7/21/2019 IDS Test App on Windows 8 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/ids-test-app-on-windows-8 1/11 IDS test app on Windows 8 IDS TEST  APP Windows 8 Machine Windows Phone

IDS Test App on Windows 8

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IDS test app installation

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Page 1: IDS Test App on Windows 8

7/21/2019 IDS Test App on Windows 8

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IDS test app on Windows 8


Windows 8




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1. Sideloading – App into device

2. et!ieving logs – "!om the device. 

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#hec$ %ist

Windows 8 &pe!ating s'stem – To be installed in a machine.

Windows Phone SD( )latest* – To recognize the device and

communicate between device and machine

Windows Powe! Tools – To sideload Apps into windows device

Windows Develope! Phone egist!ation – To unlock

windows device and to collect Logs

Test +,ild – IDS app under test 

MSD- license – To create Developer account 

,ne / To deploy signed Apps into windows device(ptional!

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To 0nloc$ Windows device

1. Set 0p Windows 8 &pe!ating S'stem into a machine.

2. Install Windows Phone SD( in the machine.

. #!eate an licensed develope! acco,nt in windows device

)c!eate a Mic!osot ID and Passwo!d*.

3. #onnect windows device with Windows 8 machine )alwayskeep device screen unlock*.

4. %a,nch Windows develope! egist!ation tool.

5. #lic$ on egiste! 6,tton7 Sign/in page gets displa'ed.

. Ente! Mic!osot ID and Passwo!d associated with the acco,nt.

8. &n Doing so7 Stat,s in the Develope! Phone !egist!ation

windows shows Device 0nloc$.

9. #lose the Window.

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Windows Device

with licenseddevelope!


Windows Develope! Phone !egist!ation

 App – To 0nloc$ windows device.

Machine %oaded with

Windows 8 &pe!ating


Sign in with the Mic!osot

ID and passwo!d.

 Ate! s,ccess,l sign in Stat,s

shows Phone is ,nloc$ed and

#lose +,tton is ena6led.

:Stat,s : showing Phone identiied and aegiste! 6,tton to navigate to Sign in page.

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Steps to Sideload Test App

1. #onnect windows device to the machine and s'nc the


2. %a,nch Windows Powe! Tool.

. "!om #onnect to D!opdown select Device.3. #lic$ on #onnect.

4.  All the options will 6e ena6led.

5. #lic$ on Install; 0pdate.

. #lic$ on +!owse! and select the location whe!e the Test App is sto!ed.

8. #lic$ on Install.

9. 0nde! Dev Apps7 the installed App name gets displa'ed.

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Windows Device

with licenseddevelope!


%a,nch Windows Powe! Tool

and select :DE<I#E= !om

#onnect to D!op Down

Windows 8 &pe!ating


#lic$ +!owse and select the location o the App

and clic$ on Install

Installed App appea!s

,nde! Dev Apps)Test App*

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Di!ecting to an Envi!onment in IDS App

1. &pen IDS test app in the device.

2. Select the Envi!onment !om the d!op down list.

. Select IDS 0I and then #hallenge.

3. ++ID>4 envi!onment po!tal gets opened.4. Eithe! c!eate o! Sign in with the e?isting acco,nt / a

s,ccess message gest displa'ed.

5. Select :#lea! Identit'= and co!!esponding message gets


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Steps to capt,!e logs !om Test App

1. #onnect windows device to the machine.

2. %a,nch Windows Powe! Tool.

. "!om #onnect D!opdown select Device.

3. #lic$ on #onnect.4.  All the options will 6e ena6led.

5. #lic$ on Isolated Sto!age.

. #lic$ on the App to e?pand the t!ee.

8. E?pand "iles /@ %ogs /@9. Two t'pes o logs gets displa'ed

1>. &pen and save the iles.

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"!om the Isolated Sto!age select

the App and E?pand the t!ee.

Save the e?t!acted %ogs in the!e,i!ed location.