Identify your biggest “bad food” weakness. What can you do to...it without too much additional effort other than the exercise itself. Identify ways to make this increase in activity

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3Step 1 Food – Prioritise

Put healthy living on your priority list. Think about where it could

be situated on that list. What is more important than your quest

to live a healthy life now and forever? What action could you

take today to demonstrate how important healthy living now is

to you?

Identify your biggest “bad food” weakness. What can you do to

stop it being a problem? Do you need to go cold turkey or can

you fi nd some other way to control this temptation?

Identify a “get out of jail free” food. Ensure you choose

something that you know will make you feel better but that you

won’t overindulge in if you do start to consume it.

Put healthy livi


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7Step 2 Exercise – Just do it

Consider your current level of activity and how you can increase

it without too much additional effort other than the exercise


Identify ways to make this increase in activity more enjoyable

for you (whether it’s listening to music, watching TV, catching

up with friends on your mobile phone or even just fi nally having

some time to yourself!).

Consider your c


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11Step 3 Mind – Don’t despair, calculate

weight to lose is that it gives you additional celebration points. So not

only did I celebrate when I made it to the 90 kg, 80 kg, 70 kg marks,

I also celebrated when I went from morbidly obese to merely obese and

then to merely overweight and then into my healthy weight range.2

!"#$%"$&'(&)('%*$+"),$-./Divide your weight in kilograms by your height in metres squared. For

example, if your height is 1.60 m and your weight is 100 kg then it is

100 divided by (1.60 ! 1.60) = 39. A BMI between 20 and 25 for an

average adult body is considered healthy.

If you have heaps of time on your hands (or just love maths)

then there are many other weight loss trackers that can be used as

well, such as waist to hip ratio or body fat percentage. All have their

advantages and disadvantages, but I would recommend using just one

or two and sticking to those. Work on losing the weight, rather than

procrastinating on tools and calculations.

Determine your preferred method/s of tracking your weight


Decide upon an easily accessible diary or calendar to record

your current measurements so you can quickly refer back to

see just how far you have come, especially when you need

additional motivation.

Determine you


2 The BMI is an easy reference guide but it doesn’t take into account variations in terms of frame size or muscularity, nor is it an accurate guide for someone who is very short, extremely muscular, elderly or pregnant.

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20 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

and given up. If you do have a lot to learn about nutrition, I recommend

that you try to learn gradually, rather than all at once.

Furthermore, everyone has slightly different dietary needs

depending on their age, gender, ethnicity, lifestyle, medical conditions

and so on. If you feel that you do need additional nutritional support

then it may be a good idea to seek the appropriate professional to help

you on your journey.

One important lesson I learnt from day one was not to believe

anything (or everything) that manufacturers say on the labels! Low fat,

reduced fat, lite, low cholesterol, no added sugar and low saturated fat

aren’t as good for you as they sound. A product low in fat might be high

in sugar or calories (or vice-versa). These labels are hidden traps and

many people fall into them.

Beware of assumptions when ordering out. If you didn’t prepare it

yourself, there’s only one way to know exactly what went into it. Don’t

be afraid to ask. It’s your money you’re spending, and it’s your body it’s

going into.

Consider all the healthy foods that you actually like to eat, but

haven’t consumed for a while. Examine the reasons behind

why you stopped eating these healthy foods and consider

reintroducing them into your day-to-day diet.

Refl ect upon your current level of nutritional awareness and

strive to increase this gradually as your journey progresses.

Evaluate the labels on the foods that you buy. What do their

nutrition panels reveal? Are the manufacturer’s claims on the

front of the product as good as they sound?

Consider all th


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23Step 5 Exercise – F.I.T.

!"#$%"$&'()*+'$,"*+$'-'+./)'$/0%'0)/%,There are many ways of measuring this. Some of the most popular ways

in order of ease of use are:

1. The Talk Test

You should be working hard enough that you can carry on a

conversation, but your breathing may be slightly laboured.

2. The Perceived Rate of Exertion (PRE) Scale

On a scale of one to 10, if one represents doing nothing and

10 represents working as hard as you possibly can, you should aim

to exercise somewhere between a four and eight on this scale.6

3. Heart Rate Zone

The ideal fat-burning zone is 65 per cent to 85 per cent of your

maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate can be calculated

as 220 minus your age. For example, if you are 40 years old your

target heart rate to burn fat is between 117 and 153 beats per

minute. So 220 – 40 ! 0.65 = 117 and 220 – 40 ! 0.85 = 153.

Explore various method/s for increasing your exercise at this

phase of your journey. Which method seems easiest for you

to currently manage? Which other methods or combinations

of methods could you anticipate integrating into your exercise

routine in the future? How will you know when it is time to

increase your exercise level?

Explore variou


6 The Borg Scale of Perceived Exertion (which ranges from zero to 20) is the standard measurement for this. However, a one to 10 scale is a lot more user-friendly.

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27Step 6 Mind – Strategies for success

Think about your most successful life projects. What strategies

did you employ which lead to their success? Did you plan it

all on paper or keep a journal? Did you do it as part of a team,

or do you work better as an individual? Did you do a lot of

research? Was there an element of creativity? What kept you

motivated? How important was it to enjoy the process?

Now refl ect upon how you could apply these strategies to your

weight-loss journey. If you’ve been successful before (and you

have) then you can be successful again!

Think about yo


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32 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

Dieticians recommend that we should eat at least fi ve serves of

vegetables a day (a serve is described as being approximately half a

cup of cooked vegetables or one cup of salad vegetables). The “at least”

part of this recommendation is often overlooked. If you are hungry,

there is no better way to fi ll yourself up than with fruit, and especially

vegetables and salad.7

Identify your current worst food habit. Try to choose one you

think you could change that will have the most impact in

terms of weight loss or healthier lifestyle but least impact


Consider ways in which you can try to improve upon this habit.

For example, if you are currently addicted to fi ve peanut butter

sandwiches a day, could you cut that down to four? Could you

switch to light peanut butter? Could you switch to multigrain

bread? Could you make each sandwich open-faced so you

actually ate half as much bread? Explore all your options and

pick the one that you can live with most easily.

Identify your c


7 The reason that vegetables and salad are better options to fi ll up on than fruit is because many fruits are quite high in sugar and thus can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels without providing lasting sustenance (ie they have a high GI). See Step 19 for a more detailed explanation of the GI.

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40 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

would last two days … you would think … But of course it didn’t. If

I bought two blocks in one day, I would eat the two blocks in one day,

such was the strength of my compulsion!

A few days after making the decision to lose weight I was really

craving chocolate. REALLY craving it. So I hopped in my car and drove

down to the service station and bought a 15g block – the smallest

portion I could buy. I slowly devoured it, savouring every second. I was

like Roald Dahl’s Charlie eating his bar of birthday chocolate! Despite

this slip-up, towards the end of my weight-loss journey I reached a

stage where I hadn’t eaten chocolate for six months.

It’s okay to run into a pothole or get stuck in a traffi c jam. It

happens. Just try to steer more wisely next time. Forgive yourself, but

don’t forget what caused it to happen.

Don’t buy Tim Tams/Maltesers/whatever your preferred poison is and kid

yourself that you will only have one at a time. You probably won’t. And

even if you do, at some point you still will have eaten the whole packet

anyway. If it’s not in your pantry, you can’t be tempted.

If you have made a detour on your journey, identify what made

you detour. Is this situation likely to occur again? What can you

do next time to stop it happening?

If you haven’t made a detour – congratulations! But do stop and

think about what might cause you to do so in the future and

what you can do to stop this possibility from occurring.

If you have ma


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43Step 10 Food – Finding Mr Right

Consider your current worst food habit and an alternative ideal

food habit to replace it.

Contemplate what steps you could take to help you get

from where you are now in terms of this habit to where you

should be.

Consider your


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47Step 11 Exercise – As good as it gets

Finally, you need to fi nd the right time for you to exercise. Whilst

51Step 12 Mind – Bad attitudes

eat everything on my plate my mum used to say, “Think of all the

starving children in Africa.” For years afterwards I could hear her voice

echoing in my mind whenever I didn’t fi nish all the food I was served. If

we ate out when I was young (which we didn’t do very often), Dad would

always get mad if we didn’t eat everything we had ordered because he

had paid for it. The fact is, if I don’t eat every morsel on my plate, the

bits I don’t eat aren’t actually going to go to all those starving children in

Africa. The fact is if I don’t eat everything on my plate at a restaurant it

is unlikely that my dad, or whoever is paying, will go bankrupt because

of it. It’s a waste or waist choice. The next time you have had suffi cient

to eat, even if more remains on your plate, ask yourself, “Am I a rubbish

bin?” If the answer is “no” then stop eating!

Think about your attitudes to food and/or exercise. Where did

they come from? How real are they? How could these attitudes

be inhibiting your activities in terms of eating and/or exercising

in a healthy way?

Think about yo


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55Step 13 Food – Become a boy scout

days. I had never found soup all that fi lling until I discovered the trick

of freezing it, thawing it out and then adding cottage cheese or tofu

to bulk it up in a healthy way. In essence, I became a boy scout and

adhered to their motto, “Be prepared!”

Consider the impact that appropriate planning and preparation

might have on your quest for weight loss and healthy eating.

What methods might you employ in order to aid your journey?

Consider the im


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59Step 14 Exercise – Anchoring

Consider times that you have been intending to exercise, but

your actions never followed your intentions. What got in the

way? What strategies or procedures could you now employ to

prevent that situation from occurring again?

Evaluate instances when you have decided to exercise and just

done it, without giving up or allowing any sense of hesitation

or negative thoughts the opportunity to distract you. What

steps did you follow on that/those occasions that lead to this


If you haven’t yet experienced exercise without hesitation, what

rituals could you establish that may enable this process to occur

in the future? Consider all your senses and explore the option

of integrating visual, auditory, olfactory and kinetic elements

into your triggers, depending on your preferred method/s of

accessing information from the world.

Consider times


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63Step 15 Mind – What pushes your buttons?

revenge on their cheating partners (go cougars!).8 And one personal

trainer I know told me about a client who said she was trying to lose

weight so she could be better in bed and satisfy her husband. In the

end, I don’t think it really matters what pushes your buttons so long as

you can identify what it is and capitalise on it accordingly.

What aspect of your life do you feel would be most improved if

you lost weight and became healthier?

What are some tangible ways of measuring your weight-loss

success in relation to this aspect of your life?

What aspect o


8 Whilst the psychological health of this motivation may be questionable, the physiological foundation behind it isn’t. Thoughts of revenge stimulate the same areas of the brain as thoughts of sex and chocolate and thus just might hold the key to helping some people stay on track during their weight-loss journey.

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67Step 16 Food – I can’t believe it’s beetroot

before the tastebuds. My brother, for example, thinks that he doesn’t

like mushrooms. He actually loves them … when he doesn’t know he

is eating them! There are also a plethora of recipes out there designed

to get children to eat more fruit and vegetables without them actually

knowing it. The mind being stronger than the tastebuds also applies in

reverse as well. When I was losing weight I tried to substitute potatoes

with sweet potatoes or pumpkin (because they have lower GI and

therefore keep you fuller for longer.)9 However, because I didn’t want

to admit I was on a diet I used to say, “I’ve gone off potatoes.” Today,

I actually don’t like potatoes at all. Perhaps it is because tastebuds

change over time, but I think it’s actually more to do with the number

of times I had to say, “No, I don’t like potatoes.” I actually convinced

myself of it!

Consider expanding your repertoire of healthy foods by trying

new foods, re-trying foods that you think you dislike, and

experimenting with cooking foods in different ways.

Identify one unhealthy food that you are regularly offered, but

don’t really enjoy. Consider rejecting this food next time by

borrowing my excuse, “I’ve gone off …” or by creating your

own explanation.

Consider expa


9 See Step 19 for a more detailed explanation of ways to go low GI.

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71Step 17 Exercise – Snapping up those spare minutes

offi ce without anyone actually noticing what you are doing (such as

wall squats whilst you are waiting for the kettle to boil, prayer position

chest presses whilst you are pretending to think or read emails, and a

variety of kicks and punches every time the photocopier breaks down!).

Being the world’s most impatient person, I am constantly irritated

by the amount of time I waste waiting – whether in a bank queue or

stuck in traffi c. I found that these times were made a bit more tolerable

by considering them as opportunities to engage in some quiet exercise –

so if you see someone standing on one leg at the bank it’s probably me!

In terms of activities around the house, wearing wrist weights

whilst doing the washing or general cleaning can be an excellent way

to help burn a few more calories and tone your arms at the same time.

Whoever invents a time-making machine will become the next

trillionaire. In the meantime, you need to do whatever you can to snap

up those spare minutes. Why waste them when they can all help add up

to the new you?

Identify pockets of wasted time in your day. How can you

endeavour to make better use of this time in terms of your

quest for healthy living?

Consider your daily work routine. How can you integrate

additional physical activity into your day in an effortless way?

Identify pocke


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75Step 18 Mind – Preparing for a plateau

!"#$%"$&'()$%)*"'+)$,$&-,%.,'The key to overcoming a plateau can be summed up quite succinctly:

shock your body. The reason your weight loss has plateaued is because

your body has become used to your new way/s of eating and exercising.

You need to jolt it out of its comfort zone. Because I’m not a big fan of

cardiovascular exercise (with a few notable exceptions), I actually don’t

do that much of it. For me, increasing my cardiovascular exercise was

what really shocked my body out of its plateau. However, it doesn’t really

matter what you do, as long as it is quite different to what you have done

before. Shocking your body gives it a good wake-up call and tells it to

“start losing weight again”.11

Plateaus are an almost inevitable part of losing weight. Consider

how you will feel when your weight-loss journey faces a stop

sign. What strategies could you put in place now in order to

help you cope better with this when the time comes? What

methods will you use when the time comes to help change the

sign from stop to go?

Identify other long-term successful projects that you have

worked on. What kinds of barriers and/or obstacles did you

face? How did you overcome them?

Plateaus are an


11 See my website for further ideas on how to break through the plateau barrier.

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80 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

Identify your current worst food habit. What changes could you

make to help turn this from a bad food habit to a good one?

Examine the glycaemic index of the foods that you currently

eat. Could you opt for lower GI alternatives of these foods?

Consider other low GI foods such as legumes and traditional

staple foods from around the world. Could you easily integrate

some of these foods into your diet?

Identify your c


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83Step 20 Exercise – Giving it a fair go

Consider various forms of exercise that you have already tried

but perhaps not enjoyed. Did you give them a good try or did

you just do a “sampler” experience? Perhaps you could re-try

them just to double-check whether they are or are not the right

ones for you?

Consider vario


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87Step 21 Mind – Patience and resistance

on with it and, before she knew it, the 20 kg was gone … and it never

came back!

Refl ect upon the changes and benefi ts you are already starting

to notice in your life because you are beginning to exercise

more and eat more healthily. Consider how far you’ve come

rather than how far you have to go.

Ponder all the potential outcomes of your health and fi tness

journey. Ask yourself the following four questions:

1. What will happen if I become fi t and healthy?

2. What will happen if I don’t become fi t and healthy?

3. What won’t happen if I become fi t and healthy?

4. What won’t happen if I don’t become fi t and healthy?

Reflect upon th


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91Step 22 Food – Help is on the way: Incorporating supplements

integrated into your regular cooking in order to help “bulk up” a recipe so

that it is more fi lling, yet still good for you. It’s also great to experiment

with blending. Some protein powders taste terrible made with water,

but great when made with low fat milk. Sometimes I use half milk and

half water. Sometimes I also use different types of milk (soy or rice

milk) just to vary the taste and the nutritional components. Whilst they

are called shakes (because you put them in a shaker and shake them

to mix), I think they actually taste a lot better when you use an electric

hand-held blender, such as a Bamix, to blend them because it makes

them all light and fl uffy. It’s also important to be aware of the variety

of protein supplement forms that are available, such as RTD (ready

to drink – the protein drinks that come in poppers), protein cookies,

protein pancakes, protein ice-cream, protein chips and so on.

Today most supermarkets contain a small variety of protein

supplements. But for a more diverse range it is better to look at either a

specialist health food store, sports supplement store or online. However,

do remember that some protein supplements are designed specifi cally

for body builders and can be too high in terms of overall calories and

fat if you are trying to lose weight, so you do need to be careful about

what you consume.

Explore the world of protein supplements beyond that of the

supermarket shelf. Consider how integrating some supplements

into your life could assist your healthy eating plan in terms of

convenience and nutrition.

Explore the w


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95Step 23 Exercise – Mindful exercising

My personal preference is to zone out completely in order to help

block out the pain. I mouth the words to the music that I am listening

to and think about funny things that have happened to me (or others).

For me it has always been a huge distraction to think about the exercise

that I am doing whilst I am actually doing it. When I strength train,

for example, consciously thinking about what I’m doing detracts

signifi cantly in terms of decreasing both the amount of weight I can

lift and the number of repetitions I can complete before giving up.

Identifying which form of mindful exercising works best for you early in

your weight-loss journey can really have an enormous impact in terms

of overall enjoyment and adherence.

Consider what you contemplate whilst you exercise. Do

you think this frame of mind works well for you during your


Explore other forms of mindful exercise until you are sure that

you have uncovered the one the suits you best in terms of your

physical performance and psychological ease.

Consider wha


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101Step 24 Mind – Why it pays to lose weight

Identify your current income level. Calculate what this could be

in fi ve years’ time if it increased by 26 per cent. Now calculate

your prospective income in fi ve years’ time if it decreased by

26 per cent. Compare the difference.

If each BMI point over 25 represents an extra $120 per year in

terms of health care costs, how much is your current weight

costing you (and/or your company) per year?

Consider your professional reputation or personal brand. Do

you think your weight impacts upon this?

Evaluate how much money you would be willing to invest in

losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle. Consider what the

best investments in terms of your weight-loss journey might be.

Identify your cu


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105Step 25 Food – Times and triggers

Whether it is holidays, travel, regular work functions or even PMS,

everyone has times and triggers which make losing weight or sticking

to a healthy eating plan more diffi cult. Some dangerous situations can

be avoided. But others can’t. Creativity is the key to overcoming these

challenging circumstances.

Consider upcoming events or occasions that may pose a risk to

your weight loss/healthy living journey. What strategies could

you devise to help you cope with these potential problems?

What guidelines or backup plans could you establish in order

to ensure that if you do detour during your journey you don’t

become completely lost forever?

Consider upco


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109Step 26 Exercise – The scale of horror-ability

Now, even though I know that skipping burns about 10 times more

calories than walking, the psychological scars that it infl icts upon me

just aren’t worth it! If I woke up every morning and thought, “I’m now

going to skip for ten minutes,” I would just stay in bed! Whereas when I

think about boxing, especially if I haven’t done it for a week or so, then

I get a sense of joyful anticipation that is almost better than the boxing


Consider exercises that you really would prefer not to do but

which are really good for you. Where would they rate on your

own “Scale of Horror-ability”? Would the physical benefi t

outweigh the psychological impact?

Consider exerc


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113Step 27 Mind – Tell me a story

Consider some of the funny, and not so funny, moments that

you have encountered along your journey so far. How have they

infl uenced your weight-loss path since they occurred? What

lessons have you learnt from these events?

Consider some


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117Step 28 Food – Drink up!

of water everywhere that I had a container of hand cream and every

time I moisturised my hands I had a few mouthfuls (or more) of water

as well.

Consider a good food habit that you have adopted in moderation.

If you adopted it on an even bigger scale would it help your

weight-loss journey even more?

How could you link this habit with another regular habit in your

life? Consider something that you already do regularly that

could really help you enhance your weight loss quest if you

added a healthy component to it.

Consider a goo


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121Step 29 Exercise – Real versus unreal

the opportunity to learn new useful life skills whilst also developing

good core control. Learning to massage can also be quite strenuous, but

the rewards are numerous.

Unreal exercise can also be a chance to re-explore your own city

or town. Most people don’t see many of their local tourist sites unless

they have friends or family visiting and they are required to play tourist

guide. However, there are many historic walks, lookouts, botanic

gardens and beautiful beaches scattered throughout the world that

provide an excellent opportunity to engage in some unreal exercise.

It doesn’t really matter what your unreal exercises are, as long as

you have some and they are UNREAL!

Consider activities which you have previously enjoyed and

never really considered as exercise, but which have an element

of physicality to them. How might you increase your levels of

physical exertion when next you do these activities?

Consider the region in which you live. What are some of the

signifi cant tourist destinations that you have always wanted to

explore but never quite got around to doing? Evaluate if they

also offer the opportunity to engage in some unreal exercise.

Consider activ


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125Step 30 Mind – What’s pushing your buttons now?

The intrinsic motivation for me came because I was doing it

myself. I was in control and it was empowering. I was my own giant

jigsaw puzzle and I wasn’t going to stop until I had put myself all back

together again. For me, my weight loss quest was as much about the

journey as the destination and I actually feel a bit sorry for people who

have lost weight through extreme quick-fi x methods (such as surgery),

because they have missed out on so much. All the pain and the hard

work that I endured during my training was as much of an education

as the university degrees that I have. Training enabled me to discover

my inner strength and taught me just how tough I could be – mentally,

emotionally, psychologically and, of course, physically. Quick fi xes just

won’t give you the same result psychologically, and they are also left

wanting in terms of their lasting effectiveness.

Consider your primary motivators when you began your weight-

loss journey. Compare these to your primary motivators now.

Have they changed? How? If you haven’t yet experienced the

feeling of being intrinsically motivated to lose weight and live

a healthier life, consider what you could do that might help

prompt this feeling to develop.

Examine the tangible motivational tool and measurement

device that you selected to use in Step 15. Does that tool still

work to help motivate you? Does it still operate as a valuable

reminder of just how far you have come on your journey? If

not, what other things could you use that might fulfi l a similar


Consider your


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130 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

My approach to weight loss is all about helping to guide you

to make the choices that best suit you on your own individual

weight-loss journey. However, there are a couple of really big

things that are musts and this is one of them. You must write

down everything you eat. You may not do it forever, but you do

need to try it. Three days might be all it takes for you to gain a

deeper insight into your eating patterns. However, if you have

vastly different eating styles on weekends to weekdays (as

most people do), it is a good idea to ensure that the three days

you record cover both a weekday and a weekend. Obviously,

however, three days is a minimum trial period. Think back to

Step 20: if you are going to give it a go, give it a fair go!

My approach t


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134 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

always used in the fi nal overs. He was only medium pace, but he out-

thought his rivals. Moreover, he used his talents to help others both on

and off the fi eld. Steve Waugh taught Australia’s tail how to wag. One of

his favourite expressions (particularly in response to media questions

about below-par performances by either himself or another member of

his team) was to “back yourself”.

Many times I have thought of Steve Waugh whilst exercising.

Many times I have replayed him saying “back yourself” in my head,

pretending he was talking to me. One time, during a particularly tough

period, I even considered going out and buying my own little red hanky,

just to help me through. (Steve Waugh always carried his lucky red

hanky out with him to bat.) It doesn’t matter how crazy it is, if it works

that’s all that matters. Whatever it takes. Whatever you need. Whatever

works best for you.

Who inspires and motivates you? They don’t have to come

from a sporting background – it may be someone you know

personally or it may be someone who excels in some other

fi eld. What qualities do they have that you wish you had too?

What expressions do they use that you could adopt? What

messages do you want or need to take from them to help you

on your journey?

Consider which successful strategies your hero employs in

their particular fi eld. How could you translate their strategies

for success into your own equivalent actions to help you in your

quest for a healthy life?

Who inspires


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137Step 33 Food – Till death do us part

the ensuing health problems that they encounter. Research published

in March 2010 by Sydney’s Boden Institute of Obesity, Nutrition and

Exercise revealed that being overweight or obese costs Australia

$21 billion per year, just in terms of hospitalisation, medical care and

medications. Another $35.7 billion is spent per year on subsidies to

overweight and obese people.19 Solving Australia’s obesity epidemic

would seemingly go a long way to solving Australia’s health care crisis.

If you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for your country!

Consider what additional changes you can make to your routine

to take your weight-loss journey to the next level. What haven’t

you tried that might work well for you?

People make commitments for all kinds of reasons: love,

friendship, religion, a sense of social responsibility, the love of

a challenge or, as in my case initially, money. Evaluate what

causes you to commit and keep that commitment?

Consider how you can deepen your commitment to your weight-

loss journey or healthy lifestyle? Devise a tangible action to

demonstrate your new level of commitment to healthy living.

Consider what


19 http://www.usyd.edu.au/news/84.html?newsstoryid=4556

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141Step 34 Food – Small changes and trade-offs

Consider what small changes you could make to your existing

healthy lifestyle? Have you cut down enough on the bad things,

and have you introduced enough of the good things? What

other choices could you make that would further enhance your

weight-loss journey?

Evaluate which indulgent foods are worth the extra effort

required to burn them off, and which are not.

Consider what


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145Step 35 Exercise – All I need to get is stimulation

loss experience. A friend of mine, who struggled with her weight after

having children, makes a point of entering a race every few months.

She started out at fi ve kilometres and has worked her way up to a half

marathon on the Great Wall of China!

Most cities and towns also have some kind of local landmark

that you can climb or signifi cant walking trail that you can complete.

Identifying these challenges can help spur and motivate you, and then

provide you with an enormous sense of satisfaction and pride when you

have completed the task.

There are so many other great physical activities to try – just for

fun. It may not be practical to do kiteboarding, pumpabiking, unicycling

or abseiling on a regular basis, but they can be great ways to help

generate additional enthusiasm for a more active way of life (whilst

burning a few additional calories along the way). Who knows, you

may even unexpectedly discover that one of them is the new exercise

that you really love and so do everything in your power to do this new

activity on a regular basis.

Consider fun physical activities or events that you have always

wished to try.

Contemplate new physical activities that you might fi nd

engaging and enjoyable.

Enhance your knowledge of your range of exercise options

in your area by exploring the internet, yellow pages and local

clubs, courses and landmarks.

Consider fun p


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149Step 36 Mind – Overcoming self-conscienceness: Cameras out

Consider the all the new steps you have taken on your weight-

loss journey. Which ones have been most intimidating or made

you feel most self-conscious?

Envisage a new step that you might take or situation you might

encounter in the future where the “cameras out” exercise may

help you to be less self-conscious or intimidated.

Consider the a


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153Step 37 Food – Forgivable cheating

Consider whether you feel ready to incorporate some forgivable

cheating into your new lifestyle.

If you do feel ready, evaluate which types of food would be

appropriate for you to use as a form of forgivable cheating.

What safeguards might you be able to put in place in order to

help ensure that you do not overindulge in these foods?

Consider whet


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158 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

Consider what extra motivations you could employ to help you

persevere in an exercise session even if you don’t particularly

feel the motivation to persist. What actions, behaviours,

equipment, clothing or even gimmicks do you think could help

encourage you?

Consider various types of songs and make a training song list

that may help you sustain your exercise session when you

don’t really feel like it.

Consider what


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161Step 39 Mind – Never stop learning

Consider the healthy food and exercise choices and mental

techniques that you now use without thinking about them fi rst.

Compare these actions to your behaviour prior to beginning

your weight loss or healthy living journey. How easy was it to

integrate these into your everyday life?

Consider the healthy food and exercise choices and mental

techniques that you now know and can utilise when you stop

and think about them beforehand. Evaluate the level of effort

needed to change these from conscious to unconscious actions.

Consider foods and exercises which you are aware of, but which

you haven’t yet tried or still aren’t successful at integrating into

your life. Evaluate the level of effort needed to consciously

integrate these into your life.

Consider all the things you don’t know about food and exercise.

Refl ect on how your increase in knowledge has contributed to

the success of your journey thus far. Contemplate expanding

your knowledge even further and the potential additional

impact that this might have in terms of the success of your


Consider the


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164 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

you will see them as you go past, and then you will feel like having

one. I take this a step further. I actually keep my supply of treats in

the bottom shelf of my linen cupboard, not in my pantry, and not easily

visible each time I open the door to get a clean tea towel either!

I also “rotate” my treats when I feel that they are becoming more

than just treats, and more like a staple food. Mini Mars Red are one of

my favourites, but sometimes my love for Mars Reds goes a bit too far.

Once I fi nd myself eating four, fi ve or six of them a day, I stop buying

them and move on to another favourite such as chocolate-coated goji

berries. Once these become too delicious for me to resist I swap to

something else until, eventually, I arrive back at my Mars Reds.

Single treats are also a good idea. Multi-packs are great for your

budget, but not so good for your BMI! Individual Tim Tams are more

expensive in one way ($), but less expensive in others (fat).

Consider if you want to include treats into your food intake and

how regularly. What foods do you enjoy enough to be classifi ed

as a treat, yet not so much that you would fi nd them too

tempting to only stop at one or two?

Evaluate how you will manage your treat intake. Where will you

keep your treats? How will you know when you need to rotate

from one type of treat to another?

Consider if you


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168 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

Personally, if I am weight training I feel I can pretty much eat

whatever I like and not gain weight. Cardio training alone doesn’t offer

me the same level of comfort. Everyone’s bodies respond differently,

but I think many people wouldn’t have considered weight training as

their primary method of weight reduction and control even though it’s

certainly an option worth exploring.

If you are sore the day after training, active recovery is the best way to

treat it. Active recovery is exercise performed at about a 30 per cent

effort level on your part, such as really light weights or really light cardio.

It also has the added bonus of still burning calories.

The benefi ts of cardio versus strength training for weight loss are

a hot topic in terms of the weight loss wars. I think it’s pretty clear

which camp I am in. But one of the main reasons that I am also so

much for strength training is because I enjoy it. The bottom line is, the

exercise that is going to be best for you in terms of weight loss is the

one that you enjoy the most and therefore will do the most.

Consider your preconceptions about weight training. How

valid are they? What new ideas about weight training do you

fi nd engaging? How could you explore these new ideas in a

meaningful way?

Consider your


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171Step 42 Mind – Alter, accept, avoid

will discourage you in any quest you undertake, whether it be weight

loss, business or any form of success.

During my weight-loss journey I remember catching up with a

group of people I only saw once every month or so. On one particular

occasion, because I had lost so much weight since they saw me, they

all kept asking me what I had been doing and telling me how fantastic

I looked – except for one woman who said, “Do you think she looks

good? I think she just looks tired!” Everyone else gasped. I just replied

“Thanks”, but this was not a woman I chose to spend much time with

after that.

The positive aspect to these less-than-charitable comments is that

you now know where you stand with these so-called friends. Whilst

times of crisis may be good to help you determine who your real friends

are, times of extreme weight loss work just as well and have a lot more

benefi ts overall.

Evaluate all that you accept about your body and your food and

exercise behaviours. Are you accepting things that you could

actually alter if you wanted to? If you accept an unhealthy

aspect of living, do you have healthy alternatives incorporated

into this acceptance?

Consider people who may not be supportive of your healthy

living efforts. What might their motivations be? How do their

actions affect your approach to your journey? Who and what do

you feel are best avoided in order to make it easier for you to

stay on your weight loss/healthy living path?

Evaluate all tha


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175Step 43 Food – Food scams

Consider all the substitutions and combinations of food that you

have made since you began your weight-loss journey. Are there

any others that might add further impact?

Consider ways in which you could further adapt or modify

the foods that you currently eat in order to make them more

enjoyable and nutritious.

Consider all the


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179Step 44 Exercise – Getting the balance right

quite dangerous (as I discovered one day in another funny, but painful,

moment in my training history). It can begin with something as simple

as standing on one leg. How you make your balance training more

challenging as your journey progresses is really up to you, but some

of the variations could incorporate things such as cushions, wobble

boards, bosu, having one or both of your eyes closed, incorporating

weight, incorporating weight on one side of your body only, juggling

something light whilst balancing, or even juggling dumbells whilst


The Swiss ball seems to be the most easily accessible piece of

balancing equipment. It offers a wealth of possibilities including sitting

on it, kneeling on it, standing on it, standing on it with one (or three!)

bosu stacked up underneath, tricep dips using a Swiss ball, planks on

two Swiss balls, and so on. As I said, I really have become somewhat

of a balance freak over the years! Perhaps someone needs to do some

research on the addictive qualities of balance work as well!

Consider the additional benefi ts that balance training may add

to your healthy life journey.

Explore different ways in which you could safely begin to work

on your balance.

Consider the a


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183Step 45 Mind – Psychological weight

obese woman. I caught myself thinking, “I wonder how you could let

yourself get that fat.” Then I suddenly remembered. That’s what I had

done. She was me in my former life. It was a sobering thought. But at

that point I realised that I had fi nally fully made the transition from

being a small person with a big person’s mind to a small person with a

small person’s mind.

Evaluate how you are coping with the psychological changes

that have accompanied your physical changes. What new

things have you learnt about yourself or the people around you?

Consider your mental body image of yourself versus your

actual physical body image. Are they congruent? What actions

might you take to further help your mental change match your

physical one?

Evaluate how


If you are struggling with the psychological impact of weight loss then

it is important to seek professional advice. Body dysmorphic disorder,

exercise obsession and bigorexia (usually in men) are but some of the

common conditions that can occur as a result of extreme weight loss.

The appropriate industry professional can help you cope with these and

other issues before they become too overwhelming for you to handle on

your own.

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187Step 46 Food – Wants, needs, must-haves

Think about how and what you want to eat for the rest of your

life. What foods must you have on a daily, weekly or special

occasion basis? What is the corresponding action necessary

to ensure that you are able to keep eating these foods without

gaining weight? Do you need to exercise more? Do you need to

forgo other calorie-laden foods? Is your “must have” infrequent

enough that a corresponding action plan is not really required?

Consider your food “needs”. Are they really needs, or are they

just “wants”? If they are really needs, again evaluate what

corresponding action is necessary on your part to satisfy them

without sacrifi cing your health and fi tness.

Consider you food “wants”. What important things have you

learnt about weight loss during your journey that will make you

reconsider satisfying your food “wants” before you actually

give in to temptation?

Think about ho


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192 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

Consider the ways in which you approach all aspects of your

life. What do you value the most? Are rules and traditions

important to you? Do you strive for harmony, wholeness and

authenticity? Are your priorities exactness, effi ciency and logic?

Consider how you might translate your approach to life into

your approach to exercise.

Consider the w


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195Step 48 Mind – Finding your happy weight

If you are within, or close to, your healthy weight range, consider

what your potential happy weight range could be. What physical

and psychological signposts might you use to help identify your

happy weight range to yourself?

If you are not close to or within your healthy weight range,

consider the physical and psychological limitations that your

current weight places upon you. What would it be like to live

without these limitations?

If you are withi


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198 50 steps to lose 50 kg … and keep it off

Remember that healthy living is also about healthy learning.

You have already made it this far on your journey. The hard

part is already over. Keeping on the path is just a matter of

observing the road signs in front of you. Continue to expand

your levels of nutritional awareness, continue to reassess and

refocus and re-prioritise when you need to. You now know what

works best for you, so keep doing it. But don’t forget why you

are doing it – because it feels good.

Remember tha


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201Step 50 Exercise – Forever

whilst I do it. I’m pushing myself physically, but now (99 per cent of the

time) I don’t need to push myself mentally as well. You start to like it,

then you start to love it, then you start to need it. Change your mind and

you will change your body too!

I never thought I would be where I am in my life now. I actually

didn’t think it was possible to be living a life that incorporated good

food, exercise, a career and a family life. But, in actual fact, exercise and

healthy eating has played a large part in enabling it all to be possible.

Being fi t and healthy equals productivity plus – in all areas of your life.

I mentioned the correlation between sex, exercise and chocolate a little

earlier. Recently I shared my theories on this with a sex therapist I met

one day at a lunch. She agreed, but also added, “The more you have

it, the more you want it!” And it’s true. If you haven’t done either for a

while you forget how good it feels. Then when you do do “it” (whether

it be sex or exercise) again, you think, “Why haven’t I been doing this?

What took me so long to get back into it?”

The fi rst step is the hardest one. But I have since learnt that you

only need to do something once to know that you can do it again.

Remember that physical exercise is never going to be easy

on the muscles, but it can be easy on the mind. Once you’ve

started to exercise regularly, you’ve already reached the top

of the mountain; the rest of the journey is all downhill and it

becomes easier and easier and easier. Continue to explore all

your exercise options in terms of frequency, intensity, time and

type, continue to re-evaluate and explore new options when

you need to, but don’t forget why you are doing it – because it

feels good!

Remember tha


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