IHH Leader Bulent Yildirim Gave an Interview Focusing on the U.S. Intention to Designate the IHH as a Terrorist Organization and on the Mavi Marmara Incident

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  • 8/6/2019 IHH Leader Bulent Yildirim Gave an Interview Focusing on the U.S. Intention to Designate the IHH as a Terrorist Org


    December 6, 2010

    The Meir Amit Intelligenceand Terrorism Information



    IHH leader Bulent Yildirim gave an interview focusing onthe U.S. intention to designate the IHH as a terrorist

    organization and on the Mavi Marmara incident. Yildirim

    claimed Zionists controlled the U.S. and world media. Heaccused Israel of massacring the Mavi Marmara passengersand defended IHH assistance to Hamas.

    Bulent Yildirims interview on the Turkish newspaper Star

  • 8/6/2019 IHH Leader Bulent Yildirim Gave an Interview Focusing on the U.S. Intention to Designate the IHH as a Terrorist Org




    1.On November 14, 2010, Bulent Yildirim, the leader of the IHH, a Turkish organization

    which played a major role in the latest flotilla, gave an interview to the Islamic government-

    affiliated newspaper Star. The interview focused on the Mavi Marmara incident and thedevelopments that followed.

    2.The interview consisted of two major parts:

    a.In the first part, Bulent Yildirim discussed at length a motion by the U.S.

    Congress to designate the IHH as a terrorist organization. He once again used

    the anti-Semitic motif according to which the Zionists (a term which now

    substitutes the Jews) control the U.S., including the president, the Congress, the

    administration, and the media. He said that the Zionism also controls the drug

    and w eapons industries and the media across the globe.

    b.In the second part of the interview, Yildirim discussed the Mavi Marmara

    incident. He once again accused Israel of deliberately massacring innocent

    passengers, claiming they had carried no weapons. He defended the assistance

    extended by the IHH to Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and threatened that the IHH

    would not leave Israel alone until it l ifted the so-called siege of the Gaza

    Strip. Yildirim made the far-fetched claim that Israel had committ ed the Mavi

    Marmara m assacre to let Turkey know that I srael is the country that ownsthe Mediterranean Sea, with its oil and gas resources (according to Yildirim's

    allegation, the site of the raid on the Mavi Marmara is the location where Israel wants to

    produce underwater gas). He made another grotesque claim according to which Israel

    had been planning to attack Gaza and Lebanon and commit a massacre there, and that

    only the humanitarian aid organizations that organized the flotilla had taken action to

    prevent that from happening.

    3.The interview provides an insight into the character and thought patterns of IHH

    leader Bulent Yildirim. He appears to hold radical Islamic views, adhere to extreme anti-

    Semitic beliefs drawn from The Protocol s of the Elders of Zion, and harbor hostility

    towards t he U.S. and Israel. The unfounded narrative of the Mavi Marmara flotilla which he

    repeatedly disseminates in interviews to Islamic Turkish target audiences is aimed, in our

    assessment, to divert criticism and complaints voiced in Turkey against the IHH, and

    at the same time provide the IHH with the platform to continue helping Hamas, with the

    Turkish government's support (even though Yildirim portrays the IHH as an independent


  • 8/6/2019 IHH Leader Bulent Yildirim Gave an Interview Focusing on the U.S. Intention to Designate the IHH as a Terrorist Org



    4.It should be mentioned that, in a speech given about two months prior to the flotilla, Yildirim

    had described it as a constituent in the campaign against the infidels (including Israel, the

    U.S., Russia, and China) who rob the Muslims, and argued that if Muslims could control

    Jerusalem, they would control the world.1

    5.See Appendix for the main points of Bulent Yildirims interview.

    nths priorIn a speech given by IHH leader Bulent Yildirim two moSee our September 5, 2010 Information Bulletin:1Israeli motifs. He said that-Western and anti-to the Marmara flotilla, he presented a radical Islamic ideology with anti

    the aim of the flotilla was to isolate Israel by breaking the siege and stressed his determination to reach Gaza.

  • 8/6/2019 IHH Leader Bulent Yildirim Gave an Interview Focusing on the U.S. Intention to Designate the IHH as a Terrorist Org




    Main points of the interview given by IHHleader Bulent Yildirim to the Turk ish

    newspaper Star


    1.On November 14, 2010, the Turkish daily Star published an interview given by IHH leader

    Bulent Yildirim to Star reporter Fadime zkan. The interview focused on the Mavi Marmara

    incident and the developments that had followed. The article begins by saying that the

    backdrop for the interview was the possibility that the IHH w ould be designated as a

    terrorist organization in the U.S. in the w ake of the Mavi M armara incident, and the

    expectation that Israel wou ld submit the findings of its internal enquiry committee

    to the UN Secretary General.

    2.An Islamist daily, Star is considered to be affiliated with the Turkish government. The

    wording of the questions and the way they were presented to Bulent Yildirim is a possible sign,

    in our assessment, that the interview was staged and that the questions and answers had

    been scripted in advance to provide the IHH leader with a proper platform to respond to his

    critics and present his views to Islamic Turkish target audiences (Yildirim expresses himself

    differently to his partner Western human rights organizations and to world public opinion).

    The Jews dominate the U.S. and the world

    3.In the beginning of the interview, Bulent Yildirim was asked to address the motion by the

    U.S. Congress to designate the IHH as a terrorist organization. The main theme of his detailed

    answer was the claim that the U.S. is ruled by Zionism.2

    4.The main points of Bulent Yildirims reply w ere as follows:

    a.The motion to designate the IHH as a terrorist organization was born following the

    Mavi Marmara incident and was the initiative of Jewish Congressmen. It

    demonstrates just how much influence Jews h ave on life in the U.S. and to

    what ex tent they have been able to enslave that country. Collecting signatures

    2 Anti-Semitism in the Arab/Muslim world is usually aimed against Israel as a Zionist-Jewish state, being the concreteenemy, and the Jewish people, perceived to be a supporter of Israel. In many cases no clear distinction is madebetween vicious criticism against Israel on one hand and against the Zionist movement and the Jewishpeople on the other.

  • 8/6/2019 IHH Leader Bulent Yildirim Gave an Interview Focusing on the U.S. Intention to Designate the IHH as a Terrorist Org



    in the Congress to submit the motion demonstrates better than anything else the

    dirty face of the Congress.According to Yildirim, if the initiative is passed, it would

    expose the dirty face of the Zionists in the U.S..

    b.Bulent Yildirim noted that the Zionists are fond of saying, Give us the money of any

    country, and we will make sure to pass any laws we see fit, thus running that

    country.He added that, under the system used in the U.S., The funds which th e

    Zionists provide allow the election of the senators and the ministers.

    President Obama is concerned about that phenomenon; consequently, the U.S., in its

    UN votes, has positioned itself with the occupying, unjust, and dishonest Zionists. He

    further added, Therefore, Obama, during his term, can allow himself to be

    enslaved by the Zionists.

    c.The IHH will not cooperate with the U.S. Congress. Ours is the right way. The whole

    world knows we are right. According to Yildirim, the Zionists have lost some of

    their pow er in the U.S., while the Muslims there, despite the hardship and torture

    they undergo, represent Islam in a respectable manner. Israeli-influenced American

    media has taken Israels side as usual. However, Alternative U.S. media has gained a

    kind of power it never had before. He also said that the ever-increasing human rights

    organizations were able to deal with the Israeli manipulations.

    5.Bulent Yildirim was then asked by the reporter about the measures he deemed necessary to

    deal with the world media, which also supported Israel and slammed the IHH. His response

    to that question was also exploited for an anti-Semitic incitement: according to

    Yildirim, the Zionism rules the world in four spheres: the drug industry, the food industry,

    the weapons industry, and the media. The media provides considerable power to the spheres

    of fuel, finance, and weapons. That is the foundation used by the Zionists to handle

    world media.The Zionists acquire media across the globe, Yildirim said.

    6.In an attempt to cast himself in a heroic light, Yildirim said that during his interrogations in

    Israel, the interrogators had threatened to use all the might of (Zionist) propaganda against

    the IHH. His response was, Not this time []] From this day on, no matter what your media

    says, no matter how many Hollywood movies you make, people have started using their

    brains The whole world watched your Mavi Marmara massacre on television. Try as you

    might to explain your position, youve lost3

    3 Later in the interview, Bulent Yildirim told nonsensical stories about what he had been through during his detainmentin Israel. For example, he claimed that Mossad interrogators had given him a DNA test to see what kind of toxinscould harm his body.

  • 8/6/2019 IHH Leader Bulent Yildirim Gave an Interview Focusing on the U.S. Intention to Designate the IHH as a Terrorist Org



    Israels motives in taking over the Mavi Marmara

    7.Later in the interview, Bulent Yildirim extensively discussed the Mavi Marmara incident. He

    claimed that Israel had intended to kill innocent Turkish civilians and the attack on the ship

    was tantamount to an attack on Turkey. Referring to the claim that the flotilla was aprovocation aimed to grant Hamas a legal status, Bulent Yildirim claimed that Hamas was

    legal because it ran in the election and won it. Is it a crime that they [Hamas] gained the

    peoples trust? he asked.

    8.Yildirim listed t he motives behind the flotil la organized by t he IHH , raising false,

    baseless claims. According to Yildirim, while the IHH is a humanitarian organization, it

    does not conceal its Islamic identity. Being an Islamic organization, the IHH had to

    intervene to prevent Israel from engaging in actions that would lead to a world

    war. He further added,If it w asnt for the Mavi Marmara, Israel would be willing to

    attack in Gaza and in Lebanon and com mit a m assacre there, and then everybody

    would have to intervene. We know ingly prevented a war. When asked, You say that

    based on what information? Bulent Yildirim replied, Everybody knows that! All the

    strategists! Israel prepared for war. It stocked up on weapons after [Operation] Cast

    Lead. All of its storehouses were full. It w as going to commit a m assacre. The important

    thing is that the humanitarian aid organizations took action to prevent that from


    9.Bulent Yildirim said, Prior to the launch of the flotilla, we had consulted with maritime law

    specialists to make sure that the flotilla was not illegal. He further added, Do you k now

    why Israel attacked us? The site approved by the Israeli General Staff is the same

    site where they now want to extract underwater gas. Bulent Yildirim went on to

    develop that idea: South of Cyprus there are large gas and oil deposits. That area belongs to

    Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt, and southern Cyprus. Israel attacked us there to send a

    message to the other countries: I am going to extract that gas. I own the

    Mediterranean Sea. The message it sent to Turkey w as, Dont you dare com ing to

    this region . Were in charge here.

    Other claims on the Mavi Marmara incident and thebehavior of the IHH

    10.Bulent Yildirim took advantage of the interview to reiterate well-known claims already made

    by the IHH (and Turkey) about the flotilla:

    a.IHH operatives carried no weapons. According to Yildirim, the Mavi Marmara

    passengers were civilians who carried nothing but humanitarian aid. He noted,We legally left the Turkish customs The customs searched us and let the whole world

  • 8/6/2019 IHH Leader Bulent Yildirim Gave an Interview Focusing on the U.S. Intention to Designate the IHH as a Terrorist Org



    know what cargo we carried on board the ships(note: numerous cold weapons were

    found on board the Mavi Marmara, including knives, clubs, axes, and slingshots,

    which had been prepared in advance and brought on board in Istanbul, to the best of

    our knowledge).

    b.Israel is accused of a premeditated m assacre of Mavi Marm ara passengers.

    Yildirim claims that if it wasnt for the Israelis intentions to commit a massacre, they

    could have first taken over the other ships, with only 10-12 passengers on board.

    Instead, they chose to attack the ship with the most passengers [i.e., the Mavi

    Marmara] because "they were planning to k ill and thus send a message to the

    whole w orld and to Turkey.He said that the families of the victims had filed

    an appeal to the international tribunal in Hague, but added it was doubtful that

    the trial would actually take place.

    c.Warnings received by the IHH from Turkey. Yildirim stressed that the IHH was

    an independent, autonomous civilian organization. According to Yildirim, the

    organization does not follow the dictates of the Turkish government, and it does not

    matter which government is currently in power. When the ship [Mavi Marmara] set

    sail, Yildirim said, we held official discussions with the authorities. The government

    presented its ideas to us. We were warned that Israel could take action, that it could do

    this or that, that things could become unpleasant; we were told [by the Turkish

    government] that w e should give up and call it off. We took th e term attack

    to mean th at they [the Israelis] could damage the ships propellers and try to

    stop it.Bulent Yildirim stressed once again that The government definitely did

    warn us. It has to protect its citizens. It held talks with the U.S., Israel, and Egypt.

    Yildirim added that the possibility of a military takeover by Israel was not on

    our minds and that if it had been, they may have terminated our activity as

    a civilian organization.4

    d.Bulent Yildirims relations with Foreign Minister Davutoglu: in response to a

    question about the issue, Yildirim responded that We know and cherish Ahmet

    Davutoglu, but We have no special relations with him. Yildirim does not deny that

    The government has taken us under its w ing, explaining that it was a necessity

    dictated by reality as far as the Turkish government was concerned: Are we not citizens

    of this country? The behavior of the prime minister, the president, and the

    4 This is a biased account aimed to counter accusations against the government of Turkey of failing to prevent theflotilla from setting sail, as well as claims about the IHH being responsible for the clash despite having been warned bythe Turkish government. The account contradicts previous remarks made by Yildirim prior to the launch of the flotilla,during a speech given in an Istanbul suburb about two months before the flotilla (March 31). He listed three possiblescenarios that could take place during the flotillas voyage. The third scenario was thatIsrael could go crazy andattack the flotilla. He added that the third scenario included the possibility of Israel opening fire: What canIsrael do? Wil l it open fire on us? Those who came on board the ship have taken that into account. Wehave made up our mi nds. Weve succeeded as soon as we have m ade up our minds...

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    foreign minister flattered us and moved us They said that the Turkish

    government would protect us, and flags were raised everywhere in Turkey. If Turkey

    had not protected us, it w ould have been selling itself short.

    e.The demands from Israel following the flotil la: according to Yildirim, the flotilla

    resulted in the emergence of a new reality that Israel w ould have to pay for.

    He accused Israel of killing nine people by long-range fire (note: IDF soldiers used

    live ammunition only when they had no choice and when it was necessary for self-

    defense, that is, when they were attacked and their lives were in imminent danger). He

    added that prior to the flotilla, the IHHs goal was to draw attention to the siege

    [on] Gaza. Now that blood was spilled, Turkey demanded that I srael apologize

    and pay damages, which could prove useful. However, he added that the demand of

    the IHH and "the people of conscience" was that the siege on Gaza be


    f.The IHH has ties with the Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip. Yildirim

    noted that people from the U.S. and Europe asked him what government they met with

    when they came to Gaza. The answer: With the Hamas leadership. In Gaza, we

    cooperate with Hamas, because they are in power. Yildirim also rejected the

    claims on smuggling weapons to the Gaza Strip by addressing the people making such

    claims (as well as Israel): Who can smuggle weapons to the Gaza Strip? You closed it

    off from all sides(note: in practice, weapons and terrorist operatives are brought into

    the Gaza Strip in extensive smuggling operations, despite the preventive measures

    taken by Israel and Egypt).

    g.The results of the UN inquiry panel.Yildirim was asked about the possible results

    of the UN inquiry panel (headed by Geoffrey Palmer, appointed by the UN Secretary

    General) in light of the conclusions Israel was about to give it in mid-November.5

    Yildirim stressed that theUN Commission [on Human R ights] confirmed that we

    are right; accordingly, he went on to claim that the report published following

    the inquiry w ould be a political report.However, Yildirim expressed his hope that

    the report published by the inquiry panel appointed by the UN Secretary General would

    be positive, too: What can they say? We were sailing in the open sea, as unarmed

    civilians. Israel carried out an armed intervention. The best they can do is to say that we

    caused a provocation. Even if we did, so what? Is Israel stupid enough to respond to

    such a provocation?... Will they ask [us] why we resisted? They [the Israelis] came with

    armed forces, what could we do?

    5 Soon after the incident, the UN Commission on Human Rights released a one-sided report strongly biased againstIsrael.

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    h.The nature of the IHH:Yildirim defined the IHH as an organization fighting against

    world injustice, analyzing the political reality in various places across the globe. He did

    not go into details about the organizations activity. He claimed that the IHH began

    receiving more donations following the Mavi M armara incident, even though his

    organization did not chase donations. When asked about the IHHs budget, Yildirim

    replied that it was about 120-130 million new Turkish liras (around 100 million

    dollars), used by the organization to provide aid to 125 countries.