(iii) - All India Railwaymen's Federationairfindia.com/Orders 2014/Recognition of Qualification Certf RBE...6 months advanced module R&M of domestic appliances. j 6 months specialized

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National Trade Certificate (NTC) of one year BBBT in sector of : Fabrication COE plus NTC of any of the following 06 (six) month course advance module in :-Structural/Pressure Parts Fitting; OR Structural Welding; OR Pressure Vessel & Pipe Welding; OR Welding Inspection & Testing; OR TIG/MIG Welding. National Trade Certificate (NTC) of one year BBBT in sector of Refrigeration & Air Conditioning COE plus NTC of any of the following 06 (six) month course advance module in :-Domestic, Commercial Refrigeration & Air Conditioning; OR Central Air Conditioning Plant, Industrial Cooling & Central Air Conditioning Plant, Industrial Cooling & Package; OR Cold Storage, Ice Plant & Ice-Candy Plant. National Trade Certificate (NTC) of one year BBBT in sector of : Electronics COE plus NTC of any of the following 06 (six) month course advance module in :-Radio, Audio, Video System and Appliances; OR Inverters, UPS, Voltage Stabilizers and Industrial Drives; OR Repair & Maintenance of Electronic Test Equipment; OR Communication System, Embedded System and PLC. National Trade Certificate (NTC) of one year BBBT in sector of : Information Technology (IT) COE plus NTC of any of the following 06 (six) month course advance module in :· Multi Media & Animation; OR Repair & Maintenance of Hardware of Computer & Peripheral Computer Networking ; OR Digital Videography; OR E-Accountancy & Office Management; OR Multi Media & Creative Designing; OR Information System Management. National Trade Certificate (NTC) of one year BBBT in sector of : Instrumentation COE plus NTC of any of the following 06 (six) month course advance module in :-Industrial Electronics & Instrumentation; OR Analytical Instrumentation; OR Process Control Instrumentation; OR Medical Instrumentation; OR Optical Instrumentation; OR Electronic Test & Measuring Instruments.


Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Electronic Mechanic

lnforf!lation Communication

Technology System Maintenance

Instrument Mechanic

3. Apart from the above, comparative list/mapping of trades circulated vide letter No. 2012/E(RRB)/3/2 dated 14/9/2012 (copy enclosed) shall also be complied to.

4. Past cases which have been finalized need not be re-opened. Cases where final decision is yet to be taken may be dealt in terms of above instructions.

Please acknowledge receipt. (Hindi version will follow)

Ends.: As stated.

No. E (NG)-H/2005/RR-1/7.

LU '3'} ~ (Lily Pandeya)

Director Estt. (N)~II Railway Board.

New Delhi, Dated).1112/2014.

Copy to: (i) The General Secretary, · AIRF, Room No. 253, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (35

spares). (ii) The General Secretary, NFrR, Room No. 256-E, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi (35

spares). .. · ~r



1 Qualification certificate(s) submitted by the Candidate Suggested trade under ] SCVT/NCVT !



1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.

One year BBBT in sector of Electrical COE 6 months advanced module EAT OE· . 6 months specialized module in sector of Electrical (CO_E.o:<)---+- ------

~:0~~~ ;~v~~~~~~~c;;u~! ~~~~t~~~~ COE Electric-Tan ------ ---·-··



6 months specialized module in sector of Electrical (COE) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2.

One year BBBT in sector of Electronics ~tro_njc~ Mechanic J

6 months advanced module communication system. · 6 months specialized communication system ; J

One year BBBT in sector of Electrical COE Electrician I'.

6 months advanced module EAT 05.

3. 6 months specialized n.odule in sector of Electrical (COE) I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r----~-~~-----~-

One year BBBT in sector of Electrical COE Electrician 1. 2: 3. 1.

6 months advanced module R&M of domestic appliances. j 6 months specialized module Electrical (COE)

One year BBBT in sector of Electronics Electrician 2. 3. 1.

6 months advanced module UPS 6 months specialized UPS

r----...::..:....-=--'-'-'-'--'-'-"-'--::::!==--:-----7-'-....;o_-::-=-~-:-:---=-=----------jf-------::::-:---:-:--:--·--·--·-· -One year BBBT in sector of Electrical COE Electrician

~--2. 3.

6 months advanced module EAT 05. 6 months specialized module in sector of ~lectrlcal (COE)

i , . One year 88BT tn sector of Electncal 2. 6 months advanced module R&M of domestic appliances

r-----=-3-'-. _6::,-:..:.m.:..:o..:.;nc.::.th.:..:s..,s="p~e='c=ia-:'li""'ze..::....d_;_..:.;m.:...:o::..:d.:..:u'::"le:::-::=E.:..:Ie.:..:cc.::.tr.:..:ic:.:..a-::-1 -':-( C'=O:'-E:::;.),__ ______ - ----=--"'- .,------1. One year BBBT in sector of Electrical COE Electronics Mech<mic 2. 6 months C!dvanced module EAT 05. 3. 6 monthsspecia~ized module in sector of Electrical (COE) ---·----·-----·- - ·-·--- ---· 1. One year BBBT m sector of Electrical COE Electrician 2. 6 months advanced module EAT 05. 3. 6 months specialized module in sectc-:....r..::.of_._E~Ie-=-ct:....r:..:::ic..::.a'-:1 (l...:•C:...:O::..:E=-:),___-t------,---.,--·-·- - ---· ··-·--1. One year BBBT in sector of Electrical Electrician 2. 6 months advanced module R&M of electrical machine 3. 6 months specialized module maintenance of

.. communication winding l----c-'"-'=';..:..:..oc..;.:...:::.~=-=-==--:---'---'--'-:>OL--:-=-~-:-:---;-=-:::.----------1r---·--::-:----,-:--- ... ----- ,. ..

1. ··One year BBBT in sector of Electrical COE • Electrician 2. 6 months advanced module EAT 05.


3. 6 months specialized module in sector of Electrical .{g_OE) 1. One year BBBT in sector of Electronics COE -'-'-+-- ---E--Ie_c_t_riClan ·- ··-·--·-·--i

2. 6 months advanced module Inverters UPS voltage I _1.:. __ _6 months specialized communication sy_ste~----·· _, ____ -·· I

·i . One year BBBT in sedor of Electiical COE -- - --E!ecTi·ic;·r .. _______ ....

2. 6 months advanced module EAT 05. . " ,; 1 3. 6 months specialized module in sect_Qr of Electrical (COE) _ ·-···-E-Ie--ct··-r,·c·-,·an·----------. 1. One year BBBT in ~ector of Craft Electrical Engineering 2. 6 months advanced module R&M EM & PS in the sector of

C~E I 3. 6 months specialized module Repair and maintenance of j

electrical machine and power s~Q::AT~---- ·-------- _______ _.._ ______ _____ , _____ ... J

' !

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