November Newsle,er Bits and Pieces Dear Friends, I sit wondering what to write in this space every other month. It is difficult to keep it to one theme or one issue to communicate to those in the church who read this section of the Newsletter. Then it occurred to me that maybe I can write about a collection of random things that I believe need to be communicated to you. So, this month you get a little bit of this and some pieces of that… 1. I have had many questions about the hours that the church office is open and other questions about my schedule. The Church office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM and Friday 9:00 AM until 12:00 Noon. That means that one member of the staff, usually Traci Barnes, is present to help you during these hours. As for my schedule, I am in the office Monday through Thursday and I am off on Fridays. 2. The Stewardship Campaign just wrapped up. We have a goal to raise $700,000 to fund our Budget for 2018. This is an ambitious goal but we can meet it if everyone responds and gives out of gratitude for all that God has done for you, your family and our church. We have a wonderful and dedicated staff and a growing music program that has enlivened our worship services; so please join me in making a pledge to our 2018 Campaign. 3. A good number of you have asked about the weekly bulletin(s) we use for worship on Sunday. Some ask why we put so much information in them and others want to know why we don’t put in more. The best way to answer these questions is to look at the purpose of the worship bulletin. I believe the worship bulletin is our roadmap that explains where we start and points to where we want to end. The journey of worship follows this path each Sunday. For some of you it is a well-traveled road and you do not need any help and expect no guidance but others of us are new and we need all the help we can get. I have found that when worship is confusing then you spend the whole time trying to figure it out and you forget the whole reason you came to church in the first place. An easy way to think about this is the information in the bulletin is most likely not for you but for that newcomer or visitor that we hope will easily navigate the journey of worship so that he or she will come back. Church and worship should never be confusing, newcomers should not have to fumble through multiple books to find the right words or hymn and they should not have wonder where to find the restroom. So, you will continue to notice that I am committed to making worship and our church building as user friendly as we can make it. 4. Sunday, October 29, 2017 is the 500 th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. On this date in 1517, Martin Luther posted 95 Theses (propositions) on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church as an invitation to debate the sale of indulgences for forgiveness. That event sparked a reform movement that eventually led to a Lutheran church and separate denominations. While there is much sorrow in the disunity which the Reformation caused, Luther did establish the idea that the Church is always in need of reform in the light of the gospel. Luther's primary principal that Christians are justified by God's grace through faith in Christ has also found universal acceptance among denominations. Today we pray for church unity, for the purity of God's word, and for a church that is always open to reform and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Protestant Reformation has shaped our identity as Reformed Christians. When Martin Luther, John Calvin and others examined the Word of God, they found truths that were like lost gems. They wrote and spoke vigorously to promote and teach this Reformation faith. We are privileged to share it. The acronym TULIP is familiar to many of us in the Reformed tradition and expressive of the sovereignty of God's grace and the primacy of God's glory as taught in the Canons of Dort. May God be praised and may He receive all the glory in our worship today as we mark the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. 5. All Hallows’ Day is the day after Halloween, November 1, and known as All Saints’ Day, and was first celebrated in the year 609 A.D. First observed by the Roman Catholic Church, its origin lies in the commemorations of Christian martyrs. Over time these celebrations came to include all saints. However, during the Reformation the Protestant churches came to understand “saints” in its New Testament usage as including all Christian believers and reinterpreted the feast of All Saints as a celebration of the unity of the entire Church. So, as Reformed Christians, we commemorate All Saints Day, and honor as holy those whose lives blessed us and the witness of Indian Hill Church over the past year. So, on Sunday November 5 at both worship services we will remember our saints by uniting our present witness with those who have departed this earthy life and entered the church triumphant. I hope my random little bit of this and some pieces of that were helpful and answered at least a couple of questions. Blessings and peace, Stephen Celebra/ng God’s Presence In Our Lives

IHC Newsletter November 2017 EMAIL - Indian Hill …...expressive of the sovereignty of God's grace and the primacy of God's glory as taught in the Canons of Dort. May God be praised

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Page 1: IHC Newsletter November 2017 EMAIL - Indian Hill …...expressive of the sovereignty of God's grace and the primacy of God's glory as taught in the Canons of Dort. May God be praised

NovemberNewsle,erBits and Pieces

Dear Friends, I sit wondering what to write in this space every other month. It is difficult to keep it to one theme or one issue to communicate to those in the church who read this section of the Newsletter. Then it occurred to me that maybe I can write about a collection of random things that I believe need to be communicated to you. So, this month you get a little bit of this and some pieces of that…

1. I have had many questions about the hours that the church office is open and other questions about my schedule. The Church

office is open Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM and Friday 9:00 AM until 12:00 Noon. That means that one member of the staff, usually Traci Barnes, is present to help you during these hours. As for my schedule, I am in the office Monday through Thursday and I am off on Fridays.

2. The Stewardship Campaign just wrapped up. We have a goal to raise $700,000 to fund our Budget for 2018. This is an

ambitious goal but we can meet it if everyone responds and gives out of gratitude for all that God has done for you, your family and our church. We have a wonderful and dedicated staff and a growing music program that has enlivened our worship services; so please join me in making a pledge to our 2018 Campaign.

3. A good number of you have asked about the weekly bulletin(s) we use for worship on Sunday. Some ask why we put so much information in them and others want to know why we don’t put in more. The best way to answer these questions is to look at

the purpose of the worship bulletin. I believe the worship bulletin is our roadmap that explains where we start and points

to where we want to end. The journey of worship follows this path each Sunday. For some of you it is a well-traveled road and you do not need any help and expect no guidance but others of us are new and we need all the help we can get. I have found that when worship is confusing then you spend the whole time trying to figure it out and you forget the whole reason you came to church in the first place. An easy way to think about this is the information in the bulletin is most likely not for you but for that newcomer or visitor that we hope will easily navigate the journey of worship so that he or she will come back. Church and worship should never be confusing, newcomers should not have to fumble through multiple books to find the right words or hymn and they should not have wonder where to find the restroom. So, you will continue to notice that I am committed to making worship and our church building as user friendly as we can make it.

4. Sunday, October 29, 2017 is the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. On this date in 1517, Martin

Luther posted 95 Theses (propositions) on the door of the Wittenberg Castle Church as an invitation to debate the sale of indulgences for forgiveness. That event sparked a reform movement that eventually led to a Lutheran church and separate denominations. While there is much sorrow in the disunity which the Reformation caused, Luther did establish the idea that the Church is always in need of reform in the light of the gospel. Luther's primary principal that Christians are justified by God's grace through faith in Christ has also found universal acceptance among denominations. Today we pray for church unity, for the purity of God's word, and for a church that is always open to reform and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The Protestant Reformation has shaped our identity as Reformed Christians. When Martin Luther, John Calvin and others examined the Word of God, they found truths that were like lost gems. They wrote and spoke vigorously to promote and teach this Reformation faith. We are privileged to share it. The acronym TULIP is familiar to many of us in the Reformed tradition and expressive of the sovereignty of God's grace and the primacy of God's glory as taught in the Canons of Dort. May God be praised and may He receive all the glory in our worship today as we mark the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation.

5. All Hallows’ Day is the day after Halloween, November 1, and known as All Saints’ Day, and was first celebrated in the

year 609 A.D. First observed by the Roman Catholic Church, its origin lies in the commemorations of Christian martyrs. Over time these celebrations came to include all saints. However, during the Reformation the Protestant churches came to understand “saints” in its New Testament usage as including all Christian believers and reinterpreted the feast of All Saints as a celebration of the unity of the entire Church. So, as Reformed Christians, we commemorate All Saints Day, and honor as holy those whose lives blessed us and the witness of Indian Hill Church over the past year. So, on Sunday November 5 at both worship services we will remember our saints by uniting our present witness with those who have departed this earthy life and entered the church triumphant.

I hope my random little bit of this and some pieces of that were helpful and answered at least a couple of questions.

Blessings and peace,



Page 2: IHC Newsletter November 2017 EMAIL - Indian Hill …...expressive of the sovereignty of God's grace and the primacy of God's glory as taught in the Canons of Dort. May God be praised


29 30 31 1 2 3 4

• 10:00 AM Junior League Choral Group

• 4:00 PM Pastoral Care Commi<ee

• 6:30 PM Confirma@on Class

• 7:00 PM 2020 Youth Outreach

• 7:00 PM AA Women

• 8:00 PM AA

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

ALL SAINTS DAY • 8:00 AM Presbyterian Morning

Worship • 8:30 AM Adult Choir Prac@ce • 9:00 AM Adult Forum • 10:30 AM Episcopal Holy

Eucharist • 3:30 PM MS Baking in Church

Kitchen • 5:00 PM Game Night & Panera

• 9:30 AM IHCNS Na@ve American Presenta@on

• 5:30 PM Personnel Commi<ee

• 7:15 PM AA Women

• 9:30 AM Weekly Staff Mee@ng

• 5:00 PM Building & Grounds Commi<ee

• 5:30 PM Advisory Commi<ee

• 8:00 AM Finance Commi<ee

• 10:00 AM Junior League Choral Group

• 11:30 AM Lunch Bunch Downtown

• 6:30 PM Confirma@on Class

• 7:00 PM 2020 Youth Outreach

• 7:00 PM AA Women


Service 2017 • 8:00 PM AA

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

KIRKIN’ O’ THE TARTAN • 8:00 AM Episcopal Holy

Eucharist • 8:30 AM Jail Worship • 10:30 AM Presbyterian

Morning Worship & Kirkin’ o’ the Tartan

• 11:30 AM Children’s Musical Rehearsal

• 5:00 PM HS Youth Group - Day of Service Celebra@on

• 12:00 PM Chris@an Educa@on Commi<ee

• 7:15 PM AA Women

• 9:30 AM Weekly Staff Mee@ng

• 9:00 AM Chrismons & Coffee

• 10:00 AM Junior League Choral Group

• 6:30 PM Confirma@on Class

• 7:00 PM 2020 Youth Outreach

• 12:00 PM Newsle<er Deadline

• 4:30 PM Worship Commi<ee

• 7:00 PM AA Women

• 9:00 AM Children’s Muscial Rehearsal

• 10:00 AM Adult Choir Prac@ce

• 11:00 AM Installa@on of The Rev. George Sherrill

• 12:00 PM Installa@on Luncheon

• 8:00 PM AA

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

• 8:00 AM Episcopal Holy Eucharist

• 8:30 AM Jail Worship • 8:30 AM Youth Choir Prac@ce • 9:00 AM Adult Forum • 10:30 AM Presbyterian

Morning Worship & Comisar Bap@sm & Bible Presenta@on

• 11:30 AM Children’s Muscial Rehearsal

• 5:00 PM HS Youth Group - Dive Deeper

• 7:15 PM AA Women

• 9:30 AM Weekly Staff Mee@ng

• 10:00 AM IHCNS Thanksgiving Feast

• 5:00 PM Church & Community Commi<ee


Fellowship Breakfast

• 7:00 PM 2020 Youth Outreach




• 7:00 PM AA Women

• 8:00 PM AA

26 27 28 29 30

• 8:00 AM Presbyterian Morning Worship

• 8:30 AM Jail Worship • 10:30 AM Presbyterian

Morning Worship • 11:30 AM Children’s Musical


• 6:30 PM Chrismons and Appe@zers

• 7:15 PM AA Women

• 9:30 AM Weekly Staff Mee@ng

• 6:30 PM Confirma@on Class

• 7:00 PM 2020 Youth Outreach

November 2017

Page 3: IHC Newsletter November 2017 EMAIL - Indian Hill …...expressive of the sovereignty of God's grace and the primacy of God's glory as taught in the Canons of Dort. May God be praised

The next mee@ng of the downtown lunch bunch will be: WednesdayNovember8,at11:30AM. A sign up list will be posted . We will order from The 'Wich on Sycamore and meet at the Cathedral's Cafe across the street. I can pick up the orders and bring them, or you can brown bag it. We look forward to seeing you there! Peace and all good, George+

Sunday, November12at10:30AM Kirkin’ O’ The Tartan

Please join us for this special Presbyterian Morning

Worship featuring Scoish bagpipers and a drummer!

November11,20178:30AMDonuts & Devo@onal

9:00AMWorksite (IHC or Yardwork Offsite)

12:30PM Lunch at IHC

Churchwide service event benefiing our local neighbors in Madisonville and Milford, 2ndAnnualDayofService!This year we will be partnering withPeopleWorkingCoopera/vely to do yardwork and clean gu<ers for the elderly and families in need. Register for Day of Service on Bulle@n Board or by emailing Jennifer Taylor or by signing up online at: h<ps://secure.pwchomerepairs.org/prepare


If your family would like to light the Advent Candles, read the Advent readings and pray the Advent Prayer at any Worship service, please email Jennifer Taylor at: [email protected].

December 3: 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM December 10: 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM December 17: 8:00 AM or 10:30 AM Decemer 24: 8:00 AM, 3:30 PM, 5:00 PM, or 11:00 PM

Thank you in advance for your willingness to partcipate during the Advent Season!

Saturday,November18,2017TheInstallaJonofTheRev.GeorgeSherrill11:00AM Installa@on Service presided over by Bishop Thomas E. Breidenthal, guest preacher, The Rev. Karen Sherrill, along with the Indian Hill Church Adult Choir

12:00PM Light Lunch, Congrega@on-Wide, No RSVP Needed

Page 4: IHC Newsletter November 2017 EMAIL - Indian Hill …...expressive of the sovereignty of God's grace and the primacy of God's glory as taught in the Canons of Dort. May God be praised

Donations Needed for College Care Packages Donations accepted November 1 – November 26

Packages will be packed on Sunday, November 26

Last year the college students really appreciated the healthy mix of snack items we provided.

Donations Needed: Granola Bars, Pita Chips, Crackers, Peanut Butter Crackers, Hot Cocoa, Tea, Flavored

Water mixes, Clif Bars, Nut mixes, popcorn, pretzels, Gum, Highlighters, Pencils

Donation bins in guild hall and narthex 11/1- 11/19.

If you have a college student, please send your student’s current address to Jennifer Taylor, [email protected]

Chrismons and Coffee Wednesday, November 15 ; 9:00 AM – 11:30 AM

We will gather to make Chrismons for the church Chrismon tree. No experience necessary. Supplies will be provided. We will have coffee, tea and pastries.

Chrismons and Appetizers Monday, November 27 ; 6:30 - 8:30 PM

We will gather to make Chrismons for the church Chrismon tree. No experience necessary. Supplies provided. Bring an appetizer to share.

Advent Luncheon Sunday, December 3 ; 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Make your own Advent wreath, create a Chrismon for the Chrismon tree, and enjoy lunch with your church family.

Parenting through the holidays with Peace…Love….and JOY! FREE Parenting Seminar By Child In Bloom with Bookfair by The Bookshelf

Open To The Whole Community! Also with free giveaways!

Thursday, December 7, 2017 ; 6:30-8:30 PM

RSVP not required, but appreciated:


Page 5: IHC Newsletter November 2017 EMAIL - Indian Hill …...expressive of the sovereignty of God's grace and the primacy of God's glory as taught in the Canons of Dort. May God be praised




Sunday,November125:00-6:30PMHighSchool(9-12)Day of Service Celebra@on

Sunday,November1910:30AMGrades(3-5)Presenta@on of Bibles to children in third grade and older children who have not yet received a Bible at Indian Hill Church. PleaseemailJenniferTaylorbyNovember5ifyourchildwouldliketoreceiveaBible.5:00-6:30PMHighSchool(9-12)Dive Deeper - Do cremated people go to heaven?


Elementary, Middle and High School Christmas Musical This year, the youth choir composed of high school and college students will be singing with the Christmas musical cast! Middle school students are invited to par@cipate in the Christmas musical too! Take home music CDs are available, please ask Jennifer Taylor or Phil Clary for a CD to learn the songs. The children and youth will present the musical on Sunday, December 17 during the 10:30 worship service. A light lunch will be provided for Sunday rehearsal aner church.

RehearsalSchedule:• Sunday, November 12, 11:30 -1:00 • Saturday, November 18, 9:00 - 10:00 • Sunday, November 19, 11:30 - 1:00 • Sunday, November 26, 11:30 - 1:00 • Sunday, December 3, 12:30 - 1:30 • Sunday, December 10, 11:30 - 1:00 • Saturday, December 16, 10:00 - 12:00 • Sunday,December17,9:30Rehearsal,10:30Musical

Page 6: IHC Newsletter November 2017 EMAIL - Indian Hill …...expressive of the sovereignty of God's grace and the primacy of God's glory as taught in the Canons of Dort. May God be praised

Adult Forum is held on Sundays in the Guild Hall from 9:00-10:15 AM.

November5: James A. Garfield, an obscure president known primarily for his assassina@on, was beloved in his day as a warm-hearted, outstandingly able self-made man. He served as a college president, a Civil War general, and a Congressman, all before becoming President at 49. Dr. Peter M. Robinson, Professor of History in Mount St. Joseph's Department of Liberal Arts, will lead a presenta@on of his life and death. In addi@on to his roots in historical scholarship, Dr. Robinson has also worked for the Playhouse in the Park and made a specialty of humor and the presidency.

November19: Emerging health Care Strategies; The changing face of Primary Care delivery. Concierge medicine, Direct Primary Care and beyond. Speaker Dr. Lisa Larkin: Dr. Larkin Graduated from Yale University Medical School in 1988, did her Internship(1989) and Residency(1991) at the University of Chicago. Larkin said the Direct Primary Care concept adopted by her prac@ce is an emerging business model that allows a simpler, more direct approach to medicine.

Date Preacher 8:00 AM 10:30 AM November 5 The Rev. George Sherrill Presbyterian Morning Worship Episcopal Holy Eucharist November 12 The Rev. Dr. Stephen Caine Episcopal Holy Eucharist Presbyterian Morning Worship (Kirkin o’ Tartan)

November18 TheRev.KarenSherrill Celebra/onofNewMinister(11:00AM)FollowedByALightLunchInGuildHall November 19 The Rev. Dr. Stephenn Caine Episcopal Holy Eucharist Presbyterian Morning Worship November 26 The Rev. George Sherrill Presbyterian Morning Worship Episcopal Holy Eucharist

Sunday Worship Schedule - November 2017


The monthly Newsletter deadline is the third Thursday at 12:00 Noon of every month (December deadline,

November 16). Please let us know if you have something to share!

Submissions: [email protected]