IEX Bulletin June'13

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  • 7/28/2019 IEX Bulletin June'13

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    a Rate of Charges applicable for the FY 2013-14 shall


    b Transmission losses : 1.85%

    c Distribution losses : 17%

    d Cross subsidy surcharge: Rs 0.40/kWh

    (For more details:




    News and Information


    On May 6, UERC issued tariff order for the period from FY-14

    to FY-16. The key highlights of the Order are as follows:


    - Energy charges increased by ~6% and fixed charges

    were increased by Rs. 10/kVA/month of billable


    HT Industry having contracted load above 88kVA/75 kW (100 BHP)


    Load More than

    1000 kVA

    Existing TariffRevised Tariff approved

    by the Commission













    Upto 33% 2.85 Rs. 260/

    kVA of the



    3.05 Rs. 270/

    kVA of the



    Above 33% and

    upto 50%

    3.10 3.30

    Above 50% 3.40 3.60

    Approved for FY 2013-14 Rs./MW/day Per unit values

    Transmission charge 3022.77 ~ 12 paise/kWh

    Wheeling charge 7302.22 ~ 30 paise/kWh



    UERC issues MYT Order for UPCL for FY 2013-14 to FY 2015-16

    KERC issues tariff orders for the electricity supply companies in Karnataka

    GUVNL files petition under GERC for determination of Additional Surcharge to be levied on open access consumers


    May Paradox: Peaking temperature and falling electricity prices at the exchange

    Ten States show willingness to adopt debt recast plan for Discoms


    Ancillary Market in the Indian Context


    Weak RPO Compliance continues to decelerate the Renewable Energy Certificate Market

    Germany to allocate Euro 1 Billion towards building green energy corridors in India


    In this Issue
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    On 6 May, 2013 KERC issued Tariff Orders for BESCOM,


    highlights of the tariff order are as follows:

    The Commission has increased the price cap to Rs.4.50

    per unit for power procured by ESCOMs on short term

    basis as against the cap of Rs.4.00 per unit imposed



    - Green tariff has been reduced by 50 paise per unit

    against the earlier rate of Re.1.0 per unit.

    - HT Tariff: For the HT industrial users in BBMP and

    other City Municipal Corporation areas, the new tariff

    will be Rs.5.35 per unit for the first one lakh units and

    Rs 5.75 per unit for consumption beyond one lakh

    units. In all other areas, the new rates will be Rs 5.35

    and Rs 5.65 respectively with a demand charge of Rs

    170 per kVA of billed demand per month.


    a Cross subsidy surcharge for HT industries:

    - 66 kV and above: 64 paisa per unit

    - HT level (11 kV/33 kV): 31 paisa per unit

    b Wheeling charges to range from 33 paise per unit to

    75 paise per unit

    c Transmission charges for short term open access


    KERC has mandated time of the day tariff for installations

    under HT2 (a) and HT2(b) with contract demand of 500KVA

    and above.

    (For more details:

    Category TransmissionCharges


    More than 12 hrs & upto 24 hrs in

    a day in one block


    More than 6 hrs & upto 12 hrs in a

    day in one block


    Upto 6 hrs in a day in one block 196.11

    GUVNL has filed a petition before the Commission to

    determine the additional surcharge payable by the open

    access customers to meet the fixed cost of distributionlicensees arising out of their obligation to supply. An oral

    order was issued on 10 May 2013 by GERC for next hearing

    and suggestions required from concerned stake holders.



    GUVNL has proposed to impose addition surcharge of

    Rs.1.35 on open access consumers on quantum of power

    purchase through open access. GUVNL has been asked topublish the petition in the newspaper and on their website for

    comments from stakeholders.

    (For more details:

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    In India, the total installed capacity of 211 GW is in excess of

    35% of the total peak demand in the country which was close

    to 135 GW for the year 2012-13. Whereas the peak demand

    actually met was only to the extent of 123 GW, thereby leading

    to an Unserved Demand of 12 GW. Evidently, the issue is

    not with the availability of adequate generation capacity but

    with the non-availability of generation capacity due to the

    prevailing fuel shortages and then followed by non utilization

    due to inadequacy in the evacuation system and inability of

    the cash strapped discoms to purchase power to serve theneeds of the consumers.

    Analysis of the Day-Ahead Market at IEX shows the same

    phenomenon where the total monthly sell bids received were

    3887 MUs, higher than the total buy bids of 3271 MUs in

    the market indicating an over-supply situation. As a result the

    prices of electricity discovered at IEX came down substantially.

    The prices discovered on the exchange in the recent months

    are lower than the prices that prevailed earlier this year as

    well as prices in the last summer. The unconstrained price

    has come down from Rs 3.42 per unit in May 12 to Rs. 2.73

    in May 13. Similarly the area prices showed a downward

    trend as compared to the same month last year.

    As compared to the last month the unconstrained price fell

    down by 15% from Rs 3.16 per unit in April 13. The area

    prices were also lower than the values in the previous

    month. Even the constrained regions of south experienced

    lower prices this month, with average area price falling from

    Rs. 8.41 per unit in April 13 to 6.47 Rs per unit in May 13, a

    drop of 23%.While no Discoms are utilizing cheaper power from the

    exchange as an alternate to load shedding, many industries

    are utilizing the exchange as an alternate to costly power

    BidArea May13 May12%






    2.32 4 -42% 2.75 -16%

    East (E1,E2) 2.31 3.21 -28% 2.6 -11%

    North (N1,N2) 2.36 3.21 -26% 2.67 -12%

    North (N3) 2.36 3.21 -26% 2.67 -12%

    South (S1) 6.47 8.13 -20% 7.83 -17%

    South (S2) 6.47 8.13 -20% 8.41 -23%

    West (W1,W2) 2.36 3.21 -26% 2.67 -12%West (W3) 2.36 3.21 -26% 2.67 -12%

    UN_MCP* 2.73 3.42 -20% 3.16 -14%

    *UN_MCP: Unconstrained market clearing price refers to the price discov-

    ered before accounting for any congestion in the transmission corridor

    through diesel generator sets. In the month of May, the

    average participation at IEX in the day-ahead electricity

    market was 1297, higher from 1244 in the month of April 13,

    whereas the maximum participation of 1394 was observed

    on May 24 which was the hottest day of the year, with the

    average daily traded volume hovered around 80.6 MUs in

    May 13.

    There was also a substantial decrease in the congested

    volume in May 13 as compared to the previous month

    primarily due to more wind generations in Tamil Nadu which

    relieved the shortages in the state. The volume lost due

    to congestion in May13 was close to 362.8 MUs whereas

    in April13 the same touched 521.4 MUs, a drop of 30%.



    The financial restructuring scheme formulated by the

    Government of India for restructuring of the short term loans

    of the state owned Discoms facing difficulty in financing

    operational losses has received confirmation from 10

    states so far. The states to have conveyed their in-principle

    willingness to participate in the scheme are: Andhra Pradesh,

    Bihar, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Kerala,

    Meghalaya, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh.

    Major outline of the scheme includes:

    1 Restructuring of outstanding short term liabilities of

    the discoms.

    - 50% to be converted to bonds backed by state

    government guarantees, rest to be rescheduled

    by the lenders with moratorium on principle


    2 The scheme also focuses on measures required to

    ensure long-term financial and commercial viability

    by way of Financial Restructuring, Tariff Setting &

    Revenue Realization, Subsidy, Metering, Audit &

    Accounts and Monitoring at state and centre level.

    (For more details:

    May 13 May 12(Same month

    last year)

    April 13

    Avg. daily cleared

    volume (MUs)

    80.62 44.78 83.85

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    The grid disturbance episodes on 30 and 31 July, 2012 have

    drawn the attention of the policy makers to a very relevant

    issue of ensuring grid stability and reliability in the country.

    With the restructuring of the power sector, the responsibility

    of ensuring grid stability has been entrusted upon the system

    operators i.e. the Load Dispatch Centers at the state, regional

    and national levels.

    For any power system to operate efficiently, two unique

    requirements which must be continuously and exactlysatisfied in order to maintain overall system stability and

    reliability is to maintain a constant balance between

    generation and load and to adjust generation to manage

    power flows within the constraints of individual transmission

    facilities. Therefore, system operators need some resources

    to balance grid during contingencies at short notice. These

    resources are commonly known as ancillary services. In

    cost-plus regulated regime, these resources can be built

    and operated under the instructions of system operators.

    However, in competitive, de-regulated regime, developing

    markets for such resources is a need.

    A general classification of ancillary services is given below:


    capacity due to un-dispatched surpluses and the un-cleared

    bids in the day-ahead market at the two power exchanges

    operating in the country can be aggregated to create the

    Ancillary Market.

    As such we need to create a market place to equip the system

    operator to aid in ensuring grid reliability by providing support

    services. The broad principles to govern the operations of

    such a market would entail:

    1. Maintain grid frequency / voltage and other qualityparameters within band as specified in Indian Electricity

    Grid Code (IEGC).

    2. Encourage qualified resources to support system by

    participating in the market

    3. Resource pricing should be market-based

    The recent staff paper by Central Electricity Regulatory

    Commission (CERC) on April 13 on Introduction of Ancillary

    Services in Indian Electricity Market touches upon the

    nuances and issues associated with the ancillary market

    design. Although the finer peculiarity of the operations of


    Presently, in the Indian context, it is envisioned that a

    Frequency Support Ancillary Service (FSAS) would

    help in improving the reliability of the operating system by

    harnessing the unutilized generation units with capabilities of

    ramping up in about 30 minutes. Currently, over 20,000 MW

    of bottled up generation is estimated to be present in the

    country and close to 1000 MW of capacity is left unutilized in

    the Day-Ahead Markets at exchanges. Such idle generation

    such a market needs to be worked out, the overall market

    is perceived to operate through the exchanges approved by

    CERC. Once implemented, the ancillary services will serve

    as an insurance product which would help in maintaining

    system reliability & security available directly to system

    operators at regional and national level.

    (For more details:
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    Trade Volume (REC) 18,543 669

    Sale Bid (REC) 12,80,605 2,113

    Purchase Bid (REC) 18,543 862

    Price discovered (Rs/REC) 1,500 11,490

    No of Participants 517 113

    The second Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) trading

    session of FY 14 held on 29 May, 2013 at IEX featured the

    trade of 18,543 N-Solar and 669 Solar RECs. The session

    witnessed participation largely from the open-access

    consumers. Whereas, the key obligated entities viz. the

    distribution companies and captive power generators were

    very low on participation in the market despite the fact that

    many of these entities are yet to fulfill a large share of their

    obligation. As a result, of the large inventory of 22.45 lacsavailable in the market over 21.9 lacs RECs were left unsold,

    the traded price of non-solar continues to remain at floor price

    i.e. 1500/REC for the tenth consecutive month. The solar

    REC traded at Rs 11,490/REC in this session vis--vis Rs

    12,206 per REC in the April 13 session. This trading session

    featured 630 market participants of which 517 participated

    in non-solar segment while 113 participated in the solar

    segment. Overall participation showed a 5% increase over

    the previous session owing to 45% increase in participation

    in the solar segment.


    TotalNo.ofregisteredparticipants 1,675

    ObligatedEntity 1,222

    DISCOMs 27

    Open access consumers 1,130

    Captive Consumers 65

    Voluntary 13

    EligibleEntity(PrivateGenerators) 440



    An overview of participation in the REC Market at IEX:

    During the recent high level delegation visit to Berlin led by

    the Minister of Power, Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia, Germany

    has committed to provide developmental and technical

    assistance of Euro 1 Billion to India for building green energy

    corridors. As per the statement, the Green Energy Corridors

    will enable evacuation of over 30,000 MW of renewable

    energy generated from wind and solar power during the 12th

    Five Year Plan in India into the national grid. Shri Scindia



    had detailed discussions with Germanys Minister of State

    for Economic Co-operation & Development Gudrun Kopp

    on the implementation of the Joint Declaration of Intent on

    Establishment of Green Energy Corridors signed during

    Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singhs visit to Berlin last


    (Read More:

    Summary of the REC trading session held on 29 May, 2013

    at IEX is as below:
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    Area Min Max RTC*








    East 1.00 3.76 2.31 2.37 2.30 2.27

    North East 1.00 3.76 2.32 2.37 2.30 2.27

    North/West 1.03 3.76 2.36 2.39 2.34 2.34

    South 2.38 16.00 6.47 7.99 5.97 5.75

    * Simple Average of Area Clearing Prices for specified duration of time


    Total No. of registered participants 2,114

    Open access consumers 1,902

    Private Generators 172

    Highest participation in a day since inception (24 May, 2013) 1,394


    Total Volume (MUs) 2499.31 Average Daily Volume (MWh) 80,624




    Purchase Bids 3,271

    Sale Bids 3,887

    Unconstrained Market Cleared Volume 2,862

    Constrained MCV 2,499

    Cumulative Market Clearing Volume (April 13



    Maximum Unconstrained Volume in a day 108.99

    Daily Constrained Average Volume 80.6


    Purchase Bids 4,397

    Sale Bids 5,225

    Unconstrained Market Cleared Volume 3,847

    Constrained Market Cleared Volume 3,359


    Average 2.72

    Minimum 2.00Maximum 3.7

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    Contracts Weekly Intraday Day-aheadContingency Daily

    Total Volume (MUs)* 1,500 3,362 - -

    Max price (Rs/kWh) 3.35 3.40 - -

    Min price (Rs/kWh) 3.35 2.15 - -

    *Scheduled Volume in the month


    PurchaseBids(REC) SellBids(REC) Cleared(REC) Price(Rs./REC)

    Non-Solar 18,543 1,280,605 18,543 1,500

    Solar 862 2,113 669 11,490




    Accredited 810

    Registered 738

    *No congestion between S1 and S2 for the month as the corridor

    availability for short-term was increased due to non-commissioning of

    Kudamkulum Unit- I

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    IndianEnergyExchangeLtd.CorporateOffice: 100A/1 Ground Floor, Capital Court, Olof Palme Marg, Munirka, New Delhi - 110067, India.


    RegisteredOffice:1st Floor, Malkani Chamber, Off Nehru Road, Vile Parle (E), Mumbai - 400099.

    Dear Team,

    Team IEX has put in indelible efforts to share the new concept of Power Exchange with all its stakeholders in Indias Power

    Sector through this bulletin and thereby imparting knowhow on the power trading. Very good work, easy to comprehend and

    enables better decision making in electricity industry. Looking forward to IEXs growth.


    Hinduja Group


    Dear Team IEX,

    Every single IEX bulletin provides valuable insights about the Power market. Keep up the good work!!!


    Associate Manager- Strategic Planning Group

    GMR Energy

    Dear Readers,

    We thank you for the encouraging response and support towards the IEX bulletin. In our effort to make this bulletin as informativeas possible, we request you to please mail us your suggestions and valuable feedback on: [email protected] or

    alternately you could also write in to us at our corporate address given below.

    Warm regards,



    7-8 May, New Delhi

    Mr. Rajesh K. Mediratta, Director (BD) chaired the

    session on Solar RPO, REC Framework and




    8 May, Patna

    Mr. Rajesh K. Mediratta, Director (BD) made a

    presentation on Power market scenario - Bihar




    27 May, New Delhi

    Mr. Bikram Singh Guram, AVP (BD) made a presentation

    on PowerSaleandotherrevenueopportunity


    28-29 May, New Delhi

    Mr. Bikram Singh Guram, AVP (BD) made a presentation

    on PowertradingthroughPowerExchanges



    The information featured in this bulletin has been compiled from sources deemed reliable and to the best of our knowledge. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of

    the information, IEX will not be held responsible for any errors or omissions neither will it be liable for damages nor losses suffered, personal or otherwise, due to the information contained