IDENTITY SHIFTING How Much Better Could You Be? by: Rob Scott

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Page 1: IDENTITY SHIFTING - Amazon S3 · Someone trying to lose weight may think their biggest problem is ... their drinking is the root of all these other ... You could try turning up the


How Much Better Could

You Be?

by: Rob Scott

Page 2: IDENTITY SHIFTING - Amazon S3 · Someone trying to lose weight may think their biggest problem is ... their drinking is the root of all these other ... You could try turning up the

Table of Contents: COULD YOU BE BETTER? 4

The Shortcut to Improving Success 4

Humans Are Interesting Animals 5

What's Really Holding You Back 6

FIXING THE WRONG PROBLEM 7 Not All Problems Are Created Equal 7

HOW TO FIND YOUR “CORE PROBLEM” 8 Imagine Someone Like This… 9

Core Problems Are Everywhere 11

The Huge Cost of Working on the Wrong Problem 12

THE “META” CORE PROBLEM 13 We Unconsciously Take on Meanings About the World 15

Your Subconscious Mind Is More in Control Than You Think 15


Find Out if You’re Sabotaging Yourselves 17

Your Mind is Lying to You 18

You Can Go 60% Farther Than You Think 19

CONSCIOUSLY SHIFTING YOUR “IDENTITY” 19 How to Become Something You’re Not 20

The Myth of Willpower 21

Shifting Your Identity 22

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SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT 23 Solve Your Core Problem Right Now 24

Why Would You Stay Stuck? 24

Top 3 Most Important Ideas 25

You Can Be Better… 26

ABOUT THE AUTHOR 27 He Was Failing at Everything 28

The Mindset Shift That Changed Everything 28

Fixing Your Subconscious 29

The Power of Changing a Single Mindset 30

Helping You Change 30

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PUBLISHED BY: Rob Scott and Fundamental Shift, LLC. © Copyright 2016 Fundamental Shift, LLC. All rights reserved. May be shared with copyright and credit left intact.

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COULD YOU BE BETTER? The Shortcut to Improving Success

Have you ever wondered if there is a better life available to you? Consider for a moment the difference between where you are now, and what’s really possible for you.

How is your money? Do you have more than enough? Are you growing your wealth and investing in things that make you happy, excited and secure? Or are you having a tough time making ends meet?

Are you living in a home you love? Would you like to live in a different location (maybe at the beach?), or do you love living right where you are?

What about your career or business? Are you someone who’s afraid to step into what you really want to be doing, or are you one of the lucky ones that’s doing something you’re passionate about and feel purpose doing?

How is your body? Are you healthy? Well rested? Do you like yourself naked in the mirror, or do you carry shame, feel overweight and hate being seen in your bathing suit?

How is your space? Are you organized, or is there clutter everywhere?

Imagine a life where you are happier, more successful, more popular, even more important. Clearly we all strive to improve, but I want you to take a second to really stretch into what you really could be.

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Humans Are Interesting Animals

We are the only animal that knows exactly what to do to make our lives better, and yet we still choose not to do those things.

Old habits are often what keep us stuck.

Are there any habits or behaviors you’d like to quit, but don’t seem to be able to? Maybe there are some important habits you’d like to take on, but you can’t seem to make them stick.

Now let’s look internally for a moment. How is your mind? Are you a victim of repeated negative thoughts or do you feel at peace and calm most of the time?

Are you like a lot of humans these days who have to deal with a “low level” sense of anxiety and/or depression? (Hopefully you’re not someone dealing with a severe phobia.)

After thinking about these areas of your life, you may be bummed out. Instead, get honest and imagine who you want to be.

Use your willpower to ignore your resistance to this and imagine yourself making all the money you really want to make. See yourself doing something you absolutely love.

See yourself living in the location you want with the car you love. The family, the friends, the house - all amazing. Now see your body exactly how you want it. And now imagine your mind, focused, clear and calm.

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You are deeply happy.

Can you tap into this version of yourself, even if just in your imagination? Yes! Good!!! Now I want to ask you…

What’s really holding you back from this “better version” of yourself?

What's Really Holding You Back

I often ask people “If you can see this version of yourself, why aren’t you that?” Is it because you’re unlucky? Is it because you’re just not talented? Maybe you lack the willpower or discipline to sustain being that kind of “winner.”

I don't think it's any of that.

I think you are dealing with normal challenges of growth - normal resistance points. But you haven't yet learned how easy and immediate profound changecan be.

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“You can literally change any part of your life if you choose to take action. It's scary to take action, it really is, but once you’re over that, it’s literally life changing. It was a pivotal moment in my life.”

-Paul Ratcliffe

Client Testimonial:

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If you're reading this, then I’m pretty sure you want to:

• Get past your personal limits - the things holding you back

• Master success in your life - whatever that means for you

• Arrive at true fulfillment - as fast as humanly possible

You want to become the very best version of yourself you can be.

I'm about to share with you the fastest way to create profound and permanent change. But first, I want to share the biggest issue we face when trying to make serious shifts in our lives.

FIXING THE WRONG PROBLEM Do you know the real problem you’re facing? Not all problems are created equal and you may be trying to solve the wrong problems.

Not All Problems Are Created Equal

Let’s look at some different identities and see what they think their biggest problems might be.


Business owners may think they need to learn sales, learn outsourcing, or just get the right marketing funnel together. Once all that happens everything will “fall into place.”

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Corporate Employee:

An employee trying to move up the corporate ladder may think they need to learn management skills, project management, or get better at networking.

Overweight Person:

Someone trying to lose weight may think their biggest problem is habituating getting to the gym and mastering their diet.


Parents may think their biggest problem is not knowing how to connect with their child or how to keep them safe and teach them all they need to know.

While all of these problems (or opportunities) matter, they may not necessarily be the the “core problem” each of these people are facing.

HOW TO FIND YOUR “CORE PROBLEM” One of the most valuable epiphanies I’ve ever had was the fact that core problems exist. Our problems seem to be all over the place, random and difficult to attack and defeat.

But as you’ll soon see, quite often there’s a single problem causing many, if not all, problems around it.

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Imagine Someone Like This…

Whether you've ever had a drink of alcohol or not, I’m going to illustrate this point using someone who has a ton of problems: an alcoholic.

Think of how an active alcoholic’s life may be going. They tend to have problems in every direction. Things like:

• They have relationships that are falling apart.

• They lost trust and assistance from other people.

• Their partner is kicking them out of the house.

• They may be losing their license because of too many DUIs.

• They could be at risk to go to jail.

• They can’t pay their bills.

• They aren’t allowed to see their kids.

• They have just lost their job.

Literally, they have problems in every aspect of their life. And what do you think the alcoholic wants to do?


The reason is that the bar seems like a SOLUTION. The bar will make him feel better, at least for tonight.

But if you think about it, their drinking is the root of all these other problems. When an intervention works for someone, what happens is

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that the alcoholic has a “moment of clarity,” the realization that they have a core problem.

Drinking is their CORE PROBLEM.

To illustrate this, imagine that when an alcoholic stops drinking all these other problems actually start to fix themselves. Immediately their relationships can begin to be repaired. Problems with D.U.I.’s start to get resolved, and other problems cease being created.

Most importantly, the relationship they have with their children can begin to heal. Trust can start to come back into the relationship.

Now, you may be saying, “Hey Rob, I don’t have a problem with alcohol!” And to that I say, “Awesome. I’m thrilled for you. But you still may have a CORE PROBLEM.”

The reason I shared this example is not to talk about addiction. It’s to illustrate that sometimes we have a hard time seeing the real issue underneath a set of MANY other problems.

The alcoholic is running around playing a real life “whack-a-mole” game, trying to beat back that long list of problems that keep popping up. Somehow there’s a delusion that drinking will help. But really, the move is to stop that one problem, and when they do EVERYTHING ELSE GETS BETTER.

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Core Problems Are Everywhere

This idea of a “core problem” is really important because they are everywhere. And in just a minute I’m going to talk about one that may best the worst of them all. But take a second and consider this.

Imagine a house in the middle of winter.

It’s got a huge broken window that’s letting all the heat out. How would you try to heat the house?

You could try turning up the heat. That might work a little, but not really. All the heat you make is just flying out the broken window. What if we started a huge fire, would that work? Clearly not. Same problem.

The broken window is a core problem. You’re not going to be able to heat the house until you get that fixed.

Imagine running a business with a dishonest accountant.

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“If you want to grow as a person, as an entrepreneur, as a leader… If you want to make a change, this is the simplest, most straightforward, and the fastest way to get unstuck, to get off the bottom of the rollercoaster and keep going up.” -Chris Yates

Client Testimonial:

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What if you ran a company, and the head of finance is embezzling money from you? This is happening behind the scenes. You have no idea it’s happening. What would you do?

Well, maybe you’d work really hard increasing sales. Maybe you’d hire new people or, instead, try to cut costs. Maybe you’d try to create a new marketing effort to dominate your market.

While all of these things are great, and might even grow revenue, it will make no difference if the guy running the accounting is cooking the books and continues to steal the profits.

The dishonest finance guy is a core problem. It doesn’t matter what kind of business gains you make if you’re just going to lose it due to theft.

Core problems often cause other problems around them. Sometimes they aren’t easy to see. But when you fix them, lots of other problems go away. This is when you can hit new levels of success.

Fix the broken window and it becomes much cheaper and easier to keep the house warm. Get rid of the person stealing from your business and you can now build a business that’s healthy and growing.

The Huge Cost of Working on the Wrong Problem

What if we have a core problem that we can’t (or won’t) see? Well, it should be obvious how bad this can be.

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Alcoholics lose everything and deteriorate toward homelessness and death if they don’t recover. The house obviously has no chance of staying heated and instead remains very uncomfortable. The business owner is driven to close the business and may fall into financial ruin.

Whatever the core problem, we may stay stuck for long periods of time. We end up feeling anxious and depressed… We are working so hard and not getting any real results.

One of the worst things that can happen is our self-concept gets even worse because the lack of success feeds the sense that “we are not enough.” We lose confidence and many of us stop trying to accomplish the things we want to do. We accept much less in our lives than we should.

So, it’s really important to solve core problems. Anything else is inefficient and possibly even disastrous.

The next thing I want to share with you is that there is a core problem that might be worse than all of these. It’s the “meta” core problem because it can literally affect everything in your life. And it can be very hard to see.

THE “META” CORE PROBLEM Imagine a boy named John. He’s in middle school. John has had a crush on Tina all year. Tina’s the girl that, he’s hoping more than anything, would see just how funny and wonderful he is.

And as he makes his approach, just to say “hi,” Tina says back:

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“Ewww, why are you talking to me?!?”

John’s embarrassment feels devastating. It’s a huge blow. So painful that the next time he wants to meet someone, he learns it’s safer to just admire from afar and not risk the same embarrassment.

In a different school, Melissa is having a great year. She’s always felt really happy about herself. Until today when Brian, a cute boy in her History class, points at her and in front of everyone shouts:

“Hey Melissa, why are you so fat?!?”

As the other kids laugh, Melissa is devastated. She becomes self-aware and self-critical in a way she’s never been before. Her natural confidence takes a huge hit right in that moment. And, it’s sad to say, she may never be the same.

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“Three things that I’ve taken away that have been amazing: clarity, confidence, and control… I now understand that I control my thoughts and my feelings and my emotions… That trumps everything else. Because I’m in charge again and that has a domino effect to confidence. With more confidence comes more clarity.” -Alexandra Covucci

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We Unconsciously Take on Meanings About the World

To protect ourselves when things like this happen, we unconsciously take on meanings about ourselves and the world. The meanings are meant to protect us, but later they can become huge hindrances.

I’ve coached many men who have their greatest gifts “shut off” because of tough emotional moments in their past.

I’ve coached too many women who, as mother’s well into their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s, still hear their version of Brian’s voice in their head. They feel embarrassed, heavy and unattractive no matter what their body looks like.

Your Subconscious Mind Is More in Control Than You Think

Your subconscious mind runs way more of your choices than you think. And it really only cares about one thing:

Keeping you safe.

A major function of your brain is to keep you safe. But what happens is that whatever starts off as something really helpful (staying safe) becomes a huge limitation later in life (it is not safe to act).

Maybe you took on the belief of “I’m not cool.” Or “I’m not good looking.” Or, maybe, “I’m fat and ugly.” These kinds of beliefs help to

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protect you in the moment from being exposed to another embarrassing experience. Like John, instead of trying to meet other people you decide to stay quiet.

This keeps you safe. But at what cost?

These simple examples are only about an embarrassing experience in middle school. But this protection mechanism works in many, many other ways.

From parents expecting too much of you… to being terribly abused. These rules we create come from being around addiction, being neglected, or from trauma you may have experienced or been near.

And here are just a few ways it shows up during life:

1. Negative Self Talk. - “I’ll never be able to do that!”

2. Limiting Beliefs - “I’m not cool, or good, or smart.”

3. Full-blown Unconscious Self Sabotage - You don’t believe you actually DESERVE the good things in life.

The cost of this to us is close to limitless. It literally changes the quality of someone’s entire life. And here’s why this is the “Meta Core Problem.”

Your Advantages Don’t Matter

It doesn't matter what advantages you have because once you’re self sabotaging:

• It doesn't matter how much money you have - you'll lose it.

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• How many friends you have - you won't let them help you.

• How many opportunities you have - you'll squander them.

If you're set to self sabotage, you're going to ruin your success at some point in time.

YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND IS SET TO FAIL You might think, “But Rob, I’m not sabotaging myself…”

Yes, actually, you probably are.

And You Can’t See It

Remember, this is your SUB-conscious mind we’re talking about. And because of this, you just can’t see it. Most of this is actually going on in the background. These are the “unconscious protection mechanisms” going on in your brain, almost always without your consent.

Find Out if You’re Sabotaging Yourselves

So how can we find out if we’re sabotaging ourselves?

Well, sometimes it's obvious.

You may be the person who already knows you’re stuck. It can feel like Groundhog Day… you feel yourself procrastinating. You know there’s

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more for you, but you can’t get to it. If this is you, you have come to the right place.

But sometimes you can barely tell.

Maybe you think you’re performing as well as you possible can. Maybe you think your mind never created limits in the way I’m describing. If this is you, I have another idea I want to share.

Your Mind is Lying to You

How do I know? Well, it happens to the world's top performers.

The Navy SEALS have what they call the “40% Rule.” It states that when your mind says you’re done, you’re really only 40% done.

Your limits are often invisible to you.

SEALS are the people that stand out as the best of the best. And when they are pushing themselves and their mind says “STOP!” - they learn that their mind is lying to them. They are really only 40% done.

They have another 60% left to give.

SEAL training is built to get the very best past their breaking point. WAY PAST IT.

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Imagine if you broke through your limits and were able to go one and a half times further than you thought. This would pretty much make you “super human” - certainly compared to how you’re currently performing.

You Can Go 60% Farther Than You Think

It’s safe to say that we all could go faster and be better. Wherever you are in your life and success, the major things holding you back are your personal limits.


Whatever level of difficulty you’ve dealt with, we all have our “stuff.” And altering this unconscious “stuff” is the fastest, deepest and most effective way to change.


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How to Become Something You’re Not

Let’s imagine you’d like to become a runner this year. (You’d not be alone.) Tons of people set New Year’s Resolutions each year. And many of these are around health, fitness and running.

The thing is, very few people (only about 8%) actually accomplish their resolutions. Very few people actually become runners.

Why is this?

Well, many people fail because they never even start. Others fail after a few days of trying. Some make it a few weeks, but eventually the old habits come creeping back, and they never become a runner.

Most people (including most coaches) think the reason is a lack of willpower.

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“You don’t have to believe in it, it’s not theoretical. These are things you can do to make your mindset better and to actually shift your identity.”

-Aubin LaBrosse

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The Myth of Willpower

Willpower is amazing, and using it well is important. But it’s not actually the fastest way to change. And it’s certainly not the reason for change. I’m about to reveal one of the biggest secrets in personal development:

Change only occurs when our self concept changes, not before.

Think about the journey to becoming a runner. You start off with the identity of “I’m not a runner,” or maybe “I want to be a runner.” So while this is your true “identity,” you apply your will to do something that really doesn’t feel natural to you.

You force yourself to run.

But think about what eventually happens if you do become a runner. One day you just wake up, and there’s no resistance anymore. You are a runner. You grab your shoes, put on your running outfit, and hit the road.

You ARE a runner.

Your identity has shifted. No more willpower is needed.

You see willpower is necessary for doing things that DON’T feel like you. Willpower is literally needed for what we are NOT.

The secret I’ve discovered is that you can make this a direct, conscious process. You can go into your mind and Repattern It™ and shift your identity much more quickly than using willpower alone.

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Shifting Your Identity

Imagine changing your entire identity. Sounds scary, right? Well it’s not. Your identity is shifting all the time, but usually it’s happening unconsciously.

Think about it, you are no longer your 5-year-old self. You’re not your 13-year-old self. Your “identity” changes all the time, but it can also get stuck.

Here are some identities, either shifting or not...

Some people who are in their 40's, 50's or 60's still feel like they are 18 years old. Never mentally becoming the adult that they really are.

While there are benefits to feeling young, mostly what's going on is a psychological resistance to reality. They aren't shifting their identity into becoming fully mature adults. They aren't growing. Some of them don't take on new identities - they stay stuck.

Some of us are forced into new identities - we have an accident, are sent to war, or become a new parent. Ask anyone who’s recently become a parent and they will tell you there’s definitely a “shift” in who they are.

Some of us take on limiting identities like “I’m a loser” or “I'll never really be good enough” or “I'll never succeed.”

What I want you to understand is simply this - your identity can change. No matter how you’re “stuck,” the deepest MOST IMMEDIATE kind of change is to change WHO YOU ARE.

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When you do this, all the behaviors of the new identity come with it.

SHORTCUT TO SUCCESS AND FULFILLMENT Remember where we started? Remember that version of yourself that you really wanted to be? Connect with that again for a moment.

That version had different dimensions to it. It had certain events that were happening to it. Certain feelings. And certain habits.

That version of you is possible, and it doesn’t take willpower over one habit at a time to grow into that version of you. It can be patterned into your subconscious mind, so that your self concept shifts, and you have a more evolved sense of self immediately.

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“I was kind of lost and overwhelmed and didn’t know where to go next. All the things that Rob was talking about, were like ‘Woah I need this, this sounds amazing! I want to discover my purpose. I want to learn more thing about myself and get better at things.’ It was really exciting.”

-Katya Rablova

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Solve Your Core Problem Right Now

What if you solved your real core problem, the problem of a limited self concept? What if you became the version of yourself that you know deep down is possible? How would that shift your life now and in the future?

Why Would You Stay Stuck?

Sometimes we just stay the same: frustrated, lonely, anxious, depressed. We procrastinate, and let our base urges lead us to our own personal addictions of chips, ice cream, internet addiction, TV, alcohol, drugs, or worse.

While staying the same sounds bad, the real concern is what if it gets worse? As time passes, these bad habits get more and more entrenched in our minds.

For many people this means they don’t stay the same level of unhappy and unfulfilled. They actually get worse. Habits get worse, results get worse, and it feels like the world just passed us by.

You’re at a fork in the road. One way looks bright and exciting - full of color and possibility. The other road is dark, dim, and cold. It leads to overwhelm, lack of control and sadness.

We often have opportunities come along, and too often we don't act on them. Since you’re here, and you now know what’s possible, I hope you decide to take action.

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Top 3 Most Important Ideas

We've covered a lot, and I want to share the key takeaways here. Maybe the biggest idea is that while you’re not invincible, you ARE way more than you currently think you are.

And if you master the process of how you think about yourself, master your self concept, master your identity, then you can become superhuman to who you are now.

Let me boil this down to three main ideas…

1) Core Problems:

Core problems exist. Often we're working on problems that really won't change the game. It's important to find the real issue and address that. When you do, there's a domino effect of positive change. This is what dramatically up-leveling looks like.

2) Self-Sabotage:

This is the meta core problem. This ruins all advantages because you end up sabotaging them anyway. It’s not always easy to know if this is happening, but it’s safe to say we could all “optimize.”

3) Identity Shifting:

There is a process called Identity Shifting that can change everything in a very short period of time. Changing doesn’t actually require willpower. It happens when your subconscious mind or “self concept” shifts.

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You Can Be Better…

Here’s what I see as next steps for anyone who wants to create a massive shift in their life:


Find the real issue underneath all the chaos. Core problems may be in your business, relationships, or in your life. See if you’re dealing with the Meta Core Problem: Limiting Beliefs and Self Sabotage.


Do you have a “self concept” that could be optimized? Are you procrastinating and self sabotaging? Do you want to seriously increase your results? If so, don’t wait - go to step 3.


Editing your limits can be done in many ways. You can work on it yourself, learn from books or programs, or you can find help through a mentor. Mentors come in different forms, from therapists to coaches to someone who cares. Whoever you choose, make sure they are talented and have a track record of results. If you’d like my help, learn more at identityshifting.com.


Find the courage to challenge yourself to grow. You deserve it. Consider for a moment the cost of not changing. I know it can be scary, but deciding to fix the core issue once and for all is always the best plan. Again, click here to learn more about the Identity Shifting process.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Let me tell you about my most important client, someone I helped shift a long time ago. He needed a simple mindset shift that he held at an identity level.

This is another example of what huge results “fixing your subconscious” can lead to. But I want to warn you, the beginning of this story is pretty graphic.

This person had been violently and repeatedly raped from the age of around three to about eight years old. This left him feeling completely empty. Full of shame, it was incredibly difficult for him to feel safe or to trust anybody.

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In fact, to deal with this trauma, this young boy’s brain almost split into multiple personalities so that he could detach and protect himself when he was being seriously abused.

He turned to drugs and alcohol to mask the pain, trying drugs as early as seven years old. By his late teens and early 20’s, it had gotten so bad that he was in and out of jails, institutions, halfway houses and he ended up homeless and, at times, living on the streets.

He Was Failing at Everything

His entire life was a mess and after all he’d been through, he had every reason to hate the world. But he finally realized if he didn’t change, he was going to die…

This is when he had a simple mindset shift that changed everything.

The Mindset Shift That Changed Everything

He realized that for a long time it was his mindset that had been the biggest problem he faced. In that one moment he changed his very identity. What happened next was incredible.

First thing he did was get a crappy apartment and a simple temp job. With his new perspective of his own value, he was rapidly promoted.

Fast forward a few years and he had gone from homeless to becoming the youngest Vice President at a wonderful tech company in Philadelphia. He had no credentials, no college degree, nothing. He simply knew how to create value and manage himself and others.

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Page 29: IDENTITY SHIFTING - Amazon S3 · Someone trying to lose weight may think their biggest problem is ... their drinking is the root of all these other ... You could try turning up the

Around 2005, he started a podcast to share his ideas on how to profoundly change who you are… people from all over the world started signing up. They started asking him for coaching and his chosen calling began.

Fixing Your Subconscious

You’ve guessed by now that this person was me. I’ve been lucky enough to spend more than a decade helping hundreds of thousands of people, shifting their identities and showing them how to evolve their consciousness, getting incredible results across all areas of their businesses, health, relationships and entire lives.

I have helped my clients to build huge businesses. I’ve helped craft congressional testimony multiple times, leading to national policy reform in America. I have thousands of followers that I’m blessed to interact with on a regular basis.

Other coaches come to me in order to shift themselves and to learn how to do even deeper work with their clients. People that work with me have massive breakthroughs resulting in more money, better health, more time and, quite simply, more happiness and fulfillment.

I am living the dream. I am deeply present, I love my partner, I love my work and thankfully, I am really successful at it.

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Page 30: IDENTITY SHIFTING - Amazon S3 · Someone trying to lose weight may think their biggest problem is ... their drinking is the root of all these other ... You could try turning up the

The Power of Changing a Single Mindset

There is a huge power in shifting even a single mindset. My ability to go from “I am a victim” to “I am safe and successful” was all it took to begin a transformation that has been of infinite value to me.

Helping You Change

If I can come from the depths of dysfunction, after years of rape, abuse, addiction, homelessness, and more – the things most people don’t survive let alone thrive from – and go on to create this kind of success for myself and for others, then you can jump to your next level too.

If the Identity Shifting process sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, please visit identityshifting.com as soon as you can. And if you’d like to know more about me and find some great free tools please visit robscott.com.

Thank you so much for your time and attention. It’s people like you that make the effort to learn more about themselves and grow that make the world a better place. Be well. :)

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