If Clauses

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Page 1: If Clauses


Page 2: If Clauses


Page 3: If Clauses


Simple PresentSimple Present

Present ProgressivePresent Progressive

Present PerfectPresent Perfect


Simple PresentSimple Present

Will + Verb Will + Verb

Going to + VerbGoing to + Verb

Will be + V- ingWill be + V- ing

Will have + VerbWill have + Verb



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TYPE 1:True in the present or TYPE 1:True in the present or futurefuture

İçimde bulunduğumuz anda ya da gelecekte, İçimde bulunduğumuz anda ya da gelecekte, belli bir koşul yerine geldiğinde olabilecek belli bir koşul yerine geldiğinde olabilecek olayları olayları type 1- if clause type 1- if clause ile ifade ederiz.ile ifade ederiz.

If it If it doesn’t doesn’t rainrain tomorrow, we tomorrow, we willwill go on a go on a picnic.picnic.

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““If” in bağlı bulunduğu cümledeki eylem If” in bağlı bulunduğu cümledeki eylem gelecek zamana ait olduğunda da,gelecek zamana ait olduğunda da, Future Future Tense Tense yerine yerine Simple Present Simple Present kullanılır.kullanılır.

Perhaps she Perhaps she will will come tomorrow. Then we come tomorrow. Then we will will study together.study together.

If sheIf she comes comes tomorrow, we tomorrow, we will studywill study together.together.

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1. Temel cümlede kullanabileceğimiz 1. Temel cümlede kullanabileceğimiz yapılaryapılar ““Will”in varyasyonları (will be doing, will Will”in varyasyonları (will be doing, will

have done, will have been doing)have done, will have been doing)

She applied to a computer firm last week, and She applied to a computer firm last week, and she may get the job. If she is hired, she she may get the job. If she is hired, she will be will be working working therethere

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May / Might / Could (Possibility)May / Might / Could (Possibility)

If the weather continues like this, we If the weather continues like this, we may/might/could cancelmay/might/could cancel the garden party at the garden party at the weekend.the weekend.

( Perhaps we will cancel the party.)( Perhaps we will cancel the party.)

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May (permission) and can (permission or May (permission) and can (permission or ability)ability)

If you finish the test earlier than expected, you If you finish the test earlier than expected, you may/can leavemay/can leave the classroom. (permission) the classroom. (permission)

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Must, have to, have got to, (necessity); should, Must, have to, have got to, (necessity); should, ought to, had better (advisability) and any ought to, had better (advisability) and any expression of command, request, suggestion or expression of command, request, suggestion or adviceadvice


If you don’t want to be late for the beginning If you don’t want to be late for the beginning of the film,you of the film,you have to/must/have gothave to/must/have got to to leaveleave at once. at once.

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Temel cümlede Temel cümlede simple presentsimple present kullanımı çok kullanımı çok yaygın değildir. Ancak alışkanlıklarımızdan yaygın değildir. Ancak alışkanlıklarımızdan belli bir koşul yerine geldiğinde genelde belli bir koşul yerine geldiğinde genelde yaptığımız eylemlerden ve doğa olaylarından yaptığımız eylemlerden ve doğa olaylarından söz ediyorsak , temel cümlede söz ediyorsak , temel cümlede simple presentsimple present kullanabiliriz.kullanabiliriz.

If you If you boil boil water, it water, it evaporates.evaporates. (“will (“will evaporate”de kullanılabilir.)evaporate”de kullanılabilir.)

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2. “IF” li cümlede kullanabileceğimiz 2. “IF” li cümlede kullanabileceğimiz yapılaryapılar

Can (permission or ability)Can (permission or ability)

If you If you can passcan pass the university exam, you will the university exam, you will be one of the lucky ones. (ability)be one of the lucky ones. (ability)

Have to (necessity)Have to (necessity)

She has an exam tomorrow, so she may have She has an exam tomorrow, so she may have to prepare for it tonight.to prepare for it tonight.

If she If she has tohas to studystudy tonight, she won’t be able tonight, she won’t be able to come to the cinema with usto come to the cinema with us

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Eğer konuşma sırasında devam etmekte olan Eğer konuşma sırasında devam etmekte olan bir eylemi ifade ediyorsak.”if” clause’da bir eylemi ifade ediyorsak.”if” clause’da Present Continuous Tense kullanabiliriz.Present Continuous Tense kullanabiliriz.

If you If you are lookingare looking for your slippers, they are for your slippers, they are under the cupboard.under the cupboard.

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““If” li cümlede Present Perfect Tense’i, “Eğer If” li cümlede Present Perfect Tense’i, “Eğer işini bitirdiysen, tamamladıysan” gibi anlamlar işini bitirdiysen, tamamladıysan” gibi anlamlar vermek için kullanabiliriz.vermek için kullanabiliriz.

If you If you have finishedhave finished reading that book, may l reading that book, may l borrow it for a while?borrow it for a while?

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“ “If”li cümlede “should” kullanmamız, If”li cümlede “should” kullanmamız, olasılığın biraz daha az olduğunu vurgular.olasılığın biraz daha az olduğunu vurgular.

If you need any help, l can help you.If you need any help, l can help you.

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Simple PastSimple Past

Past ProgressivePast Progressive

Were to + VerbWere to + Verb

Could / Had to / ShouldCould / Had to / Should

Would + VerbWould + Verb

Would be + Verb-ingWould be + Verb-ing

Would be able to + VerbWould be able to + Verb

Would have to + VerbWould have to + Verb

Could / Might + VerbCould / Might + Verb

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TYPE 2: Untrue (Contrary to Fact) TYPE 2: Untrue (Contrary to Fact) in the Present or Futurein the Present or Future Type 2-if clause, içinde bulunduğumuz anda Type 2-if clause, içinde bulunduğumuz anda

ya da gelecekte olacak bir olayın tersini ya da gelecekte olacak bir olayın tersini düşünüp koşul ileri sürmek ve bu hayali düşünüp koşul ileri sürmek ve bu hayali koşulun sonucunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.koşulun sonucunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.

Truth: l Truth: l don’t don’t have enough money now, so l have enough money now, so l can’tcan’t lend you any to buy that shirt.(present) lend you any to buy that shirt.(present)

Conditional:If lConditional:If l had had enough money now, l enough money now, l wouldwould lend you some money to buy that shirt. lend you some money to buy that shirt.

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1. Temel cümlede kullanabileceğimiz 1. Temel cümlede kullanabileceğimiz yapılar yapılar Would and Would be doing:Would and Would be doing:

l’ m not rich, so l can’t travel around the l’ m not rich, so l can’t travel around the worldworld

If l If l werewere rich, l rich, l wouldwould travel around the travel around the world.world.

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Could, would be able to, might and would Could, would be able to, might and would have tohave to

l don’t know any French , so l can’t help you l don’t know any French , so l can’t help you with your French assingment now.with your French assingment now.

If l If l knewknew some French, l some French, l could could help you with help you with your French assingment now.(meaning: your French assingment now.(meaning: present)present)

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2.”If”li cümlede kullanabileceğimiz 2.”If”li cümlede kullanabileceğimiz yapılaryapılar Past form of “be” (was /were)Past form of “be” (was /were)

If it If it weren’tweren’t wet now, we wet now, we could could go out for a go out for a walk.(meaning: present)walk.(meaning: present)

If they If they weren’tweren’t out of town next week, we out of town next week, we could /wouldcould /would visit them visit them

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Anlam present ya da future olduğunda, if Anlam present ya da future olduğunda, if clause da Past Tense kullanılır.clause da Past Tense kullanılır.

They won’t come to our party tomorrow,and l They won’t come to our party tomorrow,and l am disappointed.am disappointed.

If they If they camecame to our party tomorrow, l to our party tomorrow, l would would be happy. (meaning: future)be happy. (meaning: future)

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Eğer devam etmekte olan bir eylemin Eğer devam etmekte olan bir eylemin (am/is/are doing) tersini düşünerek koşul (am/is/are doing) tersini düşünerek koşul cümlesi oluşturuyorsak if clause’da “was/were cümlesi oluşturuyorsak if clause’da “was/were doing” kullanabiliriz.doing” kullanabiliriz.

I I am studyingam studying now, so I now, so I can’t can’t help you.help you.

If I If I weren’t studyingweren’t studying now, I now, I could could help you.help you.

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Could and had toCould and had to

I I can’tcan’t leave work early today, so I leave work early today, so I can’t can’t meet meet you to go to the cinema.you to go to the cinema.

If I If I couldcould leave work early today, we leave work early today, we could could go go to the cinema together.to the cinema together.

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Type 2-If clause’ da “should” kullanmak, aynı Type 2-If clause’ da “should” kullanmak, aynı type 1’de olduğu gibi, olasılığın daha az type 1’de olduğu gibi, olasılığın daha az olduğunu vurgular.olduğunu vurgular.

If I If I should should see him tomorrow, I see him tomorrow, I wouldwould give give him your message.him your message.

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Past PerfectPast Perfect

Past Perfect ProgressivePast Perfect Progressive

Had had to + VerbHad had to + Verb

Had been able to + VerbHad been able to + Verb

Would have + VerbWould have + Verb

Could have + VerbCould have + Verb

Might + VerbMight + Verb

Would have been + V-ingWould have been + V-ing

Would have been able to+VWould have been able to+V

Would have had to+ VerbWould have had to+ Verb

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TYPE 3: Untrue (contrary to fact) In TYPE 3: Untrue (contrary to fact) In The PastThe Past

Type 3-if clauses,Type 3-if clauses, geçmişte olmuş olayların geçmişte olmuş olayların tersini düşünüp, bir koşul ileri sürmek ve bu tersini düşünüp, bir koşul ileri sürmek ve bu koşulun sonucunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.koşulun sonucunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.

Truth:She Truth:She didn’t studydidn’t study hard enough, so she hard enough, so she didn’t passdidn’t pass the test. the test.

Conditional: If she Conditional: If she had studiedhad studied hard enough, hard enough, she she would have passedwould have passed the test. the test.

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1.Temel Cümlede 1.Temel Cümlede Kullanabileceğimiz yapılarKullanabileceğimiz yapılar

Would have done and would have been doingWould have done and would have been doing

She didn’t work regularly, so she didn’t finish She didn’t work regularly, so she didn’t finish the project in time.the project in time.

If she If she had workedhad worked regularly, she regularly, she would have would have finishedfinished the project in time the project in time

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Would have had to and would have been able Would have had to and would have been able toto

I ran to the bus stop, so I was able to catch the I ran to the bus stop, so I was able to catch the bus.bus.

If I If I hadn’t runhadn’t run to the bus stop, I to the bus stop, I wouldn’twouldn’t have been able to catchhave been able to catch the bus. the bus.

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Might have done (possibility) and could have Might have done (possibility) and could have done (permission and ability)done (permission and ability)

He had the necessary qualifications, so he got He had the necessary qualifications, so he got the job.the job.

If he If he hadn’t hadhadn’t had the necessary qualifications, the necessary qualifications, he he mightmight not got the job. not got the job.

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2.”If” li Cümlede Kullanabileceğimiz 2.”If” li Cümlede Kullanabileceğimiz YapılarYapılar

Past Perfect TensePast Perfect Tense

There weren’t enough people, so we had to There weren’t enough people, so we had to cancel the meeting.cancel the meeting.

If there If there had beenhad been enough people, we enough people, we would would havehave held the meeting. held the meeting.

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Past Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous

She was sleeping when I got home, so I She was sleeping when I got home, so I couldn’t give her the good news right away.couldn’t give her the good news right away.

If she If she hadn’t been sleepinghadn’t been sleeping when I got home, when I got home, I I could have givencould have given her the good news right her the good news right away.away.

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Had had to and had been able toHad had to and had been able to

I had to work on my project last night, so I I had to work on my project last night, so I missed my favourite programme on TV.missed my favourite programme on TV.

If I If I hadn’t had tohadn’t had to work on my project last work on my project last night, I night, I could have watchedcould have watched my favourite my favourite programme on TV.programme on TV.

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Past PerfectPast Perfect

Past Perfect progressivePast Perfect progressive

Had had to+VerbHad had to+Verb

Had been able to +VerbHad been able to +Verb

Would +VerbWould +Verb

Would be +VerbWould be +Verb

Would be able to+VerbWould be able to+Verb



Simple Past Simple Past

Past ProgressivePast Progressive

Could/had to/shouldCould/had to/should

Would/could/might have+VWould/could/might have+V

Would have been+ V-ingWould have been+ V-ing

Would have been able to +VWould have been able to +V

Would have had to+VWould have had to+V

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““Mixed Type” if clause, temel cümledeki tense Mixed Type” if clause, temel cümledeki tense ile koşul cümlesindeki tense’in farklı type’lara ile koşul cümlesindeki tense’in farklı type’lara ait olduğunu ifade eder. Örneğin, koşul ait olduğunu ifade eder. Örneğin, koşul cümlesinde type 3 kullanılırken, temel cümlesinde type 3 kullanılırken, temel cümlede type 2 kullanabiliriz. Ya da tersi. cümlede type 2 kullanabiliriz. Ya da tersi. Ancak burada, eylem if clause dışında gerçek Ancak burada, eylem if clause dışında gerçek tense’lerinin ne olduğuna çok dikkat etmeliyiz.tense’lerinin ne olduğuna çok dikkat etmeliyiz.

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If I If I hadn’t spenthadn’t spent all my money foolishly, I all my money foolishly, I wouldn’twouldn’t be broke now. be broke now.

If heIf he weren’t weren’t a rude man, he a rude man, he wouldn’t have wouldn’t have rebukedrebuked his wife in front of others. his wife in front of others.

If he If he had studiedhad studied hard enough for the test, he hard enough for the test, he wouldn’twouldn’t be sorry about his score now. be sorry about his score now.

If we If we hadn’t missedhadn’t missed the bus because of you, the bus because of you, we we wouldn’t wouldn’t be waiting here in the rain now.be waiting here in the rain now.

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Unless olumsuz bir anlama sahip olduğu için Unless olumsuz bir anlama sahip olduğu için bağlı bulunduğu cümle genellikle olumlu bağlı bulunduğu cümle genellikle olumlu yapıdadır. Bu nedenle unless bazı cümlelerde yapıdadır. Bu nedenle unless bazı cümlelerde “if….not”“if….not” yerine kullanılabilir. yerine kullanılabilir.

You can’t pass the examYou can’t pass the exam if if you you don’tdon’t study. study.

You can’t pass the examYou can’t pass the exam unless unless you study. you study.

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