Throw caution to the wind- to do something without worrying about the risk or negative results " For example: Sylvia, who is usually cautious, threw caution to the wind and went swimming in the ocean. Look before you leap - Think carefully about what you are about to do before you do it. Think of the consequences before you act Safety in numbers- A group has more protection against harm than an individual Play with fire -to do something dangerous or risky. When someone is playing with fire, they are doing something that will result in them being harmed. Keep out of harm’s way - harm’s way means a dangerous situation . out of harm’s way means you are in a safe condition.

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Throw caution to the wind- to do something without worrying about the risk or negative results "For example: Sylvia, who is usually cautious, threw caution to the wind and went swimming in the ocean.Look before you leap- Think carefully about what you are about to do before you do it. Think of the consequences before you actSafety in numbers-A group has more protection against harm than an individualPlay with fire-to do something dangerous or risky. When someone is playing with fire, they are doing something that will result in them being harmed.Keep out of harms way- harms way means a dangerous situation . out of harms way means you are in a safe condition.