IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

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Page 1: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report
Page 2: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report




LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... ii

LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................... ii

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................... 1

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1

SOURCES OF RADON ......................................................................................... 2

UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ................................................................................. 4


HEALTH EFFECTS OF RADON ........................................................................... 6

EPA RISK FACTORS ............................................................................................ 7

EPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDIES ................................................................................ 10

EFFECT OF GEOLOGIC FACTORS ON INDOOR RADON ............................... 12

DETECTION AND MEASUREMENT OF RADON ................................................ 15

THE IEMA RADON PROGRAM ............................................................................. 15

IEMA SCREENING PROTOCOL .......................................................................... 16

SCREENING RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ........................................................ 17

Geology ............................................................................................................ 18

Footprint ........................................................................................................... 20

Seasonality ...................................................................................................... 21

OTHER STUDIES AND INFORMATIONAL SOURCES.......................................... 22

BUILDING CODES STUDY ................................................................................... 24



PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAMS .............................................................. 25

ILLINOIS RADON LEGISLATION ................................................................. 26

LICENSING ................................................................................................... 27


CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................ 28

RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUTURE INTENTIONS ...................................... 29

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 30

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1. Combined Descriptive Statistics of Radon Concentration in picocuries per liter of air

(pCi/L) for 72 Illinois counties using the IEMA Radon Program Dataset .............. 17

2. Count of Illinois Homes with Radon Measurements 4.0 picocuries per liter of air

(pCi/L) and above for the IEMA Radon Program Dataset and USGS/USEPA Geological

Potential Areas ................................................................................................. 20

3. Combined Descriptive Statistics of Radon Concentration in picocuries per liter of air

(pCi/L) for Different Footprints (Foundation Types) in the IEMA Radon Program

Dataset ................................................................................................................. 21

4. Combined Descriptive Statistics of Radon Concentration in picocuries per liter of air

(pCi/L) for Seasonal Variation in the IEMA Radon Program Dataset ................... 22

5. County-Specific Descriptive Statistics for 2003-2004, 1990 and 1987 Radon

Measurement Data ............................................................................................... 38



1. Sources of Radon and Radon Decay Products (RDPs) ..................................... 2

2. USEPA 1992 Illinois-Specific Map of Radon Zones............................................ 9

3. USEPA/USGS Radon Index Model for Illinois .................................................. 13

4. USEPA/USGS Map of Eight Illinois Areas of Geologic Radon Potential .......... 14

5. Recalculated 2006 Illinois Screening Program Map ......................................... 49

6. 1992 Illinois Screening Program Map............................................................... 50

7. IDNS (1992 dataset) Versus IEMA-Radon Program (2003-2004 dataset)

Comparison of Illinois County Zone Ranks Map .............................................. 51

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In December 2005, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency implemented an initiative to ensure

that an updated version of the Status Report for Radon in Illinois would be available in 2006. In

January 2006, Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich proclaimed January as Radon Action Month.

The attention generated from the Agency initiative and Governor’s proclamation highlighted the

importance of providing Illinois residents with an updated version of the Status Report and

intensified the demand for accurate risk information about radon as a known human carcinogen.

This report is an update of the 1992 version of Radon in Illinois, A Status Report. Illinois has since

implemented a series of rules and regulations designed to improve the standards of radon

measurement and mitigation throughout the state. The Radon Industry Licensing Act (RILA) was

signed into law in July 1997 and became effective January 1, 1998. Illinois regulations

implementing this Act, 32 Illinois Administrative Code 422, became effective June 1, 1998. The

latest amendment to this rule was made effective February 22, 2005. With many changes to radon-

related policies being made after the initial report, it was necessary for the Illinois Emergency

Management Agency’s Radon Program to develop an updated version of the status report. The 2006report contains new information including:

• Revised radon screening results from measurements in over 22,000 homes in Illinois


• Indication that a higher percentage of homes tested had radon levels of 4.0 pCi/L and above,

• Revised Illinois radon-related legislation,

• Advancements in radon education programs,

• Public outreach projects, and

• Results of North American & European pooled residential radon studies.


Radon is a colorless, odorless, tasteless and chemically inert gas. Radon is also a Class-A human

carcinogen recognized as the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States behind

smoking (USEPA 1991). The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and the Surgeon General


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estimate that as many as 21,000 lung cancer deaths that occur in the U.S. annually may be a result of

radon exposure.

The Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA), which includes the former Illinois Department

of Nuclear Safety (IDNS), is recognized by the United States Environmental Protection Agency

(USEPA) as the lead agency for radon-related activities in Illinois. Partially funded from the

USEPA’s State Indoor Radon Grant (SIRG), the IEMA’s Radon Program is responsible for outreach

and regulatory activities involving radon in Illinois.


Radon is a byproduct of natural decay of radium that is derived from the decay series of uranium,

also a naturally occurring radioactive element (Bodansky 1987) (Figure 1). Research has shown that

uranium in the earth’s crust may have been in existence since the formation of the planet (Otton

1995). Found in rocks, soils and water, uranium is ubiquitous in nature (Bodansky 1987). Typically,

the uranium concentration in the rocks and soil will be the same in the areas from which it was

collected (Otton 1995).

Figure 1. Sources of Radon and Radon Decay Products (RDPs)


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Uranium in soils is the predominant contributor of radon to the atmosphere (Nevissi 1987). Radon is

very soluble in water and is only accountable for a small percentage of the radon released into the

atmosphere (Hess 1986; Nevissi 1987).

The nature of radioactive elements like uranium, radium and radon is characterized by their half-

lives (Cember 1985). A half-life is the time taken for half the atoms that make up a radioactive

element to degrade and transform into the next element in a decay chain. Uranium-238 has a half-

life of 4.5 billion years, decaying to radium-226 and subsequently radon-222 (Bodansky 1987).

Radon isotopes such as thoron or radon-220 and actinon or radon-219 are produced in the decay

chain of thorium-232 and uranium-235 respectively. Due to the relatively short half-lives of both

radon-220 and radon-219 at 55 seconds and four seconds respectively, these isotopes are usually

neglected in the discussion of radon issues (Bodansky 1987; Ettlinger 1987).

Radon-222 possesses comparatively longer half-life of 3.8 days. This allows more time for the gas

to move through the soil and into the atmosphere (Ettinger 1987). Since the likelihood of exposure

to radon-222 is greater, most studies and this report will refer specifically to radon-222 (Bodansky

1987; Ettlinger 1987; USEPA 1992). Radon decay products (RDPs) include polonium-218, lead-

214, bismuth-214 and polonium-214 (Porstendorfer 1986; IDNS 1992). These decay products or

radon daughters are solids and they strongly attach to surfaces (Porstendorfer 1986; Vanmarcke


Radon is listed as a noble gas in the Periodic Table of Elements. Radon has a complete valence

shell, high ionization energy, insignificant electric charge and is a gas at room temperature

(American Chemical Society, 2005). Radon has an atomic number of 86, atomic weight of 222,

boiling point of -62 degrees Celsius (°C) and a melting point of -71 °C. With a density of 9.73

grams per liter (g/L), radon is also the densest known gas. Of the known isotopes of radon, 18 are

radioactive (Lewis 1997). Generally, radon is described as a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas,

undetectable to humans except by means of specialized measurement devices (Lewis 1997; Budavari



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Radon and its decay products have different properties and accordingly have different units of

measurement. Radon gas is measured in picocuries per liter (pCi/L) - a measure of radioactive

material per liter of air. The unit “working level” (WL) is used to express the concentration of radon

decay products in a liter of air. Since radon gas disintegrates to decay products, the concentration of

radon and its decay products are equal in a closed system. The decay products reach their maximum

concentration only under equilibrium conditions. These conditions are rare in nature, however. For

simple indoor measurements, 40 percent equilibrium is assumed, and it is generally accepted that

there will be 0.004 WL for each pCi/L of radon in air (NAS 1999).

A working level month (WLM) is a unit of exposure used to express the accumulated human

exposure to radon decay products. One WLM is equivalent to continuous exposure to 1 WL for 170

hours. The current occupational exposure standard set by the Occupational Safety and Health

Administration (OSHA) and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is 4 WLM per



The location of greatest exposure to radon is in the home (Stranden 1980; Robkin 1987; NAS 1999).

While uranium is the source of radon, factors that influence its concentration in indoor air will

include radon in soil, building materials, and groundwater (Stranden 1980; Robkin 1987; NAS


The primary contributor of radon gas into a home is from the soil (Nero 1985; Robkin 1987; Otton

1995). When radon gas is formed underground, its mobility is increased when it combines with soil

gases (Viera 2000). Soil gases also include oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water vapor

(Nazaroff 1988). According to Otton (1995), air pressure differences between soil and house as well

as foundation openings will cause soil air to flow toward the foundation of a home. Indoor radon

concentrations will also depend on soil permeability and porosity (the type of material in which the

gas passes), uranium and moisture content and foundation type (Lafavore 1987; Angell 1989, Otton


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Radon in soil gases will flow through paths of least resistance from areas of higher to lower pressure

and/or concentration. The more porous the soil, the faster radon will diffuse or be driven by pressure

differentials (IDNS 1992). Soil gas and radon flow are poor in clay soils, better in sandy and

gravelly soils, and greatest in open passages (Tanner 1990). Among the other rocks, soil types and

geologic features that have been observed with elevated indoor radon levels are granites, gneiss,

dolomites, limestone and phosphate rock (Tanner 1990).

Entry of radon through a home’s foundation depends on substructure type (or footprint), design,

construction details and building materials used (Cohen 1986). While studies have shown little

correlation between high radon concentrations and home construction features, several

generalizations concerning footprint types can be made (Cohen 1986). Footprint types common in

the United States are crawlspaces, slab-on-grade, pier, full basements and combination (IDNS 1992).

Homes with pier foundations have well ventilated substructures and do not provide a pathway for

pressure driven flow of radon gas. Crawlspaces, particularly those with dirt floors and block walls

can facilitate radon entry (USEPA 1992; IDNS 1992). High radon levels are more likely to be found

in unventilated crawlspaces open to soil. Concrete slab-on-grade foundations may have a number of

service or plumbing penetrations that can offer potential radon entry routes (IDNS 1992). Cracks in

concrete slabs can also be entry points for radon gas. Basement foundations may be susceptible to

radon entry and high radon levels because such construction involves the creation of a permeable

zone surrounding a large below-grade surface area (USEPA 1992; IDNS 1992).

Studies relating elevated indoor radon concentrations and the seasons have also been ambiguous

(IDNS 1992). Higher indoor radon concentrations are predicted in cooler seasons because of the

pressure differential exerted on the soil by the house and closed house conditions (Nazaroff 1988;

Riley 1999). Other studies have shown that there may be higher indoor radon concentrations in the

warmer seasons in areas with Karst geological features (Riley 1999; IDNS 2000).

Building materials made from stone and sand may contain uranium and radium that will produce

radon gas (Breysse 1987). Concrete and brick are examples of building materials that are porous

enough to allow the gas to escape. While the porosity or durability of building materials used in

foundation types can determine the amount of radon that can diffuse into a home from the soil, the

overall contribution of building material as a source and pathway to indoor concentrations is much

less than from soil (Breysse 1987; Lafavore 1987).


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Domestic water contaminated with radon can also contribute to indoor radon levels (Lafavore 1987;

NAS 1999). The amount of radon that is released will have to depend on usage and treatment the

water undergoes before domestic use (USEPA 1992). Radon is soluble in water and the adverse

health effects are due to the transfer of radon to the air. In the United States, ten thousand pCi/L of

radon in water translates to about 1 pCi/L in air (Nazaroff 1987; USEPA 1992). Water radon level

contributes significantly less than soil radon level to indoor radon concentration.


Human health risk models for predicting the risk of radon exposure by the public have been

developed by the Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) under directive

from the United States National Academy of Sciences (NAS 1999). The two preferred models

derived by BEIR produced estimates of 15,400 and 21,800 radon-related lung cancer deaths in the

United States per year (NAS 1999). Similarly, the USEPA has estimated that 21,000 annual lung

cancer deaths are radon-related (USEPA 2003). The Illinois Emergency Management Agency

estimates that as many as 900 Illinois citizens are at risk of developing radon related lung cancer

each year.

The primary route of exposure to radon is by inhalation (Sax 1984; Kendall 2002). Exposure to

alpha radiation from radon and its decay products produces significant adverse health effects

(Kendall 2002). Radiation in the form of alpha particles can damage cells and intercellular DNA and

may reduce the cells capacity to repair itself (Hei 1997).

When cells are damaged, they are repaired or destroyed (Zhou 2001). Damage of genetic material

can result in varying forms of mutation due to the changes in information carried by DNA (Alberts

1998). Cell mutations have varying capabilities. They may not necessarily affect the cellular

functions, can kill the cell or can allow the cell to reproduce without constraint and subsequently

invade and damage areas reserved for other cells (Alberts 1998). It is the uncontrolled replication of

mutated cells that increases the likelihood for further mutations (Zhou 2001; Brenner 2002).


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Radon gas is an inert element. It does not possess the attractive properties or adherence capabilities

of its decay products and thus will probably be exhaled by the lungs before it decays (Harley 1981;

NAS 1999). Alpha particles derived from the breakdown of radon decay products (RDPs), with their

short half-lives, possess a greater potential to cause damage than radon gas (Harley 1982;

Steinhausler 1987). RDPs are charged heavy metals and can be inhaled as attachments to

atmospheric particles. Such atmospheric particles include dust, smoke or biological entities (Harley

1982; Steinhausler 1987). The smaller the particles, the deeper into the respiratory tract the RDPs

may travel. Within the respiratory system, particles may chemically or physically adhere to the

mucus lining of the alveoli or bronchial regions. Adherence can increase the retention period for

RDPs and also increase the probability of decay occurring while still inside the lungs because of their

short half-lives. Decay and resulting emission of alpha particles can damage cells and initiate

cellular mutations (Harley 1981; NAS 1999).


The USEPA is responsible for setting national standards for exposure to radiation and has the federal

leadership role for indoor radon issues. The Agency recommends a remedial action level of 4.0 pCi/

L for residences. Mitigation or the implementation of radon reduction measures is recommended for

a home should this action level be exceeded. The Indoor Radon Abatement Act of 1988 establishes

that the federal government’s recommendation with respect to radon is that: the air within buildings

in the United States should be as free of radon as the ambient air outside of buildings.

The Indoor Radon Abatement Act of 1988 also directed the USEPA to identify areas of the

country with the potential for having elevated radon levels. As part of a joint effort with the U.S.

Geological Survey (USGS) and the Association of American State Geologists (AASG), the United

States Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA) Map of Radon Zones was produced (Figure 2).

The Map of Radon Zones depicts on a county-by-county basis, the areas of the U.S. with the

potential to exceed 4.0 picocuries per liter (pCi/L).

The USEPA Map of Radon Zones was intended to support federal, state and local organizations

in developing radon-related activities and programs in their communities. An additional aim of this


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map consisted of helping building code officials prioritize areas that may require the adoption of

radon-resistant building practices. Studies by IEMA’s Radon Program have corresponded to the

relative accuracy of the Illinois-specific Map of Radon Zones.

The zoning criterion was established by evaluating five factors associated with radon potential:

indoor radon measurements, geology, aerial radioactivity, soil parameters and foundation types

(USEPA 1993). The USEPA Map of Radon Zones shows counties in the U.S. in one of three

screening zones: Zones 1, 2 and 3, which have high (predicted) potential to exceed 4.0 pCi/L,

moderate (predicted) potential between 2.0 and 4.0 pCi/L, and low (predicted) potential to be less

than 2.0 pCi/L, respectively (USEPA 1993; Alexander 1994).


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Figure 2. USEPA 1992 Illinois-Specific Map of Radon Zones


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The earliest evidence of increased lung cancer risk associated with radon came from highly exposed

underground miners. Concerns about residential exposures in the United States became prominent in

the early 1980s, by then the problem of indoor radon had already been recognized in Europe and the

first epidemiological studies on indoor radon had been reported. The concern about the risk of

indoor radon has motivated numerous case-control studies of radon exposure and lung cancer in both

North America and Europe (Samet 2006).

The majority of the early research concerning radon has been derived from and around

epidemiological studies on underground miners (NAS 1999). As early as the Middle Ages, miners in

parts of Germany and Czechoslovakia rich in uranium were diagnosed with lung-related illnesses

(Jackson 1987). The initial identification of the lung illness as cancer was in 1879 by Harting and

Hesse who described in their autopsy findings, the cancerous growths found in miners in Germany

(Jackson 1987; Proctor 1995). It was not hypothesized that radon was a cause of the lung cancers in

the miners until 1924 when high levels of radon and high incidences of lung cancer were reported in

nearby mining areas (Jackson 1987; Proctor 1995). The theory that radon was a cause of the lung

cancers in the miners was not universally recognized until further miner epidemiological reports

were issued in the 1950’s and 1960’s (Proctor 1995). During that time, it was also identified that it

was the alpha particles emitted from radon and its decay products that caused the lung cancer (Harley

1952; Lundin 1969).

Health risk estimates for radon exposure have been developed from the underground miner

epidemiological data (Duport 2002). These estimates are controversial with regard to the exact

nature to which residential radon will impact human health. Included in the debates concerning the

miner data are: (1) many of the miners diagnosed were smokers, (2) radon concentrations in mines

were significantly higher than in residential settings, (3) risk assessment is not an exact science and

(4) extrapolations from adult male miners health data to men, women and children in their homes is

difficult (Antonelli 2005). Researchers suggest that these four problems contributed to the difficulty

in showing a relationship between residential radon exposure and lung cancer risk (Cohen 1993;

Price 2004).


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Despite the problems with extrapolation from underground miner data to residential radon exposure,

research does suggest that a relationship exists between radon exposure and increased incidences of

lung cancer (Pershagen 1994; Lubin 1994; Field 2000). Researchers have deduced that the emission

of alpha particles, such as those released from radon and decay products, can damage DNA within

cells and lead to genetic and degenerative diseases and cancerous growths (Hei 1997).

By the mid to late 1980s, many studies of more sophisticated design with larger sample sizes were

undertaken. This series of case control studies was performed in the United States, Canada, China

and a number of European countries. The US National Research Council Committee on the

Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR VI) weighed the scientific evidence available at that

time on this issue and concluded that residential radon posed a health risk due to lung cancer and a

linear nonthreshold model was the most likely best estimate of the risks (NAS 1999). The BEIR VI

committee pointed out that the most direct way to assess the association between prolonged

residential radon exposure and lung cancer was through the use of case-control studies of individuals

residentially exposed (Zielinski 2006).

The individual case-control studies had inconsistencies between their risk estimates. The BEIR VI

committee attributed this to the difficulty of reconstructing past radon exposures. Since the

individual case control studies have not provided consistent direct evidence of excess lung cancer

risk at residential exposure levels, combined analyses of residential radon studies were undertaken in

both North America and Europe (Samet 2006). Collectively, these studies show appreciable hazards

from residential radon (Darby 2005). The combined analysis provide direct evidence of an

association between residential radon and lung cancer risk, a finding predicted by extrapolation of

results from occupational studies of radon-exposed underground miners (Krewski 2006). The new

findings support the USEPA and State of Illinois programs for radon measurement and mitigation

that have long been in place.

The USEPA and the State of Illinois recommends that all homes should be tested for radon and be

mitigated if elevated levels are found (USEPA 1992). International and domestic health

organizations such as the World Health Organization (IARC-WHO 2005), Centers for Disease


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Control and Prevention (ATSDR-CDC 2005) and the American Medical Association (AMA 2005)

concur that there is sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of radon and its decay products in

humans and experimental animals. The Office of the Surgeon General advises that while exposure

to the gas is controllable, radon is still present at elevated levels in millions of American homes and

is a serious health concern that contributes to the deaths of thousands of people each year.


Many of the rocks and soils in Illinois have the potential to generate levels of indoor radon exceeding

the USEPA’s guideline of 4.0 pCi/L. As mentioned earlier, the USEPA and USGS have used

geological information, such as National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) data, soil

permeability, moisture content and other parameters, to develop the USEPA Map of Radon Zones.

This report presents a condensed summary of the USGS’s Preliminary Geologic Radon Potential

Assessment of Illinois (Figure 3 and 4). For a more detailed version of this assessment, the reader is

encouraged to contact the IEMA’s Radon Program or regional USEPA or USGS office.

Illinois is divided into eight geologic radon potential areas and each is assigned a Radon Index (RI).

The Radon Index is a semi-quantitative measure of radon potential based on geologic, soil and

indoor radon factors, and the relative confidence on the RI assessment is based on the quality and

quantity of the data used to make the predictions (Figure 3).


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Figure 3. USEPA/USGS Radon Index Model for IllinoisGeological Formation Evidence (GFE)

As can be seen in Figure 4, Area 1 is the Driftless Area underlain primarily by carbonate rocks. This

area has high geologic radon potential (RI=12). Area 2 is underlain by Illinoian glacial deposits and

loess with generally moderate permeability. This area also includes small areas of pre-Illinoian

glacial deposits and small unglaciated areas along the state’s western border. Area 2 has high

geologic radon potential (RI=13). Area 3 is underlain by Wisconsin glacial deposits and loess with

generally moderate permeability. Local areas underlain by soils with low permeability may generate




























RADON INDEX SCORING Probable screening indoorRadon potential category Point range radon average for areaLow 3-8 points < 2 pCi/LModerate/Available 0-11 points 2 - 4 pCi/LHigh > 11 points > 4 pCi/L

Possible range of points = 3 to 17


1 2 3 4

Page 17: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

moderate radon levels (averaging 2-4 pCi/L). As a whole, Area 3 has generally high geologic radon

potential (RI=13). Area 4 is underlain by glacial lake deposits and clay-rich glacial deposits with

generally low permeability. The area has moderate geologic radon potential (RI=11).

Windblown sand deposits underlie area 5 with high permeability but low radioactivity because the

sand contains mostly quartz with very low concentrations of heavy minerals (including uranium).

Areas in which the sand layer is thinner may have moderate to locally high indoor radon levels. Area

5 has moderate geologic radon potential (RI=11). Homes on windblown sand deposits in Areas 2

and 3 are also likely to have locally low to moderate indoor radon levels. Area 6 is underlain

Illinoian glacial deposits with generally low permeability. The bedrock source material for these

deposits contains more sandstone and gray shale, and relatively less black shale and carbonate rock,

than in Areas 2 and 3. Areas underlain by glacial lake deposits are likely to have low to moderate

indoor radon levels. This area has overall moderate radon potential (RI=9). Area 7 is unglaciated

and is underlain by limestones, sandstones and shales. This area has moderate geologic radon

potential (RI=10). Area 8 is underlain by alluvium, sand and loess of the Coastal Plain Province.

Area 8 has a low geologic radon potential (RI=8). While low potential overall, some areas within

Area 8, especially those underlain by thick loess, may have moderate to locally high indoor radon


Figure 4. USEPA/USGS Map of Eight Illinois Areas of Geologic Radon Potential


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This map depicts a generalized assessment of the State’s geologic radon potential and is not a

substitute for having a home tested. The conclusions about radon potential presented in this report

should not be applied to individual homes or building sites. Indoor radon levels, both high and low,

cannot be predicted, and within any radon potential area there will likely be locations with higher or

lower radon potential than assigned to the area as a whole. These indicators and maps are a very

general indication of trends and exposure risks. The only way to know your exposure risk is to test

your home.


For specific information about the detection and measurement of radon, please contact the IEMA

Radon Program for a copy of the Guidelines for Radon Measurement in the Home or Radon Testing

Guidelines for Real Estate Transactions.


The Radon Program is part of the Bureau of Radiation Safety in the Illinois Emergency Management

Agency’s Division of Nuclear Safety. State legislation for consumer protection led to the

establishment of this program in 1998 to regulate through licensing of radon measurement and

mitigation service providers and to continue to be a public resource for accurate information

regarding radon, its health effects, how to test for radon and radon progeny and how to mitigate

radon problems.

The Radon Program’s responsibilities include:

1) Supporting radon measurement and mitigation in Illinois by continuing to ensure that radon

licensees are practicing professionals and that their measurements and mitigations are

performed in accordance with Illinois regulations and are legally defensible;

2) Continuing to enhance public awareness of radon at the state, county, and municipal levels by

(1) ensuring that schools and county and municipal health departments have current IEMA

radon information documents / media and contact information, (2) supporting radon training


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and outreach at the county and municipal level, and (3) coordinating of information sharing

via the Illinois Radon Network, which includes the counties, universities and other

organizations that work with the IEMA.

3) Continuing to encourage voluntary installation of Passive Radon Reduction Systems and

providing information on correct installation practices to the construction industry, code

officials, and plumbers; and home inspectors.

4) Providing Illinois presence at the regional and national radon meetings.


In December 2004, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency’s Radon Program requested radon

measurement reports from all licensed radon measurement professionals in Illinois. Only

information pertaining to radon measurements performed from January 2003 through December

2004 were requested. After verification by the IEMA Radon Program, it was determined that the

results from 22,082 homes could be compared with the USEPA’s 1992 and IDNS’s 1992 dataset for

Illinois. The USEPA measurements were used in the calculation of the Radon Index Method that

determined the USEPA’s 1992 zone risk classifications for Illinois counties (Figure 2 and 3). The

IDNS’s measurements were used in the calculation of the Illinois Screening Program Method that

derived the map in the 1992 Radon in Illinois, A Status Report (Figure 6). The 2003-2004 records

obtained through the Radon Program were used in a recalculation of both the Radon Index Method

and the Illinois Screening Program Map.

The 1992 USEPA, 1992 IDNS and 2003-2004 IEMA Radon Program datasets differed in several

ways. The IDNS’s measurements were derived using long-term monitoring devices. All of the radon

measurements collected by the IEMA Radon Program were derived from short-term measurement

devices, similar to those used by the USEPA in its study (USEPA 1993). Despite extensive

investigation, only the descriptive statistics, not records from individual measurements for Illinois

counties in the USEPA and IDNS studies were available. This however had no effect on the

recalculation of both the Radon Index Method and the Illinois Screening Program Map since county

zone designations were made using descriptive statistics.


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Table 1. Combined Descriptive Statistics of Radon Concentration in picocuries per liter of air(pCi/L) for 72 Illinois counties using IEMA Radon Program Dataset.


In developing the Map of Radon Zones, the USEPA utilized the Radon Index Method to categorize

factors associated with radon potential. Such factors included indoor radon measurements, geology,

aerial radioactivity, soil parameters and foundation types in the homes of Illinois counties


The preliminary goal of the Radon Program was to develop a dataset of radon measurements

conducted throughout Illinois. Through its capacity as a licensing and enforcement program, the

IEMA Radon Program was able to gather and organize this data from radon measurement licensees

throughout the state. The mean radon concentration for each of the 72 Illinois counties in the Radon

Program’s dataset and the reviewed radon index factors were applied in the recalculation of the

Radon Index Method. The data from the Radon Index Method was then used to determine the

Radon Program’s zone ranking classification for each of the 72 counties. The resulting classification

produced 50 Zone 1 (high potential), 21 Zone 2 (moderate potential) and one Zone 3 (low potential)

counties. Sixty-four of the counties were given the same zone ranks as those assigned by the

USEPA. The result of the recalculation and subsequent statistical comparison between the counties

with applicable zone ranks determined that there was no significant difference in zone ranks. The

Radon Program determined that this did not warrant any amendment to the USEPA’s 1992 Illinois-

specific Map of Radon Zones and that the current zone designations are sufficiently accurate based

on available data (Figure 2).

The former Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety (IDNS) utilized a much more basic method in

developing the Illinois Screening Program map. The Illinois Screening Program map depicted in the





Number ofTests Mean Geo. Mean Median Std. Dev Min Max # 4.0

pCi/L% 4.0pCi/L

4610049178.922082 5.16 3.47 3.6 5.66 0.4

Page 21: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

1992 Radon in Illinois, A Status Report shows the percentage of homes tested in a county that had

radon levels of 4.0 pCi/L and above (Figure 6). The percentage of homes in each of the 72 counties,

with radon concentrations of 4.0 pCi/L and above, was recalculated using the Radon Program’s

2003-2004 dataset. The resulting classification produced 31 Zone 1(greater than 50 percent greater

or equal to 4.0 pCi/L), 26 Zone 2 (25 percent to 50 percent greater or equal to 4.0 pCi/L) and 15

Zone 3 (less than 25 percent greater or equal to 4.0 pCi/L) counties. Thirty-two of the counties were

given the same zone ranks as those assigned by the IDNS. The revised zone classifications also

produced a higher percentage of homes with concentrations greater or equal to 4.0 pCi/L in 30

counties and a lower percentage of homes with concentrations greater or equal to 4.0 pCi/L in 10

counties (Figure 7).

The Radon Program’s revised zone classifications for the 72 Illinois counties were compared with

the IDNS’s 1992 zone classifications for the same counties. Statistical analysis determined that there

was a significant difference in classification. It was also noted that there was a higher percentage of

homes with radon concentrations 4.0 pCi/L and above in high radon potential areas. Figure 5 is the

updated Illinois Screening Program Map based on the recalculation using the 2003-2004 dataset.


The IEMA Radon Program’s dataset was analyzed to establish if there were any trends in radon

concentration in different geologic areas in Illinois. Studies have shown that geology of an area may

influence radon concentration and transport (Willman 1970; Carmichael 1988). Considering this

evidence, the USEPA and USGS divided Illinois into eight geological areas prior to designating the

three zones seen in the USEPA’s 1992 Illinois-specific Map of Radon Zones (Figure 4).

Much of Areas 1, 2 and 3 are composed of rock and soil types that facilitate elevated levels of indoor

radon such as carbonaceous rock, limestone, shale, siltstone and sandstone (Deffeyes 1980,

Gunderson 1991). The presence of these geological formations in these areas was sufficient for the

USEPA and USGS to designate them areas of high radon potential. The designation of these areas

also contributed to the overall ranking of these three areas as Zone 1. Areas 4, 5, 6 and 7 have less of


Page 22: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

the rock types associated with high radon levels and also have soil types that are less permeable to

radon transport. These areas were also designated as having moderate radon potential and ranked as

Zone 2. Area 8 is underlain with rock and soil types less likely to contribute to elevated radon levels

such as alluvium, sand and loess. Area 8 is ranked as Zone 3.

A comparison of the Radon Program’s dataset against the eight geological areas using an Analysis of

Variance statistical test (ANOVA) determined that there is a significant difference in the geometric

mean radon concentration. Area 7 and Area 8 or Zone 3 counties were not considered in this analysis

because no measurement results were available in the IEMA Radon Program’s 2003-2004 dataset.

Area 2 had the highest geometric mean concentration while Area 6 had the lowest. A statistical test,

called a t-test, was also preformed comparing Zone 1 (Areas 1, 2 and 3) against Zone 2 (Areas 4, 5

and 6). There was a significant difference with higher mean radon concentrations in Zone 1

counties. The Radon Program determined that this supported the conclusion that the zones in the

USEPA’s 1992 Illinois-specific Map of Radon Zones were accurately ranked.

While the Radon Program analysis does present evidence supporting the potential for elevated radon

levels in Illinois counties, it should be recognized that this is still a generalized assessment and

cannot be substituted for having homes individually tested. Geological information is based on

many assumptions since a geologic sampling location can differ significantly even over a short

distance (Singh 2002). For this reason, even homes located near one another can have very different

indoor radon concentrations (USEPA 2002; Godoy 2002). Elevated radon concentrations have been

found even in Zone 2 and 3 counties. For example, three of the highest radon concentrations

detected in the IEMA Radon Program’s 2003-2004 dataset were 144.6, 162 and 178.9 pCi/L. These

concentrations were detected in three different homes across Will County, which is a Zone 2 county.

While the only way to determine the geology in the location is to drill and sample, the only way to

determine the radon concentration in a home is to have it tested (USEPA 1991).


Page 23: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

Table 2. Count of Illinois Homes with Radon Measurements 4.0 picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L)and above for the IEMA Radon Program Dataset and USGS/USEPA Geological Potential Areas

Area 1 30 1 16 (53) 14 (47)Area 2 1996 24 1364 (68) 632 (32)Area 3 5684 23 2739 (48) 2945 (52)Area 4 13911 5 5769 (42) 8142 (58)Area 5 17 1 7 (41) 10 (69)Area 6 444 18 154 (35) 290 (65)

*Significant Difference (p < 0.05)


The IEMA Radon Program dataset was analyzed to determine if there were any differences in the

geometric mean radon concentration in homes with different substructure or foundation types. An

ANOVA determined that there was a significant difference between the four foundation types

considered. Geometric mean radon concentrations were higher in homes with basement and

combination foundation types than in homes with crawlspaces and slab on grade substructures.

The Radon Program’s dataset showed that the majority of Illinois homes that conducted radon

measurements consisted of a basement footprint or combination footprint involving a basement. The

Radon Program’s dataset also corresponds to a 1992 Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety (IDNS)

study that found high average radon levels in homes that had basements (IDNS 1992). This should

not suggest that homes without basements are free from elevated radon concentrations. Basement

construction usually creates a highly permeable zone around a large below-grade surface area

(USEPA 1992). As such, homes with basements are more likely to have higher radon concentrations.

Depending on the materials used, design and construction type, many potential entry points can exist

in a basement such as cracks or through service penetrations (USEPA 1992). Combination

foundation types usually consist of basements with an adjacent slab on grade area or openings with

crawlspaces. Crawlspaces are ventilated or unventilated and elevated radon concentrations can be

found predominantly in unventilated crawlspaces open to soil. Although less likely, ventilated

crawlspaces may have high radon concentrations as well. Homes constructed on concrete slabs can

have elevated indoor radon levels through plumbing or service penetrations in the slab.


IllinoisGeologicalPotential Area

# ofHomes

(N)Counties N 4 (% 4)*

(pCi/L)N 4 (% 4)*


Page 24: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report


The IEMA Radon Program’s 2003-2004 dataset was analyzed to verify if seasonal variations affected

radon concentrations in Illinois homes. An ANOVA determined that average radon concentrations

were higher in the warmer seasons of summer and fall than in winter and spring. Higher radon

concentrations in warmer seasons are typically associated with the geological composition of the

sampling areas (Hess 1985; Dudney 1992). Indoor radon studies performed by Dudney and Riley in

1992 and 1999 respectively have demonstrated that elevated radon concentrations are present during

summer as opposed to winter over different geological areas. Higher radon concentrations during

warmer seasons are typical of Karst geology (Panno 1997). Karst geology occurs in areas with a

higher concentration of carbonate rock (Panno 1997). As discussed earlier, many geological sections

of USEPA designated Zone 1 and some Zone 2 Illinois counties are composed of higher

concentrations of carbonate rock that can contribute to elevated indoor radon levels (USEPA 1992).

Other studies have shown elevated indoor radon concentrations to be more prevalent during the

cooler seasons of winter and spring (Nazaroff 1988; Godoy 2002). This will typically occur when

closed-house conditions are maintained. Warmer air in a home will rise and escape from the home

via chimneys, roofing vents or by the opening and closing of entry points. This will create a negative

pressure or suction on the soil under a home that will in turn draw in soil gas including radon

(USEPA 1988).

Table 3. Combined Descriptive Statistics of Radon Concentration in picocuries per liter of air(pCi/L) for Different Footprints (Foundation Types) in the IEMA Radon Program Dataset

Foundation type

Basement 15130 5.01 3.44 5.55 0.4 178.9Crawlspace 2198 3.03 2.06 3.07 0.4 50.7Slab on Grade 1734 3.10 2.01 4.76 0.4 144.6Combination / Other 3020 5.63 3.67 6.44 0.4 85.1

*Significant Difference (p < 0.05)


Number ofSamples (N) Mean



Min Max

Page 25: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

Table 4. Combined Descriptive Statistics of Radon Concentration in picocuries per liter of air(pCi/L) for Seasonal Variation in the IEMA Radon Program Dataset

SeasonWinter 4269 4.12 2.85 4.39 0.4 76.6Spring 6926 4.65 3.19 4.88 0.4 74.5Summer 6171 5.74 3.85 6.26 0.4 162.0Fall 4716 6.10 4.11 6.60 0.4 178.9

*Significant Difference (p < 0.05)


The index below provides a list of recent radon-related studies. Each paper can be viewed in its

entirety at the weblink provided.

Exposure to Residential Radon and Lung Cancer in Spain:

A Population-based Case-Control Study Juan Miguel Barros-Dios, María Amparo Barreiro, Alberto

Ruano-Ravina, and Adolfo Figueiras (May 2002) http://www.aarst.org/news_pdf/Radon_Study-


Iowa Residential Radon Lung Cancer Study

American Journal of Epidemiology, 151(11): 1091-1102, (2000)

”UI Study Finds Residential Radon Exposure Poses a Significant Lung Cancer Risk” http://


Seasonal variations in relationship with elevated indoor radon levels continue to be investigated.

The limitation of the data collected by IEMA in 2003 and 2004 is that measurements were only

conducted in each home during only one season. For this reason IEMA cannot draw conclusions on

seasonality based solely on the 2003 and 2004 data. Other studies have allowed for measurements to

be conducted in a single home over all seasons. Once again different homes have been observed to

have elevated indoor radon levels during different seasons (Dudney 1992, Riley 1999). Such

investigations assert the uncertain nature of radon occurrence, and only enhance necessity for all

homes to be tested for radon.


Number ofHomes (N) Mean


Std.Dev. Min Max

Page 26: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

Radiation Risk To Low Fluences of Alpha Particles May Be Greater Than We Thought

Center for Radiological Research, College of Physicians and Surgeons and Environmental Health

Sciences, School of Public Health, Columbia University (August 2001) http://www.aarst.org/


Residential Radon Exposure and Lung Cancer: Variation in Risk Estimates Using Alternative

Exposure Scenarios

Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology 12, 197-203 (2002) http://


A Review of Residential Radon Case-Control Epidemiologic Studies Performed in the United


College of Public Health, Dept. of Epidemiology, University of Iowa (2001) http://www.aarst.org/


Doses to Organs and Tissues From Radon and its Decay Products

UK National Radiological Protection Board, Journal of Radiological Protection (2002) http://


Topics Under Debate: Does Exposure to Residential Radon Increase the Risk of Lung Cancer?

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 95, No. 1, pg. 75-81 (2001) http://www.aarst.org/news_pdf/


ATSDR Radon Toxicity -Case Studies in Environmental Medicine Course

U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Division of Health Education & Promotion, June 2000 http://www.aarst.org/news_pdf/


Induction of a Bystander Mutagenic Effect of Alpha Particles in Mammalian Cells

Center for Radiological Research, College of Physicians and Surgeons and Environmental Health

Sciences, School of Public Health, Columbia University October 1, 1999 http://www.aarst.org/



Page 27: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

1998 National Academy of Sciences- Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation (BEIR) VI

Report: “The Health Effects of Exposure to Indoor Radon” http://www.nap.edu/readingroom/


Targeted Cytoplasmic Irradiation With Alpha particles Induces Mutations in Mammalian


Center for Radiological Research, College of Physicians and Surgeons and Environmental Health

Sciences, School of Public Health, Columbia University January 21, 1999 http://www.aarst.org/


Radon Occurrence and Health Risk Frequently Asked Questions by R. William Field, Ph.D.

(June 1999) http://www.vh.org/adult/provider/preventivemedicine/Radon/HealthRisk.html

National Radon Results: 1985-1999

Gregory, Jalbert, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2002) http://www.aarst.org/news_pdf/



The IEMA’s Radon Program continues to study the feasibility of incorporating radon resistant

construction features into Illinois codes and encourages interested parties to refer to

Appendix F of the International Residential Code for Radon Control methods. IEMA’s

Radon Program efforts have involved educating and soliciting the support of municipal

officials responsible for local construction standards.


The IEMA continues to offer assistance, as requested, to schools, universities, government agencies

and other areas apart from private residences where significant levels of radon exposure may occur.

The Radon Program has not been able to conduct radon measurements in educational institutions. It

should, however, be noted that several schools in Illinois have established their own radon-related


Page 28: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report


projects. Students and teachers of Waterloo Junior High School in Waterloo established a nationally

recognized plan for conducting a community radon study. Radon Program staff have also been

invited on an annual basis to present radon information at Rock Island High School in Rock Island.

The Agency also maintains a highly successful relationship with the Illinois State University,

University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Illinois at Springfield, University of Illinois

Extension Offices, the American Lung Association of Illinois and County Health Departments.

Agency resources and State Indoor Radon Grant (SIRG) funding have been channeled to a variety of

essential areas such as research, public education, outreach and other awareness projects.


For specific information about residential radon mitigation, please contact the Radon Program for a

copy of the IEMA-Division of Nuclear Safety Radon Program Guide to Radon Mitigation.


A major objective of IEMA’s Radon Program has been to inform and educate the public about radon.

As part of this program, IEMA provides basic information about indoor radon and its associated

health risk, together with information about radon measurement and mitigation in Illinois.

Depending on availability, the Radon Program may also provide radon test kits to the public.

The Agency continues to operate a toll-free radon information “hot-line” to provide radon-related

information to Illinois residents. The Radon Program receives in excess of 500 calls per month,

particularly for documents and information about measurement and mitigation services in the state.

Most of the information disseminated by the Radon Program is also easily accessible on the

Agency’s website at: http://www.state.il.us/iema/radon/radon.htm.

Page 29: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

At both the federal and local level, Radon Program staff gives more than 50 presentations to the

general public and civic groups on radon-related information per year. Presentations include

information on radon in homes, radon risk evaluation, geological considerations and advancements

in monitoring procedures as well as mitigation techniques. The Agency has also developed

partnerships with organizations such as the American Lung Association to highlight the carcinogenic

effects of radon exposure.

Radon Program staff provide continuing education courses for real estate agents and home

inspectors. Working with industry leaders like the Illinois Association of Realtors and the National

Association of Home Inspectors, who sponsor these courses, IEMA provides continuing education to

those professionals who work with the public.

Illinois counties, local government agencies and educational institutions have also become partners

in assisting with public education. Funding from the USEPA’s State Indoor Radon Grant (SIRG)

through IEMA’s Radon Program has allowed for greater public outreach and awareness from these

sources. While funding is limited, interested parties are encouraged to contact the Radon Program

about developing a sub-grant.


The Radon Industry Licensing Act (RILA) was signed into law in July 1997 and became

effective January 1, 1998. Illinois regulations implementing this Act, 32 Illinois

Administrative Code 422, became effective June 1, 1998. The latest amendment to this rule

was made effective February 22, 2005. The RILA established a comprehensive program for

determining the extent to which radon and radon progeny are present in dwellings and other

buildings in Illinois at concentrations that pose a potential risk to the occupants and for

determining measures that can be taken to reduce and prevent such risk. The Act also

addressed concerns of possible unscrupulous practices that exploit people’s concerns about

radon risk, but do not mitigate the dangers from radon and radon progeny. The Act made it

public policy of this state that in order to safeguard the health, property, and public welfare of

its citizens, persons engaging in the business of measuring the presence of radon or radon


Page 30: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

progeny in dwellings and reducing the presence of radon and radon progeny in the indoor

atmosphere shall be regulated by the state through licensing requirements.

In December 2005, Illinois Governor Rod R. Blagojevich proclaimed January 2006 as Radon Action

Month and further highlighted radon as a serious health concern. In May 2006, the 94th General

Assembly adopted a resolution urging residents to test their homes and school districts to test their

schools for the presence of radon.


Beginning January 1, 1998, it was established that no person shall sell a device or perform a service

for compensation to detect the presence of radon or radon progeny in the indoor atmosphere, perform

laboratory analysis, or perform a service to reduce the presence of radon or radon progeny in the

indoor atmosphere unless the person has been licensed by the Agency.

Categories of Licenses:

a) The following types of licenses are issued by the Agency to individuals:

1) Radon Measurement Professional license;

2) Radon Measurement Technician license;

3) Radon Mitigation Professional license; and

4) Radon Mitigation Technician license.

b) The Agency also issues licenses to persons performing radon-related laboratory


For more information about licensing for radon-related services in Illinois, please contact the IEMA’s

Radon Program for a copy of 32 Illinois Administrative Code 422 or visit our website at



Among the licensing requirements after the initial successful completion of an indoor radon and

radon progeny measurement or mitigation course (depending on license category), a prospective


Page 31: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

licensee must also successfully complete the IEMA’s Radon Measurement or Mitigation

Examination. Among the requirements for continued licensing, a licensee must also complete

continuing education requirements.

The Radon Program must approve all courses used for initial or renewal applications. At the same

time, the Radon Program also allows a variety of ways that licensees can earn continuing education

credits. For more information about providing or taking a licensing course for radon-related services

in Illinois, please contact the IEMA’s Radon Program or visit our website at www.state.il.us/iema/



• The IEMA Radon Program verified radon screening measurement data from 22,082 homes in

72 of 102 Illinois counties. Results indicate approximately 46 percent of all homes tested had

radon levels greater than the EPA action level of 4.0 pCi/L. The study identified certain areas

in Illinois with a significant percentage of homes with screening results in excess of the

action level. This indicates to the IEMA Radon Program where further efforts should be


• The IEMA Radon Program continues to assist county health departments, non-profit

organizations and special interest groups by supplying test kits and educational information.

• The IEMA Radon Program provides a wide variety of educational information in response to

public inquiries. Although radon receives considerable publicity, most members of the public

still have a need for basic information about radon. News reports and public service

announcements provided by the media are improving in content, and need to continue to

encourage homeowners to test their homes and when results are above the USEPA Action

Level (4.0 pCi/L) to reduce the radon concentration.


Page 32: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report

• The licensing and training of people performing radon measurements and mitigations, as well

as laboratories in which radon measurements are analyzed, has been a positive step toward

assuring consumer confidence in commercial radon services available in Illinois.

• Radon reduction in homes is no longer primarily a post-construction activity in Illinois. The

IEMA Radon Program has been meeting with local building code administrators to inform

them about new construction standards and continues to advocate for local adoption of these


• The IEMA Radon Program and the Illinois Association of Realtors have agreed on protocols

and quality assurance associated with radon measurements made for real estate transactions.

Most radon measurements are being made for the purpose of satisfying provisions of a real

estate contract. The Radon Industry Licensing Act instituted licensing requirements and

specific protocols or quality assurance guidelines. These protocols have been followed and

have prevented erroneous or misleading results. Prior to the Act such results caused delays in

transactions or may have led to the installation of mitigation systems where not needed.

• The application of the State Indoor Radon Grant (SIRG) continues to form successful

partnerships with local organizations and educational institutions and continues to develop

many successful projects.


• The IEMA Radon Program needs to continue to focus efforts on encouraging Illinois

residents to test their homes for radon and when results are above the USEPA Action Level

(4.0 pCi/L) to reduce the radon concentration.

• Continue to encourage interested organizations to apply for the State Indoor Radon Grant

(SIRG) funds for radon-related activities.

• Continue to encourage and support voluntary testing by schools. This could be done by

conducting briefings for school administrators, conducting measurement or mitigation


Page 33: IEMA 2006 Radon Status Report


demonstration projects and by providing free detectors to a limited number of low-income school


• Continue to develop more active approaches to public education. This might include

providing radon information to large numbers of schools and libraries. The IEMA Radon

Program staff will continue to work with the media to provide information to the public.

• It is intended that future radon-related studies include:

1. Continued collection of radon measurement and mitigation data from Illinoislicensees,

2. Promoting outreach and education projects, and encouraging radon measurements and

mitigations in counties in which no radon activities were reported in the 2003-2004

IEMA Radon Program dataset,

3. Geographic Information System mapping of areas in which radon measurements have

been conducted for Illinois county health departments,

4. Overlay of reported radon measurement data with mine, population and income

distribution in Illinois,

5. Comparison of measurement data with IEMA-Radon Program reported mitigation

data, and

6. Continued updates to the IEMA Status Report for Radon in Illinois.


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