IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or….

IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

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Page 1: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…


IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or….

Page 2: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

IDEAS are…

The heart of the message

Page 3: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

To Think about… Where do you get

IDEAS from? What makes an

IDEA good?

Page 4: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

Scoring Continuum

Page 5: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

5 - It’s clear, focused, jam-packed with details, and holds the reader’s attention.

My topic is small enough to handle. Interesting tidbits give the reader important

information. Accurate details support the main idea(s). You can tell I know a LOT about this topic. I’ve thought of readers’ questions and

answered them. This paper might even show some insight!

Page 6: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

3- It has intriguing moments, but the development is still basic or general.

My topic might be a little too big. It could use more details. Ideas are clearer in my head than on the

paper. My information seems pretty general rather

than specific. The reader might still have some questions. I’ve stayed on topic, but don’t really have a


Page 7: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

1- I’m just figuring out what I want to say.

I just don’t know enough abut this topic yet.

It’s hard to picture anything. I’m still thinking on paper - looking for

an idea.

Page 8: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

IDEAS Is my topic small, like a


Do I have interesting details to share with my reader?

Do I know a LOT about this topic?

Page 9: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

So, how does a published author use this strategy?

By Patricia MacLachlan

Paintings by Mike Wimmer

Page 10: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

Use the rubric to analyze the following pieces of writing.

Page 11: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

In my life so far: I had 2 rabbot’s but Flopy is died but Dimend is not died. Dimend is brown. Flopy is white and black. I let Dimend in the Houes. Dimend leve’s present’s every were. Then my dad has to clean it up. Next I have to clean my room and my brother’s have to Help. My mom toke me to Toy’s-R-us for my birthday. Me and my dad went to see the sunset. Whene im goning to see the mississippi whene im older. The im going to get a car befor I see the mississippi rever. The story’s We read in class is all 3 wayside school book’s. Thrid grade is terrable. We are reading SHILOH. I’m reading Elved’s don’t wear hard hat’s and micky magic book. I whent to my uncul’s for the night on march. I like juse, furte and Other thige’s like pizza. Plus im olny nine year’s old.

Page 12: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

Does healthy foods sound disgusting? Well, they are not. Some fruits and vegatables are very tasty. There are carrots, corn, celery, potatoes, tomatoes, and lettuce, Grapes, apples, oranges, strawberries, peaches, and plums are good too. Yet fruits and vegatables aren’t the only health food. Breads such as muffins, bagels, loaves, rolls, waffles, and pancakes are good for you too. Meats and meat alternatives such as nuts, chicken, eggs, and fish are wholesome for you. Dairy products are immensely healthy for you. It’s still okay to eat ice cream and cake, but don’t eat them so often. Why should you eat healthy food? The problem is that if you eat junk food, you’re eating food you don’t need. Another thing that happens is that you can get very fat, but if you eat healthy food you won’t get fat very easily and get more energy. If you will be less popular, tell your friends that eating right is much better.

Page 13: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

Rainy Day

A rainy Day. I say it’s fun when you think of same: games to play. Like I play Hands Down and I play girl talk. Whith my sister. I play Hands Down whith my family it’s fun to play Hands Down. When it’s a raiy Day. A rainy Day. Do not have to be boring. It can be fun. you can play Games and if you can play hide in sink. That’s fun to play on rainy Days. Games like Hands Down and talk. Are games that you can play on a riany Day. Rainy days are so fun sametimes rainy are not fun when it’s a rainy Day. I play games. Games are not boring. Games are fun to play on a rainy Days.

Page 14: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

Now, let’s find a seed…

What is your favorite place (or the most important place)?

Draw a picture of that favorite place, adding detail.

Now, zoom in on one thing Describe your one seed from that

favorite place. Keep in mind the criteria from the rubric!

Page 15: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

Find your target!

Page 16: IDEAS IDEAS are the main message, the content of the piece, the theme, together with the details that enrich and develop the theme or…

Look back at a piece of your writing Did you have a

seed idea? Did you have

interesting tidbits? Did you think about

your audience? Did your readers

get a picture in their minds?
