ifxpnu MONTANA STATE COLLEG E OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA. VOLUME VIII. MOl'TANA FRIDAY. JANUARY 26, 1917. NUMBER 16. BOBCATS WILL r,1EET :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: == :: :: :: •• Bobcats Easily Trim Fast "'O PAPER NEXT WEEK BILLINGS TONIGHT:: F ollowing the custom of col- ; Oklahoma Basketball Team ·'• PIH UI lllll ' I dot t , t'O\I n' 1:11'1 rlJ \i!HJ. I• 'I JH HI' COOLEY IS ELECiED HEAD OF ASSOCIATION •• 1ege papers throughout the ,. -.ra·€'nH l!as h 'l'll ma k Tht 111·o1m.itic duh is :.union ly waill11g 01 d It was plannl;'<.l to 11J1.1y Ila ·n· 011 Fricfa,y. Ft·br iary 11. EY. College and +i1gti School All·Stars ; To Play Var.:>ity Two Former M s. c. P!ayer.:1 on Team. ... week. During that ttme mem- :: •• bers of the staff will be busily •• •• engaged in burning the mid- •• night oil in ;:t fin"l to :: :: make up for the classes m1::;sed ... TAKE LEAD IN FIRST MINU-,-E OF PLAY AND PuT VISITOR5 ON DE- FENSIVE PLAY . THEIR FL OOR WORK AND PASSI NG VE RY FA ST B UT INEFFECTIVE. COACH BENNION USES ENTIRE FIRST SQUA D OF TEN MEN. PROFESSOR HOLST GOES TO H ELENA I'rnff':';SOr .fol n ll Holst ldt th :--: Head of Bioligy Dep;lrtment Is Pre:s:- dent of Amer ican Economic E ntomologists. OUIJ.!1 U e \\ th r 1 nd( t 1 oul1 K.:3 the dope from I\( 1 l 1 e "1ll1I1g,: r' I thrlllt: camp show"' •• and study hours spent in :: •• search of elusive news items :: tba •IH Y I an· qu t )f Hla ile ag· •• during the past months and •• In the l1rst l'Oil,.g1.· cH tu<: .Sb,:"011 till Hdwat:"- S\\ amp- l'il 1h1 f .. t Oklahon•a Xormal tN'..m store up enough knowledge to ... enable them to weather the n;; 1.Llllll F\ I " t the Boll( i-; in ;: splt:'ri ji1J ·1 £' and mpr°'·ing with ven· prH lee \\Ill llavc to e:x· tl'ni' tll n: h 1..S o "m from lbt> Bil- .. :: Sa111nlay In lhC' midl\1(' or 1he ·on1i half l"oad1 B ·nnicn st:m •n team l ne1111 rne-:i who h l\ t I t rmerl) \bitors h< If h are l.c: t c " tl 1 1r ol<f <In T\\O O I (' ( l)lllf ' nv. •nd t' i I 1 tPr lo roach " 111 la::;t \" A. 1 lhen, 'RE><f or \rt Jl "''" f1r thrAe years l e \ f nt II Asren· lr 1e y 11 101 vat rC'n- rip11 B and :: •• semest r xams. :: :: :: :: :: :: :I 1: :: :: :: Thl· 11nal t•nf.rt.'IY new J.n1•11p. •• :t score wa!:I JJ tc1 1.l. T\t• Bob<"ats tilt-> i1nad rs BIG TIME IN STORE FOR DOE CELEBRATION A WILD TIME IS IN STORE FOR THE WOULD BE OOES. I\\ TJTlg. t 11\01' Ill'> hL"\..;{jt' 11 •"ll h "'l>O 1f the r..1 1lens 01 rn mt· c " 1 will 11U1lt>r g,, thl i'ilt.l frigbtiul nwnu o tear prov 1king torr Jfl" whh h 1 b1 mg e1 cl a <-'la eomrnttteP 1'1'111 thP vi>1y start Hit.'e \·agE:'(l the ti ... a1 l'r a h.tlf m.111.tf' of 1 1a) foll<rn:rd by tor two From the fin•t minutt.:· the Holwats 11 <r,lahonw on tuP 1l••1eu .. 1\'l' and 1 1 10 1nle 1111 a "<'01'1' Tlw n1rie1l and spee'1y passing 01 thf.• colleg:l' l'Olll· llett>ly b1·wihiL'l'ed llll' so11therners and the.v hrok1· up l•ttr a 1m1·1 l)f the hluf' and On Ju othet hand. flll.' o I honrn nonr "ork wa:-. hrokt·n. nll ol their fh·ld Lasket::. l'Olllill" aft r a pa.;:- to an 11m·O\' rie:d fon,anl Tht .• of tlH W,l c! th(• l'lhort :mappY ontrr but thl ir hu·k nt on the floor m:ulP it fnr them to a proal'h to \\itl±i 1 l'illHr.-• nf the ba..;kPt At the encl •rc·ny wt·ll u"'c<i up \\ h1·1t app1..:ar eel on the local tloor Uiven .i wet·k ur r\.:;t tlwy would havc• been a!:i a"' t!H·ir snggf"Ht• d I •I kiaJ Sl'Ol'l \tont:Jna Statn 1·01 .. "ith Oklahoma \\( 11l1l sc·em to inrlicalL' that the D11l1 ...: han· an 1 rlge on th1.• Btat1. 111 \'ersity five but. when the <:onditton o Lh ... Okl;1 hnma 11layers i!' «on 11Jf·r ed. this <ilhnntagc is not !.4"r1 <lt. \\"ith a sma\!Pr floor at an l Grizzlies "llh the return o( se\·eral r1..•t.:i1lt r.;, tht• <Hhantagt.> shrh1k!' scime nwt'l' It f'1·rtain that a mu<"h tP; m will meet than 1lw 01. 1 ha' h ,ju· \"t·1 "ith (1'·.I.dwma Bobcats Class. t;ll' lJOl>l"at::-. nut a t 1 ::-Ii 11 ni.-. Ii! ltt h. s in;.:. ::rnd hf'inl2: largely ft•l" tJH C'ffi<- f'1ll'Y Of tlll' hJUP and go}ll n achilll'. T.iylor \Va!' the lor ... r of ti.t• i;:ame, gelling n•n tiPl1J hasl:cts a 1rl out' lrt:e throw. .lc.ri;;-f'l1 An iU•m ol "·onsiderahlt' morning for I lelt:iona to attC'nil tlw nwPting: nf !ht> c·ounty Hll\lt!rintf•n- which bas unint1•nUonally bl·cH c,q•r- Iooked by the Exponen1. was thf' c·I 1 1 · :\lontana. and the banquet tion of R. A ('ooley as !J! c,.. gi\·pn the l.pgislalive ('Ommittt.>P of ii!l:Jll of till· Amt- i.·an Ac:.si•f'iat <'t 1J' the State association. f'rn· Hoh;t t•x11ec:ts to return E<.·011omic l<:ntomologi:..t:4 Thl' urday r·• Hion mer•ts an:1ually and tllb Y' , 1 r mH In .:'\1._•w York \\Iii e l' xt STAGS WILL BRAND FAWNS NEXT WEEK Stags Will Have Long Session Friday All Fawns to Be Initiated nto Mysteries of Stagdom. ()Ht' week (rt1m today, whnu \ +•r J, th1 weathE;!r, the annual sw:.Hf" t • ud ar aignmRnt flf tht> 111f:i11 ill' :-.tnl.;..' ill h ltt·ld ThC' '''lS oms 'JI fun111·r ye.\n.t 11 e follow••ll Plll in that t.11' 11 1a tiou will :Hart at <H1( o'l'loni. 11n Fnda · 1t1trn10011 w th ft:w •relirn 11 n :--:t anti cont n l thr11 1 1 h Th year it "11 c·on\·t·nr· 11 1r The P)(•(·I iou ot I rnft C'oole' not 1.1 lit>-=lows l1igl1 hunu1" l'pon J1 Ill iJlll ,\\f:IJ hril ,..:"' tlH• 1·11JJpgp i 1l I Jll! Ill tl('4 tla.· .;c-1enlific \\Oriti. I' ut r c•11nl l1rs bl'PO 1 m<:>mber ct th .. 1.nw•·i< 1 11 \ sotlafion 111 Eeo- ' om• 1:11101 11 '-'l"" sitw1· and L'll<:> 01 ti pioneet me1. •er:-. ot \\ h ·h '";n:-: t•...,ta!Jl1 hed in \t tne sanH• nH: two moi-e 11wm l r"' of tin• deparune .t Wt'l'f:' abo hunon•il Plee1Pfl to nrl1\1• ITIPlllhE'n>h1p and ii J\\i\l'il ns tn assod'l.ti> nu•m 1f-r:01JIJ In <.rckr to hN·ome 311 nc- th C' nwmber it is for a pf'r- to do 1·ons1 1 ll::''aUIP wc1r'k Pf im· ;.me ·1J11ng t IP J h. S I f l'l'Ollnllllt' ('t 1 moloe:y • n ru·rn . Last Game Before Missoula Fray. rm ... Tht• 111111: noe ;n'T·1atio11 at anrt fe$rive C'elC>brat1nn will ht· Jwld nth bom ..:C'it.:'nt•e rooms of tilt.• 11t nl lHl I lini; ri111• w ·pk from wda) of the ii ·:;;t ha II thP stood 21: ·on got fewt·r -;hoti-; but 111 o\'{'1" to -;_ Stl '"art. tlw Oklnhoma t !or- the floor anti 11 trri:-: o\p1·1 •I ward, had 1wo l"it>l'1 to hi <·re1l t lik ilrt'b gi\iI!J!: Oklailt•llla e\ 11 1h:mo11 .. ft'<ll c111 Tlw attC>rnoon 1u.-rfornrn11< t' \\ 111 be held on Main str •et. or re 1 r.1hh thnse 'Who Ure "i J perl 111 l I 'fain street. IL1· othPr mor mtc rt n._tt Will lh• .1:-: IJ.,::lll'd lllOrl' dt I' 1 SHORT COURSE EXHIBIT F OR FARMERS· dEEK wo1'l l b J. c'if#lcult nta ter tn get h<lrl 1 onver•t'1l u lrt>I' i1 O\\ n ... 10t d(1"' r t. 1 1811 frn111 1he ('t'lllCI' t. ('tht 1 tron . .::-('r lt:'\111 of !'tar J)a:->- Before that 1imt.> e H'h 'nmld·lu J>ot· New Bobcat L ineup. llf the hall \ I \ 11 011lll ("1 r llle.1 k t f' i the I .. ran bl:" j11$t· IJ proud ff they c trim them This 1""'11 he I r1 1 c fc-r 11 al f111?" tu :-.t.'( tu: ht gi>ld f,Ye · n act on be'• e tr ' "' sh \\it the stnte uni- " r it, n '1 mla TIPXt Friclay ,rnd Bat Th line IP !or touiglH bas not yet announced by the coach as the:re 15 nc_ '1' rl 1g lin the '1Dd onrl t£"'' 'll"' a;,, yet Adm sslon: a 11\ity tkkN.s or •it \ 1·t·n1:-: TimP: >"clock BOBKITIENS Tu PLAY BUITE HIGH TUESDAY "I ha\"t' b art.·Y. ell on ns 'fl t H an·ntt I '1er '\ 111 made ht'r 1 t11 rl he1l k''"P akes rentatiyely <li"'Lrili111e t hl 1 1 f'lO!<- c-st friends, rind her mind Jirmly J l to ":-;la thE"ir lwnicl tdt it the or rte\ i J rhdng the torttll't' gang-, g:et ton llll'trn. Although many attempts ha\-• ln·en 1iu Jh :-t to ina 011 mnn· Jn Jlil• rnitlrllr> ot thf' half •n ('ntirc new tL'l.am re11lan·d tlll" '·ol e1 •layl'r:-. Ton nil ·J1 (I Hld I' 1 :lll"'Pll a g \. rl dtc'al of imfting .and " th•' hall" whidt was tak"ll IH'ntr:"' 1 1 tn· t OJ.;Jah m ,,..,\. Thl· 1·on• to s wl1t·n 'hC' oriid1rnl lPH'llJl wa:-. takt'n tl\H .,.. 1 nt>w team scorC'cl ninl· points to Okla homn 's Oklahoma All In. a victory o,·er a team with ah1 1t th 1o•·rnrt.: :-tnnts of tht· l>nPs no really reliable rnrormation h:H' l•\ t:r ht·en f'artherl. TIH" entir1.• <'el< the reputation Oklahoma has won bration is and greai shows that tl\I l111hc·a." "nm·1an q 1it"" cari:- s takl·ll IL'll year to rn:tk· "'\I f' tavorahly with the )J :-:t team.,, in \\t·t..t. it will ln.tVP 10 IH dis<·minti.>11 a g;reat cteal Oklahoma bl·Pn on the roart tor six \\ ·rkt- nnd. 3'-' they "arriecl h111 .;:e\' tt thf>,. were li;•t tw l\C\' ill rt'hard to tlw na111 ill' lJP ll·t ont for the Pnlightt:'ll!llent uf 11H11n: Doet Ont.! 1-.x 11ommt n·111 rt er '\ho ip11f:!art:1l <It a of the (Trarnl >r lhe tor \C h -.; tlnorwr.rk mos1 1•1 h•r •\\ 'I ilan rm 1 h;irrl to n1 ' Line-up and Summary. Pu ilio t Ol\:L.\!10 '\ I f.(:!J rtf'•\ .1 rt For\\,1r I <.ant1on1ll :\II'!.;: ttl'illifl1 nigl1t Fnn,.1rd l''lsh{.:! 1 <'tc>nt •r Ho:-15(3) L •. n L ianL !larrbt 1 B1'ri.::man Ri .. l1t Guaril Frl'l' throw"' c011vt-rlt•rl · S1 wnrt 2; \\"ilke I. llC'!'eree. Holm \\" l.<1111..• Taylor 1; Jt1 ... uth 1"' opt 1 t1 Ii"" t c Donn d( or tn1 1ht Bllit 1 le·nunt: i wht•l'P\ t·r their H(' 'ii lll'l'<h:d tho:;4t in home ugrit-u1t tn mec·hauk .lrls, end lict: 1:-.P er ing, are to be r1..' •re:-.enu·cl W•'"- k ·n au l'XI' hit Yihich is 11dll.! l ia lllPcl Pritwh al .John IL Hob· <1 :-.t1 ThP big 111 tht· tve11 11 l1 dent!:'. <om1rn·nC'1- •\tt th. I or1i")le tor ur 1·c' by tht• o 10mor l l:-;"' wl111 h rest1l1 in no 1rt11a 1 t t?1·1lr alt11 111gh thf') .1l roarh ".l n r 1h;tt Ill po•"' 1lt' l'ht• se p1t..·111·p of t'' in n !JP 11oilialicm. ft:1.:·d I Lor 1 Ill"''' "ho ... u Vhf' 1h 1 nw 1 Show ar 1h1 J.\· atter-1pr•nrma:H'P at 1h1· hall From all I.ht:' youngl•:-;t 1·Ja ... are np fairly well 1 l gethC'r witl1 those so11homon·:-; who iaih.'<l to take thf' <'Ure l:tst yenr w 4 11 make a r ec-ord attt<JHlallcP. .,..,( t>"Xh1 t t'-' t b(' in h ( '!T <'till ral hnill.liu; and l\111 Ue c·om 1 os- f'd lt spedmt·ns of the "tl'"\ frcm all clep::l'·tment:-o, 1hert> will ul o ht'"' mucl1 inforn1ation ul interest < llll c·ernlng all short wnrk anci i1s n hie-rements. EIGHT MEN WILL GO ON WASHINGTON TRIP FIRST YEAR MEN WI LL hAVE A CHANCE TO GET EVEN WITH THE COPPER CITY. f·ommit1t-€:' !.t!"t }PHI' and a tt>ITIJltt•i\ to :.t>t·11rP a•han1·1· «Intw on tlw 11 n11rP of t ht> pect h·e 1nugra m \\ ., ,. !'• roughly tn·ate<l that hl· b only h1;·gin n1nK to get around with lhP atrl of a \\alking stick a thi:- EXPLORERS NARROWLY THE"GUIDEPOST"TO BE The entertainment ha\ P 1rr;;111gt•1l tht> most f'laboratP program in and ht' IH:'\\" 11w11 tlPPd h:in.· 1111 ll·ar hm thnt thl';r mone) s 11\ in a hOOcl and Olll' that i!< to r"l'lt"n :uort• than Yalt1t" rt>- EIGHT B OBCATS LEAVE THURS- DA Y ON WESTER N ESCAPE FREEZING STAGED r NEXT THURS. . ·ext Tue:-;r1ay .JanJ ry the frosh w ll ha\ e an op11ort11nity- to regain . .,ome lost laurels when they mee t I i'H:•n girb will talk Olll·t." in a while lalfhough•only one or two ADV ENT URES OF THREE PROF S A REGULAR FARM PLAY WILL BE RIVAL THOSE OF NOTED ONE OF FEATURES OF Onf of thP oftit>i.>rs. wlwn intt-n it.•\\ t•d <'OUCC>rnine- the mu1 l t> the foliowing :\t>'.\.I C'oach Bt"nntun anrl t>idlt Hob<-·ots will Jenn• on a basket- Ji \ l' eYen bet>ll known 10 ad mil ii I •iie Butt hLt?h quintet tn ren1rn •rn<.l ,.;1··1tU-'ring inlditH'" of the atch IJO ii>«.d Joiir Th1"' pro 11 . genl·ral natu1·1 of the awful e\'PDiDJ! 3.n• a\'ailahle. of tlw Ex- <>:-. 10 bP .t tast aud C'OlltPst pP1wnt rontain artkll"'s " hirh rf'fer n" l><nh tf:' un-. are cnt for b}CJod il·l'lingly to work done by Un Jan- nr 12 t 1e re-ed a 3-4-l 'I df>tN:it wl11·n tliM' mPt B'Jtte high in P.utte ,,·a:-; 1•ne the be-st gamr" in th•t city o- :-:;ome t iruP ·,mil l•11t'1 f(>11."' t.Hn. rlw .i.'.;1111 .. .. , tlf':.:.day .;hn11lr1 lw a hummer 11 1111\'1·1 and \\ i<·k1•1l machinl's as 11 hair pul ·r t J.Y1•nnr pr.w<k: tanglt·fr.01 shampo()!", lulr-pin shot-the-chutes, ancl pit-fall pc.-anut r.u·p. courses. In short. next F'1lday will br a wile) evening. ATHLETIC COUNCIL PROCCEUINGS \t .1 Jcll·et ng ol th1,; athleli<' l·oundl 1 Bulle high has A nae .ontl3 , If f>illon rrhey Big Tir!"lber thC' beiorC' tiley play here and c·a11a1in higJ1 ·he nigh1 after Pntte \\Ill probably lineup with Crowley ;.n·J I.1st wet•k th£• football st·heduh• for Vriscoll at torward, '\tyers at r:-,.r•ter nt•.,;t tall wa.,, apJ>rO\'f'd Tom aod SulJi\·an and Zun1l('I at ' as tor the of "ill play Pitts and C'rmn manager 01 basket ball at f'Jrward, J\u:ih at anrj Har· Thi· rvothall sc·hedule 38 it now r· .. and o·n .. ien at guardb. .U\ ntb follow:-.. (kt lj Butt<.· Athklic dub, at Butte. Od. 12 llt•flH::•r 1'uhen;lty, al BAR ON MUNCHAUSEN "But for tlw intt>nt:ll:illUll ol ldnt! raite tht-' e ht'l'P <·oll_n1mns migh\ ehronicul thP nhitdlllarez ot tine.;! nf onr ilh1:-;trlo11s J1rof1·zzor:-;' :is tlw Hing\'illr BH.i!le migh1 :-;tall' It wa:-; on Saturday last that thh·1.: 11rominent f,1C" 1 1l1y m1·mbt-r:-. ;..1ajor \\. E. (Ozone1 llr E. I .. {l'ookl, I>oc·. !-:. II a1•1•c1m11a11i£>1i or rather lr'Lll:-.Jlnrtecl 11ar1 W<.l) b:-· llan it-1 Si Boon(' :-;tarH·d out with their fh;hing rncb in one hanu and their l't.:'J\Utatil"ln ""' :;kill1·11 t·xplorer:-; c x- JIPrit>nre!l wnod:;m1 1 n. anrt feurlt':i' .1rt,·entur('r}; in till' othPr C'lad in stout homespun and e11uipverl with nil th£• impedime111 in or th1.• 1.:ha:-;f• thf') poiBtt'<I the 11erro1«.Ht'd ?"notll or F'orcl 1m\.1rd 1h1· c,nal r:r their l'\.JH, ... rlitioB morn inK just as olct Sol 1n1shing h:!' trosty smill' O\'er thP sllO\\ l'larl n1onntains Alter for a short clistaUC'l: I FIRSJ' . JUNIOR "HOP" AFTER GAME TONIGHT WILL NOT BE AN OVE RALL AND SHIRT-TAIL AFFAIR AS WAS FIRST ADVERTISED Oct. 16-Colorado l"Ollege at ("ollina. l0\\'8l'd tlw nrnyon or tht.· :)\\(l't honny l t.th ..\.ggiPs. a HozPman. Sour Oou1-;h llH•y 1li semlrnrkrrl trrn1\ at tlw ga!:i thPir sk1=- \\·ith eagt•r hands. and hit it 111• th• l-uin•rsity. at u·ail in 11rofPH:-1ianal fashion. At n0011 Ckt 2tJ ()('[, 2-; J:ozcmau. Xm· 111 son la tilt· 7\l ajor <·allPcl a h a lt while thP dar· ng little hand ol fishermen con:.:.unwcl t: •• • •• :: :: :: :t 1: :: 11' :I :: •• :: a su lnnantial IUll<'h Aft er :i Rhor1 On a('(·ount of the lacl that the bas· X: kHball game with thf' lllilings lnde- •• ,JPudents is to be played tonight In •• the drill hall. the hard times Iea t ure :.: NOTICE A call 1s hereby issued to all t1 membe rs of the Junior class or th e junior annual dance is to be el:minated. The danre will be held !! wh o wish to try out for assis· lJnmpdi;.1tely after the ga me . r.. t ant baseball manager. Cand 1- dates will hand the ir na mes to the manager as soon as p oss i- hle. DON LANGOHR , .. l'l'Sl 1lw ag!l\n sta rt Pd om :.: IOI' ,\I y:.\tk Lake. •• Pleasant Visi ons :: 'Thr of night wt•l'l' fnllinr tr ! IU!-H .. wht-tn tilt> fou r s ki -men h eJ;an :: ro think 01 th t" 11 l easu 11t odors of t:"lu.1· :: ini; 1.Jacon t·ook ing bcforc a cheerful :: tirPplac·e in a f'nug m ou nta in ('Ubin. :: Suc-h d e li ght f11 l prur;pertH of a plea:-;- :: ant t:>venins in store «omp lete ly bn.nh tl• t: I t•c.1 aO thOllttht s of nutr itio n Thi s is the first dance gf\·en by tb e •• junior class t his y ea r and preparations •• btt\·e been made to make it one of the tl be"t of the lear. Good music .. v.ill be pr ovided . The admission p ri re :: v·m be fif ty cents a couple. ll Baseball Mgr., 1917. t: :: rop aud pt•dtgrees. A noi.ht·r l!.ttlf hm1r·1;, \{gor ons nnrnip- •teu on Page .;.., (t'on t inuorl t.. o Page i hrPe .J :: u :: u n n :: :: n :: :-: t: :: r. FARMERS' WEEK. l'nu·tin· 1111 tht• thr nt·xl procl11<·1 ion of the drumatk elulJ, is nit't'IY t'ndC'r lht• ahlp cl11'N·t.ion nl 'lbs llml\\ and .'.\'r .. I l1·rril'k. r>a"h drnra<'tl'I' hen•n t !--:. \1·ry prolkli"lll in tlw pr("lorm.1n. 11f his Jlart. Thl· ph1y, "ritlcll )lb-:, ll"l<I\' an!l )1 r:-> I IPl'l'ick, shows lht· n1·r>1l Of S('Jentilfr IHC'thOd!-1 in lal'lnm.!. The l1rst af't t ht' ho1u • l•f tl:t.• ).Jr \\'ht•t•lt->r l as a arLitrary man who w·ill ucl adi)JH any ad\'i.llH'i'd l1ll'• 11 his farming Tlw H'l'Olld 11., :::111w:-; the \Vilcox home. Yt·ry m11C'h in <·on- t rasl w tlw whee l Pr pl;.H·f'. ,J nlrn \\ I- '\\"here is all the hravado and ter ..;11 readily l'\·Jnn•ti 1n tilt: rrnsh at till' first of tlu· year· :'\ow Iha! tht' i:-:. drawing near ()I' tlH rt•al l('"'t that :-:hcrn s tilt' tna of a man. uam .. J\· o 111ul1._•n:{ h11111·1l ation and clisnnnfort in tht' Pl'l'Sl'll<'l' ol ft>llow lllPll, tll.l..• lnwPr bt·\ ollll' \ t'l'Y st•I •effas1ve.• \\'ht·n ap1.i·oadw<l by solicitors "ith tlw q11er). \rt• you to join tilt.. tht»y manifrst \"t'l"'atil ,in t 1t• 'an1•1y H oft r To thl" credit or :-:onh 01 till' fr · 1 1 '.> ii -.::aid. thni tho:-t' who IHl\l' }'attl 1 Ul'L' indignanl :ll th.:ir h.r tht> YL·llow strPak 1 1 1 t tu Jipn·adt• tht•ir rank:"" Tht'l'l' al'l' also sm1w \\ t'J.k bad:; amonr. thtl men of thP cox is a progn•ssiYt.· farmer. wht1 thr Ya lu c of <'OITC>C't \<-·1 1 tJ;at 111\nt)rity \\ho 1.•·t s<·1.:ptkal11 afraid that tli"' .uv to run into a bunch ol rrn who don't know whPn to qrnt thn•t- givt.•s a i?ootl idE>:\ of a 1 11111,tn . ..;cclal <'PIHE'r nweting, and ;l(' 111111· r·on<·lude!' thl' plot in a most ;n11•n :--1 111gen1011:- a nd ma11 nny slllg i1 ht.• that h1• b a ball rrip into Friday and Sat11rday tht:'Y will nwet thf' Sta• unin•rsi1y fin· at nwn will go tar and "·ill 1 •• turn to Bn:1.enrn11. The other ·n will on to Spr.kane [<ll" twu ,;1.u:vs wit11 and two games with :111 rnu tl·nm ., that Tlw tarthc-:st point on thl' to11 will be \\'hi11nan. whe1tt t\\t ..:-an ... \1.. 11 l l' 1 ·t' 1!11 n mak ng 111 11 nn1111\llll'l'ti a:-; ... "c1l 1't fJ'i I \:t'I nol ORATORICAL CONTEST GIVEN ATTENTION "''·' 1 I th4 ti11 t• lo w think 1 r.\tit· 1 wr nl'\.t :-;prinJ.,: Pn· IL!l\t• :i1n· ::t •nth ll tlll «.1. t1un to g:et tu work 01t OIH't'. In die ner. mt•mht)r. and llH' loyal Tht• l'ast of pr i twipa l hi I t'lft·c·ttrnlly s11uekh any 1.-. 111 •he t·ontt.>:-;· as foll()'\,\·::;· 1'hP hnvt• atlailw<l t o a ha\t' w.littil until a few \\'N'k"' John \Yil C'ox. fan1wr tinn nf honor and importatll'l' ;.11111.111!.:: Lee Park. 1he on tht• hill. \r- .l e:;!-l il ' \\ 'ikox. his du 11_g-h L 1:.•r. \l(•l\ er. Aunt Amanrla , aunt, Edith !"owler A 1•\.tf'nsiou wurkl'L :'\ob le Hnth rnng-ements an• !wing <'lllllllh.•tt-•11 1ha1 will insure thb to hr the Pver given Higirl rnlp::; IHtH' bre n formulated anrl will bf' t'.'nt'o 1 '<'t:d to bar 811) unst>eml) con du rt nr rowdyism ·A list is being <'OmPill'Cl ba:-01.:'d (111 hl'll"l'P t.1t Im al ontt':-;t befon• th :: r nrat n \\(lJk 'd t:\1. who t'X}JE'f.'l to t•n- trr tht> l'Olllt''"t !-th011ld !-'ee Pnlfl'!-'SClr Dudd'- urn! J!:l't their and out- llnrs a11111·u\ e1l Tht• local <'Olltt>st will bl' bc•ld ;.l.bout . \lai<l of tht> .. Janellt· 1.un 1. .l obhia \\'h t:!e lf'r . an fa rmer. llal Stt"Wart. l\'lrs. \\'h eelC'r . B l anC'h Bordl'I . Clara \\'hPr>lrr. ;\ f nrtha John:-:01 tht> nf the of all tlw mid1llP of April arnl tlit t·o!l- tnt"'ll who do not offe r a juslit'iabh: will lil' hl'ld in muh•r 1he rethon for nn Joining tht• if I or thf' ;i.tontana !lw r eceipts dn n ot rt dN·lded thl' first 1',riday in '.\lay. T ht· winner Abe \Vheeler, Gr t1gOn im1Jrovf'ment dtiring th uext wt·tl.: it H nn1 ... hir ed man for the the de termination or the memhl'rs John \\'hit es ide. to publi sh undPr the headin g ·'Yt>llow Steve , a neighbor . Dn \'id Gray Streakers" 1he namel-l of a ll mf'n in In tb e third art. th e entire c:u: t of t he collf'ge who nrr afraid to undergo Ill pl'op le will be on 1he stage and I tht> 1t l'orr s light take part ln the co mmuniLy mePting. discomfort.'' or the l oca l c·ontest will rc<"ei\'e a twenty dollar prize nnd the wrn ner of the stnt.e eont est "ill rereivP a gold medal. Ther e will ntso be an e:xtempor 1. 1n"-.._ speak in g contest he ld in conner· tion with thf' oratorirnl contest.

i!HJ. I• 'I JH HI' · 2016. 5. 24. · th(• l'lhort :mappY ontrr but thl ir hu·k nt ~pt.'('(\ on the floor m:ulP it impo~ ~Ible fnr them to a proal'h \\itl±i 1 l'illHr.-•

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Page 1: i!HJ. I• 'I JH HI' · 2016. 5. 24. · th(• l'lhort :mappY ontrr but thl ir hu·k nt ~pt.'('(\ on the floor m:ulP it impo~ ~Ible fnr them to a proal'h \\itl±i 1 l'illHr.-•



BOBCATS WILL r,1EET ~~ :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: == :: :: :: •• ~-~ Bobcats Easily Trim Fast "'O PAPER NEXT WEEK

BILLINGS TONIGHT:: Following the custom of col- ; Oklahoma Basketball Team

·'• PIH UI

• lllll

' I

dot t

, t'O\I n' 1:11'1 rlJ \i!HJ. I• 'I JH HI'


•• 1ege papers throughout the

,. -.ra·€'nH n~ l!as h 'l'll ma k Tht

111·o1m.itic duh is :.union ly waill11g 01

d velopm~·nt It was plannl;'<.l to 11J1.1y

Ila ·n· 011 Fricfa,y. Ft·br iary 11.

E Y. College and +i1gti School All·Stars ~ ~:u~~:~~~h~u~~:9on::~m~~:t~:~ ; To Play Var.:>ity Two Former

M s. c. P!ayer.:1 on Team. ... week. During that ttme mem- :: •• bers of the staff will be busily ••

•• engaged in burning the mid- ••

night oil in ;:t fin"l end~<lvor to ::

:: make up for the classes m1::;sed ...







I'rnff':';SOr .fol n ll Holst ldt th :--:

Head of Bioligy Dep;lrtment Is Pre:s:­dent of American Economic

E ntomologists.

OUIJ.!1 U e \\ th r ~ 1 nd( t 1 oul1

K.:3 the dope from I\( 1

l 1 e "1ll1I1g,:

r' I thrlllt: camp show"'

•• and study hours spent in ::

•• search of elusive news items ::

tba •IH Y I an· qu t )f Hla ile ag· •• during the past months and ••

In the l1rst l'Oil,.g1.· .~aml' cH tu<:

.Sb,:"011 till Hdwat:"- ~·ornpletdy S\\ amp-

l'il 1h1 f .. t Oklahon•a Xormal tN'..m store up enough knowledge to

... enable them to weather the

n;; 1.Llllll F\ I " t the Boll( i-; in ;: splt:'ri ji1J ~11 ·1 £' and mpr°'·ing with

ven· prH lee t~t.') \\Ill llavc to e:x· tl'ni' tll n: h 1..S o "m from lbt> Bil-

.. :: J~:-;f Sa111nlay In lhC' midl\1(' or 1he

·on1i half l"oad1 B ·nnicn st:m •n

team thl~ l ne1111

rne-:i who h l\



t rmerl)


h< If h

are l.c: t

c " tl1 1r ol<f <In

T\\O O I

(' ( l)lllf

' nv. •nd t' i I 1 tPr lo roach

" h· 111 la::;t

~I \" A.

1 lhen, 'RE><f

or Rillln~• hi~~

\rt Jl "''" f1r thrAe years l e \ f nt ~1p. II Asren·



y 11 l'ln;•ga~Pd

101 vat rC'n-rip11 B Su~r and

:: •• semest r xams.

:: :: :: :: :: :: :I 1: :: :: :: Thl· 11nal t•nf.rt.'IY new J.n1•11p.

•• :t score wa!:I JJ tc1 1.l. T\t• Bob<"ats ru~lh'd tilt-> i1nad rs





I\\ TJTlg. t 11\01' Ill'> hL"\..;{jt'

11 •"ll h "'l>O 1f the r..1 1lens

01 ~ rn mt· c ·1~~ " 1 ~ will 11U1lt>r

g,, thl n~stt•Jiou~ i'ilt.l frigbtiul nwnu

o tear prov 1king torr Jfl" whh h 1 b1

mg e1 cl ~ a <-'la eomrnttteP

1'1'111 thP vi>1y start Hit.'e \·agE:'(l the

ti ... ki~kt•t a1 l'r a h.tlf m.111.tf' of

1 1a) foll<rn:rd by T1~lur tor two mo1~

From the fin•t minutt.:· the Holwats

11 <r,lahonw on tuP 1l••1eu .. 1\'l' and 11 ·~an 10 1nle 1111 a "<'01'1' Tlw n1rie1l

and spee'1y passing 01 thf.• colleg:l' l'Olll·

llett>ly b1·wihiL'l'ed llll' so11therners

and the.v hrok1· up l•ttr a ~mall 1m1·1

l)f the hluf' and ~11111 1~amwor}: On

Ju othet hand. flll.' o I honrn nonr

"ork wa:-. Cll~ily hrokt·n. nll ol their

fh·ld Lasket::. l'Olllill" aft r a Jon~ pa.;:­

to an 11m·O\' rie:d fon,anl

Tht pils~irn .• of tlH n~itor:-. W,l c! th(• l'lhort :mappY ontrr but thl ir hu·k

nt ~pt.'('(\ on the floor m:ulP it impo~

~Ible fnr them to a proal'h to \\itl±i 1

l'illHr.-• nf the ba..;kPt At the encl

•rc·ny wt·ll u"'c<i up \\ h1·1t tht·~ app1..:ar

eel on the local tloor Uiven .i wet·k

ur r\.:;t tlwy would havc• been fa~t a!:i

li~htning. a"' t!H·ir pa:;~ing snggf"Ht• d I •I kiaJ Sl'Ol'l \tont:Jna Statn 1·01

.. ~·on'~ "ith Oklahoma

\\( 11l1l sc·em to inrlicalL' that the D11l1

1· ...: han· an 1 rlge on th1.• Btat1. 111

\'ersity five but. when the <:onditton

o Lh ... Okl;1 hnma 11layers i!' «on 11Jf·r

ed. this <ilhnntagc is not ~o !.4"r1 <lt.

\\"ith a sma\!Pr floor at ).Jis~onla. an l

Grizzlies ~trenirtht1wrl

"llh the return o( se\·eral r1..•t.:i1lt r.;,

tht• <Hhantagt.> shrh1k!' scime nwt'l' It

1~ f'1·rtain that a mu<"h ~trCJnger tP; m

will meet 1h~ Bob«~b than 1lw 01.

1 ha' h ,ju· ~ \"t·1 "ith (1'·.I.dwma

Bobcats Sho~ Class.

t;ll' lJOl>l"at::-. nut

a t 1• ::-Ii 11 ni.-. Ii! ltt h. s in;.:. ::rnd

lC'atlr-r~hip hf'inl2: largely "e~pon:s1h!P

ft•l" tJH C'ffi<- f'1ll'Y Of tlll' hJUP and go}ll

n achilll'. T.iylor \Va!' the hC'a\·~·

lor ... r of ti.t• i;:ame, gelling ~1 n•n tiPl1J

hasl:cts a 1rl out' lrt:e throw. .lc.ri;;-f'l1

An iU•m ol "·onsiderahlt' intere~l morning for I lelt:iona to attC'nil tlw nwPting: nf !ht> c·ounty Hll\lt!rintf•n- which bas unint1•nUonally bl·cH c,q•r-

Iooked by the Exponen1. was thf' c·I 1

rlc•nt~ 1 · :\lontana. and the banquet tion of ProfC>s~or R. A ('ooley as !J! c,..

gi\·pn b~· the l.pgislalive ('Ommittt.>P of ii!l:Jll of till· Amt- i.·an Ac:.si•f'iat <'t 1J'

the State 'Teacher~ association. f'rn· ~or Hoh;t t•x11ec:ts to return ~nl· E<.·011omic l<:ntomologi:..t:4 Thl' l~,.;·

urday r·• Hion mer•ts an:1ually and tllb Y' ,1 r mH In .:'\1._•w York Cit~ \\Iii e l' xt


Stags Will Have Long Session Friday

All Fawns to Be Initiated nto

Mysteries of Stagdom.

()Ht' week (rt1m today, whnu \ +•r J,

th1 weathE;!r, the annual sw:.Hf" t • ud ar aignmRnt flf tht> 111f:i11 ill' :-.tnl.;..' ill

h ltt·ld ThC' '''lS oms 'JI fun111·r ye.\n.t

11 e follow••ll Plll in that t.11' 11 1a

tiou will :Hart at <H1( o'l'loni. 11n Fnda ·

1t1trn10011 w th • ft:w •relirn 11 n

:--:t t~ anti cont n l thr1111 h Th hi~

year it "11 c·on\·t·nr· 11 1'itt~ 1 1r

The P)(•(·I iou ot I rnft s~11r C'oole'

not 1.1 I~· lit>-=lows l1igl1 hunu1" l'pon

J1 Ill iJlll ,\\f:IJ hril ,..:"' tlH• 1·11JJpgp i 1l I

Jll! Ill tl('4 tla.· .;c-1enlific \\Oriti.

I' ut '"'~c r c•11nl ·~· l1rs bl'PO 1 m<:>mber

ct th .. 1.nw•·i< 1 11 \ sotlafion 111 Eeo­

' om• 1:11101 11 Ii~ '-'l"" sitw1· lS<.~1:-, and

t~ L'll<:> 01 ti pioneet me1. •er:-. ot th1~

rc.~1nizat1r111 \\ h ·h '";n:-: t•...,ta!Jl1 hed in ~!IO

\t tne sanH• nH: ·tin~ two moi-e 11wm

l r"' of tin• tintonwlo~~- deparune .t

Wt'l'f:' abo hunon•il Plee1Pfl to nrl1\1• ITIPlllhE'n>h1p and ii J\\i\l'il ~Pam: ns tn assod'l.ti> nu•m

1f-r:01JIJ In <.rckr to hN·ome 311 nc­

th C' nwmber it is nL•\·e~~an for a pf'r­

~c·u to do 1·ons1 1ll::''aUIP wc1r'k Pf im·

;.me ·1J11ng t IP J h. S I f l'l'Ollnllllt'

('t 1 moloe:y

• n ru·rn .

Last Game Before Missoula Fray.

rm ... Tht• 111111: noe ;n'T·1atio11

at anrt fe$rive C'elC>brat1nn will ht· Jwld

nth bom ..:C'it.:'nt•e rooms of tilt.• q.~ri·

11t nl lHl I lini; ju~r ri111• w ·pk from


of the ii ·:;;t ha II thP ~lore stood 21: ·on got fewt·r -;hoti-; but wa~ 111 o\'{'1"

to -;_ Stl '"art. tlw Oklnhoma It~ t !or- the floor Ht>s~ anti 11 trri:-: o\p1·1 •I

ward, had 1wo l"it>l'1 slwt~ to hi <·re1l t lik hlunkPl~. ilrt'b gi\iI!J!: Oklailt•llla

e\ 11 n~ 1h:mo11 .. ft'<ll c111


Tlw attC>rnoon 1u.-rfornrn11< t' \\ 111 be

held on Main str •et. or re 1 r.1hh

thnse 'Who Ure lttrk~ "i J perl 111 l I

'fain street. IL1· othPr mor mtc rt n._tt ~ Will lh• .1:-: IJ.,::lll'd lllOrl' dt I' 1



wo1'l l b J. c'if#lcult nta ter tn get ~11111\\"ilkr h<lrl 1 onver•t'1l u lrt>I' i1 O\\ n ... 10t d(1"' r t. 11811 frn111 1he ('t'lllCI'

t. ('tht 1 tron . .::-('r lt:'\111 of !'tar J)a:->- Before that 1imt.> e H'h 'nmld·lu J>ot· New Bobcat L ineup. llf the hall \ I \ 11 011lll ("1 r l'~. llle.1 d11.~

k t f' o~ i the 1~ • I .. ran bl:" j11$t·

IJ proud ff they c trim them This

1""'11 he I r1 1 c fc-r 11 al f111?"

tu :-.t.'( tu: ht .1n1~ gi>ld f,Ye · n act on

be'• e tr ' "' sh \\it the stnte uni­

" r it, n '1 ~ mla TIPXt Friclay ,rnd

Bat 1rOa~.r Th line IP !or touiglH bas not yet

~en announced by the coach as the:re

15 nc_ '1' rl 1g lin het\\~Pen the fir~t

'1Dd ~f'.'t onrl t£"'' 'll"' a;,, yet Adm sslon:

a 11\ity tkkN.s or •it \ 1·t·n1:-: TimP:



"I ha\"t' b art.·Y. ell 1t~tter on ns

'fl t H an·ntt I fin~~I<h '1er

'\ 111 made ht'r 1 t11 rl he1l k''"P akes

rentatiyely <li"'Lrili111e t ltnon~ hl1 1 f'lO!<­

c-st friends, rind her mind Jirmly mn<l•~

J l to ":-;la thE"ir lwnicl tdt ~·:-; it

the demone~ses. or rte\ i eri11P.~ ,.,,m~

J rhdng the torttll't' gang-, g:et ton llll'trn.

Although many attempts ha\-• ln·en

1iu Jh • :-t to ina 011 mnn·

Jn Jlil• rnitlrllr> ot thf' !:1~1 half •n

('ntirc new tL'l.am re11lan·d tlll" '·ol e1

•layl'r:-. Ton nil ·J1 (I Hld I' (~d

1 :lll"'Pll a g \. rl dtc'al of imfting .and

" '·d11l 1?~ th•' hall" whidt was tak"ll

~ IH'ntr:"' 1 1 tn· t OJ.;Jah m ,,..,\.

~,.. Thl· 1·on• ~,; to s wl1t·n 'hC'

oriid1rnl lPH'llJl wa:-. takt'n tl\H .,.. 1

nt>w team scorC'cl ninl· points to Okla

homn 's ~even. Oklahoma All In.

~·hne a victory o,·er a team with ah1 1t th 1o•·rnrt.: :-tnnts of tht· l>nPs

no really reliable rnrormation h:H' l•\ t:r ht·en f'artherl. TIH" entir1.• <'el< the reputation Oklahoma has won

bration is ~trictly ~eC'ret and greai shows that tl\I l111hc·a." "nm·1an q 1it""

cari:- s takl·ll IL'll year to rn:tk· "'\I f' tavorahly with the )J :-:t team.,, in th~· \\t·t..t. it will ln.tVP 10 IH dis<·minti.>11 a

g;reat cteal Oklahoma ha~ bl·Pn on

the roart tor six \\ ·rkt- nnd. 3'-' they

"arriecl h111 .;:e\' tt pla~·er~. thf>,. were

li;•t tw l\C\' ill rt'hard to tlw na111

ill' )~·:formant'P lJP ll·t ont for the

Pnlightt:'ll!llent uf 11H11n: Doet Ont.! 1-.x

11ommt n·111 rt er '\ho ip11f:!art:1l <It a

nwf'tin~ of the (Trarnl Pun:~hlill'lh

>r lhe \"i~i·

tor \C

h -.; tlnorwr.rk hl'in~ mos1 1•1 h•r ~! •\\ 'I ft)\\a~-.;

ilan • rm 1 h;irrl to n1 '

Line-up and Summary.

'O:'\TA~.\ Pu ilio t Ol\:L.\!10 '\

Jprge~su1.1'. I f.(:!J ~tt:'" rtf'•\

.1 rt For\\,1r I

·1.1~lor1l:"d <.ant1on1ll :\II'!.;: ttl'illifl1

nigl1t Fnn,.1rd l''lsh{.:! 1

<'tc>nt •r Ho:-15(3) Bur~P~S

L •. n L ianL

!larrbt 1 B1'ri.::man Ri .. l1t Guaril

Frl'l' throw"' c011vt-rlt•rl ·

S1 wnrt 2; \\"ilke I. llC'!'eree. Holm

\\" lkt>l~


Taylor 1;

Jt1 ... uth 1"' opt1t1 Ii"" t c Donn d( or

tn1 1ht h'lil·~ Bllit 1 le·nunt: i

walk~ wht•l'P\ t·r their H(' 'ii


tho:;4t in home 1·r·nnom1e~. ugrit-u1t tn

mec·hauk .lrls, end lict: 1:-.P en~iu( er

ing, are to be r1..' •re:-.enu·cl "'1"'UH:·r~

W•'"- k ·n au l'XI' hit Yihich is 11dll.!

l ia lllPcl Ji~ Pritwh al .John IL Hob·

<1 hort-<·our~e :-.t1

ThP big dnin~.,. 111 tht· tve11 11 l1 dent!:'.

<om1rn·nC'1- •\tt th. I or1i")le tor ur

• 1·c' <l~<l by tht• o 10mor l l:-;"'

wl111 h gent•rall~ rest1l1 in no 1rt11a1

t t?1·1lr alt11 111gh thf') .1l roarh ".l

n ~ r 1h;tt Ill l~ po•"' 1lt' l'ht• se

p1t..·111·p of t'' t•lll~ in tl!~ l',.t~nmg ~' n

!JP 11oilialicm. ft:1.:·d I Lor 1 Ill"''' "ho ... u

Vhf' 1h 1 nw 1 Show ar 1h1 J.\·

atter-1pr•nrma:H'P at 1h1· hall

From all n~1lort~ I.ht:' youngl•:-;t 1·Ja ...

are 11ayin~ np fairly well ~uHl thP~l' 1 l

gethC'r witl1 those so11homon·:-; who

iaih.'<l to take thf' <'Ure l:tst yenr w 411

make a rec-ord attt<JHlallcP.

.,..,( t>"Xh1 t t'-' t b(' '1el~ in h ( '!T

<'till ral hnill.liu; and l\111 Ue c·om1 os­f'd lt spedmt·ns of the tudf'nt~ "tl'"\

frcm all clep::l'·tment:-o, 1hert> will ul o

ht'"' mucl1 inforn1ation ul interest < llll c·ernlng all short c-onr~e wnrk anci i1s

n hie-rements.





f·ommit1t-€:' !.t!"t }PHI' and a tt>ITIJltt•i\ to

:.t>t·11rP a•han1·1· «Intw on tlw 11 n11rP

of t ht> 11ro~ pect h·e 1nugra m \\ ., ,. !'•

roughly tn·ate<l that hl· b only h1;·gin

n1nK to get around with lhP atrl of a

\\alking stick a thi:- writin~.

EXPLORERS NARROWLY THE"GUIDEPOST"TO BE The entertainment t·ommirtl~ ha\ P

1rr;;111gt•1l tht> most f'laboratP program

in Vl~ar:4 and ht' IH:'\\" 11w11 tlPPd h:in.·

1111 ll·ar hm thnt thl';r mone) s 11\

\'e~teU in a hOOcl rnus~· and Olll' that

i!< ~HrP to r"l'lt"n :uort• than Yalt1t" rt>­




INVA~ION. ESCAPE FREEZING STAGEDrNEXT THURS. . ·ext Tue:-;r1ay .JanJ ry :~n. the frosh

w ll ha\ e an op11ort11nity- to regain

. .,ome lost laurels when they mee t

I lc,w~n·r i'H:•n girb will talk Olll·t."

in a while lalfhough•only one or two ADV ENT URES OF THREE PROF S A REGULAR FARM PLAY WILL BE

RIVAL THOSE OF NOTED ONE OF FEATURES O F Onf of thP oftit>i.>rs. wlwn intt-n it.•\\

t•d <'OUCC>rnine- the f~:;tiviti('s. mu1lt> the

foliowing ~tatPment

:\t>'.\.I Thur~dny C'oach Bt"nntun anrl

t>idlt Hob<-·ots will Jenn• on a basket-

Ji \ l' eYen bet>ll known 10 ad mil ii I

•iie Butt hLt?h quintet tn ren1rn •rn<.l ~on.t: ,.;1··1tU-'ring inlditH'" of the

atch IJO tlH~ ii>«.d Joiir Th1"' pro 11. genl·ral natu1·1 of the awful e\'PDiDJ! 3.n• a\'ailahle. Pa~t filP~ of tlw Ex-

<>:-. 10 bP .t tast aud furiou~ C'OlltPst pP1wnt rontain artkll"'s " hirh rf'fer

n" l><nh tf:' un-. are cnt for b}CJod il·l'lingly to th1~ de:adl~ work done by

Un Jan-nr 12 t 1e y.-arlin:?~ ~Llf

re-ed a 3-4-l 'I df>tN:it wl11·n tliM' mPt

B'Jtte high in P.utte 'Tit•~ ,,·a:-; 1•ne

~ the be-st gamr" ~t·Pll in th•t city

o- :-:;ome t iruP ·,mil l•11t'1 f(>11."'

t.Hn. rlw .i.'.;1111 ..

.. , tlf':.:.day .;hn11lr1 lw a hummer

11 1111\'1·1 and \\ i<·k1•1l machinl's as

111a.~11· 11 hair pul ·r • t J.Y1•nnr pr.w<k:

puff~. tanglt·fr.01 shampo()!", lulr-pin

shot-the-chutes, ancl pit-fall pc.-anut r.u·p. courses.

In short. next F'1lday l~\·('ning will

br a wile) evening.


\t .1 Jcll·et ng ol th1,; athleli<' l·oundl 1

Bulle high has de1cat~d A nae .ontl3

, If f>illon rrhey nw~t Big Tir!"lber

thC' nl~ht beiorC' tiley play here and

c·a11a1in higJ1 ·he nigh1 after Pntte

\\Ill probably lineup with Crowley ;.n·J I.1st wet•k th£• football st·heduh• for

Vriscoll at torward, '\tyers at r:-,.r•ter nt•.,;t tall wa.,, apJ>rO\'f'd Tom Rfl~!-1

aod SulJi\·an and Zun1l('I at ~nard. Th~ ' as n~tommt>mfotl tor the po~ilion of

frt·~h men "ill play Pitts and C'rmn a~..,i~tant manager 01 basketball

at f'Jrward, J\u:ih at N~nter anrj Har· Thi· rvothall sc·hedule 38 it now

r· .. and o·n .. ien at guardb. .U\ ntb follow:-..

(kt lj Butt<.· Athklic dub, at Butte.

Od. 12 llt•flH::•r 1'uhen;lty, al D(~n-



"But for tlw intt>nt:ll:illUll ol ldnt!

raite tht-' e ht'l'P <·oll_n1mns migh\

ehronicul thP nhitdlllarez ot tine.;!

nf onr ilh1:-;trlo11s J1rof1·zzor:-;' :is tlw

Hing\'illr BH.i!le migh1 :-;tall'

It wa:-; on Saturday last that thh·1.:

11rominent f,1C" 11l1y m1·mbt-r:-. ;..1ajor

\\. E. (Ozone1 llr E. I .. {l'ookl,

I>oc·. !-:. II {Y~ikl a1•1•c1m11a11i£>1i or

rather lr'Lll:-.Jlnrtecl 11ar1 W<.l) b:-· llan it-1 Si Boon(' :-;tarH·d out with their

fh;hing rncb in one hanu and their

l't.:'J\Utatil"ln ""' :;kill1·11 t·xplorer:-; c x­

JIPrit>nre!l wnod:;m11 n. anrt feurlt':i'

.1rt,·entur('r}; in till' othPr C'lad in

stout homespun and e11uipverl with

nil th£• impedime111 in or th1.• 1.:ha:-;f•

thf') poiBtt'<I the 11erro1«.Ht'd ?"notll or

1h~ir tr11~ty F'orcl 1m\.1rd 1h1· c,nal

r:r their l'\.JH, ... rlitioB ~ntunlay morn

inK just as olct Sol wn~ 1n1shing h:!'

trosty smill' O\'er thP sllO\\ l'larl

n1onntains Alter 1ra\t-lin~ for a short clistaUC'l:





Oct. 16-Colorado l"Ollege at ("ollina. l0\\'8l'd tlw nrnyon or tht.· :)\\(l't honny

l t.th ..\.ggiPs. a HozPman. Sour Oou1-;h llH•y 1lisemlrnrkrrl trrn1\

<;on1:ag~i ~·ni\"f~n;it). at tlw ga!:i wa~on. ~na1d1c·c1 thPir sk1=­

\\·ith eagt•r hands. and hit it 111• th•

~tat1: l-uin•rsity. at .\fi~- u·ail in 11rofPH:-1ianal fashion. At n0011

Ckt 2tJ

()('[, 2-; J:ozcmau.

Xm· 111

son la tilt· 7\lajor <·allPcl a ha lt while thP dar·

ng little hand ol fishermen con:.:.unwcl

t: •• •••• :: :: :: :t 1: :: 11' :I :: •• :: a su lnnantial IUll<'h Afte r :i Rhor1

On a('(·ount of the lacl that the bas· X:

kHball game with thf' lllilings lnde- • •

,JPudents is to be played tonight In ••

the drill hall. the hard times Ieature :.:


A call 1s hereby issued to all

t1 members of the Junior class or the junior annual dance is to be

el:minated. The danre will be held !! wh o wish t o try out for assis·

lJnmpdi;.1tely after the game. r.. t ant baseball manager. Cand 1-

dates will hand the ir n ames to

the manager as soon as poss i ­



.. l'l'Sl 1lw traH'lcr~ ag!l\n sta rtPd om

:.: IOI' ,\I y:.\tk Lake.

• • Pleasant Visi ons

:: 'Thr ~ h a<lPs of night wt•l'l' fnllinr tr! IU!-H .. wht-tn tilt> fou r s ki -men heJ;an

:: ro think 01 t h t" 11 leasu 11t odors of t:"lu.1·

:: ini; 1.Jacon t·ook ing bcforc a cheerful

: : ti rPplac·e in a f'nug m ou nta in ('Ubin.

:: Suc-h de light f11 l prur;pertH of a plea:-;­

:: ant t:>venins in store «ompletely bn.nhtl•

t: I t•c.1 aO thOllttht s of nutr ition probl~mli.

This is the first dance gf\·en by tbe ••

junior class t his yea r and preparations ••

btt\·e been made to make it one of the tl

be"t dnnce~ of the lear. Good music ..

v.ill be pr ovided . The admission p ri re ::

v·m be fifty cents a couple. ll

Baseball Mgr., 1917. t: ::

rop rotation~. a u d pt•dtgrees.

A noi.ht·r l!.ttlf hm1r·1;, \{gorons nnrnip­

•teu on Page .;.., (t'on t inuorl t.. o Page i hrPe .J :: u :: u n n :: :: n :: :-: t: :: r.


l'nu·tin· 1111 tht• "l~nil!P Po~t.' thr

nt·xl procl11<·1 ion of the drumatk elulJ,

is progre~sin({ nit't'IY t'ndC'r lht• ahlp

cl11'N·t.ion nl 'lbs llml\\ and .'.\'r ..

I l1·rril'k. r>a"h drnra<'tl'I' i~ hen•n t !--:.

\1·ry prolkli"lll in tlw pr("lorm.1n. ~ 11f

his Jlart.

Thl· ph1y, "ritlcll h~ )lb-:, ll"l<I\'

an!l )1 r:-> I IPl'l'ick, shows lht· n1·r>1l

Of S('Jentilfr IHC'thOd!-1 in lal'lnm.!.

The l1rst af't :-.how~ t ht' ho1u • l•f

tl:t.• \\,..heelt~r~ ).Jr \\'ht•t•lt->r l ~i.11w:1

as a st\Hi~h. arLitrary man who w·ill

ucl adi)JH any ad\'i.llH'i'd l1ll'• '1ncl.~ 11

his farming Tlw H'l'Olld 11., :::111w:-;

the \Vilcox home. Yt·ry m11C'h in <·on-

t rasl w tlw wheelPr pl;.H·f'. ,J nlrn \\ I-

'\\"here is all the hravado and lllu~­

ter ..;11 readily l'\·Jnn•ti 1n tilt: ~ntn.•pid

rrnsh at till' first of tlu· year· :'\ow

Iha! tht' tim1..~ i:-:. drawing near ()I' tlH

rt•al l('"'t that :-:hcrn s tilt' tna nwt~h­

of a man. uam .. J\· o 111ul1._•n:{ h11111·1l

ation and phy~it•nl clisnnnfort in tht'

Pl'l'Sl'll<'l' ol ft>llow lllPll, tll.l..• lnwPr

<·Lts~mf'n bt·\ ollll' \ t'l'Y st•I •effas1ve.•

\\'ht·n ap1.i·oadw<l by solicitors "ith

tlw q11er). \rt• you ~oinp; to join tilt..

~1~1~:-;"'' tht»y manifrst ~rt..•at \"t'l"'atil

it~ ,in t 1t• 'an1•1y H t-''<'ll~l~:-. oft r

To thl" credit or :-:onh 01 till' fr ·11 '.>

ii -.::aid. thni tho:-t' who IHl\l' }'attl 1

Ul'L' ri~htt•ou~l~ indignanl :ll th.:ir

l'la~smatPs h.r tht> YL·llow strPak 111 t

s1~Pm~ tu Jipn·adt• tht•ir rank:""

• Tht'l'l' al'l' also sm1w \\ t'J.k bad:;

ht:1w~ amonr. thtl men of thP cox is a progn•ssiYt.· farmer. wht1

thr Ya lu c of <'OITC>C't fnrmin~. \<-·1 1 la~:o;\'s. tJ;at ~mall 111\nt)rity \\ho 1.•·t

s<·1.:ptkal11 afraid that tli"' .uv J!;Oi111~

to run into a bunch ol rrn ~hlll'l'k.~

who don't know whPn to qrnt A~t

thn•t- givt.•s a i?ootl idE>:\ of a 1 11111,tn

. ..;cclal <'PIHE'r nweting, and ;l(' 111111·

r·on<·lude!' thl' plot in a most ;n11•n :--1

in~ 111gen1011:- a nd s;1ti~fadon ma11 nny slllg i1 ht.• rt>p.ret~ that h1• b a

ball rrip into \\·a~hin!.{ton Friday and

Sat11rday tht:'Y will nwet thf' Sta• t·

unin•rsi1y fin· at )fb~onla l·:l~·h1

nwn will go thi~ tar and on~ "·ill 1 ••

turn to Bn:1.enrn11. The other ~"' ·n will ~o on to Spr.kane [<ll" twu ,;1.u:vs

wit11 c:onza~a and 110~:-1.ibly two

games with :111 rnu p~mlent tl·nm .,

that ril~ Tlw tarthc-:st point "t'~l

on thl' to11 will be \\'hi11nan. whe1tt

t\\t ..:-an ... \1.. 11 l

l'1 ·t' 1!11 n mak ng

111 11 nn1111\llll'l'ti a:-;

... ~ "c1l 1't fJ'i I




"''·' 1 I th4

ti11 t• lo !Je~iu w think

1 r.\tit· 1 wr nl'\.t :-;prinJ.,: Pn·

IL!l\t• :i1n· ::t •nth .t~ ll writin~ tlll «.1. •

t1un to g:et tu work 01t OIH't'. In die ner. mt•mht)r. and llH' loyal r~spon:-;t' ~huuld

Tht• l'ast of pritwipa l 1·hai-~H·t•'I'"' hi I t'lft·c·ttrnlly s11uekh any mis~ivin<:.?;:-.. 1.-. mn11~· 111 •he t·ontt.>:-;·

as foll()'\,\·::;· 1'hP ~ta1t8 hnvt• atlailw<l t o a pn~i- :ant~ ha\t' w.littil until a few \\'N'k"'

John \YilC'ox. prof1'l·s~iH.' fan1wr tinn nf honor and importatll'l' ;.11111.111!.::

Lee Park. 1he ore;aniz~nion::; on tht• hill. \r-

.l e:;!-l il' \\'ikox. his du 11_g-h L1:.•r. C:rar_~

\l(•l\ er. Aunt Amanrla , .}(·~H•h•'s aunt, Edith

!"owler A ro lle~e 1•\.tf'nsiou wurkl'L

:'\ob le


rnng-ements an• !wing <'lllllllh.•tt-•11 1ha1 will insure thb y1..~nr~ cnt~·rt<linnwnt

to hr the bt'~t Pver given Higirl rnlp::;

IHtH' bren formulated anrl will bf'

~trkt i )· t'.'nt'o1'<'t:d to bar 811) unst>eml)

condu rt nr rowdyism ·A list is being <'OmPill'Cl ba:-01.:'d (111

hl'll"l'P t.1t Im al ontt':-;t befon• th ::

th~ r nrat n

\\(lJk 'd t:\1. Tht:st~ who t'X}JE'f.'l to t•n-

trr tht> l'Olllt''"t !-th011ld !-'ee Pnlfl'!-'SClr

Dudd'- urn! J!:l't their ~ubje<:ts and out­

llnrs a11111·u\ e1l

Tht• local <'Olltt>st will bl' bc•ld ;.l.bout .\lai<l of tht> \\· il ~o;.,.es .. Janellt· 1.un 1.

.l obhia \\'h t:!e lf'r . an 11n11 ro~1 i:1's~h·f"

fa rme r . llal Stt"Wart. l\'lrs. \\' heelC'r . B l anC'h Bordl'I .

C lara \\'hPr>lrr. ;\ fnrtha John:-:01

tht> rt>}lOl't~ nf the t'\,;~cdors of all tlw mid1llP of April arnl tlit ~tau• t·o!l­

tnt"'ll who do not offe r a juslit'iabh: re~t will lil' hl'ld in Hl~lena muh•r 1he

rethon for nn Joining tht• ~tng<;._ if I a11~pkes or thf' ;i.tontana \\' c~ I C'y:rn

!lw receipts dn not ~ how rt dN·lded thl' first 1',riday in '.\lay. T ht· winner

Abe \Vheeler, Grt1gOn ~1r;i.till n 11 im1Jrovf'ment dtiring t h t· uext wt·tl.: it

H nn1 ... hired man for the "'hrell"r~ . 1 i~ the de termination or the memhl'rs

John \\'hit es ide. to publis h undPr the heading ·'Yt>llow

Steve, a neighbor. Dn \'id Gray Streakers" 1he namel-l of a ll mf'n in

In tb e third art. the entire c:u: t of the collf'ge who nrr afraid to undergo

Ill pl'ople wi l l be on 1he stage and I tht> 1t l'orr mention~d s light rh.··~i<'al take part ln the communiLy mePting. discomfort.''

or the loca l c·ontest will rc<"ei\'e a

twenty dollar prize nnd the wrn ner of

the stnt.e eontest "ill rereivP a gold

medal. There will ntso be an e:xtempor 1.1n"-.._

OH~ speak ing contest h eld in conner·

tion with thf' oratorirnl contest.

Page 2: i!HJ. I• 'I JH HI' · 2016. 5. 24. · th(• l'lhort :mappY ontrr but thl ir hu·k nt ~pt.'('(\ on the floor m:ulP it impo~ ~Ible fnr them to a proal'h \\itl±i 1 l'illHr.-•


SMART Alecs may be aJl rigl1t but : • i ;.!a )U, he nest workin' p~..-t1~e.

... "?:......... ' f" r,· ·ntn. give 1"= slow!y .,, rizn·-

\ ~ L - n.ood­··oyc.a'l'~

Wind Roughened Faces

l'hl -..nnthing-. ~11flt·ni11g1 a1Hl hC';ili11~ l ream f11r wind nntgh­

cd faCl'S j~


'l'h• r"u;:I 1_, "" li,-;.i ·ti. dai111ilY J'l'1'!-11:11t.•tl. (';J:-.~ tn ;q1ply. (..:. lt l ! . .'.!TL'<l'\ 1·1" -..tid,,\ \~1)Pd

inr 1..·happt..:d hand..:. ;:t~ ''ell a .... · r •he face




J 1,.;:r Al11m1111~ or .\il1mnH

~i111 ,, ~Pndi11g- 0111 nur ln~t ttr<'ular j tPtter abont r1~rfy Jc\\';11 aJiuuni hG\'('

r ·pliP{l in um• tnrm or anotlH.'T ~nd

~.l wh:d1 to (''.\lll•··~~ n11r thnnl;;:; Lo j It Ill \\'L' 1\0Ulcl J;J.:t. \I/ <1sk th~...,

o ht·r~· "}fn\\" tlc•P.-: Lllis <.q•pt•al to \1111 as a r.11r Jlt'l1't>Ulag1..• llr ~tit'." \\'"e Of tii1• t').to•l'llllYP c <ll\\lll~ll{-'~' do HC"t

c>el that it is a ,- ... r~· .:noel shC'winS?:.

I \Y!Jile w1;:• r1..,alizL~ th:n ·.it takt"s some t;rnr tn at11•nd ff'! th1• matter!--. ~ •·t

Wl• nlso ;ll'C' hu::-:y )lt"Op!L- .nH· we an"

/ ~i\ ing , ... -ithma r~m11ncr, ti on many tiaw:-; mflre :·wnic·e 1h:111 nny nthPr

tnl'mlwr. \\ ~ ft·~I that we nre uot .~euing the ~upport ~hat we :-;.hould l!."t.' \\\.• wC'rt~ 1·lt•('L(•rl by your 'otes hut if you leel thal an aSHl)<'1ntlou is

R D C 1l~1[ \\otlh hll\1llg \'-P sha.Jl 1Jl' \'iJlmg ose rug 0 I •tJr(' Ir 11 JM \\Orth h:nmg !l JS

• 1 "01!h\ of )Our ~UJIJ101t Therl"' should 1 !Je f\t It~.lst ~on H tt\ ... 1n1•mlie1,.. ol tllP

n.. :;te-%0ee, .JiDJle .i-suciation. Tht.~H.' .n~ se\1.•1.11 11:-~1tun.ill· uetd~

of aC'tion in which thP Alumni assocla­----- ton mic:ht work \\-hh h w1.1nhl he ul

Overcoats $14.

From the best makers of

Ne,v York. You can get one

of these $20 and $22.50 over­

coats at $14.85

These overcoats are of the

latest styles and cloths.

Walsh's For instance

'\ 1>11 rnul<l11·t tell In looking ~t 1t whether watch i~ cht.:ap 11r IHJt at ~12 Very -!llt1t:ri11g· pn1mises may have i>tcn ma<le to YOlt about that l\atch in a mail-order ad. Yon \\ erl' tuld it wn..:. this. that an<l

' thcr thing.

I :11t rl'alh no LlllC but an ex­i" riencerl -jeweler colt id tell \\hether it is g-ood \<tltH.: or not

t the price.

11 e l"l•tild pruuahly tell in a 11 mute 1ir sn. hut you must q._e it :ind wait developments to iind •mt.

l f _rnu wil l come here you can purclHhl.! as good a watch at whatever price you wi•;h to pa) a:-. was. t've r turned o ut of

. n.

H.A. Pease & Co. 11 cir, and Optometrists The I fallmark Store

-c•· l t~l •11il" cl,c·~ :t111l onr .A11na .\Jait·r In rh:s l~on11edi•·11 it ini~llt

l.t~ 01 inten'!:'! to 1lw .\h1mni io know hat nu >:on•JlllJl·r l~ 1he fH"(·shli?nts

CJ! lht:> Alrnnni assnc:fatfous ot four to ·l' in:-:t11uri1l11:.-; nwl ln Helem1 with

h ( 'han<'ellor• to discU~f' 'Ya:-o·s a11d w1 .. nns for bringing the graduutes o!

t 111(3 cnmpnnPll! parfs ul the:;e in::;titu­tion~ into clm:ier to11cli with their 1'"'tSlil11tion:-;. \\~e :'t'Pl that snme tangi­llh· !'Ps11l1~ wiJI ll\111\\v lrom this meet-:11g ~0011

Tl1l' t>~c~·t1ti\1.· n1n,mittee ha~ heen I •ill~ for soni..: t illlt> tht• a<hisa­<"'f ntlillh a}l<Ht U Slliail :--Um-

ll'l t>!-':-. t ,. "lll.111 1mder rhe present i1t·t11J1sta1wP~ nf rhr u~so<:hltion's

i11 1111·h1J i·o111Ji1io11 as a lo;rn itmrl

Ltir Ut'Hlv and wonh" t.'ltllit>111~. Pl"'ase 1 express ;,our opinion. ol this on the en­dused (}Uestionary.

Tl n •ommil!t•• hu:-:. also diH·11::-:~£'tJ

· i1h I ·ot'Ps~cr llrPWPi uf lit•· l'rp:-·..; ('ommitteC>, lhP (t'D~ihiJlty ur ~l.'.lltlin~

tl11 pr1:.•:">s lrnllet n:-. to all the a lumni

or :u luc;st to <1\l :u-ti\ i· n1t·mhPr~. \\"e d ·t· .i:<iking you for an t1xpri:~sion as Ip '~ ht:ther or 1w1. y1•11 desirP to re­ceire them .

\\. nre l'llclo~i11;:. ~onie blanks for r·ning to u~ the nan1('s of prospec­

t'' P :_;.trnlentR. The5e names will be 1 "JH .. d nYer tu thl• Ht>gi~trar who will r.tke 1111 <·01·n·:::1101uh•n1·t.' witl1 the per-

1 ,. ti!( ms1.•lv1·s. lT ~ clPsirahll: in

·1,~ 1·tmnr1.·tinn tha! t'"'arh Ohl· 01 you ,,1 ~Pllll· \H.'rso11al 111is~io11t1ry work \\"~· alumni ~hriulll ht- t:>n1hu~iastk in

1 lµinµ pn1 \lo!11'11rn :-;1a11· c·11 111<> 1;1p.

\\ 11 wn11lcl 1·all 1h 11 l!ll1111 of dl

1110!'( who hn \ ( 1101 L'lll 11 1 liei r po~i­

t ic·n a11d t11lilr1·~r-- blank" l1l th1' f<.H'l

tlrn1 anything lilt" 1·ompl•·t" c1atn on ThP~t.· s110jeC'tR nen·~:->il, t+-'" the c·noJu"r­

atioa of all alumni. Ph·:1sr• lei ns 11. H lhP inlnrm:11h1!1 Hi dwt we may

<11 1k1• 011rtardint1..-x 1

T !l!P lll! ll' lht ll1Hlllit1t~P

l •ok Tllo tl1l n..itt· n/ t1ttin~ 1111 t·, i n Jv I d ,

t:arlel':-; 01· cl 11 r1r 1m fflr \l~iuug

•llnnrni. \\'l' hav1 ~l;n1• 11 nn tlli;.; p ro­h'n now and how un· \\ , .. gt-J with it will depenil w n la1·gt t XtPTlt on hc1w

tn1.1<•h l hCA alumni c<10J,l'fat1' i n a iiu· ;•ncia l wny In \·irw nl thP preHPnt

crowdL•d l'UIHlit ion or tht.' <'o llege il will prob11 hh- tw tm11c1ssible to malrn llll)fP than a Hlart thif' year, L>ut the <'onimillt: •• has alrf'ady maclP :q1pli1·n· J!C'n for a roctn u ... i-<11111 f1~ 1hi:> l:milt1· in~ at..·commod<Hion~ v..11! at a ll war ran t It. y.,ry· LJiorer<.•ly,

8 X8CUTIVE C'O:\IMl'l''TEE, Alumni Assoc:iation, Atontana

St.ate Colleg-E'. l1n1"versJty or ,\!ontnnn.



ln Fountain Pens Self Fi.Iler Non Leak Service Cap



---, THE WEERLY EXPONENT=-------~------


\Outgrowth oi ).llmthly Exponellt. J;:.~aablished .January l. ll:i~5.J



'! hl' \\-('~hly Fx11m•, u1 .s !>;\ric t'.: l !d t1l \.11erpri~·e. It:.; ~·h1e1 1mrpo!'>e 1~ lll p1'...;:;1_•n1 to •ts n ... nlcrs. 4 IC h \\ 1;; ,,, , u .i1·t·ura1~ au\.! c..·ouqilc·lv re<.:ortl CH

Lbe d<'Yt>lopnH .. 'IltS iu u.i\lPgE:" ullairs du Ing t11a1 P<.> ·iorl und to l'Xl'rt ll~ iuflu­enn• lcir lht:> UJ.1JtlihL11g ul :\tontana ::'tale collt->g.l'. Tbe PllPt"r is the result l'f

c1l11u Hry f•Ifort · l c1rt1 b. tlii..• -l1•d•·· ts ,,.bo c·(lmpu5e ti1t staff

\'11hlbht d (.•\1 ry F ... hl. •, 1 1 the co €'µ1.' Yt~ar 1.Jy !'tntf 'ho:-:CP. f"r()JJl r lk

and .\le< nan1c Arts. ( 1I 1 ,,f !!~ ~1C1111t. 1 Stare ("oth .. ' o( Agri 11 ltir•

Jf lilt t 11,\e It;.- C'f ~1lt, .11:1, n ... 1 n1<. .. 1 .'.1• n.1•1.

' Fmen•d as sec..:01Hl-cl.:ss matter at BozC>rnan J\lonrnna.

undPr Act f Cougre~s of !\fan:h ·1, l"IH.


:-\11uk111~ llt'COJJJt> Sub:;;('r\l..n:'rs u11ou pa~nw-1 t v tlh· 1 t{ll!;.r ;1ct1\" t~ tee


RUSI NESS ~!'\.:-,TAG Im

~IA!\"AGJN(1 8DIT01l


CIRCf'LATlll:\ '!A:\AGER

SP011TS \\"Rl'l'!.;H







K L. l'OLl<;, '1,

II A ROLD l>ll 'l'\SO:-.J. 'lh

.... C. (1 STRANAli.AN, 'TS

DON J,A.'1GOHR,, '17



FJ\l<:D \\"\LL •.t'E. 'l"

.<mEr.oR :ii..\.(" MILLA:\, ·u ALBEJlT J. JJUHTUN, 'l'

ASSISTANT Bl'Slr\El::38 MANACJ~R~-········. MlS!STA:\T C'llWULATIO:\ i\ IANAGEfl

.JOH:'\ \\ :i r1:-.All, lo

L. L . BENEPE, "1" .JACK SI\ l~A'l'. '18

THE BUNGALOW Will be open after

The Dance

NG Greenhouse

Visitors are always welcome

Phone 95 W. 315 So. Tracy.

The Gallatin Lumber Co. Headquarters for the Famous Cwl Creek <Jad Peerless Beru­

Creek Coal.-Your trade will be appredated.

Uppo:-ite Court Bouse. Telephone No. 20.


Ele.:trical. '.'vlachinery. hes.t Oak Tann~d Leather and expert work111ansk1p does 1t. L1d1es heels a spec1aJt_, Low prices

CHAMPION SHOE REPAIR SHOP General Reportorial Staff 11 7 E. ;\Jain John Komar Prup.

Russell Templeton '19 '-------------·---------t~nrdon ~ewell Is

Ll Hn~ t'uwlt··r. 'HI

Alll'Pcl )[a<· t~;irli11, ·~u

Hai"oltl ~teW:lrt. 1:1

~Lanin !>1:>\ 1ie::-;, ~o

Geor~ia Hannah, ·~11

O~car .J Solbt.·ri::. :!Ii

Larl~ l\l ht"'d ,111d 1..·al'!) tu rise'· was 1101 spoken of 1hl:' ( oll.-ge lrt-:-:ht11d1

during 1!11· wi:-,•k l'1'f'r'~t>din.1! mid-yPar Px~1min::itious.





I Flowers 1! NOW IN SEASON l t I \ lult '· '\ '" '"' 'd•·unhs,

1 ulip ..... I.. i11e1 .. 1--1t· ...... LI1d l ~yde-1 ma!'. If

Jhlfo1"1· 1.!i~1·n..;i::ing lhL• /H·o1,ositio11 of t•:-.tnl1\i~ltin~ an11th1·1· uorm11l ~d1ool iu ;\l<lllltl!l<l till' lt••..:blaiur~ 111lgbt well svtnd n litllt• Lillle lu.ukwg, lJllo .WL'•s

mul 111Pu11s or \ll'OJ!P!'ly finnnein~ the ~tall' i11~1it111inns alt·i~ady in O\lPl'ation. We Cater to College 11



Tracy :-\1;.·t1 tll1 s..; to :-;a~· t'i\"t.' fir~t-;::trillg 13ruin..; lighlrng nn rl11..~ir O\\ll 1!00:­

a!::!ainst .. tlw ..\~gi1·s .. t·nnstit11H' a far diHerC'Jlt 1·ornlJinatiLm lrom t'h't' tin"ii

rntt Oldahoman~ ~1pJ1caring. uu tlJe ltil'i-ll floor attl-'1 pla~ ine: 1h1pp stra!g-111 e.atnP~ ancl traYl'ling 111 lwtwe1•n tiln~:-.

~~-----~--' l l·~~~· ~_P_h_o_n_e_4_6~~~--.:

\\'b1l1• sl'il•Hlllk agrk11lt11r~ilisb; and prnq1l·a1 111r1111 1..; an 1111~:-. 1l 1 11~.sill.;! till' llllf•tll'Htltl )'rohli:-111:; cuntrontiU!.!, :\1(111\Una fal'llll•rs. tlip f1 ·ul'L'

a~:fc t1l111ral le<ldt.rs et lhl· statt•" will hP t.•tH-!.~lg1;:1} in 1111t1ini:;, on papt-r tl:e hroriP..; n1111 ll'in«1pll'~ !hP 1111\'r> lt>:irnt>d dlll'ill)! 11 P. ihbl iour n111nths. It

lrnll\s likt• ,l \ al11al.h• t1ppcrlllllity itlr The prP'-'ent al!tl f\llllT"e l~aders lo get t1·~t>tl1i-'I' L:nll(A ltJ wasll~ \\'h) h(l\d tht> ~t;;\111P~tPr ~xan1i1rn1itm~ dnrine: 1;a11111·1· \\0



Olli«· 1n11n.> Wt:' UIL' swinging ::;wiftly alo1Lg thP path <ll a new yP~lr. Tlit:­Ph\ 1imC> honort•I! resoluti 111b. ha\·1.· beeu taken fnin1 llH' shelre~ where rhu~

han" repn~Prl r11r the paRt eleven month:-; and rleant-tl 01 their c:oUwel.Jfi. .\. Jll'l'~o11a! in\"t•ntor.' hns hf'l•n taken of our short comimi:::; :rnd w1· ha\·t· 1"("'::"1.11,·ed 10 rl11 man\ thing~ 1hat an· uoble and to forsake those that are nu!. Sut·h i:-. thP psyc .. holugy or man ii has been in tbe past it \\'ill b1• n tht' fnllfft>. j



l•anc~ 111,:;i ... per c~n

Egg I 'hmi:-.. 2 can .... iur C~rapt.'' µer can Rt1y:i.I \nn Cherrie:-. .....

18c 25e 15c

.z()(j. .\ 'isit will cun,·i n((" you th::it )"llll alwa.\ ~ :-.a' l- mo1h.·y


J. l~. SA WYER, Cash Merchant ElAST MAIN STREET. 1'1th .. ~t><H. het'ort..· ir i~ ll;O lutt'. lei us no, '- t. too altrnistk in nur asp1 ·a I

1HH1~. \\·~· _arP nut :'ll\H."rn:cn and wolllt'U. ln~tead of at1P1~1ptin~ a \"a~t and :,=;~;;;;;;;~;~~;;;~~~~~~~~;~;~~':,~':,~':,':,':,':,':,':,~':,':,':,':,':,~~~~~~';;,';;,~~~~-::~~ 1nr a''ay tl•·ltl !or our nn1;.-ya1d. let ns l·ontme- our d1ar11y and c1111· cnrnl dP1·lls lo 0111· inlnH~diate vil:ini1y. A gootl tlt?t·tl in dlslnnt pa~tt1rcs ls li!i:0

Purity Bread :-1 might~ m1·ll'Or lJlnzing "\!t"1·H1rnlarly al'ros~ tt1e l"thl;'ral mbts tinly 1c d s· I · 11 11,gral•· 1111u 11i~ di111 horizou. A .!:!:oocl deed 111 uur own eu11111111 a ay i~ Lk1' 11 ,1 111, ~!"ant \w;iri h i·;n, l'lw 'ring :dl b) ts ~."enrnl \\"drmth and glnwmg i11 tl11 I fl1·;;ld 1·1nl11,;>rs nr· I ht· pu~t. long a[terwards. Mothers Bread

. .\ ki111Jlr wind, a { lu:·l'l) ~re1,.>Li11g· or a l:> lll(·ere harnlt :.1sp 1 ~·· p· t!J• ' ·· .1 t"·tn·ti'• 11 1i1t• '' 111 nt n 1·om11;rnion, whose heart i~ f:1.:'are1l fl~· a1h·,·r~itr. 'I Home Made Bread

Lvt 11" tllPu 1uH alll'll!\11 llnriug tile next lWl?IYt' H!Ollll:s, :.\l'l:-> tii ~·,1cn!,),

t!i,:r llll 1lw fa1·e .i11• oh\"i11H ... nr tllf.\ir al!Ye1tb111;.. <lfll1·1 1:~ d11•r lt.~t H~ ~" t Thr1.:1... might' i1nc.. kind~ nf bread t l l' I Ft•r ..... 1k at

II\ 1_ 1 ii.it \\ ltf·n '' •' 11as~. tb Wt' 11rnst nil ~om"" da. ~o, <Jl\t J to the' tir1-.:i l 11-1..'\lr.' ~nf1..'l·1\ :-0h1n•. l11-...1~t ,1~ thl 1,ti ~l 1

1h.t ')l'l

kno\\lt 1lw1 0111 nl.'it!.hborR may ~a) "\\'t" Hl'P hdt1;.'l'" t'u1 ltn\·in.1:;, l\lll ·' DELIVERIES ro:30 A. M . and 4:00 P. M. 1 i1("lll • l) A. l' Hano1.ueter.

EXAMINATI N SCrlCDULE 1'11:... The Vienna Bakery

4.1mlnatio11:; Ila:-: l1t'L'l1 111adl 11t a11d , ~ Wed nesday 1 :00 p. m U :: :: :: t: :: 1! :: :: :: t! :t !! :: :: :! 118ua\ i~ pn1\'ing thl' :->ta1 ;U1r·u·lit 1 J·:11g-li:·d: 11;1, <"111-•rniBtr) (4). Uair:• 1:: :: ol' tlw \\"l·1~k i11 llw hlllll'li,1 1!1w (1 I. _\la1lwmntks t2). ~~lertl'il'ul En· EXPERIMENT STATION NOTES

Tlw :.;~ht·dnl~ is .:1!-t foll1.1ws g:iiwering !.:.l. HortknhtJrC' ~.fl, \fp. :: :1 Monday January 29, 9:00 il. m. 1·hunin.11 J·;n~i11~1,ri11L: (1111. 8t1c·rt'tnr- !! :: :: !! !! !! t::::. !! :: :: U :l !! 1!:.:

Jl~h (vi \1inc·n1.!1.lµ) l~I, l~..r·11wn I•·, Thursday 9:00 a. rn . --

~1·<·n·1ctriHI 11 ), l•'n•1H·l1 ! ll. l·:nµ ial (lO), Ar1 l('I. I

!Jciu111·\ (\\) Hn1u n .' (ltl .\lal 111;.•ma- .\la1hemHth':-> {2~t). \l:Ltherna ti u.:. l7L t' hl~ .)\onm11n P:\)lt."rituent sultit'U li<-!.-i t .I l, ~lathl'tnnti<'H td, l \1y};ie:" ta), I .\l Pciianit:al 1.;11gi11t'i;1 rl11~ (221 ~ledri. shippti d t hreP 1mn,bred Bersbi1·e g-ilt ~ l·:c•o11011ti1·~ ( g J. t 'hl•ll\ blr~ l :-1 1 ( 'hl·m nll E:ngin1:""cring ( !l) . .\l t?l' h:tHl ('<\l l ·~ n J!;i· I la:-.\ \\"(."'Pk t o the r~scaHier Sheep ('QUl· lstr~ 112). Al't (6). neering ('i). Pliyi..k~ (!I), Agrouorn~


. 1 mn~. t'at'('i\lie. iltont.ann. Monday, 1:00 p. m . (fit, <iermuuy f2). llistory (71 --

Poultry 1-1:1), l1011w Eco11om1cs t:n. Thursd ay 1 :00 p. m.

Animal lndn stry (:q .. A"l'Ol\0111'.'> ( ' l. , lltllll l' r:(•111l(ltlli1•s l~I. Secretarinl Chemistry (~). Civi l l•:ngint•l"' r imr f I l. rn), Boilers. Chemistry { 6 I. C'ivil Agronomy tltll. Engli::;h 111 Hull\t' Enginreri ng (3), History U)L Secre-Econnmks (1;), Phy~lcs l·~l I Lary (aL Zo~logy (8), 1''1conomicR <:~)

Tuesday, 9:00 a. m. Friday 9: 00 a. m. 1·'r1•1wh t2-l Aninrnl tnd nslr) (7), Ciril Engineering (2) , Sec reta rial

Hbtory tl111 CTPrm.111. lHI C'hemistry (2). kiome 8conomicR (13), Genmm jJ I. t'h·il 1·:ue:i11N·rin" (fi\, Physcol· (<9). Civil Eng-ioeerinJ?: (2), Spnnish r.l"y i11. l>a:r.' !41. Zool oi:o;) 12), Mut.he· Osu). ~;1:dk~ (4). ll<Jrlh·u ll.ure (10) , Secre­rn1'iu l 1 ti), 1-jng\i::;h ! b J. ~;Jt.1 ctrieal li:n­

tri nt.'flrfng 1. ·I) Tuesday 1 p. m .

Humt" Ecmll'mies (16), German {;i),

Zooloh":o' (i11. P.o tany (1), flo 011 e Ero-11t1mir-fl- IK 1. J'tairy l~J. 1te1·haoiC'al t;~1,gi1H·Frl111..f (11:). ~1 athl'ma.tit f.I (b),

S.-trelnrlal 11)) . A.rl 18bl . W e dnesd?.y, 9:00 a. m .

!-TPN~b (3 '• C1vil l~ngiDPl·ring (21) ~ * '1nc:fny fl). I '•.:irman ( I), l1oL:ln'

1 , 1'"ro)l11111y I~ Phy.,;£'s '1 ), Zor-1 1 1 • 1 1 r.':111 tt; ni1 .1 1 ,.~,rHlf"f'rpa (2.1

Friday 1 :00 p. m. Home Economics (fi). EngliAh (101,

Hom Ec'9'1 mics lb).

Miss Lana Baldwin wns c·onfine J to her l'oom the 1>asl we ek suffc.t-iug from a serim1s attack or Lhc grinp; .. _

A shi pm etil of ehemkals for 1he 're~m<11l course in (1nalit.Jt tive unalv c-fs hns )}f"<''!"I rc<'eived nncl work it1 'h1~ <'Ollrf'C' w ill h<'r-in immetliateh

•tr,. 'li< , . ., mi t'.'1 1•11fif

).ti o~ Leta J)raunkk who h~$ bct>n stenographer t'or t he poultry depnrt· ment thP past year. left lnst w eek for Iler horuft in Sycnmot'e,, Jll.

Tb1;:• experiment station bas pur­{'based f rom ProfeS:'\Or Mumford of the University of ll!inoi~ two Duroc> Jersey i:;iHs which a.re to be ndde.l 111

the> breeding herd.

'J'be s tallion enrollment bo..'1.rd will issue th eir a nnual bulletin in a fp·w

dayi::.. lL con tains e. list of the stal­lions licensed for service in Montana during 1916. ThE> horses a.re classi fied according to .aunties, and every farmer interest~d in breeding better hones s hould have this l ist. Thi~

bulletin mny be had free of cbarge 1100 an11llcntion to 1h<' !""el~rrt i~ry c

tbe stallion c-rwrollmrnt \\Cl nrd FM mn" •.f f"nt:u1n


Last Saturday the principals o! the eigl1t schools in 1be southern wurn:1-ment distriC'l were the guests of tbe college al tbe Oklahoma gam<' Al a meeti.ug these representative,~ r. r· ranged for ehn.n&'ing the districL tou r· nament 1 rom Three Forks. where

there is a. small-pox sea.re. to Liying· ston. This tournnruent will bf' held }ebniary 23 and 24.

Barbara " rorth 1 one or t.he nwst iD· terest.ing types of all th e stellar rt'les of the stage today. is tbe central fi~·

ure in the dramatic version of Haroht I Bell Wright's widely read novel. "'rho Winning of Barbara Worth," w!1ich will be the nttrnetion at lbe Mnnicipnl theater oexl Monday, Janunr)' 29. The character will bt' assum ed by Virglni n. HarUy, wbo in tbe past few seasons has at.traC'ted the attention ol prominent managers t1brougl1 ber abH· <

ity and distinctive charm. She is tb •• ideal Barbara and bac:; been d.c!llgh t ing tbeater-goers everywhere shf' b(l n. • played. Those wbo have rC'aLl tu i:l

character will nol be dl•appointod 1·1

Miss Hardy. The author, himseH, wa'l d elighted with her J>erformance. ~h·~

gives to the cbaracter a wPs ler!l iot

mosphere nnd this couple-d witb a clH· ti.ngtive m nairetism make~ hpr :i.11 t hilt •o.u!!I bQ e..Tl)ected.

Page 3: i!HJ. I• 'I JH HI' · 2016. 5. 24. · th(• l'lhort :mappY ontrr but thl ir hu·k nt ~pt.'('(\ on the floor m:ulP it impo~ ~Ible fnr them to a proal'h \\itl±i 1 l'illHr.-•

Extra Trouser , Offer Closes I Jan. 30th

I: th.,. L'• dlll i11 :tn1l I uJk nn::r

... '.'-fJrt nt..:nl 1 f "1 iolcn-.:. anci

t 111 1r t .. <kal hcinn. it

1 .... too late. "ou Lan -.de t .ill}

:.... 1od" irorn alm• 1~1 ;L th1 u-..an<l

pattern-- t:x tJ'l pla n Jilul·!'- 11d

,J.,1 g'Tt.')'~.

\ f u I 111 •\\ 11ur rtpu ta tion

\\ ~i' 11'.:.tut'. on ")\If tailoring.

Holloway's Quality Corner

Economy Shoe Sale

Mens English Style Shoe


Sale Closes Saturday




_ _ _ 111' Soci~ty ~ Only 4 or 5 Days More in which to take advantage of our free trouser order


Allt'r t..he ba~kdb· 11 garnt:-. Satur- \t utha Jolm!<.Oll .Hat;t' Floori ·.It

lla~ niglit, lhl...' A, :'. :\l S. t. held a tie Arn•':rnn and .:\ma Armsu·1°1u.

:-;hon. infornwl (lante . Th• re \\ re

ttlH ut seYeni~-ri\e t·ouple:-. 11resent :11111 1 good music wa:. , 1rnisl~t>d by tht;!

Tiu 1 .n orchestra.

\\', lrn .. ·stla: t\t·uillg, DPun !letr l·

enlt-rtnined LliP Aluninae of lw • "'g; i:il. <.an alwrat · dinner At 11 •

tnn h ll The ulJle~ \\er... pr• 'I I:• .\!b:;~e~ IJoro lly arnl Ia IHH' P1iwtll dee l'.1lecl or thL~ 1(c•1..:in11 :-=.l'''

Ituth Rit-knH'l.1• n td :\ia h 1 Rqlli1 .;;111 n lh1:.• ~tlL:.t~ ltl.t(le s111~L·tli1;;:-; .lild

1 nr '1'11i11ell i.H llm ·1 t H ', 1'r.n t1 II g1t.~etiI1gs rrom a girl irom "Rl'h da:.--.~

~ wtJ. Tllt 11: ,, ).!t·!",.,iS \\·re e\.l nde(l to 1l 1t !.! 1es1:-., \ft1:

Franli" Harri~. Jadt H~n y r·11a1 Jes wa:-: en.10y£·d. and a SQ 'nl hour \\ l­

f.a1 r11ll. and Alt 'P1l :\lc:'Farland. ~ lt. nt tro ind the Oreplac·p ntl i·

:\lr .nn1l J.frs. f;p!Jllt.:r ~oll.it'rg: nt Big

'l'imbH· are the proud parenb of a daui-:h1e Si~1·i<l h-,~n January 1". P.Nh :\fr and :'.\fr:-:. Solberg arc !~T~hiu-

·:-- o! the



1 l.onrn.11t'I'.':' Fn1u Pagt U11t:.•. J ! I

I t'n111 10 tit h, i-:l; ·1.aL _e.am•' ;.111. l I

ht O!=il !or l he tNun and take her to

.L' ci id \ lh.: ,. -.. 1pn t11l 'Ill


6 EO. Ii. WILLSON GO. "On the way to the p-05t office.''

01 th( l"PllPp:i" m:-n11

das}\ or 1914

I ·1~t l',rida. c\·ening, one at' the the tlall('<~ afteJ'warrl.'' is the juni~>r t

m<1:-:t JHwel affair~ of the sea~on was ~ I O?:rtn. ! Ila• dance at H;1mil1011 hall. lhlf P Special anangemeuls haYe bC'i:>n I 111 young lndi~!:i were tlre:-;~< .. rl <l~ ruadt> with the bnsketball rnauager h ;

young meu :l1Hl wore clre-s.s suit::;, start the game early so that lh1: ---------- ----------- ----

wl1ile the re~t of the young ladies dnnce will star t 11ot la ter them ii I .\u~s Dorothy :.rm:- tint ·naine<l a. \\t!l't.' most PlabnratP \euing gowns. o'cloct· On account or this there \~ill '""1------------------------------

t'e\\ friend~ at an ,nfor0t~l ilinncr Jlandng w<.1s enjoye•l until about tni•i- be. a l'~rge ncumber of dances . A G M KEY arty Tne..,day enmin~". The table wai;: ulg-ht wlwn a cielicion~ lunch was eu- < ~- j c

prettil_,. de<'ornled witl1 narcis:-.11::- aud joyed. L. E. Vidal ente rtain e d a Jrir111l ;1 • •

f~rns. The evPning was :-iJlf'nl: with I 1 a delightful f'utter JHlrty \\'""eclne::-;tJ, I lll'fb Rnd mustr-. ·'Ir~. n. d. \\-ih.on Wil!-i lto~te~:-; th is aanftdernlol1oen.!JUTr·h1)~ ",.:.lt',':entolOol~le\~:a~ltl)l"ll ',' The Pr1.nter

wPt>k at two elaborately a.ppninted j):li ~ \.I

.\ number or ~<mng- Dt:>Ople wok ad· ltl'~ ".L'dnef.day and Thursda~·. The been mo~t enjoyabl e.

•• 1n1a.ct-> of the nke weat1ter the 'last

weel\ and enjoyed tobogganing a nd

skating-. .F'riday pvening twu large to.. '00 ,.,; n parties wen• l"J,il1y II n I Brid-

2:t.'r t"111yon S11111la) anothPr 10bo~­

ganing: party wa,.:; held 11p Cemetery


1 junior girls of H;lmilton hall

l•mertullled nt t n <.:lod; lt>li on F'ri·

da) 111 honor of .11:-.:-. :\I arq Da111d..:nn

wl10 was eetebrattng her birthday.

J'he gUl'sts were \fi:-51"'>l'"' Alin :\!f'rone.

.noy Hod~sKis:::. lh'ttY E:mhrff. ?\lary

f1 n elsnn. 'n'I'e Ahral1Atn~on. ~lyrlle

'l llf- i




In order that you may be informed

ont> Werlne}'duy eyening wa~ a card

p.11 ') 1rntl six ta hies pla\ ed iuO Tht' t

tall\t'~ WE'H' })rE"tily dei..:OraH'rl \\'th 1• W E r::1by Richmond ru:-;e't"- and p1nl c<.11- l rw1 llll~ while ctlwr <·111 flOWl!lH nelp1;·1l I to nrnkf' the room:_;: attractin.• :\lr~ j I Pl \\ u:-:::;:bted the ho::te~s in :::1 n in ...

ThHl'l"dny en·ni11g 1he ail'ai 1 wHs i' !




ilr.ndng pn rty and I here \\"f'l'l' • 14

<.'OllJllP:-:. pre:-enl llalt of !ht• jl<ll'lY I n 111·1--..entc·d redilr Rears·· and ilH:

(I' /J{'J' hnlf 'l\pwpi._..s · This w;1!': a !Pa­

llrl 01 Lill' l'\t,nin~. l 1;;11H·ine. \\a:-- t'll

Jm't•d 11ntil 111;;;1i when <I d<-'Jieirn

Cigars and Smokers Articles


lnnl"heon was scrYL'rl. allP. wl1h 11 •' " •-------·- - -------' <.·lllg was cont'n11ed until miilnigh'

ulation, of railroad fare over a ce1·­

t~ln maximum. probably dve dollars.

It would tend to encourage residents

of the distant sections of Montana

at attend Montana colleges.

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION Shines Better, Cleans Better




FOR THE WALKS. ~!t. 1..·1··~r1L~'· t'H brnlding- it-

i- •J: 11 1 t \\l'-t: fl use 1H1r

'<.'t 1<:. ' ..;; ~d. liml'. pla<.:,t~r anr.1 , t'·t.:·· m· e ·-1;d'. \\ t· a..;...,umi: · t' I, L~·;Id ;i l111t 1t.: the.,: ' I\ 1.ilt.,"if • 11 l'311Tl' T i\1 '•J \\1th pi 1 r ·11a't.:nal-.. \lal..·e -.;un: oi fht: lasting- qualtt) nf Your llL'\\. abQ{le with our ma ierialc:;. the hest that 1._mr rna­'.t:;·1al:-;. ~he 1 1C"'l that can he had.


I of what your association is doing in lt was further decioed that the iden- Nnde1· Holloways P hone 258 Bozeman Farmers' Creamery I A POPULAR PRESENT

1 \.: d ng , r Birthday one


Schlechten Montana Scenes

~, udiu 12 S. Black


January Clearance Sale


Big reduction on mens Suits,

Overcoats, Underwear and all

sorts of winter apparel.

$18.7 5 ior S22.50 and S25.oo


$1-1.65 ior $17 .. 'o and $20.00

< \ ( n.:oa ts.

$2 00 inr S3 anti S3.~n I l ab

$2 50 I leaYy Winter Sweater

Chambers=Fisher Co.

Listen ! Have you heard them?


Remember that if "it's new" Y"ll cani surely get It on a Col­umLia record.

Let ns mail you a monthly 11'1 telling yott all about the ··ew record~ to come. it's yours

1hc a~king. \\ 'e deem it :i pleasnn: to


THE GRAFANOLA - and we want vou to come "' niten as you.~vish to hea r :111d -clecr new records.

,l1•mbia Records and Grafa­nnla~ lJring much t ha t is good for the home. - ff necessary, ~old on terrils .

Roecher' s Drug


the way of helping to create a Greater tity of the four alumni organizations

University cf Montana spirit in keep- would be preserved and no steps

ing with the co-ordination of the four taken toward federating them. It is quite possible that such steps wi II b~

components of that insti tution under the Chancellor system. the undersign- necessary 1n the near future. howeve r-.

ed submits the following report. Any in order to facilitate the co-operation

comments or suggestions on this mat- of these di f ferent bodies. But i:his

ter wi II be welcomed.

On November 18, 19H>, the presi­

d~nts of the alum ni associations of

the four .nstitutions met at the call

of Chancellor Edwa rd C. Elliott in his

cff ice at Helena. One of the princi­

pa l pu rposes of this gathering was to

d raw the different as~ociations closer

together and t o unite on some course

of actiori which would do for t he alum­

ni bodies what t he Chancellor system

has already, apparently do ne for the

ins t itu t ions from which these alumni

t·odies have taken their existence. The meeting was informal and the

~iscussion developed very largely into

a statement by the Chancellor of the

present situation of higher education

in Mon tana and of v1hat he hoped ~o

::;ee done toward improving that $itua­

tion. 1n his efforts to accompl1sh

this he had found that he needed the

united and harmonious support a~d

interest of the graduates and for:Ter

::; tudents of the four colleges.

wou ld not tn any way interfere with

the organizations as they now exist. You can do considerable toward

creating an attitude favorable to the

Montana institutions in your own re­

spective communities and for the ben·

efit of higher education you are urg.

ed to do so. The writer believes th e

day of bitter rivalry and l..irmoil 1~

past and that the time has come fo1·

a realignment of our fo~ces and ac·

tivities. Our efforts on behalf of our

Alma Mater. should of course, be con­

tinued: but these efforts might well

be broad e ned so that the good work

will e mb race al l four branches of the

university. In t his we will have the

cooperation of the other three asso­

ciations, judgf119 from various state­

ments and reports. On the who le. the meetrng In Helena

amounted to a statemen t of plans

havi ng to do with the Alumni Associa­

tions by the Chancellor and the ap­

proval of those ideas mentioned above.

There is nothing upon which action MORAL S'l'RE'<GTH XE1:1J1£1J

First of all it w as brou ght out that on the part of our organization is Im

the higher educatiorial institutions in mediately necessary . Trustinq that

Montana need some moral strength this rather general program met:t :­

which can come best from a public with your approval and tha t tne yea r

conscience, pub tic co nfidence, and 1917 will see favorable developme t

public knowledge fav orable to the and growth particularly of the Mon­

greater univers it y. Whatever the

Alumni associations can do to encour­

age and develop this spirit on the

pat't of the peopfe of 1v1011tana will

be beneficial direc t ly to the lnstitu-

tiC!ns and directly to t~ "! state as a


tana State College . in which our in.

terest primarily rests, and 'a genera'

advancement cf the cause of hig her

education in Montana, r remain, Yours sincerely.

C H AS. H. D RAP ER, '12.

In order to foster this moral sup- 111 I' port it appears almost essential that s. OF A. NOTES the graduat es and former st udents be . I kept informed of the growt h. policy, '-'===========-====-­needs and o t her matte rs of t he vari-

ous institu tions through some reliable Out-weighed, and. out-playetl from

a nd un pre j ud iced c hannel. T his is to Ei tan to finish, though fighting gamely

be ca re d for during the rem a ini ng 1lw 8hO rthorn basketball team was dc­

m on t hs of the present collegiate year ff'<lleil by the. l"l'eshme11 by Lhe O\·e r­

by th e Chancellor himse lf. his off ice whelming si·ore of 45 to 12. hu~t Fri.

bearin g the ex pense and la bor of ed it- day afternoon.

ing a nd pub li s hi ng an Alu m ni Bu lle- The lreshmen played a <.·unsi stt nt

t in which will dea l w it h s uch ma tte rs g;nmC' lhroughont. a n d the benefit of

I as th ose ref~ rred to above. Before the c lose of this term you

me m bers of the associat ion wil l be in-

formed of th e cost of such ven t u re

anrl wlll be able to ;udge its value.

their l'onstant training was very evi­

den t. Though the shorthor n team -work was fairly good at. times, Lhey failed to get together as they should, and

werE> especiall y weak at basket-chc1ot·

It w ill t he n remain 10r the fou r as- ing.

sociiilt ions t o deci de , each fo r it se lf, as Coad1 8ern1iun used puite a number

'"o ...;he t her it w ill shou lder its s hare of men. making frequent cnanges on

of such burde n. hntn h''lrns.

ORC.A:->IZl': 11' LARGgR ' ITIES

It w as decid e d at t he me et ing t ha t

o rga nization of Federated Alumn i

C lubs in all the larger ci t ies of the

~tate be enc ou raged. T he prob lem of kee ping Mont a na

stu den t s in Monta na w a s also t ouch ed

upo n a nd a s one mea ns for assistin g

:n its solutio n the plan of equa k fng

l"a il roa d f a re of Monta na stude nts was

... ridorse d . T h is contemplates a refund

by t he ins-Wt.otion , uAder pr o,.er reg-


Ir wa:; feathered C'hicken5: that\\'. F'

S,..·llop~ wi:>nt to inYE>~tlgate. when 111.::

lt.>lt tl·e C''.ty ior Kali pe!I to aun-ntl

the Annual F('lu1try show gh:en at tL ·

place. When he returned to ! he t ily

b e e:xnrP::ised 1Jio.:: }:lleasu re in reg11rtl

to lhe showing mnde at. Kalis1 1cl1 fliH!

said lhat, thoug11 the sllO\\ was nc the Jar,geF;t the q~JnJity w;.: 1ti l~ n ~ ~ h,'l t] P.'ft'1' ~PQll

The Life of Chilean Nitrate Deposits

Judevine & Soos I

A. D. 1917

Total \ N itrate deposits

in Chile

Estima ted life of deposits a t present rate of

W orld's consum ption

720 million


300 year::.

For Reliable Information VVrttc

Dr. WM. S. MYERS, Director Chilean Nitrate P rop aganda

25 Mad ie.on A.venue .. New York

Your choice of a large assort­

ment of fine New Patterns

New Stock formerly priced at

$ r.25 to $i.50 now



All Kinds of Frozen Products



Cor. Main and Tracy Stss.


Montana State College of Agricul­ture and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Civ il, El.ectrical and Mechanical Engineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy, Hor­ticultural. Horne Economics, Industrial Chemistry. Economic Biology, Music and Art.

Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings, complete wood and iron shops, extensive laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music and art sfudio.

J.M. Hamilton, P resident. Bozeman, Montana.




Staple and Fancy Groceries

Prices Always Right



&MSW''~ I Ohavey & Jacobs, Prop. I Telephone SS.



College Expenses BY SHAVING YOURSEL F -­


price of a shave)-OTHERS FROM $-1 .00 AND UP


Owenhou.se Hardwarr:=:- r,..,...,....,pany

Page 4: i!HJ. I• 'I JH HI' · 2016. 5. 24. · th(• l'lhort :mappY ontrr but thl ir hu·k nt ~pt.'('(\ on the floor m:ulP it impo~ ~Ible fnr them to a proal'h \\itl±i 1 l'illHr.-•



Fashi o n ' I I I It GRADL ,, rE OF CORNELL U 'IVER· STL DENTS W LL 6E REQUIRED ! B arber Shop


plac-.: lrJ he-



I Llt1 ;·,ri1h~ January l'+, thr " rv.-o nay~ \\:II he ~ri'l'll to t:~::ltr.1 1 t

Marquis ul lht' l Jli ge t<llj<•y1..•d .1 tuo. nr~:r twu ,11 the l.wgmniug c.:f to1..• ,,,.c mil :j s1"">1llf'S[er-T11e'!'day and \\'L•ihu-..dav,

·;.:ling a:-~.:·mhly. Th1 :--JHf::lll.! o7- Fair F,t·frqary (Ith anil ;rh. 11 PHkr t

Tru.st Bank LetLs &

-,---- ------·: j E. W. Thompson!


fTw J.•1 \!.1t1 •n.tl ILlllL. 1 t 1~1il 1-l ''" \,din

l College Students a S '~dalt'.'.:_J

I CAN'T SEE _-\re ruu •>ni: uf thosl.! \Yho c:J.n­not :-;-..:-~ wln \' 11• .:; .ild (n11.:--n 1


11 ( )pl11111~t;i~1 \\. C-11 ; t1 H: d ... ~a~~e--.;. I),) Y''.1· re;ih-~e- ~h?t 11111e ca .... t·s ''tlt <ii .. ·1 JL" -;1~··1

111 h!Hh t'\T:-- .11·(,. i;,-i(,.''"l'nt, ,l'l·I ... nnq•q11ently rnrrL'Ct ~·ia~::;e:­,:anndt h~ h·H1g-ht likt: •. p.~i1· ,; shot:~ 1 r a 11n·l..:l i - ] '·t'''

~tnd :--e1.• 11--.. Leslie E. Gage Jeweler and Optometrist


Dentat a nd O ral S llrgeon

Com mercial Bank Building

Phone 386-W


Cat:-t. Clar;... Tells State University Stude.-its Some Ins and Outs .of

rvlilitary Drill.

t'~•l 'an ll1olli"- Clari~ (·11mm:11llfant >I th~ ( \I] 1 ( ,· 1 1~ ;Jt tJH t (~ k!H:.' ~pOkL'

!)1 1 11r1_• tiH A.::;. l" '\l. HI }.11~~0111:1. <lt

·.i. spl'' l a:-"'-L'lllbh- l:i-.l Tilur->1la. mi r11in~ ·u whit 1l tlnlt hl both ex·

!a nerl and de1ewle1l 1\1:}1 lry train B~ !n ·olle!?,es .

Ll11:·il g rhc L'Otirse 111 hi:-; ~neeC'h

1. pta111 ( ·1;.1rk dPclan ii that militnry r i inin~ ~ 11L'''l'~san lor :1 natiou n m~1 'ntain !ts msilic n in the world

;\s =-1 s to.!. y but ad1led h<rn·e,·e1 \hat he did not wish LO intimate thrn ·wa1· was ;:1 bir.loJ,!kal ue('essit.'.

C:1ptaiu ('l:irl\: C'XJ)lainf'cl thf' requil'"­llll'IH~ ,11 thr> :\ational lleff'n~e A('i

before a resen·e officers' traininP" 1 •'rp~ ca11 I.le ..:slablislled in nny col­h·:-- or 11nive-r:<it~~. First the coll eg~·

1)r nniYen;ity mnst apply to the a nn:: for sud1 a dPpartmen1 aml for 1.11

army t)ftker 10 Ot'<'UJI~ ll ~eat iu tP·· .iiy .. s n 111strncto1· in mihta•'

!"c•ieuce and t<wtks. 1t must al:;;o agre ---------------·- t•• haYc;> Plll.' hundred 11hysica lly lit

! OPEN 1' ·-h5e1<<ng accou nt with th is ;Jank and pay all youc college I expenses by check. This w ill

I enahle you to keep accurate

I accou n t of your expenditure:-:. . GALLATIN TRUST &

1 SAVINGS BAl'JX I W . S. Davidson. Cashier. j

Coal, Wot'd Lumber

Kenyon=Noble Lumber Co. 320 West Main St.



\\'e ba1·e for your in-.pecti""

mal1 Stllll· n1 and lt: givi:o thelll a ·a:-;t t hrei:" ho11r:; tra :niug each wc.'ek

"nr tile iir~t wo years cir the collt·~e

l' lUl::-c.

Officers Are Paid.

rliL ruit('d 81:1tL~s war tiL'Jl• rtment s 1 11 es. b ·,ulet:-; \, ·iu t1nifonn:-; ::rnd

pme1u.. St 1rle1u offic:t·r~ ren:iYe pay equal to th1.~ ~arrisou ration whic-n 11111 llUt'.:' w ubrnn ~111 a month. Allt'r

"tudt.:'r. lias n•teiY~ll four years trn·ning- hP l·an. if IT(omnte1Hled h,­

'11 ( 111•1nw 1 li1 1 ntlit- r n.•ctin· 1 ~ix

u1 11th:-; 1·um1 ;s~ion .i:~ ·\ rempuran < on•l lieu1 t HI n tht:> army. <':1 •Will !'lark ~ai<.'19 tlrn1 a c•nllege airiing l'Olll'~l' v;ould not en: .. n turn a

~1111h_ 1n :ntu u 1·ompt:>tt'Ut pri\·ate be. a I~e or tl e limned time. 111d lhE' im­

T1nsi:-ibihty o( n•pl disc-i1ililw Ile suu rl hO\\'PYPr that military clriJI wnultl

ht· 01 gre!l I :u~:-;it-1t:tnf'e to LhL• ~tudeut

:-;lllll.ild he Hlterwards join the army ,;hon1r1 he h1• itraftecl for ~erYiC'e fn

~.P 01 war The quest ion )f military 1lri1l h~ts

. n?cPiving ir;1ch altent: 1u at the nh ~r ity l lt>l as rhe ~l 1llents are

Ji"' ts:.iu;... tl.t , •hi.;.;ahi~il~ of asking

the pure :.tun1 extra tluck Suction 1 1'-1 that iu--.tl\ll ou h<' ins! allNl o~ n ..., 111 in rhl' rPl->Pl'\"P ofikl;'rs' trainin~

Sole Basket B.all 'hoc::,. \\'1.:. .. c·c rps nndPr t i1t:' :-.:c11ional JleJl-'ni::t• Ac·1 'Htssed IJ~· tongresl'- lUt->l sprirtg. TJ1e

also have the extra thick p:tr~ ohjeL·t of Ca111ain C'lark't-> dsii I;.1..;:

Rubher :X.!e Gym ~hoes . T hese 1·(•\1 w.rs to L<XJilain rll,~ T"eq11ire111pu "' of rl1e act and to gh 1• sonw iill-'<1 11

.,hoe~ are Lhe \·e r _\ 1,e~t ,, e ..::1111ld inilitary trai11ing- a:-. it i..; given in th1_· ( nllE'l.?;f":,;:i or the 1"1iited State.I'S l(1(hly

get. vV e wuuld he pleased to

haYe you call an itl ""amine these


J. H . HARRIS & CO .

J. H . HARRI S ;: L.'· NG


tl lP

s<·houl or music ~11 lh(!' (·olh•g-e gavf;' a 1Pr.\ enct.>rtal11ine· redtal in thP ri,::.~f:'UI·

oJ\ 011m ot \lullana Jlall :\l.tny o 1cl \'t)t·dl "'l'll•1·t uns we,·l rPndered

J) Ill.'.' mt mb{ rs or th nwn:-: Glet· l illb.

:\I. S_ C 0 1 th1l t l 1~.;;r1 11 ·'.l mak :t mor1:: con·· ·Hieut for th 1 la~' , I•'' l<l 111 1u·ili:1t l~ 'y 'l ,.., ' ·'111-' .HI.., 1.rs rcgb,ra1inn 'om•Pitlt:"' and 11 .t 1 han11:... 11 h h) :H1::-~ :\ln ' .h.1.n1 •111lr-nts Llle fol owin~ plan lh:"' bt.>1tn

\•1..ll"kPd Olll

!'hill l 11c1 d. llerr I

.;(.•\ t" ll ~1\Hll 'Ille• U1t'l1 ,.,

\I' Charles Harri~. :\lr:-o !fan·'· ,yJ

I llniv• ,. • ClUd

;1 .'.-"orori1. "oman ha:; ,,!way:-; bei 1

;n ·re~·ted in co1:t_'gt: women ~ntl th:.:1r

w1•rl~ c.:1111 11<.'r .l 111ot.":,;~ pro\ed ·1e1. in·

.iilt',..,l ~•litl ',!. H rri;-;. ..·0111.· . ..; 11•

11 ir~ this train111 s rum 1h1...• '-'timulu'-' qui re this train iM! frmn h ,.. · 1m 11l;h.

nr books. still thi!;. is backl'd h) ,, gre-at PXll'n t by the personalit~· 1if the in-~tructors.

ri-' a~~oviatecl with or come into coil.· 1;+11 'Uth ~l mnlntes. us it" -.v~ wi!l l ~' p~rmn ir."

:.\trs. Harl'i~ <.:Outinued b) ::;ay11u~

1hal we ~110uld nsso(·iHh~ wirh the t:'U· 1 il't' ~llH.l~nt lw1ly , fnr hy bf'.'ing go111l n.h":t'l'l"' WP Jparn liow lo mingle witl1 peopJP when we ~1't r1l into ~ae c ·Jrl <llld that "t~ ..-bould a l l11w no suC'ial lntrri~r le become :::o high tha t i'l would at any timc hinder n::; from as­sociati ng and mingling with oLher slll­th•nls. Slw dm•ed hf'r adtlre;o::s by ur~ing further rleYelopntl·nl of team work among the btnUenl:,; of tll(' col \t•gt•.


Edward l'. Raine. who trnn:-Ied in .\la!-'ka wr ~h yPnr~ 1nr thP <l"'l ~rt­lllPJlt of thl' l'nit•_:.d St:Ht·:-; tr1~a:-.1ny

1 1~!1"Pl'Pt1 1 , 1·ry intPr€'t::t JH~ l1'('tnn· in the n:-seuibl) room T11ec;da' • rn, T' 1• lec·111r1~ w 1:-. ill 1str. t'( w\1 11 nt •r th;111 w1 1111111\rt:-11 1·0J(.1·~rl ,-Jul··~ : 1hoto~T<l!lh~ (lj "llOW t";t\111{ l l"I II\

1ainR. g-J;;wi r ,rntl \ya111wn~ c \';1-kn 011 111;1T1.' oci· ~1L1n~ h·· nwnri'>n

f>tl hil' per:-101111 (>); 1 •i "" u

ine- mo11111ai11 pu ""t-'~. I ) n:.:. c ii t •\ , .... l I the €':\C itt'lllt-1\l 11\t tlH• gOl• 1 ,., Ji

in llnwsnn :'inrl r.tlt1·l' 1t1\·1 tH Or the illd11Stl'i('-.. U1 . .\Jt1:-;.\rn t I'

1iunet1 not 1ng bill :ht• .,,... t1lu11"?..l prn~ If" t "I' 1

:->Tnti'll thi!t tht• gr·iiJ1 ,rnd \ _. rn!1l1 :-.;

of Alaska iar ~uninso:etl c111y ·hn1 l:t' h:itl ~wen ~n \\·ashi11gtnn aud Or1 ..?.:·'ll This i~ dUP not ouly ln th, .. nilt! <·li-

«lle ancl rkh :-:oil but tlw l\'·c UtY , 1 I r>t'I' .H·· of sunlight


The execu t h·e L'omm iltPP n1· thf' .• lumni :1~sol'iation ha,·e n;nned n. l lnlHllii'l t u1 si-x 11er~on:-: JO tak(' d1:1rg(' an1l loot;: ;1ftpr 1h1:• 1?:iUh1.'rin~

td. th1• \l11lllni during till' lia!::tJ,ubnll l•lll nu.nH •it .\J<1 l'c;l1. Those wh11 have

hl'Ptt appoint~d on tht.• f'"'ommittt_•e arP

On Tuesday morning. F1;.·bruar: th"' 6tll. the freshmen women ttnd seui1

meu will regi5ter On Tuesd:i.y ;1itert1fl011. Frebuary t1.

tl11! senior women aud t'reshnwn m.1.•11 will register.

t1u \\·edn€''-'duy morning. February I lht• :-;npbomorc- women and jnuior men :111 irepara:onn 1\1(.!ll will re.~i~ter.

nn ,,~edne:'dP~' afternoon, February - , tht• junior •.q1meu and sopil•Hnnrt> men and rn-eparaton· wumt>n will r -~i~tC'r

:\fHsic student~ may regbrt·r at

Ih·gi~u:1t'on will hegh al " o'< 10.·k t'aeh mcrni11g aa i at 1 o\·\od;; n ti!"

· itenwcn Stud llt::; are reu (·•ql cl ll

fnr r· g ~-1rr~1·nt them~Pln·~ ~ar1y

trath1n in orrl.er that the dnle may be fullou·ed.

ahnt.·l .. ~,_--<!-



tt'oniinued from Page Oa~ i

--1 des hat! al-uln l ion c! the gk1~ the !:-h~

rno:-;t fallen and tht• sizzling th~· ('OZY flid;;.ering nf the wpre gtill Pm11t y \"h•ions.

,. Oar m .;1u1l hparth-t'ire

For rin hol· ~earr-hPd

fnr th

or more tht.: lit t1 e part~

hrart.>J\ _,·ea frantically :-;i\'f' 1·ahin. hnt with 110 ...,


. uN:ess. T h e Disap pearing F ire .

r·'inall~ tht> wandereT"~ collect ell rl tlllll burn wl ::it wood c·oultl be fol'n

a lirt-> rm thP ~llf.\\ whil'\1 ~h ff'et !lE'L!l in Lhe l.'3n

triet.I tn :-iizz LhP baC'rrn b t1 wonlc\u'r :-:izz. Finau~- -:.- tt tl•at tht 11ii=:h1 .• ,a::; i

wa~ fin• Qr ynn. Thev t the ba<'oll all ·eport!3

n 1erminablf" 1.· sturrly w11odsm~n r

r r lll;1 nk t::; an<l lay ll :--now to sleep. lt was o tl he-ir truuble~ beg~m

nllt>rl 1•;_1 in own in the l lhis Jl(lint

Tl:e 11izhl "met! to g-Pt olil . thP hlPnkets se1;

·h 11er ;1s tht~ nigb, pro~

l ous.tam rctation neee:-;~a n ~idei.:: of tbP:ir brnlies a eh fir·klP flame pro\'ed t ir in~.

of <:ill t he rire wouldn ·r ~

r es::;ed, thl? .· t·, give all ance at i.bi:o


tay pu1 The more wood they th rew on the

ter it hnrned an d rhe f<i5ter of snow. i11 .,1-,k int lhar 8.ix feet

kll\lt two 1 tht? adrenture ni~hr throwing- wornl in t o 1le1..~P1.'11iug hole in the sno

lt r ::; bug)· all

tlltll M'f'r-W.

nd ~llt'Dl a .\II iu all. tht: little Ila most mi&L•rnhll' year t h ere in l lH' snow l''ina lly lh~

iznn heg~:i n 111 he~·ome s t1

tlw mor ning- licl1t and t1

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t hat night easter n hor-·eak ect ·with t P dim 011t-

t'abi n-but

l h e l'am11iug

..-isible. " .ith th1·'ir ~\fr.; on the

c·nhl. hare! looks 1•n thei r ra fbht•rn1e11 sti\rtt'd t'Jl the

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back tra il. l itt l ~ F o rd J-:rnrn Lef>Rel. ·11:: Ray .J111ws. ·1:-;, .l111w Tl i 1wrvo11s p111 1 1 ti. 1he

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- --



' ' ' ' l I I i

I I t I


The fiallatin Laundry Company ! I

Is giv1ng l etter se r·· ice this ..: :::- than ever on t acco:i n r c . t:1e succ .... :.-;s ol.i,aineu ~i n.:e aOo pting I a :;tnctly cash system. : :al:t! .'lrra.-igements with I your land lady to take care of Y'JUr laundry whe n '1 same 1s deln·eted. oth erv. isc it will b e retu rned

to laundry. Vv e are here to serve you. I

fhe Gallatin laundry Company j I


AT $20.00 Ga rments you will be interested in

THE HUB Ed. and Lou Howard.








SUGAR. BO\VL Pho:.:-: 7• - J 104 W. Main

Cook By Wire Use an Electric Grill.


Will Press Your Clothes.


Montana Power Company

For That Evening Lunch Tn l ·urt1 .... l:raPd liq >< \Ii i'"' \\ith l\:ey npcn Tin.

Just enough for four, each lOc


Per Package 10and 25c

Thos. H. Rea & Company PHONE 2-!.

Tht> i'0111pltIT1 pro!!T'.1111 wcis ;_1~ 1ul 1, \\ ~- I Bozeman THEATRE ~IONDAY,

One Night JANUARY 29 !.. -Commercial National

Bank Cap1 ta l S t<>ck .. $ r 50,000

P rogra m .\lcl1)d) in J"" . two pianu:'. lltubin

J ·ll'lUJ. \\'init'rPd CoiJliPgh. ('hristin1 l' irk.

Lullah~ trom .loc-elyn tC :orard 1 .( 1 ra Beatty l

.Snrplus a n•l l'1ofns $250,roo ]. H. Baker, Cashier.

1 Bozema n - :\fontana J

~Ludy in A 1lat 1 \\'olli?niH•U!d}. • .>lu Grupp.

Atn umn Sko.' ldws l \\' 0 ~mi th J,

---------·----- 1 <U "'.1ysi!.1.l:' ~'Jowers I ll) The> ('ha;;<',

I VI' il:'n Cornish

Spring Blocks



The Sen·Pt. 18<-mt t. llayn:onrl C'all­: non.

I GYeniug St~1r frnm Tannh<1ll!,>l'l I ' \\·agner-Liszr 1. 8lh L·l Yuunp,. ,f \ Y11l n· th P \\'isp (Spros:-.), Etlu:1 i Fransham .

I :\T:lrq11 i sP-~ I inut::t, rwo p ianos < Ltwk 1 I :\letlra H a ll. Mar tha J o hn son. l lllndoo Son .~ fBeru berg l, Hortense

h"ir~c hn c r .

1 XoctunH:' n fla1 mi n or _ll'hopi n ): ... llt·h~ '\I i.z.:non1w f Polllin1l ~ l yrtl<• ll ol lit•r.

Adelai! l t:· t Ht•l-'tho n m 1. K e 111w1h

··cRr}FUTSKNAPP" I -RuHle or SJ!l'illh (8.in<l 1nKI. l·:nid :\I. -111nroe .h AT S

Are ,.,.J on d is·'L v the new L•->lorir?.gs - ·

The Willson " [n Bo re n . Since

1 Si mPs n·r~ cHaic·n l d e~ ~Li l es \ ( J la hn l. F r ances K) I I?.

'. n all I \Yr ll 1 IHI Sl.;t· t 1111. ( !\fi.-w Dcw ... 11 ).

I f·1 1 F rom ~" Ind ia n Lollg· ihl l 'n­"'"' RP-mus. (c.: J To a \\' a t {.) 1 Lil y, l•:ct \1n Kelly

Co. I Shadow~ o r Evening Pfllilolti J Mm · nle 7\farquis


'66" Noe turn e (Grieg), The Pompndour ~ ~ __ ...._ __ F\\u (Cadrunn), Edn.t F'rnmd1am.

"H is Whole Lifework Had Become Centered In T Reda.'11ation of the K ings Basin Desert



I l' Yeomans ()ffers


The Winning of Barbara Wor th

' ' t ' I ' I I ! I

Ii :1


Ideal Furniture Company Martin Block


----- -- - ------ - -


i----Quality II Ceretana M.eans

1 In Flour and Rolled Oats-Try Them Today.


.\ ~t1Clll_.....;, l c.'l 11! \\~JI k:Jlil\\"11 l'hY L.' f'<

.\ 1 i.:. ;t .. ti l ~ll'n i c l 'n;d u ct1un ... \_·L· the Sand Stvrm in the L )t:-:-1.!rt

I State<; Note Tiu .... 1-. th(.' uu ly 1..·ompa ny in the LT n it er ( r l'.uiadn p l<~yin g- th is play. hcn1..:e ~

.' · • · r i.~ ·11-·d c Jlllpany ~


ii 1 he Bozeman Milling Company -


1.1 '\:l1rth Hoz L.'111 :111 _\vcn ·•1e \\-:i sl;ing- Called ior and Deli,·cred

- Price. Rea~onahle


I I I I '

I I ' ' ' t