I1 pfif rt, 'v jtw SouilD ii, ' jv- -. eooftoHe I Best tldvertisi lW(fMSr" 77w Ofte 5 'Page If you Dori t Read ffrVfrrftr! I1 iVCNING BULLETIN Evening Paper Published I jwk Z?j7 GW yJZ,Z, Afcaw, on the Hawaiian Islands. ta7 Z.Z. the Teople. month. Subscription 75c. a ooo&mm C00l00aC3O Vol. IV. No. 738. HONOLULU, H. L, MOMDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1897. Pkiok 5 Cknts, THE EVENING BULLETIN. Publlskod every day except Sunday nt 210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I. suiiscrivtion iiatks. Per Month, nnywbere In the Uu- - watlnn Islands 8 76 Per Year. 8 00 Per Year, postpaid to America, Canada, or Mexico 1000 Per Year, postpaid, othor Foreign Countries 13 00 I'nynblo Invariably In Ailvnuoo. Telephone 250. P. O. Box 80. A . V. GEAR. Manager. The Hit .. of the .. Season.... is mado by Ayor's Sarsa- parilia. At this IK vVJAJk season, whon warm and de LiK X J 1 bilitating days "ilz aro with ua, Micro is noth- ing like Ayor's nrLV Sarsaparilia to put how lifo into tlio slug. gish system. Itswccpsaway t It o dullness, inck of app- etite, ffm and languid-nes- s, pain, as a broom sweeps away cobwebs. It mm does not braco up. It builds mm up. Its benefit is lasting. So 1 4.fWliy y on feci run down? Take vsf Sarsaparilia, ! ranpARm by OR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mui., U. S. A. Aycr'a Mils, Mild but Effective. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. 'Sole Agents for the Republic, of Hawaii. Y. JVI. C. A. HALL Thursday, Oct. 21st, And Following Nights. Two Hours Fno! Tffo Hours Laughter! ' MRS. EDWARD, Continental Society Entertainer ASSISTKD BY flI$ ZELLA LECTORI, Tho Talented S:pra o. Come and See Mrs Edward In her ABtouiiding Exposure of Spl- - rituulUtte Frauds. j) (eoirjie, Gi$ie and Josephine, y- - Ghostly Visitants. v LES SILHOUETTES, M With Llmellcht Effects. A Remark- - i'x , ablti Entertainment. J A Story Told on Fingers nnd t Thumbs. A Sido-Bplitti- ug Ton Minutes for Old and Young. Tho Truth-tolli- ng Candlesticks. A Smoko in the Desert; or, Tho Advaueo Woman's Invontiou. The Kiiunlest Entertainment of Its class over shown to the H".n ilulu people. Doots open at 7.30 p m. Commences ut 8 sharp. Curf lugs at - 10 p. in. Popular prices, Box plan at Wall, Nichols Company. 730 tf E. EDWARD, Proprietor. Pcmndmaster's Notice. 'Notice is hereby given that the ani mal described bolow hs been Irn- - in tho Qovf rnmutit Pound ut lukikl, Koiiu, Island of Oahu, and uulu-- s the pound fees and iliumtKHri are nooner Hiitlslled will b" sold Ootoher 30, 1897, at 12 o'clock noon al said Pouu I. 1 Hurri'l Horse branded JR ou the right hind quarter, whlto mark run uing from forohmd to tho uose, white spots on the baok, rlht hind leg white, left forelec whlt K. KBKUBNE, Puuii'luiauter. Honolulu, Oahu, Oot. 15, 1897. 730 3t THE OLEOMARGARINE TRADE Imports at Honolulu for toe Past Year and Nine Months. Over Tbrec Tons a Month of the Mysterious Compound Being Consumed iu the Hawaiian Islands. Among tho cargo of tho S. G. Wildor on her preaont trip from tho Coast iu 7000 pounds of oleo- margarine, nn item which led to a Bulletin roporter's making sotno inquiries ns to tho amount of tho stuff imported into tho Islands of lftto mouths. Through tho courtesy of Messrs. Clay and Qibson of tho Custom House, it was learned that tho im- ports of oleomargarino at tho port of Honolulu for tho year 181)6 amounted to 13.410 pouuds, in bulk, and HO kegs; tho wholo valued at S50G0.75. For tho yenr provious 24,150 pounds of butterine, valued at $2943.50, made its way into tho Islnud. For tho first quarter of tho present year 17,250 pouuds vulued at $1951.50 were imported. For tho qunrtor oudiug June 30, tho roceipts wero 12,500 pounds and 40 kegs, valued at $1027.50. For tho last quartor ending ou Septombor 30, tho imports woro 20,050pounds,150 kegs and 10 cases of a total valuation of $3439.88. Tho abovo figures show that tho consumption of oleomargarino is rapidly increasing iu theso already tho 7000 pouuds on tho Wilder makes a qood showing that Clio impous of tho present quartor will oxceed thoso of tho last. By a curious transition, prob- ably ou theprinciplothataroso by any other nntno will smell as sweet, tho commodity which is export- ed from San Francisco undor tho naino of oleomargarino appears on tho Custom House recouia of Hawaii ns buttorino. Butterine is merely another naino for oleo- margarino put up in kegs identi- cal with thoso UBod iu shipping tho truo artiolo, with tho inten- tion of deceiving tho public moro fully and quickly. AH imitations of buttor which aro imported into Honolulu aro classed as buttoriuo. In tliu month of Septoinber last 19 "caBos" of butterine mado their appearauco in this city. This be- ing the first importation of oloo-murgari- iu that form it attract- ed tho roporter's attention, but tho customs officials wero not able to givo tho desired information. Butter put up in cases is usually tho choico roll or block table commodity. It would bo interesting to laud out if tho 19 cases of butterino imported last September wero not put up in similar rolls or blocks with tho iuteution of further deliberately deceiving tho public into purchas- ing butterino for California roll buttor. By adding tho abovo figures to- gether it a found that since-Jauuar- 1, 1890, tho pooplo of Hawaii lmvo paid to California roudoring establishments tho sum of S12.079.G3, every cent of which should have gono into tho pockets of local dairymou. With- in tho last two years tho UuLLETlN, both editorially and locally, has called attention to this demoraliz- ing traflic, aud now publishes tho exact iiguros of tho consumption of imitation butter iu tho hope- that tho public genorally may still further bo put on thoir guard against it aud that tho local dairymen will awako from their lothargy and make soino movo to protect thoir own inter- ests. Every pound of imitation buttor consumed is a direct loss to tho dairy interest, and all ovor tho Uuited States dairymen have, sooner or later, roali.ed it. Iu threo fourths of tho United States stringent laws aro iu forco regard- ing its stilo. In aorao states it is required to bo colored pink to distinguish it from buttor; in others it can only bo sold at cer- tain places under specified regu lations, and in still others its tme is discouraged by onerous nnd distastoful restrictions. For in- stance, any grocer in California oxposiug the staff for salo must put up a largo placard in bis storo bearing tho words: 'JOleomar garino Sold Hero." Aay rostaurant serving oleomargariue, butterino or any artificial buttor not tho'produot of tho cow must exhibit a similar placard in plain viow: "Oleomargariua is Servod Horo." Now is the time for the public for its own good, if tho dairymen aro too apathetic to do so in their interests, to agitato for tho pas-sa- go of a law by tho coming Legislature which will ' placo onough legal restrictions arouud tho traffic in this commodity at least to protect ono whoondeavors to purehaso butter in good faith from being defrauded by a vile imitation. Police Oourl IIpiiin. In tho polico court this morn- ing Kahana was fiuod $G aud AkaHa $5 for an aTrny. Mela, w, pleaded guilty of sell- ing swipes at Kakaako. Sentence suspended. Eleven drunks woro assessed tho usual amount of $2 aud costs. Kalei Limapohu was fined $1 for au assault on Mary Hakuolo, and had his costs remitted. Tom Yong was fined $5 and costs for selling potk ou Sunday, although ho sworo that ho was re- serving it for his Sunday diunor. Petor Kauwila, ohnrged with vagrancy, got his trial put ovor until tomorrow. Millinery Oionliir. The millinory opening at N. S. Sachs was a big success. Ladicn orowded tho millinory dopartmenr, and woro almost bewildered with tho display. Tho reputation of this houso has boon established loug ago of carrying fino goods, and being up to date, but this opening oven eclipses all provious ones. Tho pattoru hats and toques from Now York City woro much admired. A great many woro disposed of. Solid silver hnt pins' aro givon uwny to purchasors iu tho milli- nory department. Tho opening continues tomorrow and Wednes- day, aud our ndvico is to see tho protties by all moans. Trick That Wtm Vain. J. W. Girviu, soorotary of tho Chinese immigration bureau, went ovor to quarantine this morning to roleaso the 87 Chinoae who ar- rived in tho Bolgic. Thoy corao on return permits and as Hawai- ian born. Ono who attempted ontry as born hero had a certifi- cate showing its ownor to bo 17 years old while- its bearer looked 30 at least. Ho was dslivorcd ovor to Port Surveyor Strato-moy- or, who ordered him into cus- tody to bo returned to his roal nativo laud. . Mechanics' Home, oorner Hotel and Ntiuuuu streets, lodging by day, wook or month. Tortus: 25 and 50 cants por night. $1, and $1 25 nor week. If you contemplate ordering a portrait onlargomont wo invito your attention to tho suporior work wo offor and would ask a comparison of prices aud work- manship boforo placing your order. King Bros., Hotol street. Tho Oliver Typowntor is pro- nounced by exports, tho best ma- chine in tho world. It has many valuablo foaturos, whioh lmvo to bo soon in ordor to boapprooiatod. Tho Oliver can bo soon at tho office of A. V. Goar, No. 210 Kiug street. Wo don't oxpoct you to givo us tho proferonco if what wo havo to soil is inferior or our prices high- er than our rivals, but whon wo offor a suporior artiolo for loss monoy, you do yoursolf a wrong by not looking into tho matter. Call and soo our samples of portrait work. King Bros., 110 Hotel street, SUICIDE AT KAPIOLANI PARK Chinaman hangs Himself In the Old Irwin Racing Stable. The Deed Was Evidently Committed Last Night hjit the Body Was Hot Found Until This Morning. Between 10 and 11 o'clock this morning whilo mounted patrol- man G. Pearson was on duty on the Kapiolaui park road, a small boy ran up to him and said thore was a man hanging iu the old racing stablo on tho Irwin pre miscs. Tho officer at ouco rodo to tho placo and found a China- man hanging by tho neck to ono of tho rafters. A hasty examina- tion showed that tho man had been dead some hours, so Pear- son loft him as ho found him whilo thoy wont to tho uoarest tolopbono aud communicated with the police station. Tho police wagon, with Dr. Emerson, was sent to tho scono aud tho body cut down aud brought to tho station house, where au examination showed it to bo that of a mnn about 45 years of ngc. Tho man was dressed iu pantaloons such as aro worn by white men and he had on fivo coats, ono ovor tho other. No raouoy, valuables or papers of any kind woro found in tho poc- kets. Dr. Emorsou gavo it as his opinion that tho man must havo been doad since last ovoniug, nnd as it was undoubtedly a ease of suicido by hanging no autopsy was needed. Deputy marshal Hitchcock will hold tho usual inquest this after- noon, but up to this hour tho man has not boon identified. NK1V UIIMVAV WIIAKF. LrHtlliti; Mrrcitullle I'lrnm lli'coinliiir Impiillpiil I'rlltliiu lliu (Jovcriiiitent. At tho meeting of the Executive Council this morning a petition regardtug the proposed now wharf at or near the Oahu railway s was received from CaBtlo & Cooke, H. Haekfold & Co., C. Brewor A-- . Co. and F. A. Schaefor & Co. Tho petitioners represented that tho exigencies of commerce required that tho construction of n wharf at tho placo in question should not havo to await tho of tho negotiations between tho Government aud the Oahu ltailway & Land Co. They prayed in effect that tho wharf should bo built forthwith, and the rnattors at issue botweon tho Govorumont and the company Bottled afterward. In couBoqueuco of tho potition Prosi-don- t Dole and Ministers Kiug, Damon and Smith wont to viow tho ground this afternoon, so that tho Executivo may cotuo to a defiuito conclusion nt tho oarliost possible dato. Minister Cooper was dotained with business at the Foreign Office. flvn Ycnr for n t'ivud. Deputy Attorney Gonoral E. P. Dole has roturned from tho term of tho Third Circuit Court J udgo E. G. Hitchcock presiding at South Kohala. Ho reports n light criminal caloudar and Gov- ernment business vory satisfac- torily disposed of, both as to tfio ouds of justioo and oxpouscs. Tho most important caso was that of Christiano do Vago, charg- ed with mayhotu, committed by diabolically mutilatiug a woman with a knife. Tho fiend was con-vict- od and sentenced to fivo years at hurd labor. Mr. Dole prose cuted, whilo Mr. Stanley and Mr. Johnson conducted tho dofonao. If you aro mtorostod in tho 'sub- ject of enlarged portraits, it would ho worth your while to see tho samples at King Bros, at prices ranging from $5.00 to $10.00 frames and all. Thoy can't bo boat.- - -- KUll(i;iir. CMI'IIT DrOINION. lrll Ordered lor Murdcr-Vu-M- oil Oilier Mnltern. Hnlea, k, has brought an oject-rap- nt suit against Kaauwana, w, for land in Pinion, with $2500 damages, to bo tried nt tho Feb- ruary term. Charles F. Potersou is attorney for plaintiff. Autono Fernaudes has brought a bill in equity to declaro a trust against Manuel G. and Amelia G. Silva, prayiug for au injunction to restrain defendants from con- veying auy of tho property iu questjou, and from prosecuting a ponding suit of trespass against tho plaintiff. Ho olaims to havo a leasehold intorost in the pro- - porty for which ho paid $400, nnd asks that Mrs. Silva be declared a trusteo aufi required to convey tho leasehold to him. Thurston fe Stanley aro solicitors for plain- tiff, with Pnul Neumann of coun- sel. Justice Whiting is author of n unanimous opiuiou of tho Su- premo Court, on exceptions from tho Second Circuit Court in tho case of Araki Toyotaro, Oyitnin Siuzu nnd Fukumoto Sotnro, tried for murdor iu tho second dogroo and convicted of manslaughter. Tho caso was that of the killing of a Jnpnneso interpreter at Spreckelsville. A new trial is ordered, bocauso tho Circuit J udgo admitted ns ovidencc writ-t- on memoranda of statoments alleged to hnvo been mndo to him by tho dofondnnts through au in- terpreter. Tho Supreme Court lays down the luw thus: "Whore a person has mado a momoraudum of tho statement of another, ho, tho writor, when offered as a witness, may refresh his memory thcrofrom, but may not read tho memorandum to tho jury ns tho statement of the othor person, nor mt.y it bo tiled as ovidonco." In this caso ovon tho original uotos woro not produced, but a vorsion of tho statement, partly therefrom and partly from momory, composed by tho doputy sheriff several days after his with tho defendants. Tho Court iu ordoriug a uow trial did not consider it necessary to con aider tho other exceptions. E. P. Dolo, Doputy Attoruoy Gonoral, for tho prosecution; P. Neumann for defoudants. Tho trustees undor tho will of Mornico Pauahi Bishop by their attorneys, Kinney it liallou and Paul Neumann, iu moving for the approval of their accounts also movo for tho nppointmont of W. O. Smith as trusteo iu place of S. M. Damon, resigned. Plaintiffs in James It. Holt nnd others vs. Bruco Cartwright, trustoe, and others by their attor- ney, Chas. Creightou, file a joindor in domurror. George Muller files a libol for divorco against Sarah Boutor Mullor, ou tho grounds of deser- tion and othor misbehavior. Judgo Porry has granted tho potition of Dr. J. T. Wayson for tho appointmont of David Dayton as administrator of tho estate of tho lato Alexandor Mooro. Tho bond is $5000. Ilonry Smith for petitioner. Judgo Porry has accoptod tho resignation of F II. IlayBelden, as trusteo of tho estate of Jns. G. Haysoldon, deceased, appointing E. Faxon Bishop iu his stead un- dor bond of S28.000. Cooil Brown for petitioner, tho retiring trustoo; A. G. M. lloborttion for the bonofictary, Mrs. Quigloy of California. At t'liim hqiiitrc. The following selections will be played by tho Govorumont baud at Emma square this evening, commencing ut 7:30. l'AUT I. Overture Ivan Cunt'Tim Interiiiczo Kiitdan Kranku Selection Pirates of lnz.ince fjiilllMin Kn In!, llulo I.nnl, 01 llol lift. I'AUT II. Comet 8olo Ln Ne1e Arbnti Mr. Charlis Kreuter. Medley Musical Review Klvlcro Wal- t- Wniiilerlnir Mlimtrel Klextur Mircli--(iRctI- Hall Han alt I'oiuil. CYCLOMERE PARK OPENING I Program of Races for Next Saturday Afternoon and Evening. Some Island Records to be Established an! Some Old Ones Broken Races Against . Time and Other Interesting Features. '. Tho formal opening of Oyclo- - , moro Park will tako place at 2 o'clook Saturday afternoon, Oct- o- ' bor 23. Asido from a largo list of entries by tho Honolulu pro- fessional and amateur riders, tho Mouun, duo hero next Thursday, will bring four crack onstorn riders to participate in the rncea. It is tho intention of tho mnoago-- . mont to givo a seuBou of the best n bicyclo racing ovor witnessed ia"' Honolulu. '' Tho afternoon races of uoxt. Saturday will consist of p.' ono milo novico raco opoa, to all who havo never won n raco;' a milo professional, open, paced; n'"' half mile amateur, open, to others not in tho novico clous; n milo ' boys rnco for boyB from 14 to 17 years of ngc. Tho fiunl event will be nn exhibition ono-thi- rd mile, flying start, paced, by C. F. Mur- ray. This last race is mado to estab- lish an nmatour record for a third of a milo, aud will undoubtedly causo others to contest later iu tho season with tho object of lower- ing tho time made. Tho events for the ovouiug will bo n milo novice; a half milo profoHsioual, haudicnp; a two-mil- e amateur handicap; a mile amateur tandem, und nu exhibition ouu third mile, standing start, paced, by Goorgo Angus. This final ovant is tho same ns tho exhibition of the uftornoon, excopt that it is mado from a standing start in- stead of a flying one nnd is for a professional record. Tho main entrance to tho grounds is ou Huataco nvonuo and tho6o using the King streot trains should leave same at tho coruor of Kiujj and South streots. Carriuges will bo allowed inside tho ouclosnre, provided thoy aro loft in charge of a trustworthy otherwise the mauago-ino- nt uBsutne no responsibility. Seats can had at Wall, NicholB Co.'s storo for both afteruoou and ovening races. The receut rains havo beou tho ono thing nepded to put tho track in first-cla- ss condition, and it is highly spoken of by thosq who are using it daily practising for the coming meet. It's ono thing to tako an ordor for a portrait and quito another to fill it satisfactorily! Kiug Bros portraits have alwliys boon known to givo satisfaction and uow that thoy havo reduced their prices so low, an oxtra inducement is offer- ed. Seo what thoy havo boforo ' you invost. " Awarded Highest Honors Woriu .4 Fair. Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR ajggggfr CREAM MAKING mnm MOST PERFECT MADB A pure (Imps Groutu of I'ltrtsr Powder, , I'reo from Ammouln, Mum or nny other iiiliillenint. Iu nil tlio v;ruat Hotel, th loailiuc Olulw iiml tlii tiouien. Dr. Prioa't Crtimn linking Powilor holdd iM supremacy 40 Yeara the Standard. LEWIS & CO. Aoknth, Honolulu. H. I i j

ii, rt, 'v jtw · guard against it aud that tho local dairymen will awako from their lothargy and make soino movo to protect thoir own inter-ests. Every pound of imitation buttor

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Page 1: ii, rt, 'v jtw · guard against it aud that tho local dairymen will awako from their lothargy and make soino movo to protect thoir own inter-ests. Every pound of imitation buttor


pfifrt, 'v jtwSouilDii,'jv- -. eooftoHe

I Best tldvertisi lW(fMSr" 77w Ofte 5 'PageIfyou Dori t Read ffrVfrrftr! I1 iVCNING BULLETIN Evening Paper Published

I jwk Z?j7 GW yJZ,Z, Afcaw, on the Hawaiian Islands.ta7 Z.Z. the Teople. month.Subscription 75c. a

ooo&mm C00l00aC3O

Vol. IV. No. 738. HONOLULU, H. L, MOMDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1897. Pkiok 5 Cknts,


Publlskod every day except Sunday nt210 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.

suiiscrivtion iiatks.Per Month, nnywbere In the Uu- -

watlnn Islands 8 76Per Year. 8 00Per Year, postpaid to America,

Canada, or Mexico 1000Per Year, postpaid, othor Foreign

Countries 13 00I'nynblo Invariably In Ailvnuoo.

Telephone 250. P. O. Box 80.

A . V. GEAR. Manager.

The Hit.. of the ..

Season....is mado byAyor's Sarsa-parilia. At this

IK vVJAJk season, whonwarm and deLiK X J 1

bilitating days"ilz aro with ua,

Micro is noth-ing like Ayor's

nrLV Sarsaparilia toput how lifointo tlio slug.gish system.Itswccpsawayt It o dullness,inck of app-etite,

ffm andlanguid-nes- s,

pain,as a broomsweeps awaycobwebs. Itmm does not bracoup. It buildsmm up. Its benefitis lasting. So

1 4.fWliy y on feci rundown? Take

vsf Sarsaparilia,


ranpARm byOR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mui., U. S. A.

Aycr'a Mils, Mild but Effective.

Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.'Sole Agents for the Republic, of Hawaii.

Y. JVI. C. A. HALLThursday, Oct. 21st,

And Following Nights.

Two Hours Fno! Tffo Hours Laughter!'


Continental Society EntertainerASSISTKD BY


Tho Talented S:pra o.

Come and See Mrs Edward In herABtouiiding Exposure of Spl- -

rituulUtte Frauds.

j) (eoirjie, Gi$ie and Josephine,

y- - Ghostly Visitants.v LES SILHOUETTES,

M With Llmellcht Effects. A Remark- -i'x , ablti Entertainment.

J A Story Told on Fingers nndt Thumbs. A Sido-Bplitti- ug Ton

Minutes for Old and Young.Tho Truth-tolli- ng Candlesticks.A Smoko in the Desert; or, Tho

Advaueo Woman's Invontiou.The Kiiunlest Entertainment of Its

class over shown to the H".n ilulupeople. Doots open at 7.30 p m.Commences ut 8 sharp. Curf lugs at

- 10 p. in.Popular prices, Box plan at Wall,

Nichols Company.730 tf E. EDWARD, Proprietor.

Pcmndmaster's Notice.'Notice is hereby given that the ani

mal described bolow hs been Irn- -in tho Qovf rnmutit Pound ut

lukikl, Koiiu, Island of Oahu, anduulu-- s the pound fees and iliumtKHriare nooner Hiitlslled will b" soldOotoher 30, 1897, at 12 o'clock noon alsaid Pouu I.

1 Hurri'l Horse branded JR ou theright hind quarter, whlto mark runuing from forohmd to tho uose, whitespots on the baok, rlht hind legwhite, left forelec whlt

K. KBKUBNE,Puuii'luiauter.

Honolulu, Oahu, Oot. 15, 1897.730 3t


Imports at Honolulu for toe Past Year

and Nine Months.

Over Tbrec Tons a Month of the Mysterious

Compound Being Consumed iu the

Hawaiian Islands.

Among tho cargo of tho S. G.Wildor on her preaont trip fromtho Coast iu 7000 pounds of oleo-

margarine, nn item which led to aBulletin roporter's making sotnoinquiries ns to tho amount of thostuff imported into tho Islands oflftto mouths.

Through tho courtesy of Messrs.Clay and Qibson of tho CustomHouse, it was learned that tho im-

ports of oleomargarino at tho portof Honolulu for tho year 181)6

amounted to 13.410 pouuds, inbulk, and HO kegs; tho wholovalued at S50G0.75.

For tho yenr provious 24,150pounds of butterine, valued at$2943.50, made its way into thoIslnud.

For tho first quarter of thopresent year 17,250 pouudsvulued at $1951.50 were imported.

For tho qunrtor oudiug June30, tho roceipts wero 12,500pounds and 40 kegs, valued at$1027.50.

For tho last quartor ending ouSeptombor 30, tho imports woro20,050pounds,150 kegs and 10 casesof a total valuation of $3439.88.

Tho abovo figures show that thoconsumption of oleomargarino israpidly increasing iu theso

already tho 7000 pouudson tho Wilder makes a qoodshowing that Clio impous of thopresent quartor will oxceed thosoof tho last.

By a curious transition, prob-ably ou theprinciplothataroso byany other nntno will smell as sweet,tho commodity which is export-ed from San Francisco undor thonaino of oleomargarino appearson tho Custom House recouia ofHawaii ns buttorino. Butterineis merely another naino for oleo-margarino put up in kegs identi-cal with thoso UBod iu shippingtho truo artiolo, with tho inten-tion of deceiving tho public morofully and quickly. AH imitationsof buttor which aro imported intoHonolulu aro classed as buttoriuo.

In tliu month of Septoinber last19 "caBos" of butterine mado theirappearauco in this city. This be-ing the first importation of oloo-murgari-

iu that form it attract-ed tho roporter's attention, buttho customs officials wero not ableto givo tho desired information.Butter put up in cases is usuallytho choico roll or blocktable commodity. It wouldbo interesting to laud out if tho 19cases of butterino imported lastSeptember wero not put up insimilar rolls or blocks with thoiuteution of further deliberatelydeceiving tho public into purchas-ing butterino for California rollbuttor.

By adding tho abovo figures to-

gether it a found that since-Jauuar-

1, 1890, tho pooplo ofHawaii lmvo paid to Californiaroudoring establishments thosum of S12.079.G3, every cent ofwhich should have gono into thopockets of local dairymou. With-in tho last two years tho UuLLETlN,both editorially and locally, hascalled attention to this demoraliz-ing traflic, aud now publishes thoexact iiguros of tho consumptionof imitation butter iu thohope- that tho public genorallymay still further bo put on thoirguard against it aud that tholocal dairymen will awako fromtheir lothargy and make soinomovo to protect thoir own inter-ests. Every pound of imitationbuttor consumed is a direct lossto tho dairy interest, and all ovortho Uuited States dairymen have,sooner or later, roali.ed it. Iuthreo fourths of tho United Statesstringent laws aro iu forco regard-ing its stilo. In aorao states it isrequired to bo colored pink todistinguish it from buttor; in

others it can only bo sold at cer-tain places under specified regulations, and in still others its tmeis discouraged by onerous nnddistastoful restrictions. For in-

stance, any grocer in Californiaoxposiug the staff for salo mustput up a largo placard in bis storobearing tho words: 'JOleomargarino Sold Hero." Aayrostaurant serving oleomargariue,butterino or any artificial buttornot tho'produot of tho cow mustexhibit a similar placard in plainviow: "Oleomargariua is ServodHoro."

Now is the time for the publicfor its own good, if tho dairymenaro too apathetic to do so in theirinterests, to agitato for tho pas-sa- go

of a law by tho comingLegislature which will ' placoonough legal restrictions arouudtho traffic in this commodity atleast to protect ono whoondeavorsto purehaso butter in good faithfrom being defrauded by a vileimitation.

Police Oourl IIpiiin.

In tho polico court this morn-ing Kahana was fiuod $G audAkaHa $5 for an aTrny.

Mela, w, pleaded guilty of sell-ing swipes at Kakaako. Sentencesuspended.

Eleven drunks woro assessedtho usual amount of $2 aud costs.

Kalei Limapohu was fined $1for au assault on Mary Hakuolo,and had his costs remitted.

Tom Yong was fined $5 andcosts for selling potk ou Sunday,although ho sworo that ho was re-

serving it for his Sunday diunor.Petor Kauwila, ohnrged with

vagrancy, got his trial put ovoruntil tomorrow.

Millinery Oionliir.The millinory opening at N. S.

Sachs was a big success. Ladicnorowded tho millinory dopartmenr,and woro almost bewildered withtho display. Tho reputation ofthis houso has boon establishedloug ago of carrying fino goods,and being up to date, but thisopening oven eclipses allprovious ones. Tho pattoruhats and toques from Now YorkCity woro much admired. Agreat many woro disposed of.Solid silver hnt pins' aro givonuwny to purchasors iu tho milli-nory department. Tho openingcontinues tomorrow and Wednes-day, aud our ndvico is to see thoprotties by all moans.

Trick That Wtm Vain.

J. W. Girviu, soorotary of thoChinese immigration bureau, wentovor to quarantine this morningto roleaso the 87 Chinoae who ar-rived in tho Bolgic. Thoy coraoon return permits and as Hawai-ian born. Ono who attemptedontry as born hero had a certifi-cate showing its ownor to bo 17years old while- its bearer looked30 at least. Ho was dslivorcdovor to Port Surveyor Strato-moy- or,

who ordered him into cus-tody to bo returned to his roalnativo laud.

. Mechanics' Home, oorner Hoteland Ntiuuuu streets, lodging byday, wook or month. Tortus: 25and 50 cants por night. $1, and$1 25 nor week.

If you contemplate ordering aportrait onlargomont wo invitoyour attention to tho suporiorwork wo offor and would ask acomparison of prices aud work-manship boforo placing yourorder. King Bros., Hotol street.

Tho Oliver Typowntor is pro-nounced by exports, tho best ma-chine in tho world. It has manyvaluablo foaturos, whioh lmvo tobo soon in ordor to boapprooiatod.Tho Oliver can bo soon at thooffice of A. V. Goar, No. 210Kiug street.

Wo don't oxpoct you to givo ustho proferonco if what wo havo tosoil is inferior or our prices high-er than our rivals, but whon wooffor a suporior artiolo for lossmonoy, you do yoursolf a wrongby not looking into tho matter.Call and soo our samples ofportrait work. King Bros., 110Hotel street,


Chinaman hangs Himself In the Old

Irwin Racing Stable.

The Deed Was Evidently Committed Last

Night hjit the Body Was Hot Found

Until This Morning.

Between 10 and 11 o'clock thismorning whilo mounted patrol-man G. Pearson was on duty onthe Kapiolaui park road, a smallboy ran up to him and said thorewas a man hanging iu the oldracing stablo on tho Irwin premiscs. Tho officer at ouco rodoto tho placo and found a China-man hanging by tho neck to onoof tho rafters. A hasty examina-tion showed that tho man hadbeen dead some hours, so Pear-son loft him as ho found himwhilo thoy wont to tho uoaresttolopbono aud communicated withthe police station.

Tho police wagon, with Dr.Emerson, was sent to tho sconoaud tho body cut down audbrought to tho station house,where au examination showed itto bo that of a mnn about 45 yearsof ngc. Tho man was dressed iupantaloons such as aro worn bywhite men and he had on fivocoats, ono ovor tho other. Noraouoy, valuables or papers ofany kind woro found in tho poc-kets.

Dr. Emorsou gavo it as hisopinion that tho man must havobeen doad since last ovoniug, nndas it was undoubtedly a ease ofsuicido by hanging no autopsywas needed.

Deputy marshal Hitchcock willhold tho usual inquest this after-noon, but up to this hour tho manhas not boon identified.


LrHtlliti; Mrrcitullle I'lrnm lli'coinliiirImpiillpiil I'rlltliiu lliu


At tho meeting of the ExecutiveCouncil this morning a petitionregardtug the proposed now wharfat or near the Oahu railway s

was received from CaBtlo& Cooke, H. Haekfold & Co., C.Brewor A--. Co. and F. A. Schaefor& Co. Tho petitioners representedthat tho exigencies of commercerequired that tho construction ofn wharf at tho placo in questionshould not havo to await tho

of tho negotiationsbetween tho Government aud theOahu ltailway & Land Co. Theyprayed in effect that tho wharfshould bo built forthwith,and the rnattors at issuebotweon tho Govorumont andthe company Bottled afterward. IncouBoqueuco of tho potition Prosi-don- t

Dole and Ministers Kiug,Damon and Smith wont to viowtho ground this afternoon, so thattho Executivo may cotuo to adefiuito conclusion nt tho oarliostpossible dato. Minister Cooperwas dotained with business at theForeign Office.

flvn Ycnr for n t'ivud.

Deputy Attorney Gonoral E. P.Dole has roturned from tho termof tho Third Circuit Court J udgoE. G. Hitchcock presiding atSouth Kohala. Ho reports nlight criminal caloudar and Gov-ernment business vory satisfac-torily disposed of, both as to tfioouds of justioo and oxpouscs.

Tho most important caso wasthat of Christiano do Vago, charg-ed with mayhotu, committed bydiabolically mutilatiug a womanwith a knife. Tho fiend was con-vict- od

and sentenced to fivo yearsat hurd labor. Mr. Dole prosecuted, whilo Mr. Stanley and Mr.Johnson conducted tho dofonao.

If you aro mtorostod in tho 'sub-

ject of enlarged portraits, it wouldho worth your while to see thosamples at King Bros, at pricesranging from $5.00 to $10.00frames and all. Thoy can't bo boat.- -

-- KUll(i;iir. CMI'IIT DrOINION.

lrll Ordered lor Murdcr-Vu-M- oil

Oilier Mnltern.

Hnlea, k, has brought an oject-rap- nt

suit against Kaauwana, w,for land in Pinion, with $2500damages, to bo tried nt tho Feb-

ruary term. Charles F. Potersouis attorney for plaintiff.

Autono Fernaudes has broughta bill in equity to declaro a trustagainst Manuel G. and Amelia G.Silva, prayiug for au injunctionto restrain defendants from con-veying auy of tho property iuquestjou, and from prosecuting aponding suit of trespass against thoplaintiff. Ho olaims to havoa leasehold intorost in the pro- -porty for which ho paid $400, nndasks that Mrs. Silva be declared atrusteo aufi required to conveytho leasehold to him. Thurstonfe Stanley aro solicitors for plain-tiff, with Pnul Neumann of coun-sel.

Justice Whiting is author of nunanimous opiuiou of tho Su-premo Court, on exceptions fromtho Second Circuit Court in thocase of Araki Toyotaro, OyitninSiuzu nnd Fukumoto Sotnro, triedfor murdor iu tho second dogrooand convicted of manslaughter.Tho caso was that of the killingof a Jnpnneso interpreter atSpreckelsville. A new trial isordered, bocauso tho CircuitJudgo admitted ns ovidencc writ-t- on

memoranda of statomentsalleged to hnvo been mndo to himby tho dofondnnts through au in-terpreter. Tho Supreme Courtlays down the luw thus:

"Whore a person has mado amomoraudum of tho statement ofanother, ho, tho writor, whenoffered as a witness, may refreshhis memory thcrofrom, but maynot read tho memorandum to thojury ns tho statement of the othorperson, nor mt.y it bo tiled asovidonco."

In this caso ovon tho originaluotos woro not produced, but avorsion of tho statement, partlytherefrom and partly frommomory, composed by tho doputysheriff several days after his

with tho defendants. ThoCourt iu ordoriug a uow trial didnot consider it necessary to conaider tho other exceptions.

E. P. Dolo, Doputy AttoruoyGonoral, for tho prosecution; P.Neumann for defoudants.

Tho trustees undor tho will ofMornico Pauahi Bishop by theirattorneys, Kinney it liallou andPaul Neumann, iu moving for theapproval of their accounts alsomovo for tho nppointmont of W.O. Smith as trusteo iu place of S.M. Damon, resigned.

Plaintiffs in James It. Holt nndothers vs. Bruco Cartwright,trustoe, and others by their attor-ney, Chas. Creightou, file a joindorin domurror.

George Muller files a libol fordivorco against Sarah BoutorMullor, ou tho grounds of deser-tion and othor misbehavior.

Judgo Porry has granted thopotition of Dr. J. T. Wayson fortho appointmont of David Daytonas administrator of tho estate oftho lato Alexandor Mooro. Thobond is $5000. Ilonry Smith forpetitioner.

Judgo Porry has accoptod thoresignation of F II. IlayBelden,as trusteo of tho estate of Jns. G.Haysoldon, deceased, appointingE. Faxon Bishop iu his stead un-

dor bond of S28.000. Cooil Brownfor petitioner, tho retiringtrustoo; A. G. M. lloborttion forthe bonofictary, Mrs. Quigloy ofCalifornia.

At t'liim hqiiitrc.

The following selections will beplayed by tho Govorumont baudat Emma square this evening,commencing ut 7:30.

l'AUT I.Overture Ivan Cunt'TimInteriiiczo Kiitdan KrankuSelection Pirates of lnz.ince fjiilllMin

Kn In!, llulo I.nnl, 01 llol lift.


Comet 8olo Ln Ne1e ArbntiMr. Charlis Kreuter.

Medley Musical Review KlvlcroWal- t- Wniiilerlnir Mlimtrel KlexturMircli--(iRctI- Hall

Han alt I'oiuil.


I Program of Races for Next Saturday

Afternoon and Evening.

Some Island Records to be Established an!Some Old Ones Broken Races Against .

Time and Other Interesting Features. '.

Tho formal opening of Oyclo- - ,moro Park will tako place at 2o'clook Saturday afternoon, Oct- o- 'bor 23. Asido from a largo listof entries by tho Honolulu pro-fessional and amateur riders, thoMouun, duo hero next Thursday,will bring four crack onstornriders to participate in the rncea.It is tho intention of tho mnoago-- .

mont to givo a seuBou of the best n

bicyclo racing ovor witnessed ia"'Honolulu. ''

Tho afternoon races of uoxt.Saturday will consist of p.'ono milo novico raco opoa,to all who havo never won n raco;'a milo professional, open, paced; n'"'half mile amateur, open, to othersnot in tho novico clous; n milo 'boys rnco for boyB from 14 to 17years of ngc. Tho fiunl event willbe nn exhibition ono-thi- rd mile,flying start, paced, by C. F. Mur-ray.

This last race is mado to estab-lish an nmatour record for a thirdof a milo, aud will undoubtedlycauso others to contest later iu thoseason with tho object of lower-ing tho time made.

Tho events for the ovouiug willbo n milo novice; a half miloprofoHsioual, haudicnp; a two-mil- e

amateur handicap; a mile amateurtandem, und nu exhibition ouuthird mile, standing start, paced,by Goorgo Angus. This finalovant is tho same ns tho exhibitionof the uftornoon, excopt that it ismado from a standing start in-stead of a flying one nnd is for aprofessional record.

Tho main entrance to thogrounds is ou Huataco nvonuoand tho6o using the King streottrains should leave same at thocoruor of Kiujj and South streots.

Carriuges will bo allowed insidetho ouclosnre, provided thoy aroloft in charge of a trustworthy

otherwise the mauago-ino- nt

uBsutne no responsibility.Seats can had at Wall, NicholBCo.'s storo for both afteruoou andovening races.

The receut rains havo beou thoono thing nepded to put tho trackin first-cla- ss condition, and it ishighly spoken of by thosq whoare using it daily practising forthe coming meet.

It's ono thing to tako an ordorfor a portrait and quito anotherto fill it satisfactorily! Kiug Brosportraits have alwliys boon knownto givo satisfaction and uow thatthoy havo reduced their prices solow, an oxtra inducement is offer-ed. Seo what thoy havo boforo '

you invost. "

AwardedHighest Honors Woriu .4 Fair.

Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair.





A pure (Imps Groutu of I'ltrtsr Powder, ,

I'reo from Ammouln, Mum or nny otheriiiliillenint. Iu nil tlio v;ruat Hotel, thloailiuc Olulw iiml tlii tiouien. Dr. Prioa'tCrtimn linking Powilor holdd iM supremacy

40 Yeara the Standard.LEWIS & CO.

Aoknth, Honolulu. H. I ij

Page 2: ii, rt, 'v jtw · guard against it aud that tho local dairymen will awako from their lothargy and make soino movo to protect thoir own inter-ests. Every pound of imitation buttor



t; . ,"--'c -


Smoke? Yes! Cigarettes? Yes!Thought So !



HOLLISTER.&.CO.Their Agents for the Distribution of Their

Cigarettes :

" l333Li3o:ri&,lsi,"" Sports" etxxcL

H- - Hand-mnd- o and mainly composed of TURKISHTOTJACGO, and winppcd in Mais Papor


The Manufacturing Co.Telephone 228.




Hoprcsents One of Our Own Hand-mad- o


ffX& A complete afortm nt of Ladl-- s and Qftils Hand stamped Bella,all b1zh; Lnfjitig and ;i completo iiB'ortni'jnt of evrrythliij; pertaining to outline.

tUT A complete assortment of RuoiUR Equipment.tW Spjclul Wo keep In stook unit sell only OUR OWN Manufacture.

Chisholm & Coughlin.


Offer New' Goods

just received per Australia:

New Prints, Now fire's Goods,

New Glnglmms, Silk Rltibons,

Feather ritlich Braids, Quilts,

Lace Curtaius, Huttings AUo,

Woo! Sweaters,Uallirli:iiu U. Shirts, Vects,

lilts., lllf, Etc.

New - Bargain - T


By lust steamer from tho Coast.

THE REGULAR THINGAt my ftore, where the

BEST CUSTOM WORKIs dniip repairing and new workiio'h. IMiih, rliiKa, bracelet?, watch-making, etc.

H. G. BIART, - 404i Fort St.

For Sale.

House and I ot on King street,Lot 75x150 feet A hariraln.

A. V. GRAB & CO.,V2tf 210 King Htreet.

,1Evening Bulletin 75e per month.

..kirt. . Abl . i -



P. 0. Box 322.

You Can find

Somo interesting jttU8

for GontlomPi) with in-

teresting Aainist prices

in Linpn Crnwli, suitings

of all kinds anil Gouts'

Furnishings. At

muuuwmiiuow imThe Hotel St Tailors,

Wnvvrlcy Ilulldliitf.Telephone Gil. P.O.Box- -

"inBiiHIMHiGee ! What a Drop !

$85 Bicycles

for $47.Tliosc bicycle were- not mmlo to sell nt

ui.li a low price hut nro regal ir $S' 00, 1SU?muck, nnu iiiq remains 01 u uiilcago bank-rupt etcuk. We lme only not u Cow andtlfj won't last lonir at our mice l7nn.Come In and cot your pick oCtlirte color foruluvh wnceisi maroon iiuibii lor tuo Ladles'wncei

For 50 00 w 111 rurnUli Lamp and Bell.

Honolulu Cyclery,231 King 8t, nppo Arlington Hotel

J..A..F,ATIU200 Hotel Street,


ALL KINDS OF SUITSfrom f 10 to $18.

V&" Money returned If you aro notBatiofltd. All work Kuarauteed.

llt.tl' 1'ltOH 1III.O.

C'llllt'll and 4'ihiiIcikc'iI l'roinl.itlcHt ItllMllin

This week more now buildingshnvo been started in Ililo thiui inany other like poiiod iu tho his-

tory of tho town.Dr. UutchitiHou 1ms decided (o

go to the Kloudiko regions earlyin the fniiui. He wants to com.pnro Uilo'h present boom to thatof Klondike

The contract for the big ware-house for Tin o. II. Duvies & Co.has been awarded to Win. Vim- -uattn at SHOOO. It will be put up,as rapidly as possible.

It 1ms been enid by those whonro supposed to kuow thnt l'npaikou pliuiliitinn alone will snvnover bJU.UUU auuuiil v bv shinping its hugar directly from Ililoinstead of sending it to Honolulufor shipment.

Mr. Moir of Honoinu expectsthe iirst shipment of the new millplaut about the 10th of nextmonth. The wiro cable sugarand freight delivery will be verycomplete. A complete electriclighting plant will be installed intho mill and buildings.

Tho Hhip Henry Villurd wasauchoted in New York harbor theO'Jlh day from Uilo. Captain i

ratten found a foot and a halfadded to his family, called NollioMay.

A petition is being circulatednraving the WilderSteamshit) Co.to establish an agency at Ililo.Gardner K. Wilder is tho choicefor agent.


Mrcly Kxporta of Prndnctw-I.n- ck

of t'nud for Nnllvcs.

Thoro wero about 20,000 orangesshipped to Honolulu by the liibt

Mauna Loa.The Bob Roy returned to Ho-

nolulu with a full cargo of cleancoffee.

Owing to tho largo attendanceat the Pnhoehoo school tho principal has iibkecl the lionul ofEducation for a third teacher.

Court met yesterday at Kailua,Dr. Liudlev sued n Chinese for850 audSheriff Nahale had JosephKapalaiea up for stealing cattle.

Mr. Clark shipped a largonumiior of fine beef cattle to Honolulu on Monday.

Tho natives along tho coasthave no turo. Tho breadfruitsand mangoes are also gone. Theyare making poi of sweet potatoesbut do not relihh it. Those uhohave money buy flour for poi.Thoy do not heom to caro for rice;they must have poi, fish and pig.

m m

TOIlPtllO-HOA- r cum:.Ncrlca nf .Manoii vers ly ilio smnll

Wiir-cra- ill Uncle Siiiii'n I'lcel.

Tho torpedo-boa- ts Porter, Du--pont, Cus hiug, Enccson andFooto, under command of Lieu- --

tonaut-Cominand- er W. W. Kim-

ball, started on thoir cruiso alongtho coast on Oct. 2. All the vessels havo been undoi going repairs,and have been slightly altered attho Brooklyn Navy-yar- d. luoDupout will bo tho flagshipduring tho cruise.

luis is the urBt time a uotillaof torpedo-boa- ts of tho UnitedStates has boon assembled for along cruUo, and considerableinterest will bo taken by navalollicers iu tho maneuvers. Thecruiso will, barring mishaps, lastabout six months. Besides ex-

ploring the coast tho vessels willascend several of tho largerrivers. The vessels will go slow-ly down the coast, stopping atmost of tho principal ports, asfar as New Orleans. It is notlikely the flotilla will reach NowOrleans uutil next year.


Inn Yoiiiik .Tli'ii Willi (Jiill.rd lllolllaualer Bincil rholr Omii l,lpi.Whilo returning from a party

near thero late on tho night ofOctober 1 six peoplo in a boatworo thrown into tho Buttahatchiolliver, at Hamilton, Aikausas,and four of tho occupants werodrowned. Those drowned woroMisseB Lizzie Smith, Bollo Key,Mary Swearingen and EllaPhillips. Their oscorts, whocaused tho boat to capsize byrocking it, saved thoir own lives.Fooling was so bitter against thotwo men that they left town.

' iEvening Bulletin, 75c, per monih.


All Stytf i M lei for Tbt nnnln at I tr thlihittj Kind of lutl. irwo Mark liewir

Jmjf- - i iramuonj.

ij 'TW RT It ISZI i tl V Tyu,.'mn da r

And which wo keep on selling, thatthe following fn 'Is have hcon temporarity thrown in the ehude.

New Process




Are preferred by many on account of

Little Heat,

Quick WorkAND

Perfect Safety

Being supplied hy Drop Feed. Thereure now In ii8 on the aboti'ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIV- E

of without a sin-

gle report of accident.

On Account of Overstock

For the month of OCTOBER,we will sell this lino

A.T GOST!' A good chance for a bargain.

loriiil Sill Depart

rjawaiian FertilizingCOMPANY

la prepared to furnish

Nitrate of Sodafor fertilizing.

In Quantities to SuitJ0 Orders solicited lor a future de

livery.A. F. COOKE, Manager,


Queen Street.



No scarcity of material, no-

thing lacking in colors und de-

signs complete. Tho opportu-

nity for bargains N here.

We have a new lino ofHoneycomb and ToiletQuilts, a little better than theordinary and at less cost.

Linen, Turkish, CottonTowels ut way down prices

Our Silk counters aro re-

plete with tho finest grades ofsilk over shown in HonoluluThese include light or heavy-weights and in all colorp, thocombination of which wouldrival a rainbow in beauty.

Black and Figured Silks.It is possible to have shirts

made to order in Honolulu forless than ready-to-we- ar pricesand you can have a choice ofdesigns. We soil

Ceylon Shirting Flannelsin a hundred different designs.

Native-mad- e Hats variousshapes.


Club Stables,FORT STREET,

Telophone 477

Hoarding-- ,


Breaking HorsesA SI'KCIAIrY.

Finest Turnouts in City.

Wagonettes and SurriesWith Careful Drivers u I ways on



E&. TELEPHONE 310. "t3Stand: Fort and Merchunt Btreett.

1. J.SUIXIVAH, J. BUCILBT.Prealtlent. Seo'r,


in tho City, with Competent and Care-ful Drivers

Gentle Saddle Horses for Ladies and Gentlemen

Alwuj'B on hand.

Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets

CeLErnomt: tlaw'ii Hotel Stables 32Pantheon Stables 34


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Tort Street.

Carriage .BuilderAND IlErAIltKH.

BlaritsoithinginAll Its Branches.

W. w. WltlJllT, Proprietor.(Successor to G. West)


Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Merchant and Klcbards Sts.


3f Carriages, Surreys and ITaclm at allhours. TELEPHONE 400.

rf.. u vw VjA i. (JiuirtSw ., !IA.WJ.


Pabstn .



is still in the field,and leads all otherImnds for qualityand purity.

It is voloJ'oredasthe cheapest, but asabsolutely the bestBeer in the market,and will be sold atfair market ratesas heretofore.

w. C. PEACOCK & caLimited.

Sole .Agents.


108 KING STEEET.0. J. Walleii . . . Manager.



Naw Contractors!Refrigerated Poultry


fleftopolit&n IVJeafc Go

Telephone 45.

RING UP 104!The Central Meat Market

214 Nduand Street.TPox- - Your Choice

OrdersThe Jbt'inest



-. fflea

Always on Ilaud. Orderspromptly aiulcuroftillj' attend,ed to. , . . ,

HERBERT GARES,Sole Proprietor.

Dandruff Killer!A New and Thoroughly Effluent Des-

troyer lor all

Dandruff in the Head.Guaranteed to Cuiu tuo Scalp ot all dkio Di-

seases, i'ut up In one size tiottlu only.

Criterion Barber Shop,PACHECO&FtRNANDES,Prop.

Fort St., Opp Pantheon 8tablcs.

FCXR SALE.Pat Pigs, Turkeys and

ChiokensFor Roasters and Chickens for BrollorBAll dressed or uudressed und deliveredto any part of tho city at short noticeI am eudeavorlug to keep stock onhand at all times to supply anydemand. Telephone 856.

721 lm J. N. WRIGHT.


Page 3: ii, rt, 'v jtw · guard against it aud that tho local dairymen will awako from their lothargy and make soino movo to protect thoir own inter-ests. Every pound of imitation buttor

Ulaub Schickels. Wm. O. Ihwin.



Ban JYanctco Agent Tnn Nbvada Uank orSan Francisco.


San Fkanoisco Tho Novada Bank of SanFranclnco.

London The Union Bank of London, Ltd.New Yohk American Exchange National

Bank.Chioaoo Merchant National Bank.1'Aitls Comptolr National d'Escompt do

Paris.Bbklin Drcsdncr Bank:Konorono and YoKonAMA Hongkong A

Shanghai Banking Corporation.New Zealand and Aubtiiama Bank of Now

Zealand.Viotokia and Vancodveh Bank of British

North America.

Transact a General Banting and Eicbange Bnsiness

Depolsts Received. Loans madu on Ap- -roved Security. Commercial and Travelers

E rcdlts Issued. Bills of Exchango boughtand sold.Collections Piiomitlt Accounted For.

Established 1858


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercinl nnd Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail-

able in all the principal citiesof tho world.


The Hawaiian


Investment Co.

Stock BrokersAND

Fire Insurance Agents.

Anyone wishing to oithor buyor sell Stocks or Bonds would dowoll to givo us a cull.

Wo have Safe Depnait Boxes ofsovenil sizes for rcntcithor by thomonth or yoar tit vory reasonableratos. Money, jewelry, and valu-ab- lo

papers doposited in one ofthese boxos will bo porfoctly safefrom burglars and flro.

gjtf Money to lo.in on approv-ed security.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1807, $118,768.25.

llonoy Loaned on Approved Security,A Savings Bank for Monthly Deposits:Houses llnilt on tho Monthly Installment

Plan.Fifteenth Sories of Stock now open.

For furthor particulars apply to

A. V. GEAR, Secrotary.Chamber of Commerce Booms,Office-hour- 12:30 1:30 P.M. 373-t- f

Real Estate Transactions.

Subscribers nro furnished with from fiveto six lists por woelc, gU ing an aroaruterecord of all deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers ot attornoy, etc, etc., wjiichire placed ou record.

Subscription Price, $2.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolulu.

J. S. WALKER,General Aoent roil Hawaiian Islands.

lloyal Insurance Company,, Alliance Assurance Company.

Alliance Marine and Qoueral AssuranceCompany. '

Sun iiifo Assurance Company of Canada.Wilhelma of Madgoburg Insuranoo Com-

pany,Scottish Union and National Insurance


Room 13 Spreckcls Block, Honolulu, II. I.

BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager ot

' The Equitable Life Assurance Society

Of the .United States for tho HawaiianIslands,

Owe: Merohant street, Honolulu:


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appraisomont of RealEstate and Furniture.

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alnkcn & Bolokauwiln Sts,

Haa u large assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Couutuntly on hand.

Estimates gtvon for house wir-ing and Electrical plants.

Marino Wiring a spooialty,


Tjje Yokohama Specie Bank;LIMITED.

Bubscribod Capital Yen 12,000,000I'nid Up Capital Von 7,500,000liesorvo Fund Yen 6,464,600


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, Now York,

San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Transacts a General Banking and Ex-change Business,

Agency Yokohama Spotio Bank

New Repnbllc Earning, ill King St, Honolnln.

S. KICHLT,(Japanese)

Sign Painter & Paper Hanger

133 Nuuanu Avonuo, Honolulu,ILL

S. IWASHITA,Watchma- - gj Gold & Sil-

ken, M versmith.No. 417 Nuuanu street, noxt to Lovo's


GT Cheapest in Town .ej

W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to ORDER of thTory best materials and in the verylatost stylo. . , ,

A. IPerfect F"it


Cleaning and Repairing a Specialty


Yee Sing1 TieLargeWicketChairsof theLatestStyles

ESiiiH Furniture..AND,.

Of ull kinds.

Fort Street, opp. Club Stables

3STEW STORE.Imported Dry Goods, English, American

and Cuiuose.

Dress Making a Specialty.Low Prices to suit the times.

J3T" Come In and sco our New Stock andStore.

WingHingLoyNuuanu near Hotel street, opposite W. W.

Ahaua.TELEPHONE 157.

VSf This tlrm was formerly known as"dUun Loy," Fort etreU.

Just ReceivedCrookory and Ivorywaro,Embroidered Fans,Shawls, rioroons,Wicker and Stoamer Chairs,

WING WO TAI & CO.,214 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu.

LAI SING KEE,Dcalor in

Bath Tubs, Kitchen Utensils,Tinware, Lamps, Etc.


No. 32lNnunnuStroot. 715-C-

For Kent.

Two Unfurnished Rooms on Kingstreet, near Alike stropt. Apply at

A. V. GEAR & CO.,712-t- f 210 King street.

:T,a"""T srr


Hers Stamsliip Go's

TIME TABLE0. L. WIGHT, Trcs. 8. B. ROSE, Seo.

Capt. J. A. KING, 1'ortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Willlouvu Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching atLahaiua, Maalaea Bay nud Mukona thesame day; Muhukouii, Knwaihaoaud

tho following day, arriving i

illlo tho samo oveuing.


Friday Oct. 22 Tuesday... .Oct. HITuesday.. ..Nov. 2 FridiV Oo:. 2U

Friday Nov. 12 Tuesday Nov. 0TuoBday...Nov 23 Friday. Nov. 10

lteturning, will leave Hllo at 1 o'clookp. M., touching at Laupahoehoe, Mahukona and Kawaihao saiuo day; Makona,Maalaea Bay nud Lahaina tho followingday; arriving at Honolulu tho aftornoouaof Tuesday and Fridays.' Will call ot Pohoiki, Puna.

ISfXo Froight will bo received after0 a. m. on day of sailing.

Stmr. HELENE,FREEMAN, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu Tuesday at 5 p. m.itouching at Kahului, liana, Ilamoa nndKipahulu, Maul. Returning arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.

Will call nt Nun, Knupo, on second tripof each mouth,

T"No Freight will bo received nftei4 p. m. on clay of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tomako changes in the time of departure andarrival ot its steamers without notico andit will not be responsible for any conse-quences arising therefromt

Consignees must bo at the Landings toroceivo their Freight; this Company willnot hold itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.This Company will not bo responsible

for llonoy or Valuables of possengorsunless placed In the care of Pursers.

Passengers nro requested to purchasetickots beforo embarking. Thoso failing todo so will bo subject to an additionalchargoof twenty-liv- e per cent.


Kr JrX?i?ji Jr2?-f3?-

s5 8SogswSi 52S"Ws ffS&ea- -

B3 SS l:z "a in n

Ds,o5asft b


J cm


Building Lots!It WA1K1K1 on our lwo nnd on PA

LAMA ROAD near fVrtilizingPlant.

These Lota are Very Cheap and Soldon Easy Terms.

Desirable Aero Tracts near the city andthor Properties for snle.

UHUOR, WAKING & CO.,Dealers iu Lots nud Lauds,

312 Fort Street, near KingTelephonk f07 P O. Hox H21

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & DealersIN

REAL JSTATECiT Wo will Buy or Boll Real Estato in

til parts of tho group.JT Wo will 8oli PropertioH on Reason-M- e


OFFICE. 10 West King Street

Bonolulu :. ISoli :. Hills

HAVING ESTABLISHED A MODERNplant for hulling, polishing and assortingcofTeo, wo are prepared to buy and cleancofleo in the parchment.


Coffee !Apply to



rtlii-ri'ii- l t.flirU I'rmlncrtl With Llcjit.Muti-rlal- l'opulnrlt) of Lnco Mrnci.It lins been ilicldcd for this fpii'OU

Hint light colors nnd light nmtcriuls nroto bo worn oer silk mid ornamentedwith lnco in erry form insertions,frills, flounces, jokes, etc. It is

n lnco se;ion. Jinny of thoRummer gowns uro covered with rip-pling llonnces or ruillcsof tho tlrt'FS inn-teri-

edgid with luce. When insertionU used, it U put in bands round the(kirt, or two or three rous of it, pointedin front in the form of u V Ular-- l.irrever white silk is xry u.ueh in fuoiuitli n Fsi-- renrf of tnft filk or blncl.ribbon.

Tho cflort is toward lightings millethcrenl tffi.etM. Whitu is cry nmrliworn. Saslics continue to boa conspicn-nu- s

fcutnio, nnd collar ( fTicts nro of frequcnt occurrence on dies bodices.

A welcome feature oh.prnblo is tinuulinid lace sleeve. All Forts of finishuppesir nt tho shoulder, such ns frill",littlo poufs nud thn like, but the erylatest b1coc is without any of thosocp.iulct itdditioii". ilct f1cccs urotrimmed, tho favorito modo being shir-ring, cording or tucking from top tobottom.

Among this season's revivals nrucrcpo do chluo mid whito glaco silk.Tho latter is used for accordjon plaitedskirts, and tho former takes kindly toflicking and shirring. A beautiful gownin lino whito lawn with insertion ofbutter colored laco over silk illustratestho employment of trimmings on bodicennd skirt in tho form of a V. Kquallyattractivo is a gown in black and whitogauzo over whito silk with insertionsof laco nud small pufllngs of chilTon.

Hats contiuuo moderate in sl.e, ex-cept the rcmbraudt, which is alwayslarge. Very hnndsomo feathers are used,



with turbauliko twists of tullo roundtho crowns and largo bows of ribbonCapotes take rather tho beret shape,niado of soft, piiablo straw, with flow-ers, feather tips, rosettes of tulle, ctoWhito veils nro esteemed most dressy.Thoso of tullo with black spots nro thomost becoming. It is rumored that thobonnet is fast superseding tho hutamong married women, whether youngor middlo aged. Toquis nud bonnets inconsequence tiro assuming increased im-

portance Picturesque huts with lowcrowns urq loaded with ostrich fcutlurs,which uto again to tho foru. Indicdtheir popularity is n noticeable fc.itmuof tho season.

Ostrioh boas uro included in o erywardrobe. Very becoming nro tho ntcUruffs madoof colored and whito chifton,tho edges fringed with oitiiah. featherflues.

As to tho capes, thoy aro very shortwide pelerines, in fact of light silkrichly embroidered or spangled lace,nlsoplaited tulle. Imported ones, dinctfrom Paris, inudo in black chiffon, combincd with silk or gauze, tho ii.it tornoutlined with cord, are very ellcctivrSome of them taku tho loini of a Lolnowith wing slcoves. Others nro merelytho short fiishiouuhlo cupo. It is pndieted that this summer will sec thelust of cupes and that in tho autumntho sbnpa of visito-mantl- will reappear. Auci: Vaicnum

lnuintl nnil Supply."Boy, wlmt'H tho excitement here?""Derc's a guy in hero flat luUcrtised

to trailo a fur a lioss, and desenru boss owners fightiu to sen whithkin git to him first. "Chicago Tribune

i lire Milk Mlalin.

Tho frt'iiuont call for cool driukat tho 1'alaiiiu Grocery has inducedus to ant apart a window for thesale of cold drinks. Our milk-- Imki'j- an dcliuiouH, nothing butpure fri'Hli milk, ehnved ice andthe puront of ilavoriiif! syrup be-- in

used, which wo sell at Colestial price, fie. per lass. H.Gannon, Palama Giiooeky, oppo-site Railway Depot, Kingstreot.


Kroejior PianoB,8wootest m tone,Jns.V. lioristrom, solo agent, cashor initallmouts. Warorooms atG. West's, Masonic Tomplo. Of-

fice at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun-ing and repairing. tS?" Tele-phone 347.

P. F. Rvan, tho cnnial maungorof tho roliablo old Anchor, haflso-cure- d

au able assistant in WilliamCarlisle, lato of tho HawaiianHotel. At tho Anchor tho famousSeattle beer is on tap, and half-and-h- alf

compounded at "two fora quarter." Tho Anchor main-

tains its roputatiou for superiorbrauds of whiskies, as woll ns ofother liquors, wines, etc.

Oceanic Steamship Company.'

TIME TABLE.Tho Fino Passenger Steamers of This Lino Will Arrive at and

Loavo This Fort Hereunder.

From San Francisco:i


Tn ftntlMAAhnn r.,4t, 41m nnilS...




au wuuciiuu iiiiu iuu DiiiiiiJ(; ui iiiu nuuir nie(ijueiC iAiu ajuuioaro prepared to ieBue, to intending pnBbouuprs, coupon throughtickots by any railroad from San to nil points in thouuiteu States, anu Irom JNew ioik uy any btenniblup line to allEuropean ports.

For furthor apply to

Wm. G. IrwinGeneral Agents




Canadian-Australia- n, Royal Mil Steamship (Jo.

Steamers ot tho above line running in connection with the

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver, B. O., nnd Sydney, N. H. W., nnd calling at Viotoria, D. 0,

Honolulu, Suva (Fiji), and Wellington, Z.,

uSl-XB- IDTJE -- J3? HOasrOXjTTXjTJ"On or about the dates below Btated, viz.:

From Byilney. Wellington and Sim a, furVictoria nnil Vancouver. II. C.t

Stmr "WARIUMOO" ....November 5Stmr "AOHANGI" jNotenibrrSO




2t Stmr "AOKANGI" December 21

Tlirotifrii TlckotH from Honolulu to Cniindu,United States nnd Kuropc.

FiiEianT and PAsanNanit aoents:D. MoNicoli,, Montreal, Canada.

RonEitT Keuii, Winnipeg, Cnnndn.M. M. Stkhn, San Francisco, Uiil.

K. J. Ciiylk, Vancouver, B. 0.

Curry Powder ns made by usRccipo from the


Tho flair Rcmody which

O- -

RT Neat free on application.





rt 4l. nlinnn n 4 .. r.o tlwt Ann.4a

& Co., Limited,Oceanic S. S. Co. ,-


From Victoria nnil Vaucnur, II. 0., toHuia. W dlliiuloii anil Kjdnry:

8tmr'MI0WElJA" October 2CStmr "WARRIMOO" hember25

For Freicht nnd Pnssacro nnd allQonernl Information, npply to

THEO. H. DAVIES & CO., V4Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

is prepared nt'ter the OriginalPurest Ingredients.

ON (J-- . -- s


Solo Agent, Honolulu.I'. 0. Hoi 292, Telephone 21).




BENSON, SMITH & GO.527 Fort Streot, corner Hotel.



rou this coue or diskasks or

Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Swine, and Poultry.

Marvelous prevents



pamphletHos-olol- April 21, 1896.

Mr. 0, W. Macfahlank: It afford me nltasiiro to rccommtud, to any ono whoho haltis falling out, the ueo of DK. I'OITIL'S IIAIROIL. My hnir was coming out at sucha rate oslodmo tobeltovo that I would soon become) bald. After nMng tho oil for live weeksthis ceased entirely; nono whatever is now fulling ont. I consider it the best and onlyworthy remedy for this tronblo v recommend it as a utinuiluut to new growth.

605-t- f , Yours trnlr. J. 11. DANIELS.

Main Offico Telephono No. C3. V, 0. Box No. 222 Branch Offleo Telephone No. 838.

Oalui Lumber and Building Co., L'd.

Lumber Merchanto, Contractors & Builders.IMPORTERS AND DEALEHS IN

Doors, Sashes, Paints, OilsTBnildors' Hardwnro, Wall Pupors nndMatting, Etc Manufaoturo All Kinds of Moulding.

Main Offico, Lelco, King street, limneli Office and Planing Mill, comor King andIletbel streets. Lumler Yards, Lelco and Lot near It. It. Depot. Private tmok connect-ing with 0. 11. Jfc: L, Co. U. 11. runs through our yards to It. It. wharf and uuy part tEwa and Waiauao stations. 483-- tf






Page 4: ii, rt, 'v jtw · guard against it aud that tho local dairymen will awako from their lothargy and make soino movo to protect thoir own inter-ests. Every pound of imitation buttor









aVEfliMU OCTOBER 18. 165)7.


Sealed Tenders.

Sealed tender- - will bu iwelved bythu Minister of Flimnco until 12 o'clocknoon on MONDAY, November 1,

1897, Mir the -- Me tit II iwiiiliin Govern.tnetit Five l. r Cftit I) iHh, ltietlunder the prnvlrlniiH nf Aui 71, upproved Urn l.'lt i iiny of Jin o. 1S00, to

the amount ol S'JOO.OOO

H. M. DAMON,Minis it ol Flounce.

Flmince Depiirwneut, Oc. IS, 18V7.

7.1S 8t



MONDAY, OOT. 18, 1897.

Ilnncrit mid clonti athletic sportin Honolulu nucht to bo distinct-ly promoted by the enterprimthat gives Cycloinoro Purk to thepublic at leiiBouiiblc rates ofrciuuuerntinn 'o tho owners.

, Pure foo.l lnihlatiotj, includingpiovision for ejfiteniiitie iu&pectiou, bun its necessity oiuphaBizedby tho piirticulnrnelrievheroof tho lnrjo iiiuouutd of oleotunr-gnriu- u

foisted oti this market forhotter.

Political excitement in Germanyfocuses about the imperial navalprngrnni, that . contemplates mioutlny of 410,000,000 murks, or!?0J,6S0,000 hprend over sevenyenrs, for tho construction of n

score of vessels including tenliiuo Tho proposal meetWilli stionuous opposition fromthe eutiro Left party, rnniiipfrom Hudicals to Socialists. It ib

contended that tho plan, bindingtlielieicliBtiig in its appropriation

--to a period of soven years, wouldabridge the constitutional righUof that body.

Koports in the Turkish press,flint Turkey is negotiating for adefensivo allianro with Gorrnnuycrnti is on the point of joining

are emphatically con-

tradicted at the Gormnti ForeignOffice Tho of theAssociated Press, however, claimsfb have information of tho truthof tho reports from diplomaticcircles, also that Emperor Wil-liam and Count von Bulow favorsuch an ariMugcnieut, whilePrince Hohenlohe, tho lmpoiialCnMiieellor, distinctly rejects theoyorturoe. If tho Aesooiated Pressd" no tinuH tuMwnrthy ou thittaide of tho globo than on thistfirle, we should take, tho officialdenial ngainst it every time.A"Bout of even dato with this uowb

onies a taunt from tho Gprmauopposition, that any threat of theresignation of Priuco ilohenloho

, in the event of tho defeat of thonaval program would be idle, asLis retirement was a foregone(happening of tho near future.That tho Chancollor should be

--standing out strongly ogainst hisimperial master in ono Horn of

.policy and staking his position onthe defense of nuother looksrather incongruous.

Summing up to tho jury in alibel cnHo ngniiiHt tho SydneyDaily Telegraph, Justice Stephenpoiuted out where tho law of NowSouth Wales wiib different fromUnit of England. In that colonythe publication of preliminary in-

quiries ou criminal charges wasforbidden, whereas in Englandany matter heard in open courtright bo published by the news-

papers. The reason for tho Eng-lish practise was that anythingtint took placo in ft public courtof justice, whero tho wholo worldwjib ontitled to bo present, couldbe published. Nowadays in Eng-fan- d

it was sufficient dotenso to aciinrgo of libel if the mattor weroproved to bo true, whilo in NowSouth Wales tho defendant mustalso provo that tho publication


I''-Jrt"'1'- ? SfAxi-- ,.


Euer;ir?$ Bulletin


was for the good of the public.JuBtico Stephen wont so fur an to

indicate that to publish the facts.

of an arrest might be defamatory,and that was tho very ciibo beforehim. A man in the jowelry business was arrested for couutorfeit-iu- g

coins and tho circumstanceswen- - rotated in tho Daily Tele-

graph. Tho defendants did nottry to piovo in justification thatthe coiiiplatuant vnn positively orprobably a counterfeiter, but theirwitnesses gave evidence as to thecomplainant's character which ifbelieved, the Justice iiiBti notedthe jury, would entitlo tho defeu(hints to a verdict. At the sumolime, the Justice ruled that, if thopublication was found defamatory,tho complainant was entitled todamages, whether it was a correctrepoitof his arrest or not. A

verdict was returned for tho de-

fendants. Tho Daily Telegraph,commenting on the trial, pointsout that accordiug to JusticoStepheu's interpretation, any per-son having an arrest or heardof it who told the fact to anyonewould bo liable to ail action forBlander, as private individualshnvo no greater or less piivilegesof communication than uowspa-pors- .

It holds that the Justice'sinterpretation of tho law of thecolony is rigidly technical, whilethe verdict of tho jury indicatestho actual seuso in which the lawhas come to be regaided. Thopublication of factB even boforothe arrest of Doming, one of thoworst monsters of the ago, led tothe unearthing of a series of murdors he had committed in Englandprior to his crimes in Australiatho Telegraph shows and it wastho publication of facts in Sydneyregarding Butler's crimes whichled to that murderer's identifica-tion at Newcastle, and eventuallyto his arrest at San Francisco. Forabout tou years now tho press oftho-i- islands tins enjoyed thesatno degree of freedom as tli-i- t

granted by tho English law men-tioned before. A statuto to thatend was passed on account of thearbitrary action of the SupremeCourt in fining an editor fiftydollars, under proceedings ofcontempt of court, for havingpubli-he- d tho declaration of theplaintiff iu a laud controversy, although tho documout was givouto a reporter by a clerk of thocoiut. It cannot be said that thelocal press has abused this legalprivilege. Usually tho papershero are ready to waive tho privi-lege wheuover it appears that nnarrest, for instance, has beenmade to gratify personal spito orupon fiivolous grounds.

Wanting I.Uctrlelty.CnrokMiii'hs on the part of tlio motor-tna- u

i, urcorrihig to recent innstign-tioiiH- ,

tlio caiihoof a preat wid-t- of elec-trical force. Thin occurs ut tho Mintingmid stopping. Sometimes tlio power isloffon until after tho brakes uro het, atother times thcro nro iccroly partialcurrents, but quite enough to foot up ucoiiRiilerablo nggrtgato. In faut, it ill es-

timated that us much as 20 per cent ofpower may bo lost in this way Sotioticcablo lias this becomo that it liasteen found ndvinnblo to adopt a very(implo duvicu by menus of which tliolost current is, nt least approximately,measured, and tho amount thereof cnuLa charged up nguiust tho unskillful orcareless motormuu.

This device, consists of a strip ofnlloy placed iu a box prepared to

it. Tho alloy is held against theWiro by a weight attached to tho lowerend of tho strip It is supported by ashort piece of German silver wire ofsuch crofci section us to bo heated, by thocurrent which flows through it to oper-ate tho car At a certain temperaturetho wiro molts its way through ho stripof alloy, thus allowing tho strip andwoight to descend Thcro is an auto-matic dovico to proveut injury to thorecorder or tho stoppage of tlio car iucase tho wiro should molt under an ab-normal current. Tho recorder is pushedinto placo, at tlio snmo moment closingtho car circuit. To iusuro its uso tho ar-rangement is such that unless tho're-cord-

is iu placo tlio circuit is open,and the car will not start, A record iskept of tho number of miles each manruns and tbo number of inches of alloymolted during tho tun This is returnedat tho end of a month and is posted upover against tlio man's nnuio It hasbeon estimated that u considerable sav-ing is offected by this means. NowYork Ledger.

Motgagoo's Notico of Intontion to

Foreclose and of Sale.

Notice is hereby given that byvirtue of a power of sale contain-ed in a eel tain mortgage dated the27th day of June, 1888, 'whichmortgage was made, executed,aekuowledged nnd delivered byRobert N. Boyd, mortgagor, ofHonolulu, Oahu, to W. U. Parke,trustee, mortgagee, of the sameplaco, to secure certain indebted-ness therein mentioned, nnd whichmortgage is of record in Libor11!), Page 35, in tho RegisterOffice of Oahu, and which mortgage with tho claim thereby

was assigned on the 18thday of December, 1880, by AnnieS. Parke, executiix of the will of

'suid W. C. Parke, deceased, toRose Molteuo, and which mort-- ,

gago with the claim thereby se-

cured was assigned ou the lGthday of January, 1890, by saidRoup. Molteno to John D. Holt Jr.,

' nud which mortgage with theolaim thereby secured wiib as-

signed ou the 10th day of Seplemner, lotu, oy sain ijonn v.Holt, Jr., to S. 0. Allen, who iB

now tho legal holder and owner ofthe same, tho said S. C. Allen,mortgagee by assignment, iuteudBto foreclose tho said mortgago forcondition broken, to wit: uonpnynient of principal and iuteicstdue thereon..Notico is likewise givou that

alter the cxpirutiou of three weeksfrom tho dato of this notice, towit, ou Saturday, November l!Jth,1897, nt 12 o'clock maridian ofsaul day, tho property convoyedby said mortgage nud hereunderdescribed will bo sold at publicauction nt tho auction rooms oflas. F. Morgan ou Queen streetm Houolulu.

Termp: Cash U. S. Gold coin.Deeds at expense of purchaser.

S. 0. ALLEN, Mortgugoo.A. S. Uwti'Hittvs, Counsel.D.ited Honolulu, Oct. 15, 1897.The premises convoyed by said

mortgage and to be sold as aforo-Ba- id

aro described as follows:All that tract of laud situate in

Kalilii Valley iu suid Honoluluand being tho lauds described asNo. in Royal Patent C01 toAlexander Adams and known asKauau'oa, containing an area of73 G-- 10 acres, and boing also thelaud conveyed to tho mortgagorby Annie Adams by deed datedthe 2Gih day of November A. D.18C7, of record iu tho HawaiianRegistry of Deeda in said Houolulu in Book 21, Page 420.

Morgcgco's Notico of Intontion to

Forocloso and of Sale.

Notico is horeby given that byvirtue of a power of sale containedin a cortnin mortgage dated tho9th day of October, 1891, whichinnrtgngft was mado, executed,acknowledged and delivered byA. Rosa, mortgagor, of Honolulu,Oahu, to Satnuol C. Allen, mort-gagee, of tho same place, to securethe payment of certain indebteduess in tho suid mortgage mentioued, and which mortgage isrecorded in Liber 131, page 380,iu tho Register Office of Oahu,tho said mortgageo intends toforecloso tho said mortgage forcoudition broken, to wit: nonpayment of principal aud interestduo thereon. Notico is likewisegivou that after tho expiration ofthree weeks from the dato of thisnotice, to wit:, on Saturday, Nov-ember 13, 1897, at 12 o'clockmoridian of said day, tho propertyconvoyed by said mortgago andhorounder described will bo soldat public auction at tho auctionrooms of Job. F, Morgan on Queonstreet in Honolulu.

Torms: Cosh U. S. Gold coin.Doods at oxponso of purchaser.

S. O. ALLEN,Mortgageo.

A. S. Humpimeys, Counsel.Dated Houolulu, Oct. 15, 1897.Tho protnisoB convoyod by tho

said mortgagor and to be sold asaforesaid aro described as follows:

First: All that tract of landknown as Pobakaa, aituato atKalihi valley in said Honolulu,uud being tho satno containod anddesoribod in Royal Patent (Grant)3104 to said A. Rosa, containingau area of 37 85-1- 00 acres.

Second: All'that tract of landknown as Kaloaloa, situato at saidKalihi valley and boing tho samecontained aud described in RoyalPatent (Grant) 3103 to said A.Rosa containing an aroa of 43 41-10- 0

acres. 73G-t- d

The Evening Bulletin, 15 centsper nonth.


-- AND

Racing TandemHavo just been received. We have also Three Models of

Gents and Two Models of Ladies

ROADSTERS,Enameled in Black or Olive Green as you prefer fitted with any

Tire, Saddle, Handle Bur or Gear you may desire.

Household Supply DepartmentCastle fe Cooke, Ltd.

B O. A.TI-IERTOJS-T, : : A.acnt.fiST" Tnndom and Single Wheels for rent.

Of Agricultural


ED. A.

Such as Plows, Harrows, Cultivators,Posthole, Diggers, Spndes, Shovels,Hoes, Rakes, Trowels, Pruning Tools,Garden barrows, Yard Brooms, Hose,Sprinklers, Lawn Mowers, GrassSheurs, etc., etc., the assortment is ex-

cellent at

g E. O. HALL & SON'S, 3; Limited- - S

Honolulu Undertaking Co.

The Only Fully Equipped, Complete and EXCLUSIVELYUNDERTAKING Establishment on the Islands. Every-thing New and of the Latest and Most Improved Styles.

A Specialty! No Bungling! No Failures!NOTE: Mb Ed Williams I a Grudume of Clark'it Hctiool of Perfect

Embalming by which the locl retains itn utturnl appearance J ears.

K Ofiico and Parlors: 514 and 51G Fort St., near Hotel.Telephone 179. Residenco and Night Telephone 815.


Henry Waterhouse & Co.,Insurance .Agents, Plantation A.pjents,



andfST We give careful attention to business placed In hands.

699 lm & CO.

For Sale.Two Houses containing 0 and 7

room' situate onPun-.ho- OollfgH PrlcfS, $4000

and $500 Term-- , $1000 cash eucband balance In moriRign. Anply to

A V. GEAR & CO.,707-t- f 210 King street.

To Rent.The Colt linn nu Judil Street, known

as tlio Diuk"ou Cotttti;", recently oucupled by Mr. S. M. Ballnu. Apply to

W P ALLEN,Over BMiop & 's Bank.

729 lm

Our work is bettor and onrprices are lower for enlargedportrait work tbnn anyono oleo's,Wo aro not making much at it,but don't lot that worry you.you have anything this lino tobo dono boo our samples first,and you won't regret it. KingBros., 110 Hotel stroot.

A- -



A triok wo know,Keeping up theShirt standard wo set:Best material;Best fnshioning,Best makingAnd thoro you are.Best shirtAt tho best price


"The Kash,"9 Hotel Street : : fayerlcy BlOCk

Agents for Dr. Delmel's Linen-Me- sh

Under nrear. Send for Catalogue.

We Make Shirts Order.

Commission General Business Agents.all our






Jimely Jopie$Oct. 9, 1897.

In view of the increased in-

terest taken in cycling prelimi-

nary to the opening of theCyclomere track we have madelarge additions to our stock ofwheels.


These we have always made v" y$c

our specialty ana we nave noreason to regret doing so.They are first-cla- ss machines,up to date in every respect, re-

liable and duiable. Call in andtake a look at the new RoyalBlue Tribune kacer, geared to84, there is no better wheelmade.

We have also added to ourlines of the Columbus, Zimmyand B. and H. Special wheels,all of which though cheaperthan the Tribune wheels arefine roadsters and good valuefor the money.

Stodder PUNCTURELESSTires are still a novelty in thismarket, although we importeda few some time since. Thesehave given such good satis-faction that we have laid in abig supply. They are guaran-teed for one year.

We have a fine lot of wheel-men's racing suits, which wehave just opened out.

Also a few pairs of bicycleshoes to close out a consign-ment.

Hawaiian Hardware Co,LIMITED,

NO. 307 FORT STREET,Opposite 8preokels' Bank


We have just opened np a lot of

Gorman Miii


consisting of 8iielf nnd WallOriMinents, Vii-es- , Watcli-hnlder- x,

etc., that we ure fell-ing very oheup. You will rataa good tiling if you full to pur-chase now. We still havo agn-u- t niuny

Nicely Bound Booksthat we are nelllng for 25o. and50c. We inu-- t clear them allout this mouth to make roomfor our New Goods bohii toarrive.

has just been replenished witha lot of new material whieh woare selling at Eastern prices.A cafulouux anil book of instruc-tions for the asking.


TbB Home Bakerr Bestanrant.AND.

Ice Cream Par orHas Reopsnod at the Old Stand.

Its former exrelleuce with Improve-ments is guaranteed for the future.

E. Poppleton,730- - lm Munager.

Kona CoffeeFOR SALE.

Apply to730-t- f W. O. AOHI & CO.

jt)m ..Ji .. n .'ii XLj. .itt.j 'Tidft ' 'J'VrtT tittftA.iUvA,.it., uT - -- j V LiA--t .- -; . iton Sit Jii''f,'u?i .. .- - v. i'JtAuuiJlU Wit'fcii4i ,k, IrtuHi"1! rA

Page 5: ii, rt, 'v jtw · guard against it aud that tho local dairymen will awako from their lothargy and make soino movo to protect thoir own inter-ests. Every pound of imitation buttor






Knii" "V""'''' W ,,w,WWB!Wr'!T'',,v" "fTMEVENING BULLETIN, OCTOBER 18,


"V. Kinney roturned fromKnuai yi?Bturiay.

.Tiitn Wnif fllilli nf

i (Modoiros Docker. SI permnnlf


Gi. .1 Tlllw p wr

AV. K. Hutoliiuson, tbo ranchwner llouoiauili, Maui,



email amount Ewa planta- -tin Htni'lf nliniiirrul llilllflu til(7

at 300.







" "y- -


iii nnpfl.&


of is in


Tlio UliiU'liuoHUoukl liavo arnvod inSiiuFiaunihOo tbib inoruiuy,ifall liau gout) well witli hor.

Iloury O.VIuyor bought tlio Ka1 ill i property hoKI at nuoiou toil ayby Ja8. I Morgan for S725.

Tlio rccoipt of oiylit Imus ofeolYeo from Kauui by iho Miku-ba- la

yoBtenluy is u uovolty.Cliarh'B Wilcox, secretary of tlio

Board of Health, did not lotnrufrom Wailuku as t'tpootod yester-ida- y.

All kinds of bicyolo ropairiiiRdone at tlio Pucifio Gyolo it Mnuufactiiriuu Co., Love building,J?ort street.

Freight elork Tom Whito of tho3Lunm Loa has a bad littlo fitmer,tho rot-ul- t of ball playing onSaturday.

.'Mutineer Votlescu of tho Ha-waiian Hardware Company re-

turned from Maui on the Helenooctorday morning.iOouglas Monsarrat left for

Wairaanalo ou the J. A. Oamminsthis morning to do a lot of sur-reyi- nc

in that vieiuity.Tho band will give the usual

coucort at Emma square thisevening, commencing at .7:30.Program in another column.

The .rainfall on Saturday nightnmouutnd to .08 of nn inch atFrank Brown's place. A similaramount whs registered last night.

Mr. Shimamura, Minister forJnpuu, made au oUijiul call onMinister Cooper this afternoon,tho unaal military honor beingpaid the visitor.

Au asphaltuin floor is to be putin tlio new Fire Station buildingby tho government. ContractorAr'hur Harrienn Iihb about com-pleted hm portion of tho work.

The nine-roll- er mill which isbtu'jg coustruutfd by tbo Ilono- -

lion Works for Honomutulu is well under way andwill bo ready to ship in January.

The annual meeting of tho W.C. T. U. will bo hold at the resi-dence of Mrs. J. M. Whitnoy,president, at 2:30 p. in. tomorrow.All ladies interested aro cordiallyinvited.

Frank Fornandes, a haokdriver, was Gned $10 and costs byJudge Wilcox this morning forcruelly whipping a horse. OtBcorGeorge Green made tho complaintand was the principal witness.

"When you want your bicyclorepaired you want it done welland to insure this you should takeit to the Hawaiian Cycle & Manu-facturing Co. They employ onlyfirst ulass help and guaranteesatisfactory work.

Tho yaohts Hawaii, Rescue,Combination, Roso and Abbio M.wore all at Pearl Harbor onSaturday attornoon with livelyfishing parties on board. ThoHobrou and Waterhouso yachtswero also on hand.

) In ono of tho windows of thoPacific Hardwaro Company is adisplay of cotton raised by L. D.Timmons on land at Pearl City.It certainly proves Mr. Timmons'assertion that cotton could boraised hero successfully.

Senator ond Mrs. W. H.Rico,who arrived from Kauai in thoMikahala, attained to tbo twenty-fift- h

auniversary of their marriageyesterday. Tboy give a silvorwedding party this ovoning attboir residence on Pearl CityPoninsula.

Minister Damon, through anotico in another column, invitestenders for S200.000 of Hawaiian5 per cont bonds, to be issued un-

der the provisions of Act 71,Laws of 1893. Bids will boopened at noon on Monday,November 1.

Polico officers Vida andOhillingsworth raided a swipesrcBort at Eakaako on Saturdaynight and poured ton barrols ofttho stuff out in tho Btreet. TlioJnativo woman who ran tbo placowas arrested on two charges ofdrunkenness and soiling liquorwithout a liconBO.

Royal mike the food pure,wholesome and dellcloui.



Uolclirnluil for lt?n.nt lcm.111111; stiutiRbnti'l hcttltliluliicte. AfMirn tlio fond nalnitalum nnd all forms of adulteration commonto tlio clicnp brands. ItuVAL Uakino I'ow-ie- ii

Co , New Voiik.





ional HoleAt Cyclomere Park.

Season of Three "Weeks

Saturday, Oct. 23d,At 2 P. M. ami 8 p. m.

General Admission, - 25c.Admission and Grand

Stand, - - - 50c.'Boxes for Tarties of Six or


Seats on sale at Wall, Nichols Co.'Busses run to tlio Gio. 738 3w

XA.FAELA,200 Hotel Street,


ALL KINDS OF SUITSfrom $10 to $18.

WST Money returned If you are notfutlpllnl. All work (marauded.

SubRoribe for the Evening Bdi- -

.KTIN 7fi oentB pr mntlth




Standard pi-.L- .Dictionary

Wall, Nichols Co., Proprietors.

Great Amount of Knowledgefor the Least Money.

ONLY $I.OO A WEEKAnd Yon 80011 Become the Owner

of This Great Work.

Standard DictionaryHas No Real Competitor.

247 Editors;301,805 Vocabulary Terms;

5000 Illustrations;2238 Quarto PnEee.

iJHT Books on exhibition and fur-ther information at

WallicMsCoN. B. Our solicitor, Mn. H. E.

KELSEY, will soou call on you withiroiiectus.



HighlyOf CUMMIN'S TASTELESSCASTOR OIL for uat whoro acuthnrtic or liixiitivo is required.When a pioimrntion hns merit itsoon bocomua popular nnd suchhns proved tho oiho with CUM-MIN'S TASTELESS CASTOltOIL. Tho deinund is dully in-

creasing mill ovoryono who usesit spoaks well of its action.

CUMMIN'SIt is freo from tun colics nnd

will not direct the stomach nnilproduce nausea. Children willtake it joyfully. Tho tasto

lionoy and tho doso isjust tho sumo as oidiuary CastorOil. It ic not a patent medieinoin any m'uso. it being simply afino qirilii of Castoi Oil rendorediittuloK l Iho addition of llnvorinn; agents.

HAS NOIt will tako tin-- placo of Castoria

and many other preparationswhich are injurious to a greator orless degroo by constant uso. Theprice is 23 cents a buttlo. Don'tbo deceived and induced t tikeany othor pioparation of n similarnature. Ask for CUMMIN'STASTELESS OaSTOR OIL andinsist upon getting it.

EQUAL.It ncvor fails to produco a good

firect and will provo a mostvaluable acquisition toyour house-hold remedies. Once used, alwaysused.

Hollister Drug Go.


Pall - Millinery - Opening

N. S. SACHS'520 Fort Street,

AT- -

Monday, Tuesday and WednesdayOctober 18, 19 and 20.

Pattern Hats and Bonnets

and Millinery Novelties

Direct from Now York City.

Ladies are Cordially Invitedg$? Solid Silvor Hut Pins ijiven n,vny on Opening Dnys.

23? Children's Hats trimmed gratis for Ono Week.

ihwhiiiimjwii Hwnf ii mm1 w



' niiriiiTii il will prove theirncrir'tP viifL"J

The Honolulu Sanitarium1032 King Street.

A Quiet, Uomoliko Placo, whore TrainedNnrsoa, Mnswce, "Swofllsli Movement,"Btiths, Eloctricitv and Physical Trainingmay bo obtained.

DK. O. L. QAKVIN,Telephone 639. In Charge.


Silks, Changeable Taffetas,

Black Brocaded Silks,

French Flannels, New Designs;

Woolen Goods, Ribbons.

We havo added to our stock a good assortment of




Residence For Sale orTo Let.

Flue Residence on Green street, nowoccupied ly Dr. G. P. Anilrewn.Grounds l ncrpg, lieautKullv Inklout, commnnila tine view. Vacant1st August. Apply to

It. I. LTLTJE,060 tf at T. H. Davleo & Co., Ud.

i X .



" .'..As




. ",1 T





, tillri'MM






' Mi-- m

' -- y. '.'


mrYW., h.


'&1 '






'J- i


i- - -- . . , i j ti..'


Page 6: ii, rt, 'v jtw · guard against it aud that tho local dairymen will awako from their lothargy and make soino movo to protect thoir own inter-ests. Every pound of imitation buttor







l . xvyr f V ' ? , ' " f ,


xno i ne nio

Best. Rest. Test.Tliero nro two kinds of sarsaparllla : The btsl and tlto

rest. Tho troublo is tlioy look allko. Ami nlieu tlio rest(Ircs3 HUo tlio best who'a to tell tlicm apart ? Well, "tlio trcoIs known by Its fruit." That's an old test and a safo ono.And tlio tiller tlio trco tlio deeper tlio root." That's anothertest. 'What's tho root, tho record of tlicao Farsapatlllas ? Thoono with tho deepest root Is Aycr's. Tho ono with tho richest

.fruit; that, too, is Aycr's. Aycr's Sarsaparllla has a record ofhalf a contury of cures ; a rccoid of many medals and awardsculmlnnting in tho medal of tho Chicago World's Fair, which,admitting Aycr's Sarsaparllla as tho best shut its doors againsttlio rest. That was gi cater honor than tho medal, to ho tho onlySarsaparllla admitted m . u exl lbtt at tho World's Fair. If youwant to got tho best sarjapaillla uf your druggist hero's aninfalliblo rnlo : Ask for tho best and you'll get Ayor's. Askfor Aycr's and you'll get the best.

Hollister Drug Co., Agents.


HOLLISTER & CO.From the Factories of

Xja Intimidad,La Esranola,La African a,Henrv Clay & Bock & Co.

Corner Fort & Merchant Sts.Since IVe Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

Just OiDened TTp anInvoice of . . .

SclfpiLUfliiq's Best TesCONSISTING

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Giro them a trial. Money back if yon don't like them. Also, Just received

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bncrn, Hams, Crackors and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc;

Tltt.JCI'Hk iu

Ghas. Hustace,212 King street, noxt to tho Arlington.


Groceries, Provisions and Teed,Mew Occ&a Received by Every Packet from the Eastern Btatea and Europe

FliKBU UALIKORNIA PRODUCE BY KVE11Y 8TEAME).All Ordors laithfally attended to and Ooods Delivered to any



P. OiBok480.

8. W. LKDEBnil,Prop. I X



-- V. II. tittX U'

Tklki-iion- 478.

L Corner KingHts.

and Nuu-ai-

Housekeepers wishing to buy NEW or FIRST-CLAS-S

, SECOND-HAN- D FURNITUREIu Botlrooin Stts, Sidobnnrdfl, Wardrobes, Tables, Olinirs, IceBoxes. Meat Safes, Mnrblotop Bowl W'lishatiiiulH, Bod Lounges,Mosquito NoU, St'ivos, Untieing Lumps, Writing Desks, Book Cases,Counters, etc., otc, will huvo monoy by buying ut tho 1. X. L., cor-u-or

Nimumi and King streets.

BS?" Amoricau and Hawaiian Flags nil sizes sold ohoapor thanKastcrn prices.

Bulletin, 75c, Per Month

KMIrlouj Corillnls.Tlio most delicious cordials vo d

from snoar loaf pineapples andalto from peaces. Tlio Now York Tribuno gives tlioae directions for makiiiptlicm:

I'col nnd cut tho pineapples iu smallpieces or chop tho roren left nftiir. ituikiug prcsorves. Put tho fruit, with itnjuice, iu rt porcelain lined kctSlo amiadd enough warm water to Jill tinppaces bctwrcivtlio picceH. Let tlio pi mapplo fsluimcr until it in tlioiouuliijcooked, then strain it, pressing out antlio julco from, tho pulp. Allow uliou'half a pound of Mi(jar to a pint ot tliliquid. liet tlio sirup thus formed l.mlfor ten minutes, then add an eqtimquantity of hn bent conking bromljBottle tho cordial and keep ithijcniuiitiiibefore nsiiiK i.

Wako peach cordials iu tliosavtiu way,using flno Whilo Ilcatli peaches andadding of tho blaliuhcd ker-nels, cut into thin strips. Seivo ilioocordials iu tho tiny ijIumcs that couiufor tho purpose with icoctcaiu and dtlicato cakes or.wafcis.

Wonmii In Tennis.Despite tho vaunted physical' superi-

ority of tho maaculiuo sr:- - lawn tennishas been taken up almost as Hurcpsuful-l- y

by women as by jiicn. Tho w omen'schampionship tournament hold at Phi)adelphia demonstrated this fact beyonddi.sputu. Thetu ato few American sportwhich oiler tho pleatstiro and excitementof tennis without personal winner anilwhich can bo oujoyc d by lintli m mequally, and. tennis has been justly pop-

ular for this reason, says a contributorto Tim Puritan, who adds: Tho differ-cuc- o

iu skill between men and womenwho play tenuis well is great, but isprobably dno nioro to tli handicap ofdrebs than, physical shortcoming, al-

though both factors uni'-- t be taken intoaccount. Tbo flu do sieeloAuierican wo-

man might compcto with men on anequal footing if completo dicss reformin sport wero brought about.

Crcim CurniiM 1 lnr Cuter.Two cupfnls of puwdcrul sugar and

half a cupful of very rich cie.iui. Stirtho cieum aiu sugar before boiling, thenboil until thick, not hard, htirniigj'ou-stautl- y

all tho while. When dene, bi :ituntil it.uly to spread on thucal.e, wh'rhmust be baked in a long pun AJteistanding ashile, pour on top ot tlmtotio-ha- lt cuke of sweet chocolate whichhas been melted over a teakettle. OocdHousekeeping

Comcrutug L.4'innnlt.If you want a hmonade with sona

consistency. diolvc the sugar in thewater by lieating them together. In u

word, first make a sirup, add tlio lemrnjuico aud lastly stir iu tho bcatcuwhit.of nu egg.

Cjcli. IttilrM fur Wmiifit.To mount tin ului'l with uiucr.First sto t)jy jutlaU uiu tn placuTliu riRlit lliu im nter luilf around,Tho It tt tho ucurii.t tn thu ground.Diaw Imcit thu whirl a little, thux,To eIvh It iropcr lmju tui.Your haniWuiiuii thu hancllu harShould Ui im ilntnty tuttchit mo.Tlicn pioa.i Mith rlitht foot till you hooTlio Insido kh1h! ililns fin'.Don't ho in linsti" Tho intlnl rlchtl)twriU" ll.o ell do, slnlta hum hhtlju ( ti u nii'OtH i our toot unit' m i

You'i.t liiountuil, nnd tho s iiirn o'er.Cincinnati Enquirer.

Tlio Wlmli. Troullli'.

Billy What's do matter, .TimniiclAin't tit- - cijsar good enough for you?

Jimmii Yes, I guess it was, but 1

didn't know enough to let good enoughalouc. Up In U tte

BY POLICE AT CALLAO.Inquiry hero confirms tho sory com.

iup; from I.lma to tho effect that theStute Department has lodged a de-

mand with the United States chargeof legation at Lima for tho releiae oftho mate of the American bark "Uncle.lohn." He fs arhoro on December19 last at Calh.o, and was arrested be-

cause of his constant demand for "Rai-nier Beer." On tap or in bottles nt theCriterion Saloon.

Nicoly furnished rooms at thePopular Houso, 154 Fort street,from S1.00 per wook up.

Moohmn'cfi' Hiimw. corner Hotelnnd Nunnn" tntftfs 'odginp byday, woo" or month Terms: 26and 50 nonts nor night. SI, and

1 25 ner weok.

Don't bo porsuadocl to nccoptwhat is not ronlly good in en-larged portraits, just bocauso youhave givon an order for one.King Bros, will give you some-thing infiuitoly bettor and cheap-er than you can got anywhoro ohoin town.



No. 316 Fort Street.

ii nnin i

ami W i


Mnde of Hawaiian Silvor'Coinsnnd Beautifully Ennmellod incolors. Seo his Show Windows.

Books, Stationery, Island Views,

Funs nnd Ourios,. Shoet Music,Typewriter Papers andSchool Supplies.

All Prices Always RightH.L.QEAB, G. D. GEAR,

211 Snnsoino St., S. F. 210 Kmg St., II. I.


gaii Francisco andjlonolulu.

Having ollluea In San Francisco andHonolulu we are prepared to attendpromptly to all matters entrusted tous In either of aid places.


LAWYER.Corner of King and Holhel Streets,.

Second Floor.

William A. Henshall,

A.ttomey at LawU:i Kaahumann Street


A.ttomev at Law14 K&abuicanu Street.

Telophuiio No. C82. 49S-6-


A.ttorn.ey at Lavsr andNotai'v Public.

Kaahumunu Street.


Counsellor at Law.204 Merchant Street (ono door (torn

Fort Btreet), Honolulu.






OrriOEi 203 Merchant street, Campbellnioclt rear of J. 0. CarterV office. V, Oltoi s:tfi

A. 0. WALL, D. D. S.,

DENTIST.Sew Love'8 BuildlnR, Fort Street


dr. t. McMillan,Of the Royal Colleuo of Physicians

anil Surgeons of Edinburgh, Etc.

Okkiok: norotaiila St., OppositeHawullaii Holol (Dr Ryder'a.)

Houits: 0 to 10 a. ni 1 to 3 and 7 to8 p. m. Telephone 244.


Physician and Surgeon.ItcslJence; 4S3 Punchbowl Street.

Houas: 10 a. mr to 13 m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to7.30 p. Ill TELEWI0NB 853.

J. S. Walker,1 - Estate' - Broker



Dealer imReal Property,Improved

orUnimproved.Has for Sale and LeaEe



U.2 nouses nnd Lot on Nnnauu streota,-botwee- n

Vineynnl nnd 5ibool streets.2. 1 Largo Lot on Nunnuu Btreot, be-

tween Vinoyard and School streota.3. Largo Lot, Maklklntiett, fenced, 38

test frontuRO.1. Lot on Kinau street between Alapai

and Kaplolaui streets I iO (cot frontage.5. Lot on Lunnlilo street between Allaad Ilnckfeld streets6. 3 largo Lots on Prospect Btreet.7. The Uuildiug known ns Thomas' Bbok,

2.'storici inid embracing C (rented) stxcaoa leased ground,

8. ltico Land at Koolau.0. Lot on ccrnor of Hculu nnd Krcau-mok- u

street', between residence of W. A.Bowen nnd lot of W. M. GifTard, InTingfrontngo on neulu ctteet 260 feot,

10. Lots 6 nnd 7 with House, Halia,Wnikikirond.

i 11. Half Aero Lot in Hilo Town,


1. 3 Cottages at Old Wnikiki.2. Storo and Qwolllng, cornor IVyllie

and Nuunuu, rendji for occupanoy.3. Lot corner Morcbant and Liehardg


Proj)ertie& Managed, Collec-tion of Rents, Loans Nego-tiated and Advances made onReal Estate.

JOHN S. WALKER,Sprcckcls Block, Honolulu.P. O. Box. 039. Tel. 331.

John Mott,Importers and Dealers in

Steel and Iron Ranges,


DIMOND BLOCK.121 & 123 King Btreot.


WHAT?My SiaOOTioth Tubs, linod with best

quality, No. 10 ziuo, 0 iu. Pipe, Uhala andPlug, with wood rim all complete. Otheidealers are 'dumfounded, and resorS to allmanner of Tricks and Excuses.

Be not deceived, these Bath Tubs havebeen sold for $14 until I reduced the price.

I am prepared to do all work in my lineand guarantee satisfaction: Estiraates furnlshed.

If you want a good Job cheap lor Cash,ring up Telophono 844, and I am yonmam

JAB. NOTT Jn,Tinsmith A I'lnrabei



Hotel St., nonr Port. Tel 802

CoDsoliuateu Soda Water Co., LI' Esplanade,

Corner Alien & Fort Sts., Honolulu.


'Hawaiian Soda Works,

Factory: Bonny South.


ft.fanir ,'f, i, ir ijl jdojtiMJliMML.,JrJ)if:i-ibhJS'- aftafAA&gf y,.,5&foiJ-,i.4- .'- - -


Valuable BusinesB Properly on'

Nuuunu streot, bringing a good


Sevoral IjoIs near Ihinohbowl

and at Makihi, tho Choicest Eosi-denc- o

Property in tho- - city. A

porfoot vioT7-frot- Uinmond Ileadto Kwix, Honolulu nnd Harbor.

FourlloiisosntidLoUonrunob-bow- l

stroot, only Svo minuteswalk from tlio Post OfEco.

We nleo hnvo ComfortableHouso8 fov sale on sw.y toruiH si- - ituated on tlio followiug strcetsjLunalilo, Kinau, Sukui, Has- - ,

singer, Bsrutnniu, Young, Vic-

toria, Grsen, Thuraion Avouue,

Pnnahou, Jjililm and 2hmanu.

Buildirig Lots in all parts of theoity on tho instalraant plun.

Sovoral woll ostablished Lodg-

ing Houses.

Goffso Land3 on Hawaii und a

Pineapple Eanoh with Htuo andother fruit troe3-aoa- r Honolulu.'

A. V. GEAR1& CO.,

210 King Street.

Beaver - LunchH O O M S .

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor

The Best Lunch in TownTea and Coffee



Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS ON HAND.

OCCIDENTAL HOTEL,Corner King ami Alakea Streets,

Honolulu, H. IMrs. Bns Erotorsc, Projrlalross.

Rooms Ensulte or Slngls, with orwithout Boanl,f5.E0 por week nnd ils,

aiconllng to requlrrinetits oftho gut'sta.

The only Promouudo Roof GardenIu the oily. Call ami oxaiuluu tliu preinUes, every comfort guarantied. Hotand cold baths.

MR8.GU8FROKOESE, 'P O. Box 176. 654.


Established 1874.

King St. near Thomas SquareHome-Mad- e BREAD,

Cakes : and : PiesI Served Frosh Every Day

H. F. SINGER,Tolephopo 872. Solo Prop'r,


T. ICroiiae. 3PropPor Day 0 2.00Per Week 12.00.

pooled. XuEon-tlal- SlatBlThe Best of Attendance, the Best Bitu.tion anil tho Finest Meals in tlifo OUy




Page 7: ii, rt, 'v jtw · guard against it aud that tho local dairymen will awako from their lothargy and make soino movo to protect thoir own inter-ests. Every pound of imitation buttor








Paints, 'Oils and Glass

1 Wall Piper, Mattingc,

'Etc., Etc., Etcc

LEWERS & COOKE,. 473 Fort Street, - Telephone 10 1

W. G. Irwin & Go.Limited.

.Agents forWestern Sugar Rollnery Co. of Ban

FranciscoUnldwiii Locomotive Works of Fhilu-delpht-

IVun.. USA.Hewoll Uulvenul Still Co. (National

UnuoSbreddorJ.Ncw York, U. S. A.N.OIilandt & Co's Chemical Fertilizers.Alex Cross & Boas, high grado fertil-

izers for Untie and Coffrc.Heeds Stonm I'lpo Covering

AlsoOffer for SaleFamfflne Paint Oj'b P &B Paints and

Papers; Lncol and Linseed oils, rawand boiled.

Indurino (n cold water paint) in whltoand colors.

Filler Press Cloths, Clement, Lime andHricks.

r.inw and trima

AGENTS FOR..New F.Nfii.ANn Mittiiat. T.tfp Tn- -

i surance co. of boston.Mtua. Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. G. Irwin, - Frosidont and ManngorOlans Sprockets,'W. M. Giuard, Secretary and TroasnrerTheo. 0. Porter, ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AOKNTS OP THK




Queen street, Honolulu, H.I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, Onomea SufrsrCompany, llonomu Sugar Company, Walluku

V Sugar Company, Walhce Sugar Company, MakeeSugar Company, Halcalcala Ranch Company, Kapapala Ranch. Planters' Line San FranciscoPackets, Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of Boston

. Packets. Agents Boston Board of Underwriters,Agents Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

list or orrioERSiP 0 Jones, Presldont; George H, Robertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Soo.retary j Col. V F Allen, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,B Watcrhouse, A W Carter, Dirootors.



Oor. Fort and Qneon Streets, Honolulu,


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

laropean and American Dry Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.


I Doalors in Lumber and Goal) and Building Mntorials of all

kinds.Qneen Street, Honolnln,


Just Lik&Gold Coin.

For more than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood the testagainst ull remedies preparedto eradicate puin, and todaystands at the head of tho listamong tho medicines that aroso essential to keep at hand inthe home.

It is not a new (angle remedynor do the proprietors layclaim to any wonderful revela-tion of tho ingredients that en-

ter into tho manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It ie perfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will cer-

tainly gtvo relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein the house. ,

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noetjuml.

JJC Tho new 35c. sine con-

tains over double tho quantityof tho 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Bole Agents for the Islands.


The celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .



225 Queen street, Honolulu, H, 1

lb Wiiilon Feed Co.

Have removed to tho commodiousbuilding formerly occupied by V S.Luco, auctioneer,

Corner Fort f Queen Sts,They have on hnnd a choice and

fresh stock nf Flour, Feed, etc, andwill he plea-c- d lo nee nil their old custoniersuinl iiiunv new mien.

FKEDCO.Honolulu, 0 Holier 4, 1697

Fresh GroceriesBy Each Steamer.

Table .'. DelicaciesA specialty at

VOELLER & CO.'S,Corner Hotel and Fort Streets.

WST Telephone 680 tSlH. Y $ co.,

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., Honolulu

TVlnnhnnnr 22 P.O. Box 470


Contractor and Builder.Offices and StArcs fitted up and

Estimates given on


tST Offlco and Shop: No. 619 Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wriuht's Carriage Shop.

A GOOD THING4--- U Q-- -0

Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewood

Cat and Split (ready for the Stove),Also.



At Lowost Prtos, delivered to any part olthe City.


HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.

u k i


A,VaGEAR&C0Ottoe: UlU Klni: Street.

DREjL estate... AND ....

general Business Agents

Loans Negotiated and CollectionsMade,

Stocks Bought and Sold.

Hooks Audited rind Accounts Adjusted,

Sills Bounht and NotBBniBCDuntE.a, ' ,

FitfMnd Life !n$uianc& Ageijfc?

Commencements Will

Sson Be Coming OftGraduating classes wantclass photos made. Lowerclasses ought to havethorn, too. Wo want todo all tho collogo workthis year. Our posingand grouping aro not surpassed anywhere.Wo know our prices areao low as tho finest workis worth.

J.J.WILLIAMS'Art Studio,

Fort Street. Honolulu.

Tommy K. Nathaniel,

Office: Kalawao, Molokal, H. I.

Abstract and BusinessOffice Agency.

Having beeu entrusted from busi-ness men till over the Inlands for thepast year, I am prepared to ninltcAbstracts of Titles or Deed In .i mustthorough, accurate and complete intu-tier- ,

utid to negotiate sale" or leased otlands bolotigitig to those who are reHiding at the Settlement on short no-

tice. G33.3mi

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Morchant Stroot

FOR 8ALE.12 Chineso Qrauito Hitching Fonts; $5

each1 Surrey in tine ordor; prico $200.Houso irad Lot, 76x105 ft., on No. 71

7onng streot parlor, .1 bedrooms, kitchendining-roo- oto.

Lot on Wildor avenuo 100x300 ft., fenced;price $2100.

TO LET.Houso in Robello Lane; dining-room- ,

kitchen, bathronin, carriago houso andstables; large vard

W. H. RICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttond to Conveyancing in

all its Branches, Collectingand all BusinooB Matters

of trust

All Business entrants in lnmwill recoive Prompt and Carefulaiwuuuui uuiuui

Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii.


Paper Hanger and DecoratorIsland Ordors attonded to with dispatch.

All work oarefnlly and promptly executed.

CtT OrncKi Smith Btreot, with SamuelKaholookalani Pua. Residenooi I'alama.



Book and Job PrinterMerchant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

Over Hawaiian News Company'sBook Store mv 18,


Mercantile Agency210 King street.

Difficult Collections a Specialty

OCTOBER 18, 1'J7.

ltuiriio Drcur.ito Salnrift.

Flaco tli" html containing OioFnlndiu an outer ouu Ftmirwliut lnrg' r, tfgins'? or silver. Fill iu Ik hpton titlicracked ice. Iu tliu mlildlo of thn c.ihiuplaco nil arrjiigeiiK-i- t of thinly plirrdcucumber picklcM iu tlio 8linpo of :i f,tnrmid linvo opposite each ray the ring of alinrd boiled epg (tlin white only), withnu olivo in the middle, ""his ornaiticnt.i-tio- n

can lio varkd hy t n littlo redradish instead of the ol . ur placing nslender cuoumber pickle through eachof tlio egg rings.

How til Caru I"r tlio i:nrn.A prouiiucnt physician k.ivs that ninti'

than half of tlio cir troubles from whichpcoplo snfTcr during the cold we.ilhercan he traced to tho lialiit of picking nttho cars with tho finger nails or hahpins or Mime ether hard sub' taiice,which Irritates the delicate in.uli of tliooar. Instead of this injurious "piil.iug,"tho ears should bo wnshod out withwarm water and a littlo good neap andthoroughly dried after tho operation Iftho e.iriaroH'iisitive, a little enrtnti mayho put in before going into the open air,though this is apt to maUo thim eenmoro sensitive. In extremely coldweather, beforo venturing out a goodwny to clean thu ears is to wrap thecorner of a towel uround tlio finger, amiwith n little cold cream carefully wipeout tlio auricle. It will iitnoe eerypartiolo of dust and will icully protecttho cars from tho coul, hut it can scarce-ly bo rccouiuionded for regular use.

How to lltcnmo n Onoil Tulkt-r- .

Tho art of conversation consists in thoexercise of two flno qualities you mustoriginate, and you must sympathize.Yon must possess nt tlio sanio time tliohabit of communicating and tho habit oflistening. To listen sympathetically andto talk nmusiugly nro generally supposedto bo two distinct qualities Fcldom, ifover, united iu tho same individual, andit would bo well for thoso who desire toshiuo as talkers to study tho goldenmenu and judiciously combine both ac-complishments.

How to Kill Water IIiirii.Todrsttoy tlio insects iu your kitchen

sprinkle, powdered borax fricly and hittrups of flat dishes of molasses and beer.

A Swell Mral.

yJi.tes' sojr-rZ?i4- . u UI.. --t:irao4i:--eir- t-


First Shipwrecked Ouo I'nt hungry.Is there anything?

Second Shipwiccked One Nothingbut n fuw more rolls. New York World.

A Good Guesser.


g J,

First Boy Plonso, sir, why did thoangels want Jacob's ladder to get toheaven by when they had wings to flywith?

Parson rather puzzled) Can anyother hoy answer this (jnesti.iu?

Second Hoy (e.igrrly) l'iiao, sir,their wings wui moltine' tch.

If you nro interested in tho subject of onlurgod portraits, it wouldbo worth your while to boo thosamples at King Bros, at pricesranging from S5.00 to 10.00fnimea and all. Thoy can't bo beat.

City Carriage Co.. J. S. And.ratio, manager. If you want ahack with good horse nnd oare-f- ul

drivor ring up Telephone 118,oomer of Fort and Merchantstreefp. Hack nt all hours.

Boforo giving your ordor for aEortrait, seo what King Bros,

show in craypn enlarge-ments and judgo for yourselfwhether they can give you thobfBt value for your monoy ornot.

When you have a portrait onlarged soo that you got yourmonoy'a worth. King Bros, havereduced prices to S5.00, SG.C0,$7.50 and 810.00 for work thatthoy guaranteo to bo firstclass.Thoy invito comparison.

Singers load tho world. Over13,000,000 made and sold. High-est awards at tho World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, great speed, ad-

justability, durability, oaso oflearning and convomouco of ar-rangement. B. Borgorson, agont,1GJ Bothel streets.


Have removed from the Old Stand, corner Fort nnd Bere-tan- ia

Street, to tlio

Love Street.



NoticeThe City Furniture Store


Undertaking ParlorsBuilding, fcorfc


E3r Tho UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT isfully equipped with all tho Latest Facilities in its lino.

II. II. WILLIAMS, Manager,Undertaker and Embnlmer.

Rksidenck: King street, near Rich Offioi:: Love Huildlng. Teletdioiards. Telephone No. 849 No, &10.



-- Importers and





pany, L't'd.Corner Fort and Ilotol Streets.

Dry Goods,

Hardware and




Plantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & CO.201 to 215 Fort Streot.

Photoaranh Com- -


1 -

- -


.. !

in- -



Is opon for business. Portraits of every description upon the bestPapers, Platinum, Iridium, Mezzo tint, Carbon, and all other papersknown in Photography, Beet work guaranteed at moderate prh en.

Cabinets from $G 00 tier Dozen. Pictures mado Life Size direct.Appointments uiudo by Telephone 492. Bole proprietors of tho

Bas-Reli- and Iridium processes. Largo collection of recent IslandViews.



Saw Filer in This Country.JUl Kinds of Saws Sat,Filad or RBtaottiBd.

Call and Seo , u

GEO. W. LINCOLN, Builder,King Streot.















V.J.NIL. , C ' w' Jjf dm Am A, itJito.'&fJIiH.Wi. ', - J) ..i:ji,'C

Page 8: ii, rt, 'v jtw · guard against it aud that tho local dairymen will awako from their lothargy and make soino movo to protect thoir own inter-ests. Every pound of imitation buttor






lfPP'-1"1-"- w$W'irTf?tT ": rr .,r- - . ,. 'TJlp'',,'' ""


i.V- -I ' '


"We Have in Oporafcion a ISew

Dry Roller Feed Crushernnd are prepared to furnish freshly ground PEED0 F ALL KIN DS. Our Roller is run by

Electric Power and Not by Steam

full line ofJ


constantly on hand.

California Feed CompanyTelerhone 121.

WttAJLTl--i !!!

SCHLITZ BEERIs Volcano of Health!!!

On Account of Its Purity ill

Schliiz BeerALSO ADDS


To the Ribs of its Consumers.


It is vory fino to seetho 6unri80 and tho dew

like gems intho early morn in thobut littlo lator in thoJay comes that

A offoods will assist nature

in your stay intho

si.edtins of meat and fishes, littlotins of fruits andsmall tins of biscuitsand puree of foio gras,

bottles olives foror

Tho latest infor



Fino Cream.










Our is the Finest I'usortia tlio City. Cull aud till 11

O'clock 1'. M,






Maefarlane & Co., L't'cL,Sole A.o,erits.


hungry feeling.

bountiful supplyhearty

makingcountry pleasant.



individualbicycle luncheonexcursion.

novelty biscuitsespecially bicyclists.

For those away from homowo offerfor of mail

orders.small orders

than bigones and just asDo as wo do got tho-Jie-st foryour money.

but what is thouse of if it isn't good?Truo of Hawaii andtho

of food, notof good food.To livo well need not mean

it means good taBteand whom to buy.

Our store is tho where to buy.It's big, up to dato, busy,

alive to tho march ofdirect from tho

of anddirect to

That ought to count, and it does.Our prices aro the lowest.

LEWIS CO.,Xtoadine: Gvocovn.






&211 Vn-- t


wrPICTURE MOULDINGS,They also make of

Vacuum Oily, Cyclone Windmill, Howe'sGmut uud Blasting Powder, Fuse ana Cnps, Etc.

Pacific Hardware Co., LtdSfcvoot.

Hie Elite Cream ParlorsSTREETS,

I'titablisluueutboo Opeu

Queen Street


shipped quickor

Quantity counts;food

wholn country:Plenty plenty



fountainheads soiling







PEOPLE'S EXPRSS CO.Ojtick: 207 Mkiiciiam Sijjeit,

Tolophono 139.Furniture and Pianos enre-full- y


Baggage Chcclcd at Your Home.

rftRINQ US UP. C70 3ra


Big Freighter Braemar on the New Line

to Portland.

Schooner tymon D. Foster Returns to

Sound Gunboat Wheeling at Target

Practise Noeau Sails.


Fino weather on ontiro Kauaiconst. .

Tim Bolgio pasBengerfl were sed

from qunnintiuo today.Tim U S S Wheeling goes to La-hain- a

for target practieo tomor-row.

Thoro aro 3000 bags of augar atWniuiea and 800 bags sugar atMakawoli awaiting shipment.

Tho schooner Lyman D Foster,with soventy-fiv- o tous of ballast,sailed for Port Townspnd yester-day.

Tho Kilauea Hou landed fortyhead of cattlo from Parkor'sBauch at tho J.oper Settlementyestotday and broimht n big lot ofsugar from Ookala for this port.

Signs now ornnment tho railingof the counter at tho customhouse, showing tho location ofouch branch of business, such asdeputy collector, blanks, pass-ports and bonded.

Tho survivors of tho bark Sela-do- n,

that was loct while boundfrom Newcastle, N S W, for Ho-nolulu, wort all forwarded to theirhomes in Norway from Sydneylast mouth. Olaris Lado was thoonly officer Baved from tho wreck.

Tho steamship Braemar whichnrrives hero Wednesday next fromYokohama on route to PortlandiB tho firflt of the now line of thoNorthorn Pacifiu Steamship Cora-pau- y.

Tho company has decidedto put the steamers linu'mur,Mogul and Pelican on the Portland--

Oriental run. Tho TacomaLedger says jNortneru rucinc nnu

recently closed a contract with thoO It fe N railway to opcrotosti'iuiieis between Portland andJapuneao and Chinese portfl andto uivo a monthly service over theroute. It waH reported by theVictoria Colonist that tho steamerOlympia, of the Tacoma-Oriont- al

line, together with the steamerliraemar, would be sot apart andmanagod on tho Portland-Orienta- l

route as an entirely now line.wuou asiceu recently concerningtho roport, Mr Dodwoll stated thatall reports concerning tho Port-land lino other th'iu what had

' been made public by him throughthe Oregoninn were untrue. TheBraemar, the Mogul and thoPelican havo all beeu at Tacomain tho interest of the NorthernPacific lino. Tho Uraomar andtho Pelican made soveral tripsbetween Tacoma and China andJuuau. The Uraomar and thoMogul are among the largestfreighters in Pacific waters. ThePelican, whilo by no moans in-

significant, is ouo of tho Htimllofltsteameis engaged in trans-Paeit- io



From Port Blakely, por Colum-bia, Oct 1-- A Gerbosh.

From Kauai, por stmr JamesMakoe, Oct 17 J Toms and 4dcok.

From Kauai, por stmr Koau-ho- u,

Oct 17 W A Kinnoy, J 0Ascholl and 10 on deck.

From Kauai, por stmr Mika-hal- a,

Oct 17 W H Rico, ClmsItice, Mrs M S Rice, Mrs H Iseu-ber-

F laukeo, Miss Waid, MrsKalihi Lovell, Alice Lovell, OSchaofer uud on deck.

From Maui, per stmr Holoue,O.'t 17 --L A Dielcy, E Hobs. 0H Aki, Miss Aki, G Kaiser, WinCampbell, V K Hutchinson, A

kEnos aud wife, Sum Keo andchild, 11 Gardner, L M Votleaeuand 37 on deck.


Stmr KlliMien Hon, Weir, from OoKala.Mr bk Aelliellierlit I'ioiii tioutli America,

camo to 11 llnektel't V: Co,Stmr Kauna, l'arker, from Oaliu iorts,Stmr IIlIcih', Kieemau, Iniiii Maul iorts,Stmr Junius Makm, Tullctt, troiu Kupaa,

Kauai.Stmr Kuauliou, Thompson, from Kauat

iiorts.Stmr Mlkalm'u, Tliouiiinn, fiom Kmuil

1101 ts.


Stmr Kacna, l'arker, for Oaliu ports.Stmr James Makcc, Tullctt, for Kapaa,

KamiStmr Mokolll, llenuett, tor Mololcul, .Maul

aud Laual,Stmr Noeau, I'ctersou, for Labalna,


llOHN. '

TOlUlEUT-- ln this city, October 10. 18U7, tothe wife of James I., Torbert, a sou.


i .-- . .Diamond Mead Slirnal Station, Oct 18, 1

pm. The wcntlicr Clean 1ml llfilit SE,


"H S S S1

Dav. ? S I 5 B

a a '.JL cJ ' a 51a tb o (p

n. m. p. m n. in. p.m.Monday 18 0.20 10.f9 1 .00 5.28

In ill.Tuesday 10 10.30 2.24 .... 0.00

p. n . n. in.Wccluemlny 20 11.27 0.01 6.31 4.10

Thursdny 21 'o.lS, 010 0.C8 6.37Friday 22 1 01' 120 7.24 O.GO

. in. p in.Saturday 23 1.53 1.46 7 17 8.02Snuduy 24 2.38 2.20 8.12 0 00

Standard tlmo whittle sounds at lSli.om. os. (mld'-iliiht)-, (Irccnwlcli time, whichIt Ili.'Som. p. in. of Hawaiian Standard time.


Steamer dnc mid to mil tomorrow and fortlio next six da) s nro as follows.


Steasieiis. 1'iiom. Dub.Warrlraoo Victoria Oct 10Klna-u- III1 Oct IU

llracmar Yokohama Oct 2JMoana 8an Francisco Oct 21I'cni Yoknhatni Oct V!2

Mokolll Molokal Oct 21Ilclcnc Knliului Oct 24Jllkahala Knual Oct 24Mauna Loa Kona Oct 28Mlon era Victoria Oct it!


Siiumkii". Fun. Sails.Wrirrlmoo Colonics via Wellington. .Oct 10

Mokolll Molokal and Lanal Oct ID

Mlkuliala Leeward Kauai ports Oct 10Hclcnu Kalinluliind wayjiorts Oct 10.Mauna Loa - Kon.i Oct IdHanntl Kiikalau uud Ookala OutUHDraernar Portland Oct 20Australia san Francisco Oct 2(1

Moana Colonics la Auckland Oct 21Klnau llllo and ulndward ports Oct 23rem San Francisco Oct 23Mlowera Sydney Ui WcllliiRton Oct 20


t.x James Makec 300 bags rice for E O& Son,

F.v Mlkalmln (B linirn rlnv 11 li.lU litiloa. . n n . :. . - " -tne b ubk coiue










Ex Kuauliou 1023 liazs paddy. 153 bacsrice, G bdl tildes

Kk lleleiie C(i78 baj:s suc;ar. 3'Jl5 basfluid-!- , 41 bas corn, 21 boi;s, C pkejs sun-dries.

E.x Kilauea llou-- IMS bas sujfar.

Miss Zella E. Leighton, n pupilof Shakespeare, London, andPasta of Milan, lias opoued astudio for voico culture at 108Emma street.


!' b 1f'.v it " ',"'vy1j?',' J

Ex "Irmgard" $$E plcw Shipment of the


iIBl-WI- I






Guaranteed to bo Absolutely WithoutAdulteration.

HACKFELD & CO,Sole Agents.

.IJ..IJ. ,U. M U U --

Papa PaystTho. Rills

The whole family wear shoes. There tuaybo half a dozen pairs all going along oti the

wido road to destruction at once half a dozen

pairs of feet helping to pile up the figures on

tho expense side of Papa's ledger.4

Papa is tho ono who knows what it is worthto save a quarter on the price ofi overy pair of

shoes he buys. Hence Papa buys here.

The Manufacturer's Shoe Co.,

.' & i- - "rrLj -

Honolulu, H. I.-- H- -W-H-H --H


A Full Line of P. D. Corsets.

Fine Black Laces.

Wool Work Slipper Patterns.Stamped Doylies and Tea Cloths, New Patterns,

Jloniton and Battciibcvg Lace Braid.Linen Lace Thread, Drapery Silks.

Roman Stripe and Plaid Ribbons.

Kid Gloves, New Shades, FullAssortment of Colors

and Makes.

SPECIAL MENTION.Wo Havo at tho Present Time tho


Ever Shown in Honolulu.


!C33CCCCC3CC43C33;No. 10 Fort Street.

IMttU'' --y?"ir'" ZTt3zrr:



