M Ii 13 THE SUN SUNDAY APRIL28 1001 IS THIS CANCERS GERM TtKTAlLA OF DK C4V7O I S OISCOV- KKV AXl ITS UrAtitX- Un Director of the StaU Cancer iJiborator ThInk th Illteai I C ntrd lir Proto and T1 al the Whole Ilodr I Infected o Care Yet In Sl bl The announcement wn petit out froi Buffalo a few veek KO that lr Henry U- laylorJ of that city had nuccepdod In lilontl tying the germ of caner While the talo went was received with coino Incrpilulit further Infornuitlon reuardlnc Ur Ciaylord- tnvestlentlons Im nrniii eil tlio Interest o physician Thl ItitcrMt U duo lu nnrt ti- the knowlrle that Dr Haylnrd work hi hren enrrlfd on with the ndrlco of Dr Vll Ham 11 Welch of llallimore who hold place In the medical profession Dr Oaylordd own report of hM year of appear In tho May mini her of the luicrican Manual of the Vfcica Science Dr Oaylord Im been conductlni- Mperlinent looklnit townrd lolatloi of the cancer serm for tho h t elcht years After blnc grvluttcJ from tho Tnlvursity o- Icnnfylvania medloul school In IHOJ hi went to Johns Hopkins to dimly under Dr Welch Nest Dr Vflrh outlined a cour i of tudy for him In Europe On Ills retitrt- frnm nbroad lr inylord wn ucccitlvel- profeiaor of sursery nt the tnlveully o lluffnlo and diiif of clinic nt flip Iluflalo Oen ernl Hospital Ho became a friend of Dr lloswull 1urk the surtfoon and upeclHllsi In cancer operations Dr Turks liivi ilitlons and report were it thIs tituo ivillin cenfral attontlon to tin ivide previilornry nml nhrminit Increase of cancer III nortliffrn New York and largely thruiitfli work ntnl liillueitcn the Htnto ctuli- Illuil n pttholiivlcul laboratory at lluffali- thrro vcnri a o for the Meclflo purpoi c- linveiticatlni iMiicir- Dr luylord wi mad dlrvctor of lalo atory nnd fiiicivil upun th work out Iliiril with creat ciitlmsln He vns aldiv by a ltriro fiirp uf as i iant In lilt pap In the Imiriiuiiourmiii UfiiVil Sciinc- i ulvmi n tfilitiicnl illlulled uc ount ol UK inure liiiimriaiit uf tho Mi is which l il ii lo fie liliiiltlUatlim of uriani iii cf forniF which wer found lu ill of cancer u iinall highly ivfractlve f rn which In huspcnsloii pusetM a hUhly char iiciiristio oiiillatini innllnR larger pate forms proluciini p niidiipwlii nml urnlal form uplier- Icnl lnidiiK lli lnc llirnlorii v ri iu new tiiuthiidx t Ktalninc tlmlr sec rlcji for their inlcrosi e lilus a it wa found that l y HIM olilcr of striinlue- nnly the lonn oniild Iw dUtliiifuishfiJ- Iroin Iho imcle and round will of lU u elemcnu- Dmlnc tho winter of lki 99 an elubornte- i erle of tt carriwl mi al the laboratory whifh led to tli following conclu tho boulM of tln e- dyluif from CUII T thai all the or in tnkin from nil rvitiini- of nil ia en drlnir of riuc r rontaln l rti This I fnlliiweil by till Maternent that the t al o apiwnr in tlut blood I living anil tho laboratory It now n ireful liivtstlsntlon of tin MI of nt which HIIM orKaiiUia Information wlr h wlmn will be of ifieiH value In diaentisii of the ili- ea o Hut the Immediate popular lntir t In thin discovery lies In tho thut il iinn to to oil uf ruiv ry by Pailrnti who hovo rfach il an advuruid tiiKe of citi cer at lea t until n imiliid of deitrovimr the cerm Itwlf shall hav b n ili i v rid A- tireent tho only motliod uf treating cani r s with the iiriteoti knllii And the modnrn furKeon deeiutr nnd wld r nil about the inlected riirloti thuti ver bBlnr- he vintiot houo to erudlcuto it Ui eu n that il t In every organ und In the circulatory of lb blood inelf Tim Kuril huvu only to when another tuiimr npiieiir knife a h ueu Thnt nt least N th IoiKluKiuu of ho have gtuditil Dr iavlurdH tiKutloim Dr Oaylord fives ditailt ol a Ionic iirioi of in tin han nupcep iw i In Inoculutlnc Kuitiea putb rabjilts and do M with Iho cnncur tnlcrobi iivve in- Inoculntinir thi animals nnd Iil4d inoi tru lon of the fet that tho virulence of tle- cerm may be r atly Increased by njcr ivi- cultur s are of great Importarnv n theri am occasional abortive cuscs In xvliirhcanucr 1m K previously been tliu Inoculate i the remaimlwr of Dr CJnvloid report I devoted to u hUtory of miliT ob of Hie lane r cerm In wliieh in Involved n di iMi ii ii of the iie il n u to flielhtT tlio ipurnilto Is un nninial or n vec- etnblo H Kifin to cuncluivi that to far lnveticatrs hav biMji wrouir thfir nuiiponllMii tlmt tin U n ttie eiuluint Italian- patliiiliijl t unit ull iillniM who havn doiu- innre than rnake a KuifCition In Un mat- t r have believed tint tu bo H lov- fonn of fiuiul a yent Dr Jayluixi thinks das ii ri irotonon- To lay inlnd tlm tlUtlnitlort may tInt tfutn but lo tho cienist tIM Kiblishiuunt of l r iavlorili us ti th naturn of thnpariiiii U uf lilithest- linporinnet nr Ir nr up an en new line of iiivituatnii- ThU will he more cleurl utider tooil when N that ailliliC Iimro Illlponalit infectious iiivii i thai urn knoun or be lu be ilim to parislte in olilv one mulirri i IM fiaiatiie us u toui i er the mlcmbis uf bubonic A i iie ri ler i Hptlieri- utnllnena v ui IIMIIIII fuver- tnbfrciiUxi unit titainiK or imkjuw uri rrnMeri i f vi viable nature on the li i of Mime tin iiaiani nf wli rilil- iiis liiihcriu bjluil invimUcatuis nr carlet lever niuli mnallpux iliouinuuo Iecrl- iv Irouhiiijli uiiil ujiuer That iitiuiy ol tlito latter wilt now liln to tlm riffs iM H by ihe lad thit Dr liivord already e- Ulllihrd a klti hii between tho raniir kcnn- nnd vaifihe Th hitter nn obtained by iiieiliu nnd tiu uvh mar- vel oti ly in id prevnniiuiiii mnill- po its In Mil lieen illlilerilouil The treat iiu 111 Dr i rdi nil liolllirclJii 11 lies thiTilore In iln ii I that li- lia i oiniid mil u rifV dour thn mlt whivii the Kecrei uf an niiiuiier i t tint luoul nmladlft that iilllii I poHily reiilied and flu tin tIll will How be iiinreiitmied Hie iiaiii of the pathological laboratnricn ol tillS world Rivriz JMIVV iiiitn- tteil tu Hho i Ihlnui Ip I I in uniib ll on Ihf sunrise Mile of lonn the Orientil ilub which has room ut- 4j atreet anil whifli in thn pisl ha- upported the 11 lliiiil of ifm Hun Jim 1arniili lnhl a nishl an I tuiil wiiii tiini iiv lieiniiraoy of ttlilch dunen is liii- leade Years t tho eliowUcr m d lilt of MM liri lull tti one ut Hie of i i t Slilo life anil u is one uf oldii orini in city It now h A rncmbersJiip of niiuiu tour huidrcd ai- cordini t ufflVi It Iliniriiiuii il- llnrii Itrl wi tru ted tu nuilfy cltv Denio of tlm attitude Uiien by- Iho club Vblhl Cornell The marrlngo of Mi Lillian llushrnoro Cornell uml I Jw ml T child of Ildlaililphlfi took plnce yi aflernoon Irotes of Ail Angel Went l nd- avenun unit ll tr il The Itev- h Do Iinniev u ie rul Itrforiued lhi ix reI- IIOIIV III i 11 urlurli ilnl tile lirulu VMI RW V by hr rillir Williiii T Curnell JH- lloretHK K ullii II utl Illlell Ilir MS was tb t er were I lie Mi s l- v ay of Ihiliuteltiiii t nii iiid- lerliritf illiin N inia llrk llriilKiriin ii The briii nniU- unnell tilth llmlulev- Siii1nl Dr hil- eltayiolil Mirlil I liuile II Hunter lid i IMI M Kiiil we il ilr- Mr itnl M WHIist uT urn II me brhten- linrent Km n reet Ion their I urin- ris lityflrt ireeLiiinr the rhunli- Krernony Wllrl Draper I e rr4iria e of Mr tJiari Uuel- wiii s with IV ii l er A Co- lu Mr ll ireiii c DrH look plinv i n il- pveninuof irMV4 l he th1 bride mieii Mr inrt Mrs I urnell- nt kj Amity trer llriklyu Tho- innnv wi Tfnii il Iiv the Ierey T- Olruii n liirit i s I ri hurrli Mi Ad ills nl Viuvn I a ii ln o in li r Wuid of- i inie mil i Hlin i be r inun The i r i mil I II i lord mid V Htfiis Mi Hid M v ii peniint- I r ii al i ii- INSI HAMI niio if th JTVI- ni Jii irli iient irk i IM 11 nniH nil ur virih upt- iIAllllnl IMi IMI IS a loon t- high three invt atIofl will the IiI the r the i vti IOU ira il ug J11t9 Ii IiI y ttI It n Iinte s blood U utrr f I Ii iCi ii Iin orgn ti Ins o lent i pursuing cuts b Ills Iii ts Wti I in I iUi t JII ittts hI tiL t tIM ItIit tIt < w I tIO IIpt ftI I IIi Ii- I 1 I t I lUll IrIl Ill IIIrIII I flit ti lId Ir I haiti HI SIlt dun fin I i ra iIi itt muii lllSiI lUg Itt dec I ij tfl i I II ill iiil ill < I feat ii SIlO t II5 tli W I SIP t tIC ay I rita y In I illS I ant Ep1 put ti lit h l lit r t I r I I r 1111111 I liur t tji i I tuv flit I i is I i t SIP 0 lit It SI t iOfl IIII alt hiitif 11 itt I i I s l ir- t I I I I l ilIHvI ki 4rIIlS ILl I NI itIPI hg It 4 IrflII Ill IIiltIuI4 u > > > < < < < < < > ¬ < < < ¬ > > > > MDON AIM WIGGINS oin HKUAnu nvsiNEss imoKFns ANI- IllOMoTUIIS and psrlnert furnlshei merchants manufacturer arid other lrln r t- iulcnd business mock bonds Midi money for leittl- allenllon Telephone No 2400 Corlland- ltfl300 HUYS 8IKMnt COTTAOB with b t and hoathniue Ac rnuM location on Ih Hudson Fur full particulars apply al- McDOVALD 4 lroadway- t2o Ion SAirCtiM pet In a lane steam laundry itnluj a prosperou- busiRKu plant fully equipped and In lull operation located In husr town Full Informs lion al our office McIKVAU A WIGGINS 237 Broadway tsiHH IAIAV WANTED money secure In mariuficturlnr buMCM now In operation am located eloe to Xew York dIV and ralued at tin 0u vrry hlrhc it ol references and HrlctMt uf la replication Invited McUOXALl A WIGGINS 237 Ilroadway- J4000 UPVS ITXUST IIOTKI In Ilerjen county hall New York and Tiuedo 7 SCIM of land one hue hothouse equipped with lurnl Sure rent M1 monthly with and old e- lahlUhed dine to depot Including hor e wseoni- carriaie kr proprietor has other builbrw for this life unit clear Intrllcau this opportunity Iull particular and photograph at our mcr MCDONALD 4 WIGGINS 217 nro d ay 510000 WILL SECUltr an old established pro peruiu retail bmlnew located In the heart of the re tall dry oudi ill trlft Particulars at i WIUliIN3 217 Uroadwa- ytlnuoof LOAN WANTED money In amply cured In a manufacturing buslneM bulne- ol JlonOlW yearly located prominent city We plnnt nt Jliooo my l reference will bear Investigation Applr at 237 Broadway 401100 WILL IMHCIIASE an old e tsMI riei confectionery ruanufiuliirlnir bmlneM Inrludlni- renl e ite In the most promlnf city In of Connecticut one nt Ihn nnrst lit kind In thl nmntry t2Jooo of to In extended In the buMnef doing bu IneM of KOOOO hhrhrsit of rrfrrrncrs MCDONALD wmoivs w iirosdway lilVS iiRtKTnV hskery and school sup pile located ichoolliou1 In a prnmlnT town clo e to Imdircport litt years business owl 111 hesUih and joins away cauw for selling Apply to McDONAIU WIGGINS 237 Itrovlwsy- JISIHJIIIIJ KsiA iiiftiiii nino sT mrl- ocMid clou to Kant Jvnh si New York city tl ln- ibuilneM ol U dally tloo monthly prullU death li- fmclly cause of Apply at- MIHNAIU ft 37 lroadway- KSJHiilllCYSlATkXTASHSirriSV HUrT Inestors huuM nrr at once vtuiettilfit nil Mm- Ilrj at our iifllce lnve iiiit this InrtlculaM a McDONALD VHHlIS 27 IlroadwayI- CiciiKi TAllTAL WAXTKD money l ainpl secured und to Iw ciiiendrd in a manufacturing i lila nntr In operation locnted In moAt New State otnbllthed 20 year Un- valued at 2inHi 5i liaruls mitt employed llttl In thU Jibe htKhr of rffrrelices A- ppj at MCDONALD v 247 iiromiirny- Jloimo CAIJTAI w NTiDfone lianuie- iurrd and In br t red a in a Dianufarturlm- hmlneii no In oper iiun plant tallied al 7l iHi- oInriiidlnn u huiuei proprrty Ac plant equipped loralrd In Oninectlvut Apply at McDONAlI WIUOINS 2i71lroad ay- 2rN i IciAX WANTKD Money li amply tcciiria- vlll pnvwitli Dionlh ir huntJi- of leferrncrM SlId IntrMliiatlnn alluvefl pply l MCDONALD VliliiINS 71ln id ay- l7Tiiiiriir YH established loci llnu rloir to Toil Ije ferry Kr orU side pro i rl tur uirm tile pruiwrty and jll lv long le e- fuw rrnl cnme or siftIng old nj retlrlnt froii- buMnevs thl hotel I rIce and of all incuui full pnrtkulus apply al- MellriNALD 4 Ilroadway- lioiKHj lISTS olUfHtabiUhid liSHiit biulue lin1 jilnu litre of InnJ bolhounei IK feel IOIJK location clooe to ew York city mil i rtlcu- l i apply nl uur ofSce 4 VliiOINS217 llroad ay- J4i m UlYS iijuntry urorrry ttorr locitloiT- pnimliient town oil Wand rnuie of celllnt- Bolrie out of tile btialncsft Iartlculnrs- MIDONALU t WIGGINS 257 itroadnay i HfYS sinie rlthti rllit ii suppoiier for ladieo1 fell vjmrtlunj Slew now on market you see uur ntnrr- MiDoNALU A WIHilVS 227 Ilroadway- Shit Virus AND J2HDK wll sorme re half inter CM In ritatillihed bilslnrsi ol etiepllnrml Smith will ollliT mi till MI hlrli wilt eain you J3UUJ to 550U- Iauuually full partlcuUt apply 2J7 Ilrnad ay- 0 llTYS halt llitfrtjt In ecrel pfore to- rianufncturlnr nirlal iiotujs tlouoo uf this raplln will I exptntled In till btnne to tin ri il my hulrst uf icfcrenctt mvutlttK ID opportunity Apply al A VIGGINH 217 Ilruadway- STOCICi ill SALK lirrt pro peroui- leiiiii tAut In a lu tu n In i uuiirctleut- lnvi itmeiit nWluirly iirntccied llderal al- Ijneit very hlvhesi referernes fiunltDcd Apply I- I2tfiiuii IAIUNKIl WANTK1I tor well eiUlb PLated ttlall lumher buslne eiperlence nut iieces- ary flrtclnv relereure a urn Apply to McUilVAU t ttlOUINS 2i7 llroadta- flixfTEMAVS hVXTHV SKAT ajniilesoui- in Ijutnr Island over ano feel water flout old mlunlul- annslnn orcrlwiklnc and l iJ arrr one jour out house cuuliius till tuodera iruprovtrueutjl- ell un terniM KliiUINS M7 Ilrnatlway- AN ItliAIcuiiiitr Jiarirs tteautlfull- Id nuin house light airy ronias city improve nent nni Inwns lake and iKhtnc on tile itotirrtt ilwr lo ileimt leit than one hour out cry iUh eleiittloii view several line icreeuhoutu- tahle Ac fr lurtlier parilcnlari urMy to- McUi XAIll A VKiiINS 217 iros1wsy- 2iKii SIXirK for le l rse con loraird In the upper p rl f thi Slnti nlil e lab ilHhni liu iiirss my lilshist rrfcrtnces furnished Apply In MCDONALD WIGGINS 257 iimadway- JldVi Sjtin fur le manifnciiirint htiMiiew In llrd ep In full trperalion Invest unit fur th i e of riteriilini Itt liuslnr InruK- rder on html ImxiniTi riillv protpricd Apply to MrlniNAII Ic rtlijiilNS 2J7 Ilroadnay- Hloni WILL riHCIIAHK ills finest it la thr Sin of CoiiUcilcut nn ideal plnoe for ximrier nr wlntei lurmtrn Imuse loo font plicin- nitiriil tible 11 nrre ne phnin it our MrlMiNAlH t UHUlVb 2i7 HMndway- IIVCKI STifK Talent Ac msnufarturlnl PerUltlra n liufI- cr cnn mfiki a furtuiie In thU Applv la- MilinNili A VKilS 537 irtixil v V ILL pi KillASiair ildJMallMiM- ettll bUHiiim fit tIle nlKive rne III IM- r e4 wHfoiii Irk flxlurc a erii n- IWtrrw uti JlioiBK yearly owner tvlsbea to lithe tuither ptrtliulnr to t tOiINS 2J7 Ilroadway- 4im SIIAHIS nl SUM per storm for ale In a l rir- ertlliiMn company 7 per cent on In- MtineitN which Ixnbsolutelv prolecleil very liclii- iinnnercitl referencti lurulshed Fur pirlkulars- pply InMiDONAID 1 WKJGIVS 2A7 Ilmadwa- rpsiAi i nr vn cnrs run SAIK ieme iiijilailnn ailiiitiiit fnrnit luratni In lue moM illtil rtrt nf rn liiclTid lli Uimi are all first ilriw iriter prloc Ill i In- MlJiiNAID 1 WIUiiS 7 llnmdway- i5i rnisr iinifiiiAir LUAN VNIIDi- n properly tuMeil at Ji lor parliiiilarn ply to MiliriVAIn V mOOs 257 llmailnar S STEINGUT CO leal Estate and Business Brokers 68 Second Avenue 4tu I JIM Stutes nn- iiislnev oil i irkly without publicity Iirti- er sill cbpital iiruiMrcd Iecdl pafcn cartfi iriur- uMiVI1 UlvTT ui estihluTeiir iIe a T- trisiklv r Jiuo eeHyiicelrtsuwiirriiuvtiroiibriiail- caWM KINO 61 Id a- MiniiAllirsiMs5i maklnr i cialty of re- mirtnir inKwurrns eitalillnheit 21 yenrs eipenenrn- miice vir iio l lltlnir nMurert will ell ur lauq- arlsier STKIXiilT 11 2t av- SAIii Mnrket Newmk N J lim riii nice tMKi iheap nriMXijlT M M av- Slabllshnicnt Usl plaht In IIIH- HNTKlXiitT rs M S- THISTAiHANT anil limca Ituoin on Itnnletarill- toc Hay llench a yearn Sinai price st eil pi nil rtekl exiitrlrrjce Jllcl ImMriev c SIRHI rue rs M av- 11MHltn iM AVUIIIISTAIUAVT n miner in 111 vt ilnlnir n buiinci- eni with living roums 121 J25o- NTKtMiiT M2il K- VIIDfsTAl liVvT iilrely ftleii upT be l l Vest feiv ilolnir flue liuMiirii uRiiet le- Illnir Imilneih price ftiMi M M AnilSl i SM IATIAT AllTliilir sic nnnlMii f i i iKiund to sum Inner if ImnillM riKht Jlnun- SIlJIMitT rK M av- Il HMiili n IIIIIIM Iiui si ii nntr lit in r v tlntf f funl cut in hiise 7 rouihs tl ii tlllcil STKIVil I c M- jtliviMtiiiiTxMiM iVitiiAiiitiY tTiirs- iiel Mil iiir H n im lint Iuo- uiol i re nuinr tu In fnmtly liir tillS tlJixi Pie H He1t 24th st IANIrt slitlnery suit clsnr slnre Wnshlnitun- i MrUK f ilill n il 2i yi ni iininltiun near chnil tJiln iu iciwiivilile niter refutrd- STMIXiilT M at- ISTAIHVT AMI lfXfllHiinM opiKisll- eirjernlleite Unniklin tinul lnialne s sill nuirid- o oirioslll in prie tf owner 11- 1illllHi SMHIV SIXUIKrTAT frame Keiil- 7lh si with hulllinn nn rear lot S 8- i2 hull for tinners own iu e all impmrecicoUi rice tl2MU tVAiKI 1ash STEINOUT M tt ititpj hancci Dit4I fl1Le utottown rInretM gicen prompi share Tel 51 Z minim tat the t 3a i t Iii bus t1IGINS ascIi rIll llItirel fl 1i i IiI I tita brash 37 tat iSO the tan itt ii lila ItifertIlte i5 Intern MI t II II t tt ii ii I Ns t7 I 51e1O tIt t artt tot atlr Sal i I ill sd run r IC itch itt tutu lit minim tu irl shoe ill tt lusi Of alt hillihifli a and other 3 ill I tile trIll Ill a StiLt t ziliua IliCet IIi Ii- i lit l ss rear t li ii 3l ii LI iitI Ileilitnuit Ioi- iri i iPtMiicrlau ciii S hmiiniui eii it mW iniluuil uncmsqrv iIttUflhi iIii sr ikit II i sir I lOb I sit iittjihiru itt proc e I III ton I air dent Pt 0 Ii ely ilatii sIuui 15cM lllll S 5- 0Mt r atl- tuiuu flhiti uflflI at 1 v mrs Ci mir Pont hits Ian dry a- i r > < > > < > < > > > > > > > < > > > > > > NOLAN General Promoters and Reliabl Business Brokers 124 W 40th St cor Broadway Capltaltltj manufacturer nierchatilH ard bus nina mm generally are Invited to call 1artnei procured capital ohtnlrird patent and niiflnenv t ck timid Lands OIlS rniidenrr solicIted ronuectlons cnvrr the et tire tnlled StMen ITnr uion frnm forelcn coon trleH given cartful atliullon Telephone 3uolS atrret oonoOO to siiniiiNiDnn CAPITAL wanted rrrut nitnufirlurlrn- mncernsi hilt mriiolatloat and various lucratll- UneMnifiiLi CKOWI2 4 NOlVND- 40fKXr Son Share of preferred alwlc In a monj- maklnir mrporatlon al a ilKire below pa a grand mound dixir opportunll- 1Z4000 KSTAIILLSlllil Htoraire and e pre bu lne with property ullh IKIMM nacni Ac- CIIOWK i N01AMI Unardlut Stable iple did stock CS boarilers liatr A NOlVND 120000 PtHCIIASES llroaday lllll rd Tarlti profit 13 dally long leae grand opiKirlunlt ritowi NUIAND- 4nmr VVH eatabllihed auoe store refrlpV IXR monthly line comer tnoiuunh niuru- iniowi k NOLAMI- l5dOfl TA1ILK nUOTI futnlh rooms profit located In the nelzhhorhoo of the llroailway heatie will aland thorouj- InreatliriUou mown A NOIJ ND- I2sonor siiKNDiii DOCK IWOPKUTV establIshed coal buMneNs railroad cut iropeity lu solid InveMment- CKUWIi A NOIAND 600 IIAUDUAKI rS1AllUIHEP itotU Invenuitlri H4nou lonn leute ROW lentil owner icllrlnii wrallht Imiulrr- ClHiWI ft XiiLVM- USfHW PtmIIAHUS ilill Interest oia- iiifarturtnt tiiilnes pronti uuoo annually cellrnt upportuiilly- CMOWK A NOIANIl- lflOOO ntYS e taMl hed caih liinlntMi Bro way prunia IM J ienrl Maml Irlcte InTMtlji lion CHowiijfc XOIANDt- lOCCXr nVVS pelented tarrla e waihtnic rea chIt iaed In llrr t In fIt Inveslltnte- CHOWK AOLAMJ- SOW HAM Fs IdilST patented Ilittr no mot m trhe furtune In Ihli oii rtunlt- rUUWr A XulAND 17000 prilCIIASKS flnenxitn hotel untncun Paired tbouMinl pl ed u 1m- neuae restaunni trade Inni lii circa rent 2V- Olltlttli MHAXDJ- IOOO OR MHHI and a reliable nan wanted l- ad a lre ldeiit nr Treasurer of mrnpany In ahee and Angora l jrk ranch butlneM Uric rcturut- aurtd real upportunity- CHiiWK A NOIAM- U800DUlU SIUUK rtrcpuom MX month entablUbed II years thuroueh ln e lliatlon w- llrtleil CIlOVVi 4 NOIANO- JIMXT LAI NUIIV leceipK 74 weekly Ippe West Side Ulilllieri U retiring lnwt NiLAXI- 1200O HI YS p piiiir luncn tt iaurint- prntUi J30 inuatbly lutrou h luvestliatlou erta opportunity CHOIVE ANOIAM 1700 SALOON rent practical free piomluin avenue In t ol lnuaiui it OtUWK A NolAND- I4000 12501 J p Mlunii cycles of Urn Uonl Ile8ht IM inornateC- IIOWK NolAMi 11000 KANCY illOClUlY SlOIlt atoe ID- entorifs IIJuu male oitir Irarini far tluflnli- VcdnesJay cttowi A NOIAND- IOi0 nrSTAlHAXT nitr Mac rufit lion monthly propielui lu oilier bukinem great IllOWK i XOLAND- HiftO NAIdiiN tnchidliK rout lardta E- moitcaet tent t7 five ytits lea e Apply CltOlVK JvOLAMi SALOON teul tillS nif ipatlnttl itt monthly lc Hire yearn hilitu citowi 31000 COVKrcrii SrHT fmcy creams tr Pert neighborhood tuunlui upriita owac tearing city lave tls te- C l WKi NliLAXDI- ZOOO CHOI KJtY inffnUiles 14000 Ixinr- blnnd town leut tiu IncliulhiK imjrorcd U DI room CIIOWE NOIAM- J751 ACTIVK partner ste In eiUbltrtt real e t te btiliiew iiit iitieisary op luiiunlty fumvn MiLAXl- tlOoO OVBTJl7llI lti Fc t lii wtioesal mire nmralvjtou liuncu ile rl 8 tiMw annually CHOWK 4 NOUAN- OtlOOWMtSIC 1IAII Manhaiwr kcTlinit Mipaiity iiiti rent J51KX lung leise hlchesi reterencei in lanrt unencumbered TIOVVI it XOLAN1- ItSOfTCIOAU STAND tore lliotouihfarr downtown reiiti t iniklnu bi Snotty CIM VI NOIAM- 17M IirirATKSSivTreTelili 117 daIly rent tlO uaier ritlrlnt Vninvi MHAMI- t 0001DKIIlATKSSKX rerelpll trOCOO early prominent thoroiuhfire Lihllheil ji r etlrliu tnvrsiment- CltOWK A NOIAN1- JlJOn rtIiNMIIKl Hoom elenittljf- utnlsrird selni hriKhburBuoil rtltrer In basement rood upporluuiiv- iTtmVK A ND1AMI- 32MX rtHXISIIIXiiS splendid e window btuie iuiiri hluc nelf liturhuod low rent CHuvrJc NOIAMt- SSOO huAUDlSU Stvhle 1C boric artrxi rroflU loo opnortunity- iTlDWKjb l 00 JltYS etil ll hM horeiioein D JIM eieipu iCOU iiiMitiil rent t2u niunlli birkalu- CHUWl k XU1AXU- CANDV STATIUNKIIV anti tar Stilt with Vint looms tiilie tlMi husy iuiljixiiliiic chacie- CTlUVii 4 NnND furnttheit nmdern swell llliurd out ami Turkh rmunj will tell furnished jnouuI- llOWi A NOiAM- MANHTH17 aiidiiiiiiiirfMlnj business vicinity irie storn rrerlpti iln weekly sutable for lad rite KifU select trade nut cliaine- IHOV KA Milt irmrts diilv eomplde outfit ieiv ItiHliflle afcoutit slrUneiv pIle JC14- 1CIIOWI A MiiAND- SV i AMI rriVAItls lli a terntmal- IchU lo hiiiiiltf p i nl sa IrflM d to Butcher cuor nulls tlrlu fur iiiuiit I Itotti A MiUXMi CROWE NOLAND 154 mill rump linmUay- A 10nooM iiiIT K un Ijwrevi IIu h- nc on ill niiilern inuTi riiMiu ii- nntly laid out uriluh j iu ratli- a line hnun- JiTKINDIT M Id r- A nvosioiiY AMI IIASIMLXT IUH M kill rufira1 und hlth oIl Iniproumriitj KnU Ifith- t pnii 171Hi easy TIIorT M H- IVihunl Inl Prolix lloruuith- Sxloii prouilntni luratiuu price JIIDII IT M nr- STnll sixriLK IlAT V lli n T- Itxiklyn lot lilu i nc door frnm prli- e00i STlIMjIT 6 III in A WEM 1IIDl f lonmilMion- nent f Juhainerih irs lalvi otienini irrtncli At liirhAiii an eMn ire Iliot nam- iiimertlon iinniij rncrchantt ontl Hie mining mm- nuulU me Ursiruiii nf rii recntln a iit rtrri of niiiiitncfierjiiif vi rinllli wtiiw n ul til- or the Ui inn i in I mMkel In 1iiMi- MN iN filEt 7 Iiirtiaii South AN KMW1 in ciTiiAiHilt urty with Jliiui t iMcii iiim in ccritlnit If nils w line I r i litiiiriirrriii nnl pri Isle runtrarto iuiml h u n niunet nn- iliMilutrly wife u inr tinenl Ururihll- iilriirituriv nu iiir refs nif us tn ansi ex eriee MAXIIAIIAN UKUKSTII- VnMIANY S4 linmdWHy- AX 0111 ivSTAlillNIPII mali let alit iiiklneM iln m wn l ar i oitee flirnilK- ii mmitrily pilre j5iii trlal allonl mill in u J jin oittre- I K WI i in ski lialf lntireit in liuWe MUiinli medlml a- mralu htHK Si i u Sun upnntn- ttief Ui HriHilwin I CAN SKI I country rrnrerty tit ruh irei- encei Mim iiiir hotel r i no matter tliele lilllleil remt mil elllli Pllir el in ttiiMerfiilh icir ltil M jivI- IAMHil Ulti liltMl l Ilitlacrlphln Ia jViniii VIII Il an e ulii ieil nunu- clunrH hii lnev i kriicer am luciuu Mlri UllliS lull i i Mm omrr- HIIIVATh IAM V DKSIItrS linn f Jo return 7A III Ill iniir enrlt ileliiMtm kith lenikr Atlre 11IHtllK ioliiinbu A- TiAUIMli WAN liiihy nlemAnhiTtrii- rnr trniie r Iapetprte r MIW rifltahle Mapte Hue AldreM- AlKTHHlKS U3 Sun urncr Too ntc for DlibnUirattout- llAtTICAU IllliXfll knuwuTu In aiieclal Prof AXIOtnSI4 Wttl4 4 t1nt hrnw- edR OWE Sir for t iii iatH lit iliJiNl te noo Buys itacry aria lone itOWi In- c eithiiittr di immense this wIll ice en asia Till btotbou1 a p 8 c the lUSt mIte muflL ChaUce c lIt COOL low ale 5nt1 tnt buy toil i itiui halt Phil 11 dnu yearly itlrrIiIL Catskills elato till tie s itsi 1t tip it u Spat sI mitt 549a lit ill I sari pltboiill y trill cc N ti I Pt it iii cc 1tllUs m lit pfcTtsl SIP RI lIlt mlii till SIu n s lit tutor lie iii itt t lu all lsi sti SItS utile I i Ill i I u i it I t IM Si i SI I I I 1 I its kr ruth t lull t Ill I AS p ter Cs Itfl fli tie sis u50lt t huh It u lfit sit lily i sson > > > > > > > > > > > < > > < > > RKAL KSTATt- Th Ntw Jrrt7 Sibirta- In the on North IUtr Brlds bill the hearing of the project on iliourtlti reform nemn to been overlooked Direct railway communication scroll tin Hudson would probably b quite a teo- llvw a moans of deci ntr llrln populatlotH- H the now Knt Ulvrr brldiff nnd the Hnpl Transit Toast combined for ten line urban train radiate front the ferries a Iloboki and Jersey City Thus line n territory of 380 pnuare mile and contul- il0 tatlon earh of which U chlelly or h large part a horncceltlniuent of New Yorker the njenoy of tunement houae leul- Inllun whlln Kiiardlnu nRalwt uninnltnr- construcilon t to maintain rents oil A hid i l by lnere iinu the Initial rot of con KtriKUon welt an by IncreaMnc the of Imllvlilnal builillnif uperatloru Includlni the worUlnif capital of speculative buIlders This tendency I refuforipd as lh buslne- Hcctloiw ejimnd and n tcnonitnts arn tori down to mnki way for choolr small parka and oilier puhllo works Along Clue tins of th Itanlil Transit road there 1 pro batty not a vacant lot th value of which les tluiti ih cost of a h u and lot In r- lircscntiitive suburban eltloment ocro the North Illvcr Current land spectihxlloi In upier Maulmttan In ha ed on the anllcl PattOn that u large part of the hl h irrnuiu will he built upon with roMly elevator apart nicntH unit construction work In The Brom- U conotThrd largely with lenementt flats Including elevator apartment A recent Investigation of railway rates In Masinchmctts showed that while farei for long ili tanoen have fallen but llttli below chat they were fifty ago com- mutation for short dKanee have fallen 50 per cont In ten year owing t- comjietltlon from the nlectrlo trolleY Uu during these toil years Munhattau tins do rUed little If any l eni U In the way of i- ilecmitriillzntion of population from the cheripciilne of stiburbim far Indeed th growths of popuUtlon IIIM more than kept puco with the extension uf transit facilities a Is evident from thn fails that the cheapen- Ing of fuit4 huft resulted In tu nnorimiu- Ihtnunn of land value In the outlying triil nloiig the line of unlnterruplml travel unii coini nl d hy nny reduction of rentf- nt Hiiro of t opulatlun It I wlthlr- tlm ilvcaile also that tlm tenement house problem lias begun lo prim irlou ly for kulutlim- Kicc lTe futigeitlou In tic t u oient- rteitlonj however U uudoubtrdly caused ihiaply by overcrondlug ID the housing of the intldle tlui uf the populutloti Tit hour of liilior and other itindltlont of etn- liloynieiit ninong thus who turin the larger pout uf tic teniiiitrv of the longasted quartern- lnililutu iigiilnit eltiitlvn efforts to rcliiuvs- tlii ocitipiitittof the t u iiienU auydHutua 1 oin their work Assuming that one hour a lay li lost In travel In u yeur of 300 working il y lo ttuuld bo equivalent to thirty duyi To wurklhc men mill women employed t u- IIOIIM n lIly al hiunt ug s the would uuiount to 10 pIer mil of Iheir productive tiiue wlikh I practically piohlbllU On the other Land titus emit army ut Hularlod- eiii loyee rind professional people engnged ray ulght hours a day vlios Incomu U moia or lt fliril would Itlid ccutioialrj udvuntaga- In thus cheaper rent und wore wholesome life lu tho miburlw If convenient transporta- tion M r uvullulila wllliln the hour limit u Uuy ur ascii a aoinvwhiit longer period of travel und the ilweutrallziitlon of thIS clu would ellinlnatd th mure Mubuorn phain of thus teueinenlhoubf ptoblini Tu elTect u- niaterlJl dvcciitnilluitlon of ila n lt present und pronpectlre outlelt northwHrd nod Into Iohg Island urn wholly inadequate Mfantlmn hundr da of juure nillri of Inei pensive homo llfi have beon placed within the radius of buburbuu trnn portatlou- wultlng only to bo directly connected with Uie riiy- Tlm rerlon arrot the Hudson liver In berveil by tile stentn und trolluy llbet cen Inner i h kf at JiT iy City mid llobokcii- preetitH mi extraordinary variety of nauial- nilrai tion und thn Btsiirtnre Tu reduction ol minutes more or le In the running time from UK IM nulnirtiau itlemenw would be certain to crente un unparalloled ttul- rutate liuiim throughout tie nction Ai It I tin tratiSportntlon ervh U an perfect I ntlnltmbli without britlglng or lunnulllng the rlvrr nnd territory In progressing nt- n rate which ho how great I HIM ever lniiea lng pns ure of population utah Induatry the metropolitan Neareft by I till 1allsndni range of hill holding mi Its crel anil Inland dope u score nf proi jii roii ettleinetiti more Im- portant of which uri Knglewood mid Tftiatly Tin development of the plateau InnTvinlng betwr n tho IulUnle SlId the Itiirkxiisrifk lliver nerviid by the West Short Hiiiiruud him been riturdod tn H certain ri tent by the tinfivoribli location of that tiriuinnN In York liaiken embrairi four Mntloii on the ErIn rout nil two on tho New York Sueqiiebntiiia und lV ti rn YII built up by lorai- IndiDitrlni nml ns u of distribution for B ttctlonlt IK uric of the miburbaii ontre tributary to New York and like CarlMadt Voodhrldge- lliiiliroink lleiglit cherry Hill New Mll toni Orndcll nml stwouil on the road ifintrlhiitM lie daily ijnutu of cunnnuteri to A rung of lying t nerally north and formula the watershed between thus llnrkfinntk und tho 1issulo On thli rldg- nr n numliT of settlements that have un- loved u tleid growth tint more not n bin iitnnne them being Hutherfonl Kliigsliiml und ArliiiKlon These lire tuft lirt KrliHfl itvi n Liirkwatinn mid i tirn Hoonton brunch und flresuwood- lskK Jim b ciinl th nifHiluws lleyond tilt Infnli in tho great btnd which th river miikw Hround tho lh t nnd scomli- irunun Miiiintulii h the moat populous mound New York In thin trtion HIO the innnufarturln- iltie of Iatersoii mid lfti alr inch wllli iiveluii d rmldclirn sections ron laining tin hurtles of many New YorUeri- nml titvirliy nr Hloomfleld unit Iho Ml ring of milmrbnii villages on this Newark lirnnih of 1rl Itivtrlils Vood lde- IlilliVllle lliex Avundnh Niitloy Krnnklln- S iiiiirs t nnd Athnla In sill of wliicli a high itrnih of piilillu private improvements iKiniiliilnlmd The SloritrJiilr helllementi ociupy the ipsii if Moiintriinfoi a dlstunrn- nf Nix mills and are ncrvid by the Delnwnre- Ijirkinviiiin i nml Western und 1rle roads Ill MttlmrntH nrn eximndliiE rapidly nnd- i very ruii lilernblit tiumlier of nnw houses IIIIVP rennllv beli errrtod at- Wiiidnim Illuomllelil rpirr MnntiUIr mid Monlrliiir HiMihtK liiiludini I uldwell nndi- c IY1I on tho norlhrly of Heroml- Mnuntiiln Impiiritmi public nnd priviitoi- iipriiVRin 1iilH urn alsu under way In tlm and nl South mi he Inclng Ilm Orangn Park ill HHHiviilliili uf HI mrrs lo theiMi iruVMiitiits will prei ntly Im added a park Any pUntiiMl by the l x County Iurk Com Soitli nnd wt t nf Iatersun along the ines of tips IMI the Irecnwond lit tiltS Delawunt nndi- V lerii ronil grmipt of ntlractiwn- iiiiirlMD on the lulls and In liu villimo UK Imllng llitlgetviiod rmlerrlllT- llohnkiK All iiiliil riiiflern umntoiix lloiililon Little little Hlngno- Hoiinudii VIHW liiicoln Inik Wliiielmll and ji l year iletpll iso abnormally high cost f miileilnl boiilnc ionstnictlon was active hriuiglioiit most of nurthrrn New Jersey lullillmc projects falling off less proportion ilelr than In Ihe city itself current XZWR discussion the haTe of bUt set vs tie cIzi > anti eat fares dIe I tic the lou this luau whit is mItt ecu as this lit sent me the Itt I iilsii1 ratlia S New bull silt 1101 I gp Chic tin lit a grilti It trIll I Ill I urt flu I rIo ltitiat tort till cOIlS II 3 ynd hurst etiji iOTOft till ill I llitllI silt 11111 Pus irfi iv li Omit lair I list II rid pIt First pun ml hiu In thy Ist slop Ito ii fi M C Ira ti uri ileiglu ii- lit igs Moti lit ahli Phi lip Ink Iii ik w at1nii lit silt ipitie It S Ito f5itipq t iso imI t viliuc The e wW > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ < suburban season because of unfavorabl weather baa hardly yet begun but accordln to wellknown construction news bureau city archltecta report Commissions for con bldorably more titan the average amount c- tubtirban work The itretch of Sow Jertc which falls within the suburban radius I itlll to a considerable extent n region o orchards and gardens and flnclo Instrii mentality would be so cffectlvu In ImMenln the replacement of these with pretty cottage anti wellkept lawn at n great railroad bridge acro n the Noith Illver Yesterdays Sale 1 Komalne Drown t Co havo nold Mrs ilnrrlell W Brown to Yllllam A 1atlc the threenory brick dwelling on lot 20- liiB 110 mner at isonoc purchnsor will occupy tlm house nfte- inakluit ext ti lv I1 U Benson has sold fur A S Krase the fouratory building No 471 Third liue 23xMt at 124001 I uff A have told for John Livings- ton to Charlie Selferd No 40S KaM Highly euhlh street a tlventory flat SOxl4xl2S- llnruett A Co ohl for Oiorge I- 1Ilrown at I2SOOO lim and IMS let Inictou avenue two llvostory single Halt UH 03x70 hour street Max Marx has soul tu 1hlllp IHover No- 2S22 Uevvath avenue a flve tory lint wIt stores on lot 27xuo Mr Marx in par payment property at Miminoutu N J i The filohe has told plot IJfixloo nt the northwest corner o street and Madison nvenuo- liurloi irlfiltli MOIPSV Jlroilier luivotoli for Max Marx No IIS West lOinh slreet n- tlve tint on lot 2flxliBli lames Him havesold for the Cum mlnjuestatnVo 2H West n dwellluton lot joxmii no foil weSt of llromlway for llcnjitmln 1erklm- No Ml avrnue n tenement on lo- 2ix7S nnd for Dr Heywood No 20K 1 street H luruuBtory dwelling Kckhardt has sold for Hchmld lo Kntherlne 1ntrlclc nnd others No mi Lexington avenun n threestorj dwelling on 20110 for CharlotteM Gut to Hwald No ltd FlnyIlrst ttrcet- u on lot joxliws nm for the Iwald e taln the fourstory build lots on tot 22X7S at the northwest cornel of Thirtyeighth street nod Ninth avenue K Malnlmrdt linn told for a irubil No 237 Wesl I32d street n am basement hrownntono dwelling on lot ui- uu 11 und for Wllllnm rundjll Jr No M- Ilx 7f for 1201100 David 1rloj sold to Dr M II Illotk No 57 Wen street u Ihrittory imd basn merit dwelllnc on lot Woudcuck A llrllt hav soul for Margaret No 4i Iloraliu street a four tori dwelling on a tot liUJlil liwrge II who buught No 47 Horatio itreot twi ago Walter Webb A Co hays sold for Andrew J herwln Jr niloniul resldencu on Mil Mount vvnu S Y Imely occupln by Col Vo for tulxiO Coming AailloBj- NIXI wenk auction list U a short one contains few noteworthy voluntary offer- Ings i in Monday William M III Ml live on street w to Sixth uccie uud H plot of 10 IVit with ult- bulldliign oil liriioinu strict HuiUon On Thursday Peter F M yer will tonduo the exeruturs of tlio Amoi- Lno e tain The olTerini at thIs mile howevtr Is not like the curlier mini of tenvtlional order llesldes two parcel o- ucm property nt county Conn a villa at Newport No 71 lo 77 itieel rest of ihe wetku hut the nan Knst Sul teueiiii nis and medium priced Plate in other liarS f HV 21 11 U i ammanti I ordlnun Mo- rrli ldw InS Hullcy e ti utorsof the c tile of I llnibv will ut the buluniO of tills Halliy property ut tile junction of on Klngiibrldgw llilirliiji oppopitu the lie of the new Kumiin linn The oUerlng will i in i t of lue villa plots stud a number of plois for rom irontlliit mi Ito harlem Illver I he villa lIes hits bv Hants iigalnM nulKames nml objectionable The property is of hUtorl- ilnterif being of fnmousKlngd of Hivuluilimary liints Jamis I Wiill will be the iiiictioufr The nale is tin most Impurianl in Tho llroni thii pre nl year IItsl IMale TruiiifctiH- OWNTOW V- JoutA of fevrtrtiM r at ti a j jlx4Jx trreg Perry Ii oSull- lvari et itl to rureie i J tsou t M Jl K M ri7S Irreg Max Cohen mid tu Hvruiiu Wyuehoii e r n fa ISUOUO- ilnt 211 K 47 11 j ittf tarry riirbel- to Henjauilu Uabrlluvlit r x ill mtt- t4vuo Voorae si nil si fisioo Ucnjaruln hlih- KAvr ul vt lfI or Mmtn 1oitrtnnth amid lloi in- it at w 7 r n Wilt kl rlnioo Attm J lo llnnuih Wallach ra Ifliu- mt u00o idllul n 131 Re 51x10 I Rudolph A Hum lo Thties M Hum raM uiliii- IIJ500 IK- A nr s es M n e llth it Cliarle- Mnilner M Little Mithern Aid Aswcla lion r s 114 uiine linoou 3000 st Iou i Josephine Ilaher- tv lltatrlce I freeman r ls- 0d M Mi e 3d uv JSxllKJ II ClnlMaa- wiisr SlOE tr j et ffft or tilunn townnih ant IIiM HI tillS ar n e cur M UU 4nl7C 7xUavi- IW llenjamln iwtutteni to lirle Land nnd laipruvcmtnt to r a 1174 mine I3u out 1178000 3d M n sM w West 24x51 frank llulie to Jennie N Zucker r a 3 into IMUlKI J rt a r Ziv e vth a 31141 u Patrick Cllnn tu Henry Henri r 17 6i mt Hi- DO l Vntral Iaik VeJt w Ji 11 n luClli 12x100 Sarah 1 Ilnmii to Kamuel Mu e- ra IOct1 mite 140 Mm nth K s I6ti e Oil T 4ii ioiit eNun I Stllwell tu lieoree M Martin r 18 nitm- llliiuij loo- td M n K 17 w inth nr 71x9iO llrrnliard ritual to dUmP lard Co intse IIVIKIO 24000- 7th lit M s JI71 e lh at 7 Malltiew T Murray tulohn I Moruan el al tars fi part r Kit mine ISIIWHI j- 7lh tt n s ISA e Mh av J S Mntlliew- T Murray toluhn P Mmtan ttal ran r to niljel7uoii 1IAIHKU- MarthMtii llliliii north ei HOIh It- I5lh at s 7S e Iimadway iiiinino ij- lieorae A Mlmittun to Kutciie C t Mrhulai a IK7 wk r077Ue r11l4- Mnvs K llxyninnd lu Kdnln 11 Hrimn r s IS HsoiKi ooo ildsl ns 4 e lh f Jlixiooil Mixes K luymunit to ICdnln II liruwn ra 1860 mine Hit MM 2JOOO U ws lUiloo Antuii orolnv arId wife to AleianUer Splro and aim JIOJOO Cavil tmiiM ns VxtUili lisa Vojel t Hugh Metvait r JJO u j 1IIIOM- XntoroiiJfi ot 7 fie Jild ot n f lot Jim map akeilrld i- HJ9r William A Skahatl t Mary I isles ri ridcts mue OIHI IJJOOi- VIilli Il ilni M ironwfi e K 4JSil K liuiil James T Adee 2A ltiu Wcalchraler llrll A Jnmei 1 Huiinrlly r a j oiirtliinOt nv s e cur 18Mh U Mint 1 1ran II lielehouty retiree lo Ullbelmlna- llirniann r tOJCJ- itittlanilt av r t t 1 iMih M JJOiUlll In Camllne Schneider r s in 7 goo fcmrtUndt Hf e s JA s ISHtli tt MliM r stlii 50 10100- Hl tovv si s I7A n Jennuus t Jlxioo- Iil n Ibibinwn to Wltllani II Dlrrliinann- r ft tM mice I40UU o- Jurrulile a r71 n s M Hx a ut e s ju4 n Hum aide ar JOxJft Mary E Morgan to Xelsou II ill lieni r ll- ourllnnilt av e U7A n IM Ih at Murhni t i Minei ArndlMeln r s 14 mine Uliono jjooo lllllli st 211112 Irancis- H pelehanty referee lo loulva inrktrn- frsttliU 110M av old line r s tu iwith M t line Jltinu Kuitclie M tn liar T Cciilan r s ti ml i muss j Held 7MIU Ann liordnn tn the Anh- Ueaconry nf New York r s li- atildnrll av cs 2MI n IWth M OASIU- Urndlimnd llecht and ano tu Julius June luann- lilrn ar e s 23 n l14th at ttian V- I2I 7 lloherl C Kemp In Joseph II Jones r ti- 41d it MA I ZSillin Alhlne Kloeas e r lu- ChulM f Ilrll r IS- 50thst ns JIKI 2HHH14 August c Lesutird to Mary I Ixviurd r s tl nOpe llOsojl- ulberry nl to Mailantonta Antonnitl lo Iaullnn 2 yrs tllO- I ar 140 William Schlrrner to Irrdeilra- Schnlnn and situ 1 yrs 7jo- itehUns av IJM arid liwo w iMth si lltn nah ellseier tn llsrlf A r Sou- leMer st 21 human U ky to Sam Wasln sky o jr M- Hirlik at AS end 17 iJilihl st Chrliillan Miller Mid SOIl tiers to Huhert A lleatty- fi yrs j201- atl 7n Alfred Sturm to Harry C Hart clear stand rs goo th nr S77 n r cor 31M m Maritaretha Here- to John 1 CJuUley i yrs JT- Sn fe tlnn Concerning Hoard and Roemi- Artrtrtlsemenu In Tint SUN may k depended IM comfort you ie k Att A ill for O 1 tic irnt ave Not the Street Fail flit lot lOSx ISP h Vest dwn1iin sir ituo nerllle in hlubtory iliiglti Slat on lvi has I st loss i I ItiIOt ftc this sit lh hill ii It ill liugn lu i bltot tier tIe I t he 1 Iii uluiitt try ill titIgi are the It ill t tilt 1 Nat liumiki oil er alit huh Seutuwkk nmiime Oh lOut ii utii cii Ntrtitt II Its tile Pearl e S all mPg I iii lob log OilS tO iarmist Ilctmnsn a part a1 title I smItE I haul a lot ic hal IS tiltS Vii IOU 3 s I a I 3ioltr is iJrtIUS and idle Ia 3 I tilt tid use a si I I i 5 a s lOss it 7uui 3115005 hi mIte us itt Iii mig 101 IlurilneIde tic a leon Plenum to uSa i I Ill i sun sunup 0 iticn Ihnlam4rl I 2 I 1 ISIS 1 ill 4 aIm Itt me I lilt ii lieu I li ruins otrtlultdt at it c our a its fllsmu aId Itlu a II si 4tstetl of Sum liii ntuupu tsibe 70 I a t it Itcrnrilpui teLeq lull mow 711 cOil Ill s I I > < < < < < > > > > > > > > > REAL ESTATE BOARD OF BROKERS OF TIlE CITY OF NEW YORK NO BROADWAY WANTS ANB OFFERS t5siQ5fft FOLAOM 3J llruattway Want a prlta house below 30th it between Irxlniton all Madison In ricnancr tar Montrlalr Iii denw Ali houc between in and 7 th ats Sth and Million ava ALw t buy nr rent n building suitable for ktnhle CIIAsluTITII MOSKS A Illtli 1WMI AtnMei damn Av Vnnt a Hat on Manhattan r Mutt lrutll In exchonee for id opener v- rnril Alo i 3 family list In Harlem or- WatblniUin PlIghts In for UeMrabl private house In test part of Harlem Alv- IMiule house itli to Phalli M writ of Am lei Unn uv In exchange for n ixirnrr VUIM wit frame im upper Anvtrritam ar- nUIAXI A WlinlMJ 4 SI Wont fu- n ia h purchaser a Iiirht hulhllnj nirtif tauouu w nuuuu- Vil JIBXHV IoLsoit 14 West Wth M Want ix 1 story house on wesl Kurt av In the 8i exchange for large private house on West sot M Also dwelling front south of 7oi- iit between Iarli Cth MS north of inth st for a cash customer Also plot 4 i KM letwec- ilrlh and S th ats GIll ars for builder no loan required ft country plac OeM New You in for a tteil Hi house In the 7 u 1140110 V AUV M St Nicholas Av Want old bulldlnfi In tIe ion near 7th a Sal Ira JOsRill P32 Mh AT WanU wnrll plu or single lot preferably In Weil SIde huslne- ecilon for caih buyer iwornnni as mreMuierl will nitulder any tin the Kim or West Sides If cheap Also I mir Islani waterfront properly 30 acres for coal buyer must be a Wtalu under tSOuou no- tilth at 1AO K Adolph Sueaiklnl sad auto lo Uu SUaU 4 4- 8Itecordel Mortiaoi- nowrrrowx Saulft FourfrinfO Where no Interert Is stated rend 8 per cenl l ns Ills w Avenue I ralharlno tu William II Pratt 2 yrs IJ t 7V77 Ilubfrl Friedman and wife to Harris Mandelhaum and silO 1 yr- ft per cent 4ooi- Sutlolk id 142 l i o Jacobs alit wife lo- AriiMKrrrner 1 yr per mIlt tSO 3d t 24S K llenjamln W Fisehel l yr o Pet 7oo Sons uruperty same to Mine dmiand 1 per 1 uo Same property iume tu same 1 yr tier i enl 4 o- uethl rucheldemanil- e per cent ti tt 311 K Hyman Wynehouw to PInt Cohen antI CUuber 1 yr 6 per- cent MX Same property Mine to same l yr per cul K1 EAST stun Wait i Ilin 4t tiilKitn founeinlfl and 1101 ill lit av w j 73i ii lath t Hannah sOul Sam Wallach to Ditild X Uv due July I t jl per cent J i sea 3lne Mllist the lIttle Muih Aid Attoilallon lu Charles Iluilner 3- j fa litli at it IMI e 2d ar lieoiiie Doctor and wife tu Adolph Keller due July I HWJ 8 let cent f Tutu si in K Uestrln V Ireenian to IIU- Necat uliner 3 yr 4 k CrOP Kami properly sinie to Minnie lllumtnteld at li Tyler to Inlon Dime Savlnes Inslltullon 3 4 per cent 50 Bath at H 325 1 Id av Jarne Kin to twit Suydaru S 30- WKST MUK- llleij it KiC ar litvmn Ftxrtiintb 11011 Ml Miller to Julie K II 1yr f- JIlli si sa SVi w III uv Harriet S jMUies lo- rhatlesi M I yr Hprcmt- 7lhstn t IM 17Je and ed M M W Juliu 1 Murirail et ul tit Matthew T Mlrrny instilLs per cmt 4 in t 111 Ueuue W Martin tu- NuUia U 3tll vell I yr t i t cent 1IAIILU- UUiiiMifan liaml tatit o I tIlts isnh at u sni e 7th av ll niy w 1cct M Jolla J Juries und truiee rrrecordetl ti 117 KVJiisepii Lett tu lhoruu ii inborn 1 JT B p r vent IStll H 3Jjl w IfnJl aV I W MnlltU to the City Murtfaiti 0 1 yr 6 pel irut 1IHON- XlUortmtlt al Tlti Courllandt a Uiulwi Zlnelitra tu- Tlll iarautee au l Trust Co 3 yr- Courtlsudt av sin Ellen lUinimm to Tlll- IJUutautee uLd Trust Co yr- Courthndt at lilt Wllhelrnlna Chiiiniin to H Stickler as dn Ac 3 r Ht r e nis n I14tlj l JoMph H loura- lu iJiuwi ljinan 3 yis- Cciiirllmidl nt 7V4 Schneider ti Mary H Stickler inlri Ar 1 r 4i per itni Southern Umilvaril e h s I4 lh t wld II D Not umluuo to Jamea- IKrads r6jieri ni- Iletiher st s e Wa iiluirun av tun- in ll vilorilu xl 4xil ini Patrick Jl Hi I Suites SittIngS llink ilur April 4 r remit I4M t I r Dell lull wife to Albeit White Ilalnt road e a 4MH a nf conveyed lo William Duncan and 1riiirlM ii Schlnner llelle A DeVoe to Ijiwrinie K Krenih 3 y- iliiblm st e s t n Jpniiliiks st William II- Dlcikuiaua to Jolin ltoblusnii i yr- Aulf nuientt of Mortcaje Pilate Wtlltaa II to Harhara Cutler SAIIIO to lolin 1 Drake Koltrli Jacob to Charlotte HusUir- fldtuui Fanny and Aiuellra eitrxs 4c- u Adeline an Ness and Slepteits Anna exlr Ac lo Tlomat U Stephens Tauiky A to Jotiai Scheuer Mechanics Mem s 111 w Majlsnn ar 25xlOul- SUiuiiaril nuillnz Supply tu vi Jit- IHlh M n a li 0 w AtnMerd ni av lnuxtiiu- MeMann A v Wllllnin 1reuss Jr an J Julia trlrl Will t n N e Mb at ninullHI sauii Clarence and liihn PrIck n nli si ilk l e IllMcUer t luxioo tarn v John Flick vth t 3t r sane s Jilm Wnlkcr and JohnlrlclA- mMerdam ir se till Ia7lh nl 2411XM i same is Vllllam C bcbmldl and Jobn Frlck- Onivr M n 7ii II e lledford st fix 100 snme vs illi Kimpneriind John Frlck- J1 si n wM av 1I4XUHI am vi Jacob K u lit and Julia Frlc- kSnllned tlpihanlct Mem bOth tt 91 K Martin Mletler ts llrrnliard- J liidwliretal Mnrehjo IIHII 4400 Same prupeil Slentin Marble iird Tile Co- v same Fell f Hull MOD Same pruiicrtj Chnrln HIeilnitrr vs same Nov lii hnio ssoon- BAme prtiiHii Max doldMclu ft fcane- IHc 31 UOil 87 t- Iorerloiure Suit LexniRton ar w t U n lOut M MiSflxIriri 45ih- si ns MW lxlnetna uv l lireir 4 11 st- n Mil w av 4Mn M n 170 w Uilnclib li 311100 the Cirinuinla lIfe Ins Co v thy C iralmm and Sons Co ct al Mnlpman 1 10i i st ss IM w Oilumbu av 4Mnjoo IroMtlenl SavlnirvUian liintincnt Co vi SAiuh 1 llrett el nl altO M DHVI- M4fth st ns 20 e ftlh av tnxlnu V Cienrje IV Ouln- tiinl the HaplM Temple city of New York el ill altys Slit k V 10M M R Ifm w IxAliiulim at ixl0011 Samuel A lassie er 4c llcary Neu ft nl liIl M aw cur iexliuton av runs 7 Sx w M4i n x e 11 tx n MS ki street x e 10 M 13 Edward and Henry Illrsli v 1etcr Waitncr ct al SIlos tilth it n w Ath at 134x10111 Marnarel h Crow v liura Scheer cOd also euro Ac ally IU Icnilent- lh av v nisi r liom t ns and Manhat- Uin st ns if rxtcmlcit to llmlsnn ailloln lrt laud ol Iluisiii lller It It Co William hhe vs Wllllnm Krlie MirreuUcr lease Ac attys Iiiehan D- 1st st s 4HO Wrst tnt av 5xi 7 i w West Knt nv laud ffoienhauer and ano v Kate i Drown attachment Ac ally J lUhun llnlldlnc Ioiini Ave Ji o x Cohen end Imaniiel Jlautxr limn HviMn i yennouse- Whllf Ilaln rifld prtipmcil r widened s land to Duncan a Srliir Uwttnce U Fleacli Mn Phil A Drvoe plan Flleil for v ltullilltIIO- WNTOWN Snufi at lourtftntlt Ht- Uulbrrry M tin m Wl tutKsMry ware hjiuse soul Horea A lihile S4 menV to tenemeril arid WANI9 ass it twit iiiisii lit sirs at ul tailor if Itusil tafluIAri iflul 34 55 cell titus HEll I tt pta ill hIts rely itt S harry emit remit 6 5113 F same to haIr 6 IOU 6 itt sit cit C 10001 ra r 0003 4 inc a 855 5 37th WIlliam Irs Lam its ant 74151 it S us C Vest 1nd a 1l1sittthi S Nesiuti 11 00 4000 i 1C tli 514 471h Ali a 7000 lOOm lilt as 5000 a ii alt II lilt t 1200 > > 3500 Ira 533 500 Mary a edit 0000 Ogden iii t000 I triP It 4000 a cnN it Shut > 3000 a si < llrLnl ti to lid 4 pail 11800 ala irs 150 0td I tIll 4501 1300 0000 ailS U lOt vent isa clii Jolii 11 117 70 I II itt 47 88 is sit 14737 Il1a Lelipiler fliP t 5407 1873 UI 03 it 933 toys lmihig Ill rIta lieu 3 alto t the a mirmt iS stIrs Ii c I Wolf II 4 I 4 iOS Ii iiI1r a itt i lIlt I it rid tutu c si it it a 4 lisp Ii 5 I 51 it n C It w ltli him onOo 31 at 15 i haIry ilstheI 11Jul15 itenjtunli iuthrlluwlt Ii uoio Slier 3si Its 4500 Sew owuicra 4 iteulilht Ou3 SIll it mltthllmuI oat 10000 Iltu sit 1u7 uttee slid itire liuhlhullul henry 311 I 13 LtIIu itt owner IbSen 75 ilflHda SItUP tcrt riot llruitI ct ISO lnmeiiettt 31000 fill 111 lIrt Edtar Caner Irutnlc titlisin soul archiprut oct 2000 AlLen at impruve sitore lIme Ctryitle at owners Mel Liuiler arcbIct aist ISO L 4c > > °° < > ° > > > > < < < < Iwrtlculsr a to newness nf dnelllnr must hay plenty of shade and ifooil aiirhorocc will lnl plaice tvith old liouft in fimil repair F01SOM nilOS A3A a slxitnry- bulldlnit on Ml av IHU nith st inxBoxKJ- prlte JI1fti Ki Also corner Inl on 3d av near 4M ht ntxfti price 127IHM Also In Nl near ith AV ti ree tory private dwellln- c4xdoxinli iirle CMIHKI CRAM lilllFFITII MOSKS tt SliM 1080 Amurr tuft Av SlIer a plot with three fronts V shliuton Mrlitbl neat Hapld Trinsll slathn tIN fur limnedlHt Investment n bnririin Alvi- K Neverittiiry elevator aiwirirnenl house al very low price to clue nn estnte WM FoiSOM U West Juih St Oile- rfoiirstor hlifh utoup on 11th St between Cth emil 7tii pantry extension price Aha on nth st neiir 5th v miry ilwellinz illninir room extension price 4 00 Also on uih st near Slh v thveiliriir with extinslon new onlr prlcr iVui Also on Madison at near WJth st 2aloot house price IIIIIXKI Alvi pint of fuur iota on West south of St prlee 1IO NI Ali plot above 34th it near Lexington at price JMlmi- WM r iHSTFlt II1D rurhlh Av Offers a four story hrownvine dwelime on West 80th SinaI Hi av pure jiin i free and clear aster tenement nilKhl be coisldered Also two rtnled In best restricted sirs Stout of Wiiiiinirtun Jlioou fur West Side property Mow 5aih o- Wesl lith st hear th av fourstory dwelllnc- nn lit ion sinuhle esULlUh- menl price 14luxi West Uroadway lID Improtemenl to lofti A Od owner lecher Kvans archi- tects IMI not ital4 Klltahrth M eoni Impnivemenl to fare tiles Siruler JirniulnwtHv 14 ranal st owner M Jarmuluwnliy architect nisi 400 Molt st 211 rmpniicniciit tu lenernent and Stile Florence ierhardl Iil Mulberry at Vane A H Heihlln arcliliett runt t000 Dimery Infta licprntruienl tu restaurant A 1 lOud W Kramer 113 li B4tu st owners 1 Kastncr nrclillict rout uo lth st At I to dnelllnt Isabella Juliet W lirih it o ier Henry Klein architect mil joo st 11 iS Improvement to warehouses Hubert Ilolierlvm slut Morris Culeman estate owners lliurrun 4 Kru e archi- tects 100 Clinton st 13 Improvcnvni tn tenement und store lee 35 Nassau t ounrr Henry llocktanre fj Inlairey si arch ten nisi eon Ctli av IM Improvement Ui factory and tInt JnJm II Ithuadii Jr rbuiiipsuii aichllccl nut joo EAst SIIIK- Kmf ot Filth at bttutrn luiirlnnltt and ItOtA i Pat av SM M Improvement tu tenement 15 Slid I Kaufman estate II I 6tth st owner C G Kaufman anDllcct cool too WIST sini m Illb ae befu eri Foiitttnn ant 11WJI Bi- 76lh st it W Ininriitement to dwelllnii hurls A Wlnipfhrirner 14 W Md st owner hilt ft urchltecls eist llfX 0 Sotti M uw liupriiiniiiiii tn lnre Kmma I MiNull iiennirii rmm owner Jar dine rchlierlni ii rx0 luJth Ill W in tenement will nil and Jacob Hafner owners Kurt ler lUihl IM Uowery architect cost 299 Anthony ar e s nr u svth M twnslory Unellliif Ilaiiel stone Hros 3d ur- uHiirrs JJ Vrtelind Paul Daihcate av- urchllecl cost Alilmmy av e inn n 160th st twostons- tnlilf same owners nnd architects cost 177th st s 232e nri story shop Maileiiin S iikTr oilier W A ionnsn architect co t St Ann nv w K 1J 141st t linpronmenl- tn ittteliinir si Anns owner Mime A llliseldl iirihltrrl IIM- IllTiTslile lanr n i i syltan av tin provement to stiblr Xelli sindhelmer W 7Mh st own r M IUii i it Kppe- nsrln 442 Cuhiuibus ii architects cost nimik av 1212 iipruvcnieiu to stable Charles ne 7m i inth M owner Kurt A Ituhl archltei1 txut- Wli av 4S linprovrment to dwelling lAwrence MdiMlh UWIIT A Arelandrr- arrhluct t Until st ss SiS e Morris av Improvement lu dHellliiLs Mrl rijzanl H tone simile arrhitecl 3d uv ws sii u ai Improiement to ilwrlllnc and store llcnrj liuiui en owner liul i ios- illi st t IK t Mrlrwi a Improvement to tineineiit 1 i t e0 Plait st- ounr still arc itrct rus- ilrith t n s nu w i miilniidt av improve rncmtn vllnc Ms Sfrmiitl at ownet M J ilanm 31u7 3d uv archl- lect con Inkr Drieltrt Inllceman Henry Clark tIll down wits poses Jube Loris tlio i irrmnnd 1 arrested by a bocu i liiiian wlnti tlm show rtarti after a roallstlo titiuniine affray came near htiMlii out cf Siimrn inrrten IMI liy lili Murray n real policeman who inNtunk tl riuwn l r n man anil down r iiwiiy nivprllln patent HiHtlirirjpi Tin siiiHTiiiii inli nt if the iniJ ln oii huvov r lieforo h had landril out in Madison avenue Titu J cnl ALBERT STAKE Four per cent Money for New York City propcily large or mall amountJi also Staten Island loans placed Quick answers and low charges NO S5 llltKKTV ST N T AWrcLAU6HLINCO- Dcnlers In MortRagea- Tell808Cortdt lOB Broadwa ASHFORTH CO Real Estate No 1509 Broadway KDWAIin ASHIi rtHr 44triSUee- tJ Jfvnulu Jlnnid 1 1 Jtaa n ESTABLISHED IN 1835 J ROHAINL BROWN CO Brokers Agents Appraisers MI ro MI I ii NOltnilvAI IHMAUWA- Vllepjour a ic HIGH GRADE INVESTMENTS N Y lIft llitkli g I M W YORK ouxli of Maiiliiiltin or Rent Iruni lluter In I Ill M Inrluilve- A laikr i HP i ii- Teiy uaMiiilia- pecululion n ind- tt ii SIHAIlli M near th a pi r nMi STREET iiir Sai si pries ir lheHtmeiil or i i eluw City llal- M K 171 Ilroadway i Ullinta IncluilrJi- i1 hilS M5 DriKlilsay Abut Mill kl rlh nv In Kaat OPPORTUNITY lllrn TILS MN l Tin l Missii i M TIKI I DltHKR- IN Till 8IVI- H TIKHS VAN ILIMIIIMi PoS tiv Il iiriiAsrit- MM nt Ki nn sou it until sr OMV 4nill ASH Run StirN lecnieit rixMU liiil 113th II Elm Sit ill I iiv tar mer t23u- uhiriiu ii TI MI nt eol- l tin usnirudM 4I Vhloii Square VM- triii n iTTi wnVjji nuLsK uTS UCR Mnil ii ililil in rrai tljliioo U- I IM 11 liluMllKllS M Hroadway- VITHAiTIVH ItiSIIENlS In Murrvy IIi section from 5limn to iTVoun- KHUSiiM UUUrilLH s i uroadtay K lame four lory house 4Jth ceur aih av askIng tJflmio- IlHSOM liltotliniis MJ irindi ty- HAIIiiAIN rnur xliir KIIBIIMI hiucment huu 3Slh l tear tlh nv ukiic tvimjo- ft II VIDTII IlitSi Out M near Mnillson iible in rent J 2iuou k- FUISiiM lllunlliaiS M Ilrmdnir- AHK AV riillNilt MAIt linril si I tury iaitirent with tUlle ulie 2ft 1 AMI rent i- irlce U4WKI moruatie Jlliinn nl 4 cent I KiNiilV CO 7 IlneM- Wtll ST NUAH 31 AV Kltevuiry t n- hcnt lint water supply fuur ttmns and PaIls UilKialim rent tln o aikln l4uOi term a- IIHVAN I KKNNKILV A Cl 7 Ilne n oh1IIi4 flruadwsiy Offer PIth on- t II tItus hi tiers 3ruli ito lOin 57t lots cod dIlilhlulnu I Ils eu Iii for 4 ltiu lint ensnt ISis itt out mien t00rj g sIr 1 Ii lit heat t III porruIeuIt iulLpltl- floeoij0lu ill The I3eum 6000 q 1400 > It olin sit 100 a w 17 lOO I I i let 8500 1000 sat 470 I3OuI jail 470 ii ill tooo 56 300 fIts tie as a being hi al it sit Itt cltt ion t t Iota n tnt 42 r5 4 1 kO iti RS 1 a iii In II t siii I t itt LIt l C eiuiist a Filtt rU t- i ip 1 i l Silo WJLLIAM ill itt nut tip I lit I I Ii I s 14t I ttt I id1 11 met 01 A- Id pr un mliii g Ill Ali itttlV 11I iS5Jt It I tili I iu t e itait I tuaiiilwfty wills len lIst C < > < > > < > > < ° I La- S TI- AM was IndIa rbln thai tip pIe 70 nit We o water with Tel hUm a- A tract lites- to co due 20- eUaJr at ft all I LAW 50 byrD Pelha slid n N F S 0cc 0cc- Ized CeC SUrf dual boat fro Vi The acre tillS Ills Is nF blocks lynlea mILl ltndt- nita1 P ho- I I I t Bark lch 2- t ml- EU east V- tli pro rn I in ic- in I iii 5 CI 11 m- lI ci II ill e 155 I hilt if sir lull 1- a ci Lutae- Ijieeit S Cl lUCil- clv 3 it 55 Cf kit 175 elleiiii- tieti II C Ii- I Alt 1ne lO crt- S II not lit lete mIll mit V Cal hous this N beat a- ttll 5 mr e- Ii nisf cit r- ml lull i sit I Inert 0 dId n- luuit it- wti nit sire mw wat- etleel hour I 6 i- iIL lit I Rt trolley Igs Amid ford a

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1901-04-28/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · M Ii 13 THE SUN SUNDAY APRIL28 1001 IS THIS CANCERS GERM TtKTAlLA OF DK C4V7O I

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KKV AXl ITS UrAtitX-Un Director of the StaU Cancer iJiborator

ThInk th Illteai I C ntrd lir Protoand T1 al the Whole Ilodr I

Infected o Care Yet In Sl bl

The announcement wn petit out froiBuffalo a few veek KO that lr Henry U-

laylorJ of that city had nuccepdod In lilontltying the germ of caner While the talowent was received with coino Incrpilulitfurther Infornuitlon reuardlnc Ur Ciaylord-

tnvestlentlons Im nrniii eil tlio Interest o

physician Thl ItitcrMt U duo lu nnrt ti-

the knowlrle that Dr Haylnrd work hihren enrrlfd on with the ndrlco of Dr Vll

Ham 11 Welch of llallimore who holdplace In the medical profession

Dr Oaylordd own report of hM yearof appear In tho May miniher of the luicrican Manual of the VfcicaScience Dr Oaylord Im been conductlni-Mperlinent looklnit townrd lolatloiof the cancer serm for tho h t elcht yearsAfter blnc grvluttcJ from tho Tnlvursity o-

Icnnfylvania medloul school In IHOJ hi

went to Johns Hopkins to dimly under DrWelch Nest Dr Vflrh outlined a cour i

of tudy for him In Europe On Ills retitrt-

frnm nbroad l r inylord wn ucccitlvel-profeiaor of sursery nt the tnlveully o

lluffnlo and diiif of clinic nt flip Iluflalo Oen

ernl Hospital Ho became a friend of Drlloswull 1urk the surtfoon and upeclHllsi

In cancer operationsDr Turks liivi ilitlons and report were

it thIs tituo ivillin cenfral attontlon to tinivide previilornry nml nhrminit Increase of

cancer III nortliffrn New York and largelythruiitfli work ntnl liillueitcn the Htnto ctuli-Illuil n pttholiivlcul laboratory at lluffali-

thrro vcnri a o for the Meclflo purpoi c-

linveiticatlni iMiicir-Dr luylord wi mad dlrvctor of

lalo atory nnd fiiicivil upun th work outIliiril with creat ciitlmsln He vns aldivby a ltriro fiirp uf as i iant In lilt papIn the Imiriiuiiourmiii UfiiVil Sciinc-

i ulvmi n tfilitiicnl illlulled uc ount ol UK

inure liiiimriaiit uf tho Mi is which l il ii

lo fie liliiiltlUatlim of uriani iii cfforniF which wer found lu illof cancer u iinall highly ivfractlve f rnwhich In huspcnsloii pusetM a hUhly chariiciiristio oiiillatini innllnR larger pate

forms proluciini p niidiipwlii nml urnlalform uplier-Icnl lnidiiK lli lnc llirnlorii v ri iu

new tiiuthiidx t Ktalninc tlmlr secrlcji for their inlcrosi e lilus a it wafound that l y HIM olilcr of striinlue-nnly the lonn oniild Iw dUtliiifuishfiJ-Iroin Iho imcle and round will of lU u

elemcnu-Dmlnc tho winter of lki 99 an elubornte-

i erle of tt carriwl mi althe laboratory whifh led to tli followingconclu tho boulM of tln e-

dyluif from CUII T thai all the or intnkin from nil rvitiini-

of nil ia en drlnir of riuc r rontaln l rti

This I fnlliiweil by till Maternent thatthe t al o apiwnr in tlut blood I

living anil tho laboratory It nown ireful liivtstlsntlon of tin MI

of nt which HIIM orKaiiUiaInformation wlr h wlmn

will be of ifieiH value In diaentisii of the ili-

ea oHut the Immediate popular lntir t In thin

discovery lies In tho thut il iinnto to oil uf ruiv ry by Pailrntiwho hovo rfach il an advuruid tiiKe of citicer at lea t until n imiliid of deitrovimr thecerm Itwlf shall hav b n ili i v rid A-tireent tho only motliod uf treating cani rs with the iiriteoti knllii And

the modnrn furKeon deeiutr nnd wld rnil about the inlected riirloti thuti ver bBlnr-he vintiot houo to erudlcuto it Ui eu n thatil t In every organ und In the circulatory

of lb blood inelf Tim Kuril huvuonly to when another tuiimr npiieiir

knife a h ueuThnt nt least N th IoiKluKiuu of hohave gtuditil Dr iavlurdH tiKutloim

Dr Oaylord fives ditailt ol a Ionic iirioiof in tin han nupcep iw i

In Inoculutlnc Kuitiea putb rabjilts and do M

with Iho cnncur tnlcrobi iivve in-

Inoculntinir thi animals nnd Iil4d inoi trulon of the fet that tho virulence of tle-cerm may be r atly Increased by njcr ivi-

cultur s are of great Importarnv n theri amoccasional abortive cuscs In xvliirhcanucr

1m K previously been tliu Inoculate ithe remaimlwr of Dr CJnvloid

report I devoted to u hUtory of miliT obof Hie lane r cerm In wliieh in

Involved n di iMi ii ii of the iie il n u toflielhtT tlio ipurnilto Is un nninial or n vec-etnblo H Kifin to cuncluivithat to far lnveticatrs hav biMji wrouir

thfir nuiiponllMii tlmt tin U nttie eiuluint Italian-

patliiiliijl t unit ull iillniM who havn doiu-innre than rnake a KuifCition In Un mat-t r have believed tint tu bo H lov-fonn of fiuiul a yent Dr Jayluixi thinks

das ii ri irotonon-To lay inlnd tlm tlUtlnitlort may tInt

tfutn but lo tho cienist tIMKiblishiuunt of l r iavlorilius ti th naturn of thnpariiiii U uf lilithest-linporinnet nr Ir nr up an en

new line of iiivituatnii-ThU will he more cleurl utider tooil whenN that ailliliC Iimro Illlponalit

infectious iiivii i thai urn knoun or belu be ilim to parislte in olilv one

mulirri i IM fiaiatiie us utoui i er the mlcmbis ufbubonic A i iie ri ler i Hptlieri-utnllnena v ui IIMIIIII fuver-tnbfrciiUxi unit titainiK or imkjuw urirrnMeri i f vi viable nature onthe li i of Mime tin iiaiani nf wli rilil-iiis liiihcriu bjluil invimUcatuis nr carletlever niuli mnallpux iliouinuuo Iecrl-iv Irouhiiijli uiiil ujiuer

That iitiuiy ol tlito latter wilt nowliln to tlm riffs iM H by

ihe lad thit Dr liivord already e-

Ulllihrd a klti hii between tho raniir kcnn-nnd vaifihe Th hitter nn obtained by

iiieiliu nnd tiu uvh mar-vel oti ly in id prevnniiuiiii mnill-po its In Mil lieen illlilerilouil

The treat iiu 111 Dr i rdi nilliolllirclJii 11 lies thiTilore In iln ii I that li-

lia i oiniid mil u rifV dour thn mlt whiviithe Kecrei uf an niiiuiier i t tintluoul nmladlft that iilllii I

poHily reiilied and flu tin tIllwill How be iiinreiitmied Hie iiaiii ofthe pathological laboratnricn ol tillS world

Rivriz JMIVV iiiitn-

tteil tu Hho i Ihlnui Ip I I in uniib ll

on Ihf sunrise Mile of lonnthe Orientil ilub which has room ut-

4j atreet anil whifli in thn pisl ha-

upported the 11 lliiiil of ifm Hun

Jim 1arniili lnhl a nishl an I

tuiil wiiii tiini iiv lieiniiraoyof ttlilch dunen is liii-leade Years t tho eliowUcr m dlilt of MM liri lull tti one ut Hie

of i i t Slilo life anil u is one ufoldii orini in city It now hA rncmbersJiip of niiuiu tour huidrcd ai-

cordini t ufflVi It Iliniriiiuii il-

llnrii Itrl wi tru ted tu nuilfycltv Denio of tlm attitude Uiien by-

Iho club

Vblhl Cornell

The marrlngo of Mi Lillian llushrnoroCornell uml I Jw ml T child of Ildlaililphlfitook plnce yi aflernoon Irotes

of Ail Angel Went l nd-

avenun unit ll tr il The Itev-h Do Iinniev u ie rul Itrforiued lhi ix reI-

IIOIIV III i 11 urlurli ilnl tile lirulu VMI

RW V by hr rillir Williiii T Curnell JH-

lloretHK K ullii II utl Illlell Ilir MS

was tb t erwere I lie Mi s l-

v ay of Ihiliuteltiiiit nii iiid-

lerliritf illiin N

inia llrk llriilKiriinii The briii nniU-unnell tilth llmlulev-Siii1nl Dr hil-

eltayiolil Mirlil I liuileII Hunter

lid i IMI M Kiiil we il ilr-Mr itnl M WHIist u T urn II me brhten-

linrent Km n reet Ion their I urin-ris lityflrt ireeLiiinr the rhunli-Krernony

Wllrl DraperI e rr4iria e of Mr tJiari Uuel-

wiii s with IV ii l er A Co-

lu Mr ll ireiii c DrH look plinv i n il-

pveninuof irMV4 l he th1 bridemieii Mr inrt Mrs I urnell-

nt kj Amity trer llriklyu Tho-

innnv wi Tfnii il Iiv the Ierey T-

Olruii n liirit i s I rihurrli Mi Ad ills nl Viuvn

I a ii ln o in li r Wuid of-

i inie mil i Hlin i be r inun Thei r i mil I II i lord mid V

Htfiis Mi Hid M v ii peniint-I r ii al i ii-

INSI HAMI niio if th JTVI-

ni Jii irli iient irk iIM 11 nniH nil ur virih upt-

iIAllllnl IMi IMI IS





invt atIofl will







vti IOU

ira il ug

J11t9 Ii IiI y ttIIt


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U utrr f I Ii iCi ii Iinorgn ti Ins

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lllSiI lUg Ittdec I

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rita y In I illS

I ant Ep1 put ti lit h

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ilIHvIki 4rIIlS ILl I NI itIPI hg It 4

IrflIIIll IIiltIuI4















< ¬






IllOMoTUIIS and psrlnert furnlsheimerchants manufacturer arid other lrln r t-

iulcnd business mock bonds Midi money for leittl-

allenllon Telephone No 2400 Corlland-

ltfl300 HUYS 8IKMnt COTTAOB with b tand hoathniue Ac rnuM location on IhHudson Fur full particulars apply al-

McDOVALD 4 lroadway-

t2o Ion SAirCtiM petIn a lane steam laundry itnluj a prosperou-busiRKu plant fully equipped and In lull operationlocated In husr town Full Informslion al our office

McIKVAU A WIGGINS 237 Broadway

tsiHH IAIAV WANTED money secureIn mariuficturlnr buMCM now In operation amlocated eloe to Xew York dIV and ralued at tin0u vrry hlrhc it ol references and HrlctMt uf lareplication Invited

McUOXALl A WIGGINS 237 Ilroadway-

J4000 UPVS ITXUST IIOTKI In Ilerjen countyhall New York and Tiuedo 7 SCIM of landone hue hothouse equipped with lurnlSure rent M1 monthly with and old e-

lahlUhed dine to depot Including hor e wseoni-carriaie kr proprietor has other builbrwfor this life unit clear Intrllcauthis opportunity Iull particular and photographat our mcr

MCDONALD 4 WIGGINS 217 nro d ay

510000 WILL SECUltr an old established properuiu retail bmlnew located In the heart of the retall dry oudi ill trlft Particulars at

i WIUliIN3 217 Uroadwa-ytlnuoof LOAN WANTED money In amply

cured In a manufacturing buslneM bulne-ol JlonOlW yearly located prominent city Weplnnt nt Jliooo my l referencewill bear Investigation Applr at

237 Broadway

401100 WILL IMHCIIASE an old e tsMI rieiconfectionery ruanufiuliirlnir bmlneM Inrludlni-renl e ite In the most promlnf city Inof Connecticut one nt Ihn nnrstlit kind In thl nmntry t2Jooo of to Inextended In the buMnef doing bu IneM of KOOOO

hhrhrsit of rrfrrrncrsMCDONALD wmoivs w iirosdway

lilVS iiRtKTnV hskery and school suppile located ichoolliou1 In a prnmlnTtown clo e to Imdircport litt years businessowl 111 hesUih and joins away cauw for sellingApply to

McDONAIU WIGGINS 237 Itrovlwsy-JISIHJIIIIJ KsiA iiiftiiii nino sT mrl-

ocMid clou to Kant Jvnh si New York city tl ln-ibuilneM ol U dally tloo monthly prullU death li-

fmclly cause of Apply at-MIHNAIU ft 37 lroadway-

KSJHiilllCYSlATkXTASHSirriSV HUrTInestors huuM nrr at once vtuiettilfit nil Mm-Ilrj at our iifllce lnve iiiit this InrtlculaM a

McDONALD VHHlIS 27 IlroadwayI-

CiciiKi TAllTAL WAXTKD money l ainplsecured und to Iw ciiiendrd in a manufacturing i

lila nntr In operation locnted In moAtNew State otnbllthed 20 year Un-

valued at 2inHi 5i liaruls mitt employed llttlIn thU Jibe htKhr of rffrrelices A-

ppj at MCDONALD v 247 iiromiirny-

Jloimo CAIJTAI w NTiDfone lianuie-iurrd and In br t red a in a Dianufarturlm-

hmlneii no In oper iiun plant tallied al 7l iHi-oInriiidlnn u huiuei proprrty Ac plantequipped loralrd In Oninectlvut Apply at

McDONAlI WIUOINS 2i71lroad ay-

2rN i IciAX WANTKD Money li amply tcciiria-vlll pnvwitli Dionlh ir huntJi-of leferrncrM SlId IntrMliiatlnn alluvefl pply l

MCDONALD VliliiINS 71ln id ay-

l7Tiiiiriir YH established locillnu rloir to Toil Ije ferry Kr orU side proi rl tur uirm tile pruiwrty and jll lv long le e-

fuw rrnl cnme or siftIng old nj retlrlnt froii-buMnevs thl hotel I rIce and of all incuui

full pnrtkulus apply al-MellriNALD 4 Ilroadway-

lioiKHj lISTS olUfHtabiUhid liSHiit biuluelin1 jilnu litre of InnJ bolhounei IK feelIOIJK location clooe to ew York city mil i rtlcu-l i apply nl uur ofSce

4 VliiOINS217 llroad ay-

J4i m UlYS iijuntry urorrry ttorr locitloiT-pnimliient town oil Wand rnuie of celllnt-Bolrie out of tile btialncsft Iartlculnrs-

MIDONALU t WIGGINS 257 itroadnayi HfYS sinie rlthti rllit ii suppoiier for

ladieo1 fell vjmrtlunj Slew now on marketyou see uur ntnrr-

MiDoNALU A WIHilVS 227 Ilroadway-

Shit Virus AND J2HDK wll sorme re half interCM In ritatillihed bilslnrsi ol etiepllnrml Smith willollliT mi till MI hlrli wilt eain you J3UUJ to 550U-Iauuually full partlcuUt apply

2J7 Ilrnad ay-

0 llTYS halt llitfrtjt In ecrel pfore to-

rianufncturlnr nirlal iiotujs tlouoo uf this rapllnwill I exptntled In till btnne to tinri il my hulrst uf icfcrenctt mvutlttK IDopportunity Apply al

A VIGGINH 217 Ilruadway-

STOCICi ill SALK lirrt pro peroui-

leiiiii tAut In a l u tu n In i uuiirctleut-lnvi itmeiit nWluirly iirntccied llderal al-

Ijneit very hlvhesi referernes fiunltDcd Apply I-

I2tfiiuii IAIUNKIl WANTK1I tor well eiUlbPLated ttlall lumher buslne eiperlence nut iieces-ary flrtclnv relereure a urn Apply to

McUilVAU t ttlOUINS 2i7 llroadta-flixfTEMAVS hVXTHV SKAT ajniilesoui-

in Ijutnr Island over ano feel water flout old mlunlul-annslnn orcrlwiklnc and l iJ arrr onejour out house cuuliius till tuodera iruprovtrueutjl-ell un terniM

KliiUINS M7 Ilrnatlway-

AN ItliAIcuiiiitr Jiarirs tteautlfull-Id nuin house light airy ronias city improvenent nni Inwns lake and iKhtnc on tileitotirrtt ilwr lo ileimt leit than one hour out cryiUh eleiittloii view several line icreeuhoutu-tahle Ac fr lurtlier parilcnlari urMy to-

McUi XAIll A VKiiINS 217 iros1wsy-

2iKii SIXirK for le l rse conloraird In the upper p rl f thi Slnti nlil e lab

ilHhni liu iiirss my lilshist rrfcrtnces furnishedApply In

MCDONALD WIGGINS 257 iimadway-

JldVi Sjtin fur le manifnciiirint htiMiiewIn llrd ep In full trperalion Invest

unit fur th i e of riteriilini Itt liuslnr InruK-rder on html ImxiniTi riillv protpricd Apply to

MrlniNAII Ic rtlijiilNS 2J7 Ilroadnay-Hloni WILL riHCIIAHK ills finestit la thr Sin of CoiiUcilcut nn ideal plnoe for

ximrier nr wlntei lurmtrn Imuse loo font plicin-nitiriil tible 11 nrre ne phnin it our

MrlMiNAlH t UHUlVb 2i7 HMndway-

IIVCKI STifK Talent Ac msnufarturlnlPerUltlra n liufI-

cr cnn mfiki a furtuiie In thU Applv la-MilinNili A VKilS 537 irtixil v

V ILL pi KillASiair ildJMallMiM-ettll bUHiiim fit tIle nlKive rne III IM-

r e4 wHfoiii Irk flxlurc a erii n-

IWtrrw uti JlioiBK yearly owner tvlsbea to lithetuither ptrtliulnr to

t tOiINS 2J7 Ilroadway-

4im SIIAHIS nl SUM per storm for ale In a l rir-

ertlliiMn company 7 per cent on In-

MtineitN which Ixnbsolutelv prolecleil very liclii-iinnnercitl referencti lurulshed Fur pirlkulars-pply InMiDONAID 1 WKJGIVS 2A7 Ilmadwa-rpsiAi i nr vn cnrs run SAIK ieme

iiijilailnn ailiiitiiit fnrnit luratni In lue moMilltil rtrt nf rn liiclTid lli Uimi are all

first ilriw iriter prloc Ill i In-

MlJiiNAID 1 WIUiiS 7 llnmdway-

i5i rnisr iinifiiiAir LUAN VNIIDi-n properly tuMeil at Ji lor parliiiilarn

ply toMiliriVAIn V mOOs 257 llmailnar

S STEINGUT COleal Estate and Business Brokers

68 Second Avenue4tu I JIM Stutes nn-

iiislnev oil i irkly without publicity Iirti-er sill cbpital iiruiMrcd Iecdl pafcn cartfiiriur-

uMiVI1 UlvTT ui estihluTeiir iIe a T-

trisiklv r Jiuo eeHyiicelrtsuwiirriiuvtiroiibriiail-caWM KINO 61 Id a-

MiniiAllirsiMs5i maklnr i cialty of re-

mirtnir inKwurrns eitalillnheit 21 yenrs eipenenrn-miice vir iio l lltlnir nMurert will ell ur lauq-arlsier STKIXiilT 11 2t av-

SAIii Mnrket Newmk N J lim riiinice tMKi iheap nriMXijlT M M av-

Slabllshnicnt Usl plaht In IIIH-HNTKlXiitT rs M S-

THISTAiHANT anil limca Ituoin on Itnnletarill-toc Hay llench a yearn Sinai price

st eil pi nilrtekl exiitrlrrjce

Jllcl ImMrievc SIRHI rue

rs M av-

11MHltn iM AVUIIIISTAIUAVT n minerin 111 vt ilnlnir n buiinci-eni with living roums 121 J25o-

NTKtMiiT M2il K-VIIDfsTAl liVvT iilrely ftleii upT be l l

Vest feiv ilolnir flue liuMiirii uRiiet le-Illnir Imilneih price ftiMi


AnilSl i SM IATIAT AllTliilir sicnnnlMii f i i iKiund to sumInner if ImnillM riKht Jlnun-

SIlJIMitT rK M av-

Il HMiili n IIIIIIM Iiui si ii

nntr lit in r v tlntf f funl cut in hiise7 rouihs tl ii tlllcil STKIVil I c M-

jtliviMtiiiiTxMiM iVitiiAiiitiY tTiirs-iiel Mil iiir H n im lint Iuo-uiol i re nuinr tu In fnmtly liir

tillS tlJixi Pie H

He1t 24th st

IANIrt slitlnery suit clsnr slnre Wnshlnitun-i MrUK f ilill n il 2i yi ni iininltiun nearchnil tJiln iu iciwiivilile niter refutrd-

STMIXiilT M at-

ISTAIHVT AMI lfXfllHiinM opiKisll-eirjernlleite Unniklin tinul lnialne s sill nuirid-o oirioslll in prie tf owner 11-

1illllHi SMHIV SIXUIKrTAT frame Keiil-

7lh si with hulllinn nn rear lot S 8-

i2 hull for tinners own iu e all impmrecicoUirice tl2MU tVAiKI 1ash


tt ititpj hancci


fl1Le utottown rInretM gicen prompi













rIll llItirel fl 1i i






thetan itt


lila ItifertIlte


MI t II II t tt ii ii I Ns t7 I

51e1O tIt tartt tot atlr

Sal i


ill sd


r IC itch itt tutu lit


tu irl shoeill

tt lusi Of alt hillihifli a and other

3 ill I


Ill aStiLt t

ziliua IliCet IIi




l ss

rear tli ii



iitI Ileilitnuit

Ioi-iri i

iPtMiicrlau ciii S hmiiniui eiiit mW iniluuiluncmsqrv

iIttUflhi iIiisr ikit II

i sirI lOb

I sit

iittjihiru itt proc eI




air dent Pt 0 Ii elyilatii sIuui 15cM lllll S 5-

0Mt r atl-

tuiuu flhitiuflflI at 1 v



mirPont hits

Ian drya-

i r





< >











> >



NOLANGeneral Promoters and Reliabl

Business Brokers124 W 40th St cor Broadway

Capltaltltj manufacturer nierchatilH ard busnina mm generally are Invited to call 1artneiprocured capital ohtnlrird patent and niiflnenv

t ck timid Lands OIlSrniidenrr solicIted ronuectlons cnvrr the ettire tnlled StMen ITnr uion frnm forelcn coontrleH given cartful atliullon Telephone 3uolSatrret

oonoOO to siiniiiNiDnn CAPITAL wantedrrrut nitnufirlurlrn-mncernsi hilt mriiolatloat and various lucratll-UneMnifiiLi


40fKXr Son Share of preferred alwlc In a monj-maklnir mrporatlon al a ilKire below paa grand mound dixir opportunll-

1Z4000 KSTAIILLSlllil Htoraire and e prebu lne with property ullh IKIMM nacni Ac-


Unardlut Stable ipledid stock CS boarilers liatr


120000 PtHCIIASES llroaday lllll rd Tarltiprofit 13 dally long leae grand opiKirlunlt

ritowi NUIAND-

4nmr VVH eatabllihed auoe store refrlpV IXR

monthly line comer tnoiuunh niuru-iniowi k NOLAMI-

l5dOfl TA1ILK nUOTI futnlhrooms profit located In the nelzhhorhooof the llroailway heatie will aland thorouj-InreatliriUou mown A NOIJ ND-

I2sonor siiKNDiii DOCK IWOPKUTVestablIshed coal buMneNs railroad cut iropeitylu solid InveMment-


600 IIAUDUAKI rS1AllUIHEPitotU Invenuitlri H4nou lonn leute ROW lentilowner icllrlnii wrallht Imiulrr-

ClHiWI ft XiiLVM-

USfHW PtmIIAHUS ilill Interest oia-iiifarturtnt tiiilnes pronti uuoo annuallycellrnt upportuiilly-


lflOOO ntYS e taMl hed caih liinlntMi Broway prunia IM J ienrl Maml Irlcte InTMtljilion CHowiijfc XOIANDt-

lOCCXr nVVS pelented tarrla e waihtnic rea

chIt iaed In llrr t In fIt Inveslltnte-CHOWK AOLAMJ-

SOW HAM Fs IdilST patented Ilittrno mot m trhe furtune In Ihli oii rtunlt-


17000 prilCIIASKS flnenxitn hotel untncunPaired tbouMinl pl ed u 1m-

neuae restaunni trade Inni lii circa rent 2V-Olltlttli MHAXDJ-

IOOO OR MHHI and a reliable nan wanted l-

ad a lre ldeiit nr Treasurer of mrnpany In aheeand Angora l jrk ranch butlneM Uric rcturut-aurtd real upportunity-


U800DUlU SIUUK rtrcpuom MX monthentablUbed II years thuroueh ln e lliatlon w-

llrtleilCIlOVVi 4 NOIANO-

JIMXT LAI NUIIV leceipK 74 weekly IppeWest Side Ulilllieri U retiring

lnwt NiLAXI-

1200O HI YS p piiiir luncn tt iaurint-prntUi J30 inuatbly lutrou h luvestliatlou ertaopportunity

CHOIVE ANOIAM1700 SALOON rent practical free piomluin

avenue In t ol lnuaiui itOtUWK A NolAND-

I4000 12501 J p Mlunii cycles of UrnUonl Ile8ht IM inornateC-

IIOWK NolAMi11000 KANCY illOClUlY SlOIlt atoe ID-

entorifs IIJuu male oitir Irarini far tluflnli-VcdnesJay

cttowi A NOIAND-

IOi0 nrSTAlHAXT nitr Mac rufitlion monthly propielui lu oilier bukinem great


HiftO NAIdiiN tnchidliK rout lardta E-

moitcaet tent t7 five ytits lea e ApplyCltOlVK JvOLAMi

SALOON teul tillS nif ipatlnttlitt monthly lc Hire yearn hilitu

citowi31000 COVKrcrii SrHT fmcy creams tr

Pert neighborhood tuunlui upriita owactearing city lave tls te-


ZOOO CHOI KJtY inffnUiles 14000 Ixinr-blnnd town leut tiu IncliulhiK imjrorcd U DIroom


J751 ACTIVK partner ste In eiUbltrttreal e t te btiliiew iiit iitieisary opluiiunlty fumvn MiLAXl-

tlOoO OVBTJl7llI lti Fc t lii wtioesalmire nmralvjtou liuncu ile rl 8 tiMw annually


OtlOOWMtSIC 1IAII ManhaiwrkcTlinit Mipaiity iiiti rent J51KX

lung leise hlchesi reterencei in lanrt unencumberedTIOVVI it XOLAN1-

ItSOfTCIOAU STAND tore lliotouihfarrdowntown reiiti t iniklnu bi Snotty


17M IirirATKSSivTreTelili 117 daIlyrent tlO uaier ritlrlnt

Vninvi MHAMI-

t 0001DKIIlATKSSKX rerelpll trOCOOearly prominent thoroiuhfire Lihllheil ji r

etlrliu tnvrsiment-CltOWK A NOIAN1-

JlJOn rtIiNMIIKl Hoom elenittljf-utnlsrird selni hriKhburBuoil rtltrer In basementrood upporluuiiv-


32MX rtHXISIIIXiiS splendide window btuie iuiiri hluc nelf liturhuod low rent


SSOO huAUDlSU Stvhle 1C boric artrxirroflU loo opnortunity-


l 00 JltYS etil ll hM horeiioein D JIMeieipu iCOU iiiMitiil rent t2u niunlli birkalu-


CANDV STATIUNKIIV anti tar Stilt withVint looms tiilie tlMi husy iuiljixiiliiic chacie-

CTlUVii 4 NnND

furnttheit nmdern swell llliurdout ami Turkh rmunj will tell furnished jnouuI-

llOWi A NOiAM-

MANHTH17 aiidiiiiiiiirfMlnj business vicinityirie storn rrerlpti iln weekly sutable for ladrite KifU select trade nut cliaine-


Milt irmrts diilv eomplde outfitieiv ItiHliflle afcoutit slrUneiv pIle JC14-


SV i AMI rriVAItls lli a terntmal-IchU lo hiiiiiltf p i nl sa IrflM d to Butcher cuornulls tlrlu fur iiiuiit

I Itotti A MiUXMi

CROWE NOLAND154 mill rump linmUay-

A 10nooM iiiIT K un Ijwrevi IIu h-

nc on ill niiilern inuTi riiMiu ii-

nntly laid out uriluh j iu ratli-a line hnun-


A nvosioiiY AMI IIASIMLXT IUH Mkill rufira1 und hlth oIl Iniproumriitj KnU Ifith-t pnii 171Hi easy


IVihunl Inl Prolix lloruuith-Sxloii prouilntni luratiuu price JIIDII

IT M nr-

STnll sixriLK IlAT V lli n T-

Itxiklyn lot lilu i nc door frnm prli-e00i STlIMjIT 6 III in

A WEM 1IIDl f lonmilMion-nent f Juhainerih irs lalvi otienini

irrtncli At liirhAiii an eMn ire Iliot nam-iiimertlon iinniij rncrchantt ontl Hie mining mm-nuulU me Ursiruiii nf rii recntln a iit rtrri ofniiiiitncfierjiiif vi rinllli wtiiw n ul til-

or the Ui inn i in I mMkel In 1iiMi-MN iN filEt 7 Iiirtiaii South

AN KMW1 in ciTiiAiHilturty with Jliiui t iMcii iiim in ccritlnit If nils

w line I r i litiiiriirrriii nnl priIsle runtrarto iuiml h u n niunet nn-iliMilutrly wife u inr tinenl Ururihll-iilriirituriv nu iiir refs nif us tn

ansi ex eriee MAXIIAIIAN UKUKSTII-VnMIANY S4 linmdWHy-

AX 0111 ivSTAlillNIPII mali let alitiiiklneM iln m wn l ar i oitee flirnilK-

ii mmitrily pilre j5iii trlal allonl millin u J jin oittre-

I K WI i inski lialf lntireit in liuWe MUiinli medlml a-

mralu htHK Si i u Sun upnntn-ttief Ui HriHilwin

I CAN SKI I country rrnrerty tit ruh irei-encei Mim iiiir hotel r i no mattertliele lilllleil remt mil elllli Pllirel in ttiiMerfiilh icir ltil M jivI-IAMHil Ulti liltMl l Ilitlacrlphln IajViniii VIII Il an e ulii ieil nunu-clunrH hii lnev i kriicer am luciuuMlri UllliS lull i i Mm omrr-

HIIIVATh IAM V DKSIItrS linn f Jo return7A III Ill iniir enrlt ileliiMtmkith lenikr Atlre 11IHtllK ioliiinbu A-

TiAUIMli WAN liiihy nlemAnhiTtrii-rnr trniie r Iapetprte r

MIW rifltahle Mapte Hue AldreM-AlKTHHlKS U3 Sun urncr

Too ntc for DlibnUirattout-

llAtTICAU IllliXfll knuwuTuIn aiieclal Prof

AXIOtnSI4 Wttl4 4

t1nt hrnw-



for t iii iatH lit


te noo Buys itacry arialone



c eithiiittrdi






Till btotbou1




the lUSt

mIte muflL






5nt1 tnt


toil i itiui


Phil 11 dnu


itlrrIiIL Catskills elatotill

tie s itsi1t tip

it u

Spat sI mitt

549a litill I

sari pltboiill y


N ti I Pt itiii cc

1tllUsm lit

pfcTtsl SIP RI

lIlt mlii


n s lit

tutor lieiii itt t

lu alllsi sti SItS

utileI i Ill i


u i it I t IM Si i SI

I II 1 I its

kr ruth tlull


Ill I AS p


Itfl fli tiesis

u50ltt huh It u


lily i sson







> >






>< >



Th Ntw Jrrt7 Sibirta-In the on North IUtr Brlds

bill the hearing of the project on iliourtltireform nemn to been overlookedDirect railway communication scroll tinHudson would probably b quite a teo-

llvw a moans of deci ntr llrln populatlotH-

H the now Knt Ulvrr brldiff nnd the Hnpl

Transit Toast combined for ten lineurban train radiate front the ferries aIloboki and Jersey City Thus linen territory of 380 pnuare mile and contul-il0 tatlon earh of which U chlelly or h

large part a horncceltlniuent of New Yorkerthe njenoy of tunement houae leul-

Inllun whlln Kiiardlnu nRalwt uninnltnr-construcilon t to maintain rents oil A hidi l by lnere iinu the Initial rot of conKtriKUon welt an by IncreaMnc theof Imllvlilnal builillnif uperatloru Includlnithe worUlnif capital of speculative buIldersThis tendency I refuforipd as lh buslne-

Hcctloiw ejimnd and n tcnonitnts arn toridown to mnki way for choolr small parkaand oilier puhllo works Along Clue tins

of th Itanlil Transit road there 1 probatty not a vacant lot th value of whichles tluiti ih cost of a h u and lot In r-

lircscntiitive suburban eltloment ocrothe North Illvcr Current land spectihxlloi

In upier Maulmttan In ha ed on the anllclPattOn that u large part of the hl h irrnuiuwill he built upon with roMly elevator apartnicntH unit construction work In The Brom-

U conotThrd largely with lenementtflats Including elevator apartment

A recent Investigation of railway ratesIn Masinchmctts showed that while fareifor long ili tanoen have fallen but llttlibelow chat they were fifty ago com-

mutation for short dKanee havefallen 50 per cont In ten year owing t-

comjietltlon from the nlectrlo trolleY Uuduring these toil years Munhattau tins do

rUed little If any l eni U In the way of i-

ilecmitriillzntion of population from thecheripciilne of stiburbim far Indeed thgrowths of popuUtlon IIIM more than keptpuco with the extension uf transit facilitiesa Is evident from thn fails that the cheapen-

Ing of fuit4 huft resulted In tu nnorimiu-

Ihtnunn of land value In the outlying

triil nloiig the line of unlnterruplml travel

unii coini nl d hy nny reduction of rentf-

nt Hiiro of t opulatlun It I wlthlr-

tlm ilvcaile also that tlm tenement houseproblem lias begun lo prim irlou ly forkulutlim-

Kicc lTe futigeitlou In tic t u oient-rteitlonj however U uudoubtrdly causedihiaply by overcrondlug ID the housingof the intldle tlui uf the populutloti Tithour of liilior and other itindltlont of etn-

liloynieiit ninong thus who turin the largerpout uf tic teniiiitrv of the longasted quartern-

lnililutu iigiilnit eltiitlvn efforts to rcliiuvs-tlii ocitipiitittof the t u iiienU auydHutua1 oin their work Assuming that one hour alay li lost In travel In u yeur of 300 working

il y lo ttuuld bo equivalent to thirtyduyi

To wurklhc men mill women employed t u-

IIOIIM n lIly al hiunt ug s the would

uuiount to 10 pIer mil of Iheir productivetiiue wlikh I practically piohlbllU On

the other Land titus emit army ut Hularlod-

eiii loyee rind professional people engngedray ulght hours a day vlios Incomu U moiaor lt fliril would Itlid ccutioialrj udvuntaga-

In thus cheaper rent und wore wholesomelife lu tho miburlw If convenient transporta-tion M r uvullulila wllliln the hour limit uUuy ur ascii a aoinvwhiit longer period of

travel und the ilweutrallziitlon of thIS cluwould ellinlnatd th mure Mubuorn phainof thus teueinenlhoubf ptoblini Tu elTect u-

niaterlJl dvcciitnilluitlon of ila n ltpresent und pronpectlre outlelt northwHrdnod Into Iohg Island urn wholly inadequateMfantlmn hundr da of juure nillri of Ineipensive homo llfi have beon placed withinthe radius of buburbuu trnn portatlou-

wultlng only to bo directly connected withUie riiy-

Tlm rerlon arrot the Hudson liverIn berveil by tile stentn und trolluy llbet cenInner i hkf at JiT iy City mid llobokcii-preetitH mi extraordinary variety of nauial-nilrai tion und thn Btsiirtnre T u reductionol minutes more or le In the runningtime from UK IM nulnirtiau itlemenw wouldbe certain to crente un unparalloled ttul-rutate liuiim throughout tie nction Ai ItI tin tratiSportntlon ervh U an perfectI ntlnltmbli without britlglng or lunnulllngthe rlvrr nnd territory In progressing nt-

n rate which ho how great I HIM everlniiea lng pns ure of population utah Induatry

the metropolitanNeareft by I till 1allsndni range of hill

holding mi Its crel anil Inland dope u scorenf proi jii roii ettleinetiti more Im-

portant of which uri Knglewoodmid Tftiatly Tin development of the plateauInnTvinlng betwr n tho IulUnle SlId theItiirkxiisrifk lliver nerviid by the West ShortHiiiiruud him been riturdod tn H certain ritent by the tinfivoribli location of that

tiriuinnN In York liaikenembrairi four Mntloii on the ErIn rout

nil two on tho New York Sueqiiebntiiia undlV ti rn YII built up by lorai-IndiDitrlni nml ns u of distribution forB ttctlonlt IK uric of the

miburbaii ontre tributary toNew York and like CarlMadt Voodhrldge-

lliiiliroink lleiglit cherry Hill New Mll

toni Orndcll nml stwouil on the roadifintrlhiitM lie daily ijnutu of cunnnuteri to

A rung of lying t nerally north andformula the watershed between thus

llnrkfinntk und tho 1issulo On thli rldg-nr n numliT of settlements that have un-

loved u tleid growth tint more not n biniitnnne them being HutherfonlKliigsliiml und ArliiiKlon These lire tuft

lirt KrliHfl itvi n Liirkwatinnmid i tirn Hoonton brunch und flresuwood-lskK Jim b ciinl th nifHiluws lleyondtilt Infnli in tho great btnd which thriver miikw Hround tho lh t nnd scomli-

irunun Miiiintulii h the moat populousmound New York

In thin trtion HIO the innnufarturln-iltie of Iatersoii mid lfti alr inch wllli

iiveluii d rmldclirn sections ronlaining tin hurtles of many New YorUeri-nml titvirliy nr Hloomfleld unitIho Ml ring of milmrbnii villages on this Newarklirnnih of 1rl Itivtrlils Vood lde-

IlilliVllle lliex Avundnh Niitloy Krnnklln-S iiiiirs t nnd Athnla In sill of wliicli a highitrnih of piilillu private improvementsiKiniiliilnlmd

The SloritrJiilr helllementi ociupy theipsii if Moiintriinfoi a dlstunrn-

nf Nix mills and are ncrvid by the Delnwnre-Ijirkinviiiin i nml Western und 1rle roadsIll MttlmrntH nrn eximndliiE rapidly nnd-

i very ruii lilernblit tiumlier of nnw housesIIIIVP rennllv beli errrtod at-

Wiiidnim Illuomllelil rpirr MnntiUIr midMonlrliiir HiMihtK liiiludini I uldwell nndi-

c IY1I on tho norlhrly of Heroml-Mnuntiiln Impiiritmi public nnd priviitoi-iipriiVRin 1iilH urn alsu under way In tlm

and nl South mihe Inclng Ilm Orangn Parkill HHHiviilliili uf HI mrrs lo theiMi

iruVMiitiits will prei ntly Im added a parkAny pUntiiMl by the l x County Iurk Com

Soitli nnd wt t nf Iatersun along theines of tips IMI the Irecnwondlit tiltS Delawunt nndi-

V lerii ronil grmipt of ntlractiwn-iiiiirlMD on the lulls and Inliu villimo UK Imllng llitlgetviiod rmlerrlllT-llohnkiK All iiiliil riiiflernumntoiix lloiililon Little little Hlngno-

Hoiinudii VIHW liiicoln Inik Wliiielmll and

ji l year iletpll iso abnormally high costf miileilnl boiilnc ionstnictlon was activehriuiglioiit most of nurthrrn New Jerseylullillmc projects falling off less proportionilelr than In Ihe city itself current


discussion the


of bUt

set vs

tie cIzi





I tic





whit is

mItt ecu



lit sent me

theItt I iilsii1

ratlia S Newbull

silt 1101 I gp

Chictin lit a grilti It trIll

I Ill I urt flu


ltitiat torttill


3 ynd hurst

etiji iOTOft till

ill I llitllI silt 11111

Pus irfi iv

li Omit lair

I list

II rid

pIt First

pun ml hiu In thy

Ist slop

Ito ii fi M C Ira ti uri ileiglu ii-

lit igs Moti lit ahliPhi


InkIii ik w at1nii

litsilt ipitie It S

Ito f5itipq t iso

imI t viliuc












suburban season because of unfavorablweather baa hardly yet begun but accordlnto wellknown construction news bureaucity archltecta report Commissions for conbldorably more titan the average amount c-

tubtirban work The itretch of Sow Jertcwhich falls within the suburban radius I

itlll to a considerable extent n region o

orchards and gardens and flnclo Instriimentality would be so cffectlvu In ImMenlnthe replacement of these with pretty cottageanti wellkept lawn at n great railroadbridge acro n the Noith Illver

Yesterdays Sale1 Komalne Drown t Co havo nold

Mrs ilnrrlell W Brown to Yllllam A 1atlcthe threenory brick dwelling on lot 20-liiB 110 mner at isonocpurchnsor will occupy tlm house nfte-inakluit ext ti lv

I1 U Benson has sold fur A S Krasethe fouratory building No 471 Thirdliue 23xMt at 124001

I uff A have told for John Livings-ton to Charlie Selferd No 40S KaM Highlyeuhlh street a tlventory flat SOxl4xl2S-

llnruett A Co ohl for Oiorge I-1Ilrown at I2SOOO lim and IMS letInictou avenue two llvostory single Halt

UH 03x70 hour streetMax Marx has soul tu 1hlllp IHover No-

2S22 Uevvath avenue a flve tory lint wItstores on lot 27xuo Mr Marx in parpayment property at MiminoutuN J i

The filohe has toldplot IJfixloo nt the northwest corner o

street and Madison nvenuo-liurloi irlfiltli MOIPSV Jlroilier luivotoli

for Max Marx No IIS West lOinh slreet n-

tlve tint on lot 2flxliBlilames Him havesold for the Cum

mlnjuestatnVo 2H Westn dwellluton lot joxmii no foilweSt of llromlway for llcnjitmln 1erklm-No Ml avrnue n tenement on lo-2ix7S nnd for Dr Heywood No 20K1 street H luruuBtory dwelling

Kckhardt has sold forHchmld lo Kntherlne 1ntrlclc nnd othersNo mi Lexington avenun n threestorjdwelling on 20110 for CharlotteM Gutto Hwald No ltd FlnyIlrst ttrcet-u on lot joxliws nmfor the Iwald e taln the fourstory buildlots on tot 22X7S at the northwest cornelof Thirtyeighth street nod Ninth avenue

K Malnlmrdt linn told for a irubilNo 237 Wesl I32d street n ambasement hrownntono dwelling on lot ui-uu 11 und for Wllllnm rundjll Jr No M-

Ilx 7f for 1201100David 1rloj sold to Dr M II Illotk No

57 Wen street u Ihrittory imd basnmerit dwelllnc on lot

Woudcuck A llrllt hav soul for MargaretNo 4i Iloraliu street a four tori

dwelling on a tot liUJlil liwrge IIwho buught No 47 Horatio itreot twiago

Walter Webb A Co hays sold for AndrewJ herwln Jr niloniul resldencu on MilMount vvnu S Y Imely occuplnby Col Vo for tulxiO

Coming AailloBj-

NIXI wenk auction list U a short onecontains few noteworthy voluntary offer-Ings i in Monday William M III Mllive on street w t oSixth uccie uud H plot of 10 IVit with ult-bulldliign oil liriioinu strict HuiUonOn Thursday Peter F M yer will tonduo

the exeruturs of tlio Amoi-Lno e tain The olTerini at thIs mile

howevtr Is not like the curlier mini oftenvtlional order llesldes two parcel o-

ucm property nt countyConn a villa at Newport

No 71 lo 77 itieel restof ihe wetku hut the

nan Knst Sul teueiiii nis and mediumpriced Plate in other liarS f

HV 21 11 U i ammanti I ordlnun Mo-rrli ldw InS Hullcy e ti utorsof the c tileof I llnibv will utthe buluniO of tills Halliy property ut tilejunction of

on Klngiibrldgw llilirliiji oppopitu thelie of the new Kumiin

linn The oUerlng will i in i t of lue villaplots stud a number of plois for rom

irontlliit mi Ito harlemIllver I he villa lIes hits bvHants iigalnM nulKames nml objectionable

The property is of hUtorl-ilnterif being of fnmousKlngd

of Hivuluilimary liints Jamis IWiill will be the iiiictioufr The nale is tinmost Impurianl in Tho llroni thii pre nlyear

IItsl IMale TruiiifctiH-OWNTOW V-

JoutA of fevrtrtiM r

at ti a j jlx4Jx trreg Perry Ii oSull-lvari et itl to rureie i J tsout M Jl K M ri7S Irreg Max Cohen mid

tu Hvruiiu Wyuehoii e r n faISUOUO-

ilnt 211 K 47 11 j ittf tarry riirbel-to Henjauilu Uabrlluvlit r x ill mtt-t4vuo

Voorae si nil si fisioo Ucnjaruln hlih-

KAvrul vt lfI or Mmtn 1oitrtnnth amid lloi in-

it at w 7 r n Wilt kl rlnioo Attm Jlo llnnuih Wallach r a Ifliu-

mt u00oidllul n 131 Re 51x10 I Rudolph

A Hum lo Thties M Hum r a M uiliii-IIJ500 IK-

A nr s e s M n e llth it Cliarle-Mnilner M Little Mithern Aid Aswclalion r s 114 uiine linoou 3000

st Iou i Josephine Ilaher-tv lltatrlce I freeman r ls-

0d M Mi e 3d uv JSxllKJ II ClnlMaa-

wiisr SlOEtr j et ffft or tilunn townnih ant IIiM HI

tillS ar n e cur M UU 4nl7C 7xUavi-IW llenjamln iwtutteni to lirle Landnnd laipruvcmtnt to r a 1174 mine I3uout 1178000

3d M n s M w West 24x51 frankllulie to Jennie N Zucker r a 3 intoIMUlKI J

rt a r Ziv e vth a 31141 u PatrickCllnn tu Henry Henri r 17 6i mt Hi-DO l

Vntral Iaik VeJt w Ji 11 n luClli12x100 Sarah 1 Ilnmii to Kamuel Mu e-

r a IOct1 mite 140 Mmnth K s I6ti e Oil T 4ii ioiit eNun

I Stllwell tu lieoree M Martin r 18 nitm-llliiuij loo-td M n K 17 w inth nr 71x9iO llrrnliardritual to dUmP lard Co intse IIVIKIO 24000-

7th lit M s JI71 e lh at 7 MalltiewT Murray tulohn I Moruan el al tars fipart r Kit mine ISIIWHI j-

7lh tt n s ISA e Mh av J S Mntlliew-T Murray toluhn P Mmtan ttal ranr to niljel7uoii

1IAIHKU-MarthMtii llliliii north ei HOIh It-

I5lh at s 7S e Iimadway iiiinino ij-

lieorae A Mlmittun to Kutciie C

t Mrhulai a IK7 w k r077Ue r11l4-Mnvs K llxyninnd lu Kdnln 11 Hrimnr s IS HsoiKi ooo

ildsl ns 4 e lh f Jlixiooil MixesK luymunit to ICdnln II liruwn r a 1860mine Hit MM 2JOOO

U ws lUiloo Antuii orolnv arIdwife to AleianUer Splro and aimJIOJOO Cavil

tmiiM ns VxtUililisa Vojel t Hugh Metvait r JJO u j


XntoroiiJfi ot 7 fie

Jild ot n f lot Jim map akeilrld i-

HJ9r William A Skahatl t Mary I islesr i ridcts mue OIHI IJJOOi-

VIilli Il ilni M ironwfi e K 4JSil K liuiilJames T Adee 2A ltiu Wcalchraler llrllA Jnmei 1 Huiinrlly r a j

oiirtliinOt nv s e cur 18Mh U Mint 1 1ranII lielehouty retiree lo Ullbelmlna-

llirniann r tOJCJ-itittlanilt av r t t 1 iMih M JJOiUlll

In Camllne Schneider r s in 7 goofcmrtUndt Hf e s JA s ISHtli tt MliM

r stlii 50 10100-Hl tovv si s I7A n Jennuus t Jlxioo-

Iil n Ibibinwn to Wltllani II Dlrrliinann-r ft tM mice I40UU o-

Jurrulile a r71 n s M Hxa ut e s ju4 n Hum

aide ar JOxJft Mary E Morgan to XelsouII ill lieni r ll-

ourllnnilt av e U7A n IM Ih atMurhni t i Minei ArndlMeln r s

14 mine Uliono jjooolllllli st 211112 Irancis-

H pelehanty referee lo loulva inrktrn-frsttliU 110M

av old line r s tu iwith M tline Jltinu Kuitclie M tn liar

T Cciilan r s ti ml i muss j

Held 7MIU Ann liordnn tn the Anh-Ueaconry nf New York r s li-

atildnrll av c s 2MI n IWth M OASIU-Urndlimnd llecht and ano tu Julius Juneluann-lilrn ar e s 23 n l14th at ttian V-

I2I 7 lloherl C Kemp In Joseph II Jonesr ti-

41d it MA I ZSillin Alhlne Kloeas e r lu-

ChulM f Ilrll r IS-

50thst ns JIKI 2HHH14August c Lesutird to Mary I Ixviurd r stl nOpe llOsojl-

ulberry nl to Mailantonta Antonnitl loIaullnn 2 yrs tllO-

I ar 140 William Schlrrner to Irrdeilra-Schnlnn and situ 1 yrs 7jo-

itehUns av IJM arid liwo w iMth si lltnnah ellseier tn llsrlf A r Sou-

leMer st 21 human U ky to Sam Waslnsky o jr M-Hirlik at AS end 17 iJilihl st Chrliillan

Miller Mid SOIl tiers to Huhert A lleatty-fi yrs j201-

atl 7n Alfred Sturm to HarryC Hart clear stand rs goo

th nr S77 n r cor 31M m Maritaretha Here-to John 1 CJuUley i yrs JT-

Sn fe tlnn Concerning Hoard and Roemi-Artrtrtlsemenu In Tint SUN may k dependedIM comfort you ie k Att




O1 tic







flit lot lOSx ISPh



ituo nerllle in hlubtory iliiglti Slat on lvi


I st loss i I

ItiIOt ftc


sitlh hill

ii It ill liugn lu i

bltot tier tIeI

t he1 Iii

uluiitt try ill titIgi arethe It

ill ttilt 1

Nat liumiki oil er alit huh

Seutuwkk nmiime

Oh lOut ii

utii cii

Ntrtitt II Itstile

Pearl eS

all mPgI

iii lob


OilS tO iarmist Ilctmnsn a part a1 title IsmItE


haula lot ic

hal IS

tiltS Vii IOU 3s I

a I3ioltr is iJrtIUS and idle I a 3 I


tid use



II i 5




7uui 3115005 hi


itt Iiimig

101 IlurilneIde tica


Plenum to


i I Ill i


sunup 0 iticn Ihnlam4rl

I 2 I 1 ISIS1 ill 4 aIm Itt me

I lilt iilieu

I li ruinsotrtlultdt at it c our


its fllsmu

aIdItlu a II si 4tstetl of Sum liii ntuupu tsibe



at it

Itcrnrilpui teLeq


mow 711 cOilIll s





















FOLAOM 3J llruattway Want a prltahouse below 30th it between Irxlniton allMadison In ricnancr tar Montrlalr Iiidenw Ali houc between inand 7 th ats Sth and Million ava ALw tbuy nr rent n building suitable for ktnhle

CIIAsluTITII MOSKS A Illtli 1WMI AtnMeidamn Av Vnnt a Hat on Manhattan r Mutt

lrutll In exchonee for id opener v-

rnril Alo i 3 family list In Harlem or-

WatblniUin PlIghts In for UeMrablprivate house In test part of Harlem Alv-

IMiule house itli to Phalli M writ of Am lei

Unn uv In exchange for n ixirnrr VUIM witframe im upper Anvtrritam ar-

nUIAXI A WlinlMJ 4 SI Wont fu-

n ia h purchaser a Iiirht hulhllnj nirtif

tauouu w nuuuu-Vil JIBXHV IoLsoit 14 West Wth M Want

ix 1 story house on wesl Kurt av In the 8iexchange for large private house on West sotM Also dwelling front south of 7oi-

iit between Iarli Cth MS north of inth stfor a cash customer Also plot 4 i KM letwec-ilrlh and S th ats GIll ars forbuilder no loan required ft country plac

OeM New You in for a tteil Hihouse In the 7 u 1140110

V AUV M St Nicholas Av Want

old bulldlnfi In tIe ion near 7th a Sal Ira

JOsRill P32 Mh AT WanU wnrll plu

or single lot preferably In Weil SIde huslne-ecilon for caih buyer iwornnni as mreMuierl

will nitulder any tin the Kim

or West Sides If cheap Also I mir Islaniwaterfront properly 30 acres for coalbuyer must be a Wtalu under tSOuou no-

tilth at 1AO K Adolph Sueaiklnl sad auto

lo Uu SUaU 4 4-

8Itecordel Mortiaoi-nowrrrowx

Saulft FourfrinfOWhere no Interert Is stated rend 8 per cenll n s Ills w Avenue I ralharlno

tu William II Pratt 2 yrs IJ t7V77 Ilubfrl Friedman and

wife to Harris Mandelhaum and silO 1 yr-

ft per cent 4ooi-

Sutlolk id 142 l i o Jacobs alit wife lo-

AriiMKrrrner 1 yr per mIlt tSO3d t 24S K llenjamln W

Fisehel l yr o Pet 7ooSons uruperty same to Mine dmiand 1 per

1 uo

Same property iume tu same 1 yr tieri enl 4 o-

uethl rucheldemanil-e per cent

ti tt 311 K Hyman Wynehouw to PIntCohen antI CUuber 1 yr 6 per-

cent MXSame property Mine to same l yr per


EAST stunWait i Ilin 4t tiilKitn founeinlfl and 1101 illlit av w j 73i ii lath t Hannah sOul Sam

Wallach to Ditild X Uv due July It jl per cent J i

sea 3lne Mllist the lIttle MuihAid Attoilallon lu Charles Iluilner 3-

j falitli at it IMI e 2d ar lieoiiie Doctor and

wife tu Adolph Keller due July I HWJ 8

let cent fTutu si in K Uestrln V Ireenian to IIU-

Necat uliner 3 yr 4 k CrOP

Kami properly sinie to Minnie lllumtnteld

at li Tyler to

Inlon Dime Savlnes Inslltullon 3 4

per cent 50

Bath at H 325 1 Id av Jarne Kin totwit Suydaru S 30-


llleij it KiC ar litvmn Ftxrtiintb 11011 Ml

Miller to Julie K II 1yr f-

JIlli si s a SVi w III uv Harriet S jMUies lo-

rhatlesi M I yr Hprcmt-7lhstn t IM 17Je

and ed M M W Juliu 1 Murirail et ultit Matthew T Mlrrny instilLs per cmt

4 in t 111 Ueuue W Martin tu-

NuUia U 3tll vell I yr t i t cent

1IAIILU-UUiiiMifan liaml tatit o I tIlts

isnh at u sni e 7th av ll niy w 1cct M

Jolla J Juries und truiee rrrecordetl

ti 117 KVJiisepii Lett tu lhoruu iiinborn 1 JT B p r vent

IStll H 3Jjl w IfnJl aV I W MnlltU tothe City Murtfaiti 0 1 yr 6 pel irut

1IHON-XlUortmtlt al Tlti

Courllandt a Uiulwi Zlnelitra tu-

Tlll iarautee au l Trust Co 3 yr-

Courtlsudt av sin Ellen lUinimm to Tlll-

IJUutautee uLd Trust Co yr-

Courthndt at lilt Wllhelrnlna Chiiiniin toH Stickler as dn Ac 3 r H t r

e nis n I14tlj l JoMph H loura-lu iJiuwi ljinan 3 yis-

Cciiirllmidl nt 7V4 Schneider tiMary H Stickler inlri Ar 1 r 4i per

itniSouthern Umilvaril e h s I4 lh t wld

II D Not umluuo to Jamea-IKrads r6jieri ni-

Iletiher st s e Wa iiluirun av tun-in ll vilorilu xl 4xil ini Patrick

Jl Hi I Suites SittIngSllink ilur April 4 r remit

I4M t I r Dell lull wife toAlbeit

White Ilalnt road e a 4MH a nfconveyed lo William Duncan and

1riiirlM ii Schlnner llelle A DeVoe toIjiwrinie K Krenih 3 y-

iliiblm st e s t n Jpniiliiks st William II-

Dlcikuiaua to Jolin ltoblusnii i yr-

Aulf nuientt of Mortcaje

Pilate Wtlltaa II to Harhara CutlerSAIIIO to lolin 1 DrakeKoltrli Jacob to Charlotte HusUir-fldtuui Fanny and Aiuellra eitrxs 4c-

u Adeline an Ness andSlepteits Anna exlr Ac lo Tlomat U

StephensTauiky A to Jotiai Scheuer

Mechanics Mems 111 w Majlsnn ar 25xlOul-

SUiuiiaril nuillnz Supply tu vi Jit-

IHlh M n a li 0 w AtnMerd ni av lnuxtiiu-MeMann A v Wllllnin 1reuss Jran J Julia trlrl

Will t n N e Mb at ninullHI sauiiClarence and liihn PrIck

n nli si ilk l e IllMcUer t luxioo tarnv John Flick

vth t 3t r sane s Jilm Wnlkcr andJohnlrlclA-

mMerdam ir se till Ia7lh nl 2411XM i

same is Vllllam C bcbmldl and JobnFrlck-

Onivr M n 7ii II e lledford st fix 100snme vs illi Kimpneriind John Frlck-

J1 si n w M av 1I4XUHI am viJacob K u lit and Julia Frlc-

kSnllned tlpihanlct MembOth tt 91 K Martin Mletler ts llrrnliard-

J liidwliretal Mnrehjo IIHII 4400Same prupeil Slentin Marble iird Tile Co-

v same Fell f Hull MODSame pruiicrtj Chnrln HIeilnitrr vs same

Nov lii hnio ssoon-BAme prtiiHii Max doldMclu ft fcane-

IHc 31 UOil 87 t-

Iorerloiure Suit

LexniRton ar w t U n lOut M MiSflxIriri 45ih-si ns MW lxlnetna uv l lireir 4 11 st-n Mil w av 4Mn M n170 w Uilnclib li 311100 the Cirinuinla lIfeIns Co v thy C iralmm and Sons Co ct alMnlpman 1

10i i st s s IM w Oilumbu av 4MnjooIroMtlenl SavlnirvUian liintincnt Co vi SAiuh1 llrett el nl altO M DHVI-

M4fth st n s 20 e ftlh av tnxlnu V Cienrje IV Ouln-tiinl the HaplM Temple city of New York elill altys Slit k V

10M M R Ifm w IxAliiulim at ixl0011 SamuelA lassie er 4c llcary Neu ft nl

liIl M aw cur iexliuton av runs 7 Sx w M4in x e 11 tx n MS ki street x e 10 M 13 Edwardand Henry Illrsli v 1etcr Waitncr ct al SIlos

tilth it n w Ath at 134x10111 Marnarelh Crow v liura Scheer cOd also euro Ac ally

IU Icnilent-

lh av v nisi r liom t n s and Manhat-Uin st n s if rxtcmlcit to llmlsnn aillolnlrt laud ol Iluisiii lller It It Co William hhevs Wllllnm Krlie MirreuUcr lease Ac attysIiiehan D-

1st st s 4HO Wrst tnt av 5xi 7 iw West Knt nv laud ffoienhauer

and ano v Kate i Drown attachment Ac allyJ lUhun

llnlldlnc IoiiniAve Ji o x

Cohen end Imaniiel Jlautxr limn HviMni yennouse-

Whllf Ilaln rifld prtipmcil r wideneds land to Duncan a SrliirUwttnce U Fleacli MnPhil A Drvoe

plan Flleil forv


Snufi at lourtftntlt Ht-Uulbrrry M tin m Wl tutKsMry ware

hjiuse soul Horea A lihile S4

menV to tenemeril arid




iiiisii lit

sirs atul

tailorif Itusil tafluIAri iflul 34 55 cell



I tt


illhIts rely





5113 F same to haIr



itt sitcit



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ant74151 it S us C Vest 1nd a 1l1sittthi S

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Mary a

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I triP It4000

acnN it Shut

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llrLnl ti to lid4 pail 11800

alairs 150

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isa clii Jolii 11 117 70

I II itt47 88

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iS stIrsIi c


Wolf II 4 I4 iOS

Ii iiI1r

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51 it n C It w ltli him

onOo31 at 15 i haIry ilstheI 11Jul15 itenjtunli


Ii uoioSlier 3si Its



owuicra 4 iteulilht Ou3 SIll itmltthllmuI oat 10000Iltu sit 1u7 uttee slid itireliuhlhullul henry 311 I 13 LtIIu itt ownerIbSen 75 ilflHda SItUPtcrt riotllruitI ct ISO lnmeiiettt 31000

fill 111 lIrtEdtar Caner Irutnlc titlisinsoul archiprut oct 2000AlLen at impruvesitore lIme Ctryitle at ownersMel Liuiler arcbIct aist ISO

















Iwrtlculsr a to newness nf dnelllnr must hayplenty of shade and ifooil aiirhorocc will lnlplaice tvith old liouft in fimil repair

F01SOM nilOS A3A a slxitnry-bulldlnit on Ml av IHU nith st inxBoxKJ-prlte JI1fti Ki Also corner Inl on 3d av near4M ht ntxfti price 127IHM Also InNl near ith AV ti ree tory private dwellln-

c4xdoxinli iirle CMIHKICRAM lilllFFITII MOSKS tt SliM 1080 Amurr

tuft Av SlIer a plot with three frontsV shliuton Mrlitbl neat Hapld Trinsll slathn

tIN fur limnedlHt Investment n bnririin Alvi-K Neverittiiry elevator aiwirirnenl house al verylow price to clue nn estnte

WM FoiSOM U West Juih St Oile-rfoiirstor hlifh utoup on 11th St between Cthemil 7tii pantry extension price

Aha on nth st neiir 5th vmiry ilwellinz illninir room extension price

4 00 Also on uih st near Slh vthveiliriir with extinslon newonlr prlcr iVui Also on Madison atnear WJth st 2aloot house priceIIIIIXKI Alvi pint of fuur iota onWest south of St prlee 1IO NI Aliplot above 34th it near Lexington atprice JMlmi-

WM r iHSTFlt II1D rurhlh Av Offers a fourstory hrownvine dwelime on West 80thSinaI Hi av pure jiin i free and clearaster tenement nilKhl be coisldered Also two

rtnled In best restricted sirsStout of Wiiiiinirtun Jliooufur West Side property Mow 5aih o-

Wesl lith st hear th av fourstory dwelllnc-nn lit ion sinuhle esULlUh-menl price 14luxi

West Uroadway lID Improtemenl to loftiA Od owner lecher Kvans archi-tects IMI not ital4

Klltahrth M eoni Impnivemenl to faretiles Siruler JirniulnwtHv 14 ranal stowner M Jarmuluwnliy architect nisi 400

Molt st 211 rmpniicniciit tu lenernent andStile Florence ierhardl Iil Mulberryat Vane A H Heihlln arcliliett runt t000

Dimery Infta licprntruienl tu restaurantA 1 lOud W Kramer 113 li B4tu st owners

1 Kastncr nrclillict rout uolth st At I to dnelllnt

Isabella Juliet W lirih it o ierHenry Klein architect mil joost 11 iS Improvement to warehouses

Hubert Ilolierlvm slut Morris Culemanestate owners lliurrun 4 Kru e archi-tects 100

Clinton st 13 Improvcnvni tn tenementund store lee 35 Nassau t ounrrHenry llocktanre fj Inlairey si archten nisi eon

Ctli av IM Improvement Ui factory andtInt JnJm II Ithuadii Jrrbuiiipsuii aichllccl nut joo


Kmf ot Filth at bttutrn luiirlnnltt and ItOtA iPat av SM M Improvement tu tenement

15 Slid I Kaufman estate II I 6tth stowner C G Kaufman anDllcct cool too

WIST sinim Illb ae befu eri Foiitttnn ant 11WJI Bi-

76lh st it W Ininriitement to dwelllniihurls A Wlnipfhrirner 14 W Md stowner hilt ft urchltecls eist llfX 0

Sotti M uw liupriiiniiiiii tn lnre KmmaI MiNull iiennirii rmm owner Jardine rchlierlni ii rx0

luJth Ill W in tenementwill nil and Jacob Hafner owners Kurtler lUihl IM Uowery architect cost 299

Anthony ar e s nr u svth M twnsloryUnellliif Ilaiiel stone Hros 3d ur-uHiirrs J J Vrtelind Paul Daihcate av-

urchllecl costAlilmmy av e inn n 160th st twostons-

tnlilf same owners nnd architects cost177th st s 232e nri story shop

Maileiiin S iikTr oilier W A ionnsnarchitect co t

St Ann nv w K 1J 141st t linpronmenl-tn ittteliinir si Anns ownerMime A llliseldl iirihltrrl IIM-

IllTiTslile lanr n i i syltan av tinprovement to stiblr Xelli sindhelmer

W 7Mh st own r M IUii i it Kppe-nsrln 442 Cuhiuibus ii architects cost

nimik av 1212 iipruvcnieiu to stableCharles ne 7m i inth M owner Kurt

A Ituhl archltei1 txut-Wli av 4S linprovrment to dwelling

lAwrence MdiMlh UWIIT A Arelandrr-arrhluct t

Until st s s SiS e Morris av Improvementlu dHellliiLs Mrl rijzanl Htone simile arrhitecl

3d uv w s sii u ai Improiement toilwrlllnc and store llcnrj liuiui en ownerliul i ios-

illi st t IK t Mrlrwi a Improvementto tineineiit 1 i t e 0 Plait st-ounr still arc itrct rus-

ilrith t n s nu w i miilniidt av improverncmtn vllnc Ms Sfrmiitlat ownet M J ilanm 31u7 3d uv archl-lect con

Inkr Drieltrt InllcemanHenry Clark tIll down wits poses

Jube Loris tlio i irrmnnd 1 arrested bya bocu i liiiian wlnti tlm show rtarti aftera roallstlo titiuniine affray came nearhtiMlii out cf Siimrn inrrten IMI

liy lili Murray n real policemanwho inNtunk tl riuwn l r n man

anil down r iiwiiy nivprllln patentHiHtlirirjpi Tin siiiHTiiiii inli nt if the

iniJ ln oii huvov r lieforo h hadlandril out in Madison avenue

Titu J cnl

ALBERT STAKEFour per cent Money for New York

City propcily large or mall amountJialso Staten Island loans placed Quickanswers and low charges



Dcnlers In MortRagea-Tell808Cortdt lOB Broadwa


No 1509 BroadwayKDWAIin ASHIi rtHr 44triSUee-tJ Jfvnulu Jlnnid 1 1 Jtaa n


J ROHAINL BROWN COBrokers Agents Appraisers

MI ro MI I iiNOltnilvAI IHMAUWA-Vllepjour a ic


N Y lIft llitkli g I


ouxli of Maiiliiiltin or Rent

Iruni lluter In I Ill M Inrluilve-

A laikr i HP i ii-Teiy uaMiiilia-pecululion n ind-

ttii SIHAIlli M

near th a pir nMi

STREETiiir Sai si priesir lheHtmeiil or

i i eluw City llal-M K 171 Ilroadway

i Ullinta IncluilrJi-i1

hilS M5 DriKlilsay

Abut Mill kl rlh nv In Kaat


Tin l

Missii i


H TIKHS VANILIMIIIMi PoStiv Il iiriiAsrit-

MM nt Ki nn sou it until srOMV 4nill ASH

Run StirN lecnieit rixMU liiil 113th II ElmSit ill I iiv tar mer t23u-

uhiriiu ii TI MI nt eol-

l tin usnirudM 4I Vhloii Square VM-

triii n iTTi wnVjji nuLsK uTS

UCR Mnil ii ililil in rrai tljliioo U-I IM 11 liluMllKllS M Hroadway-

VITHAiTIVH ItiSIIENlS In Murrvy IIisection from 5limn to iTVoun-

KHUSiiM UUUrilLH s i uroadtayK lame four lory house 4Jth

ceur aih av askIng tJflmio-IlHSOM liltotliniis MJ irindi ty-

HAIIiiAIN rnur xliir KIIBIIMI hiucment huu3Slh l tear tlh nv ukiic tvimjo-

ft II VIDTII IlitSi Out M near Mnillsoniible in rent J 2iuou k-

FUISiiM lllunlliaiS M Ilrmdnir-AHK AV riillNilt MAIt linril si I

tury iaitirent with tUlle ulie 2ft 1 AMI rent i-

irlce U4WKI moruatie Jlliinn nl 4 centI KiNiilV CO 7 IlneM-

Wtll ST NUAH 31 AV Kltevuiry t n-

hcnt lint water supply fuur ttmns and PaIlsUilKialim rent tln o aikln l4uOi term a-


oh1IIi4flruadwsiy Offer




tItus hi tiers3ruli

ito lOin

57t lots


dIlilhlulnuI Ils eu

Iii for


ltiu lint ensntISis


out mien t00rj



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iILlitI RttrolleyIgsAmid

ford a