IBM Questions from previous VTU question papers

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  • 8/7/2019 IBM Questions from previous VTU question papers


    IBM Module wise questions from previous VTU question papers

    Module 1

    3- marks

    1. Why do firms become multinational enterprises?

    2. What are the benefits of international business?

    3. What is globalisation, briefly describe?

    4. Explain joint venture with suitable examples?

    5. Discuss 2 major factors which seem to underlie the trend toward globalization, briefly?

    6. State the factors that have been favouring the recent increased growth in international


    7. What is difference between licensing and franchising?

    8. What are the drivers of globalisation?

    9. What is meant by open regionalism?

    7- Marks

    1. What is GATT? Explain the role of GATT in reduction of trade barriers amongmember countries?

    2. Is globalisation a prosperity or impoverishment? Discuss.3. Managing international business is different from managing domestic business. What

    are the reasons for such differences?

    4. Explain the various entry strategies of international business?5. What are the peculiarities of global strategic alliance?6. The study of international business has no relevance for individuals who are going to

    work for small firm. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer.

    7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation?

    10- Marks

    1. Explain the role of technological changes in globalisation?2. Why do business firms prefer international business? Give suitable examples.3. As an opponent of globalisation, what are your concerns? Discuss any two of them.4. Is globalisation prosperity or impoverishment .discuss in detail?

    2- Module

  • 8/7/2019 IBM Questions from previous VTU question papers


    3 Marks

    1. What is meant by the term culture?2. How different political systems affect the international business?3. Distinguish between collectivism and individualism?4. What is the significance of international business environment?5. What is social mobility? How does it influence on the understanding of international


    6. Why packaging is important not only for consumer products but for industrialproducts as well for overseas markets?

    7. Briefly mention the characteristics of market economy, command economy andmixed economy?


    1. What are the major challengers for managers in global market place?2. Country differences give rise to a contentious issue called ethical issues. What are


    3. Discuss and evaluate great Hofsteedes model of culture at work place.4. What do you mean by business ethics? List and briefly explain at least 5 ethical

    practises in international businesses.

    5. What are the 4 approaches of Douglas in international business? Explain it.6. Explain the role and significance of political legal government factors in international


    7. How do different political systems affect the international business?8. Describe the determinants of culture and its influence on international business.9. Difference between market economy and command economy.

    10 Marks

    1. What are different economic systems? Discuss with reference to the countries. Wherethey are in vogue.

    2. Ethics do matter in international business. Discuss such ethical issues.3. What are the dimensions of culture? Explain its importance in international business.4. Discuss the micro and macro level indicators constituting economic environment of

    international business.

    5. Discuss cultural diversity in the global scenario and its influence on internationalbusiness.

    6. Briefly explain Geert Hofstedes study of how culture relates to values in the workplace.

    7. Discuss the implications for international business arising out of cultural differencesbetween countries.


    3 Marks

  • 8/7/2019 IBM Questions from previous VTU question papers


    1. What is law of diminishing returns in the comparative cost advantage theory?2. Define Mercantilism.3. Discuss briefly three broad types of economic systems.4. What is meant by absolute cost advantages? Give an example.

    7 Marks & 10 Marks

    1. Explain briefly the instruments of international trade policy?2. Explain differences between Portsis Diamond Theory and Heckschen ohlin theory of

    international trade.

    3. Discuss the propositions and implications of Raymond Vernons international productlife cycle theory.

    4. How do political and legal factors affect the international business?5. How Heekscher -Ohlin theory is felt relevant in the global market scenario? Explain6. Write short notes on the following:

    i) SAARC ii ) NAFTA iii) MERCOSUR

    7. Discuss Porters theory of national competitive Advantage?8. What is Leontiefs Paradox? What possible explanations are there for it4th Module

    3 Marks

    1. Difference between patents, copy rights and trademarks.2. Intellectual property rights in trade Define.3. What do you understand by Voluntary Export Restraint?4. Write a brief note on Dumping.5. What is meant by i) Tariff ii) subsidy and voluntary export restraint.6. What are the functions of WTO?7. Why is the Uruguay round negotiation felt important n the international business?8. Explain the concept of anti-dumping?9. Write a short note on GATT?10.What is TRIP and TRIM ?11.What do you mean by MFN treatment?12.What are reasons for trade barriers?13.Why are anti-dumping and counter veiling duties measures brought and imposed?7 Marks

    1. What are the different non tariff barriers? Briefly explain.2. What is GATT? Explain the role of GATT in reduction of trade barriers among

    member countries?

    3. What are the measures by which a country tries to protect its industries fromcompetition from others? Are they always fair? How are unfair measure checked.

    4. Discuss the challenges before WTO.5. Explain the concepts of tariffs and explain why subsidies are provided.

  • 8/7/2019 IBM Questions from previous VTU question papers


    6. Write short notes on TRIPS.7. State the important provisions of Uruguay round of negotiations.8. Difference between GATT and WTO.9. What are the main objectives of imposing trade barriers?10.What is the rationale of governments for intervention in international trade? Explain

    briefly.11.Explain briefly the different instruments of trade policy implementations.12.What are the reasons for state interventions in international trade? What are the

    advantages and disadvantages of state trading?

    10 Marks

    1. Discuss the tariff and non tariff barrier as instruments of trade policy.2. Mention the functions of WTO and explain.3. Discuss the economic and non economic rationale for government intervention

    in trade.

    4. Describe the political and economic arguments for intervention in trade.5. Discuss the various instruments of international trade policy.6. What is a patent? Differentiate between patent and copyrights. What are the

    benefits of patents?


    3 Marks

    1. Differentiate between free trade areas from customs union.2. What do you mean by regional economic integration?3. State the contents of NAFTA?4. What is meant by FDI?5. State the important effects of economic integration.6. Define free trade area.7. What do you mean by trade creation and trade diversion?8. What are the levels of economic integration?


    1. What is NAFTA? Who are the parties to the agreement? What are the contents ofagreement?

    2. Explain the levels of economic integration?3. What do you mean by European monetary system? What are the costs and benefits

    euro to member countries?

    4. What are international trade blocks? Explain the objectives and achievements ofNAFTA.

    5. Explain the formation and working of one of the following: NAFTA or ASEAN.6. Discuss the objectives of European union.

  • 8/7/2019 IBM Questions from previous VTU question papers


    7. What has been Indias role in the formation of regional blocks in west Asia and S.EAsia.


    1. Discuss the importance of SAARC for the health of Indian economy.2. What is regional integration? Why it is felt important in international business?


    3. The case for regional integration is both economical and political. Discuss4. What effect is creation of a single market and single currency within the European

    Union likely to have on competition within the EU? Why?

    5. Discuss the organisational structure of European Union.6. Discuss European monetary Union its benefits, costs, road towards achieving single



    3 Marks

    1. What is horizontal FDI and vertical FDI?2. What are the major reasons for global sourcing?3. Describe the factors that have contributed to the growth of multinational enterprises.4. Define Transnational company?5. What is Turnkey project?6. What are the three basic manufacturing philosophies followed in international


    7. What are factors influencing the formal structure of MNEs?8. What do you mean by Network organisations?9. Distinguish between expatriation repatriation.10.What are benefits of head quarters and subsidies relations in international business?11.What factors do an international firm consider for location of its production


    12.What is meant by FDI.13.What is materials management? What is logistic management?

    7 Marks

    1. Explain the benefits of FDI in host country and home country?2. Explain how an efficient materials management function can help an international

    business compete more effectively in the global market place.

    3. Explain the significance of logistics and supply chain management in internationalbusiness management.

    4. What are strategic advantages of exports?5. Why does firm become MNC? Discuss the reasons.6. What is multinational company? How is it different from a global company,

    international company and transnational corporation?

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    7. What are factors to be considered while deciding the logistics in internationalbusiness?

    8. What is FDI? Distinguish between acquisition and green field investment?9. What are the salient features of MNC?10.Explain three contractual modes of international business?11.Explain the different approaches to placing foreign activity within the organisationstructure of MNEs.12.Explain how different political systems affect FDI.13.Briefly explain about organisational structure of an international business.14.Discuss the location implications, first moner implication and policy implication due

    to trade theories of international business.

    10 Marks

    1. What do you mean by international strategy, multidomestic strategy, global andtransnational strategy?

    2. What is the significance of logistics and supply chain management in internationalbusiness?3. Discuss the political and economic and legal impact of MNCs operations.4. Discuss the different motivations for FDI as an alternative or supplement to

    international trade.

    5. Describe briefly the main channels of distribution used in export markets. which onewould you recommend for the product of a small manufacturer and why?

    6. Training can help the expatriate manager and spouse to cope up with the problems ofadjustment to foreign environment. Discuss three kinds of such training.

    7. The choice of optimum production location in case of international business shouldtake into consideration the technological factors and product factors amongst other

    factors. Discuss these technological and product factors.

    8. Describe the various aspects of headquarters and subsidiary relations in MNC.9. Discuss the features of MNCs.10.Logistics play an important role in the international business. Discuss the statement.11.How do multinational corporations affect the economics of home countries and host

    countries? Ultimately do M.N.C benefit world trade?

    12.Mention of discuss the criteria to be followed in arriving at proper decisions ininternational production and logistics.

    13.Suggest strategies for improving the head quarters and subsidiary relationships forsmooth functioning of a MNC.

    14.Which are the factors to be considered for a company to locate its manufacturingactivity so as to minimise the costs and improve the product quality so that the

    company can be globally competitive?

    15.Discuss how the need for control over foreign operations varies with firms strategiesand core competencies. What are the implications for the choice of entry mode?

    16.An understanding of the causes and consequences of performance ambiguity is centralto the issue of organisational design in multinational firms. Discuss.

  • 8/7/2019 IBM Questions from previous VTU question papers


    7- Module

    3 Marks

    1. What is meant by the term balance of payments?2. How are foreign exchange rates determined?3. What is spot rate and forward rate in foreign exchange markets?4. What do you mean by currency convertibility?5. What is the need for stable foreign exchange rates?6. Distinguish between balance of trade and balance of payment?7. Why US dollar is considered as number one vehicle currency of foreign exchange


    7 Marks

    1. What is currency convertibility? Why many currencies in the world are not fullyconvertible?

    2. Discuss the nature and functions of foreign exchange market?3. What are the economic principles which explain the exchange makes between

    different currencies?

    4. What is ppp? Explain with an example.5. What is Fisher Effect in the context of exchange rates? Work out an example with

    assumed figures of interests and inflation rates?

    6. What do you mean by exchange control? Discuss the objectives of exchange control.7. Mention and explain the economic factors which causes in equilibrium in the balance

    of payment.

    10 Marks

    1. Explain the causes of disequilibrium in a countrys balance of payments.2. Write a brief note on the current value of the Indian rupee vis-a-vis the volume of a

    foreign exchange reserves and its effects on the Indian economy.

    3. What is meant by foreign exchange? Discuss in detail the factors which determine theExchange rate.

    4. Explain briefly the implications for international business from the floating exchangerate system?

    5. What are the economic theories of exchange rate determination? Explain withexamples.

    8 Module

    7 Marks

    1. Explain the role of ethics in international business?2. Explain the functions and findings strategies of word bank.

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    3. During the late 1980s china was regularly accused of major human rights violations.If you were the CEO of the firm that had the option of making a potentially very

    profitable investment in china, what would you do and why?

    10 Marks

    1. Explain the role, functions and funding pattern of IMF.2. What opportunities might current IMF lending policies to third world nations create

    for international business? What threats they might create.

    3. What are the ethical values that should be adhered to by multinational corporations ininternational dealings? What is the compelling need for it.

    4. Discuss the objectives, organisation structure and functions of IMF.