© 2013 IBM Corporation IBM Integration Bus Version 9 Beta Mapping Node Andrew Coleman – IBM Integration Bus Development June 2013

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  • © 2013 IBM Corporation

    IBM Integration Bus Version 9 BetaMapping Node

    Andrew Coleman – IBM Integration Bus Development

    June 2013

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation2 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program


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  • © 2013 IBM Corporation3 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program


    �Mapping Node recap

    � Hints and Tips – Good map design

    � The power of XPath 2.0

    � Database mapping – Insert / Update / Delete

    � Invoking DB Stored Procedures

    � ‘Assisted Convert’ of version 6.x / 7 maps

    �Other new features

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation4 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Much Ado About Mapping

    � Improved usability– Simple learning curve– Simple transformations are simple to create– Complex transformations build on concepts previously mastered

    � Improved capability– Builds upon ‘best of breed’ mapping technologies in IBM products– Full XPath 2.0 expression support

    • Standards-based language designed for hierarchical data structures

    � Improved performance– Dedicated runtime engine

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation5 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    The Mapping Editor

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation6 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    The Mapping Editor

    Input / Source tree

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation7 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    The Mapping Editor

    Output / Target tree

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation8 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    The Mapping Editor

    Properties editor

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation9 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    The Mapping Editor


  • © 2013 IBM Corporation10 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    The Mapping Editor


  • © 2013 IBM Corporation11 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    The Mapping Editor




    + Expand- Collapse

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation12 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    The Mapping Editor

    Find elementsanywhere in the tree

    Click To remove filter

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation13 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    The Mapping Editor

    Help system

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation14 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Transform types

    � Local

    � For each

    � If / Else

    � Submap

    � Create

    � Join

    � Append

    � Group

    � Move

    � Assign

    � Convert

    � XPath function - categorised

    � Custom XPath expression

    � Java – user defined

    � ESQL – user defined

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation15 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Transform properties

    � Each transform can be configured in the properties pane

    � Standard pages– General – transform specific configuration– Variables – customise variable names used in expressions– Condition – XPath predicate determines if transform is performed– Order – can re-order the input and output connections– Documentation – freeform text

    � For repeating inputs– Cardinality – specify which elements in array to transform– Filter Inputs – only process elements according to XPath predicate– Sort – re-order the input array

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation16 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Properties? – What Properties?

    �When working in ‘full screen mode’ – the map takes the whole area– Good for working with large, complex maps, but…– How do I see the properties?

    – Press ‘Alt-Enter’

    Or click here

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation17 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Map Navigation

    Breadcrumb trailUp one level

    Down one level

    Outline viewLinked to map

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation18 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Map Design – Best Practices

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation19 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Structured Mappings

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation20 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    What not to do

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation21 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    What not to do

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation22 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    What not to do

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation23 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    The nested approach

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation24 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Controlling the output

    � Use ‘Local’ transform to map complex source to complex target

    � If elements are optional, set a condition property– E.g. only create output if input exists

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation25 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Map Refactoring

    � Insert new levels in the hierarchy– E.g. Insert a ‘Local’ transform between

    structures that are already mapped– Error marker: Parent element already mapped!– Quick fix: Nest transform within parent map– Results in more structured mapping

    � Refactor to submap– Convert a structural transform

    to a submap– Allows existing structural

    transforms to be reusable

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation26 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Message Assembly – Adding and Deleting Headers

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation27 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Message Assembly – Adding and Deleting Headers

    � Selected headers are added into the map editor.

    � Headers in the input message that don’t appear in the target tree are copied to the output message.

    � Headers not in the input message can be added to the output message by adding them to the target tree and mapping to them.

    � Headers in the input message can be deleted by adding them to the target tree and not mapping to them.

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation28 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Casting elements

    � xsd:any elements can be cast to any simple or complex type

    �Other elements can be cast to a derived type

    � Use to map variables in LocalEnvironment

    � Use to map header and body in SOAP message

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation29 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    3) Map the cast elements

    Mapping a SOAP message

    2) Right click -> Cast… select required element

    1) Create the map using the built in SOAP schema.

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation30 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Runtime trace

    �WMB ‘user trace’ will track the progress of the message though the map

    � Logs messages when – individual transforms are entered and exited– The input tree is navigated– Output tree elements are created– Values assigned to the output– Variables are assigned/updated or go out of scope– Functions are invoked, including user defined functions

    2012-03-12 12:07:53.044555 96400 UserTrace BIP3962I: The Mapping node is assigning the value ''Twister'' to the current output element.

    2012-03-12 12:07:53.044647 96400 UserTrace BIP3956I: The Mapping node is exiting the transform ''Move''.

    2012-03-12 12:07:53.044689 96400 UserTrace BIP3955I: The Mapping node is entering the transform ''Move''.

    2012-03-12 12:07:53.044815 96400 UserTrace BIP3959I: The Mapping node is traversing the input tree by using the nodetest ''element(Price)'' and the relationship ''child''. The number of matching elements is ''1''.

    2012-03-12 12:07:53.044876 96400 UserTrace BIP3960I: The Mapping node is adding a new element with name ''out:Cost'' into the output tree.

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation31 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    XPath 2.0 – Quick Guide

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation32 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    XPath 2.0

    � The expression syntax used by properties in the mapping node

    � Specifies location paths for a tree structure– E.g. $Order/Item[1]/Description

    � Type system based on XML Schema (and hence DFDL)

    � Rich function library

    � Expressive syntax supporting complex calculations with minimal code

    � Read-only ‘functional’ language – no side effects

    � ‘Variables’ refer to elements in the input tree

    � High level programming constructs including ‘for’ loops, ‘if-then-else’ conditions

    � http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath20/

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation33 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    XPath 2.0 in the mapper

    �Much more than a ‘path’ syntax– Path navigation using XPath is rarely done in the mapper– Navigating the tree is done graphically

    �Most XPath expressions in the mapper are ‘predicates’– Used within the ‘condition’ property of transforms– If the expression evaluates to ‘true’, then the transform is evaluated and the

    target is produced

    �Other common uses involve numeric calculation– All the usual mathematical operators are built into the XPath syntax– Numeric function library – e.g. sum, count, round, max, min, …

    � Strong support for string manipulation– Extensive function library for string splitting, joining, comparing, etc.

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation34 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Everything is a sequence… What is a sequence?

    � XPath 2.0 naturally handles repeating elements and values

    � A path expression can match multiple elements– Returns a ‘sequence’ of elements (nodes)

    � It might only match one element– It still returns a sequence, containing one element

    � Some expressions expect to work with data values, not elements– E.g. sum($books/book/price)– No problem, it will automatically extract the values from the elements

    • This is called atomization and results in a sequence of values (e.g. decimals)

    � Some expressions expect a single value, not a sequence– E.g. $quantity * 3– A single value is equivalent to sequence containing one value– If the expression is passed a sequence of more than one value, an error is thrown

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation35 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    (Sequences, Sequences, Sequences)

    � A sequence is an ordered collection of items– An item is either a node (in the XML sense) or a value (of a schema type)

    �What if we have a path expression that matches nothing?– Then it returns the ‘empty sequence’ – a sequence containing zero items

    � Sequences are returned by expressions and functions– They can also be constructed as literals in an expression– E.g. (1,2,3) produces a sequence containing the numbers ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘3’–(1 to 3) does the same–() produces the empty sequence

    � Sequences can be constructed from other sequences– E.g. ($var1,$var2,"str")

    � Sequences are always ‘flattened’– i.e. (1,2,(3,4),(5),(),6) produces the sequence (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation36 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Consequences of sequences

    � Sequences can be picked apart–("one", "two", "three")[2] → “two”–subsequence((1 to 10), 3, 4)) → (3, 4, 5, 6)

    � Remember that sequences are always flattened–((), "two", "three")[2] → “three”–($var/missing, "default")[1] → “default”

    • Assuming that doesn’t exist• Just like the ESQL function coalesce()

    � A sequence can be assigned to a repeating output element– Multiple elements created; each value in the sequence will be assigned to

    each element

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation37 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program


    � A predicate is an expression that returns Boolean ‘true’ or ‘false’

    � In XPath, all values have an ‘Effective Boolean Value’ (EBV)

    � Therefore, all expressions can be used as predicates

    � The following values have EBV false– The xs:boolean value false– The numbers 0 and NaN– The empty string ""– The empty sequence ()

    � Everything else has EBV true

    � Booleans can be produced by comparison and logical operators=, !=, , =, eq, ne, lt, gt, le, geand, or, not

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation38 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Number crunching

    � XPath syntax has numeric operators+, -, *, div (can’t use / - path separator), idiv, mod

    � $book/price * 1.2– The result of the path expression is atomized to extract the value as its xsd type– Works provided the ‘price’ element is defined as a numeric type in the schema– Otherwise it throws a ‘type error’ (XPTY0004)– If it’s a xs:string, can explicitly cast it – xs:decimal($book/price) * 1.2

    � $books/book/price * 1.2– Will throw a type error because ‘book’ is repeating

    � $books/book/(price * 1.2)– Will work though – it returns a sequence of numbers

    � sum($books/book/(price * quantity))– The sum() function takes a sequence of numbers as its parameter

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation39 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    String theory

    �Most transformations involve significant string manipulation

    � XPath has a rich function library to support this– Available in the transform ‘picker’– Parameters automatically configured from wired inputs– These parameters are themselves XPath expressions

    that can invoke other string functions– Usage documentation in property page

    �More complex combinations of functions and expressions can be written in a custom XPath transform

    – Content assist and wizard based builder available

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation40 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    What’s new in v8.0.0.1, v8.0.0.2 and v9.0

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation41 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Mapping

    �Mapper can work with data in a relational database– Supports DB Select, Insert, Update, Delete & Stored Procedures

    � Can select fields from DB tables based on data in the input message

    � Can modify DB tables using values defined in the map

    �Graphical SQL ‘WHERE’ clause and ResultSet generator– Can contain parameter placeholders to reference the input message tree– Parameter values specified using XPath

    � ResultSets are presented as source trees in the map editor

    � Input parameters are presented as target trees

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation42 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Mapping – JDBC configuration

    � Create JDBC Configurable Service

    � Set security credentials– mqsisetdbparms

    � Toolkit and Runtime both connect to the DB using JDBC

    � Now possible to specify a different database schema at runtime from the one specified in the map editor

    � JDBC Configurable service– databaseSchemaNames property– Specifies the database schema to

    use at runtime for all DB operations or a delimited list of table/schema names

    – If left unset, uses DB default schema name (as for v8 GA mapper)

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation43 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database SELECT

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation44 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database SELECT

    Source tree representingThe DB Select result set

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation45 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Insert

    � Inserts a row into a Database table

    � Connects via JDBC – WMB configurable service

    � DB table presented as target tree– Transforms mapped to target tree specify

    values to be inserted

    � Can also map to output message if DB Insert succeeds

    – Inside the ‘Return’ transform– Can also do further DB operations here

    � Can map SQL error code to output message if DB Insert fails

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation46 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Insert

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation47 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Insert

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation48 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Insert

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation49 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Update

    � Updates row(s) in a Database table

    � SQL ‘where’ clause edited in same way as ‘Select’ transform

    � DB table presented as target tree– Transforms mapped to target tree specify values to be updated

    � Can also map to output message if DB Update succeeds– Inside the ‘Return’ transform– ‘number of rows updated’ is available to be mapped– Can also do further DB operations here

    � Can map SQL error code to output message if DB Update fails

    �Option to insert new row if no existing rows match the ‘where’ criterion

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation50 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Update

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation53 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Delete

    � Deletes row(s) from a Database table

    � SQL ‘where’ clause edited in same way as ‘Select / Update’ transform

    � DB table presented as target– No field members are shown under the target– Nothing to map – rows that match the where clause are deleted from the table

    � Can map to output message if DB Delete succeeds– Inside the ‘Return’ transform– ‘number of rows deleted’ is available to be mapped– Can also do further DB operations here

    � Can map SQL error code to output message if DB Delete fails

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation56 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Policy – missing, empty & nil data8.0.0.2

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation57 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Stored Procedures

    � Invoke a database Stored Procedure

    � Presented as a ‘complex’ transform (function)

    � Tools to discover Stored Proc metadata

    � Presents ‘IN’ and INOUT’ parameters as target tree in nested map– Wire inputs to stored procedure

    � ‘INOUT’, ‘OUT’, ResultSet(s) & Return value as source tree in nested map

    � Supports DB2 (GA), Oracle (soon)


  • © 2013 IBM Corporation58 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Stored Procedures

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation59 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Stored Procedures




    P1: BEGIN


    select id from new table (

    insert into customers (name, address)





    END P1

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation60 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Stored Procedures

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation61 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Database Stored Procedures

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation62 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Stored Procedures – Returning ResultSet(s)

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation63 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Stored Procedures – Returning ResultSet(s)CREATE PROCEDURE ADDBOOK ( IN pISBN CHARACTER(32),





    merge into BOOKS2 usingtable (values (ADDBOOK.pISBN, ADDBOOK.pTITLE, ADDBOOK.pCOPIES))

    as tBOOK (ISBN, TITLE, COPIES)on BOOKS2.ISBN = tBOOK.ISBNwhen matched thenupdate set COPIES = COPIES + tBOOK.COPIES

    when not matched theninsert (ISBN, TITLE, COPIES)



    OPEN cursor1;OPEN cursor2;END P1

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation64 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Stored Procedures – Returning ResultSet(s)

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation65 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Stored Procedures – Returning ResultSet(s)

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation66 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Version 7 Maps

    � Version 7 maps can be viewed in Version 8/9 toolkit– Read-only – cannot be edited

    � Version 7 maps can still be executed in Version 8/9 GA runtime– Converted in the toolkit into an ESQL Compute node– Executed in the ESQL runtime engine

    � Can ‘convert’ V7 maps to V8 maps (requires version– .msgmap -> .map file format conversion– Can then be opened in V8 mapping editor and modified etc.– Will then be executed in the V8 mapping runtime engine

    � ‘Assisted Convert’– Fundamentally different technologies– Cannot guarantee 100% accurate ‘migration’– Inserts annotations or ‘Task’ markers to prompt user review or fix up

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation67 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Version 7 Maps

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation68 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Assisted convert

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation69 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Converted Map

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation70 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Map annotations

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation71 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program


  • © 2013 IBM Corporation72 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Repeating model groups

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation73 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    ‘For each’ – Multiple outputs







  • © 2013 IBM Corporation74 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    ‘For each’ – Allow empty input

    �When checked– If input array is empty– or no inputs match filter condition– Then the transform runs once

    • Primary input in nested transform will be missing• The index variable will be set to zero

    � Can be used to construct left, right and full outer joins– Using nested ‘For each’ transforms with this option

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation75 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    ‘Create’ Transform

    � Creates a new output element without any input– Either simple element or complex structure

    � Used for creating empty or ‘nil’ elements

    � For simple elements can also assign ‘default’ or ‘fixed’ content based on schema definition

    – As opposed to ‘Assign’ transform which assigns a fixed value

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation76 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    ‘Group’ Transform

    � Takes a repeating input structure produces multiple structures grouped by distinct keys

    � E.g





  • © 2013 IBM Corporation77 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program

    Other new features

    � Fewer restrictions on ‘head to head’ mappings– Required to support v7 map conversion

    � Submap now supports multiple inputs

    � Added xs: functions for casting values to anySimpleType target

    – Now available in transform picker– Saves having to write custom XPath

  • © 2013 IBM Corporation78 IBM Integration Bus V9 Beta Program


    � New v8 Mapping Node– Improved usability, capability and performance

    �Good Map Design– Hierarchical mapping editor sub-divides complex transformations– Remember to use ‘Local’ transform between structures– Add conditions to control creation of target– Use refactoring tools to restructure mappings

    � XPath 2.0 allows complex transformation logic– Highly expressive syntax– W3C open standard

    � Enhanced Database support– Select, Update, Insert, Delete, Stored Procedures

    � Comprehensive ‘assisted convert’ tool