Idea Development

Idea Development

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Idea Development for exam

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Idea Development

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The exam title is: Exploration and Discovery

My mind-map shows my idea development and what topics I related to Exploration and Discovery.

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6 Initial Ideas: Maps and Journeys Discovering Yourself Discovering Old Buildings Books Production Magnifying Objects

I have asked myself a series of questions relating to my 6 initial ideas which will help me with my idea development and visual mind-maps.

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•  What are maps and journeys? (A map is a visual representation of an area—a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects, regions, and themes)

•  What different types of maps are there? (There are 6 types of maps: climate maps, economic or resource maps, physical maps, political maps, road maps, typographic maps)

•  What are the most unusual sorts of maps?

•  What is the name of a mapmaker? (cartographer)

•  What is the function map? (journey from one place to another)

•  How and in what ways have other artists explored maps? (they document journeys they have taken and create patterns from their journeys. Richard Long goes on a journey and collects objects such as rocks. He then creates a sculpture from his collected items showing the result of his journey)

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•  Why do people discover themselves? (because they feel lost)

•  What ways do people discover themselves? (some people go away to ‘find’ themselves which normally involves a change of environment. mentally, physically, discover what they are good at)

•  When do you discover yourself? • (when you grow up, mental breakdowns, menopause)

•  In what ways have artists explored themselves (photograph parts of the body, unique elements of themselves)

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•  How do people discover old buildings? (architects)

•  At what age do buildings become classed as ‘old’? (when building techniques and styles change)

•  What types of old buildings are there? (churches, mosques, bombed houses, town halls, manor houses)

•  What is the most common historic building? (churches because they date back millions of years)

•  What are people called who discover buildings/ruins? (architects)

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•  What type of book designs are there? (hand made, computerized)

• What type of books are there? (hard back, application books eg. ipods, Braille books for the blind)

•  Discovering the story inside the book (the cover normally reflects the story inside, people judge the book by its cover)

•  What is the most common form of book? (fiction books)

•  What materials are used in the process of handmade books? (deer parchment)

•  How many people read books a year? (1 in 4 people read no books in 2010, the average person reads two books a year)

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I  asked  my  peers  how  many  books  they  read  last  year.  Answers:    7,  1,  3,  4  The  most  common  form  of  book  they  read  was  a  text  book.    

History  of  Books    When  wriAng  systems  were  invented  in  ancient  civiliDaAons,  nearly  everything  that  could  be  wriFen  uponGstone,  clay,  tree  bark,  metal  sheetsGwas  used  for  wriAng.  AlphabeAc  wriAng  emerged  in  Hgypt  about  I,JJJ  years  ago.  The  Ancient  HgypAans  would  oKen  write  on  papyrus,  a  plant  grown  along  the  Nile  River.    

Famous  Book  Illustrators      I  have  read  all  of  Jacqueline  Wilson’s  books  as  a  child.  The  main  reason  I  began  to  read  her  books  is  because  of  the  illustraAons  on  the  front  cover.  I  used  to  copy  some  of  the  illustraAons  and  my  cartoon  drawing  style  has  been  heavily  influenced  by  them.  The  illustrator  responsible  for  this  is  Nick  RharraF.  Sis  book  illustraAons  are  mainly  focused  to  young  children  because  of  his  simplisAc  drawings  and  use  of  bright  colours.    

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•   "hat  is  the  life  cycle  of  produc2on?  (eg.  recycling)  

•   How  are  objects  created?  (recycled  objects,  made  out  of  carbon  atoms,  factories,  hand  made)    

•   "hat  is  the  most  popular  object  created  on  produc2on?  

•   "hat  is  the  process  of  produc2on?  

•   ?ypes  of  produc2on  (in  economics,  ecology,  objects,  processes  in  the  brain,  body)  

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•   How  are  objects  magnified?  (eg.  using  glass,  spectacles)  

•   What  is  the  most  common  object  to  be  magnified?  

•   What  happens  when  you  magnify  objects?  (they  appear  closer  than  they  are)  

•   Where  are  magnifying  glasses  used?  (spectacles)      

•   What  ar?sts  use  magnifying  objects?  (salvador  dali)  

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