*&* &3S&*iSL .* -S-ir '»,: •*5^ 'HT ^ ^*~ j ^ r-s*:*^. % *»•" _- %-.._: •"*fii- ""' >- ^ •at- *4V»g •Mt ^ * » ^ i . *-. *0 :4*±'"-':-:+:yi w nmniT, nvi n, wi. «f?£: - >:i ~ - •>- -<-& «$?<* :-£TlfV;> ^ r i r i T ^•••••••••••••••aaisiggiisasiiiiaaaaaaaaagaiHii^^itiiisiaaiaaBaaaaaaaa'iaaiisitsa* ' wtujmm* OFFICIAL Dtftscroftv -a^r- - -. . -as . * .- '••••^^#,» «sv » ••* *m ^3K..v:^* ~~ p* * * T :*£>*• :r«r rming msfmmgmggggggggg gg •••••••••isggggggggai^#^#a*iiaii^gigg^gggiigggg7iiit c ] those abroad, taking Imio mccouni tt- limAI Tfl MCsteflDl? •• I . ac.ing of U M i i « fmei tha. i»v 0 lTed. \\\}H U PlJoUtlt * } trjt fettle una beam amid in my know!- — - . - - : RAINFALL OK THE FARM em OF OUR VAST BUSINESS * H pi****. Waxfira W. Harrey. CuCtr**. Q. A. ABea. Burt Kobln- which BOW will offer for scrimKY RIBHELP IMMENSE TOLIXi l»r r IBM tACTORT A>B TaU>*PUH. TATIOS ACTITITJEa . V- . * **We are now exporting our maau- ffactn/«n at the rate of f .\**.*00 each working day. w :b a .marly total lor mil products of more iham $2.4vO,omg.- * f edgt of the quite for the Srut roond -the -world 'Yet iherr are snore than h m u of it*t*H prepariaa to mail from* Lomdom i to lxmdoo ia either or both ways. SHOW* touching ail aroand the globe as they : go, and this »ame poaaibllsty opens i akae to our Atlantic, omr Cmtf aad oar Pacific coasts. Ttos U praoemted an opportonitT nu rtlated to tha aaere jaa^mg n distance fromi our AUmmtic w. BurdftAL B. Murray. . •>•*> Gam> MrKc%^. G«OL cmr naaoiKi^-V'7 roc*. 1 PULICS JCwTlCI£-<>Mfwe W. Parker CUm QT POUC£—H'aitacv Lcnr*. XKWT POOCK^Jmx Fit»grrm-d. jCU^MiSJiiU.XEK-Wm. I* GouvcrncorBBsiri^sMensD Ice 6TMB! *m By Mntharity of the lah>d State* |>ea*rta*emt af Agri. raJtare I Tte saoost of corn, wheat, cotton, tobacco, etc . that can be harvested ^rom a gl^eo acrt- of rryund. olher thine* oe.ng the same. tK&rt an mu I - 4w* .- -it - ; We are sending abroad oor iron mad steel products ax the rate of $1 - iMOCOea dml!y. to Pacific coa*t to an^ partlewlmr * » - * » relaUomJtrom year to year to the eig* port and on* which p e » * g a \ mounl « WMter supplied to the same continoou. rojagr of a kimd thmt has ^ bv ^intHl or otherwise, as com- hitbeno been quite ftmpoaaHOg and p^red with the average rainfall of the which may opeir aneipected ^PPw- kKm}kty lt lhe p ro greasi^e farmer tunities to the .carding trade of tha j wlll wl7 ke ^ E careful record of the rain that fall* in his locality, eapect- I»KVT OF WATER- tKV\Otf AND FIRE \ 1* AilbouB*. CHIJCFJSr FIKE I«PAJtTMENT—W" CBYSTAL PALACE CmaMn t Jeo Wahm arnddawn ^ -PAWLTf-8 1 "PIOHMBBAKTBY Mate 8t JOB, 8U11V. 1»-L or Id.' MAIVTAININ6 FERTILITY "Ve haee become the largest pro- ducer of steel ia the world. * V e make more pig Iron hy a mil- ! Horn loos annually than England and Oermany pat together. ! T h e depomfts in the. srring* banVs - oC Maasachuaetu and Connecticjt By AathorUy of the *ew Tart State "his more Important crops mlly throughout the growing season, mad compare this* with the normal or mTormge amount for the same region. Ul iHlH tnJIIu ,mm *****<**- toiorm a ver> mtelU- vi VVII VWILU reltt c^j,,^^ pj Ufc ^ proapects for s (.Rood, a bad, or an average yield of *Z-ijriut OF T*Ai*m* i'" '1% ^^ \\*:EKDAYB. ^a. # ^•••«T« ..... ' ..••. T-SS'a. i Na. 11 mm „^ % .».. ] ) U a. j No. g ..,*., ....... 4.2S j*. No, 11 .,..;. 7:4* p. ! • --i-v »t"Nl»ATa. 'NO. 4 :...:^; : > • a. No- 4:S* p. afert* *«a maat. N«. IT . • , | SS a. No- T . , ] » U a. No. t M 1.3a p- No. i . : a.«t p. No. i -. nas p. ' . . * 5VNPAYB. N>^ 7 1SK a. ^"l^.*^v.^ fc - «"5t P No. S .\.^ .... , 11.as p, ... JtoWARDft gRANCH. Departurw. | WL m m. m. m m m l a g Cimmmv C try* FrmJi mmd Ctgmrs Maim Btreot - Goo r fe? KBHTOKV BAKEKT 9 W Boat m Bmhed Ami far T. & Trmdmi - Park Bt mad Mails JLA.8WZTT .mmd w rJ Barben I- JPmintiai IL . ^ <%mn, r>cs mmd Street «> wn (BUTTON a BUTHKarojLD .IV White «TM«ry* Bifft Onto 1 : Phone €S-W rraHa, Tege^ 'Main St CHAS A. Phome 51-W Cltoton 8t Cleans f ,«r would more than pay off our entire Wiltons! debt; while thoae of New York state alone would do the aame thing the second time and hare to apare. $«*0.«».ftOt." . '. TLdae are a few of the many as- €Mt*t mi AtriralUrc at tha . 4 orweil 1'gfter^lty^- ^ An excellent equipment for collect- ing and measuring either x&in or snow consists of a simple pall or . ^ . m % , ^. , , bucket The location selected for set- % The m«t fundamenul pro^cm to , ting out the pmil should he chosen at agriculture H the main ten anew and j a ^ ^ m mmt ]ot or field un . tecremse of the productive capacity of obstructed by larg* trees or build- the soil. All Important forma of Xa tag No. SS4 No. Mi No. No. No. atl No. «H No. Sw7 x < WK£KDAYB. •H. E. BEOWlf - ^rwcerioa, FruHa, PrwTtaiams, Oysterv Shoes • • * . . . gl'NiJAYS. ArHviU 7.X5 a. m. > is a. m. « « 2S P- m. | Phone XW Clinton, St t It w m. 15 p. m. MAESH i ~ *Tme Berne of tia* * f 0*9" for Mem. ^amm XeBrj* law W( \ MaJn St/* * GooTenieur. Phome 14S-R JO. ] H CASH GEOCSRT I JASb K. T 0 O € U Pram. ^ a i n St. [ * €raeoHaa mi Lfrfamj Priees \ ^i PmrkBt , Tribune Bldg' FlUTlitOre MKJ UDderUlong 6m Phone ! / - ^fe toftlshtnc statement* TOMAC by William i**.tly. t. aa ^ . , at tbe A c - !^" f ," » e " # " * ™ ^ « • * ^ « i eea, or walU that break the force of •dea, rf Mualc to the Brooklm IB.U- *!? "T ^, U , 0 f ^ "'"T* 1 * " ^ th. wind to the rlclnity of the paure No. No. tar a ^ a . • • ........... SUNDAYS. . I* 45 a. :.4a p. 10 3S A. ?:4S p. m. a. TIMS OP ARRIVAL AND - .TURK OF NAIL*. *>£PAR- ! outmoiaw c* as mini Low regetable growth near the J n £ u ^ ^ Morts tmhl ikm ^ (gee mall thouU! he at ttoepawUif- # **M Hke has not been witnessed since tha dawn of time." f^Ia farther proof of his contention, Mr. ftedileM took up the matter by compariaom and gave these illustra- /**»*:. ' . - - ,- . , • ; ~ . .-. - r /.."•!» U5« tha Talue of our farm ^property was leas than $41,000,000. In XI10 It wag over $40^0.000,000. 1 >ln UM wa produced leas than 600,- ^009,000 bushels of com; in 1910. over 1,000.000,060 huahela. i The materials th£t come from the I soil are the moat likely Co become the , ^ ^ ,, al30 beneficial but the top l pmo~Tw£S'*&v7S ", fi 1 AH amine with tbe exception of No. 3 ** i caiYy BMB. * ^ Tbe New Tork mall artrras on No. 1? E.W. JACKSON / Idem! Chrmoaar »w Mamt Market * We Cater to Your Imtemts S4-L Main SL . F, W. SPRAGUE rmdertaker mmd Emmmbmcr. .. FmrmHare. Phome €S-U" . . rt »*ln Bt KAPLAN AND SAIDKL Therefore the great problem IdemU., the ^ ^ growth n i% hlmm% fled with Agriculture and. uUlmmtely, | n eediess to say that the paU must be wtth aU oth*r industry ia the main-; 6ecured JL ^ am!ft ^ 0TerturBe d by tenance of adequate productiveness of j lhe windf ^ ^ ^ „ »ccidenUl caus- es. Such a collector of minfall con- stitutes almost an ideal rain and snow gauge, and it remains only to explain how to measure the collected precipi- tation properly. This is best done by jit'** :**. the aoil f commonly conaidered under the head o f g k fertility. The soil is a great aflmral resource and its proper conservation ia a problem of public-concern. - ,, # . . „The soil is productive just in pro- ' weighing the contents of the pail. A portion as It is able to meet the needs balance should be used that will give or plants for their beat growth. These j the weight accurately in ounces or *^C3* whemt we grew 100.00a.000 bash-1 heeds are diverse. Including water, j balf ouncea. lf such a scale is not al- jmla m 1S50; in 191* It wma orer 730.- j food, oxygen, beat, light, physical aup-! ready in the possession of the farm- port, and sanitation. With one ex- j er, it will more than r*nay him to buy caption—light—these requirements \ one t)f the inexpensive spring balan- are^ largely met by the mechanism j cea. If now the diameter of the pail hand the constitution of the soil. Thish> Ja*t 10^4 inches at the topmost j is, accompliahed by three Interacting J edge, each ounce of water collected properties of the soil—its physical j represents two-hundreths of an, inch (Sr&ft a. am.) Mail for New York should k*re on No. S <4:2S p, m ) to get first delivery In New Tork. p DATE OF PAYING TAXES ~ m A .:-. -Water Rant* JBetni-aaraMiT. May 1st, Norember 1st Villa a* Tax. Annwalry, Jur>. School Tax. Annually, September. ^ Town Tsx. ' ~~ - ~- - •• Annually, December. , k*uaheis: r . - . V^Aa recenUy ai~ 1875 the valuation M jnjr tmnm crops wma ss^oo.ooo.ooo, A mtama'amot vmVJt warn increased to •.mjmjmjna in 1009. » —If oottom^was king Jmst before the - >wmr with tha tutea, his kingdom was with tta imperial ex- The atory of the-growth ,;of this ^remt crop remda like a ro- mmnre JBmck in our Infancy we grew. in 1700, *.1M bales. At the time of i ^af rainfall, or, in figures. 0.02. Many ft-gallon pails are exactly 10% in- l( t for ex- nature. Its chemical constitution, and; tta biological activity. Each oT these groups has many variations, which re- j ches at the. topmost edge, act upon and largely affect the other [ample, after a rainfall the pail and its two. divisions; so that tbe main ten-1 contained water is found to wejgh aay ance of fertility—the ultimate ration- j 3 pounds. 8 ounces, and the empty litg minted royalty King Cotton pro- j al *to» of ail mgricnKure—presents an | P*il alone weighs only l pound 14 ducad. in 1S50, 4.300.000 bales. This! exceedingly complex array of prob^ I oimces, the difference gives 1 pound «rww hy 1011 to 10,000.000 bales. We f ,ems - * n farm practice .the soil 1%-i 10, ounces net—26 ounces; 26X02 mold abroad ia a recent fiscal year I changed for the better o f for the % | equals .52 inches of rain. two mmd one-half times as much cot- I *wse* by a number of treatments, j The measurements of the contenTs h©ordo?i and Barae* Streets, torn mg mmde the whole crop of 1859. | eu^h as manuring, applications of \ of the pail by weighing avoids all dif- °' •-In 1012 wg produced more 4hmn"J tae » *ll*«e, drainage or fertilisers, j Acuities as to wahether the preciplu- rintelllgent soil management mvolves < tion is in the form of rain or snow, the treatment of the soil by the most i The result is Always the equivalent convenient and economic methods, j depth of rainfall. .Moreover a pail auch that the desired change in iU j with sloping aides is just as good as. character will result. The findings ; ra fact it is better than, oner with ver- I •drifts: ALARM STATIONS. ;:-.-•*.»-»-•. . -.Ne. U. ..*••*'••" Main mtraat at Bridge. : NO. ta, MaJn Straat fn front of* 8t. Xawrenee Inm. Main and Waid Streets. / ftc la. > Depot and Sterile* St^ets. No. H, - / Main and Rock l*t*nd streets. ' / No. S3. HalTfboio, Johnstown and West Main fitrwet* ' "* """Mo. S C * * •!/ ••;-• v;...-. West Main mad Smith Streets. Mo. 25. Prospeet SUwat fn front of Lace .Mill. No. 26. Parker and Halleiboro Streets.. - • .' No. 27. ' West* Main and MeKean 8treets. . No. 34, 'Clinton and Barney Streets. No. SS. . v U . B . LAVAR. ; ! Fresh mmd Hah Meats, Pagltry. Flam, 'Fmnrttmr* Acarm Stores mmd X m N , TefetmhleiW Ete. \ m Cmrpets mmd Bmga >% Phone 28 Bareoeet, 15 Main St "Yew Credit b Owod.* 1 5S-S1 W. Main - .Phone 49-J Pboseli-li Dry Goods, GEO Insurance, D. A. UEGGETT. ^ »SrRlKCE Life, AccWeat mmd Health 7 Kgert Block , : - . Main SL . / B . T.BROWN. Gemerm! Imsmrmmee, Smml Istmte , / > Lamms Cor. John i n d Ch. 8 U Phone 82-W / , J. V. BAKEB | The «0ld Beliahle* Imsaramce Agent In Business Nearly Forty Temri Brodie Blk. . . . Jlain^St Billurd Parlor W. B. PATRICK. The Brunswick Billiard Parlor % Clgmrs mmd Tehmcco . . Aone 8S-J ^ - y& f: ^Mmln St Clamka. ten Phong 73-W COX DR 1 A Good Urn Phone IS* B&rdwara BU8H& COLLINS ^ Stores. Bmnges, Hardware, Plumbing jnd Uemdng phono 4S-W _ Main BL D.1LHAZBLTON Hre, IJfe, l«imeht - ^ ^— ^ ..mmd Umhetty laswramce, 5 Main St, lCgert BUL /Phone 85-L Coal Wood, Etc E. A. JENNE&CO. Phflm. t Jfcemdim* Coml M Iron Co, eerem-twelfths ti the cotton of the mrorld, and consumed more than.one- third of onr own crop, exporting the 'bmlance,"* V But Mr. Bedfield had other and remarkable statistics at btn<l | of the laboratory moat be translated tical or parallel sides. Jn each case. however, the diameter must be Justj lO^s at the top Inside etfge, so that ^:" 'y tar •.* ''.'•" r^v-7- than thoae furnished by the growth I toio t e r m * o f f * m Practice and redoc- of agricultural feports. He showed •* to ^ e s««PrSst form for the guid thmtrthbugfa these reached the large ! anoe of lhe busjr tiller of the soil, each half ounce of collected material gum of #500 000000 in IMS they form- j uklll « loto nccount the normal nature represents one-bftndreth of an incli of ed little more'than^ one^flfth of the ef ^^ sol!..the reonirementa of plants j precipitation. The record should be exnortg of that yemr Mr Redfleld * n d t b e HmiUUona of farm practice.! taken at about "the same time each JJy,. i *eH Jlebtmre«---UndeHyinff mil oth- day—weather observers record one M *Wor ttig twelve months ended with I CT tnra ^ pertaining to the fortuity j day's fall regularly at 5 p. m. In hot January .1. 1014, the balance in our J of the •o* 1 1 » th< proper regulation weather, wnen water ewmpormtea IttTor on merchandise transactions j of the. moisture supply. It deter- quickly, the record should oe made,ma waa In exceaa of $676,000,000; an in- i mm es the gohftiqn of the plant food.! goon after the rain haa stopped as ia crease of $00,000,000 over the nreri- tn « physical condition of the soil, the practicable. * . .. ^ | efficiency of tillage, the effect of fer * Barney and Bock Uland Streets. No. 37. Clinton Street and Trinity Avenue. No. 4S. Grove and Gordon Streets. fmdimtr Coml * BAKU COAL ] Wood, Cement. Tile, Masons* 8 applies Pbone: Office 142-W~After41ra. 222-M1 « DISTANCE TAmtK In miles and tenths bf miles between measured' on oiu year. Poisomons Planti wfe-*- -U hM bfO««bf tbe*faltedSute»!«»««"• "»«> *»»• Wol««»c«l artirity.-j into tbe .front rank of tbe nations! ,l >• therefore tbe fir* thing to be, . / •ompettof in tbe aale of their mann- j a4Ju*te«. Thia may involve- irrUra- ..j^ ae{)arbnent ^ »grlcnlture U ifaanred articlea ia the marh*u of j i"*- *• » •"*• •«*»«»; or It may ftrytog t0 eliminate .the danger to cat- Ihe world. She is today *on of the j »«*•«»*« drainage, a* in- New Tork. t , e from poijonou, p i MU national j 5P™^^ •big three.' having a. peer, in the i Aiwaya. however, it mean, the prop- (orert ^ ^ Of thew plants Urk, T^?^? Tillages and «3ouv*r ~i*vr f the ne&rest public road. Antwerp ..«*-•..<. Brier Hill Canton Dekalb . D*peynt*r Edwards Fine •...*. Punemius ..,,.. Hailesboro < * fc ............ Hammond /••«- ---• Bennpf) ...' ....... ^,. .•••. HarrlsriFle. Morristown Massena* Natural Norwood ....... OxBow .^ .... --. Ogdenaburw Pitcairn ........ Popes Milka .... Potsdam ,.-... Rossis Richriite ...••.. Sylvia Lake ... SpragnertJie ...<. Somerrllle .^.w. • • • . . . '.«•.. * ;v i spur loop weed, dearth' camaa. and er handling of the soil in order to conserve-and effectively use the water j w ^ r 'i^a^'m^^ s^st^uasw' received.and atSred therein. Large ^ Xarkapor does the mostharm. areas of land In New York roquire | because it ia so widely diatrtbuted better drainage aubsoil. particularly of the- and ia particularly bad lor cattle. Ordinarily, horses will not eat lark- ir-*'> *. in competition only England and Ger- many, mid upon both she has in re-. years been gaining. legs than one million wage in our industries in 1S50» .the number haa grown to nearly sev- en million. The product has in the aame period increased from $4>0t.- #00,000 in annual value to over $20,- J>00.000.000.^ Meanwhile the average j and the haaic. constituents of thesofl.^ jukinjt pardon ia "^any times a annual wage has more than doubled. A* a result of Ullage and cropping, ^omplHe failure so far as redreaa is mmd'the produdion per capita of our soils max* become more acid—a con- concerned. -* population haa trebled.-. - ^dition unfavorable to moat of the im-' j ^ ^^ ^ ^ a e | | M ^ ^ m AM ahowing how the increase oT portani farm cropa.' line ia beat. j oott§ rat for ^^ ^ bmamema ma well commerce abroad mean* the inc^eaae sniUd to counteract this tendency. ^ the rcm ±. of commerce .at home.- Mr. Jtedneid It may be used In different forms, de- ••"'••. ^' •' : "" > m^vg theme facts concerning jthe mm- pending of the local situation of the ;" * ^~r r—f—: :— chinory of oor transportation: jfarm. ... ^ ^ % j the proper adiuatment of tho ' "The lamgth of raiiromd ham grown Orvmmk Matter or HamaC—The tioms of molatura. lime. ..»•<•• 12.0 22.7 23.7 33 6 1&.S 15.0 2S.S 4 4 2 0 22^ 1«.7 ,2S.O 22.1 Wl 2.a ls.1 2tJ i7^ S4J ll.S 7.0 ?.0 7.0 S.0 S.I VDniffl and Prescrii^^ W. H. DRAPKB Drags, CearfeetJani, Newspapers, Periadlcmis, Etc. ,., . Phone IJOV-W - / Main St B. O. K U f N S T ;-..-.• ; • T h e Mexmtl «mrm» MeUmale Pi^scrlptiang M Specialtj Phong 110-J m •? Main St J, %. CAEPBUTBB. , Hardware of AU hinds. Sash, Damn, ,, - Blinds, Etc Phone 10S-R v !3tsin St Wortd*, Bra Maaonic Bids Clothing Garage, Auto Supplies, Etc. WHITNEY'S OARAGE mmd Beat Em^fmrnesl im BU Lawrence Cennty > John fet Phone 174-R v WE. LYTLE , : ., 4711aton Street Garage v - Stadebaker mmd Wahl Cars ; AU minds of Repair Work Phone 22S^J , Clinton St STORUB BROTHERS Creneral Diatrlhatam for Hinmaa Milking Machine mnd Idem! Gmsallme Engines . iohn St : v r?^, - v^otiverneur PhotograiAers. '• 0. €. OUNMTKGHAM. •.;,, •*;,•• _^Pht4gfrs*wy ; v . •••/! ^ Crayaw mmd Water Ctdors _ : 17 Main fit \*- s jii.Qm A. Kinney's r , 3OADDETTG00. ' j Dr^ga, Pafata, 00* Tanbhes, ITall' Haram*ndW««oni "J. W. B-HBERSOH LEONi Castom and _. Baya* _M biorria BBc. DR.] ---.f^Toto SonU St .- ElEC Wart 9m 11 «ow 01 SS-R Main St Evtwytkhfeg far the, Ji Phong 223-L 4 Clinton St I5afes and Restaurants 7 iisaer^-lime stands second in the I apurvJand abeep can eat it without ap- Tmngo of importance. It maint£ns 'parent in^nry. - .-*».• the proper balance between the acid \ > • v. ' " \' . ^ ; Matter or H from S0>00 m:les in'l^mi to 244.OOC; .'maintenance of a fair amount of de- \ ter. And tillage, tbe Imrgeat poawibie lhe capM^zaUoc to a sum in exc^s taring orcanic matter is ewaemtial . Quantity of piaat-eood will be made of lll.OOO.agArjfxi: the iocomotires' because of the nitrogen which it con- araildhie and Use moil w i l l be main- from €.000 to C2.000; the empio-fs tains and which 21 moat e^oooauteally tamed im a swnitmry condition. ,Ntt- mave increaaed from &^*> to over mecured by the aid of certain becterU rogen ahowid he mnmplssd through the 1.70a.00f; the pmaaemg*r can *from mnd ie^rumimoma cropa. and beoauae orgmmSc matter. $j* many sotis de- ^JLOSS to lljjms; tMm freight cars from of ita mmnr hrmelctal nmyakml a_aeta. voted*to thm 4mmn rootod. alow-dgrow- - S6.**e to SlSdjOfg. T_^ freucht ear-: on the aoil. . ita» increaae ft acconv amg 43-omaC ameh ma fruit, commereiml TawKmniP orriccstm. - 8TTPERVISOR--e€0. H. Bobioson. - * JU8TICK8 OF THR PEACE—A. H. Ah- botOA. J. McCoy. Trauma Dam. - *C1_rlea Dudsssii - TOWK C1JCRK--HSJT7 C. Rogers. BUPEKtSTtiXDE&T Of HiaHWATS-^ Oeo. _L Dedom. .. WlA^XTfy%*^*fP*+n M> Thayer.; OWERS-BR ' OT ^ THE POOR^-Heory Ward IPrtsrt. 'Wallace Hayden. F. Marrln Hott. "- 'is. 1»U. <X>N8T LiOve, J. Artbwr Casual TOWN MK«mNa~F>bniaiT COUNWV OFFICIAL 0l»tnCTOsrV. SUWJtOGATB—ALR1C R. THE COUNTRY TAVERN. ''WL **. Vletartlmgai f aa, JPropg, .>;.-* *.,E»Mls » Cemta - Clinton Stroet ^ ;;•; s , Convemeur ••«•-:?:* JERRYS QUICK LUNCH H AM Mean Opera Hommg BTk. FREEMAN BR08, fmmwma, SleJgha, Fnr Cmsta, Trumka, none al-» %~& ~# rtriinton St Attortiey^ p * H. G. ALDRICH. •*Jl Phone 141-1 " "-.I- WONDERLAND WM.8KTB ^ , ^ \ jT 10 Msgh Grade Phome 22-J Office: milm Rem. ISO Rock ••O^mVPwrsu ,K. iterrnnaa. of flt lAwreac Statute-to swek Ittotspe is hereby tag ctnisae maai Hall, lata of t *WOL Oauthier. Every SlghC ; -j (quired Prozx ^ - Park St COCXTT & Ffrrts. {CQCXTT #JIJTrr>-W>Iwy W. HaJla. Canton. •' . . DWTPaCT ATTOmxlvT-J©4» C Crap- I * ''".:-'•'"•*>«. tarns to St.tmg.nmg pliahed. meeording to circ^notms)cem« it of large cro^ r^sidama to needed. shot?;d he not therr i of wlreth-' which rotation mmd mnoc-iatioo cmar-Vmsjcad tmwoch gaantities amd wiU erer re^ trihwte. hy. the mae of stock aammarm, [ win give the greatest mf ISM, Mr Redmeld mmerVy the mse of ufilisatxm of green-! salts The treatments preceding the Ha said: jgaaacre cropa - . iaa>pbcmtiom of a Tertaiaer mhomld ail ASSISTAJfiT* iJtarYKJCT ATTOBlOrr— Jajaes O- SHEKIF-—Thmd P. Day. Canton. CORONER—a W. Barer, ajTPgRIN 1 KXJJXyT OF THK POOR— Harlow ~ ' CLERK BOARD OT jaomrxTs-Kjosi :.** M. E. RENTFIELD .1 Kxunbing. to -exW tha risiisiswn of Jbafora tha IStk G. H.CL1T70RD 7S-ri BAJtt BAJtCBC Jevelen uid Qptidut ,T1S a WATSOM. d ^ ^ S w—TJiage deep g omga. strrs and nsea the soft Cs- porates o u i i m and ferilhwrs which fully ma to may >e added, and comtrfVataa to gem- may nmame era: ^ex^iat-oa and aaa^atiom. Tar- of ha IBIBI lasjs *amp4eo«»8U mar he eepkrye*. mc- the aosX itrihste to a r^ Ever? persoc. in pr^Te hit practimnhie, these trt lamaats geatad. ia jcsencT mmr ports im mf the average moil is smch t h a t by of the mail mnd the greatest frosm the treatments and ma-1 At Chftoa* teriais a^pbed mar be J^^ ; -P'--' s* 5-i^ '-^^^-ir. r J^*- ' > ._ ^"£~r^ z>

Ice 6TMB! em OF OUR cmr naaoiKi^-V'7 roc*.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn87070443/1914-03-18/ed-1/seq-10.pdf · V^Aa recenUy ai~ 1875 the valuation M jnjr tmnm crops wma ss^oo.ooo.ooo,

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^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a a i s i g g i i s a s i i i i a a a a a a a a a g a i H i i ^ ^ i t i i i s i a a i a a B a a a a a a a a ' i a a i i s i t s a * ' wtujmm* OFFICIAL Dtftscroftv

-a^r- - -. . - a s . * .- ' • • • • ^ ^ # , » «sv » ••* *m ^3K..v:^* ~~ • • p * * *


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rming msfmmgmggggggggg gg • • • • • • • • • i s g g g g g g g g a i ^ # ^ # a * i i a i i ^ g i g g ^ g g g i i g g g g 7 i i i t c

] those abroad, taking Imio mccouni t t - limAI Tfl MCstef lDl? •• I . ac.ing of U M i i « fmei t h a . i»v0lTed. \\\}H U P l J o U t l t * • } trjt fettle una beam amid in my know!- — - . - -



* H pi****. Waxfira W. Harrey.

CuCtr**. Q. A. ABea. Burt


which BOW will offer for



• . V - . * **We are now exporting our maau-

ffactn/«n at the rate of f .\**.*00 each working day. w :b a .marly total lor mil products of more iham $2.4vO,omg.-

* f edgt of the quite for the Srut roond -the -world

'Yet iherr are snore than h m u of it*t*H prepariaa to mail from* Lomdom

i to lxmdoo ia either or both ways. SHOW* touching ail aroand the globe as they

: go, and this »ame poaaibllsty opens i akae to our Atlantic, omr Cmtf aad oar

Pacific coasts. Ttos U praoemted an opportonitT n u rtlated to tha aaere

jaa^mg n distance fromi our AUmmtic

w. BurdftAL B. Murray.

. •>•*> Gam> MrKc% . G«OL cmr naaoiKi^-V'7 roc*.

1 PULICS JCwTlCI£-<>Mfwe W. Parker CUm QT POUC£—H'aitacv Lcnr*. XKWT POOCK^Jmx Fit»grrm-d.

jCU^MiSJiiU.XEK-Wm. I*

GouvcrncorBBsiri^sMensD Ice 6 T M B ! *m

By Mntharity of the lah>d State* |>ea*rta*emt af Agri.


I Tte s a o o s t of corn, wheat, cotton,

tobacco, etc . that can be harvested ^rom a gl^eo acrt- of rryund. olher thine* oe.ng the same. tK&rt an mu

I - 4w*

.- - it -

; We are sending abroad oor iron mad steel products ax the rate of $1 -iMOCOea dml!y.

to Pacific coa*t to an^ partlewlmr * » - * » relaUomJtrom year to year to the eig* port and on* which p e » * g a \ m o u n l « WMter supplied to the same continoou. rojagr of a kimd thmt has ^ b v ^intHl or otherwise, as com-hitbeno been quite ftmpoaaHOg and p^red with the average rainfall of the which may opeir aneipected ^PPw- kKm}kty lt lhe progreasi^e farmer tunities to the .carding trade of tha j w l l l w l 7 k e ^ E careful record of the

rain that fall* in his locality, eapect-




W a h m a r n d d a w n


Mate 8 t

JOB, 8U11V. 1 » - L

or Id.'

MAIVTAININ6 FERTILITY "Ve haee become the largest pro­ducer of steel ia the world.

* V e make more pig Iron hy a mi l - !

Horn loos annually than England and Oermany pat together. !

T h e depomfts in the. srring* banVs -oC Maasachuaetu and Connecticjt By AathorUy of the *ew Tart State "his more Important crops

mlly throughout the growing season, mad compare this* with the normal or mTormge amount for the same region.

Ul iHlH t n J I I u ,mm *****<**- t o i o r m a ver> mtelU-v i V V I I V W I L U r e l t t c ^ j , , ^ ^ pj Ufc^ proapects for s

(.Rood, a bad, or an average yield of

*Z-ijriut OF T*Ai*m*

i'" '1% ^ \\*:EKDAYB. ^ a . # ^ • • • « T « . . . . . ' . . • • . T-SS'a.

i Na. 11 mm„^ % .».. ] ) U a. j No. g . . , * . , . . . . . . . 4.2S j*.

No, 11 . , . . ; . 7:4* p. ! • --i-v »t"Nl»ATa. ' N O . 4 :...:^; : > • a.

No- • 4:S* p. afert* *«a maat.

N«. IT . • , | SS a. No- T . , ] » U a. No. t M 1.3a p-No. i . : a.«t p. No. i -. nas p. ' . . * 5VNPAYB. N> 7 1 S K a. ^ " l ^ . * ^ v . ^ fc- « " 5 t P No. S . \ . ^ . . . . , 11.as p, . . . JtoWARDft gRANCH.




m m.


m m m

lag Cimmmv C try* FrmJi mmd Ctgmrs

Maim Btreot - Goo r



Ami far T. & Trmdmi - Park Bt

mad Mails JLA.8WZTT

.mmd w


Barben I-JPmintiai

IL . ^ <%mn, r > c s mmd

Street «>


(BUTTON a BUTHKarojLD . I V White «TM«ry*

Bifft Onto

1 : Phone €S-W

rraHa, Tege^

'Main S t


Phome 51-W Cltoton 8 t



would more than pay off our entire Wiltons! debt; while thoae of New York state alone would do the aame thing the second time and hare to apare. $«*0.«».ftOt." .

'. TLdae are a few of the many as-

€Mt*t mi AtriralUrc at tha . 4 orweil 1'gfter lty - ^

An excellent equipment for collect­ing and measuring either x&in or snow consists of a simple pall or

. ^ . m % , ^. , , bucket The location selected for set-% The m « t fundamenul pro^cm to , ting out the pmil should he chosen at

agriculture H the main ten anew and j a ^ ^ m mmt ] o t o r field u n . tecremse of the productive capacity of obstructed by larg* trees or build-the soil. All Important forma of

Xa tag No. SS4 No. Mi

No. No.

No. atl No. «H No. Sw7


•H. E. BEOWlf -^rwcerioa, FruHa, PrwTtaiams, Oysterv


• • * . . .

• • • • •



7.X5 a. m. • > is a. m. « « 2S P- m. |

Phone XW Clinton, S t

t It w m. • 15 p. m.

MAESH i ~ *Tme Berne of t ia*

* f 0*9" for Mem. • ^amm XeBrj* law W( \ MaJn St/* * GooTenieur.

Phome 14S-R

JO. ]


CASH GEOCSRT I JASb K. T 0 O € U Pram. ^ a i n St. [ * €raeoHaa mi Lfrfamj Priees • \ • i

PmrkBt , Tribune Bldg' FlUTlitOre MKJ U D d e r U l o n g

6m Phone

! / • -


toftlshtnc statement* TOMAC by William

i * * . t l y . t . aa ^ . , at tbe A c - ! ^ " f , " » e " # " * ™ ^ « • * ^ « i eea, or walU that break the force of •dea , rf Mualc to the Brooklm I B . U - *!? " T ^,U , 0 f ^ " '"T* 1 * " ^ t h . wind to the rlclnity of the paure

No. No. tar

a • ^ a . • • . . . . . . . . . . .


. I* 45 a.

:.4a p.

10 3S A. ?:4S p.



T I M S O P A R R I V A L A N D - . T U R K OF N A I L * .

* > £ P A R - !

outmoiaw c* as mini Low regetable growth near the J n£ u ^ ^ Morts t m h l ikm^ ( g e e

mall thouU! he at ttoepawUif-

• #

**M Hke has not been witnessed since tha dawn of time." f^Ia farther proof of his contention, Mr. ftedileM took up the matter by compariaom and gave these illustra-

/ * * » * : . ' . - - , - . , • ; ~ . .-. -r /.."•!» U5« tha Talue of our farm ^property was leas than $41,000,000. In XI10 It wag over $40^0.000,000. 1 > ln U M wa produced leas than 600,-

^009,000 bushels of com; in 1910. over 1,000.000,060 huahela.

i The materials th£t come from the I soil are the moat likely Co become the , ^ , , a l 3 0 beneficial but the top l pmo~Tw£S'*&v7S

", f i 1 AH amine with tbe exception of No. 3 ** i caiYy BMB. * ^

Tbe New Tork mall artrras on No. 1?

E.W. JACKSON / Idem! Chrmoaar » w Mamt Market

* We Cater to Your Imtemts S4-L Main SL

. F, W. SPRAGUE rmdertaker mmd Emmmbmcr. ..

FmrmHare. Phome € S - U " . . rt » * l n Bt


Therefore the great problem IdemU., t h e ^ ^ growth n i% hlmm%

fled with Agriculture and. uUlmmtely, | neediess to say that the paU must be wtth aU oth*r industry ia the main-; 6 e c u r e d JL^am!ft ^ 0 T e r t u r B e d by tenance of adequate productiveness of j l h e w i n d f ^ ^ ^ „ »ccidenUl caus­

es. Such a collector of minfall con­stitutes almost an ideal rain and snow gauge, and it remains only to explain how to measure the collected precipi­tation properly. This is best done by

jit'** :**.

the aoilf commonly conaidered under the head o f g k fertility. The soil is a great aflmral resource and its proper conservation ia a problem of public-concern. - ,,# . .

„The soil is productive just in pro- ' weighing the contents of the pail. A portion as It is able to meet the needs balance should be used that will give or plants for their beat growth. These j the weight accurately in ounces or

* C3* whemt we grew 100.00a.000 bash-1 heeds are diverse. Including water, j balf ouncea. lf such a scale is not al-jmla m 1S50; in 191* It wma orer 730.- j food, oxygen, beat, light, physical aup-! ready in the possession of the farm-

port, and sanitation. With one ex- j er, it will more than r*nay him to buy caption—light—these requirements \ one t)f the inexpensive spring balan-are^ largely met by the mechanism j cea. If now the diameter of the pail

hand the constitution of the soil. Thish> Ja*t 10^4 inches at the topmost j is, accompliahed by three Interacting J edge, each ounce of water collected

properties of the soil—its physical j represents two-hundreths of an, inch

(Sr&ft a. am.) Mail for New York should k*re on No.

S <4:2S p, m ) to get first delivery In New Tork.

p D A T E OF PAYING T A X E S ~m A *£.:-. -Water Rant* JBetni-aaraMiT. May 1st, Norember 1st

Villa a* Tax. Annwalry, Jur>.

School Tax. Annually, September.

^ Town Tsx. ' ~~ - ~- - •• Annually, December.

, k*uaheis: r . - . V ^ A a recenUy ai~ 1875 the valuation M jnjr tmnm crops wma ss oo.ooo.ooo, A mtama'amot vmVJt warn increased to

•.mjmjmjna in 1009. » —If oottom^was king Jmst before the

- >wmr with tha t u t e a , his kingdom was with tta imperial ex-

The atory of the-growth ,;of this ^remt crop remda like a ro-mmnre JBmck in our Infancy we grew. in 1700, *.1M bales. At the time of i

af rainfall, or, in figures. 0.02. Many ft-gallon pails are exactly 10% in-

l(t for ex-

nature. Its chemical constitution, and; tta biological activity. Each oT these groups has many variations, which re- j ches at the. topmost edge, act upon and largely affect the other [ample, after a rainfall the pail and its two. divisions; so that tbe main ten-1 contained water is found to wejgh aay ance of fertility—the ultimate ration- j 3 pounds. 8 ounces, and the empty

litg minted royalty King Cotton pro- j a l *to» of ail mgricnKure—presents an | P*il alone weighs only l pound 14 ducad. in 1S50, 4.300.000 bales. This! exceedingly complex array of prob^ I oimces, the difference gives 1 pound «rww hy 1011 to 10,000.000 bales. We f,ems- *n farm practice .the soil 1%-i 10, ounces net—26 ounces; 26X02 mold abroad ia a recent fiscal year I changed for the better o f for the%| equals .52 inches of rain. two mmd one-half times as much cot- I *wse* by a number of treatments, j The measurements of the contenTs h©ordo?i and Barae* Streets, torn mg mmde the whole crop of 1859. | eu^h as manuring, applications of \ of the pail by weighing avoids all dif- °'

•-In 1012 wg produced more 4hmn"Jtae» *ll*«e, drainage or fertilisers, j Acuities as to wahether the preciplu-rintelllgent soil management mvolves < tion is in the form of rain or snow, the treatment of the soil by the most i The result is Always the equivalent convenient and economic methods, j depth of rainfall. .Moreover a pail auch that the desired change in iU j with sloping aides is just as good as. character will result. The findings ; ra fact it is better than, oner with ver-

I • d r i f t s : A L A R M S T A T I O N S . ; : - . - • * . » - » - • . . - . N e . U . „ . . * • • * ' • • "

Main mtraat at Bridge. :

NO. ta, MaJn Straat fn front of* 8t. Xawrenee

Inm. Main and Waid Streets. /

ftc la. > Depot and Sterile* St^ets.

No. H, - / Main and Rock l*t*nd streets. ' /

No. S3. HalTfboio, Johnstown and West Main

fitrwet* ' "* """Mo. S C * * •!/ ••;-• v ; . . . - .

West Main mad Smith Streets. Mo. 25.

Prospeet SUwat fn front of Lace .Mill. No. 26.

Parker and Halleiboro Streets.. - • .' No. 27. '

West* Main and MeKean 8treets. . No. 34,

'Clinton and Barney Streets. No. SS.

. v U.B. LAVAR. ; ! Fresh mmd Hah Meats, Pagltry. Flam, 'Fmnrttmr* Acarm Stores mmd

XmN, TefetmhleiW Ete. \m Cmrpets mmd Bmga > %

Phone 28 Bareoeet, 15 Main S t " Y e w Credit b Owod.* 1 5S-S1 W. Main - .Phone 49-J

P b o s e l i - l i

Dry Goods, GEO


D. A. UEGGETT. ^ » S r R l K C E Life, AccWeat mmd Health

7 Kgert Block , : - . Main SL

. / B . T.BROWN. Gemerm! Imsmrmmee, Smml Istmte

, / > Lamms Cor. John i n d Ch. 8 U Phone 82-W

/ , J. V. BAKEB | The «0ld Beliahle* Imsaramce Agent

In Business Nearly Forty Temri Brodie Blk. . . . • Jlain^St

Billurd Parlor W. B. PATRICK.

The Brunswick Billiard Parlor % Clgmrs mmd Tehmcco . .

A o n e 8S-J ^ - y& f: ^Mmln S t

Clamka. ten Phong 73-W


A Good Urn

Phone IS*

B&rdwara BU8H& COLLINS ^

Stores. Bmnges, Hardware, Plumbing j n d Uemdng

phono 4S-W _ Main BL

D.1LHAZBLTON Hre, IJfe, l « i m e h t - ^ ^— ^

..mmd Umhetty laswramce, 5 Main S t , lCgert B U L /Phone 85-L

Coal Wood, Etc

E. A. JENNE&CO. Phflm. t Jfcemdim* Coml M Iron Co,

eerem-twelfths ti the cotton of the mrorld, and consumed more than.one-third of onr own crop, exporting the

'bmlance,"* V But Mr. Bedfield had other and

remarkable statistics at b t n < l | of the laboratory moat be translated tical or parallel sides. Jn each case. however, the diameter must be Justj lO^s at the top Inside etfge, so that

^ : "

'y tar •.* ''.'•"

r v-7-

than thoae furnished by the growth I toio t e r m * o f f * m Practice and redoc-of agricultural feports. He showed • * t o ^ e s««PrSst form for the guid thmtrthbugfa these reached the large ! a n o e o f l h e busjr tiller of the soil, each half ounce of collected material gum of #500 000000 in IMS they form- j u k l l l « l o t o nccount the normal nature represents one-bftndreth of an incli of ed little more'than^ one^flfth of the e f ^ ^ sol!..the reonirementa of plants j precipitation. The record should be exnortg of that yemr Mr Redfleld * n d t b e HmiUUona of farm practice.! taken at about "the same time each JJy , . i *eH Jlebtmre«---UndeHyinff mil oth- day—weather observers record one M *Wor ttig twelve months ended with I CT t n r a ^ pertaining to the fortuity j day's fall regularly at 5 p. m. In hot January .1. 1014, the balance in our J o f t h e •o*1 1» t h < proper regulation weather, wnen water ewmpormtea

IttTor on merchandise transactions j of the. moisture supply. It deter- quickly, the record should o e made,ma waa In exceaa of $676,000,000; an in- i m m e s the gohftiqn of the plant food.! goon after the rain haa stopped as ia crease of $00,000,000 over the nreri- t n « physical condition of the soil, the practicable. * . .. ^

| efficiency of tillage, the effect of fer *

Barney and Bock Uland Streets. No. 37.

Clinton Street and Trinity Avenue. No. 4S.

Grove and Gordon Streets.

fmdimtr Coml * BAKU COAL

] Wood, Cement. Tile, Masons* 8 applies Pbone: Office 142-W~After41ra. 222-M1

« DISTANCE TAmtK In miles and tenths bf miles between

measured' on

oiu year. Poisomons Planti

wfe-* -

- U hM bfO««bf t b e * f a l t e d S u t e » ! « » « « " • "»«> *»»• Wol««»c«l artirity.-j into tbe .front rank of tbe n a t i o n s ! , l >• therefore tbe fir* thing to be, . / •ompettof in tbe aale of their mann- j a4Ju*te«. Thia may involve- irrUra- . . j ^ a e { ) a r b n e n t ^ »grlcnlture U ifaanred articlea ia the marh*u of j i"*- * • » •"*• • « * » « » ; or It may f t r y t o g t 0 eliminate .the danger to cat-Ihe world. She is today *on of the j » « * • « » * « drainage, a* in- New Tork. • t , e f r o m poijonou, p i M U , » national j 5 P ™ ^ ^ •big three.' having a . peer, in the i Aiwaya. however, it mean, the prop- ( o r e r t ^ ^ Of thew plants Urk, T ^ ? ^ ?

Tillages and «3ouv*r ~i*vrf the ne&rest public road. Antwerp ..«*-•..<. Brier Hill Canton Dekalb . D*peynt*r Edwards • Fine •...*. Punemius ..,,.. Hailesboro < * f c . . . . . . . . . . . . Hammond /••«- ---• Bennpf) . . . ' . . . . . . .^ , . .•••. HarrlsriFle. Morristown Massena* .» Natural Norwood . . . . . . . OxBow .^. . . . - - . Ogdenaburw Pitcairn . . . . . . . . Popes Milka . . . . Potsdam , . - . . . Rossis Richriite . . . • • . . Sylvia Lake . . . SpragnertJie ...<. Somerrllle .^.w.

• • • . . . ' . « • . . *


i spur loop weed, dearth' camaa. and er handling of the soil in order to conserve-and effectively use the water j w ^ r 'i^a^'m^^ s^s t^uasw' received.and atSred therein. Large ^ Xarkapor does the mostharm. areas of land In New York roquire | because it ia so widely diatrtbuted better drainage aubsoil.

particularly of the- and ia particularly bad lor cattle. Ordinarily, horses will not eat lark-

ir-*'> *.

in competition only England and Ger­many, mid upon both she has in re-.

years been gaining. legs than one million wage in our industries in 1S50»

.the number haa grown to nearly sev­en million. The product has in the aame period increased from $4>0t.-#00,000 in annual value to over $20,-J>00.000.000.^ Meanwhile • the average j and the haaic. constituents of thesofl.^ jukinjt pardon ia "^any times a annual wage has more than doubled. A* a result of Ullage and cropping, ^omplHe failure so far as redreaa is mmd'the produdion per capita of our soils max* become more acid—a con- concerned. -* • population haa trebled.-. - ^dition unfavorable to moat of the im- ' j ^ ^^ ^ ^ a e | | M ^ ^m

AM ahowing how the increase oT portani farm cropa.' l i n e ia beat. j o o t t § rat f o r ^^ ^ bmamema ma well commerce abroad mean* the inc^eaae sniUd to counteract this tendency. ^ the rcm±. of commerce .at home.- Mr. Jtedneid It may be used In different forms, de- • • " ' • • . ^' •':"" > m^vg theme facts concerning jthe mm- pending of the local situation of the ;" * ^~r r—f—: :— chinory of oor transportation: jfarm. . . . ^ ^ % j the proper adiuatment of tho ' "The lamgth of raiiromd ham grown Orvmmk Matter or HamaC— The tioms of molatura. lime.

. . » • < • •

12.0 22.7 23.7 33 6 1&.S 15.0 2S.S 4 4 2 0

22^ 1«.7

,2S.O 22.1 W l

2.a ls.1 a§

2 t J i 7 ^ S4J l l .S 7.0 ?.0 7.0 S.0


VDniffl and Prescrii^^ W. H. DRAPKB

Drags, CearfeetJani, Newspapers, Periadlcmis, Etc. ,., .

Phone IJOV-W - / Main S t

B. O. KUfNST ;-..-.• ; •The Mexmtl «mrm»

MeUmale Pi^scrlptiang M Specialtj Phong 110-J m •? Main S t

J, %. CAEPBUTBB. , Hardware of AU hinds. Sash, Damn,

,, - Blinds, E t c Phone 10S-R v !3tsin S t

Wortd*, Bra

Maaonic Bids


Garage, Auto Supplies, Etc. WHITNEY'S OARAGE

mmd Beat Em fmrnesl im BU Lawrence Cennty >

John fet Phone 174-R

v W E . LYTLE , : . , 4711aton Street Garage v

- Stadebaker mmd Wahl Cars ; AU minds of Repair Work

Phone 22S^J , Clinton S t

STORUB BROTHERS Creneral Diatrlhatam for Hinmaa Milking Machine

mnd Idem! Gmsallme Engines . iohn S t : vr?^, - v^otiverneur

PhotograiAers. '• 0. €. OUNMTKGHAM. •.;,,

•*;,•• _^Pht4gfr s*wy ; v . •••/! ^ Crayaw mmd Water Ctdors _ :

17 Main fit \*-sjii.Qm A. Kinney's

r , 3OADDETTG00. ' j

Dr^ga, Pafata, 0 0 * T a n b h e s , ITall'

Haram*ndW««oni "J. W. B-HBERSOH

LEONi Castom and

_. Baya* _M biorria BBc.

DR.] ---.f^Toto

SonU S t .-


Wart 9m

1 1 «ow 0 1

SS-R Main S t

Evtwytkhfeg far the, Ji Phong 223-L 4 Clinton S t

I5afes and Restaurants

7 i i saer^-l ime stands second in the I apurvJand abeep can eat it without ap-Tmngo of importance. It maint£ns 'parent in^nry. - .-*».• the proper balance between the acid \ > • v. ' " \' . ^ ;

Matter or H from S0>00 m:les in'l^mi to 244.OOC; .'maintenance of a fair amount of de- \ ter. And tillage, tbe Imrgeat poawibie lhe capM^zaUoc to a sum in e x c ^ s tar ing orcanic matter is ewaemtial . Quantity of piaat-eood will be made of lll.OOO.agArjfxi: the iocomotires' because of the nitrogen which it con- araildhie and Use moil will be main-from €.000 to C2.000; the empio-fs tains and which 21 moat e^oooauteally tamed im a swnitmry condition. ,Ntt-mave increaaed from &^*> to over mecured by the aid of certain becterU rogen ahowid he mnmplssd through the 1.70a.00f; the pmaaemg*r c a n *from mnd ie^rumimoma cropa. and beoauae • orgmmSc matter. $j* many sotis de-

JLOSS to lljjms; tMm freight cars from of ita mmnr hrmelctal nmyakml a_aeta. voted*to thm 4mmn rootod. alow-dgrow-- S6.**e to SlSdjOfg. T_^ freucht ear-: on the aoil. . ita» increaae ft acconv amg 43-omaC ameh ma fruit, commereiml

TawKmniP orriccstm. -8TTPERVISOR--e€0. H. Bobioson. - * JU8TICK8 OF THR PEACE—A. H. Ah-

botOA. J. McCoy. Trauma Dam. - *C1_rlea Dudsssii -


Oeo. _L Dedom. .. WlA^XTfy%*^*fP*+n M> Thayer.; OWERS-BR ' OT THE POOR^-Heory

Ward IPrtsrt. 'Wallace Hayden. F. Marrln Hott. "- ' i s .


<X>N8T LiOve, J. Artbwr Casual



THE COUNTRY TAVERN. ''WL **. Vletartlmgai f aa, JPropg,

. > ; . - * *.,E»Mls » Cemta -Clinton Stroet ^ ;;•;s, Convemeur



H AM Mean Opera Hommg BTk.

FREEMAN BR08, fmmwma, SleJgha, Fnr Cmsta,

Trumka, n o n e a l - » %~& ~# rtriinton S t

Attortiey^ p *


Phone 141-1


WM.8KTB ^ , ^ \ jT10

Msgh Grade

Phome 22-J

Office: m i l m Rem. ISO Rock

••O^mVPwrsu ,K. iterrnnaa.

of flt lAwreac Statute-to swek Ittotspe is hereby tag ctnisae maai Hall, lata of t

* W O L Oauthier. Every SlghC ; - j (quired

Prozx ^ - Park S t

COCXTT & F f r r ts .

{CQCXTT #JIJTrr>-W>Iwy W. HaJla. Canton. •' . .

DWTPaCT ATTOmxlvT-J©4» C Crap-

I *

' ' " . : - ' • ' " • * > « .

tarns to St.tmg.nmg pliahed. meeording to circ^notms)cem«

it of large cro^ r^sidama to needed.

shot?;d he not

therr i of wlreth-' which rotation mmd mnoc-iatioo cmar-Vmsjcad tmwoch gaantities amd

wiU erer re^ trihwte. hy. the mae of stock aammarm, [ win give the greatest mf ISM, Mr Redmeld mmerVy the mse of ufilisatxm of green-! sa l t s The treatments preceding the

Ha said: jgaaacre cropa - . iaa>pbcmtiom of a Tertaiaer mhomld ail

ASSISTAJfiT* iJtarYKJCT A T T O B l O r r — Jajaes O-

SHEKIF-—Thmd P. Day. Canton. CORONER—a W. Barer, ajTPgRIN 1 KXJJXyT OF THK POOR—




M. E. RENTFIELD .1 Kxunbing.

t o -exW

tha risiisiswn of

Jbafora tha I S t k




Jevelen uid Qptidut ,T1S a WATSOM. d ^ ^ S

w—TJiage deep g omga. strrs and nsea the soft

Cs- porates o u i i m and ferilhwrs which fully ma to may >e added, and comtrfVataa to gem-may nmame era: ^ex^iat-oa and aaa^atiom. Tar-

of ha IBIBI lasjs *amp4eo«»8U mar he eepkrye*. mc-the aosX

itrihste to a r^ Ever? persoc. in

pr^Te hit practimnhie, these trt lamaats geatad. ia


mmr ports im mf the average moil is smch that by

of the mail mnd the greatest frosm the treatments and ma-1 At Chftoa*

teriais a^pbed mar be

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