Newsletter Improving Administrative Sciences Worldwide www.iias-iisa.org N°34 - Winter 2012 The IIAS family is pleased to announce that the year just ended was marked by the birth of its latest offspring: the Asian Group for Pu- blic Administration (AGPA). AGPA is the little brother of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), of the Latin American Group for Public Administration (LAGPA) and the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA). The re- cent establishment of AGPA responds to the wish of the Institute to focus more on specific regional issues together with the other regio- nal groups of the IIAS. At a time when crises of various kinds (par- ticularly environmental, financial, political and structural ones) are going global, it is clear that the solutions to correct them are not ne- cessarily universal. Which is why it is the duty of the IIAS, as a global platform in the field of administrative sciences and public admi- nistration, to have sufficient imagination and foresight to design, propose and implement the necessary measures to improve gover- nance and the functioning of public adminis- trations not only at the supra-regional level but also at the regional level It is with this ambition that we wish to begin the New Year, aware of the challenges and obstacles that we are sure to meet along the way. May 2012 bring all of us the strength and inspiration to face them with conviction and confidence! Rolet Loretan Director General Editorial Rue Defacqz 1, box 11 B-1000 Brussels, Belgium tel: +32 2 536 08 80 fax: +32 2 537 97 02 e-mail: [email protected] Table of contents IIAS : •  IIASInternationalCongress, Mexico, June 2012.................................................... 2 •  KnowledgePortal ...................................................... 2 •  IIASStatutoryMeetings, February2012................................................................. 2 EGPA : •  EGPASteeringCommitteeMeeting, January2012 ....................................................................3 •  8 th TAD–TransatlanticDialogue, TheNetherlands,June2012 ..........................3 •  EGPAAnnualConference, Bergen,September2012 ..................................3 •  Personnel-News........................................................3 IASIA : •  IASIAAnnualConference, Thailand,July2012 ...................................................4 •  IASIARegionalConferenceforLatin AmericaandtheCaribbean,Brazil, December 2011.............................................................4 •  IASIABoardofManagementMeetings, Belgique,February2012 ..................................4 •  Personnel-News........................................................4 AGPA : •  AGPAAnnualConference Maldives,May2012.................................................5 •  Agenda.....................................................................................5 The IIAS, its specialized Association and its regional Groups, wishes you a Happy New Year. May 2012 bring you health, happiness and success! Season’s Greetings

IIAS Newsletter - Nr 34 - Winter 2011

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Newsletter of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences - Nr 34 - Winter 2012

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Page 1: IIAS Newsletter - Nr 34 - Winter 2011

NewsletterImproving Administrative Sciences Worldwide


N°34 - Winter 2012

The IIAS family is pleased to announce that the year just ended was marked by the birth of its latest offspring: the Asian Group for Pu-blic Administration (AGPA). AGPA is the little brother of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), of the Latin American Group for Public Administration (LAGPA) and the International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA). The re-cent establishment of AGPA responds to the wish of the Institute to focus more on specific regional issues together with the other regio-nal groups of the IIAS.

At a time when crises of various kinds (par-ticularly environmental, financial, political and structural ones) are going global, it is clear that the solutions to correct them are not ne-cessarily universal. Which is why it is the duty of the IIAS, as a global platform in the field of administrative sciences and public admi-

nistration, to have sufficient imagination and foresight to design, propose and implement the necessary measures to improve gover-nance and the functioning of public adminis-trations not only at the supra-regional level but also at the regional level

It is with this ambition that we wish to begin the New Year, aware of the challenges and obstacles that we are sure to meet along the way. May 2012 bring all of us the strength and inspiration to face them with conviction and confidence!

Rolet LoretanDirector General


Rue Defacqz 1, box 11B-1000 Brussels, Belgiumtel: +32 2 536 08 80fax: +32 2 537 97 02e-mail: [email protected]

Table of contentsIIAS :• �IIAS�International�Congress,�

Mexico, June 2012 ....................................................2• �Knowledge�Portal� ......................................................2• �IIAS�Statutory�Meetings,� February�2012 .................................................................2

EGPA :• �EGPA�Steering�Committee�Meeting,�January�2012 ....................................................................3

• �8th�TAD�–�Transatlantic�Dialogue,� The�Netherlands,�June�2012 ..........................3

• �EGPA�Annual�Conference,� Bergen,�September�2012 ..................................3

• �Personnel�-�News ........................................................3

IASIA : • �IASIA�Annual�Conference,� Thailand,�July�2012 ...................................................4

• �IASIA�Regional�Conference�for�Latin�America�and�the�Caribbean,�Brazil,�December 2011 .............................................................4

• �IASIA�Board�of�Management�Meetings,�Belgique,�February��2012 ..................................4

• �Personnel�-�News ........................................................4

AGPA :• �AGPA�Annual�Conference Maldives,�May�2012 .................................................5

• �Agenda .....................................................................................5

The IIAS, its specialized Association and its regional Groups, wishes you a Happy New Year. May 2012 bring you health, happiness and success!

Season’s Greetings

Page 2: IIAS Newsletter - Nr 34 - Winter 2011


IIAS International Congress, 18-22 June 2012, Mérida, Yucatán (Mexico) – COMING UP

International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS) www.iias-iisa.org

2012 International Congress of IIAS



Registration – Registration is open and accessible to everyone via the link www.conftool.pro/iias2012.

Call-for-papers – The congress is open to Young Researchers/PhD Students in public management, as well as to contributors from different disciplines. You are invited to present your current research and studies examining public management, in particular on the following main theme « Socio-Economic Priorities and Public Administration ».

Proposal and abstracts should be submitted and uploaded via the website: www.conftool.pro/iias2012. The deadline for receiving the abstracts/proposals is 31 January 2012.

Please do not hesitate to forward this information to your networks, colleagues and friends.

Intercontinental Administrative Forum - the IIAS will organize its second Forum on The Crisis and the Challenges for the Public Sector. The event will be a vehicle for contrasting experiences and ideas from different continents based on three main topics: 1) Impacts of the Crisis on the Public Sector; 2) Lea-dership and administrative capacities facing challenges in times of crisis and 3) Strategic tools in times of crisis.

We expect many of you and look forward to welcoming you in Merida.

Visit the congress website www.iias-congress2012.org. n

The next IIAS Statutory meetings: the PRAC, the Finance Committee, the Strategic Com-mittee and the Council of Administration will be held on 15, 16 and 17 February 2012 respectively, in the IIAS Office in Brussels, Belgium.

The agendas of these Committees will main-ly address issues on scientific activities of the Institute over the past six months, ques-tions on finances, a progress report on the new IIAS Strategy, membership requests and reports of the Regional Groups.

A discussion workshop will also be orga-nised for the members of the Council of Ad-ministration on the theme « Developments in Public Administration and implications for IIAS ». n

IIAS Statutory Meetings, 15-17 February 2012, Brussels (Belgium) COMING UP

In 2012, the contributions of the IIAS Knowle-dge Portal will deal mainly with the three sub-themes of the IIAS International Congress to take place in Mérida, Yucatán (Mexico).

The themes are: • Democratic Governance for Socioeco-

nomic Development;

• E-Government, Instrument to Strengthen Trust and

• Public Value, the case of tourism.

At the end of 2011, our interns prepared a series of information links which will be gradually put on line. We invite you to visit the site regularly as we will begin to deve-lop these themes very soon and we wish to gather the information which you would like to share with other users of the Knowledge Portal.

For example: The theme of the creation of public value is a theme for reflection which is particularly pertinent during times of crisis.

We need to ask how public value is created – between the finalities of public service, mea-surable production and public opinion. We have chosen to examine the specific case of tourism. Recent events have shown just how difficult it is to change public policies on the subject. 1. How to create public value? 2. What is the role of the public sector in

the setting up of public policy?

3. The definition of the objectives of the public service vs. the definition of pu-blic value

4. Public value in times of crisis: How is it accepted?

5. Giving sense and public value in the context of tourism policies.

6. Tourism policies and socio-economic development: revising the definition of public value.

7. Tourism policies and other sectorial po-licies (environment, transport…): how to create common public value?

Join us for a stimulating debate on this theme and add your information and experiences to our Knowledge Portal.

Other news concerning the development of our public administrations and their per-sonnel will be posted on line regularly. We invite you to share news of your department, administrative service or any developments concerning your country or your region for publication: 10 lines and a link:


The Portal is yours! n

Knowledge Portal CURRENT THEMES

Newsletter 2 Winter 2012 n°34

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The next EGPA Steering Committee meeting will be held in Brussels from 27 to 28 January 2012.

The main items on the agenda will address EGPA Governance and Portfolio strategy, the scientific activities of the European Group for Public Administration and the progress reports on strategic partnerships. n

EGPA Steering Committee Meeting, 27-28 January 2012, Brussels (Belgium) COMING UP

EGPA Annual Conference, 5-8 September 2012, Bergen (Norway) COMING UP

European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) www.iias-iisa.org/egpa

2012 EGPA Annual Conference


PhD Seminar on 3-4 September


5-8 September 2012

5-8 September 2012 preceded by the PhD Seminar on 3-4 September 2012.

Call-for-papers: The call-for-papers for the PhD Seminar, the permanent study groups and for the French Speaking Seminar will be available on the Conference website by the end of January 2012. The EGPA Conference is open to academics, young researchers and practitioners. You are invited to submit an abstract for proposal on topics addressed by the different groups.

Deadlines:Deadline for submission of abstracts of proposals by e-mail: 5 May 2012Deadline for online submission of abstracts of proposals: 15 May 2012Deadline for decision and selection by the co-chairs: 1st June 2012Deadline for submitting the complete papers: 25 July 2012.Please consult the detailed call-for-papers for the group to which you would like to submit a proposal.

Conference Website: www.egpa-conference2012.org.

For more information, do not hesitate to consult the conference website or contact us.

Why not invite colleagues from your networks to submit a proposal and to join us in Bergen for a stimulating conference?

We look forward to welcoming you all in Bergen! n

The 2012 Transatlantic Dialogue will be hosted by Radboud University Nijmegen on 7-9 June 2012 in Nijmegen, The Nether-lands. The Transatlantic Dialogues are a joint initiative of the European Group of Public Administration (EGPA) and the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA).

The theme of the conference is « Transitions in Governance », on which six workshops will be organised:Workshop 1: New public governance: com-

plex systems and networks Workshop 2: Avoiding, managing, and

shifting blame: Accountabi-lity processes in modern day government

Workshop 3: Leadership qualities, percep-tions, and actions: Who is doing what, when and how?

Workshop 4: Social risks and the role of the state

Workshop 5: Multiple partners at multiple levels: Multi-level governance

Workshop 6: The regulatory paradigm: Challenges and innovations in regulatory governance

For more detailed information about the workshops and the conference, please visit our website: www.8tad.org. n

8th TAD – Transatlantic Dialogue, 7-9 June 2012, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) - COMING UP

IIAS – Development Officer

We are honored to announce that Mrs Muni-ra Aminova joined the IASA family in January 2012 as Development Officer.

She holds an MBA in Public Service from the University of Birmingham and a PhD in Politi-cal Sciences from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Prior to this, she worked for the University of

Personnel - NEWSWestminster in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, for 6 years and the Ministry of Finance and other institutions. She has held research and consul-tancy positions with The United Nations, UNDP, IWMI, OSCE, USAID, and British Embassy among others. She has also authored scien-tific and research papers in academic journals and conferences. n

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IASIA Annual Conference, 16-21 July 2012, Bangkok (Thailand) - COMING UP

International Association of Schools and Institutes of Administration (IASIA) www.iias-iisa.org/iasia

2012 IASIA Annual Conference



16-21 July 2012The 2012 IASIA Conference will take place at the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA) in Bangkok.

This year, the theme « Challenges for Local Governance and Development in the 21st Century » will be at the heart of discussions and will be subject to several plenary sessions and panels.

Registration – Registration is open and accessible to everyone via the link www.conftool.pro/iasia2012.

Call-for-papers – The Conference is open to government professionals, academics, practitioners, young researchers, as well as contributors from different disciplines.

You are cordially invited to download your research and study via www.conftool.pro/iasia2012 until 28 February 2012.

We look forward to welcoming many of you in Bangkok!

Further information regarding the Conference is now available at www.iasia-conference2012.org. n


The first IASIA Regional seminar for Latin America and the Caribbean took place on 7 and 8 December 2011 at the headquar-ters of the Fundaçao Getulio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro. The event was an initiative of the International Affairs Division (DINT) and the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico.

The theme of the seminar, « Development Administration: the challenges of implemen-ting integration policies », was subject to intense discussions within the four panels - Infrastructure, Social Policies, Local Govern-ments and Strategic Integration.

The event was sponsored by the UNIMED, the Corporación Andina de Fomento, CAF, and the institutional support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Further information regarding the different panels will soon be available at www.iasia2011.com.

IASIA/IIAS expresses its utmost grati-tude to the organisers and sponsors who contributed to make the event such a success! n

The next meeting of the IASIA Board of Mana-gement will take place in Brussels on 13-14 February.

The Board will deal primarily with the upcoming IASIA annual conference (Bangkok 2012), questions on finances, membership requests and forthcoming publications.

The next meeting of the IASIA Board of Mana-gement will take place in July 2012 during the next IASIA Conference in Bangkok.

Contact: [email protected]. n

IASIA Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean, 7-8 December 2011, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) - RESTROSPECTIVE

IASIA Board of Management Meetings, 13-14 February 2012, Brussels (Belgium) COMING UP

IASIA – Executive Secretary

After four years of loyal service (and much more besides), Mr Johannes Irschik, Executive Secretary of the IASIA, has decided to return home to Austria, to

be near to his family.

We would like to thank him for his hard work and professionalism, which extended far

Personnel - NEWSbeyond the boundaries of the head office of IASIA. We wish him every success in his return to his roots.

Mrs Virginie Delattre Escudié has taken up the torch as the new Executive Secretary of the IASIA. She graduated in International and Development Economics from the University of Applied Sciences (HTW) in Berlin and has carried out research for the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation and for the Brussels office of the

German Institute of International and Secu-rity Affairs (SWP). Prior to this she worked in the political depart-ment of the French Embassy in Berlin for five years. n

Newsletter 4 Winter 2012 n°34

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The next 2012 AGPA Annual Conference will be held in the Maldives from 8 to 10 May and will be hosted by the Civil Service Commission of the Maldives.

The main theme for this conference will be « Local Governance and Reform: Service Delivery, Transparency and Accountability » and the three sub-themes are as follows: 1. Local governance: bringing government closer to people; 2. Setting priorities for co-operative local development; 3. Accountability and resource management in local government. n

AGPA Annual Conference, 8-10 May 2012, the Maldives - COMING UP

27-28 January 2012 Steering Committee Meeting EGPA - Brussels (Belgium)

31 January 2012 Austrian Institute for European Law and Policy’s Open Dialogue Brussels (Belgium)

2-3 February 2012 5th Trans-European Dialogue (TED) EGPA/NISPACee - Budapest (Hungary)

13-14 February 2012 Board of Management Meeting IASIA - Brussels (Belgium)

15 February 2012 Statutory Meetings IIAS - Brussels (Belgium) Strategic Committee, PRAC and Finance Committee

16-17 February 2012 Council of Administration IIAS - Brussels (Belgium)

19-23 February 2012 EROPA Annual Conference IIAS - Bangkok (Thailand)

2-7 March 2012 ASPA Annual Conference IIAS - Flamingo Las Vegas (United States)

14 March 2012 Austrian Institute for European Law and Policy’s Open Dialogue Brussels (Belgium)

11-13 April 2012 XVI Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM) Rome (Italy)

16-20 April 2012 CEPA Annual Conference IIAS - New York (United States)

26-27 April 2012 Study Group « Public Sector Accounting and Financial Management” EGPA - Athens (Greece)

30 April 2012 Project Group History of Administration IIAS (to be confirmed) - Washington (United States)

8-10 May 2012 AGPA Annual Conference AGPA - Maldives

23-26 May 2012 The 20th NISPAcee Anniversary – The 20th NISPAcee Conference: Public Administration East and West: Twenty Years of Development

Ohrid (Republic of Macedonia – FYR Macedonia)

7-9 June 2012 8th Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD) EGPA - Nijmegen (The Netherlands)

18-22 June 2012 International Congress IIAS - Mérida-Yucatán (Mexico)

16-21 July 2012 Annual Conference IASIA - Bangkok (Thailand)

19-22 August 2012 IPAC Annual Conference IIAS - St-John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada)

3-4 September 2012 EGPA Seminar for doctoral candidates and EAPAA Meetings EGPA - Bergen (Norway)

5-8 September 2012 Annual Conference EGPA - Bergen (Norway)

18-20 September 2012 IPAA Annual Conference IIAS - Melbourne (Australia)



Newsletter 5 Winter 2012 n°34