r = Vr7T I- I TIlE SUN FRIDAY JUflE 1B83 i7 n f be w tttt FRIDAY JUNE 1 IfW Amusements ToD- YllJn Pop ir W < >< nunss f t1I I ijs s r N- cI1 < > lh tr tli Msrrj War I f K- cia Dlat aisa wa s2W Bswsrr n rat 4 Uftt H s T rllls I PM j rlr1T > olr CI ik ir H qa r 1 kHteoKulllsn llumlloooo IM r M- fi = ir- N OpP 100 < K I r I up PflIl HV IIIf IsuJirM 4 Mt I h le Tltt llaBs a I pM- f I r l sliail 1fc < r Tla I P at If Vtllrka 1 k 11 poet Tsss Msa I r U- IhstkI4h It I f I 4 laM atS- VILT 14 paiei by mil Ut month or 4S a par postpaldi with Bandar edition TTo K UlAf II pattl llao per year putpId- WisILTISIMsIXIl t a po r X f POpa4 A TIMELY WORD TO DEMOCRATS COLUMJCH Iay OA8 the time appronchea t for notulnntlnc candidates for Governor In Ohio the Itepubllcang aro glow to confront that renponslbllity After flung a day for tbe regu- lar ¬ Convention some of the leaders eek to posttiono I to await a decision of the Supreme Court on tholr lat sumptuary law funny I lay IHI pronounced unconstitutIonal They urn badly handicapped br two cause In nddltlon to the depression resulting from a I crushIng defoat last fall The liquor Quwtlon till fllngn to thorn despite tho efforts of adroit managers to throw It off and to stnrt now Issues Tho wool growers who form an Impor ¬ tant Interest In tho State ar greatly dlseutls fled with tho now tariff which boar hard on their prosperity The GermanAmerican citizens who so lona I and HO faithfully supportod the Knpubllcnns In Ohio and In most of tho Western States have I renounced thnlr allegIance to that party and nil l attempts to win them back br persuasion and by promises have failed The strongest proof of want of confidence In the coming elec ¬ tion is furnished by tho refusal of John Sher- man ¬ t to ttnnd as a candidate for Governor I Sherman had listened to the appeals of his political friends and had accepted the prof fared nomination all differences as to can- didates ¬ would at once have disappeared among the Democrats In that event Judge Thurman would have been called from his retirement to the front by a spontaneous demand The coun ¬ try would then have witnessed a most Inter- esting ¬ ciiiMifl having an Important bearing on the Presidential contest noxt year Pear of the result of such a campaign de- terred ¬ Hherman from entering It though under ordinary conditions nnd with any prospect of the usual Itopubl lean majority he wouldhavo como forward with alacrity Ills refusal has added to the existing despondency and the can ildata who may b put up will be surely knocked 1 L Jown while Hhornfcn will have a safe retreat In tho Senate until 1887 Good fortune has smiled upon the Democrats since they carried tho House of Keprusenta- tlves In November I lust They lost no ground at the Hprlne elections and now Mahono has been virtually unhorsed In Virginia But these successes must not b regarded as tokens of entire confidence In tho party I would bo tho greatest of blunders for the Democrats to wsumo because the Republicans have been rebuked punished and defeated two rears before tho Presidential election as they also weru In 1874 that therefore the Demo- cratic ¬ nominee for President will b chosen in 1384 examination of the returns for most of the e elections will show that honest Repub- licans ¬ by tons of thousands rAfIRd t go to the polls Intending thereby to scourge tho leaders who Bad misrepresented or betrayed them The socalled Democratic victories wcro not obtained by tho conversion of Republicans to the opposite faith but by tho absenteeism of the latter a voters or by tho bold sup- port ¬ of Democratic candidates In different localities byway of emphasizing resentment forth thou being against obnoxious Reoubll can chiefs or against theIr offensive policy It Is true that ninny former adherents of the Republican party have abandoned It for good not for any particular love for the Democracy but because there Will no other place of refueo open to them whoncn they could make war on their late associates This the Germans have one in several States The Democrats are now on trial with a great opportunity before thorn to gain what they Lfue lot possessed as I party slncn the close of the civil war namely tho confidence of the ountry The Koiiubllcan party has ben In a minority on a fair vote since 1872 If the op- position to It could hnvo boon consolidated Certain Domocritlo leaders have stood In tho way of unifying tho opposition because of a lUtrust In them 01 thl part of the North- It would 0 worse than folly for Democrats to shut their eves to this fact That opinion jr tuejudleo or whatever It maybe called bus vet to bo combated end overcome before I I Democratic President can enter tho Wlilto t lou l Tliciefoni the futuro the Democracy depends materially upon tho course and con- duct ol the louse of Representatives next winter Tho Republicans have boen severely and justly cluutlHud Thor are split Into hostile factions Hut thoy form the only existing po- litical ¬ party to oppoo the Democrats for tho I Prusldoncy The great Railroad corporations the bants tho maniifieturt and other class Interests will use this organization as the > huve hitherto done to try and keep control In the Qocrmiionl us they did In 1880 when mil Jlons wore expended to elect Garfield who was corrupt over Hancock who was honest Money Is tho rulll rower In the Republican machine The men who contribute It will pu Grant lllnluo Logan Conkllng Arthur nm alt the other lenders asldo to attain success Thoy cuo nothing for them except OH In strunionU who may servo their purposes Their real cnndldatu will I ho kept In tho back- ground until near the meeting of tho Conven- tion They propose to put up n conservative ticket neither Stalwart nor Half Breed whicl f vlll attract the public conlluVnco outsklo of any platform ant to raise the cry of the era of t good feeling like that of President Monroe The rac I II not always to the swift north S hattie tn the strong Democratic leaders wil do well to remember this Instruction when Congress como together In December and to propose A policy which shall ruroovn anv m- raalnlnv jirejudlw ncalnst thor and conciliate that opinion in tie country without the sup port of which no party can prevail Ichf the prestIge acquired In 1874 was squan4r In iQuabhU for office and for patronage Un pardonable mistakes worn made In too many casos Tho lesson ouuht to bo I warning ngaltut blunders In 1813 The HuprrvMon nf lic IlrltliCs I 1 rto not think that nny nnl con blumo tun bridge offlonrn for thn dlsmntor According to our rotcpmcd conlnmpnrnry tho KvnilngJiKl this U what Mr 0 C MAII TIN tho 8uiorlntcndcnt of tht Now Yorkautl Brooklyn Brldirn said yesterday If this Is really Mr MARTINS opinion tho sooner ho resign hla post or l U turned out of it if ho will not resign tim better We do nut doubt hue ability as au engineer but as an administrative officer ho shows himself to b utterly IncompHtcnt The polio force on the brIdge has boon feeble and Inefficient from the very llrnt The true course to ptirsin Wits plain nouirh A bquad of men should havo been taken from tho regular polC In each cltv It wiittld h ave disciplined policemen t trained II their duties thoroughly drilled nud accustomed to deal with larijo crowds and keep thorn In order Thirty or forty buch polcmcl on tho brldfrn would havo s prevent tho awful panic of Wednewlay The faiur to have them there has cost a dozon They should be put there now without dxlay Make tho Superintendent of Police In New York and Brooklyn officially responsible for the safety of traveller over tho bridge and there will bo no moro acci ¬ dent I the Colored Rncn nntcriorntlnc I It will be remembered that last year txt tho Fioteslant Episcopal Congress I 1lsatol wns cntibed by I paper tcad l by TUCKEH of Mississippi on tho relations of tho Church to tim colored Ic Dr TucKKit was not it seemed unwilling that the money needed for the solc elevation of the South- ern ¬ blacks come out of Northern pockets but he recommended that tho funds BO raised should be handled neither by Northern whites nor by Muck missionaries and teachers but by Southern whites who alone as he averred possess au adquato corn ¬ prehension of tho negro character He d- eclare ¬ that thl attempts of tho blacks theta ¬ slvoR assisted by Northern whites t im- prove ¬ tho condition of the colored people bad proved a total failure for while ho would ad- mit ¬ a slight advance In material prosperity yet Dr TtrcKEK Inslstid that as roganls morality the American negro has positively deteriorated durIng tho uitfhtecu ycuru thut have elapsed slnie tho civil war This grave Indictment of the colored race carrying with it tho Insinuation that eman- cipation ¬ was counter to tim Interest of tho slaves themselves has naturally provoked a great deal of protest and recrimination on thl part of our colored fellow citizens Tho most effective rejoinder that we have seen 1 is contained In o pamphlet written by Mr ALEXANDER CRUMMELL rector of St Lukoa Church and publshe by the colored clergy of f the Episcopal communion Of this defence of the American negro It may b said that white tho authors diction Is by no moans frets trout blemishes It IB quito equal to Dr TUCKEDS discourse In point of I Idiomatic correctness and Is much superior I in sutwitointlvo weight and worth Mr Cnuit MELL has marshalled facts and legitimate deductions against the arbitrary assurllons which with an amuslllISUmllton of cleri- cal ¬ Infallibility Tucl ha propounded i In lieu of arguments- As regards the charge of moral dctorlora ton Mr CRUMMELL submits that this is re by the Church sttllC of the colore race It appears Baptist xllst denominations alone have now a col- ored membership of nearly two millions and t hough it may b true as Dr TUCKER al l lell that the moss of those church morn ers have a form of Christianity without- Its substance the same thing may uufortu- atuly bo sid of white at well as black pro esslng Christians We scarcely think that it lies In the mouth of a Christian clergyman to belittle the Hlgnltlcauco of I public profession uf ChrIstIanity although laymen and particularly bank depobltors have learned to regard the ceremony with some distrust Whatever promise or guar- anty ¬ of pure and upright living I Is 110 In oiniug the Church the colored rac hii of ¬ fered on a must edifying tcule for the pro ¬ portol of church membership to population I much larger among the Southern blacks tItan among their white brethren Leaving the clergy white and black to determine the ethical value of church mem- twrsblp we tUtu to an Indisputable fact which- is bard to reconcile with the accusation of moral degeneracy We refer to tun educa- tional ¬ progress of the colored rae since the epoch of umnnclpiitiou In 180 when tho Southern missionaries and school masters whoo exclusive coiupcteuco is ulllriiied by DrTocKcn had been at work for some two centurion time number of colored people In the whole Union who could read ned write did not exceed 30 and most of thee were free living In tho Northern States At pieucnt half a million colored persons can read alt write and thut the pro 01 ton of Illiteracy i Is rapidly I declining must inferred frol the fact that In 1831 fortyeight per coot of all the cjloiod youth of school ago were enrolled upon the ofllela Hits Tli Mo are nearly lGO colored school- teachers now employed tho United Suites and the rowluJ demand tot such instruc- tors ¬ I is by tho existence of 41 norniit schools comprehending morn thou 74JO col- ored pupil Theio are uUo 15 colglo and 3I academies of a high grade nu < mow tlll 7000 negioes are profiting by thc e oppor tuft itles of a liberal education Tho col ore taco suppcuU moreover M schools of theology 3 law KliooN 2 schools of modi cine nud over 8 newspapers To two who recall tho demise Illiteracy which pievulled among tuo Suutll blacks dutlug the slavery em thO phenomena Just mentioned supply Imprcbslvu pioofs of a btrong upwind movement Indeed it would be my to nmi k off six mlllloiii of peasantry hi Huslu or even In southern Kumpc wlioati lair mom llllteiato nlt morn gioshly l bupciblltioua than are Ilalclptle colored lon of the United StltOI Among tin tmlf revealing weakness of moral llbio accoidlng to Dr TUCKFI- IdlmlriKulsli tl AlwrJcl1 freed nauim are In dulezice anti I Impr videnen liut how I In vlnw of tlmk nllcged imwllllngucns to work can 1 explain tin llluclol by the Southern Sttitca of f 27G7ono of cotton in time live real front 1878 to 18S2 vliureas thong gngnto yield for the live years fioiu 1857 to IbCl uui only jJOOO01 How did It happen that time Atrlcnu who at both periods did the work produced onuthltti morn when no wab free than whIle lie was 1 KUIVO As ivgards time thrlftlessness ascribed to time fieedmen we must rnmumber that they had Rant luquheil tIme virtue of econ- omy ¬ HS hud tin Itushlau serfs and tho clavcs of we tciu Europe under the Kutimn law by being encouraged to aniaiM Iiousohold stuff antI personal prop- erty ¬ and that when tuauuuilttea toy were imtcd mu h MM gtoueattif tb n tbt sins- C MW ufy tlirtof not a foot of land from time Government whose ward they were but being literally sent forth to din by tho roadside Nftvcrtheletw this poo plo of literally piiinllesw outonBts have al- ready I mamigcd by dint of hard work nud- rconomy t to Ijtiime 1 the t poswsMira of eon pldirnliii I triietH uf land I In t thn tnt of- orgliktliHiifgri > MOwnC >ClCxJOiurp > all the cotton KtntiH takun togothor they have aciiuitcd 2G9O acres or an area about equal to Urn State of Connecticut Again the liNtory of tho Frevdmani IVxnk- up to the date wheu that Institution wan ruined by time rascality of white men bears witness to tho speedy acquire- ment ¬ of thilfty habits liy the black race In thn alit yeata during which that hUlk wa open It numbered 610 frlII1a- lollglt depoMtors and ur lotl Ir tlm monnyw deposited exceeded 50000000 Other Ilitfrestlug data piovlng I the iicctimu latlou of capital nail even the beginning of Industrial rnterprlHp are cltml by Mr CntiM MELt among whlih amity t be mentioned thn- projistiHl building of it llhht I i forty miles hang from Wllmlngim to WilglitHvlllc t I appear that than tomato liai ulieady been graded byn black 111 niglneor tnmdl that tl road Is to bo paid for and operated by Illdlll Thu conclusion reached by Mr CitUJtMEtL hi that Southern lerjrymen of the typo of Dr TUCKER do not know no much about the negro a they think they do Certainly the nfercnce fairly deduclble from fact hOle brought forward Is that time Southern blacks lre au Improving and not a retrograding people Mr CRUStMEiLa own view of the novement observable lu time colored race slnco Its liberation I Is worth quoting for Its discrimination mid rntidor I Honilinuwlodipw I limit perhaps otuithhd I of tln inaiiiimUUd- icgiwrf u Including time aijed time decirplt tho I mbruted anti those ho hail boon t the I hluveu of tho lowest and vilest whites lnio fallen- o t a lower level of conduct tutU IIl1 being t hauthat occupied dining the time slavery Ho believes however that another third stud a little above the matei lal nlllralc- Oldllonln which emancipation found them j a llrmly of time opinion that the t cmalutug third have made advances In respect of prosperIty Intelligence and the social virtues which would ho creditable to t he proletariat of any country and which when tbe point of departure Is recalled may b pronounced really admirable Sport flint I Mixed With Peril A new plan his been devl nl for killing off our elderly mllllonilrcs who are tired of making money cud our young men of wealth who are tired of loldlul tho motley which their lathers havo Steam yachts have lately become fashion- able ¬ and now It seems we ate to have steam yacht races Thu regulations of course are- o t be very strict There will bo a system of t line allowances all rules as to the pressure of steam which we nro assured will prevent accldento It Is tolerably certain however hat I this sort of sport comes into O le- the newspapers will shortly have to publish very Inlrestlnl accounts of yacht boiler ex- plosions ¬ loss of life When tho first transatlantic yacht race was- sailed It was regarded as an evidence of courage on the part of young Mr BENNETT and his comrxtltors that they were willing t to go In their own vessels on such a perilous winter voyage The owners of steam yachts must bo oven braver men to btay on board In the etenm yacht races and tho re ¬ prop acom pan thorn wll exposed t to greater peril than ever bO > boldest war correspondent Mr JATOOULDhlatelydevelop yacht- ing ¬ l > t a cup tor tho first steam yacht race lb had bettor keep out of such cntest himself however unless ho wants fnd his financial and mundane career In a sudden burst of glory The Militia and the Strikers Time conflicting testimony given at tho Coroners inquct upon the killing of tho Belleville minor by a force of Illinois militia makes It difficult to turin 1 clear Judgment In alt particulars regarding the occurrence Sores of the workmen and their wives lu thlt tho troops fired first but the snore probable account Is that when the three companies arrived by rul aud tho Sheriff thereupon harangued thl crowd one mis- guided ¬ man responded with a pistol shot It was then that the troops wer ordered t fire Into tho crowd and It was quickly dispersed Time use of mllltla in time control of labor strikes Is always a difficult matter to deter mine Nobody doubts that a riot must b promptly quelled and this to If necessary by tho intervention of military force But a serious mistake Is often mud In assuming that largo assembly of unemployed work- men ¬ I Is necessarily danger nsa to I tho commu- nity ¬ and thurofoip must b dispersed at all linzirdb So far an lawlessness Is concerned the man who renlly ibis most to make a community wretched and accordingly to die tuili the public poice may never i ppoak ubovp a whisper 01 be fWI In a crowd A guirdlun of time inaci U apt to act on the routine del that his Hi at l bluings on seeing u throng of 011101 lu tho ntreuU 1 > to dK- peise It people thomilvcs whlu con- scious ¬ of desiring to do no wrung may bo unwilling to epaittt especially when their only hope of redressing their supposed grit v anew or hIPIO111 their industrial condition Is in I together TIl meal fonientert of riots uiebometlmes tWO who express Indignation at thIroccuri- once nndnio most eager to have t them put- down A few days ag o In Philadelphia a mob of Iialal railroad laboteis surrounded the Ilko a company complaining that tney hud walked tliiktyiiliin days without n cent of wages and note all in dlbtrw A zealous police olcullljhllmvu considered this tlJU tltlol to allot j hut lu that case would the teal disturbers of time public pitico have been tIme poor men who were vriougod or tho contractor and capitalists who wionged them The latter undoubt- edly ¬ were itimmking no uproar aud were Je- coious lu their conduct on this occasion whili the former wuio excited timid somtnvlwt- uolny and i occupied temporarily an nmiiuul bhaioof OUD of Ihn Mdeualks Yet to have quickly I dlspeivd tins laborer would have bxn playing dhectly Into tho hands of the teal wrungdoeis It would havo uieveuted the t tam ploytes from appealing i to t the public by tMr bbl I display of collected numlieis and fioiu making their grievance known which was their chief hope of relief A bti ugglc betwivn capital anti labor I Is lot for time nailit Iii to regulate provided It does tint In any degree Involve or tin eaten tho public pence or tbl overthrow of the laws of the community Lawlessness always de- mands ¬ time prompt Interposition of the troops If needed hit the right to Itrlkl 11 IlL clear as UK right to eat The I Ight to de- mand ¬ moro wages Is us obvious an time right to refuie them Nor is It any moro a crime for tho employees to put thu employer to lu- convonleneo after 1 tailing out tll for him to put them to Inconvenience 11 distress Semite Governors nf States nevertheless tjeem to proceed on tho theory that the very existence ot a strike is a couapiiauy against T TT H the by puud thtyftM r dytofurf- cUti oorpohitioa with troops th moment th workmen combine The Interest of the community U that peace should b preserved tho law rpt and the mat ot Its courts core tho same time a Chief Magistrate should b on his guard ngalntt tin mlstiAft of the powers of tho Stat by any unscrupulous body of men who understand t hit HO 10Di W they CU employ bayonet and rl el dispersing their employees thoy can hold labor at their mercy Tho ill should bo D mop concerned bcU8 a plln bricks and atone filled ma- chinery ¬ I Is for a time Idle when It might 0 earning something for tho owner or owners than because a thousand of IU citi ¬ Zeus Ire out of employment The duty of time State Is done If It sends IU military forces when needixl to execute the laws pre- serve ¬ tin I peace ali protect the citizen In his right to luUir without unlawful hindrance A Dlicourtcou Governor Courtesy dos not seem to be a character- istic ¬ of tho tldnlwnvo Governors Governor CirvBLANDs mossngo to the Now York Suite Senate on the Inbt lay of time Ill ect dou was both 111 tampered ali uncivil oDd Governor llurLKlt of MiiKKncbiihcttH has now sent n- coinmuulcallon to tIme Hotiso of Itopruoonta tives of that Slate which I lit equally dUcour- teous In Its tone I not more DO This message rllnl to Governor limit Labs first veto constitutionality of which has hn quwtlonwl by reason of the fact that the Governor hud left thn Common- wealth ¬ and was In Washington before his veto was communlcut to the Legislature Time ticU as now stated fully sustain tho validity of the veto Thn manner In which they are set fottb however Is extremely dUrospectful Governor BUTIEH says ho signed time veto message one afternoon as I ho was ubout to leave Boston on private business and that tin exclaimed to his secre- tary ¬ as hu departed Take this message and whoa you cau catch a Legislature have It delivered to the House From tho time he gave this direction he never saw the veto message At 0 oclock that evening ho now tells the Legislature I loft Boston and abut 13 oclock I left tho Commonwealth eu rute for Washington and I did not return until I got ready This Is not fitting language to use In ad- dressing ¬ tho legislative department of tho Government In rcforemw to I grave question of constitutional law On the taco of his own t message Governor BUTLER was In the wroll It was tinted on 1 day when If tld tho whole truth ho would bo obliged to admit that be wits out of the State and therefore without any power or authority to act as Governor of Massnchusettx He Old on explanation to the Legislature hut Instead of Jhlnj It respectfully and In 1 proper way tins adopted a tone amid manner unworthy of tho honorable poet hu occupies- A due len of propriety In an Important qualification for responsible public office Had for Harvard Harvard College refuses to BEXJAMIX F BUTLER the degree of LL D which boa httheito been regularly given to whatsoever person line boon Governor of Miwsuchusnttu- TliIn In good for BUTLER and bad for liar vnid College Harvard could not In any other way have done so well for htm or so 111 for itself An institution of learllni which confers Its highest on UUTIIKIIFOHD B- HAYEH only honors other ten when It with- holds ¬ from them the same form of compli- ment ¬ The determination of the bridge authorities to put Ut dlvlllni ralllngH of seine kind In time pathway imsHenifors will when carried Into effect do something toward jirevontliiKnnothnr filial crush It will itlll be pogglhlu to ovnrimek the bridge but at least the pressure will then b all In otis direction The objection that t- ally given time there are mure puopla going In one direction then In tho oniioiite Is not fatal- to the plan Tho division can be made unoiiml and the wider part used from morning to noon by those who so from Urooklyn to Now York and from noon to nluht by those who uo from Now York to Brooklyn Tho ratlines should bu strong enough also not to brook under pres- sure ¬ Another measure of prudence would Heel to bo the permanent stationing of a discreet man In an elevated position on the bridge at a point whore his view could com- mand ¬ It and to Rive him telephonic or teln graphic communication with each end of time structure Thou at tho instant of I mom f panic or any othr occurrence demanding relief he could call for aid Hail this arrange went existed from time opening of the bridge the Influx of people could havu boon stopped at the outset of all of the many perilous jaws of which one proved so fatal Au apparent continuation comes by cable of the story at first pronounced Improbable that tho Duke of ALIAS hud applied for tho OoernorUeneralshli of time Dominion amid been rorusct That the MaruuUot IANM> OVSE 181 successor than he for the Marquis of LOBNK will hardly lx doubted and if it b truo that the ground of Mr OLADHTOEH rejection of the princoly applicant was that ho Is 10 young and Inexperienced tho Prowler certain- ly ¬ Bhoned solid honso One of the anticipated difficulties In time Tonquln trouble that of I proipoctlvo block Mile of Chinese ports IK already crcutinxanxie ¬ ty at Derlln Great Britain however l Is vastly ninni concerned than Gf rnmny In this mustier toil line not yet protested uuniiiHt time French pollciy In Annum indeed before 1 blockade thorn would Inue to bo a a botween Franco Int China and It Is pofmlble that hoHtllltlos calm uo on for months or TRI Tomjuln with ¬ out such I war If BtiTLEns narrowminded enemies knell on with vlfor they may inaku him a candidate for President utter all It goes hard with violators of the gam- bling ¬ laws In title city Lately under pressure of public opinion tho pollen liiva bestirred themselves In the direction of supprewlna- wellknown uambllnir placos ninny of which IIHVII bHtm raided and tholr proprietors arrest ud Most t of thu dntuetod KnmblerR came to crlef In tho course of the hut tow woks one JII6111111 i his entlru tlmo to time I is posit Ion 11lr casus Finns to thu amount nf nearly S5IIOO were collected and Imprisonment was added tn lan Instances This Is time way to dual with wilful violators of the gambling laws Tho recent applications for appointment to vacancies iiinonir thu second lloutunancles of tho army byBiivurul members of time rmmduimb lag CIIIBHH of the eolleuen are Illnllclnt lint there U snottier new Ploronlol olenhllltol to college ntulnnt namely bl Cumuli ulno huv just been culled to mourn time lOON of thvlr catchier Mr J II HuMiiiiiieu of the class of 1S83 who has accepted un eneiice lent to play behind tIme but with thu New York League Club A Woitern League club Is said tn have secured the services of Mr JoKER the wellknown Yale pitcher ItlcilMoNl who his been for several years a profehslonul Pitcher was a colleuu Ktudent us urn also one or two other frtmous base bull professionals Homo mire said to study for tIme ministry soil other ciilllnci In tho winter and to wield the low In summer The snlarlos now paldby time cilb art not to bo despised tbe honors anllpublo ap- plause ¬ given to n good player perhaps more than hi could expect a the bar or lu Itn pul ¬ pit while aaalntt his chanoas of broken fingers and sprained ankles may be set a otrtalntr of plenty of hordes and good health If Copt ALEXANDER H WILLIAMS hAIl boon In charge of the police of tho Brooklyn bridge on Wednesday there would havo boon no dis- order ¬ and not a life would have boon lost The plans of aFoulau conbplracy which existed In America are to be described by LYNCH slice NOIIMJLN the Informer before the Central Criminal Court London This now was given yesterday by the Kounrdor to tho Grand Jury who aro to deal with tho dynamite conspirators now under arrest Wo Inno no doubt that lANcnulluit NOUMAN who him al- ready ¬ given Ilrormaiol that howl hit knowl- edge ¬ of New wilt he able to give come as toundliiB tales of Fonlan conspiracy here Who can tell how many of thorn there havo bonn sineo tho days of the Sunburst In thu Moffatt Mansion If LYNCH ullii NorMtN should re veal nil time blooduurdllni secrets of Funlun- sm I that are locked up In tho bosoms nf ni time enterprising newspaper reporters of city he wilt vivo thn Londoners nomo notion of the fertility of the Fonlan Imagination on this side of tho Atlantic TIme censorship of nil telegtupliln despatch ¬ cs In St rutorshura luaib to the hoMIni back of much Ilmtmmimttm news to thu delay nf most of It smith to thu revIsal of nil of It In tIme Inteiostof tin Uournment It I II only now we learn ot a riot In HI Petersburg I tho diy after Ilia coronation and Its suppression by the Cossacks It Is only now wo havo any new of time antlJuwluli riot In KohtolT beyond time niern fuel of Its occurrence thouuh It took place on I tho 22d of lust month and lolulI11 time destruction of olio hundred 111 houses holonitliiK to Jews I the CVur would permit truthful despatches bu telcuruphad from his einplio tl the rest of the world they would often furnish liiHtiuutlvu commen- tarles on th dospalchus thin are revised by time niiHor Tho ghastly display of r time heads of f his enemies on I the gates of his capital lately Hindu by the Ameer of Afghanistan doen not seem to have been of much service to that potentate Tho Btruci between hi k troops and I thl Hhil i warns his been renewed and raft loads of time slain huvn been broiikht from time Held The o- hofttllltlus are not likely to bo Interfered with bytheKnullihi l theycervu to eo the mnrllul ambition ot f time Afuhnns an outlet that dues not endanger Europeans THK CIVIL OKItriCK- raiialiliic UlIISIIX <> Mltk fnl Hurl HI later Kxitmlnar unit o A llctla aa NrcrcturyA- LIIANY May 31Tlu now Civil ServIce Commission for New York oonslsllni of John Jay of Now York Henry A Hlchmund of lltif- fnlo timid fAtororGolurl Augustus Rchoonlakor ur Kliikston met 11110fIII701 toilny Thoonth vas ¬ tary of State Carl 1 In seetot sinslon Mr Jay wns chosen President Thn Commission then loolIllIon Col Shims W Hurt oxNaval Of of New York for Chief Kxiim- tnnr iiudon Iiuniis A Hettx of Kingston for Secretary Thn two latter mmlsm took time oitth- Thu provisions of tho bill under which tho Commission tent wern discussed and nn adjournment wIt made until i I tomorrow When Mr l I Hurt wo asked I today whv he imm cllUI thunlTernf tlm iiositlon I of Chief f Knm I for thn Kntlnmtl Civil I Sertlen Commit plon hn answered Kiihstantiiilly mum follow I have tried to tn my duty in the Custom House and keoimut of politics nnd It I Is a poor tonard for my effort to havu my pity reduced i from fKnnO to J3000 and to be I ofilirn that will I reijulro nm to be absent 10111 my family most of thi time It looks Ilko notion that it In batter tn keep In llh tin Ioll I tleianx than to drijrmir weanlings nf thorn If t am fitted to bo Chief 1xnmlner I nm ear tnlnly competent tu I bn Naval I Olllcor I declined t thnapinntnHUtolTarailiitVaHhlnitonbeatis It WHH thrust at mo At tliu end of time Mllolin- a manner which I coiilil not clioo I em Hbler Insulllni I I had been consulted In thn first place lnioro my nrmo was enl In nnd T een iilTonlcil any UKstiranen that I tho oiler was finale In good faith I mliht Inue accepted hit without any tiumtlifmat inn whatever nuo I sarcastic rticoninienlatlon of nntlcivil 11 vlrn reformers time 1reslilent nppolntHil I me Another rea on why 1 declined was tlmt time Continuum named at the samn time for tny 1IICll Naval Olllccr did not bolntik I In I thn line Ol iraham althoiiuli a- very cammumbim 111 lukmi from annthor do- partment In Custom and jumped JOUMI ovur time heads of others ivim loni service wore well am tmai flied with I thn work ami mme rim doMirlni of promotion Another t llilnir hn Is nn avowed opponent of eivllI hcrvlcu nifoim ThefCKentlnmen I thn Now York omlllol arM I eiilun I In m mid first nsled I would I like i Time iiositlon I They convinced i mo that theIr offor vin mida sold In ths intcrnst- of r t thn reform I Inue ie lonl had at henrl and for that reason 1 Tliet IN not imimug Inconslsient in my coiirsn Thn mimnt tlon of sultry I han not allowed tn enter Into time con- sideration ¬ of thn mustIer at all ExSlOHtor Jurey un flurHclds Ilurgilla- vllk > Sit Nlnlnmrlit- rnm ttif ClnclntiHll jtttff Thn 1lnllr Star routn trIals keep Dorsey In tlili dl I for a rccidiiuv n rutlirr liunclrmiir lnun tn u rhloIRhl l lr rciw cm K Hrrtt lirnlilKil ltli- ciiiiHliltTBhlv lsirst moo smit l viHiil tHtt Int eMMiiug yniirrorropotiiltiit eiivunril liiia la sit lalrnitliii l hit Cnitkltiiir talil Duriiej as mirp tlma lllinif l- ugr ilnrntlil hi liritr smmimrL llr him hat s nuir- vtwiMiirfare with ltas mnlitlil nut carp for unnlhrr fommr years mt 11111 I lie iniiile nn nMliiffiTiliM I inilir I Held unlit K I 11 a appolatiil Oollrrlur of New irk I llrruuM mil do oilier than renent mimi suit pre lortihlmUiialty- Whyr HAH liken Intiofentl Welt tliern hr Mimn mlii mig IhlaIRI itnrt I tint now uiKtemtanil nhirti ulll it ilesr in n POtent lluhl when a rlallllal r i r 1Ir1I aim inrnt 1111 MM behalf If I nfllarlVhl hthatf of Hie New York i mttikiuuo at I the I HTlli AtrniiK I irrcolliu I UieTrenIJtatlal aim In mail inililli IT html HIT I In Milillliti it sill lie it- rlirtoim reelallitl III tile licilt uf oentl fcutinfijutiil to arfleM electlun t II t I III explain many tliliiKi now hidden Thii in itt I sits nun > nj ijuIrlee imvtred To TUB KntTiin np Tin HUN Sin A motto nnUur > hi iMiiif our InH oitlcr n litter ciiilsininc ti ertnln PIIHI rf f mnin unit jeln frixu Hit ro tniuhler it- reirlntn rer lit I of emit itt tsr The letter In cit imr tnt or mist < wlilin In lnni lt simS lallI toreaili ItiileXlimllon Cna Hitneinter of 11111 ler reciM er tlm ninmi lit pvnt I If m how from nhoin ami I nllliln a lint ilehit I tYPist I tin iiieiitilntf of tIme jihrato liflaif nfjnt t ivriiHlit mirk fnlrnlr hlaiiKiavK lliik I lisn La Mmmy ill Tile elhler of a rrfrillereil teller elirlo ii2 money mil recnur the auioutit I rnt I If lie can fllul out t the thief out I if I lie thief hai proper eiuiiuh o I lie ninU to Iiai The receipt of the rutftimiiter iloea I not tautl ai2 ohti calion nn tlm J lmitt onion Iieiarlinent too make irooil the I lofci liut only I an oUlfallmi tn hot II up In Unit out how it hOPI eiied aint I who I U rt onilUe < for it Irac- tliall lionoct rcKl > liril letttri art not lost but arc rafelviltllfr The I tntlsm hriM joii iiiote I In taken trim the nut rant nf Ituntnt Inferno lId meant Lain all hojie- sou uhn nler rae Milcurlc Theory irs Origin cf WorlHi- To TIIK Kiinoit or Till NuflSir You Sari I It I Uenllinateil I hyturiful Iou thai no lot than fuiir hundred inlllina nieh urn end rthe atiiio i hirueiT- tHtnt four hour lIst imm liirtlur lii > mtiy mum aild lMkinculili Ifchtun to thv bulk nflhr earll- ietndurliiiTtlie inn iof ice 110101 a ou ion ider u Ituiidrid iitillloiMeMr > too Htmrt u pm rut I im the In- Klilhliiifof llfron Ilieenrlli I 1 Well thin nllh tlieieilaln i I lilpherout one huiidre I thiniMiid uillllou inetioritn- eterv mjllire mule i f vnrlh lime I hit lii II of tit on thU planet Uonini mr thin Hernui Uiluht rf a nmtiir I ontt Put rim urAln or oiu Men lliiiitiolih of a i omul- i a haip one ImiMlml itillllon iioninia n1lllini to rtr- hiur intlr of earth This lhouih not an aiiiTeclahiv n lllnKe li Ihvliillk nlh t rarlll I In Iertalnli an all iieolalilriuaiillttiind li nn JlnUniinl I U onulit In lit Illlllllllleil i h Illllllon for I IlHIleUiMif nil olllir nrUlll of nrlNllnu t nietenrkiluMaiidilelirli W 1111 iVimmilms II s The llrlilicv ninnilnr To TiiKliiiTrin OF TiiHHux siij- to I smimgmit I tIn Ltnlnenl 11 vlneer and riiierlnt ndviit of thv bridge t lust they i4ltde I the I mi i edeii rimS it av bt aren tnt railln Cim hit iini n sy tmi SenVurk emil one lu linnikiin otlieri iiinlis no Manner tie reiurrrnct ul iivh u nielmivholy dliaitir lu Ihal1 ctlerdar Niw Vuak il 10 Ul AMkL Uklk Architect A Srnallile I S5T at II rVnu the IliHlrtn Iuit WIIIIn Phi lii i iii Kim i of i Ihll cu tom of enmI- fnrrJui tomirses ups muir It tim uIIIiI m 1st nun let it I hr mImmmiirm it 11 flllulh limsi lint mime mtioim rj ummim II lit ii n IhllIl ii iimJI 1100 1111 ptsmmt UUIII or U imrmmmeI fm I tie lu Immumt ucc tel rival For IHfttrrt Vldnuaf- riim Haiar I A widow should bo luurrled a bonnet 4XCKTECT fILLS JCCCHEK3- Th iNqklrjr isle Ia CIo ergs Agels- siueTke t klat- Ba Granite VoBtracI- WASJUKOTON May 3LTho Invest Igatkmn Into the affairs of the office of SupervIsing Architect Hill began at the Treasury Depart- ment ¬ this morning Mr James Colemnn ap- peared ¬ as COUUHUI for Mr Murch anti Mr John I Thomas runresunted Architect 11111 Mr- iluroli anti Mr lUll were both present Mr Coleman uuld lie doslrod to put t In evi- dence ¬ all paper bearing upon what are known an the 15 ir cent contracts Mr Blair of the Department Juitleo objected to the Introduc- tion ¬ of thin evidence the ground that the first contract with tho Dlx IslandOranlte Com panywas inndo by Mr Hills predecessor In- ifllco Mr Mullott smith consoijuently had no boarlni upon this InvestIgation Mr Cnloninn saId It wee evident that Mr Illalr and hlniRelf could not act In harmony tent asked tlmt tho lottor of Mr Murch roiiucstlnir the appoint- ment ¬ of OoNprntncnt eoillixel to assist him upon which Mr Illalr was detailed bo with- drawn ¬ Chairman Semi said that thu commit- tee ¬ would lot Mr Blair objection go over for the present Mr Coleman then offered In evidence a con- tract ¬ wait In 1873 holwcon otSupenlblns Architect Mullutt anti time Dlx Island OrHnlte Company for furnlfthlnf stone for tIe New York Ioat OfflCf Mr Colomnn said ho pro po id to show tlmt thb contract entitled ttio ootraplor to 15 per cent profit but that the hatter with the knowlndcn of > fr Hill who wiw then AtHlMantSiiliirtlHlni Architect lncre f d tint I flKtirei nml tbut lIf contracts were mndu with thIs Iompany without aihertldlnc for pro- posal ¬ Other contracts with time KUIIIU com- pany ¬ for work on time St Loiilo lloBton und thor public Imlldlnitit I wire also offoiwil In ell done ii Colnliian fiild lie would uhlo offer I In nUdeneothn I retular weekly report of time SuperlntiiidentH In charun of thn conxtrilctlon of tliPin bulldlncs i hlomu leSt iomimm lurid Imen- maiUi for thnin smnrnl wnuk ego but timer tutu not yet been fiirnUhnil Mr Thom tie rn tilled Mutt time reports would bo fortheomlni In- a few slays Mr Colcman then proposed that the commlt ton issue mmims Liiiie3 fur I lie appearance of car tnln wltnmHeK nnd tlmt two experts I Im np- polntcd unit to bn doHlunutnd by thn commit ten ind t tho either hy tho tirnneeuilon to Inves- tlcrtte I tho Illhct frutidtileiit uranlt I ti eon I rmmetn Un thought It could lie nliown thut the Clnxern- inent hnII1l1e1 I ii mid reds nf thnullnlq of dol ¬ lars moro titan thn stone WIIM worth at tlm ItluhnHt markiit rutiic nnd tlmt work was haul for whleh WHH tmver porfornied Mr Tlioniiin 1 objeetpil to I tho appointment I of experts lint sifter delllioration Mr Now ntutnd that as Mr l MImI ti immiti WitS already actlni I as- an OXIHrlllI I Suit matternn behalfor f Mr Murch Mr i A I ThnniMin ehinf cool pmmtitr or time Arcliltects olllce would be detailed as un ox peit tos represent Mr l I ISIS Mr Coloimm then usUeil for an adjournment till I Timidity next t I to allow t the experts t tlmo i to- exnmlno I t the pMt lIirs bearing s on I tlio eontructM Mr New nitld tlm committee would consent to this nrrancoment t co fariis Mr Murchs I Inter nst worm eoneernid but would ment on Mnu day I toI hour fildeiieu on thu chnrKiH preforred by IoiiNon v IXns nf Urooklyn nut Manly CooporV Co of riilhidelphla OUUANIZING lID XKir rAcur CLVH- A Pnaalblllly Iknt Mr Gould aliri Mr luflTiuja Vnukla nlll Itnc i > t New TIme Incorporators of the American Yacht Club adopted jesterduy n constitution und bylaws und acted upon tIme uunllcutlou for membership Mr Georco H Scott wait elected Hear tommodoir Thu sillier flout olllcors will riot LBJ chosen until time mum burs elueted huui- iualilled Mr Hcott hue buen n vachtsmiin from boyhood und N ties havlnfaslaiich lltst- clnss nttiun yaelit built I i by John Houeh A Stilt Thu club llau UK decided upon jesterdny will bo u pointed pennant huvlni a blue crnund med border und a whit Multoso cios lImo Commodores flni will bo broad pnmiiuitof blue with a whlto Maltese cross Thu Vice Loniuiodoies vucht will curry a red pennant with a white Maltese cross mind time Hour Com- modores ¬ fine will be u white pennant with a red Maltosn cross At the not meetIng which will bo held on Monday steps will bo taknii to procure a sultnblo club house or u sits for one nt snafu point down thn buy Time plan In to have a club house that will prnctlcnlly bo n casino and be surroundod by grounds nniplo for otitofrtoor hportn Tlm nosed of Mr l Goulds new yacht this Atn Inntn Is likely to bo tsvtiit UM noon us sue In ready for service lnst Mimmer u friendly rivalry xprnnt up betireon Mr ioull nnd Mr K K JulTrny who sire noiuhbors ul Irvlnttoii- i hi rim their trips to and from the city Mr lonlilH Itnslvn Mill not prove u match tor Mt Jim rays Vedette I In the Mueinl tt tim hits eaeh- madu tn toOt thn otter This oeitHon Mr J tl ray will I null i i in the Minntier which he re- cently ¬ piiiclniMid fiotn the ttmitu iii time lute noiiu hcood email Mr iould expects I that b > July 1 hn will bn abln tn travel biitwnen bis oiiiintrvhout t and t thn Stieet I In the Atalanta Mr InlTray bus suceested I that both yachts start at I hut vermin time on their dally trip Mr flouldHpretnronce l iii hownvwr for n more formal i InntHbt and In sea water Such nn- iiMiirr It Is generally concednd would bo o- jrront Interest to yarhtsmon and would creM much wlinleioniH cxcii mime nl t i in thn Htre t Uncle Hntiis i Hatch Mio I Isonoof the I heir poruit ore mit I thn Ainerlonn Club said yiterltj I lust lie would outer I his jnclit for thn ienirnr- cLHlta of Hteum yiehtH which It it iroroMd I ti hold later In Ihn immil4ifl If oiiultahio utile al Inwnnen lf mnilu On ttiiitconditlnn lily ynoht which hu ileebireH Is t lie smallest alloiit otiijlit to bo placed about three feet fi om thu homo line Tke Woiil 1rlncr Hlimurrk limysmutedF- romm Ihr M Jattittf nnifltf- Thn Fieneli who have not many rrnsnn tom liliu tfriiledll In Trlniv Itimnarpk liuc ut nil event ncdirdun to u roiit iiiiornr IlironUler i to ilinnl him for the lalenllnn iif n Morn uliich IILH bn otne n ti v favorite one tn Purl ntnl h iiile miii lnntid t the lerin- thif aa a unite of i iren iiiiif Hint a irtn or H tliltu I in nit Ilif fiihhiii To sin of a friend Hint tin or rlu l a M turhtitt is tu tima lilni or her the liltfhe t ciiiiliniljiltH- iiiijtiniihti and ttic chronicler In in lion iifrriheH the orlifin of tin word in Irinte HI mi i arc k who t onvir nc- vvllll It well known Knriiimi lirillli i whoe ffalon in Iarii I is verv fiuhl inat e aid I Ilittl Hie lariiUni were a er credillriiiii and rat him r pirhult rite lirhiiCio1 nhn had nitter henrd I Hi1 word liefore unked him bat II- nicint tie exidained to her Hint it inemit etervthini lOsS iniant iifilhltib lauvhinulv uddlnv that hu wan ure that If mime would st It guS In Iurlt It ould taka- enurnionkl hhe fohims nil hl advice emit hiss limit quit an nnhoied for meiiniire of tlccef i for no icrmn of favhloll would think of lultu anv atjtcllvf exietit- l n mitt In de ribe a out ball or a rmari tlilnir In iiillh- nery I Itnteuiii ton that tli word Ale Ji atK cf Ocrman orl ittIn t liellilf IntO d t fioiu ntftil Alolb orinill limp lion I 5 r hem i attiilutid t toll tor axrller I III the funilltil tioniitl ii r that it I in dtrited from rhlcquc a vount limn who uax tiikdt I ii mimith lti t > l nd tIn telefiraled- IHlntii wan N lad of irrent iroioli e liut tie died while Hill I III lbs Idi unidio and after till ileatli the niiier would tell otlier iiiillii wini wiit not doitu their work will that Ihei u ere not like Ihlcque this not to- bv i a iolo ulal term anil II Chicqui cnrriiitrd Into chic IIILJIIIC au adjtelite lunif ill miiartnt iC Alsatians Nerklnvl Avoid MIIHnry ttvrvlc Frs the London MV AVir A nionHtor nronootUlnn lias just t pn brought I lit H el In Mllinimi i4 tur flmmrmmnmommm 1111- 1Mtintl clurrd in tin Irltniiinl ruirt wlih lniunf triil- In frt I thcin ht r htliu irh nil n int iiiiuf tu 1nt nthorfUiiEHHrnlU rroin lln militttr mrs Is i f llif lIeu limn lVt uftii a urre hirl aimS the dlllniKof lh Ci ini net iilfl tie urn sir sort nf lire p eel Not t ltiii I lieu HX inlUlitrt iittdii ul otlkrr Sir micnimamS of Inuli liiirtTU elm nil frit rtrtltcateti and of tticoe ftl tiit I I Hum four ore maul tu lIsms e sit t of mid lenlt of IIH i tim upon The liriKutf- ce n artlv f tin wttltli it imrrnto wvre- cf ul en i rd l tmi inmms luiri hiiifiit i HO his from hire tnunlli to thren > t am 55 mime the nptlun of H fine Thf nil bcloi ufl I to districts furiutrlj Kruiuli oml rev 5 tlitir herpes Hint tlifv hisS nceti itnlhtiiK titan fill I In- tliK i t iiintltT silt t thut lhy uiuiM lm e irucurril lube I tttlLH II they IsiS bfvu alluueil to do I o To He nr Xut la lit That WIKIIIII fruiid ileorw rrlklde Hoar tlon the tnrit met lie ims ore Thut Uni arnor tlutler itiould not b 11 Itarirnil grim a mt U- Xndoubt lists Hutlir knew tie law i Hut tImers could I nu bvtur cautv Fur iliultinir him sumS inch at he- rorctcr out of that dcjrrt lie knew the law p ton well IniUet And 1 lie hud made time liny stat LUn- IAllixt oitlclal hismirt s hid l l l II what h did and what In saIl He I l rollitlit the Ioiiimonweallh iii some And inch a Hoar mmmuit t leer tIme Suits 111 raiua time w rmimmr w al madg tim char 1 to alt w ho choke tu si t and licar Tint eojle ijiolled by flutters ipalll- De l ed tle am lent barnacles And illled IlKlr hearti w Iii fear atul doubt Wliy couldnt hv Le counted out T ThIs man uat smart 3pm niiicli too tmart- ileorte Krlihle toll It In lili heart Hut Inn could culture wealth and clot llal Duller to Hit luluht of liraut t- Hi opened Moicliiirtt morel liuoeinit hermcrel tori How could hits Mliicctlte I WMI- Kiillll lilm to rank with tia > a I Tim tOm tier hame muit hr emit u rrl IlUII tlie n II could be cured Hut neM r never thuuld he be 112 llarvarda race a 1 II I ti The masmvm rnnr w Inked MM larboard eye And taut i I neither mammehm nor cry Their 1 t < lhrcreillt theIrs hue Limit la iu U i tlilitr choice tbt saums atNDKAMS Prince Ulinarck physicians remijnm- ttqnssl rest mil tire hint to tale tin waters it KIII mil Smut the Irlnci irtfen Frledrlchsruli his s at nsr- amhiirr iltuittd In the iciitreof a Inutlful form tt lie Sschssnwald Nothing howtver tin beet sttilil- it present It l is proposed to raise In tho Slut Hall of Tsinitnii i In Entlind I limit of Usury FiMlnf tni- nullM Mr I dwell the American Minister has Iron lied tn omit eli II ami it hai 55W beSt dcfliiltely irrnnatd that lio ctrtmonr Mill tiki flics Imruiluttly after tin irorogatton of rarllatnttit A disgraceful hoax was played a few days Slime cli Hit hey V Mstcalf luratiof 81 Utrlholnmt- whnrili may Cross In Kngland When about tn a Inii- nsltr hue sacrament the rerirenil lentkman pnured IN mitiils nf tlie wine bottls Smite the silver i up Una hen found that time wine had been abstracted ainl hh- nlntllnted The trick was at mice detected and vvlir- uniiillier buIlt had been procured the service roceeiltJ A petition lion boon proitentcxl tn html limn of Lords asking lot less to Introduce a Slit iti- refeiinci to tin tstatci of 8lr Itobtrt rett Tht pttiluu las hi atciinlance with the usual practlct In lut Ii Im huh rtftrrid to two Judtfei Ills father Hit Iruit- dlnlsttr Harontl who hid iald lets of tlinii its fir ils heIr tltd up alt his jimjerty as tlnhtlr as pnssM- rhi nriiinl Barnntt his beta chronically In dinttultle- iilli semi and heir U Id So far as can bo Judged front tho crlmlnil statistics ot the British army at home fur hIts your l tn2- the lmeresud sevirlty or the Army lilscllln sot I ts not afipiar to tint operated In the illnclliii or illmlnlili imI trims In the ranks Upon an aviratt strtiiuih nf sonic tOiXX noneoummmmbiluusnt uflloers and men repie- lentlnr about one hair or Hie army lure were H1I courts martial held sad I 131414 minor unlihmeiils lu fllctcd by order of cnmmindlnif nrncers flit school of time unlilcs In Toklo Jnpun- iss In tht court bihliiil the school bulldlnit a phyileal map nf that country between i sot + i fett mote It Ii suite or turf and rock aud Is ImrJered with lull which look al a little ditlanet niuili like water tvtTj Inlet river and mountalii Is reiiroducsd t tn Itmim mind st llh a fldtlltv to detail whlrli It slmlv wnmletfil Latitude aud lonrlludt ire Indicated by ulezraiili wins itmit tablets show tht position of tin cllle While Intlliff time decndo 1HCMS72 both vears Included In tlreat Britain in persons 1rt nn n than a million sterling S3 more than half i mlli and till mort than a quarter nf a million I Ihe ninnhrrs tn- In tin misrule IHTJIKKJ to tapermmtnr mure Hum a million to of niorithaii t half a million anI him of more thus a mimirmer of a million Time number uC furtinirs ranging between Umlu and COUJU sava the jif tutor Isis lucrtaaodenormously aul It now tar be > ui d- anvthliiK vtt fare tu print rime extraordInary imumuberof ncqtilttaU- of itrsnns vmmmmmittn1 fur trial lu 1iirtugal I Ii muted by the compiler f the nrliclal statistics to tlmalen Hi whole socials stem with grave dinars lime tmiimrsler has sllirhtly diminished but It smithI amounts to nearly U per ctiit as SKHln1 jo per Cent 241 er ctnt and M per- cent In the nilbrhbnrliiit countries of France Italj nnd- Mpalnrespecthel Amour time principalrtasonsnf tin difference are said to tie the exiessive Mvtrlt vvk- tlwlilch Un law punishes crimes aud ISis lenity ot Juries The nuulcnt and eminently French cer- muiiy of crowning time ruittrt was this > eur hiu- itlirough as usual at Nauterrc lu France nn liltici stay Tht htrnlilt nf tIm ocvsmIoum snam Mile Mario lnnle- neilmj ei is ho according to ill the > rent Ii Junrnals I is omIt blnnde ravlmitnte lit tars old aud ft mo 11 in t- imlynfrcmliilni virtue but ulnoof ill lot mimi She up rearm to be thf suit support of her vldnwtil nmtlir audit is thtrnfurt pltaslni to know that tliU tliarmiiiM- vomitf wnmati lice hcmmt rewarded not onlv with Hm eros or rises but also with the arfonipanvltnritnvvrv ItiiHslii Is milking emit but bUie pro ivan in time moumsm nsmmmism nf her railways the llius iir eels erally or some roininerclal nr strategic Tnlne lluv 1 iiu- Ilinslrncted parllt fur ernnomltal purpnsei nnd piniv- In order tn vivi work to the Immense number nf iu- enitliieers vvlin an vvlthnut employment nit who I tu nether with thin whole if tin Illlsslsn press huve Ilu been bltterb roniplalllilllf of t the fonct lolis granttl tu forcluners riiellnveriiintnthai apparenll 3 iirillnl ti- iflvt tlie preferente in future to KiiFsian lout rmmetr and If t tile requisite rapltul cannot be obtained frui private lourcts to Brant tinge suhtlillrs- In 1H4J when iuiwit wont t EtiKliiml ns- Ambasiadnr liiulsriiiip e said Vllljon Inirmicl- Hlount I I A title Isminittllllri Ustfill And Ill llulild- tclliiliiK the Kliu maim iii nrv rIght jnur niiio- alonu Is feliMltimit and la ft higher itljlnltv riiiern In i took nn title When thin lley of Tunis was In Iarli In- 1S40 I he received much tlvllity from Iliiint and pre senlfil his chihtrin nn his departure with orlrntU- ilnnses studded with lends worth MIIIOO Tummy vvrre- liiimeiliutely rim imrui Jui7ot expressing 111 Krillnxltf but heKklHV that he mUlit not bo I pressed to tin whil t lu had nevtr done and actfjit u prt nlit He died r- Tlm London Time nays of nur countryw- oman ¬ wliu has just made her debut at the I tai- Nimlqiie In SarIs Mile Ketada whn lie the aiiiitn- nd ftaturts of tier fountr a livelv asmmns hut ii lit us meet und th irelieratl nnvel apieuranci sliilatile i tc American soprann was forthvitth aiccpttd wild intirktd favor nh a person with wliimi Knrope was huu ef ith to- b familiar und with wlinm one was cerldln In 111- llklittd Thus nnulher charmllnf und vvelfimif t ttir lu made tier ippearam e to trim that tlncii the tlnii vv In n Madame Itilll re paInS the existence nr Amtllciin i o- prauns tlie Cream rtpublic has not iiiKlerttd their sulil tlon and now as then thallen ci in tins as In sn many other lields the older continent All UutiiKcimrlnu ivtl ting t a tho Loi don rauitqrii suv thai lie wishes that isiS those vviu iIsiithIlm tht utility of Micclniillnn uuj ill Unit are n nrtnly Impressed uilh Ils niarvtlloin belli Ht cutill without lootnz t tie aihaiituires nf tluir arlieriue re relic the inemorlcsof lug 1ltmmimt > oulh 1 think writts may safelj suy till fur ever persun I IIM- Vneet with seamed nr pitted fate I then nut a liiinllril- nanv irriivoinily disfiKiired and not a few llniil Ins was tOil enough tliouith een then tllanLs ptirtl ti mull pox liiot tiUtlon and more latel tu tin viuniiv irntictlon puller rs vvde at Icait In a eiv ilnil ittinorlty a InltJ I hiS heard my mother mv that In lur- t all > ila > s murks nf tniiiill pnx were so jiruvuli nt tliul it was cinnmon t to dltliikuliii Otis free from them ai lmmnml fuced persun- Vn ofllclal document just ksued with ro Haul lu the pawnbroklnir buiiiusi In frnnce nhuh is entirtl in time hands of the State hows lImIt them mire it t the resent time onlv forty tniKHtabllidiinentsor mienim fe tile tIm ru iimmt the tnnntr I In neurl > mini fourths of the departments user exist none whiiitv tim ummost Important Is itiulnr I Tuns after as lIeu emu I thoseot lons Hnrdeiiilx It tarseilles Mile tmiti llnneli- In tlitse six brant lies the sum limit rcjiresent tlalitv l to ii percent of the total fur t the whole of Kiunit I ear 1012 71 articles wtre rteelved in pluUelm tl- idltferelil eslablliliments rrpreSenUlnt a1miiumI frunri lent The averiiire sum snug jii trontii fer 1arls iini t H- rranci for tht departments There were IJJ4 aim m i rim21fl5C bt t ween i and m francs liri HJII under 5 rraius and bexitibi from I 11 to I Imoai i f runes and upward Mian linn aleu just had a Fishery I I- hlhillon vvhlfh vvus opened In March at twnu lining time struiue ifsar shown were a let if whale nets l harpoons from Kit with explanatory pictures t Vhtii- w hales appear ill time coast tare unIty rsmstmsl mill fr nu twenty I to thirty men put off to sited them with stroni grass made side which have ini lus nic ut a yard square and are about ten > ards loot luli r ten or times null are lilnhtly attached end tn md iii l when a whale Is readied they amhotln frmito a l around limos When he niuku a dart he Kits eiitan id t and dashes aw u out of mime tenjard lu uiln mm u t breaking iff and llnjflim round Slims His tmlmrtk- inent Minn brinirs lifts crash to I the stirfate wlunotliir I nets arm thrown until nt last he beconiis so lmuiirid with them and sn hurried and fright mist as In I U- casj murk for ipearii Simi harpnons- Thi1 other day ns time urcnndler < m cuaul at Kninerset I House London was standing In i tin immlC way a lid nf trtuin ave tot still attractive mill rn bi- vroled accosted him with handsollil ellloifi if h martial tlif lire and vv arm approval of tlie sty l lo iln his he irotected his tjueeii and countrv ill the irreitt dvna mill crisis Irlvate Thomas Atklnswns nsturnllv- prised sr at this but his surprle mires limO I tin I Ul- oflered If him tier lund as a reward fur Ins valiant UIKV Ihe tsllderwAS liberal made un mit l nnt from till rlfl pound nnte time film elilhnsisll n mel I forth Hefum tlie flattered est iiii mild aM ml n- straiiKe propotnl the pollt email nndiilv lntirpn i I IvvKli a brutal command to mine on oil nut AIIIIIIV tin ntr Tin lad obeyed with KMielnl toilrltslts ami viafllnf- kloumil tim sirnumutisu till she turned llnidirner ul- slKht Em cry istunrmmmsmt timim item unknonn su lusiir I spiminui tier If and vvmt iliiimifli the isis lirin niinni the liftpound note pheHinplviiiUrid thy iHtiivvK sI tondopiiiilelliesentrrti 1 ardid him I lih iii Sit slon of i ipllire aldressed him with lctlir- ecstasvasiiriillilni uf mmimt lot allsflnnenl aul ill plised avva Itllullll Sot sweet kllisfrinn I In rlliu r- nUls Asthe senlr vvu elm mim4nl tverydiv i I si a passion woo elm unIt reiflnnnla raihcr Ilisn Inlividimi- It has strum Seem mind that he U of hull f amiulll S ii mit Immum n In MHiei nictlon time sister tf a aeiilletiian who tiled recellllleavlnirliralarire Mtllll in II allowed to pursue her harmless I msmn nnl crowd a- smbles dHll in see time transit ff Vuui acrow llt march of Man AVobonow- Iliniir sirrinvv From t Ihe un Unit shines to ninrriw- Ulie I tHder- IVr t h ipes fnotll s lo dtfrll 1 Sir Eros the leivr Hint haunt tin w Wi iii n r I Ilrrei kli never Anv now from t the fortver luterclaiiliiif near no I furl for tath iiiiuuu- HIils ullblli II 111 tht hours of thv inlllille- A unt sky holds m > siar ksimmuli0 I

Ichf mat b rptmoral degeneracy We refer to tun educa-tional ¬ progress of the colored rae since the epoch of umnnclpiitiou In 180 when tho Southern missionaries and school masters

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Page 1: Ichf mat b rptmoral degeneracy We refer to tun educa-tional ¬ progress of the colored rae since the epoch of umnnclpiitiou In 180 when tho Southern missionaries and school masters

r = Vr7T I-



fbe w ttttFRIDAY JUNE 1 IfW

Amusements ToD-YllJn Pop ir W

< >< nunss f t1II ijs s r N-

cI1 < > lh tr tli Msrrj War I f K-

cia Dlat aisa wa s2W Bswsrrnrat 4 Uftt H s T rllls I PM

j rlr1T > olr CI ik ir Hqa r 1 kHteoKulllsn llumlloooo I M r M-

fi= ir-N OpP 100 < K I r Iup PflIl HV IIIf IsuJirM

4Mt I h le Tltt llaBs a I pM-

fI r l sliail 1fc < r Tla I P at

If Vtllrka 1 k 11poet Tsss Msa I r U-

IhstkI4h It I f I4

laM atS-VILT 14 paiei by mil Ut month or 4S a

par postpaldi with Bandar edition TToK UlAf II pattl llao per year putpId-WisILTISIMsIXIlt a

po r X f POpa4


COLUMJCH IayOA8 the time appronchea

t for notulnntlnc candidates for Governor In

Ohio the Itepubllcang aro glow to confront thatrenponslbllity After flung a day for tbe regu-



Convention some of the leaders eek toposttiono I to await a decision of the SupremeCourt on tholr lat sumptuary law funny Ilay IIHI pronounced unconstitutIonal

They urn badly handicapped br two cause In

nddltlon to the depression resulting from aI

crushIng defoat last fall The liquor Quwtlon

till fllngn to thorn despite tho efforts of adroitmanagers to throw It off and to stnrt now

Issues Tho wool growers who form an Impor ¬

tant Interest In tho State argreatly dlseutlsfled with tho now tariff which boar hard ontheir prosperity

The GermanAmerican citizens who so lonaI and HO faithfully supportod the Knpubllcnns In

Ohio and In most of tho Western States haveI

renounced thnlr allegIance to that party andnill attempts to win them back br persuasionand by promises have failed The strongestproof of want of confidence In the coming elec ¬

tion is furnished by tho refusal of John Sher-


t to ttnnd as a candidate for Governor

ISherman had listened to the appeals of hispolitical friends and had accepted the proffared nomination all differences as to can-


would at once have disappeared amongthe Democrats In that event Judge Thurmanwould have been called from his retirement tothe front by a spontaneous demand The coun ¬

try would then have witnessed a most Inter-esting


ciiiMifl having an Important bearingon the Presidential contest noxt year

Pear of the result of such a campaign de-


Hherman from entering It though underordinary conditions nnd with any prospect of theusual Itopubl lean majority he wouldhavo comoforward with alacrity Ills refusal has addedto the existing despondency and the canildata who maybput up will be surely knocked

1L Jown while Hhornfcn will have a safe retreatIn tho Senate until 1887

Good fortune has smiled upon the Democratssince they carried tho House of Keprusenta-

tlves In November Ilust They lost no groundat the Hprlne elections and now Mahono hasbeen virtually unhorsed In Virginia But thesesuccesses must not b regarded as tokens ofentire confidence In tho party

Iwould bo tho greatest of blunders for theDemocrats to wsumo because the Republicanshave been rebuked punished and defeated two

rears before tho Presidential election as theyalso weru In 1874 that therefore the Demo-


nominee for President will bchosen in1384 examination of the returns for mostof the e elections will show that honest Repub-


by tons of thousands rAfIRd tgo to thepolls Intending thereby to scourge tho leaderswho Bad misrepresented or betrayed them

The socalled Democratic victories wcro notobtained by tho conversion of Republicans tothe opposite faith but by tho absenteeism ofthe latter a voters or by tho bold sup-port


of Democratic candidates In differentlocalities byway of emphasizing resentmentforth thou being against obnoxious Reoubllcan chiefs or against theIr offensive policy

It Is true that ninny former adherents of theRepublican party have abandoned It for good

not for any particular love for the Democracybut because there Will no other place of refueoopen to them whoncn they could make war ontheir late associates This the Germans haveone in several StatesThe Democrats are now on trial with a great

opportunity before thorn to gain what theyLfue lot possessed as Iparty slncn the close ofthe civil war namely tho confidence of theountry The Koiiubllcan party has ben In aminority on a fair vote since 1872 If the op-

position to It could hnvo boon consolidatedCertain Domocritlo leaders have stood In thoway of unifying tho opposition because of alUtrust In them 01 thlpart of the North-

It would 0worse than folly for Democratsto shut their eves to this fact That opinionjr tuejudleo or whatever It maybe called busvet to bo combated end overcome before II

Democratic President can enter tho Wlilto t

lou l Tliciefoni the futuro the Democracydepends materially upon tho course and con-

duct ol the louse of Representatives nextwinter

Tho Republicans have boen severely andjustly cluutlHud Thor are split Into hostilefactions Hut thoy form the only existing po-


party to oppoo the Democrats for thoI

Prusldoncy The great Railroad corporationsthe bants tho maniifieturt and other classInterests will use this organization as the >

huve hitherto done to try and keep control Inthe Qocrmiionl us they did In 1880 when mil

Jlons wore expended to elect Garfield who wascorrupt over Hancock who was honest

Money Is tho rulll rower In the Republicanmachine The men who contribute It will puGrant lllnluo Logan Conkllng Arthur nmalt the other lenders asldo to attain successThoy cuo nothing for them except OH InstrunionU who may servo their purposesTheir real cnndldatu will Iho kept In tho back-

ground until near the meeting of tho Conven-tion They propose to put up n conservativeticket neither Stalwart nor Half Breed whicl

f vlll attract the public conlluVnco outsklo of anyplatform ant to raise the cry of the era oftgood feeling like that of President Monroe

The rac III not always to the swift north S

hattie tn the strong Democratic leaders wildo well to remember this Instruction whenCongress como together In December and topropose A policy which shall ruroovn anv m-

raalnlnv jirejudlw ncalnst thor and conciliatethat opinion in tie country without the sup

port of which no party can prevail Ichfthe prestIge acquired In 1874 was squan4rIn iQuabhU for office and for patronage Un

pardonable mistakes worn made In too manycasos Tho lesson ouuht to bo I warningngaltut blunders In 1813

The HuprrvMon nf lic IlrltliCs

I1 rto not think that nny nnl con blumo tunbridge offlonrn for thn dlsmntor

According to our rotcpmcd conlnmpnrnrytho KvnilngJiKl this U what Mr 0 C MAIITIN tho 8uiorlntcndcnt of tht Now Yorkautl

Brooklyn Brldirn said yesterdayIf this Is really Mr MARTINS opinion tho

sooner ho resign hla post or lU turned out ofit if ho will not resign tim better

We do nut doubt hue ability as au engineerbut as an administrative officer ho showshimself to butterly IncompHtcnt

The polio force on the brIdge has boonfeeble and Inefficient from the very llrntThe true course to ptirsin Wits plain nouirhA bquad of men should havo been taken fromtho regular polC In each cltv It wiittldhave disciplined policementtrained II their duties thoroughly drillednud accustomed to deal with larijo crowdsand keep thorn In order Thirty or fortybuch polcmcl on tho brldfrn would havos prevent tho awful panic ofWednewlay

The faiurto have them there has cost adozon They should be put there nowwithout dxlay Make tho Superintendent ofPolice In New York and Brooklyn officiallyresponsible for the safety of traveller overtho bridge and there will bo no moro acci ¬


Ithe Colored Rncn nntcriorntlnc I

It will be remembered that last year txt thoFioteslant Episcopal Congress I 1lsatolwns cntibed by I paper tcad lbyTUCKEH of Mississippi on tho relations oftho Church to tim colored Ic Dr TucKKitwas not it seemed unwilling that the moneyneeded for the solcelevation of the South-ern


blacks come out of Northernpockets but he recommended that tho fundsBO raised should be handled neither byNorthern whites nor by Muck missionariesand teachers but by Southern whites whoalone as he averred possess au adquato corn¬

prehension of tho negro character He d-eclare


that thlattempts of tho blacks theta ¬

slvoR assisted by Northern whites t im-


tho condition of the colored people badproved a total failure for while ho would ad-


a slight advance In material prosperityyet Dr TtrcKEK Inslstid that as roganlsmorality the American negro has positivelydeteriorated durIng tho uitfhtecu ycuru thuthave elapsed slnie tho civil war

This grave Indictment of the colored racecarrying with it tho Insinuation that eman-cipation


was counter to tim Interest of thoslaves themselves has naturally provoked agreat deal of protest and recrimination on

thlpart of our colored fellow citizens Thomost effective rejoinder that we have seen1is contained In o pamphlet written by MrALEXANDER CRUMMELL rector of St LukoaChurch and publshe by the colored clergyoff the Episcopal communionOf this defence of the American negro It may

bsaid that white tho authors diction Isby no moans frets trout blemishes It IB quitoequal to Dr TUCKEDS discourse In point ofIIdiomatic correctness and Is much superiorIin sutwitointlvo weight and worth Mr CnuitMELL has marshalled facts and legitimatedeductions against the arbitrary assurllonswhich with an amuslllISUmllton of cleri-cal


Infallibility TuclhapropoundediIn lieu of arguments-

As regards the charge of moral dctorlora

ton Mr CRUMMELL submits that this is reby the Church sttllCof the colorerace It appears Baptist

xllst denominations alone have now a col-

ored membership of nearly two millions andthough it may btrue as Dr TUCKER alllell that the moss of those church morn

ers have a form of Christianity without-Its substance the same thing may uufortu-

atuly bo sid of white at well as black proesslng Christians We scarcely thinkthat it lies In the mouth of a Christianclergyman to belittle the Hlgnltlcauco of Ipublic profession uf ChrIstIanity althoughlaymen and particularly bank depobltorshave learned to regard the ceremony withsome distrust Whatever promise or guar-anty


of pure and upright living IIs 110Inoiniug the Church the colored rac hii of ¬

fered on a must edifying tcule for the pro ¬

portolof church membership to populationI much larger among the Southern blackstItan among their white brethren

Leaving the clergy white and black todetermine the ethical value of church mem-twrsblp we tUtu to an Indisputable fact which-is bard to reconcile with the accusation ofmoral degeneracy We refer to tun educa-tional


progress of the colored rae since theepoch of umnnclpiitiou In 180 when thoSouthern missionaries and school masterswhoo exclusive coiupcteuco is ulllriiied byDrTocKcn had been at work for some twocenturion time number of colored people Inthe whole Union who could read ned writedid not exceed 30 and most of theewere free living In tho NorthernStates At pieucnt half a million coloredpersons can read altwrite and thut the pro

01 ton of Illiteracy iIs rapidlyI decliningmust inferred frol the fact that In 1831fortyeight per coot of all the cjloiod youthof school ago were enrolled upon the ofllelaHits Tli Mo are nearly lGO colored school-teachers now employed tho United Suitesand the rowluJ demand tot such instruc-tors


Iis by tho existence of 41 norniitschools comprehending morn thou 74JO col-ored pupil Theio are uUo 15 colglo and 3I

academies of a high grade nu < mow tlll7000 negioes are profiting by thc e opportuft itles of a liberal education Tho col

ore taco suppcuU moreover M schools oftheology 3 law KliooN 2 schools of modicine nud over 8newspapers To two whorecall tho demise Illiteracy which pievulledamong tuo Suutll blacks dutlug theslavery em thO phenomena Just mentionedsupply Imprcbslvu pioofs of a btrong upwindmovement Indeed it would be my to nmi koff six mlllloiii of peasantry hi Huslu oreven In southern Kumpc wlioati lair momllllteiato nlt morn gioshlyl bupciblltiouathan are Ilalclptle colored lon of theUnited StltOI

Among tin tmlf revealing weakness ofmoral llbio accoidlng to Dr TUCKFI-IdlmlriKulsli tlAlwrJcl1 freed nauim are Indulezice anti IImpr videnen liut how IIn vlnwof tlmk nllcged imwllllngucns to work can

1explain tin llluclol by the SouthernSttitca off 27G7ono of cotton in timelive real front 1878 to 18S2 vliureas thonggngnto yield for the live years fioiu 1857 toIbCl uui only jJOOO01 How did It happenthat time Atrlcnu who at both periods didthe work produced onuthltti morn whenno wab free than whIle lie was 1 KUIVO Asivgards time thrlftlessness ascribed to timefieedmen we must rnmumber that theyhad Rant luquheil tIme virtue of econ-omy


HS hud tin Itushlau serfs andtho clavcs of we tciu Europe underthe Kutimn law by being encouragedto aniaiM Iiousohold stuff antI personal prop-erty


and that when tuauuuilttea toy were

imtcd mu h MM gtoueattif tb n tbt sins-C MW ufy tlirtof not a foot of landfrom time Government whose ward theywere but being literally sent forth todin by tho roadside Nftvcrtheletw this pooplo of literally piiinllesw outonBts have al-

ready Imamigcd by dint of hard work nud-

rconomy tto Ijtiime 1the tposwsMira of eonpldirnliii ItriietH uf land IIn tthn tnt of-

orgliktliHiifgri> MOwnC >ClCxJOiurp > allthe cotton KtntiH takun togothor they have

aciiuitcd 2G9O acres or an area aboutequal to Urn State of ConnecticutAgain the liNtory of tho Frevdmani IVxnk-

up to the date wheu that Institution wanruined by time rascality of white menbears witness to tho speedy acquire-


of thilfty habits liy the blackrace In thn alit yeata during which thathUlk wa open It numbered 610 frlII1a-lollgltdepoMtors and ur lotl Irtlm monnyw deposited exceeded 50000000Other Ilitfrestlug data piovlng Ithe iicctimulatlou of capital nail even the beginning ofIndustrial rnterprlHp are cltml by Mr CntiMMELt among whlih amity tbe mentioned tthn-

projistiHl building of it llhhtI i forty mileshang from Wllmlngim to WilglitHvlllct Iappear that than tomato liai ulieady beengraded byn black 111 niglneor tnmdl that

tl road Is to bo paid for and operated by

IlldlllThu conclusion reached by Mr CitUJtMEtLhi that Southern lerjrymen of the typo ofDr TUCKER do not know no much about thenegro athey think they do Certainly thenfercnce fairly deduclble from fact hOlebrought forward Is that time Southern blacks

lre au Improving and not a retrogradingpeople Mr CRUStMEiLa own view of thenovement observable lu time colored race

slnco Its liberation IIs worth quoting for Itsdiscrimination mid rntidor IHonilinuwlodipwI limit perhaps otuithhdI of tln inaiiiimUUd-icgiwrfu Including time aijed time decirplt tho

I mbruted anti those ho hail boon ttheI hluveuof tho lowest and vilest whites lnio fallen-ot a lower level of conduct tutU IIl1 being

thauthat occupied dining the time slaveryHo believes however that another thirdstud a little above the matei lal nlllralc-Oldllonln which emancipation found them j

a llrmly of time opinion that thet cmalutug third have made advances Inrespect of prosperIty Intelligence and thesocial virtues which would ho creditable tothe proletariat of any country and whichwhen tbe point of departure Is recalled may

bpronounced really admirable

Sport flint I Mixed With PerilA new plan his been devl nl for killing off

our elderly mllllonilrcs who are tired ofmaking money cud our young men ofwealth who are tired of loldlul tho motleywhich their lathers havo

Steam yachts have lately become fashion-able


and now It seems we ate to have steamyacht races Thu regulations of course are-ot be very strict There will bo a system of

t line allowances all rules as to the pressureof steam which we nro assured will preventaccldento It Is tolerably certain howeverhat I this sort of sport comes into O le-the newspapers will shortly have to publishvery Inlrestlnlaccounts of yacht boiler ex-plosions


loss of lifeWhen tho first transatlantic yacht race was-

sailed It was regarded as an evidence ofcourage on the part of young Mr BENNETT

and his comrxtltors that they were willingtto go In their own vessels on such a perilouswinter voyage The owners of steam yachtsmust bo oven braver men to btay on board Inthe etenm yacht races and tho re ¬prop

acom pan thorn wll exposedtto greater peril than ever bO> boldestwar correspondent

Mr JATOOULDhlatelydevelop yacht-ing


l >t a cuptor tho first steam yacht race lb had bettorkeep out of such cntesthimself howeverunless ho wants fnd his financial andmundane career In a sudden burst of glory

The Militia and the StrikersTime conflicting testimony given at tho

Coroners inquct upon the killing of thoBelleville minor by a force of Illinois militiamakes It difficult to turin 1 clear JudgmentIn alt particulars regarding the occurrenceSores of the workmen and their wives lu

thlt tho troops fired first but the snoreprobable account Is that when the threecompanies arrived by rul aud tho Sheriffthereupon harangued thl crowd one mis-guided


man responded with a pistol shot Itwas then that the troops werordered tfireInto tho crowd and It was quickly dispersed

Time use of mllltla in time control of laborstrikes Is always a difficult matter to determine Nobody doubts that a riot must bpromptly quelled and this to If necessaryby tho intervention of military force But aserious mistake Is often mud In assumingthat largo assembly of unemployed work-men


IIs necessarily danger nsa to Itho commu-nity


and thurofoip must b dispersed at alllinzirdb So far an lawlessness Is concernedthe man who renlly ibis most to make acommunity wretched and accordingly to dietuili the public poice may never ippoakubovp a whisper 01 be fWI In a crowd Aguirdlun of time inaci U apt to act on theroutine del that his Hi atl bluings on seeingu throng of 011101 lu tho ntreuU 1> to dK-peise It people thomilvcswhlu con-scious


of desiring to do no wrung may bounwilling to epaittt especially when theironly hope of redressing their supposed grit vanew or hIPIO111 their industrial conditionIs inI together

TIl meal fonientert of riots uiebometlmestWO who express Indignation at thIroccuri-once nndnio most eager to have tthem put-down A few days ag o In Philadelphia amob of Iialal railroad laboteis surroundedthe Ilko a company complaining thattney hud walked tliiktyiiliin days without ncent of wages and note all in dlbtrw Azealous police olcullljhllmvu consideredthis tlJU tltlol to allot j hut lu thatcase would the teal disturbers of time publicpitico have been tIme poor men who werevriougod or tho contractor and capitalistswho wionged them The latter undoubt-edly


were itimmking no uproar aud were Je-

coious lu their conduct on this occasionwhili the former wuio excited timid somtnvlwt-uolny and ioccupied temporarily an nmiiuulbhaioof OUD of Ihn Mdeualks Yet to havequicklyI dlspeivd tins laborer would havebxn playing dhectly Into tho hands of theteal wrungdoeis It would havo uieveutedthet tam ploytes from appealingi to tthe publicby tMr bbl I display of collected numlieisand fioiu making their grievance knownwhich was their chief hope of relief

A btiugglc betwivn capital anti labor IIs lotfor time nailit Iii to regulate provided It doestint In any degree Involve or tin eaten thopublic pence or tbl overthrow of the laws ofthe community Lawlessness always de-mands


time prompt Interposition of thetroops If needed hit the right to Itrlkl 11

IlLclear as UK right to eat The IIght to de-mand


moro wages Is us obvious an time rightto refuie them Nor is It any moro a crimefor tho employees to put thu employer to lu-

convonleneo after 1 tailing out tll for himto put them to Inconvenience 11 distressSemite Governors nf States neverthelesstjeem to proceed on tho theory that the veryexistence ot a strike is a couapiiauy against


the by puud thtyftM r dytofurf-cUti oorpohitioa with troops thmomentth workmen combine

The Interest of the community U thatpeace should bpreserved tho lawrptand the mat ot Its courtscore tho same time a ChiefMagistrate should bon his guard ngalntttin mlstiAft of the powers of tho Statby anyunscrupulous body of men who understandt hit HO 10Di Wthey CU employ bayonetand rl el dispersing their employeesthoy can hold labor at their mercy Tho

illshould bo Dmopconcerned bcU8aplln bricks and atone filled ma-chinery


IIs for a time Idle when It might

0 earning something for tho owner orowners than because a thousand of IU citi ¬

Zeus Ire out of employment The duty oftime State Is done If It sends IU militaryforces when needixl to execute the laws pre-serve


tin Ipeace ali protect the citizen In hisright to luUir without unlawful hindrance

A Dlicourtcou GovernorCourtesy dos not seem to be a character-


of tho tldnlwnvo Governors GovernorCirvBLANDs mossngo to the Now York SuiteSenate on the Inbt lay of time Ill ect dou wasboth 111 tampered ali uncivil oDd GovernorllurLKlt of MiiKKncbiihcttH has now sent n-

coinmuulcallon to tIme Hotiso of Itopruoontatives of that Slate which Ilit equally dUcour-teous In Its tone Inot more DO

This message rllnl to Governor limitLabs first veto constitutionality ofwhich has hn quwtlonwl by reason of thefact that the Governor hud left thn Common-wealth


and was In Washington before hisveto was communlcut to the Legislature

Time ticU as now stated fully sustain thovalidity of the veto Thn manner In whichthey are set fottb however Is extremelydUrospectful Governor BUTIEH says hosigned time veto message one afternoon asIho was ubout to leave Boston on privatebusiness and that tin exclaimed to his secre-tary


as hu departed Take this messageand whoa you cau catch a Legislature haveIt delivered to the House From tho timehe gave this direction he never saw the vetomessage At 0 oclock that evening honow tells the Legislature I loft Boston and

abut 13oclock I left tho Commonwealth eurute for Washington and I did not returnuntil I got ready

This Is not fitting language to use In ad-dressing


tho legislative department of thoGovernment In rcforemw to Igrave questionof constitutional law On the taco of hisown tmessage Governor BUTLER was Inthe wroll It was tinted on 1 day whenIf tld tho whole truth ho would boobliged to admit that be wits out of the Stateand therefore without any power or authorityto act as Governor of Massnchusettx HeOld on explanation to the Legislature hutInstead of Jhlnj It respectfully and In 1proper way tins adopted a tone amidmanner unworthy of tho honorable poet huoccupies-

A due len of propriety In an Importantqualification for responsible public office

Had for HarvardHarvard College refuses to BEXJAMIX F

BUTLER the degree of LL D which boahttheito been regularly given to whatsoeverperson line boon Governor of Miwsuchusnttu-

TliIn In good for BUTLER and bad for liarvnid College Harvard could not In anyother way have done so well for htm or so111 for itself

An institution of learllni which confers Itshighest on UUTIIKIIFOHD B-

HAYEH only honors other ten when It with-holds


from them the same form of compli-ment


The determination of the bridge authoritiesto put Ut dlvlllni ralllngH of seine kind In time

pathway imsHenifors will when carried Intoeffect do something toward jirevontliiKnnothnrfilial crush It will itlll be pogglhlu to ovnrimekthe bridge but at least the pressure will then

ball In otis direction The objection that t-

ally given time there are mure puopla going Inone direction then In tho oniioiite Is not fatal-to the plan Tho division can be made unoiimland the wider part used from morning to noonby those who so from Urooklyn to Now Yorkand from noon to nluht by those who uo fromNow York to Brooklyn Tho ratlines should bustrong enough also not to brook under pres-sure


Another measure of prudence would

Heel to bo the permanent stationing of adiscreet man In an elevated position on thebridge at a point whore his view could com-mand


It and to Rive him telephonic or telngraphic communication with each end of time

structure Thou at tho instant of I mom fpanic or any othr occurrence demandingrelief he could call for aid Hail this arrangewent existed from time opening of the bridgethe Influx of people could havu boon stoppedat the outset of all of the many perilous jawsof which one proved so fatal

Au apparent continuation comes by cableof the story at first pronounced Improbablethat tho Duke of ALIAS hud applied for thoOoernorUeneralshli of time Dominion amid

been rorusct That the MaruuUot IANM> OVSE

181 successor than he for the Marquis ofLOBNK will hardly lx doubted and if it btruothat the ground of Mr OLADHTOEH rejectionof the princoly applicant was that ho Is 10young and Inexperienced tho Prowler certain-ly


Bhoned solid honso

One of the anticipated difficulties In time

Tonquln trouble that of I proipoctlvo blockMile of Chinese ports IK already crcutinxanxie ¬

ty at Derlln Great Britain however lIs vastlyninni concerned than Gf rnmny In this mustiertoil line not yet protested uuniiiHt time Frenchpollciy In Annum indeed before 1 blockadethorn would Inue to bo a abotween FrancoIntChina and It Is pofmlble that hoHtllltloscalm uo on for months or TRI Tomjuln with ¬

out such Iwar

If BtiTLEns narrowminded enemies knellon with vlfor they may inaku him a candidatefor President utter all

It goes hard with violators of the gam-bling


laws In title city Lately under pressureof public opinion tho pollen liiva bestirredthemselves In the direction of supprewlna-wellknown uambllnir placos ninny of whichIIHVII bHtm raided and tholr proprietors arrestud Mostt of thu dntuetod KnmblerR came tocrlef In tho course of the hut tow woks one

JII6111111i his entlru tlmo to time I is posit Ion

11lr casus Finns to thu amount nf nearlyS5IIOO were collected and Imprisonment wasadded tn lan Instances This Is time way todual with wilful violators of the gambling laws

Tho recent applications for appointment tovacancies iiinonir thu second lloutunancles oftho army byBiivurul members of time rmmduimb

lag CIIIBHH of the eolleuen are Illnllclnt lintthere U snottier new Ploronlol olenhllltolto college ntulnnt namely blCumuli ulno huv just been culled to mourn timelOON of thvlr catchier Mr J II HuMiiiiiieu ofthe class of 1S83 who has accepted un eneiicelent to play behind tIme but with thu New YorkLeague Club A Woitern League club Is saidtn have secured the services of Mr JoKER thewellknown Yale pitcher ItlcilMoNl who hisbeen for several years a profehslonul Pitcherwas a colleuu Ktudent us urn also one or twoother frtmous base bull professionals Homomire said to study for tIme ministry soil otherciilllnci In tho winter and to wield the low Insummer The snlarlos now paldby time cilb artnot to bo despised tbe honors anllpublo ap-plause


given to n good player perhaps morethan hi could expect athe bar or lu Itn pul ¬

pit while aaalntt his chanoas of broken fingersand sprained ankles may be set a otrtalntr ofplenty of hordes and good health

If Copt ALEXANDER H WILLIAMS hAIl boonIn charge of the police of tho Brooklyn bridgeon Wednesday there would havo boon no dis-order


and not a life would have boon lost

The plans of aFoulau conbplracy whichexisted In America are to be described byLYNCH slice NOIIMJLN the Informer before theCentral Criminal Court London This nowwas given yesterday by the Kounrdor to thoGrand Jury who aro to deal with tho dynamiteconspirators now under arrest Wo Inno nodoubt that lANcnulluit NOUMAN who him al-


given Ilrormaiol that howl hit knowl-edge


of New wilt he able to give come astoundliiB tales of Fonlan conspiracy here Whocan tell how many of thorn there havo bonnsineo tho days of the Sunburst In thu MoffattMansion If LYNCH ullii NorMtN should reveal nil time blooduurdllni secrets of Funlun-smI that are locked up In tho bosoms nf ni time

enterprising newspaper reporters of cityhe wilt vivo thn Londoners nomo notion of thefertility of the Fonlan Imagination on this sideof tho Atlantic

TIme censorship of nil telegtupliln despatch ¬

cs In St rutorshura luaib to the hoMIni backof much Ilmtmmimttm news to thu delay nfmost of It smith to thu revIsal of nil of It In tIme

Inteiostof tin Uournment It III only now welearn ot a riot In HI Petersburg I tho diyafter Ilia coronation and Its suppression bythe Cossacks It Is only now wo havo any newof time antlJuwluli riot In KohtolT beyond time

niern fuel of Its occurrence thouuh It tookplace on Itho 22d of lust month and lolulI11time destruction of olio hundred 111houses holonitliiK to Jews I the CVur wouldpermit truthful despatches bu telcuruphadfrom his einplio tl the rest of the worldthey would often furnish liiHtiuutlvu commen-tarles on th dospalchus thin are revised bytime niiHor

Tho ghastly display ofr time heads off hisenemies on Ithe gates of his capital lately Hinduby the Ameer of Afghanistan doen not seem tohave been of much service to that potentateTho Btruci between hik troops and Ithl Hhili

warns his been renewed and raft loads of time

slain huvn been broiikht from time Held The o-

hofttllltlus are not likely to bo Interfered withbytheKnullihil theycervu to eo the mnrllulambition otf time Afuhnns an outlet that duesnot endanger Europeans



<> Mltk fnl Hurl HI later Kxitmlnarunit o A llctla aa NrcrcturyA-

LIIANY May 31Tlu now Civil ServIceCommission for New York oonslsllni of JohnJay of Now York Henry A Hlchmund of lltif-fnlo timid fAtororGolurl AugustusRchoonlakor ur Kliikston met 11110fIII701toilny Thoonth vas ¬

tary of State Carl 1In seetot sinslon Mr Jaywns chosen President Thn Commission thenloolIllIon Col Shims W Hurt oxNaval Of

of New York for Chief Kxiim-tnnr iiudon Iiuniis A Hettx of Kingston forSecretary Thn two latter mmlsm took time oitth-Thu provisions of tho bill under which thoCommission tent wern discussed and nnadjournment wIt made untili I tomorrow

When Mrl IHurt wo asked Itoday whv he imm

cllUI thunlTernf tlm iiositlonI of Chieff KnmI for thn Kntlnmtl CivilI Sertlen Commitplon hn answered Kiihstantiiilly mum follow Ihave tried to tn my duty in the Custom Houseand keoimut of politics nnd It IIs a poor tonardfor my effort to havu my pity reducedi fromfKnnO to J3000 and to be I ofilirn thatwillI reijulro nm to be absent 10111my familymost of thi time It looks Ilkonotion that it In batter tn keep In llh tin IollItleianx than to drijrmir weanlings nf thornIf t am fitted to bo Chief 1xnmlner I nm eartnlnly competent tu Ibn Naval I Olllcor I declinedt

thnapinntnHUtolTarailiitVaHhlnitonbeatisIt WHH thrust at mo At tliu end of time Mllolin-a manner which I coiilil not cliooI em

Hbler Insulllni I I had been consulted In thnfirst place lnioro my nrmo was enl In nndT een iilTonlcil any UKstiranen that Itho oiler wasfinale In good faith I mliht Inue accepted hitwithout any tiumtlifmat inn whatever nuo I

sarcastic rticoninienlatlon of nntlcivil 11vlrn reformers time 1reslilent nppolntHilI meAnother rea on why 1 declined was tlmt timeContinuum named at the samn time fortny 1IICll Naval Olllccr did not bolntik IIn Ithnline Ol iraham althoiiuli a-very cammumbim 111 lukmi from annthor do-partment In Custom and jumpedJOUMIovur time heads of others ivim loni servicewore well am tmai flied with Ithn work ami mme rimdoMirlni of promotion Another tllilnir hn Isnn avowed opponent of eivllI hcrvlcu nifoimThefCKentlnmen I thn Now York omlllolarM I eiilun IIn m mid first nsled Iwould Ilikei Time iiositlonI They convincedi mothat theIr offor vin mida sold In ths intcrnst-ofr tthn reform I Inue ie lonlhad at henrl andfor that reason 1 Tliet IN not imimug

Inconslsient in my coiirsn Thn mimnt tlon ofsultry I han not allowed tn enter Into time con-sideration


of thn mustIer at all

ExSlOHtor Jurey un flurHclds Ilurgilla-vllk> Sit Nlnlnmrlit-

rnm ttif ClnclntiHll jtttffThn 1lnllrStar routn trIals keep Dorsey In

tlili dl I for a rccidiiuv n rutlirr liunclrmiirlnun tn u rhloIRhll lr rciw cm K Hrrtt lirnlilKil ltli-ciiiiHliltTBhlv lsirst moo smitl viHiil tHtt Int eMMiiugyniirrorropotiiltiit eiivunril liiia la sit lalrnitliii lhit

Cnitkltiiir talil Duriiej as mirp tlma lllinif l-ugr ilnrntlil hi liritr smmimrL llr him hat s nuir-vtwiMiirfare with ltas mnlitlil nut carp for unnlhrrfommr years mt 11111I lie iniiile nn nMliiffiTiliM IinilirI

Held unlit K I 11 a appolatiil Oollrrlur of Newirk IllrruuM mil do oilier than renent mimi suit prelortihlmUiialty-

Whyr HAH liken IntiofentlWelt tliern hr Mimn mlii mig IhlaIRI itnrtI tint now

uiKtemtanil nhirti ulll it ilesr in n POtent lluhl whena rlallllal r i r 1Ir1I aim inrnt1111 MM behalfIf InfllarlVhl hthatf of Hie New York imttikiuuo at ItheIHTlli AtrniiK I irrcolliu IUieTrenIJtatlal aimIn mail inililli IT html HIT IIn Milillliti it sill lie it-

rlirtoim reelallitl III tile licilt uf oentl fcutinfijutiil toarfleM electlun tIIt I III explain many tliliiKi nowhidden Thii in itt I sits nun > nj

ijuIrlee imvtredTo TUB KntTiin np Tin HUN Sin A mottonnUur > hi iMiiif our InH oitlcr n litter ciiilsininc

ti ertnln PIIHI rff mnin unit jeln frixu Hit ro tniuhler it-reirlntn rer litI of emit itt tsr

The letter In cit imr tnt or mist < wlilin In lnni lt simSlallItoreaili ItiileXlimllon Cna Hitneinter of 11111ler reciM er tlm ninmi lit pvnt IIf m how from nhoinamiI nllliln a lint ilehit I

tYPist I tin iiieiitilntf of tIme jihrato liflaif nfjnttivriiHlit mirk fnlrnlr hlaiiKiavKlliik Ilisn La Mmmy ill

Tile elhler of a rrfrillereil teller elirlo ii2 moneymil recnur the auioutit I rntI If lie can fllul out tthe thiefout Iif I lie thief hai proper eiuiiuh o Ilie ninU to IiaiThe receipt of the rutftimiiter iloeaI not tautl ai2 ohticalion nn tlm Jlmitt onion Iieiarlinent too make irooil theIlofci liut onlyI an oUlfallmi tn hot II up In Unit outhow it hOPI eiied aintI who IU rt onilUe < for it Irac-tliall lionoct rcKl > liril letttri art not lost but arc

rafelviltllfrThe I tntlsm hriM joii iiiote IIn taken trim the nut

rant nf Ituntnt Inferno lId meant Lain all hojie-sou uhn nler

rae Milcurlc Theory irs Origin cf WorlHi-To TIIK Kiinoit or Till NuflSir You Sari

IIt IUenllinateil Ihyturiful Iou thai no lot thanfuiir hundred inlllina nieh urn end rthe atiiio i hirueiT-tHtnt four hour lIst imm liirtlur lii > mtiy mum

aild lMkinculili Ifchtun to thv bulk nflhr earll-ietndurliiiTtlie inn iof ice 110101 a ou ion ider uItuiidrid iitillloiMeMr > too Htmrt u pm rutI im the In-Klilhliiifof llfron IlieenrlliI 1 Well thin nllh tlieieilalni I

lilpherout one huiidre I thiniMiid uillllou inetioritn-eterv mjllire mule i f vnrlh lime I hit lii II of tit on thUplanet Uonini mr thin Hernui Uiluht rf a nmtiirIontt Put rim urAln or oiu Men lliiiitiolih of a i omul-

ia haip one ImiMlml itillllon iioninia n1lllini to rtr-hiur intlr of earth This lhouih not an aiiiTeclahivn lllnKe li Ihvliillk nlht rarlll IIn Iertalnli an alliieolalilriuaiillttiind li nn JlnUniinl IU onulit In litIlllllllllleil ih Illllllon for I IlHIleUiMif nil olllir nrUlllof nrlNllnut nietenrkiluMaiidilelirli W 1111

iVimmilms II s

The llrlilicv ninnilnrTo TiiKliiiTrin OF TiiHHux siij-

toI smimgmit

I tIn Ltnlnenl 11 vlneer and riiierlnt ndviit of thvbridge tlust they i4ltde Ithe Imii edeii rimS it av bt arentnt railln Cim hit iini n sy tmi SenVurk emil one lulinnikiin otlieri iiinlis no Manner tie reiurrrnctul iivh u nielmivholy dliaitir lu Ihal1 ctlerdarNiw Vuak il10 Ul AMkL Uklk Architect

A Srnallile IS5T at IIrVnu the IliHlrtn Iuit

WIIIIn Phi lii i iii Kim i of iIhll cu tom of enmI-fnrrJui tomirses ups muir It tim uIIIiIm 1st nun let it Ihr mImmmiirm it 11 flllulh limsi

lint mime mtioim rj ummim II lit ii n IhllIlii iimJI 1100 1111

ptsmmt UUIII or U imrmmmeI fm I tie lu Immumt ucctel rival



riim Haiar I

A widow should bo luurrled a bonnet


Th iNqklrjr isle Ia CIo ergs Agels-siueTke

t klat-Ba Granite VoBtracI-

WASJUKOTON May 3LTho Invest IgatkmnInto the affairs of the office of SupervIsingArchitect Hill began at the Treasury Depart-ment


this morning Mr James Colemnn ap-


as COUUHUI for Mr Murch anti Mr JohnI Thomas runresunted Architect 11111 Mr-

iluroli anti Mr lUll were both presentMr Coleman uuld lie doslrod to putt In evi-


all paper bearing upon what are knownan the 15 ir cent contracts Mr Blair of theDepartment Juitleo objected to the Introduc-tion


of thin evidence the ground that thefirst contract with tho Dlx IslandOranlte Companywas inndo by Mr Hills predecessor In-

ifllco Mr Mullott smith consoijuently had noboarlni upon this InvestIgation Mr CnloninnsaId It wee evident that Mr Illalr and hlniRelfcould not act In harmony tent asked tlmt tholottor of Mr Murch roiiucstlnir the appoint-ment


of OoNprntncnt eoillixel to assist himupon which Mr Illalr was detailed bo with-drawn


Chairman Semi said that thu commit-tee


would lot Mr Blair objection go over forthe present

Mr Coleman then offered In evidence a con-tract


wait In 1873 holwcon otSupenlblnsArchitect Mullutt anti time Dlx Island OrHnlteCompany for furnlfthlnf stone for tIe NewYork Ioat OfflCf Mr Colomnn said ho propo id to show tlmt thb contract entitled ttioootraplor to 15 per cent profit but that the

hatter with the knowlndcn of >fr Hill who wiwthen AtHlMantSiiliirtlHlni Architect lncre f dtintI flKtirei nml tbut lIf contracts were mnduwith thIs Iompany without aihertldlnc for pro-posal


Other contracts with ttime KUIIIU com-pany


for work on time St Loiilo lloBton undthor public ImlldlnititI wire also offoiwil In elldone iiColnliian fiild lie would uhlo offerIIn nUdeneothnI retular weekly report of timeSuperlntiiidentH In charun of thn conxtrilctlonof tliPin bulldlncsi hlomu leSt iomimm lurid Imen-maiUi for thnin smnrnl wnuk ego but timertutu not yet been fiirnUhnil Mr Thom tie rntilled Mutt time reports would bo fortheomlni In-a few slays

Mr Colcman then proposed that the commltton issue mmims Liiiie3 fur I lie appearance of cartnln wltnmHeK nnd tlmt two experts IIm np-polntcd unit to bn doHlunutnd by thn committen ind ttho either hy tho tirnneeuilon to Inves-tlcrtteI tho Illhct frutidtileiit uranltI ti eon I rmmetnUn thought It could lie nliown thut the Clnxern-inent hnII1l1e1I ii mid reds nf thnullnlq of dol ¬

lars moro titan thn stone WIIM worth at tlmItluhnHt markiit rutiic nnd tlmt work was haulfor whleh WHH tmver porfornied

Mr Tlioniiin1 objeetpil to Itho appointment I ofexperts lint sifter delllioration Mr Now ntutndthat as Mrl MImI ti immiti WitS already actlniI as-an OXIHrlllII Suit matternn behalforf Mr MurchMri A I ThnniMin ehinf cool pmmtitr or timeArcliltects olllce would be detailed as un oxpeit tos represent Mrl IISIS

Mr Coloimm then usUeil for an adjournmenttillI Timidity nextt Ito allow tthe experts ttlmoi to-exnmlnoI tthe pMtlIirs bearing son Itlio eontructM

Mr New nitld tlm committee would consent tothis nrrancoment t co fariis Mr Murchs IInternst worm eoneernid but would ment on Mnuday ItoI hour fildeiieu on thu chnrKiH preforredby IoiiNon v IXns nf Urooklyn nut ManlyCooporV Co of riilhidelphla


A Pnaalblllly Iknt Mr Gould aliri MrluflTiuja Vnukla nlll Itnc i> t New

TIme Incorporators of the American YachtClub adopted jesterduy n constitution undbylaws und acted upon tIme uunllcutlou formembership Mr Georco H Scott wait electedHear tommodoir Thu sillier flout olllcors willriot LBJ chosen until time mum burs elueted huui-iualilled Mr Hcott hue buen n vachtsmiinfrom boyhood und N ties havlnfaslaiich lltst-clnss nttiun yaelit builtI iby John Houeh A StiltThu club llau UK decided upon jesterdny willbo u pointed pennant huvlni a blue crnundmed border und a whit Multoso cios lImoCommodores flni will bo broad pnmiiuitofblue with a whlto Maltese cross Thu ViceLoniuiodoies vucht will curry a red pennantwith a white Maltese cross mind time Hour Com-modores


fine will be u white pennant with ared Maltosn cross At the not meetIng whichwill bo held on Monday steps will bo taknii toprocure a sultnblo club house or u sits for onent snafu point down thn buy Time plan In tohave a club house that will prnctlcnlly bo ncasino and be surroundod by grounds nniplofor otitofrtoor hportn

Tlm nosed of Mrl Goulds new yacht this AtnInntn Is likely to bo tsvtiit UM noon us sue Inready for service lnst Mimmer u friendlyrivalry xprnnt up betireon Mr ioull nnd MrK K JulTrny who sire noiuhbors ul Irvlnttoii-ii hi rim their trips to and from the city MrlonlilH Itnslvn Mill not prove u match tor Mt

Jim rays Vedette IIn the Mueinl tt tim hits eaeh-madu tn toOt thn otter This oeitHon MrJ tl ray willI nulli iin the Minntier which he re-cently


piiiclniMid fiotn the ttmitu iii time lutenoiiu hcood email Mr iould expects Ithat b >

July 1 hn will bn abln tn travel biitwnen bisoiiiintrvhoutt and tthn Stieet IIn the AtalantaMr InlTray bus suceested Ithat both yachtsstart at Ihut vermin time on their dally tripMr flouldHpretnronce liii hownvwr for n moreformal i InntHbt and In sea water Such nn-iiMiirr It Is generally concednd would bo o-

jrront Interest to yarhtsmon and would creMmuch wlinleioniH cxcii mime nlt iin thn Htre tUncle Hntiis iHatch Mio IIsonoof the I heirporuit ore mit Ithn Ainerlonn Club said yiterltjIlust lie would outerI his jnclit for thn ienirnr-cLHlta of Hteum yiehtH which It it iroroMd Itihold later In Ihn immil4ifl If oiiultahio utile alInwnnen lf mnilu On ttiiitconditlnn lily ynohtwhich hu ileebireH Is t lie smallest alloiit otiijlitto bo placed about three feet fi om thu homo line

Tke Woiil 1rlncr Hlimurrk limysmutedF-

romm Ihr M Jattittf nnifltf-Thn Fieneli who have not many rrnsnn tom

liliu tfriiledll In Trlniv Itimnarpk liuc ut nil eventncdirdun to u roiit iiiiornr IlironUler ito ilinnl himfor the lalenllnn iif n Morn uliich IILH bn otne n ti vfavorite one tn Purl ntnl h iiile miii lnntidt the lerin-thif aa a unite of i iren iiiiif Hint a irtn or H tliltu Iinnit Ilif fiihhiii To sin of a friend Hint tin or rlu l a Mturhtitt is tu tima lilni or her the liltfhe t ciiiiliniljiltH-iiiijtiniihti and ttic chronicler In in lion iifrriheH theorlifin of tin word in Irinte HI mi i arc k who t onvir nc-vvllll It well known Knriiimi lirillli i whoe ffalon inIarii Iis verv fiuhl inat e aid IIlittl Hie lariiUni werea er credillriiiii and rat him r pirhult rite lirhiiCio1 nhnhad nitter henrd IHi1 word liefore unked him bat II-

nicint tie exidained to her Hint it inemit etervthinilOsS iniant iifilhltib lauvhinulv uddlnv that hu wan urethat If mime would st It guS In Iurlt It ould taka-enurnionkl hhe fohims nil hl advice emit hiss limit quitan nnhoied for meiiniire of tlccef i for no icrmn offavhloll would think of lultu anv atjtcllvf exietit-ll n mitt In de ribe a out ball or a rmari tlilnir In iiillh-nery

IItnteuiii ton that tli word Ale Ji atK cf Ocrman orlittIn tliellilf IntO dt fioiu ntftil Alolb orinill limp lionI 5 r hemi attiilutidt toll tor axrller IIII the funilltiltioniitl ii r that it Iin dtrited from rhlcquc a vountlimn who uax tiikdtI ii mimith ltit > l nd tIn telefiraled-IHlntii wan N lad of irrent iroioli e liut tiedied while Hill IIII lbs Idi unidio and after till ileatli theniiier would tell otlier iiiillii wini wiit not doitu theirwork will that Ihei u ere not like Ihlcque this not to-bvi a iolo ulal term anil II Chicqui cnrriiitrd Intochic IIILJIIIC au adjtelite lunif ill miiartnt iC

Alsatians Nerklnvl Avoid MIIHnry ttvrvlcFrs the London MV AVir

A nionHtor nronootUlnn lias just t pn broughtIlit H el In Mllinimi i4 tur flmmrmmnmommm 1111-1Mtintl clurrd in tin Irltniiinl ruirt wlih lniunf triil-In frt Ithcin ht r htliu irh nil n intiiiiuf tu 1ntnthorfUiiEHHrnlU rroin lln militttr mrs Is i f llif lIeulimn lVt uftii a urre hirl aimS thedlllniKof lh Ci ini net iilfl tie urn sir sort nf lire p

eel Nott ltiii I lieu HX inlUlitrt iittdii ul otlkrr SirmicnimamS of Inuli liiirtTU elm nil frit rtrtltcatetiand of tticoe ftl tiit I IHum four ore maul tu lIsms e sit t

ofmid lenlt of IIH i tim uponThe liriKutf-

cen artlv f tin wttltli it imrrnto wvre-

cful en i rd ltmi inmms luiri hiiifiit i HO his from hiretnunlli to thren > t am 55 mime the nptlun of H fineThf nil bcloi ufl Ito districts furiutrlj Kruiuli oml rev5 tlitir herpes Hint tlifv hisS nceti itnlhtiiK titan fill IIn-tliK

itt iiintltT silt tthut lhy uiuiM lm e irucurril lubeI

tttlLH II they IsiS bfvu alluueil to doI o

To He nr Xut la litThat WIKIIIII fruiid ileorw rrlklde Hoartlon the tnrit met lie ims oreThut Uni arnor tlutler itiould not b11 Itarirnil grim a mt U-

Xndoubt lists Hutlir knew tie law iHut tImers could I nu bvtur cautvFur iliultinir him sumS inch at he-

rorctcr out of that dcjrrt

lie knew the law p ton well IniUetAnd1 lie hud made time liny stat LUn-IAllixt oitlclal hismirt s hid l l lII what h did and what In saIlHeI lrollitlit the Ioiiimonweallh iii some

And inch a Hoar mmmuit t leer tIme Suits111 raiua time w rmimmr w al madg tim char1to alt w ho choke tu si t and licar

Tint eojle ijiolled by flutters ipalll-De l ed tle am lent barnaclesAnd illled IlKlr hearti w Iii fear atul doubtWliy couldnt hv Le counted out T

ThIs man uat smart 3pm niiicli too tmart-ileorte Krlihle toll It In lili heartHut Inn could culture wealth and clotllal Duller to Hit luluht of liraut t-

Hi opened Moicliiirtt morelliuoeinit hermcrel toriHow could hits MliicctlteI WMI-Kiillll lilm to rank with tia > a I

Tim tOm tier hame muit hr emit u rrlIlUII tlie n II could be curedHut neM r never thuuld he be112 llarvarda race a 1II Iti

The masmvm rnnr w Inked MM larboard eyeAnd taut i I neither mammehm nor cryTheir 1t< lhrcreillt theIrs hue Limitla iu Ui tlilitr choice tbt saums


Prince Ulinarck physicians remijnm-ttqnssl rest mil tire hint to tale tin waters it KIIImil Smut the Irlnci irtfen Frledrlchsruli his s at nsr-

amhiirr iltuittd In the iciitreof a Inutlful formttlie Sschssnwald Nothing howtver tin beet sttilil-it present

It lis proposed to raise In tho Slut Hallof Tsinitnii iIn Entlind I limit of Usury FiMlnf tni-nullM Mr I dwell the American Minister has Iron

lied tn omit eli II ami it hai 55W beSt dcfliiltely irrnnatdthat lio ctrtmonr Mill tiki flics Imruiluttly after tinirorogatton of rarllatnttit

A disgraceful hoax was played a few daysSlime cli Hit hey V Mstcalf luratiof 81 Utrlholnmt-

whnrili may Cross In Kngland When about tn a Inii-nsltr hue sacrament the rerirenil lentkman pnured IN

mitiils nf tlie wine bottls Smite the silver i up Unahen found that time wine had been abstracted ainl hh-nlntllnted The trick was at mice detected and vvlir-uniiillier buIlt had been procured the service roceeiltJ

A petition lion boon proitentcxl tn htmllimn of Lords asking lot less to Introduce a Slit iti-

refeiinci to tin tstatci of 8lr Itobtrt rett Tht pttiluulas hi atciinlance with the usual practlct In lut Ii Im

huh rtftrrid to two Judtfei Ills father Hit Iruit-dlnlsttr Harontl who hid iald lets of tlinii its firils heIr tltd up alt his jimjerty as tlnhtlr as pnssM-rhi nriiinl Barnntt his beta chronically In dinttultle-iilli semi and heir U Id

So far as can bo Judged front tho crlmlnilstatistics ot the British army at home fur hIts your ltn2-the lmeresud sevirlty or the Army lilscllln sot I tsnot afipiar to tint operated In the illnclliii or illmlnliliimI trims In the ranks Upon an aviratt strtiiuih nfsonic tOiXX noneoummmmbiluusnt uflloers and men repie-lentlnr about one hair or Hie army lure were H1Icourts martial held sad I131414 minor unlihmeiils lufllctcd by order of cnmmindlnif nrncers

flit school of time unlilcs In Toklo Jnpun-iss In tht court bihliiil the school bulldlnit a phyileal

map nf that country between i sot + i fett mote ItIi suite or turf and rock aud Is ImrJered with lullwhich look al a little ditlanet niuili like water tvtTjInlet river and mountalii Is reiiroducsd ttn Itmim mind st

llh a fldtlltv to detail whlrli It slmlv wnmletfilLatitude aud lonrlludt ire Indicated by ulezraiili winsitmit tablets show tht position of tin cllle

While Intlliff time decndo 1HCMS72 bothvears Included In tlreat Britain in persons 1rt nn nthan a million sterling S3 more than half i mlli andtill mort than a quarter nf a million IIhe ninnhrrs tn-In tin misrule IHTJIKKJ to tapermmtnr mure Hum amillion to of niorithaiit half a million anI him of morethus a mimirmer of a million Time number uC furtinirsranging between Umlu and COUJU sava the jiftutor Isis lucrtaaodenormously aul It now tar be > ui d-

anvthliiK vtt fare tu printrime extraordInary imumuberof ncqtilttaU-

of itrsnns vmmmmmittn1 fur trial lu 1iirtugal IIi muted bythe compiler f the nrliclal statistics to tlmalen Hiwhole socials stem with grave dinars lime tmiimrslerhas sllirhtly diminished but It smithI amounts to nearly Uper ctiit as SKHln1 jo per Cent 241 er ctnt and M per-cent In the nilbrhbnrliiit countries of France Italj nnd-Mpalnrespecthel Amour time principalrtasonsnf tindifference are said to tie the exiessive Mvtrlt vvk-tlwlilch Un law punishes crimes aud ISis lenity ot Juries

The nuulcnt and eminently French cer-muiiy of crowning time ruittrt was this > eur hiu-

itlirough as usual at Nauterrc lu France nn lilticistay Tht htrnlilt nf tIm ocvsmIoum snam Mile Mario lnnle-neilmj ei is ho according to ill the > rent Ii Junrnals Iis

omIt blnnde ravlmitnte lit tars old aud ft mo 11 in t-

imlynfrcmliilni virtue but ulnoof ill lot mimi She uprearm to be thf suit support of her vldnwtil nmtliraudit is thtrnfurt pltaslni to know that tliU tliarmiiiM-vomitf wnmati lice hcmmt rewarded not onlv with Hmeros or rises but also with the arfonipanvltnritnvvrv

ItiiHslii Is milking emit but bUie pro ivanin time moumsm nsmmmism nf her railways the llius iir eelserally or some roininerclal nr strategic Tnlne lluv1 iiu-

Ilinslrncted parllt fur ernnomltal purpnsei nnd piniv-In order tn vivi work to the Immense number nf iu-enitliieers vvlin an vvlthnut employment nit who Itunether with thin whole if tin Illlsslsn press huve Ilubeen bltterb roniplalllilllf of tthe fonct lolis granttl tuforcluners riiellnveriiintnthai apparenll 3 iirillnl ti-iflvt tlie preferente in future to KiiFsian lout rmmetrand If ttile requisite rapltul cannot be obtained fruiprivate lourcts to Brant tinge suhtlillrs-

In 1H4J when iuiwit wont t EtiKliiml ns-Ambasiadnr liiulsriiiip e said Vllljon Inirmicl-Hlount


I A title Isminittllllri Ustfill And Ill llulild-tclliiliiK the Kliu maim iii nrv rIght jnur niiio-alonu Is feliMltimit and la ft higher itljlnltv riiiern In i

took nn title When thin lley of Tunis was In Iarli In-

1S40I he received much tlvllity from Iliiint and presenlfil his chihtrin nn his departure with orlrntU-ilnnses studded with lends worth MIIIOO Tummy vvrre-liiimeiliutely rim imrui Jui7ot expressing 111 Krillnxltfbut heKklHV that he mUlit not boI pressed to tin whil tluhad nevtr done and actfjit u prt nlit He died r-

Tlm London Time nays of nur countryw-oman


wliu has just made her debut at the I tai-Nimlqiie In SarIs Mile Ketada whn lie the aiiiitn-nd ftaturts of tier fountr a livelv asmmns hut ii lit usmeet und th irelieratl nnvel apieuranci sliilatile itcAmerican soprann was forthvitth aiccpttd wild intirktdfavor nh a person with wliimi Knrope was huu ef ith to-b familiar und with wlinm one was cerldln In 111-llklittd Thus nnulher charmllnf und vvelfimif tttir lumade tier ippearam e to trim that tlncii the tlnii vv In nMadame Itilll re paInS the existence nr Amtllciin i o-

prauns tlie Cream rtpublic has not iiiKlerttd their suliltlon and now as then thallen ci in tins as In sn manyother lields the older continent

All UutiiKcimrlnu ivtl ting t a tho Loidon rauitqrii suv thai lie wishes that isiS those vviuiIsiithIlm tht utility of Micclniillnn uuj ill Unit are nnrtnly Impressed uilh Ils niarvtlloin belli Ht cutillwithout lootnz ttie aihaiituires nf tluir arlieriue rerelic the inemorlcsof lug 1ltmmimt > oulh 1 thinkwritts may safelj suy till fur ever persun I IIM-Vneet with seamed nr pitted fate I then nut a liiinllril-nanv irriivoinily disfiKiired and not a few llniil Ins

was tOil enough tliouith een then tllanLs ptirtl timull pox liiot tiUtlon and more latel tu tin viuniivirntictlon puller rs vvde at Icait In a eiv ilnil

ittinorlty a InltJI hiS heard my mother mv that In lur-t all > ila > s murks nf tniiiill pnx were so jiruvuli nt tliul itwas cinnmon tto dltliikuliii Otis free from them ailmmnml fuced persun-

Vn ofllclal document just ksued with roHaul lu the pawnbroklnir buiiiusi In frnnce nhuh is

entirtl in time hands of the State hows lImIt them mire ittthe resent time onlv forty tniKHtabllidiinentsor mienimfe tile tIm ru iimmt the tnnntr IIn neurl > minifourths of the departments user exist none whiiitvtim ummost Important Is itiulnrI Tuns after as lIeu emuIthoseot lons Hnrdeiiilx Ittarseilles Mile tmiti llnneli-In tlitse six brant lies the sum limit rcjiresent tlalitv lto ii

percent of the total fur tthe whole of KiunitI ear 1012 71 articles wtre rteelved in pluUelm tl-idltferelil eslablliliments rrpreSenUlnt a1miiumI frunrilent The averiiire sum snug jii trontii fer 1arls iini tH-

rranci for tht departments There were IJJ4 aim m i

rim21fl5C bt t ween i and m francs liri HJII under 5 rraiusand bexitibi from I11 to IImoaii f runes and upward

Mian linn aleu just had a Fishery II-hlhillon vvhlfh vvus opened In March at twnu liningtime struiue ifsar shown were a let if whale nets lharpoons from Kit with explanatory pictures tVhtii-

w hales appear ill time coast tare unIty rsmstmsl mill fr nutwenty Ito thirty men put off to sited themwith stroni grass made side which have ini lus nic uta yard square and are about ten > ards loot luli rten or times null are lilnhtly attached end tn md iii lwhen a whale Is readied they amhotln frmito a l

around limos When he niuku a dart he Kits eiitan idtand dashes aw u out of mime tenjard lu uiln mm u tbreaking iff and llnjflim round Slims His tmlmrtk-inent Minn brinirs lifts crash to Ithe stirfate wlunotliirI

nets arm thrown until nt last he beconiis so lmuiiridwith them and sn hurried and fright mist as In IU-

casj murk for ipearii Simi harpnons-

Thi1 other day ns time urcnndler < m cuaulat Kninerset IHouse London was standing In itin immlC

way a lid nf trtuin ave tot still attractive mill rn bi-vroled accosted him with handsollil ellloifi if h

martial tlif lire and vv arm approval of tlie sty lloiln his

he irotected his tjueeii and countrv ill the irreitt dvnamill crisis Irlvate Thomas Atklnswns nsturnllv-prised

srat this but his surprle mires limO Itin IUl-


him tier lund as a reward fur Ins valiantUIKV Ihe tsllderwAS liberal made un mitl nntfrom till rlfl pound nnte time film elilhnsisll n mel I

forth Hefum tlie flattered est iiii mild aM ml n-

straiiKe propotnl the pollt email nndiilv lntirpn i IIvvKli

a brutal command to mine on oil nut AIIIIIIV tin ntrTin lad obeyed with KMielnl toilrltslts ami viafllnf-

kloumil tim sirnumutisu till she turned llnidirner ul-

slKht Em cry istunrmmmsmt timim item unknonn su lusiir I

spiminui tier If and vvmt iliiimifli the isis lirin niinnithe liftpound note pheHinplviiiUrid thy iHtiivvK

sItondopiiiilelliesentrrti1 ardid him I lih iii Sitslon of i ipllire aldressed him with lctlir-ecstasvasiiriillilni uf mmimt lot allsflnnenl aul ill

plised avva Itllullll Sot sweet kllisfrinnI In rlliu r-

nUls Asthe senlr vvu elm mim4nl tverydiv i I si a

passion woo elm unIt reiflnnnla raihcr Ilisn Inlividimi-

It has strum Seem mind that he U of hull f amiulll S ii

mit Immum n In MHieinictlon time sister tf a aeiilletiianwho tiled recellllleavlnirliralarire Mtllll in II

allowed to pursue her harmless I msmn nnl crowd a-

smbles dHll in see time transit ff Vuui acrow lltmarch of Man

AVobonow-Iliniir sirrinvv

From tIhe un Unit shines to ninrriw-

Ulie ItHder-IVr th ipes fnotll s lo dtfrll 1 SirEros the leivr Hint haunt tin w

Wi iii n rIIlrrei kli never

Anv now from tthe fortverluterclaiiliiif near no I furl

for tath iiiiuuu-HIils ullblli II

111 tht hours of thv inlllille-A unt sky holds m > siar
