IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 on Amazon Web Services: A Getting Started Guide

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  • 8/6/2019 IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 on Amazon Web Services: A Getting Started Guide


    Home > Developing Cloud Applications > IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 on Amazon Web Services: A getting started guide

    IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 on Amazon Web Services: A getting started guideAbstract

    Update 4-27-2010: Domino 8.5.1 FP2 image is now available on Amazon AWS (ami-81719fe8)


    The Lotus Domino 8.5.1 development-use Amazon Machine Image (AMI) provides a fully functional Domino server for development and test use in the Amazon WebServices TM Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) environment. This image complements the Lotus Domino Designer Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that is now freelydownloadable from the IBM developerWorks Lotus site.

    Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and System Integrators (SIs) can use the AMI to reduce the amount of time and skills needed to develop and test their applicationson a Domino server and outside the Designer IDE. At this time, however, it is neither suitable for running applications in a production setting or for customer use, and IBMSupport is unable to address issues related to its use.

    Additional support resources are available on the Cloud Computing Central site on My developerWorks.

    The image is built on SuSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 10 and Lotus Domino 8.5.1 FP2. The steps in this article complete the configuration of the server, including theattachment of an Elastic Block Storage (EBS) volume for the Domino data directory, creation of the Administration ID file and password, and setup of the IP address.

    A prototype user interface, known as simpleAdmin, has been included to facilitate the most common administration aspects. Additional administrration of the server may bedone through either the Web Admin interface or the Administration Client.

    For more information on administering the server, refer to the Lotus Domino and Notes Information Center and the Lotus Domino wiki .

    Subscribing to the AMI

    Amazon AMIs that are preloaded with IBM software must be subscribed to before use. This establishes the hourly pricing, if applicable, and the terms of use thataccompany the AMI.

    Currently ISVs and SIs may use the Domino Development AMI for no additional license fee above the normal Amazon EC2 charges. Refer to the IBM and AWS Web sitefor more details and to subscribe to the Domino AMI. The image is not currently available for use in production or by customers, however we are evaluating this for thefuture.

    1. From the IBM and AWS web page, select IBM Lotus Domino from the list of available "Development AMIs".

    2. Click on the P urchase but ton to subscribe to the AMI. (Figure 1)

    Figure 1. Domino AMI

    There is no license charge from IBM, however you are responsible for the Amazon EC2 charges associated with the AMI once you launch and run it.

    Launching the instance

    1. Sign into the AWS Management Console.

    2. Click the Launch Instance button on your home page, and then select the Community AMIs tab and type in 'domino851' (see figure 2).

    Figure 2. Search for Lotus Domino in Community Cloud images

    3. Click the Select button to launch the instance.

    4. Fill in the appropriate data such as the Availability Zone field of your instance (see figure 3). Click Continue.

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  • 8/6/2019 IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.1 on Amazon Web Services: A Getting Started Guide


    NOTE: The Availability Zone chose in this step must match the storage volume created later.

    Figure 3. Fill in instance details

    5. Specify the Key Pair for the instance. This pair of keys will be used to encrypt the communications between the instance and your local host. You can select an existingKey Pair if you already have one set up (see figure 4).

    Figure 4. Specify Key Pair

    6. If you don't already have a Key Pair, you can create a new one, which generates a key file (a .pem file) that is used by the Secure Shell (SSH) tool to connect to theinstance. Input the name of Key Pair and then click Create & Download your Key Pair (see figure 5).

    Figure 5. Create a new key pair

    A download dialog box prompts you to save the .pem file (see figure 6).

    Figure 6. .pem file download window

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    7. Next, configure the firewall. A previously created security group may also be used (see figure 8).

    Figure 8. Use an existing security group

    If you create a new Security Group, make sure to open the ports needed by your applications.

    Here is a list of typical ports used by Lotus Domino:

    HTTP: 80HTTPS: 443LDAP: 389SSH:22NRPC:1352 *custom ports must be added later through AWS Management Console

    8. Then, if everything looks OK in the Review window, click the Launch button to complete launch of the instance (see figure 11). It will take a few minutes to finish.

    Figure 9. Launch instance

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    9. It will take a few minutes for the machine instance to become available. Use the Refresh button on the console to check status.

    Figure 10. My Instances

    Configuring IP addresses

    By default AWS will assign a dynamic DNS name to the instance. An Elastic IP can be added through the AWS console and is useful when mapping DNS hostnames to theDNS instance. TIP: Setup Reverse DNS if you plan to use the server to Send/Receive email from the Internet.

    Preparing a data volume for Lotus Domino

    All data will be lost when a running instance is shut down, unless it is stored on external persistent storage, such as Amazon S3. Our AMI has been designed to store theDomino data directory on an external volume. To prepare a volume for Lotus Domino:

    1. Click the Volumes link in the left-hand navigation pane, and select an existing volume in the EBS Volumes window.

    2. Make sure that the Availability Zone of the volume is the same zone as where the instance is located; otherwise, the volume cannot be attached to the instance. You canalso click the Create Volume button at the top, to create a new one (see figure 12).

    Figure 12. Create a new volume

    3. Next, click the Attach Volume button to attach the selected volume to our Lotus Domino instance (see figure 13):
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    The newly created volume will be partitioned and formatted once attached, so don't use an existing non-Domino volume that has valuable data stored.If you use a volume that was previously attached to a Domino AMI, the existing data driectory will be preserved.

    Figure 13. Attach volume

    4. In the Device field, select /dev/sdf; the image is listening for this attach point.

    Setting up Lotus Domino

    After you successfully launch the instance of Lotus Domino in the Amazon Cloud, you can connect to the instance and start setting it up.

    Connect to the instance via SSH tools

    First you need to get the instance's public DNS, which will be used as the instance's host name. To do this, go to My Instances window from the Instances link in thenavigation of the AWS Console (see figure 14).

    TIP : An Elastic IP can be optionally configured that allows a custom hostname to be used in lieu of the generated name that Amazon provides. Refer to the Amazon WebServices page for instructions.

    Figure 14. My Instances window

    Various SSH tools can be used to connect to the instance; however, in this guide, we use PuTTY as the SSH tool.

    The key file that Amazon provides is a .pem file, but PuTTY needs a .ppk file as its private key file, so the key file must be converted. To do this we use the PuttyGen.exeprogram that's packaged with PuTTY:

    1. Launch PuttyGen.exe, and in the PuTTY Key Generator window, click the Load button to load a .pem file, and then click the Save private key button (see figure 15).

    Figure 15. Convert .pem file to .ppk file
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    2. Next, launch PuTTY, specify the .ppk file as the private key file and the public DNS as the host name, and then click Open (see figure 16).

    Figure 16. Configure PuTTY

    Now you can connect to the instance.

    Use root as username to log in. The use of a private key replaces a password prompt.

    Setting up Lotus Domino

    1. Upon the initial connection with SSH, select your language and keyboard layout (see figure 17). Click Accept.

    Figure 17. Languages window

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    2. Next, read the Linux Distribution Statement (see figure 18). Click I understand.

    Figure 18. Linux Distribution Statement window

    3. Read the Novell SLES10 License Agreement and click I understand (see figure 19).

    Figure 19. Novell License Agreement window

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    4. Read the Lotus Domino Program Unique Terms; click "I have read the agreement (see figure 20).

    Figure 20. Lotus Domino 8.5.1 Program Unique TermsAgreement window

    5. Accept the Novell License Agreement for Lotus Domino 8.5.1 (see figure 21).

    Figure 21. License Agreement window

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    6. Set the password for Lotus Domino (see figure 22). The,, and files will use the same password you input here, and the last name of the Dominoadministrator user is set to notes.

    Figure 22. Set Domino password

    7. Confirm the Domino password (see figure 23).

    Figure 23. Confirm Domino password

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    Administering Lotus Domino with simpleAdmin

    SimpleAdmin is a sample Domino administration application built on XPages. It is intended to perform a few basic administration tasks for Developers, like configuring theserver name or adding users to the directory, and does not provide full administration capabilities. Web Admin (webadmin.nsf) or the Admin Client should be used for other tasks.

    1. Open the URL http:///simpleAdmin.nsf with your browser; the simpleAdmin UI will display (see figure 24).

    TIP: If you cannot reach your server via HTTP, ensure you have the ports opened in the Security Group for that instance

    2. Enter notes in the User Name field, and in the Initial password field, enter the password you just set up in Step 6 of Section 4 above.

    Figure 24. simpleAdmin UI

    3. Change the Server Name, Organization Name, and Host Name fields to what you want; click Submit. These changes require Lotus Domino to restart, which will take afew minutes.

    When registration completes, simpleAdmin will provide a link for downloading the user's ID file, along with a button for removing the user.

    In figure 25, the Certificate ID password is the same password you set up in in Step 6 of Section 4 above. The certifier password is required to unlock the certifier ID that is used to create your new user.

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    Figure 25. Register new user

    4. To search for a user, enter what you want to search for in the User Name field, and click the Search user button (see figure 26). If the user is found, a link for downloading the user's ID and a button for removing the user will be provided.

    Figure 26. Search user

    Configuring Lotus Notes or Administration Client

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    You can connect to Lotus Domino in the Amazon Cloud with the regular Lotus Notes and/or Administration Client, but you must prepare the user's ID before setup. You canget that from simpleAdmin, using the steps in the previous section.

    In the steps below we demonstrate how to set up the Lotus Notes Client, but note that the Lotus Administration Client can be set up with similar steps. Both are included inthe Lotus Domino Designer download .

    1. Launch the Lotus Notes Client; the window in figure 27 displays. Click Next.

    Figure 27. Launch Lotus Notes

    2. In the User Information window (see figure 28), input the user's name and Domino name, which is represented as ServerName/OrganizationName. (You can changethese using SimpleAdmin.nsf.) Click Next.

    Figure 28. Specify User Name and Domino Name

    3. Select the Set up a connection to a local area network (LAN) option and click Next (see figure 29).

    Figure 29. Connect to Lotus Domino via LAN

    4. Select TCP/IP as the protocol, and input the public DNS in the Server address field, as shown in figure 30. Click Next.

    Figure 30. Specify protocol and server address
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    5. Enter the path of user's ID file here in the File name field (see figure 31). The ID file is downloaded from the simpleAdmin page. If you use notes (which is the last nameof the Domino administrator user) as the user name instead of user, you don't even need a local ID file.

    The Notes/Admin client will prompt you to save a local copy of the ID file of the Domino administrator user.

    Figure 31. Specify ID file name

    6. Decide whether to copy the ID file to your data directory (see figure 32).

    Figure 32. Prompt to copy ID file to data directory

    7. Input the user ID's password (see figure 33).

    Figure 33. Input password

    8. Configure the appropriate additional services, and click Next or Finish to complete the setup (see figure 34).

    Figure 34. Additional Services

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    You should now see the Home page of Lotus Notes. Your Notes Client has been set up successfully.

    Building your applications using Domino Designer

    1. Launch Domino Designer and log on as the administrator user (notes), or any other users you created who have sufficient permission.

    2. Press Ctrl + N to create a new application, or Ctrl+ O to open an existing application. The New Application window displays (see figure 36).

    3. Enter the public DNS name in the Server field, and fill out details in the Title and File name fields. Choose a Template from the list, then Click OK.

    Figure 36. New Application window

    Figure 37 shows an XPage being designed.

    Figure 37. Domino Designer Xpage

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    Terminating the instance

    When no longer using an AMI instance, you can terminate it to prevent ongoing hourly billing. To do this:

    1. Go to the Instance page in Amazon AWS console (from the Instances link in the left-hand navigation).

    2. Select the instance you want to terminate, click the Instance Actions button, and then select Terminate (see figure 38).

    Any storage volumes attached to the running instance will still be available for attachment to an instance in the future.

    Figure 38. Terminate instance of Lotus Domino in Cloud

    You can also delete the volume that you created. To do this:

    1. Go to the Volumes page (from the Volumes link in the left navigation).

    2. Select the volume you want to detach/delete, and click the Detach Volume / Delete button button (see figure 39).

    Figure 39. Detach a volume


    You should now be able to create an instance of a Domino server, configure basic settings through the SimpleAdmin console, and remotely create a Domino application

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    using the Domino Designer Client.


    Lotus Notes and Domino Application Development wiki:

    Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5 discussion forum:

    Lotus Notes and Domino developerWorks product page:

    Lotus Domino Designer documentation:

    About the authors

    Michael Masterson

    Technical Product Manager IBM Lotus Austin, TX

    Xi Pan Xiao

    Software Engineer IBM Lotus Beijing, CN

    Wei She

    Software Engineer IBM Lotus Beijing, CN

    Article information

    Category: Developing Cloud Applications , Getting Started , Learning Center ,


    This Version: Version 27 11 May 2010 16:50:42 by Deanna Drschiwiski

    Originally Added: Version 1 26 March 2010 12:29:14 by Leslie Gallo

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