© ICFR 2005 Page 1 ICFR Mpumalanga Regional Field Day ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day Date: Wednesday 16 th March 2005 Venue: Bambi Country Lodge, Helvetia, Machadodorp Time: 09.00 - 14.00 09.00 TEA/COFFEE TEA/COFFEE TEA/COFFEE TEA/COFFEE IN IN IN IN-HOUSE PRESENTATIONS HOUSE PRESENTATIONS HOUSE PRESENTATIONS HOUSE PRESENTATIONS 09.15 Global change and impacts on forestry in the region. Mary Scholes (WITS) 09.35 Fire management in South Africa. Louis Venter (FFA) 10.00 Atmospheric impacts of fire management. Mary Scholes (WITS) 10.20 Successful forestry disaster rehabilitation – some practical considerations Duncan Ballantyne (Sappi) 10.40 10.40 10.40 10.40 TEA TEA TEA TEA 11.00 Operational considerations after a hail event in a pine plantation. Lee Cunningham (Usutu) 11.20 Features and benefits of LREye ImageryC. James Brodie (LRI) 11.40 Cossid moth update; and pest and disease problems with tree establishment on burnt and hail damaged sites. Brett Hurley (TPCP) 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH – sponsored by Mondi IN IN IN IN-FIELD PRESENTATIONS FIELD PRESENTATIONS FIELD PRESENTATIONS FIELD PRESENTATIONS 13.00 Visit to Sappi Helvetia plantations to discuss rehabilitation of sites after fire and hail damage. Duncan Ballantyne (Sappi) DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS: From Nelspruit From Nelspruit From Nelspruit From Nelspruit Take the N4 to Witbank. Turn off right at Montrose, on the R539 to Schoemanskloof / Lydenburg. Travel approx. 55 kms, and Bambi is on the left-hand side, just opposite the R36 turnoff to Lydenburg. From Gauteng From Gauteng From Gauteng From Gauteng Take the N4 to Witbank/Nelspruit. Go through the tollgate at Machadodorp, and shortly thereafter, go left onto the R36/R539 to Schoemanskloof / Lydenburg (alternate route to Nelspruit). Travel for about 15 kms, past the Sappi Helvetia plantations, and Bambi is on the right-hand side, just opposite the R36 turnoff to Lydenburg. From Sabie From Sabie From Sabie From Sabie On request! Please RSVP by 11 Please RSVP by 11 Please RSVP by 11 Please RSVP by 11 th th th th March to Tammy Swain ( March to Tammy Swain ( March to Tammy Swain ( March to Tammy Swain ([email protected]) or Kariena Mol ) or Kariena Mol ) or Kariena Mol ) or Kariena Mol ([email protected]) at the ICFR in Sabie on 013 ) at the ICFR in Sabie on 013 ) at the ICFR in Sabie on 013 ) at the ICFR in Sabie on 013-7643284 / 7642393, or by email. 7643284 / 7642393, or by email. 7643284 / 7642393, or by email. 7643284 / 7642393, or by email. NB. The Next ICFR Field Day will be held in conjunction with the Zululand Interest Group on Thursday 12 th May 2005, at Kwambonambi. For more information contact: Denis Oscroft (ICFR-Kwambo) [email protected]

ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

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Page 1: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

© ICFR 2005 Page 1 ICFR Mpumalanga Regional Field Day

ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day

Date: Wednesday 16th March 2005 Venue: Bambi Country Lodge, Helvetia, Machadodorp Time: 09.00 - 14.00



09.15 Global change and impacts on forestry in the region. Mary Scholes (WITS)

09.35 Fire management in South Africa. Louis Venter (FFA)

10.00 Atmospheric impacts of fire management. Mary Scholes (WITS)

10.20 Successful forestry disaster rehabilitation – some practical considerations Duncan Ballantyne (Sappi)

10.4010.4010.4010.40 TEATEATEATEA

11.00 Operational considerations after a hail event in a pine plantation. Lee Cunningham (Usutu)

11.20 Features and benefits of LREye ImageryC. James Brodie (LRI)

11.40 Cossid moth update; and pest and disease problems with tree establishment on burnt and hail damaged sites.

Brett Hurley (TPCP)

12.0012.0012.0012.00 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH – sponsored by Mondi


13.00 Visit to Sappi Helvetia plantations to discuss rehabilitation of sites after fire and hail damage.

Duncan Ballantyne (Sappi)

DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS: DIRECTIONS: From NelspruitFrom NelspruitFrom NelspruitFrom Nelspruit

� Take the N4 to Witbank. Turn off right at Montrose, on the R539 to Schoemanskloof / Lydenburg. Travel approx. 55 kms, and Bambi is on the left-hand side, just opposite the R36 turnoff to Lydenburg.

From GautengFrom GautengFrom GautengFrom Gauteng

� Take the N4 to Witbank/Nelspruit. Go through the tollgate at Machadodorp, and shortly thereafter, go left onto the R36/R539 to Schoemanskloof / Lydenburg (alternate route to Nelspruit). Travel for about 15 kms, past the Sappi Helvetia plantations, and Bambi is on the right-hand side, just opposite the R36 turnoff to Lydenburg.

From SabieFrom SabieFrom SabieFrom Sabie

� On request!

Please RSVP by 11Please RSVP by 11Please RSVP by 11Please RSVP by 11thththth March to Tammy Swain ( March to Tammy Swain ( March to Tammy Swain ( March to Tammy Swain ([email protected]) or Kariena Mol ) or Kariena Mol ) or Kariena Mol ) or Kariena Mol (((([email protected]) at the ICFR in Sabie on 013) at the ICFR in Sabie on 013) at the ICFR in Sabie on 013) at the ICFR in Sabie on 013----7643284 / 7642393, or by email.7643284 / 7642393, or by email.7643284 / 7642393, or by email.7643284 / 7642393, or by email.

NB. The Next ICFR Field Day will be held in conjunction with the Zululand Interest Group on Thursday 12

th May 2005, at Kwambonambi.

For more information contact: Denis Oscroft (ICFR-Kwambo) [email protected]

Page 2: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

Global change and impacts on forestry in the regionGlobal change and impacts on forestry in the regionGlobal change and impacts on forestry in the regionGlobal change and impacts on forestry in the region

R.J. (Bob) Scholes1 & Mary Scholes2 1CSIR Environmentek, PO Box 395, Pretoria 0001 South Africa

2School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,

South Africa

Summary By now, you have all heard rumours that the climate is changing. So what is new? What is new is that the speculation is supported by solid evidence; that the projected rate of change is substantially faster than anything nature can easily adapt to; and that foresters, with long duration crops and expensive fixed investments, should take note if they wish to be winners rather than losers. On balance, forestry in South Africa may not be much worse or better off under a changed climate, but it will need to take some adaptive actions. Cultivars and species need to be selected for warmer conditions, and provenances should not be planted in areas where they are close to their thermal upper limit. Forests, when planted into low-biomass grasslands or old crop lands, result in a significant uptake of carbon from the air, which helps (by a small but appreciable amount) to delay climate change. There is an emerging international market and trading system aimed at rewarding the forester for this service to society. South African forestry may not qualify for hard revenue from this source, but the industry should publicise its positive contribution anyway. Even established forests can be managed in ways that allow them to continue to be on the credit side of the carbon budget. This is another element of sustainable forestry.

Page 3: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

Integrated fIntegrated fIntegrated fIntegrated fire management in South Africaire management in South Africaire management in South Africaire management in South Africa

Louis Venter ([email protected])

National Air Operations Manager of Working on Fire & Operations Manager Forest Fire Airtanker Association (FFA)

What is integrated fire management? A series of actions that include:

� Risk Assessment � Fire Awareness � Fire Prevention � Prescribed Burning � Resource Sharing and Co-ordinating � Fire Detection � Fire Suppression � Fire Damage Rehabilitation

Advantages: 1. Proactive 2. Less fires 3. More efficient use of resources 4. Reduced losses

Fire awareness: � Causes of unwanted fires � Fire Awareness Programmes � Uniform strategy

Fire prevention: � First line of defence: � Fire breaks � Fuel reduction � Fire prohibition

Prescribed burningPrescribed burningPrescribed burningPrescribed burning - the environment and its fuel load has to be managed to reduce wildfire risk, while maintaining ecological patterns and processes.

Fire detection: � Cameras � Public � Look outs � Spotters � Satellites � Regional Detection Control Centres � Time to detect � Time to report � Dispatch protocol

Fire suppression: ALL FIRES START SMALL!!

� Initial attack o Time o Impact

� Extended attack o ICS

� Mop up � Hand Crews

Page 4: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

� Post-fire rehabilitation: � Monitored � Appropriate action taken

Success factors: � Systems Integration � Risk Assessment � B.O.P.s � Resource Planning � Weather � Detection � Dispatch � Coordination � Evaluation � Training � Participation in F.P.A.s � Resource Sharing

Two national programmes: 1. Working on Fire (WOF) Programme – national co-ordination 2. Forest Fire Association (FFA) – service provider

� NDMA � DWAF � Forestry Industry � City of Cape Town � SANP � Cape Nature

Page 5: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

Atmospheric impacts of fire managementAtmospheric impacts of fire managementAtmospheric impacts of fire managementAtmospheric impacts of fire management

Mary Scholes School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,

South Africa

Summary The contemporary atmosphere was created as a result of biological activity some two billion years ago. To this day, its natural composition is supported and modified, mostly through biological processes of trace gas production and destruction, while also involving physical and chemical degradation processes. On a geological time scale these processes and interactions are not static but dynamic, however, currently the changes occur at an unprecedented rate due to human activities. There is considerable uncertainty regarding the processes that determine the rate of change in biotic processes and their feedbacks, and the changes are being driven primarily by increased human activity through land use change, industrial metabolism and highly variable social-cultural activities across different parts of the globe. Anthropogenic changes are clearly identifiable beyond natural variability and are equal to some of the great forces of nature in their extent and impact. Although there is a long history of fire research in southern Africa, especially in natural ecosystems, much of the emphasis of this research had been on ecological and management effects, with little thought given to the regional and global atmospheric implications of fires. The interactions between fire emissions and their impact on tropospheric ozone have become extremely topical issues as the data bases and knowledge have grown. Fires are a highly significant source of trace gases and aerosol species. Modelling of biomass burning influences at a pan-tropical scale, suggests that photochemical ozone production and destruction in the tropics are enhanced by 35% and 25%, respectively, causing an increase in ozone abundance in the tropical and subtropical troposphere of at least 15%. These findings have considerable implications on our understanding of the role of fire in prehistoric times, and of the implications of land use change and changed fire frequencies in the future. This paper will present data on the emissions of trace gases from vegetation fires and discuss some of the impacts of these on the global atmosphere.

Page 6: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

Successful forestry disaster rSuccessful forestry disaster rSuccessful forestry disaster rSuccessful forestry disaster rehabilitation ehabilitation ehabilitation ehabilitation ––––

some practical csome practical csome practical csome practical considerationsonsiderationsonsiderationsonsiderations

Duncan Ballantyne

([email protected]) Sappi Forests (Pty) Ltd, Private Bag X1002, Ngodwana, 1209

Common Failings (Mistakes): 1. Damage Survey:Damage Survey:Damage Survey:Damage Survey:

a. Not surveying the damage quickly enough b. Delaying in assessing hail damage. The response time is proportional to the

amount of the utilisable crop that will end up being written-off due to rapid onset of Diplodea pinea

c. Not surveying the damage accurately enough d. Not flying (photograph) the area to produce an accurate map, especially before

onset of rainy season 2. UtilisUtilisUtilisUtilisation:ation:ation:ation:

a. Not organising markets quickly enough b. Not mobilising harvesters quickly enough c. Not getting contracts in place quickly enough d. Not felling in time to sell as pulpwood

3. FellingFellingFellingFelling----totototo----waste:waste:waste:waste:

a. Often a last resort (crisis) because most of the above were not done speedily b. Resulting in:

1. Long-term management headaches 2. Problems with natural regeneration 3. Fell-to-waste brush lines very difficult to re-burn 4. Poor stocking 5. Uneven rows

4. Roads:Roads:Roads:Roads:

a. Not upgrading the roads quickly enough resulting in: 1. Adequate drainage not being addressed 2. Serious erosion problems 3. Blockages, rock falls, etc. hampering access

b. Not budgeting for increased road maintenance to cope with the intense road usage over the next few years

5. Silviculture:Silviculture:Silviculture:Silviculture:

a. Delaying in planning re-establishment and forgetting to order sufficient seedlings at the earliest opportunity

b. Due to chronic delays and poor planning the temporarily unplanted areas remain at uneconomic levels for too long

What We Did Right (Lessons): 1. Visited the disaster site as soon as possible with the most senior management available 2. Visited within a couple of days of event 3. Took a decision - and acted on it 4. Surveyed the area as accurately as possible using:

a. Ground-based GPS surveys b. Colour aerial photographs c. Photographs geo-referenced and overlaid with plantation map details

Page 7: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

5. Drew-up detailed plans around:

a. Felling b. Marketing c. Re-establishment d. Environmental management e. Weeding of compartment and natural areas, keeping in mind the expected

summer flush 6. Set completion targets for all of the above, phased by month 7. Set a final rehabilitation completion date 8. Monitored performance against these targets 9. Ensured adequate financial resources (budgets) were secured 10. Employed a dedicated person to manage the clearing and rehabilitation effort as a project 11. Started felling-to-waste of unmarketable trees as soon as possible 12. Contracted some good scavengers, including a large charcoal producer

Challenges: 1. Photograph the area before summer clouds build up 2. Plant as much as possible during the next rainy season (± 8 months) 3. Avoid planting P. patula for six months because of threat of Rhizina undulata

Take Home Points:

� Minimise delays; � Act swiftly and decisively; � Manage as a special project; � Provide the necessary resources at the right time and at the right place.

Page 8: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

Operational considerations after a hail event in a pine Operational considerations after a hail event in a pine Operational considerations after a hail event in a pine Operational considerations after a hail event in a pine


Lee Cunningham ([email protected])

Technical Manager–Forests, Sappi Usutu, Swaziland

The event itself Hail is a natural weather phenomenon which occurs in differing intensities. In the southern African forestry growing regions it is found over the higher altitude areas of KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga. Commonly associated with cumulonimbus thunderstorms, it is usually occurs during the spring and early summer seasons. It is believed that as many as five hail incidents may be experienced during a single season over a fixed point. There is a thought that hail incidents may be increasing in both rate and intensity due to global warming and pollution. Hail is the accretion of frozen water layers around an embryo, which could be an ice crystal or a particulate (dust or pollution in origin). These hail stones are transferred within the cloud by the strong vertical air currents. It is believed that whilst still in the cloud the hail stone is gaining in size until it reaches such a size that the upward vertical winds cannot support it any longer, and it falls to the ground. This type of hail is generally large in size. Small hail is believed to escape the cloud through a side wall when a vertical wind is deviated and the hail falls before it has increased in size. Both sizes can have devastating effects to both crops and infrastructure.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 1111.... Diagram illustrating the wind direction and the areas of hail formation in a storm. For forestry companies and foresters, the most significant effect of a hail storm is the damage it can inflict on our trees. The physical damage to the trees, both to the stem and the shoots, result in an immediate loss of production facilities for the plant, as well as stress and the wounds which encourage opportunistic pathogens to invade the plant. This can, in turn, also reduce production potential to such an extent that the plant may die.

Page 9: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

Figure Figure Figure Figure 2222.... Severely damaged young Pinus elliottii tree. (Compt. D04 Usutu - Oct 2004) The most common opportunistic fungal pathogen associated with hail damage is Sphaeropsis sapinea, previously known as Diplodia pinea. Pinus patula is very susceptible to this disease, due to its thin bark, as are the main Cape commercial species, P. pinaster and P. radiata. Studies were carried out at Usutu to consider the option of planting P. elliottii rather than P. patula in hail-prone areas. The results showed that the risk of loss of growth in a P. patula stand due to hail was still less than the loss of growth potential by planting a sub-optimal species. Further investigation or a re-assessment may be required if the perceived increases of hail events are found to be true.

Assessment TimingTimingTimingTiming Probably the most useful bit of advice I can offer is don’t rush into an assessment. Initial estimates are there to give an idea of the extent and the presumed intensity. These initial assessments need to be followed up later with a more intensive assessment because of the dynamic nature of hail damage. This main assessment can usually take place once the trees start to “brown-off” but a further assessment, a bit later, may be required to determine if trees (especially P. elliottii) are about to shoot and recover. It was thought that early assessments could be used to determine whether or not to spray the trees with a fungicide to reduce the infection rate of Sphaeropsis. The window of opportunity is 24 hours before infection takes place and the excessive cost of the application has made it an non-viable option for pine plantations.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 3333.... High intensity mortality in a Pinus patula stand. (Compt. D23 Usutu - Dec 2003)

Page 10: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

MethodologyMethodologyMethodologyMethodology Initial assessments should be ground based with personnel visiting each stand to establish the extent and intensity of the hail event. Later, if the area is large enough it’s easier to do an aerial survey (preferably in infra-red) with ground-truthing visits. Damage is defined as trees that show a reduction in growth potential i.e. broken growth tips, browning, dead, loss of apical dominance. At Usutu we have three intensity categories for compartments when analysing the initial results:

1. light ~ damage <25% 2. intermediate ~ damage >25% but <75% 3. severe ~ damage >75%

A spreadsheet with each compartment number as well as its details such as area, age, species, site index, damage intensity, needs to be constructed. This will be the basis of the decision process, as well as a central database for all proposed and completed work. Decision ProcessDecision ProcessDecision ProcessDecision Process The easiest approach to deal with the decision process is to analyse it according to the intensity categories:

1. light – leave to continue growing, hoping that the surviving trees will utilise the newly available moisture and nutrients and capture the site;

2. severe – fell a. If the compartment is less than 3 years, replant after slashing the surviving trees; b. If the compartment is older than 3 years it may be necessary to burn after felling to

reduce the now increased fuel load; company policy as well as other risks (Rhizina undulata) may prevent this.

c. Compartments older than 8 years may yield some timber at felling. 3. intermediate – the most difficult to determine what to do. Tools are needed, mainly based

on financial analysis, which will help the user in making a decision. Each compartment requires individual assessment based on the damage severity, tree age, site potential and the cost of timber and other risks. (An attempt at such a tool will be presented at the field day).

PrioritisationPrioritisationPrioritisationPrioritisation Once the decision has been made regarding the severe and intermediate compartments, it is necessary to prioritise the work. The points listed below will help highlight various aspects that may need to be considered when creating the plan:

� extra resources will be required ~ funding, labour, accommodation for extra labour. These resources will not only be required for the clearing of the damaged areas, but also for the period of intensive silviculture after these areas are re-established;

� concentrate on the best areas first to maximise the growth potential of your plantation; � consider areas which are planned to be burnt because generally these will have to lie

fallow for 6 months to reduce the risk of infection from Rhizina undulata; � in compartments with similar site productivity, fell younger compartments before older

compartments since they represent areas with a higher potential MAI and CAI (see Figure 4);

� in compartments with similar site productivity and a similar age, fell the most damaged first to reduce any further growth loss (see Figure 5);

� there will be an increased weed build-up due to more sunlight and resources; � within those areas not being burnt, there will be an increased fire risk due to fuel build-up.

Page 11: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

Figure Figure Figure Figure 4444.... Theoretical growth patterns based on a hail event occurring at different ages of a stand.

Figure Figure Figure Figure 5555: Theoretical growth patterns based on different intensity hail events at the same



Hail will continue to be a problem for forestry operations, especially in the high-altitude, summer rainfall areas of southern Africa. The objective is to reduce the effect of such an event by returning the area to full production as soon as possible. By having a “recipe” to create an operational recovery plan, activities can start sooner and tighter control can be achieved.

Production Comparisons for a 60% Survival Event (Tons)












5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21



n A





t (T




Hail at 10 yrs

Hail at 12 yrs

Hail at 14 yrs

Hail at 16 yrs

Production Comparisons for Various Survival Events (Tons)












5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21









t (T




25% Survival

40% Survival

55% Survival

70% Survival

Page 12: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

Features & Benefits of LREye ImageryC Features & Benefits of LREye ImageryC Features & Benefits of LREye ImageryC Features & Benefits of LREye ImageryC

James Brodie ([email protected])

Land Resources International (LRI) PO Box 1211, Pietermaritzburg, 3201

� LREye ImageryC is Multispectral. Red (650 – 680 nm), Green (550 -580 nm), Blue (450 – 480 nm) and Near infrared (850 – 900 nm) bands are captured in a single pass. A variety of indices such as a Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) are derived from the multiple image bands. The standard products are georegistered and colour balanced natural colour and false colour NIR mosaics.

� LREye ImageryC is supplied GIS ready (ortho-rectified) and compatible with most industry

standard GIS and CAD software.

� LREye ImageryC is Geo-registered and spatially accurate to 2 -3 m RMSE.

� LREye ImageryC is available at a range of image resolutions from 0.25 m to 2.0 m, depending upon client requirements.

� LREye ImageryC is available within a short time period after request from a client.

� LREye ImageryC is competitively priced relative to comparable traditional aerial or satellite

based remote sensing solutions.

� LREye ImageryC is a valuable land management tool used by leading forestry and agricultural companies in the SADC region.

� LREye ImageryC is supplied by Land Resources International (Pty) Ltd.

� We operate throughout South Africa under an Air Service License issued by the Dept of

Transports Civil Aviation Authority. In addition we are fully compliant with respect to BEE requirements.

Page 13: ICFR & Mpumalanga Regional Interest Group Field Day · School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Summary The

Cossid Moth: New Pest on Cossid Moth: New Pest on Cossid Moth: New Pest on Cossid Moth: New Pest on EucalyptusEucalyptusEucalyptusEucalyptus????

Brett Hurley & Solomon Gebeyehu ([email protected]) ([email protected]).

Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP) and NRF/DST Centre for Tree Health Biotechnology (CTHB), University of Pretoria

Introduction:Introduction:Introduction:Introduction: Coryphodema tristis, a moth in the family Cossidae, is an indigenous wood-boring insect with a wide host range. These hosts include species in the Rosaceae, Combretaceae, Malvaceae, Myoporaceae, Scorphulariaceae, Ulmaceae and Vitaceae. Alarmingly, this cossid moth has recently been found feeding on Eucalyptus nitens, resulting in extensive damage. This is the first report of the cossid moth feeding on Eucalyptus or any other Myrtaceae. Currently, C. tristis has been found only on E. nitens in the Carolina – Badplaas – Lothair area. The extent of its distribution and whether or not it attacks other eucalypt species is currently unknown. Cossid moth infestations range from less than 1% to nearly 80% of stands. The sudden and unexpected infestation of E. nitens by this cossid is certainly cause for concern and warrants vigilance.

Description:Description:Description:Description: LarvaeLarvaeLarvaeLarvae About 30-40 mm long when fully grown. Fully grown larvae have a brown head and a light yellowish body with reddish blotches. Three short pairs of legs are present behind the head. (A) PupaePupaePupaePupae Larvae pupate in woven silk and sawdust cocoons. Pupae are about 25-35 mm long. Rows of spines present on abdomen and head terminates in spine. (B) AdultAdultAdultAdult Rarely seen and short lived (about one week). Wingspan of 25-50 mm. Body is greyish brown, front wings are mottled brown and hind wings are mottled light grey. (C,D)


• Round holes penetrating the sapwood (A)

• Trunk and branches of infested trees turn black (B)

• Resin and sawdust appear on trunks and branches (B,C)

• Extensive tunnelling of larvae is found in the sapwood and heartwood (D,E)

• Pupal casings protrude from emergence holes or can be found on the forest floor (F)

• Sawdust is found at the bases of trees (G)

Basic Biology and Damage:Basic Biology and Damage:Basic Biology and Damage:Basic Biology and Damage: Adult female cossid moths lay eggs on the bark of trees, usually in a sheltered place such as cracks in the bark. Upon emergence, larvae bore through bark and feed on the cambium. As the larvae grow, they bore into the wood, where they cause extensive tunnelling. Pupation occurs in pupal cocoons constructed inside the larval tunnels. Just prior to adult emergence, the pupae cut themselves out of the cocoons and wriggle towards the tunnel openings until their bodies project half-way out the tree. In this position the adults emerge from the pupal cases, resulting in the shed pupal cases protruding half way out the tree or falling to the ground. The cossid moth is reported to have a two-year life cycle in the Western Cape, but the duration of the life cycle in the summer rainfall area is not yet known.

Larvae feeding in the cambium and the extensive tunnelling in the sapwood and heartwood results in severe damage to trees, which often also die. Both the main trunks and branches are attacked. Trees from five to fourteen years old have been infested, but it is likely that the cossid will infest both younger and older trees, provided the diameters of the trunks / branches are sufficient to enable the larvae to feed. Associations with fungal pathogens seem likely given the black discolouration of the

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stems and researchers at the Tree Protection Co-operative Programme at FABI are currently studying this matter.

Control:Control:Control:Control: Because the cossid moth is an indigenous insect, natural enemies of this pest are likely to be present. The identity of these natural enemies, their population, biology and whether or not the new eucalypt host has any influence on their effectiveness is not yet known.

If you notice the cossid moth and / or its symptoms, please contact Brett Hurley ([email protected]) or Solomon Gebeyehu ([email protected]).

Tree Protection Co-operative Programme (TPCP) and NRF/DST Centre for Tree Health

Biotechnology (CTHB), University of Pretoria, Phone: (012) 420 5822 /5826, Cell: 0829093211,

Website: http://fabinet.up.ac.za