MONTUT Arnrsr is 1901 Cloudy and warmer today local rains tonight and tomorrow VOL LX1XNO 352 NEW YORK MONDAY AUGUST 18 1002 CofyrlM IMS by Mr fir PfMtr 1 lUhto0 Alienation P1UCE TWO CENTS ID I w U KING GREETS BOER GENERALS SIHKES HAXDS WITH THEM AX THEY YACHT The llnrrn mil Princes Victoria l o Clir- Thrm Cordial WrlcomrllotMI- lraurd t Tlirlr llrrrption Visit W- MllrlerPoll leal Matt rn Not Illspuiifd- Sftttal Cot Dnpalth to Tn Sri lJNPox Aug 17 Oen Botha Delaroy and Io Wet and Adjutant Ferrelra Ml- lndnn at 30 oclock thin morning to vllt IP King At TIIY wero re cplvwl by l rd Kitchener on Admiralty yacht Wlldllro When tin royal yacht Victoria and Albert tlio King cnmo for ward i tlio gangplank nnd shook hands gi nlilly lth each of fieneral He Ui n Introduced them to Queen Alexandra anti the Princes Victoria who also shook haml with them Tho Queen and PrIncess displayed much Intercut In the Boer com- ma The iemrals nfterwnrd returned with 1H Kitchener nnd Lord Hubert Tim T niininanlcd them to Imiidiui- HtT iry Brelmor made iho following h 1pineiit ovonn After having l vrr tilt to tho royal yacht the pm ras say thy wero awfully pleased with tinjr reception by tin King and cnnnni- MY Tho talk purely Tnal and no political matter were iiru l Hie train was n Ilttlo late mid IP interview wa very short Mr erreira onlnlaw of Uin Delarey- nimngiv gave impressions of the visit 1ie King to a Suv reporter who called iilni ill the hotel this evening Ho said I accnmimnled tho General as a niil Interpreter because I have been uriro You eo exhibiting a pair of ap l rpmly new kid glovm I bought these In 1itilnn in 1MW hut t never woro thorn I as r nixlcd to handle u Mnu er rllle- KM id I left thn glovps In Pretoria and Him gnawtvl this hole hut ld Majesty Kerieira seeimd to regard thin as a pNjd on the King Continuing Mr wild all dresstxl In thin sober fashion it which you sen me Tho Hoer Adjutant ri n black morning wilt devoid of the eat iprnhlflnc of color Tho King when fie received hi visitor was dtessed In the full uniform of Admiral of the Fleet Mr Kerfint went on to sny- Tlw King recelvnd us alt with thn most kindly courtesy hut the necessary jiolitenps he did not evince that partic- ular which he n shown in us- by more subject The inter- view was veiy brief partly liecause it was necessary for mo to tran lato each of tho replle of lens Do Wit and Delarey as ihey would not tnM thiinnlves to attempt their expression In Fngllsh nod partly also they had not lunched alxiard tho yacht mId wero probably getting hungry en Botha made hi own re- plies In Lrgllsh fo his Majesty fipoke mostly to hlmr lIng oppressed at pcelnic- UN antI thiUlred a to our health All I can say further U that there really wa not line during the to deviate from the ordinary channels MaJesty honk hand with mo in an affable manner and inimircd if I had accompanied the fiiwrn In South Africa I was not pre icntpil to llu Jii n hut the Princ of Val and the Princjcs Victoria Maul clKike to me The latter was frankly curl on t omc of our war experiences Ve went all plea l with tho pleasant but wo exixrleneed- u certain natural crnbarrnwnicnt AH It IN nit every day that ono inwtn a king The HT r inoraL t hem lves of heir nwii Inclination and on the advlcn of Dele Kit A I mm Klwhi en Immovable in Mulr icfiiMit to make any jtatemcnt on any mutter- KutnlH are iomltiR Into lli delegation In rv wifacttry inannir Ono check iwiived trdiy was for IM The rennrnlft will probably go to the ioi input on as they wish to at IMII Ill funeral of late comrade Gen Jjtrn M yer an It it known that It would h for them to ppcapo nn inrinitii popular ovation at HriiHHi winch vnud not look well at a funiTalr- vmmi iiv thiy may not attend tIre services iiH at from states t howevi- rt ii ih IIIA rHpivil n telegram Ioin ln r husband announcing that ho will nrrivi there on Tuesday Do Wet tVInifv Mrc the widow of Hie HUT commander received a telegram- f ndi lnce from the Oeneral- fii xtri mn cordiality Ixtwwn lttiort and the Doers was notoworthy- rlifv returned with him on his fpeclal train During the journey the Commandorln- Hiif explained all thfl fiirroundingrt of the cuntrysidn Lord Kitchener on the other hand remained at Southampton aflor- Bftlrig hOFt at luncheon hONtxjx AUK IS Interest in tho Hoec- OeiicraN inoicaH rather than with their cciitinunl ileno Most of thin morn inn papers devoto from flvn eol- umn of hian to their arrivals nnd Incldentn of voyaRi from Cap Town illled out lth hheor InventiotiH nucl IIB following printed account of their reception by thu Klni Majixty Mike of the gallant and iiiaiuvr time ieneraln had fought during tie unions campaign mind th bni id railoi nod klndnens with which hal treated the Irill h i ldier in dixllg mIme voundetl who came Into their absolutely untrue statement Is a with which the Par1 am trying to interpret time filenco of ilf lioprn- Noliing hnj NHMI more remarkable In past day and a half than tho Htmliod- voldaneii by thin DoeM and tho ofllclal- Kngiuii whom thy mot Including tho King f the which U Uppermost In the iniiuli of all Thtro In hown in thw moinlngA time tolo- Kraplic comment from Parin and lime HIKUO connliilni rejoicings at tim ro fusil r tH HOKPH to attend naval r vw on Saturday callliiK It u wiufo to the iiavrriiiiuMil I m nvldent chat Christian Do Wet In1 uiont untMHidlriK of the trio HP- ixiiinl in most energetic concurrence at- i IVlegutn Kioher wild when hii- in almnrd the at Southampton- Silnrday A follow pa niiKer of tho l etiiraU on tilt stianifr ayn hen Ielan y- MM mm H pular of tho threo during voyngi Ho played draughts A good HurnMf ittr t nf Vflnll- ltanJanJeicowlicrc Sold by besl IWJM a owes thy Iit I tI hiM guile 1 nh I h jok I Ire I yond l TIt Ill I Tu dIY hit I all t hr Lord 0 the o Imo 1 WIl Id 1O1lU Tub hoard thIs fl Ira this was upon I i I I it rrfra interest has his nil ile P eonverat Ion hit I K trigs retpt ion in 5 with kn ill lessens four I lie lit bra 14 mug they han This I hi Irritation papers t he crud lou ryu h hug Saxon t grocers 1 ¬ ¬ < < > ¬ ¬ < ¬ < > > > deal and was often tho wntro of an ad- miring group of offlwrrt while he delivered little lecture on which ho Illus- trated by telling fights during the war Louis Ilotha played earth deck gamps and also he wo not a approachable an Delarey- On tutu other hand time constant aloof new of Jen Do Wet camo to be relented by a largo number of HritWi who were passengers on the Saxon ro at 6 In the morning took a solitary turn time deck and then went to his stateroom for tho ret of tIme day only at meal times It Is known that ho was engaged In writing hook on tin war A young clergyman name of Kartell who was his secretary and acoom pooled him in nil his campaigns Is now assisting him In this work Throughout time war len Jo Wet kept a dally record of his movements This diary Is now elaborating Into a history of the war SHAHS FlItST TIWK AFLOAT 1mlan Itulrr on III Way tn Inulanil- rrlKlitrnrd Trill Acniiw lime Ctiannel- fifxelil CiMt ltiptth to Trot SUM IXINDON Aug 17 Tho Shah of Persia arrived nt Dover this morning and was received by Irlnrv Arthur of Cotmaught in Inhalf of tho King Ho will come to ondon tomorrow morning as time guest of tlio King and will remain at Marlborough House This was tho first time ho ever ventured upon a chip When saw tho Channel at and noticed that she did not still tho Shah who has a horror cif time water away and It woe some tlrno before ho could l o persuaded to go nlxjnnl He woro tho oldest and plainest flothcH he had as he believed that his good ones would surely bo by sea water Ho was taken Into tho cabin which was strewn with cushions and lowers Coffee fruit and confectionery were served and ho was finally roaw ured He appeared to enjoy thu voyage wrrvr An IIITTIIl- lllplno llrvnltK In Iart anil l Ic In llRht mill fuuitaliulars- prttal TaWc HrtpcM to Tur Sf- JlANIta Aug 17 Tho native crew of the coasting vessel Doshermaiw mutinied in the port of Vivac sonic time ago murdered tho engineer three sailors anti wounded time captain two anti n passenger nil Spaniards grounded on Aug J hut was floated off The constabulary boarded her and fought the mutineer Twontylivo of these were captured and threw killed Klvo jumped overlioard and wore drowned HUeceeded In making their escape lFIAt IHOM DKACO SOW Says the Stories About Her the icrinan Crown Trlncf Are Ialir- ftptlil Calif litipnoi la THE SUM LONIKJN Aug 18Tho Dully Telegraph this morning print a letter from Mlxs- Olarty Deacon dated Hllllngton Hall King Iynn In regard to papera re- production of the stories printed In the Park Ualin alxUt tho nllegeil love affair between herself and tho Crown Prince of lermany Mis Deacon w yn- A tiles stories are abnolutely false oblige mo by emphatically con- tradicting them In your next Isou- eroofl rwvrs ninris KILLED Inmirirnti In SrHiiitn Houted and Tlirlr- Lraclor llrtipailnla- peeiil Cable nnp tlt l Tn SiK- PFKIN Aug 17 An Imperial edict Issued today states that time Imperial troops routed tho Insurgentnt rong Suchawan In the Szo chuan on Aug 12 Theykliled morethan a thouvmd of tho rel l Tong Qu Hung tilt rebel leader wn beheaded SAYS HTS FMIl niElt FIRST Iarli TftiHM Hoes ol Clve the Source of It Information Spttial C it lf tli iif 10 rIms SUN Aug 17 lip TVnipi saya It Is In that in the rccint automobile acci- dent near Jacy Mrs Charkn L Fair first Tho which was found In tho auto- mobile after tho accident contained 1081 francs and checks on the Batik of Brussels representing I9 X IV ST IATKICKS- WM Seen Taking a Worshlpprr Purse and ArrrMril In the Calhrtlral A man who said ho Philip Judd nnd refused to tell where ho lived was arrested In St Patrick1 Cathedral yesterday after- noon for stealing a pocketbook from Mary McDonald a at IS Wo t street Tho arrest was inado- alxUt 5 oclock after vespers Mlsa McDonald was ono of tho pews arid loft her on the seat her Ono of saw JUdd M and time pocketbook Tho usher called Policeman Hut stnet station and Judd wax before ho got out of church When Judd at the station tho police found on him three empty pocket a Miiall i i n ui niiiwi r tho East t street pollen recently that pocketbooks have front women In tho church FATAL COASTIXO ACCIIWXT- Hlpycle niiler Impaled on a Wa oni Shaft In a New Ilochelle Park lame Cotter a prominent builder of City Island was reported to be dying In time NeW Bochello last evening as- n result of having impaled on Oio haft of a wagon whllo coasting on his bl porting down a steep hill In Neptune Park nt New and when way down the Incline he ran Into a containing Harry Carson anti his brother and two Carson tried to out of thy bicyclists way hut tho rider lost nintrol or his a shaft p cd through Cotters body The Carson and the women went to Cotters asitancu and all tour had to lisa all their strength to release him Thoy bound up his wound mid had him sent to the in nn ambulance Irs amId who attended hint said that ho could not live Young Hwlmmer sexes a Hoy ATTIC Aug 17 MM Louise Stlcfel of IM McClellan street Phlla- lelphla saved Harry Hearn a tcnyear from the surf today She was and saw him foil from i raft Into ho water He could swim nnd shy went to renoue New York Tod Chicago Tnmorniw The the biw bu lnei r ln Only W Uuura to Cnicaito iH tact Gel all ont rR 0 cock Ill at hOlt poled mAl time n hold of province of IAn val C LOlT pocketbook bonk lad have to In 1 or w t Olin M old boy tot his man rs reappear- ing lit moved it mew It sled and MISS and t dIed ThIEF was arrested was number macto been early time evening Cotter waim young woolen Roelmelle lmojii tal Et b hilt I Iry ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + SEND FILIPINO PRIESTS HERE MY TO HAVE IIH OF THF- STtltY AMK11ICAX METHODS Fattier McKlnnon Prr lilrnt MeKlnlp Hail Approtrd Itirn hattie at aiiiboinga tn Srtlle the Trouble With the Moron Manila Strike rnd- SptcUl ClWi Dtiprttlt la Tiu MANILA Aug 17Father a priest officially connected with time public school who came hero as Chaplain- of tho California Volunteers at the outbreak of the SpanishAmerican War his urged time authorities of the Philippine Church to send 40 of the younger native priest to America for a years training In wml- iiarie in the United State Father McKinnon says ho talked over thls whemo with the late President McKinley who approved It as It vas Roved that in thIs wny the Filipino clergy- men would Imbued with tho broad spirit of time American priesthood It is thought that tho money for carrying out this plan can Ixj raised in America It i estimated that time semiimry etponfOH of each priest would lie nliout 150 a year The natives favor time scheme ien Chnffeo hits arrived at Zjimhoanga and will probably a conference with the Moro leaders The situa- tion In Mindanao Is serious Per Milng tho cummandHr of Camp Vicars has made a recommendation that the Bacolod forts lm asaulted nnd captured Joy Ilandholt of tIme has received the surrenders of the new officials time followers nf who was recently captured while organiz- ing a branch of Manila Headquarter with tlio object of making trouble for the Iluiidholtz that ortlcials In Tnyaba with two ciptloni have now Hurrciuliiid- iov Taft Is cxMHtp l to arrive lien next Thursday Manila nmkliiK great preparation to welcome him The InUir agitator Idyoi who is charged with intimidating tho cigar manufacturers is a fugitive from justice The strikers My they will rot urn to work If the police will protect them The arrest of tho leaders has broken up I ho strike which lasted three weeks MAY HIOTS I tltAXCK TOltAY Troops heath to use the NIIIU Scliool In on Saturday HpetM CoW Dfiptteh la Tin SIN PAHIH Aug 17 In ciinctuenc of time morn hitter resistance to tho closing of the nuns schools In Brittany Deputy Ablif- layraud pppnklng on Saturday at St- Meen anti Folgoet nnd nt Son blgou nnd Ploulanlel on exhorted the peasant to avoid The Government decided to execute the decrees against time sisters schools at Fol goet St Meen and Ploudanlel tomorrow morning nnd troopn were being conccn t rated for that purpose at Sandeman today- At Pontcroli on Saturday there some bloodshed The Inhabitant had raked barricades In the street leading to the con- vent These were thrown down by tho troops at 7 oclock yesterday The police commissary of Brest other officials than wont to the convent while the gendarmes pushed their horses ngflln the people- In the fighting which ensued ono police officIal was knocked down nnd dragged along tho ground for several yards until two prlestH Interfered antI rescued him Several wonton were severely Injured dur ing crushes TIme demons coaw- da the nurH departed from At peaxnnu beat hack tilt gnndarmes and troops but eventually thin soldiers broke down tie doors of tho convent The pollen RUivrintendiiit told- I lie peasants tint if continued to Tict barricades dynamite would Im used EXClllSIOMSTfi Sri itcamer Maine Uneo Agrounil at Urrenport and Honi rt to Newport ono thousand excursionists left yesterday morning on mi excursion hound for Newport 11 I by way of UIH Island Ilnllroad to Oreenport and henco by steamer Tho excursionists enchwl Orcenport In tho morning anti plumed to pw York arriving shortly before oclock last evening without having reached Newport The steamer Maine which was to carry Iho party from Oreenport to Newport- ran aground at dnenport Five tugs got lines to her and pulled until almost Martvcl srieclal train with Iho excursionist arrived arid All hurried to dock from which coud seo tho Maine with her attendant fleet of tugs The railroad officials announced that If Iho Maine wits floated by 5 oclock tho ex- cursion would to Newport amid that If wasnt tho were return to time station at that hour Time spread out over the town and spent Iho afternoon Half an hour after were landed hack it Long Island City last evening the Maine as floated ULLEI IX FltOXT OF hER HOME Woman nun her by Illlrd With Sine InK A trolley car of thn Iirlmer bound from Coney Island to Jreenpolnt carrying a singing crowd of homo oore from tho seashore struck arid In tantly killed Mrs Verde In front her home at street last light Mrs Verde early In tho evening went tho street and sat on the stoop with Shortly before 10 laughter came out on the of her homo md to her mother to return Verde started to cress the street and lid not se time car which was coming rapidly Shn wa knocked passed over her hotly anti she died Thin accident caused a on thin crowded car Women fainted anti such a crowd gathered that reserves Im sent from tho street station n ambulance from tho Eastern district Hospital attended several women whit Woman Killed by hItler DAYTON Ohio Aug 17 Mr Emma L ichelble wife of Frank C Schelblo an imurunct man hail got off A street on North Main street about o cross to tho sidewalk this afternoon rhcn a wheulman ran into her and knocked ler down She died In a few minute fho wheelman rodo away anti onn hero IIOWH who ho Is Infumonln l r avrrtrd with Jijynfi Kjixctornnl A l The lrnn ylv nl Iritvr New York M lali arrive J4 A U Adi Sap SIN tme holt hal t X Sunday morn the raton t Abut to car Street ferry Alicia of tn polo to Ua t may Travel rl I 1 ChIcago system be apt Illus t lie A sos t mites hit mo ii Ill tirlitany lash uivervillo has was hit Lit I The Long t lie hit ta were nit lie silo L line across Mrs loll tile do car was Iii Feat raeltitaIr htnqhns > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ < ¬ > > > OALYESTOXS CHIXESE WALL tabor Party There Keeping tilt Workmen From Other Cltlis NEW OntKA 8 Aug l7Tho Homo Iibor Icaguo of Oalvcnton Tex has termlnid to put up a dainty itet in to tho DetmxTatlo tukot at thn thosupixirr of tho various lalnir no doubt UpntiTlaliud to SUCCPH The Home Ijilxir I eaguo Is fighting to prevent limo employment of army ialveston labor In thu various works rendered necissary- in the Island city by tho destruction of ial- vestoti two years ago Tho light lm nothing to do with unions but alms to pre- vent any brought into ialves tort by contraotors although tImer a Kcnrcityof labor then and wages are high The Southern Pacific Itailrond was pre- vented from bringing its skillet clerks nnd unloider from New Orleans to handle tho lines freight from New York A de- termined effort is also being made to pre- vent time employment of any hint CtalvcMon on sea wall to protect that town from another flooding IXXOCEXT IXIHAX HAlii Real Murderer Make a Dralhliril Con rp lin Tlilrlecn Veari lnlerT- ACCIMA Wash 17 A diathbcd- confif ion made proves that tho wrong man was hanged fur n murder on tho Iuialilla Indian Itiscrvation thir- teen years ago Pllyou a young Indian was convicted and luingid for th murder of AgiiP TiHsint Two weeks ago Victor Wllllains an Indian finding him olf dying of tion fonfifMMl to his wifo Mrs and that Pilyoii was iniiiKpnt- Hi said h bird riot intendid killing her hut as she lund money and lived alone ho- determined to rob her Whllo he was run KacUing her house madi an outcry and iZd lilin Tlieriupon murdered her hiil kept his sicret thlrtern yearn iiTirliig agonIes wiienevnr ho thought of the munlend wcmiin anti Iilvni whom he nllowix b 11 iris siiuo FISH TiiFr sir A New and iiiciT fiil Way of Catch PATCIIOOUE I I Aug 17Ther were ninny fish breakfasts along shoro this morning Scores of JUh wero caught In shallow water yesterday afternoon lictwppii- tho All a person had to do was to knpo deep ntid shoo lucia to the beach It is supposed that fish ninetenths of which vtenkflnh were driven Into the shallow water by a shark- or n shoal of porpoises Tho fish wcro observed ns the title turned ebb nnd ft number of fishermen put out In boats find mudo bmg catches with nets Tho fish refused to take a hook and rushed frantically al out In tIme water A time tide was running out it left a big lake near Water Itland with snndbnrH nil about and In hundreds of the fish were caught noovoo n4s vmi WIWLARS- Nrgro Thlncn In Prmacola Paid flias Apiece for Them NEW OntKASS Aug 17 Tho Ponwioln police who have finally run down the gang of negro burglars headed by onn- Tnllxrt have discovered nn explanation of time extreme boldness of them thieve All of them wcro provided with hrodoo hag In which they greatest con- fidence rendering them Invisible to polico and preventing their capture Their long Immunity from nrrest con- vinced them that hags assured absolute safety They paid as much a S135 apiece hoodoo bag which arm nothing moro than pieces of cloth wrapped with strings Dr fraves a negro who inns minnIe a small fortune by tho ale of these brtg to negroes g hig Into the burglary and larceny huiliiss ha been arrested IOltD HOIETOrXS ItETt It On IIM Way to New York to Sail for He lIt Australia MoNTRfAL Quebec Aug Ibis toun former iovernur ieneral of Au- strallan Commonwealth arrived hero today and loft tonight by a St Iwiwrenco anal Adirondack train for New York whence he will sail for homo on Iho Teutonic Referring to time report that he had resigned owing to time snmllnes of Ixird- Hox toun made llm following statement I did not nlgn as been stated In tho er I recnlleil by time Imperial Oovemmont and I nm now Linl lloixtoim decliiiPil to discuss time reason that to hi recall Col Cnl l who acontn l him owing to chee i arlng of I ho Aus- tralian lovernineiil situation hud Ixcomo impossible 1MB SQlADItOX AT HOCKIOltT- Illgtlinoirn Shlpi to llo TIter Till OloccEHTFlt Mass Aug 17 Nino ships of tho North Atlantic squadron dropped anchor In Hockport linrbor at 430 oclock yesterday afternoon Tho arrival of the fleet was unexpected It is supposed that it was a compliment front Secretary of the Navy Moody who used to represent this district In Congress The harlmr is to the shore tho inside tho new breakwater averaging 41 feet The In the harbor art time Alabama Kearsargo Olympia Massachusetts Brook- lyn and two mnall A searchlight exhibition wns given by tho fleet this Tho will stay hero until the 10th Admiral son I In command They conic Into thy harbor in double anchored in that formation HETItArTS IllS rOXFEfiSIOX- Ptrham and the Two Now Say Thry Illiltil BENNINOTON Vt Aug 17Mr Marcus Iloger Stolla Bates her sister anti Loon Pcrlmm were nrrnlgneil before Just Ion Shurtlefl nt 8 oclock lat evening on time cliarg of hnving murdered Marcus Rogers last Tuesday by administering chloroform to him Hoger gave way for time since her arrest and began to all pleaded not guilty and were remanded to Jail a next Thurs Perlmm declared that hN con- fession wa Cal anti hat not one of the three knew anything nbout time murder lloger Bales Insist tnt they wero not connected with tIme crime- A anticipation ant a torn of m I My Line trip Muiic- Thr 2th Ontnrr Mmltnl- U nt course the New York Centrals 30hour truln york anti Chicago II s vci a ell I Ali ump that hI I II fritniul I 1 Ian 1 Iu lug barf i I ho Mlar hal hit XII n Won the frt tlav 1 IAIln Irr OI Idt I Scw Ad t Position comniug elect iou mtrid n41t hmas organ ial tonic its Its labor icing mi Sir t lit I y uuimmruteri ul Ttssi lit die lit his eahhiti t lit lie s ore Just his t As time I inl- and tIu 17 Lord huh ret ii mm ui lit t lie t lie Ii Mrs Mrs are NrW Wsi 1tmtli between day > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < AWAY WITH GRAND CHICiOO AITOS AMKXTtHE WITH HOItlS OF JUSSIi lit llmiiRlit lit Could MpniigF It Alone lint M Fooled Him anti Drought Ip nlmrt Agalntt a ItoaiMdP Suite In ComtiTiialliuNot tort CHICAOO Aug 17 Duke Boris iadlmelrewitch of Hussia n much wllderetl nobleman tonight when ho n tired to suite nt the Auditorium Hotel reviewing tho various experiences that had up a Ulet Sunday drive to MIl Cycln flub soon after breakfast with two ex- hibitions on thn way of fire companies in- action luncheon nt the North Shore Club nn automobile runaway in which hi High- ness was time sole participant a trip back to time city anti a dinner at tim Clilcnpo Club were some of things that nitride thin day far from uneventful While hn was at the Saddle and Cycle Club hn caught sight of an automobile belonging to one of the member The owner readily consented to allow time Duko- to take a spin anti ilespltn time rcmon slranies of the member of his party Boris entered the automobile and sped swiftly down time roadway leaving behind a group of very apprehensive officials When hi watt half a mile from thn club- house It became evident to tlmso that nil was not going well with him The automobile was xigagglng ncrus tho road In alarming fashion and when thu Duke was si n to turn wnvn a hand kiichipf his siiiu hendid Huron- Sehllppcnbach and Prlnco Kngnlltihof- Tstarted on n run the road to hi as- sistance The machine wn then entire y the control of Iho royal cliaulTeur It mounted nn nnlwitiknipnl nt the sidn of road and collided forcibly with a tree trunk Tlm Dukotv uuiijurrd when lit alighted and calmed thn fiars of the immlMrs of lilnrty nsthey arrived panting for breath XOIIMAX MMK WOXT HFTV- A illmore tITers rMMI Oilells lajorll Is IIIOOIHI The llmi Normiui K Miuk of Buffalo National Commit Iceman for thn State tho friend of the Hon William Jennlnc Bryan the hiilfmllllonalro Deino- crntlc national antagonist of cnpltnl HofTnmn llouw last night HP is on way to Saratoga when Democratic State Committie rncii on Saturday Mr Mack met nt dinrer the Edward villo lllmon thin of Crokir- Scannnll lull Plait H wvlt Odll- I w Lillian Huswll IlhncliP Rites Alonm- B Cornell lohn F Carroll and Andy Fncd man antI Mr flllmnni said to Mr Maik- B t you JlOOdO that Ouch carries the State next fall by 75000 mnjority JSOno that Odell will carry the State icofixl majority Nothln doln yet repented Mr Mack SWOltD AXE SLASIIKK IXSAXi Lawyer Who lilt liolile lla llpllnlnns Manila aunt Pa ilon fur llrleallrae- Wlnflild Johns Taylor the Newark law yprwho was amsted nt time Pennsylvania flailrond station in Jerwy fily Saturday night after causing A sensation on n Now York SuMUehaiiiia nnd Wehtern train nt Sparta N J by slashing Harry straw hat with n swnrd nine was- examliiKl by Dr Joseph M Jersey City yestenlay morning nfler he imam be ii twelve hours In a cell nt thu city prison HP had raved mill night Dr Itector said that the lawyer was m- idoubddly Insane and nei mm to bo siiffpr Ho orders Taylor to City Hospital man who ijavn his nnim from whom menu a room at 10 Ful- ton street Newark calhvl at Ireeory street station that tIme lawyer started nn his vacation several days ago He snid that Taylor Is at tlio f the Prudential suranci Commny law devirtment in Newark Kclmltz toM Im that the a crank n the subject of collecting Jewelry nnd mind a rw m curli FELL ASLEEI AX It OiitiOAItiA- nil Thru the Whole Conchlnc Club HcMiird Miileriine The William McKinley Coaching Club of Brooklyn went on a trip to Staten Isl- and yesterday Tho naomi for whom club 1 named Is a Brooklyn jiolltlcian- Klght tallyhos carried time jiirty nnd In returning last night cue of tlipm having liorw reached tim fery nt St ieorge Him l foro others The occumnt of tIm conch went out on the dock ldi tin ferry vtid- injoyiil thi cooling B ty lreezfn while wait- Ing for other John Muleromi of 3ir Baltic t ret Brook- lyn went to on thn stringpicco and overboard limo other cuiichc hind arrived time anti when the of mutant board was heard Mr and several other jumped In nnd grablnd- Mtilcrnne Tho rest of the club pulled both men out of time water sos an abrasion of tlio forehead wn uninjured IlCKIOfKETS IX 101 XT ATTACK One at Kach Inil of n street Car Makrj a and liiinin Two miii got on a Third avenue car at 181st street last night Ono nifm stood near tho rear door and tho other walked to the front of thin car Simultaneously each grabbed for a watch and then jumped off the car Detective Beitch who was on tho car chased them One of the men ran Into tlm- urms of n and thn other woe rauuht by Iteitcli Thy wero token to time tuition where thoy said they were Ail ert Peter of M est Thirty eighth si rout and John Mahon of 210 Twentyfirst street NeIther got a watch nit STIIETTI HAS llijrctrd to Leadline lu le for Trained Mnnkr lniplopr llaniinrr trln Sa Strettl who ha been lender of orchestra nt ParaJio Car ii n hn given up his job Oscar llainiiipr- leln said lust night that Stretli got out lievnu1 lie wns jealous f Creatorn thn lender of tho llammprsteiti- lino said that Stnttl to hnvirm his orchestra play music for n tmupn of trained monkey halest Mtrlnp Intelligence ArrivM M SV York riartf tnn Aur 1- 1olnrartn anl upturn ty tlm Colorado Spin vin Clilcwisn M- UaJly Lnw cirurnlon ratrH every day vii CHIctta- tiorlliWcitrrn Lnlon IIIS M- i 7 481 Uir lAN DUKE Ill I late hick 11 lan cowl 1 on1 n lat wa- lt lon n- Ol mall hrl I Cat I b I I anT Hon Ir r I all rammtl was hIs tim a nit I s t hit Es Immoc rat in t lie t lie iran ha ii rend hot mloim lied or of I rough us renum vat i I s t lie yet nit st I ft Ic In ver was brit ft I mac s 3 ei hut ry hii abut il tIm p pmIee this ir oVn i mile one I oh I lot Ii 4 atm html siInIialt est I i and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > HOLSTOX TO CHICAGO 30 CENTS And a MS llox of tlnars Thrown lnWnf r Hate War HovsTox Tox Aug 17 Five hundred tickets were sold to Chicago yesterday afternoon at startling prices OH thin result of a war of ticket brokers the outgrowth- of tho fight of time Missouri Kansas and Texas tho International Great North- ern tho Cotton Belt mud Santa F for Northern passenger business limo lowest rate before yesterday was IS for tho round- trip Ono broker cut it to 1 Another broker at ouco cut it to SI Yet another announced houston to Chicago 30 cents Houston to St Louis 20 cents Houston to Kntuww City 10 cents Another met the cut and offered a fivedollar box of cigars with each ticket MOTOll CYCLE EXIIMStOX The nidrr a Newark Jrwrllrr Probably Fatally Iiijurrd at Coney Inland Harry Wolff 27 years old a Jeweller living at Halsey and Court streets New- ark was pacing about twenty mombers of thn Newark Bicycle Club on a run from Newark to Island yesterday after- noon when gasolene motor cycle blow- up Time accident happened on tho Coney Island cycle near Avenue U Wolff was carrying thn riders along nt a rapid rate when tho machine exploited with great force Tho wrecked and rider was thrown ft con- siderable distance Hn was picked up un- conseiou Buffering from concussion of tilt bruin anti all ovor body Ho was taken to tho Kings County Hos- pital when It wn wild last hn will probably lie KILLED IIV FISHLIXE SlXKEIt Man failing Swung Line So That the Lead Struck Voting irunnald- Thirteenyearold lustavo Orunwnld Jr of 331 Central Park Wiwt while flshlng with hue father anti brother George yester- day at 175th street and time Hudson Blver accidentally struck on time head by a tlshUtie hiker and almost Instantly killed Tlio father and two sons wore sitting on time pier with several others when ono of limo men started to cast hU lino A the man his rod a whirl in tIme air the sInker struck irunwald behind tho left ear The boy fell over on tho dock unconscious dying In a for minutes Irunwald1 father nnd brother wiro no excited that they paid no attention to tho man who caused the accident mind ho went SOLDIFIl SHOOTS A IO LI FMAX The Tiid of n Saturday Mght Spree at NarraKuimtt Iler NAnitAOANSKTT PiFn Aug 17 Prlvnto Tracy nnd Prlvnto Kdwnnl lemon from Fort Ciivblo visited tlio Pier on Saturday night and went on a spiw They mar relied with Philip McCrea and a man named McNulty and began hhooting Officerp Joseph Westlako end John Wright ordered thrn to filed it Wright bullet grazed the ofllcer temple Taking left side Wright then ritflird nt Tracy with anti broke hN and nose Both soldier were taken to Kingston and lodged in jail Westlakns wound is ser- ious TWO UATHEIIS MISSIXO Sunday Vlsllon to Ocean City Slit Prob- ably Urownol OcEAN CITY Md Aug 17 Two men are missing anti both arm supposed to havo been drowned while bathing In tho surf this afternoon Ono of thoso for whom the lift guard ore looking is George Miller a machinist of Baltimore thin other U Boy Truitt of Laurel Del A man out hi depths went down today calling for help of went to thn rescue hut tho man sank and was seen no morn Miller one of an excursion party who went into thn surf Ills nm still In timid his wIfe feels satisfied that hn drownpil GETS MOEY FltON THE SICK llroohdalr Patients lirl the Lnolilngfilasj- Trraliiiint hector DUipprirnB- itouRDAtR N J Aug 17 Tho Brook dale not looking for nn alleged doc- tor mado much money hero ro- cently In Uniting sick people by aid of a mirror Ho disappeared with siveral- hundred dollar received front cruduloim patients He called at ono house when an man wa sick and performed with a cheap humid mirror about the sick man caller gave what ho called front views side views nnd angle view No wa prencribed html patient paid a fen Now ho has been humbugged rXTIED HfMAX IMlEht or Iranli helms a Conncellcut Contortionist TIIOMAHTOX Coon Aug 17FrankK- elcoy an acrobat and contortionist who wa hero on a visit from Oxford Conn- ilid somn stunt on thn railroad station platform while waiting for n train several night Hn locked his legs behind his neck and walked Iho length of the platform on his hand When ho to un- twist hlniMlf ho couldnt do It and turn hn would it wa impossible for him to get hi feet free a quarter of ar hour struggled and then to call for th aid of some bystanders Ho- wa munich exhausted when tho show was over int HIIY AT OYSTEII HAY Attended Church With the IrrslilcnlSajs- Mr Jlelilnlcy I lining OYStER BAY Aug 17 Dr P M Illxey- SurgeonGeneral of Navy and hnvn been time Presidents guests at Sagamore Hill today They attended Christ Church with the President tumid hi family Dr saul limit he had heard from Mrs Mclvlnlny within a day or two and hail biin n that shin In fairly health for her Hn will return to Washington tomorrow morning- lohn Latnbrrt III In OrmrrD- rssVKtt Col Aug 17 bun Ijimlx rt if Harrl V Co is siriotlsly III at he Denver Mr I imliert becnmo soon after arrival from Chicago No one allowed lo sen him- oday and all culler were that hi ItHtor cominaiidid llcalrr Warn llardlonl ContiinirM- Somn of coal dealer m IIu loin and rim Bronx rpiUislid ownir of nnd it her large ron inner of coal to their anthracite with until end if winter a cannot guarantee moro than half usual supply ant hits W pIt tIll I1 t 1 lIT n o a or alf loll hAt I Cello his wee tim iirulses Ills was gay 0 awn V Fe his I ts I I t hut a was t Imo hat imIiouu was huts nice iit rim I icino t limit s at t s t elI lie Mrs like was t ill his WItS I I lie t lit II Iii rl Imlelit 5tP its I tie t lie t hmt t Ito ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < TROOPS EXPECTED AT DURYEA CltlTIClL SITfATlOX IT Tim WAItXKi WASHFIIY Warlike Sajs llfll Work UN Plant hi Suite of the Strikers antI the ShrrllT In Surf lie cant Kcrp tIle Peace iuaril- mm at Mirnandoili Heady to Moc- Wn KRBABnn IA Aug l7Tho fit teenth week of tIme coal strike oi en with time probability that troop will bo called to to prevent Interference with tho workers at tho Warnko which was stopped by rioters on Thursday Sheriff Jacobs ho expects that time situation will bo beyond bin control that If WornVo wants troops ho will for them Warnko most decidedly that ho will ask for troops that he asked for them last Thursday and that they should bo there now Ho will according- to present plans start work on Tuesday An effort U to bo made to Burlington and Chief nf Pollen Ooserovo removed front office on limo charges that they favor tho strikers and that had no to arrest thn Coal unit Iron police- men commissioned by thn ov rnor iu discharge f their legal duties Mr s lawyers nro making arranjor- norsu to Tho leaders of tho strike are holding mooting and warning the strikers to away from tho watherv antI enco corn inlttees havo been for tho Minn but thiro is no notlceablo change time Mtitlmint of crowds They are determined to stop work at tho If it Is stntted Much speculation l the de parturn President Mitolipll at thin junct- ure It being admitted that it Is a period In the strikn and that If over his pres- ence was neednd to maintain order now The beliovetlmt ho avoiding tho responsibility of what tony and strikers not In check If the wnshcry at Duryo- arium s work SitKtAtDOAii Pa Aug officers- of time Twplfih Uiniincnt have Uen to keep clo e to HH It i cer now they will bo ordered to Scranton district at thn next clga of dip turbancn It I undoiKtood that either tho Ninth Keglment of WilkeUarro or thn of Scrnnton will biicceed tho Twelfth nt Shrnamloal- iIIOlXIIAHY MAItK DESTItOYED- Lieut Owrn InvcMtlRalhiR In the 11 Jutted Alavkan Territory TACXJMA Wash Mug 17Skagway advices hay thn question of tho destruc- tion of nn old Husslan monument hi tho disputed territory between Alaska n id British Yukon been willed S Well man a merchant of Haliien arrived at Skagway with time news limit Lieut Owens had found two monument hi perfect re rind deflrllcly loitinl thn when a third ono had been destroyd Onoof thin monument Is nliout ten mattes nbovo Hainy Hollow fifty mIles front time const Owetm now ex- amining other parts of boundary and will secure the statement Tho monument was levelled tn ground Time destruction had evi- dently wrought wit hlri n few months Lieut Owens nlsu found nn old Btorm house on thin summit This wan called Boundary houwn when Husslans occu tIme building urn falling down but thorn I every indi- cation of occupation at onn establishes doubt that the dane did occupy now dis- puted and boundary linn according to treaty I assort that it ItAYID T dlLMOIlE A SUICIDE hail Told by a llnctor Thief He Would llecnme ItiianrP- ATKBSON Aug 17 David T illmnre former Mayor of Paterson In a fit of do- spondcncy ended his life this morning nt Ills home A pistol slat aroused his funnily at Hw oclock and his son found him lying on floor in his nig clothe with n revolver In his hand b face covered with blood The Inillnt Irid- H netratid tho right eye and gono through the brain Death wns Instantaneous Ill health Is believed to havn Iiein tho cause of the tragedy Mr iilrnorn had consulted sp iaUts during the one of told him that hn was a victim of BricM discasn and that hn would UHO tinuse of his limb and Ixconm Insane An hour before thn nhnotlng Mr mon s Kim tnrt him at tin bathroom door anti complained of bing ill Im sorry you Brt my son the father nnd then ntlnil tj room Mr lllmoro was In goisl fmnnclal rIr- cuinstntici He wits n liirgn real pftsn owner and did a profitable life lnsurnnr- businexN lie was m yrars old Hisjwifo and five sonic survive him r s s MAIM AT AY YAHD Made lit linnl Ironi Ililludilpliln and Is rxprclrd lo Show IH m Trial The now battleship MaKe arrived nt the navy yard In Brooklyn yesterday morn Inr Sho left llm Crnmps1 shipyard In Philadelphia on Friday afternoon arriving off Tompklnsvilln on Saturday night Rho Is now lying at Cob Dock Near her oldfashioned Hartford The hulldpr- aro pitp l on board tho Maine by J Henry Mull I commanded by Cnpt II D Book- man Sine n mmed of IB on er front The slilpli jiiden- am sangiilno that shn will rnorn than IH knoton trial which to near BO IMII nn Thursday In placed in dry dcck even Inn All nrrnngemoni nro In charge of Nnvnl Pnwell who acixm- nanlcd Hie ves l Philadelphia front TIm navy tuulKint Narkeeta will for Ilixtnii today Sin1 is to bo tho stake boat nt nitOXX IMIK MISK 0 DEAD Only tile Other In Captltlt Corn I Sushi Stnrflnc lt rir only muk ox in captivity In this country ilid yiMenlay at the New York lOloglal innlnn Th ox was a tenon and priwnntMl to thn gardens by Wi- lliam C Whitney on March 2 last Tho only othnr musk ox In captivity Is at Ham- burg icrtminy The ox which died yesterday was cnp lured at licat llnar Llkn oil thn Arctic Iiicln A few day agi thn niiiiial showinl symptoms of Illness and dc- Tplowi Kpppir MiKbiy and l r Blair thn veterinary at th gardens kept do watch on IIIT were l i sivn her Th animal at th Park also to IIHI a coral spirn months old and i f t long which ItwIf- In death It nfu e in eat tl lizards pro vidid for it and has lust five pound many month Tin sank li of iho South American smclps diid Is virv vcnomou The llflnill unit ihlragn lmltdj- fuiid Central StAtton m ntv1nfi- fo 9 ncu dst Twfntv r traIn via ant In It t b 17 says says t lie II tim caused hell TIme re- quested I I t lie limb rtonmu Ii hue hut ito tim limo vallsnf t rite rule lit t t Item fir t lie II ic nit tub t Iran t ly Ill I his fit itt t lie riot d k rot s t ri IImi IambI thmii tint flicjal t him alt lIlac hut S omit lea vi u Ii I Iii 1 It WAIt i i niItnimnuIa I itit tin aId s ert e mx slum ki js atm leave s W enmal amid r t4r J > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬

ID I U Arnrsrmiring group of offlwrrt while he delivered little lecture on which ho Illus-trated by telling fights during the war Louis Ilotha played earth deck gamps and also he wo

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Page 1: ID I U Arnrsrmiring group of offlwrrt while he delivered little lecture on which ho Illus-trated by telling fights during the war Louis Ilotha played earth deck gamps and also he wo

MONTUT Arnrsr is 1901

Cloudy and warmer today local rainstonight and tomorrow

VOL LX1XNO 352 NEW YORK MONDAY AUGUST 18 1002 CofyrlM IMS by Mr fir PfMtr 1 lUhto0 Alienation P1UCE TWO CENTS




The llnrrn mil Princes Victoria l o Clir-

Thrm Cordial WrlcomrllotMI-lraurd t Tlirlr llrrrption Visit W-MllrlerPoll leal Matt rn Not Illspuiifd-

Sftttal Cot Dnpalth to Tn SrilJNPox Aug 17 Oen Botha Delaroy

and Io Wet and Adjutant Ferrelra Ml-lndnn at 30 oclock thin morning tovllt IP King At TIIY wero recplvwl by l rd Kitchener on Admiraltyyacht Wlldllro

When tin royal yachtVictoria and Albert tlio King cnmo forward i tlio gangplank nnd shook handsgi nlilly lth each of fieneral HeUi n Introduced them to Queen Alexandraanti the Princes Victoria who also shookhaml with them Tho Queen and PrIncessdisplayed much Intercut In the Boer com-

maThe iemrals nfterwnrd returned with

1H Kitchener nnd Lord Hubert TimT niininanlcd them to Imiidiui-

HtT iry Brelmor made iho followingh 1pineiit ovonn After having

l vrr tilt to tho royal yacht thepm ras say thy wero awfully pleased

with tinjr reception by tin King and cnnnni-MY Tho talk purely

Tnal and no political matter wereiiru l Hie train was n Ilttlo late

mid IP interview wa very shortMr erreira onlnlaw of Uin Delarey-

nimngiv gave impressions of the visit1ie King to a Suv reporter who callediilni ill the hotel this evening Ho saidI accnmimnled tho General as a

niil Interpreter because I have beenuriro You eo exhibiting a pair of apl rpmly new kid glovm I bought theseIn 1itilnn in 1MW hut t never woro thornI as r nixlcd to handle u Mnu er rllle-KM id I left thn glovps In Pretoria and

Him gnawtvl this hole hut ld Majesty

Kerieira seeimd to regard thin as apNjd on the King Continuing Mr

wildall dresstxl In thin sober fashion

it which you sen me Tho Hoer Adjutantri n black morning wilt devoid of the

eat iprnhlflnc of color Tho King whenfie received hi visitor was dtessed In thefull uniform of Admiral of the Fleet MrKerfint went on to sny-

Tlw King recelvnd us alt with thn mostkindly courtesy hut the necessaryjiolitenps he did not evince that partic-ular which he n shown in us-

by more subject The inter-view was veiy brief partly liecause it wasnecessary for mo to tran lato each of thoreplle of lens Do Wit and Delarey asihey would not tnM thiinnlves to attempttheir expression In Fngllsh nod partlyalso they had not lunched alxiardtho yacht mId wero probably gettinghungry en Botha made hi own re-

plies In Lrgllsh fo his Majesty fipokemostly to hlmr

lIng oppressed at pcelnic-UN antI thiUlred a to our health All I cansay further U that there really wa notline during the to deviate

from the ordinary channels MaJestyhonk hand with mo in an affable mannerand inimircd if I had accompanied thefiiwrn In South Africa I was not preicntpil to llu Jii n hut the Princ of

Val and the Princjcs Victoria MaulclKike to me The latter was frankly curlon t omc of our war experiences

Ve went all plea l with thopleasant but wo exixrleneed-u certain natural crnbarrnwnicnt AH It IN

nit every day that ono inwtn a kingThe HT r inoraL t hem lves of heir

nwii Inclination and on the advlcn of Dele

Kit A I mm Klwhi en Immovable inMulr icfiiMit to make any jtatemcnt on anymutter-

KutnlH are iomltiR Into lli delegation In

rv wifacttry inannir Ono checkiwiived trdiy was for IM

The rennrnlft will probably go to theioi input on as they wish to atIMII Ill funeral of late comrade GenJjtrn M yer an It it known that Itwould h for them to ppcapo nninrinitii popular ovation at HriiHHiwinch vnud not look well at a funiTalr-

vmmi iiv thiy may not attend tIre servicesiiH at from states


rtii ih IIIA rHpivil n telegramIoin ln r husband announcing that ho willnrrivi there on Tuesday Do Wet

tVInifv Mrc the widow ofHie HUT commander received a telegram-

f ndi lnce from the Oeneral-

fii xtri mn cordiality Ixtwwnlttiort and the Doers was notoworthy-rlifv returned with him on his fpeclal trainDuring the journey the Commandorln-Hiif explained all thfl fiirroundingrt ofthe cuntrysidn Lord Kitchener on theother hand remained at Southampton aflor-Bftlrig hOFt at luncheon

hONtxjx AUK IS Interest in tho Hoec-

OeiicraN inoicaH rather than withtheir cciitinunl ileno Most of thin morninn papers devoto from flvn eol-

umn of hian to their arrivals nnd Incldentnof voyaRi from Cap Town illled out

lth hheor InventiotiH nucl IIB followingprinted account of their reception by thuKlni

Majixty Mike of the gallant andiiiaiuvr time ieneraln had fought

during tie unions campaign mindth bni id railoi nod klndnens with which

hal treated the Irill h i ldier indixllg mIme voundetl who came Into their

absolutely untrue statement Is awith which the

Par1 am trying to interpret time filencoof ilf lioprn-

Noliing hnj NHMI more remarkable Inpast day and a half than tho Htmliod-

voldaneii by thin DoeM and tho ofllclal-Kngiuii whom thy mot Including thoKing f the which U UppermostIn the iniiuli of all Thtro In

hown in thw moinlngA time tolo-Kraplic comment from Parin and limeHIKUO connliilni rejoicings at tim rofusil r tH HOKPH to attend naval rvw on Saturday callliiK It u wiufo tothe iiavrriiiiuMil

I m nvldent chat Christian Do WetIn1 uiont untMHidlriK of the trio HP-

ixiiinl in most energetic concurrence at-i IVlegutn Kioher wild when hii-

in almnrd the at Southampton-Silnrday A follow pa niiKer of tho

letiiraU on tilt stianifr ayn hen Ielan y-

MM mm H pular of tho threo duringvoyngi Ho played draughts A good

HurnMf ittr t nf Vflnll-ltanJanJeicowlicrc Sold by besl









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deal and was often tho wntro of an ad-miring group of offlwrrt while he deliveredlittle lecture on which ho Illus-trated by telling fights duringthe war Louis Ilotha played earth

deck gamps and alsohe wo not a approachable an Delarey-

On tutu other hand time constant aloofnew of Jen Do Wet camo to be relentedby a largo number of HritWi whowere passengers on the Saxon roat 6 In the morning took a solitaryturn time deck and then went to hisstateroom for tho ret of tIme day

only at meal times It Is known thatho was engaged In writing hook on tinwar A young clergyman name ofKartell who was his secretary and acoompooled him in nil his campaigns Is nowassisting him In this work Throughouttime war len Jo Wet kept a dally recordof his movements This diary Is nowelaborating Into a history of the war


1mlan Itulrr on III Way tn Inulanil-rrlKlitrnrd Trill Acniiw lime Ctiannel-

fifxelil CiMt ltiptth to Trot SUM

IXINDON Aug 17 Tho Shah of Persiaarrived nt Dover this morning and wasreceived by Irlnrv Arthur of Cotmaughtin Inhalf of tho King Ho will come toondon tomorrow morning as time guestof tlio King and will remain at MarlboroughHouse

This was tho first time ho ever venturedupon a chip When saw tho Channel

at and noticed that she did notstill tho Shah who has a horror

cif time water away and It woe sometlrno before ho could l o persuaded to gonlxjnnl He woro tho oldest and plainestflothcH he had as he believed that his goodones would surely bo by seawater

Ho was taken Into tho cabin which wasstrewn with cushions and lowers Coffee

fruit and confectionery were served and howas finally roaw ured He appeared toenjoy thu voyage

wrrvr An IIITTIIl-

lllplno llrvnltK In Iart anil l I c

In llRht mill fuuitaliulars-prttal TaWc HrtpcM to Tur Sf-

JlANIta Aug 17 Tho native crew of thecoasting vessel Doshermaiw mutinied in

the port of Vivac sonic time ago murdered

tho engineer three sailors anti woundedtime captain two anti n passengernil Spaniards grounded onAug J hut was floated off

The constabulary boarded her and fought

the mutineer Twontylivo of these were

captured and threw killed Klvo jumpedoverlioard and wore drownedHUeceeded In making their escape


SOW Says the Stories About Her theicrinan Crown Trlncf Are Ialir-

ftptlil Calif litipnoi la THE SUM

LONIKJN Aug 18Tho Dully Telegraph

this morning print a letter from Mlxs-

Olarty Deacon dated Hllllngton HallKing Iynn In regard to papera re-

production of the stories printed In thePark Ualin alxUt tho nllegeil love affair

between herself and tho Crown Prince of

lermany Mis Deacon w yn-

A tiles stories are abnolutely falseoblige mo by emphatically con-

tradicting them In your next Isou-

eroofl rwvrs ninris KILLED

Inmirirnti In SrHiiitn Houted and Tlirlr-

Lraclor llrtipailnla-

peeiil Cable nnp tlt l Tn SiK-

PFKIN Aug 17 An Imperial edict

Issued today states that time Imperialtroops routed tho Insurgentnt rong

Suchawan In the Szo

chuan on Aug 12 Theykliled morethan a

thouvmd of tho rel l

Tong Qu Hung tilt rebel leader wn



Iarli TftiHM Hoes ol Clve the Sourceof It Information

Spttial C it lf tli iif 10 rIms SUN

Aug 17 lip TVnipi saya It Is In

that in the rccint automobile acci-

dent near Jacy Mrs Charkn L Fairfirst

Tho which was found In tho auto-

mobile after tho accident contained 1081

francs and checks on the Batik of Brussels

representing I9 X


WM Seen Taking a Worshlpprr Purseand ArrrMril In the Calhrtlral

A man who said ho Philip Judd nnd

refused to tell where ho lived was arrestedIn St Patrick1 Cathedral yesterday after-

noon for stealing a pocketbook from Mary

McDonald a at IS Wo tstreet Tho arrest was inado-

alxUt 5 oclock after vespersMlsa McDonald was ono of

tho pews arid loft her onthe seat her Ono of sawJUdd M and time pocketbookTho usher called PolicemanHut stnet station and Juddwax before ho got out of church

When Judd at the stationtho police found on him three empty pocket

a Miialli i n ui niiiwi r

tho East t street pollen recentlythat pocketbooks have frontwomen In tho church


Hlpycle niiler Impaled on a Wa oni ShaftIn a New Ilochelle Park

lame Cotter a prominent builder of

City Island was reported to be dying In

time NeW Bochello last evening as-

n result of having impaled on Oio

haft of a wagon whllo coasting on his bl

porting down a steep hill In Neptune Parknt New and when way downthe Incline he ran Into a containingHarry Carson anti his brother and two

Carson tried to out of thy

bicyclists way hut tho rider lost nintrolor his a shaft p cd throughCotters body The Carson and thewomen went to Cotters asitancu and alltour had to lisa all their strength to releasehim Thoy bound up his wound mid hadhim sent to the in nn ambulance

Irs amId who attendedhint said that ho could not live

Young Hwlmmer sexes a Hoy

ATTIC Aug 17 MM Louise

Stlcfel of IM McClellan street Phlla-

lelphla saved Harry Hearn a tcnyearfrom the surf today She was

and saw him foil from i raft Intoho water He could swim nnd shy

went to renoue

New York Tod Chicago TnmorniwThe the biw bu lnei

r ln Only W Uuura to Cnicaito iH



ont rR

0 cock








hold of province of





bonk ladhave to


or wt



old boy









It sled









number macto


early time evening Cotter waim

young woolen Roelmelle

lmojii talEt b hilt I
















Fattier McKlnnon Prr lilrnt MeKlnlpHail Approtrd Itirn hattie ataiiiboinga tn Srtlle the Trouble With

the Moron Manila Strike rnd-SptcUl ClWi Dtiprttlt la Tiu

MANILA Aug 17Father apriest officially connected with time publicschool who came hero as Chaplain-of tho California Volunteers at the outbreakof the SpanishAmerican War his urgedtime authorities of the Philippine Churchto send 40 of the younger native priestto America for a years training In wml-iiarie in the United State

Father McKinnon says ho talked overthls whemo with the late PresidentMcKinley who approved It as It vasRoved that in thIs wny the Filipino clergy-men would Imbued with tho broadspirit of time American priesthood It isthought that tho money for carrying outthis plan can Ixj raised in America It iestimated that time semiimry etponfOHof each priest would lie nliout 150 a yearThe natives favor time scheme

ien Chnffeo hits arrived at Zjimhoangaand will probably a conference withthe Moro leaders The situa-tion In Mindanao Is serious PerMilng tho cummandHr of Camp Vicarshas made a recommendation that theBacolod forts lm asaulted nnd captured

Joy Ilandholt of tIme

has received the surrenders of the newofficials time followers nf

who was recently captured while organiz-ing a branch of Manila Headquarterwith tlio object of making trouble for the

Iluiidholtz thatortlcials In Tnyaba with two

ciptloni have now Hurrciuliiid-iov Taft Is cxMHtp l to arrive lien

next Thursday Manila nmkliiK greatpreparation to welcome him

The InUir agitator Idyoi who is chargedwith intimidating tho cigar manufacturersis a fugitive from justice The strikersMy they will rot urn to work If the police willprotect them The arrest of tho leadershas broken up I ho strike which lastedthree weeks

MAY HIOTS I tltAXCK TOltAYTroops heath to use the NIIIU Scliool In

on SaturdayHpetM CoW Dfiptteh la Tin SIN

PAHIH Aug 17 In ciinctuenc of timemorn hitter resistance to tho closing of thenuns schools In Brittany Deputy Ablif-layraud pppnklng on Saturday at St-

Meen anti Folgoet nnd nt Sonblgou nnd Ploulanlel on exhortedthe peasant to avoid TheGovernment decided to execute thedecrees against time sisters schools at Folgoet St Meen and Ploudanlel tomorrowmorning nnd troopn were being conccnt rated for that purpose at Sandeman today-

At Pontcroli on Saturday there somebloodshed The Inhabitant had rakedbarricades In the street leading to the con-vent These were thrown down by thotroops at 7 oclock yesterdayThe police commissary of Brestother officials than wont to the conventwhile the gendarmes pushed their horsesngflln the people-

In the fighting which ensued ono policeofficIal was knocked down nnd draggedalong tho ground for several yards untiltwo prlestH Interfered antI rescued himSeveral wonton were severely Injured during crushes TIme demons coaw-da the nurH departed from

At peaxnnu beat hacktilt gnndarmes and troops but eventuallythin soldiers broke down tie doors of thoconvent The pollen RUivrintendiiit told-I lie peasants tint if continued to Tictbarricades dynamite would Im used

EXClllSIOMSTfi Sriitcamer Maine Uneo Agrounil at Urrenport

and Honi rt to Newportono thousand excursionists left

yesterday morning on mi excursionhound for Newport 11 I by way of UIH

Island Ilnllroad to Oreenport andhenco by steamer Tho excursionistsenchwl Orcenport In tho morning antiplumed to pw York arriving shortlybefore oclock last evening without havingreached Newport

The steamer Maine which was to carryIho party from Oreenport to Newport-ran aground at dnenport Five tugs gotlines to her and pulled untilalmost Martvcl srieclal train withIho excursionist arrived arid All hurriedto dock from which coud seo thoMaine with her attendant fleet of tugs

The railroad officials announced that IfIho Maine wits floated by 5 oclock tho ex-cursion would to Newport amidthat If wasnt tho were

return to time station at that hour Timespread out over the town and spent

Iho afternoonHalf an hour after were landed hack

it Long Island City last evening the Maineas floated


Woman nun her by Illlrd With SineInK

A trolley car of thn Iirlmerbound from Coney Island to Jreenpolnt

carrying a singing crowd of homooore from tho seashore struck arid In

tantly killed Mrs Verde In fronther home at street last

lightMrs Verde early In tho evening went

tho street and sat on the stoop withShortly before 10

laughter came out on the of her homomd to her mother to return

Verde started to cress the street andlid not se time car which was comingrapidly Shn wa knocked

passed over her hotly anti she died

Thin accident caused a on thincrowded car Women fainted anti such acrowd gathered that reserves

Im sent from tho street stationn ambulance from tho Eastern

district Hospital attended several womenwhit

Woman Killed by hItlerDAYTON Ohio Aug 17 Mr Emma L

ichelble wife of Frank C Schelblo animurunct man hail got off A street

on North Main street abouto cross to tho sidewalk this afternoonrhcn a wheulman ran into her and knockedler down She died In a few minute

fho wheelman rodo away anti onn heroIIOWH who ho Is

Infumonln l r avrrtrd withJijynfi Kjixctornnl A l

The lrnn ylv nl Iritvr New YorkM lali arrive J4 A U Adi






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Travelrl I

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Feat raeltitaIr htnqhns













tabor Party There Keeping tilt WorkmenFrom Other Cltlis

NEW OntKA 8 Aug l7Tho HomoIibor Icaguo of Oalvcnton Tex hastermlnid to put up a dainty itet in

to tho DetmxTatlo tukot at thnthosupixirr of

tho various lalnir no doubtUpntiTlaliud to SUCCPH The HomeIjilxir I eaguo Is fighting to prevent limo

employment of army ialveston laborIn thu various works rendered necissary-in the Island city by tho destruction of ial-

vestoti two years ago Tho light lmnothing to do with unions but alms to pre-vent any brought into ialvestort by contraotors although tImer aKcnrcityof labor then and wages are highThe Southern Pacific Itailrond was pre-

vented from bringing its skillet clerksnnd unloider from New Orleans to handletho lines freight from New York A de-

termined effort is also being made to pre-

vent time employment of any hint CtalvcMonon sea wall to protect that town

from another flooding

IXXOCEXT IXIHAX HAliiReal Murderer Make a Dralhliril Con

rp lin Tlilrlecn Veari lnlerT-ACCIMA Wash 17 A diathbcd-

confif ion made proves thattho wrong man was hanged fur n murderon tho Iuialilla Indian Itiscrvation thir-teen years ago Pllyou a young Indianwas convicted and luingid for th murderof AgiiP TiHsint

Two weeks ago Victor Wllllains anIndian finding him olf dying oftion fonfifMMl to his wifoMrs and that Pilyoii was iniiiKpnt-Hi said h bird riot intendid killing herhut as she lund money and lived alone ho-

determined to rob her Whllo he was runKacUing her house madi an outcry and

iZd lilin Tlieriupon murdered herhiil kept his sicret thlrtern yearn

iiTirliig agonIes wiienevnr ho thought ofthe munlend wcmiin anti Iilvniwhom he nllowix b

11 iris siiuo FISH TiiFr sirA New and iiiciT fiil Way of Catch

PATCIIOOUE I I Aug 17Ther wereninny fish breakfasts along shoro thismorning Scores of JUh wero caught Inshallow water yesterday afternoon lictwppii-

tho All a person had to do was toknpo deep ntid shoo lucia to

the beach It is supposed that fishninetenths of which vtenkflnh weredriven Into the shallow water by a shark-

or n shoal of porpoisesTho fish wcro observed ns the title

turned ebb nnd ft number of fishermenput out In boats find mudo bmg catcheswith nets Tho fish refused to take a hookand rushed frantically al out In tIme water

A time tide was running out it left a biglake near Water Itland with snndbnrHnil about and In hundreds of the fishwere caught

noovoo n4s vmi WIWLARS-

Nrgro Thlncn In Prmacola Paid fliasApiece for Them

NEW OntKASS Aug 17 Tho Ponwiolnpolice who have finally run down thegang of negro burglars headed by onn-

Tnllxrt have discovered nn explanationof time extreme boldness of them thieveAll of them wcro provided with hrodoohag In which they greatest con-

fidence rendering them Invisible topolico and preventing their capture

Their long Immunity from nrrest con-

vinced them that hags assured absolutesafety They paid as much a S135 apiece

hoodoo bag which arm nothingmoro than pieces of cloth wrapped withstrings Dr fraves a negro who innsminnIe a small fortune by tho ale of thesebrtg to negroes g hig Into the burglaryand larceny huiliiss ha been arrested


On IIM Way to New York to Sail forHe lIt Australia

MoNTRfAL Quebec Aug Ibistoun former iovernur ieneral of Au-strallan Commonwealth arrived hero todayand loft tonight by a St Iwiwrenco analAdirondack train for New York whencehe will sail for homo on Iho TeutonicReferring to time report that he had resignedowing to time snmllnes of Ixird-Hox toun made llm following statement

I did not nlgn as been statedIn tho er I recnlleil bytime Imperial Oovemmont and I nm now

Linl lloixtoim decliiiPil to discuss time

reason that to hi recall Col Cnl l

who acontn l him owingto chee i arlng of I ho Aus-

tralian lovernineiil situation hudIxcomo impossible


Illgtlinoirn Shlpi to llo TIter Till

OloccEHTFlt Mass Aug 17 Nino shipsof tho North Atlantic squadron droppedanchor In Hockport linrbor at 430 oclockyesterday afternoon Tho arrival of thefleet was unexpected It is supposed thatit was a compliment front Secretary ofthe Navy Moody who used to representthis district In Congress The harlmr is

to the shore tho insidetho new breakwater averaging 41 feet

The In the harbor art time AlabamaKearsargo Olympia Massachusetts Brook-lyn and two mnall

A searchlight exhibition wns givenby tho fleet this Tho willstay hero until the 10th Admiralson I In command They conic Into thyharbor in double anchored inthat formation


Ptrham and the Two Now SayThry Illiltil

BENNINOTON Vt Aug 17Mr MarcusIloger Stolla Bates her sister anti Loon

Pcrlmm were nrrnlgneil before Just Ion

Shurtlefl nt 8 oclock lat evening on time

cliarg of hnving murdered Marcus Rogerslast Tuesday by administering chloroformto him Hoger gave way for

time since her arrest and began toall pleaded not guilty and were

remanded to Jail a next Thurs

Perlmm declared that hN con-

fession wa Cal anti hat not one of thethree knew anything nbout time murder

lloger Bales Insist tntthey wero not connected with tIme crime-

A anticipation ant atorn of m I My Line trip Muiic-

Thr 2th Ontnrr Mmltnl-U nt course the New York Centrals 30hour truln

york anti Chicago II s vci a




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lit llmiiRlit lit Could MpniigF It Alonelint M Fooled Him anti Drought

Ip nlmrt Agalntt a ItoaiMdPSuite In ComtiTiialliuNot tort

CHICAOO Aug 17 Duke Borisiadlmelrewitch of Hussia n much

wllderetl nobleman tonight when ho ntired to suite nt the Auditorium Hotelreviewing tho various experiences that had

up a Ulet Sundaydrive to MIl Cycln

flub soon after breakfast with two ex-

hibitions on thn way of fire companies in-

action luncheon nt the North Shore Clubnn automobile runaway in which hi High-ness was time sole participant a tripback to time city anti a dinner at tim ClilcnpoClub were some of things that nitridethin day far from uneventful

While hn was at the Saddle and CycleClub hn caught sight of an automobilebelonging to one of the member Theowner readily consented to allow time Duko-to take a spin anti ilespltn time rcmonslranies of the member of his partyBoris entered the automobile and spedswiftly down time roadway leaving behinda group of very apprehensiveofficials

When hi watt half a mile from thn club-house It became evident to tlmso thatnil was not going well with him Theautomobile was xigagglng ncrus tho roadIn alarming fashion and when thu Dukewas si n to turn wnvn a handkiichipf his siiiu hendid Huron-Sehllppcnbach and Prlnco Kngnlltihof-Tstarted on n run the road to hi as-sistance

The machine wn then entire ythe control of Iho royal cliaulTeur Itmounted nn nnlwitiknipnl nt the sidn of

road and collided forcibly with a treetrunk

Tlm Dukotv uuiijurrd when lit alightedand calmed thn fiars of the immlMrs oflilnrty nsthey arrived panting for breath


A illmore tITers rMMIOilells lajorll Is IIIOOIHI

The llmi Normiui K Miuk of BuffaloNational Commit Iceman for

thn State tho friend of the Hon WilliamJennlnc Bryan the hiilfmllllonalro Deino-crntlc national antagonist of cnpltnl

HofTnmn llouw last night HP is onway to Saratoga when Democratic

State Committie rncii on Saturday MrMack met nt dinrer the Edwardvillo lllmon thin of Crokir-Scannnll lull Plait H wvlt Odll-I w Lillian Huswll IlhncliP Rites Alonm-B Cornell lohn F Carroll and Andy Fncdman antI Mr flllmnni said to Mr Maik-

B t you JlOOdO that Ouch carries theState next fall by 75000 mnjority

JSOno that Odell will carry the Stateicofixl majority

Nothln doln yet repented Mr Mack


Lawyer Who lilt liolile lla llpllnlnnsManila aunt Pa ilon fur llrleallrae-

Wlnflild Johns Taylor the Newark lawyprwho was amsted nt time Pennsylvaniaflailrond station in Jerwy fily Saturdaynight after causing A sensation on n NowYork SuMUehaiiiia nnd Wehterntrain nt Sparta N J by slashing Harry

straw hat with n swnrd nine was-

examliiKl by Dr Joseph M JerseyCity yestenlay morning nfler he imam be ii

twelve hours In a cell nt thu city prisonHP had raved mill night

Dr Itector said that the lawyer was m-idoubddly Insane and nei mm to bo siiffpr

Ho ordersTaylor to City Hospital

man who ijavn his nnimfrom whom menu a room at 10 Ful-

ton street Newark calhvl at Ireeorystreet stationthat tIme lawyer started nn his vacationseveral days ago He snid that TaylorIs at tlio f the Prudentialsuranci Commny law devirtment inNewark

Kclmltz toM Im that thea crank n the subject of collecting

Jewelry nnd mind a rw mcurli


nil Thru the Whole ConchlncClub HcMiird Miileriine

The William McKinley Coaching Clubof Brooklyn went on a trip to Staten Isl-

and yesterday Tho naomi for whomclub 1 named Is a Brooklyn jiolltlcian-Klght tallyhos carried time jiirty nnd In

returning last night cue of tlipm havingliorw reached tim fery nt St ieorge

Him l foro othersThe occumnt of tIm conch went out

on the dock ldi tin ferry vtid-injoyiil thi cooling B ty lreezfn while wait-

Ing for otherJohn Muleromi of 3ir Baltic t ret Brook-

lyn went to on thn stringpicco andoverboard limo other cuiichc hind

arrived time anti when the ofmutant board was heard Mr

and several other jumped In nnd grablnd-Mtilcrnne

Tho rest of the club pulled both menout of time water sos

an abrasion of tlio forehead wnuninjured


One at Kach Inil of n street Car Makrj aand liiinin

Two miii got on a Third avenue car at181st street last night Ono nifm stoodnear tho rear door and tho other walkedto the front of thin car Simultaneouslyeach grabbed for a watch and then jumpedoff the car

Detective Beitch who was on tho carchased them One of the men ran Into tlm-

urms of n and thn other woerauuht by Iteitcli Thy wero token totime tuition where thoy said theywere Ail ert Peter of M est Thirtyeighth si rout and John Mahon of 210Twentyfirst street NeIther got a watch


llijrctrd to Leadline lu le for TrainedMnnkr lniplopr llaniinrr trln Sa

Strettl who ha been lender oforchestra nt ParaJio Car

ii n hn given up his job Oscar llainiiipr-leln said lust night that Stretli got out

lievnu1 lie wns jealous f Creatorn thnlender of tho llammprsteiti-lino said that Stnttl to hnvirmhis orchestra play music for n tmupn oftrained monkey

halest Mtrlnp IntelligenceArrivM M SV York riartf tnn Aur 1-

1olnrartn anl upturnty tlm Colorado Spin vin Clilcwisn M-

UaJly Lnw cirurnlon ratrH every day vii CHIctta-tiorlliWcitrrn Lnlon IIIS M-

i 7 481 Uir






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And a MS llox of tlnars Thrown lnWnf rHate War

HovsTox Tox Aug 17 Five hundredtickets were sold to Chicago yesterdayafternoon at startling prices OH thin resultof a war of ticket brokers the outgrowth-of tho fight of time Missouri Kansas andTexas tho International Great North-

ern tho Cotton Belt mud Santa F forNorthern passenger business limo lowestrate before yesterday was IS for tho round-

trip Ono broker cut it to 1 Anotherbroker at ouco cut it to SI Yet anotherannounced houston to Chicago 30 centsHouston to St Louis 20 cents Houstonto Kntuww City 10 cents Another met thecut and offered a fivedollar box of cigarswith each ticket

MOTOll CYCLE EXIIMStOXThe nidrr a Newark Jrwrllrr Probably

Fatally Iiijurrd at Coney InlandHarry Wolff 27 years old a Jeweller

living at Halsey and Court streets New-ark was pacing about twenty mombers ofthn Newark Bicycle Club on a run fromNewark to Island yesterday after-noon when gasolene motor cycle blow-

up Time accident happened on tho ConeyIsland cycle near Avenue U

Wolff was carrying thn riders along nta rapid rate when tho machine exploitedwith great force Thowrecked and rider was thrown ft con-

siderable distance Hn was picked up un-

conseiou Buffering from concussion oftilt bruin anti all ovor bodyHo was taken to tho Kings County Hos-pital when It wn wild last hnwill probably lie


Man failing Swung Line So Thatthe Lead Struck Voting irunnald-

Thirteenyearold lustavo OrunwnldJr of 331 Central Park Wiwt while flshlngwith hue father anti brother George yester-day at 175th street and time Hudson Blver

accidentally struck on time head by atlshUtie hiker and almost Instantly killed

Tlio father and two sons wore sitting ontime pier with several others when ono oflimo men started to cast hU lino A theman his rod a whirl in tIme air thesInker struck irunwald behind tho left ear

The boy fell over on tho dock unconsciousdying In a for minutes Irunwald1father nnd brother wiro no excited thatthey paid no attention to tho man whocaused the accident mind ho went


The Tiid of n Saturday Mght Spree atNarraKuimtt Iler

NAnitAOANSKTT PiFn Aug 17 PrlvntoTracy nnd Prlvnto Kdwnnl lemon fromFort Ciivblo visited tlio Pier on Saturdaynight and went on a spiw They marrelied with Philip McCrea and a man namedMcNulty and began hhooting Officerp

Joseph Westlako end John Wright orderedthrn to filed it Wright

bullet grazed the ofllcer templeTakingleft side Wright then ritflird nt Tracywith anti broke hN and noseBoth soldier were taken to Kingston andlodged in jail Westlakns wound is ser-ious


Sunday Vlsllon to Ocean City Slit Prob-ably Urownol

OcEAN CITY Md Aug 17 Two men aremissing anti both arm supposed to havobeen drowned while bathing In tho surfthis afternoon Ono of thoso for whomthe lift guard ore looking is George Millera machinist of Baltimore thin other U BoyTruitt of Laurel Del

A man out hi depths went downtoday calling for help of

went to thn rescue hut thoman sank and was seen no morn

Miller one of an excursion partywho went into thn surf Ills nmstill In timid his wIfe feelssatisfied that hn drownpil


llroohdalr Patients lirl the Lnolilngfilasj-Trraliiiint hector DUipprirnB-

itouRDAtR N J Aug 17 Tho Brookdale not looking for nn alleged doc-tor mado much money hero ro-

cently In Uniting sick people by aid of amirror Ho disappeared with siveral-hundred dollar received front cruduloimpatients He called at ono house whenan man wa sick and performed witha cheap humid mirror about the sick man

caller gave what ho calledfront views side views nnd angle view

No wa prencribed html

patient paid a fen Nowho has been humbugged

rXTIED HfMAXIMlEht or Iranli helms a Conncellcut

ContortionistTIIOMAHTOX Coon Aug 17FrankK-

elcoy an acrobat and contortionist whowa hero on a visit from Oxford Conn-ilid somn stunt on thn railroad stationplatform while waiting for n train severalnight Hn locked his legs behind hisneck and walked Iho length of the platformon his hand When ho to un-twist hlniMlf ho couldnt do Itand turn hn would it wa impossiblefor him to get hi feet free a quarterof ar hour struggled and then tocall for th aid of some bystanders Ho-wa munich exhausted when tho show wasover


Attended Church With the IrrslilcnlSajs-Mr Jlelilnlcy I lining

OYStER BAY Aug 17 Dr P M Illxey-SurgeonGeneral of Navy and

hnvn been time Presidents guestsat Sagamore Hill today They attendedChrist Church with the President tumid hifamily

Dr saul limit he had heard fromMrs Mclvlnlny within a day or two andhail biin n that shin In fairly

health for her Hn will return toWashington tomorrow morning-

lohn Latnbrrt III In OrmrrD-

rssVKtt Col Aug 17 bun Ijimlx rtif Harrl V Co is siriotlsly III athe Denver Mr I imliert becnmo

soon after arrival from ChicagoNo one allowed lo sen him-

oday and all culler were that hiItHtor cominaiidid

llcalrr Warn llardlonl ContiinirM-

Somn of coal dealer m IIu loin andrim Bronx rpiUislid ownir of

nnd it her large roninner of coal to their anthracite with

until end if winter acannot guarantee moro than half

usual supply







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Warlike Sajs llfll Work UN Plant hi Suiteof the Strikers antI the ShrrllT In

Surf lie cant Kcrp tIle Peace iuaril-mm at Mirnandoili Heady to Moc-

Wn KRBABnn IA Aug l7Tho fitteenth week of tIme coal strike oi en withtime probability that troop will bo calledto to prevent Interference withtho workers at tho Warnko whichwas stopped by rioters on ThursdaySheriff Jacobs ho expects that time

situation will bo beyond bin controlthat If WornVo wants troops ho willfor them Warnko most decidedlythat ho will ask for troops that he askedfor them last Thursday and that theyshould bo there now Ho will according-to present plans start work on Tuesday

An effort U to bo made toBurlington and Chief nf Pollen Ooserovoremoved front office on limo charges thatthey favor tho strikers and that hadno to arrest thn Coal unit Iron police-men commissioned by thn ov rnoriu discharge f their legal duties Mr

s lawyers nro making arranjor-norsu to

Tho leaders of tho strike are holdingmooting and warning the strikers toaway from tho watherv antI enco corninlttees havo been for tho Minn

but thiro is no notlceablo changetime Mtitlmint of crowds They

are determined to stop work at thoIf it Is stntted

Much speculation l the departurn President Mitolipll at thin junct-ure It being admitted that it Is aperiod In the strikn and that If over his pres-ence was neednd to maintain ordernow The beliovetlmt hoavoiding tho responsibility of what tony

and strikersnot In check If the wnshcry at Duryo-arium s work

SitKtAtDOAii Pa Aug officers-of time Twplfih Uiniincnt have Uen

to keep clo e to HH It i cernow they will bo ordered to

Scranton district at thn next clga of dipturbancn It I undoiKtood that eithertho Ninth Keglment of WilkeUarro orthn of Scrnnton will biicceedtho Twelfth nt Shrnamloal-


Lieut Owrn InvcMtlRalhiR In the 11Jutted Alavkan Territory

TACXJMA Wash Mug 17Skagwayadvices hay thn question of tho destruc-tion of nn old Husslan monument hi thodisputed territory between Alaska n idBritish Yukon been willed S Wellman a merchant of Haliien arrived atSkagway with time news limit Lieut Owenshad found two monument hi perfect re

rind deflrllcly loitinl thn whena third ono had been destroyd Onoofthin monument Is nliout tenmattes nbovo Hainy Hollow fifty mIlesfront time const Owetm now ex-amining other parts of boundary andwill secure the statement

Tho monument was levelledtn ground Time destruction had evi-dently wrought wit hlri n few months

Lieut Owens nlsu found nn old Btormhouse on thin summit This wan calledBoundary houwn when Husslans occu

tIme buildingurn falling down but thorn I every indi-cation of occupation at onnestablishes doubt that thedane did occupy now dis-

puted and boundary linn accordingto treaty I assortthat it


hail Told by a llnctor Thief He Wouldllecnme ItiianrP-

ATKBSON Aug 17 David T illmnreformer Mayor of Paterson In a fit of do-

spondcncy ended his life this morning ntIlls home A pistol slat aroused hisfunnily at Hw oclock and his sonfound him lying on floor in his nigclothe with n revolver In his hand bface covered with blood The Inillnt Irid-

H netratid tho right eye and gono throughthe brain Death wns Instantaneous

Ill health Is believed to havn Iiein thocause of the tragedy Mr iilrnorn hadconsulted sp iaUts during theone of told him that hn was a victimof BricM discasn and that hn would

UHO tinuse of his limb and IxconmInsane

An hour before thn nhnotlng Mrmon s Kim tnrt him at tin bathroom dooranti complained of bing ill

Im sorry you Brt my son thefather nnd then ntlnil tj

roomMr lllmoro was In goisl fmnnclal rIr-

cuinstntici He wits n liirgn real pftsnowner and did a profitable life lnsurnnr-businexN lie was m yrars old Hisjwifoand five sonic survive him


Made lit linnl Ironi Ililludilpliln and Isrxprclrd lo Show IH m Trial

The now battleship MaKe arrived nt thenavy yard In Brooklyn yesterday mornInr Sho left llm Crnmps1 shipyard InPhiladelphia on Friday afternoon arrivingoff Tompklnsvilln on Saturday night RhoIs now lying at Cob Dock Near her

oldfashioned Hartford The hulldpr-aro pitp l on board tho Maine by JHenry Mull

I commanded by Cnpt II D Book-

man Sine n mmed of IB on erfront The slilpli jiiden-

am sangiilno that shn will rnorn thanIH knoton trial which to

near BO IMII nn ThursdayIn placed in dry dcck even

Inn All nrrnngemoni nro In charge ofNnvnl Pnwell who acixm-nanlcd Hie ves l Philadelphiafront

TIm navy tuulKint Narkeeta willfor Ilixtnii today Sin1 is to bo tho

stake boat nt


Only tile Other In Captltlt Corn I SushiStnrflnc lt rir

only muk ox in captivity In thiscountry ilid yiMenlay at the New York

lOloglal innlnn Th ox was a tenon

and priwnntMl to thn gardens by Wi-

lliam C Whitney on March 2 last Thoonly othnr musk ox In captivity Is at Ham-burg icrtminy

The ox which died yesterday was cnplured at licat llnar Llkn oil thn ArcticIiicln A few day agi thn niiiiial showinlsymptoms of Illness and dc-Tplowi Kpppir MiKbiy and l r Blairthn veterinary at th gardens kept dowatch on IIIT were l i sivn her

Th animal at th Parkalso to IIHI a coral spirn monthsold and i f t long which ItwIf-In death It nfu e in eat tl lizards providid for it and has lust five poundmany month

Tin sank li of iho South Americansmclps diid Is virv vcnomou

The llflnill unit ihlragn lmltdj-fuiid Central StAtton m ntv1nfi-

fo 9 ncu dst Twfntv r traIn via








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