IGNOU B.ED ES-332 Free Solved Assignment 2011

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Assignments January 2011Answer the following questions in about 1500 words total. Question: How do environmental factors influence individual differences? (250 words) Solution: Though most of us, except identical twins, get fifty percent of our genes from one parent,We are likely to develop hereditary characteristics quite different from that parent. Thus Differences between parent and children or siblings do not prove anything about the effects of environment. But the same can be demonstrated in case of identical twins as they are Identical to each other in terms of their genetic heritage. You may like to know' about some Researches done by separating identical twins at an early age and rearing them in different home environment. Foster homes provide different environment to study its effect on identical twins under controlled conditions. By doing careful analysis of the results one could easily find out how much difference the environment makes in shaping personality and what is it in the environment which is important in producing these effects. Newman, Freeman and Hollinger (I 937) conducted thorough research on nineteen pairs of identical twins reared in different environments. Initially they found that the pairs reared apart show mere differences in I.Q. But Woodworth (1941) in his analysis of the results pointed out a factor called error of measurement that is always involved in intelligence testing. When this factor was taken into account and results interpreted, Woodworth concluded that environmental differences do operate to produce 1.Q. differences in persons with exactly the same hereditary potentialities. But the magnitude of these differences is not as large as those found among children whose heredity is not alike. Special component of environment influences intellectual development of an individual. Case studies have been very helpful in understanding what it is about the environment that makes a difference in intellectual development. Woodworth demonstrated that educational influences can produce I.Q. differences in persons having the same heredity but it is the large rather than the minor environmental discrepancies that are important. Though Newman, Freeman and Hollinger (1 937) tried to identify the factors present in the environment which produce personality differences in separated identical twins, their results were not that clear. One of the reasons was the non-availability of a good personality test at that time. Their case studies included several examples of marked differences in superficial personality traits. Two main conclusions drawn from the studies of identical twins are as follows: Marked educational differences can produce substantial differences in measured intelligence. Intellectual differences in the population as a whole are too large to be accounted for in terms of environmental differences alone. As a teacher, you may be interested in knowing about the impact of a good educational system on the individual. Results of such studies would seem to justify a moderate optimism with regard to the social usefulness fa good educational system. It means it is quite possible that the intelligence level of the population as a whole can be moderately increased. What we


are not justified in assuming this is that individuals with low intelligence can be brought to the level of the bright ones through a good system of education.


Question: Discuss transfer of learning and its implications for teaching learning in schools. (250 words) Solution: Transfer of learning is the study of the dependency of human conduct, learning, orperformance on prior experience. The notion was originally introduced as transfer of practice by Edward Thorndike and Robert S. Woodworth.They explored how individuals would transfer learning in one context to another context that shared similar characteristics or more formally how "improvement in one mental function" could influence another related one. Their theory implied that transfer of learning depends on the proportion to which the learning task and the transfer task are similar, or where "identical elements are concerned in the influencing and influenced function", now known as identical element theory. Transfer research has since attracted much attention in numerous domains, producing a wealth of empirical findings and theoretical interpretations. However, there remains considerable controversy about how transfer of learning should be conceptualized and explained, what its probability occurrence is, what its relation is to learning in general, or whether it may be said to exist at all. Transfer of learning implications for teaching learning in schools: A modern view of transfer in the context of educational practice shows little need to distinguish between the general and specific paradigms, recognizing the role of both identical elements and metacognition. In this view, the work of Bransford, Brown and Cocking (1999) identified four key characteristics of learning as applied to transfer. They are: 1. The necessity of initial learning; 2. The importance of abstract and contextual knowledge; 3. The conception of learning as an active and dynamic process; and 4. The notion that all learning is transfer. First, the necessity of initial learning for transfer specifies that mere exposure or memorization is not learning; there must be understanding. Learning as understanding takes time, such that expertise with deep, organized knowledge improves transfer. Teaching that emphasizes how to use knowledge or that improves motivation should enhance transfer. Second, while knowledge anchored in context is important for initial learning, it is also inflexible without some level of abstraction that goes beyond the context. Practices to improve transfer include having students specify connections across multiple contexts or having them develop general solutions and strategies that would apply beyond a single-context case. Third, learning should be considered an active and dynamic process, not a static product. Instead of oneshot tests that follow learning tasks, students can improve transfer by engaging in assessments that extend beyond current abilities. Improving transfer in this way requires instructor prompts to assist students such as dynamic assessments or student development of metacognitive skills without prompting.


Finally, the fourth characteristic defines all learning as transfer. New learning builds on previous learning, which implies that teachers can facilitate transfer by activating what students know and by making their thinking visible. This includes addressing student misconceptions and recognizing cultural behaviors that students bring to learning situations. A student-learning centered view of transfer embodies these four characteristics. With this conception, teachers can help students transfer learning not just between contexts in academics, but also to common home, work, or community environments.


Question: Why is a guidance service important for schools? Write a report on educational and vocational guidance you have provided to two students in your school. (1000 words) Solution: A student's middle school and high school years are some of the most challenging andimportant in his educational career. While the exact services offered vary from school to school, most guidance Mr. Ken Krueger s offer students in school a number of similar guidance services, including test preparation, program planning, individual counseling and career/college planning to help make their schoolyears as pain-free as possible. Test Preparation The Guidance Services Department at most schools offers students test preparation materials to help the students prepare for the various standardized tests they are exposed to during their middle school and high school careers. These materials include test overview handouts, statistics and practice tests for tests that range from the SAT I and SAT II, to the ACT and the standardized tests for each state. Program Planning Program planning is what is often thought of when guidance counseling is discussed. Program planning involves helping the student decide what classes he wants to take during his middle school and high school career. Program planning not only helps the student decide what electives to take and what classes are best for his academic abilities, it ensures that the classes the student is taking fulfill the high school's graduation requirements. Individual/Group Counseling Individual counseling and group counseling comprise counseling sessions held between a guidance Mr. Ken Krueger and a student or group of students. These sessions seek to address psychological, social and academic issues that can range from problems with school work, to bullying, to health concerns like depression. During these types of sessions, the parents of the student may be contacted and the student may be referred to an outside agency if the problem warrants such action.


College/Career Planning One of the primary services offered by guidance Mr. Ken Krueger s is college and career planning. This service seeks to help students decide what they want to do after they are finished with their high school career. If the student wants to attend college after high school, the school selection and application process can be overseen or aided by the guidance Mr. Ken Krueger . If the student wishes to enter the workforce immediately after high school, the guidance Mr. Ken Krueger can aid the student in finding work, resume building, interview etiquette and many other employment-seeking skills.

======= A Report on educational and vocational guidanceVocational guidance is often started in high school although some high schools also have vocational training programs. Vocational exploration courses offer students the opportunity to research different career possibilities as well as learn which vocational areas they have aptitude or talent in. For instance, many vocational guidance classes give tests to the students that test their ability with numbers, words, mechanical concepts and many more subjects. Tests designed to measure an individuals personality traits, intelligence quotient (IQ) as well as his or her main values and interests are administered and analyzed by career Mr. Ken Krueger s. Once career Mr. Ken Krueger s and the students have looked over the test results, career options can be chosen that fit best with each individual. Vocational guidance doesn't stop there as many other considerations must be made when deciding on a career direction. The type and number of years of education must be considered. Salary and working conditions are other important considerations in career selection. The likely demand for the occupation in the next decade or more is a crucial element when choosing a vocation since this affects the likelihood of finding jobs in a certain career field. Vocational guidance isn't just for high school students. Rather it's for anyone either starting a career or changing careers. Some people may have several different careers in their life, while others may stay in the same field during all their working years. Education has an essential effect of the imparting type of culture from generation to generation as well as the education of individual human beings continues through out the life and at birth. In general term the word education derives from the Latin, educare which is the meaning to raise or to nourish. Even the family members may have a profound type of educational effect and profound the more than they realize, though the function of the family teaching is informally. Education is basically central to the development and a key to attaining the number of development goals and it is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing the poverty and it lays a foundation for the sustained type of economic growth. The main goal of education is basically to develop the knowledge, character of students or skill. Especially, the software's are also used for the business success. However the educational process has been the subject of comment by the writers and academics. The education is an easy step for criticism because its aims are stated like so nobly ambitious that are very little chance of being realized. Generally, the education is defined as the process of obtaining some kind of knowledge and learning at school in the form of formal way of education. Well the process of education does not start, when the child attend the school first time. Education part also begins at


home. Even the child does not receive the knowledge only from teacher, but they also acquire the knowledge from parents as well as the family members also. But the main point is that the learning subject is not enough for especially in the schools. Even the two types of knowledge are very essential for the successful in life that is one can learn the history, science and math's related subjects in schools and be book-smart. In addition they can also learned how to live the life as well as by knowing what to say and when to say, acting a various way and various situations and be street-smart. Education is the most important part in our life and no one should be deprived of it. For example, you can have all type of book knowledge in all the world related to a various profession but if you don't know how to behave with your co-workers or your superiors, then you won't get too far succeed in the life because it is not compulsory for having the book knowledge only. Repot of Mr. Ken Krueger on educational and vocational guidance Mr. Ken Krueger is a veteran teacher, Mr. Ken Krueger , and consultant who specializes full-time in helping students from over 100 Phoenix area elementary schools, high schools, and colleges with their standardized test prep and college planning needs. He has a double major B.A. degree in Economics and Psychology from Duke University, M.Ed. in Guidance Counseling, and post graduate credentials from U. of A., A.S.U, and Santa Clara University. He has 38 years of experience 25 years in both public and private secondary schools in Ohio and Arizona (including 15 years at Brophy College Prep), and 13 years to date as an independent consultant, college Mr. Ken Krueger , and professional tutor. Mr. Ken Krueger tries to help each student to understand himself better and make the most of his talents. Mr. Ken Krueger first learns about his family background, the school subjects he likes or dislikes, and his interest in athletics or other activities. He studies the student's school record and may give him aptitude and other special tests. In working with the failing student, Mr. Ken Krueger may advise on how to improve study habits. Mr. Ken Krueger s provide information on college or graduate school entrance requirements and scholarships, and may also give vocational guidance

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