Identifying Services in SOA

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  • 8/13/2019 Identifying Services in SOA


    Voices from the Web: SOA - Top down or bottom up approach?

    There has been a great deal of discussion on the need to better align business with IT in

    order to successfully implement service-oriented architectures (SOAs).

    While many developers agree an SOA should ultimately cater to the needs of the business,

    there are differing opinions on how exactly this should occur.

    Should a top-down, business-centric approach be employed or a bottom-up approach, in

    which the Business Unit (BU) is more reactive and sensitive to the realities of IT?

    In John Crupi's Weblog, the chief technology officer of enterprise Web services practice at

    Santa Clara, Calif.-based Sun Microsystems Inc., said that SOA is a business-driven

    architectural style, and for it to be successful, it must employ a "top-down" approach.

    The BU should own the business drivers, use-cases and processes, according to Crupi. It is

    then IT's job to implement the BU requirements and own the service definitions.

    Crupi advised against using a "bottom-up" approach to SOA development, in which existing

    systems are simply wrapped using Web services to create a service layer.

    Crupi, who has worked on large projects such as the re-architecting of the eBay 3.0

    application, has had many discussions with customers who have failed in their attempts to

    weave their systems into an SOA by simply wrapping them in Web services.

    Taking an existing asset or system and making it a Web service creates an immediate

    mismatch between the new Web service interaction style and the existing system, Crupi


    Meanwhile, J2EE [Java 2 Enterprise Edition] architect Bill de hra argued in his Weblog that

    the probability of failure is higher with a big, top down approach that has the ambition of

    spanning an enterprise.

    "The difficulty with a solely top-down approach is that there is no top," de hra said. "SOA

    systems in reality tend to be decentralized - there's no one point of architectural leverage orgovernance."

    "The goal for any enterprise should be to wean off building big, centralized systems and

    focus on how to network smaller, more adaptable ones together," de hra said.

    Business and IT crossing the great divide

    "The reality is that IT and (the) BU typically function as disparate groups and rarely work

    together to have the business use-cases drive the process and service definition," Crupi said.

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    Evidence of this disconnect can be seen in efforts to implement Business Process

    Management (BPM) projects, according to a recent report from Cambridge, Mass.-based

    Forrester Research Inc.

    The success of a BPM project depends on how effectively the "top-down" and "bottom-up"

    cultures in an organization can be made to co-operate, according to the report.

    It said the "bottom-up" phenomenon occurs when implementers' resistance to change is

    driven by the fear of potential job losses.

    On the other hand, the "top-down" approach is the willingness of senior managers to

    forcefully drive process improvement amongst implementers, driven by the fear of "loss of


    As BPM tools continue to mature, organizations are leveraging them to enforce business

    processes in their SOAs. SOA provides a sufficient level of abstraction which BPM systemscan leverage to enforce a company's process definitions.

    According to Forrester,integrated suites for enterprise application integration (EAI) and

    BPM are empowering business users with the tools to develop composite applications,

    potentially replacing the need for programmers.

    SOA's middle way?

    Meanwhile, in his Weblog, Random Stuff, J2EE architect Stefan Tilkov offered a middle-way

    to SOA development, one in which a top-down, high-level vision and bottom-up, "quick-win

    scenarios" gradually converge toward each other.

    Tilkov suggested an adaptive software development approach that requires the BU and IT to

    continuously work together to optimize and refine business processes.

    "When the business people and the architects are thrashing out the documents and

    processes, you cannot have the programmers sitting on their hands," de hra said. "They

    need to build something and show it to the business, so the business can ratify and refine

    what it's asking for."

    "A culture of continuous deployment and tending to front line services will help the

    organization infrastructure become robust to continuous requirements changes," de hra

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    SOA From the Bottom Up - The BestApproach to Service Oriented ArchitectureThe general attitude of business organizations towardsService Oriented Architecture,or SOA, has

    changed significantly over the course of the term's existence. When SOA first made its appearance

    as a buzzword in the early 2000s, enthusiasm for the new model quickly reached a fever

    pitch. Companies with big infrastructure problems were so sure that SOA was the fix they'd been

    waiting for that they were willing to pour millions of dollars into massive top-down SOA initiatives with

    long, hazy ROI timelines.

    By 2009, things had changed. Service Oriented Architecture was no longer the belle of the ball, to

    say the least. The vast majority of the sweeping top-down SOA initiatives that had been launched

    with such high hopes had failed miserably, leaving companies millions of dollars in the hole and years

    behind on architectural improvements. Some studies estimate that as few as 20% of the SOA

    initiatives launched at the peak of the model's popularity were ever been fully realized. The negative

    backlash towards SOA was so immediate and strong that one industry analyst went so far as to post

    a mock-obituary for SOA on their blog in January of 2009.

    Why SOA Still Matters

    In the face of so much failure, the backlash is perhaps understandable. However, it couldn't be more

    off-base. Far from being dead, SOA is more relevant than ever.

    The same infrastructure problems that existed in the early 2000s still plague companies today, and

    with today's economic climate demanding even more agility from companies that want to stay at the

    forefront of their industries, finding a way to implement SOA is crucial. Meanwhile, those companies

    that did manage to successfully complete their SOA initiatives - Bechtel being the most frequently

    cited example - saw exactly the incredible ROI that was promised at the outset of the process.

    From this, we can conclude one thing: the top-down, drop-everything approach to SOA is to blame for

    the perceived failure of the model, not SOA itself.

    In this article, we'll take a look at some of the reasonswhy these early top-down SOA efforts failed,

    and how open source integration frameworks like Mule ESB are making the holy grail of SOA a reality

    for many organizations,using a new bottom-up model of SOA adoption.

    A Brief History of Top-Down SOA

    To CIOs faced with the task of managing increasingly complex infrastructures, the benefits offered by

    Service Oriented Architecture sounded like a dream come true - costs would be slashed, developer

    and business productivity would increase, and the company would be prepared for an agile future.

    The big change introduced by the SOA model was architectures designed around services, rather

    than applications. The concept of services - small, independent pieces of software that executed a

    single task for whatever program called upon them - was nothing new, having been in use in

    enterprise infrastructure since the 1980s. What SOA brought to the table was a vastly increased

    scope of use for these small units of functionality.
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    The Top Down SOA Model

    At the time, enterprise infrastructures were becoming increasingly bloated and unwieldy. New

    business services or automation needs were usually handled by developing new in-house

    software. These new programs often duplicated functionalities that already existed in other internal


    For example, if multiple programs required credit check information, each program would duplicate all

    the code required to perform the credit check (or in the worst cases, use a different implementation

    altogether). Each new program represented an additional codebase that the company's IT team

    would be responsible for supporting, as well as additional overhead for the network. In other cases,

    the complexity of building a new application in-house would result in expensive outside contract work

    that might not integrate smoothly with other existing programs.

    SOA aimed to solve these problems by shifting internal application development practice towards the

    creation of re-usable components called services.

    First, the company would make a comprehensive map of the actual functionalities they needed from

    their infrastructure - what were the tasks that all of these custom programs had been created to

    automate in the first place? How did they relate? What kinds of data formats and protocols had to


    Next, the company would determine how each of these functionalities could be expressed not as a

    single application, but as a collection of services. For example, an ordering system would not be a

    thought of as a single functional piece, but as a logical combination of credit card handling services,

    inventory maintenance services, customer data services, and more. From this assessment, the

    organization would be able to identify those services that were common to every application, and

    build them in such a way that the same service would be re-usable in every application.

    Once these services had been created, the various applications that the company had been using

    before could be recreated with minimal duplicated code by using these common parts. As an

    additional piece of the plan, any functionalities specific to a new application would also be created as

    new services, and be made available for re-use by any later applications that might require them.

    SOA would create an ecosystem of actively updated components of business logic, that could be

    quickly linked with minimal amounts of new code to create ad-hoc programs to handle any business

    need, no matter how specific.

    Things Turn Sour - Why Top Down SOA Doesn't WorkWhile this bold plan for implementing SOA looked great on paper, when companies attempted to put it

    into action, they quickly ran into difficulties. Most of the problems were caused by similar sets of

    naive assumptions about organizational behavior that were included in every top-down adoption plan.

    To understand what went wrong, let's take a look at some of the flawed ideas that cause so many top-

    down SOA initiatives to fail.

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    Top Down SOA Wisdom: The SOA "Adoption Team" selects and purchases a proprietarySOA

    Governanceproduct. Development teams will then learn and use this product, both to re-design all

    existing systems and to design future projects.

    Why It Doesn't Work:Massive expense combined with lack of developer input and vendor lock-in is

    a recipe for disaster.

    In the top-down SOA model, companies often sought to pass the complex task of SOA adoption to a

    single team. This team would then be responsible for driving all aspects of adoption. In the days

    when SOA was the hottest buzzword around, these departments were under heavy pressure to put

    an SOA in place as soon as possible, and SOA vendors were more than happy to prey on these

    fears. As a result, the first step in the SOA process for many companies was the purchase of a multi-

    million dollar SOA Governance Framework.

    There are three problems with this approach. First, it virtually guarantees vendor lock-in. While

    vendor lock-in is sometimes tolerated by companies in application server products, where the loop of

    interoperability is fairly closed, it has absolutely no place in an integration architecture. It's hard

    enough to make accurate predictions about how your needs may shift in the future without having

    made a multi-million dollar commitment to a single company's roadmap. SOA is about what YOUR

    organization needs - not what a vendor tells you that you need. Don't forget that your needs aren't

    just a list of systems that need to work together - your solution needs to make things easier for your

    developers and users, too.

    This brings us to the second problem with the top-down model - developer adoption. Your

    development team isn't sitting around waiting for the chance to implement SOA for you - in fact, in

    addition to their regular workload, they're probably also kept busy putting out the day to day fires that

    already plague your network. The effort required to switch to a new model is not trivial on its

    own. When coupled with a mandate from on high to use a new tool simply because that's what the

    company has purchased, the task can become insurmountable. Just a few bugs or design flaws in

    the SOA tool can be enough to make a busy development team less than enthusiastic about the

    whole project.

    Finally, let's talk about the money. SOA is a big change. Making a huge initial investment in a single

    product is a sure-fire way to kick your entire organization into panic mode, when what you need is a

    clear, orderly plan that you can implement incrementally, with plenty of input from all arms of your

    organization. This allows you to ensure that each part works perfectly - integration, services, best

    practices, adoption - without interrupting your day to day operations or overloading your teams.

    Top Down SOA Wisdom: SOA means an organization-wide paradigm shift, and everyone's efforts

    rely on everyone else's. Thus, the whole shift must happen simultaneously.

    Why It Doesn't Work:The majority of organizations do not have the resources to drop everything

    and focus on SOA. SOA that falls from the sky is a pipe dream - well-planned incremental adoption is


    When dealing with a task as complicated as implementing SOA, the amount of changes that need to

    be made can be daunting. It's tempting to think of the situation as a "catch 22" - we can't start using

    SOA without writing the services, and we can't write the services without understanding our SOA

    model. There's only one way out of this catch 22 - the drop everything, rip and replace SOA model,

    where everything, from development processes to hardware is changed simultaneously.
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    The problem? This approach is statistically proven to fail. For most organizations, choosing this

    model is a surefire way to kill your SOA plans.

    Fortunately, SOA is not as much of a Catch 22 as it seems. From a top-down perspective, SOA can

    seem like an irreducibly complex initiative. But from the bottom-up, SOA is a manageable, sensible

    proposition. We've seen this time and time again in the Mule user community. Good developers

    understand the value of service-oriented development.

    Open-source ESB technologies such as Mule allow teams to follow best practices for SOA without a

    heavyweight governance model, building out RESTful interfaces that can be re-used right away, and

    will integrate seamlessly with any SOA governance model as the company moves

    forward. Sometimes, a new Web Service isn't even what you need - if you have a well-designed

    solution in place already, simply use Mule components to quickly connect it to the rest of your

    architecture, and move on to an area where the initial outlay associated with building a new service

    yields a bigger margin of value to your organization. Begin evangelizing your teams today, get them

    hooked, and then gradually introduce smart, lightweight SOA Governance at a pace that matches

    your actual available developer resources.

    Top Down SOA Wisdom:The SOA Service Repository saves developers time by giving them re-

    usable components. That's why teams must keep all the information in the repository up to date.

    Why It Doesn't Work: The point of SOA is to make development easier, not load developers down

    with menial tasks. YourSOA solutionshould automate the cataloging of services.

    Like many assumptions made by top-down SOA advocates, this approach is based on the idea that

    developers are a resource, not teams of skilled professionals. Think of the switch to SOA as a sale

    you're making to your company. The value proposition is faster development, ease of management,

    and less time doing tedious integration work. That's why it is a case of serious cognitive dissonance

    to make your developers responsible for keeping your repository up to date - you're basically saying

    they will become more productive and do less tedious work by doing additional tedious work.

    A good SOA Governance model always makes things easier and reduces complexity. Using Mule's

    open source components, our users have built some amazing, bottom-up SOA enabling tools - things

    like Java classes with metadata that automatically populate the repository with service information, or

    REST integration of the repository, placing all services directly in front of developers.

    When combined with an approach that does not require millions of dollars of lock-in dollars as its first

    step, this means you can add additional complexity-reducing tooling as SOA technology continues to

    mature or real world pain points surface, future proofing your architecture and continually improving

    your ROI.

    Top Down SOA Wisdom: The key to successful SOA is an organizational culture shift towards

    "virtuous" architecture decisions.

    Why It Doesn't Work: The key to successful SOA is a plan made up of clear, achievable goal sets

    with well-defined benefits.

    Yes, "virtuous" was really a word that was used by top-down SOA advocates to describe the adoption

    process. The idea was that SOA was so feel-good that everyone would adopt it not only as a time-

    saving technology but as an ideology.
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  • 8/13/2019 Identifying Services in SOA


    SOA and Service Identification


    Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has been widely accepted as an approach that facilitates

    business agility by aligning IT with business. The prime differentiator with this approach is the

    ease with which such an agility is quickly achieved at a relatively lower cost. At a high level, this

    approach attempts to drive down the incremental cost of addressing the 'n'th business change to

    zero or closer to zero. Organizations pursue SOA initiatives in order to achieve this elusive 'n'th

    iteration as early as possible in their SOA journey. In practice, it may take years, if not longer to

    achieve such an optimized state. This article is intended for business analysts and

    enterprise/system architects involved in a SOA initiative.

    WYI2WYG (What You Identify Is What You Get)

    Service identification is a crucial first step in the long journey towards SOA end state. It's an

    iterative step that needs to be organized and initiated early on during analysis and planning. It

    determines the overall service landscape with services being identified, named, categorized,

    prioritized and even associated with appropriate roadmap phase for implementation. Service

    identification phase lays the foundation for a service based ecosystem and this article highlights

    best practices associated with business service identification.

    1) Know the nature of your initiative

    Based on the context in which SOA initiatives are taken, they can be classified under categories


    1. SOA transformation- This refers to initiatives undertaken by an enterprise to move towards

    SOA from an existing one. Almost all the applications are functionally mature, though not

    conducive for quick change. An enterprise in this state usually faces stiff resistance to change.

    The focus here would be to expose and/or re-align services from legacy applications and

    commercial off the shelf (COTS) applications while addressing service gaps.

    2. SOA adoption- This refers to initiatives in an enterprise that already has applications serving

    critical business processes, though the scope for new applications to support certain other core

    business functions exist. The focus here is to develop new applications and services while

    gradually re-aligning existing ones.3. SOA embarkment- This is applicable for service based product development and for

    enterprises that have disconnected systems that need to be re-engineered. The focus here is to

    look at functionality and develop services from scratch. Contract-first approach is usually

    followed. Such an enterprise is relatively well placed to realize returns over time.

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    Figure 1: Initial business agility and functional maturity of various categories are shown here. It

    also shows the preferred state to be achieved through SOA.

    Figure 2: Relative ROI over time for four hypothetical but related changes is shown here. An

    enterprise under category SOA transition (i) leverages functional maturity to reap quick benefits

    early on but has relatively flat returns over time. On the other hand, an enterprise under category

    SOA embarkment (iii) has steep returns in the long run leveraging predictable and shorter time-

    to-market potential and less integration costs.

    Identifying the category would help set the focus and expectations. It also helps in narrowing

    down the service identification approaches.

    2) Let the business lead the charge

    There is an elevated need to show tangible and quick Return on Investment (ROI) against thebackdrop of a gloomy global economy. Business and IT teams should work closer and leverage

    each other's capability to swiftly support drastic and unconventional business moves in an

    increasingly competitive environment. Need for service identification cannot be overemphasized

    and this is largely a business driven, IT guided step.

    3) Align with enterprise vision and associated enablers

    Inputs from strategy, vision and long term business goals/objectives are critical to establish a

    strong base that accommodates changes. Such inputs are accounted for in SOA roadmaps and

    associated phases. It impacts service definition by injecting a level of abstraction future-proofing

    service landscape and extending service contract's useful life (e.g. A financial enterprise

    specializing in credit based products may have the intention to venture in to insurance or

    brokerage and this may add few product agnostic services to the landscape).

    4) Focus on end-to-end business processes

    These are predominant processes that form the bulk of the process landscape comprising of

    core and noncore functionality. Such processes can usually be represented at various

    abstraction levels referred to as process levels in a process model. Services can then be

    extracted from multiple such levels with a top-down approach. Higher abstraction levels provide

    inputs for composite services while lower levels provide inputs for fine grained candidates. Sucha focus on processes and service candidates would help identify functional redundancy across

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    enterprise. Regardless of the nature of the SOA initiative (highlighted above), this practice is


    5) Leverage tools to expedite identification

    SOA planning and governance tools may streamline and expedite service identification andcommunication process. They can even visually depict service relationships. Service repository

    related tools can be useful to identify impact of a proposed service change.

    6) Reuse industry artifacts

    Over the years, there has been significant progress in SOA space within industry verticals like

    telecom, utilities etc spearheaded by relevant groups (IFX, SWIFT, OAGi, Accord, ETIS, ISO

    etc). Few cross-industry artifacts too are available. Such standardized service contracts

    (interfaces and operations), data models and third party service lists can be reviewed and

    leveraged. It could jump-start the move towards SOA and for the most part the artifacts (XML

    based) are likely to be extensible and backward compatible.

    However, such artifacts must undergo context specific scrutiny before adoption. Examples of

    questions that enterprises might need to ask when adopting these standards are: Should the

    data model be adopted in part or whole? Is it necessary to provide native support to the

    canonical model or would it suffice to limit it to external integration touch points? Is there any

    hidden cost? Does it command broader vendor support?

    7) Establish a contract baseline

    A service contract should highlight both functional and non-functional capabilities. A baseline

    needs to be established by identifying relevant attributes that are part of a contract. Functional

    attributes may include details like service description, message structure and data model. Non-

    functional attributes may include details like Quality of Service (e.g. Response time, Availability),

    Cost base (Count or Period) and Security. Such a baseline standardizes the content of WSDL

    files, XML Schemas and WS-Policy definitions (Metadata for enforcing behavioral constraints)

    and ensures contract consistency across the enterprise.

    8) Refine with Service Attribute Rating Matrix (ARMS)

    It's quite natural to just extend processes, business goals etc to identify a huge list of candidate

    services with corresponding contracts. The services can be just as good as their sources inaiding agility and may lead to service proliferation. A matrix with service attributes (e.g.

    reusability, composability, abstraction, competitive differentiation etc) and their relative weighted

    average can be used to screen, rate and refine the candidate list. This rating should not be less

    than the predetermined target rating based on category, roadmap phase etc to make the cut.

    Granularity can be modified and contract can be repetitively changed to meet matrix


    9) Test the waters with Business Agility Scenario Simulation (BASS)

    This can be a very handy step to evaluate the agility of a system well before implementation.

    Business scenarios and use cases from a subsequent roadmap phase or typical business

    scenarios not catered to in current phase would need to be compiled. Service inventory with

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    contracts would then be used to address these scenarios through simulation, while assessing the

    impact on the system. Key metrics for assessment can include:

    i) Service reuse ratio (Number of services reused / Total number of services in scenario)

    ii) Service leverage ratio (Number of services reused / Total number of services in inventory)

    iii) Service revision ratio (Number of services revised / Number of services reused)

    iv) Service creation ratio (Number of new services created/Total number of services in scenario)


    v) Service utilization ratio (For a given service, Number of service consumers identified / Total

    number of services in scenario )

    These IT metrics can be normalized for complexity and analyzed together to assess impact on

    time-to market characteristics. This may result in further restructuring impacting service

    inventory. An enterprise that has gone past initial roadmap phases can include historical data to

    generate business and financial metrics that are even better during BASS.

    10) Embrace change

    The hallmark of a service based system is to accept both planned and unplanned changes. The

    service inventory is a key enabler and accommodating an iterative service identification process

    that would fit hand in glove with SOA governance processes is critical. The iteration may align

    with roadmap phases, continuous improvement initiatives or result from internal/external triggers

    (e.g. Technical advancements that even out service overhead may allow for additional fine

    grained services). Such changes may result in new services, service revisions and service



    Composite applications assembled from an inventory of services enable business agility. Service

    identification yields this list of business and technical services. It's relatively easy to identify a set

    of services, however the ROI would be governed by the nature of SOA initiative, frequency of

    changes and the magnitude of changes. This article highlights key best practices to identify,

    validate and verify service inventory content well before implementation.

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    Ten ways to identify services

    Introduction: Service fundamentals

    In a service-oriented IT landscape that has been shaped according to the principles ofservice-orientation, functionality and data are provided by means of services. These services

    can be defined in a uniform fashion based on international standards (XML, SOAP, WS-*), or

    they may be based on more traditional and proprietary mediums.

    Modern integration technologies, such as the ESB, enable consumption of services

    regardless of location, platform or programming language. By orchestrating services in the

    desired order, business processes can be optimally supported with functionality and data

    from systems both internal and external to the IT enterprise.

    Along with the rise in popularity of SOA began a community-wide discussion about how to

    best identify services. When is a service "too big" or "too small", when is it "too specific" or

    "too generic", or exactly "right"? Before getting into the most common approaches we need

    to establish some fundamentals.

    First and foremost, generally accepted architectural principles for services exist. TheseSOA

    design principlesshould always play a guiding role when identifying services. The eight

    established service-orientation principles [REF-1] are: Standardized Service Contract, Service

    Loose Coupling, Service Abstraction, Service Reusability, Service Autonomy, Service

    Statelessness, Service Discoverability and Service Composability.

    The golden rule to successful service identification is that services should adhere to these


    Secondly, there are various ways of typing services using service classifications or service

    models. Examples include presentation services, process services, business services,

    application services and data services [REF-2]. Naturally there are approaches that are

    particularly suitable for each type of service. In this article we primarily focus on methods

    for business and application-centric services. When desired, these two service types can be

    further subdivided (e.g. into create, read, update, delete, transform, generate, select, value,

    validation and calculation services [REF-3]).

    Finally, what determines if a service is well-defined depends on perspective: an

    administrator will have different requirements than a process designer or a tester.

    Ultimately, the success of a service is measured by the value it provides to the organization

    over time.

    Ten common methods for service identification and definition

    Even though these methods are listed individually, in practice they can be combined to

    shape unique approaches and methodologies.
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    Method 1: Business process decomposition

    One of the most common approaches for identifying and deriving services uses business

    processes as a starting point. The business process is subdivided into sub-processes or

    decomposed into granular activities and tasks. The lowest level tasks can consist of small,

    cohesive "logical units of work" that are supported by the functionality offered by distinct

    services. This results in services that are very "demand-driven".

    A great benefit of this approach is that the resulting services have a guaranteed fit with an

    organization's functional needs. This method is also very intuitive, allowing project teams to

    use it for proof-of-concepts and pilot projects.

    The strong focus on the demand side can have its challenges. A (too large) gap between

    business process and applications may result if the services are only modeled according to

    business process definition specifications and without taking implementation considerations

    into account.

    In addition, unless the modeling effort involves iterating throughmultiple business

    processes,services can be tailored too specifically to the tasks and activities of one business

    process (resulting in services that may not be reusable).

    Even when deriving services from multiple processes, several activities might require similar

    functions. On-going coordination is required to avoid unintended redundancy across

    services defined by project teams working in parallel.

    Method 2: Business functions

    As just mentioned, a crucial point in the identification of services based on a single business

    process is the tight coupling between the process and these services. This is in stark contrast

    to the underlying idea that services should provide the means to decouple business logic

    from IT facilities.

    A possible solution to this problem is to start from a business function model. This abstracts

    from the way the business processes have been implemented. Analogous to the business

    process approach a step-wise refinement towards services is used. In this case, however,the most detailed business functions in the functional decomposition are translated into


    Just like the process-based approach, the function-based method is demand-driven and

    carries the same risks. Using business functions as a starting point mitigates the risk of

    redundancy of services and functional overlap is eliminated via the business function model.

    Method 3: Business entity objects

    The purpose behind most services is to process business information. By modeling servicesaccording to business object models, business entity-based services can be identified
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    commonly requiring CRUD-type functions. This approach relies on the use of canonical data

    models (CDMs) that standardize information exchanged between services. Therefore, this

    approach can be considered supply-driven.

    Canonical services rely on technology resources that use their own particular data models.

    Data consistency is achieved by mapping between the applications' data models and the

    CDM. The data elements that comprise a single CDM object can hence be managed in

    different applications. Nearly all current ESB products offer support for CDMs. The real

    challenge lies in achieving consensus with regard to the exact definitions of common


    A strong point of this approach is that the semantics of services receive attention in early

    modeling stages, thereby reducing the amount of undesirable design changes required

    when projects get closer to production phases.

    The main pitfall of this method is the need for standardized data models. Depending on thescope of the SOA project, this requirement can result in "analysis paralysis", despite the fact

    that only the business objects that play a role in exchanging data need to be modeled. A

    domain-based roll-out of services can help overcome concerns about having to establish

    global data models.

    Method 4: Ownership and responsibility

    This approach is not a "true" method, but it is recommended for making choices about

    which services should be offered. SOA requires a well-defined structure for decision-making,

    where roles and responsibilities for processes and services are clearly allocated andassigned. When identifying services, the party that carries the responsibility to make

    available the required functionality determines which services will ultimately be offered.

    Naturally methodical design approaches play a role in this process, but there are several

    other concerns that must be taken into account when settling on the final choice:

    development costs, maintenance costs, lifecycle management of underlying applications

    and platforms, priorities, availability of human resources, and so on.

    The biggest advantage is that it is always clear who owns a service. In other methods this

    issue can become a point of debate and can even result in political consequences. On thedownside, services from different domains may end up overlapping because of their

    required ownership structure. Additionally, the organization must have a functioning

    governance platform in place, which implies a level of maturity that is not yet


    Method 5: Goal-driven

    With this approach a project team decomposes a company's goals down to the level of

    services. In this context, a service is regarded as a goal that can be executed through

    automated support [REF-5]. For example, a goal such as "increase customer retention" canresult in a service called "register customer for loyalty program".

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    The advantage is the strong relationship forged between services and company strategy.

    However, there are two distinct problems to this method: goals tend to be subjective, and a

    fair amount of IT cannot be directly aligned to business goals.

    Subjectivity may well cause two business goals to be decomposed into two distinct services,

    even though the desired functionality is identical (which means that using a single service

    would have been preferable). Also, because many IT capabilities cannot be directly related

    to business goals, there is a constant risk that many potentially useful services will simply be


    Method 6: Component-based

    The essence of using components is to divide IT-functionality into units with maximal

    internal cohesion and minimal external coupling. Components are truly self-contained units

    of functionality. Various methods to identify components have already been introduced in

    the realm of component-based development. A guiding principle in these approaches is thateach component has exactly one owner and that the responsibilities of each component

    have to be defined as precisely as possible. These responsibilities can be used as a starting

    point for identifying services.

    In theory, component-based development results in a functionally organized IT enterprise.

    Components can be custom-coded or purchased off-the-shelf. Additionally, a need arises to

    compose services offered by components into composite services. Currently suppliers of

    large monolithic applications (such as ERP and CRM systems) tend to organize their

    applications in a more modular fashion and to make them available through services. These

    modules correspond roughly with components.

    The benefit to basing services on components is that the service identification process is

    greatly simplified. The bulk of the analysis work has already been carried out as part of the

    component-based development method. However, in reality, this can lead to several

    problems. Modern-day services and traditional components rarely share the same goals,

    requirements, and expectations. Creating a series of fine-grained services that mirror

    underlying components can severely inhibit an SOA initiative from attaining strategic goals

    that were never taken into consideration when the components were first designed.

    Method 7: Existing supply (bottom-up)

    A pragmatic way of quickly defining services is to base them on immediate requirements for

    information and functionality. In this case, the starting point is the functionality provided by

    existing legacy applications. The systems that provide the bulk of the automated support

    required by the primary business processes are selected. Using tools and wizards the

    existing interfaces, APIs, screens, transactions, queries and tables are made accessible

    through services.

    This classic bottom-up approach is supply-driven by nature, and does not focus on

    reusability (or even usability!) of the identified services. Hence it is commonly necessary to

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    cluster the functionality and remove functional overlaps by combining similar services into a

    single (often monolithic) service.

    The main advantage of bottom-up delivery is that it requires little time to reach a first

    definition of services. It is an appropriate approach if the functionality of the existing

    applications is urgently required and perhaps also sufficient to support both current and

    future business processes. A potentially positive side-effect of this method is that it can be

    used in a context where little process or function models are available.

    However, ultimately this is not a recommended approach for defining services in support of

    service-orientation. The Law of Conservation of Challenges will rear its ugly head in that

    badly designed applications that have been adapted to changing circumstances many times

    over (and are tightly coupled to the business processes) will make it very difficult to design

    reusable and future-proof services. In the end, this approach almost always leads to the

    creation of new application silos. It just happens that in this case, the silos are themselves


    Method 8: Front-office application usage analysis

    Charting the current demand for information and functionality is a pragmatic way of

    identifying services quickly. In this approach, a set of applications is selected that support

    the majority of the primary business processes. The functionality, as offered by the back-

    office applications, is then surveyed by making a list of the queries and transactions used by

    the set of front-office applications. These functions are clustered, redundancy is removed,

    and finally an optimization step combines comparable functions into a single service.

    The most obvious advantage is that services can (again) be quickly identified. In a way, the

    applications provide a view on the business function model and the services that are found

    using this method can score well on immediate reusability, as long as clustering and

    optimization steps are properly carried out. Another side-effect is that this approach can be

    utilized in a context that lacks usable process or function models.

    However, at the end of the day, the Law of Conservation of Challenges applies once more.

    Applications that suffer from bad design or that are tightly coupled to the current

    implementation of the business process can pose severe challenges to designing quality

    services that are expected to remain reusable on an on-going basis. This approach shouldreally only be considered when you have a great deal of confidence in the quality of existing

    application designs.

    Method 9: Infrastructure

    Platform independence might well be an accepted architectural principle for services, but

    composite services in particular demand extra attention. This method acknowledges that

    services cannot always be identified independently of the technical infrastructure that is

    being used.

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    How convenient is it when a service composes two utility-centric services that run on

    separate platforms (e.g. a mainframe and a Unix machine)? Consider the required

    connectivity, execution and potential rollback of transactions, variations in availability,

    security and monitoring, network traffic, etc.

    Note that even though it is nearly always technically possible to solve these issues (using

    modern middleware), a cost-benefit analysis might indicate that an alternative solution is

    called for. Non-functional requirements also play a part in this analysis (see Method 10).

    When discussing the advantages of this approach we can be brief: it should only be used

    when absolutely necessary. The core idea of service-orientation is to hide and abstract the

    underlying application environment (and especially its supporting infrastructure layer!).

    Method 10: Non-functional requirements

    This method uses non-functional requirements as the primary input to identify services. It is

    not a "method" per se, but more like a set of techniques that can be used on top of other


    After a preliminary set of services has been identified using one of the other service

    identification approaches, the (future) service provider verifies the feasibility of the non-

    functional requirements of the (future) service consumer(s). If one or more of the non-

    functional requirements are deemed infeasible, but still more important than the design

    principles of the identification method, the services may be redesigned.

    Two common non-functional requirements that can play a role here are security and

    performance. Consider the following example: to realise Service X, functionality is needed

    from Applications A and B. If Application A conforms to the security requirements imposed

    on Service X and Application B cannot, it may make sense to split Service X into separate

    secured and non-secured services.

    Alternatively, if an organization chooses to implement SOA by means of Web services, some

    services may not be able to deliver the required performance. Choices that can be made are

    the merging of multiple services (reducing the amount of inter-service communication

    requirements) or deviating from Web services standards for that particular service.

    Something to keep in mind is that if performance considerations necessitate redesigning a

    large number of services, further analysis is required to determine if the current IT

    architecture is suitable for SOA in general (or only for this part of the IT landscape).

    Assessing methods with the service pattern language

    Regardless of the approach you choose to identify and define services, it is essential that

    you understand the fundamental theory behind service design in support of service-


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    The Basic Service Design Pattern Language [REF-4] establishes the foundation for service

    identification, definition, and design by providing seven basic design patterns that form a

    fundamental service pattern language. This pattern language can be considered a primitive

    process that addresses only the most necessary steps for creating services.

    You can trace all ten of the methods explored in this article back to this fundamental

    process. Of course, each method has its own priorities and trade-offs that can affect the

    extent to which any given service design pattern is supported. But by understanding this

    basic design pattern language, you can better evaluate these methods as to how well they

    support service-orientation in general.

    General pitfalls

    As with the pursuit of anything worthwhile, the road to a attaining a good service portfolio

    is lined with pitfalls. Here are some common examples that apply to service identification:

    Services in name only - The terms "SOA" and "service" are used rather loosely in many IT

    environments. Project teams may choose to label their applications as "service-

    oriented" simply because it sounds more cutting edge or due to the common

    misperception that the use of Web services alone constitutes an SOA. Either way, when

    it comes to implementing the "services" in these types of initiatives, the programmers

    tend to run the show. They create a plethora of (mostly technology-centric) Web

    services, disregarding business/IT-alignment, reusability or any other properties aservice should have. The end-result is an application that uses Web services but is not

    itself service-oriented. Ultimately, this pitfall leads to great disappointment when the

    expected benefits of SOA are never realized.

    Perfect non-existent services- On the other side of the spectrum lies the danger of

    having analysts and architects model wonderful services that simply cannot be built

    using today's technologies - or - they can only be realized via murderous costs. This

    pitfall can be avoided by constantly ensuring that all modeling efforts are balanced with

    a dose of reality.

    And never shall they meet services- When different project teams within the same

    organization commit to radically different service definition and delivery methods (such

    as the opposing top-down and bottom-up approaches), collections of services can be

    created that will simply never be compatible. These can form natural silos that will

    eventually impose significant integration effort when cross-silo communication is


    Babel services- If an organization does not have a canonical data model (and therefore

    the definition of the service semantics is not clear), the services are automatically

    incompatible. The result is an environment that will depend on transformation and

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    bridging technologies for many, many years to come. This will ultimately inhibit every

    aspect of service-orientation.

    Spaghetti services- A problem that can occur when services are been defined on

    multiple levels of granularity is that technical terminology and business terminology can

    get so mixed up that the services themselves can become unintuitive, confusing, and

    sometimes just unusable.

    There are some simple rules to avoiding all of these pitfalls:

    1. Adhere to the principles of service-orientation. These are essential and fundamental to

    creating well-defined services that support the strategic goals of SOA.

    2. Understand your options when it comes to service identification and definition

    approaches by studying the methods covered in this article.

    3. Measure the effectiveness of service identification approaches you are considering bymapping proposed service design processes to the fundamental service design pattern



    Using proven methods to tackle the issue of creating well-defined services is certainly

    recommended. It allows you to leverage the experience of those that have already been

    through this process many times. However, no one method is perfect. Each has its own

    benefits and trade-offs. It's always in your best interest to take proven methods as a starting

    point and then consider how they can be optimized in support of realizing the requirements

    that are specific to your SOA goals.

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    Issues in Service Identification

    The identification of services can have much effect on the resulting IT landscape. In fact most of the advantagesa Service-Oriented Architecture can offer depend on what the system classifies as services. More specifically: thegranularity of the services is very important in reaching flexibility and reuse of services. Some other issues arealso related to this granularity, a couple of them are explained now.. Note: I talk about automated services now,of course services exist which need human involvement, how to deal with that can be read in theprevious post.

    Flexibility: By employing a SOA one tries to establish a flexible IT landscape which is easily adaptable whenchanging business needs demand this. However, when all the needed functionality is defined in, for instance,three different services, not much differentiation is possible in orchestrations. By distinguishing a lot of smallservices, a lot of different orchestrations can be developed, which can also be reused as services. Roughlyspeaking: the higher the granularity, the higher the resulting flexibility.

    Performance: Using orchestration and services can affect the performance of the total system. Nowadays BPEL(Business Process Execution Language) mainly is used for defining the orchestration, WSDL (Web ServiceDefinition Language) for defining the service interface and SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) for definingthe messages. All these standards are XML based. This makes them human -readable', but also creates a lot ofoverhead for system-to-system communication. Imagine the difference in performance between a Java functioncall (which is compiled into byte code) and a service invoke sending a SOAP message over HTTP. Conclusion:

    the higher the granularity, the more SOAP calls are needed. More SOAP calls means a lower performance.

    Reuse: The use of services, defined in a unified way, gives the opportunity to reuse these services in an easyway. A service directory can be created and different process orchestrations can reuse the same service. But thegranularity of the services also affects the possibilities you have. Again, when specifying just a few services reuseis very hard or isn't possible at all. It is easy to see that using smaller services will give more opportunities forreuse.

    Complexity: Implementing a SOA for a big enterprise can result in a lot of services. The governance of all theseservice is a big challenge. A service directory is needed with good search capabilities. Furthermore all servicesneed to be specified in a clear, unified way. These metadata specifications are hot issues in the current market.But that's not all! Think about different versions of the same service due to further development, changingregulations, bug fixes, and so on. Also services developed in different business units of a company which are justslightly different can give a lot of trouble. When different business units use the same service the question arises

    who's responsible for it. You can imagine that a higher granularity will push the complexity to a maximum.

    Figure 2 summarizes the issues in service identification. Neither try to see relations between distances andcurves nor search for scientific foundations, the Figure just attempts to clarify how they relate. On the x-axis thegranularity is shown. From left to right the granularity increases meaning that the services become smaller. Onthe y-axis the four issues are shown. Low and high complexity, flexibility and performance are straightforward. Bya high reuse the percentage of services that are used in more than one orchestration is meant.
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    Figure 2 - Overview of issues in service identification

    How can we find the optimal decomposition of our business needs into services? First some issues in componentidentification are explained, subsequently a strategy for choosing the service landscape which best fits theenterprise architecture is proposed.

    Issues in Component Identification

    Which services and data should be in the same component? This question doesn't have one right' answer. Whenidentifying the different components also a lot of issues play a role. a couple of them are explained in detail.

    Existing systems: When attempting to identify business components one always has to deal with existingsystems. A green-field approach will (almost) never occur. This means that the existing IT landscape has to beanalyzed to determine which components already exist and which services they deliver. This existingcomponents can be best-of-breed or custom-made applications. The problem with these components is that theynot always fit exactly into the new service-oriented architecture. If they deliver more services than you need,these services should be disabled. However, not every application supports that. In some cases it is also difficultto make system-to-system connections with such applications. For example, when you need data from anexisting application for use in another component, or when you would like to force an existing application to use adata source you provide. This article will not delve deeper into this field, called Enterprise Application Integration,but be aware of the difficulties influencing the identification of business components. For more information

    concerning this subject, a good starting point is the book of Linthicum [4].

    Performance: Which services and data are coupled in the same component can affect the performance of thewhole system. In principle the following heuristic can be applied: "Choose the elements so that they are asindependent as possible; that is, elements with low external complexity (low coupling) and high internalcomplexity (high cohesion)". This is not only a good heuristic for reducing the complexity in your system, it iseasy to see that coupling elements with a high cohesion reduces the component-to-component communicationneeded. When components are deployed on different servers or when communication protocols are used withsome overhead, the performance advantages delivered by a good component identification process are huge.

    Maintainability: One of the most important issues in IT is maintainability. Maintainability can be defined as "Theease with which a software system or component can be modified or adapt to a changed environment"[5]. Usingsmall, well-defined components satisfying the heuristic stated above can help a lot in increasing themaintainability of a system. Big, monolithic components often lead to so-called spaghetti-code, meaning that theyare horrible to maintain for anyone else than the developers who build the component. This leads to the same

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    conclusion as for the previous issue: a good component identification process can increase maintainabilitysignificantly.

    So component identification is important, as is service identification. Can this be achieved optimally? Or do wehave some best practices?


    Service identification can best be performed in a top-down manner. After defining the process architecture theneeded services can be determined. The issues mentioned before, complexity, flexibility, reuse and performance,should be kept in mind. As we have seen using small services gives us a high flexibility and services can bereused very much. On the other hand complexity will become higher and higher, while performance decreases.An optimal size for each service doesn't exist. The best approach is to determine the processes within theprocess architecture of the enterprise with which the enterprise differentiates itself from competitors. Forexample, processes for accounting mostly are not the differentiators, but processes describing the handling ofclient support could be. The services used in these processes should be kept small to achieve high adaptability.The alignment of business and IT should be as high as possible for these processes. For other processes best-of-breed applications can be bought.

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    Service Identification - Top-Down or Bottom-Up?In terms of the use-case and business process techniques, these are more top-down approaches whereas the

    remaining techniques are more focused on the analysis of existing assets. So, let's take a look at the advantages

    and disadvantages of the top-down vs. bottom-up approaches in general.

    Top-down- Has the advantage that the services identified throughout the layers of the solution are

    aligned with the business processes which provided the scope for the solution. It is also attractive from a

    project management perspective in that the business process under consideration provides a natural

    project scope for the development effort. However, the major drawback to this approach (and the reason

    the customer I mentioned earlier got unstuck) is that it becomes harder to ensure that you develop

    services for reuse (some thoughts onSOA and Reuse)as developers are looking to develop services

    that support thisprocess rather than ones that will contribute to an enterprise-wide service portfolio.

    Bottom-up- A bottom-up approach has the potential to develop a set service that can support a

    number of processes, addressing the concern above, as the developers are looking across a broad set

    of artifacts. The issues here are that where data is the focus of the artifact analysis the tendency is to

    generate CRUD services (which isbad)or to develop access operations that do not match well the

    requirements of processes and therefore require business services to make multiple calls into data-

    management services.

    The best advise right now seems to be that you should lead with a top-down approach, that development teams

    and projects should be managed in such a way, but, in parallel you should have an SOA architecture team that

    can review service specifications, propose existing services for reuse and validate new services to ensure they fitinto the enterprise service portfolio. This really frees project teams from having to understand all the existing

    portfolio, and allows the architecture team to also capture reuse guidelines and to act as intermediaries between

    different project teams. This does not imply that there is no bottom-up identification, but that it happens within the

    scope of a project which is top-down.
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    Service Identification - Top-Down or Bottom-Up?Again, this seems to be an interesting topic - how should you identify the services you develop for a given

    solution? Top-down would suggest that you analyze your business processes, identifying activities in support of

    your process that become candidateoperations on service specifications (see a previous post on the view

    thatservices and processesare the primary concerns of Enterprise SOA). A Bottom-up approach would suggestthat you analyze existing applications and assets to identify those that will are candidatesto be "service-ified".

    The reason I want to step into this debate is that there seem to be more and more people writing on the subject

    of development processes for SOA development who take very specific stands on which of these are more


    So, which is right for you?

    Well as usual the answer is that there is no right answer; this is a sliding scale and how much of each technique

    you use will depend very much on the solution you are developing and the development processes you follow. I

    met with a customer a week or so ago who is very much struggling with this decision, and specifically feels that

    the current literature indicates that Within the RUP rather than using these top-down and bottom-up terms which

    instantly give the feeling of contradiction we simply identify a set of techniques that may be used for service

    identification. The following picture is taken from theRUP update for SOAand demonstrates these techniques

    quite simply. they have to pick one over the other.

    In terms of the use-case and business process techniques, these are more top-down approaches whereas the

    remaining techniques are more focused on the analysis of existing assets. So, let's take a look at the advantages

    and disadvantages of the top-down vs. bottom-up approaches in general.

    Top-down- Has the advantage that the services identified throughout the layers of the solution are

    aligned with the business processes which provided the scope for the solution. It is also attractive from a

    project management perspective in that the business process under consideration provides a natural

    project scope for the development effort. However, the major drawback to this approach (and the reason

    the customer I mentioned earlier got unstuck) is that it becomes harder to ensure that you develop

    services for reuse (some thoughts onSOA and Reuse)as developers are looking to develop services

    that support thisprocess rather than ones that will contribute to an enterprise-wide service portfolio.

    Bottom-up- A bottom-up approach has the potential to develop a set service that can support a

    number of processes, addressing the concern above, as the developers are looking across a broad set

    of artifacts. The issues here are that where data is the focus of the artifact analysis the tendency is togenerate CRUD services (which isbad)or to develop access operations that do not match well the

    requirements of processes and therefore require business services to make multiple calls into data-

    management services.

    The best advise right now seems to be that you should lead with a top-down approach, that development teams

    and projects should be managed in such a way, but, in parallel you should have an SOA architecture team that

    can review service specifications, propose existing services for reuse and validate new services to ensure they fit

    into the enterprise service portfolio. This really frees project teams from having to understand all the existing

    portfolio, and allows the architecture team to also capture reuse guidelines and to act as intermediaries between

    different project teams. This does not imply that there is no bottom-up identification, but that it happens within thescope of a project which is top-down.
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    P.S. Beware any development process that dictates such a rigid set of techniques and an equally rigid step-by-

    step approach - for there you will find a process that has either only been used on a single project or never been

    used at all.

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    The Top-Down vs Bottom-Up SOA Debate Revisited

    A long standing debate in the SOA community about top down vs. bottom up approaches to SOA

    resurfaced recently, after open source ESB maker MuleSoftannounced the release of a

    management consolesaid to support theirbottom-up approach to SOA management

    philosophy.Rob Barry from SearchSOAgathered some opinionsabout bottom-up vs top-down approaches:

    When building out a SOA, a bottom-up governance approach focuses on integrating services

    around individual ESBs that can be quickly assembled. The approach has been criticized for

    requiring excessive updates and rework later on. Meanwhile, an opposing "top-down"

    governance approach involves extensive planning and strict policy enforcement. This approach

    has been faulted for taking much more time to produce results.

    The opinions gathered on the post agree: the bottom-up is a good approach to start, basically

    when the main objective is to integrate. They also agree the top-down approach requires much

    more business involvement. They conclude that deciding which strategy to use will depend on

    the business-IT relations.

    Barrys postfired a questionin ebizQ with few but interesting responses. In a response to

    ebizQ's question, Avi Rosenthal distinguishes both approaches based on what you are building:

    SOA is architectural style. Building architecture is Top-Down and not Bottom-Up. Web Service,

    sometimes wrongly defined as SOA, are technical. Web Services are build Bottom-Up. Building

    SOA Bottom-UP is a wrong approach some times called ABOS (A Bunch Of Services). If you

    build SOA Bottom-Up probably you will end with a lot of redundancy and no architecture at all.

    However, the result of building SOA only Top-Down could be perceptual Architecture building

    with no run time artifacts, so some SOA efforts should be Bottom-Up efforts. To sum up: Initially

    SOA is a Top-Down approach but pragmatic approach requires mixing Top-Down approach with

    Bottom-Up approach.

    In another response to the question, Michael Poulin says consumer-centric nature of SOA forces

    the top-down approach:

    If you start constructing service from what you have - bottom-up - you have a very high risk to

    end up with what you have, not with what your consumers need. SOA is the consumer-centric

    business-oriented architecture. Starting with the consumer needs you do not have a chance to

    avoide the top-down. This is the start point, always. However, in the next step, you better assessyour capabilities, i.e. look at the consumer needs from your bottom laying recources.

    This debate is not new. Back in 2005, John Crupi posted that SOA was aBusiness-Driven

    Architectural Styleand as such, it must be top-down to be successful:

    And top-down, means problem to architecture to solution. It does not mean, working from what

    we have and just wrapping it with new technologies just because we can. This bottom-up

    approach is quite natural and easy and is the perfect recipe for a SOA failure.

    Back then, other voices likeBill de hrasreaction postwent against the idea of a "top-down or

    fail principle":,289142,sid26_gci1512691_mem1,00.html,289142,sid26_gci1512691_mem1,00.html,289142,sid26_gci1512691_mem1,00.html,289142,sid26_gci1512691_mem1,00.html
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    The difficulty with a solely top-down approach is that there is no top. SOA systems in reality tend

    to be decentralised - there's no one point of architectural leverage or governance, no one person

    who's going to be able to say and then enforce "a decision in ten minutes or the next one is free".

    This debate has been going on for years. At the end of the day, it seems that some tool vendors

    have chosen the bottom-up strategy.

    The advantage with a bottom-up approach is that you can use the exposed end-points as

    building blocks for functionality and integration tasks that you didn't even think of when you

    started out.

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    Top Down vs. Bottom UpThere are several project delivery approaches that can be employed to build services. The bottom-up

    strategy, for example, is tactically focused in that it makes the fulfilment of immediate business

    requirements a priority and the prime objective of the project. On the other side of the spectrum is the

    top-down strategy, which advocates the completion of an inventory analysis prior to the physical

    design, development, and delivery of services.

    Figure 1 - A comparison of bottom-up and top-down delivery strategies.

    As shown in the figure, each approach has its own benefits and consequences. While the bottom-up

    strategy avoids the extra cost, effort, and time required to deliver services via a top-down approach, it

    ends up imposing increased governance burden as bottom-up delivered services tend to have shorter

    lifespans and require more frequent maintenance, refactoring, and versioning.

    The top-down strategy demands more of an initial investment because it introduces an up-front

    analysis stage focused on the creation of the service inventory blueprint. Service candidates are

    individually defined as part of this blueprint so as to ensure that subsequent service designs will be

    highly normalized, standardized, and aligned.

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    Service classification in SOA

    Service classification is an important concept to realize SOA. In order to classifyservices, ontology can play a vital role.

    In SOA, we generally talk about identifying the services, implementing it, composingit and governing the services. The key factor that missing out here is serviceclassification and service capability model. Understanding what type of service existslike technical, common services, industry specific, business services, what are thecapabilities supported by services, like service supporting only swift format forpayment transfer, what are relationship between services and business process ,would help to effectively utilize these services.

    One of the phases in SOA is service selection. Having a classification would help the

    runtime to pick up the right service implementation based on client request. The

    classification system for SOA can be viewed as the meta-data for service which

    makes the service smarter and self describing. Having a classification model andcapability model for services in SOA can also aid in realizing dynamic BPM SOA

    enabled solutions.