hk the flbountatn iHbvocate > Published Every Friday at Barbourville Kentucky KubTPft as SMMindCUM Matter Xobnwry UHh 1WI at tho 1ostolUeont llnrlMurvllIu Ky nnrf p Art of UoncroM ot Mnroh lint 17J E3f n AD PUB18HU G VJ Cw11K = tttHcri lion Ilxtos 100 pOI year in ulvftiieo to everybody 4 Is tho mimborfor those diiii to commuuicuto with this oftico by phone Ring up Central anal ask fur number You will bo connected direct with this office ifyon have Tho Cum p Ground Telephone service The Official Organ of the Republican Party in Knox County s NEW EDITOR I The Beroa News has placed Prof James P Faulkner former- ly ¬ President of Union College and recently a traveling repro ¬ sentativo of Berea College as the Editor of the News Prof Faulkner is an able sehol larly gentleman and we are glad to welcome such gentlemen into the professon and trust that his fondest hopes along literary lines maybe realized lIe is a staunch Republican and while the paper will not be de ¬ voted especially to political mat tors yet his Influence for good will doubtless soon be felt not only in Madison County but throughout southeastern Ken tuckyWe gladly welcome you into the Journalistic Held Prof and trust that you will be a benefit tc pb the profession anti we will be ol mutual aasistance one to the oth- er t t CALEB POWERS HAS NEVER BEEN DEFEATED FOR OFFICE kw CalebPowers is a running man Before lie was thirtyone years of age he had run six races all told in the primary and general elections and has never as yet been defeated He was elected and reelected Superentendent of schools in his county and then elected Secretary of State but was Inter robbed of that office In one of his races for Superen t tendant of School he received every vote that was cast at his hume precinct on Brush Creek in Knox County Kentucky doing thereby what no candidate for office in Knox County has evir done before or since fNr Edwards Crowd Says Republican i Party has Done Enongh For Powers The Edwards crowd have been putting up a lot of silly stuff to the people of the District in their efforts at vote getting but their x claim about the Republican party having done enough for Powers is the emp iest nonsense that has as yet been dished up by them What has the Republican party done for Powers After he was robbed of the ollice to which the s people had elected him he was thrown in jail and remained there eight years lighting for the name r and perpetuity of the Repnbli rain party in the District and State and trying to keep its fair name from being tarnished with the charge of murder The Rep ublican party had its liberty all of these years able to follow its usual avocation part of UH were able to contribute a few doll- arseto help Power tight our battles for us and souse of us were not Powers fought the battle of many of us without our contributing one cent of money for him to do it with And those among our people who did contribute only gave up a few dollars while Pow ¬ ers gave up all thoMuoney he had broke his father up ands impov ¬ erished other relatives This amounted to little thoughcom ¬ pared giving up eight of tin + best years of his life and almost life itself Man Poor Mon A woman in a neighboring town gave a party and asked Inr guests to each bring ai article which they did not need and w could do without About half of the women brought their bus builds l t r t1A 1 pa Yea I 14 2IS t Don C Edwards calls Caleb i Powers his opponent a thief Edwards papers call him a murderer The bitter Dens I ocratic sheet tho Louisville i Times in its issue of Febru- ary 20th quotes 11w arils I people going to send to Congress a man who has been convicted of complicity in a GovernorsI assassination you say I this Mr Edwards The peo pie want to know You haveI called Mr Powers a i do you also call him a mur deteri F r > > jf The Pressman May 1 print a kiss on you lips I said And she nodded her sweet per- mission And wo went to press and I rather guess We printed full edition HBut one edition is hardlj enough- She said with a charming pout So again in press the form was placed And we got some extras out oO o AND Tins Too He popped the question and they were wed Which ended their discontent The form has gone again k press Wellwait for the supple- ment When No Mans a Failure when He loves his work for itself as well as for what it brings He puts ideas stud ideals into workHe put a little humor into his work He gets on by helping other up instead tf pulling them down The harder he is knocked clown the quicker he can pick hinhaelI upHe is more anxious to do furor than auk them He is willing to admit that h is in the wrong and unwilling to worry about it How Pot BroKe the News Tim Casey and his friend Put line Were blasting rock one day When a blast went off and blew- poorrim Clear to the Milky way When Tim came down he Game so fast He left his soul behind An arm and leg wits all of him That fhey could ever bind The foreman said to Put go home Anti see rims poor tld wife And gently break the new to her That Tim has lost his life So Pat went sadly to Tims home And when he saw Tins wife Me criedh Did Mr Casey have Insurance on his life uYnu bet your life he has said she- Hurrah for that yells Pfc tl We cant collect yiur luislitind hut Well help ye collect that r > y V r r UtVJt w o Ii f Music at the Big Appalachian Expositione The management of the Amusement Committee of the Appalachian Exposl lion at Knoxvlllo Tenn Sept 12 to Oct 12 seems to have been thor- oughly awake to the Importance of having everything the bent and in so curing music for the Exposition they were guided by the Idea alone of pleas hm tho classes as well ns tho masses and In securing Webers Cincinnati Band and Brooks Chicago Band they have certainly struck the keynote of success and the finest music over given at an exposition will be heard I during the holding of the Appalachian Exposition The Louisville CourlerJournal I speaking of Webers Band says Never have the people of Kentucky known such a band as Webers which played at the State Fair Not only for excellence and proper musical In terpretatlon or for tho qualities of each musician to turn himself into a song bird calliope or a whistle but for general good humor Indefatigable work and cheerfulness with which thoy responded to renupsts for encore did Webers Band make Itself famous Brooks at Pittsburg A quotation from a letter received from the manager of the Plttsburg Ex- position verifies the foregoing by the followingAll who visited tho exposition during the season will remember with many a thrill of pleasure the hours through which they sat entranced lis tening to the always wonderful music of tho Ellis Brooks Band On every hand could be heard such exclama dons as Is this selection better than the last Is It possible anything could be sweeter Can It be that those Instruments are but wood or silver and the performers only men Lessons for Farmers at Appalachian Show Possibilities of Making Farming Pay Without a Money Crop It will be one of the objects of the Appalachian Exposition at Knoxvllle Tenn September 12 to October 12 next to demonstrate to the farmers cotton planters and to the world at large tho possibilities of making farm ing pay without dependence on a money crop such as cotton and to- bacco With this end in view a great agricultural display building will be constructed which will hold exhibits from the mountain portions of tlu eight States included in the Southern Appalachian country Persons not acquainted with the Blue Ridge and connecting ranges of mountains have little conception of the forage food and fruit potentiali ties of this region Hurled gold met aphorically speaking lies waiting for the men earnest enough and energetic enough to dig for it Art Exhibit Chairman Branson Discusses Plans or That Department Lloyd Branson chairman of the Art Committee In speaking of the Art Department of the Appalachian Expo- sition to be held In Knoxvllle Tenn Sopt 12 to Oct 12 said The management has granted thf Art Comnittee all that has been asked for and the committee Is alive to glv I Ing the people a display the like 01 which has never before been seen In the South All the artlits of the South will be represented but It If not to tho Appalachian district alone that the Art Committee Is looking they mean to have some notable pic tures that tho public read about pic turns from the big places The gon eral public has Its favorites as well at the art profession They are not always the same but the province of expositions Is to give the whole peo pie something and this tho Art Com tnltteo of the Appalachian Exposition xpects to do At the Cotton States Exposition there was a splendid exhibition of pic tures gathered from all parts of the world yet the people clamored for I the showing of Parting of the Ties and It was gotten there after the exposition was quite half over and proved a drawing card So with the Appalachian Exposition some pic tures and some one particular pic- ture that all wish to see wilt be on exhibition The public will from I tlmo to time be kept Informed as to the work In progress It is too early now to give out any definite state moat of the pictures to ba secured I i 4 l ir l 1 > t ft- It rdossranalarms Powers Sampson Smith ATTOKKEYS AND COUNBHLOKS AT LAW arbourvfllof X mucky THOS D TINSLEYAT- TOKNEYATLAW t Office on Public Square Notary ir Office 1iinNii 101 J M ROBSION WYURIOllFlcm National BantO- AKUOritYILLK I KY J D MAIN Lawyer Office West side Public Square AHiiouKviiiLK KKNTUOKY A Lt PARKER DENTIST OPKIOK Up Stairs in Parker Building- BARBOURVILLE KY Phones Ollice 36- Residence 05 Tonsorial Parlor Ic FPROPRIETOR WEST SDE PUBLIC SQUARE If you want a good clean shave a neat hair cut or a shampoo you will find no bet ¬ ter place in town w H TE BARBERS FOR RITE TRADE ° GIVE ITEM A CALL ° Pressed from selected Concord Grapes For the taUe for I the side room We have produced the delicious Isalmth Grape Juice for many years but we believe this years product is the crown of perfection halwth Graie Juice pro- gression hotter each year Im¬ proved by the wisdom of each years experience in careful pressing and developing Naboth Grape Juice now going out is we think a little better than ever before In color a t autiful deep red flavor that of the Concord Grape taken from the cluster in October The delicious sweetness is due to time superior quality of Naboth Concord Grapes Every bottle guaranteed to complywith the National Pure rood Low Delicious Pure Invigorat ing For sale by dealers THE NABOTH VINEYARDS Brocton New York The Heart of a Mouse A tiny mouse who lived near the house of a magician begged him to save her front the cat of whom she lived in deadly terror So the magi dun Flanged the mouse luto a cut and slit went away delighted In a tow days she came back again In terror Oil save me save trio now from the dog sill begged And the magician hanged her to a dog A few days more mind back she came this time In Ipfidly fear of a tiger Nonsense emir the magician You have only the heart of a mouse and afraid you will always be It Is tb heart that tells Coffee In Abyialnla In Abyssinia the coffee plant grows wild lu great profusion and derived Ita nuns from Knife one of Its districts k itf f wtralstaly twwa datr- F ull yjjL Vii f LIGHT 1J tl1tLfi1IDgt1ID lliillJ It rL1f lIDf l rho MAZDA LAMP will double your light without Increasing your light bill flits ntotal fllamont nfFords two audnlmlf times ns muoh brilliancy ns tho ordinary carbon Incandescent and tho quality of tho light is pure white We woidd bo glad to quote you prices on this lamp chandeliers and any electrical fixtures ls red ill1mIgg iiiSMS uLN A llilli YlillrIDj Wo shall bo glad to give estimates of cost of wiring your homo for ELECTRIC LIGHT All our work is done by careful ex- perienced men and Is guaranteed to give satisfaction Uarbourvillo Electric Light Heat Power Co iNCOIIlillATKn- Phono No llfl Oostollow Block stn N WLIVERyti j Food and 4 Sale Stable i i I have opened a new livery feed mad soles stahlo on Stool street West of Court house when I now have a full line of New Rigs and Fast Horses for Hue Get a Rubbertire buggy and take tho girls riding Horses hoarded by tho day week or month at prices that are in keeping with good trim tin nt A liberal share of the public patronage will bo duly appreciated Apply at office or phone No 1559 J W SAMPSON Proprietor F A 1S I OAKLAND PIANOS Our atm Id tho production of a popular upKMiat tone fworth pianos sellltiK at comparative olUcers of the Itano Co are practical men whoso llfelonfr In tie butidtn g and marketing of pianos Is concentrated In the devel1- o 1lur In thewnrldhaIneanontpbtof OplanoeamlutonthrooRM h Ume theseatalnth I- outrho tlnnleh style workmanshipand In durability weeiaim y the 0akland plan hag no r uai at the prlre- If your denterdont handle ilia Oakland1 piano write direct to iu for catalotfuo and Spvclal Introductory ptlc tIt OAKLAND PIANO COt ftIO StoIr way Hall Chicago III I t tjJ r- ylilrJrWrrlrr1 i1rrir iimnIWU mV1i VNlIIUIlHNhvwwuUNMg 4 i Er Ol FOR DIH ITWZNTYFOft1TH iI YEAR Ia1 ibro to ti jEiARRHtlPN TENNESSEE i and Universities w fJ I forts of life Send for catalogue i j 1 W D MONEY Harriman 1 cnn y- 47NNatRtleinj if1ua fAmjll IU1I111J lIwuuwfnIIUWUI VJh n r STRIGTLY Elfiil GRADE 2 PRIDE REASORA3LE l POINTS OF MERIT The only luc tlmt will iMe level no mutter how loaded Is al sol J Ih utcly ire from pitcli 1g- or end motion No m11 lug orspreadingotnxles is the weight moves up ind down Runs cny because always in track Is not in the nature of a torsion spring No tend ¬ t ency to rattle Lighter 111 est 1BABCOCK R lPQANOS zt- i a I embody every detail that can possibly r add to tho value of n Piano of tho very highest grade The low price at which aro sold astonishes those compet- eenttoudgeoflianovalue on a riano means artistic re- sults In tone touch durability and case design Send for catalogue and t name and address of our agent in your vicinity A I RIEDLINQ PIANO COM Wj MiUi Who 5 IK r I

Ii the flbountatn Music Big Appalachian Published …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48qm5n/data/0153.pdfArt Exhibit Chairman Branson Discusses Plans or That Department Lloyd Branson chairman

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Page 1: Ii the flbountatn Music Big Appalachian Published …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7crj48qm5n/data/0153.pdfArt Exhibit Chairman Branson Discusses Plans or That Department Lloyd Branson chairman

hk the flbountatn iHbvocate> Published Every Friday at Barbourville Kentucky

KubTPft as SMMindCUM Matter Xobnwry UHh 1WI at tho 1ostolUeont llnrlMurvllIu Ky

nnrf p Art of UoncroM ot Mnroh lint 17J

E3f n AD PUB18HUG VJ Cw11K =tttHcri lion Ilxtos 100 pOI year in ulvftiieo to everybody

4Is tho mimborfor those diiii to commuuicuto withthis oftico by phone Ring up Central anal ask furnumber You will bo connected direct with thisoffice ifyon have Tho Cum p Ground Telephone service

The Official Organ of the Republican Party in Knox County


The Beroa News has placedProf James P Faulkner former-


President of Union College

and recently a traveling repro ¬

sentativo of Berea College as theEditor of the News

Prof Faulkner is an able sehollarly gentleman and we are gladto welcome such gentlemen intothe professon and trust that hisfondest hopes along literary linesmaybe realized

lIe is a staunch Republican andwhile the paper will not be de ¬

voted especially to political mattors yet his Influence for good

will doubtless soon be felt notonly in Madison County butthroughout southeastern Ken

tuckyWegladly welcome you into

the Journalistic Held Prof andtrust that you will be a benefit tc

pb the profession anti we will be ol

mutual aasistance one to the oth-



kw CalebPowers is a running manBefore lie was thirtyone yearsof age he had run six races all

told in the primary and general

elections and has never as yetbeen defeated He was electedand reelected Superentendentof schools in his county and then

elected Secretary of State butwas Inter robbed of that office

In one of his races for Superen

t tendant of School he receivedevery vote that was cast at his

hume precinct on Brush Creek inKnox County Kentucky doingthereby what no candidate for

office in Knox County has evirdone before or since

fNr Edwards Crowd Says Republicani Party has Done Enongh For Powers

The Edwards crowd have been

putting up a lot of silly stuff to

the people of the District in theirefforts at vote getting but their

x claim about the Republican partyhaving done enough for Powersis the emp iest nonsense that has

as yet been dished up by them

What has the Republican partydone for Powers After he wasrobbed of the ollice to which the

s people had elected him he was

thrown in jail and remained thereeight years lighting for the name

r and perpetuity of the Repnblirain party in the District and

State and trying to keep its fairname from being tarnished with

the charge of murder The Rep

ublican party had its liberty all

of these years able to follow itsusual avocation part of UH were

able to contribute a few doll-arseto help Power tight our battles

for us and souse of us were not

Powers fought the battle of manyof us without our contributingone cent of money for him to do

it with And those among ourpeople who did contribute onlygave up a few dollars while Pow ¬

ers gave up all thoMuoney he hadbroke his father up ands impov ¬

erished other relatives Thisamounted to little thoughcom ¬

pared giving up eight of tin + bestyears of his life and almost lifeitself

Man Poor Mon

A woman in a neighboringtown gave a party and asked Inrguests to each bring ai articlewhich they did not need and

w could do without About half of

the women brought their busbuilds

lt r

t1A1 pa




2IStDon C Edwards calls Caleb

i Powers his opponent a thiefEdwards papers call him a

murderer The bitter DensI

ocratic sheet tho Louisville

iTimes in its issue of Febru-ary 20th quotes 11w arils I

peoplegoing to send to Congress aman who has been convictedof complicity in a GovernorsIassassination you say I

this Mr Edwards The peopie want to know You haveIcalled Mr Powers a

i do you also call him a murdeteriF r >> jf

The Pressman

May 1 print a kiss on youlips I said

And she nodded her sweet per-

missionAnd wo went to press and I rather

guessWe printed full editionHBut one edition is hardlj

enough-She said with a charming poutSo again in press the form was

placedAnd we got some extras out

oO o

AND Tins Too

He popped the question andthey were wed

Which ended their discontentThe form has gone again k

pressWellwait for the supple-


When No Mans a Failure

whenHe loves his work for itself as

well as for what it bringsHe puts ideas stud ideals into

workHeput a little humor into

his work

He gets on by helping otherup instead tf pulling them down

The harder he is knocked clown

the quicker he can pick hinhaelI

upHeis more anxious to do furor

than auk themHe is willing to admit that h

is in the wrong and unwilling toworry about it

How Pot BroKe the News

Tim Casey and his friend Putline

Were blasting rock one dayWhen a blast went off and blew-

poorrimClear to the Milky wayWhen Tim came down he Game

so fastHe left his soul behindAn arm and leg wits all of himThat fhey could ever bindThe foreman said to Put go

homeAnti see rims poor tld wifeAnd gently break the new to herThat Tim has lost his life

So Pat went sadly to Tims homeAnd when he saw Tins wifeMe criedh Did Mr Casey haveInsurance on his life

uYnu bet your life he has saidshe-

Hurrah for that yells Pfctl We cant collect yiur luislitind

hutWell help ye collect that r


y Vr rUtVJt


oIi f

Music at the BigAppalachian


The management of the AmusementCommittee of the Appalachian Exposllion at Knoxvlllo Tenn Sept 12 toOct 12 seems to have been thor-oughly awake to the Importance ofhaving everything the bent and in socuring music for the Exposition theywere guided by the Idea alone of pleashm tho classes as well ns tho massesand In securing Webers CincinnatiBand and Brooks Chicago Band theyhave certainly struck the keynote ofsuccess and the finest music overgiven at an exposition will be heard

I during the holding of the AppalachianExposition

The Louisville CourlerJournalI speaking of Webers Band says

Never have the people of Kentuckyknown such a band as Webers whichplayed at the State Fair Not onlyfor excellence and proper musical Interpretatlon or for tho qualities ofeach musician to turn himself into asong bird calliope or a whistle butfor general good humor Indefatigablework and cheerfulness with whichthoy responded to renupsts for encoredid Webers Band make Itself famous

Brooks at PittsburgA quotation from a letter received

from the manager of the Plttsburg Ex-

position verifies the foregoing by the

followingAllwho visited tho exposition

during the season will remember withmany a thrill of pleasure the hoursthrough which they sat entranced listening to the always wonderful musicof tho Ellis Brooks Band On everyhand could be heard such exclamadons as Is this selection better thanthe last Is It possible anything couldbe sweeter Can It be that thoseInstruments are but wood or silver andthe performers only men

Lessons for Farmersat Appalachian Show

Possibilities of Making Farming PayWithout a Money


It will be one of the objects of theAppalachian Exposition at KnoxvllleTenn September 12 to October 12next to demonstrate to the farmerscotton planters and to the world atlarge tho possibilities of making farming pay without dependence on amoney crop such as cotton and to-bacco With this end in view a greatagricultural display building will beconstructed which will hold exhibitsfrom the mountain portions of tlueight States included in the SouthernAppalachian country

Persons not acquainted with theBlue Ridge and connecting ranges ofmountains have little conception ofthe forage food and fruit potentialities of this region Hurled gold metaphorically speaking lies waiting forthe men earnest enough and energeticenough to dig for it

Art Exhibit

Chairman Branson Discusses Plans or

That Department

Lloyd Branson chairman of the ArtCommittee In speaking of the ArtDepartment of the Appalachian Expo-sition to be held In Knoxvllle TennSopt 12 to Oct 12 said

The management has granted thfArt Comnittee all that has been askedfor and the committee Is alive to glv

I Ing the people a display the like 01

which has never before been seen Inthe South All the artlits of theSouth will be represented but It Ifnot to tho Appalachian district alonethat the Art Committee Is lookingthey mean to have some notable pictures that tho public read about picturns from the big places The goneral public has Its favorites as wellat the art profession They are notalways the same but the province ofexpositions Is to give the whole peopie something and this tho Art Comtnltteo of the Appalachian Exposition

xpects to doAt the Cotton States Exposition

there was a splendid exhibition of pictures gathered from all parts of theworld yet the people clamored for

I the showing of Parting of the Tiesand It was gotten there after theexposition was quite half over andproved a drawing card So with theAppalachian Exposition some pictures and some one particular pic-ture that all wish to see wilt be onexhibition The public will from

Itlmo to time be kept Informed as to

the work In progress It is too earlynow to give out any definite statemoat of the pictures to ba secured


i 4

l ir l1 >tft-


rdossranalarmsPowers Sampson Smith


LAWarbourvfllof X mucky


TOKNEYATLAW tOffice on Public Square Notary irOffice 1iinNii 101

J M ROBSIONWYURIOllFlcm National BantO-



J D MAINLawyer

Office West side Public SquareAHiiouKviiiLK KKNTUOKY


OPKIOK Up Stairs in ParkerBuilding-


Phones Ollice 36-

Residence 05

Tonsorial Parlor



If you want a good cleanshave a neat hair cut or ashampoo you will find no bet ¬

ter place in town




Pressed from selected ConcordGrapes For the taUe for

I the side room We have producedthe delicious Isalmth Grape Juice formany years but we believe this yearsproduct is the crown of perfectionhalwth Graie Juice pro-gression hotter each year Im ¬

proved by the wisdom of each yearsexperience in careful pressing anddeveloping Naboth Grape Juicenow going out is we think a littlebetter than ever before In color at autiful deep red flavor that ofthe Concord Grape taken from thecluster in October

The delicious sweetness is due totime superior quality of Naboth ConcordGrapes Every bottle guaranteed tocomplywith the National Pure roodLow Delicious Pure Invigorating For sale by dealers


Brocton New York

The Heart of a MouseA tiny mouse who lived near the

house of a magician begged him tosave her front the cat of whom shelived in deadly terror So the magidun Flanged the mouse luto a cut andslit went away delighted In a towdays she came back again In terror

Oil save me save trio now from thedog sill begged And the magicianhanged her to a dog A few daysmore mind back she came this time InIpfidly fear of a tiger Nonsense

emir the magician You have only theheart of a mouse and afraid you willalways be It Is tb heart that tells

Coffee In AbyialnlaIn Abyssinia the coffee plant grows

wild lu great profusion and derived Ita

nuns from Knife one of Its districts




wtralstaly twwa datr- F ull

yjjLVii f

LIGHT1J tl1tLfi1IDgt1ID lliillJ It rL1f lIDf lrho MAZDA LAMP will double yourlight without Increasing your lightbill flits ntotal fllamont nfFords twoaudnlmlf times ns muoh brilliancyns tho ordinary carbon Incandescentand tho quality of tho light is purewhite We woidd bo glad to quoteyou prices on this lamp chandeliersand any electrical fixtures ls redill1mIgg iiiSMS uLN A llilli YlillrIDj

Wo shall bo glad to give estimates ofcost of wiring your homo for

ELECTRIC LIGHTAll our work is done by careful ex-

perienced men and Is guaranteed togive satisfactionUarbourvillo Electric Light Heat Power Co

iNCOIIlillATKn-Phono No llfl Oostollow Block



Food and 4

Sale Stable iiI have opened a new livery feed mad soles stahlo on Stool street

West of Court house when I now have a full line of

New Rigs and Fast Horses for HueGet a Rubbertire buggy and take tho girls riding

Horses hoarded by tho day week or month at prices that are in keepingwith good trim tin nt

A liberal share of the public patronage will bo duly appreciatedApply at office or phone No 1559

J W SAMPSON Proprietor F



I OAKLAND PIANOSOur atm Id tho production of a popular upKMiat

tonefworthpianos sellltiK at comparativeolUcers of the Itano Co are practicalmen whoso llfelonfr In tie butidtn g

and marketing of pianos Is concentrated In the devel1-o1lurIn thewnrldhaIneanontpbtof OplanoeamlutonthrooRMh Ume theseatalnth I-

outrho tlnnleh style workmanshipand In durability weeiaim ythe 0akland plan hag no r uai at the prlre-

If your denterdont handle ilia Oakland1 piano write directto iu for catalotfuo and Spvclal Introductory ptlc tIt

OAKLAND PIANO COtftIO StoIr way Hall Chicago III I



ylilrJrWrrlrr1 i1rrir iimnIWU mV1i VNlIIUIlHNhvwwuUNMg4 iEr Ol FOR DIH


YEAR Ia1ibro to ti


and Universities wfJI forts of life Send for catalogue i j 1W D MONEY Harriman 1 cnn y-

47NNatRtleinj if1ua fAmjll IU1I111J lIwuuwfnIIUWUI VJh



will iMe level no mutterhow loaded Is al sol JIhutcly ire from pitcli 1g-

or end motion No m11

lug orspreadingotnxlesis the weight moves upind down Runs cnybecause always in trackIs not in the nature of atorsion spring No tend ¬ tency to rattle Lighter 111





embody every detail that can possibly r

add to tho value of n Piano of tho veryhighest grade The low price at which

aro sold astonishes those compet-eenttoudgeoflianovalueon a riano means artistic re-

sults In tone touch durability andcase design Send for catalogue and t

name and address of our agent in yourvicinityA I RIEDLINQ PIANO COM Wj MiUi Who


