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ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

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Page 1: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

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..... ..;! ~ SAVl:!S I\EIiiPS



Page 2: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I


A FILM ON THE SPIRIT J. Arthur RU1k, Rril;lin 's wdl-knf)\\11 film

product'f. r('ccntiy announced tllat he plam 1<) make :l 11("\\ f('ligiou, film 11:I'c<\ on th, \\('rkin~~ of the Ii oly Spirit. According to Hdigious r\rw\ Service. Mr. Rank told the annual ("<lllft-n'''ce of T he Methodist Church (If "rtat Britain Ihal the film, cntith:d The /'rnmrf(', wOll1d comhine II Scril,turai aplX'a! \Ii lh a prC~(' ll\atioll (If the problems of mod­ern li fe.

What tht' Bihll: I ('ach ('~ abotlt the work of till' lI oly S pirit ('(' r lainly :lpplic$ to the pmb­km~ of rlll>(lern life. The 11nly Spiri t Im~ h('(,11 5enl tn I<'<lrl l11('n and \\0111('11 into :Ill trutll, and 110t jilin the makc-hdic\'(' land of 111/1\'1('11(101. lie was ~(,l1t to CQm-iller the

wMld .)f sin, <Inc! of riAhl('n\l~lll'SS. anti of jlH!J: II1 ('lIt. \\'~ would del,lnre Ihl'! ~acrikge 111, il' h j, ~11f(' 10 n',"1t from Ihe 11 ~(' (')f un­j:od lv ill'lor, ,lJld a('\r('c~". in fillllill~ Ihi ~ ~:l l'rN I ~Ilhjrn, :11111 the di .. f(')nioll (')f Bihi(' doelrinl' whirh "1!II111 "('I'm ill('\"i l:lhlc. \\.(' \\lIlIld suggesl in "I I ki1l(hwv, Ih:ll inst("HI of IT) ing to Illakt· iI film Idlkh would preach 10> other<;, Ih(' mnvic '!('Ollie mh:ht better study the Book thel11 .. t!,·es ami III Ihe Iioly Spirit do IIi , r ('g('l1erating ,Hid ~\Tll tifying work ill their Ol\n heart~ and lil'cs.


"T he world lIft"ellh a ('ont ra ~ 1 of malerial Hl11nipolcn{'(' ,md lllor;iI flltilit y," ~lalCS JJ/orlll f)o milJi.11l. A II rile r in t hi ~ Engli~h magazine nV. R. For rester) di~cu~ses the achievements of th (" s("kl\ li ~ t ~ ill d(" ''l'loping lIew sources (of power through I1l1dt':u fission, and then I,r,inls (> llt tll .. t maler ia l power i ~ d allJ.:crou~

unless we I!avc thc 1II0ra i powl'!r 10 control it l' fOpNly. l ie says :

"~ I en long for' a rci('ase of spiritual power II hich ~hall accOlll llli$11 rnorally what the re-1ta~e of atom ic energy i ~ doing materially. nllt we do nOI 1"I\'e to wai t for Ihis. speculale ahout it , or attempt 10 generale this spiritual \·uerJ:Y. In the second chaptcr of the Acts of Ihe Apos t lc~ WI' r I'ail of the comill(t" of the II tlly Sririt at Penteco~ t. when a littll'! g roup uf selfish ~O('ial al(11I1S were suddenly trans­fUrIned into ul1ils of ~11P<'rllatura l spi r ilual power. The harrirn of race, c1as~. ~e:«. and ];mguage went d(,wn 1i1..(' a brick wall before :111 atom bomb. SOl1lcllling happened of de­risive importan('e fo r th(· hi~tory of the Church and of Ihe world AmI it is eX;jclly Ihe jort of thing thai is needed now. as wI'! J:aze help­lessly at the demonic f(ITces has tcning the world of men frorn catast rophe to catastrophe, towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin.

" In a world sud, a<; this. possessed by del' i!s, the religion of the average Christian is li ttl e better than a boy armed with a pea­shOOler t rying to slOp a tank. It is not wi thin {,ur pow(r to I{en(' rate ~ I)iritua l energy, O ur lJU~ine~s i~ to learn to tr,IINui t spi ri tual energy II hich \\'a~ rnadt· <I "ail<lble in Ihe subtle


al(,hemy of the soul. \\hell Jl'~U1 died ;wd rose again, and at PClllcco~t the Ii oly Spirit rame to fl'O~'I'~~ the Chur("h, Whellt\'er we sec a man illt"xicalt'd "ith God ('lhl~e m('n are full rof nt\\ II 1111.") "n hi~ knces praying with fu lk,t ~lIrf('lIder for Il3rd"n f' r him~e]j' and the full l'crp<l'ie of love for his broth~r mall, we H'e a ~olll n"nc!ered tran\parent to tilt, ~raee of r.od-·its li~llt, ih p"w~r, il~

lIi~d('m, alld 115 tOI"C'.

"The ,\{)rld t(day is peri~hing fur la{"k of prayer, God in lIis l'rO\'id~nel'! II:ls on\;linC<! Ihat ~ouh cannot li\'e alUl grow in grace lIith­fJlIt prayer, nor ('an socit t ie~ cohere and can­tinuf' to be ~en'iceable to 1Il\'n'~ noble,t dreams "ilh',ul \lm)'er. T he whee'" won't ('ontil1U~ to ,1::0 Mound without this ~!,iritual en(' rgy.

"Prayer is not irrelevant to the work of th l'! world. Prayer suslains it . and without (lray('r the I'cry pow~r the world ca n cOmmand \,il1 he the cause of its ulldoing. !\ s Tennyson wrole: "AfarI' IlIiullS art U"(l1I91!1 by pray,'r Thall this u·orld dreams af. TheNfore. lei

Ihy "airl' Riu M'r II f()lmllli'l d'l riu,q lI iflhl IIIrd 1/'1.1': For tlltal arr JIIrl! bellrr tll<11! .rhe.·" aud

-'J(fals, Tha t 'wrlrish 0 />lillli life f('ithi" IIle 10m; ... I f . hr(f'1l'ill-'J G"d. the)' lifl "(II lz(Hrds (If frawr Hotlz fnr I/rem.rch·rs aud tiJou ,rho eoll Ilz r ",

fri('udf ror so tIre f(' /IOlr roulld earll, is ("1·tr)· "'OJ' /lolllld by t,old draius abo,a l/r t ferl (If God"

CONCERNING SPIRITUAL GIFTS John \\·e .. lo.:y ~aid: "It docs not appear

that th('s\! e:«traordinary gifts of the H oly Gho'! were common in Ihe church for mOre than tll"O or three eent\1rie~. \\'c ~eldom hear of them after Ihal fatal period whl'lI the Emperor Con$l:tntine ralled himself a Chris­tian, and from a vain ima~ination of promot­ing the Christian cau~e thereby. 111'apcd riches and I)Ow{'r and honor upon the Chri\tians in ,l::e!lcral. hUI in particular 111)(;11 tli{' (hri~lian

clcr[.l:Y. From this lime they a lmost tOlally ceaser!; very fcl\' i!l ~ t al1res of tht' ki lld are found. TIle c,l\!~e of t hi ~ lIa~ nOI (a~ ha~

heen vulgarly ~lI!>Jlo~cdJ ]'('('<ll"e \hlrc was 110 more ocra~i('11 for th~11t h('("ause all the world was bee('1I1e (hri\lial1. This i~ it mis­{'rable mi<.take: 110t a twelltidh liar! of it wa~ 1l0mil1al1y Chri~tian. Th(' r('al ral1~e \\'a~

Ihilt 'the 10l'e of many,' alrn(l~t all Chri"lians, so call~"(I, \\"a~ '\1 a..-"cII cold.' The (hri~tiam had no more of the Silirit of Christ than tin' heathl'!n, Thl'! Son of ~fan. whcn l ie carne to examine His Chur(']I. ('(Jil id hanllr find 'faith upon the earlh.' Thi~ lIa~ Ihe rea l causl'! why Ihe exlraordil1<1r}' ~ii l- of the 1I0ly Ghost were no longer 10 \)(' f<luntl in IIi\' Christ ian Church: became the Chri,tiar" wen lurned heal hen agaill" and had only a dl'ad form Icft.'·

ON TH E COVER PAGE The firs t Assemhly of C;od Cllll 1'ch , 201

North Semino\t'. in downtown Okmulg{'e. ha­Ol1e of the fill e~ t loca t i o ll~ in this Oklallom<l city of OW'r l Ci.O()O pOllulati,lI!. It;" onl~' two blocks from tho: public S(luarc arl(1 011(' hlOck off the main highway Ihal goes Ihrough town.

This a~sembly wa~ establidlcd many yea rs al{O. It wa ~ on December 31, 1923. that il

was set in "rder. Twenty year) lallr Ihe congregation was able 10 purcha<1'! this finl'! church buildinf,l: and a nine-room 1)'1r onaE/:e from the Mdh("li~h f"r only $5,000. They feel that God v.a~ '"try good 1<1 tll('lII {Or tod,lY the property i~ e~timated to Ix: worth $8O.()()(J,

Their nl'W church home I\a~ dedicated to the <en'ice of the Lord on July II, 19-t3, Ill' Ernest S. Williams.

The pastor is F. C. Cornell, \Iho formerly ~en'ed as J)i,tnct Superintendent in Oklahoma. At present Brother Cornell is one of t,'e dis­trict PreSb)teTS. ~Icmbers of the local church board are: John Thorman (St'C.-T rea~.), A. Drake, H owa rd Brown, jam('s W. Johnson. :\Ian'in ~Iason. and Earl \"an Doben. T he Sunday School Superintendent. OI\'ill~ Kiddy. i1> a n1en;bcr of Ihe board by "irlue of hi~


The Sunday School i~ a"('raging around 250, and there arc usually ahout 350 al the Sunday night 1I)('etings. Brotller Cornell \ Iates: " \Ve have 130 acti,"c \'oling n1(,I11~r'

of the church. No trouble of any kind bl11 perfeci ha.rmorlY in all paris of Ihc chu rch. There is no il\debt('dl1e~s. \Ve ha \"l'! mOn{'y in the bank. 10l'c in Ihe hcart~ of thl'! people. and a lot of prayer gOil1g up for a great rcvival. Pray for us."

"Pray through to God\ \\il1, then prar God's will through."

:J1' Evan el Ollida l Or,"n 01 the A ... " ,nbli". 01 Cod in U.s.A.


OFFICERS OF THE GE NERAL COU N CIL 01 the AS&<'mbliu 0>/ Cod in U .S.A .

W. R. STEELBERC , •. c..neral S ""..,rin tcndenl J . ROSWELL FLOWER • . . Cener al SecNl ta.ry WILFRED A . BROW N . , .. C .. ne r a l T re."u,.,.r NOEL PERKIN , , . F .. ~I ... Mi ... lona Se~~I.ry

A u ;ullnl c.. n"n.i Su"..,rln l end""l . GAYLE F. LEWIS RALPH M. RICes


E"e<:uth'" P ,.,..by t ...... A. A. WILSON O. P . HOLLOWAY


Published ........ kl y by th .. Gospel Publis h;n. H ........ 434 W U I P adl i" Stl"Ht, Sp rin , lield I , M o., U .S. A.

J. Z. KAMERER, c;., nen.1 Man",er

S I:-;GLE COP1FS. 5 (~n!~; SO ('I"e, for $1 ~. In q""rf't'd,' b"!H\1~ O.dHo. ~ or ,"or~ "eekly to On" a,l,h~._ .. 1 ""nU I"'r cel'Y in l' S .. ',. 4 c~nU "ul· ,ide l', S ... \.

BY Sl'IISCRlI'TIO~: I" U.S.\ .• $100 f"r 8 ,""!fIhs, t1.50 Il}r a ~·e"r. $.3.00 ror 2 rear~, $5.01 for 4 .'·~~r_. OUI~ide U.S.A. , $1,00 "er y ~"r.

C!L\:-;GE OF ADDRESS: Two ,,~~k,' noliee is rrq"i,~d, Be . ure 10 st.'l e your old ~ddr~ i" a. wdl ~~ "I}ur new on •. wh~" wr;!ing. ,' " ~ddrC'8 illlprint lorn ITOlll " TCCC·'t is.,,~ is "rtf~rr~d. r" r Ihe ""me "I'~nt~cl}.ral lc\"anlltl" (I" yonr I~lter ~o tha i the Go."el l'uhli .h;"R" U"""e "ill know "hieh ",aga7in~ )'OU n,.~ g ~lIi " g.

FIIt~r ~d as ,~cond·cbn mattn June ~5. 1918 a t flOSI "Uke i" ~"ringli~ld. Mo .• u "rl~ r ,\cr 01 Much J. 1879. ,,\cc~"fed for IIIaili"1l ~I <l'ed~1 rate pffl" ,·id.d in ~e. 1l03. ef Oel, J. 191 7, ~" thor;~~d Jull' J. 1918.

PRlll:TEIl I N Tin; USA

Page 3: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

Be Filled With the

FOR A FE\\' ~rrXuTES. I want yOu to consider one of the outstanding commands in God's \\'ord-"Be filled with the Spirit." Ephesians 5:1,s. This is a much neglected message. yet one that is all-important to en:r)' helieving child of God. Charlc., G. pillTley once stated: "It dishonors Christ and weakens the church when helievers ;"Ire not filled \\'ith the Spirit."

There arc three important reasons why Christians should he haptized and filled with the 1 To1y Spirit: ( 1) They need it. (2) It is a plain, positiv(, com­mand frOI11 their Father and they must obey. (3) It is God's provision.

The need is summed I1p in the one word "power." Christians need power for two thIngs: for Christian h\"ing. and for Christian service.

Power for Christian Living

It is one thing to he born agailJ by the Holy Spirit. It is f]lIitc another thing to be kept by the power of God, the Holy Spirit. To be born reql1irc~ only a mOlllent of time, To he kept lw the power of God reql1ires the remainder of one's lire, God has pro"jded for both in ,he suhstitn[ionan' WOrk of the Lord Jesus, li enee thc'Spirit-fille(\ life is the normal Chri"lian life, and the per~OJl who is not filled with and controlled bv the Spirit is not living and C;}I1110t Ih;c the real Chri stian life sl1ch as God de­mands and expects,

The Bapti~l1l. or filling" with tht' Spirit. is by no means identical with re ­generatioll . the latter being a preparatory step to the former. That the apostles (eleven of tlwm at least) wcre horn again before that Day of Pen tecost upon which they were filled with the Spirit. is evident from the following" considera­tions:

.Testis tal1ght the doctrine of the new birth, as ShOWll ill 10hn 3 :l -R If lie tal1ght it to "\'icoOell11lS l Ie ~\1n'h' did to ('l thers. J Ie chose twelve \\'hom I Ie named apostles, Luke 6: 13-16. The word "chose" he re is ill the middle ,'oict'. Aori~t ten se. and me;1t1$ "picked Ollt ior I limsclf," denoting a specific action that took place ill \l1lspcrifie(\ pa~t ti111e.

The author ;< Pa,tor of t be Fir<! .-'''embty in K~n8as City, Mo., and ~n Exe~u!i\'e Pr~,byter (If !h- GenHal COllllcil. 111i. me,.,w. was hc~rd re­'~' !I)' On one of the throe .... «1<1,. Tadi(l brO'ldca.n

.,f ,he Fir., ,\';s' ",hi),.

A, A. Wil so n

Fo. Sa nct ifica tion, not fo r Regen erot ion

The address in the 1'r(\\'('r which Jesl1s. on two separate occa~ioll~. sug­gt'sted as a model. is "Our Father." Thi~ implies a new birth and a new f:tmih-. The word "Father" OC('\lrs sc\,ente(;n times ill the Sermon on the :\1011111. :\latthcw 5 to 7. 1n Luke II :13, it it not tilt' Creator giving the Holy Spirit to the world (John l.t :17) but the Father ,giving it to His children. Jesl1s told the seventy sent ones to rejoice hecatlse their name" were written in hea\'ell. wher(' the La11lh'~ Book of r .ife. lhe real church record. is kept. Surely the apo~tk~ Wl'fe not on a lower plane. And h\' \,'hat authori!\' can it he said that th"e name of an llllregenerate is written in hea \'Cn ?

Jestts told the apostles they were all clean, except one. L.ater. Judas ha\-ing gone Ollt, H e said. "I'\ow ye are dean." j Ie then prayed, not for their cleansing, but for their sanctification. The c1nnsing was regeneration,

There are twO fathers, two fal11ilie~, and twO births, and the only way to get into God's family is by the ne\\', second birth which is regeneration. Since re­ge1\eration also includes clean~ing. and since the cleven were taught to call God "Father," were enrolled in he~l\'en, and


WCI'(' cll:ItI~~·d. therefore W(' mu~t l'(I11-

cludc they \\'ere regenerated before "Pentl'cos!." Thc\' were redeemed cl('~m men. honest. iruthful. Im·ing-, fre~ from f]e."h[y corruption. and IIsed of God to a certain extent: \'e\ the\' were not victoriou~. Their hwilan nat'ure sho\\'~d itself in wrakness. fear. doubt. worry, selfish amhition. defeat.

They all forsook .r {,~Il" nnd nf'd ju~t \\'l1r11 lIe needed thcm mos\. Peter surel" lon'd hi~ I.onl and would ha\,{' gladl,' died for 1lim: vet fr('llll him came the lhrfcfolC\ denial. . The\' had a tre­!1H'mlo\ls need. fesu" told ihe!l1 to tarn' for the enduc1llc'nt of power. to recei\·(. the Iioly Spirit, to wait for the promi,,(' of the Father-and I Ie ga\'e them the prol1l1"e of the Bapti~rn with the SpIrit and of [he power that would cOllle frum this \)a1'ti<;111. 1_l1ke 2.t:.tQ; lohn 20;21: and A,ts I :.t. 5. R The promi<;e" \HI"('

fulfilled amI the need \\'a~ mel in the filling- with the Spirit-a living Pers()II. Acts 2:1-4. He changeel their entin:' li\'es, bringing courage. \'ictory. powcr. .'illcce~s.

The Normal Chris tion Life

The Epistle to the Ephesians, for ex­ample, treats of the normal Christian life, the Spirit-filled life. with Corin­thians and Galatians all the one ~ide ~ho\\'ing thc Ile('d. and Philippians. Colossians, and The~$alonians on the t)ther side showing' the result". Eph~'­"ialls itself mav he di\'idrd, with rt'£er­('nce to lhis .!:ul;jerl. into three di\'i'iions' (I) The need. (2) The command. (3) The results.

Tn chapter 1. there are ten thing~ which the Christian is s;\\'ed for and ('lios-en to he. In chapter 2. then: are t'ighteen thing"$ which he is saved from. and se\'cn things he is ~a\'cd for. 111 Ch~lpter ~, there are len more thillg'~ \\'hlCh he IS ~aY('d ft)r and ehosel1 to he. and eighteen things he is <:aved from: making 63 in all. in the doctrinal part of the book. S~Lrely \\'e need the Spirit­filled life to make these real. Thi" i!' ('x­pressed in the second prayer. "strength­ened with po\\'er by Ilis Spirit" alld "filled with all the flliness of God." Eph. 3 :16,1 9. The ultimate object of our salvation is sho wn ill 3 :21-;'Unto ] lim be glory in the church ."

(Continued on page ele\'en)


Page 4: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

Is It Hard to AFTER TI L\ T wonderful experi.

ence Ih:1I they had in the upper room on the Dav of Pcnteco:o.l. t he 120 (,::\Il1(' forth with dctory and rejoicing and told all the world that God had truh· showered down the fulncss of til(' Bapti<,m of the J loly Spirit. As folk lisll'll<'d Ihey were pri,ked to the heart and convicted of their ... in, and they called out , " \Vh:l.l shall we do?" Acts 2 :37. The ap0'itic Pcter answered t heir qllest ion by sayi ng, " Hepent, and be baptized." Oh, r pray that 'IOU likcwi,o.c will respond to t he caB of the Tl oly Spir it.

One might ask the q llestioll, " Is it hard to be s.1xcd? 1 s it hard to ohtain God's gift of sah-ation ?" Slirely. hu\'­i llt; all the ministers in the various c1l11 rchc ... which preach the gospel I')f t he I.onl 1"<'lIs Christ. one wOllld he led tn ht'l it.'\(' that it is very ea~;v to 1)(> sa\('<I. Bllt I wrlnt you to r~'a]jzl:- that ~ah·atiOIl is indct:d a rare blessing. an unllsual J::: ift of til(' g-racc of God. ThOlIJ:::h Gcx:1 lla~ prm·ided tha t all men cVl'rywhcre lIlay he sav~d. you ought to feci highly priv· ilt-g('ci that lhe mcssage of salvation .. hould cOllie to your heart.

So.1f In' ,bk the ql1t:~tif)ll, " Is it hard to he s:I\'cd ?" we might answer from the human stand poin t and sayan em phatic , "Ves 1" Does that :;hock YOll ? YOll say, "Why. ['\'c always heen led to he· li t'\,e that I could be saved an" time. am'\\" here," Y{·s. in the dispen~ation of the grace of (~od in which W(' 1111\\' live (hU I which. may T say. is swiftly coming Wan ('nd ) Goo has p ro\'idl'd that if you will call 111'011 the name of the Lord. and ca ll sit1ce reh out of a heart that really is s{'(-,kin~ afkr God and is Il'uly anxious to 111Cl'1 with God, your prayn will he an · swered and yOll may he saved. But I lo,hall endeavor to set forth a few reasons why [ have sa id "Yes" tn thc qlll'stion that W:i:-; asked. "Is it hard to be saved ?"

Fin,t of nil, God is unsearchable. ;\Tell cannOt find God by delving into the Illysteries of life, or by rangi ng all th rough the heavens with their \\·under· ftl l in .~tn"Tlel1t s nnd di scO\'erillJ{ new plaTH."ts. )J"either can they find God by d igging into the depths of the carth or diving- to the bottom of the !";C;I. I ha\'e heard people say, 'IOh, r f ind God in nature , 1 go out into the heautiflll mountains, and I take a lillIe ride on ho rseback through the loyely woodland, and sit beside a maj est ic waterfall. I ~tick my toe" into the sands of the sea· shore and think of God." nut God is

Be Saved? nOt in alltht'se things. These are (~od':­creation. bill ,'ou Call11ot find (-;0(/ ill them. God i; ullsearchahle, as far as m:1.n'~ dl">Co\"{'ring: T lim through any of hi" (',(plnration or searching i:-; COIl­

cerned. ;\n old patriarch said, "Can~t thou by

!:carching find out God? canst thou find out the .\ Imighty unto perfection?'" Job II :7. That is indeed a question to which rOll may say "i\o," for man can· nOt discove r God except through the channel that God has provided.

Again. we might say that it is hard to be saved because spiritual transformation is a great mystery. H ow can a man whose life is filled with sinful practices and dire indulg-cnces and wickedness, suddenly be changed. transformed into a creature tha t loves God and worships God. so that his lips bring forth praises instead of profani ty, and his heart de­sires rig-htcollsness instead of iniquity? IIow ca n lhat wonderful miracle take place in a momcn t of time? 'alll su re that you and' cannot explain it. ~ico· denm:; , that man who camc to Jeslls by night. asked a question that truly puz· zled him. H e lo,aid. " H ow can a man be born when he is old ? can he (-nter the second time into hi s mother's womb, and be born?" Jeslls answered him, "Verilv. vcrily, J say unto thee, Except ,l man be born of water and of the Spirit. hc cannot enter into lhc kingdom of God. T hat which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the S pirit is spirit. ~Iarvel not that' said un to thee. Ye must be born rlgain. T he wind bloweth where it listeth. and thou hear· est the sound thereof. but canst not teJl whence it cometh, and whither it gocth: so is everyone that is born of the Spiri!." i\'icod~I11\.1s answered and said \11110 him, "" Ow can these things be?" H e was g-reatly puzz led.

Then too, it is incomprehensihle how


a mall c.m be =-aved becau~e he: has only natural facultie:-<.. lIow can he attain to !-opirilual thin~s? The spIritual is in the hca\'enlies. It is of God. How then can Illan acquire, amI apprehend. amI po:-~e .. s a consciousness of connection ,inti as~r/C"iation and affi liation with God ~ 1)1) \'Ol! ~('~' whv T <;aid that in the natural it i~- hard to Ix! :"""1\,ed?

Bnt from God's standpoint it is not hard for us to be savcd. God has made it very casy. so easy in fact that Illany people arc trOubled by the \'ery ease of olllaining ~l\'ation. \\'hcn \'0t1 talk to thell! about kneeling before the Lord in a 1)I}sturc of penitence and hllmility and rcpen\al1ce, they will look at you and ... ay. ;'But why should r do that ? \\'hat ':':00<1 will that do me? !Jow do I know that God will hear me ?, Oh. fr iend . let lilt tel1 you that those of us who have ac ­(·tpted Jesus Christ as our Sa\· ior. and have confessed our sin and claimed the p romise of forgiveness, know that God has heard us, for there was an instanl change in our hearts. Salvation is of God through Jesus Christ. It is not of man . nor of the chu rch, nor of the preacher. nor of any human agency or earthly vc ­hicle, but it is of God.

David said. "The Lonl is my light ami my salvation; whom shall I fear ? tl1(' Lord is the strength of Ill)' life; of wh01l1 sha ll r be afraid?" Psalm 27: I . Another promise in the \ Vord of God is found in I John 1:9. ;'1£ we confess our sins. he i:; faithful and just to forgi ve us our sin!>. and to cleanse us from all unrighteous­ness." Then w (' read God · ... \\·ords in Isaiah 44:22, "I have blotted ou t. as a thick cloud. thy transgressiol1s , and, as a elouu . th " si ns: rcturIl unto l11e: for I have redeemed thee." Wha[ gloriou s truths arc these that the Lord is offering 11~! lie has made 11 is sah-atiol1 a gift possihlc to a ll. His p<"1rdon is completc. II is ennabli ng g race will cause you to be what VOll never dreamed \'0\1 could hc, in a f(ac tion of a mOlllcnt. . Th;'ll miracle takes placc as wc seck God.

Do you need Chri st to hreak the chain of (' \'il habits. ;'IIlU dclil 'er \'on from sin. and take awa\' that fear-and distress that overtake.., ;'011 when youll1editate on your past life? Then let me tell yOIl what yOll should do: just come to Jesll s now, praying w ith all your heart and beli eving in His promises, and He will save you .

(REVIVALTIJ\l E is the Radio Voice of the Assemblies of God. Corre· spondence and contributions for the sup­port of thi s national broadcast should he addressed to REVIV ALTIl\[E, P. O. Box iO, Spri ngfield. l\lissouri.

"Take care of your chnractcr, :111(1 your reputation I\· ill take Crl re of itself."

Page 5: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

THE VICTORIOUS LIFE A Bible Study on Romans 7 and 8

I~O~I:-\~S, that truly TllaJ(,~lic (,pistle of Paul, ha" been designatcd hy Colc· ridge as " the mo~t profound wOrk evcr written"; b\' Calvin, as the book which "opened the door to all the trca!'>HrCS in the Sc ript\\fcs": by Lllther. as "the chief hook of the K cw Tc~tall1cnt :'\nd the purest Gospel": by Cadet. as "the ca­thedral of \he Christian iailh ." It holds pecl1liar interest and \,a1l1(' to thc Cllri..;­lian hCCiL l1 ~C of it s highly practical nat ure.

Especially does Ill(' themc llltro<\uccd 1." Rom, 6:14---l<y(' art' not u nrle r la\\' hut under grace" - concern liS. for this i ... our prC~(,l1t standing and privilege. \ \ 'hat docs Ihis mean?

[ .et R obe!"t \IcQllilkcl1 analyze hitnply til<' expressions "under law" ami "und"r g-racc" for us:

,,' f we were 'under taw,' si n \\'(mld han- dom inion oyer liS. \\' hat docs t hio:: mean ? For one thing. if wc wcrc IIndcr 1:11\' wc \\"ollid be subject to the pCl1alt\" of the law, hecause we ha \'c hrokcn it. And (he wages of s in is death . We. however. arc not IInder condemnation . The law has lost all of it s lerror. We ha\"e the righteousness of Ch ri st. Tf we were 'under law.' we woul d 110t onh' he ~ lIbj ect to the death penalty for' the broken law, but we wOllld he under ob­ligation to keep the la\\" pcrfC'Ctly evcry moment of Our li\'es, as the g round of <l llr ri~hteollSness. The glad news is that \\"e arc 'under grace.'

"ff we were under the law, evcrything would depend on our power 10 make atoncme nt for the broken law. l1\1t 'un­dcr g race' ('\'erything depends on the power of Ch rist. He paid the penalty. We are joined to Him, and He give" powe r to li\'e in newness of life. Thi"

The ~uthor is an ;no!ru"",r ,,' ('ehlr~t llible h.,"''''~ & Seminar)'. Sprin.lliiehl. \l i"ouri. and :1 Tre' .... or Our Correspondellr ~h",,1.

Fronk M. Boyd

expre:-(sion 'under law.' a, \\t' ~hall "l'e In the study oi later pa~"'lge .... , does not mcan that Ihe lllor~1 law oj God is not ~ o::tandard nor a rule for (llri .... · tian living: for ill that .... t:lbl" law i .... ",im­ply an ('xpre",,,,ioll of the will of Gncl. Chri:;t delighled to do I li~ will: 'Yt''''. thy law is within my hean.' Crace docs not !l1(';:,n that a !\Ian is excII",ed f!"OllI

doing- the will of God. hul grace i~ Cod'" man'clous prodsion ior enahling a 1ll:1Il

to do IIi", will."

Hilt the rcason the bclic\'cr is no longer under law is that he i", dead 10 it ],\' hi<; co·crucifixion with Olri~t. li t., was likc a wifl' married to law: hut Ihl' Im"halld died and shc is 110 longcr l\Iukr the authority of that hushand. So Iht' Christian was oncc joined to sin and thl' law held him in it s grip. But thc hc­Ii ever is made "dead to the law throllg-h the hod\" of Ch rist." Chri~t (\it'd io r our .... in. an(1 was made sin for us. Hut lie was rai"ed from the dead and we hecome married to Il im , the living Chri",t. a<; 01lT ncw hllshand. and from that union \\'C

now may hring forth fruit untc\ end ,. R om. 7:1 -6.

VrCTORY! 1 Tow we all desire it! 1 low wc arc thrilled hy it, when it is realized in any fi eld of human endeavor! To the Chri stian . victory in hi" o::pi r­ilual life is particularly appealing. 1It'('­

essan', di\'inel\' ordained .• md achic\'abl('. Chap-tcl' 0 al;d i: J.6 of ROlllam arc vitally impo rtan t to til(' Chri~tian irOIll this practical "victorious life" standpoint. Let u s note three key words in these portions of Scripture. - They stat e what God has done and lell II !' what our re­~pon sih ility now is.

First. we note thc accompli!'hed facts to which we are to assent. \Vc are to l\:now what God has said-"KPlo7" "e not" 6:3; 7:1 ), "Knowillg thi s" ((l:()) , "/{ 1I01;.'iIl9 that" (6 :9). Then. we are to RECKO~ (rue what God 1m .. :lfiinned (6 ,11 ).

A. B. Si mpson, in one of his hymns, put it this way:

"Let IlS reckon, reckon, reckon , Let us reckon, rather than feel:

l.cl I1S he true 10 the reckoning-. ,\!ld God will make it rcal.' ·

Fina1Jy, wc are to YIELD ill full surrender to Christ our new ma<:ter. h\" whose power, imparted hy thc 1[01;'

Spirit. \"e can b:l\'c ('olllulU:l1 1';rttlry (6,13).


Panl bcg-ins this s('('tion ill thc Ingical !-ocqllellce of hi~ tptstlc by a~k1ll~ :l ifill'S'

tioll which \\"as pfl,h"hl~' propounded hy Ont' of tho~e jl1fiai7int:" It':lchcn In- whom lit' was cnn~l:lnth' I)('~et-"I" tbe la\\ sin ;"--or possihl.\··. "h the law the real cau~e of <:.in and, as ~\lch. itself sinfu l ?" \\'a~ there o::omC'thinlZ wrong- thell with the law? Die! it not misrepre!>ellt God's will? \Vas it not. aftcr all. !-oin in di,­J.{lli!-ol' .• ho\l~h il dlarg-('d u" wi th thc hor­rible gui lt of a cour~e of adult('n' with ~in? In this p:\ssage Paul .mS\\·l'rs thco.:.(' qllestiolls.


Thio:: particlll:\r passage of l{nmall"; ha~ hcell the hattle.t:"rOlIll(\ of \lllIch theolog-­ical contron'r,.;\", the "lIhit'C1 of l'ven ani· I\lol\iu~ dehate. It has IKl'n hl'ld h" o;Q1IIe that il prescnt<-; human will (th~ whole I'ace of mankind) collidillg \l"Ith hUlllan ('oll:ocienc(', so Ihat "no man doc~ all he knows."' Hilt the ('onf<, .... ioll made here i" not th(' :l n ificial elllhodillwllt of :I \Illi"ers:"l1 fact, hut tIll' groan of a human SOli!. a pcr<;onal cry.

.\ gain some <;ay thnt thc pa~~aJ:::c n'­cord~ the eXl)crience of a half-regeneralt' ~(1111 (could'there he s\1ch an experi­('lice?) struggling along the border-line hetw('en darkness .mel light now in 0\1(' zone, now in anothcr.

Further, it is held Ilmt thc p:ls<;agc represents the tflle Christian in his (li,,­appointing confl ict with int{'rnal c,·il now and alwa\"s to the end, with no deli"er­ance to -he eXpe<:icd \Intil h('a\'en i .. reached. If this he lruc :It all. it Illthl b<, only in the life of one trying through sclf-imposcd lega1io::m to please G()(!. and could f('c:l\ lt onl\' lhmugh lack of appr('­hension of the life of victorv set forth ill th(' eighth chapter of this ~'ery cpi ~tlc .

Some say th:lr Paul is de<;crihll-g" hi~ o\\"n ex pcri ence :I S a Jew under law. bc­fore h~ was saved or po"sihly after he wao:: sa'·ed. but before he kncw the wa" I)f c1eli\·erance. .

T he position is held that Ihe~e vcro;(,s d('scribe thc struggle and riefeat of a

(Continued on page tell )


Page 6: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

Third Annual Convention


Municipol Auditorium

Memphis , Tenn.

OCTOBER 3-5, 1950

TI.e P(,lII.'(mt:l1 FellolI'ship of Nonh Amef­ica ha~ I)CI'n likI11('" to a PI·nH.'co~tal "Ullit('d Nations:' lor il llf(J\ ide~ ;, means fOf the gath­erinJt' tOKeth('r IllC 'llutual undefstanding and spiritual Idlow~hip of repre~e"'atives of .. mllnh<;r of PClIH:co,tal bodies. w ith a recof.(­niz('d con"litul'IIry of cll)~e to OIlC million per­sons.

Tl1e dr.Of j, wide O[lUJ for all of like pre· ciou, Llitl. to {,Ollie log('ther fo r united wor­ship and Chri,ti:lll fdl,)\\~hil'. Var iou~ COIll­lI1it\(~('~ are a[/pointcd to which ~hal l be com· mitted probkm~ of comily, lookillg tow:lcd the climill:ltioll of rOlnptlilioll in local :Ireas and "ro·(]ptration without ""l11prarnise" in Ih(' advancell1ent of tl.e l'ell!cco5tal message. [n­spiring' 11les~aj.(e' will he J.:in!tl by reC('gnill'd ~piri tll;ll karkr, of tl1<.' largtr Pentecostal bodies, such a~ t ilt' Churrh of God. the Open Bible Standa rd Chun;:hes. the Pentecostal Il oliness Church. amI thc\sst'lnblit·s of God_

Il erc i~ Ihe ~clle(lulc of ~tTI'ire~ for Ihe thrcc niJ;:llIs and two (by~ nwetings.

Tues. night, Oct, 3 ., Greo t Youth Rolly. Wed. morn ing, Fellows hip ond Business Meet ·

ing. We d. afternoon, Eorl P. Po ulk {C, of God},

Columbio, S. Cor, Wed . night , Bhhop J, A, Synon ( P o Holiness),

Hopewell , Vo . Thu,s. morning, Fellowship o nd Business

Meeting . Thurs, ofternoon, Fronk Smith (Open Bible),

Oes Moine s, 10 , Thurs. night, Goyle Jockson (A. of God ),


You th groups Ilill h(' welcomed a nd g-ivrn n;co).:nit i(II\ on Tuesday night, O ctober 3. Come pra}ill~ and helie l' ing for a greilt out­I)()uring of Ih.' 1I0ly Spi rit UpOli thi, ulliqlll com·t'll tiou and fcllolt'~hip rally.

I.o<:a l ('ommillcc~ arr hcing '\'1 111' flOr hotl';·

~COMING in Octc6e,./


Sunday School


"EI/large Y our Field Jor Gr{'ater Viffd" by

/Of '''I? !' SCI/OOL, TakillrJ II C,'II.W,r

_Hukill.1I Cml/arts AddillfJ a Ctass


434 West Pocific Springfield 1, Missouri ~


Thi, picture o( the new church building lit Seminole. Okla. wu taken recently during the Sunday School hour. The new building has an auditorium 46:<70, a C. A. chapel, and 10 SundlOy Schoo! tOQm~. Bert Dodd ;. Pastor.

in~. publicity. ele For il1 f(Jrmaliuli pertaillillg lu hou~ing, ,end i!l(tuirie~ (including p(,~tagl'

for Tl'ply) w Jam~~ E. lIal1l il 1. lWi4 E. . \lcl.t·lI1o:-~ .\IC, ~ll-ll1ph;" 6. TeTln.

-J. Ru~\\ f,I,L j·LOII'HI., COIlVCIl!iOIl Secn·tary.


'\'hen 1I.1r5 . .\Iadeli •• e Sauder. uf Pa-adl'na. ,-, .hwerrd her door bell , a ll1agaliue salc~mall ~aid: "Good morning, Madam . Did you reeei\'c -"mr fr ee ('()Ok book yet?"

~[r$. Sauder al1S\\'ercd ill the ncgati\'c, su .\[anin j kr~h. the sa lesman, aliened her one.

" T I1(;r('\ u,ually a" catch 10 t his sori of t hing." 11le: \IUl11al! said. "Oh. no." the sa!b­man ""lIIred her. "It's abso lutely frec."

\\,hc r~ \Ipon 11.\ r ~. Sander kept the book and clo'~d Ihe door. II ithou t hcaring Ih(' "ale, talk,

J !crsh r,ll}pcd vi !.!,orou:;ly at front and rea r door,. but :111 10 IIV avai l '\Ir~. Sauder ( <Il kd the police.

The sall,,,man told ~er~ca'l\ G<:rald \\'il,on: "The cook book is free only \Ihen aile sub· ~cribcs ior a magazine."

The sergeant was II!limpr6~t·t1. fie decided tha t l\Irs. Sauder was elllitled to keep the cook book

If Illo re folks \\'ould do as ).Ir$, S;ludcr did. SOI11(, sal('smcn would learn 10 lell their listeners at ollce a!)()ut tile "catch" o r the "slring" atlach('d to Ihcir "free" gifb.

\Vhcl1 the Lord offers a gift. il is ahSOlutdy frce. li e said to the Samaritan woman a t the II ell : "If thou kllcwest the gift of God, and who it is that saith to thec, 'Give IIlC to drink: thou wouldest hal'(' asked of I-lim. and He would have given tllt.'e living water." John 4: 10.

"I-Ie Ihat ~parl'd not His 01111 Son, bllt dc­li\ered IIi", up for us ;III. holl' ~llall II . not with Him abo freely gi\e us all things, " Homans 8 :32 .

"The \\;lges of sin is death; bUI Ihe gill of God is eternal life througll Jesus Christ our Lord."

\r hy nul "ccept the gif l and thank thc G;vtr. if you have 1101 already dOl\e ~o ?-Tom Ol~o'l. ill XaH'.

Is the Bible a Catholic Book?

A widely-published newspaper ad says, "Th,­Bible is a Ca tholic Book. Catholics wrOk it. gav(, it to the 1I'0rld in it s orig iml and UI1

allercd form." Anyone familiar with hi~tor.' knows better th:"11 Ihis. In the fi rs t ]}1a,·e. Ih" I~Ol1laT1 Calholic Church did not exist II h~n ally part of Ihe Bible lias IHillen. It hart it s rea l beginning with Gregory the Great (A.D. 590 ) for he was Ihe fir,t rea l l)()pe. III Ihe st'cul1(l place, Catholics IIc\'er have heen nulcd for Iheir zeal in circulating thc Scriplures. If thc~ had their wily. the Scripture, lIe\'~r would have becn tral:slated inlO Ihe langllage of II,,· common man, in all probabili ty. After the in· velltiOIl of priming. it was the follo wers of LUlher. I:Ot the Catholic hiera rchy. \I'll(> trail,· lated the Bible into their own l;Jnguage~. amI il was they wiJQ brought the Bible within lilt' reach of the common people by placing an Up.'1l Bible in e\,(.' ry Prot(.'stant church,

The Bible is neither a Catholic Book nor" Protestant Book. It is God's Book . be{IUeal"",! In all Illen e\'er ~·whcre. and I Ie who gave il has al<o gil'en lIis ~pirit to lead all mcn into all 1!1l(]r-r,tanding of it. Jlc who reads il wilh all op'ell heart nceds not a prie"l or a n~

human guide \0 interpret ils \Ile~l1illg. TIll' H oly Spiril lI'ill guide him into all trulh. a, Christ iHomi,cd.

Page 7: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I


St ill th e Bes t ScHer

Rcccl1I[y a Briti!>h dep;l.rtmcnt S\l>re sold JO.OOO copic, (.f a 1)(:autiiuHy-b"und Billie iT1 ~ix wcek.,. TIl\' demand .... as ,0 j.:r\'<ll that \1,.. firm ~an~ ;l(1I!theT order for !(){I,()(KI ('Opil'~.

Said th ... mana):"r: "Tlll're is ollly 'm: Hook in 'he world (,f \\ hieh any b\1,illc~" firm I\'(,uld dare 10 IJrtkr l oo,OUO (Ol[li,"

No Smoking or Drin ki ng

The Chmdl 01 Gild in thTi,! (cn\orc(1) is 'aid to han: till' Lng",t alll-lulanel' in \\'a,l1· ;11):\1'". D.C. It ha, a H"Ty full ]In gr,lIll, I"itll " 'l'rn~'t' cnT}" lli~hl in the wl't;k CXlCP! 5al­IIrel;,), The [J:h\/')r. Solomon 1.iJ,::ht£p't. _ay,: "Xo 111l·mo..r of the ~c\'cn churches oj which J am General On:rSi.:o:r drink~ any strong' drink, 110r <if) an)' use tobacco in an)' forlll. Their chid jo;> i~ found ;11 tIl\' ~oodnes~ and mercy o f the Lord." ·em','II(wler IVilllrss.

GOlllbling Banned in South Idoho

S(Jllthl'rrl l<hho ha, experillH:llted II ;\h _rot marhincs and has ,k('i(kd it wallts no part fl f the "ol1c-arnl(":! lMfldit-."' The citie~ (If Roise, Kamila. Calcll\ell, Twin Fa!l~, and Pocatdlo all haq~ loted 10 outlaw the ma("hine~. \ftcT bdnl:" rid of the galllhlin~ dl"l'ice~ for six lI\o11\h~, local m(""Trhants find \I,at townspe<'pt(' lin; payi11g- Iheir hill s mMe promptly. and el('ll ~Iot ma("hin(' addicts are ~Iad the temp­tatiOIl to thro\\" away tll('ir mOllt;y ha< been remo\·ed.

Th c Wolls of Jc richo

It is n·markahl(, how modern disco\Jeri\'~

hale confinn('e! I loll' \\'rit. Fr~nk L. Carh"r <ay •• in Th,' .l/,'rl1jtrq Stllr' "1"h(' Rihli(':d ~tat("'m('nl that the walls of Jericho felJ down flat was termed 'm(' re literar~' h)1,ahole' 11"1 1011,1{ :l.l:"0. but Garstam::'s eXC:-I\'ation~ have now proHd that the phr:l~ing- \\"a. mrtieulollsly cnr­n·("\. .incc he fOIiIle! the wal1. ~Iill there-fal-1('n ulltwanl, ar.d quite ilat. To quote a very up·tn,date and fir't-das~ archaeological au­thority. Dr W. F .. \Ibrij!ht· 'Biblical hi.· torical data nn' :1("curnte 1\1 an ex tell t fa r sur­pa'$illg' Ihe i(ka~ of ,IllY mod"m critical stn (lent •. who h",,· r{)n~i,tent ly 1(·tHlrd to err 0" the ~ide of h~'lkn'fiti<"'i~lll' (Thc ArchaeoIOJ:!" "f r ;d l"tine. 1> 2."1))"

Biblc Studcnts ond th l! Droft

YOl1l11{ mell \I)m f"d caUt'r! to the 11Iini~tn'

and II"ho I\i~h to {'lIter a nihle School wil1 h,' interested in tlli- alll",u"'("'cmclI\. -\ny ~turlcnt

altem!im!: a I:ihlc Instituh.' (,r Thcolocica! Sem inary in 11H'paration for filII- l ime Chri,­tian wor!;:. nc,~1 only ~ecl!n' a kllcr ir011l thl' school ccrtifyi1l1.: that he i ~ a hon., fide theo­logical st l:dcllt 11T\'pa rillt:" for Ihe lIliui,try. ITt, wil\ then til.' !:T<lI11('d au eM'n11'tion status b~' hi s loca[ drait hoard. Thtn: i" also a 11rO­vi.ion fnr Ilrc-tlwological 'tllflent~, whereby a stUtlcnt may get a klll'r from a theolo!!ic:11 Sl'1l1il1ary ~ayil1~ Ihat I,," ha~ Il<"Cll accepled for ,wdy IIPOr. tnmil'ati(,n of hi, .. olkgc prepara _ Inn wnrk.

Cloims of ° Fo lsc Christ

Fal,r Chri~h are mu1tiplrin~ ill tb. ,e la .. \ day". :h it Ila~ pn>llhe_,,·tl. .111,1 their claim., a re fun (Ii b\;"phemy .\ re("t'm I~Sl1l' oi Father I)iyil\('" 11;ll'er. Til" .\'ni,' Do.)·. H'­cords hi~ \Ionb

"I shall !ITt:I·<l.il thH,UgIII>l1t all "I<'wity! 1 ha\'c Ihe \'irtl>rl' OH'r :111 adler'l' and un· desirable COllditit"I-. 1'1 (Of al1 t'ritici'l11. onr ;111 ac(t1';atil>n and tJlt:r :111 Iklt nll'lI nn~ try 1<1 ~ar. eV:ll through Ik.·r'l"("uliol\ anti thr"lI~h pro'ienlt:on! Tllose who afe in harmOIlY with me arc ill harmony with th;tt which gives thl'lIl lifr, gi\"l's thrill h('alth and ~i\"es them ~a(1' I I h:II'e lI"t dO'll' all\·thim~ )"It to what I -11:111 do, for lIt: ~h:lll t.:o frOIll \h"re to "Imr(' and land to land jll~t as I hale it at Illy Hil{ht and al "'~' I.eil Ilanu' .\ntl all of the kindrnl, of the earth ~hall be bl<'~-ed a\ they reCI>Clli/e HIt"

A Je .... ish Prophccy

\Vilbur ~r. ~milh. \1 ming 111 III. July llumber of Our l/f!I"'. tell_ ah"ll t a "'001-.:. puh. Ii .• hed in J('rll'akm and wriUl"1l ill the Ilt-hrew lan,l{ual!c" tllat l1lake~ -(>lIlt' rl"lllarkahk 1'1"1:'

dictions. "Cakulati"n~ COllnrnillf,!" tIlt' Re­demption" i, till' titk. and lI;(yilll ~h,illy. an Orthodox .It·\\". i~ tht; ;1\1111"r

11;"inl:" hi, (':1k11)at;"I1, 011 the nook of Dan, il'l. SllI'illy ,ap thaI in ]1152 lIT may l"'<j>t.:tt a. clash oclllten tl;r I\(,rld lHIII\'r, in the ~Iil[dl ... East, awl that in 1<)62 am! 1()I,3 a mOIre I.r­rihle stnu:glt, lur Jer\1~akm will 'I(."Cl1r. to h<' iollo\\e(l h~' ti ll" I lt~l r llninli of GO!; <Iud ~\;\l.wg

and estallli~hinK thr ~I(" ,,\ianic age. (Th i< author l'rtdi.:tt~1 in Iq.~5 that Ihe jewi~h ~Iall'

would h, 'ct IIJl in 194R 1 Dr. ~mith warns agelil"t pUlling \OIl milch

cOl1iidell,e in .:hrOl1o[~ical rakl1l:ltioll'. Illit at least this jl'wi~11 prophccy i~ ,;wniiiral1\.

In the NOlllc of the Lord J esus

,\ 11I(lvillg ~H>ry i~ told (If II \, [nm,ide. Pa'tor EllIeritl1~ of ~I<,ody Church HI Chira,,;o. One day whell Dr. Imll,i(k ,··t 0\11 ior a walk. it be~an to rain, Iii, l1mhr..tla II;!' in need o f ~Ol l1e repa ir IHlrk. ami Iw 11',tinl\ an old j.:wi~h h;mdY1l11111 \Iith .. 01l1e lII11hrd la 100lrts under his ann and leanlt.~1 that 11<" could fix the umbrella, Iron~i(k Ilatdled a, 111<' 1,ld man Il orh~1. Ili s lace Ila~ iurrowed. and he was obl"iou .. ly ]loor. \\ '!ll'l1 a-ked the ("],arg<'. Ihe m:lll re-plied. ';Thirtr fin' Cl·nts."' [)r. Ironsl(le ~a"e him the thirty-five Cl·UI". a nd tl"'n s.1id. "I (":111 imal!im' you ha\"e to do !I1am' ;(,b~ like lhi, to l'am a living. , lere i~ an l"t ra h.l1f-dullar which I w<)uld lik" tn j.:i\"e yOll in Ilw nam ... Ili t he Lorll Je~l1s (hri,t"

T Ill' old mal] was <; t unncd. I k reprinl "III tilt" name tlf je'lh Chri,1 Ihcy burnn\ Illy hOll~e ill 1~lh,ia! In the Hamc of je~\ls Chri"l Iht'y robbc·d 111('" lJI all I hall! In the IW11l' "f )1'''11''; Chri'l II ley drole me and my family uu t inlo the ~1101l"! r hall' heen in AIll.: rica fnur >·ear~. and uo\\" fo r t il(" firq time someone speaks to 1111' ill the name of Jesus Chri,t. a11(1 ~I\ t;, Ille Hlilre money than I :I"k!"'

Pentecost in .south Africo

DOilald (,t~. II ritinf{ in Thr ("",/,'r/," ,f hi, reu'lIt \"i,'t tn Smith .\frira. rt"]"'rts: "AI ter all ;11"("11("(" oi ""hUI )"4·;lr,. the "hl·jou .. gr"""lh (,f tht; Pcnt("ru-t.ll work {ill ,",oulh Ar­rica· \Ia\ mr"t l·llc"ur;lj.!i,'~ 11\ l,r('I",ni"" to il~ P('I'III;1til>o it Ii 1'1""1~lhk I .,t S')Ut11 ,\irka ":Ii the litrL:t·,t PI I1It(·"'tal II"rk ill till' Ilorltl "l"h:4\ _,,11,1 LIlt '1".1k, il,r iudl ", t" tl11; Ilay II lu, n'io\, ntl)' t"l.I(h, ,I til< ht"a' t~ \Of II,,~ .\irik":llls t S"mh \iril'an 1)11\1':') IH'O pk. al1'\ j .. IIIntillL: thir ,,,I'd. (h:e '" tht Il1u .. 1 rdn'~hing thinl:' ill \;t'l11,,"l·til'lI \Iith our I"i,it. frall~l,t Ilith pn'lI1i'\' "i h1t-"m~~ IIp.HI

,III. Ila~ 11ll' mutual l!t-nulllill:ttHul,,1 ("1'\lItl"'" that al1"\ll·,lm, I., mim_h"r fr"dy \\\thin alll!'e difftTt"llt IHt'Ul'~. It III., thl' '1'1." tal "" ital")'1 of tht· '\I~ ,t"h .. I'alth \[i-.,i"ll th.1\ h ... [ hrm:L:ht mc ",,:lin to S,,"th .\[rica a~ thtlr prilih-g"d L:m',!. yd 1,1It IIf ;) tqa\ vi-it l'X

tuulitlJ.: "nly In Ihn'I' .md a half !11I111t" ... I wa, U!lI:rml,,':jIlL:ly a llollt<l "H'r iin' IW'I-., wilh tl,,· Fut! \'("1'1.:1 Cllll1r1ll"' ;111'\ tht" \,~"" hli<, oi (;'''\. In neaTly I Hr>' I"ar~ Ihl"Te \1'"

a hl·ald,:.' intfrehanL:' of mini-II'Ti:,] t""l1rtl'~\

a~ th l' n'~rX"('\i\"~' I'H'al IM'tIlrs e;lml' (III I·" olle an"thl"f'~ pl;ll form. Thc ,"rnl 1';1'1' r Call1Jl Conlt'n"ll"'" "f Ill\" ,\110.1'101:(' FOIith \II" sion \Ia\ iI iittillf,: dim;1'\ In 1l1~' \ ,~il Tho~.,

tI](1I1"an.l, .. I haplw Pl"ntt-,::"~tal htli, vers galher~~1 fr"lI! all "'l'r ~ollth\ir;,·.l l)fc'l'n­I'd au ilhll iring ,ight in the hi!: T;lht·fllaclt·

Teoc he rs Would Bor Communi sts

The ~;\ti"l,al EdIK.lIi"ll \~,,~. qi"!I. tl" lar~l· .. t ami 11«"t Ik'\It'rtul h,.,.!y "i ,("hl>t,1 tl'aclll'r~ in tIl\" ("'"untry. h~" , .. Ild '0 h.lr (·"m. 1nuni,t or ,uIRer~il't' h·a,·h~r~ frum 111<"111' ht:rshill ill Ih., oT.";11);l:Itiol1. It ;11'0 \"I'\,·,t :lgaiuq Ft<!t-r.d aid to ,t'honh, ~;t~jm.~.

"TIll' :'\'lli(>I':l1 Fdll('.1 t i"l1 \"')fiatu'11 1)<' lit'n" ti'l' .\IIIt·ri.an Ir;u!itinn ui 't·,,:\ration of church aut! , Iatt; ~h"lIld he "il!t>r"u,ly ami zeaIOll~I~' ,;tfl·~u'lf(kll. TIlt' ,\,'lx'iati"ll TI" ~]1t'c t ~ the right of \l1"<l111". illr1\1din~ 1 tliL:iou .. denorninati<111'. to mainlain their 111111 .... h,)I,I, so IC'll;: ::~ <U,·l l sch'lOr, IIlttt the r.\l1(atiol1a1. health .lllli 'ait-Iy q<lnl1anb dcfinrl1 hy lit; states in which Ihcy arl' I(l('alcd.

"The A~~ociatiol l Ix'lieve~ tha t t!w<e ~dll){:' ,hould be finan(,ed ('l1tirdy hy th(,i r "'IPI)ll rt e r ~.

The Association thC"rciore OPJlose! all dforts to delot" public funds to I'ilhcr the ,lirret or the indirt'l:t ~upport of these schook"

Gospel Tcnt Destroycd by Firc

The ~re<1t cam'as cathedral llTl(!('r which Evangdi,t I !~lran .-\Jlpdman hal! hI·t·n preach­ing to ~l'I'I'ra l th(>."al1<1 ''''''plc nil:'htlv in 1)\.­

catu r , l1Jinoi .. , Ila~ " I aiire by ITI'hh !'arl\" Sund,IY l1I<">rning, Augu,t fl. The prrviOI1! eyenil1~ Dr .\PI}CII11:tn had pr(',lfhc,1 I"arl('",h' on the ~lIhjn: 1 of C"11l 1 111I11i~m and it, thr"at to Chri,ti:lIliIY t,) " nlfllt! oj more than -I.fW)l1 people in C('11Iral Park . III that mc(;\inlo: an atteml)t had \)ccn made tt> hn·ak lip the <('rvi( ... hy indil"iduals \1110 had tl) he c~(llTh·d al,a,· hy Ihe police.

Thc t(1I1 I,as 'k'lr,,)"~·,! Iwnmd rt'1Mi r I fOII'(I"Cr, d,lmage \<) tht: 'l'ah ;lnd , tber equip­ment I\a, li~ht, :Iutl Ih(" ramllail:'n C(Jlltill1lt·tl wilhout mi"ing a <1111-:1.- ~'·'Ii("('. The ]luh­licity T\':~:lnliru: the fin' wh' inlt"mified tht; el1t!l1I~ia~m, and when the fvur-w.ek meet ing was (I,·tr it In, re]lor tfli that J.JOO 1>C'I)le had made dl'('i,ioll~ for C1ni, t


Page 8: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I




Field R"'preaen t.tive for t he Midd le Eut

• THE \\'ORK lla~ t,lktn on ncw l ife here in the Ila~hi01i [e J ordan kinkdn111 (formerly known a..~ Tr;I!l~-J('rdan. Thcre i~ a rcal rcviv:l! among the peOI)le. The sufferin l:;: they have gOlle through I:as made them rcalize that tem­por.d things arc fketing a.nd only spiritual "alucs endure. Many arc seeking for the Bapt ism in tIle S pirit. I think the time has arri"ed when much can be accomplished in the Middl e East if the waf docs not hinder.

We hld a wonderful service in Es Salt la ~ t night. It was Pentecostal in ellery respect. The believers recognized the moving o f the


THE FIELD Spirit. 1 hel;c\'(; God is prtparing to "i~it Ih(' :\ralJic people v..ith an outpouring.

The ~los1clT1s a rc buying Bibles 10 Tcad about the comil g Balt ic of .\rmagcddoll, but as they read God's \Vonl tht;y may sec also their great need of a Savior. Pray for them.

S igns aTC clll'ouraging of ;m indigenous Arabic Penleco . .,tal church. Spirit-fi lled workers do not lI'ant ~alaries, hut arc workin~ in the \'illa~c5 for the "lov(' of God," as ther ('xpress it.

There is a nr·cd for a folding organ fo r vil ­lage work here

},Iany of the believers aTC Pale~tiniall ref­ugees. They nre in dire need. as their p05-sc~s ion s had to be left l~hi]](1. Some financial aid has been extended \0 them, bllt il has not l.>l'cl1 sn ffi cicnt . Their llcer! ~ arc vcry great.




K'estled deep among the towering Andean mountains of Norlhern Peru is a village. :llmost all the populat ion of which arc Chrili­lialls. There arc 110 Catholics. It was m\' ~)rivilcge, wilh three others, to make a tri;) from Trujillo, Peru. whCTe Mrs. I sensee and I arc statiolled, to this all-Protestant village of I l uayaucito, a jomlley of four days, for a cOn\'Clllioll there.

The last two days we tra\'c1cd on horses over very torturous mountain trails. Th(' least little misstcp \\'ould ha\'e sent liS crashing on the rocks in the canyons far below.

After what scemcd an interminable trip our party arri"cd at the village ill the still of night.

......... Above: F ive h igh_,chool boys o f the J un. nar BoY' O rphanage, J u n nnr, P oona, Ind ia. Be· low: Mi os Chr i~ telle Evans with nursery ch i!­dren of JunoDr O rphonllge. Right: T ed R . V .... ar lind hi! cl .. ss of boys f rom the J unnar Sunday School.

The ... Iilh:l'~ wa~ hrokt;n \Iith "lIr arri\;tl b) the rin~ing of what W;J, formcrly [he Calh· olic church hell. C,ually Ihe ril\Rill~ of :1 church hell in Peru is a ~igna l for the Indians to drivc thc "heret ic"" (Prott;~ta1ll~) 0\11 of town, hut ill our (,;lse it ;11111nlonnl the hrethren togethC'r for a real. h('art-tourhiIlR welcOme.

:-..1;ne delightful da~'" \\crt ~ptnt \\ it'l tho brcthrell of Ihe moul1lain~. II \\JS a joy to minister to them. ;\Iore than 500 a\tended the cOI1\'el1liOI1. and therr were 459 in SUlJ(la~ :';chool one Sunday.

It \\'a~ m~' pri\'ilege 10 dulieate Ihe Iluay;lu­ci to tabernacl '!. It will se;1\ around 500 p(,r· sons. In order to have Ihe laq~(", ruslie taber­nacle rcady by convention tillle. practically e\'eryone in t01l"11 turned out 10 carry tile, il1-cllldiug the little children. II"ho counted it ;l great joy to be able 10 help.

There wefe betwccn 15 and 20 lay workt:rs living ill Ihe town. \Ve held a ~I)(:t;ia l mcct­ing for Il-cm, urging thrm to ~etk the Baptism in the H oly Spi r it. Thret received Ihe Promise, and others had stammcrillg li ps. Some of the~e were among 21) baptized in waler during the convention.

The most wonderful part about this moun­tain work is that it is entirely indigrllou" The gospel fires arc spreading fa, t and <;0011

will envelop the entire region.




In },!;ty I sent several of our boys o f the Jummr Boys Orphanage 11]) in the hills wilh am Indian paqor to prcselll 111(' go~pcl in the villages. They had glorious services. Several were won to Christ, and a number of othcr~ manifested all i11lerest in the gospel mes~aA"e.

\ Ve arc now awa iting the close of the rainv season and the galhering of the rice crop so w(' can venture forth again in e\'angcli~tie cfforts in that area.

Our JI11111ar Rays Orphanage provides food . clothing, shelter and t raining to children ill nced of a home ; however. wor thy and needful " s those bcneHt S are, om great desire is to bring the children to a knowledge of the Lord Jeslls ChriSI. God has definitely ble,sed and


~"~ Ted R. Vassor writes: Kuma, one of the hill tribespeople,

= gove a wonderful testimony of his ~ own occord to his fellow villagers, ~ ofter having had prayer for 0 heod-

ache. He re it is: "I wos s ick ood Sohib (Sir) prayed for me. Christ

,_~_ healed my heodache and todoy I

release every god but CHRIST."


helped us to that end. The past three years lie has poured His Spirit out upon us a num­ocr of times. Wha t a joy it is to sec our high-school boys, as well as yaunger boys. filled with the Spirit. :\ number of them have rec('ived calls to the minis t ry.

Page 9: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

Funds are needed 10 hd!> maillt,lin our Junnar Boy~ Orphanage. If you w<lul.1 like 10 help in tlli~ grut work. selld your nfiaill!{ It) Ihe Forri!)ll Jli.fsivlI.f DI'/'Ortmnll. 4,H 1I·,·sl Purifir Slrrl't, Springfield I, Missouri. lII<Jrk.d "JIIIJllor Roy.f Orplrollopl'."




\Vhen I rctUlned from the bapti~Ulal sen·ice in PilIO.; la~1 month. I met a youllg rn:m who lIas II·orking il' the rrstlluraulr ('ar Oil my train. He re'1ue~ted th:lt I try to obtain a Bible for him. He had been tryinf( 10 obtain

OIlC for a 10llg time. took his namC' and promi~C'J to rnt'(·t I,im on his return trill through Oivinn]>oli •.

I hal·e ~{>lcl n~any Bib1c~ in Rraril during my 17 yean in thi' ("otHltr\'. hut I hal'C' IIncr .etll anyonC' a~ happy on·r the \Yord of \'1'(\ a~ Ib('

yount:: man 1\,"1. wh('11 I delivered th(' Bihle to him al 1:30 in thc morninJ::. \\·I,en I handt-u it 10 him, he .aid. "Prai,e r.nd I XliiI I have the fln.c,k of (;0(1 whirh I hal'(' ~, ~wht

so long." Pe(lpl\· all ar\l\Ul.I I· (,kt,1 on in amaument.

ThC're i~ a dl,"ep hunjl:tr ill Brazil for the \\·onl. Th(' R'Pli,t Publishing Hou~e rrinu Bible, in Rio de Jan('iro. and the giblC' So­ciety g('t~ ,hl·m from Xcw York and L(\fldon. bllt the need ha~ nnt been Illet. .\t our own publi~hin~ hOI1'\! in Rio de janeiro it is hop«1 that Bibks caTl h(' I>rinted ill the 11(';\r fuwr(', and thus ht'lr with Ihe ~re;\t ne('(t

School Receiving Second Generation


• W E ARE l-l AVJ :-IG our monsoon wrather now. The ra in is coming down ill ~hcets this morning. It h:.s been rain ing for hours ulltil pa !h~ and ro.lds and p:rass a rc all ullder watcr, and the compound is like a ~(':l \Ve thank God for the rain aft('r wceks of IIn!J.rorahle heat. The farrr.ers arc glad. too. a~ it means a J::O()(\ \,"TOp of rice. A~ for the children here at onr .\",elllhJi<.:~ of \'od Girh Scllf)(ll and Orphana~(' a t Il<.:ttiah. it is impossible to ke('p Ihem out of th.: rain. They enjoy g('tting I\Tt from \J('l d 10 foot jU5 t like childrrll the world over. Th i ~ is the twenty-six th Y(,:lr that 1\'(' have

had the school and or pllanage. \ Vhat years of hlc<sin~s they hal"(' been !

A fcll' week. a \!o wh ile 011 l'acal i{'11 Illany mile< from Bettiah, word came to me of a Chri~tiall woman. dying o f tuberculosi.. SI~ had two little gi r ls. and was worrying' about what \\"011 101 hecome of Ihem. SomCOII(, told her of our orphan~e. and I was a<k('d if w(' couM lake the twO girk \ \'ith such a I;lfge fami ly al ready. t ll"O mOr..:: wOl1ld make litt le difference. so [ <(' 111 1I"0rd tha t \\'l' wou ld take th('m. The woman said later wilen I w('nt fo r the gi rls. '" g il"e lily two c11iklren to you, I :1m dying. I canllot ca re fo r t ll(·m all)' longer and I want them 10 have a homc." She ki~s('d her ' ittle on('~ good-b~' for the last l ime. There were tears in her eyes. but peace in h(' r heart , knowing we would lake care of them. They arc six ar.d eight years old. and sllch affe<;tion­a te little t.:i r ls. O n the trip home I thought' would nel·er get their appeti tes ~:lti<ficd. ThC'y ate as though they were starved, I thank GO/I fo r Ihe pri l'i le!.!e we have of keepi ng these little ones for Hi m.

:" [orc than twcnty new olles hal'C come to U~ since ~dlOOI opened. It seem ~ to Ille thai we h:ll'( nel'er taken so many Tlew ones a t one tillle !Jefore. Some have beell S(,ll t hy Jk1. rellt ~ who want thei r girls to hal"e I raillin~ in a Pentecostal sc1'ooi ; others a re orphans who nee!l a home. O ne came f rom a broken home

-the molh('r had run away. and the hther wa< not dcpendablc, This little girl is a pa thetie ca~e, so sad and lonely.

In CO:ltrast 10 this, from a city more than iivc hundred miles away four girls came, daUl:(hters of one of our orphanage girls of a n\1mber of years aRO, now happily ma rri\·(\. \\'111'11 the f;Llh(' r came with the girl, he tolt! me that he wanled them to hal"e the sallie op­p()rtunitie~ his Ilife had when she was with u\. ~he was sllch a bright , sweet child. \ Vhen the second generation children arril'e here it brings back happy memories of the yean gOll(, by, T here h:ll·c been m;\ny heartach('s th rough the years and Ileal'Y burdens to carry, but WI'

can say it has been wor th it.

\ \'e hal'e thrce fine Bible women who go out e.1.ch day wi th the \Vord of God, Dll r ing the llast few months se'·eral hUlldred Gospel port ions have been given out, mote than WC' have beell able to dis t ribute in year~. Th('r~ seems 10 be hunger [or the \Vord.

In on\! large village recent ly v isit<.:d th('re were sevC'ral I·Cry carnest inquirers. Pka~e

pray with tl S that the W ord of God will gfip the hearts of the pC(lllle. T he world is fas t settling (~own in darkness, \\·icked forces are a t work el·erywhere, bUI while there is lime and Ol)portunity we want to be faithfu l in gil·­ing aliI the \ \'ord.

NEWS NOTES T he A.P,O, pr ivilege of all missionaries in

japan is to be taken away. Beginning SCjlte!ll­ber I, an mail scnt to missionary A.P.O. ad­dresses wil l be returned to senders. To al'oid dclay in reaching them wit h correspondence, and to dec rease the po~sibility of their mail being lost through extra handling, f riends wr iting: to Ihe lJl i ~siOllarics 10 japan should use thei r persona l adtl res~es. The following

~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ' '''''''' ' '''' ''''' ''''''''' ''''''''' '''' ''' '' ' ' ' ' 'I;l

_,I Dur 'ng the not.onol conference oi _,~ thc D'SlrI" M,UlOI'IOry Repreloentot lves

~ thiS year, II .... 05 recommended that ~, eoch church on our fellowsh,p be vis,ted 01 least once during the yeor by a ~ mlss,onory. , , ,

If your church has not hod Ihe i provilege of 0 v,sil by 0 m,ssionory, i , pleose write to the Deputotionol Secre- ~ tory, Fore'gn Mi~sions Deporlment, 434 :

: We:.) Pocif,c Street, Sprongf.eld, M,s· : i sour;. Slating Ihis foct. ond on effort § ~ .... ,It be mode to pr~v!de you wilh 0 ~ ~ miss,'lOory speaker ~

8.,"" "" """"""" '''''' ''''''''''''''''" .. ,'''', ......... ,'',,· .. ''''''''0

i. a li<t of tile mi"ifOnarie,. and lIIilli~t.,r .. ~Il ~ap:ed in lllis~iollJr)" Ilork nn the Japane~e

field. and tht-i~ l"lCn('nal ad,ln'~~('~ J..lr. aml ~!r~. j\lhn j. Cknll'llt, 4;(1·1. 3

('honR', KOmlP:'O]]le, T,)~hiln;l K 11. T\lkyo. jal)3l1_

~Iis~ FIorel1c~ 'I! Byer<;, l-li4,l ;\Z3 Tesaki. Sumiyo~hi Ch(\. lIi.t:":l~hi X;I,1.1 KII. Knl\(" "hi. Japan.

~(r. amI ~!r" I.e-vnard ~f Xipp.r, 1 liH .·\za TeYki. Sumiyo<hi Cho, lIiJ::a~hi Sada Ku. Kobe Shi, jap;'n.

f,[iss ~larg-aLt:t E. Carll'll. i7-11 K.Lta~lli("hi

Han ('ho. Sendai tity. J a\)lll. :"[i~~ Mari~' jl1~·r..:t·ll'l"n. 1(,c1O T;lkin,,~al\"

~lachi, Kita Ku, T(I]..Yo, );111;111.

~li'5 Jl,"ssie W('ngkr. 41 ~himnrrn ja]..u. ~lLlaka. Tokyo To, j;lpan.

.\rthur B. OW~ln\lt. 20 \1',1111) SPIl') (1 .... Xakallo Ku. TI,kyo. J:\1',111.

• • • 1I 1r. and ~In, Ein.lr (;. P~·t('r,' 11 Tl~"l1tl.'

r('turned to Cco.1. to rC"LII1(' lIli~ .. i"n.ln wor].. • • •

Born to Mr. and \[r~. Cbn'nee \\'. 011'011. ll\is~iOllar i e~ to \-ull"zu('lo. on july 29, a "OIL,

K('lLLLdh Edwartl. • • •

!l l r. and ;\1". Paul ), 1. P ugh, mi"i,marit, t" the Urllgl13yan rid.I, ;\nnO\l!Ll,"e tho: hirth I,' a <on 011 Al1gll~t 9. ll;ll1\cd Hie-hard I.("e,

• • • non: 10 ~!r. :Ind \11" L(·"Il.1fd E. I..m

Illlear. l1lis~iouaric, tn Jala, l'uitt'd :-;t<ltc' fOf Jndolle~ia, 011 AUJ:!uq 9, a ,on. C;ary 1..('.

• • • The Lowell E. Dowdy~ of Ih~ \-C'nelU<.:\;Ln

field have returned to Ihe Stat.,~ on fllr[ou~h.

• • • S e nd all Fore ign M i .. io nll.ry o ((e rina- I to

the F o r eign Mi nion l DeplI.r t me nt, 434 Well P Acific Street , Sprinlffie ld I , Miuouri .

Einar G. PeteTion CUba

Mro, Ri n!> r G . Pete.,on Cuba


Page 10: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I




Lesson for September 17

Kings 10 :1· 13

SO!UlIIllll'S reign was one oi prll,pt'rity. III Kinl:~ 9 we karn of income 10 the State,

buihling~ ('reeled. cities received. I:old that flu .... l·d into the coun try. Dut whl:l1 we come ,,, thl' "hi, of the Quten (,f Shell;1 we learn that the ll('C!)UIlI of his faUlt' \\ \tieh Iwl reached her was "concerning the name of the Lord."

1. Fomo Thot 1$ the Highcit

O'1\'i(1 i)("('illlc rallll)\\~ h,r mall)' thill/o:~. hut that .... hith i~ C)1I1_tanding- in hi, record is hi, 10\'(' for "(Xi ,1Il11 the thillg~ (If God. Solo-1ll00n n:arhl'r! .1 £al11e in "Ollie rc'p\:l'u g reater than his f;ltlwr, hi~ Rrta\CS\ bill{' il<;ing that whi(h rtlatec.l him 10 r;oo. Turnillg tu the S<:w TeS\amt'T1I, We' fill(1 that th.' ap"~t!e5 ,111ft their k!l(1",-llorker~ in tlw ,arly '\;]y~ of till' rhuTch had 110 fame as fa r ;I~ Ilorldly fame K'>eS. Thc)' Inrc ]ler'('fll\('d, .. Llmlt-rnt their I"t beillg the hanl~llips of Iii..:, ~o much ,r, that I'anl li\;cll\:d tl~eir ('11d 10 the captives in the pnJc<·~~i.m of ol conqunor. who l\l're to find their !a .. t lot a~ !I1anyr~. "For I think that C;o<i hath 'iel forth U~ tlu.' 3po~tles last. a~ it IIl"TC appoiuu'd 10 tlt-ath: fnr we afe n.arle a 'J)("ctack (tJlealre) unto Ihe world. and \0

;11I"el,. ;t!ld tn mell." 1 Cor. .\ :9. SO!omOll'S n';gu WOl~ filil"d w;lh <·arlltly ~I()ry. the al'()'itk~' li l'e~ Ilcn: filkd with ignominy. 11111 we hardly think (If their earthly state, \\'e .Iwell "n th\" rCI"t'!at;(>11 II hith tll<':Y han' 1.;;\"\'11 us of the glo!") of (;(,11.

\\'hal arc we k'IOWIl for~ I~ it (Jur I(H'(' inr (;.)(1:' Our (k .. in·, lih' ~"I('IU(JI1'S to !,r"pHly rcpresent Him before the people? A C0I1~c('rati()11 Ilhich I"l.'sult, in mcn taking knowk(!'-ll.' of II~ tllat we have heen with JI.'''II'' Or ar.' 11(' kn(mn for Ollr sclf-illll.'Test, OUT ;n­con .. i_tel1cy of character. ollr unreliability' ~1;1)' IH' a~ followers of Chri~t f'eek eHr to otlorify God, in Ollr hod ies and in ollr spirit~, which are lIis,

2, Fo me Thot Is AUroctivc

TI1(' Qlll'('l1 of Sheila had heard ill her 011 n 1 md "of tIle fame of Solomon," It II as not I 1 ... ~~inJ.! fUtilOr. \VOl\drou~ things conccrninl! him continurd 10 n:a{h her cars, rrsulting finally il1 her determinatioll to ~ee for her­,1.'1f if tll<.:y were true. Let us remembcr that the fame of O\lr Lord Jesm i~ 1I0t f!oin,l:!' to produce what it oughl throu,II'h a few and 1l.1,sing rqlOrts. \\'e nn·d to k"cp Il is namc heforc the I)('ople. They l1eed to ~ee;n U~, lIis messengt'T~. an earllc'II1C ~s that will convince them that thcre IIm~t be sOll1cthilll: I}('yond till' ordinary ill Ilim I\'huse nallle we bear.

SUIllI.' think the Qun:11 oi Sheha mi!e'ht hal'c


been at fir'l attra('h:d Ity SCe;ll,II' tl1l' !,r,"I' rlh'

of ~nl"1l\"11 a~ the ~hip, "came to OI'\llr ami kteh(',] from thelKe g,I,I" (,h. IJ ,!SI "'''1 "tha rhO);('e artid(' II \'id, n"Ilt' hut ,I II' alt! y g"I'('Tllm"I,t COlild .. fiorl! T!"n rallll; II ,s-1'('rillJ.:' {"Iltl'rnin,ll' the wisd"lIl (,f S0Iolll()1l. ··tlo\· 'ittinJ.: oi hi~ '('TI'ant~," tIll' h"Ii'O: whirh lit' harl Imilt. h·t th.1I be as it m;IY. it aifonh II~ " 'l'ir;lu;,1 I(~~('n. The 11()r1'ln<:('(I~ to ,"t' the prj '11(·rity of our Kin~d()m. tile "rrl"r Ilf (;ocl\ ,,,'upi<', lilt' II or' hip of thr ""11-" of tl'e Lord. .\~ thrj~t i~ l1Iagnifiul. IJ;~ l.;illl.((lnrn j, a,hanel'l.

3, fQmll Thot Is not DilOppotn , ing

it \\,ol1lt] h31'(' Iw(·n unftlrluna\(' if Ih(' Quet.."ll ,f Shd);l, aill'r 11l<l.k;IlJ,!' l1\'r 10'11! Ir;l'. had found upon arril'ing at Jeru",t.-m 111'11

iill ~hll had heard were unfounded rumon. Sec how ~reat her cxpectatioll II ;,~, Shc be !ined ~h~ was going to ~ee a kililt oj unu~u;\1 ~rl'atne"3 and ~he ~IJUi:ht t() IIltl'l him with honors that were due ~uch. ".\nll ~hl' camc t'l Jcru~akm II iti! a very ,ll'reat train, with C'l111('h

that bare spice~, al1( l vcry Illucll gold, alld precious slone;." I'. 2, That I\a~ op!-· tl,.. exterior ~ple"'k'r. There was WlI1l'thinl!:' il, ha hl'art that she \i(),K'd he mi~ht 1)(' :,hl" t·, ~olve. "She c01llnlllncd Ilith him of all thm was ill her hearl,"

Our I."rrl J"su~. "a Gn'ah'r ti'all ..... '1'1111)11," nced' to he rtpre,ent,rI thrNIi.'h u, ,n ~ud,

l1Ianll('r a~ to mak(' the world thinl, I l;m \1'111' Ill-dill. worthy of the hight'SI 1,,,nor_. Rut deeper t]:;11I that, thc.I· nced 10 ~(., ill Him tIll' One il1 whom II t.:y cau 1'111 full ('onfi(j,llcC. un­hurdenillg Iheir inmost ~(Jur.. 'c.'king IIi. help :Ulf! !-(uidal1rc. \\'11<'11 the Q\1I\'U of Slll'ha ('"mmlUwd of 111 that was in her hl'MI ,Ill' wa' 1101 di.:oppointed in Solo-nl(:m', answers. "And Solomon told her all her

bors lare on C,jrlh. nul lit· .. hines nUll 111\ cele~\i~1 j.:lory, a ~li11lp~e of which was ,ll'il'I'" un thc ~1(l\I1,t of Tr3I1sfigural;ol1. :\Iatt. li:1 II

It ;~ Ii: t{'mkrnt·~s and knOll kdge that ;11

tracts us 10 Him, lIe kll(>l\'~ all Ihat j, ill (jur h('arl,. lie un(ler'tand~, Ik 1o(\a(lIy for ~ile~ tlww who will seek Ilim. .\nd al1 thrOIlKh hie III; i~ the one who can lead u' into a1l \llIth I'r lIis 1I(,ly S{liril :\ greater than "'''!{<11lon is hl;H'. It is our Lorrl and

"a .. ;or.


THE TE~!PJ.F \)FDfC\TFO (\6S011 i"l

5l:!'\cmbcr 10), J.l~50n 1'1;xl: I K;ng_ K 5-1·63,


(Continued irom Jl.1!-(C fin')

Christian who has not been "wholly sanctifild" as a 5l'(:onci definite work of grace in tht: lifo

And '0 the ~tl ry g(}(:s.

Possi blo Interp.dotton$

Paul c1e~rly ah,"l\'\'~ the law frOll1 ally rc­~p(>n-ih;lity for thi, eOlulit;(I!' (,f {kit-at, for he describe~ it ... ~ "tht· I·o!llmanrlnl('nt ordaine,1 to Iik," "the Jaw i~ Iwly ;\nd the command· ment holy jmt, and g('l(,d," "the law is spir­itual" (\'I' 12,1-1),

It "H'n ~ clill,nt (rtHll the H'l'(·at,'d IN' ,f the fir,t !ll'r~()IIO\I 11rtoll0UIl Ih:ll Paul IJ t~'~ lifying- of a per ,oll,iI I.'xl>criellcc. but he surdy uses the "I" ,,~ rel'rl'~enlin~ IJl1i\('r~al e"JlI.'ri ence all'l a, cnry hUlllan being in hi~ cir· eum~lan('d al~ ha~ it.

Ther<' i, a rIlla'lIrl.' "f truth in 0111 the la1l OilS ;ntl'fI,rl'latio!h or thl.')' cuuld hilrdly be heM

(\ll('slions: there was nOI any thill~ hid from the kinS!', \\ hich he toM her

SOlOMON- r:Z:;fOI' Ma.tl'.I-'ial Powet'

A" not." I', 3,

4, Fame of ° Greoter Thon Solomon

~olom()n was a type of Ol1r I,onl Jesu<, th(' "Princc of pea('c." Thi, is ~h"wn in the record which J('~II~ p:a\'c of Him· ,df. "The que,'n oi tht, 'flilth ~h~11 ri~e 111) in tI l(' jlldgmt'll! with Ihis ~tn· era lim" :lml ~hal1 ('olldcnlll it: for ~he came from the lItternl1)~t parl~ of Ill<' earth to hear the \\';~­

d0111 of Solomon: amI. hr­hold, a grl'akr thal1 Solo· mnl1 h here." :\! a t t 12 ~2,

\,10 ,pkndor, Je,u~ i, tl1<' hri"litlless of the Fa­ther's !-!:Iory and "the ex­prc~' ima~e of His ,K' r­~o"." lIeb. 1 :3, TIle ~plelld(,r of Solomon largely was external; the glory of ehr;-t 1I'i!'

shrouded ;n His ('anhly tabernacle durill~ lit .. la-

-" 'TI-t~ WI~dO\M a .... d pl"o5?el"it~ exc~d etl. tlte fOI>\Q whicn I \o.val'd: /',"",-"

And i11$ fllw.e w" .. t Iln'ou{kout all Sljrill." a~d the,,! bvo"~ht U\'lto hill-l all s ick F.ple"al1d. he \.-teal· e.d tl1e.1\oI M~tt. 4: 24

Page 11: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

at all, ~o kl U' aloid d"!:11I<1ti,m and t-II­

dca .. or to rcach a It'IlOlhk p,,,ili\'C I""ilion. Such an cXfwritllce could ",. ntH' oi a lwr~()n

before he lIas -astti. hUI UlI,kr ("onvittioll. and cvll~ciencc·'lI\i1ttll. The writer of this articlc had ju't ,nch a ~lrlH::l!k :h a c'mr.-h mcmber and 11"-" i~ Irallk t" c.mie,' thaI aiter he wa .. saved Ihere \\a, a 'Iru~t:lc IInlil he' \.:IICW Ihe way of ,iclory throu):h the Spirit ,., laus::hl ill Ch,']ll('r 8. ~uch an l··qwricnce ("l1u[d he tll;1I of a

modem onh("I(I" Jew. Iryi"s:: 10 \.:el'"Jllh, f"m­manclmenl, nf (;, ... \ but ,uffl'ring igll"lIlilliOiI" .Ieftat.

It might hale beo.:n Paul\ o.:'lll'ril"nl"e ;IS a young Jew before I:e was ~aH"(l. hut this ~etllls doubtful from Paul'_ 0\\11 1~'I.m(ll')" of his own self-o.:ompl;H"o;tley and ,di-~"li,f:ICli,m.

in Phil. 3 :4-0.

"'c arc inciilll"(1 t" hdic\"l' that thi_ dl"crip­tion I"l'!lftScnh ;tn t'arly eTa in Paul's life, as Hi,hop ~! r)llil' "h'I'rn'" .. \ftt'r ;1 pn'\-ioll~

l"(!T1111Iaccncy Ililh him"']f (i t could be a left­over from hi~ ! · h.,iri~:,ic olllln.Jkj II~' awn!':" to ~ec· hut not tf> IIt"ifOllle- -the ah'mlllk!1{,~~ of God'" will. III! ~1id,·d along il smooth stream of moral and 1ll(-nl~1 ("u!turt' a11(\ rqll1l;uiol1 until he struck thl' rock of "Thou ~halt not covct,' 'thou ~ha1t 11<,1 (It-,in': Then. a~ from a gral'e, which Ila~ hu\lcv~-r only an ambH~h. ',in' 'prang UI ' . a con~d(>l1s force of oppo­... ilion \II Ihe claim (If Gf\d'~ wi\l a~ al!,lin~t the lIill of Paul. ami hi, (Iream of rdigioU, 'aiisfacliull died."

The law. while holy, ~]lir il u:l1. jl1-1 and ~OO(I in Itself. cannot of ibelf prodl1co.: h"li11l"~. It only acccl1lUall' and elicits Ihc inhaen\ ('vii ;.lId slay~ (IV. R.I). II). Delil('ral1ce mu't f{unc Ihrn\l~h Ihe Lord je'\I'; Christ aud Ihrnuf.(h the Chr i'lian\ }'iel.h dnt'" 10 Ihe 1 [oly SpI .. lt. whose mjni~try is tn prodnre the Christ lif,· ill the helicl-er.

The Need for Victory

If wc :lrc correct ill our intl'cprl"tati()n of J~omal1~ 7. wc lIill agree that ChriSliaus HTl' lIot ~ink~~ly p.,:rrcct. certainly IIOt in the all,fl' lute sense. The \ery fac t of our lack of wi,· dom an(1 unc\trqandill,l!. the inherent wca~'

ne~~ aud frailty of our "f1c~h." gives room for iHilure. Th(' rc arc ~ins jll,t a~ heinOlI' in God's sight a~ the lu~t~ of the flesh -~ill~ (Ii Ihe minj ,111e1 iwart; pride. for example: ,ill~

of the tongl1e. har,1t wonls. s::os~ip, elc. Our l'()~itinn in Chri't is so.:ttkd by f;lith il1 Chri_!'s fini~hed work. but Ollr <ail-alion i~ al.n in a pron~~. progre~sing in ;.anrtifirali"l1. \\'\. arc li\'ing in a body that makc~ us. of ouneh·es. C;ll\ah1o: of 1I0lhing but failure. \\·c can ~ay

with Paul that we "have no confidencc in the flesh." and "i'l Illy f1 e~h (1lI"ellclh no f.(ooll thins::."


CHRIST. Rom . 7 :25 to 8:13.

But Ill' need lit! n'11Iain in a plan' "i fixa­tion and dekiiT. \Vl' m:!)' and ~hou ld go 011 in dOclrine and t xpt"l"ience 10 Ill{' I'ift()ty pro­vided in RI)tll<tth 8, Slll·ncer. Cl!mmcmitlg 011 chapter 8. ~ays: "I f Ilnly Scripture was a ring. :!nd the l'pi~lle 10 Ille R om;lI1~ its precioll'; stone. chalJleT 8 wuuld be Ihc ~]Jarkling point of tht' jcwel."

TIl(' ddlvcranee irol1\ the dominion of ,in.

"hieh 1'01l1d not be found through tht law {i :22. 2.11. nor an a\\.akeneci ami ~tn,itile c"n· ,Cit'IICC (7 12. 16. 19), nor through a resoho.:,1 will (i -18). is found tllrough Jesus (.llci.t (lilt Lord (i:25). The method of dc1il'crallcl' h

tll(~n .!i>elo_ed_ There can be' no ,Ihali,m apart ir.,m Chri,t'~ work '>11 Ih(' cn~, Ihrr~

can be 110 practical applicalion of Ihal ~ah'ali"n to us allan from th~' I'rC!io.:nre and po\\o.:c oi the J loly ~pint in Ihe bdiel'o.:r. Thi~ chaplcr \Ihich ~t"I~ forth '<0 vili<lll

thc life of triumph !)I."~in~ with "uo CHOIltll111 -

lion" and ('nd~ with "no 'epa ration" .\~ H"rw I slates, the condemnation or jlld~ment 1I11,\er a system of law i~ iorel'cr j.":nne for Ihe (>T1l' who is "in Chri,I." Th .... (ldin-ranCt' from condemnation :!nd frt'e(lo11l frl'1l1 Ihe i><>I1(hl{c of legality ha~ comc ahout Ihrou,ll"h Ihe opera­tion of :l uell' law, "Ihc law of the ~llirit of life ill Christ Je~u<' which i~ mort· pn\\erful thall the "1:1\\ of ,in and (kalh" (L 2).

DeliV{'rance fr(lrn the dornillion of .il1 (tht' fl{'~h. the old m;m) i~ wroughl not h~' Iq.~al code. nor con'cit·ncc. 11M lIil1 pOll (·r. hut hy the indwelling of all omuipot(11\ Delil·en·r. the Holy Ghn,!. TIll' law c"uld not do this. for il imparted no ])(>llfT: il <1I11y cal1ed 111"--'11 Ihc f1e~h 10 do what the fle~h wa~ Ino \I\'ak 1\1

do. Theref(ln' GO(I con.iI'nllwd th,- _inflll f1e~h to eruciii, jnl1 iUlhe offeril1J! (If II I~ .sOil.

:\011". throl1~h the Spirit. II1\' riQh\l·,.·"m·" IIhich Ihe law required is fulfilled iJl (not "by") U~. becan-e we walk in ~ld,!t-'h1t"'s to Ihe :"pirif, working (n. J. 4).

III vcrsI.', 5·L) Palll sets forth in Cl11'lra,1 the natural man. wito \\alk~ "ailt'r the ik.h·· or Jl.1YS attention only tn tilt" c\;ul1nrinl::"' of his fle~hly na\1lre. He ~ay. th;.t Ihe "C:lrn:tl mind" (!itera1iy. ';the min(linc of thc fk~h") n·~u1t. in (Icalh. hceal1,e it i~ tht· e,1("II1\' of God al1(1 ,pi ri ll1al Ihing'. and hI' its I'l"n: na· lUre t;mnot ll\ease God (n. 5:8). -

Rllt If Chri<;l be in II'; Ihrnl1~h lite m­dwclling Holy Spirit. \lhich i~ true (hri,tian ~xfl('rienc(' . we afC cllahled to lirc abol'e and control Ihe dc~ire~ of tl1{" flesh h' 0)

The ~CIl'C or I'erse 10 i~: "ThoIU,d, 1'''lIf

1 ... >(lit·~ Hre dC:lth·doomed (d (;el1.2 Ii (t' 'dying. Iholl ,halt die' literal) hl'(';1I1-\' "f tht ,ill principle at work in them. the indwelling Holr Spirit hrinf:s lii<,. 1",:calN: (Ii tho.: artil'C I)rinciple of ri~llteou~ness."

Verse II continucs this tholl~ht Thc II,,\, S])irit quickcns ollr mortal hodi(-, "oil'. and ultimately the same Spirit who r,li,ef\ Jl"I1~ from the dead will rai ,e tiS Ull a l,o.

\'crses 12 and I.l are an cxhort;lIi(>T1 10 lake sides with the Holy :-pirit a$::lill"l th" dam. o rings oi the fksh and cO'o])Crale \\ith lIim, \\'e are to acknllwledgc His So\'crciJ!n ri~ht

and 10 obey (To he COl1linucrl)

1···'······~~~·~~"~~~·'·~;'~~·~" ·~~"~~:~"'·'···· · ' ~ ~ Eight Coursc, NoW' Avoiloble I

Old Tesla menl Life of ChriS! Divine Hea ting Pentc<:oato t Trulh Pauline E pi.tle, Prop helic Light

Hebrew. and the General Epi.tlc1 Dispenutional Studies

For information write 10 CORR ES PONDENCE SCI IOO L

434 W . P acif ic St .. Springfield 1, Mo.

8,···,·,·,·,·,· .... ,'"···,",·····,,",,·· .... ·• .... ,·, , .. ··,·,·,""""""""I!J


, ...... ~ .. J~w. AM.""" I"d,... AI •• ~. f •• c;, ,, l.",,,.,. G'hp. ," I) S A

GERMAN BRANCH CAMP MEETING Re ported b y G. fred Z elle" Se cretory

The C:lmp IIInlilllr of the "ellnan Hr,llldl C(>1)n'lI('d July 2O-.ln at I\elhrl P;lrk. Bri.\!! l11al1. ~!idligan. God graciou~ly m('t with 11-

in cwry ,tn'ic,,; and h\('~'('fl lIi~ \\'orrl to \1·, ~,Hin.c of snnl~. Karl Stdfcm of 1 Tttnlill~I'H1, Inn!! I,[atld. tit .. main ~Ilcak .. c. I\a~ l1lil:!'lil\ u~ed of tit .. Lord. brinJe.;n~ I\\:lrl·~tar\'hil\~ and limely nl<",~a~e~ front Iho.: \\·(lnl. lilt" I]"h Sl,irit c(mfinnin~ it \\ ilh ~iJ.:n~ ;1'11"\1 in!! Some were fillt-d with th .. 1I"h Spirit :lC<'or,1 ins:: to -\Ch 2 ~ 4 . an(\ ()lhlT~ received 11ea1illg~ 10 God he all lIlt glory_

Real unilv prnailed il1 Ihe hUsinl" 1111,,\ t inJ:s. \11 Iran,;,ll1i,,"~ \\.ere uu;milll' U'

and Ihe "iiiccr~ IIl·r .. n-dt'f"t<"<i 0', Ih· Illll

inatin!.! hallnt. They ::tre: C. \,. 1.0';1I_'·~

Superintcndo.:l1t: G_ F Zelkr. ~t·l·rt"\ .. r)" ;!lld I .. \V Drcwitz. Tn::asurer.

There is a rl-a\ IlL"fi1 f(.r ;I I lilh 1I .. ,w whcre 01<1 pcople or orphal1' \·:.n find a h"lIn The (onference R:\I't' t~:t· 1:" ,i~l1;11 witll pledl!es and caoil. It ,et'IIIS 11"\\ 11).11 110; \" •• "

~tart 10 l uild in Ocwber, God hdflilll: 11'.

A rdm;:Cl" famik arriH"tl n'n'11IIy m II, th, f Park. They an gralefullo thl" I.ortl 1\';11 1 I, Ihr(,ugh thc Gcrl[lan Brancil of Ihe Ao~tmbli, ~ of God. has brought them into Ihi" COIll,I! I

and 10 our beautiful Belhel Park, wllerc Ih('1 art· mHking- Iheir h01l1e. ellj(lyin~ G()(\'~ hk~'

inl:' ami liht:rly. Otl1<,:r fa!11ilk~ arc to follol' (Offerines for I hi~ \lork .. ho\lld be St'l1l t"

tilt.' Ilome \li 'oinm Departmcnt FTNI \'''I!io-r Dire("\flr---l34 \\' Pacific St_. SprinRfid,! I ~I i~,ollri.)

BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT (ContmR'd iW1l1 page tlHt·d

The Spif it and the fl esh

111 Epho.:,i'lIh 4·1 to 5 '17 of til\" pr,trllt al "<lrt we hal'o.: tho.: fil'e ··walk ... ·· aut! tht· prohkn of the flc~h, 01 -df·life, which i~ fll'r~f>t1ifi",1

ami called "tho.: "lei man." :\s the 01(1 man h, i, corru],I: he ha~ (lcl"d~, or doings; Ill" may j"

Hl1cified .. \~ Ihe ik~h. he ha~ \\ork~: lit· "'I' ~im: he has a I<lIIO\l;n,::; he Ita~ a mi"d and some h:l\"t' conii(kl1ct' in 111m. Il c i~ plat ... ,1 ii, conlra~t II ith ;md IU oPI)()~iliou to 111(' ~!>irit

/\ 11 thest an: pt:r~()nal chHracteri,tio. alllllh, prohablc rl'a~Ot1 why this ~iu flll It:1titr,· i­trealed a, a per<on is to ,htlw hi .. ).:1"eat \I' .,

aud how u\terly useless it i~ for lIS to If)' t" conquer him. and to pUI a persoll ag;li11-1 , person lie is o ldt'r. wist r . alHI11l(lre ]1('11 l'riU\ Ihan we arc. Bill tht're i, ;L Ptr'OIl 1\ h" i, oldef and wiser and HIOrC I,ullerful than lit" This Pcnon i, the Etcrnal SJlirit. \\'t'!II "t know Him Hnd rdy upon Ilim. ;111(1(";1"\' "Uf ~trtIRgl i ll!: with 1111' (J i,l mall.


Page 12: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

Thot's the College Fellowship wastebasket, as i t might easily look, stuffed wi th lost year's file of student nomes-<omplc tely obsolete now. You con readi ly see why. Each year !he picture is e nti rely diffe rent­some students hove graduated; some are just beginn ing; others hove chonged schools.

THAT'S W H Y WE NEED YOUR HELP. We hove no other way of obtaining the names of our C.A.'s who are students in liberal arts col­leges and unive rsities .

If you know of any Assemblies of God young person, either friend or relative, who plans to attend on insti­tuti on of higher leorning (other than on Assemblies of God school) this fall, won't you please fill ou t t he blank be low and se nd i t to

C. A . DEPARTMENT 434 WOl t Pacific St. Springfi e ld, Missouri

Studen t's Nome


College Address

Home Address

The College Fellowsh ip is an in­c reasingly importan t phase of ou r c.A. wo rk, Last season 237 s tudents in 80 co ll eges th roughout t he U, S. received our b i - monthl y bullet ins wh ic h ca rry enclosures such a s the c.A. He rald, col lege level tracts, and orticles espec iolly s la nted to co llege students. Pe rsonal le tte rs from stu ­dents rece ived personal replies. These young people, away from church and home fife, need spiritual encourageme nt. Send in the ir names r ight now.


In Ephe~ians 4:22 wc arc t"l~ to "PUI off' lthal i~, to "put away") 111(' ("' ~ man. In \'er~e 25, the ~:mlC \Ooord i~ trall~tlted "PUI­ting away" Col. 3:9 ~a}'~, "Ye h:l\"e Ilut off the olfl man .... ith hj~ deNb." The f(;rmer _how'l the n{'('d. the latter till' rnul!, of bcing "fi lled with the Spirit," rph, 5.18. The thoult'ht i ~ to put him out and away. Becom­ing filled put-; him out, while kCClling fill.-d keep! him OUI. II!:- i~ 1 11U~ erurified and d('­,troyt'(1, a~ far as the Spirit-filled Christian i. (,fmrem('(!' -nf)t in the ~eme of rn'ing put Ollt nf existence, but he i~ put out nf hu<ine~5 ( Iit­c·rall),. renderefl idle, inoperativ('. unemployed, inactive) within lIc: and all thai he can do mu,t br- (lone from the out~ide- 'a~ lonl{ as wc rrmain ~pirit·fi1lrd. IIr Iri('. to return, hut the Svi rit of jehlwah within put, him to flight. This i ~ not ;1I111ihilation, cr~dication, nor sup­pression : it i ~ c1i~plac{'mcnt, or ('xpulsion by ~ub~tit u t ioll. The old man i~ UnCon(IUCr~bl(' ;lI1d in~uppre~~ihl{' ;~nd irr('pre~sib l e, ('x('ept by the J loly Spirit.

Powe r for Chridi(ln Se rvice

Altho!lgh the Great Commi~~ion had I)('('n I!i"en and the need fo r immediate actiOn was pressinst, yel the I.ord's c:omm<lnd was to t<lrry for the I>ower. 10 wai t for the haptism with the Spirit. Lukc 24:49; Act ~ I :4, 5.8. 1\ 1-thou.c:h the apn"tlcs had been with the ~IM­ler for thrcc years, yet they mu~1 tarr)' for thc powcr. E"cn J e!Il~. the Son of God. upon ('nterinR Hi~ w(,rk had to be ~noillted with Ihe lIoly Spirit al1(1 with power. I.uke J:22; 4: 1.14.18: :\cts 10:38

In the c~rly chllTch. ~~ ~oon a~ pos~ible after a person wa~ ~;Ivrd, \\"orkcn made it a point to (ee that hc r('('ei.-('ci Ih(' fl oly ~"i r it. Act~ lUll-Ii: 19 ' 1.2,6.

Va rieus Terms Describe the Filling

No less than eight terms are u~ed with rd­erence 10 the ""Ie hi storical {'vcn L th" fillin)::' with the H oly Spirit. Acts 2:1 -4. II encc it is not fitting to di <pnte o\'cr t ('nn~ I f (1m' would rail it b~pti~m, ~nother filling. anOther rt'­ceidn.c:, and ~o on, that is ~Il right. \\"h~t is meant is rect'il'ing Him in His fulne~~, bcin.'t' filled. tril'ing lIim full I>os~es~ion , T he ei~ht lerlll~ arc:

(I ) "R«:ei\'e." In John 7 :39, JeslIs spoke of thc Spirit which belir \'ers should rrc('it lc after Hi~ glorific:~tion ( rcsurrection and as­rension). John 20:22 o:.1.y~ th~t, before His resurrection. lie iJlhrcalh .... d and s~ id. "Rrcri1lr I'e the Iioly Gho<t."' Thc act (If inbrea thing was pcrhal)~ to ~how how Sillll)le it would be to rcccil"e Him b)' faith when He shO\!1d cOme. Til Acts 10::17, the words "as w..:l l as we" show that the rcceil'ing ~t Ca('~are~ was the same as the filling at Jeru~a1cm on the Day of PCntcco<;t.

(2) "Endued with." ' In Luke 24 :49 Ihe com­mand was to tarry till they were elldued (R.V., dothed) with power from on high.

(3) "Bapli~ed with" (or "in" ). $t'e Luke 3 :16 and 1)'1. rallc\s. In John's bapti~m the candidate knew wht'n he w~s 1)'1pt ized, and so did Ihe onlookers. Acts 2::13. "Ye shall be b.1pt ized with the I ioly Sl)irit not many days hence." Acts 1 :5, When the Holy Spirit fell on the G('nt iles at Caesarea. Pcter reca!1ed this promi~e and said that the H oly Spi rit fell Oil them "as on IlS al the beginning." Acts

ATTENTION, PLEASE! No .nnounc:~m~nu of Com,ng M eel;n&_

will be prinled in Ih~ EVANGEL o f Octaber 7. That inue will be a spec;al ~yanl~1i"ic: number ,u'tabl~ for door-Io­door dislribution Ihrou&hoUI October in rcnneocl ;on .... ith Ih .. nal ion.wide Sundly School Enl"rgemenl C"mpaign. Quantitiel of tOO or more may be obtained al 1','1 cenU a copy. potIlpaid in U.S.A.

U you haye " meel in& Ihll\ will Ilart befo .. ., Oclober 15, ple ... e m"iI the an' nouncement 10 us lOt onte ~ th lll il eAn be published in Ihe EVANGEL of Sep­lember 30. Announc:ementl for Ihat i •• u .. mUlt reach us by September 12, I .. Ihe paper ;1 always made up 16 d ay. b .. fore the dAle which appe.n upon ;1.

II :15, 16. If the filling were not the napli~nl. then we h,l.\'e no r<'i:ord that the protl1i~c was ever fulfilled. The initi~1 filling might we]] be called the Rallti~m. \Ve ~re expcrted to keep being fi lled,

(4) "Came upon." " Rut yc shall re(c!l'e power, after that the H oly c.ho~t i. rome 11/,011 you: and ye ~h:l11 he witnesses unto me both in Jert1~~lcm. and in all judea. and in Sa­maria, and unto the uttermost p~rt of t h~ earth." Acts 1 :8.

(5) " F illcd with." "A nd thty w('re all fill"d 11>itli the H oly r.ho~t, and hc~an to speak with other torl![lle~. a~ Ihc Spirit gal'e them utteran('e.'· Act~ 2 :4. Thi~ i~ the hi~tnric~ 1 record of the fulfillm('nt of all the<c t crm~,

(6) "Pourc:d ou!.'· Thi. i~ Pde'-s e"<I)la' nalion of Act~ 2:-1. "Rut this is that which \Ias ~I}()ken by the prophet j ocl: .\nll it ~ hall

l'Ollle to pas~ in the I~~ t flay" saith Gild, 1 will pour out of my ~Tl i rit upon all fle"h: and your ,ons :lnd yOllr dallghter~ ~hall prophesy. ~ nd your young men ~ha ll see visions, ~nd your old Illcn ~ha ll rire;J1ll dre~ms:' Acts 2:16,17. In Acts 2 :.13. Ille qme word is u ~ed in the Greek; in the Authorized Version it is " ,hed forth." ;Jnti it i ~ Ir;l.n~lated "pclIlrcd fo r th" in Ihe Hel'ised Ver'ion. In Acts 10, "pomctl ont" in vcrse 45 cxplains "fell on" in verse 44.

(7 ) "Fcll on." Peter said Ih:tl the Hol y Slliri t Ir/! OJ( tllC ('on l'erts in C~esarea "as on lIS at the beg-inlling" (at P ent ecost). Act~

10 :-14: II :15.

(R) "Gil'cll." Peter, rehearsing Ihe Caesa­rean cI'cnt in the Council at Jeru .. alem. ~airl th:lt "God ~a,'e them the like g-if! ~~ he did lUlto us" (at Pemeco<t) . .-\('t<; 11 : Ii .

Results of the Spirit-filled Life

Some rC~lllt~ of the Spirit-fi1I{'(1 life include victory ol er tc:ml)tation; a message of such power as to bring conviction and sall'ation to :1,000 soul,: Ihe ~bililY to deliver a bold message befor" t h~' Sanhedrin. The Spirit­fi lled life cau~ed the Chri.tians 10 .prak the \Vonl of God with boldnrss in the fan' of ('"'( ­trcme persecution ~nd d~nger. It gave power to die !r iumpl1a11lIy---eI'cn by martyrdom, as with Stef/hen. Saul w~s s~ \'er! th~t he might be filled with the Hofy Spirit ~s a prepa ration fo r ser\'ice. It J.':~ve powcr to di ~cern evi l and couraQ.e to c:q).{);e ,m.

Oh. friend, if you do not have thi ~ h\<'<sed experience. we invite you to seck God and "Be filled with the Spirit." for it i~ God's command that evcryone of His children be fi lled with the SI)iri!.

Page 13: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I



We are glad to report that we hllve had the tr~ t .. 't time IInce the W .... tem N. C . Cemp Will

.tarted. T he minittriu of Evani!e!ist Tho mas S. Don Carlol and the Bibl" Teacher, And.ew Stir. linl. were beyond erpe<:tation. The Lord ble.,...d in " \1:'.,.1 way. More than 20 We1"" ... Yeo:! and 30 ' l!'<'ei Vffl the Holy Ghan.- by Fred Sorr"'U •. Camp Munaler.


The third annUlI1 camp of the Manto-OIl Dil­trict ",liS a ,rent succeu. The huge tabernAcle was filled night after night. The cllmp lTO""'.!' localed within onl! mil" of the new Hunll.'Y Hone DAm now under conuruction, i. aho with. in the liTeR of GIRc;er National Park.

Evangelist. for the camp included Putor Arne Vick of North Hollywood, Calif. , and Pal lor U. S. Grnnt of Kanl'" City, Kantu.


The datu July 17- 24 will Long be .emem_ ber.,d by thfO Alabomo young people who nttfOnd. fOd Youth ClOmp as one of the big e ... ents in Iheir li ... es. On the very fint nilht the young people started to leek God with aU thei. hearts . Some were IHved and fiUed that ... ery night.

After service ae ... c.al !lirh went to th.,i. cabin. lind .t,""Ied praying. They prayed unli! well afler midnight. Ood answered prllyer in .. wo" , derful way. In 24 hour. there were 26 .. " .. ed and 23 received the Baptism. As many were sa ... ('d and filled with the Spirit in prllyer meetings in the Cllbins III in the tabernacle.

A IHge group of boys ClIme fro m the M obile churches, many of whom were uns,,·ed. All of thele went home laved, and nurly all filled with the Spirit.

There werfO 91 boys enrolled, lind 111 girh. Altogether there Were 47 sa ... ed lind 49 filled wilh the Spirit. We do praise Ood for th is greQt youth re ... i ... al.-Alabama Messenger.


The Lord lent a gracioul outpouring of Llltter Rain during the firM cllmp at Wichita. In the nalura l there we .. , copious shower_ tents were d re nched, lil:round s<HIked. every thine wet, yfOt spirits wert', not dampened. The .ainll of Ood .houted the vietory, and there we.e 'pintual .howen too.

Brother Harold H orton with hi. unique min­iury was made a blessing to "n. Brother R . M . Riggs brought sou l-inspi.ing meuage. to the large congregation. na well a. to the ministers in their Innitute. The spirituat tide rose from ser ... ice to se~ice unti l many recei ... L'<i the Bap­tism, mllny were refilled, and many wer.:. heil led in body.

The bfl;luti ful and .pacious new tabernaele, tha e{fici"nt cafeteria. the abundance nf pure well water. ond the ... arious modern con ... enience. on the ground, mllde the camp meeting moS! "njoy­able 10 the m"ny folk in auendance.-K.F.N .


We are hnppy to report th"t ou. recent Okla­h om,. District Camp Meeting Wal one of tho ... ery best we have e ... er had. God'. blessings relt­ed migh t ily upon the meeting from the first S<J r­... iee until the lnsl. It was impossible to keep an accura te count of the number laved or bapti~ed wilh Ihe H oly Ghost. but there were at least 80 and pol1ibly 100 or mOre who we re gloriously filled, Bnd at le.st 40 or 50 saved.

Tn addition. 54 were ' .... ed and .. number filled with the Holy Ghost in the children', .ervicel.

W . 1. Evan •• speak ... for th<'! morni nc .ervices,


;\1 la~1 \\e an' allk 1(' oiit·r thc Iypl' IIf Bihh- :-,ll

rnany han' IW{'n \\aillng: for· -a beau ti iulh ckar. large pie:HypC Blhle lor eithc r the homl' (lr pulpit.

Thi<; is ju~t the Bihle for home and private devo­tions. for agt' is not a cri tenon to the rl<:ople wh" will enjoy it. .\11 who a'ad their Bibk IIltul ... l\Th will welcome the opportunity of owning: a B111lt· with large, kgiblc, ~ig!lt<sa\'illg type.

1:I111'A1'I0;'\ l.E,\THER BINI)[!\l ~ Bhrk ktter e(\ilioll. red edges. gilt stamped CO ver, headhands. Si;;c 6.I~x9!<lXll.l inches. 1 EV 337 ... .... $5.00

FABRI CATED I.E.\THER Bl);I)IXG. Black letter edi tio n. g-old (over red) edg('.~ , gold :.Iamped cover, silk marker. Size 61~xQ' ix ll,i inches. 1 EV 338 .. .... $7.50

BLACK ~IOROCCO BI~[)I:\G. I.eath,e lin,d. "",,'cd 0" TI"n"" paper, black \tltl'r edition, gold (Mer red, edge.~. gold :.Iampcd cover, 2 silk markers. t\o illu s tration s. S ize 61;jx91.i:'\I~.:-; ill\"he~.

1 EV 340 $14.50

!t not: .:?n of the weth upon the bed;

us of men, nn.

CHAPTER 34 God is Incapable of Injustice

FURTHERMORE ~-li'hii answered -:. and said, 0

Z . TTIV VP wise men·



lind Watson Argue, the e .... "'gell.t. were II rfOal blessing to the camp. Cllrl Bllmes had charge of the choir lind orc hellra, lind Mrs. S. J . Scott was pianist. Chi ldren'. servicu were conducted by J . E. DeGolia and M". Erma W ei •. All of our workers and .peakers were a blening to u •. - by R obert E. Ooggin. District Secrelary-T relll­urer.


ceuful re ... ivol with Evan,,<Jlil t C. D . Truitt of NokomtS. Fla. Five Were saved pnd fi ... e were baptized in waler. Some were he"led. The people we.e lIirred '" the Word of God w<'!nt forth. Th" church in general wal grfOlltly strengthened.- J. D. Lacey, Pastor.

JACKSONVILLE, FLA.- Southside Au<'!mbly of Ood, 809 Fl nge. A ... e .. has enjoyed a suc-cessful three-week re ... i ... "l with EVllngeli" J . H. Wooldridge. The Yltendance <'!Ilch ni~ht waS unusually I!:ood. Se ... enleen were filled with the Holy Ghost and se ... ernl came to the n ltar for snl ... otion.- L. Wllyne Pitt., Pastor.

TEXAS CITY. TEX.- W<'! just closed II ... ery fine re ... ival with E ... angelist R. W. Culpepper o f Bellflower, c.m. This was a refrelhing meeting with splendid resull • . The whole church w.u edified. For ona w«k a fter our re ... ival Brother Culpepper Will Ihe night speaker for the Houslon Seetion C. A. Camp Meeting.­H a rold H . Spurgeon.

Springfie ld I, Missouri

WINDSOR , VA.- We IIrco pr.i.",g the Lord for the wo nderful revival wa had with E ... an­gelilt Floyd E. Heedy of SI. Lou; •. Mo. M Oil o f th" unla ... ed who attended the meeting cam" to the .Itar for I .. l .... ' ion. Twe nty-four rec.i ... ed ,he Baptism of tha Holy Ghost. 27 wO!re bop­lized in water, and 24 mAde application to bL'<:oma mambers of the assembly. We ~ive thanh to Ood fo. Hi . rich blelSinl(. upon us.­John F. Slye, Pastor. Pina Oro ... a T~berfUl,cle


5-: Evangelin Fred Numriek.- by C. R . L,ddle, Panor.

TRENTON. TENN.- Auembly of God. 301 ht St., S<'!pt . 1()-24 Dr longer: E"'ancO!lin Arthur Bell , Belle ... ille, 1lI.- by H . C . M eek. Putor.

KANSAS SUNDAY SCHOOL CONFER. ENCES-S<'!pt. 4. Labor Day Rally , Wich,ta; Sept. 5. P aTions; Sept. 1. Topeka: Sept. 8. Sa. lina; Sept. 11 . Oberlin; Sept. 13. Dodge C ")'; Sept. 15, Pratt. Pnul COpelAnd. D,recto, ef Notional SundllY School DepanmO!l1l, . peoker . - by Paul Witten. Distrkt S. S . RcprelentAtivO!.

NEW ENGLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL, CAmp Ambauador. Steep Falls. Me .. Sept. 5-6. BUlineu sen,ons 9:00 a.n' .. 2:00 and 7:00 pm. Council precl'ded by District.wide fellowship picnic with ... esper ..,r ... ice lit 5:30 p.m., M on. Sept. 4 . Joseph Payne (I f M ongolia special . peak<'!r.- by Lyle W . Butlu, District Secretor)' .


Page 14: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

! i



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fo .. ),ou.. book she;lf


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Slife of a Biblical faith in God. Cloth. 3 EV 1978 ........ . $2.00


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Page 15: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

ABBOTSFORD. B. C., CANADA-Sept. 5-; Evangell$t Hans BrehChneid!.'T. ( M. Foneth i, Pllstor.)

SPARTANBURG, S. C.-Sept. I:eli~ts Cordelia Donnell and Mildred D. Ferrell is Pastor.)

10: Evan. H oller. (H.

S ALEM . O REG .-Meeting in progress; E van· geli5u Eod. Lola aud Dorl)thy Ollvi •. ( Walter S. Frederick i, P05tor.)

MtNNEAPOLlS , MIN N.-F remont Taber· nocle, Sept. 3- 10; C Bl1Bdian Eva ngelis t F ulton W. Buntain. ( Russell Ol.on i. P Oltor.)

MOOSIC, PA.- Full Gospel Tabernacle, Sept. ]0- 24; Evangelist Horace E . R oberson . ( Alfred Boyd is Pas tor . )

WAUSAU, WIS.-Christilln Assembly. Sept. 5- 17 or longer: Evangeli. t C. C. Gurretl.-by H, j. Wlilterman, Pastor.

WATERTOWN, WI S.-Assembly of God, 8th lind Division. Sepl. 19-24: H aTOld H orton, I..ondon, England.-by H. L. Flahl'rty. P lutor .

ELIZABETH. N. j.- Ebenl' zer Church. 856 E . Jersey SI.. Sept. 10- 24: Evangel ist Chris· Won Hild.- by Frederick H. H uber, Pastor.

SORENTO. lLL.-Assembly o f God. Sept. 28-0ct. 12; Evangelis t Car! C. H aa •. T aB II . h:."ee, Fla. ( Po whattan H uffman is P anor.)

DETROIT LAKES. MINN .-M eeting in progress; Evangelists William L . ond Irene An· drews, SeaHle, Wllsh . ( No pastor pt presenl.)

MEMPHIS, TENN.- First Assembly, 1084 E. McLemore, Aug. 27 Sept. 17; Evangelist Bill Long a nd Party.-by James E. Hamill. P as tor.

SAN LUIS ODiSPO, CALIF.-Auembly of God, 1600 Shano St .. Sept. S- 17; Evangelis t. Virgil and Edythe \Varen •. Al so children's re· viv(tl. (George Perkins is Pastor.)

MASON C ITY , IOWA- Assembly of God, 161S D eillware N.E .. Sept. 5- 24: Evunce list and Mrs. Don (Betty Ba"ter) Heidt, Wa"a· hachie, Tex.- by Louis L. Roggow, Pastor.

SMACKOVER, ARK.- Assembly of God. Sept. 12-, for three weeks; Evnngeli sts Stan· ley and Ethel MacP herson. and Bob and Ruth Ferguson. (David P earce i. Pastor. )

ABERDEEN- HOQUIAM , WASH.- United Full Gospel Crusade, T ent Meeting. 30th and Pacific Su., in progre .. ; Evangelists Murk ond Huldah Buntain of Canada.

BUTTE. MONT.- Assembly of God. 230 S. Montana St.. Sept. 27-, for two weeks or long. er: Gospel Crusade. Evangelis t and Mrs. Paul H ild. St. Paul, Minn.- by Elmer M. Trygg. Pnstor.

FLAT RIVER SECTIONAL FELLOW. SH IP MEETING . Bellegrade. Mo .. 'fues .. Sept. 12. Services 10:30 a.m. aud 2:30 !l m. Bri,,!.: basket lunch.- by j. W. Allen. Scctetary·Trens· urer.

ROCK ISLAND, IL L.- Tent meeting. 11th S t. and 27th Ave. on Highwny 57, Sept. 7-; Evnngeli8t O. L. jagger. . Full G ospel churche, of the quin·cities co·operating.- by Ralph E. Price, co·operating P as tor.

DOROTHY, W. VA.- Dedication of new Sunday School nddition. Labor Day, Sept. 4. A. H. Morrison, District Superintendent, speaker ot 2:30 p.m.; A. L . Chadwick. Assistant Superin. tendent. sp"aker at 7:30 p,m.- by W. Glenn West, Pastor.

NEW ORLEANS. LA.-Canal Street Assem· bly of God to conduct revival in warehouse (80,,200). 4311 Bienville St., two blocks off CRnal St., Sept. 10-24 Or longer; Eskclin Evangelistic Pany, D etroit. Mich. Larry Eck, Oakland, Calif.. o rganist. - by T . Horace Clark. Pastor.

LONG BEACH. CALlF.- Firu Assembly of God, 10th Ilnd Linden Sa .. dedication of new auditorium and educotion"l building. Sept. 10. Dedicatory service 11,00 a.m., F . C. Wood· wor th, Di.trict Superintend"nt of Southern California. sp<"laker. Corner stone will b" laid at 2:30 p .m.- by E. B. and Emma Taylor, Po.tors.

........ * ••• Jf- .... 'Il:' ~lt- ................ .... ••

tttmtttmttttttttttt~ ,-J!_,!,.~.fIo.~~"''' ~ •• *~*** •• *****., , ",,~,j;;i4··"'tF,tr.,.~"l'""....a.~


A n~w tabernacle seating appro",mately 1200 poople was d"dicBted On j ul~' 4 at th" Southern Idaho District camp grounds at M aple Grove Park, near Nampa. Idaho. The new buildin!!. size 80xl00 feet , i. constructed of cinder block. It hilS 16·foot Willis with wooden bohtered trusse,.

Ministers end laymen of the District did th~ construction work. Th"y made provision for n balcony to be added late r. Alumi""", roofing mllkeg the tabernacle cool in ,umm"'r.

The dedicatory praye r was offered by E . J.


Robi$On (camp evangeli.t) bt' for" a capacity crowd. The above p icture was taken at the close of his pra~·er. M embers of the Camp Me,·ting Con,mi ll ee lind D istrict Presbytery are on the plp tform. Left to rill.ht. they are: R . C. Cull. F. L. Garri$On. O. E. P i.h. K Can'pbeH. A. S. Elli. (camp spfaker), W . R. Leisy. Brother Robison. j . E. Shaw. C. A. Slaughter. H . 6, WlIlkup. L. E. Halvorson (Secretary. Southern C .. lifornia Distr;ct). L. C. Hodge •. and Osc ... C. Arn ... son (Superifltench 'nt. Southern I daho Oil· trict).

Is Your Opportunity

to introduce the Evangel to the membe rs of your church or Sunday School


Dc rou l'njor t he E\';1n~el? If so, tlwre llIay be othcr~ ill your <.:hllr('h Of ~\ll\!la)' S,'hool who~e liyes would he OlTiched h~ its fai t h.building mI.'S~;I}<e" To help you ltttr(lIllIll the paper We arc making a ~!\eCi;ll hali-price off!'r. If you will plan: a Tr ial Order fo r 4 or more E\'a!1~xls each wct'k. for Ille Fourth Quarh'r. we \,ill hill Ihem to you at half pri cc for 31llol1lhs.

T hi s offer is only to those c h urche l whic h ar" n ot a lready getting an Eva n g,,1 bundle. :Most o f o ur assl'mblics do gel n hundk. They hand out the EI';!1lgl'1 a~ Iht'ir ,\dult C lass paper or d~e ]hev sell it 10 t ll"il' me1llhcr~ lor a fc\\" ecnt~ jilT <':<,\')" 011 rq:ular orders w e c;mnol reduce t he pri":l' or \\c would lo~e 1110JHY. hUI WI.' arc s.l('rifidnJ,: in making- tllis Trial Offer in order 10 reach new people \\;lh Ihe t116,a!-1'I·. II I\ill mean that the EI'ang-e!s for th e Fourth Quarter Iliil cost you ol1ly I 'he per n11'Y. imh'ad of .k (Price o ut side C.S.:\ .. 2e pe r copy ill~lcad of ·k)

AND H ERE IS 1\ FURTI-JEH OFFER . II yOIl will order a hUlHl1c (If 10 (lr 1110re copies, we will se nd you f r ee o f c harge (on TNlucs t ) a beauliful me lal Evang,,1 Bo:< !() b. hllng in your Ch UfCh. It will disp lay Ihe Eyangels ;,nd eHable folk 1(' hclp tlt('t1bdlc~

to a copy.

Tllcre is no time 10 lose. fir,t issue in Oclober. O nl y S p"cjal R ate.

Ge t your ord!.;r mailed at on(',' ~o Ihnl you will neel\'{' orders pl"ced o n t his speci,,1 Qrd" r For m w ill be filled at

Gospel Publi sh ing House, Springlield, Mi ssouri



Our Sunday S chool or church h:u not been gelling a bundl" of Evangels but we would lik8 to do '0 on a Tri ,,1 Basi, . Please 8end u~ copies of the Evangel each week for ('o;;tob.:or. November. and December and bill us at Half Price.





o We are ordering 10 Or more Evan;::"I •. Please send II bOl( without cos t.


Page 16: ifphc.orgifphc.org/pdf/PentecostalEvangel/1950-1959/1950/1950_09_09.pdf · towards apparcntly inevitah1e chaos and ruin. "In a world ... of them after Ihal fatal period whl ... I

B ..... KER SFIELD, C ..... LIF __ Second ..... nnu.l Mlni,ler,' Inll,lute . nd Wo,k,hop of Soulhern Californi. Dillri<:l, F ull Oo.pel T.be,mlcle, 17th and "0" St." Ocl. 10- 13. Spe .. ke •• , R.lph RIIl"' ....... iot .. n l G enenl SUI)erintendent, Eld~, ..... . G. Wllrd , end P'"lor Nie l. Thom~en. C. M W .rd II hOIl putor.-b)' Floyd Woodworth, jr., AUlIl.nt pro tem.


O. box 216, Eacletown, Okl •. " Ibve .CClpted th. plluonte hl'u •. "

NEW ..... ODRESS-"Hllve 'C:Cl'pll'd p .. lto rlll. lit North.lde ...... sembl)' o f God hen •. "-V. D . Kl'lIy, 409 S. W. 5th 51., Grllnd P rairie, Tl'x.

NOTICK- Chllnge in p nty. Fo rme.ly R. O. j onel E .... n'eli.tic Trio; now Evangelist lind M.,. R . D . jonel, 80" 232, T eurkanll, ...... k.

NEW ..... ODRESS-j. R. H ilTri., 1 106 Ellst 5th PI.ce, Tuba, Okili. " Hav. rell,ned plI~lor­ate lit Be"I, Okill.. to ._nter eVllnceliltic field ."

NEW ADDRESS-O. O. Martin, 5720 Long­wood A ... e .. Dedford. Ohio. " ..... ftu p •• torini[ III Gir.rd. Ohio, for two yelln, hllv. accepted the p •• torlll .. hl".'"

NEW ..... DDRESS- C. RaU lind Bhtler, P. O . BolT 31. Win. low, W .. ,h. " Ha ... e c.nc.lled our evpnceliu.c meetini' to IIccept pntorale o f Ihe Winllow ....... e mbl)' of God T e n'ple nell . Se'"11e."

NEW ..... DDRESS-C.dl R. McGllnah, P . O. BolT 544, Seagoville. Tu. " HlOve IIccepted the paltorate of Fint ..... "embly of God here. Counci l brethren Pllts ini Ihi. way a . . invited 10 ... illt u •. "

NEW ..... DDRESS- Guy Philhp., 35 12 E . j a lper, Tul .. , Okla. " H llve reli,ned pa.lorale of Belhel T emple, Chicaco. for climatic rell.anl. ()pun for caU. a. .upply p .. IOr or lor Ihort r.v ..... h wi,h ... drivin.:; dl l\IInce of Tul.II."

NOTICE-Tho .. h' .... ing loved one. in Ihe ...... my-NII ... y Generll l l1 0spi tlll in HOI Sprinr.l, plel1le co",a<;t me lind I will be clad to m;n-1,ler 10 them ill e ve ry WilY poslible.-PlIstor G. E . Ch"mblln, 209 Mt. View, HOI Sprin", ..... rk.

NEW ..... DDRESS-Ibvinr. fe l i,ned a. Princi-1,.1 01 New Enljl,hl.nd Bible Inl tilule , I hllve re­lurned 10 the evangelistic field. Will be in Newfoundland until Sept. 4 ; then at New GillS­,OW, N<l v .. 5<:oli., Sept. 5- 17; Truro, N . S., Sept. 19- 24 : Moncton. New Brun.wick, Sept. 26-Oc1. I : Boom Road. N . B., Ocl . 3-8; Lillieton, N. B., 0 <;1. 10-15; Campbellton, N. B., Oct. 17- 22. My permanent IIddre .. i, 101 t~ North Slreel, Auburn, N. Y.- D .... id M. WellArd.

W ..... NTED-Copie. of the following ADULT AND YOUNG PEOPLE'S TEACHERS QU ..... R . TERLIES lire needed to complete our fileo, 2nd qtr. 1946: ht qu. 1939; ht, 2nd, 3rd QI ... 1937: 2nd lind 3 rd q ln. 1935: Itt .nd 4th qlrt. 1933; 2 nd qt •. 1931; 2nd qtr. 1930: 2nd ql •. 1929. The .. Q1J . rterlie. need not be in perfect condition, 10 lon, as they are <;om­pleu,. Pllyment will be mild .. for Ih.tn. lind po,,",e refunded. Will you look in your col­lection .nd see if you h.ve one of the .. ? We w,l1 Kraa lly IIppreciate them. Mllil 10 Hllrt R . Armuronc. Edilorial Depllnmenl, 434 W. Pedfic St., Sprin&field 1, Mo.

OPEN FOR CALLS EVANGELISTIC--H . W. Blllinr.. h,y, 510

FOrrell A ... e .. Alllhorne City, AL II. " H I",e re­.Iined the pastorate of Ihe We.t Highlond ....... embly. Andlllu.;o. Ala., to enter lI ... anceH.!ic f ield."

PASTOR ..... L---Or .. De Von % Leo O. Gil ­m lln. 80,. 101. Wheeler. Ore.:;. "HII ... e ha d mll"y yeen' uper;ence. both al Bible teecher .. nd pll$tor. Have hou,. Iniler. jUl t wife .nd I-no children."



One of our most fa\'orcd slmg buoks. Contains both old and llew songs and some fine c horu~~s. Printed in round notes only.

Cloth Board 5 EV 5001 Elich SOc; 25 or more, each 70c

Foldin g Bri.tol Covert 5 EV 5006 Each 6Oc: 25 or more, cach 5(k


This splendid song book contains 261 songs, selected e~perial1y for Pentecostal ch urches. Qlle song hook publisher said, "You ha ... e chosen th e ht'~ t song<; of prac­tically every copyright ow ner." Printed ill rOIlIH\ notes only, wi th foldiug Bris tol covers. 5 EV SOil E.ch 60c; 25 or more, each 50<;


This remarkable little book \\as compil­ed especially for camp meeting s. Sunday Schools, and smaller Assemblics. Contains 104 choice sonRS and , horuses, lakclI from our largcr book "SpiriHIaI SOIl!(S.'· Printed in round 1I 0tes only. \\ ith foldillg Bristol covcrs. 5 EV 4845 ........ Ellch 30c; 100 for $18.00


Aftcr rccci\ ing man)' re<luests for a book 10 meet the needs for choruscs in rc\·iva! and calllp meeting ser \' icl'~, this book has been issued. It has 16(t in"pir­ing, rousing choruscs fo r usc ill l J:lily \'acation Bible and Children's Sef\·ich a~ well as revivals. Folding Bristol co\'er~.

5 EV -4956 ........ Each 30e; 1(10 fo r $18.00


A sparkling ~election of 251 choice go~· pel songs. ;"lany arc ncw, yet a good !lumber aTC old fa\·oritl·S. In folding Brist ol cove rs only.

Round Notu 5 EV 4852 ........ _ .. Eec h 3x; 100 (or $25.00

Shaped Notu 5 EV 4653 _ .. Each 3x; 100 (or $25 .06


A genuincly Pentecos tal SOli,!, hook fo r old-time P entecostal camp meeting rallies, etc. Con tains 65 of the but son~s ;J.rllJ some snappy choruses. It is a small hook. making transportation light arid ea~y, n otr tld in fo[din~ Bri~tol covcrs onl y. 5 EV 4619 .. Each 25<:; 100 for $12.01l


"'e can hea rt ily recommend this lor use in re\'i \,a!s and camp meetings. TheH lO l choruses of praise arc espec i all~ adapted for use in the Junior Church. Daily Vacation Bible School, and for young peol)le's societies. Print ed in round nOles, with folding bri stol covers. 5 EV 4867 Eech 30e: 108 ror $IS.O!


\\'c know of no hymnal that i ~ ridlcr III

fa,-orile. famous hymns and stirring gos· 11cl songs. Contains 726 numbers, including: Rcspomi\'c Readings. The AI)(is tles' Crecd. The Lord's Prayer, and Ten Command­numlS. Bound in imitation leal her with t itle ~tanrped in .'o:old. 5 EV 4861 Each $1.40; 25 or more. each


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GOSPEL PUBLISHING HOUSE, Spr;ngf;e1d I, M;ssou,;