Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns: Merton 1987 Meets Miller 1977

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  • 7/29/2019 Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns: Merton 1987 Meets Miller 1977


    Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns:

    Merton (1987) Meets Miller (1977)

    Rodney D. Boehme, Bartley R. Danielsen, Praveen Kumar, and Sorin M. Sorescu*

    This version: March 15, 2005


    Merton (1987) predicts that idiosyncratic risk should be priced when investors hold sub-

    optimally diversified portfolios, but empirical research has not been supportive of the theory. Anoverlooked assumption in Merton (1987) is that the predictions are predicated on frictionless

    markets, and in particular an absence of short-sale constraints. We examine the cross-sectional

    effects of idiosyncratic risk (and dispersion of beliefs) while controlling for short-saleconstraints. We find that when short-sale constraints are absent, both idiosyncratic risk and

    dispersion of analyst forecasts are positively correlated with future abnormal returns; a result

    consistent with Merton (1987). However, when short-sale constraints are present the correlation

    becomes negative: increased analyst dispersion and idiosyncratic volatility produce negativeabnormal returns, consistent with Miller (1977). This can explain the inconsistent empirical

    findings in the previous literature, which casts Merton (1987) and Miller (1977) as competinghypotheses.


    * Boehme is from W. Frank Barton School of Business at Wichita State University. Danielsen is from

    the Kellstadt College of Commerce at DePaul University. Kumar is from the C.T. Bauer College ofBusiness, University of Houston. Sorescu is from Mays Business School at Texas A&M University.

    This paper has benefited from the comments of Fred Arditti, Mark Flannery, Anna Scherbina, Stephen C.

    Vogt of Mesirow Financial, Kevin Mirabile of Saw Mill Management and Research as well as seminar

    participants at Texas A&M University and the University of Kansas. Please address correspondence to

    Kumar at the C.T. Bauer College of Business, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-6021, phone

    (713) 743-4770, e-mail: [email protected]. Data on analysts forecasts was provided by I/B/E/S Inc.,

    under a program to encourage academic research.

  • 7/29/2019 Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns: Merton 1987 Meets Miller 1977


    Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns:

    Merton (1987) Meets Miller (1977)


    Merton (1987) predicts that idiosyncratic risk should be priced when investors hold sub-optimally diversified portfolios, but empirical research has not been supportive of the theory.

    An overlooked assumption in Merton (1987) is that the predictions are predicated on

    frictionless markets, and in particular an absence of short-sale constraints. We examine thecross-sectional effects of idiosyncratic risk (and dispersion of beliefs) while controlling for

    short-sale constraints. We find that when short-sale constraints are absent, both idiosyncratic

    risk and dispersion of analyst forecasts are positively correlated with future abnormal returns;a result consistent with Merton (1987). However, when short-sale constraints are present the

    correlation becomes negative: increased analyst dispersion and idiosyncratic volatilityproduce negative abnormal returns, consistent with Miller (1977). This can explain the

    inconsistent empirical findings in the previous literature, which casts Merton (1987) andMiller (1977) as competing hypotheses.

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    1. Introduction

    According to the textbook capital asset pricing model (CAPM), idiosyncratic risk is not

    priced because investors hold efficiently diversified portfolios. However, the model makes no

    predictions concerning the effect of idiosyncratic risk on equilibrium returns if investors are

    constrained from forming diversified portfolios due to transactions costs---for example,

    information or trading costs.

    In an influential paper, Merton (1987) presents an extension of the CAPM where

    idiosyncratic risk plays a role in equilibrium. Investors in Mertons model suffer from extreme

    information costs and only hold securities with which they are familiar. Consequently, they

    hold under-diversified portfolios and demand compensation for securities idiosyncratic risk.1

    Therefore, in equilibrium, cross-sectional stock returns are positively related to their

    idiosyncratic risk.

    Direct tests of Mertons (1987) model are rare. Mertons predictions are cross-sectional in

    nature, but Ang, Hodrick, Xing and Zhang (2004) appear to be the only cross-sectional test of

    Merton (1987) that directly sorts stocks into portfolios ranked on idiosyncratic volatility.

    Observing that stocks with high idiosyncratic volatility have abysmally low average returns,

    they conclude their results are directly opposite the Mertons theory.

    Diether, Malloy and Scherbina (2002) offer an indirect test of Merton (1987). Since

    dispersion in analysts forecasts likely indicates a more volatile, less predictable earnings

    stream, Diether et al. (2002) suggest that the dispersion of analysts forecasts reflect the type of

    idiosyncratic risk to which Merton refers. Indeed, idiosyncratic volatility and dispersion of

    1 Levy (1978) and Mayers (1976) produce similar predictions in CAPM extensions where investors hold under-diversifiedportfolios. Barberis and Huang (2001) produce a prospect-theory model where idiosyncratic risk produces positiveexpected returns.

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    analysts forecasts have been shown to be positively correlated.2

    Their results do not support

    Mertons theory, and they note our results clearly reject the notion that dispersion can be

    viewed as a proxy for risk, since the relation between dispersion and future returns is strongly

    negative (page 2139). Similarly, when Gebhardt, Lee and Swaminathan (2001) use forecast

    dispersion as a risk proxy for estimating cost of capital, they are surprised to find the wrong

    sign on the variable at statistically and economically significant levels.

    Thus, both in direct tests using idiosyncratic volatility as a proxy for idiosyncratic risk,

    and in indirect cross-sectional tests that use analysts forecast dispersion as a risk proxy, cross-

    sectional results are incorrectly signed at high levels of significance compared to Mertons

    (1987) predictions. Based on the empirical tests to date, the literature concludes that Mertons

    hypothesis, while both intuitively appealing and theoretically well grounded, is not supported

    by the data. In fact, Diether et al. (2002) argue that their results, along with those of Gebhardt

    et al. (2001), are more consistent with predictions by Miller (1977).

    Miller (1977) argues that dispersion of opinion, in the presence of short sale constraints,

    leads to systematic security overvaluation because the most optimistic market participants set a

    stocks price. Thus, dispersion of investor opinion is priced at a premium when short sale

    constraints are present. The implication of Millers (1977) theory is that a negative correlation

    exists between risk-adjusted returns and dispersion of beliefs, ifshort sale constraints are binding.

    Indeed, several other theoretical papers derive similar asset pricing predictions. A non-exhaustive

    set includes Figlewski (1981), Morris (1996), Viswanathan (2002), Chen, Hong and Stein (2002),

    Danielsen and Sorescu (2001), and Duffie, Garleanu and Pedersen (2002).3

    2 Empirically, Peterson and Peterson (1982) observe a positive relationship between return volatility and the dispersion ofI/B/E/S forecasts, and we confirm their finding later in this study.

    3Diamond and Verrecchia (1987) and Jarrow (1980) provide alternative theories of short-sale constraint effects. Diamondand Verrecchia model security prices in a rational expectations framework that precludes the possibility of systematicmispricing. However, changes in observed, costly short-sales are informative and result is learning that changes asset

    prices. Jarrow (1980) develops a general equilibrium model which recognizes cross-effects in addition to own-effects.

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    The observed negative correlation between returns and analyst forecast dispersion

    (Diether et al. (2002)) is interpreted as supportive of Miller (1977), but contrary to the

    predictions of Merton (1987), because the dispersion of analysts forecasts and idiosyncratic

    volatility are positively correlated.

    However, there are strong reasons to question whether Merton (1987) should be viewed as

    a competing theory to Miller (1987). While Miller (1977) assumes that stocks are short-sale

    constrained, Merton (1987) models a standard frictionless market, without borrowing and short-

    selling restrictions (page 487). Absence of frictions is, in fact, crucial for Mertons (1987)

    prediction of a positive relationship between equilibrium returns and idiosyncratic risk.

    In this paper, we re-visit Mertons (1987) model and explicitly allow for short-sale

    constraints. We find that the models predictions on the relationship of equilibrium returns to

    idiosyncratic risk are ambiguous if the short-sale constraints are binding. Because investors

    hold under-diversified portfolios, absence of shorting constraints is crucial in order for the

    market to impound private differential information about the relative value of securities into an

    unbiased, efficient estimate.

    Viewed in this light, Miller (1977) and Merton (1987) are complementary. Miller (1977)

    applies to short-sale constrained firms, and Merton (1987) is applicable to stocks where the

    short-sale constraint is not binding. Empirical tests that fail to distinguish between short-sale-

    constrained firms and firms that are unlikely to be subject to such constraints are neither

    appropriate for tests of Merton (1987), nor for tests of Miller (1977).

    Johnson (2004) provides an option-theoretic interpretation of the observed negative

    relationship between returns and idiosyncratic risk. For a levered firm, equity returns will

    decrease with idiosyncratic asset risk due to convexity. Because analyst dispersion is correlated

    Both underpricing and overpricing for individual stocks can result from market-wide short sale prohibitions in thisframework.

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    with idiosyncratic asset risk, equity returns will decrease with higher analyst forecast dispersion

    also. As Johnson notes (page 1958), the option-theoretic model and the Millers (1977) short-

    sale-constraint theory produce parallel predictions. However, because these theories are not

    mutually exclusive, they are not in conflict. Both effects can exist simultaneously. In this

    paper, we focus on resolving the apparent contradiction between Merton (1987) and Miller

    (1977) which we argue to be spurious and use a short-sale constraint filter, rather than the

    leverage filter used by Johnson.

    We analyze the cross-sectional relationship between idiosyncratic risk and equity returns

    by carefully controlling for the likelihood of binding shorting constraints. For robustness, we

    use several proxies, based on the recent literature, to identify the degree of short-sale


    We find that cross-sectional returns are positively correlated with idiosyncratic volatility

    for stocks that are unlikely to be subject to shorting constraint, as predicted by Merton (1987).

    Moreover, returns are also positively correlated with the dispersion of analyst forecasts, a

    finding that is also consistent with Merton (1987), to the extent that analyst dispersion reflects

    the type of idiosyncratic risk to which Merton refers (see, e.g., Diether et al., 2002).4

    To clarify the role of binding short-sale constraints in the relation of returns and

    idiosyncratic risk, we also examine firms that are likely subject to short-sale constraints. Not

    surprisingly, perhaps, we find strong support for the Miller (1977) hypothesis here. Firms with

    high dispersion of analysts forecasts earn negative abnormal returns, and firms with high

    idiosyncratic volatility under-perform on a risk-adjusted basis. This result is consistent with

    relatively weak support for the Miller hypothesis during the 1990s found by Diether, Malloy

    and Scherbina (2002), where Millers hypothesis is tested as a competitor to Mertons

    4 We note that the finding is also consistent with Varian (1985) who predicts discount pricing when dispersion of investorbeliefs exists in the absence of short-sale constraints.

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    hypothesis. More recently, both Boehme, Danielsen and Sorescu (2005) and Asquith, Pathak

    and Ritter (2005) find stronger support for Millers theory during the 1990s by explicitly

    recognizing the important interaction of short-sale-constraints with dispersion of beliefs. Our

    analysis differs from these two papers in that it reflects the importance of screening out short-

    sale-constrained firms when testing Mertons hypothesis that firms with high idiosyncratic risk

    will be priced at a discount.

    The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 extends the Merton (1987) to

    allow for short-sale constraints, and discusses the proxy variables we use for dispersion of

    beliefs, idiosyncratic risk, and short-sale constraints. Section 3 discusses the testing

    methodology and the data. Section 4 presents base-line cross-sectional effects without regard to

    short-sale constraints. Section 5 presents empirical tests of Merton (1987) for firms that are free

    of short-sale constraints. Section 6 repeats the analysis for short-sale constrained firms in

    accordance with the Miller (1977) hypothesis. Section 7 summarizes and concludes with a

    graph providing a more holistic analysis of the cross-sectional effects of idiosyncratic volatility

    and dispersion of beliefs.

    2. Capital Market Equilibrium with Incomplete Information

    and Shorting Constraints

    We extend the Merton (1987) model to allow for constraints on short-selling. For

    consistency and ease of reference, we maintain Mertons basic model structure and notation.

    There is one investment period and n firms in the economy. The equilibrium return per

    dollar from investing in firm k, ,kR is given by the one-factor model:

    ,)( kkkkk YbRER ++= (1)

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    where Y is a random common factor whose unconditional expectation is zero and variance is

    unity, and .0),,...,,,...,()( 111 == + YEE nkkkk There is a riskless security (the (n+2)

    security) with sure return per dollarR and another security (the (n+1) security) that combines

    the riskless security with cash settlement on the observed factor Y. Taking the standard

    deviation of equilibrium return on this security to be unity, we can write this return as,

    .)( 11 YRER nn += ++ (2)

    Both the riskless and the forward contract security are inside securities; i.e., their aggregate

    demand sums to zero.

    There are no taxes and transactions costs, and that investors can borrow and lend without

    restriction at the same rate. However, and by contrast to Merton (1987), we disallow short-

    selling of the firms shares. There are N price-taking and risk-averse investors who select

    optimal portfolios according to the Markowitz-Tobin mean-variance criterion. Hence, the

    preferences of investorj = 1,N, can be represented as,


    )( jjjjjj

    j WRVarW


    = (3)

    where jW is the investors investible wealth (equal to his or her initial endowment of shares in

    the firms evaluated at equilibrium prices); jR denotes the return per dollar on the portfolio;

    and, .0>j

    While the riskless return and the mean and variance of the return of the forward contract

    security are common knowledge, a typical investor only knows the parameters of the factor

    return model, given in (2), for a subset of securities. Specifically, an investor is said to know

    about security k= 1,,n, only if he or she knows the triple ).,),(( 2kkk bRE For each investor,j

    = 1,N, there is associated a collection of integers ,jJ such that k belongs to ,jJ only if the

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    investor knows k (in the sense specified above). As in Merton (1987), the key behavioral

    assumption is that investorj includes security konly if .jJk

    To set up the typical investors portfolio optimization problem, let jk (k= 1,2,n+2)

    denote the faction of investible wealth allocated to security kby investorj. Then, using (1) and

    (2), the portfolio returns are,

    ,)( jjjjj YbRER ++= (4)

    where, ,11j


    n j


    j bb ++ ,)( 221 kn j


    j and ./1j


    n j


    j Since the

    portfolio weights must sum to one, with judicious substitutions, we can write the variance and

    expected return on the portfolio as (see, Merton (1987)),

    ,)()()( 22 jjj bRVar += (5)


    1 k



    jj RREbRRE ++= + (6)

    where, ).)(()( 1 RREbRRE nkkk +

    Then the optimal portfolio is the solution to the constrained maximization problem,


    )(1 1},{

    + n n jkjkjkjkjjjb RVarREMax jj


    Here, jk is the Kuhn-tucker multiplier reflecting the constraint that the investorj cannot

    include security k in his or her portfolio if k does not belong to ,jJ whilej

    k is the Kuhn-

    Tucker multiplier reflecting the constraint that the investor cannot short-sell security k. We note

    that 0=jk if .jJk But if ,jJk then 0=j

    k and .0=j


    The first order conditions for (7) are, fork= 1,2,n.


    jn bRRE = + )(0 1 (8.a)

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    .0 2 jkj



    kjk += (8.b)

    From (8.a) and (8.b), the optimal ,/])([ 1 jnj RREb = + and the optimal portfolio

    weights for assets in the known set, i.e., ,jJk are:






    += (9)

    with 0=jk for ,jJk ,11 kn j



    n bb =+ and ).1(1 12 = + kn j



    n bb If we

    assume identical preferences and wealth across agents, then investors will choose the same

    exposure to the common factor ,...,1, Nbbj = and hence, in equilibrium,

    .)( 1 bRRE n +=+ (10)

    Next, we can aggregate security demands across agents to yield the aggregate demand for

    firms shares; i.e., fork= 1,n,





    N j




    += (11a)

    where kN denotes the number of investors who know security k. Furthermore,



    kn bDNWbD =+ 11 , .1

    12 +

    + =n

    kn DNWbD (11b)

    We note that the aggregate share demand given in (11) differs from Merton (1987) due to

    the presence of shorting constraints. As seen in (11a), if the shorting constraints for security k=

    1,n, are binding, then the aggregate demand is strictly larger (in algebraic terms) compared to

    the situation where there are no shorting constraints.

    To derive the equilibrium returns on firms share, letMdenote the aggregate wealth, and

    let kx denote the fraction of aggregate wealth invested in security k = 1,n. Finally, put

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    Nq kk = i.e., the fraction of investors who know about security k. Then, market clearing

    requires that,



    2 1


    N j






    = (12)

    Using (10), (12), and the definition of k in (6), we can write the equilibrium expected return

    for (6b) as, kkk bbRRE ++= )( . Using the equilibrium condition (12), we can substitute for

    k to write,







    kk q






    The last term in (13) can be interpreted as the Miller (1977) effect: if shorting constraints are

    binding, then the expected return on a security falls since the current price reflects the beliefs of

    the most optimistic investors.5

    Moreover, (13) shows that the relationship between equilibrium

    returns and idiosyncratic risk (i.e., 2k ) is ambiguous. The reason is that whether the shorting

    constraints bind or not (i.e., whether 0>j

    k or 0=j

    k ) itself depends on2

    k . Indeed, one can

    argue that shorting constraints are more likely to bind for new securities, since the supply of

    such securities is usually curtailed (see, e.g., Miller (1977) and Houge, Loughran, Suchanek,

    and Yan, (2001)). But we would also expect the idiosyncratic risk on these securities to be

    higher. Hence, the last two terms in (13) would both increase with 2k , and hence the net effect

    of an increase in 2


    on equilibrium returns would be ambiguous.

    5 Of course, and exactly as in Merton (1987), we have not formally incorporated heterogeneity of beliefs for notational ease.But the foregoing analysis is readily extended to the case where expectations are investor specific.

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    3. Hypotheses, Explanatory Variables, and Test Design

    The foregoing analysis, along with a reading of Miller (1977), suggests the following

    complementary hypotheses that we test in this study:

    1(a). The Merton Hypothesis. Cross-sectional differences in idiosyncratic volatility

    are positively correlated with subsequent returns when short-sale constraints are

    likely to be non-binding.

    1(b). A cross-sectional pattern similar to 1(a) will exist for I/B/E/S forecast

    dispersion with high dispersion firms earning higher risk-adjusted returns because

    idiosyncratic risk and dispersion of analyst forecasts is highly correlated.

    2(a). The Miller Hypothesis. Cross-sectional differences in I/B/E/S forecast

    dispersion are negatively correlated with subsequent returns when short-sale

    constraints are binding. Moreover, the value premium accompanying dispersion

    of beliefs will increase as the level of short-sale constraints increase.

    2(b). A cross-sectional pattern similar to (2a) will exist for idiosyncratic volatility

    because idiosyncratic risk and dispersion of analyst forecasts is highly correlated.

    We now describe the independent (or explanatory) variables used in the analysis, as well as

    our methodology for measuring stock returns.

    A. Explanatory Variables

    A.1 Short Sale Constraint Proxies

    Previous research suggests several proxies for the degree to which stocks are short sale

    constrained. These include the presence of exchange-traded options, and the level of short

    interest relative to shares outstanding.

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    A.1.1 Option Status

    Several studies have documented that firms with traded options are, in general, less short-sale-

    constrained than firms without options (see, e.g., Figlewski and Webb (1993); Danielsen and

    Sorescu (2001); Boehme, Danielsen and Sorescu (2005), and Evans, Geczy, Musto and Reed

    (2003)). The intuition behind options relaxing short-sale constraints is that options allow

    investors to take short positions in securities without short selling directly. Boehme, Danielsen

    and Sorescu (2005) observe that the securities lending market for stocks is unusually opaque

    with active participants paying much lower fees than less active ones. Investors who might

    short-sell at a relatively high cost instead can use options to synthetically short a security.

    Option market makers, as the counter-party to these synthetic short sales, are left with synthetic

    long positions, which they hedge by borrowing the stock and shorting it. As frequent

    participants in the short-sale market, option market makers can execute and maintain short

    positions at much lower costs than infrequent short sellers. This short-sale cost advantage is

    reflected in competitively priced options.6

    Consistent with the idea that options facilitate short selling, Figlewski and Webb (1993)

    report that short interest levels increase after option introductions. Also, Boehme et al. (2005)

    report that stock lending fees for firms with traded options are lower than for non-optioned

    stocks. Moreover, the difference in fees is greater between optioned and non-optioned firms

    when the level of short interest is unusually high.

    A.1.2. Relative Short Interest

    Short interest is perhaps the longest-used and most common short-sale-constraint proxy in past

    studies. Figlewski (1980) first proposed this proxy, hypothesizing that as the level of observed

    6 Evans, Geczy, Musto, and Reed. (2004) and Danielsen and Sorescu (2001) provide more in-depth discussion of the optionsmarket making process and its relevance to short-sale constraints.

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    short sales increases, the unobserved demand to short the security probably rises as well. Thus,

    firms that are highly shorted are, at the margin, the most difficult to short.

    Diamond and Verrecchia (1987) produce a theoretical justification for why observed short

    interest may proxy for unfulfilled demand to short. Recently, DAvolio (2002) produces

    empirical support for Figlewskis intuition and Diamond and Verrecchias theoretical

    affirmation. DAvolio finds that the most heavily shorted stocks are more costly to short, on

    average, and also contain a higher percentage of stocks that are on special.7

    DAvolio also

    reports that the differences in short-selling costs, as measured by rebate rates, are very small for

    firms below the first four deciles [See DAvolio (2002) Figure 1]. DAvolios finding is

    confirmed by Boehme, Danielsen and Sorescu (2005) using an alternative source for rebate rate


    The observations made by DAvolio (2002) and Boehme, Danielsen and Sorescu (2005)

    seem to be already known to professional short sellers who describe a practice they refer to as

    locking up the borrow. Locking up the- borrow involves shorting a security and

    simultaneously taking a long position in the same security.8

    The motivation for this behavior is

    that professional short sellers fear the cost of borrowing shares will rise, or the shares will

    become impossible to borrow at a later date as other parties begin to take short positions in the

    security (i.e. as short interest rises). Parties who have locked up the borrow can add to their

    short positions by selling part of the long position instead of by shorting additional shares.

    By locking up the borrow, short sellers are actually locking in lower future short sale

    costs since security lenders are reluctant to request that good customers return their shares

    when share supply becomes tight. Even though a new party might be willing to borrow for

    7DAvolio finds that the level of short-sale constraint is monotonically increasing in short interest, except for stocks in theleast-shorted decile, which are, on average, more costly to short than stocks in the second decile of reported short interest.

    8 This practice is also known as shorting against the box.

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    some short period at a very high price (i.e. low rebate), the lender values the long-term

    relationship with a regular customer. In these cases, rationing, rather than price alone, may be

    used to clear the market. The rationing process favors those who previously locked up the

    borrow. 9

    It is interesting to note that, at least in theory, a shortage of shares could arise precisely

    because many parties have locked up the borrow. In any event, the practice suggests that

    professional short sellers recognize marginal borrowing prices will rise as more shares are


    A.2. Idiosyncratic Risk

    We measure idiosyncratic risk as the standard deviation of the error terms from the Brown

    and Warner (1985) market model, estimated over the 100 days preceding the first day of the

    month for which the short interest data are reported.10

    This measure is analogous to 2k , the

    firm-specific component of the firms return variance, in Merton (1987).

    A.3. I/B/E/S Dispersion of Opinion

    We measure dispersion of beliefs using the coefficient of variation for analysts annual

    forecasts estimated from I/B/E/S data. The coefficient of variation is estimated by dividing the

    I/B/E/S reported standard deviation of analyst earnings/share forecasts for the current fiscal year

    end (I/B/E/S FY period 1) by the absolute value of the mean earnings/share forecast, as listed

    in the I/B/E/S Summary History file. Diether et al. (2002) use this proxy.

    9 We thank Stephen C. Vogt, Managing Director, Mesirow Financial for his insights on the institutional practices ofsophisticated short sellers and market-neutral fund managers.

    10 Firms are excluded from our analysis in any month if more than 10 days of returns data or 75 days of volume data areidentified as missing on CRSP in the prior 100 days or if the firm is missing RSI data. We also screen out all securitiesother than domestic common stocks.

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    Diether et al. (2002) note that the standard I/B/E/S forecast file contains an error related to

    rounding of historical split-adjusted values. Therefore, we obtained upon special request from

    I/B/E/S a separate file containing analyst forecasts that are unadjusted for historical stock

    splits, and therefore do not suffer from this potentially serious rounding error. We compute our

    coefficients of variation using this unadjusted file, which is the same as the one employed by

    Dither et al. (2002). We note, however, that I/B/E/S analyst dispersion data suffers from a

    limitation in that at least two analysts must follow the stock for a dispersion value to be

    computed. As noted in Diether et al. (2002), only relatively large firms have two or more

    analysts providing forecasts. In fact, Danielsen and Sorescu (2001) report that among the firms

    that have sufficient liquidity for traded options to be introduced, nearly one third had fewer than

    two analysts per the I/B/E/S database. Thus, I/B/E/S dispersion cannot be calculated for many

    small firms.

    B. Measuring Subsequent Stock Returns

    We adopt the standard four-factor, calendar-time portfolio approach for measuring

    abnormal returns. For each month in the calendar during the 1988 to 2002 period, we use our

    explanatory variables to classify firms in the two-dimensional space spanned by the severity of

    the short-sale constraints and the idiosyncratic risk (or I/B/E/S analyst dispersion). Firms with

    similar values on each dimension are grouped into equally-weighted portfolios. For each

    portfolio, we first calculate the monthly raw returns during the month subsequent to the

    portfolio formation. For robustness, we also examine monthly returns for portfolios where

    firms are held for 12-month, rather than one-month, periods. For each portfolio we estimate the

    following four-factor regression model:

    Rp,t - Rf,t = p + p(Rm,t - Rf,t) + spSMBt + hpHMLt + upUMDt +ep,t (14)

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    where Rp,t represents the raw returns of each portfolio, and Rf,t is the return of the one-month

    Treasury Bill. The four independent variables are the excess return on the market portfolio

    (Rm,t-Rf,t), the difference between the returns of value-weighted portfolios of small and big firm

    stocks (SMBt), the difference in returns of value-weighted portfolios of high and low book-to-

    market stocks (HMLt), and the difference in returns of value-weighted portfolios of firms with

    high and low prior momentum (UMDt, or up minus down). The first three factors are

    proposed by Fama and French (1993), while the momentum factor is proposed by Carhart


    The intercept, p, from equation (14) is interpreted as the mean monthly abnormal

    return of the calendar time portfolio. Because the number of firms in a portfolio can change

    monthly, we use WLS procedures to weight the calendar-time portfolios on the basis of the

    number of firms in a portfolio each month.

    Our most important tests compare returns between the calendar time portfolios in high-

    and low-idiosyncratic-risk (or dispersion-of-opinion) securities. We perform these tests by

    constructing hedge portfolios with long positions in high-dispersion stocks and short positions

    in low-dispersion stocks. The hedge portfolio returns are regressed on the four factors:

    Rhigh-dispersion,tRlow-dispersion,t = p + p(Rm,t-Rf,t) + spSMBt + hpHMLt + upUMDt + ep,t (15)

    The "hedge" intercept obtained in this manner (p) represents a measure of the relative long-

    term abnormal performance of high-dispersion firms vis--vis the low-dispersion control sets

    after controlling for short-sale constraint levels.12

    11 The four factors are made available by Kenneth French on his website at Dartmouth College. The momentum factor isused because Fama and French (1996) and Carhart (1997) document a momentum bias for the "traditional" three-factor


    12 This follows a procedure similar to that proposed by Mitchell and Stafford (2000) and implemented by Boehme andSorescu (2002).

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    C. Data Sources

    Our sample is composed of all firms for which short interest data is electronically

    available. Short interest data have been obtained from the New York Stock Exchange and the

    NASD. Short interest on both NYSE and Nasdaq firms is available in electronic form

    beginning with January of 1988. All short interest data are collected on a monthly basis for

    transactions settling by the 15th

    of each month.

    Following Boehme, Danielsen and Sorescu (2005), we use the ticker symbols shown in

    the short interest reports to match each observation with the CRSP data.13

    As is standard practice when using short interest data, we scale each observation by the

    number of shares outstanding. We refer to the scaled data as relative short interest(RSI), the

    percentage of each firms outstanding shares that are held short.

    D. Descriptive Statistics

    Table 1 provides descriptive statistics for the proxy variables used. We provide a

    snapshot of firms in our dataset at five-year intervals. The idiosyncratic risk proxy, SIGMA,

    appears to have been smaller prior to 1988, but since January 1988, no clear pattern is evident

    in the data. As we will discuss later, most of our tests are conducted for the post-1987 period,

    due to the lack of short-sale-constraint data prior to 1988.

    We possess I/B/E/S analyst dispersion data beginning in February 1976, and the table

    reports statistics for DISPERSION beginning in 1978. No clear pattern exists in the

    DISPERSION data. The anomalous I/B/E/S mean for December 2002 is driven by one

    13 We noticed short interest data are occasionally missing for firms with valid CRSP data. We do not include such

    observations in our sample because we are unable to determine if they represent a zero level of short interest, or if shortinterest data are missing. Moreover, assuming that at least some of these missing observations represent a zero level ofshort interest, DAvolios (2002) findings suggest that it is preferable to exclude these firms, because the relation betweenshort interest and short sale constraints is monotonically positive exceptfor firms in the lowest short interest decile. By

    excluding these missing observations, we are reasonably confident that the empirical relation between relative short interestand short sale constraints is monotonically positive in our remaining sample, a fact that has been empirically verified byBoehme, Danielsen and Sorescu (2005).

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    extreme outlier, which has a DISPERSION measure of 2000. Notice that the 99th


    value is reasonable. Because portfolios are formed on the basis of rank-ordered SIGMA and

    DISPERSION, a small number of extreme values for SIGMA or DISPERSION will not have

    an out-sized influence on portfolio returns.

    RSI and OPTIONS data are reported beginning in 1988, the date when RSI data

    becomes available in electronic form. The proportion of firms with exchange-traded options

    rises dramatically over the period, as does the mean and median RSI.

    4. Baseline Cross-Sectional Tests

    Table 2 presents baseline cross-sectional tests of the effects of idiosyncratic risk, without

    regard to short-sale constraints. Calendar time portfolio (one and twelve month horizons)

    abnormal returns are shown as a function of idiosyncratic risk (SIGMA) and analyst earnings

    forecast dispersion (DISPERSION) for all CRSP listed common stocks (CRSP share codes 10

    and 11) of U.S. domiciled NYSE and Nasdaq firms. SIGMA is the standard deviation of the

    error term obtained from the Brown and Warner (1985) market model regression computed

    over the prior 100 days of stock returns. SIGMA quartiles are reassigned each month.

    DISPERSION is measured by dividing the I/B/E/S standard deviation of analyst

    earnings/share forecasts for the current fiscal year end (I/B/E/S FY period 1) by the absolute

    value of the mean earnings/share forecast, as listed in the I/B/E/S Summary History file.

    Observations having a mean earnings forecast of zero are omitted for the purpose of assigning

    the rank ordering of firms. DISPERSION quartiles are assigned for each month. Firms having

    a mean forecast of zero are then assigned to the highest DISPERSION quartile. Quartiles 1 and

    4 are the lowest and highest SIGMA and DISPERSION quartiles, respectively.

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    The abnormal returns are computed by forming equally-weighted calendar-time

    portfolios, of either one-month or twelve-month horizons, and regressing the excess portfolio

    returns (Rp,t-Rf,t) on the four factor model described above. Calendar time portfolios are re-

    balanced each month, and the portfolios include only firms that entered the portfolio during

    either the prior month or the previous twelve months. Monthly excess returns are weighted by

    the square root of the number of firms in each month. The abnormal return for each sub-sample

    is the intercept (p) from the regression.

    The abnormal return of the hedge (or zero-investment) portfolio is also shown. This

    hedge portfolio consists of long positions of stocks in the highest quartile stocks and short

    positions in the lowest quartile ones. The p-value of the hedge portfolio report the statistical

    difference of the measured mean return from zero.

    Panel A of Table 2 presents results for the period from 1988 to 2002, which is used

    throughout the rest of the paper. As can be observed in the table, hedge returns for portfolios

    formed on the basis of idiosyncratic risk earn negative returns in one-month portfolios, and

    positive returns in the twelve-month portfolios. These results are not statistically significant.

    I/B/E/S one-month hedge portfolio returns are negative and statistically significant. This result

    is consistent with Diether et al. (2002) and suggests that Millers hypothesized overpricing is

    detected in the returns. The twelve-month I/B/E/S hedge portfolio returns are also negative, but

    they are not statistically significant. Certainly, as others have noted, there is no evidence here

    to support Mertons hypothesis. In Panels B and C we repeat the tests using longer sample

    periods to include volatility measures dating back to January 1963, and I/B/E/S dispersion

    measures dating back to 1976. We find no qualitative difference in the results over these longer


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    5. The Merton Space: Short-Sale Constraints Absent

    Having established a baseline for the cross-sectional effects of idiosyncratic risk, we now

    turn attention to the subset of firms where Mertons theorized positive correlation between

    idiosyncratic risk and return is most likely to be found; firms without short-sale constraints.

    Recall that we use two proxies for the presence of short-sale constraints. First, the presence of

    options, and second the relative short interest level.

    The presence of exchange-traded options is binary. Firms either have exchange-traded

    options or they do not. In contrast, RSI is a continuous variable. Boehme et al. (2005) observe

    that although firms with options have lower costs of short selling than those without options,

    even among optioned firms short-sale constraints on average are lower for less shorted

    securities. Accordingly, among firms with exchange-traded options, we should expect that a

    Merton effect would be more pronounced when high RSI firms are excluded from the sample.

    With this in mind, we formulate the following test:

    Each month, we rank all firms on the basis of RSI and sort them into twenty groups

    (viciles) with 5% of firms in each vicile. Vicile 20 contains the 5% of firms having the largest

    RSI that month, and Vicile 1 contains the firms with the smallest monthly RSI.

    We then repeat the cross-sectional tests shown in Table 1, the baseline test, for nested

    subsets of optioned firms, with the largest cross-sectional test being applied to a portfolio of

    firms containing Viciles 1 through 20; in other words, to all optioned firms.

    The second cross-sectional test is identical to the first, except that only RSI Viciles 1

    through 19 are included in the portfolios. The third test if for Vicile groups 1 through 18, and

    so on. Using this method we can observe the effect of peeling away firms that are more

    likely to face shorting constraints as measured by the RSI proxy. We expect that the correlation

    between idiosyncratic risk and return to be higher as the highest RSI viciles are eliminated.

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    We focus on the returns to the hedge portfolio that is long on firms with high idiosyncratic

    volatility and short on firms with low idiosyncratic volatility. These hedge returns provide a

    good measure of the price effect of idiosyncratic volatility. If Mertons (1987) model is correct,

    the hedge returns should be positive for stocks that are free of short sale constraints.

    Figure 1 is a graphical depiction of the one-month calendar-time hedge portfolio returns,

    along with p-values.









    20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

    Size of Largest RSI Vicile in the Portfolio















    % Return P-Value

    Figure 1: Hedge Portfolio Abnormal Returns and P-Values (Idiosyncratic Risk)

    The left-most observation (20) includes all RSI viciles, and thus all firms with traded

    options. The right-most portfolio (12) is composed of firms only in Viciles 1-12. As

    previously discussed, Viciles 1 through 12 are relatively homogenous, and less than one-fourth

    the sample are in viciles less than 12.

    It is immediately obvious that, in contrast to the baseline hedge portfolio that earned

    significant negative abnormal returns, Portfolio 20, the hedge portfolio for all optioned stocks

    does not. The abnormal return, measured along the left axis, is -0.001% per month, a value

    which is neither economically nor statistically significant.

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    Consistent with Merton (1987), as we begin to exclude firms that are likely to be subject

    to short-sale constraints, the hedge portfolio abnormal returns become more positive, and the p-

    values rise in significance. Excluding firms with RSI in the highest 10% for the month (viciles

    19 and 20), the abnormal return jumps to 0.61% per month, and the p-value is 14.6%. Including

    only firms with RSI viciles 1 though 15 produces abnormal returns of 1.1% per month (p-value

    = 0.049). This is a very high abnormal return in an economic sense, more than 13% annually.

    For portfolio 12 the returns is even higher at 1.42% per month (p-value = 0.024).14

    These results are completely consistent with the predicted positive correlation between

    idiosyncratic risk and abnormal returns as predicted in Merton (1987). As firms likely to have

    the highest levels of short-sale constraint are excluded from the portfolio, the effect of

    idiosyncratic volatility on abnormal returns becomes more positive.

    Table 3 presents the data in Figure 1 along with individual quartile results. The format is

    the same as that used in the baseline results in Table 2. Notice in particular that the increase in

    hedge portfolio returns for Portfolio 12, relative to Portfolio 20, is driven entirely by increased

    returns for the high idiosyncratic risk quartile. The low idiosyncratic risk quartile does not

    evidence falling returns. As firms that are more likely to be short-sale constrained are excluded

    from the sample, the firms with higher idiosyncratic risk exhibit the behavior predicted by

    Merton (1987).

    We next turn to an analysis of the I/B/E/S dispersion data. Diether et al. (2002) suggest

    that the dispersion of analysts forecasts reflect the type of idiosyncratic risk to which Merton

    refers. Using I/B/E/S forecast dispersion, they reject Merton (1987) in favor of Miller stating,

    our results clearly reject the notion that dispersion can be viewed as a proxy for risk, since the

    14 Because we examine only firms with traded options, the lowest RSI viciles are very thinly populated. Optioned firms tendto be larger and to have higher levels of short interest. [See Figlewski and Webb (1977)] Less than 25% of firms withexchange-traded options fall into Viciles 1 through 12.

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    relation between dispersion and future returns is strongly negative. Likewise, Gebhardt et al.

    (2001) note that forecast dispersion has the wrong sign to be a risk proxy useful in estimating

    the cost of capital.

    It certainly seems appropriate to suspect that the dispersion of analyst forecasts would be

    related to idiosyncratic risk levels. Numerous authors present theoretical models correlating

    belief dispersion with asset time-series volatility. For example, Shalen (1993) and Harris and

    Raviv (1993) develop models that specifically investigate the role of belief dispersion on

    volatility and other trading characteristics. Empirically, Peterson and Peterson (1982) observe a

    positive relationship between return volatility and the dispersion of I/B/E/S forecasts. In our

    sample, we find the correlation between I/B/E/S dispersion and idiosyncratic risk has a

    correlation of 0.3521.

    Repeating the methodology depicted in Figure 1, we present Figure 2 showing the hedge

    portfolio abnormal returns and p-values for I/B/E/S forecast dispersion.

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    20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12

    Size of Largest RSI Vicile in the Portfolio















    % Return P-Value

    Figure 2: Hedge Portfolio Abnormal Returns and P-Values (I/B/E/S Dispersion)

    In a manner similar to the results depicted in Figure 1, I/B/E/S dispersion is positively

    correlated with hedge portfolio alphas. Ignoring the RSI viciles for the moment, but

    restricting the analysis to firms with traded options only, the abnormal returns reported for

    Portfolio 20 are positive, but not statistically significant. This is in contrast to the findings in

    Table 2 where a negative and statistically significant correlation is observed between IBES

    dispersion and abnormal returns. Stripping away the highest RSI viciles, hedge portfolio

    returns and p-values rise in a manner similar to that found in the idiosyncratic risk tests.

    Portfolio 12 reports monthly abnormal returns of 0.51% (p = 0.054), which annualizes as

    6.3% per year. These results, reported numerically in Table 4, strongly support Mertons

    hypothesis. They stand in keen contrast to previous tests pitting Merton (1987) as a

    competing hypothesis to Miller (1977).

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    We have also conduct the tests reflected in Figures 1 and 2 using one-year, as opposed

    to one-month, calendar-time portfolios. These results are not significantly different from

    those presented above. We infer the Merton risk premium is not rapidly dissipated, but

    persists for an extended time-period.

    6. The Miller Space: Short-Sale Constraints Present

    We now turn to examining the price effect of idiosyncratic risk when short-sale

    constraints are present: the Miller space. We first examine the cross-sectional effects of

    dispersion-of-opinion as proxied by I/B/E/S estimates. In an explicit sense, Merton (1987)

    hypothesized that idiosyncratic volatility is priced at a discount. Diether et al. (2002) and other

    empiricists infer that the dispersion of analysts forecasts reflects a type of idiosyncratic risk to

    which Merton refers. In contrast, Miller (1977) explicitly considers the dispersion of investor

    beliefs. While Jones, Kaul and Lipson (1994), among others, note that volatility is related to the

    dispersion of beliefs, I/B/E/S forecast dispersion more intuitively reflects the dispersion of

    beliefs to which Miller refers.

    In the Miller space, dispersion of beliefs should result in premium pricing, in contrast to

    the discount pricing in the Merton space. The following tests mirror those conducted in the

    previous subsection with the following modifications. As a first screen, because we wish to

    examine short-sale constrained securities rather than unconstrained ones, we examine firms

    without traded options. From this set of option-less firms, we further refine the screen using the

    RSI vicile classifications previously described.

    Table 5 presents the results, which are also depicted in Figure 3. The format is similar to

    the one used before, except that we are now looking at a series of portfolios with increasing

    short-sale constraint, so the numbers along the x-axis refer to the lowest RSI vicile in the

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    portfolio. Therefore, Portfolio 1, the left-most portfolio on the x-axis, contains all non-optioned

    firms in Viciles 1 through 20. Portfolio 2 contains Viciles 2 through 20. Portfolio 3 contains

    Viciles 3 through 20, and this pattern continues.








    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

    Size of Smallest RSI Vicile in the Portfolio















    % Hedge Return P-Value

    Figure 3: Hedge Portfolio Abnormal Returns and P-Values (I/B/E/S Dispersion)

    In Figure 3, we observe that the monthly hedge portfolio abnormal return for Portfolio

    1 is -0.83% with a p-value better than 0.001. Thus, solely by restricting the analysis to firms

    with traded options, the result depicted in Figure 2 is reversed, and hedge portfolios

    constructed on the basis of dispersion of beliefs have negative returns. Although the p-values

    of these returns are already very high, restricting the sample to higher-RSI viciles makes the

    point estimate more negative, as we would expect.

    Miller Portfolio 13 in Figure 3 is a mirror image of Merton portfolio 12 in Figure 2.

    Portfolio 12 in Figure 2 is comprised of firms with traded options having RSI below the 13th

    vicile. Portfolio 13 in Figure 3 is comprised of firms without traded options having RSI

    greater than the 12th

    vicile. In the first case, short sale constraints are likely absent, and

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    returns are an increasing function of idiosyncratic volatility. In the second, short sale

    constraints are present and the relation is reversed.

    Note that the results are not the same as those reported by Asquith and Meulbroek (1995) or

    Desai, Ramesh, Thiagarajan, and Balachandran (2002). These studies find that firms with high

    short interest earn low subsequent returns, but do not distinguish between high-dispersion-of-

    opinion firms and low-dispersion-of-opinion firms. By contrast, Figure 3 reveals that for non-

    optioned firms, at any level of RSI, firms with higher dispersion-of-beliefs earn lower risk-

    adjusted returns, and this relation becomes stronger at higher levels of RSI.

    Finally, we turn our attention to the effects of idiosyncratic volatility on returns when

    short-sale constraints are present. Because idiosyncratic volatility is positively correlated with

    I/B/E/S forecast dispersion, we expect to see hedge portfolio results similar to those observed in

    Figure 3 and Table 5.












    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

    Size of Smallestt RSI Vicile in the Portfolio











    % Hedge Return P-Value

    Figure 4: Hedge Portfolio Abnormal Returns and P-Values (Idiosyncratic Risk)

    Figure 4 (numerically presented as Table 6) provides hedge portfolio returns for portfolios

    that hold long positions in high-idiosyncratic-volatility firms and short positions in low-

    idiosyncratic-volatility firms. The results are as expected. Portfolio 1 reflects all firms for

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    which options are not traded, and the abnormal returns for these firms are negative and

    economically significant, although they do not reflect statistical significance at standard levels.

    As the lowest RSI firms are removed from the sample, short-sale constraints rise, and the cross-

    sectional effects of idiosyncratic volatility increases. Portfolio 13 reflects hedge portfolio

    monthly returns of -1.94% and statistical significance at p

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    leave a full mapping of the space to future research. Our contributions are highlighting the

    complementary nature of the Merton and Miller theories, and to being the first to provide strong

    empirical support for Mertons (1987) model.

    Figure 5:

    Merton (1987) and Miller (1977) Represented as Complementary Hypotheses

    While Figure 5 details the effects of dispersion of beliefs, our tests also demonstrate why

    direct tests of idiosyncratic volatility as a risk factor produce mixed results. The presence or

    absence of short-sale constraints confounds the analysis. Idiosyncratic risk and dispersion of

    beliefs are highly correlated; perhaps both reflecting some underlying uncertainty level.

    Accordingly, abnormal returns, as a function of idiosyncratic volatility, also follow a pattern

    like that in Figure 5. If tests are conducted independent of short-sale-constraint proxies, the

    results will be weak, and may even be incorrectly signed.

    An interesting implication of our findings relates to the area of corporate governance. In

    Millers model, it may be argued that managers of short-sale-constrained firms can increase

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    share value by undertaking activities about which investors beliefs are highly heterogeneous.

    Absent short sale constraints, Merton suggests undertaking such projects would now induce

    discounts rather than premia in stock prices, and managers would be strongly motivated to

    reduce investor uncertainty concerning the firms prospects. When short-sale constraints are

    severe, the market may temporarily reward a lack of transparency by paying a premium for

    firms that create a smoke screen to obscure a firms financial position, but when short sale

    constraints are eliminated, the lack of transparency will itself be penalized with a discount.

    Thus, any policy aimed at reducing the cost of short selling could provide a significant social

    benefit if greater firm transparency is rewarded with higher share prices in a Merton

    environment rather than penalized with lower share values as in a Miller environment.

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    Analysts Journal50, 20-28

  • 7/29/2019 Idiosyncratic Risk and the Cross-Section of Stock Returns: Merton 1987 Meets Miller 1977



    Table 1: Descriptive Statistics

    A description of each proxy variable is provided for different calendar dates (conditioned upon availability for

    the particular data series): January 1963, January 1968, January 1973, January 1978, January 1983, January

    1988, January 1993, January 1998, and December 2002. Proxies are estimated for all U.S.-domiciled common

    stocks listed on the NYSE and Nasdaq. For each calendar date, theI/B/E/S Analyst Forecast Dispersion is the

    I/B/E/S standard deviation of earnings per share forecasts for the next fiscal year end. scaled by the forecast

    mean. The Idiosyncratic Risk(SIGMA) is the standard deviation of the error term obtained from the marketmodel computed over the prior 100 days. The Relative Short Interest (RSI) is measured as the short interest

    divided by the number of outstanding shares. The OPTIONS status reports the total number of firms in our

    sample and the proportion of firms with exchange-traded options.


    Date N. Obs. Mean FirstPercentile


    Median ThirdQuartile



    196301 1130 0.0175 0.0076 0.0128 0.0162 0.0205 0.0415196801 1183 0.0193 0.0080 0.0140 0.0180 0.0231 0.0396197301 1376 0.0187 0.0076 0.0130 0.0171 0.0226 0.0452

    197801 3623 0.0210 0.0042 0.0117 0.0172 0.0258 0.0791198301 4097 0.0313 0.0051 0.0173 0.0256 0.0383 0.1160198801 5437 0.0468 0.0094 0.0277 0.0407 0.0584 0.4983

    199301 5027 0.0471 0.0072 0.0216 0.0355 0.0577 0.2104199801 6547 0.0389 0.0010 0.0211 0.0317 0.0465 0.1506

    Idiosyncratic Risk:


    200212 4677 0.0428 0.0095 0.0208 0.0330 0.0547 0.1608

    197801 897 0.0621 0.0000 0.0174 0.0327 0.0593 0.4059

    198301 1619 1.6254 0.0000 0.0296 0.0581 0.1474 4.6667198801 2153 1.6912 0.0000 0.0289 0.0593 0.1556 5.0000199301 2506 1.3904 0.0000 0.0194 0.0417 0.1059 3.1000199801 3867 1.6841 0.0000 0.0133 0.0290 0.0756 2.2143

    I/B/E/S analyst

    earnings forecastdispersion:


    200212 2566 4.4104 0.0000 0.0095 0.0233 0.0660 2.6667

    198801 1145 0.0083 0.0000 0.0009 0.0026 0.0071 0.0981199301 4166 0.0105 0.0000 0.0006 0.0023 0.0086 0.1236

    199801 6111 0.0157 0.0000 0.0005 0.0038 0.0163 0.1605

    Relative ShortInterest(%):

    RSI200212 4413 0.0266 0.0000 0.0013 0.0096 0.0213 0.2333

    198801 5478 0.0785

    199301 5068 0.1689199801 6665 0.2825

    OPTIONS:Percent of Firmswith Exchange Traded Options 200212 4809 0.4999

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    Table 2: Unconditional Abnormal Returns as a Function of Idiosyncratic Risk and Analyst Forecast Dispersion

    Calendar time portfolio (one and twelve month horizons) abnormal returns are shown as a function of

    idiosyncratic risk (SIGMA) and analyst earnings forecast dispersion (DISPERSION) for all CRSP listed

    common stocks (CRSP share codes 10 and 11) of U.S. domiciled NYSE and Nasdaq firms. SIGMA is the

    standard deviation of the error term obtained from the Brown and Warner (1985) market model regressioncomputed over the prior 100 days of stock returns. SIGMA quartiles are assigned for each month, beginning

    with January 1963 and ending with December 2002) by sorting all NYSE and Nasdaq firms on the SIGMA.

    DISPERSION is measured by dividing the I/B/E/S standard deviation of analyst earnings/shareforecasts for the current fiscal year end (I/B/E/S FY period 1) by the absolute value of the mean earnings/share

    forecast, as listed in the I/B/E/S Summary History file. Observations having a mean earnings forecast of zero are

    omitted for the purpose of assigning the rank ordering of firms. DISPERSION quartiles are assigned for eachmonth (beginning with January 1976) by sorting all NYSE and Nasdaq firms on the DISPERSION. Firms

    having a mean forecast of zero are then assigned to the highest DISPERSION quartile. Quartiles 1 and 4 are the

    lowest and highest SIGMA and DISPERSION quartiles, respectively.

    The abnormal returns are computed by forming equally-weighted calendar-time portfolios of either one

    month or twelve month horizons and regressing the excess portfolio returns (Rp,t-Rf,t) on a four factor model: thethree Fama and French (1993) risk factors (Rm-Rf, SMB, HML) and the momentum factor of Carhart (1997)

    (UMD). Calendar time portfolios are re-balanced each month, and include only firms that entered the portfolio

    during either the prior month or previous twelve months. The estimation method is weighted least squares;

    monthly excess returns are weighted by the square root of the number of firms in each month. The abnormalreturn for each sub-sample is the intercept (p) from the following regression:

    Rp,t-Rf,t = p + p(Rm,t-Rf,t) + spSMBt + hpHMLt + upUMDt + ep,t.

    We also report the long-term abnormal return of a hedge (or zero-investment) portfolio, consisting of

    long positions of stocks with the highest SIGMA or DISPERSION quartile and short positions of stocks in the

    lowest SIGMA or DISPERSION quartile. The abnormal return to the hedge portfolio is computed as the

    intercept (p) from the following regression:

    Rhigh-sigma,t-Rlow-sigma,t = p + p(Rm,t-Rf,t) + spSMBt + hpHMLt + upUMDt + ep,t.

    Results are presented in Panel A below are for the February 1988 to December 2002 period, and resultspresented in Panels B and C begin with January 1963 for SIGMA and February 1976 for DISPERSION and end

    with December 2002. An abnormal return of 0.00187 below is to be interpreted as an abnormal return of 0.187

    percent per calendar month. p-values reporting statistical difference from zero are shown in the rightmostcolumn for the hedge portfolio intercept and are computed from the intertemporal variation in the monthly

    calendar-time portfolio returns.

    Panel A: Idiosyncratic risk (SIGMA) and Analyst earnings forecast dispersion (DISPERSION), February 1988

    through December 2002

    Independent Variable andPortfolio Horizon











    4th quartile

    minus 1stquartile

    p-value of



    SIGMA, 1-month 0.00187 0.00241 -0.00068 0.00029 -0.00159 0.7284

    SIGMA, 12-month 0.00169 0.00115 -0.00025 0.00357 0.00192 0.6720

    DISPERSION, 1-month 0.00240 0.00165 0.00081 -0.00233 -0.00462 0.0370

    DISPERSION, 12-month 0.00167 0.00143 0.00112 0.00004 -0.00163 0.4509

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    Panel B: Idiosyncratic risk (SIGMA), January 1963 through December 2002


    Calendar time portfoliohorizon











    4th quartile

    minus 1st


    p-value ofhedge


    1-month 0.00178 0.00230 0.00036 -0.00090 -0.00268 0.2571

    12-month 0.00182 0.00125 0.00046 0.00163 -0.00014 0.9513

    Panel C: Analyst earnings forecast dispersion (DISPERSION), February 1976 through December 2002


    Calendar time portfoliohorizon











    portfolio:4th quartile

    minus 1st


    p-value of


    1-month 0.00275 0.00228 0.00138 -0.00203 -0.00478 0.0025

    12-month 0.00200 0.00182 0.00144 -0.00006 -0.00205 0.1759

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    Table 3: A Test of Mertons Hypothesis:

    Abnormal Returns as a Function of Idiosyncratic Risk, Conditioned on Absence of Short Sale Constraints

    One-month calendar time abnormal returns are shown as a function of idiosyncratic risk (SIGMA) and Relative Short

    Interest (RSI) for all CRSP listed common stocks (CRSP share codes 10 and 11) of U.S. domiciled NYSE and Nasdaq firms

    having exchange traded options. SIGMA is measured as the standard deviation of the error term obtained from the Brownand Warner (1985) market model regression computed over the prior 100 days of stock returns. SIGMA quartiles are

    assigned for each month, beginning with February 1988 and ending with December 2002) by sorting all NYSE and Nasdaq

    firms on the SIGMA. Quartiles 1 and 4 are the lowest and highest SIGMA quartiles, respectively. The analysis below beginsby first examining firms in RSI viciles 1 through 20, and then proceeds by progressively deleting firms in the higherRSI


    The abnormal returns are computed by forming equally-weighted calendar-time portfolios of one month horizon andregressing the excess portfolio returns (Rp,t-Rf,t) on a four factor model: the three Fama and French (1993) risk factors (Rm-

    Rf, SMB, HML) and the momentum factor of Carhart (1997) (UMD). Calendar time portfolios are re-balanced each month,

    and include only firms that entered the portfolio during the prior month. The estimation method is weighted least squares;

    monthly excess returns are weighted by the square root of the number of firms in each month. The abnormal return for each

    sub-sample is the intercept (p) from the following regression:Rp,t-Rf,t = p + p(Rm,t-Rf,t) + spSMBt + hpHMLt + upUMDt + ep,t.

    We also report the long-term abnormal return of a hedge (or zero-investment) portfolio, consisting of long positions of

    stocks with the highest SIGMA quartile and short positions of stocks in the lowest SIGMA quartile. The abnormal return to

    the hedge portfolio is computed as the intercept (p) from the following regression:Rhigh-sigma,t-Rlow-sigma,t = p + p(Rm,t-Rf,t) + spSMBt + hpHMLt + upUMDt + ep,t.Results are presented for the February 1988 to December 2002 period. An abnormal return of 0.00056 below is to be

    interpreted as an abnormal return of 0.056 percent per calendar month. p-values reporting statistical difference from zero are

    shown in the rightmost column for the hedge portfolio intercept and are computed from the intertemporal variation in the

    monthly calendar-time portfolio returns.





    RSI in












    4th quartileminus 1st


    p-value of



    20 0.00056 0.00095 -0.00083 0.00320 -0.00002 0.4986

    19 0.00061 0.00153 0.00139 0.00624 0.00332 0.2731

    18 0.00078 0.00170 0.00248 0.00935 0.00612 0.1458

    17 0.00095 0.00216 0.00423 0.01131 0.00841 0.0897

    16 0.00108 0.00254 0.00523 0.01274 0.00964 0.0625

    15 0.00104 0.00245 0.00563 0.01369 0.01067 0.0490

    14 0.00108 0.00285 0.00598 0.01516 0.01218 0.0326

    13 0.00103 0.00332 0.00519 0.01696 0.01417 0.0189


    12 0.00125 0.00392 0.00577 0.01772 0.01420 0.0240

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    Table 4: An Alternative Test of Mertons Hypothesis:

    Abnormal Returns as a Function of Forecast Dispersion, Conditioned on the Absence of Short Sale Constraints

    One-month calendar time abnormal returns are shown as a function of I/B/E/S analyst earnings forecast dispersion

    (DISPERSION) and Relative Short Interest (RSI) for all CRSP listed common stocks (CRSP share codes 10 and 11) of U.S.

    domiciled NYSE and Nasdaq firms having exchange traded options. DISPERSION is measured by dividing the I/B/E/Sstandard deviation of analyst earnings/share forecasts for the current fiscal year end (I/B/E/S FY period 1) by the absolute

    value of the mean earnings/share forecast, as listed in the I/B/E/S Summary History file. Observations having a mean

    earnings forecast of zero are omitted for the purpose of assigning the rank ordering of firms. DISPERSION quartiles areassigned for each month by sorting all NYSE and Nasdaq firms on the DISPERSION. Firms having a mean forecast of zero

    are then assigned to the highest DISPERSION quartile. Quartiles 1 and 4 are the lowest and highest DISPERSION quartiles,

    respectively. The analysis below begins by first examining firms in RSI viciles 1 through 20, and then proceeds byprogressively deleting firms in the higherRSI viciles.

    The abnormal returns are computed by forming equally-weighted calendar-time portfolios of one month horizon andregressing the excess portfolio returns (Rp,t-Rf,t) on a four factor model: the three Fama and French (1993) risk factors (Rm-

    Rf, SMB, HML) and the momentum factor of Carhart (1997) (UMD). Calendar time portfolios are re-balanced each month,

    and include only firms that entered the portfolio during the prior month. The estimation method is weighted least squares;monthly excess returns are weighted by the square root of the number of firms in each month. The abnormal return for each

    sub-sample is the intercept (p) from the following regression:Rp,t-Rf,t = p + p(Rm,t-Rf,t) + spSMBt + hpHMLt + upUMDt + ep,t.

    We also report the long-term abnormal return of a hedge (or zero-investment) portfolio, consisting of long positions ofstocks with the highest DISPERSION quartile and short positions of stocks in the lowest DISPERSION quartile. The

    abnormal return to the hedge portfolio is computed as the intercept (p) from the following regression:Rhigh-sigma,t-Rlow-sigma,t = p + p(Rm,t-Rf,t) + spSMBt + hpHMLt + upUMDt + ep,t.

    Results are presented for the February 1988 to December 2002 period. An abnormal return of 0.00062 below is to be

    interpreted as an abnormal return of 0.062 percent per calendar month. p-values reporting statistical difference from zero areshown in the rightmost column for the hedge portfolio intercept and are computed from the intertemporal variation in the

    monthly calendar-time portfolio returns.





    RSI inportfolio










    portfolio:4th quartile

    minus 1st


    p-value of


    20 0.00062 0.00122 0.00133 0.00209 0.00139 0.2973

    19 0.00119 0.00227 0.00227 0.00318 0.00186 0.2351

    18 0.00124 0.00272 0.00263 0.00434 0.00299 0.1212

    17 0.00186 0.00271 0.00338 0.00523 0.00327 0.1050

    16 0.00211 0.00315 0.00380 0.00527 0.00311 0.1154

    15 0.00202 0.00349 0.00410 0.00523 0.00307 0.1272

    14 0.00174 0.00415 0.00472 0.00604 0.00409 0.0714

    13 0.00194 0.00466 0.00410 0.00627 0.00408 0.0867


    12 0.00185 0.00514 0.00451 0.00731 0.00511 0.0544

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    Table 5: A Test of Millers Hypothesis:

    Abnormal Returns as a Function of Forecast Dispersion, Conditioned on the Presence of Short Sale Constraints

    One-month calendar time abnormal returns are shown as a function of I/B/E/S analyst earnings forecast dispersion

    (DISPERSION) and Relative Short Interest (RSI) for all CRSP listed common stocks (CRSP share codes 10 and 11) of U.S.

    domiciled NYSE and Nasdaq firms that do not have exchange traded options. DISPERSION is measured by dividing the I/B/E/Sstandard deviation of analyst earnings/share forecasts for the current fiscal year end (I/B/E/S FY period 1) by the absolute value

    of the mean earnings/share forecast, as listed in the I/B/E/S Summary History file. Observations having a mean earnings forecast

    of zero are omitted for the purpose of assigning the rank ordering of firms. DISPERSION quartiles are assigned for each monthby sorting all NYSE and Nasdaq firms on the DISPERSION. Firms having a mean forecast of zero are then assigned to the

    highest DISPERSION quartile. Quartiles 1 and 4 are the lowest and highest DISPERSION quartiles, respectively. The analysis

    below begins by first examining firms in RSI viciles 1 through 20, and then proceeds by progressively deleting firms in thesmaller RSI viciles.

    The abnormal returns are computed by forming equally-weighted calendar-time portfolios of one month horizon andregressing the excess portfolio returns (Rp,t-Rf,t) on a four factor model: the three Fama and French (1993) risk factors (Rm-Rf,

    SMB, HML) and the momentum factor of Carhart (1997) (UMD). Calendar time portfolios are re-balanced each month, and

    include only firms that entered the portfolio during the prior month. The estimation method is weighted least squares; monthlyexcess returns are weighted by the square root of the number of firms in each month. The abnormal return for each sub-sample is

    the intercept (p) from the following regression:Rp,t-Rf,t = p + p(Rm,t-Rf,t) + spSMBt + hpHMLt + upUMDt + ep,t.

    We also report the long-term abnormal return of a hedge (or zero-investment) portfolio, consisting of long positions of

    stocks with the highest DISPERSION quartile and short positions of stocks in the lowest DISPERSIONquartile. The abnormal

    return to the hedge portfolio is computed as the intercept (p) from the following regression:Rhigh-sigma,t-Rlow-sigma,t = p + p(Rm,t-Rf,t) + spSMBt + hpHMLt + upUMDt + ep,t.

    Results are presented for the February 1988 to December 2002 period. An abnormal return of 0.00330 below is to be

    interpreted as an abnormal return of 0.330 percentper calendar month. p-values reporting statistical difference from zero are

    shown in the rightmost column for the hedge portfolio intercept and are computed from the intertemporal variation in the monthlycalendar-time portfolio returns.





    RSI in












    4th minus

    1st quartile

    p-value ofhedge


    1 0.00330 0.00187 -0.00043 -0.00512 -0.00831 0.0000

    2 0.00315 0.00182 -0.00057 -0.00542 -0.00843 0.0000

    3 0.00294 0.00166 -0.00071 -0.00575 -0.00853 0.0000

    4 0.00273 0.00142 -0.00101 -0.00607 -0.00862 0.0000

    5 0.00253 0.00136 -0.00107 -0.00646 -0.00884 0.0000

    6 0.00228 0.00114 -0.00139 -0.00683 -0.00898 0.0000

    7 0.00196 0.00067 -0.00170 -0.00681 -0.00861 0.0000

    8 0.00158 0.00022 -0.00205 -0.00728 -0.00868 0.0001

    9 0.00129 0.00012 -0.00224 -0.00772 -0.00885 0.0001

    10 0.00098 -0.00015 -0.00238 -0.00826 -0.00914 0.0000

    11 0.00060 -0.00034 -0.00266 -0.00871 -0.00916 0.0001

    12 0.00018 -0.00041 -0.00288 -0.00941 -0.00953 0.0000


    13 0.00009 -0.00066 -0.00289 -0.01023 -0.01034 0.0000

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    Table 6: An Alternative Test of Millers Hypothesis:

    Abnormal Returns as a Function of Idiosyncratic Risk, Conditioned on the Presence of Short Sale Constraints

    One-month calendar time abnormal returns are shown as a function of idiosyncratic risk (SIGMA) and Relative Short Interest

    (RSI) for all CRSP listed common stocks (CRSP share codes 10 and 11) of U.S. domiciled NYSE and Nasdaq firms that do not

    have exchange traded options. SIGMA is measured as the standard deviation of the error term obtained from the Brown andWa