Ideals: What do you really value? Frolin S. Ocariza, Jr.

Ideals: What do you really value? Frolin S. Ocariza, Jr

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Page 1: Ideals: What do you really value? Frolin S. Ocariza, Jr

Ideals: What do you really

value?Frolin S. Ocariza, Jr.

Page 2: Ideals: What do you really value? Frolin S. Ocariza, Jr

CMPC Youth Retreat 2012

• Talk was given during this retreat• This talk: a few changes and some extra material

Page 3: Ideals: What do you really value? Frolin S. Ocariza, Jr

Who is this guy?!• Name: Frolin S. Ocariza,

Jr.• Occupation: PhD Student

(Computer Engineering) at UBC

• CMPC Web Admin

Not me (wrong Frolin)Me

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Page 5: Ideals: What do you really value? Frolin S. Ocariza, Jr

Pop Quiz

Prize: Bragging Rights for Life

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Pop Quiz: Question

What is an ideal?A. ValueB. BeliefC. Goal

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Pop Quiz: Answer

All three answers are correct!!

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What is an ideal?• An ideal is a value, belief, or goal that dictates

the guidelines or rules we set for ourselves• An ideal determines how we act in life and what

decisions we make in life

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Batman’s IdealsRULE: Don’t kill

ValuesLife, Justice

BeliefsHuman life must be preservedJustice comes from redemptionGoalSave Gotham from evil and corruption


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More Realistic Example

RULE: Never be late for classValuesRespect, Education

BeliefsMy teachers deserved respectMy classmates deserved respectEducation leads to fulfilling life

GoalLearn as much as possible

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Pop Quiz #2RULE: Attend CMPC Prayer Meetings (PMs) twice a monthValuesFaith, truth, community

BeliefsPMs can enrich faithTruth worth pursuingCommunity can help us grow

GoalsBecome better people/ChristiansHelp people, especially troubled onesStrengthen love for each other and for God

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Why have ideals?• Ideals give substance to the rules we choose to

follow• With ideals, we follow rules because we believe in


“The simpleton believes all he’s told, the prudent man watches his step.”

- Proverbs 14:15

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Following Rules Without Ideals

RULE: Jump up and down in my seat for one hour while shouting ‘Bazinga!’

during mass

Doesn’t make sense to follow this!

Always follow rules based on an ideal

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Importance of Ideals• Help us discover our true purpose in life, and

therefore, help us motivate the decisions we make

• Help us become more decisive (we will base all our actions on our ideals)

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Short-Term Idealsvs

Long-Term Ideals

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Short-Term Ideals• Ideals stemming from short-term

goals• Examples

o Graduate from universityo Get good gradeso Finish a booko Win a contest

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Long-Term Ideals• Ideals stemming from long-term

goals• Take continuous time and effort• Affect us in our entire lives• Examples

o To become successfulo To grow in deeper relationship with friends,

family, and Godo To achieve eternal life

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Short-Term Supported by Long-Term Ideals

• Short-term ideals still important!• However, short-term ideals must be supported by

long-term ideals Otherwise, no greater purpose involved

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Short-Term Supported by Long-Term:

ExampleSHORT TERM IDEAL: Get high grades in all my classes

Rules: Go to bed at 9:30 PM every weekday, Finish all assignments before the weekend

Outcome: Success! (97% average in Grade 12)

AWESOME!! I can retire now!

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Not So Fast!!My dream university since Grade 11: MIT

I was extremely sure that I’ll get accepted because of my grades

Letter finally arrived from MIT

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Moment of Truth

“We are sad to announce that your application to MIT has been rejected

by the application committee.”

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Kuya Jerol’s Disappointment

• Got rejected by MIT despite good grades!• Does this mean all the rules I followed in

high school were useless?• NO! I wanted to fulfill the short-term ideal

of getting good grades, but….• …I also wanted to fulfill some long-term

idealso Learn new thingso Live happy life with family and friendso Be successful

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Moral of the StorySupport short-term ideals with long-

term ideals

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Christian IdealsWhat ideals motivate us to follow the rules

of God (i.e., the teachings of Christ)?


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Faith• Ideal of faith allows us to believe through God-

given reason• Our belief and trust in God motivate us to

follow the teachings of Christ!

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Hope• Ideal of hope allows us to long and desire eternal

life with God• This goal of eternal life motivates us to follow

the teachings of Christ!

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Love• Ideal of love allows us to put the teachings of

Christ into practice through love of God and neighbour

• The value that we place on our friends, family, and God motivates us to follow the teachings of Christ, who is Love!

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Wordly Ideals• Christian ideals demand more sacrifice than

worldly ideals• Christian ideals point toeternal happiness, unlike

worldly ideals which point only towards temporary happiness

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Recap• Ideal – value, belief, and/or goal that affect how

we act in life• Ideals help us motivate decisions, and help us be

more decisive• Short-term ideals must be supported by long-term

ideals• Three main Christian ideals that motivate us to

follow Christ’s teachings: faith, hope, and love

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Questions for Discussion

• How do you think Christian ideals differ from the ideals of the world? Share any experiences you have that highlight this difference.

• What are your long-term goals as a Christian? What short-term ideals do you have that could help you achieve these goals?

• What is the most challenging decision you’ve ever had to make in life? What ideals (values, beliefs, goals) pushed you to make that decision?