A Streamlined Solution for a Complex Code IHS ASME BPVC Advantage Since 1915, governments and companies around the world have been relying on the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code to ensure the security and reliability of equipment that relies on steam pressure to work. But the Code can be daunting to work with. It is more than 18,000 pages long and spans 30 binders. Every year, ASME releases addenda to the Code; every three years, it releases a completely new version. In other words, the Code is long, complex and constantly changing. Yet inspectors and engineers need to know it in minute detail to do their jobs. IHS ASME BPVC Advantage was designed to eliminate many of the issues associated with using hard copy or even PDF versions of the Code. It offers online access to the full content of the Code, along with ASME electronic stress tables and referenced ASME standards. By leveraging its HTML format, IHS ASME BPVC Advantage makes it easy for users to find information, share knowledge of the Code with others and understand what changes have been made to the Code since the last release. Plus, since it can be accessed by any device with Internet access, it's portable– something that can't be said about hard copies of the Code. IHS ASME BPVC Advantage gives people who need to use the Code a distinct advantage. Factors Affecting Use of the Code The Code has been around for close to a century, while IHS ASME BPVC Advantage was first released in 2007. So why should people consider ditching their binders and switching to an HTML version? A few of the reasons why hard copies of the Code are no longer sufficient include: The changing workforce The increasing complexity of the Code The difficulties associated with working with such a physically unwieldy product

IHS ASME BPVC Advantage - ihsti. · PDF fileA Streamlined Solution for a Complex Code IHS ASME BPVC Advantage Since 1915, governments and companies around the world have been relying

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Page 1: IHS ASME BPVC Advantage - ihsti. · PDF fileA Streamlined Solution for a Complex Code IHS ASME BPVC Advantage Since 1915, governments and companies around the world have been relying

A Streamlined Solution for a Complex Code


Since 1915, governments and companies around the world have

been relying on the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code to

ensure the security and reliability of equipment that relies on steam

pressure to work. But the Code can be daunting to work with. It is

more than 18,000 pages long and spans 30 binders. Every year,

ASME releases addenda to the Code; every three years, it releases

a completely new version. In other words, the Code is long,

complex and constantly changing. Yet inspectors and engineers

need to know it in minute detail to do their jobs.

IHS ASME BPVC Advantage was designed

to eliminate many of the issues associated

with using hard copy or even PDF versions

of the Code. It offers online access to the

full content of the Code, along with ASME

electronic stress tables and referenced

ASME standards. By leveraging its HTML

format, IHS ASME BPVC Advantage

makes it easy for users to find information,

share knowledge of the Code with others

and understand what changes have been

made to the Code since the last release.

Plus, since it can be accessed by any

device with Internet access, it's portable–

something that can't be said about hard

copies of the Code. IHS ASME BPVC

Advantage gives people who need to use

the Code a distinct advantage.

Factors Affecting Use of the CodeThe Code has been around for close to a

century, while IHS ASME BPVC Advantage

was first released in 2007. So why should

people consider ditching their binders and

switching to an HTML version? A few of

the reasons why hard copies of the Code

are no longer sufficient include:

• The changing workforce

• The increasing complexity of the Code

• The difficulties associated with working

with such a physically unwieldy product

Page 2: IHS ASME BPVC Advantage - ihsti. · PDF fileA Streamlined Solution for a Complex Code IHS ASME BPVC Advantage Since 1915, governments and companies around the world have been relying

A Workforce in Transition

The exodus of experienced, older workers is a growing con-

cern for all types of organizations. As more workers with

years of experience leave inspection departments and com-

panies that manufacture or use pressure vessels and boilers,

it's becoming increasingly important to be able to capture

their knowledge of the Code and share it with colleagues

who will continue with their work. In addition, as younger

workers with less experience with the Code replace older

workers, it will be important to give them the tools that can

help them find the information they need in the Code.

Anecdotal evidence also suggests that younger workers, who

often are more comfortable with technology, tend to prefer an

electronic format over hard copy versions of the Code.

An Increasingly Complex Code

When it was first published, the Code was 114 pages long;

today it consists of more than 18,000 pages. As the Code

has grown in scope and complexity, it has become increas-

ingly difficult for users to comprehend and use. This is com-

plicated by the fact that the Code changes frequently.

Because of these two factors, users need to be able to

quickly find information and to easily understand the differ-

ences between old and new versions of the Code.

A Physically Unwieldy Product

Not only does a hard copy of the Code take up a lot of shelf

space–at least 12 feet–it also can be difficult for workers on

the move to use. For example, an inspector must bring a

trunkful of books with him as he goes site to site inspecting

boilers and pressure vessels. Even an engineer who doesn't

travel for her job needs to be mobile–one day she might be

overseeing repairs being made to a boiler; the next, she

might be reviewing construction drawings.

The size of the Code certainly make things difficult for mobile

workers, but what happens if they want to refer to notes

they've made about the Code or to relevant documents?

That's just more paper they have to bring with them.

The Solution: IHS ASME BPVC AdvantageIHS ASME BPVC Advantage has been designed from the

ground up to address the concerns people have with work-

ing with the Code. It's more than an electronic version of

the Code–it's a fully functional research tool that helps

increase productivity, enable collaboration and improve

users' understanding of the Code.

One reason why users gravitate to IHS ASME BPVC

Advantage is because of how easy it is to find information

with the tool. With a hard copy of the Code, users first have

to locate the right binder and then thumb through the

pages to find the information they're looking for. But with

IHS ASME BPVC Advantage, they can go directly to the

section they need by using the tool's built-in search func-

tion that enables searches across the entire Code and ref-

erenced ASME standards. Users also can create book-

marks that make it easy for them to go back to frequently

accessed parts of the Code. In addition, once inside the

Code, users can quickly jump to referenced materials by

clicking on one of the more than 3,500 cross references in

the Code that are now hyperlinked in IHS ASME BPVC


Unlike a hard copy of the Code, IHS ASME BPVC

Advantage is truly portable and provides anytime, anywhere

access to the Code. With IHS ASME BPVC Advantage,

users can access the Code through any device that can

reach the Internet. In fact, viewing isn't just limited to desk-

tops and laptops. Users also can access it though smaller

format devices, such as PDAs and cell phones. And

because IHS ASME BPVC Advantage is HTML-based, it's

still easy to read and navigate the Code on these devices.

This isn't necessarily true of PDF versions of the Code.

IHS ASME BPVC Advantage also makes it

easier for users to build upon and share their knowledge of

the Code. Rather than have notes about the Code or relat-

ed documents spread through various file directories or in

notebooks, users can attach notes and documents directly

to the Code, so that they always have access to pertinent

information. They then can share their insight and knowledge

by sending emails to colleagues from within the Code that

reference specific parts of the text or include the notes or

documents they have attached to the Code.

Because changes are made to the Code once a year, it's

important for users to keep track of the changes and how

they may affect their jobs. With IHS ASME BPVC Advantage,

users can compare different versions of the Code to see in

an instant what additions, deletions and modifications have

been made. Also, when ASME issues addenda to the Code,

IHS automatically interfiles all the pages, making it easier for users

to understand the addenda in the context of the Code.

How IHS ASME BPVC Advantage Can Help Different Types of UsersMany people use the Code, including inspectors, chief boiler

inspectors, engineers and stamp holders. IHS ASME BPVC

Advantage offers unique benefits for each of these groups of




Page 3: IHS ASME BPVC Advantage - ihsti. · PDF fileA Streamlined Solution for a Complex Code IHS ASME BPVC Advantage Since 1915, governments and companies around the world have been relying


Inspectors often travel site to site inspecting equipment,

so they need access to the Code when they're out of the

office. They also rely on the Duties of the Inspector section

to do their jobs. While this section doesn't change much

when ASME releases addenda or new versions of the Code,

the parts of the Code referenced by this section can change

dramatically. Therefore, it's important for inspectors to stay

on top of the changes that may affect them.

Benefits of IHS ASME BPVC Advantage for inspectors


• Easy access to the Code even when on the move

• Quick access to specific parts of the Code, including

the ability to jump between the Duties of the Inspector

section and referenced text

• Clear delineation of the differences between newer

and older versions of the Code

Chief Boiler Inspectors

Chief boiler inspectors are their jurisdictions' experts on the

Code. Not only are they responsible for the implementation

of local laws based on the Code, they are in charge of

compliance with these laws and may have to handle

disputes with users of the Code. They also need to be

able to oversee inspectors working for the jurisdiction.

Benefits of IHS ASME BPVC Advantage for chief boiler

inspectors include:

• The ability to quickly find information to answer questions

or resolve disputes

• Clear delineation of the differences between newer and

older versions of the Code

• Support for collaboration, making it easier to work with

inspectors and local lawmakers


Engineers often wear many hats, so they need to be familiar

with a number of different parts of the Code. They may

need to frequently refer back to specific sections of the

Code, and are their companies' experts on the Code.

Because older engineers with detailed knowledge of the

Code may be thinking of retirement, it's important to be able

to capture the information they have and share it with their

coworkers. On the other hand, younger engineers may be

more comfortable accessing information electronically rather

than by using books. They also may be looking for a way to

capture the information they learn about the Code as they

work with it.

Benefits of IHS ASME BPVC Advantage for engineers include:

• Quick access to specific parts of the Code and related

documents through hyperlinks, advanced search

capabilities and bookmarks

• Clear delineation of the differences between newer and

older versions of the Code

• Support for collaboration and the collection and

preservation of knowledge of the Code

Stamp Holders

A stamp holder is responsible for helping his or her compa-

ny qualify for an ASME stamp by making sure the company

manufacturers its products in accordance with the require-

ments of the Code and by helping ensure the company's quality

processes comply with Code requirements. Therefore, a

stamp holder needs to make sure any changes to the Code

are reflected in the company's QA manual and processes.

Benefits of IHS ASME BPVC Advantage for stamp holders


• Clear delineation of the differences between newer and

older versions of the Code

• Support for collaboration and the collection and preserva-

tion of knowledge of the Code

• Quick access to specific parts of the Code and related

documents through hyperlinks, advanced search capabilities

and bookmarks

The ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code—Only BetterWith IHS ASME BPVC Advantage, users still have access to

the vital information contained with the Code, but in an

easy-to-use format. They can quickly find information, keep

themselves informed of changes that have been made to

the text and share their knowledge of the Code. It's the

advantage Code users have been looking for.

To learn more about IHS ASME BPVC Advantage, visit




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