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IEC. Making electrotechnology work for you.

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Making electrotechnology work 

Millions of devices that contain electronics, and use or

produce electricity, rely on IEC International Standards

and Conformity Assessment Systems to perform, t and

work safely together.

Founded in 1906, the IEC (International Electrotechnical

Commission) is the world’s leading organization for the

preparation and publication of International Standards for

all electrical, electronic and related technologies. These

are known collectively as “electrotechnology”.

IEC provides a platform to companies, industries and

governments for meeting, discussing and developing the

International Standards they require.

 All IEC International Standards are fully consensus-based

and represent the needs of key stakeholders of every



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nation participating in IEC work. Every member country,

no matter how large or small, has one vote and a say in

what goes into an IEC International Standard.

Globally relevant

The IEC is one of three global sister organizations (IEC,

ISO, ITU) that develop International Standards for the


When appropriate, IEC cooperates with ISO (International

Organization for Standardization) or ITU (International

Telecommunication Union) to ensure that International

Standards t together seamlessly and complement

each other. Joint committees ensure that International

Standards combine all relevant knowledge of experts

working in related areas.

 – Over 10 000 experts from industry, commerce, government, test and research labs, academia and consumer groups

participate in IEC Standardization work

 – Over 1 000 Working Groups in 174 Technical Committees and Subcommittees

 – Over 6 000 International Standards in IEC catalogue today

 – Over 500 000 Conformity Assessment certicates issued

 – 162 countries – 81 Members and 81 Afliates

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The sum of many voices

 An IEC International Standard is a normative document,

developed according to consensus procedures. It must

be approved by the relevant IEC National Committees

and is nally published as an International Standard by

the IEC Central Ofce.

The word “consensus” is important. This means that the

International Standard represents a common point of

view of concerned parties. Any member of the IEC may

participate in the preparatory work of an International

Standard, and any international, governmental or non-

governmental organization liaising with the IEC can

also take part in this preparation.

 Adoption of IEC International Standards by any country,

whether it is a member of the IEC or not, is entirely


Enabling world trade

IEC International Standards facilitate global trade

and technology transfer. They provide industry and

users with a framework for economies of design and

production, improved quality of products, and better


They also provide the WTO (World Trade Organization)

with an important reference for their TBT (Technical

Barriers to Trade) Agreement.



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Satisfy ing industry needs

This is not an empty promise. Any company or

organization, anywhere, can submit a request for a

new standard to the IEC.

If this need is shared by other companies around the

world, then the relevant IEC Technical Committee will

start work on a new International Standard.

Get involved – participate

The best way for industry to arrive at the standards it

needs is to participate in IEC Standardization work.

■ IEC International Standards reect the best

experience of industry, researchers, consumers

and regulators

■ They enjoy worldwide acceptance and are used

by many regulators in their legislation as a

benchmark for safety

■ IEC Standardization platforms allow competitors

to share their needs in a neutral setting and

provide a unique networking opportunity


IEC International Standards are regularly reviewed in

order to stay abreast of latest technology developments,

safety and environmental requirements.


Beyond electrotechno logy, IEC work also covers:

 – terminology and symbols that simplify production and technology transfer, because all partners communicate in

a universally understood language

 – safety to make certain that products and systems perform as expected

 – the environment – to allow the safe production, use and end-life destruction of electrotechnical goods – electromagnetic compatibility and interferences – enabling undisturbed performance of individual devices

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Fighting global warming

 According to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on

Climate Change, International Standards have an

important role to play in mitigating the effects of climate


Electrical energy efciency

IEC International Standards are the foundation for

immediate and short-term achievable improvements in

energy efciency, generation, transmission, distribution

and consumption by industry and individuals.

Electricity is the most easily controllable form of energy.

It also seems likely to be the area where global efforts

to control climate change could achieve the fastest

results. The IEC has laid down the foundation for

smart electrication and continuous improvements of

electrical energy efciency.

 At the fo ref ront of :

 – Smart Grid development in many countries around

the world

 – Electric car and electried transportation

 – Renewable energies including hydro, wind, solar,

ocean power  – Energy efciency in industry, buildings and

smarter homes



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Public safety in mind

Governments want to protect their populations from

unnecessary risks. Buyers want proof about a product

or system’s safety, performance and reliability. Users of

equipment and consumers want to be able to trust the

products or services they are purchasing.

IEC International Standards are the basis for conformity

assessment and reduce the inux of low quality products.

They make products safer, which in turn increases

consumer condence and public safety.

The IEC handles three Conformity Assessment Systems

that enable it to determine if a product or service is what

it appears to be and if a system performs as it should.

Mutual recognition and acceptance

Neither the IEC nor the IEC Conformity Assessment

Systems carry out testing or issue certicates.

Instead, IEC Conformity Assessment Systems provide

a standardized approach to testing and certication,

eliminating local bias. Certicates are issued by

the certication bodies accepted by the individual


Testing is carried out by testing laboratories that are

accepted in the Systems through a stringent peer-

review assessment, guaranteeing the highest-quality

standards. Any laboratory can join, so long as it is willing

and able to comply with the strict requirements and pass

the peer-review.

Passport to the world

 All certicates issued by members of a System are

transportable and accepted by all countries that

participate in the System. As a general rule, no member

may require re-testing. All certicates issued are

immediately veriable online.



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The ultimate goal is to provide one test, one global

certication, one mark for every product or system.

IEC Conformity Assessment Systems help accelerate

access to markets and reduce the need for multiple

testing and approval. This cuts costs. They also allow

products to reach markets faster and knock down many

barriers to trade.

Three IEC Conformity assessment systems

IECEE (IEC System of conformity assessment schemes

for electrotechnical equipment and components) –

covers conformity testing and certication for safety

and performance of home and ofce equipment, home

entertainment, medical devices, lighting, portable

tools, etc.


IECEx (IEC System for certication to standards relating

to equipment for use in explosive atmospheres) – covers

certication of personnel competencies (maintenance

and repair), electrical and electronic products and

systems in the highly specialized eld of explosion

protection. This includes all areas where inammable

gases, liquids, and combustible dusts may be present,

i.e., the oil and gas industry, mining, refuelling stations

for cars, trucks and planes, printing and paint industry,

grain storage and handling, sugar reneries, etc.


IECQ (IEC quality assessment system for electronic

components) – covers business to business supply

chain management systems for avionics, management

of electrostatic discharge and the use of hazardous

substances in the manufacturing process.


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 – 162 countries participate in the IEC

 – 59 full members

 – 22 associate members

81 developing countries participate in the IEC Afliate

Country Programme. Nine countries have already

been granted the Afliate Plus Status.


Each IEC member is represented by a National

Committee (NC). The NC coordinates the national

interests in electrotechnology, representing local

industry, governmental agencies, academia, trade

associations, end-users and national standard

developers within the IEC. Each country is responsible

for the structure and set-up of its NC.

Full members:

Countries where industry is developed, irrespective of

their economic situation.

■ Participate fully in all IEC activities and technical


■ Have the right to vote on all matters – one vote

per member 

■  Are able to participate in any Technical Committee

  of their choice as an active (Participating or 

  P-member – vote at all stages and attend

  meetings) or passive member (Observers

or O-member – vote on Final Draft International


■ Full access to all IEC International Standards and

documents in electronic format



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 Associate members:

Countries where industry is developed but economic

resources are limited.

■ Benet from all aspects of IEC technical work

■ Limited participation in IEC activities

■ Voting rights in four TCs/SCs

■ Full access to all IEC International Standards and

documents in electronic format

IEC Afliate Country Programme

To encourage developing countries to adopt

International Standards and participate in IEC work,

the IEC launched the IEC Afliate Country Programme.

There is no participation fee, and no voting rights.

■ Free of charge, 200 IEC International Standards

for national adoption

■  Access to specic IEC technical documents

■ Opportunity to comment on 10 selected TCs/SCs

by e-mail

■ Guidance on how to use IEC Conformity

 Assessment Systems

■ Participation in IEC Conformity Assessment

Systems (pending approval)

■ Observer status at IEC General Meetings

■ Support in the adoption procedure of

IEC International Standards at national level


IEC Afliate Plus Status

For participants in the IEC Afliate Country Programme

that have adopted at least 50 IEC International

Standards and established a NEC (National

Electrotechnical Committee).

■ Free of charge, 400 IEC International Standards

for national adoption (instead of 200)

■ Mentoring on a case-by-case basis


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The IEC’s governing body directs the two

principal branches of IEC work: the preparation of

IEC International Standards and the management

of IEC Conformity Assessment Systems. The newly-

formed Market Strategy Board is looking at future

needs and strategies for standardization.


Full Member National Committees



The Executive






Management of consensus InternationalStandards work




Technology watch /market priorities




Management of Conformity Assessmentoperations and Systems

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The world’s leading experts

More than 10 000 experts from companies, industry,

academia and governments offer their time, knowledge,

commitment and enthusiasm to ensure the safety,

performance and reliability of products, systems and

equipment that use or produce electricity or contain

electronics. Many of these experts enjoy a world-wide

reputation in their eld.

They understand how equipment should be

designed, produced, operated, installed, maintained

and overhauled and introduce that knowledge into

IEC International Standards.

174 TCs (Technical Committees) and SCs

(Subcommittees) prepare IEC International Standards

in more than 1 000 WGs (Working Groups) from the

very small (TC 113: Nanotechnology) to the very big

(TC 4: Hydraulic turbines) and everything in between.

IEC International Standards pass through a stringent

process for preparation and approval. They can be

used with condence by anyone, anywhere in the

world and are considered state-of-the-art by industry

and governments.

IEC International Standards and o ther products

The products or publications which result from

the work of TCs and SCs fall into two broad



■ International Standards

■ Technical Specications

■ Publicly Available Specications

■ Industry Technical Agreements


■ Technical Reports

■ Technology Trend Assessments

■ Guides

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The IEC, founded in 1906, is today the world

leading organization that prepares and publishes

International Standards for all electrical, electronic

and related technologies – collectively known as


The IEC provides industry and governments with a

platform where they can meet, discuss and prepare

the standards they need. The IEC also handles

three Conformity Assessment Systems for the millions

of devices that use or produce electricity in any form.

 – Over 10 000 experts in 174 Technical Committees 

with over 1 000 Working Groups

 – Over 6 000 International Standards in catalogue 


 – Over 500 000 Conformity Assessment certicates


 All IEC International Standards are fully consensus-

based and represent the needs of key stakeholders of

every country that participates in IEC work. They enable

global trade and ensure technology transfer.

The IEC is one of three sister organizations (IEC, ISO

and ITU) that prepare International Standards for the


When appropriate IEC cooperates with ISO (International

Organization for Standardization) or ITU (International

Telecommunication Union) to ensure that International

Standards t together seamlessly and complement

each other. Joint committees ensure that Standards

combine all relevant expertise of experts working in

these organizations.



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International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

3, rue de Varembé

PO Box 131

CH-1211 Geneva 20


Tel: +41 22 919 0211

Fax: +41 22 919 0300

[email protected]


IEC Asia-Pacic Regional Centre (IEC-APRC)

2 Bukit Merah Central #15-04/05

SG - Singapore 159835

Tel: +65 6377 5172/6

Fax: +65 6278 7573

[email protected]


IEC Latin America Regional Centre (IEC-LARC)

 Av. Paulista, 1439, An 11 Cj 114  

Bela Vista

BR-01311-200 São Paulo, SP


Tel: +55 11 3289 1544

Fax: +55 11 3289 0882

[email protected]


IEC Regional Centre for North America (IEC-ReCNA)

446 Main Street

16th FloorUS - Worcester, MA 01608


Tel: +1 508 755 5663

Fax: +1 508 755 [email protected]

Please visit the IEC website at www.iec.ch for further information. In the “About the IEC” section, you can contact your local

IEC National Committee directly. Alternatively, please contact the IEC Central Ofce in Geneva, Switzerland or the nearest

IEC Regional Centre.


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3, rue de Varembé

PO Box 131

CH-1211 Geneva 20


Tel: + 41 22 919 02 11

[email protected]

