GIS Analysis At the very heart o GIS is the ability to perorm analyses based on geographic location. Indeed, no other type o sofware can provide this. IDRISI oers a wealth o analytical tools or geographic analysis. DATABASE QUERY Database Query is t he most undamental o GIS operations. RECLASS perorms image reclassication. OVERLAY perorms nine dierent operations between two images including add, subtract, multiply , divide, normalized ratio, exponentiate, minimize, maximize, and cover . CROSSAB perorms a hard or uzzy crosstabulation between two or three maps. EXRAC calculates summary statistics or a set o input maps. BREAKOU creates Boolean maps or all categories in an image. HISO provides a graphic or numeric requency histogram and statistics o the cell values within an image. AREA calculates the area in a variety o units o each class in an image. PERIM calculates the perimeter o each class in an image. PROFILE creates proles over space or over time. QUERY extracts pixels designated by an independent mask into a sequential le or subsequent statistical analysis. PCLASS perorms a probability reclassication when the level o uncertainty in an image is known. Database Workshop is a relational database manager and provides the ability to create, edit and analyze database les in IDRISI using the Microsof ADO and Access Jet Engines. Both the Calculate and Filter operations are supported through the use o Structured Query Language (SQL). Image Calculator is an interactive mathematical modeling tool that allows you to enter a model as a ull algebraic equation using a calculator-like interace. It also supports mathematical expressions and logical queries. MATHEMATICAL  OPERATORS IDRISI provides a set o mathematical tools necessary or complete map algebra. OVERLAY can perorm nine dierent operations between two images including add, subtract, multiply , divide, normalized ratio, exponentiate, minimize, maximize, and cover . Image Calculator can evaluate models such as this vulnerability mapping analysis using fuzzy criteria in West Africa. The smaller image of market accessibility was produced with an anisotropic cost function that calculates effective distance from markets recognizing the frictional effects of landcover, road type, slope and aspect (i.e., whether the slope is uphill or downhill). Te IDRISI Selva GIS and Image Processing sofware includes nearly 300 modules or the analysis and display o digital inormation. Te specications or these modules are presented in the same logic as the IDRISI menu structure within the sofware . IDRISI Selva GIS and Image Processing Software Technical Specications

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GIS AnalysisAt the very heart o GIS is the ability to perorm analyses based on

geographic location. Indeed, no other type o sofware can provide this.

IDRISI offers a wealth o analytical tools or geographic analysis.


Database Query is the most undamental o GIS operations.

RECLASS perorms image reclassification.

OVERLAY perorms nine different operations between two images

including add, subtract, multiply, divide, normalized ratio, exponentiate,

minimize, maximize, and cover.

CROSSAB perorms a hard or uzzy crosstabulation between two or

three maps.

EXRAC calculates summary statistics or a set o input maps.

BREAKOU creates Boolean maps or all categories in an image.

HISO provides a graphic or numeric requency histogram and

statistics o the cell values within an image.

AREA calculates the area in a variety o units o each class in an image.

PERIM calculates the perimeter o each class in an image.

PROFILE creates profiles over space or over time.

QUERY extracts pixels designated by an independent mask into asequential file or subsequent statistical analysis.

PCLASS perorms a probability reclassification when the level o

uncertainty in an image is known.

Database Workshop is a relational database manager and provides

the ability to create, edit and analyze database files in IDRISI using

the Microsof ADO and Access Jet Engines. Both the Calculate and

Filter operations are supported through the use o Structured Query

Language (SQL).

Image Calculator is an interactive mathematical modeling tool

that allows you to enter a model as a ull algebraic equation using a

calculator-like interace. It also supports mathematical expressions andlogical queries.


IDRISI provides a set o mathematical tools necessary or complete map


OVERLAY can perorm nine different operations between two images

including add, subtract, multiply, divide, normalized ratio, exponentiate

minimize, maximize, and cover.

Image Calculator can evaluate models such as this vulnerability mapping analysis using

fuzzy criteria in West Africa. The smaller image of market accessibility was produced wit

an anisotropic cost function that calculates effective distance from markets recognizing

the frictional effects of landcover, road type, slope and aspect (i.e., whether the slope i

uphill or downhill).

Te IDRISI Selva GIS and Image Processing sofware includes nearly 300 modules or the analysis and display

o digital inormation. Te specifications or these modules are presented in the same logic as the IDRISI menu

structure within the sofware.

IDRISI SelvaGIS and Image Processing Softw

Technical Specifications

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SCALAR undertakes arithmetic operations between a constant and a

single image.

RANSFORM can perorm 15 different mathematical transorma-

tions on the attributes o a single image including natural logarithms

and antilogs, a logit transormation, reciprocal, square and square

root, absolute value, and all o the trigonometric operations.

Image Calculator is an interactive mathematical modeling tool that

allows you to enter a model as a ull algebraic equation using a calcu-

lator-like interace and supports mathematical expressions and logical



Distance operators provide tools where distance plays a key role in the


DISANCE calculates the true Euclidean distance o each cell to the

nearest o a set o target cells as specified in a separate image.

SPDIS is the equivalent o the DISANCE module, except that it

accommodates the special case o spherical distance units (degrees,


COS calculates a distance/proximity surace where distance is

measured as the least cost distance in moving over a riction surace.BUFFER creates buffers around any set o specified eatures in an


Te next set o our modules is used when rictions act with different

strengths depending on the direction o movement.

VARCOS computes an anisotropic cost surace using direction and

magnitude orce images.

DISPERSE models movement caused by anisotropic orces in terms

o direction and magnitude but unlike the VARCOS module, these

terms have no motive orce o their own.

RESULAN computes the resultant orce vector (as a magnitude

and direction image pair) rom two input orce vector image pairs.

DECOMP decomposes a orce vector (as a magnitude and direction

image pair) into X and Y component images, or takes X and Ycomponent images and produces a orce vector image pair.

PAHWAY calculates the route o least cost distance between one or

more points and the lowest point or points on an accumulated cost

distance surace.

ALLOCAE perorms spatial allocation based on a distance or cost

distance image.

RELOCAE moves eatures in an image to a target set o eatures in

another image based on minimum distance.

HIESSEN produces Tiessen polygons around a set o irregularly

distributed points.


Context operators assign new values in an image based on the values

o its surrounding neighbors.

SURFACE calculates either the slope, aspect, or an analytical

hillshading model o surace cells rom a given input image o terrain


FILER applies 3 by 3, 5 by 5, 7 by 7, or user-defined kernels to

calculate new values based on neighboring values. Te ollowing

filters are available: mean, Gaussian, median, standard deviation,

adaptive box, mode, Laplacian edge enhancement, high pass, Sobel

edge detection, and user-defined.

PAERN computes various numerical pattern indices (relative

richness, diversity, dominance, requency, ragmentation, and others),

using a 3 by 3, 5 by 5, or 7 by 7 template.

EXURE calculates measures o variability (ractional dimension,

class requency, edge analysis, and others) using a 3 by 3, 5 by 5, or 7

by 7 template.

GROUP identifies unique contiguous polygon areas in an image.

VIEWSHED determines all visible cells rom any single or multiple

location on a surace or the proportion o viewpoint cells rom which

a viewshed is visible.

WAERSHED calculates all cells belonging to the watersheds o one

or more target cells.

HINERLAND determines the supply area dominated by point

demand centers.

PIXEL LOCAION creates new images representing the X and Y

coordinate o each cell center.

IDRISI includes tools for the derivation of runoff potential and stream networks.

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Te Statistics submenu provides a series o tools or perorming both

traditional statistical analysis and specialized spatial statistics routines.

HISO provides a graphic or numeric requency histogram and

statistics o the cell values within an image.

EXRAC calculates summary statistics or a set o input maps.

PAERN computes various numerical pattern indices (relative

richness, diversity, dominance, requency, ragmentation, and others),

using a 3 by 3, 5 by 5, or 7 by 7 template.

COUN calculates a relative requency probability image derived

rom a set o input Boolean images.

REGRESS undertakes a linear regression analysis with summary

statistics and graphs on image pairs.

MULIREG perorms a multivariate regression analysis between

images, one dependent variable and two or more independent


LOGISICREG perorms a logistical regression analysis on images,

one dependent variable and two or more independent variables.

MULILOGISICREG undertakes a multinomial logisticalregression on images where the dependent variable is multi-


REND calculates up to a 9th-order best-fit trend surace between

pixel values and their positions within the image.

DURBIN WASON detects the first-order serial correlation in a n

image or residual series.

AUOCORR calculates the first-lag autocorrelation coefficient, using

a “rook’s case” or a “king’s case” o an image using Moran’s “I” statistic.

QUADRA perorms quadrat analysis, the character o a point set’s

pattern, in terms o its variance/mean ratio or density.

CENER calculates the mean center (“center o gravity”) and

standard radius or a set o points.

CRAIO measures the compactness ratio o defined polygons.

CROSSAB perorms a crosstabulation or a crosscorrelation between

two qualitative maps.

VALIDAE calculates specialized Kappa measures that discriminate

between errors o quantity and errors o location between two

qualitative maps.

ROC calculates the Relative Operating Characteristic, a measure o

the correspondence between a quantitative modeled image showing

the likelihood that a particular class exists.

SAMPLE creates systematic, random, and stratified random pointsampling schemes.

RANDOM creates a new image o specified dimensions with

random values that obey either a rectilinear, normal, or lognormal

distribution, according to a user-specified mean and standard


SANDARD converts the values in an image to standard scores.

SPLUSIDRIS and SAIDRIS import and export images and data

between IDRISI and S-PLUS and Statistica sofware respectively.


Te modules in this menu are unique in that they specifically addressmulti-objective, multi-criteria resource allocation decision problems,

as well as problems o assessing and incorporating uncertainty in the

decision making process.

Te Decision Wizard is an automated assistant that steps you through

the decision support process in IDRISI. Te Wizard acilitates the use


WEIGH employs the Analytical Hierarchy Process to compute a

best-fit set o weights through a pairwise comparison o actors in a

multi-criteria evaluation.

MCE perorms a multi-criteria evaluation by means o either a

Boolean analysis, Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) or OrderedWeighted Averaging (OWA) o actor images.

RANK orders every cell in a raster image.

OPRANK creates a Boolean image rom the top ranked cells o an


MOLA perorms a multi-objective land allocation analysis using a

decision heuristic to resolve conflicts.

SANDARD converts an image to standard scores.

IDRISI has tools for the validation of classified maps to reality including crosstabulation

and error matrix analysis.

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FUZZY evaluates the uzzy set membership values (possibilities) o

data cells based on any o three membership unctions: sigmoidal,

 j-shaped, and linear, or through a user-defined membership.

COUN calculates a relative requency probability image derived

rom a set o input Boolean images.

MDCHOICE resolves conflicts between competing objectives by

means o a multiple ideal-point procedure.

Te remaining modules in this submenu are used in the evaluation

and handling o error in geographic analysis.

PCLASS evaluates the probability with which data cells exceed or are

exceeded by a specified threshold based on the stated RMS error or

the input map.

BAYES evaluates the probability that an entity belongs to any o a

number o different sets.

Belief employs the Dempster-Shaer Weight-o-Evidence procedure to

evaluate the degree to which evidence provides concrete support or

a hypothesis (belie) and the degree to which that evidence does not

reute the hypothesis (plausibility).

RANDOM creates random images according to rectilinear, normal or

log-normal models.

SAMPLE creates systematic, random, and stratified random point

sampling schemes.

ERRMA produces an error matrix analysis o categorical map

data compared to ground truth inormation and tabulates errors o

omission and commission, marginal and total errors, per-category

Kappa Index o Agreement, and selected confidence intervals.

CHANGE/TIME SERIES Change and time series analysis tools identiy and quantiy change,

as well as predict the effects o change on the environment, at scales

ranging rom local to global.

IMAGEDIFF compares two quantitative images o the same variable

or different dates.

IMAGERAIO compares two quantitative images o the same

 variable or different dates through ratioing.

CVA (Change Vector Analysis) compares two-band sets o images or

two dates and calculates the magnitude and direction o change.

CALIBRAE adjusts the overall numeric characteristics o an image

to match an external standard using either image regression, user-

defined offset and gain, or user-defined mean and standard deviation.

CROSSAB perorms a hard or uzzy crosstabulation between two or

three maps.

o analyze change over multiple dates, the ollowing modules may

be used.

PROFILE creates profiles over space or over time.

SA perorms a standardized Principal Components Analysis or

time series data.

FA perorms temporal Fourier analysis o time series images.

CORRELAE calculates the Pearson Product Moment Coefficient o

Correlation between a set o values in an attribute values file and the

 values through a time series o images or each pixel o an image.

KENDALL calculates the monotonic trend in data over time using the

non-parametric Mann Kendall statistic.

KENDAL AU calculates a non-parametric statistic to estimate the

degree o correspondence between two ordinal level variables.

Media Viewer is a presentation utility that can play Windows video

(AVI) files and can create AVI video files rom a sequence o IDRISI


SAS computes temporal statistics on a per-pixel basis across araster group o images.

COR produces the correlations o a spatial pattern between a single

image and each image in a time series.

Te ollowing modules are used in modeling uture change.

MARKOV analyzes two qualitative landcover images rom different

dates and produces a transition matrix, a transition areas matrix, and

a set o conditional probability images.

IDRISI includes an unparalleled suite of tools for multi-objective/multi-criteria decision

support. Multiple suitability problems are defined in terms of factors, constraints,

factor weights and risk-taking strategy. Then the composite suitability images for each

objective are used together to best allocate areas to each objective. Rather than one-

shot black-box solutions, this approach provides decision makers with understandable

and defensible methods that can be iteratively improved. Here, industrial and commercial

suitability are modeled.

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SCHOICE creates a stochastic landcover map by evaluating the

conditional probabilities that each landcover can exist at each pixel

location against a rectilinear random distribution o probabilities.

DISAGGREGAE redistributes the conditional probabilities o a

particular landcover type according to a designated pattern.

NORMALIZE linearly adjusts the values or a set o quantitative

images so the values sum to 1.0 at each pixel.

LOGISICREG perorms a logistical regression analysis on images,one dependent variable and two or more independent variables.

CELLAOM perorms a cellular automata set o operations according

to a set o rules or changing states.

CA_MARKOV is a combined cellular automata / Markov change

landcover prediction procedure that adds an element o spatial

contiguity as well as knowledge o the likely spatial distribution o

transitions to Markov change analysis.

GEOMOD is a landuse change simulation model that predicts,

orward or backward, the locations o grid cells that change over time.

VALIDAE calculates specialized Kappa measures that discriminate

between errors o quantity and errors o location between twoqualitative maps.

ROC calculates the Relative Operating Characteristic providing a

measure o the correspondence between a quantitative modeled image

showing the likelihood that a particular class exists.



INERPOL interpolates a distance-weighted average or a potential

model surace given an input set o points.

INERCON interpolates a surace rom a set o digitized contour lines.

IN creates a constrained or non-constrained triangulated irregular

network rom isoline or point data.

INSURF interpolates a ull raster surace rom a IN model and the

original point attribute data.

GENERALIZAION creates a point vector file rom the vertices o an

input line file or thins vector point data according to a user-defined

radial search distance.

LINOPN extracts the vertices o a vector line data file into a vector

point data file.INPREP adds or removes points along an isoline given a user-

specified tolerance distance.

Spatial Dependence Modeler* provides a wide range o tools to learn

about the patterns o spatial dependence in a sample data set.

Model Fitting* allows the user to define mathematical models to

describe the covariance relationships among sample data.

Kriging and Simulation* creates ull raster suraces rom sample data

and the models developed through spatial dependence modeler and

model fitting.

HIESSEN produces Tiessen polygons around a set o irregularly

distributed points.

Markov Chain Analysis, a technique for predictive change modeling, is supported in

IDRISI with the module MARKOV. Predictions of future change are based on changes

that have occurred in the past.

* Tese modules access a modified version o Gstat©.

IDRISI includes a wide range of surface generation, interpolation and analysis routines

Upper left, Triangulated Irregular Network model created from digital contour data

Upper right, digital elevation model (DEM) created from the TIN with original contour

overlaid. Lower right, illuminated DEM emphasizes relief. Lower left, false colo

composite image (TM bands 234) draped over the DEM. All data in this screenshot are

from the Sierra de Gredos area of Spain.

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REND calculates up to a 9th-order best fit trend surace between

pixel values and their positions within the image.

Topographic Variables

SURFACE calculates either the slope, aspect, or an analytical hill-

shading model o surace cells rom a given input image o terrain


CURVAURE calculates the maximum rate o change o a curvefit through a pixel in both the direction o aspect and also in the

direction orthogonal to aspect.

FRACAL calculates the ractal dimension o a surace using a

3 by 3 neighborhood.

Feature Extraction

CONOUR creates vector isolines at specified contour intervals rom

a continuous surace.

OPOSHAPE classifies a surace into eleven different eatures: peak,

ridge, saddle, flat, ravine, pit, convex hillside, saddle hillside, slope

hillside, concave hillside, and inflection hillside.

PI REMOVAL creates an adjusted “depressionless” DEM in which

the cells contained in depressions are raised to the lowest elevation

 value on the rim o the depression.

RUNOFF calculates the accumulation o rainall units per pixel as i

one unit o rainall was dropped on every location.

FLOW calculates the flow direction rom each pixel into its next

“downhill” neighbor.

RUSLE (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation) simulates armland

and rangeland nonchannelized soil loss by water.

WAERSHED calculates all cells belonging to the watersheds o one

or more target cells.

SLOPELENGH calculates the longest slope length in a given raster


FACE produces an image o homogeneity.

SEDIMENAION evaluates the net soil movement (erosion or

deposition) within patches, fields, or river basins.

ModelingTe diverse items in the Modeling menu unleash the power o raster

analysis in IDRISI. Most modules in this menu are also located in

other areas within the menu structure. Several modules are only

ound here.

LCM (Land Change Modeler for Ecological Sustainability) is an

integrated sofware environment or analyzing landcover change,projecting its course into the uture, and assessing its implications or

habitat and biodiversity change.

EM (Earth Trends Modeler) is an integrated sofware environment

or the display, manipulation and analysis o time series data.

Macro Modeler provides a very mature graphical modeling interace

that exposes all o IDRISI’s GIS modules as objects that can be linked,

dynamically and with eedbacks, with map layers in an algorithmic


COM and PYHON menu items allow or the development o

stand-alone modules as add-ons to IDRISI using a scripting language

such as Python or a ull programming language such as C++, Delphior Visual Basic. Using COM, client applications can be written that

control all aspects o IDRISI’s operations.

The Land Change Modeler for Ecological Sustainability is organized around a set of

tasks for landcover change assessment, change prediction, assessment of its impacts on

habitat and biodiversity, and the exploration of planning interventions.

The IDRISI Macro Modeler provides a graphic environment for the construction of

models. Facilities are included for batch processing of multiple images through the same

model and for iterative processing with the output of one iteration becoming an input

to the next.

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Image ProcessingAlongside the geographic analytical operators ound in IDRISI, the

Image Processing capabilities round out a ull suite o tools or the

processing o spatial data.


RESAMPLE perorms a local affine transormation or the geometric

restoration o images and can be used to georegister an image to a

reerence system or to another file.

LOCALAFFINE is used to rectiy images that have an embedded grid

o control points with precise known locations.

MOSAIC automates color balancing when adjacent overlapping

images are joined into a single larger image.

DESRIPE removes the striping caused by variable detector output in

scanned imagery.

RADIANCE converts raw Landsat data values to calibrated radiance

using lookup tables o gain and offset values.

AMOSC corrects remotely sensed images or atmospheric effects

using either the Dark Object Subtraction model, Chavez’s Cos(t)

model, the ull radiative transer equation model, or the Apparent

Reflectance Model (ARM).

NDVICOMP creates temporal composite images o NDVI imageryusing the maximum value or a quadratic mean.

SCREEN uses spatial autocorrelation to screen a hyperspectral series

o images or the presence o significant atmospheric noise.


SRECH increases the contrast in an image or the enhancement o

 visual interpretation.

COMPOSIE produces a 24-bit color composite image rom three

bands o imagery.

FILER applies 3 by 3, 5 by 5, 7 by 7, or user-defined kernels to

calculates new values using a mathematical operation on the original

cell value and its neighbors. Te ollowing filters are available: mean,

Gaussian, median, standard deviation, adaptive box, mode, Laplacian

edge enhancement, high pass, Sobel edge detection, and user-defined.

PANSHARPEN perorms a panchromatic merge using color space

transormation, principal component transormation, and local

regression transormation techniques.


PCA provides both standardized and unstandardized principal

components analysis.

CANCOMP perorms a canonical components analysis


CANCOR perorms a canonical correlation analysis transormation.

MNF (minimum noise raction) maximizes the signal to noise ratio

or a set o images.

SA perorms a standardized principal components analysis or time

series data.

FA (temporal Fourier analysis) perorms harmonic analysis on

temporal images.

COLSPACE perorms Hue/Lightness/Saturation (HLS) to Red/Green

Blue (RGB) color space transormations.

EXURE calculates measures o variability (ractional dimension,

class requency, edge analysis, and others), using a 3 by 3, 5 by 5, or 7

by 7 template.

HERMAL converts Landsat M Band 6 raw data values to

blackbody temperatures.

VEGINDEX calculates 19 slope-based and distance-based vegetation

indices rom remotely sensed images.

ASSCAP perorms the asseled Cap transormation.


FOURIER allows or the transormation o images rom the spatial

domain to the requency domain and back again.

ZEROPAD is used to prepare images used in FOURIER.

FILERFQ, FREQDIS and DRAWFIL all acilitate the creation

o filters to be applied to requency domain images to enhance,

suppress or remove particular requencies prior to perorming a

reverse Fourier ransorm. FILERFQ offers 26 types o filters.

FREQDIS creates a requency distance image that may then be

manipulated with RECLASS or FUZZY. DRAWFIL provides an

interactive display utility in which the user may use the cursor to

trace particular requencies to be masked out.

Earth Trends Modeler includes a coordinated suite of data mining tools for the extraction

of trends and underlying determinants of variability.

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MAKESIG creates statistical signature files or each inormational

training site class.

Endsig is used to create end-member (i.e., pure) signatures or use

with UNMIX.

FUZSIG produces signatures rom data that are assumed to be

inherently uzzy or ambiguous in character.

PURIFY perorms a parametric (Mahalanobis distance) or a

nonparametric (unsupervised clustering) purification on existing

training site data.

HYPERSIG creates statistical signatures rom hyperspectral data,either rom training site data or rom spectral curve library files.

HYPERAUOSIG automatically develops signatures or hyperspectral

image data based on the Linear Spectral Unmixing logic.

SIGCOMP graphically displays and compares signatures.

SEPSIG provides statistical measures on the separability o signatures

over a given set o bands.

SCAER creates a scattergram o the band space between images

used in the creation o signatures.


PIPED is a parallelepiped classifier.

MINDIS is a minimum distance to means classifier.

MAXLIKE is a maximum likelihood classifier with options to speciy

prior probabilities as values or images.

FISHER provides image classification based on linear

discriminant analysis.

KNN is a k-nearest neighbor classifier.

CLUSER perorms an unsupervised classification using a variant

o the histogram peak technique.

ISOCLUS is an iterative sel-organizing cluster analysis procedure

using a predetermined number o clusters.

ISODAA provides an unsupervised classification o input images

using an iterative sel-organizing data analysis technique.

KMEANS classifies according to the K-means clustering technique.

MAXSE is a hard classifier that assigns to each pixel the class with

the greatest degree o commitment based on a ull Dempster-Shaer

hierarchy describing all classes and their hierarchical combination.

CHAINCLUSER perorms the chain method unsupervised


MLP undertakes the classification o remotely sensed imagery through

the artificial neural network multi-layer perceptron technique.SOM undertakes either a supervised or unsupervised classification o

remotely sensed imagery through the artificial neural network Sel-

Organizing Map technique.

Fuzzy ARMAP undertakes either a supervised or unsupervised

classification o remotely sensed imagery through the artificial neural

network Fuzzy ARMAP technique.

RBFNN undertakes a Radial Basis Function Neural Network

supervised classification.

CA undertakes the classification o remotely sensed imagery

through Classification ree Analysis with automatic and manual

pruning options.

IDRISI allows on-screen digitizing of training sites and the development and analysis of

signatures including signature comparison, measures of separability, and scattergrams.

Linear spectral unmixing is available in the module UNMIX. Three options are provided:

the standard unmixing method, a probability guided method, and an exhaustive search

method. The latter two methods allow the user to evaluate more classes than the

standard unmixing method.

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BAYCLASS employs Bayesian probability theory to express the degree

o membership o a pixel to any class.

MAHALCLASS calculates Mahalanobis distance to produce a new set

o signature classes.

BELCLASS employs Dempster-Shaer theory to express the degree o

membership o a pixel to any class.

FUZCLASS employs Fuzzy Set theory to express the degree o

membership o a pixel to any class.

KNN is a k-nearest neighbor classifier that can express or each

category its proportion among the k-nearest neighbors.

MLP undertakes the classification o remotely sensed imagery through

the artificial neural network multi-layer perceptron technique with an

option to output sof activation level layers or each class.

SOM undertakes either a supervised or unsupervised classification o

remotely sensed imagery through the artificial neural network Sel-

Organizing Map technique with an option to output sof typicalities

or commitment layers or each class.

UNMIX is used to classiy remotely-sensed images using Linear

Spectral Unmixing (LSU—also called Linear Mixture Modeling).

HYPERUSP provides unsupervised classification or hyperspectral

image data.

HYPEROSP provides or hyperspectral image classification through

an orthogonal subspace projection approach.

HYPERUNMIX extends the capabilities o Linear Spectral Unmixing

to hyperspectral data sets.

HYPERABSORB provides or hyperspectral image classification

based on library spectra and continuum removal o absorption areas

and the correlation o these areas in terms o fit and depth between

the library spectrum and the spectra rom an imaging data set.

BELCALC calculates the degree o membership that each pixel

exhibits or each o the classes or which training data has been

provided using the logic o Dempster-Shaer theory.

Belief  perorms a Dempster-Shaer Weight-o-Evidence classification

and extends the logic o mixture analysis, allowing or the ability to

combine new evidence with existing knowledge.

HARDEN produces hard decision images rom the sof classifier


MAHALCLASS by choosing the class that has the maximum value.


Tree tools available or classification rom image segments.

SEGMENAION groups adjacent pixels into image segments

according to their spectral similarity.

SEGRAIN is an interactive training site and signature

development tool or use with the segmentation results created rom


SEGCLASS is a majority rule classifier based on the majority class

within a segment.


HYPERSIG extends the logic o signature development to thespecial case o hyperspectral data. HYPERSIG creates and displays

hyperspectral signatures either rom training site data or rom

spectral curve library files.

ASDIDRISI imports the spectrometer data collected using the

Analytical Spectral Device (ASD).

HYPERAUOSIG automatically develops signatures or hyperspectral

image data based on the Linear Spectral Unmixing logic.

SCREEN uses spatial autocorrelation to screen a hyperspectral series

o images or the presence o significant atmospheric noise.

HYPERSAM is a spectral angle mapper hard classifier or

hyperspectral data using a minimum-angle procedure.

HYPERMIN is a minimum-distance hyperspectral hard classifier

specifically intended or use with image-based signatures developed

using training sites.

HYPERUSP provides unsupervised classification or hyperspectral

image data.

HYPEROSP provides or hyperspectral image classification through

an orthogonal subspace projection approach.

Techniques for hyperspectral image analysis are available in IDRISI. Tools include

absorption spectra analysis using continuum removal for estimation of the degree of

support for members of a library of spectral response curves developed in a laboratory

setting, an unsupervised classifier, and several supervised classifiers including orthogonal

subspace projection and linear spectral unmixing.

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HYPERUNMIX extends the capabilities o Linear Spectral Unmixing

to hyperspectral data sets.

HYPERABSORB provides or hyperspectral image classification

based on library spectra and continuum removal o absorption areas

and the correlation o these areas in terms o fit and depth between

the library spectrum and the spectra rom an imaging data set.


SAMPLE creates systematic, random, and stratified random point

sampling schemes.

ERRMA produces an error matrix analysis o categorical map data

compared to ground truth inormation.

ReformatIDRISI includes tools that allow you to change the data and file type

o a file, reorient an image or vector file, change the extent o the study

area, change resolution, generalize the level o detail in the file, join

files together, and convert files rom raster to vector and vice versa.

CONVER changes the data type or file type o an image or vector file.

PROJEC reprojects the reerence system coordinates o image or

 vector files.

RESAMPLE perorms a local affine transormation or the geometric

restoration o images and can be used to georegister an image to a

reerence system or to another file.

WINDOW extracts a rectangular sub-area o a larger image to create

a new smaller image.

EXPAND alters the resolution o raster images through pixel


CONRAC alters the resolution o raster images through pixel

thinning or by pixel aggregation.

CONCA concatenates multiple images or multiple vector files into a

single image or vector file.

RANSPOSE rotates an image by 90 degrees in either direction and

can reverse the order o rows or columns.

MEAUPDAE updates the documentation files or all files in a

raster or vector group file.

RASERVECOR converts data between raster and vector ormats.

GENERALIZAION is used to generalize vector point and line data.

It can also generalize raster data by merging smaller regions into

neighboring regions based on a given threshold.

LINOPN extracts the vertices o a vector line data file into a vector

point data file.

Data EntryIDRISI offers a host o tools to acilitate data entry. In addition to

the data entry modules in this menu, conversion utilities or existing

data that are in non-IDRISI ormats are also included (see Import

and Export).

CartaLinx  is a ull vector topological editor and spatial database

development tool also developed and distributed by Clark Labs. It

provides tablet as well as on-screen digitizing capabilities and a wide

range o data editing tools.

Edit is the IDRISI text editor utility or creating a variety o ASCII

related IDRISI ormat files.

ASSIGN assigns new values to an image.

INIIAL creates an image containing a single value.

UPDAE assigns single values to specific cells or rectangular groups

o cells.

UMRef  acilitates the creation o reerence system parameter files

based on the Universal ransverse Mercator system or subsequent

use with PROJEC.

Database Workshop is a relational database manager, and lies at the

heart o IDRISI’s support or layer collections that link vector eature

definition files to database tables. Database Workshop provides theability to create, edit and analyze database files in IDRISI. IDRISI uses

the Microsof ADO and Access Jet Engines as the basis or Database

Workshop. With this acility, one can undertake a wide variety o

database operations including queries, calculations, and map display.

Both the Calculate and Filter operations are supported through the

use o Structured Query Language (SQL).

IDRISI Explorer is a general purpose utility to manage and explore

IDRISI files and projects. Use IDRISI Explorer to set your project

environment, manage your group files, review metadata, display files,

Satellite imagery is easily imported by means of special import modules (e.g., Landsat),

industry standard formats (e.g., GEOTIF) or generic import routines.


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and simply organize your data with such tools as copy, delete, rename,

and move commands.

Import and ExportIDRISI includes a variety o utilities or file import and export—both

general conversion routines as well as modules or specific sofware or

data ormats.


GDALIDRISI is a ront-end utility that interaces with the open

source GDAL raster translation sofware.

GENERICRASER is an all-purpose utility to import raster data in

a variety o data types and ormats, including byte, integer and real,

band-interleaved by line (BIL), band-interleaved by pixel (BIP) and

band sequential (BSQ) ormats.

CRLF adds or removes carriage returns or line eeds.

XYZIDRIS is used to import ASCII X,Y,Z coordinate data to a point

 vector file such as might be collected by a GPS unit or might be

entered by hand into a spreadsheet or text file.

VAR2FIX changes variable-length ASCII files to fixed-length files.

SSIDRIS is used to import spreadsheet data when the cells o the

spreadsheet are to be interpreted as cells in the resulting image.


Landsat EM or Landsat NLAPS, FAS, GEOIFF or HDF ormats.

SPO or SPO satellite data in GEOIFF, SPO Scene (CAP), or

GEOSPO–SPOView ormats.

GEOIFF or generic GEOIFF/IFF files.

HDFEOS or HDF-EOS4 ormats including HDF 4 and HDF-EOS 4.

MODISCONV imports MODIS tiled imagery.

MODISQC creates the quality assurance science data sets or MODIS

data products.

GACPIDRISI imports Global Aerosol Climatology Project data into


NECDF imports NECDF data into IDRISI.

OLRIDRISI imports Outgoing Longwave Radiation into IDRISI.

PSDIDRISI imports Physical Science Division standard ormat into


XYZMONHLY converts the University o Delaware’s Center or

Climatic Research ASCII monthly x, y, and multi-z data into IDRISI.ASDIDRISI imports the spectrometer data collected using the

Analytical Spectral Device (ASD).

SACIDRIS or SAC-C satellite data rom Argentina.

RADARSA or RADARSA International data.

GPCIDRISI imports the International Satellite Cloud and

Climatology Project’s Global Processing Center data into IDRISI.

GOODE2LL or Global AVHRR 10-day composite data rom USGS

NASA DAAC in the Goodes Homosoline projection.

SDS or Raster Spatial Data ranser Standard data.

DLG or Digital Line Graphs (Optional Format) data.

IDRISI provides full map composition capabilities, including multiple raster and vector

layers, layer blending, interactive RGB compositing, multiple legends, title, text labels,

grid, north arrow, scale bar, text and image insets. This image depicts the White

Mountain region in New Hampshire, USA, including data for elevation, roads, and

boundaries using various layer blending options.

The Explorer bar provides the functionality of the older IDRISI Explorer, MetaData

Data Paths and Collection Editor modules. The bar can be minimized against the

left-hand edge whenever more workspace is required. Shown here are the Files and

Metadata panels. Double clicking an image file causes it to be automatically displayed

Similarly, images can be dragged and dropped into any IDRISI dialog. Also shown in

this illustration is the use of one of the two measure tools – in this case, the zone

measurement tool. The linear measurement tool measures the length and azimuth of a

single or multi-segmented line. Note also the new grid ticks option and one of the new

north arrow styles.

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To order

IDRISI: The Selva Edition,

contact us at

www.clarklabs.org or at

Clark Labs

Clark University

950 Main Street

Worcester, MA 01610, USA

Tel: +1.508.793.7526

Fax: +1.508.793.8842

Email: [email protected]


CG or the Composite Teme Grid data.

DEMIDRIS or USGS Digital Elevation Models.


BMPIDRIS or Windows Bitmap files (BMP).


GEOIFF/IFF or agged Inormation File Format files (IFF).


KMLIDRISI converts between KML and IDRISI vector and raster




files, ArcIno Raster Exchange, and ArcIno GENERAE/UNGEN fileormats.

ALIDRIS or Atlas*GIS BNA files.

ECWIDRIS or ECW files.


ERDIDRIS or Erdas LAN and GIS files.

ERMIDRIS or ER Mapper files.

GRASSIDR or GRASS raster files.

MAPIDRIS or Map Analysis Package files.

MIFIDRIS or MapIno Interchange files.

SRFIDRIS or Surer GRD files.

SPLUSIDRIS or SPLUS statistical files.


DisplayDisplay and map composition utilities provide tools or visualization

and enhancement.

DISPLAY Launcher is the main display acility or raster and vector

IDRISI files.

PYRAMID builds pyramid raster storage structure or display.

ORHO is a acility that creates orthographic perspective (3-D)

displays o digital elevation models (DEMs) or any continuous

raster image.

VFIELD creates vector field plots.

Fly Trough is an interactive 3-D viewer using OpenGL technology

that allows users to simulate movement through space using existing

IDRISI images.

Media Viewer is a presentation utility that can play Windows

 video (AVI) files and can create AVI video files rom a sequence o

IDRISI images.

Symbol Workshop allows one to create and modiy symbol and

palette files or vector and raster display.

COMPOSIE produces a 24-bit color composite image rom three

bands o imagery.

SEPARAE perorms color separation o palette images into

RGB components.

ILLUMINAE is a hillshading merge acility.HISO provides a requency histogram and statistics o the cell

 values within an image, presented graphically or numerically.

SRECH increases the contrast in an image or the enhancement

o visual interpretation.

System Requirements- Intel Pentium IV or higher

- Windows XP and above

- Minimum display o 1024 x 768 with 64,000 colors

- 1 GB RAM or greater

- 1.3 GB hard disk space or installation