Iconography and Retrospect OfSri Jagannath PRABHU

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  • 8/13/2019 Iconography and Retrospect OfSri Jagannath PRABHU


  • 8/13/2019 Iconography and Retrospect OfSri Jagannath PRABHU


  • 8/13/2019 Iconography and Retrospect OfSri Jagannath PRABHU



    Orissa Review July - 2008

    Yagnya Purush was Laxmi. (Sri - consort of

    Vishnu and the daughter of the Ocean) The

    Yagnya-sthala (Brahma-bana) was the place of

    union of Vishnu and Laxmi as husband and wife.More-ever the Yagnya-Jupa has been considered

    as Sri Sudarshan subsequently. The thirty two-

    petalled-lotus drawn on the Vedi, the' Chakrabja

    Mandal,' on which the Yagnya was performed

    has been later designated as Yagnya-Narasimha

    and His basic upasana was made under

    'Mantraraja' mantra.3

    Hence Sridevi, Bhudevi (Biswadhatri) and

    Madhab are the three initial deities of Srikhetra,

    at present seen in small figures, on the Ratnavedi

    /Antarvedi / Mahavedi within Srimandir.

    Development of Worship of Madhab,

    Narasimha and Nilamadhab in Srikhetra -

    Mahabharat puts forth -

    'Maunadhyanascha yogascha biddhi bharat

    Madhabh' (5-10-4). On account of His silence

    (mouna), prayer (dhyna) and yoga, He is the

    epithet of Madhab. Out of main 24 Avatars of

    Vishnu - Keshab, Narayan and Madhab sprang

    from Para-Vasudev, the supreme Brahman, who

    has neither beginning nor end. Chaturbhuja

    Madhab is Chakra-Sankha- Padma-Gada-Dhari.

    In Orissa, the following Mangalastak of Madhab

    is chanted in all auspicious occasions and before

    initiation of any good work

    'Madhabo Madhabo Vishnuh

    Madhabo Madhabo Harih /

    Smaranti Sadhabo Nityam

    Sarbakaryeshu Madhabam' //

    Madhab is Laxmikanta, Sarba-Subha-

    Phal-Pradayak, so His name is uttered five timesbefore taking up any work. Maa is Laxmi, Sarba-

    Subha-Phal-Pradayini; She is Khirabdhi-tanaya,

    Lokamata and Ramaa, Agra-pujya in all spheres.

    In course of time the idol worship of the

    primitive Sabars entered into the Vedic Culture

    and the worship of Madhab was initiated in a joint

    venture. The shrine of Nilamadhab at Puri appears

    to have its origin during the rule of the Sailodbhaba

    kings of Kalinga, the then Kangoda. The copperplate grant of Madhabaraja of Sailodbhaba

    dynasty is the first reference of Madhab worship

    in Kalinga - Prabratta-Chakra-Chakradhar

    eba Bhagaban, Madhab Raja Kushali. The

    Madhabaraja and Madhaba Barman designated

    Sailodbhaba kings, as it appeared from their

    names, were tribals, they lived on the 'Saila' or

    mountains, their ancestors were Sabars or their

    synonyms. During their reign, the Sabar chieftain

    Biswabasu must have been entrusted with the

    Sevapuja of Nilamadhab. Vidyapati, the

    messenger of Maharaja Indradyumna, after his

    arrival at Nilasaila, has seen this Nilamadhab as

    described in Skanda Puran.

    In Skanda Puran, after his return from

    Nilasaila, Vidyapati narrates to Indradyumna -

    "On the top of Nilagiri there is a perennial Bata

    Brikhya, towards its west there is Rohini Kunda

    and there is a Sphatik-manimaya Vedi around it.

    Gada-Padma-Sankha-Chakradhari, sapphire

    colored, Indra-nila-manimaya, Nilamadhab, isseated on a golden lotus, on this Vedi, under the

    cooling shade of the Banyan tree, His lotus-like

    hands embrace Laxmi, who is seating on His left

    thigh and playing flute, Ananta Nag in backside

    covers Him in shape of an umbrella. Sudarshan is

    seen in front of Him and Garuda is seated with

    folded hands just in the front side."

    This image of Nilamadhab and the Rohini

    Kunda are stated to have vanished (buried under

    the sands) due to a severe cyclone, in betweenthe periods when Vidyapati saw Nilamadhab and

    Indradyumna arrived the holy place. However,

    Sri Narasimha, enshrined on the Nilasaila under

    an 'Aguru' tree, was all along present before and

    after the disappearance of Nilamadhab.

  • 8/13/2019 Iconography and Retrospect OfSri Jagannath PRABHU



    Orissa Review July - 2008

    Initiation of Purusottam Upasana

    At this juncture Acharya Sankar arrived at

    Srikhetra; his mission was to revive the Vedic

    system of worship of all the Indian Gods andGoddesses and to eliminate the Buddhist influence

    on Hindu rituals. Acharya Sankar, the founder

    Acharya of Purusottam Tatwa, during 9th century,

    in his Gita Vasyajustified that the Nilamadhab

    worshipped in Sri Khetra was Gita's Purusottam.

    - 'Atoasmi loke Bede cha prath itah

    Purusottamah'. In this process, he revived the

    cult of Purusottam in the holy land of Srikhetra,

    consequent upon construction of a new temple

    and consecration of blue-stone-made

    Parameswar therein, during the reign of Jajati

    Keshari. However there was no basic difference

    in the iconographic features between Nilamadhab,

    vanished earlier and Purusottam worshipped later


    Sri Narasimha Upasana by king

    lndradyumna, Construction of Daru-Devatas

    Maharaja Indradyumna along with Narada

    reached Srikhetra but could not get the darshan

    of Sri Nilamadhab and became very muchworried. In absence of Nilamadhab, he could get

    the darshan of Sri Narasimha under the 'Aguru

    tree, as per advice of Narada worshipped Him

    and obtained His blessings, conducted

    Ashwamedha Yagnya, found the Aporusheya

    Daru in the nearby sea-shore and three images of

    Narayana, Laxmi and Ananta within it, arranged

    their construction in Adapa Mandap (present

    Gundicha Temple). But there was a prolonged

    delay in their consecration and in shifting them to

    present Srimandir.

    End of worship of one God and the initiation

    of the Hindu Triad

    The Brahmin culture in the then Kalinga

    accepted the worship of 'Jugal-murti' and 'many

    images' in their temples, based on the Buddhist

    influences. The upasana of Laxmi-Narasimha,

    Durga-Madhab and Siva-Parbati were its specific

    examples. Acharya Sankar was worshippingPurusottam as 'Siva' during 9th century, but

    Acharya Ramanuj started describing Subhadra

    and Jagannath as Laxmi-Narayan during 12th

    century. The present Srimandir has been

    constructed in between the period of both the

    Acharyas. Sri Purusottam (combination of

    Balabhadra, Subhadra and Jagannath) in course

    of time has been separated into three icons, such

    as Sri Balabhadra, Sri Subhadra and Sri

    Jagannath and they are being worshipped under

    different mantras. Based on Buddhist influenceSri Jagannath and Sri Subhadra are considered

    as brother and sister.

    God has created the world; He sustains it;

    destroys it and then regenerates it again. This basic

    interpretation generated the synthesis of the Triad

    - Brahma; Vishnu and Maheswar - the creator;

    the preserver and the destroyer. Brahma is the

    prime member of the Hindu Triad; He was born

    from the lotus that appeared on Vishnu's navel.

    He is known as Prajapati; master of the populace.His four heads represent the four Vedas. Swan is

    his vehicle. Vishnu is the most popular God of

    the Hindu Triad. He has got one thousand names;

    ten incarnations. Garud; the king of the birds, is

    His Vahana. Most powerful, Maheswar is the

    destroyer so also the reproducer; He is Sivalinga;

    He has hundreds of names; His mode of transport

    is a bull -Nandi.

    In Hinduism the wives of the Triad are also

    revered more. Saraswati is the Goddess ofLearning; we always seek Her blessings; She is

    'Buddhiprada Sarada'. Just like Brahma; swan is

    Her vehicle. Laxmi is the Goddess of good fortune;

    wealth and prosperity. She sits on a lotus and

    owl is Her vahana. Parvati is sometimes benevolent

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