ife J&«mi - Wccklt? pmmtahv gmflept. NEW SERIES—»iSI»M iV.I PL ACER VILLE, EL DORADO CO., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1860. ! WHOLE No. 352. Tki V«<lm*uMl DiUtau. ■r J. K. PACLDINO, To show the effect of country banks, I will relate little example that came un- der my own observation a day or two since and, perhaps, gave rise to these specula- tions. We stopped in the evening to sleep at the house of a Dutchman, who kept a traveler's rest, rather, 1believe,lest he should be obliged to entertain travelers for nothing, than from any great desire to add to the profits of his farm. It was a scene and an evening that made me mel- ancholy, with a fear of some day dying and leaving a world no lovely. The bouse was situated on a rising ground, behind which, nnd close at hand, rose a majestic mountain, not savage with rocks and rugged precipices, but exhib- iting a green foliage unbroken to the very top, whose graceful, waving outline bro t to the mind nought but images of pcarc. In front was spread the richest little vale I ever saw ; whose meadows and cornfields, the latter rising half a doacn feet above the fence, and the former speck- led with sheep and cattle, succeeded each other with rich luxuriance. At one ex- tremity ran a branch of the river Shenan- doah, half hid amid the high elms and sycamores ; and a little further on rose a high hill behind which the sun was set- ting. Everything seen was peace itself, and everything heard was akin to silence, and only serving to render it still more striking in the intervals. .Sometimes the cow-bcll's fm -ott tinkle came fluttering on a transient breeze—sometimes the negro’s sonorous and resounding laugh awakened the mountain echo—sometimes his inim- itable whistle, emulating the fife, and oc- casionally his song, which, mellowed by the distance, was singularly melodious.— As long as I live 1 will never forget that scene. It was in trutli a place for a man to make his home ; and the honest Dutch- man, for such he approved himself, not only by his dialect, but by bis invincible predilection for his rich bottoms, seemed to think at much ; for be actually appear- ed to be contented—a rare thing in this world. In the calm leisure of the dusk of the evening, he and hia dame—and a Jolly dame she was—good humored aa a lark and round as a dumpling, came and sat with us in the porch ; he with his pipe and she with her snuff-box, bearing the likeness of Commodore Porter. This custom is highly eschewed by all ortho- dox English travelers, but for my part, if a man he not wilfully obtrusive,and trans- gresses no law of etiquette that beknowa of, I like his company, and can generally get something amusing or instructive from him. Mine host seemed such a rare comfort- able sort of dog that I determined, if pos- sible, to learn how he became so ; and in order to entitle myself to bis story, told him mins beforehand, for country people aro a little cautious. The story of the burgomaster or justice (for so be announ- ced himself), in substance wases follows: I married at the age of twenty-six—- though, perhaps, you won't behove, my wife was reckoned a beauty in her day—- my fortune was a negro man and three hundred pounds, and my wife brought the a large chest, filled, I suppone, with six hundred petticoats and abort gowns, which bevo lasted till this day. ao her clothing coot mo nothing. This «ss-Whs* wo had to. commence too world with, After looking about a little I bought this farm, which, being much worn and Oft of order, I got cheap. What I had «ms suf- ficient for the first payment, the rest was to be divided into ttirco equal annual in- stalments. The fiirm, as I said, was then In poor order, the fields a good deal worn out, the fences bod, and the houses very old. But there was no timo to groan, aa the year was coming about, and the money must be paid. So Tom and I, and often my wife, turned out early and late, and work- ed like horses, and, after selling my har- vest, I carried my first payment homo in hard dollars. Well, continued the Dutchman, the next year I wont on still better, paid my money still easier, nnd at the end of the third year the farm was my own. Wo now thought to make ourselves comfortable by building a better home, for we had but a poor one before ; so in the spring we set to work as soon as the frost was out of the ground. 1 burnt my own bricks and lime, from my own limestone and clay, and fur- nished boards and timber from my own farm. In the meantime the war came on; and it is an ill-wind that blows nobody good, the number of wagons passing this way increased every day, because the pro- duce could not go round by sea. I sold all my produre right at my door, except ray wheat If that was high I could af- ford to send the Hour to market; and If not, I could cut it into shorts, to feed the wagoners’ horses. By the time ray house was finished it was paid for, and now I don't know what 1 shall build next, for my part lam forty-three years old. I have five hundred acres of ts fine bottom as any in Virginia —a good grist and saw mill, a tolerably good wife, if I could only make a tino Indy of tier—but alio sticks to the old chest like a moth—a decent house over my head, and I owe no roan a shilling, except Tom, who, hy now and then raising a little grain, shooting a deer, and waiting on travelers, has in my hands enough money to buy his freedom, but ho is already free, for that matter, and knows he can go when lie pleases. Pray, said I, did you ever get s dis- count'? A discount? what is that? said the old Dutchman. Did you ever borrow money of s bank and mortgage your land for it? No, no, said he, I wasn’t such a fool as that. My poor neighbor, whose house you see over the river yonder, with the windows broke, and no smoke coming out of the eWm"ey, pl»y«d « trick of that kind, but his farm is soon to be sold at vendue, and I think of buying it His family were in great distress, though ws helped them a little to get to the back country, where I hear they are doing pret- ty well again. I will not trouble you with themoralof this story, but conclude by bidding you beware of discounts. Thb most intense mode of expressing contempt in Milwaukie, is to exclaim : Get I have no more to say 1 I scorn you as I do s glass of water I JBoantaiit Democrat. rmixiD nai.ftiuT, WCDXnDAT ASD SATURDAY MORVTSGA, BY OELWICKS & JANUARY. B. ». MLWICU, W. *. iIKMT. Term*—Invariably in Advance; One year IS 00 Biz Month. a 00 Three Month. i 00 One Month (payable to the Carrier) 75 Slnglo Coply. 10 Tanni of Advertising : One Sonare, 10 line., flr.t In.ertioa g .1 00 Kaeh Bub. eque ut In, ertimi. I Ml Hu.lor.. Card., of Id line, or le.a, one year. .05 00 llu.ine.. Card., of IO lltie.or le.a, 3 month... 10 00 A Überai diteonnt will be m ideontheahnte rate, for all yearly and quarterly advrrtl.ement. which e.eeed one aquare. THE MOUNTAIN DEMOCRAT Book anil 3ob printing Office replete with alt the modern improvement* f*r the NEAT, rilKAI* A Vf> I* VI’II» execution of pvm varirtT of FRIN PlNfr—<u«h m llnok«, Pamphlet*, Brief*, P«»»ter#. Handbill*, i’ircuUr», Ball Ticket#, Frorramme*. Certificati** of St'trk or Deposit, Billhead*. fhcck*, Receipt*, Card*. I.a* brio, eie., cither in plain or fituy colored ink*. JUSTICES’ BLAJTKS. Blank Affidati'*. I’ndcrtakirtf* and Writ* of Attachment, u.ider the Kite 1.%w, for *ale at this Office; alno. Bank I >cc laration* of lloincetrad—- the moat convenient form in n*c. Ofl** on Slrtrt Pl*f errili*. I#. P. FISHER. Nr ITI V Washington Hirer*. opposite Maguire's Dp-T* limisi-. ’«Hi»* only auf bor- ite, | a vent forili#* M#»rxTm Of v-h'MT In the » lly *»f Fa» fransero. All order* f»»r lh#r im|»«*r #»r advt-r* Using left with him. w.llhe promptly atl» nd»*d to. J. 0. KERLEY i# uih«rl/i'<l receive mo- neys d ie tin offer. T. g. DORSEY i# antl»**r:r.-d «. lì. it irrlp'lini* and ree Ive moneys for the Moran is IlKMoTI«r. W. T. GIBBS i. tin* a itl.'oit. I Agent of the |)MI Ni:il at <»*•••rg‘-’> *tt flnlrr# f«o t|,e advertising *»r f«*r j«w-.rk, 'I «;lh him, will lie proMfrfly nl(rii#l*;#l to. CHAS. P. JACKSON I* Hi** authorised Af. ut .1 th*- M l»a i*•> kit .it El |t»r»ilo. Or «I*-r» Uft with him will oc promptly alt. nI-«1 t >. D. BTFUART SMITH, rII T SU- 1 AS ANI» «IR» BOX, III». 11. . ii. Ki-t Indi, -*."r,i.v.) unici, X*. WiilK’* lim .. ‘•rmi, Mai» «T., jrKI |-l.r. mil.. 1* O. D. HALL. o. YALE. Silt Frtltfim. .*, Practice Law in all the # mrt* *»f lisi». Offrr», at C.4i»oi> and Virenti » * »t>. je.ld tf Jolt* Ml*n«, tt- *'• HUME A BLOSS, ATTO )l N KV s \ T r. % W, Offer in * it> Block, PUci-rt ill#*. Will practice |.a« ni 11.#* ( urta #»f Kl I’ ra nnd adpiinnf Counties —in th «tipreme Court, and t *• <-«mrls of l*lah Territory. mil» Mgf o«»ar, t. *• tnt *. DRS. COOKE & TITUS, riiy*ic i a \ ani» *iu <; yo n •<. «tira. Afilli fffr-ef. tV.Ir«V #1 -*r »»*#•% r a "OM 80.i1. 4 Trill," opp»*e t** Jo. W♦, Ir'* « on.ff iil'l !•? a the fiata. H. K. STOWE. NOTARY n ill.lt AM» rONU VANfKR. rolualntn, Kl Itnrsiln C’.»m»tj. A. A. VAN GUELDER. ATTOBNKV-AT LAW. 1*1» .TT.r.f.r P .ral *r inty California. OWICf.. comer tVlum» and Afniit ftr*Wt*. if S. W. SANDERSON, ATTOUN I. V A T I. AW, Office. in U.-<*irl«**' BohLog (n|* >U;r«). Main Sirret, Placervillc. tf P. H HARMON, NOTARY ITIli n AM» r* »SÌ VKVANCKR. T»**«* la. Mor*4-. correctly «ritti n nd *«• AnovlcJic -il l»t p#»adi<-ns l-iktn. N *l*:* pro!* I. Ofiee—Kr«•nt room. Mountain De*n#Krt»t f*n.l»l. e. B. B. CARSON, NOTARY PI KMC AM» CONVEYANCER. (u-44| OB *»—Will» the County Rt w lrr, [if J CHAS. P. IRWIN, NOTARY PUIBI. I C . la and for Kl I) »ra#Jo County -Offer at Diamond aulf ffprlng*. If M. STEINBERG-, r ir v iy PAWN BROKER, *i mn* rniriT, IlacrrvilW*. Next door to Arridsson*s Jewelry Store. MON EY LOANED. firM lyl S. SILBERSTIEN, jéz. OPPOSITE THE OAKY HOUSE. CIQABS, TOBACCOS, FRUITS, Nata, Candies and Stationery. er-iiiUMINK MEKHK'IIAI-M JJ-I S. lIIRRIS, PLAZA CORNER. PLACER VILLE. -JCuEadw. prifl-a. jr«T rerritrd a »i*l*-«i»li«l n*sortinent ■»i Books and Stationery, CTut- lery, Yankee Notion*, and New Sheet Music. t’or sale at rnlurnl m r:iu.i: hit store, SACRAMENTO, Corner of J end Second Street», II the wli.r. .ai. I*. t' Un.l ft,.. .t ,l rtc (if HATS AND CAPS In lltf Plate. One t ,f ih».* Ann i»* now in N* w York, alnppmir llo«**l< hy every am-r. a*» that «•■ ,ir*- rnntiinially In rceeipt of ail II.« l.itr»t styles «if lints ami Cn|i*. We have Just r.*»*elet*«l an Immense stork of Hlnw, l.fflmrn Mini P.itKinia Hats, of every description, •which will I»**sold, wlm **sal** »>r retail, cheap forcush. Country Merrhanta will do well Ift jrlve us a vail, we have every kind nt Summer Hats Peruvian Mats got up to order, and renovated in the most approved manner. «ul «Am LA MOTT A COLLIN?. HUCKS & LAMBERT’S Cn.RMIATCDu Tatent Anti-Friction Axle-Orease, IK FOLD by all the principal store keepers In Cali- fornia and Oregon. This article effectually PREVENTS “FIRINGOF WHEELS It USEfFECTED hy extremes of Ileal and Cold, and being the ONLY RELIABLE COMPOSITION Ever manufactured for lubricating purposes. Is used by the Overland Alali Company. Beware of an Infe- rior article imported from the Fast. HUCKS A LAMBERT. Depot—lot, Jackson at.; Factory— Natoma si., [jyTff-Srols] Ban Francisco. J.B. PAINTER, (LATE O’MEARA * PAINTER,) Deftl.r to Type, Presses, Printing Material, P*RJ)B, «NO PWNTWB STOCK GENERALLY, W guy »t. r nw a*n»op|,. s«n Frano! SCO CAKFHENE, BUBHOft} FLUID, OIL, ALCOHOL, TOO.. Remind wwklj from tji, Orlfintl Pacino OH and Campitone Work*, Every P.okige Warranted lull Ucaturr, No, 8, OLD arcadi: restaurant. flkf rkiitltìod * co. Deliri* to Inforni Ihelr frfrnds, the public ni large, Ihnl they* have, ut considerable expense, entirely ren-f ovaied and remodeled Hie “OLD ARCADE,"' and are now prepared to furnish Meals in superior style, at all hours of the day or night. {FP EVERY DELICACY of the Reason may he had at all time*. Polite and gentlemanly attention may be relied upon. XWT" The lIAKFUV I- supplied, nt all limes, with a choice variety of BREAD. PIER. CAKE*, etc., which will he mo|i|, wholesale «r retail, ut lowest market rales. Hails, Parties, etc., furnished with Shippers, In su* perlor style, sf short nolle»». uul-3ni JJENUV rtVMo.Vd A CO., Proprietors. COME ONE ! COME ALL ! t*i ma OLD RATIONAL RESTAURANT. Flltl). COLLIN'S k CO PUOPRIKTOKS. lIAVINC IM'RCIIASKD 'ill.tl REHTTKIt iMk ..Id Hand. we would inform the nubile that we are at all limes r*Mdy to accoinmudate tt»or•• who may favor in with their patronage. O'tr old friend 4 and patrons nil! phase give us a rail. Ynil will And everything flu* market affords. Oyster Stews, that can’t bo Beat. 'oik Steak*. Million Chops, , Hot Mullins, and (tame of Porter Moure H»*ak«., Mam inn! E/g*. Mot Hi ail kinds. (Tr (• AME. CHICKEN \ND CHAMPAGNE PUP* PFKJ* HEIR KD rooRDFII W ••«.*»• pr» fiared to fumi-h suppers for Halls, Par* t ’*s. tit',, at the «I. rfe«| ii.ilii Houio open ut all Hour», Day and Night. (ho* door h«* iiw the Uau« Paluon. Yin in street. HIM), roi.ux*, fsiij pat. slavkn. i.uavctti: iiwii:i. AND RESTAURANT. (I'OKMKItI.Y «mio IIOTKI..) Uuin at root, opposite Well», Fargo & Co. ’■ Bxpi-rsa Offloo, Piocerville. Volli, di-sire, t" it form his friends, the riti- re».- t.f |*l l- .r\ i le. md the Irai "ling pnldir, th.it he ha« r.uii.il cl hi- lui». lie»*» to the “Ohio It'd. I*’ I. 'tildi i /, uhleh he 1,.1 - fitti dup in rXrel hot *tllf, and I- hoW pia pared to A>'<'it|iiinoi| itr them, m.t olii v ni»h the i Ih Mi KST M\N|H(IK TII K MVUK KT, I.Mt ..... with LODGING* ..f superi* r .piatiti. Ili» pn- i mil. as n< r. tofore, Im* Hit hi nth»* r* aeh ».| the nio.t < eoMunieal. rr\ liar.* of patr »» »•! « lied. sf'.Tin Tin: nuv iiAi sii:, Tl.r»*. St av Sii f»r-* .f Hot**!. Multi Rt . Phie»*rvllle, E* 11. CARY tn -1., i, 1 Hlod» 111 lot tK « I.eCury Hot.** -a a .th g js. and In» ni- in. -t .*i'j.i ov* ! •*> 1* « veiy depot Ilo» *. w .th' the eh est . marl **t tir r i e i * » ? y ii I II»* »<• and r,.... , ent th*- ntjPh*. PROPRIETOR. ".V.l* mid e..nr»M»lenees whleh :» hi. r nd* nd» I. lini. I- f.; e-. r lineisi. It ir lighted i'-.l n . » cry d p .1 Imeni in the If . i|>: v- t lo st r tieni tn '• lII* f d * «•« IV. «I ppl'e.l •V' iV ! t" he lid lit the «»• ‘I I '*Ve| V .lag.' I liirou'.h* si.* HOPE & NEPTUNE RESTAURANT. Cunninghntn A: Tucker, Proprietors. mi. rxi.KUsr.M »•* ;f. ave h. i. . i » r 1 iei and »h»* |. iM ,* tal»* i. fl.»* ;»•*.,. i ai od «fard, and .ire at nil lines !r< pared »o .'.in. -h i , i-kr. nt the shortest notice, G n\f: avi O/vi r Su; j «era. Meal* •!’ .1 ho.i l*oik. Il»*f*f, M ilton, Quails, .A . ilw.iv» "!■ hnt I \ -hun* of pitronngv 1- •ii. I Cl NMM.IUM k TUCKFK. YOUNG'S |H * It on •! .* •f. r.f |l i lligf••• 11. fri. l DIAMOND >1 Tlo* Ut,d»T«'gi.l ii i)* - US It , Tr »v* l i..* P.o i . .it.d I. l* I Ilia» :»•?■» J. »t . Mi.phtf.l I I.is 11 f. I, lir »’•* » % li *)M» I IMF ao.l is «1 leraiiue»!, ! r|r-p;ie t!.- rje - >.■ », v ••• “k»• a Motel" SeC- i *<i 1.. ...*»c i lio* r ».| III» Fur tun* and lied- I !.. .1* 1.. Vl' , J I' I. »! j I'.tv , hi- Table J u.J! a! all li.ue* h. mi. j.fte I*v ,th the rholcr *.f lit** 'I ••!»• * 1 it I lh«* e.iiufi»rt of lus g'le »ia [ fhalj ;«in . v » 1..- pritearr •• h r «iloti. N D r*ip haute t< p'nsfsrrd throughout, and the •!•■* p ■-*•.' t* ;«••• luge nud " 'I ventda’cd. Vo-ie , . ~»■ I) \M | It \|.L i||t'idled !.. the II -c Tr. «hi V. WTIIAN YIIUNM i \ M:f> ’..d tu their us»*. |»'a»e ..i.*. g*. 'lay S ' Nr. nll'lil HOTEL, t* old Wash •RlMijt. I mlol'tll the i«ie .11 fie i.dr.,4| ill d I'ft.'l.ed BIRD’S HOTEL, Fire-Proof RuiMing, Dia;uond Springs. fPltr Of *. : n *1 -a. tot!.» P.Mi. lhal he III» L irful- fui n li I.ls tahh af ii the h v»l the mar* k t f. f.t. Hi-h*d« »•*•.* ii v% .ii * and ro.tins eomfuit- al ?e and w. TT r tM •* d umiHil Till P!«».XKM| HT\*d (NiMPWV. Jv»Usi A. Mill» D a i 01.d.' i t t »»iil Jail. •V.h, lv',o. J inlds IV. Tl. lIOIAIII E, Avnninrw.ru iv FOREION AND DOMESTIC WINES, I. QUORB, ETC.. M AIN STUKKT. I'l. W'KUVII.I.K. rr Si >i I’VK KOOil.s, j}-; •f-’I CARV HOUSE BUILDING, [ilia NEW JEWELRY ESTABLISHMENT, (ifithr 1*1.» m, Piaceri ille. ». w. irrirv. j. j. n 11 in. si:km:v k n u»i:\ VONV OKrHII in the citimi» nf riaerri illr and iirlnlty the Hn»*»l and the larg. »t rliH*k of W \TrilK* and ( H Al.Ns. a|a„ K ISTKISN AM» ( VI IKtI.MV MU i; JRWELRV.rvrr hr. light iiil> the Vloiintuins. nhi.’h ne offer at prices to »uit the tino «, fr.rrarh. All artie’e# are guaranteed ns represented. Watr» es neitlv repaired and warranted. All knots o' .IKWKI.HV made to order, with neatness and dispatrh. ,•* \N... all kind- ..f Itl \MO\l> WORK, EX- (• It A\ IN*» and KN \ M 1.1.1 NC« done to order. We invite the putdi** to rail at.d %ee f r them ►«lies. »»! I I KY »V ( I II EX, l«n d i.rs almi the Tin ati r, on the I’JaM, in In .dm Platen ilie. HINTS TO THOSE WISHING TO rrRUUKK Fino Watches, ANI» JKW KMtV. REMEMBER- th-- finest .1» m in* and Watches :r * ri» ver IMMHITKI» ON ì-PECUI»\TIOX, or lo BFI.I. AT Al'f’TKiX. REMEMBER v one « ff. rmg Wiilehe* for sale »hm,J.l he A PRACTICAI. WaTCIIMAKKII MIMAKI,F : oth-uivise bolli buyer and seller are li- iilde to I.»* d. eriv» i| ns to the '.nality. REMEM HER Witiji . r .mid.* of Jewelry should I».* le. tight without h (II’AIIANTEE I’KO.M AN OLD K'TAiil.lellH) IDU SK, able and willing t.v fulfill thf ir eontruet. THEREFORE—.nr Wal.-hes and Jewelry are iiinde f«*r a regular ('UBTOM Tit ADE—as we have a thorough practical knowledge of the busi» ness, in nil Its branche*— aft we gimrmitee the ACCURATE TIME KEEPING of our Wntehen, and QUALITY of our JEWELRY, we lo pe for a contin- uance of the large trade we have enjoyed for over ten years In Fan Franebeo. BARRETT A SHERWOOD. THE NUMBER— I36 Montgomery 8t. t San Francisco. uuil-Km JEWELKV AT COST: GREAT BARGAINS ! THE UNDERSIGNED offer their entire Mock for •ale at COFT. consisting, In part, nf Splendid Oold and Silver Hunting-CMe Watches, Diamond Ringa, Ladies’ Beta, of every description ; California uold Bings, Silver Ware, *to. Oiir purpoi» U to off,;r to our uunicroni friend» rlicap bargain,, and, at th* tame time, teak» room for uiorr .lurk. CALL AND EXAMINE !—NO lII'MItCO ! CIIAB. J. ARVIDSfON k CO. Placorvillc, Sept. Mb. Htki. ,5 GRAND RAFFLE ! THE undersigned Intends to raffle his fino Dwkll- ixo llorsK, situated on Sacramento Street, In th City of PlacervlUo. The house Is 91 feet front, with alley 21 feet front, Iff feet rear ; the lot Is 109 feet deep. The house is one story and a-half high, with a fine portico. Warrantee title. The Raffle will take place at Sebastopol Hall, on Sunday, December 2d, 1800, Two hundred Chances, at |fi a chatoce. aW-tf AMANO iI ALFTERMEYPR. CHILDREN teething. MRS. WINSLOW, AN experienced Nurae «ad Trinale Phyilelxo, pre- will* In the attention of Mother, her SOOTHING SYRUP, ron cu/ldben teething. Which fremir facilitates llk process of teething, hy affienili* the gum*, reducing nil Inflammation—will allay all paim mid spaninoti ic action, and la Bure to BeguUte the Bowels. Depend upon It,mothers, It will give reat to yourselves, And Relief end Health to your Infants. We hare put up and «old fill* article for orer ten year*, and can sajr, In conjtdenre and truth of It, whf I we have never been able to say of any other medicine— Nrrrn n.iaiT fa ilei», ix a si.xglr iXHTAxrr, to errtrr a CVRR, when timely used. Never did wc know an Instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used It. On the contrary, all are delighted with Ita operation*, and apeak in terni* of higher! «ammenda* tion of its magical effect* and medicai virtue*. We speak In thl* matter WHAT WE IK) KNOW, after ten years’ experience, and pledge. our ripu- ta tlnn for the fulfill meni of what we here derbtre. In almost every in dance where the Infant It suffer- ing from pain and exhaustion. relief will he found In fifteen or twenty minute» after the syrup I* ad- ministered. This valuable preparai lon Is the prescrlpllon of one of the most EXPERIENCFIUnd HKILFUL NTH- -S*EH In New England, and bus been used, with never- failing Murre»», in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but Invig- orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will relieve almost Instantly Griping in the Dowel* and Wind Colio, And overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily rem- edied. end In death. We believe it the best mid Ararat Ukmtiiylm the WoHi.n. In all cases of DYSENTERY and DI AI: RI DEA ix CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething or from other cause. We would say to every mother who ha* a child suffering from anv of ili- foregoing complaints, I*» NOT LET YOUR PRE- JUDICE*, NOR THE PREJUDICE* OK OTHER*, -land between your snffciing child and the relief that will he *t I RE-y. s, ABSOLUTELY BURR-U» f dlow the n-<- of this medicine. If timely uaed. Full directions will accompany each bottle. None genuine nule*»* the fac simile of CURTI* * PERKIN*, New York, I* on the outside wrapper. Fold hy Druggists throughout the World. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. Id CEDAR *T.. NEW YORK. /•///( k, o.s l rsa Out» vm nnm.K. PARK A WHITE, Pole Agents ft r the Pacific Coast, n».Vly 1W Washington afreet, 9au Francisco, Cal. NE WBAUER, ixmargn am» nrum ix Choice Wines, Liquors, ClKam. Toltut-coH, etc., MAIN STREET, PLACERVTLLE. Constantly on hand, and for sale at lowest murket rates, A MRUE STOCK Of the above iu»'iition<-d linods emnpridug every va* r.eiy known to the Trad»*. My hi'llities are Niich as enable no to offer xrpKginß Inducements to all who desire to purchase. I am Fide Ag**nt in El Dorado County for Hunter’s Manzaneta Bitters ! Also, constantly on hand, cui r » it \ i a w i x i:s, Direelljr from the Vineyard# of Krrhlcr k Profiling, am' *an»>eVNiii, which natile* me to sell to mycus- tomers the pure ari ides at (he lowest market price. A general assort meni of FOREIGN WINES, Pn-rhased * f the Importer, warranted genuine, al- ls •v« on hniol a<>d for -ale hy tlie ra*k or ease, as Well M t/lSicr l.i'|Jolsof Hie beft qiialPic*. TO FAMILIES. Wine* mid Liipiois for the table t.r for medicinal purp »s* s, of (he purest quality, can always be had at my establishment, at a small advance on whole- sale prices. CIGARS ANÌO TOBACCO. I have now in store the large-.! and best a**m (men! •»f C'gars and Tonico» ever brought to this Ctry, wh'ch I am selling at pVlre* lli.it defy competition. * doon Ke. pers and others are Invited to call and examine for themndve*. D. NEWBAUER. PUcervlllc, July Fist, isti». iyil-Am t MEDICAL HALL, MAIN ST., PDACERVIDDB, MTUaiSURI» ma 7UK KIU Of TUB t PUREST DRUGS AND GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES, Where can be found Froah Garden Seeds, PerfUmory, Hops, Leeches, Alcohol, Quicksilver, Acids, Tost Tubes, Evaporating Diahes, Chemicals, And ev«*rythlng ♦*!.«• u*ually kept in a well-supplied Ding *iure, vrltiib will be sold at moderale price*. ROBERT WHITE. Whole-Halo and Retail Druggist, RoLEUT WHITE i* si Ir Proprietor of the following select preparation* : R- White’s Ague Drops, which never fall in curing Ague. Panama Fever, Neuralgia, etc ; R. White’s Nimrod Liniment, fur all pur po**e« where a LlnimeWt la required ; R. White's Antiseptic Quinine Dentifrice —fi.r cleaning the Teeth, arresting the progress of decay, and imparting an agreeable sweet nets to th" iircnth ; R. White’, Toothache Reliever, whlihal- way* relit re«, and sometime* cures. null ftm lU.HM4NX WAi'llH'ißAT, TRANK UK.XYKR WACHHORST A DENVER, »i»rnrTii«w Jt,o ntu.m i. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. No. SO J Street, Sacramento. Ék Hy arrangement* made by one of the Partners while in Europe, with the most celebrated Manufacturers and Dealers, we are In receipt, by each steamer, of THE FINEST WATCHES, UAI.K MV The Most Celebrated Manufacturers Of England. Prance and Geneva. Al««». of the Richest Pattern. Newest Ftylrs, anti most FASHIONABLE JEWELRY, From the celebrated Emporiums of the Atlantic Stales an«l Europe. A* we import directly from Manufacturers, wed*» not pay profits to second ami third dealers, and cotirtequcnily arc able to <*. II at less prices than any other dealers in Sacramento. Cull and examine, i* alt we ask. ALL KIND* OP JEWELRY Repaired and Manu- factured. DIAMOND SETTING, Enameling and Engraving done in the most elegant and workmanlike maimer, by skillful artisan*. Watches most Carefully Repaired AND WARRANTED. Particular attention paid to this branch of business. %*T WOSTKNHOLM’* celebrated Pocket Knivet always mi band. WACHIIOU*T 4 DENVER. Read’s Block, No. 59, J street, Sacramento, si2-*hn opposite D. O. Mills 4 Co’* Bank NEW STORE! ARRIVAL OF FBEBH GOODS ! AT WALKER & FLANAGAN’S WIInI.XSALX AMD «(TAIL Grocery and Liquor Store, ON THE PLAZA, (Next door to Crandall 4 Co.’a Bookstore,) Who offer better Inducement* to purchasers to buy Goods cheap In their Fiore than any other Store in Placcrville. We have an Agent In San Francisco purchasing Goods, and forwarding them at the lowest cash prices. The Public arc Invited to give them a call. CARSON VALLEY TRADERS Supplied with the best of articles, at lowest rates. Placcrvllle, March 31st, ÌS6O. o-S-Om A. BLOCH, noltult aud Retxll Dealer in STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. CARPETS, BTC., ETC., Brick nave, North Side of Math Street, Placerelllc JJp New Good, by every Steamer. ( ( Util FT* M4N CAN GET ALONG WITHOUT idear. Uitof. and •« cos a wigon wheel without HUCKB A LAMBERT'S Axle tirelle—bui It foes bird. JfSt* W. M. BRADSHAW A CO., Post Offlo* Building, PUoarriUa, Wliotr rale and Retail Healer, in BOOKS, STATIONERY. OUTUtBT. Yanks* Notions, Flaring Cards, Ci- gars, Tobaccos, Pipes, Oresn and Dried Fruits, Candies, Nuts, Ac. Albo, GENERAL SKITS AO ENTS II TOO WANT School Books nf reduced pri- ce», (0 to W. H DRAUPIIAW A CO.’S. Pont Office Building, PUcf rville. IF VoU WANT the («test Literary Publica- tions. st reduced prices, re to W. M. ISIIADSH AW k CO *?. Pott Office Building, PUcerrdle. IF YOU want Historical, Poetical, Mis- cellaneous or Oift Bookn. *i reduced priced, go to W. M DRADSitAW t CO.*?. Putt Office Building, Placerrlll*. IF YOU WANT Blank Books, Letter, Note or Pony Express Paper, at reduced prices, go tu W M. IIIfADJQUW A CO •?. Pott Office Building. PU<*ervllle. IF YOU WANT Oold or Steel Pens, at re- duced priced, to W M. BRADSHAW »% CO.*?, Poet Office Building, Hacervllle. F YOU WANT the Finest Pocket Cutlery, at retluccd price*, g* to W. M BRADSHAW ,t CO *? Pott Office Building, Plncerville. I I I I F YOU WANT anything for the Toilet, at re- duced priced,go to W M BKAD?H.\W A CO.*?, Pott Office Building, Placervllle. T F YOU WANT the finest brands of Havana Ci- L gars, ut reduced prices, go to W. M BRADSHAW A CO *?, Post Office Building, Plarerviilo. F YOU WANT any Pure Tobacco t*t reduced priced, go to W. M. BRADSHAW A CO S. Post Office Building, PlacvrviUe. FF YOU WANT the fluent Assorted Candies, L nl reduced price*, go to W. M. DR\PSHAW A CO ’?. Post Office Bui 'dii g, Placer ville. P YOU WANT the Choicest Fruits In mar- ket, at reduced priced, go fo W. M. BUAPSII AW A CO *!», o-l-Sin Post Office Budding, HlaeervUle. NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery, Provision andLiquor STORK, MAIN STREET. Opposte the Cary llou-c, PLACKRVILLF. THE UXDKRSIfINKD destre to inform the elu- semi of Placet ville and vicinity that they have just returned from the Bay City, with u carefully «elected assortment of Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, CROCKFRY. etc., etc., which they are pn p irrd to dispose of. wholedale or retail, nt lowest market rate* CARSON VALLEY TRADER? will And it to their Interna to riamine our Mock before purchasing, as wc aro satisfied we can offer them su|*erii*r induce- menti FORWARDING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS promptly attendili to. Mark Oomlt 11. A 1L.411. writ the B ) lisci r ville- W. L. P., fW Goods delivered In any part of the Cite free. wCOin HENRY A BYE. A. A. VAN YOORIIIES, WIIOLrtMLB AM* RKTAIL l*R tt.KM IX ALL 11X1*9 Of *A! SADDLES, HARNESS, Bridles, WMp«. Spur*, Leggina. . Brushed. Combs, Collars. ?ln-/ ,ehet. Horse Sheets and Blank I etd, etc. Togethir with a large and complete assortment of LEATHER* CALF-SKINS. SHOE FINDINGS, SHOEMAKERS* KITS, Leather Preservative, Ac., Ac., all of which U offered at ?acrsniento Priced. New Iron Fire-Proof Block, si .1 Main street. Maceri Rie. (!tm ItT DUS, » Family Grocer, OOIiOMA STREET. Two doors below the Dr vivaat \ Office, Placer ville. Every irti* lo required for Family «as. In the GROCERY AND PROVISION LINE, K i*t ci*n«tantlron band, and WARRANTED lobe .*» MTKKIOR QUALITY. A share of|mtdio palrvn- ag is solicited. f W tioodt dellrrrrd. n any part of the cl*y, free of charge. »a> Sui erry SAXTON and UNDERTAKER, JOHN ROY, *1 min: ix ass msu .au« or Furai tur», Matmses, Bedding, etc., W 2[ch hv keeps constantly on hand,or m.um'a.turvt to order, at short notice, ant on rea donni 4c terms. Upholstering Ncat’.y Executed. UT JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ai OOLOMA STREET. Next door to the Office of the Democrat, oK Ini Piacervi lie A. H. KEID’S LIVERY & FEED STABLE, In the rear of the Old Round Tent, MAIN STREET. PL ACERVILLE. THE Undersigned would respvetfully inforni the public that they can at all timet obtain at hU estab- t IhOuweelTlTie very best of drivuig team* and sad horded, at Die lowest rates. &T Hornet boarded by the dar, week, or month, on the most reasonable terms. A If. RFID. Placer ville. Sept. 86, I >6o.—if N* R PHILLIPS. Cushing A ffeldeii Fneath A A niobi L. T. CARR, CARR & PHILLIPS, I.SOBWARDIBO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS—STORAtiK-lVtd *Vllo»» Kirr- proof Building, Macerviile. California. IKM'R TU J 11. Caghili A Co,?. K.. J. 11. Carroll, Sacramento, C. Bradshaw A Co., do J. B. Davton, do Sullivan A Cushman do Win. Perkins, Kelson*. J. A M. Phelan do I*. A. Upson A Co » Mae‘lie, J. C. Horan A Co. do W. J. But we! I, do Stanford A Bros., Bac. W. M. D**n«*l*ue. do do T. Wilcox, Upper IMacelle. do Mark C vt P Particular attention paid to the shipment of goods, ores, Ac., from and to Washoe. jySSmS JAMES ORR, MK K CHANT TAII. t* It, Main Street, opposite the Post Office, PLAUEK VILLE, Hat Inst received a ehoice K»t of CASSI MERES and VESTINGS, of the latest slvlrs. which he it pit*pared to make up at short notice, and in the be«t manner. Alto, a h*t of AMOSKEAG DENIMS, of the heaviest quality, for O VEKA I.l>. Those who wear the article will find it to their advantage to purchase one pair and try them, and they will find them much the cheapestgoods they can wear Jy3l-3m NEW BOOK STORE, City Block, Mai* ttnel. TlaeerTUl» THOMAS C. NUGENT, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac. •14 Also, Fin* Ois*r* and Tobscco. s™ lTaTipsos &co„ Wholetale sad Rcl.ll Dealer, In GROCERIES, PROVISIONS. FLOUR, GRAIN. CROCKERY. Produo* and General Merchandise, •14-Sm Mala A, upimmUc the Theatre. Ptarereille. HOMESTEADS. THE UNDERSIGNED prepared to draw and take the sekamledfwenl» ,f Home. Irad Dee. laratloo*. under the NEW LAW, BF“ OHce—rtoot rooen. Mauataiu Democrat build to*. jel* E. H. HARMON. Natary Tuhle. HOMESTEADS. milt underlined Ik prepared I. draw and take X the ac know ted ra-atl of Uoaaeatead Deelara ttooa, aader the NEW LAW. CHAR. F. IRWIN-NotarePukhc. Diamond Sprinp, Jape I*. ItW. J*tS If SUMMONS. ST\Tf OF CALIFORNIA, County of H Dormito lu the Dialriri Court of the Mere nth Jodielul District. ANDRKW J. JONRfi, plaintiff; w. KLIZA J. T. JUNKS, (lefeoduol. Action brought I* the Dis- trict Court of Ihr Elvvmth Judicial District, mod (ho Complaint Alni In Hie County of Rl Dorado, lu the Office of (hr Clrrk of .«aid District Court» lo und fur •aid County and State. The People of th« Slate of California, to KLIZA J. T. JONKS. greeting : You are hereby required to ap- pear In an action brought against you by the ahoeo named plaintiff, in (he District Court ofthe Merrnth Judicial District, in and for the Ononty of B Dorado, and to answer the Complaint filed therein, within ten days. (cachisi ee of the day of serelcc.l after the ser- vice on you of this Summon*— If served within Ihle County , if served out of (his County, but within Ihle Judicial District, within twenty days; or, if earred out of said District, then within forty daya—:r judg- ment by delWull will be taken against you. The said action la brought to obtain a degree for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and Plaintiff, on the ground of desertion, etc., and If you foil to appear and answer the said Com plaint, as above required, the said Plaintiff will take Judgment against you for said decree and costs, ac- cording to the pmyer of said Compì Ini. Ity order of Hon. James Johnson, County Judge of said County. . . Witness my hand, and the seal of said •: 1.. * > Court hereto affixed, at Offre In the City of * Placer ville, this the Ist day of October, a. » l«fi». \VM. A. JANUARY, Clerk. J. J. Witu \w«. Attorney f«*r Plaintiff. off-ffro SUMMONS. STATE OF CAI I FORNI \. County of R Dorado, m In the District Court of the Uevcuth Judicial Dis- trict. C. n PATrntSON. Plaintiff. TS. KIRA CHASR, De- feniani —Action hr* nghl in the District Court of the Kicvcnlh Jihliciai Distiict, and the Complaint filed lu the County of Kl Dorado, in the offloe of the C erk of the ««id District Court, In and for amid Coun- ty and Slate. The Pende of the Slate of California, to KIRA Cll ASK. greeting : You are hereby required to ap- pear in an action bronchi against you hv the above named plaint.if, in the District Court of the Klevcnlh Judicial Di'ti:et. in and for the Counts of Kl Dorado and to answer the complaint filed therein (a copy of which accompanies this Summons,)within ten days (exclusive of 'he day of service) after the service on yon of th s Summons—if served within this County; \ f served out « f this County, but within this Judicial District, within twenty days, or If served out of said District, then within forty days, or Judgment by de- fault will be taken against you. The said action is brought to recover judgment for Hie sum of four hundred and ten dollars, for profes- sional service « rendere d by plaintiff as an attorney and conns, lor at law, at defendant's special Insta nee and rx quest, and cost- of Milt, as prayed for in plain- tiff*' con.plait l. on file herein. And If you fail to appear ai.cl nn*wvr the said complaint, as above n.pure d. the < t;d plaintiff will take Judgment against you for «aid sum and citata, according to the prayer of said Complaint. . Witness my hand, and the seal of said skvL I Court hereto "(fixed, at Offer In Placer- -1 ville, this the l>lh day of July, Anno Dom- ini one thousand eight hundred and sixty. W.M. A. JANUARY, Clerk. Dy Or.nxx ffqrtai*. Deputy Clerk. S. W. sAM»xa*oN, Attorney lor Plaintiff, jytt-fim SUMMONS. STATK Of CALIFORNIA' County of Kl Tto- rado—Justice** Court, Diamond Springs Town- ship.—The IVonle of the Slate of California, to LOUIS I..\XZLMH>RF, greeting* You are hercbv 'ummoned to appear before me, at my office in Diamond Springs Township, of the Count) of FI Dorado, on Hip llth day of Decem- ber. A, D. IMO, at 10 o'clock, A. M., to answer unto the complaint of I/mis Lepetit» now on file in mv office, wherein is set forth that you are in- debted to him in the sum of ff fly one <5-100 dol hers, leinc a balance due him fhmi you upon ae- r.'iint and for Uxard had ftom him by son—when Judgment Will be taken against you for the aaid amount, together with costs and damages, if you fail to appear and answer. To the Sheriff or any (Unstable of said County—- greeting : Make legal service and due return hereof. (ìitru under my hand this 10th day of September, A. D, IAOO. (H AS F. 1U WIN. Justice of the Peace l.tJm in aad for Skid Township. PROBATE NOTICE. VI.T prreons interriteli In the Estate of Peter Uahhc, deceased, see hereby notified to appear before the (Inn. l‘rubate Court of Kl Dorado Coun- ty, t'alifunua,on Monday the fifid day of October, v. n. I SB. a! Iff o\ lock a. m.. to show cause, if any they can, why the Petition a* fl. Meredith, Pub- In* Admfniatrator and Admiaislralor of said Es- tate. ; waving for an order to sell the Real Property belonging thereto, shall not be granted. By order of the Court. ~— « Witness my hand and the seal of the I . I said Court, affixed at office in the City of ) u ** | riacewillc, this Iffth day of September, a. n. IftfiO. WM. A. JANUARY' Scpl9-laatd Clerk. NOTICE TO GBEDITOM. A LI. FKRSONS having demands Kotab* ;V of LOUIS FLINT, deceased,arc hereby notified to present the .«ame, with the necessary vouchers, to the undcrvgned. Public Administrator, And Admin- istrator of «aid estate, at his offe* In the Town of Fl Dorado, Kl Dorado County, California, within ten months fiom this date hereof, or the same win be fi»r«ver haired br law. Oil. MKRRDITII. Public Administrator, od Du and Administrator of oaid Estate. APPLICATION POR PARDON, rivi S. \V. SAXDKRSON, District Attorney, .1 at I ami JAMES JOHNSON.County Judge : Take Notice, that, on the Irth day of November, DtW, an epplieationsaftUbe made to Ills Excellency, John (J. Downey, Governor of the State of Califor- nia. fi»r the pardon of JOHN DANIELS, ennriet- cd of the crime of burglary, at the Special October Term of the Court of Sessions of Kl Dorado County, I «del, 8. h. WALLACE. On behalf of John Daniels. 1 ark new leder service upon me of the above no- tice this 12th dnv of October, a. P, IMO. oIS .<l, iim »•! xn innrr. «I. V, low. .lA\i ES JOHNSON, County Judge. S. TV. SANDERSON, DUt. Attorney. EX RECENT ARRIVALS. SO bales wsorted Daok, 9-0 « 10. IO bale, light wad huvy Bear Duck. 10 bale» Flannel*, aaaorted. 13 oases Canton Flannel», brown A bleached. U oaa.a Kentucky Jatsa IS case» Cottonadea. 83 cam 8x8.4x« Mid 4xB Apron Check*. 30 eases bleached and brown Sheetings. 10 case* bleached Shirting*, all width*. 80 out» favorite brands Prints. 90 cases Denims. 75 cases Ticking». 00 bales Blue, Bed and Orar Blankets. Also, a filli assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Compri»! n. Linen Table Damasks, bleach’d A brown Super Cloth Table Govern, Pillow Case Linens, Linen Sheetings, quanti Quilts—10-4, 11-4, 18-4—assorted qn Toweling. Napkins. Diaper. Doyles, Whtte Family Blankets, Embossed Velvet Table A Piano Covers, Bleached Sheetings, extra fine. Aljtti. VIA TUR ISTHMUS, » fun line Hosier?, Gloves, IVlsiv.es. Organdies. lawns, Rnhes, Jaconets. French Mealin', Cambrics, Irlth Linens, etc., and a general assortment of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, S>ii«-.t 1,, the present Trade. Also, ex RECENT ARlilVtljt. Velivi Medallnn Carpels, Rrnssels ami Ilree Wy Carpets, Ingrains, Hemps, English and American Pmggets, TaMs 0«l Cloths. Oreen H*ia,s. Window shs.li », Hollands, Bracateti» and Parnasi. s, Pa|>er Hangings and Borderà. Aoascr or Jewett's Celebrated Oil Cloths—A4 to »4-«. Involerà very low priced FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, Now landing, and for sale at lowest rates hy FRANK BAKER, lid and 118 Clay at., aad IST Merchant at, oIS-lm Ban Francisco. GREAT INDUCEMENTS) Are now offered by L. A. EPSON * CO., (SUCCESSORS TO CHABLIS W. BARNES) TUKV propose to Mil Goods at greatly reduced rates. tor cash, to all who wish to purchase. They hare on hand the largest and heat selected stork of GROCERIES AND LIQUOR* In the country, which they are aelllng LOWER than any other Bren. They also FORWARD GOODS 1 With greatest punctuality, and at the lowest rates. |W Call and price the Good», and examine the Stork before purchasing elsewhere. L. A. UPSON A 00., slide On the Plasn, opposite the Tlsoeler. NASH A ifoBRIAN, GREIHOIIND SALOON, MAIN STREET, PLACKRVILLt, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, OH* EtT. «ULta

ife J&«mi Wccklt? pmmtahv gmflept. - Chronicling America · 2019. 3. 15. · ife J&«mi-Wccklt? pmmtahv gmflept.NEWSERIES—»iSI»MiV.I PLACERVILLE,ELDORADOCO.,WEDNESDAY,OCTOBER

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  • ife J&«mi - Wccklt? pmmtahv gmflept.NEW SERIES—»iSI»M iV.I PLACERVILLE, EL DORADO CO., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1860. !WHOLE No. 352.

    Tki V« Block, PUci-rt ill#*.Will practice |.a« ni 11.#* ( urta #»f Kl I’ ra nndadpiinnf Counties —in th ■ «tipreme Court, and t *•.■ », v ••• “k»• )» a Motel" SeC-

    i ■ *i I’VK KOOil.s, j}-;

    •f-’I CARV HOUSE BUILDING, [ilia

    NEW JEWELRYESTABLISHMENT,(ifithr 1*1.» m, Piaceri ille.

    ». w. irrirv. j. j. n 11 in.si:km:v k n u»i:\

    VONV OKrHII in the citimi» nf riaerri illr and• - iirlnlty the Hn»*»l and the larg. »t rliH*k of

    W \TrilK* and ( H Al.Ns. a|a„ K ISTKISN AM»( VI IKtI.MV MU i; JRWELRV.rvrrhr. light iiil> the Vloiintuins. nhi.’h ne offer atprices to »uit the tino «, fr.rrarh.

    All artie’e# are guaranteed ns represented.Watr» es neitlv repaired and warranted.All knots o' .IKWKI.HV made to order,

    with neatness and dispatrh.,•* \N... all kind- ..f Itl \MO\l> WORK, EX-

    (• ItA\ IN*» and KN \ M 1.1.1 NC« done to order.We invite the putdi** to rail at.d %ee f r them

    ►«lies. »»! I I KY »V ( I I I EX,l«n d i.rs almi the Tin ati r, on the I’JaM,

    in In .dm Platen ilie.HINTS TO THOSE WISHING

    TO rrRUUKK

    Fino Watches,ANI» JKW KMtV.

    REMEMBER- th-- finest .1» m in* and Watches:r * ri» ver IMMHITKI» ON ì-PECUI»\TIOX, or loBFI.I. AT Al'f’TKiX.

    REMEMBER v one « ff. rmg Wiilehe* forsale »hm,J.l he A PRACTICAI. WaTCIIMAKKIIMIMAKI,F : oth-uivise bolli buyer and seller are li-iilde to I.»* d. eriv» i| ns to the '.nality.

    REMEM HER—N« Witiji . r .mid.* of Jewelryshould I».* le.tight without h (II’AIIANTEE I’KO.MAN OLD K'TAiil.lellH) IDU SK, able and willingt.v fulfill thf ir eontruet.

    THEREFORE—a« .nr Wal.-hes and Jewelryare iiinde f«*r a regular ('UBTOM TitADE— as wehave a thorough practical knowledge of the busi»ness, in nil Its branche*— aft we gimrmitee theACCURATE TIME KEEPING of our Wntehen, andQUALITY of our JEWELRY, we lo pe for a contin-uanceof the large trade we have enjoyed for overten years In Fan Franebeo.


    8t. t San Francisco. uuil-Km


    THE UNDERSIGNED offer their entire Mock for•ale at COFT. consisting, In part, nfSplendid Oold and Silver Hunting-CMe

    Watches, Diamond Ringa, Ladies’Beta, of every description ;

    California uold Bings,Silver Ware, *to.

    Oiir purpoi» U to off,;r to our uunicroni friend»rlicap bargain,, and, at th* tame time, teak» roomfor uiorr .lurk.


    Placorvillc, Sept. Mb. Htki. ,5*

    GRAND RAFFLE !THE undersigned Intends to raffle his fino Dwkll-ixo llorsK, situated on Sacramento Street, InthCity of PlacervlUo. The house Is 91 feet front, withalley 21 feet front, Iff feet rear ; the lot Is 109 feetdeep. The house is one story and a-half high, witha fine portico. Warrantee title. The Raffle will takeplace at Sebastopol Hall, on

    Sunday, December 2d, 1800,Two hundred Chances, at |fi a chatoce.aW-tf AMANO iIALFTERMEYPR.


    AN experienced Nurae«ad Trinale Phyilelxo, pre-will* In the attention of Mother, herSOOTHING SYRUP,

    ron cu/ldben teething.Which fremir facilitates llk process of teething, hyaffienili* the gum*, reducing nil Inflammation—willallay all paim mid spaninoti ic action, and la

    Bure to BeguUte the Bowels.Depend upon It,mothers, It will give reat to yourselves,And Relief end Health to your Infants.

    We hare put up and «old fill* article for orer tenyear*,and can sajr, In conjtdenre and truth of It,whf I we have never been able to say of any othermedicine— Nrrrn n.iaiT fa ilei», ix a si.xglr iXHTAxrr,to errtrr a CVRR, when timely used. Never did wcknow an Instance of dissatisfaction byany one whoused It. On the contrary, all are delighted with Itaoperation*, and apeak in terni* of higher!«ammenda*tion of its magical effect* and medicai virtue*.

    We speak In thl* matter WHAT WE IK) KNOW,after ten years’ experience, and pledge. our ripu-tatlnn for thefulfill meniof what we here derbtre.In almost every in dance where the Infant It suffer-ing from pain and exhaustion. relief will he foundIn fifteen or twenty minute» after the syrup I* ad-ministered.

    This valuable preparai lon Is the prescrlpllon ofone of the most EXPERIENCFIUnd HKILFUL NTH--S*EH In New England, and bus been used, with never-failingMurre»», in

    THOUSANDS OF CASES.It not only relieves the child from pain, but Invig-

    orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, andgives tone and energy to the whole system. It willrelieve almost InstantlyGriping in the Dowel* and Wind Colio,

    And overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily rem-edied. end In death. We believe it the best midAraratUkmtiiylm the WoHi.n. In all cases of DYSENTERYand DI AI: RIDEA ix CHILDREN, whether it arisesfrom teething or from other cause. We would say toevery mother who ha* a child suffering from anv ofili- foregoing complaints, I*»NOT LET YOUR PRE-JUDICE*, NOR THE PREJUDICE* OK OTHER*,-land between your snffciing child and the reliefthat will he *t I RE-y. s, ABSOLUTELY BURR-U»f dlow the n-6o.—if


    Cushing A ffeldeiiFneath A A niobi

    L. T. CARR,

    CARR & PHILLIPS,I.SOBWARDIBO AND COMMISSION’ MERCHANTS—STORAtiK-lVtd *Vllo»» Kirr-proof Building, Macerviile. California.

    IKM'R TUJ 11. CaghiliA Co,?. K.. J. 11. Carroll, Sacramento,C. Bradshaw A Co., do J. B. Davton,


    doSullivan A Cushman do Win. Perkins, Kelson*.J. A M. Phelan do I*. A. Upson A Co » Mae‘lie,J. C. Horan A Co. do W. J. But we! I, doStanford A Bros., Bac. W. M. D**n«*l*ue. do

    do T. Wilcox, Upper IMacelle._ do Mark C vt PParticular attention paid to the shipment of

    goods, ores, Ac., from and to Washoe. jySSmS


    Main Street, opposite the Post Office,PLAUEK VILLE,

    Hat Inst received a ehoice K»t of CASSIMERESand VESTINGS, of the latest slvlrs. which he itpit*pared to make up at short notice, and in the be«tmanner. Alto, a h*t of AMOSKEAG DENIMS,of the heaviest quality, for O VEKA I.l>. Thosewhowear the article will find it to their advantageto purchase one pair and try them, and they willfind them much the cheapestgoods they can wear


    NEW BOOK STORE,City Block, Mai* ttnel. TlaeerTUl»


    BOOKS, STATIONERY, Ac.•14 Also, Fin* Ois*r* and Tobscco. s™

    lTaTipsos &co„Wholetale sad Rcl.ll Dealer, In


    Produo* and General Merchandise,

    •14-SmMala A, upimmUc the Theatre.

    ■ Ptarereille.

    HOMESTEADS.THE UNDERSIGNED !» prepared to draw andtake the sekamledfwenl» ,f Home. Irad Dee.laratloo*. under the NEW LAW,

    BF“ OHce—rtoot rooen. Mauataiu Democratbuild to*.jel* E. H. HARMON. Natary Tuhle.

    HOMESTEADS.milt underlined Ik prepared I. draw and takeX theac know tedra-atl of Uoaaeatead Deelarattooa, aader the NEW LAW.

    CHAR. F. IRWIN-NotarePukhc.Diamond Sprinp, Jape I*. ItW. J*tS If


    ST\Tf OF CALIFORNIA,County of H Dormitolu the Dialriri Court of the Mere nth JodielulDistrict. ANDRKW J. JONRfi, plaintiff; w. KLIZAJ. T. JUNKS, (lefeoduol. Action brought I* the Dis-trict Court of Ihr Elvvmth Judicial District, mod (hoComplaint Alni In Hie County of Rl Dorado, lu theOffice of (hr Clrrk of .«aid District Court» lo und fur•aid County and State.

    The People of th« Slate of California, to KLIZA J.T. JONKS.greeting : You are herebyrequired to ap-pear In an action brought against you by the ahoeonamed plaintiff, in (he District Court ofthe MerrnthJudicial District, in and for the Ononty of B Dorado,and to answer the Complaint filed therein, within tendays. (cachisi ee of the day of serelcc.lafter the ser-vice on you of this Summon*—If served within IhleCounty , if served out of (his County, but within IhleJudicial District, within twenty days; or, if earredout of said District, then within forty daya—:r judg-ment by delWull will be taken against you. The saidaction la brought to obtain a degree for a divorcefrom the bonds of matrimony now existing betweenyou and Plaintiff, on the ground of desertion, etc.,and If you foil to appear and answer the said Complaint, as above required, the said Plaintiff will takeJudgment against you for said decree and costs, ac-cording to the pmyer of said Compì Ini.

    Ity order of Hon. James Johnson, County Judge ofsaid County.. . Witness my hand, and the seal of said

    •: 1.. * > Court hereto affixed, at Offre In the City of• * Placer ville, this the Ist day of October, a.»

    l«fi». \VM. A. JANUARY, Clerk.J. J.Witu \w«. Attorney f«*r Plaintiff. off-ffro


    STATE OF CAI IFORNI \. County ofR Dorado, mIn theDistrict Courtof the Uevcuth Judicial Dis-trict.

    C. n PATrntSON. Plaintiff. TS.KIRA CHASR, De-feniani —Action hr* nghl in the District Court of theKicvcnlh Jihliciai Distiict, and the Complaint filedlu the County of Kl Dorado, in the offloe of theC erk of the ««id District Court, In and for amid Coun-ty and Slate.

    The Pende of the Slate of California, to KIRACllASK. greeting : You are hereby required to ap-pear in an action bronchi against you hv the abovenamed plaint.if, in the District Court of the KlevcnlhJudicial Di'ti:et. in and for the Counts of Kl Doradoand to answer the complaint filed therein (a copyof which accompanies this Summons,)within ten days(exclusive of 'he day of service) after the service onyon of th s Summons—ifserved within this County;\f served out « f this County,but within this JudicialDistrict, within twenty days, or If served out ofsaidDistrict, then within forty days, or Judgment by de-fault will be taken against you.

    The said action is brought to recover judgment forHie sum of four hundred and ten dollars, for profes-sional service « rendere d by plaintiff as an attorneyand conns, lor at law, at defendant'sspecial Instaneeand rx quest, and cost- of Milt, as prayed for in plain-tiff*' con.plait l. on file herein. And If you fail toappear ai.cl nn*wvr the said complaint, as aboven.pure d. the