..... ' ., , - ... ·II - ,_ . : . . · to, ' - ... · .. · . . . t e .. n n un y . ' ' ' . . . ' ' .. , (Volu111o .. 7. Number 34, CiJTmNio N•wJ, Volume 4.) Bloomer Belles \ . . ., . • r . . ' .. And Carrizozo Outlook cARRIJ9%0, NIW MEXICO, FRIDAY,. APRIL 14, lt61 -;,,..f SKETCHE·s Services Saturdoy . . . --' ,._ ·-· . ' (Outlook, Volume 55, No. 51) Tho LinCQb'l County Board :f' Commiuionen this w"k addreised a re11olution to the Bond . of of O.fJaca County, asking their asiistance in re-inhtrring the body of ____ ,..._ __ .·-·· ··- ----·····-u·-·----:-·· --- -- ···· ····-·-· A · numller of reasons wenLgbten for- this.-Dquest. . the nsolutiQn- w.S--achtc;l .upon-- .0.1'"'"_ Commlsslonen Kenneth ker, Charl.es A. Jones I L . f II . --Funernl- tlucted Saturday at 2.:30 p.m. In 'the ·· the Capitan MeUlodlst c:Qurch .for •tal ' nJcio Torrez, in ... ..... . Let's sett e matter or a tame slon last a atnte. a!:C))cy, tt ®Wile.. At J..1nc9ln, of blstory, wrltern of fiction and ho.o many memento\ of Dilly the history, 1tJ weU u lntcmted touJ'Istll, can gct flrnl·hand ln!ormatlon Kid and the Lincoln County War, about EUly the Kid and o.11 1n the Uncoln County War. .ln wblch be tgolt .a. le<ldlng 'l'lley also vtcw, in the thrllllnc of evenu leading Uncoln COunty wna mpro the liP to the 'l'hree-day DatUe The Kid's IUTC!Il tlJUl h!lJ drnmlltlc ecenpc of ''T.ho IOd" than anywhere el$c from the hangman's in the Southwest. Futuro hlstorl.o.n5 may discover, for e.mmple, that Bllly the IC!d Thl.'rc Is enacted each )'I!Q1' at would hove accepted ·tile pardBn oftl.'rcd by Govemor Lew Wnllnco Lincoln, New Moxleo, a had he not known for certainty that t.r he l!11d down h1s 81'JJlS Ita would '"fho Lant of Billy tho Kid" have ahot by hls before tho noxt sun act. Tho in tho and In ltJJ t!C(.'ncs . .. •- --·· ' M/SGT. CHARLIE BLANCO Mrs. Charlie Blanco proudly an- nounces that her hwiband, now lita tloned In Korea, bas made the tanlt of master sergeant. M/Sgt. tll\lllCO Is With the 3lnt 1:1ignal ttlt tallon. ly J. s. c. Mary Ellzab!lth""Forbus, 88, of 8JIJ . years ngo .·in Carrizozo Capitan, who died Wednesday . . the Invalid motl;ler !Jf the late A. morqlng In U1e home of her son, H. Harvey was burned to Dyer Forbus. . , J::C. __ _. ----·-- the Highlands. She had been left Capitan cemetery under the dlrec!• alona on that fa"eful day, and no tlon of the Hampton-Holland Fu: Santa Fe-Pat McClernon of Las one could determine 7how the neral Home.- , Cruces, a 1959 political started,: There was no fire engine Mrs Forbus had been a resident in the highway dep'artment, has In thoSe times and when people of Capitan and Lincoln County Cor l'•b:neoelnrlthdumped from his $1,025 a and the bucket. brigade arrived on the past 30 years. , 1 • job as maintenance engineer the scene the fmme structure was She Is survived by two sons Bill to a·· 57li0 job as asslstanJ district mass of names. Then someone Forl)us of Casu . .' and engineer at Deming. saw a charred body In the yard, Dyer Forbus of Capitan· by · That's. a serious drpp but not as not far from the namtnc house. daughters, Mrs. Pearl 'Hoyle severe as that suffered by Our- She had made It that far as she Hobbs, Mrs. A. C. Wilson of Paw- wood Dixon, 26 years with the de- fled, from the bumln. g house. nee, Okla.; Mrs. Lee Black or Jen- partment und n:cent chief engineer Ir\ tb 1 t f U R be t w at $1,458 a month. who has gone e .a e or es, o r . . nlngs, Okla.; Mrs. Ella .Parsons of to the ma,teriuls testing laboratory - salesman tor the old West- lt.lbuquerque and Mrs. Jessie Platt at 5720 . ern Garage and deputy under of Amarillo, Texas. SherUf .A.. S. M<:Camant, drove Pallberu-ei'Ji will be Virgil Hull, .LEGISLATOR . {!Ill' a short distance south of Malcolm Petree,- Fletcher Hall, STAYED AWAY TOO LONG i> _Th,gr_p, P!!t M!Lrpby nn!l . S11!1ll ReJJ""DLlllld .... .., .... , Provtnc. buck to Las Vegtl!l after tho legl.!l- Q!l the motive. Honomry bearern will bt> Oos:3 Ia ture and found his _job In the · oft.lcc filled Cl1rrl iil the cool of thn evening, toward!! Fred local Demo politlco recently let out . C.ptaln M.cVolth zow. tho Btoclcyard!! on tho of Pflngatcn. ll5 manager of the welfare de- th t h h ( h) Tho· field evontll wlU be held at partment's McadoWll h·ome tor the anyoo• w o •• Ill 1o In the momln" and the tmek Cuco took alonu his .22 L S Pi d bloomers that thty Ullftf, " rifle. in C4l/iO ho !!tiW ll .COttontail • eo o ne a aged. Nl it Worked OUt the COunty piHM l.t htr know, _ QVCDtll nt 1 p.m. bbl dl·· commiDBioncl'l! wouldn't approve · This wUI be the tnrrrcDt tmelr'l or Jnc:krn t. Tho gun .... ,barged Followlnc requiem mWI!I In Rut- Armijo and. Q!l this wnn written The chcerlncr acetlon for tho ihoot ever held In Carrizozo and accidentally and tho bullet rstruclt do:Jo on '1\lceday, Leo s Pineda. neither he uor !11ontoya lutd the Bloomc,r Del!ca will ll.avo three of of the b?ot ClnM D tmclt Mrn. N(ljar In the III"Dlill of tho 25, of Picacho waa lntt>rrcd In the j b the Soutbwcst'o champion twirl teQlllll In the ,otnto wUI compete. !melt. Tho wound wtl!l only nkln Ruidoso cemetery. 0 The San Ml(tUol courthouse, an and swirl lending the rob· Tenm!l thnt hove been Invited deep and tht> forturmtc Indy \VWl Mr. Pineda lo11t hl1:1 life l!arly plnco poUtlcnlly, 14 l:d5o ?.tlssc3 EmU Suo oln!ady acccptt'ld aro: at tho danco tlt tho , lruUI. J·"' When the overpru13 wtl!l being ty Demo chlllrtru:l& "111 mainto.- It 1ll cntln!ly flttlnrr, therefore, eould be rrulrc fitting than thnt Tho 'K!d'a l't'lJIAins be returned TWO alo YI!LL MIN -TO .... tand Dextcr. built In Cnrrlzmo In the earl,y of and four mlleo .Wc!ll or nancc ouperlntendent," whatever thnt tho body of the "'southwtst's to Lincoln, to be rclntt'JTCIJ In o plot of urotmd, In a lnnd!:enpcd "DIU,y WORK FOit CAPITAN PltOS Ut!rtll'!!, GuUlermo &rtlott Wllll RlvDcnsl Ide. f th d hi I that It!. . tho Kid Porl.fT" H!.a smvo would have 11 dlsnlf!ed cettlns, entirely awo,y H 1e Norri m ha 1 hnullnc grovl.'l from tho c:ru!lher rver 0 e cccon vt> c: e, Republican stale monoy bos:J. Ed foremoot pen:ormllty not be sub· from out.lnndWI ndvcrtWn"' on bl""'\vny ol"""'; or I:Uch a epcetoclo Stif'l'lng up tbl.'. frelruty·1t· a 5, K n C to tho lt... -·t alx mllftll Trinidad Pcrfe<:to Prudcnclo, alco II ldn' .. ,_ jcct to cxploltatlon for nwnctllry Q!l at Boot lUll In Tommt;no, tho of jU!lt and tho for the Capitan Pro!co!o:rm!a El 1 G w "' uvu of Plc1lcho DUlltalncd minor lnju artman, \VOU t approve •ow ..,, ..... , .... ro, but mther that It bo re- .,.._ be Game Warden CShoutcr) Char- at ) S arage oC CnrrlzOZ9 hiD heavily loaded " 5275 cnlar')' bccnuso nothloi hod .. - .. -- unjU!lt are alllw oxpo::cd to Pllblle r1l,Uculo. truclt went out ot control tore rll'D A Ballard Funeml run- budgeted for "malnttnnnco tntcrmt -ID llll rightful rertlng ley Bird ruu1 Malcolm Halo Norrt!l ot Bls Lalro, Tcxruf, ,down a tcncc and turned' over, bulnnro brought 1hml tu Ro:m-ell. oupcrlntentfcrit." ·- · - plocc, Lincoln County, eD!hrl.ncd l..un[!lll Petree and Pat (Tho VotooJ b tho now mechanic at the Ellis plnnlnr. ... ... ·-u __ .. Mr. Pineda WQ!l a lifelong real- o.s ilb fomlly and frlendJ woulllt'CI .. il S J Skee lin J Murphy. . • . ------<> uuu .. de Ll In Coun Sl!E NIW PAv•ott-- 1' en oe n out es ma· n points in llo hll!l ":' both of hits le[lll. Uls llmro \\"'t!ro nt or nco ty, wiUI rela- ''"' - hovo wlchcd. . !.lncup of the Capitan Pro!cs- <'<'ntlv comp!etbd an advanfi-11 amputated, but he died on tho tlvc:l In Plrochp, <;apttan and no:s- •ttolt OtD PAYitOLLIU To th1ll Mil. \·,-e re:JpCcttull,y ccclt 1 lllonnl Womcm wlll bo; coun:o In G<'nt!ml Motons autonu>· O""ratln,.. table. well. Santa Fe poiiUC03 hove hcord tho COOllCI'OtJon of the of f G Dept's rea· ' se· of State' onds Forwanb-Pnuliru! Britton, tu- tlve produclll. ... Tom Montoya, brother of tho u.s. County Cnmm.lt:l!oncrn ot Dcll.'U:Il 0 ame l'lq Grteao: Ruth 111lye5, !'afar)' Mr nruJ Mrn. Norrla and two lCidn will bo kld!J wherover thoy • Manuel Otero repreuntatl\"0, Joe Montoya, and Ccmnty. J t to to for CmwConl, Fern Dunn. ehlldnm oro located In a Roll I'Clll· but another boy and Manuel Otero, o.:o 73 . or C.arrl- a tor most of tho time nc:;,p«:tfully yoUrD, "' on, 0 0 = r GuardD-Nora Silva, &Uy Dlnl. drnoo on Droxol ntvd. myt:t!lt bffnmo llvlna Judoccn tho rozo died Wront!mlay ntuht In Rll!l- for tho p:Ult 20 )-earn, and Dicit LINCOLN C()UNTl{ Fe c rr· 0 PTA Loulce nunn<>IJI. Mary Crnw1onl. day we put a rouple of domcatle wall' ho:spltnl. lie had bcen there Valdez, aovamor'o r:ccrotory COit.JID OF mcctln"' of Stato <hmo nc.- 0 IZOZ AdThdlo Na$'u' amlllllt.nlnato I d I rota In n burlnp h:lu and hunc It only three doyn at the of hi!) a for lal I """:J'"""'" ,..,.. ..... .. (l womCln w Jl .Y wo Cancer crusa ers on tho wall or an outer hmee. We onr. limo arc 0 or we .... ,... "''""I NOSiu:.n, ............ ....... , Th:l ma!n puJ'IlO=e of f II ff" at Can'lroao April lit ttn-crnl P:li!Cll Crom an old c ta w II:JYinr. ft!darnl appolntnientll from tho tzlp V<'DD to cat opcclflc lnlor· InS a S 0 leers one at Olplllln May 3-both atzllrt•l :a - et>rvl«'ll will bl.> enid 1-'rl· the IU.nnctl,y admlnllltratlon. C i or- "t 7·.""" p -. to v·IS.If homes (!Y.f and applied tho IOJ'('h to tht! tiny night at 7.30 and = Satur- ap tan In u,.., u bOttam of tho b:l"- Tha-..a fcllnco mumln!l ol lO In the Santo lt.nd Murray Moruan. lnruJ com- - tho ru:w at<ltO hunt- ...... ,wu.u l.>UL ..... If!._ '"'"ffi!'ll tm_.. "''(..Jl: ., .. ·H -too 11ft1Crom ·t1t tho- mtN1pt Umt Tho oi rint:lng doorbl.>lb nrouce :nt1:nm{)tlon * Cl•lu'Ch, wiifd'nincr hll!l been no.mcd to a - p::u1mcnt tntcnds to put tho pro. meeting of tho Carrbrow oo alx p!nyt>rn on • each tile ctllrt c! tho 1001 officio tine;. nurtol will be In the Land Man:ll;t>mcnt place that \Vll!l CAPITAN- Jnto dt.ect. Mond:zy Jl!ght. Wlth t!w Uut!o forward!!, thrw I!U!Ird!l. I!Ol,t.ahcy dpj]Cd · Santa Rita CC'motery under Um l'n>ntctl for him. ....,_ ""' ll _._ • , .. _ u .,_ -•-.,. "'"' hi- •-'p 1n once o! ccvernl bca:lnnlns .. " t 12 on a fib. the American CJlJIN:'r Q!l It It \"ll!l p:lpl!r, nruJ flew oul dlrwtlon of the IIJJmpton.Jiolland lt'o cftlt!om that anybody out-'dft uw .,..p JlJl ump..,.r C• uw •wpo:rw•., ""' ""' "' omx.u ho demonntmt«< biD .. "" u •· Sac:lety. Into DJ!.:ll't! In dlflerent dlroetloru Funeral llonw. •· "' tlnno.l Ji'!l'.Cl' &lclcty hnd 1tll on- fanned tho Nows that lMI'O hllll In troeblna b:md b::u:lcNh.'lJI rourt. thcro'o bourul to of 1ht> lJnroln Coun We enjoyed a h('arty lauah. but Mr Otero had lived In C'arrlrozo of tht> p:l)'J'OJI crowd ever getn a flU!ll tr.a!all3_t.!Cll cttOnnny .Aprll 5 b«n B dto1 o! tp«U!nllim Croebco and COOo cho-..\·cd be a lot or a('tlon. with rtnr,t>r- ty unit of tht> Snrll.'t)' will t'nll on brlrfly, for a woman had bcen lor mnny yean Ill' wa.a n retired public Job. in tho h!sh uhool. lt.r..stalbUtm mr.chus who lcaso 11ti:Ilo q l5-mJnuto film of Uio omtc naiiB, elbowu and ltnl't'll flylna homl.'o of frlt'nd!l and nrlt;hbons to wnt"hlnn the whole llrot't'<'dlngo Southt>m l'a ... lftr CffiJIIoyl'C WHO'S TO ILAMI \ltlil!l follm-.'cd by a In tho hruno on4 huntcn u to lww this tootb:lll chomp!onctllp gnmo be- Come on out and help tiel' ronoor d!Dtrlbull' rdul'ntmnal lrotlt>tn from ht>r door nnd nha \'o'(!nt lit> Ill curvln•d h•· lila willow. FOR SHORT CASH """nom!- _,m. n-• -lt!tm will bo _ ..... ___. __ a-·• ,... ___ . drive Cund! ""' ' 'I ' II It n 1 t ht 1 tl t I II ' "'"" '"" "" ., ........... - ..... '-UITI.lUUU ""' '"'""''""' ''hbl'•l mu,, M>t> w•r vra. ,.. 0 rn C 0 uur mo l('rn ° un ° 1 Mrn l\lanu('llta Olt>ro. four conn. John Gott. the cdtool monay Now mcmbcrn ID!ltnllcd V.'(!I'O: tcrtd. lntonn:Jtlon, ho Sll)"B. hll!l Ortlcern lru!Uilled for Uie rording to Mill A N l'lJwnff'r. that plttful dmmn. We p..-.ld a tft>ar Ellnn c·arrizozo l.uJw Corona rnnn in the rM('ht>m ndminlntro- Sonlor, Qlrol Ann Wlll!run5: Ju· been tQDt antl In "w )'C:lJ' \'o"WC" Prcnld('tlt, ruchnrd Stray dog is wearing ctmlrm:m of thr L!nroln County fnr whnt ':" lh01Jf!ht won l'at ur. lion. Ill lra\'t>hnj1 ti<C alai(' rulllnu nloro, Steve &nnell, Carlton Orlt- vaa:uc llll to bo oon!t.ts1lJg. ICnrulo; fin:lt vtoo-proldent, MoJo: Cont"t'r Cnlll:utr. only a llttl£> run. but \"" JWllly Thlnrm.m. by ont> daut:hter. Mrn.jrwhoul llutl;:l'lll un.!Pr what tlw Iu- ton. Glcrub Dillno Sh:lw Skeen lnwrvtewt!d Fttt! Th1lmp. JOim'a Sn0'-'1'; ccroruJ Vlct>·pro:ll· out welcome "I t:u)l(' 1'\'t'ry door In lhl' rom. •lPWIVNl lh£> punlchmrnt and more Tomnrlla Mont.mn. uf l'nrrtzozo, ral proplt> WOnl and Juc!y Smith. con. Stato Ganw Dcp:u1.mmlt chkf, dcrlt. oru1 pmzn;un Mm. munlty will oo n}Wn to Wt>lromt> ror our M'UI:'Ity to tho::t> two Dllltef'll, Mru l.urNwo !\ltwl"" nw publlr rroc•tton 111 hlwly 10 Probatlll1l!lry manbonJ trom wt.n r:uwlltll fl1fn witb eopiC!l af F.ml Engl!:;h· J&"'m!l!ln' E T. Aldmz at tht' CullY II«> uur Cruc:.-.dcrn durlnr, thln month,'' ratD. Gf -nru• Mrn- f'"'<>ll'#'tl T<n-- Uw tm:ut> m -ncna. wphumnro &lC'! mnny OW C"t!:wrnl Earl lt.rmslnmg· tJ'(o:lJ:UJ'(!r: • Bc11tr!eo Smro oil mnnway $1J, wrnt .. - HIJ('nl'('r C:.'l)' 11 - re11 of i.Jm·oln and hy wv••rol t:rnnol pultllt'nl l'aflll'-,t&ru ttm, Irohby DcVrlro, Do!ora Gtlvl, en whotbo or oot 1M Ortl:z. hlntorlan. r.int MClJdru! Unroln arl\lt= thnl he hno bffn lt.monu rount)' V."OIJWfl Cold snap InJures fruit chlldrvn ami Rf'l'Olt J:f[ln!ldllhlrrn I lht:ht now II htnarn nl'l whl'lher I:otty Lou Jo1U!ll,. Ann Roblr..wn. 1.l:mll hllJ the right Roberta cnk'rtaintncr a elroy lwund don for ll!l choii'Tm'n In the l'lUII:1dP ore lhr flqoubhmn gu\rmur'o Larry \Villla oruJ Joo Zomuro. to rriake &UdJ Q le:!Se. and a copy &tb 1M lnroming em! outcolng a Wct'll. th.'lt ht' and the dor: an> Mn> l..ml in the Hondo area Services at Hobbs Will ll<' blnmr•l or tht>llPmo- lrutolllna mcmbenl Lalie lt.nn· o1 tho ealK!mtnt m!N Jl1t""..cntc:d wltb while naw tiring of rod• oth('T'o rom· Uorwn and Mrn Dntlly D.lvm, Mrn I ler.lfl•· lr-nllllature provide-d the atranz. Moril,yn Cm:zens. Judy bohv<!C!n tho Lar.J! Commloln= mrtl!lt!OM · ruld lJl!lt he wWu_·ll tht> .Jnrlt Knnn.."'tly a<:;l!>tlncr with tht> Fruit In th£> Hondo area hll!l for Joe King, 83 •hurt "'""">" Mint(']' anti Mary Guc:k cnve tho G:une Cnmmlulon('l'. Durma the b:un!nec <m-ner •would drop by nml p!t'l< up nruJ oontalnern b«-n hun by rohi wt'atht'r durlna - · £-6Unty- tloll'h fl. -Dunlo!}"- - &, -mUrod- -t"-o-UlrJMn- .-OJ;'_ ANOT-KIR JC»Ul-.- - ---- - -- · ---- - -- the I..aruJ O:lmmf.tl!nmr ba. the .AprU 27, 2a oruJ 29 In Clovla. Ruldo:o Dawlll) - Co.-<'halnncn Tempcralul"('ll WI 10'"" WI w•r a Hobb:l hll1lpllol on April 1 were Sum(' rwmnrrolll' pnlltll'lollll ontl the emblem M!N nlso ex- rlgbt and to lnuo C:J.Se=t. Mnny buolm oro 11tiiJ by r.tm Johnny lt.rulen:on. Mrn. Ron- were and n lnllle mnjorlty hdd Tumlny. A1•rll 4. In lhP Tny- wtruld hkr to lmuw tr SIJ('nkt'r. plrlilwd. tor the ptU1)0Se of oruJ the QlJTtro;w librory. Anyaru Mv• A k • t nle Shrllil!r or the Red rkllcillUll apple trcco lor Street Chul'f'h of <1arllll with Jndt ('.ampll<'ll or Ro:m'l!ll, the Recreation Center opens at Corona h:lrvtsting the gamo from publle lni boolm to dllrulte oro rullted to 5 l"'provemen UotJyv.-ood-Mrn. R. 1.. lbttlcll \'.'{'f"C In full bloom. the ll'lev. Manlrll l..ynrh. p:mtor, promtnrnt rnndldnlt> ror £nvt>mor lands, In ad.dltlnn to the gTruting call the blah ccl!ool, or phone l.W "The Cull extent of the clama(Il' officlnllng. nrxt )"l'Or, Ill renlly n!lmrd Jnl'k aOO agrlcultuml Ieasao The Ccm- aftm' ccl!ool hounl, anrl they will of H··ghway 1 0 snver Teas for l'."ltmOt be l'lltlrrmtc-d until the Into Mr. ICinij lived In Lmr·oln County or John. m!n!nner, as trustee o1 the publle be p;!c:ked up. . bloomo on the lN('ll open up," he Cor t:avernl fl!!ll'il Jlt> m survtHtl The Dem!Wmtll are kind of wary lantb. mttJt ndmln!sta' tht-se Jrmds Follawing are oddlt!tl11Dl boo!m A • ._ 1 1 ..... ,_,_ ·cancer benefit lU!d. by thtaJ t!lltll, Jim n. or Jloblo. about runntna arulther rantlttbu• in s;uth B llUUliWI' llll to return to O!l tlw list at tlle crl'.ool I me r regu ar r n<w.Y nrc atnl'tln)I to, roUCQ W. T. or C.arlnb::ld and 11 l\1 . of D.J:lllMI Ed rumed John. tM the m..:!ldimml Iibrory: tn C.arrllzmo. the Unro!r. Cuunty 1t. !rllver tea. fur the of trouble In the Hondo vnlley, tlle tv."O broth('ril, R E of II£' IL'UI dt>fmtc-d John Mllt>ll. John OORON!t.- amount nf of tlle Cu!Iring, The I::a:rnl nf Ccmmil:!:!nnt'fll gave their tlw roJll'('t' fund, aporu:orro by the county added. Aphllb 1:'.-"Qft.> Plnlrnrtcw and J H . of Hat;t>nn.::tn, Sim!Tlll and John l!urroughll Ol:rmt:1'11 rw!w- Oln- 'Ibe QlliD!nn a!st) atnta tJw.t Flnwen elf IDro:;ililmn. Home from ap;::rov'O.I to a requat 10 the Sute C.arr-amo Wonun'o Club, wlU oo (O' .. md In henv,v i.nfCIIIlltlar.s on al- a llflltcr. Mrn. Rlllllt> lillcl1 or l'en· ta' hrm to the puhlle right to h::lri.'Ut from the InD. Rot P.od. Home Ill Where lfllll•"'ay fur lm;mn--e- held r<Rxt Thumb)' ofterr.oon, falln. In the hrovily field, rom, TcoJUlll, and by llix arnmtt-hll- o.ru1 will ltD grnr:li O:I)(Il!ng lamb Is vn!o..l:lbt2 em<! Is the Hrort Is, I l>tnnied a cf State U!nhwny 10 · Aprll 2tl. from 2 to 5 p.m., at tha flll10ylng wltb Ill drcn nml fivt> gre01t gront!l'hildn>n. A;>rll :!2, at 7 p.m. Extra aUrae- __. to ,.__ ur rD Find lJ'u Lov-e, The IdlDt, I Wa!l dekgntfun bdoro lwln!l cf :Mro. Steplu:nzr:m, Wlleo lll)l'llSW. tlle fillllt c:uttlr.a: Cur!o1 """llll In the PrntrtE.' na,.-rn Junto Lop!!%, the )"OtUlZ '"' .... , """"" " •'- In .._h_" -• ... e enn "'""'··or of WCllt l.c!:l Vc"!l!l who ti!ml at th!lt time will be II calce __ , ., ..... .._ ,., .... ,., ....... tooth- n S=. In Pun;ult o1 tlle UR! ocau "" u.u uJ Ul at Uw StE.'ph=n F!andt. will 00 <;trrY clwrt. CO:Wtcry. .• ..., .. ou= .......,. "" .... -·"""' "'' ..... , .... , -·• ._. __ _._ R ""o.__.- V- lm:ru""t Umt old city rmllorml roe- walk o.ru1 an ou::tftm. u puiat:s th:m wm ft!St'NI, in- In!ml Warld of Ilnlrlm:!D , ........... -'"'" ..,, ... ,..,. - "' ""'""" u• The ro:mmunlty E!l Envitcd, Duruop t:lid clcnw mittJ have , .... The Center, whlth clrullilg the Stnto Garno Cnmm!s.- Irnmt.o, Ir.:1Jlom of the Plclr.s, It r.nn Petty, o.mJ .t.s> Strruey. l!tll:lte=3 Cur the tc:J will b:? the fouruJ llt.artlng to mm.-e on Last rf-- at Hondo 1'>..!13 o f0Ul"·fnrl2 bowling nlley lion o.ru1 Ua permltttts. Wns Ft:m While It l..nokd. Jnclt It Eil;;tllih. Clarenm E. S:h:lw llCOOdate m=hem of the Wom· In o:rcl!o.rdll where no utaying on WI Rqrobllron eounty trnd·outomnt!e pin tztting, an· The op'.n!on tunhu r:tnta tl-..31 Londtm (b'..tJii'U¢i)'l. John F. Ken- hnd -"owly an'o Cub. dmm:mt cpl'tly Willi op- for Robert, Stewart dmtrm:m or the poLl·. w.mtS tlw foiinwing t::u th rlgbt to t. t Ill?dy, Jnngte Tl--.e lad ey ., ..... ' Th= om1 aphlda 'cnl J b In s M" 1 Mlmlby Umrunh Frilby, 3:M 1W. om . . . 's or IZrtk, A Ring cf Lo-..tng. artet12d o h!lJ Sliver Tel at Angus £CmJ to JtrofG" cool wcattwr nrut Fu&erul lr4S3 = cold Thun:doy tt o an I.{;Ue eounty !l!l C p.m--Sdlool age bawling. lOc n fiQ en l.m:J tate 'lha Last o1 Pcmpeil, The nmm, OJ!Iing a ccru:ld2rob.:! dlJI.. mulllply =t mp!dly then. morning of ln.lll v.-cck In the Hondo hulll.nl= of tha lllllte l1oo. 61 New. Ml!ldoo wi fil£1'· of Thtr" Letts's to t.nz:ro ¢if the ol.d Hlchwey W. The AngUJl. Ccmlto and Alto !o· Cn' .. -lle ""'u-... fo• .. Stew- mentnl hozpltnl. a1 tla! Larul ..... ,... Tru! 1uuJ in dlea will have tllelr anmmJ nt uw ""'' '"'' " "".-. Govemcr Mechem de:rd Frll1:!y 7 to D:SO-T«n- be IJm and of Euffalo . . . G kl art, iO, wta dlro Aprtl 4 In the 4&e p:lrty. p!lla lxlwllng at 20c a and this 1ll not to . McCan Gullle ti:I Tco-.:1£1'! £tt:J!nn nll week, 011 o bo.:mJ tho era nnuOfl Ru!dcro Hospital otter n Jlhort iU• t:at agalrl!lt letting rounty cholr- 11iJt . - · will:mtrt pa¥mt aru1 M'run !fti€ef: f 'EQU:lC-znt!on the provfmm ram- Ap;nl :S, nom 2:30 to 5 fat nus. nwn v."Orlc fol' Uut •tate. Mlmlby through 'i'lnlrsday, 1 pmsatf:m. USSR, The Night They eumro tlle cbyn. meeting= oper.etll 1M ben2flt of the Crun:lde. improves in hospital nw nev. FoU!or Lum Jaramillo Tony &nehez of Son MlllW!l. o .• for OPEll oowltng, Z5c a Jlnfl. _'!be euemtnt &gn!emrnt Mountain. 1001 Wart<! Almnrule in U:e US<Ja1 l'll.l1Jlm'r by Ot>tmty &1.-m')-one In the eounty b rordi- Tho condition of Grtnld LltUe· o:l'ticlatcd and burial wao In thl.' former legllllator and former hc!- 'Satu:nby and Sunday, 1 p.m. to tior.s the following lll!lin po!nu. !look of Facts: ar..t many Shenrt Le:mdto Vegn. ally Invited to attend the ten. ton In ilotel Dleu Hospltol In El Uorulo Cemetery under tha dtreC- 11 p.m.. opct1 bmvllng at a:ic a linll. 'lhe Land nttded. B:lmie of Pn£O wao !'(!ported to be allghU,y tfon of the Hampton-llollnnd Fu- p:u-enUy prefen to work at hls Shoo nmtah, 10 crnts. lease all of the state hmdi, ed the cclllllilmlonem to Son born on "VE Day" lmproved rooming of n(!ml Rome. own business. On the cbto o1 thi! granll cpm. an! naw trued f(lr . . Another trout pkmting trith peop!e ot AnilUJI in reccm- thls we-ek. Mr. Stewart w011 o life-long tng of the ncerea:Uan Center, April fo the .... - . .. atructma 0 bridge at tho west end to be 16 in May The 1G-year-o!d youth w011 critl· resident of Lincoln County. Ho DAVI! CHAVIZ LIKILY 22 a -ntntive will be --unt . for emt per tKte fn fe•O ..,_nty "c•eek1 of thn towru:lte, % mile cnlly 1 n•u-"' Ialit Th'"- .. In ,..Ar bom I Sn P trl"" d FOit COUitT POIITIOH for • co·:""..:.:;;:tlon ""' bo ... __ ........ anA. this Itee wm be t!1f' 1 ' ..._ .F abo-.-e the Eanito junction. The Mr. and Mrn. Johnny Durnn of ' n:u w»<>.. "" - w..... n n a nn Wall '"""""' ..... ...... ..... , " rlzozo when the ror under which n rctirod farmer. lt.t this wns wrlttm Supreme for orderintt bowling rolls. a periOd of 5 i"eU& Charlie Bird, district game CCll• bridge \'1--uuld t:arve ceveml homeg, 'i'Ularolltl were vl!lltorn at tho Newu he wQll worldna clipped off a bum· Ue Is curvlved by n • brother, Court Jujltlce David Olavc:z of It Is announced that It wm be 'lbe Game it. Informed the Nlmil Tho promlsl>d to do affice on TUesrlay. They wero look· per joel; and the Cl'll".... S member In WUlle Stewnrt of corona. Santi:I Fe, brother of Sen. Iknnls necessary to l.iiliit the number of agents· and Pttroittees shaD have thtS week that Penasco and Tuln- vAiat they could to help. lntt for an article they believe-d front of the tmnllml!llllon fell on Chnvc:z, Wtul way out in front for lines during rush periods. Ulll'Utrieted right to enter upon rosa creeks In Otero county were The bltl or the City Gnroge wru. wns printed In the Newn hill face. The cnr hlld no wheels Ja-L Hefker 11th In the $22,500 a )-ear appointment u these state Jahflt tor the Monday of thl!l week. o.ca?ptcd far o % ton Chevrolet lng their, rron, who \Vllll bom on en 11 at the time. ... circuit court jud&e In the place D • • J d d of managing. propagating and lw"· Planting trout In the Ruldasn pickup to be used by the road "\1E Da( In 1945. Gerold In the can of Mr. and I realgned by Sam llrntton, ,stract u ge we s ve-sting an wildlife l!illd fish thse- fs tC!lltatlvely &et for next dep:uiment. By an odd clrcumstonce, tht! bronc rid ng at Resta tfi'iom, ainl to" ·Ulfe" u much-of . · btt u!d. Supt. J. T. Clew appeared be· baby hod o blrthmarlt of a "V'' Mn, RoymoruJ Littleton. He wta C"ANDIDATIS WAIT couple in Carrizozo lllrl'ace as may be f'ealiOJiabl)' tite- Another planting of trout wns fare the board to explllin dool on Ills forehead, a rnru'k thnt hall removed Crom under the cnr by Jaclc Reflcer ot Carrizozo took SPICIAL ILICTION . t!!!llll' for aucb plirpO!eS, put ln Nogal taka lnst week. problems. cfnro dlsnppeared. _ . Albert Uernandez, a neighbor, and eleventh plaro arnonrr 74,borcb:lclt • Prospective Demo candldatea for Cecl1ia Ann . ot the Game Com- The Noi'th Fork of the Bonito The conunissloners cald they The h:lby now o gro-.m boy who totten first to the Cnrrlzozo hoo- bronc rldlna contcatnntll nt the cecretary ot 11tnte• arul state treas· Mr. and Mrs. Manuel . these lf.ate arui the Bluo lfolo will be PIMtEd t\-'llt'(l vitally interested 1n the de- will be 16 ln. Moy, was c;urlouo pltnl then to El In the Hamp. annuaJ Fle!lta rodeo In . Truth or urer next ycnr can't do much un- of was in mar- all ot!w' . . co.nditloil! permit, Bird hid. celopment ()f the White MOlllltaln abaut tho birthmark and ton-ttollalid .Ftinetnl IIomQ nmbu· C<II'!Sequcncea qyer the wcclt .!!lUi ttl they sea how tim lij)l!elal rlage · IIJ. fo _ptQ_ll(!l'ty_ vf __ · · · __ :_ ::__- __ nnil_ . tlult the to see whnt tim po(let _ _satd (ll)out it. Inn.,!: _ 1 ...... 1 _ =a -..r.a·. Each conteflt!lnt rode onl,v one Uolt.n!l tunl!l out In tS_gptEml!e.r.. . areas•in blOCks and thus pte- county WoUld mnlnmln o 2% mile _ _. '""' ace ...,n oceurreu u• "'" n:e; nmendment or one tour•yr. '!be. ca-ernony wns Pf!rlortned Gatne QltnJnlssiOn lias the vmt hunten from Ua\-eling' O'v"tt necall to the pork after It Oper•tion termeu success father'a nround 5 o'clock rntm tor _county and state officers the home of _the brld@'a patenU to into · all of a rancher's private tand!l wns comp!efed. Mm Clnro Snow, who b with last Thundny nfternoon. Mon Jeau retreat to would pt?nnit Trenrurer Joe calla-.. W. 'r. judge of 1M othe' leMees or to reach aman or Isolated tracU The -cctotnit:ltoners adopted a her daughter, Mrn. Hope Evall!l, . way and Sccretnry &tty Florirm Judlclal Dil!trlct, .. lOt' the putpOie of state Jj!3Je lands.. ·'1' wcntlnfl tho right of and family In Mich.. Gilbert Ortb:. commlttloned have open house to run aanln cvt'n though they are 'l'bil btidegroQm Is atatloned' in mabdalning the most 'lllol:ilpson aald" that the G;lllU) wny oVer o of !and In the writes that l'.tr!l. 'EVOllJI' opcroUon In Un'sted States ""lr Fot .. ALTO- on their flnnl t\ro-ye:ll' tenns o.l- the AmiY JH!at CarrlzOm• He b. · Cnmm!ss!on Will pay. the l.and Palmer GatEway Subdiva1on, no wns termed n cuc-ce!:ll nnd that "' ..... lowed by present lnw. It'n hard to nati\"'e of Arl<anSU. ttis . Mr. calk tbJs . $53,591.43 tor the ltmgel' nttded due to a relorotlon she has been talten home from the Gilbert Ortiz, of Mr. and COl. R. D. O'Coilnor, commnndlng beat an Incumbent officer, even for I ! ! ' ' .. , I . - _ __________.. •i ·llvet 1ft .At& llil• fatha ls of tM bunting lease Utts ·;t-eat. and of. Highway 70. hospital. •• Mrs. s. M. Ortl2 of Cnrrl2ozo, Is at. officer of Wallter AFD at Ro:JWell, a 'third lind term. t---- "-- d«tued. ·--u · u .Tha.!OOmttll!slcl!>!?tB.wjll m _ .. .--· __ .. . nnutc.AFn.Jn 114.-.()h--tho .1\lon.Jcau--rotNnt- roo .t;.,.. . -The- cOUple tNt on il ate returned to New a Board Of Equo.li:rotion Mny l Mr. and Mm Georue Fatilrrl are weeb' trolblna !eliSion, Gilbert mnking J11Mll for their t>Xccutive r.roup - Attorney Gen- ·fd&r fd tt PiUO aM priY&fe_ . rollected lm flM lroni 9:30' to 5, to he31' l,Uly pro. the proud p;u-entD or ll baby l!lrl. Wtm grndunted froM tM lmhtHilt31. ll]'ll?lllng. to be held thcro Mey 20. eral Enrl Hartley and Land COill• wm lic:ii'ne aJiet!mmt i&1es Of ·.· · abet testa ngard .we li!!etmtenu. bom April 10 at 6:20 p.m., nnd or Naw- Mexico in F•bru41'3" aticJ '11!1! pubJiq. Is to be InVited and missioner Johtlny Walkel'-Oro on dli1'lllil tdmi .. · .. · · wnt lfO I'DcmJe In httrit• 1'bC !1l!Xt regular roort.lng of the namedGerrl · The Infant wns 00llll11Ia!J!oncd a Ueu. wUI be at a Jnter flrsttcrms and cUgible for tJae Blrrki, . · · · · ··to fK •built· 1-, be iiaJd; will be 11-.y 1(), wdihed 6 poundt, · tenant In the U, S. JJt date, (Continued 00 back . ... ·- ' - . ' . . ( .. ;:.

II - · to, re~inter · .. · . . . t n n un y :f' SKETCHE·sarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · ---·-BIIIy--tke1

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· to, re~inter ' -... · .. · . . . t

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(Volu111o .. 7. Number 34, CiJTmNio N•wJ, Volume 4.)

Bloomer Belles •

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And Carrizozo Outlook



SKETCHE·s Services Saturdoy . .

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(Outlook, Volume 55, No. 51)

Tho LinCQb'l County Board :f' Commiuionen this w"k addreised a re11olution to the Bond . of ~ommilslon~tn of O.fJaca County, asking their asiistance in re-inhtrring the body of

---·-BIIIy--tke1<1lHif'tfm'Oti1County~~-·--~··-- ____ ,..._ __ .·-·· ··- ----·····-u·-·----:-·· --- -- ···· ····-·-· A · numller of reasons wenLgbten for- this.-Dquest. . the nsolutiQn- w.S--achtc;l .upon-- .0.1'"'"_

Commlsslonen Kenneth No1~

ker, Charl.es A. Jones ~nd·la~ I L . f II . 'IV•~+ --Funernl- sel!\ll•CCS---\.'otill---be----corl-f~~~~~~~~__;:_--i

tlucted Saturday at 2.:30 p.m. In 'the ·· the Capitan MeUlodlst c:Qurch .for •tal

' nJcio Torrez, in ... guJ~r ..... . Let's sett e trrt~S matter or a tame slon last Frld~y.

a atnte. a!:C))cy, tt ®Wile.. At J..1nc9ln, of blstory, wrltern of fiction and ho.o many memento\ of Dilly the history, 1tJ weU u lntcmted touJ'Istll, can gct flrnl·hand ln!ormatlon Kid and the Lincoln County War, about EUly the Kid and o.11 p:~.rttclp::mtn 1n the Uncoln County War. .ln wblch be tgolt .a. le<ldlng 'l'lley ~ also vtcw, in Au~, the thrllllnc p:~.gp'VIt of evenu leading Uncoln COunty wna mpro the liP to the 'l'hree-day DatUe The Kid's IUTC!Il tlJUl h!lJ drnmlltlc ecenpc of ''T.ho IOd" than anywhere el$c from the hangman's noot~e.' in the Southwest. Futuro hlstorl.o.n5 may discover, for e.mmple, that Bllly the IC!d

Thl.'rc Is enacted each )'I!Q1' at would hove accepted ·tile pardBn oftl.'rcd by Govemor Lew Wnllnco Lincoln, New Moxleo, a ~t. had he not known for certainty that t.r he l!11d down h1s 81'JJlS Ita would '"fho Lant of Billy tho Kid" have ahot by hls enemlc::~ before tho noxt sun act. Tho in tho and In ltJJ t!C(.'ncs

. .. •- --·· '


Mrs. Charlie Blanco proudly an­nounces that her hwiband, now lita tloned In Korea, bas made the tanlt of master sergeant. M/Sgt. tll\lllCO Is With the 3lnt 1:1ignal ttlt tallon.

ly J. s. c. M~. Mary Ellzab!lth""Forbus, 88, of 8JIJ .

Sev~ral years ngo .·in Carrizozo Capitan, who died Wednesday . . the Invalid motl;ler !Jf the late A. morqlng In U1e home of her son, H. Harvey was burned to Dyer Forbus. . , IIO.ICXI~Wflll:£.1(1\

~-;:;2;it~%i£i~!..S~~l~~· J::C. ~o~n~c-l:aTthJee..llpnd~..Jb~· ue~rnla~le..Ew~ll~l10~be.wililln::ott~he+· 's~ocClDL-loEREINS·ODNt-IX-sO;l;fNIIJS;-, __ _. ----·--the Highlands. She had been left Capitan cemetery under the dlrec!• alona on that fa"eful day, and no tlon of the Hampton-Holland Fu: Santa Fe-Pat McClernon of Las one could determine 7how the f~ neral Home.- , Cruces, a 1959 political ap~.ntce started,: There was no fire engine Mrs Forbus had been a resident in the highway dep'artment, has In thoSe times and when people of Capitan and Lincoln County Cor l'•b:neoelnrlthdumped from his $1,025 a and the bucket. brigade arrived on the past 30 years. , 1 • job as maintenance engineer the scene the fmme structure was She Is survived by two sons Bill to a·· 57li0 job as asslstanJ district ~ mass of names. Then someone Forl)us of Casu Gra~de, ~rlz . .' and engineer at Deming. saw a charred body In the yard, Dyer Forbus of Capitan· by · That's. a serious drpp but not as not far from the namtnc house. daughters, Mrs. Pearl 'Hoyle severe as that suffered by Our-She had made It that far as she Hobbs, Mrs. A. C. Wilson of Paw- wood Dixon, 26 years with the de-fled, from the bumln. g house. nee, Okla.; Mrs. Lee Black or Jen- partment und n:cent chief engineer

Ir\ tb 1 t f U R be t w at $1,458 a month. who has gone e . a e or es, o r . . nlngs, Okla.; Mrs. Ella .Parsons of to the ma,teriuls testing laboratory -

~wlln, salesman tor the old West- lt.lbuquerque and Mrs. Jessie Platt at 5720

. ern Garage and deputy under of Amarillo, Texas. SherUf .A.. S. M<:Camant, drove Pallberu-ei'Ji will be Virgil Hull, VEG~ .LEGISLATOR .

{!Ill' a short distance south of Malcolm Petree,- Fletcher Hall, STAYED AWAY TOO LONG i> 'iri'!-"~-t·~::~~Y~:an~d~· ~~sh~o~t ~~h~b~nse. ~!;..b_De- M~!; _Th,gr_p, P!!t M!Lrpby nn!l ~ . S11!1ll ReJJ""DLlllld MontQ.¥a_\~YPt ....

..,...., Provtnc. buck to Las Vegtl!l after tho legl.!l-Q!l the motive. Honomry bearern will bt> Oos:3 Ia ture and found his _job In the

8~~~~~-~!n~~th~c~kl~m~~~~M:r~. Jlll~d~~m:~~~J~oh~nlf!.liT,homas. · cliirl~'s oft.lcc filled :tanw·::....:..~.:,_:J Cl1rrl iil the cool of thn evening, toward!! • Fred local Demo politlco recently let out .

C.ptaln M.cVolth nt~~~Htt zow. tho Btoclcyard!! on tho o~tnltlrts of Pflngatcn. ll5 manager of the welfare de-th t h h ( h) Tho· field evontll wlU be held at partment's McadoWll h·ome tor the

• anyoo• w o •• Ill 1o In the momln" and the tmek Carrl.z~no. Cuco took alonu his .22 L S Pi d bloomers that thty antr~•t Ullftf, " rifle. in C4l/iO ho !!tiW ll .COttontail • eo o ne a aged. Nl it Worked OUt the COunty piHM l.t htr know, _ QVCDtll nt 1 p.m. bbl dl·· commiDBioncl'l! wouldn't approve

· This wUI be the tnrrrcDt tmelr'l or Jnc:krn t. Tho gun ....,barged Followlnc requiem mWI!I In Rut- Armijo and. Q!l this wnn written The chcerlncr acetlon for tho ihoot ever held In Carrizozo and accidentally and tho bullet rstruclt do:Jo on '1\lceday, Leo s Pineda. neither he uor !11ontoya lutd the

Bloomc,r Del!ca will ll.avo three of ~me of the b?ot ClnM D tmclt Mrn. N(ljar In the III"Dlill of tho 25, of Picacho waa lntt>rrcd In the j b the Soutbwcst'o champion twirl teQlllll In the ,otnto wUI compete. !melt. Tho wound wtl!l only nkln Ruidoso cemetery.

0 The San Ml(tUol courthouse, an

and swirl lending the rob· Tenm!l thnt hove been Invited deep and tht> forturmtc Indy \VWl Mr. Pineda lo11t hl1:1 life l!arly lntere~~tln~t plnco poUtlcnlly, 14 l:d5o ?.tlssc3 EmU Suo com~ oln!ady acccptt'ld aro: ~n at tho danco tlt tho Commu~i~~~~~~;~~u{~~h~e~au~-oni~co~JU~·~~~hn~vt;n~g~tro~u~b~lo~wt!th~th~o~e~m~~!o~"-~~=~"i ~~!H~~d~~~~!~i~~f~~"~ll~~~~~·~h~o~~~~nJ~gb~ ~0 , lruUI. J·"' When the overpru13 wtl!l being ty Demo chlllrtru:l& "111 mainto.-

It 1ll cntln!ly flttlnrr, therefore, eould be rrulrc fitting than thnt Tho 'K!d'a l't'lJIAins be returned TWO alo YI!LL MIN -TO .... tand Dextcr. built In Cnrrlzmo In the earl,y of Ro~well and four mlleo .Wc!ll or nancc ouperlntendent," whatever thnt tho body of the "'southwtst's to Lincoln, to be rclntt'JTCIJ In o plot of urotmd, In a lnnd!:enpcd "DIU,y WORK FOit CAPITAN PltOS Ut!rtll'!!, GuUlermo &rtlott Wllll RlvDcnsl Ide. f th d hi I that It!. .

tho Kid Porl.fT" H!.a smvo would have 11 dlsnlf!ed cettlns, entirely awo,y H 1e Norri m ha 1 hnullnc grovl.'l from tho c:ru!lher rver 0 e cccon vt> c: e, Republican stale monoy bos:J. Ed foremoot pen:ormllty not be sub· from out.lnndWI ndvcrtWn"' on bl""'\vny ol"""'; or I:Uch a epcetoclo Stif'l'lng up tbl.'. n!dclh..~ frelruty·1t· a 5, K n C to tho ~ttft. lt. .. -·t alx mllftll ft~·t Trinidad Pcrfe<:to Prudcnclo, alco II ldn' .. ,_ jcct to cxploltatlon for nwnctllry Q!l at Boot lUll In Tommt;no, w11:~ tho ~;Cll of th~ jU!lt and tho for the Capitan Pro!co!o:rm!a El 1 G w "' uvu ~ ~~ of Plc1lcho DUlltalncd minor lnju artman, \VOU t approve •ow ..,,.....,....ro, but mther that It bo re- .,.._ be Game Warden CShoutcr) Char- at ) S arage oC CnrrlzOZ9 hiD heavily loaded • " 5275 cnlar')' bccnuso nothloi hod .. - .. -- unjU!lt are alllw oxpo::cd to Pllblle r1l,Uculo. truclt went out ot control tore rll'D A Ballard Funeml llom~ run- ~n budgeted for "malnttnnnco tntcrmt -ID llll rightful rertlng -----~-----,~~-------~--~-- ley Bird ruu1 Malcolm Halo Norrt!l ot Bls Lalro, Tcxruf, ,down a tcncc and turned' over, bulnnro brought 1hml tu Ro:m-ell. oupcrlntentfcrit." ·- · -plocc, Lincoln County, eD!hrl.ncd l..un[!lll Petree and Pat (Tho VotooJ b tho now mechanic at the Ellis plnnlnr. ... ~ ... ·-u __ .. ~ftft"'Un"' Mr. Pineda WQ!l a lifelong real-

• o.s ilb fomlly and frlendJ woulllt'CI .. il S J Skee lin J • Murphy. . • . ------<> ~..., uuu ··~., .. de Ll In Coun Sl!E NIW PAv•ott--1' en oe n out es ma· n points • in ~· llo hll!l ":' both of hits le[lll. Uls llmro \\"'t!ro nt or nco ty, wiUI rela- ''"' -

hovo wlchcd. • . !.lncup of the Capitan Pro!cs- <'<'ntlv comp!etbd an advanfi-11 amputated, but he died on tho tlvc:l In Plrochp, <;apttan and no:s- •ttolt OtD PAYitOLLIU To th1ll Mil. \·,-e re:JpCcttull,y ccclt

1 lllonnl Womcm wlll bo; coun:o In G<'nt!ml Motons autonu>· O""ratln,.. table. well. Santa Fe poiiUC03 hove hcord

tho COOllCI'OtJon of the ~rd of f G Dept's rea· ' se· of State' onds Forwanb-Pnuliru! Britton, tu- tlve produclll. • ··~ ... Tom Montoya, brother of tho u.s. County Cnmm.lt:l!oncrn ot Dcll.'U:Il 0 ame l'lq Grteao: Ruth 111lye5, !'afar)' Mr nruJ Mrn. Norrla and two lCidn will bo kld!J wherover thoy • Manuel Otero repreuntatl\"0, Joe Montoya, and Ccmnty. J ~lro t to to for CmwConl, Fern Dunn. ehlldnm oro located In a Roll I'Clll· conure~te. but another boy and Manuel Otero, o.:o 73. or C.arrl- a p:~yroller tor most of tho time

nc:;,p«:tfully yoUrD, ~ "' on, 0 0 = r GuardD-Nora Silva, &Uy Dlnl. drnoo on Droxol ntvd. myt:t!lt bffnmo llvlna Judoccn tho rozo died Wront!mlay ntuht In Rll!l- for tho p:Ult 20 )-earn, and Dicit LINCOLN C()UNTl{ ~~D Fe ~'f· l~dt~ ~t~o"d t~ c rr· 0 PTA Loulce nunn<>IJI. Mary Crnw1onl. day we put a rouple of domcatle wall' ho:spltnl. lie had bcen there Valdez, th~ aovamor'o r:ccrotory COit.JID OF COMr.mJSIOt~ns mcctln"' of th~ Stato <hmo nc.- 0 IZOZ AdThdlo Na$'u' amlllllt.nlnato tPn.v~ln~o·~~ I d I rota In n burlnp h:lu and hunc It only three doyn at the Urn~ of hi!) 11959~0 nn~- ~~ a P:ll~!lcrr for lal

I""":J'"""'" ,..,.. ..... ~~-~~ .. (l womCln w Jl .Y wo Cancer crusa ers on tho wall or an outer hmee. We ctc~th. onr. limo u.~Cn, arc 0 at~... or we ....,... "''""I NOSiu:.n, ............ ......., ~t. Th:l ma!n puJ'IlO=e of • f II ff" at Can'lroao April lit ttn-crnl P:li!Cll Crom an old c ta w II:JYinr. ft!darnl appolntnientll from

tho tzlp V<'DD to cat opcclflc lnlor· InS a S 0 leers one at Olplllln May 3-both atzllrt•l :a - Ro:~ary et>rvl«'ll will bl.> enid 1-'rl· the IU.nnctl,y admlnllltratlon.

C i r--J~~-~i~~~riro;~m~G~amo~ComtJI!o!on or- In~ "t 7·.""" p -. to v·IS.If homes (!Y.f and applied tho IOJ'('h to tht! tiny night at 7.30 and = Satur-ap tan ~ r.o.t~--"- '"'""~no w~· In u,.., u ~· ~.. bOttam of tho b:l"- Tha-..a fcllnco mumln!l ol lO In the Santo lt.nd Murray Moruan. lnruJ com-- tho ru:w at<ltO hunt- ......,wu.u l.>UL ~ ..... If!._ '"'"ffi!'ll ~.vi_l_) tm_.. nlft··~.. "''(..Jl: ., .. --.._.-.n~.JijstQIGHOft.,. ·H -too 11ft1Crom ·t1t tho- :~,];'11o"n'fbo~~·- ~~ mtN1pt Umt 'th:~ ~ Tho w~ oi rint:lng doorbl.>lb nrouce ~~· :nt1:nm{)tlon * Cl•lu'Ch, wiifd'nincr hll!l been no.mcd to a Burc~~.,

---~-.... p::u1mcnt tntcnds to put tho pro. meeting of tho Carrbrow oo alx p!nyt>rn on • each .te:t~?.~~~~~ tile ctllrt c! tho 1001 officio tine;. nurtol will be In the Land Man:ll;t>mcnt place that \Vll!l CAPITAN- ~£1..,.. Jnto dt.ect. Mond:zy Jl!ght. Wlth t!w Uut!o forward!!, thrw I!U!Ird!l. • I!Ol,t.ahcy dpj]Cd ~• · Santa Rita CC'motery under Um l'n>ntctl for him. ....,_ ""' ll _._ •~ • , .. _ u .,_ -•-.,. "'"' hi- •-'p m~-- 1n once o! ccvernl bca:lnnlns ~nd tt~~ .. ~. " t 12 u~mftn on a fib. the American CJlJIN:'r Q!l It It \"ll!l p:lpl!r, nruJ flew oul dlrwtlon of the IIJJmpton.Jiolland lt'o cftlt!om that anybody out-'dft uw .,..p JlJl ump..,.r C• uw •~a- •wpo:rw•., ""' ""' "' • omx.u • lllU~ntn. ho demonntmt«< biD .. ~ ,~u "" u •· Sac:lety. Into DJ!.:ll't! In dlflerent dlroetloru Funeral llonw. •· "' ~

tlnno.l Ji'!l'.Cl' &lclcty hnd 1tll on- fanned tho Nows that lMI'O hllll k'chnlqu~ In troeblna b:md b::u:lcNh.'lJI rourt. thcro'o bourul to Volunttt~ of 1ht> lJnroln Coun We enjoyed a h('arty lauah. but Mr Otero had lived In C'arrlrozo of tht> p:l)'J'OJI crowd ever getn a flU!ll tr.a!all3_t.!Cll cttOnnny .Aprll 5 b«n B ~:It dto1 o! tp«U!nllim Croebco Lao~ and COOo cho-..\·cd be a lot or a('tlon. with rtnr,t>r- ty unit of tht> Snrll.'t)' will t'nll on brlrfly, for a woman had bcen lor mnny yean Ill' wa.a n retired public Job. in tho h!sh uhool. lt.r..stalbUtm 4.~ mr.chus who lcaso 11ti:Ilo q l5-mJnuto film of Uio omtc naiiB, elbowu and ltnl't'll flylna homl.'o of frlt'nd!l and nrlt;hbons to wnt"hlnn the whole llrot't'<'dlngo Southt>m l'a ... lftr CffiJIIoyl'C WHO'S TO ILAMI \ltlil!l follm-.'cd by a tc~ In tho hruno ~!;rub on4 huntcn u to lww this tootb:lll chomp!onctllp gnmo be- Come on out and help tiel' ronoor d!Dtrlbull' rdul'ntmnal lrotlt>tn from ht>r door nnd nha \'o'(!nt lit> Ill curvln•d h•· lila willow. FOR SHORT CASH """nom!- _,m. n-• -lt!tm will bo ~ t··~-_ .....___. __ a-·• ,... ___ . drive Cund! ""' ' 'I ' II It n 1 t ht 1 tl t I II ' "'"" '"" •~ "" .,........... - ..... '-UITI.lUUU ""' '"'""''""' ''hbl'•l mu,, M>t> w•r vra. ,.. 0 rn C 0 uur mo l('rn ° un ° 1 Mrn l\lanu('llta Olt>ro. four conn. John Gott. the cdtool monay

Now mcmbcrn ID!ltnllcd V.'(!I'O: tcrtd. lntonn:Jtlon, ho Sll)"B. hll!l Ortlcern lru!Uilled for Uie c~lng rording to Mill A N l'lJwnff'r. that plttful dmmn. We p..-.ld a tft>ar Ellnn c·arrizozo l.uJw Corona rnnn in the rM('ht>m ndminlntro-Sonlor, Qlrol Ann Wlll!run5: Ju· been tQDt antl In ~0 ~!c;! "w )'C:lJ' \'o"WC" Prcnld('tlt, ruchnrd Stray dog is wearing ctmlrm:m of thr L!nroln County !~rl('{' fnr whnt ':" lh01Jf!ht won Anto~to_ Alnmo~:nnlu o~d l'at ur. lion. Ill lra\'t>hnj1 ti<C alai(' rulllnu nloro, Steve &nnell, Carlton Orlt- vaa:uc llll to bo oon!t.ts1lJg. ICnrulo; fin:lt vtoo-proldent, MoJo: Cont"t'r Cnlll:utr. only a llttl£> run. but \"" JWllly Thlnrm.m. by ont> daut:hter. Mrn.jrwhoul llutl;:l'lll un.!Pr what tlw Iu-ton. Glcrub Peter~~, Dillno Sh:lw Skeen lnwrvtewt!d Fttt! Th1lmp. JOim'a Sn0'-'1'; ccroruJ Vlct>·pro:ll· out welcome "I t:u)l(' 1'\'t'ry door In lhl' rom. •lPWIVNl lh£> punlchmrnt and more Tomnrlla Mont.mn. uf l'nrrtzozo, ral proplt> WOnl

and Juc!y Smith. con. Stato Ganw Dcp:u1.mmlt chkf, dcrlt. oru1 pmzn;un Mm. munlty will oo n}Wn to Wt>lromt> ror our M'UI:'Ity to tho::t> h~!lpll'l!:l two Dllltef'll, Mru l.urNwo !\ltwl"" nw publlr rroc•tton 111 hlwly 10 Probatlll1l!lry manbonJ trom wt.n r:uwlltll fl1fn witb eopiC!l af F.ml Engl!:;h· J&"'m!l!ln' W!ilillilitl~ E T. Aldmz at tht' CullY II«> uur Cruc:.-.dcrn durlnr, thln month,'' ratD. Gf Jw::~n -nru• Mrn- f'"'<>ll'#'tl T<n--~ Uw hl~t tm:ut> m -ncna. ;~--car·4

wphumnro &lC'! ~~fi! mnny OW At~ C"t!:wrnl Earl ~ lt.rmslnmg· • tJ'(o:lJ:UJ'(!r: • Bc11tr!eo Smro oil mnnway $1J, wrnt .. #•--~···· - HIJ('nl'('r C:.'l)'11 - re11 of i.Jm·oln and hy wv••rol t:rnnol pultllt'nl l'aflll'-,t&ru ttm, Irohby DcVrlro, Do!ora Gtlvl, o~ln!oo en whotbo or oot 1M Ortl:z. em~' hlntorlan. r.int MClJdru! Unroln arl\lt= thnl he hno bffn lt.monu rount)' V."OIJWfl tl!:.~llllmr. Cold snap InJures fruit chlldrvn ami Rf'l'Olt J:f[ln!ldllhlrrn I lht:ht now II htnarn nl'l whl'lher I:otty Lou Jo1U!ll,. Ann Roblr..wn. 1.l:mll ~ hllJ the right Roberta cnk'rtaintncr a elroy lwund don for ll!l choii'Tm'n In the l'lUII:1dP ore lhr flqoubhmn gu\rmur'o bud~:Qt Larry \Villla oruJ Joo Zomuro. to rriake &UdJ Q le:!Se. and a copy &tb 1M lnroming em! outcolng a Wct'll. th.'lt ht' and the dor: an> Ruldo~-CH'hnlnnen Mn> l..ml in the Hondo area Services at Hobbs nt.~lt•·r Will ll<' blnmr•l or tht>llPmo-

lrutolllna mcmbenl Lalie lt.nn· o1 tho ealK!mtnt ~t rrm~ m!N Jl1t""..cntc:d wltb while naw tiring of rod• oth('T'o rom· Uorwn and Mrn Dntlly D.lvm, Mrn I ler.lfl•· lr-nllllature th:~l provide-d the atranz. Moril,yn Cm:zens. Judy bohv<!C!n tho Lar.J! Commloln= mrtl!lt!OM · ruld lJl!lt he wWu_·ll tht> .Jnrlt Knnn.."'tly a<:;l!>tlncr with tht> Fruit In th£> Hondo area hll!l for Joe King, 83 •hurt "'""">"

• Mint(']' anti Mary Guc:k cnve tho G:une Cnmmlulon('l'. Durma the b:un!nec ~etina: <m-ner •would drop by nml p!t'l< up po::~tern nruJ oontalnern b«-n hun by rohi wt'atht'r durlna

~~--~~i~iib~o~f~Utoijhi~io~r~~~e~~i'fd~·~0i~~~;~~~-;~~5~~U~b~~~~;~~2~~~~;~e~f~M~~~~~Ul=~~IM~~~;B~··~Th~edan~~~~l~b~d~~r-;r~~~·~~TI~M~I~<'~b~1rn~-~~~;~TI~~~~;r~th Uto~~~~a~~!I~ ~~rnlet>~~~J~Kt~. D~OC~TSW~Y

• •

- · £-6Unty- Acccn~ tloll'h fl. -Dunlo!}"- - &, -mUrod- -t"-o-UlrJMn- whtHJil'l~ ~n- .-OJ;'_ ANOT-KIR JC»Ul-.- - ---- - -- · ---- - --the I..aruJ O:lmmf.tl!nmr ba. the .AprU 27, 2a oruJ 29 In Clovla. Ruldo:o Dawlll) - Co.-<'halnncn Tempcralul"('ll WI 10'"" WI w•r a Hobb:l hll1lpllol on April 1 were Sum(' rwmnrrolll' pnlltll'lollll

ontl the emblem M!N nlso ex- rlgbt and du~ to lnuo C:J.Se=t. Mnny buolm oro 11tiiJ ~ed by r.tm Johnny lt.rulen:on. Mrn. Ron- were ~nll'll and n lnllle mnjorlty hdd Tumlny. A1•rll 4. In lhP Tny- wtruld hkr to lmuw tr SIJ('nkt'r. plrlilwd. tor the ptU1)0Se of ~tlng oruJ the QlJTtro;w librory. Anyaru Mv• A k • t nle Shrllil!r or the Red rkllcillUll apple trcco lor Street Chul'f'h of <1arllll with Jndt ('.ampll<'ll or Ro:m'l!ll, the

Recreation Center opens at Corona

h:lrvtsting the gamo from publle lni boolm to dllrulte oro rullted to 5 l"'provemen UotJyv.-ood-Mrn. R. 1.. lbttlcll \'.'{'f"C In full bloom. the ll'lev. Manlrll l..ynrh. p:mtor, promtnrnt rnndldnlt> ror £nvt>mor lands, In ad.dltlnn to the gTruting call the blah ccl!ool, or phone l.W "The Cull extent of the clama(Il' officlnllng. • nrxt )"l'Or, Ill renlly n!lmrd Jnl'k aOO agrlcultuml Ieasao The Ccm- aftm' ccl!ool hounl, anrl they will of H··ghway 1 0 snver Teas for l'."ltmOt be l'lltlrrmtc-d until the Into Mr. ICinij lived In Lmr·oln County or John. m!n!nner, as trustee o1 the publle be p;!c:ked up. . bloomo on the lN('ll open up," he Cor t:avernl fl!!ll'il Jlt> m survtHtl The Dem!Wmtll are kind of wary lantb. mttJt ndmln!sta' tht-se Jrmds Follawing are oddlt!tl11Dl boo!m A • ._ 1 1 •~ .....,_,_ ·cancer benefit lU!d. by thtaJ t!lltll, Jim n. or Jloblo. about runntna arulther rantlttbu• in s;uth B llUUliWI' llll to return to O!l tlw ~t list at tlle crl'.ool I me r regu ar meet"'~' r n<w.Y ~tll nrc atnl'tln)I to, roUCQ W. T. or C.arlnb::ld and 11 l\1 . of D.J:lllMI Ed M~ rumed John. tM ber.rll~ the m..:!ldimml Iibrory: tn C.arrllzmo. the Unro!r. Cuunty 1t. !rllver tea. fur the ~fit of trouble In the Hondo vnlley, tlle ~. tv."O broth('ril, R E of II£' IL'UI dt>fmtc-d John Mllt>ll. John

OORON!t.- amount nf nr.-om~ ~ of tlle Cu!Iring, The I::a:rnl nf Ccmmil:!:!nnt'fll gave their tlw roJll'('t' fund, aporu:orro by the county o.~nt added. Aphllb 1:'.-"Qft.> Plnlrnrtcw and J H . of Hat;t>nn.::tn, Sim!Tlll and John l!urroughll Ol:rmt:1'11 rw!w- F'~tlan Oln- 'Ibe QlliD!nn a!st) atnta tJw.t Flnwen elf IDro:;ililmn. Home from ap;::rov'O.I to a requat 10 the Sute C.arr-amo Wonun'o Club, wlU oo (O' .. md In henv,v i.nfCIIIlltlar.s on al- a llflltcr. Mrn. Rlllllt> lillcl1 or l'en·

ta' hrm ~ open~ to the puhlle right to h::lri.'Ut ~ from the InD. Rot P.od. Home Ill Where lfllll•"'ay OJ~un fur lm;mn--e- held r<Rxt Thumb)' ofterr.oon, falln. In the hrovily lnf~tc-d field, rom, TcoJUlll, and by llix arnmtt-hll- ~~J: 1~H~~~~~~~: o.ru1 will ha~-e ltD grnr:li O:I)(Il!ng lamb Is vn!o..l:lbt2 em<! Is r.t~t the Hrort Is, I l>tnnied a ~ ~~t cf State U!nhwny 10· Aprll 2tl. from 2 to 5 p.m., at tha flll10ylng wltb m::~l:lthlon Ill n~"'11. drcn nml fivt> gre01t gront!l'hildn>n. A;>rll :!2, at 7 p.m. Extra aUrae- __. to ,.__ ~~'"'" ur rD Find lJ'u Lov-e, The IdlDt, I Wa!l • ~ dekgntfun a~mg bdoro lwln!l cf :Mro. Kel~ Steplu:nzr:m, Wlleo lll)l'llSW. tlle fillllt c:uttlr.a: Cur!o1 """llll In the PrntrtE.' na,.-rn Junto Lop!!%, the )"OtUlZ I'~publl·

'"' ...., t~oA """"" " •'- ~~•~'nn~- In .._h_" -• ... e enn "'""'··or of WCllt l.c!:l Vc"!l!l who ti!ml at th!lt time will be II calce ·~-. __ , ., ..... .._ ,.,....,., ....... tooth- n S=. In Pun;ult o1 tlle ED~"·\. UR! ~·~·U ocau "" u.u uJ Ul at Uw StE.'ph=n F!andt. will 00 <;trrY clwrt. CO:Wtcry. . • ..., .. ~ ou= .......,. "" .... -·"""' "'' .....,...., -·• ~~ ._. __ _._ R ""o.__.- V- lm:ru""t Umt old city rmllorml roe-walk o.ru1 an ou::tftm. u puiat:s th:m wm ft!St'NI, in- In!ml Warld of Ilnlrlm:!D , ........... -'"'" ..,, ... ,..,. - "' ""'""" u• The ro:mmunlty E!l Envitcd, Duruop t:lid clcnw mittJ have ,....

The ~tlon Center, whlth clrullilg the Stnto Garno Cnmm!s.- Irnmt.o, Ir.:1Jlom of the Plclr.s, It r.nn Petty, ~t'gll o.mJ .t.s> Strruey. l!tll:lte=3 Cur the tc:J will b:? the ~ fouruJ llt.artlng to mm.-e on Last rf-- at Hondo f:"~::: ~ ~~~orp~~~i 1'>..!13 o f0Ul"·fnrl2 bowling nlley ~tb lion o.ru1 Ua permltttts. Wns Ft:m While It l..nokd. Jnclt ~ It Eil;;tllih. Clarenm E. S:h:lw llCOOdate m=hem of the Wom· aPll~e ~ In o:rcl!o.rdll where no ·~ utaying on WI Rqrobllron eounty trnd·outomnt!e pin tztting, an· The op'.n!on tunhu r:tnta tl-..31 Londtm (b'..tJii'U¢i)'l. John F. Ken- ar;:~ ~~l:l.. hnd -"owly an'o Cub. ~bya1- dmm:mt cpl'tly Willi op- for Robert, Stewart dmtrm:m or geulli~ the ~t poLl·. w.mtS tlw foiinwing ~e: t::u th rlgbt to t. t Ill?dy, Jnngte F'~p. Tl--.e lad "'~"""" ey .,..... ' pll~ Th= mi~ om1 aphlda 'cnl J b In s M" 1 Mlmlby Umrunh Frilby, 3:M ~ 1W. om ~ . . . 's or IZrtk, A Ring cf Lo-..tng. artet12d o rlght-of·t~-ny t.~ h!lJ Sliver Tel at Angus £CmJ to JtrofG" cool wcattwr nrut Fu&erul lr4S3 = cold Thun:doy tt o an I.{;Ue eounty !l!l C p.m--Sdlool age bawling. lOc n fiQ en l.m:J bcl!mg}~ ~ tate 'lha Last ~ o1 Pcmpeil, The nmm, OJ!Iing a ccru:ld2rob.:! dlJI.. mulllply =t mp!dly then. morning of ln.lll v.-cck In the Hondo hulll.nl= ~r of tha lllllte l1oo. 61 New. Ml!ldoo wi fil£1'· of Thtr" Letts's to Jnn~. t.nz:ro ¢if the ol.d Hlchwey W. The AngUJl. Ccmlto and Alto !o· Cn' .. -lle ""'u-... fo• ~~~ .. ~ Stew- mentnl hozpltnl.

tr.:i~tm a1 tla! Larul .....,... ~ Tru! --·-·~ 1uuJ ~ in dlea will have tllelr anmmJ ~ nt uw ""'' '"'' • " "".-. Govemcr Mechem rontlru!~ de:rd Frll1:!y ru~t, 7 to D:SO-T«n- ~ be IJm and ~ of Euffalo .,...~.. . . . G kl uaa.~--a art, iO, wta dlro Aprtl 4 In the

4&e p:lrty. p!lla lxlwllng at 20c a and this ~l 1ll not to . McCan Gullle ti:I Tco-.:1£1'! £tt:J!nn nll week, s:lttm~ 011 o bo.:mJ tho ~gull ~~un!ty ~lllin.:l era nnuOfl Ru!dcro Hospital otter n Jlhort iU• t:at agalrl!lt letting rounty cholr-11iJt . - · will:mtrt pa¥mt aru1 ~. M'run !fti€ef: f 'EQU:lC-znt!on the provfmm ram- • Ap;nl :S, nom 2:30 to 5 fat nus. nwn v."Orlc fol' Uut •tate.

Mlmlby through 'i'lnlrsday, 1 pmsatf:m. USSR, The Night They eumro tlle cbyn. Prl~n meeting= oper.etll 1M ben2flt of the Can~r Crun:lde. improves in hospital nw nev. FoU!or Lum Jaramillo Tony &nehez of Son MlllW!l. o p.~ .• for OPEll oowltng, Z5c a Jlnfl. _'!be euemtnt &gn!emrnt m~ Mountain. 1001 Wart<! Almnrule in U:e US<Ja1 l'll.l1Jlm'r by Ot>tmty &1.-m')-one In the eounty b rordi- Tho condition of Grtnld LltUe· o:l'ticlatcd and burial wao In thl.' former legllllator and former hc!-

'Satu:nby and Sunday, 1 p.m. to tior.s the following lll!lin po!nu. !look of Facts: ar..t many othen~ Shenrt Le:mdto Vegn. ally Invited to attend the ten. ton In ilotel Dleu Hospltol In El Uorulo Cemetery under tha dtreC- ~':!. ~~~~~~=~:: t:~ 11 p.m.. opct1 bmvllng at a:ic a linll. 'lhe Land Om:lmUS!~ nttded. B:lmie Hey~ of Angu~~ rott~ellt· Pn£O wao !'(!ported to be allghU,y tfon of the Hampton-llollnnd Fu- p:u-enUy prefen to work at hls

Shoo nmtah, 10 crnts. lease all of the state hmdi, ed the cclllllilmlonem to coopen~te Son born on "VE Day" lmproved Wedn~ rooming of n(!ml Rome. own business. On the cbto o1 thi! granll cpm. an! naw trued f(lr .· . . Another trout pkmting trith ~ peop!e ot AnilUJI in reccm- thls we-ek. Mr. Stewart w011 o life-long

tng of the ncerea:Uan Center, April fo the .... - . .. atructma 0 bridge at tho west end to be 16 in May The 1G-year-o!d youth w011 critl· resident of Lincoln County. Ho DAVI! CHAVIZ LIKILY 22 a -ntntive will be --unt . for ~ emt per tKte fn o· fe•O ..,_nty "c•eek1 of thn Angu~~ towru:lte, % mile cnlly 1n•u-"' Ialit Th'"-.. ~y In ,..Ar ~· bom I Sn P trl"" d FOit COUitT POIITIOH for• co·:""..:.:;;:tlon ""' bo ... u:::.~ __ ........ <.~at anA. this Itee wm be t!1f' 1' ... _ .F abo-.-e the Eanito junction. The Mr. and Mrn. Johnny Durnn of ~ ' n:u w»<>.. "" - w..... n n a ~·O nn Wall

'"""""' ..... ~......,. ...... ....., " ~-" rlzozo when the ror under which n rctirod farmer. lt.t this wns wrlttm Supreme for orderintt bowling rolls. a periOd of 5 i"eU& Charlie Bird, district game CCll• bridge \'1--uuld t:arve ceveml homeg, 'i'Ularolltl were vl!lltorn at tho Newu he wQll worldna clipped off a bum· Ue Is curvlved by n • brother, Court Jujltlce David Olavc:z of

It Is announced that It wm be 'lbe Game ~ it. ~atlmililt, Informed the Nlmil Tho oorrunlslllanen;~ promlsl>d to do affice on TUesrlay. They wero look· per joel; and the Cl'll"....S member In WUlle Stewnrt of corona. Santi:I Fe, brother of Sen. Iknnls necessary to l.iiliit the number of agents· and Pttroittees shaD have thtS week that Penasco and Tuln- vAiat they could to help. lntt for an article they believe-d front of the tmnllml!llllon fell on Chnvc:z, Wtul way out in front for lines during rush periods. Ulll'Utrieted right to enter upon rosa creeks In Otero county were The bltl or the City Gnroge wru. wns printed In the Newn con~m· hill face. The cnr hlld no wheels Ja-L Hefker 11th In the $22,500 a )-ear appointment u

• these state Jahflt tor the ~ ~ed Monday of thl!l week. o.ca?ptcd far o % ton Chevrolet lng their, rron, who \Vllll bom on en 11 at the time. ... circuit court jud&e In the place

D• • J d d of managing. propagating and lw"· Planting trout In the Ruldasn pickup to be used by the road "\1E Da( In 1945. Gerold In the can of Mr. and I realgned by Sam llrntton, ,stract u ge we s ve-sting an wildlife l!illd fish thse- fs tC!lltatlvely &et for next dep:uiment. By an odd clrcumstonce, tht! bronc rid ng at Resta tfi'iom, ainl to" ·Ulfe" u much-of . · btt u!d. Supt. J. T. Clew appeared be· baby hod o blrthmarlt of a "V'' Mn, RoymoruJ Littleton. He wta C"ANDIDATIS WAIT

couple in Carrizozo lllrl'ace as may be f'ealiOJiabl)' tite- Another planting of trout wns fare the board to explllin dool on Ills forehead, a rnru'k thnt hall removed Crom under the cnr by Jaclc Reflcer ot Carrizozo took SPICIAL ILICTION . t!!!llll' for aucb plirpO!eS, put ln Nogal taka lnst week. bud~tnry problems. cfnro dlsnppeared. _ . Albert Uernandez, a neighbor, and eleventh plaro arnonrr 74,borcb:lclt • Prospective Demo candldatea for

Cecl1ia Ann Chl11.-~ daugb~ . permit~ ot the Game Com- The Noi'th Fork of the Bonito The conunissloners cald they The h:lby now o gro-.m boy who totten first to the Cnrrlzozo hoo- bronc rldlna contcatnntll nt the cecretary ot 11tnte• arul state treas· Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Cha~ . these lf.ate arui the Bluo lfolo will be PIMtEd t\-'llt'(l vitally interested 1n the de- will be 16 ln. Moy, was c;urlouo pltnl then to El _P~ In the Hamp. annuaJ Fle!lta rodeo In . Truth or urer next ycnr can't do much un-of was in mar- all ot!w' . . co.nditloil! permit, Bird hid. celopment ()f the White MOlllltaln abaut tho birthmark and wnnt~d ton-ttollalid .Ftinetnl IIomQ nmbu· C<II'!Sequcncea qyer the wcclt .!!lUi ttl they sea how tim lij)l!elal e.l~rc;. • rlage · IIJ. fo _ptQ_ll(!l'ty_ vf __ · --~ · · __ :_ -~------~-· ::__- l!J.'~ation __ Itat:J.t~- nnil_ . tlult the to see whnt tim po(let _ _satd (ll)out it. Inn.,!: _


1_ ~ =a -..r.a·. Each conteflt!lnt rode onl,v one Uolt.n!l tunl!l out In tS_gptEml!e.r..

. areas•in blOCks and thus pte- county WoUld mnlnmln o 2% mile "· _ _. '""' ace ...,n oceurreu u• "'" n:e; nmendment or one tour•yr. '!be. ca-ernony wns Pf!rlortned Gatne QltnJnlssiOn lias the vmt hunten from Ua\-eling' O'v"tt necall ~d to the pork after It Oper•tion termeu success father'a anm~re nround 5 o'clock rntm tor _county and state officers

the home of _the brld@'a patenU to en~ into · all of a rancher's private tand!l wns comp!efed. Mm Clnro Snow, who b with last Thundny nfternoon. Mon Jeau retreat to would pt?nnit Trenrurer Joe calla-.. W. 'r. S~ judge of 1M othe' leMees or to reach aman or Isolated tracU The -cctotnit:ltoners adopted a her daughter, Mrn. Hope Evall!l, . way and Sccretnry &tty Florirm Judlclal Dil!trlct, .. lOt' the putpOie of state Jj!3Je lands.. ·'1' ~;etolution wcntlnfl tho right of and family In ~Ina. Mich.. Gilbert Ortb:. commlttloned have open house to run aanln cvt'n though they are

'l'bil btidegroQm Is atatloned' in mabdalning the most 'lllol:ilpson aald" that the G;lllU) wny oVer o portio~ of !and In the writes that l'.tr!l. 'EVOllJI' opcroUon In Un'sted States ""lr Fot .. • ALTO- on their flnnl t\ro-ye:ll' tenns o.l-the AmiY JH!at CarrlzOm• He b. · ptnemana~turut& Cnmm!ss!on Will pay. the l.and Palmer GatEway Subdiva1on, no wns termed n cuc-ce!:ll nnd that "' ..... lowed by present lnw. It'n hard to nati\"'e of Arl<anSU. ttis . Mr. ~ calk tbJs . $53,591.43 tor the ltmgel' nttded due to a relorotlon she has been talten home from the Gilbert Ortiz, ~ron of Mr. and COl. R. D. O'Coilnor, commnndlng beat an Incumbent officer, even for


! ! ' '

.. , I . - _ __________..

• i

·llvet 1ft Mo~ • .At& llil• fatha ls of tM ~t bunting lease Utts ·;t-eat. and of. Highway 70. hospital. •• Mrs. s. M. Ortl2 of Cnrrl2ozo, Is at. officer of Wallter AFD at Ro:JWell, a 'third lind four·~ar term. t---- "-- d«tued. ·--u · u .Tha.!OOmttll!slcl!>!?tB.wjll m _ .. .--· __ .. . nnutc.AFn.Jn DJinnls.for__a~ 114.-.()h--tho .1\lon.Jcau--rotNnt- roo •../t.IJ.t®.otlulratato.-oU!cc~ho.---:--

.t;.,.. . -The- cOUple tNt on il ate returned to New a Board Of Equo.li:rotion Mny l Mr. and Mm Georue Fatilrrl are weeb' trolblna !eliSion, Gilbert ~ntly, mnking J11Mll for their t>Xccutive r.roup - Attorney Gen-·fd&r fd tt PiUO aM .· priY&fe_ . ~ rollected lm flM lroni 9:30' to 5, to he31' l,Uly pro. the proud p;u-entD or ll baby l!lrl. Wtm grndunted froM tM lmhtHilt31. ll]'ll?lllng. to be held thcro Mey 20. eral Enrl Hartley and Land COill• wm ~ ~ lic:ii'ne aJiet!mmt i&1es Of ·.· · abet aDuillliii~ testa ngard .we li!!etmtenu. bom April 10 at 6:20 p.m., nnd or Naw- Mexico in F•bru41'3" aticJ '11!1! pubJiq. Is to be InVited and missioner Johtlny Walkel'-Oro on dli1'lllil the-.~·• tdmi .. · .. ~ ~·the · · wnt ~ lfO I'DcmJe In httrit• 1'bC !1l!Xt regular roort.lng of the namedGerrl Pnt~da: · The Infant wns 00llll11Ia!J!oncd a .~IM Ueu. de~ wUI be gt~~en at a Jnter flrsttcrms and cUgible for anoJ~~ tJae Blrrki, . · · · · ··to fK •built· 1-, be iiaJd; ~onm will be 11-.y 1(), wdihed 6 poundt, · tenant In the U, S. JJt Fo~.. date, (Continued 00 back pa~J·

. ... ·-• '

- . ' . . •

• • • (

.. ;:. • •

_, • -· ___ ,_. .. ,.... . , .•• J.L. "'': ·,. ~~~,..,.~-~~~,..,.,..,........,.....,....,.,..,_.,.,..,...,..,,.....,....,..""":"'.,....,.,...,.,..,...,..,.,.,,.......,......_.,...,.,. ........... "!!""',...... ....................... ...., ____ ,_ __ ~ ______ !"!""_,... ______ .....,._ ........ ,.....,."":"""""""i;""'""'>'"> =· ~-' •, ----~-· -;- ;, --- --;,- ,- .-, ---.. -; l'' ,-.,., .... _. '> ...... - ,<p_• '• ···.·- --· •

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' -. . ' ,. J' •

•1. •,' '

.. _, .'

- . . - ~ .,_ --_....., -...




STAR RADIATOR and MUFFlER • Cen aervlce your RADIATOR needs or • tnatell 1 LIFETIME GUARANTEED MUFFLER . '.. ··- ~-

whlln you ~hop In R~iweJI 71-4 SOUTH MAl N ROSWELL, N. M.

The IJanfl in Vo11r ,Cife

protection for bank deposils .


YOU Those 10foguords, plus physl· col ono1, odd up to all-around prulcdu.>n ICJr dcpo~ils horol

OftEN A CONVENIENT Ct!I!C!'I~:') ~('"'""'"'T M._,n A fORWAnD-LOOKING SAVINGS. AC ~ .. w .. , • .. , d US.


Carrizozo, New Mulco

Mtml!tr PtdtrAJ DtpOJIJ llli!Jranta C:cflttr.athm

We pay 3°/o on Savlnqs Accounts

., '


'P-.l.- J!~~t


When one ear out!oll~o~ all tho rest tho WtlY pcnuasion. If you w'bren•t abdutely ltlrf, lhl! MW Chovrolel b doina•-thcro'a 20t · you'd lma~:lno ~ou were rldinr in a lli' to boa rcasnn. And wo erm think of tt)mo AND JUS1.' ONE ce2lli(!r ear. · · · 1!11111! ·

pretty good ona. Tho elc~n-ot.cht.d loolm No wondor t>WPIO ue - ~· .. of tbo now Dody by Fblior, for oxnmp!o. .JET-SMOOTH buying mol'o Chnvrolota. -::;_·-"" ....., The ctarcr brand ()r "glt" thnt'a under tho RIDE vulLL thlln au~ other maket ~ hood. Tho c~ way It hlmdiC!. Plitl tho ,Y Qhovtolota bavo tnoYQ ot added advantago<~t ~xtra-<:csHpttollrlikO' ·· "t'IH. ·ow uo· ·u_ · .. ' · -what 1t utra t(f )llews trt_mo-t~bino Tutbu.b}ld_l), _ . . . _ ··-· .;;, .1 1 ~ · pWt.__ •

nut to umpio all these rcasilns togotfl(!l', '~~H· Yl- · · . · . , ·. · · ·· · • · ·- · ·· · . uou ... _,,.., to -t a C·hov""lot ou• on th" • · *OfidaW. r.. Pclk dH7o. t~rolunt$prtuft6W · " ....... ..y, ov ~ v Ju(f.::i;roCt;~wc:CilCfl!~!dtAtl(~~-~ road. And the~ a wht1to tbnt Jot.cmooU~ 1l!IQ rrlCr.Mu.::lir.ot.:aroi~ti~ttll5o-•ltd(,~ ride taket ova with Ita own ccnUo kind of l:13ccnlint:Hocdl!:ot::rqfc:tloil!dllltr»tAil)tltrl . -

Ste lhe new Chmc!d cara, Chery Corrao'ro atJd t.~ll- mr.l.l Cona:c Of t;Otlt lo:a! ac:t!iuri::C\1 Cher;tc!c& dtttla'a --------....... __ __.__.._.,.~..._,.,..,...."# _ _..._ .. __ .c-.".l..,.,..-."'i-oi•a;aw•-.li*-6'*!1•11;•c.'"'-ll:••--.. ... a-.-•.,.•w:M•-•••P4l't.llr.i!l•~•-~·•~~-·,..••· il ~, · ki· •

• . -·

- e_

• '

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• •

Basoboll meeting

' ---. -;--~-.,-; .. -'··· -.,

:1,. ·-·---. -, ,-,-----••. · --~---~-- ~-- --·-------


I .



• •

. " . .l.. ---+-- ~- ~ - ·- . -- .• --


galnat flnt, theft, Jloblll.ty, wlndatonn and many other rlab ot a...blg aavlng In rates; Ask abOut our pacltage polrcy that Ia 10 tasy on your potbtboolc.

• Agency




• I '

10, 11, 12, 14 and 16• models as low as $490.00 · Dealer: SID GOODLOE

Phone .n 4-2454 - CAPITAN, N. MEX~ Distributor: LAIR tRAILER SALES Lovington, N. fA

Trailer Partn Bulldog Jae~

end Hitcho:~

. Bea- College ,. Ill • •


Phone HE 7-2221 • •

Save~$35 . -


MR. AND MRS. W. J. ANDERSON Recent owners of Sanhl h College of Beauty

NOW .. OWMrS cmd IMJructors

of the only -. m


Fabulous ~No.FN>st" FOOtf ...• 4by Kelvinator .•. World'sFinest.Foodkeeper!

."iiW!!ci" ilrliciM1atr

ii QL rt. Sl'i 11M. "MffOt ...... , ........


it . Witfl toMarama•a ifllrl'ldan( foods .t.

. )'OIIf~t!#,J(lll . 11M bet!er li!ells­••• Sl't8 ti!M, ~ . ·~~~ l!IOIIIJt Allil

•• fteeztr S..'ot•

11tni!ifm)OQtll· . . ~~~~=;:::;, ~tComtieeiU. :;:; -

-. .,.,.tr.oS'i" . na.tlll

cmtt • ll'OIA&l FOt


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·IHOHIM ' ' .

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· · · . .oa--e-t•illtda · ,'' ~""' .. """ . . ' .,--- .

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• 7'

ALL GRINDS ................... ::._ .... . CAN ' •



' ------~--··.---· --· .. ·-----·--~ ~-· -•·• ____ R ____ ---~ .... __ .---c.----------,


-· MEDAL ·-··-····-·······--····-······--·····--·-····-•

No- ·300 Tall Cans ......



Jb• bag

No. 303 Can ......... ·-·-.. •

' '



q '

.. .. '• ' '



. --2--:..--6.~~- .JIO 12 •• ··20 ' •

• '

26 ,8 ~0;32 38 .42 44

46 '

• 50


56 58

82 86

62 '

90· 92 CcQPYfllcniT, lm.-· • ._ADFVT& COflftCftATION

HCW YOftK u. H. 1' •



• -PRilfS ;o


U.S. D. A.



~~~~~ND MEATY ~ ... : ............ : ........ LB. 4t SLICED BACON $109 GLOVER'S ....... .............. ••..••.......... .. . . . . . . .•••.. 2 LBS.


--·----FROZEN MEAT ITEMS-------

FISH STICKS TASTE 0' SEA ................................ -....... ~ ... ........ .... .. .......... ···------·· 8 oz. 2U G


PEELED & DEVEINED ............ ... . ........................... 12 OZ. BAG 89c ! •

ASPARAGUS 19c FRESH TENDER GREEN SPEARS .... ....... .. .......................... . LB.


l I



Orange, Grapt, Pineapple­

GraP'fruit, Orange-Pineapple for $ U.S. No.1

' :U945e----

• • •


Regulcir Size Packages -·----.. --·---for

~~:~ VALENCIAS ...................... LB. 10C AVOCADOS 19c SALAD KING-GIANT JUMBO ..... .. . EACH


LtNG-tllN !::O":~:r! !o=oc:'anro Notes the Bonito Al-Hl BRI£ FS • Hospital Notes . "thb Frld:l.Y, Apr1115, at tho Cmm- · Uncoln County Municipal

A nt>to from Mm Lorn GUe:~ try Club, from 8 to U &un. _ •• , By LOUISE RUNNELS IY AILEEN LINDAMOOD Hospitai-<Carriz:ozo ~Jfh~~~~=;!:~;~~ Rtllph Petty ~r. a In tho hoopltol · · · -- -- -- · litnltl. Ira Yount! and Don Wblt· ADMl'l'fED: n L. Shl'rrlll, W.


~pR~~~~S .... . . . . .... . ... 5-1.8. BAG 2t ~~~t~~~EN RIPE FRUIT . . .... !.: ......... LB. ac

• About pe~ple • Mrn. Edn:! Ltuwton \ l!litctl win·

tiWD in Fort Worth. OJTi\'IJtg thcrt' lant \\'cdrwrul'ly owl lcavinu Sal·

' unl:ly mr,ht SpenscrM lty the Tri.C Ministerial Alliance In Spr'lnt."'Vlllo, Ariz. Sho'o tnwY In .Olrtitozn unliorgoinrr trc:ltment Doni to crcclc b rlslng o.bovo tho gct it ~~ but thl) wcoth~?r law of Uonllo utoppro In re«ntly G. Broclley, Betty ~.«> Mcaru~, Joo

tl&b to 1 ho ·but I!J cct for tonslllltis. I!!kc oo the IIIW.V Is melting fi!St 1m3 nltr.'l'cd them crown. Cllnrllr to bring U!l up to date on tht> hnp- AI!Uilnr, Ellmbt>th Spro!G:'ll nnd ·~~ JQmC ;~~-n..~~ rc:~t arui Sonny Oml;cz attrndcd tho Ju· now. We hove ho.d tnc:m, foggy, MorUn b tlw buUder and Dnmle IJ(:nlnsn th~rc. Tho mill m>lng buill Maey Emma Swift o! Cllrrl<OZO> "Tiu:orcron>, my In-loved brettl· TC!bxat!ma; Tlil!Y h!CUitly mmto n .o.ni1 Senior Prom at. l.llld windy v.;~ther, whleh 1!1 lleyt:D b doing tho plumblna . nl Tho runcuon or tpantvnyll 37 Altn Jlldmun. AtJTt>lla Hiclunnn. ren, btl )'tl .otc~Jdtnnt, unmov·

Til<' Clyd" I. StamJt:~ rnmlly h!:l!l muvPd lu lhmlu:;u wtwn> he !!J nean>r hln wnrlt

trip to Glen Canyon Dam, Which Hlzb School In A!buquttqUo Ap:U holplnf{ to lttq> tho fruit trcdl Rw aruJ Mrn Srott Milchl'll 48 La alm~t rom!).otrtl. Titc New ('.apllrul; Dlanrh" Strnl"Y· Ancho; able, nlwn)11 aboundinu In Uw 19 tmllct eor.strnctlon. It 1!1 a hur;c 8 tm tho cucst of Miss Chrlstlno from b'oomln" too GOOn. tro ~ '"b'---• 11. . by Bo· Frnntlor tJinlna antl Millina 0:1. Rnlpb Petty Jr. Ruldo::n. lov" or tho LonJ, romnmurh M

Tht> l'nul Ortiz family vlllitcd l\tr and Mrn t:drlu· llolnum In

B:mlm. • .. m &AJ uvur. l!ltllll, Wl'l"'! wUI roan bo In oporntlon. Ml'll. yo !mow that )'OUr labor ltl not proJect. Thcy fountJ lt moot In- Tho G:unc Department bo¥11 and nlto Clty IO!lt wee!' on their wny Whitlow (Mavb) 1.a mr..., at thn DISMISSED· Loin Dooll')'. Ch!lJ'· In vain ln the Lord... Pnt Aldaz and hln war" C'h:tr· tucst!nc. aJUl tho tm!d that 11!1 ~pemtlncr from ~· Mra. Beal are still \\1ltchlng' for homo from a oonventlan In Alhu· Villouo Scauty Shop In nultlo::o ley Gnlll'(;tr.l, Mnude Fritz. Char·

1 Corlnthlmlll

15 58 m.'line, who hov" IIN'n otaltonNI

Lrw CruN'n nn Surula.v ~-

they stood en tho brld8e lool:lncr Whltten'o cmall daughter, Mnry flrotlng f"lsh on tho lalte. WntC!t" qucrqua. , and rrom tho loolm of tho pretty lene Galie~Ju:J, R. L. Shi'TTlll. Iletty at l!orltt-llter, N. Y. In the Air daWn. tho m:m t>Wl:ing below Jewel, won ol!::o In tho ho$11iml for In tho lalte \vlll GOOn be purified Mr.· crul r.trn. Sp;u-icy Sp;u-irman hnlr en tltc loillc4 1n tho oommu· ~Ax> Me=. Altn lllclnnan. w. G. Durinn the p:lllt few wce!m thl' ~orp:~, oro to 1m lr.:lllll!crrul ~to ~cro so far o.wny they looltetlllko two or tltroo ~"S, wltb pnrumontn. enough ro th!lt fish cnn bo p!antca ltom Lovitl~;tcll opmt tho wcclc nlty Ghc munt 00 do!na loycly \'>"Otlt Brndl£>y, Aurolln Hirlaru:m and Joe Chri!Jtlrul u"Orld hrul bcrn und~?r the San Anr,'Cio, T('l{O.!l, nbnut April W. fllcs. Sho IOl-"S ';hello" to her :r.!r. ond Mrs, Albert Grindrod for the Juno 1st opening of Sonlto ~ with GJ:u-ka ontl Eula Corder nt th:i! c.Mp. · · AI!Ulbr. iipcl) or the ccfebmtlun of tht> C«"il Mt>aduwn t'i!lll F.lllro to tc!JI tn!lnY ftlOllb tn thls ~ ho\-~ stopped by sm--wnl tlmc3. Lake. nt Ar~ With the Sp;u-ltm:lllll nov Jamcll Modd~ of El Pm:o lrft':ltcJJt 1:'\-"t'nt in Ute hilltory of home In LnJ AnsciCJll:l.llt W«'lt end.

Tho V.."C:lther rcm:llm tmcerfuln. They lilto living ln Cap1um, hUt Olloo Peters said she hrul ro- ~uc Mr. emu l'Jrn. M. S. Littleton oto~ In l:l!lt wccl' on bb wny to DD1TiiS; Ilom to Mr. and Mf'll. m:mltlnd; thn dr::~th and ro;urrec. rn:mw:n of llln= In h!!J fnmlly. Dlll Ttclby ('1\It::lb)') wo•vo tud t'And. ttm:!ly they miss Un.rohl n Uttle. ccl\-"Ctl. SC'"vcral ll!tte:s ansm;rlng from Otlttm9. CbrbU, Texru~. They wo CYO rom u Mon J'rnu rrod, R. D. Me= uf Cnrrilmzo, ~ cbucb· tlon or Jcmll Chri!Jt. Naw wo t;re Wcbbt>r 1!1 Cillina 1n Oll. SP tmln· Sl'WW, roln, Wll) nnw, t;Jtn~.hme. Mrn. P.alpb £imncl1 of lt!tters she has sent aut to nsk far n.re Eu!:J ~r'r.; and Vero Sparlc· An · 1 PIn P . of S1SD '1.'..11.1 tao. on A(lrll 4, 19131, ot ll.ztl p.m.. cnuo:;ed in tho bwinc:lll of num- =tcr in CruTtz:oro tn hl!l at=nce.

Mnl. !:ill W'llsun wus on wca· Mrn. McCllntcclt, dil!_tghter to purchaso moro !::md mnn's ~ts. Mr. ond Mrn.' Ut- "'31 ;1!f~'il th~: S.:UPZJer . weit;hln;: 5 llu. and 10 om tnlninu tlw oftorcJ~rn>, Tho temptn- Mr. ond Mrn. Paul fl:rlta- m.."'l!t> linn ol1 of lll!lt tt;t{;~:;-lmt !!:1 m nnd frlcndg from Alamn,laroa !cr Uio .Angus~. ticWD will be witb tho Cordef'll Marcll za at the Communlty Com to Mr. ruld . Mrn. Jerry Uan I!J utrona to lot ~ll~'ll •. Wilen a lru!linct:l trip to El PO!:O Frllby, baclt at her prot in trul OYd Court- l1mr.b at the Wortley. HQtcl IUU1 Fred' Sweet 1s hollll! for ttw fmo a f~ d:!}a Inti In /uJgurl. Thill m Hlelmun of Copltnn.

0 con. on we fed !bill lull t:l!ttlmg m.cr ~r rotumJng tho c:llrul !by.

hmtSe Mnsrum.. . visited ln.L!nooln last Saturday. llUmDll'l'. He fee!! finn a.nu wl•hcs Omlcs Corder and Mr. Little- lest Tuc:zd:ly nlabt at tho 1, lOOt, at 4 :2'5 pm., wel~;b- u .. -o, wo nhuuld I"'<<ltw.ly tho abm;o Rclpb Pat~ t'<iOll a ~ vf!ll. Mrs. l'.Uth 'Mtlrtill C1J€11l bllt Mrt1. lillt:e Dooley ~ in ~ we 1W1 a TV towel' 10 ho oouid tmi ~e a hwln= .lttp to Ro:l· aumthly m~Uncr cf tho . . tr.a 4 Ito., nm OZ!l. text. tor In Carrizozo an Monlby.

wedt with Jo:unt::~ and Jonny for n few days lost week. One set up hfa TV. Lots 'rt Iat.J of folkB \ltoU en Matcl:l.:l. Fir-Q Dep:ll'tmOnl The fol!ar....tnn Tho C:Irly church h:ld· tho cood Mm Mlll"Wll'Ct Uc:llm onrl l<rn-Am'>stce In A!nmn~a. crul the her cons, Joo. llv:c9 In P.oswcll arewis.b!ng the same. Ml'. ar.;l l'.tra.. Joe Pnrc:cll from ~to people attendzd: CMtlOJ \Vi· Sam to Mr. oroll Ura JohnS~ n!hl"S cruJ It lmzw how to hor.lllc ny mul Mrn. C. L. l'.oblr~ "illitcd

. wcelt en1 In Unto1n. She t'{Olt Ellen Fa,y W(lmflck Is 1 1dr. .and Mr& Hugh 1'nl1tt trnm :tcrnGgfOD. 't'<iw ha1.'i! a SO.U. tron. fQy. Jim ~tcEucn. &un A!bn, J. U. cd /Wmo, a d:lug!Jta, f-1 Apiil it. Nolli!ntr mu!d d::imprn the Mrn. E. L Hc.rltey nn 'I'c~. back f.<J f'~U Sm'J!fay aftei'- tR!r ~tot and tim tam.ly wue hue f<U' ontt night liist t!1' htm!IO at An~ spent tho weelt Wghtowcr, Uer~rt Lc~ 1001, at 7:~ p.m., wc.ch!.nz 7 aplrlt at thea ctntwurt.D. They hld Mr. CU:d Mrn. Oro Martin of noon. m:ek. • . week and went batk to TJlrC.. 'lite au1 ttu:te. and F. D. Lindamood. · end 7 oa In Clt,'l:S to \'."OI'llhlp. They focro Claunch vl..!lltcd Mrn. L. V. Ladll In

Mrs. McM!cl:!')cl'4 d:lt.Jiibta', Mm. C.. Z0moro aJUl hls IIOD•:fnolaw, weather v;as a flttle too cillii..blt ~ The Un2ol White family of Thli• oor..stontl,v ~ thr'C:lt of lm~n- Carrlw2o ono d:ly b1rt \'.'Cclt. Donn!c 'Whltttn, a at E:lstem_ New Clyde sou, l.11"e in .Albuquerque they will be be.clc In a few weeks. ~· ~~ ~ ='~0= doso nttatdro n fnmily roun!nn Ruidoso-Hondo !•U.y General mcnt, atcrung and. yo ••• e:."Cil a ----_ ------·--:M(!X!co 1&tltC<ll CO?tcr in Ra-."Well, for A frm ~~ _ , Irobert Kirk nttnne1s took J'ohn-- In Pm~..JC=t th-e wtcit emJ In Pm"'Wes EaSler sur..tta~ at fltl}:tlh~1cfoto C1"'lU>- t.P;t ·-tar tJro-~ to . ct.urch with tho ''beat pro.

· Sodabaek tb Albtt!lUen;tte to tbl!l:r t:!i.tliL .Amett•s - ·- · fB. Mr. homo o1 rJro. Lutt~ fl:utt, , • C! "' Cilrlstlru'.I. Christfan hnu.a~ gram'' or tbo ono with o.1r ec;ruD. . Vet&" HOiiiital l'lvm Cafrltan nnd :Mr£ nldl!U'd ~n from White's mother. If Wll!l Mrs. ~~~- Willlam J. uar.Mcr, nnd Christian bodla fed tinning l.llltJ sit h.:lck mu1 enjoy our

BEAU T·y Sfl 0 p laSt ~'eek. Johimie h,./1 been home Amarillo were with fhe younger N'utt's birhday crul a~ cela- Honuo, Jalluellno M~ Ft. lltm• hungey llons In thO orcru. nut Cbrlstlanlty, scl:lom OOil.s!da-l.ng .. on a abort 1ea~e. rr- COli 'e bratfon of her birthday. ehuro, Aria; Willie P. \l-ulttlngron, nothing oou!:l dim that nfternl:r.v. tho cost-tho prlro that Wt1S paid. · . · · Mr. and latt& Joe Coe and cllll• p. • Another daughter attending waa Mary Salazar, Ft •• Stan- Uow easy tho Christian has It Co stc::u1tn.st-Ul'llJU)wb!o-don't

dtei1 - t Easter Stmday wlth Hat;old Sellars from Attl.DUitiOrdo Mrs. Hazel McOibo of Colortldo nrown, Plencho, Em'• today, by eomp:ll'islln. We Et-ek out toso that Easter afte~tmvl Specialittng In f!A11t SHAPING


Mr: am Mrs. A. N R111111l!ls utt Is brJnglng brick by tho pjclrup Springs• also M~ oruJ Mtll Lc11n• JcSJ!J Pcrtcot. Fn:d th; :dan egg b~t tor tlu! cldl· load:.~ add a .new, room to their ard ~n of T~3 and a t'on aM Ruidoso: Rtlbert c, Wlant, ... --~ on their ranch, · • ailibi. . 'Hl!\-"tll BUL Mrs. Hope Cook of Klrtnman, AriZ. Alamo~rdo; Roy Tuefter, 'l"hrc!o

Mt>. and Mts. nay ~ wm Hast.4. Ltunbago. Cbarllc Peebles went to ncs--.'1--eU Rivera, J, T. Wl,lso~ Hollywood. . surprl!ed \\-11ett fi'lt!ndl, · ··· · · · on Monday to be with Mm. CM.rllo BIImlS: 11om to 1\tr. d!ld Mrs.

Mil "Pooche" Oriey and . . . ' Peebles, who Wt!5 thrn in St. Dobby nrown of PIC<tcbo, 4 daugh-lcl;iiittt·; them saturday. Mra. T. E .. Kelley returns Mo.tYs hospiW there. On Friday ter, on April 7, 1001, wlliCblnt.r 9 GLADYS MORRISS

phone Ill · OJiC}'S live on a ranch at f.· . . • . .,. ho came hom~. brlrtjPng her With lbs., 12 ozs, · ;;;.;;::;===• Scholle N. M. It I!! about 35 llillct fQQ1. fr1p fo I exas him. At pr«ent she' Is Improving

:--............. ..._;.........,. ______ ......,. _____ ....... """:'""j from ri~ ·~ ·oney. U Mrs. '1. E. Kelley returned Mon· and tho wlwlo nelghbor~ood 1.!1 B l R T H S.

e.-.! .. · All of Uncoln .(o1J..tv ~·~u . . . "~ CHECKINS ACCQUNfS . • LOAN.S

- ~- ·- --. .. .. .. -· -· --' . . - . ' : - . - -- -- . ·-. " ,.., -


. '

. former Roberta Bisbop. Joe · from 'a trip to Texli! where happy to holm h~r ~de. . .. . . • • • Rachel \VHt Jttendcd n family reunion with Mrs. Gt!orgo DmgwoU ro_mo (nepprt~ by the Gernld Chnm-14J;~JStinda)' at · · · brother nnd .tbt£0 sisters nt from Cllrrlzoro Tucsdoy to sec. MemorUil ltOspitnU: · ,. · Sonlto ttura1 · · · Sbtor v;a; aCcOrtlp:mied LindamOOds. Thot nlttht she \H>nt M'nrth31-Uohl to r.rt. and Mrs. ment. metlll:il'rS met · uzp 11y· l!ct- stmt-ln·lnw, with :t.tnl;o Sam Allen lltid 1\its •. F. Wafl(er nee~. a. sir~ -· . _.

• .. •

.. •

• ' ' , ..

- . .1· -- - \.

Open under new management

El Paso Dixie Service • •

TOtvf HAWKS .. Agent

OH.S. AND GREASE$ · ,f i• ':J

' "

On Highway 54 -West Carrixozo ~


.• • .I


I ' ' !


arrangement• • . • "

Perfect uppolntmcnta and un a tmo~Jlhere of tranquility are a part of every Hampton-Holland oorvlcc. rogardlcna o f ooBI. Our ex(wrlcnce ~~~ aurt>n you of the Clawk•cs exprt'!l!Uon of your wleh-Cll •..


Carrl%ozo DAY PHONI II lo ~I .... 101 NIGHY CAI.U Nogal U 4-211 ~




• • . "

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. ·• • : .·. ,_ ·.·. . . • 9X $0 . A~ ~~r~ ":. . . . .. ~r .. tn:.·f=.~,.!~~;t. -~ -~'!~•! ~~N~ ' --~ tllfl- . ., · ·.

Ready"~ ..tar for .. · . . · ""aro:t.

¢JIPJtcot TV·~t;ablit~ -... •

- - - ---. -~-----~ ---~---···

- . '


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.. -OUR TOWN· . · •· . •• .. ·. ·,, KAY (AMI'~~.LI. · .

to, ,be~ t4at · fronfthe

* ' '

. .

•• . . - .. --


, .



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. . .. ·f=.LASMID· fiUIDI TO .. . . I·. S.ERYICES·

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. ' '

. ' .. "',- ., -.

.~ ·· ~?·· . , .Mqc;~ine ~&?P . W. · .. -, .. Ot!1ttal Mtchanlc-' W.orfc. ·

• WATER SOFTENERS · • FILTERS . ~ ' •· PIJ1!!5$URg SYSTEMS "\n Dlrirl.butor ot Et_ Ranch~.,..,..

-~ AI. $~Y. Prc»prlator · / PhMt 4f - tarrliozo, N. M.


Phone 85

) .. ·•

or Wt:Jta Gordon Campbell Box 551, Carrizozo, N. M.

r . .

. l Gin$be.rg "U$(~ Co. · Walt•s Radio and · '·l PIA,NOS -.. """~" aJHI uuc1 TV Repair

:·. ·~; PhM• MA 2-.56» . · . •4 · RaL phone Carrlz~zo 14t

,J. Rf'W,II, Nalll' Multo . 11th st.-1 Ilk. No. Post ()ffk:a 'I . · · .., HouH Callt In Town $2.00

"\ Lode LocOHQII Noticts AIM Shi»P work • New Forma. c~mplylnSJ wltlt DUI-.·1 · --· -~--------

.' ; ltc ~w 515·- 'For nla at the Yuc:ca Bar . •. , .J .Linc~n .~ovnty N~L "Wit•,.. .au.alnaP Bacom.. a ·-,J"'r. Pleasure - THE lEST IN I FINE LIQUORS

:· · · . J ~ 0 D G I S . .tat ~tnr=YDur- lfOit" ,

.=- ~UGANJZATtONs-,·and ... . ) .

·~ . . --....... - ,.;-... --



' . ' !





Meeting d!ltea 2nd rmd 4th Thundo.y each month, 7:30 p.m. Mildred McDonnld, Noble Grand Mls:l Era Berry, Recording SCC'y .Annie Wlthern, Finnnclill Scc'y

CARlftZOZO LODGE, No. 30 . I. 0. 0. F.

• AI Wlndmrul, Noble Grand R~ll Eddlnnn, VIce Grand

Tom O'Rear, Recordlna Sccrctnr,v


McctD every Thurcdny

Villogc Inn O:!te M, D. Smoot

President J. S. Ste:um



Meets lst anti 3rd Tues. each manth

Villilgo Inn O:!te J. T. Clegg, Pres!dtlllt

L. Z. Manfre, Se-cretary

Is Change-of-Lila Making You

OnlyHaHaWo ..... ?

f••••• W:tltN ..... rill .. , .... .. ,.., hll•aU

J. 5. 5teams -Notary Public Public Stenographer General lniUranca EL CIIOLA HOTEL - Ph~n• 101

.,... SEE


Automobile • Fire Insurance -Life lnavrance - ,.on-cancell• able Sick and Accident Polley.

. Carrizozo, New Mexico

King•s ·cactus Bar ~era Friends Meet"


LUTHER· KING, Proprietor


Comer Hlghwaya 54 and 310 Mr. and MrL w. F. Ball


. Daniel Enginuring Company

LaM Svrnya - Tracb, RanchH SUJi;flvlllen .. Wtll LoUfiOrlf

1115 Ora1on Ava. HE 7.0* Alamat...-. New Mexico

ekct. -46.Humor 4'7.Eldsts 49.Hog~t 6I,SWllmX! 53.Frtlit sa. sun god

.. _, .. ~ . .

• .,

.·,. . . "' . ~ FOR$~nam:b,Gleq.

coe, N. M. J>l!one o~ 3.43lS • . 4-14·tfb

Bob Carter· Electric Co.

Phone CL 7-5045



Sa.nd and Gravel · Excavation

Ditclling • Cesspools Bulldozers • Graders

·Road Work Penetration Paving PHONE CL 7-4500



• Washing Machine Ovorh1ul

Engine a.nd Motor Work

e Me~chine Work e She~rpening

• Woldigg . .,.Co'Jo.m"'p"'re~uo ...... ,. ... • Gener1tors

Pumps • Magnetos

Service 906 VIRGINIA HE 7-2070


DOWJf 33. Tirrldbh 1. Flavor tlUe 2. Neddle 34. Perk meat 3. Cat's nail 211. Female hOJ 4. Seed 37. Neat · . 5. French "tho" 40. Bi! a e. Prefix: on member '1. Therefore 42. Wini

' .. -,

. ' •

Route will P!IY up to ~.50 per hour.

FINISH WGH SCHOOL OJ' Grada ~~~ School nt home, ap31'C tUnc. . rlahl 11.,,v. Boolm fumlnhed. · ~

n-"ed. Test Diploma aw.,.... STANDACK Start where you left school.J · agatnat •hi! Write Columbln School, Box e~t~:a!~~~ 1433, Albuquerque, N. M. used

Shrinks Hemorrhoids Without Surgery

Stops Itch-Relieves Pain

tate, netalll r-cdt::·

ploeo. Uoat o;:,oro e>D tbor­

llllton!Abtns CEIVQ cell"" lO

c new dlo•

r~~>aorch lo nD"' ovoil·

or olctmoct/on:'o 113. At all di'Ull

COLD '"Relieve llthen and pnlll$ of cold' with STANBACK Tnblcb or Powdcn . AltO llUl !1' cnrglc for sore: throJt duo to c:olcb. STANBACK'S S. A. (Synergbtlc Action) reduces fever, brinS'J fMtcr, more complete relief. Remember ... Snap bock with STANBACK!

. . . _:. ' ...

oUwr form provided except by (lllincr out In lnlt In both ccrlpt oru1 rl(;lliY.I U10 (Iropro:l} form pro. vlded In the S(Jilt'lllcalloM and Contract bocumentn whh:h wt forth In dotnll the vnrloUll ltertl'l and approximate qunntltll!ll thl:'re­of conlni!Jetl In tho Proj('t't anti Contract to be bid upon. 8ld!l llUbmlt ted In any olht'r form w1JI be COMidercd lrrt'gulllr and will

.--------------------------; be returned to the Bidder wiU10ut • •


EL PASO, TEXAS Martin Manltealco, Man1ger

e MODERN ••• A1R CONDmONED e 104 Rooms, all with Tub or Shower e MODERATE RATES - - --- -.

LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THE CITY Try our Co:ffee Shop ••• Famous for Food

rcrelvlnu ronnlderaUan· by thl' Mayor and Town Bo::u-d.

The Tov.11 o! Cnrrlzoro, NQw tfl>1m~1oo, fi'll'fieiJ tim fiGJit w re­

Ject any or all Propo:nl!l or Dld!l, to waivQ t('t'hnlmllllca, to malte any lnvt'l!Ugallan d('()mcd ll::CC!I· nry of n Dtdder'u ability to per­form thn worlt rovcrctl by thn Plall!l and SJM>clfit'alloll!l, and to n~pt what In the Judr::mcnt or

r.Jg}'or _and TO\m Donnl ID tho bid.


Dy EDWARD PENFIELD, Clerk. 1-----------....,.------------1 Publ Mnrch 31; Aprll7, 14.1001,

., •

-~ ..

ndtlre:w In Jl. Jonl'n, Box 415, CruTlroro. New Mcxlro.

WITNESS my hnnd and ccal of rmld Court on th!D aoth lby of l\lnn•h, 1001. ID C. MANlff:l. V CllAVf:Z. SEALl Dt>puty ('curt Cll'rlt

Publlnhed Aprtl 7. 14, 21, 23, 1001.

t'nlll.'d Stnlt'll ll<'J•.trlml'lll of lhl' offt'n>1l to tht! hi~jh('!ll bh!tlcr. hut I

lntl'rmr. nurc>.lU of l.antl l\lnrur.t>• i ~t not lr!lll thnn thr QIJt•rn!r..t'll mPnt. N M o7UllJ>I l'uhho· Salt> 4.20f. ~nlut>, nt ~ pubhe r~•lr to lw lwld

al 10 :m o rlol'lt n m. un th" 2-Uh Notice- for .P-ublication day o! .May, W!ll :wxt, ut &ureau

M;srdt :ln. l!ltH of ~Land lllnnaet'mt•.nt. l~'ln.tl <,llru~ .

U .a · r 1

., I'" 11. WM!tlnuton AHnUP. S,lfl,a Fe.

Rs (..,.,uS(' ll7l lh . . 11 1 • l'W .ox ro, t " o m•m;: t,rartn hu!lr JtNJVUUnfin {I !:ftC mn ... ·'·'·l N ll• I h r II · · "" • · · '· N"t> " 1 w of land.

,AIQL AP11Aill0 lb. ' WID llnQII'TICtl AWl VAlUf 1 T. 5 S , It 13 f: , Nllll'M. New l\ln1ro

Sec. 33: N ~liS \il, l.otD 1, 2, 3, 4 'I'. iHt.; ft. 14-£' ·

Sec. 3: Lotn 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, SE '4 NE '4 4· l.otD 1. 2, 3, 4

2 T. 5 S., R. 13 E. Sec. 17: SE~SEU


4000 S Z''>llOO

3 r.~ s ... R. 1a E. ~- 8. SJ,!,NW'4 &0.00 S 20000 _,;__ _____________________________________ .....;'-----~~-···· -I Tho land wm 00 &Old rubj£'t'l IO

T. HE. FIZZLE .. · a r H T 1 L M 0 . thl' JlrovisloM of thr Mt or AullU!ll . • • • : 311, lh!lll 126 Stat 3911. dllrhM and

f1)0)1~'T6'\~NO \.U<E -ntJ:rr'S •xu \4USB~ll0 \9 • ranalll. Mt or July 11. t!lH , u1

II. UUMM\.l ""rf.fE NOTHIWG.... . SO 5TU\VE1GY HE WA~'T : :.~o:an~~ 10·~~~odt'~~~~.'.:~ ~1911",';,:~ "" ... , ·T·-· '" ~'~" ~ \..... ... ·~- ~. ...... H'

1 ~"'~ <tJOU ...-"u 10''411001'11 ~ MP N , (l'l<'l'pllon of lnnilil !n &-ctionq ll nmt •a.,~;..,..., a T O.f"IN 1'\.Br-LJtul'!•l"f" f, !. 17. No hld!l will tw wn>;ud for """' \S ""'e.\. r .. ~ M c: f ,., IIi.~ 'v 11100 N 1 \IV lofN "'";;:;,.., i !ellS than nil of lht! land In any om•

1 p.:uccl. No bld!J t~-111 ba roN"i\'('tl for le-o thnn all of on off£>rcd tract The E!urt>:lU of lAnd lltan.'lgl'ml'nt h:l!l not <'hreltl'd the reeoM of Lincoln County to ru:ccrtnln the oxU.tcnoo of ruJvcr.:e cloiiTlll. md!J ~· be rmde by the prlncill:ll or htg acrent, either perwnnlly at the £:l!a or by rruill. D!dsl for a ~I nMt bo fer all tft9 IJMI ln th• .,arul. n~ ru1t ty m:ill wm bo considered only It l'ee(!fvcd nt the Land Oflloo, P. 0. Ilolc 1251, Santa F~. Now Mexico, prlor to 10:30 o'cloclc a.m., on May ·24, 1001. mlb must bet ln sealed enve!topes occont• panted by certified checlm, post.


11. Thief: slanJ fastener IJ, Placed 44. Sto1..'e • •

ftice money orders, bank drafts, or cashiers' c.h~ m.ado payo.blc to tho Burenu of 'Land MllDllCC· ment tor the amounts of the bids. Tho envtllopes must be llUU'ked ln the IOWilr ltft·harul comer "NM


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in line 45. sumx: mora 10. EngJ1sh 47. Smnll

letters island& 11. Time peffod 48. Coast 12. Intersected 60. Physician: 17. State: abbr. abbr. ,20. Not..swcet 52. Actorta pad ~.Bone: anat. 53. lien's crop

·. 25. Preftx: new 64. Girl's n::une 27. Not.tull'row 55, Limb 28. Timepeticd 6'7.llow 29. Color 60. Suffix: 30. Fish . pn::t tcnne 31. Viewed 62 .• :p. ..... A""!IlieU


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. ---~·-· .. - -<

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• .()70228 Publlc Salo Did, Parcel No .. 1-3, Snlo held 10:30 a.m., May 24, 1001." TJto highest bidder at the B:l!o wlU bo roqultod to pay imme­dlntely the amount thereof. Any ndverse elnlmanta of the above de­scribe-d bnd should file their clolq]!. or objections, with tho un. dersJIIfled on or before tho Urna l!esll!ffilted fOf'c !Into; ·,My contiCU~ ous owner . clalmtnrr. a pl'e'tllrenco

... l'IIJTit musf assert tmn ·prove llUm lght to-the-undersigned-within S&

d!lys from the above Galo d3t~. However, conUauaus owners wtU not be able to assert thclr prefer­enoo -rights to any p:lf'Cel for which bldll are not J.'Ctelved. For rehn· bursement to owners of nuthofucd improvements on tho lrmw, pay· Ment of cost ot ptibllcnUon, and

~ 'Other requirement$. soo 43 ern. Pntt 250. Fo~ 1\it'ther lnform:1tllin, &Vl"lta: Ocut~ICIS :g, Jlcnrtques, J>, 0.

. BOX 12511 Santa.Fc. New Mexico, Pub, Apr. 'ti 1\ 21, 28: M_ay 5,1001•

. ... " . . --- ' .. "' -- '"' ---


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p JOBS sasoo

Also Customizing Work

Ovomaul most AUTOMAnC


-QU piUD p:ll'lll

Ellis & Sons Garage CARRIZOZO


Sund•y, Mond•y ~prll 16 and 17

ltarrlnt LILLI PALMIII -In-



Tuesd•y, Wednead•y, Thunk A,rU 11, 1t anti 20





Ptftlay, Saturd•y Afril 21 w 2J

ltafftftt Jl,lllY HUNTI1l -Itt-

"KEY WITNESS" 111 Celw

Plva c.t..lTOON

lOX omc1 CLOSIS AT 1:30

• \ ..

.. . ' '\

Alnmocordo ttnd Jimmy n. mel. 18, or llollomnn AFD.


Farm Fresh Milk


SUNDAY •nd MONDAY A,rtl 16-17


IN C01.01l


"A qui Estan los . AguJiares"



Clurod Thursday

FlJDAY •nd SATURDAY • April 21·22


W1th ltn~~ ALLIN • .ltYM MI~DOWI

's op ecret We don't our Banker to

out that DOUBLE DISCOUNT DEAL we are running APRIL 19. You remember, but don't tell a Is Liable to ask QuestiOns, like

• - --- - - .- --

why·wt don't Pay Him.




UrN at..._._. .r tht •~tJ O~•JeUb< .,,..;;. • ., .••

. It .......... 1011 wMil ~·• tlulb tlala!t tkt ...........

'l'U &iiut

attft't ta Wbai .hM 811 thll cot to .

with u u:&ellllio• ~~hone? 1M munbtr ot tripe you tatrit

lbltntll rooa With a weJ· IIOClted IICOM phone (SU t...

kftchta}, 1611'"' bomid' lb •ve Mmt atepe. YOIU' WOfk .nt

·· a UtU. eultt and )'Out ·

anare pler•t~t. T!J ""'"· 101rr. vou :J;&Il uJo) :a. 84 tt:o:••ll 1 pb.on. tor onl.t 'PWtlt4 il U1131~·1

. ' . - ~ : . .

KIIAJIT'S •t .. Atl ........ rk .. llfttdM .......

apn•iler••••-' ,_ ...... t&tiJ




Announcing a comphitely


~~~ ~«~~~~l4-·--f·--~.~~ wom m~ m!il't t.ho that..~

. ov.& with )'Out toft!cht. ThH tomotrow, Older fl:om em IM:U•• otlef • a WtS,IhciM ••,lot•• fi.JO*.t W.tnaekltaJo•••IP\tdUio

·::. .... ....... d ....... '*,;,,,·


·on I'Oat· bl:i"AU I:XOJt: •

Dean Hardware CAftTA~ NlW ~0

• •


,, ' . - ·- ·- • ' . <'

; '"'


BLEACHES AND TINTS RAfR·smrNG . PERMANENT WAVES' Telephone Carrizozo 73 for Appojntrttent


' '







SERVICES WE CAN OFFER ARE VARIED AND NUMEROUS • • . Firot of all, It a Ring l.s what want, or a nmv Watch, a Lighter, Tic Dar and CUff a cct ot can it.

now serving this area with a complete line1Jf J

L P G PRODUCTS . ~.rompt 4ncl-ReliabJe. .Servic• Gt ···

AI Gas-buming Appliances . r

El Paso Dixie Service Stotion 132 ·

" Experlenoo NOT Neoessacy with DuPont Luoit~Wall Paint· · Wonderfal new paint by DuPootmnk£03 re-do:1mg any room easier than ever before. Croamy-tbi~

. "Lucite"Wnll Palntneed:J nostirringorprimit:g. Won'tspatterordriplilieordinaeypaint.Sprends m·er-co-eanOy with brush or r~lter; leaves rich, fiat finioh, dry to tho tooch fu. 30 minuk;, No mq clean-up either. Just snap ann warorr





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