ICN2 Purposes - Global Health Councilglobalhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/ICN2-briefing... · 7/11/2014  · Contribute to Post-2015 Development Agenda, Zero Hunger Challenge Expected

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Page 2: ICN2 Purposes - Global Health Councilglobalhealth.org/wp-content/uploads/ICN2-briefing... · 7/11/2014  · Contribute to Post-2015 Development Agenda, Zero Hunger Challenge Expected

ICN2 Purposes • Review progress made and the new challenges and

opportunities that have been arisen since 1992, and identify policy options for improving nutrition;

• Bring food, agriculture, health and other sectors together to improve diets and raise levels of nutrition;

• Propose flexible policy options and institutional frameworks that can adequately address major nutrition challenges in the foreseeable future;

• Encourage greater political and policy coherence, alignment, coordination and cooperation among food, agriculture, health and other sectors;

• Mobilize political will and resources to improve nutrition; and identify priorities for international cooperation on nutrition in the near and medium-term.

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ICN2 Key Messages

There is a need to improve people’s nutrition

everywhere, especially in developing countries;

Good nutrition requires sustainable, equitable

and resilient food systems;

Global action to end all forms of malnutrition is

a wise investment.

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Political declaration

– commitment for more effective and coordinated action to

improve nutrition

– Commitment to a Decade of Action on Nutrition

Technical Framework for Action to guide its


Better international and inter-governmental cooperation

Strengthened policy coherence among concerned


Contribute to Post-2015 Development Agenda, Zero

Hunger Challenge

Expected Outcomes

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Joint Working Group • Co-chairs : Austria , Ecuador • Vice co-chairs : Czech Republic, Egypt • Members: Representatives of FAO and WHO Regional groups

– Cote d’Ivoire, South Africa, Tanzania, Zimbabwe; Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, USA, Venezuela; Iran, Libya, Oman, Sudan; Finland, Italy, Russian Federation, Switzerland; Bangladesh, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand; Australia, China, New Zealand

• Purpose: develop a draft political outcome document of the Conference, as well as a draft framework for action

• Past meetings in 2014: 4 March, 14 April, 30 April, 12 May, 13 June, 27 June, 7 July, 9 July

• Forthcoming meetings: 27 August, 1 – 2 September

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Draft of the Rome Declaration on Nutrition

1. Multiple challenges of malnutrition to

inclusive and sustainable development

and to health;

2. A Vision for Global Action to End All

Forms of Malnutrition;

3. Commitment to Action.

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Web Consultations

• UN Partners, civil society and private sector organizations consulted on the ICN2 outcome documents through web-consultations

• Two on-line consultations on the draft political declaration organized (Feb - March 2014 and May 2014)

• An additional web-consultation on the Framework for Action will be arranged

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Framework for Action (1)

• A Framework for Action (FFA) will guide implementation of commitments made in the Declaration

• FFA will address cross-cutting policies, programmes

and initiatives to make the food system better respond to the world population’s nutrition needs

• It will indicate how different sectors can address the challenges of malnutrition to accelerate action to combat all forms of malnutrition

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Framework for Action (2)

FFA sections include:

• Introduction/General Considerations

• Key commitments

• From Commitment to Action : institutional mechanisms; policies and programmes

• Monitoring, evaluation and accountability frameworks

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Proposed Open Ended Working Group

• Proposed dates: 22-23 September • Venue: WHO HQ, Geneva. There will be the possibility of a

videoconference connection to Rome. • Participants: full participation, with speaking rights, of the

membership of FAO and WHO; • Interpretation in six languages provided • Working hours : 9:30-12:30; 14-17:00 • Agenda : draft political outcome document; draft technical

framework for action • Outcome : approval of final draft of political outcome

document, to be adopted at ICN2; final recommendations to ICN2 Joint Secretariat on format and text of the framework for action

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Preparations Summary

Preparatory Technical Meeting (13-15 November 2013)

Draft Political Declaration

Framework for Action

ICN2 (19-21 November 2014)

Joint Working Group

Public on-line consultations

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Engagement of Non State Actors

• informal meeting in Rome on June 20th , at FAO headquarters, between Permanent Representatives to FAO and NSAs from civil society and the private sector

• Two Informal consultations with Civil Society Organizations and private sector on July 11th in Geneva

• Proposal of a new meeting on August 25th to discuss the draft FFA

• Participation in ICN2 as observers, with speaking rights to representatives

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Format of ICN2

• High Level Invitations

• ICN2 convened at Ministerial level

• Plenary with short statements

• Thematic roundtable sessions

• Side events convened by Member States jointly with UN agencies and civil society organizations

• Pre-conference fora for civil society, private sector and Parliamentarians (under discussion)

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Wednesday 19 November 2014

Plenary Green Room


09.00 hours

Inaugural Ceremony

- Address by President of the Republic of Italy

- Address by Secretary-General of the United Nations

- Address by Director-General of WHO

- Address by Director-General of FAO

Opening of the Conference

- Election of Chair and Vice-Chairs, and appointment of


- Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable

- Election of the Chairs of the Roundtables

Adoption of the Conference Outcome Document

General Debate – Statements by Heads of State and



14.30 hours

General Debate (Cont.)

- Statements by Heads of State and Government

- Statements by Ministers and other Heads of Delegations

Roundtable 1 (Session1): Nutrition in post 2015 Roundtable 2 (Session 2): Improving policy choices and policy coherence


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Thursday 20 November 2014

Plenary Green Room


09.00 hours

Special Segment

- Address by His Holiness the Pope

General Debate (Cont.)

- Statements by Ministers and other Heads of


- Statements by Special Guests, Heads of UN

agencies and other international and regional


Roundtable 2 (Session 3 & 4):

Improving policy choices and

policy coherence


14.30 hours

General Debate (Cont.)

- Statements by Ministers and other Heads of


- Statements by Special Guests, Heads of UN

agencies and other international and regional


Roundtable 3 (Session 5 & 6):

Governance and accountability

for Nutrition

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Friday 21 November 2014 Plenary


09.00 hours

Presentation of Outcomes of Pre-Conference


Chairs' Summaries of Roundtables

Closure of the Conference

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Official Invitations

• Invitations sent to Ministers of Agriculture and Health

• Invitations to be sent also to international and regional organizations, as well as civil society and private sector organizations

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Side Events (1) Topics Organizers

Targets and accountability for nutrition and the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Brazil et al. Canada/Ireland/USA

Global Nutrition Report and Global Hunger Index United Kingdom et al. Germany/Ireland/USA

SUN Movement and Accountability for Nutrition SUN Movement European Union et al.

Agricultural Policies and Food Systems for Improved Nutrition

Nigeria, Global Panel and African Union European Union et al. IFPRI/FAO

Efforts to Reduce Stunting UN Nutrition Network (FAO, WHO, WFP, UNICEF, IFAD, IAEA)

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Side Events (2) Topics Organizers

Addressing Overweight and Obesity Germany, Brazil, Norway Nordic Council of Ministers

Social Protection, Food Security and Nutrition Russian Federation World Bank

Zero Hunger Challenge and South-South Cooperation


Food Safety FAO/WHO

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Post ICN2 (1) • Not an end itself but part of a continuing process • Political Declaration/FFA submitted to EB/WHA, FAO

Council/Conference and UNGA • Declaration of a Decade of Action on Nutrition • Alignment with proposed SDG 2

• 2.1 access to adequate, safe, affordable, and nutritious food all year round

• 2.2 by 2030 end all forms of malnutrition, with special attention to stunting and wasting in children under five years of age, and address the nutritional needs of pregnant and lactating women

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Post ICN2 (2) • Nutrition objectives incorporated into national

development policies • Nutrition mainstreamed into food and agriculture, health

and other relevant sectors • Policy coherence achieved among different sectors to

promote synergies towards achieving the 2025 global nutrition targets and the 2025 global NCD targets

• Country level actions focused on the vulnerable so that no one is left behind

• Environmentally sustainable agriculture + food systems which support the implementation of healthy dietary practices

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Funding situation

Current budget estimate, about USD 3,87 m,

rising due to increasing costs

Funding gap, about USD 1,35 m

Contributors for 2014: Italy, EU partner,

Germany (others coming forward)

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Funding Situation (14/07/14)

Current budget estimate: USD 3.87 million

Funds available: USD 2.52 million

Funding shortfall: USD 1.35 million

Resource Partners Contribution 2014:

EU partner: USD 1.36 million

Italy: USD 1.10 million

Germany: USD 54,422

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Funding Situation (2) Total Cost Current Funding Funding Gap

Planning Coordination and Communication




Interpretation, translation, publishing, printing




JWG Meetings 385,000 385,000 0

OEWG meeting 91,000 0 91,000

ICN2 Main Event 468,347 0 468,347

ICN2 Main Event (Common Services)




All values expressed in US dollars

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Funding Situation (3) Total Cost Current Funding Funding Gap





OEWG meeting 300,000



Civil Society Pre-Conference Event




ICN2 Main Event (Travel for LDCs)




Other Related Travel 99,000



All values expressed in US dollars