e- s laMy occupied

W. ('. Peacock, on Uereluiiiiitreet. given Immediately .

for p.iitlciilurs, apply los Sw- - ,1'iiiy COL'U t'.

NOTICE.KIM YKN&CO., of II nnlubi, luiv-bi- g

mini mi ut lo me ofill Ids piepcny for the benefit of

noiicu Is heieby given lo allpersons to present their ehilnis agiiiii-- lthe Kuld Kim Yen & Co. within oinmonth from date to the unduisij'iied, nlHie olllce i.f M. Phillips & On., and nilpersons imlolitcd lo said Klin Yen &Co. arnliuiehy requested lo make lni.mediate payment lo me.

M.GHEEN,Assignee of Kim Yen it Co.

Honolulu, May ID. lSs(i. :n ill


Y. 1SX. O. .A.. Hall.Holiday Kvc'g, .Hay iMtli,

At 8 0'rloek.

Sheridan's Brilliant Comedy of


Tickets, f.O cents each. 3.1

SliriCI'IE' COIJKT of theIn the matter of

the Bankruptcy of CHIN BUN. He-lo-re

Chief Justice Judd.Chin siiii, doing business la Hono-

lulu, Island of Oahu, hnvinc; this daybeen adjudicated bankrupt on tin; pell,lion of I.on Hon, it is ordered Unit allcredltoisof said liaukiupi come In andprove their claims lefore me, at inyUuunhcis, In Honolulu, on

Wednesday, May 20, 188G,At 10 o'clock a. in.

It is further oideiel Unit, upon saidday, the eiulltoi proceid to hullthu ELECTION' of an assignee or ,

signees ol said b.iuk upt nud thaillotieis heieof lie published in theD'H.v III i.i.i.TiN thiee limes previous losaid (lav,

Dalid Honolulu, .May 21, iSSfl.A. V. .11 ll,

Oil ii f .liistire Supieme Cmut.Attest: Hn.MiY Smith,

Depuiy Clerk. iWi 111


n AVI NO 'cell nppollllPil by tlmSu.preinc Court ihe L'll'irdlim nf the

peron and i'MMi of .IOIIN HOPE L'found liy l In O'Ull '" be inenpihle ofink hi!; i'ii re of iiiiii'e'f, nil pi anlieiibj warnid 'leiiiusl having nnj ileal.bgs uili ihe suld .John tf oli I In. nud nil,n 'li's having nil) cl.ilm-ucidn- st him

are In roby imiifUl lo pio-ei- .i Hi- - in-

to .I. Hvinan. anil all pun n ing themid .lohii Hdiello are lequ slid lo

o H'li.vra,i'ii .yuan;

Honolulu, A,ilUU,l6jtJ. BUlm

WANTI5J,n aiiu.y, .i i x. i. Apn'vtoO MnS. A. M. M'E Lis.)i ill I 1 Foil -- Ireel.


A! OY In tiiu-i- i Giid n work, clcunllor.-- e and Huy, nud dilve n

little. A good Imiiik- - . tlit'i-il- . hum $10 aiiionih. Applet. ,1 K. w I.S EM AN,"It G ll'l nil-lili- Ali' III.

KulglitH nlTylhiuM Notice.ON iititl n I lei Hit- - d le Ihe eu'id.r

meeiing of MjkIIu L,"ilgM No. a,K of I'.. wlb lie hi hi on WEDNESDAYEVENING of each week, m 70o'clock. l'LH UHDHH.JUu Hi, lS'-O- . ;,.. w

FOR SALE,"A .lywir-ol- "Venture"Li M', well i.iolieii toIiiiiiic-- , kind mid

-- yry uentlu mil n inst Ira.mr. enquire nl 0.

IT Eiiiina slieil, 111

) Iwj I lilS nlTI' H

NOTICE.J HKHEUY lesnecl fully notlfv in)1. trie, di nnd the pillule In general,that I have removed my binine-- s lo ihuHawaiinii Cirnngc Mamifiietiiiiiig Co,where lean he louiid to attend 10 mjcii"loiner in Usual, boltcltiui a coii.tlnuaneu ot Iheir patronage, and thatikiug thu public for p.i-- t f.ivors.

I am, iii04t slnceielv louts.E G. SCHUMAN.

Honolulu, April Sil. lSMii. :ii'j I in

The White House,No. US Niiiuuiu siuei,

Xicc'Iy FiirnJsIiiMl Koonis,with 01 wlliieiil hoanl.

My MHS. JOS. VlEllltA.

ValuableLanfl in Mm Valley

For .Sale u(. AiiuLiun.

On TUESDAY, May 25lh,At 12 o'clock noon, nt our Salesroom,

Queen street, we will-e- ll at Fuhllc AucHon. nil that Tract ol Liud kiioun as

Hi of Kahapaakai,Sitiinted In Nmianii Viilley, !l miles

f 0111 King treit, oni:iiiiin- - LM "8.KHIAcc4 TnK liitid Iron s on i'h- - Nuuiiin.in V iliiuelit Idmd, nnd l well feuied.I'licie aiu on the la.nl a

Dwelling House,Chicken Hon-- e, &r.

A strLnin of fri--h 1 er runs thioudiihu pliicc. Tli.s iff, rs it desirablecliiinc-- - lor I. Vorlim ut. Title pel reel;t ci ins at mi'c.

E. 1. ADA 31 S & CO.,I" Auctioneers.

FOR SALE;1 Second-han- d Billiard Table,

sizcAxlO, iiiiiMifncliired by I' Lie.senfelil. . F., cii-hi- nic qnkkand It is In -- oml ,der. 1 have also

for fale

M New liilllurtl CIoIIik,which will lit a large tiiblc. Also,

1 Set Ivory Billinnl BallB, 2 3.8, new.

Mini C .1. McCAKTHY.

Craigside to be Let.

'pill: of Mr. Then.II. Divie-- , coiupiNiiiK I'ii acie-o- f

laud, and

2 Complete Houses,which will h lit separately or together.

1ST Very liberal terms will he oiler,ed to good if mints. Apply to

33 tail THEO. II. DA VI KM CO.


Fresh GrapesAT

WOLFE & CO.27 tf


who Is willing to elve anyiitslstnnce to thoio vlio suiVend by

tlie lire of the 18th iln, of April, IS8U, isheieby eoiillnlly ii viied 10 send hisiloiruloii lo Ihe II m S. I. D.imon,Treiisiiiiir, am! noulv V. C Acbi thoSuTiiiin, 'or lU'tb-- in ii,.,. spacers

II i Ii. I I IlJ.iKAl AM, l'res..II W'T H Vicel'res.HON . o nVMOSrieiHiuer,W A1 '1 Seere .i.

N .IX . ' KAL'LUKOU,HON I '. KKLi.K T 1' rtl ..M .H. :il7 If

Base Ball Books, &c.Ilnse Hnl' G .1 n- - tol'hi ' iio: H ill'. o the Niiilmnl I.eaiiiie,

tbbll.Ail ot iiiiinguid Itiuc Humihig,Alt or I'lH'hliigtiiiil Fleldiuj.',

BATS AfD BALLS,For sale al T fl. THHUM'S.

11 1 1.1; 3riiioi,N5,.T s. received per recent arrlvnK, 1111 ex.eellent u"it.iieni of ilm Letur, Cap,Delliv, Me til III mill l''n lo lupelh forMaul, loi'iii", ill bl 11. k look fork Vl--

1 rt'ieil n l.ii'im nud M ileus Waul'tiid ile IIiiIkIi folio. A'i-o- ,

Ja'nnMO Vcfjotablo Pnrclunent,superior 10 iiiiiui.ii ilicliineni for penwick or pHil liir, mill louuh n leullier

f.kf" Sin ioiifiy nnd Uindury oidersf lllllflllly illlembd t l

v. ii. 'nan Burs,u3J lm lOUFutibiiucU

733ms?eef$wfsmsHAW'N OPERA HOUSE.



The &reat Wizard of the Worth.His marvellous feats will be supplemented on

Tuesday Evening. May 23 1 lisBy an amusing Sketch, entitled,

Scrivens in Two Pieces !During this Act the head of Scrivens i cut Ml" anil he wilUs nwiiv wnh his

held under his arm. Oct yiurenisa once 10 Wiseman';.Hopu'bi pi Ices.

Sew Goods, Just Received!Shelf Hardware, Locks, Knol:s, Padlocks,

A fi II lire of Airnte Ware. II niu F irnNhiiur 'io -. H I lis A, .leweii's 11 friacrH.I tor, Wilier Kilters and ("iiolc Iec ' hets, W .'ie Til (unit 1111 le. C enn Fieecrs,

' ew piittern, l.ay I.mwii Movncis, IJi 01 Muis, G tii'.cn ntnl iinul iinnorts, Axe,Hoc, l'iik ami Fmk Hniiilies,

Socket and Planters' Hoea, a Superior Article,Cut-dow- Muskets, 1'ow I r, .sieit anil C mw,

Fju.'u vVimj ,n,i t'i.,e. M "ill nnd si-- 'l H i;ie,The lntct novelties in I, mm g mils iiie ry II t 11 eo ei I r en a Oils

Berry Hio F.iriiiluriVu. i.lsli. F01 - ,le ic In si our' t inc bv

Tlie Pacfflc Hardware Curt. Limitefl,FOItr sTUKB',

A. MOKGAN,Blaeksinith Work; ,Vl &. Carriage IJ u ii tliiijr- -


Pniiitiiisr and lS' Tiinjmin,

79&81KiniSteI, - - Qlfl Ross PremlSBs,J3n( IV0111 ICliifr and Merolitin! rK.

Kvery description of work in tlie iiliotc Unit, peifonued in u ilr-- t eins milliner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.t?r Bell Teh iihone, 107 -- jsa (il 7I,) r.. h, ,.,.,,,,. (r tf5a


Poi, Mush, Hot Cakes, Muffins, etc.Tho Flour wc are at present supplying is far superior to any pievlmisly oflsred,

and can he made Into


at Ios 0x1 cine than any other farinaceous prcp.1r.1t inn.Highly recommended by phjlchin- - ini an limibinlilc diet for i.ur.mi u(ler.

ing from (Unordered fciouuich or bowels, as well as u nnirltiouM food I .r the liunlthy.

loi Sale lv a.11 Grocors.

HON'CI.ll.l' :3rai wnemin' xrmT--



1 1. 1.

DIHECTIONS FOH MA KINO POI Take the desired amount of llmirfindmix veiy thin with cold wat"r, being Hire there are no lumps. 'online this in abiih' or cloth nud place in a kuttlu of boll in t; water, and let !i coi tmue 10 boll 1 14

to U liours, iiccording to quantity used, care being taken to pin. e 11 pb en of per.forated tin at the bottom of thu 'kettle so as to prevent the cimb tioin liiiriib'K.When done (while warm) stir with a stout spoon, itdiiinj; a little wiito moil tbowhole U well mixed. Let 1 is stand from live to hour?. ' be old woet Inmniill (pmntiticii, iu!.lug thoroughly anil kneading until ibu d 1 i u i isobtained. Owing to lu purity (l takes from thiee to four dny ! I e . air ueld orHiiir. :. aiu

GHAS. HDSTACE, GROGIR,King Street, : : : : Belwecn Tori and Alekea Streets.

Kegf Family Kief; Uru and hull bbli-- . 1Mb I'oiI.; Hi-'ir- n ' lo k C .bib; .Sniokidli'ililml; On T"iune.; Lunch Tolijfi.i; Mnnkul Hut, It 11 C"b 111: I upeu

1 111 n in I I m on; ' ei nine M ifle ti 111 ;C4n Mo I) i,., I1.I1 v U b au.sMobiM-cs- ; Ji'i't-- ; .Lilies; Hone), in glas and lint', No. I 1 loi ; Wlnni, ihlilCaee e; Oeitnea, nud a

General Assoiineiit of Staple ami Fancy Groceries.

All nieeri, leeeiveiiireful atlciillon mid loilipl di ihery.

I". O. IIox :ir. 'LVIfim' 1 1!.P0. BOX 315. hTAHLIdlKDJislll. Tolcplionc 172.

General Business Agent.Cimi)lii?ll 1 - U,


: 'oiioSiiiu,Henl Est Ho A'.'cni, (.'nori 11 .11- It 0U1 r,

l'uiiloMin-ii- i Aieni, M"iy Ur U 1,W 'if'Seini lp A 'iMit, M 11111 jci II H in '! . lion 0

llieiil Fuilinjioii Hull 0 ' iVjeni" Kre,"i'l.f I ri A j!i".luAuiciM, t Wi)i)

n 1 H 3

v s

if . ...

Ak ii;1 "ib.i. ;' tiSfiLAJOh,':. a. $& t ,... . Sj .ktG&m&lk. LiilfcWBwe. ikai .:aS" m k 4,.flt'iiK" 'w.1 itvfMMHWlMBHHBMHHMvMHMMHiMM

il-- w B

' r&!?







v. .

. tit' vm

W'tiQwIflF iL . Mil

Page 4: iii iiMMMMt....'FKtcn: Old t apiiol Uuildlng, adjoin. ingOuiciul Poii-Ouic-UJ C. SMITH, Attorney at Law and Anetit to take Ackuowleiigmeuts. No. U Kunhu. mauu Ui ct. lOJ Uin JALFBED



J tS4"i'.






MONDAY, MAY K4, 1880.


To Enccmrncc the CnJtlrntlon orTaro and tlio Vats of Vai'o A'iour.

Be it Exacted, not by tho King nndtho Legislative Assembly of thoHawaiian Islands in the Legisla-

ture of the Kingdom assembled,but bv the Aluhn Fuuit and TaisoCo.See. 1. That the Flour n now

niunufaetuied by the Company is ofsuperior excellence and undoubtedmerit.

See. 2. That all persons who de-

sire excellent 1'oi should ue thoTuioFlour for mnkiug tho same.

See. 3. Thnt muffins made fromTaro Flour possess qualities not ob

tained when made from other in-

gredients.Sec. 1. That for a breakfast dish

nothing can compare- with TaroFlour MubIi, eaten with milk andsugar as the taste dictates.

See. i. That middle or hot cakesmade from Taro Flour aie unsur-passed.

Sec. (i. That if one wishes tohealth and wtiength, their diet

should consist hugely of Taro Flourpreparation. 1

Sec. 7. Taro Flour, if property pie-pare- d

will make tho most despond-


person happy. Taro mush andmilk is delicious LatHc sigh andchildren cry foi it.

Sec. S. livery one -- lioulil no 2Taro Flour, it i highly recommendedby the entire medical piofesion.For sale by all gioeers. Try a b.igmid ask vimr friend to do the same.


liAiuiSA, May 11, 1880.

Mksshs. Al.U'.S i Kouisson,Honolulu,

IJkau .Sins: In reply to yourfavor of iust week I bog to Matethat wo tested lately both the Hawa-

iian and the California Lime in ourSugar Mill and I am decidedly ofthe oninion that the Hawaiian Limestands higher in every respect forthe reason that it is much stionger,thus causing a consideiablo saving.It furthermore docs not coat ourpipes and drum so much a the Cali-

fornia Lime and should theiefore lie

used in every Sugar Mill. I remain,dear sirs, yours respectfully,

J,- -. Camphi.i.1..

The Hawaiian Lime has to bo

slacked in hot juice in order to use itto advantage.

CJluiN. LSre-we- r .Si Co.'is

Boston and Honolulu Packets.

.Shippers will ple.i-- e take notice that tliotine b.irk


Benson, master, will load In Boston fortliln port in JULY net.

- For further particulars apply to

C. BREWER & Co.,

(Juecn btrect.Honolulu, May 13. 188G. 3TO Ow


Others Follow !

Xi" Yon Waxit

Fine Ice Cream,CJA.K.JJW sunt CANUIUH.


XllE liXlTJE

Ice Cream Parlorsg.'i Hotel Stieet. near Fort.


JColeplioneM:Mutual :is, -- a cu:i) cr Bell i8i.


Gsnoral Buiincss & Purchasing Agent

42 lercliant St., Honolulu.

My most faithful attention will hegiven for tho

Purchase ot Merchandise

in Honolulu for tun residents of the:i'j bovciiiI Islands of 'hi groii". fly

GUAltDIANS' NOTTOJS.been appoint) d by theHAVINO Court the guaidlans of the

jierbon uud estato of JOJIX BOBKLLO,found by the Com t lo bo incapable oftaking (ariiof hinuelf, nil pcrsoni. niehereby warned against having any deal,inga with tho said .lolui llobello, and allpatties having any claims aguln-- l himare hereby notified to picsent Ihu Biuneto J. Ilyinun, and all parties owing theunid John llobello nro renuebtcd toecttlo with J. Ilyinun nforetafd.


Honolulu, April 20, 1880. 318 lm


Kameliameha Day

tk. .!



Third AnnualC.

Race Meeting StJir


OF T1IF- -

Hawaiian Jockey CITO BE HELD AT

Kxipiolsxiii X3avlc

ON' 6


June 11 and 12, 1886.

irst Day, June 1.1 , 1 88.Honolulu Plato,

Jtnniiliis Bace, linlf-ml- le dali, opento all. B

Kapiolani Park Plate,Ihiniilng Bace. lo dash, open loall liov-u- s bred In the Kingdom thathave never run at any meeting of thisAssociation.

King's Plate,Trotting and pacing, tulle heats, besttwo hi three; free for all horses nothaving u record of thiee minutes orbetter; to be owued and driven bymembers of the Jockey Club.

k Hawaiian Jockey Club Cup,

littuiilng Knee, n eepatake if $.0added; eup to be won by the sameper-o- n twice, the second w lulling tohe at any future annual meeting: onemile ilu'li. open to all tlnee-veur-ol- d;

sealed nomination-- . Inclosing afee of SIO, to bo sent to the Secretaryif the Hawaiian .lockey Club on or

liefoie L" l'.M. on the lili day of .lune.Final aeceptanci's a- - to the lialauee ofs'weep-take- -' on or before L" r.M. onthe 10th of .lune. Second trial Cupinn for lust yeai.

5 Oceanic Plate,Itiiniiing Bnco, one mile da-- h. freefor all Hawaiian hied horse-- , ilahl-eu- -

allowed live pound-- .

6 Waikapu Cup,

Biiimlng Bace. a sweepstake of S'.'jadded. ?, mile diisli. open to all two- -

ear-ol- d Hawaiian bred horx:-- . Cupto he won by hor-- e beating the two- -

ear-ol- d leeord. 1 :l'3.

7 Kamehameha Plate,Itiinning Bace, Tj mile dash, open toall.

8 Pony Race,Biiimlng Baee. mile daah, open to allponies of 1 1 baud- - or under.

Second Day, .Tune 1 2, 1880.1 Govonor Dominis Plate,

Hunnliijr Bace, ?.( mile dnli, free forall.

2 Lunamakaainana Plate,Trotting and jiaeing, mile heat, besttwo hi thiee; ojieu to all Hawaiianhied hoie.

3 Rosita Challengo Cup, $ added,Biiimlng Bace, mile dash, free forall; winner to heat the leeord of Bo-

snia, 1:I7. Cup to ho run forand to he held by the winner

until hli time - beaten at a regularmeeting of the Association.

4 Tho Queen's Plato,Biinnlng Bace, mile da-- h, free for allHawaiian hied horses.

5 Tho Hawaiian Plate,Trotting and pacing, mile heals, besttwo In three; all hor-e- - having a re-

cord of or better to go to wagon.

6 His Majesty's Cup,

Illuming Bace. a sweepstake of .S"(l

added, 14 mile da-- h, free for allthree-year-ol- owned by membersof the' Club. The eup to be run forannually.

. O. BEKGER,:it td See'v Hawaiian Jockey Club.


1 RED!

Vttwfo B I

Just received, per Xcnlaii.din, and foi sale by

.A.1XV3IS vSi CO.,Queen Street. lm

PIKE.IX of having been burned

out I but; to notify my fi lends andtlio public iu general, that I lino re-

moved to 100 Xiimiuiihtreet, next to theCommercial Hotel, Coffee and Lunchat all hoiirji, as before.32-- J lni THOMAS .MCI.nOOX,

EAU'LOYaiEMT OFFICE,rpillj undersigned has moved Into thoX olllco of Mr. J. E. Wlbcman, where

he will he prepared to furnish house,hold servant)), collect hills, do Anglo.Chlncso interpietlng, and a generalbuMnesB. (fi'J dm) .SOYOXG.

ALEX. ARTHUR,Queen St., next Bulletin Olllco.

Horses biokm to Bud-

die3S! and Harness,Horse boaiiled by the

. day, week, or month,Horse Clipped. EST Tclephono 101.

20 tf


Cmrnnrnfian Storksrt?JvfliJalVplivJ?iH

tfOli QXhE.tak


llsw'n nnrniigc Miinf'g Co., it, 90 it 0O. U dl & son, 7fi Ml

liihT.l-liim- l ?.. N.Co., a, mo I0JTtlephnne, (3 31 1

lluw'u Agricultural On., (jiliO 100WlldeiV Steamship Co., (g.00 100

Hi ewer lib Co., 1(0 1P0Woodluwn Daliy, HO 101

tiitukii Sugur Co., M 11)0

Wiilmiiimlu, 155 101).Mill, (4.5 OHO

Reciprocity riugnr Co., 10 100P.li. A. THUltSTON, Stock llroket.

IIS Mercliimt St reel lfil ly

TO ARRIVE,ex brig Consuclo.

20 Tons BranBW Bedroom Sets,' Marblo top,

Ash Bedsteads,

Piano box Uugglos. Full Leather Tops,

Piano box Sldo bar. Leather Top, Quakor

City Buggies.

2 Wlicr-to-p Buggies,

Phaetons I.eatliei-top- , Quaker City.

To be Bold immediately a arrival

.1. IJYOIN'SS,) Auctioneer and Com. .Mcrchaiit.


GenlneFrencliClaret(SUl'I'.lllOU IJUAMTV),

In Half Casks of 30 Gallons each.

Korwdc iniKoud or Duty paid by

M. s. a KI IS ATJZM. & Co.,!)2 (iircn Street, llonnliilu. !3in


St'm Candy Factoryand Bakery.

H:Ht:alli!sliedlSe3.F. HORN, Proprietor

Xo, 71 HOTEL ST., betweenNuuuiiii anil Koit bt- -.

lias always on hand the largest Blockof Candies, both Plain and Fancy, guar,untoed to be STltlCTLV PUBE

AVliolcKiilo unci lieluil.

Rich Wedding CakesOf u Twenty Years' Beputatiou, allSizes always on hand, ornamentedin any Stjle.

Pastries of All Description Made to

Order at Short Notice.

Puru und

Wholesome Bread,Fresh every Day.

Bell and Mutual Telephone, Xo.l O .Bov No. 75. 1C

Crystal oa WOKSManufacturers of

Soda Water, Ginger Ale,

Florida Lemonade, Aeiated 'NVateis ofall kinds, Fruit Syrups and Essences.

We Use Patent Stoppersin all our Bottles.

We invito particular attention to ourPatent filter, recently introduced, bywhich all waters used in our mnnufactureB is absolutely fieed from all int.purities.

Wo dclierour Good free of chargeto all pints of the city. We guaranteeour Gooils to bo tho best In the market.Careful attention paid to Island Older j.Addicss

The Crystal Soda Works,P. O Box HOT, Honolulu.

Hell TvloplKiiiu : : 2!8Mutual Telephone : 'MW

EST Oideis loft with Iieuson. Smith ft

Co., No. 11 Koit Stieel, will rcceivoprouiid attention.

We, also, aie Agents lor tho taleof ,f. AV. Illngley's

Celebrated Cigars,188 of his own inanuliictiiro, Hm

WIIiUlflll'H H. S. CO.I.linlteil.

.Stoapior KinaualtoeiiB si u""iLeuveH Honolulu each Tuesday nt4 p.m., touching at Lalminu, Mua-lae- u

Bay, Mnkena, ISIahukoiia, o,

Liuipalioehoo and Hllo.Iloturning, will touoli at all the

nlovo ports, arriving at Honolulueach Saturday uftornoon,



Groceries, Provisions and Feed,E,aT UUIlXLli FOltl AND KINO SI HI ETS.

New Goods received by every Packet from the E'itcrn States and Europe.Fteh California Pi educe by eery !5leamer. All outers faithfully attended to.and Uood delivered loiinypirtot the city free of cliarire. Idiiiul oidurs toll,cited. SJtlsfiicllou guaranteed. Post Olllce ilox 145. Telejiliune No. OJ. 1C3 ly

O. Hex 21)7.

LEWIS & CO., GROCERS,111 ITort Street,

Importers & Dealers in Staple & Fancy Groceries.New Good1' continually on the way. Just received Keys Saner Kraut, kegs Hol-

land Herrings, kegs Tripe, kegs German Pickles kegs Mixed Pickles kitsSalmon Bellies, kits Mhckctcl, kegs Family Pork, kegs Cnruid Beef. ForBreakfast- - While O.its, Uerniea; Urcnkfast Gem and Shrtded Maize. Also, aflue lot of New Zealand and Portland l'cuclihlou Potatoes always uu lnnd.Tlio very best of ISLAND BU'lTEH, plenty for everybody.

280 I'rirvH low nnd .NiitiHfnctioii dSunrnntcvd.

GEO. EMELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel NotP.

Xiiiporlur mul I(;ulr inSTOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS,


Agent Kail's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

3F Store formerly occupied bv S N' I'1 , pi osite bpreckels 4 Co.'u Uunk. --&aHO


Corner of Fort & Merchant Streets,Has jit- -l opcnul oui n li i;e and emcfully selected Mock of

Gent's Fine Furnishing G-ood-

Cu.toni-Jbid- e Clothing, and Huts ond Caps

In all 1 Latest Styles oil Patterns.

EST" Particular attention is called to nn clcgont line of Gent's Neckwear.2Stf



Telephone 2 1(1.




April 5th, 1886,

2C) am






Steam Laundrj


No Chinese Employed.

JOI I0TT, 1. 8 Kaaliirau

H rfWWftBfflBHte

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,



WANTED,AGUUP, Mbur, reliable, steady man,

to i lie muitiy. To tukecine of horses, in II U a few ' ows, and nt.tend to gi minds nla )irlvaie rosldincuon Maul. None need apply unless fullyable to imet the above riqniicmcnts.Wages, '.'5 a mouth, homd nnd leclulugApply lo .1 E VLS1MN,a 4 Gen'l Uuslns Agent.


jSo. lO Store,A Varied Ass'm't of Kid Gloves

Wash Doe Jersey Gloves,Shaded I'lusho,French Merinos,Victoria Lawns,Costume Cambric,

Sash and other Ribbons318 latest styles.


HAVING been obliged (on shortby the ubovc element) to

move to some other quarters, we wouldtherefore notify our pntrons, and allthoe that wish us well, thut weaie nowat the

67 and 69 Hotel Street,

wlioro we shull ho prepared to fill allorders for

Groceries k Provisions,

ulto, in the Feed line, as

Hay and Grain.Urders solicited, prompt attention and

loir pi ices guaranteed.BaT Bell Telephone 249, Mutual Tele

phone l!l4.

WOL Ac CO.:t07



Wine and Spirit


23 Nuuanu St., Honolulu.

Sole Importers of

S. Lachman & Co.'s California "Wines,

John Exchaw's No. 1 Brandy,

J. l'elllson's 7 und 10.year.old Brandy,

J. J. Mclchcr's "Elcphunt" Gin,

li. w. smith ii co.'a

"TMstle Dew" Wlltoy,

Coatcs S. Co.'sl ' Plymouth " IGin, etc.


Most Favorite Brands

or- -

Ales, Beers, Wines,


constantly on hand and for sale at tho

Lowcwt SIiii'lcetXtalcN.

Orders filled promptly nnd all Goodsguaiantecd.

P. 0. Box 362. Both Tel., No. 46.L'8'J

l'OMiite Skating Rink,

Will bo opeu every afternoon and even,ing as follows:

lay unit Haturiluy llveiilngu.To the public in general.

U3V33NIIS'G8,For Indies and gentlemen.

Tue.Hctny Attei-uoonH- ,

For ladies, gentlemen ami children.

aiTJHIC.Friday and Saturday Evenings.


Great Exoitomont In Walesabout a Marvellous Cure.

Living Six Years WithoutGoing io Bol.

Mr., Edit, u: lille n fewdas at tlie iiltuanl enslilu town ofAlHT)8tullll, OlirillrlUllhllil (.', Ilk'S, IliiMim nliiUd whut buunad to uw ellliera fiiliiilous story or a intirvullmis cuie.

Tncitory wmb ilialu poor snlluur liobud not been aide lo lie don n in Lied forsix long ycais, glveu lip to die by nil IboDoctors, bud been spied I ly cured bysome I'aU'Ui Medicine. It was lelatidvilli the inure iniiilleit coiitldence fiointhe clrcninstunee, us was sulil, that theVlcnrof Llunrystyd was familiar wllbthe facts, uud could vouch for the truthof the report.

Having n little curiosity to know howsuch stories grow In tunelllng, I tookthe liberty while nt the village of l.hin.ryttvd to call upon the Vkar, the llev.T. Kvutis, ami to enquire about Ibiswonderful cure. Though a toialstian.ger lo him, both he and his wlfu mostgrucioiii'ly cntcrtJincd me in a halfEour'sconNcrtaiion, principally touchingthe ein-- o of M.r. t'ugli, lu which theyteemed to take a deep and sympatheticinterest, having been familiar with hissullcriugs and now rejoiced in whatseemed io them n mott icuiarkuble cure.

Tho Vicar remarked that hepiesiiincdhis name had bceu connected with thereport from his having mentioned thecine to Mr, John Tliomus, a chemist ofLluuoii. Ho said .Mr. Piigh was former-l- y

a icddculol their pailsli, but wusuowliving iu the parish of Lhinddeluol.

He Mrongly vouched Mr. Win. l'ugh'scluuacter as a respuctal'le farmer andworthy of credit. I lett the venerableVicar with a livelier ns.o of the linniivrdiiilou of a iiiiMtor and people, feelingthat he was one who iiuly sympathisedwith all who are allllcUd in mind, body,or estate.

On my return lo Aberjstwith, 1 wasimprcHecd with a dehlre to bee Mr. I'ush,whose reputation stood so high. Hisfaun is called I'uueoni-Mawr- , signifying"abovo tlio dingle," situated near thesummit of a smooth louud hill, over,looking a beautiful valley in which issituated the lovely ivy mantled Churchof Llanddeinol. 1 found Mr. Pugh,apparently about lOyuur.s old, of mediumheight, rather slight, with a plcutautamlIntelligent face. L told him I had lieaidof his gicat alllictioii mid of his remark,able and almost miraculous iclltl, andthat I had come to learn from his ownlips what there was of liuth in the icports.

Mr. I'ugh remarked that ills neigh.bora had taken a kindly and symp-athetic inteiest iu his case lor manyjeurs, but of late their imuic?t had lieiugi cully uwakencil by a happy change inliis condition. Whut you rcpoit us hav.ing lieaid abroad, said he, is substaut.iafiy true, lib one exception. I neverunderstood thai my case was ever givenup as hopeless by any Physician. IluiTo been treated by several Doctorsheieabouts, us good us any In Wales, butunfortunately no prescription of theirsever brought the desired relief.

Fifteen years ago, lie said, I first be-

came conscious ot a sour uud derungedstomach uud loss of appetite, which tlioDoctors told me was Dyspepsia. Wiiutlood I could hold iu my stomach seem-ed to do me no good nnd was oftentin own up with painful retchings. Thiswas followed after a time with u hoarse-ness und a raw soreness of the tin oatwhich the Doctors called bronchitis,and I was treated for that, but withlittle success. Then came shortness ofbreath nnd a sense of sti (Vocation, espe-cially nights, with clammy sweat, and fwould have to get out of bed and some-times open a door or window in winterweather to (ill my lungs with tho coldair.

About six ycais ago I becamo so badthat I could not sleep iu bed, but had totake my unquiet rest and drcam sleepsitting iu uu armchair. My alllictlouseemed to bo working downward intomy bowels as well as upwards Into mylungs uud throat. In the violent cough-ing spasms which grew more frequent,my abdomen would expand and collapseand ut times it would seem that 1 shouldsutlbcate. Afl this time I was reducediu strength so thut I could perform nohard labor and my spliils were conse-quently much depressed.

Early in this lust spring I had a stillmore severe spasmodic mtiicK, una mvfamily and neighbors became alarmed,,believing that certainly 1 would not sur-viv- c,

when a neighbor, who had someknowledge, or had heard of the medi-cine, sent to Aberystwitli by the driverof tlie Omnibus Post, some seven milesdistant, uud fetched a bottle of MotherSelgel's Curativo Byrup.

This medicine they administered tome according to tho directions, when to"their surprise and delight no less than,my own, the spasm ceased. I became utease, and my stomach was calmed. Mybowels weio moved us by a gentlercathartic, and I felt a sense of quietcomfort nil thiough such us 1 had notbeforo realized in many years. I couldwalk around the house und breathecomfortably iu a few hours after I hudtakeu tho medicine. I have continuedto take tho medicine dully now forsomething over two mouths, and I canlie down and sleep sweetly ut nightsand have not since hud a recurrence ofthose terrible spasms and sweatings. Ihave been so long broken down nnd re-duced iu my whole system that I havenot tried to perform any very hard out-door labor, deeming it best tosbo pru-dent lest by over-exertio- n I may do my.self injury before my strength is fullyrestored. I feel that my stomnch andbowels have been and nro being thor-ouglil- y

renovated und renewed by thumedicine. Iu fuct 1 feel liko iv newman.

1 huve been much congratulated bymy neighbors, especially by the goodVicar of Llanrystyd, who with his sym.pathetic wife have come three miles toshed tears of joy on my iccovery.

I bade Mr. Pugh good.bye, happy thateven ouo at least among thousands hadfound u remedy for nn aggravating (lis.ease.

llellcvlng this jcmnrkablc case ofDyspeptic Asthniu should bo known tothe public, 1 beg to submit tho abovefacts us tliey uio i elated to mu!iU It wly P. T. W.


orders for Cartage prowptry antended to. Purtlculur attention

pnld to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantltlM to suit at lowest prices

Oiuoo, adjoining E. P. Adams & Uo.'sauction room.983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 19,