Projects for Using iPads in the Classroom Shauna Néro 1

Ideas for Using iPads in the classroom

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Project ideas, and examples as to how I use the iPad in the classroom. A presentation I made for teachers in a local school district.

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Page 1: Ideas for Using iPads in the classroom

Projects for Using iPads in the Classroom

Shauna Néro


Page 2: Ideas for Using iPads in the classroom




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Google Drive

A place for students to share their documents in order to collaborate together.

Peer editing so that teacher can go and restore previous versions to see what suggestions or changes have been made.

Show example: Alors on dort3

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Google Docs: a love letter via Youtube

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Revision History is a

Teacher's Best Friend!

Example: Alors on dort by Shimmy L, Matthew L and Morgan A

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•When projects are completed, have students send them to the class Dropbox account.

•This will avoid LOTS of your time being spent trying to track down projects.

•A virtual space for you to keep all of the projects that you would want to keep and share over the years.

•Many apps (like Book Creator) have a share to Dropbox link


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Book Creator•Have students publish their

own books!

•Instead of your typical writing assignment, have students use the same criteria but complete their work by creating an e-pub book that swipes!


•Les aventures de Mei-Ling by Francis A and Hannah K (students can even record themselves reading their stories) (FRAL 10, 2012)


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Comic Life

•Students can create their own comic strips using the app.

•Hint: Have students finish it off by using "Screen capture" and saving the images into Photos. Then copy and paste them into Book Creator to make their comics into an e-pub book.


•One Direction Visitent la France by Kiana R and Daman (FSL 8, 2012)


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•Pixton is a great website for students to use to create online comics. They can change their character's expressions and their gestures.

•I would suggest doing the same and "Screen capture" the pages and paste them into Book Creator.


•Mi amigo de Canada by Adam W and Nitesh D (Spanish 9, 2012)


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Puppet Pals HD Director's Cut

•Create films using their dialogues and scripts

•Students must create/find characters which represent their respectful personalities

•Students must include scenery which represents the content of their dialogue/stories.

•Have students create a plan before using Puppet Pals (who are their characters, what are their physical/personality traits, how many backgrounds will they need and what are their details)


•Students can't find their own characters in the free version, limited space11

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Students use Puppet Pals to create their own characters and backgrounds for their Book Creator

books (integration of two apps to make their final project


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•In order for Puppet Pals to become a movie, all "Saved Shows" need to be exported into Photos and then saved in order in iMovie.

•iMovie is a great tool for making videos of:

•Students showing how they have learned a lesson

•Students becoming teachers by explaining concepts their own way

•Recording and presenting skits or music videos of their own songs/raps

•Share movies to Camera Roll, iTunes or class private YouTube account. 13

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Doodle Buddy

•Doodle Buddy is a great tool for playing Pictionary in class, students can draw directly onto the iPad so that other groups can guess

•Any words or quotes that need to go into iMovie should be created in Doodle Buddy and then added to Photos

•A great tool for creating any doodles or drawings that students want to add to their stories


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Recording Apps

•The Voice Memos app is an easy way to add your recordings to iTunes

•Dragon Dictation helps students who have difficulty writing and dictates what they want to express on paper (sometimes it makes mistakes though, a headset is recommended)15

Voice Memos are an integral part of my podcast project in the language

classroom. See my blog to understand how.

Read from page 13 of "Inquiring Minds Learn to Read and Write"

by Wilhelm, Wilhelm & Boas, 2009

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Review: Using Book Creator for Carousel Activity


•Recently, in order to review for a unit test on Le Petit Prince, I had students work on a theme, character or scene in Book Creator (they were pre-loaded onto the iPads, students did not know what they got until they started)

This project:

•Ensured that students discussed the elements of the book as a group, helping each other out.

•Made students think about themes and develop their answers together.

•Made students look for quotes and explain them in their own words.

•Ask a question that was to be answered by another group about the topic.

•Each group had to complete two topics and continue from another group, by answering the question asked.

•Examples: Le Petit Prince and Le thème de la vanité et la beauté

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Digital Portfolio: Book Creator/Show Me

•Have students create a digital portfolio for them to explain what they are proud of, what they have learned, what they need to improve on and establish goals.

•Great for showing at Parent-Teacher conferences, students can explain in their own words.

•Challenging for some to get away from "I got a perfect mark, that's why I am proud" rather than explain the learning behind getting that perfect mark.

•Example: Tesla K17

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Apps that I have not used yet, but plan on it at sometime...


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Inspiring Others with their Work

Just like displaying excellent student examples in the

classroom, it's important to share digital work as well.


Wall in my classroom

with QR code links that work A blog for

their work