CALL FOR PAPERS & PARTICIPATION ICoAC 2012 International Conference on Advanced Computing Department of Computer T echnology , Anna University, MIT Campus Chennai. December 13 – 15, 2012 E-mail: [email protected]  Ph: 91-44-22516231, 22516232 ICoAC 2012 (Fourt h Internatio nal Conference on Advanced Comput ing) seeks to bring toget her int ernational researchers, industrial experts and academ ics to present papers and generate discussions on current research and developm ent in latest t rends in Compu ter Science and allied areas. The conference will featur e peer-reviewed t echnical paper presentation, t utor ial and simulating keynot e and plenary talks. The conference venu e is located at th e M adras Ins titut e of Technology campus of Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. This conf erence is technically & financially co-sponsored by IEEE M adras S ection. Theme of t he conference is “ Ubiquitous Computing. PROGRAM COM M I T TE E PATRON Dr. M annar J awah ar. P Vice Chancellor Anna University CHAIRM AN Dr. Shanmugavel. S Registrar, Anna University GENERAL CHAIR  Dr. Tham arai Selvi . S Dean, MIT Campus, Anna University HONORARY CHAIR  Dr. Rajkumar Buyya University of M elbourne, Australia. CONVENER Dr. Jayas hree .P  HOD i/c, Dept . of C.T., Anna University M IT Campus, Chennai. For more details visit http://www.annauniv.edu/dct/ct.html  IM PORTANT DATES Abstract Subm ission : 13 th August 2012 Paper Subm iss ion : 30 th August 2012 Notification of Acceptan ce : 31 st October 2012 Camera Ready Copy : 15 th November 2012 Early bird Conference Registration : 30 th November 2012 Early Bird Tutorial Registration : 30 th November 2012 ICoAC 201 2 w ill include the fo llowing typ es of sessions Keynote / Invited Lectures, Tut orial Sess ions, Regular Oral Paper Sessions and Industrial Presentations Topics of Interest include but not limited to th e following  Ad hoc & Sensor Netw orks  Netw ork S ecurity and Management  Agent Based System s  Neural Networks  Autonomous Computing  Parallel Computing  Body Area Networ k  Pattern Recognition  Cloud Comput ing  Pervasive Computing  Cluster Comput ing  Power Aware Com puting  Compiler Optimizations  Semantic W eb  Data M ining  Service Oriented Architecture  Digital Image Compu ting  Soft Comp uting  Distributed Databases  Softw are Architecture  E-Learning  Social Computing  E-Commerce and E-Governance  Storage M anagement  Green IT  Theoretical Com puter Science  Grid C om puting  Ubiquitous Computing  Image Process ing  Virtualization  Intelligent Agents  Web Intelligence  Knowledge M anagement Subm issi on D eta ils The abstract maximum of 300 words can be submitted through the email [email protected] / [email protected] on or before 13 th August 2012.The selected papers will be intimated by mail on 22 nd August 2012.The full paper submission should be done on or before 30 th August 2012. Submitted papers must be original and unpublished. The submission details will be intimated through conference website.   M achine Learning  M obile Computing  Multi core Architecture  Multimedia Streaming  Natur al Language Process ing Indian Delegate s Foreign Delegate s Student s Academ ic Staff  Indu stri al Staff Student s Academ ic Staff  Industrial Staff Tutorial Rs. 1000/- Rs. 2000/- Rs. 3000/- $ 50/ - $ 100/- $ 300/- Conference R s. 2000/ - Rs. 4000/- Rs. 5000/- $ 200/ - $ 500/- $ 600/- Tutorial + Conference R s. 2500/ - Rs. 5000/- Rs. 7000/- $ 225/ - $ 550/- $ 850/- M ode of Payment All payments are to be made by Demand Draft/ Bankers C heque draw n in f avor of “ The Director, CPDE” payable at Chennai. Payments from abroad can be m ade by Bank Transfer. Particulars for bank t ransfer are as follows: Bank : Indian Bank, Radha Nagar, Chrom pet S wift Code : idibinbbmas Account Name & No. : IC oAC& 968081377 Benefic iary : M IT, Chrompet  For Further Details Convener, ICoAC 2012, Department of Computer Technology, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chrompet, Chennai – 600 044, Tamilnadu, India. Phone: 91-044-22516231, 22516232 E-mail: [email protected]  IM PORTANT DATES 


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ICoAC 2012 

International Conference on Advanced Computing

Department of Computer Technology, Anna University, MIT Campus Chennai.

December 13 – 15, 2012 

mail : i coac@annaun iv.edu 

h: 91-44-22516231, 22516232

ICoAC 2012 (Four t h In te rna t io na l Conference on Advanced Comput ing) seeks to b r ing toget her in t e rna t iona l researchers, indexper ts and academ ics to p resent papers and genera te d iscussions on cur ren t research and deve lopm ent in la test t rends in ComScience and a l l ied areas. The conference wi l l fea tur e peer - rev iewed t echn ical paper p resenta t ion , t u to r ia l and s imu la t ing keynop lenary ta lks. The conference venu e is loca ted a t th e M adras Inst i tu t e o f Techno logy cam pus o f Anna U n iversi ty , Chenna i , Tami l

India. This conf erence is technical ly & financial ly co-sponsored by IEEE M adras Section . Theme of t he conf erence is “ UbiqComputing” .



r . M annar Jawah ar . P

ce Chancel lor

nna Un ivers i ty


r . Shanmugavel . S 

egistrar,nna Un ivers i ty


r . Tham arai Selvi. S

ean, MIT Campus,nna Un ivers i ty


r . Ra jkumar Buyya

n iversi ty o f M e lbourne, Austra l ia .


r. Jayashree .P  

OD i /c, Dept . of C.T.,

nna Un ivers i tyIT Campus, Chennai .

or more detai ls visi t

t p : / /www.a n n a u n i v .e d u /d c t / c t .h tm l  


bstract Subm ission : 13th

August 2012

per Subm ission : 30th

August 2012

otif ication

Acceptan ce : 31st

Oc to b e r 2 0 1 2


eady Copy : 15th

No v e mb e r 2 0 1 2

rly bird Conferenceegistration : 30

thNo v e mb e r 2 0 1 2

rly Bird Tutorialegistration : 30

thNo v e mb e r 2 0 1 2

ICoAC 201 2 w il l include the fo llowing typ es of sessions

Keynote / Invi te d Lectu res, Tut or ial Sessions, Regular Oral Paper Sessions and Industr ial Presentat ions

Topics of Interest include but not l imi ted to th e fo l lowing

  Ad hoc & Sensor Netw orks   Netw ork Secur i ty and Management

  Agent Based System s   Ne u r a l Ne two r ks

  A u to n o mo u s Co mp u t i n g   Paral lel Computing

  Body Area Networ k   Patte rn Recogn i t ion

  Cloud Comput ing   Pervasive Computing

  Cluster Comput ing   Power Aware Com put ing

  Compi le r Opt imiza t ions   Semant ic W eb

  Data M in ing   Serv ice Or ien ted Arch i tecture

  Dig i ta l Image Compu t ing   Soft Comp ut ing

  Distr ibu t ed Databases   Softw are Arch itectur e

  E-Learning   Social Computing

  E-Commerce and E-Governance   Storage M anagement

  Green IT   Theore t ical Com puter Science

  Gr id Com put ing   Ubiqu i tous Comput ing

  Image Processing   Vir tua l iza t ion

  In te l l igen t Agents   Web In te l l igence

  Knowledge M anagementSubm ission D eta ils

The abstract maximum of 300 words can be submi t ted th rough the

icoac@annaun iv.edu / icoac12@gmail .com on or be fore 13th

August 20se lected papers wi l l be in t imated by mai l on 22

ndAugust 2012.The ful l

submission shou ld be done on or be fore 30th

August 2012. Submi t ted

must be or ig ina l and unpub l ished. The submiss ion de ta i ls wi l l be in t ith rough conference websi te . 

  M achine Learn ing

  M o b i l e Co mp u t i n g

  Mul t i core Arch i tecture

  Mul t imed ia S treaming

  Natur al Language Processing

Indian Delegate s Foreign Delegate s

Student s Academ ic Staff   Indu str ial Staff Student s Academ ic Staff   Industr ial

Tutor ia l Rs. 1000/ - Rs. 2000/ - Rs. 3000/ - $ 50 / - $ 1 0 0 / - $ 3 0 0 / -

Conference Rs. 2000/ - Rs. 4000/ - Rs. 5000/ - $ 200/ - $ 5 0 0 / - $ 6 0 0 / -

Tutor ia l + Conference Rs. 2500/ - Rs. 5000/ - Rs. 7000/ - $ 225/ - $ 5 5 0 / - $ 8 5 0 / -

M o d e o f Pa ym e n t

Al l payments are to be made by Demand Dra f t / Bankers Cheque draw n in f avor o f “ The Di rector , CPDE” payab le at Chenna i . Pay

from abroad can be m ade by Bank Transfer . Par t icu la rs fo r bank t ransfer a re as fo l lows:Bank : Indian Bank, Radha Nagar, Chrom pet

Sw i f t Code : id ib inbbmasAccount Nam e & No. : ICoAC& 968081377

Benef icia ry : M IT, Chrompet  

For Fur ther Deta i ls

Convener , ICoAC 2012, Depar tm ent o f Comp uter Techno logy, M IT Campus, Anna Un ivers i ty , Chrom pet, Chenna i – 600 044,Tamilnadu, India. Phone: 91-044-22516231, 22516232 E-mail : i coac@annaun iv.edu