IBuzz Issue 9

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  • 8/11/2019 IBuzz Issue 9


    i-BuzzOur E-Newsletter

    Issue 9, 2014

    In This Issue

    Holistic Development :

    School's National Day Celebration

    Ketupat Making Session

    Student News and Events :

    Extra Classes for pupils sitting for"O" Levels

    IDY Corporate News and

    Events :

    EduCamp : Shandong students

    EduCamp : Batam students


    National Day Celebration

    The students had a memorable time wearing red and white in

    celebrating our Nation's 49th Birthday! They also shared food

    and tidbits and learnt about the history of Singapore through

    multimedia. It was an enjoyable time of photo-taking and

    mingling with the staff and students of various levels. We also

    took the opportunity to have a group photo to symbol the bond

    that has been formed among the students. Lots of joy and fun

    aiming cameras and hand phones for the "best shot!". What a

    "carnival" & "let loose" time to read memories.Happy Birthday


    Play the below video for more information about the event.

    Racial Harmony Day

    The students started on a journey of web based learning on

    promoting racial tolerance and to gain a deeper understanding

    of a different cultures. They learnt to make ketupat ( a Malay

    rice cake) through visual aids and an online hands-on video for

    the first time! All of them were so excited!. The real taste was

    in the eating and the knowledge gained by getting your meals

    prepared differently! MORE PLEASE!

    Let'sPlay the video to find out more!!!

    Student News and Events

    Extra Classes for "O" Levels Students

  • 8/11/2019 IBuzz Issue 9


    Learn about our unique IDY

    philosophy and our IDMAC


    For more interesting news and

    updates about the school and the

    students of IDY, visit


    For our past issues of

    iBuzz, please follow


    IDY Academy is providing extra remedial and consultation

    classes for all O levels students sitting for examination this

    year starting on the 21 August 2014. Classes are held every

    Wednesday and Thursday between 4:30-6pm.

    Corporate News and Events

    Shandong Educamp

    IDY Academy warmly welcomes a group of visiting students

    from Shandong, China in August 2014. It was a time of

    interaction and cultural exchange between the students and

    teachers from the two countries. The students learnt about the

    various courses offered and learning pathway.

    The students feedbacked that the camp was

    enriching! It included an interesting English learning class and

    quiz. We hope to see all of them again soon!

    Playthe above video to view more.

    Batam Educamp

    Students from Indonesia came to IDY Academy for a learning

    experience to learn more about IDY. They had a great learning

    experience interacting with the staff and students of IDY

    Academy. The students of IDY academy did an

    interesting presentation and everybody felt so encouraged!

    Playthe above video to find out more...

    Mount Vernon Campus : 27 Mount Vernon Road. Singapore 368052

    Lavender Campus : Blk 809 French Road #05-172 Kitchener Complex. Singapore 200809

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Tel.: +65 6398 0998

    SMS: +65 9759 3224 / 9729 3207

    Tel. China: +86 021 33197300

    A Culture of Care and Continuous Improvement

    http://www.idy.edu.sg/id-mac-methodology.htmlhttp://www.idy.edu.sg/id-mac-methodology.htmlhttp://www.idy.edu.sg/id-mac-methodology.htmlhttp://www.e-idy.com/http://www.e-idy.com/http://www.e-idy.com/i-buzz---video-newsletter.htmlhttp://www.e-idy.com/i-buzz---video-newsletter.htmlhttp://www.e-idy.com/i-buzz---video-newsletter.htmlhttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/shandong-educamphttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/shandong-educamphttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/-batam-student-visithttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/-batam-student-visitmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/-batam-student-visithttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/shandong-educamphttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/-batam-student-visithttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/shandong-educamphttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/-batam-student-visithttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/shandong-educamphttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/-batam-student-visithttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/shandong-educampmailto:[email protected]://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/-batam-student-visithttp://www.e-idy.com/idy-edu-camp-and-enrichment-workshops/shandong-educamphttp://www.e-idy.com/i-buzz---video-newsletter.htmlhttp://www.e-idy.com/http://www.idy.edu.sg/id-mac-methodology.html