Presentation at he Consultation Meeting with African Parliamentarians on ICPD and MDGs: beyond 2014 and post 2015 Kigali, 27 September 2012 Richmond Tiemoko, PhD. Regional Advisor on Population and Development, UNFPA Africa Regional Office

ICPD Beyond 2014 process in Africa: Where are we?

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ICPD Beyond 2014 process in Africa: Where are we?. Presentation at he Consultation Meeting with African Parliamentarians on ICPD and MDGs: beyond 2014 and post 2015 Kigali, 27 September 2012 Richmond Tiemoko, PhD. Regional Advisor on Population and Development, UNFPA Africa Regional Office. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: ICPD Beyond 2014 process in Africa: Where are we?

Presentation at he Consultation Meeting with African Parliamentarians on ICPD and MDGs:

beyond 2014 and post 2015 Kigali, 27 September 2012

Richmond Tiemoko, PhD. Regional Advisor on Population and Development,

UNFPA Africa Regional Office

Page 2: ICPD Beyond 2014 process in Africa: Where are we?

General Assembly Resolution 65/234 on the follow-up to the ICPD beyond 2014 mandates UNFPA, in cooperation with all relevant organizations of the UN system and other relevant international organizations, as well as institutions and experts, to “undertake an operational review of the implementation of the Programme of Action (PoA) on the basis of the highest-quality data and analysis of the state of population and development, taking into account the need for a systematic, comprehensive and integrated approach to population and development issues”.

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Pointers◦ Maternal Health

◦ Gender equity

◦ Sexual Health and Reproductive Health

◦ Population and Development

◦ Population data

◦ Youth

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Status of the Global Survey

Objectives of the GS:

1. Produce the most authoritative account of the state of population and development in 2014,

2. Discuss and monitor implementation of population and development policies and programmes beyond 2014, with an updated agenda

3. Integrate population and development into the UN development agenda beyond 2015, in a post-MDG framework;

4. Expand the ICPD community, including reaching out to young people, and demonstrating the relevance of the agenda to the wider global society

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Inclusive Social


Inclusive economic Developm


Peace & security

Sustainable use of natural resources (climate, oceans,

forests, biodiversity) and management of

waste Managing disaster risk and

improving disaster response

Enablers: Democratic & coherent global

governance mechanisms Good

governance practices based on the rule of

law Conflict prevention and mediation Human

rights protection Women’s


Fair and stable global trading system

Adequate financing for development and

stable financial system Affordable access to

technology and knowledge Providing

sustainable energy for all Coherent

macroeconomic and development policies supportive of inclusive

and green growth

EnablerSustainable food and

nutrition security Universal access to quality health care Universal access to quality education

Inclusive social protection systems Managing

demographic dynamics Fair rules to manage


Human rights,

Equality, sustainabili


Human rights,

Equality, sustainabili


Page 6: ICPD Beyond 2014 process in Africa: Where are we?

Brief on the Technical tools:I. Global questionnaire

To be filled by member states through a national consultative process. It consists of 8 sections that cover all thematic areas mentioned in the ICPD PoA. In each thematic area the questions focus on:

 1. National policies programs and strategies2. Institutional entities established to address the issues3. ICPD issues regarding the national context during the last 5 years4. Areas of progress, key achievements, facilitators and barriers in addressing the

issues 5. Most relevant issues and priorities for public policy for the next 5 years6. Research and studies undertaken during the last 5 years7. Resources allocated for research and capacity development8. The extent to which research results has informed decisions on resource allocation9. Partnership with civil society organizations10. Existence of policies or strategies that promote IEC11. Engagement of government in international cooperation for financial and technical


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II. Country Implementation Profiles (CIP)A list of process and impact quantitative indicators to be compiled from authoritative sources.

III. A series of thematic and in-depth studies◦ Thematic reviews◦ Good practices and lessons learned;◦ Country case studies to identify operational

barriers and success factors.

IV. Country Reports (Africa)

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Engagement of stakeholders at various levels:

1. NGOs at all levels have been instrumental in shaping the ICPD agenda and implementing the program of action.

2.Youth. Inclusion of youth in all ICPD beyond 2014 activities

3.Parliamentarians. Engagement of the Forum of African and Arab Parliamentarians on Population and development. In 2014, an International Global Parliamentarians’ Conference will be held following the 47th Session of CPD.

4.UN country Teams. The leadership of the UNDP and UNFPA have encouraged the UN Resident Coordinators to work with the UN Country Teams to promote and support the ICPD Beyond 2014 Process

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Distribution and Follow up of the GS Technical Tools in Africa

1. Letters, questionnaires and other related documents have been officially sent to all 54 African member states; both to the Ministers (by e-mail, diplomatic pouch as well as fax) and to the Technical persons by e-mail and fax.

2. ECA is using telephone and emails to ensure that countries have received the questionnaires and that they started the process.

3. UNFPA country offices are providing technical and financial support to countries and are following up the process in the field.

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1.All countries have received the letters and technical tools

2.Countries have started the administrative arrangements for managing the process

a. Identified national agency for coordinating the processb. Identified national consultant, c. Organized National Consultation Workshops

3.UNFPA country office have designated focal persons to provide technical support

4.Constraints and include:a. Short time for completing the processb. Difficulties in assigning questionnaire to relevant agenciesc. Engagement of CSOd. Linkage to UNCT – National priorities

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1. Regional consultations

a. Involvement of CSOs and NGOsb. Youthc. Development partnersd. Parliamentarianse. Experts opinion (Monkey Survey)

2. Thematic studies and in-depth reports (deleted from the MoU)

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July 2011 Consultation with Stakeholder s in Johannesburg

Feb- July 2012 Design/validate & Translate global survey instruments: CIP/questionnaires

March 2012 Consultation and Capacity building on youth serving organization

August- October 2012

National stakeholder meetings to complete questionnaire

November National report

September 2013 Regional conference

Inter-governmental Meetings

March/April 2014 47th Session of CPD Side Events

April/May 2014 International Parliamentarians Conference

September 2014 69th GA special session on review of ICPD PoA

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How to make the process more inclusive? How to better engage African


More info: www.icpdbeyond2014.org

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Acknowledgement: Some of the slides were prepared by ECA for the meeting of technical committee.

Thank You